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Just Published JustFundamentals Published: of Electrochemistry This past December,December, ECS was pleased to add to its monograph series, the second edition of Fundamentals of Electrochemistry by Vladimir S. Bagotsky. This new book, published by John A. WileyWiley & Sons, gives the basic outline of most topics of theoretical and applied electrochemistryelectrochemistry for students not yet familiar with this fi eld, as well as an outline of recent and advanced developments in electrochemistryelectrochemistry for people who are already dealing with electrochemical problems. Dr.Dr. Bagotsky is a retired professor from the Frumkin Institute of ElectrochemistryElectrochemistry at the Russian Academy of Sciences. Previously he headed the new batterybattery system department of Moscow Power SourcesSources Institute. He has extensive experience with both theoretical and applied electrochemistry.y. He has authored 400 scientifi c papers, the fi rst edition of Fundamentals of ElectrochemistryElectrochemistry, and served on the editorial boards for the Journal of Power SourcesSources and ElektrokhimiyaElektrokhimiya. In addition to this important contribution to the body of work on electrochemistry, Dr. Bagotsky will leave another legacy: he is contributing all of his royalties to ECS, for which the Society would like to express its sincere thanks. The author has had a long and interesting career; and he recently shared some of his experiences with us. Interface: Congratulations on the solid-state science) who often encounter knowledge of English, French, Russian, publication of this monograph. It is electrochemical problems. and German art and literature. expected to fi ll a gap, certainly in The Interface: You graduated from high At that time the most notable event in Electrochemical Society Monograph school in Switzerland; did you grow up electrochemistry was the beginning of Series, as well as in the list of in Bern? When and how did you start to the development of electrochemical publications from Wiley. How is this take an interest in science? kinetics. In 1952, Frumkin and I wrote book different from the fi rst edition? Bagotsky: I was born (1920) and went together, with other students of his, the Bagotsky: The to school in Bern (Switzerland) where fi rst monograph on this subject. fi rst edition of the my father worked as a permanent Interface: In 1950, you became a senior book (Plenum Press representative of the Red Cross of the scientist for the Moscow Power Sources 1993) covered the USSR at the International Committee Institute and head of the department state of the art in of the Red Cross. At the age of 16-17 I for new battery systems. What kind of electrochemistry became interested in chemistry. After our systems was the department working on up to the 1960s, family returned in 1938 to Russia, I began at that time? but did not refl ect my studies in the chemistry department Bagotsky: At the Moscow Power Sources more recent of Moscow State University. developments. For Institute, I was working on different instance, there was a lack of discussion Interface: You received your fi rst degree battery systems (mercury-zinc and on the increased use of different in 1944 in chemistry from Moscow State magnesium batteries). The main job was physical experimental methods for the University. You went on to receive your the development of silver-zinc batteries investigation of electrode surfaces. In PhD in theoretical electrochemistry for ICBMs, sputniks, and other spacecraft. the second edition, I included many (1947) from Moscow State University, Interface: You earned a doctorate of new chapters on the most recent under Alexander Frumkin. What kind Technical Sciences in Electrochemical developments (electrocatalysis, solid-state of person was Frumkin? What kind of Energy Conversion, from the Moscow electrochemistry, nanoelectrochemistry, infl uence did he have on your studies? Power Sources Institute, in 1959. Soon conducting polymers, physical methods), Bagotsky: In 1943, I met for the after (1960), you became the Deputy some of which were written by leading fi rst time the head of the university’s Chairman of the National Scientifi c experts in the corresponding fi elds. electrochemical chair — Professor Council for Fuel Cells, USSR Academy of Interface: Who will benefi t from this Alexander N. Frumkin. This was decisive Sciences. How did fuel cells change from book? for my future career. Frumkin became that point until you left the Council in my fi rst and main teacher; and I worked 1985? Bagotsky: I think that this book with him until his death in 1976. He was Bagotsky: When I was working at the can be useful not only for students in not only a prominent and outstanding electrochemistry and for people already Scientifi c Council for Fuel Cells, the scientist in many branches of physical main goal of the investigations were fuel working in this fi eld; but also for people chemistry; but he also had a profound working in other fi elds (biology, catalysis, cells with alkaline electrolytes and high (continued on page 78) 8 The Electrochemical Society Interface • Spring 2006 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Section News (continued from page 8) (continued from page 69) temperature cells with molten and/or sulfur battery technology. Lithium solid oxide electrolytes. The development sulfur batteries hold great promise of modern PEMFCs began in Russia only to be among the next generation of after 1985. secondary batteries. Interface: You were awarded a degree of professor in theoretical and applied San Francisco electrochemistry in 1965 from the The San Francisco Section had a Institute of Electrochemistry, Russian meeting this past October in Santa Academy of Sciences. In 1985, you Clara, California. The speaker was D. Why Advertise? became head of the department for Noel Buckley, chair of Physics at the energy conversion and electrochemical Univ. of Limerick, Ireland, and a vice- Interface is an authoritative yet accessible devices at the Frumkin Institute of president of ECS. Prof. Buckley first publication. With new ideas and products Electrochemistry, Russian Academy talked about the state of ECS. He gave emerging at an overwhelmingly rapid of Sciences (Moscow). You held that some statistics about the 18 Sections pace—your product or service can stand and the 14 Divisions. He also talked out in a publication that will be read by position, along with that of principal over 9,000 targeted readers world-wide. scientist, until 1998. What were some of about the growth of ECS overseas, the Your advertisement will be read by the department’s activities? centennial campaign, and the long range planning activities. those hard-to-reach people in the field, Bagotsky: During the period 1965- actual users and purchasers of computers, 1985, my main fi eld of interest was the Prof. Buckley gave a presentation, both hardware and software; precision “Anodic Behavior of InP an GaN: investigation of different problems in instruments, optics, laser technology, Film Growth, Etching, Nanoporosity, and other equipment; materials such as electrocatalysis, for example, problems and Current Oscillations.” Because batteries, cells, chemistry, metals, etc.; connected with the reactions of oxygen compound semiconductors such semiconductor processing equipment; reduction and methanol oxidation. as GaN or InP lack a good thermal training and travel; outside laboratories; My department was also engaged in oxide surface layer, they have to be and other publications about computers, materials, and sources. extensive studies in the fi eld of organic passivated, usually by anodization. electrochemistry, such as reactions of The anodization of InP in aqueous In today’s environment of increasing electrochemical hydrodimerization. (NH ) S and KOH was studied with competition for purchasers of goods and 4 2 services, few publications can put your electrochemical method, as well as Interface: What advice do you have message in a more credible, respected for students (in Russia, or anywhere) TEM, AFM, and SEM imaging. editorial environment. wanting to study electrochemistry? Spontaneous current oscillations Bagotsky: In order to correctly interpret were observed during anodization of 2006 Editorial Schedule InP in aqueous (NH ) S. Remarkably, complex electrochemical phenomena, 4 2 the charge per cycle was constant. Summer 2006 — Fullerenes issue, with guest editor it is very important to have a clear More complex oscillatory behavior Francis D’Souza. Feature articles will cover molecular understanding of the physical meanings was observed in KOH electrolytes. and supramolecular chemistry of fullerenes and of all basic electrochemical laws. carbon nanotubes, endohedral fullerenes, carbon Porous InP of columnar shape was nanotubes, and nanostructured materials. Interface: Currently, you are living in observed in sulfide solution. A porous Advertising Closing Date ...................................................May 1 the United States and have family here. inverted pyramidal shaped structure Is anyone else in your family involved in was observed in a KOH solution. Fall 2006 — Special Overview on Education. scientifi c endeavors? Do you get back to Most of these phenomena are now This issue will also contain the meeting program Russia (and/or Switzerland) at all? understood. The photoelectrochemical for our Cancun, Mexico (210th ECS Meeting). (PEC) etching characteristics of n-GaN The ECS meeting in Cancun, is a joint meeting Bagotsky: My wife, Irina Yablokova, were also discussed and a model was with
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