Performance Evaluation of Framed Slotted ALOHA with Reservation Packets and Succesive Interference Cancelation for M2M Networks $

Vicente Casares-Giner, Jorge Martinez-Bauset, Canek Portillo Instituto ITACA, Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia,Spain

Abstract Random access protocols like ALOHA have been considered for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication in future networks for their simplicity of operation. This paper evaluates the performance of a Frame Slotted-ALOHA protocol that uses reservation and data packets (FSA-RDP), in a scenario where a controller collects data packets transmitted by a finite number of M2M devices. In FSA-RDP, frames of variable duration are divided in two parts, the reservation and data subframes. During the reservation subframe, active devices send short reservation packets to the controller. The controller assigns reserved slots in the data subframe to those devices that succeeded with the reservation. At devices, the FIFO service discipline and two queue management schemes, tail drop and push-out, have been considered. When the queue size is of one packet, we develop a discrete-time Markov chain to evaluate the protocol performance, including the cumulative distribution function of the delay of data packets that are successfully transmitted. Analytical results are validated by extensive simulations. The simulation model is also used to evaluate the system performance when larger queues are used. In addition, we study the impact that implementing Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) at the controller has on the system performance. We also evaluate the performance of implementing SIC at the controller together with Irregular Repetition Slotted ALOHA (IRSA) to send the reservation packets. Numerical results show that the protocol efficiency of FSA-RDP is between one and two orders of magnitude larger than the efficiency of conventional Frame Slotted ALOHA, when a perfect channel is assumed. In more realistic channel environments, the use of SIC brings an important performance boost. Keywords: Machine-to-machine (M2M) communications, Frame Slotted ALOHA, discrete-time Markov chain, performance evaluation

1. Introduction good choice for M2M communications. In addition, when the power consumption is of primary importance, a proto- A fundamental part of the Internet of Things (IoT) is the col of the ALOHA family may be a better choice than one concept of machine-to-machine (M2M) communications, of the CSMA family, as the sensing phase is missing [2]. that allows the autonomous exchange of data between a Since the seminal work of the ALOHA protocol [3], and large population of devices [1]. The rapid increase in the its slotted version S-ALOHA [4], many different extensions number of M2M devices deployed brings serious design have been proposed. A variant named Frame Slotted- challenges. One of these challenges is the efficiency of the ALOHA (FSA), studied in detail in [5, 6, 7], is worth (MAC) protocol. The operation mentioning. Due to its simplicity, FSA is implemented in simplicity of random access protocols, such as ALOHA different practical systems such as, Radio Frequency IDen- or Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA), makes them a tification (RFID) [8]. Also, it has been proposed for low power wide area networks (LPWAN) [9] and M2M com- munications [10], to name just a few examples. $This work has been supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain through projects TIN2013-47272-C2-1-R A common operation feature in many of these systems and TEC2015-71932-REDT. The authors would like to thank the is that FSA is used to transmit only data packets (DAP). support received from the Instituto ITACA (Instituto Universitario However, when a collision occurs the entire data slot is de Tecnolog´ıasde la Informaci´ony Comunicaciones) at the Univer- lost. A more efficient approach is to use short reserva- sitat Polit`ecnicade Val`encia,Spain. C. Portillo acknowledges the funding received from the European Union under the program Eras- tion packets (RVP) for contention, and allocate reserved mus Mundus Partnerships, project EuroinkaNet, GRANT AGREE- data slots for those devices that succeeded with the reser- MENT NUMBER 2014 -0870/001/001, and the support received vation (their RVP did not collide). In this way, when RVP from SEP-SES (DSA/103.5/15/6629). collide, only reservation mini-slots are lost, instead of the Email addresses: [email protected] (Vicente Casares-Giner ), [email protected] (Jorge Martinez-Bauset), [email protected] more valuable data slots. We call this protocol FSA with (Canek Portillo) reservation and data packets (FSA-RDP).

Preprint submitted to Computer Networks January 23, 2019 FSA-RDP is different to other S-ALOHA reservation presents performance results of scenarios where SIC and protocols like R-ALOHA [11]. R-ALOHA was proposed IRSA are implemented. The conclusions of the study are for scenarios where devices have to transmit long messages, described in Section 7. that are divided into shorter packets. The contention is solved using data (packet) slots. Once a device successfully sends the first DAP of the message, data slots are reserved 2. Related Work in subsequent frames for the transmission of the rest of the DAP that compose the message. Then, FSA-RDP could Random Access Protocols (RAP) are commonly imple- also be used to improve the performance of R-ALOHA. mented in wired and access networks. RAP are One of the main contributions of this paper is the ana- inherently unstable, so stabilization procedures must be lytical performance evaluation of the FSA-RDP protocol. seriously considered before being used in practical imple- For the M2M devices, we consider the FIFO —first in, mentations. The stabilization procedure for RAP is im- first out— service discipline with two queue management plemented by combining two types of protocols or algo- schemes, tail drop (TD) and push-out (PO) [12]. When rithms, channel access algorithms (CAA) and contention TD is employed, a new DAP is lost if it arrives to a M2M resolution algorithms (CRA) [14]. According to [15], they device with a full buffer. However, when PO is employed, can also be characterized as global and local strategies, re- the arrival of a new DAP pushes-out the DAP stored at spectively. While CAA define rules by which new DAP ac- the head of the full buffer. For M2M devices with a buffer cess the channel, CRA indicate how collisions are resolved. size of one DAP we develop a discrete-time Markov chain Most of the known CAA and CRA appear in isolation, al- (DTMC) to determine the DAP delay distribution and though sometimes they join forces with each other [16]. other performance parameters. Three main CAA categories have been considered in the A preliminary analytical study of the FSA-RDP proto- literature. One is the free channel access, where new DAP col was presented in [13]. In the study presented here we are immediately transmitted in the first slot following their provide additional analytical details of the model, we de- arrival. They are sometimes referred to as immediate first scribe its operation thoroughly, and provide results that transmission (IFT). In other words, new and backlogged validate its solution. Additional contributions of the new DAP (those retrying) are treated identically [17]. study are: i) we extend the previous study including buffer A second category is the gated channel access, in which sizes larger than one; ii) we provide evidences of the inter- new arrivals delay their first transmission attempt until est of introducing an adaptive scheme that sets the permis- the contention resolution interval (CRI) during which they sion probability and the number of reservation mini-slots arrived has end. A pioneer example was proposed in [18]. per frame according to the offered load; iii) we analyze sce- A third category is the window channel access, in which narios with imperfect channel, where the controller imple- time is divided into consecutive intervals of ∆i seconds, ments successive interference cancellation (SIC). We pro- i = 1, 2,... . A DAP that arrives during ∆i produce the vide new results that compare the performance of systems i − th CRI, i.e., it accesses during that CRI. The ∆i time that implement SIC to those that do not implement SIC. intervals can be adapted to traffic conditions. A win- In addition, we evaluate the energy efficiency; iv) we study dow with constant duration, ∆i = ∆ ∀i, has also been the impact of using Irregular Repetition Slotted ALOHA adopted [19, 20]. Both, gated channel access and window (IRSA) at the devices to send RVP when a perfect channel channel access are also collectively referred to as delayed is assumed, and evaluate the energy efficiency. first transmission (DFT) [17]. The paper is organized as follows. After the introduc- Two main CRA have been treated extensively in the tion, Section 2 provides a comprehensive overview of past literature. First, splitting algorithms are based on splitting ALOHA contributions. We highlight the merits and short- a given conflict into smaller ones. Splitting algorithms comings of previous proposals. A description of our con- offer different implementations, see [21]. tributions and the motivations of our work is presented Second, another approach is to treat all devices involved in Section 3. Section 4 describes the basic operation of in a conflict identically by defining a common transmis- the system under study, and introduces the DTMC that sion or permission probability for both new and backlogged defines the evolution of the number of active devices with devices. Within this second subset of algorithms we can time. In Section 5 the probability generating functions find the network centralized control by Bayesian broadcast of the delay distribution for successfully transmitted DAP probability proposed in [17]. are derived, both for the TD and PO queue management The maximum stable throughput reachable by a RAP schemes. In Section 6 the analytical model is validated by depends on the stabilization procedure used. The system extensive simulations. Also, a study of the efficiency of the throughput is defined as the average number of successful FSA-RDP protocol is discussed. Results for the channel DAP transmitted per time-slot. To evaluate the through- utilization, cumulative distribution function of the data put, as well as the packet delay, several aspects must be packet delay, average delay, 95-th percentile of the data taken into account. For example, channel characterization, packet delay are also obtained when devices have buffer conflict feedback, full or limited feedback when sensing the sizes of one, five and ten DAP. Finally, Section 6 also channel, DAP arrival process and buffer size per device. 2 Most of the proposed analytical models assume a perfect to transmit several copies of the same packet at differ- channel with no errors, negligible propagation delay, and ent time-slots. They found that under light traffic, mul- no capture effect when a collision occurs. Also, an instan- tiple transmission gives better delay performance. Also, taneous ternary (E/S/C, E:empty, S:success, C:collision) mainly for satellite communications, the CRDSA method or binary (C/No C, S/No S) feedback is quite often as- is proposed in [24]. There, two replicas of the same DAP sumed [14]. With respect to the arrival process, for are sent in the same frame, but in different time-slots. A tractability, the standard approach is to assume a Pois- correct reception of a DAP (without collision) in a given son (Bernoulli) arrival process for infinite (finite) number time-slot can be exploited when a interference cancella- of devices. However, some studies propose different arrival tion (IC) technique is implemented, enabling the recovery processes, such as D-BMAP [14]. of other DAP that initially could not be decoded. The In the following examples it is assumed that the chan- implementation of the CRA in CRDSA is based on IC, a nel capacity is unity, and DAP fit into a single slot. Then, technique that requires a good estimation of the channel the throughput expressed in DAP per time-slot and the for the elimination of collision bursts. With CRDSA the channel utilization coincide. In [17], with E/S/C feedback achieving maximum throughput is 0.55, approximately. and with the IFT policy, the stability of the RAP is guar- In [25], the number of DAP replicas is no longer limited to anteed for λ < 1/e ≈ 0.3678, when DAP arrivals follow a two. Its number is chosen randomly by the device at each Poisson process with rate λ DAP/slot. The splitting algo- frame. The scheme, referred to Irregular Repetition Slot- rithm proposed in [18] and [20] consider a window channel ted ALOHA (IRSA) achieves a throughput around 0.97 access (CAA with DFT) and it is stable for λ < 0.4295. for large frames, F >> 1, and around 0.8 in practical im- plementations. 2.1. Frame Slotted ALOHA The SICTA algorithm is presented in [26], where a cross Frame Slotted ALOHA (FSA) is an important family layer design approach is proposed assuming a unit frame of RAP [5]. FSA can be seen as a generalization of the length (F = 1). To resolve collisions, SICTA uses succes- standard S-ALOHA. In FSA a set of F consecutive slots sive IC (SIC) and is combined with a tree algorithm as a conforms a frame, F > 1. At the beginning of a frame, CRA algorithm. SICTA achieves a maximum throughput each device that has a DAP to transmit selects one of the of 0.6931, when a binary tree is implemented. F time-slots with equal probability. If the device does not In [27] the coded-S-ALOHA (CSA), an extension of the receive an acknowledgment from the central controller, it IRSA access strategy is proposed. In addition to the use will try again in the next frame. of DAP replicas, DAP are encoded prior to transmission, FSA and its variants have been extensively evaluated in for example using a linear block code which, in general, is the literature. One example is the study in [7], where an different among users. Then, IRSA can be seen as a par- exact performance evaluation analysis of FSA with cap- ticular case of CSA, where all replicas can be interpreted ture is presented. The study assumes a finite number of as repetition codes. Assuming a perfect channel, the au- unbuffered devices (i.e., can hold at most one DAP at a thors of [28] show the benefit of using SIC with FSA when time), and a Bernoulli traffic model. Another example is a random number of replicas is implemented, and both the work in [22], where a dynamic FSA (DFSA) is pro- intra-frame and inter-frame relationships are considered. posed. Here, the frame length F is estimated according The physical layer corresponding to the previous access to the expected value of the number of backlogged DAP techniques is based on the temporal or frequency orthog- at the beginning of a frame. Under the assumptions of onality, i.e., TDMA or CDMA, respectively. They are a Poisson arrival process, single DAP per message, per- recognized as orthogonal multiple access (OMA) schemes. fect channel and no capture effect, the proposed DFSA Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) schemes such as achieves a maximum throughput of 0.426. Clearly, it is CDMA, turn out to be less restrictive than OMA schemes slightly higher than the one achieved by an stabilized S- to approximate Shannon limits on imperfect communi- ALOHA (1/e ≈ 0.3678). cation channels. Interleaved Division Multiple Access We highlight the fact that the maximum achievable (IDMA) is a solution for RA within the family of OMA throughput in FSA with infinite number of sources, Pois- schemes [29, 30]. In IDMA different terminals share the son arrival process, and without dynamic frame length same bandwidth and time-slot, and their transmissions can adaptation, equals the one achieved by the ordinary S- be separated and decoded correctly in the receiver when ALOHA [5]. implementing an iterative interference cancellation (IIC) algorithm. 2.2. FSA with Multiple Packet Replicas and Interference In [31] the authors propose the Scrambled Coded Mul- Cancellation tiple Access (SCMA) method, where scrambling sequences The throughput of the FSA protocol can be enhanced replace the long interleaved tables used in IDMA, and if multiple copies (replicas) of the same data packet are bring some additional advantages. The Asynchronous transmitted in the same frame. In [23], the authors SCMA (A-SCMA) introduced in [32] assumes that the present a pioneering scheme called DSA (Diversity Slot- transmission from different terminals are not synchronized. ted ALOHA) for satellite communications. The idea is In this case, the multi-user cancellation algorithm is im- 3 plemented to recover the information that appears par- example, in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) communi- tially overlapped. In [33] the authors propose an extension cations [41] and in vehicle communication with road side of their own work [32], by adding spreading to A-SCMA units [42]. (SA-SCMA). They show that even using modest spreading values, significant gains in spectral efficiency are achieved. 3. Motivation and Contributions of the Study In [34] a new random access scheme is proposed named Segmented FSA (SFSA). In SFSA, each packet is encoded We propose an analytical model to evaluate the per- and subdivided into segments before the transmission. To formance of a FSA scheme in which mini-slots are used improve the success probability IC is adopted when seg- for reservation and data slots to transmit DAP (out-of- ment collisions occur. In [35] an extensive and compre- slot signaling). Frames are composed of a reservation sub- hensive survey of RA techniques is provided, mainly for frame (RSF) and a data subframe (DSF). Typically, the satellite applications. RSF is divided into multiple mini-slots, that devices use for contention access following the FSA scheme. The DSF 2.3. Reservation Schemes is composed of a variable number of data slots, the du- ration of each of them being multiple mini-slots. Once a S-ALOHA and FSA protocols can be used to transfer device succeeds with a reservation, it transmits a single messages composed by multiple packets. One pioneering DAP in one data slot of the same frame. Then, the max- example is R-ALOHA, proposed to improve the through- imum number of data slots in a frame equals the number put of satellite communications [11]. Here, the contention of reservation mini-slots. Note that occasionally it may is solved using data (packet) slots. Once a device success- happen that the DSF has zero data slots. Clearly, devices fully sends the first packet of the message, data slots are operate following the IFT principle. reserved in subsequent frames for the transmission of the Data packets arrive to devices according to any renewal rest of the packets that compose the message. arrival process, as the model characterizes the number of An improved protocol was proposed in [36], where DAP that arrive to a device per mini-slot by independent frames are divided into contention mini-slots and data and identically distributed random variables. Then, at time-slots. Mini-slots are used for the out-of-slot signaling each mini-slot, DAP arrive following a general distribu- protocol (reservation), in opposition to in-slot signaling tion irrespective of where the DAP were originated, i.e., protocols where contention occurs in data time-slots [37]. internally (as a consequence of its own sensing activity) or Once a device succeeds with a reservation, it can transfer a externally (arriving from another device). For simplicity, packet in a reserved data slot, and the rest of the message we assume that DAP arrive according to a Poisson process in reserved data slots in subsequent frames. with a constant rate. Therefore, the number of DAP ar- Since then, extensive studies of reservation FSA (RFSA) rivals per mini-slot follows a discrete Poisson distribution. have been conducted. Some representative examples are As in [6, 7], for model tractability, we assume that de- [6, 38, 39]. In [6], it is assumed that devices have buffers vices are equipped with buffers that hold a single DAP. that hold a single packet, packets arrive according to a However, we analyze systems with buffer sizes larger than Bernoulli model, and out-of-slot signaling is proposed. one by simulation. Also for tractability of the analyti- Successful request are placed in a common FIFO queue cal model, we consider a perfect channel, with no cap- of finite capacity. The exact analytical model provides ture effects, and instantaneous ternary feedback (E/S/C). computable formulas for delay and throughput. Nonetheless, we analyze systems with imperfect channel In contrast, in [38] and [39] it is assumed that devices and SIC by simulation. are equipped with buffers that hold a single multi-packet To the best of authors knowledge, the proposed model is message, messages arrive according to a Bernoulli model, the first analytical model proposed in the literature to eval- and in-slot signaling is proposed. At frame initiation, de- uate the performance of the Frame Slotted ALOHA with vices with a message to transmit randomly choose one of Reservation and Data Packets (FSA-RDP) at the mini- the non-reserved data slots. If the device succeeds with slot granularity. One of the main differences between the the transmission of the first packet, slots will be reserved model proposed in [6] an the one proposed in our study is to transmit the rest of the packets of the message in the that the duration of the frame is variable, instead of being following frames. Otherwise, it contends in the next frame. of fixed duration as in [6]. This is an important difference Clearly, these protocols operate with the IFT principle. as it leads to a higher channel utilization. In addition, we RFSA has been proposed and studied in [40, 10] for consider two queue management schemes, tail drop (TD) M2M applications. In [40] a finite number of devices each and push-out (PO). We believe that PO schemes have an one with a multi-packet message ready to transmit try to important role in scenarios where sensors report measure- gain access by means of the first data packet and according ments of the environment. Here, the current measurement to the FSA protocol. Devices that successfully access, get might be of higher value than past ones. a reserved slot in order to transmit the rest of the message Finally, our analytical approach is completely different in subsequent frames. RFSA has also been proposed and to the one in [6]. We exploit the more structured ma- implemented in many other practical applications. For trix geometric analysis, while the model in [6] is based 4 frame i-1 frame i frame i+1 was inactive at the beginning of frame i − 1 and frame i, RSF DSF RSF RSF DSF SAP ACK data SAP SAP and received a DAP during frame i. D1 R1 R1 R1 D2 R2 DAP2 D3 R3 4.2. Network Model D4 R4 R4 R4 DAP4 D5 R5 DAP5 Let M be the number of devices that compose the wire- t S C E S E E C E C E E S less sensor network. DAP arrive to a device according to Figure 1: Example of the operation of the FSA-RDP protocol. S: a Poisson process with rate λ DAP/mini-slot, and devices success, C: collision, E: empty. are equipped with a buffer that can hold a single DAP. Let Q denote the buffer size in DAP, then Q = 1. Let W be the duration of a data slot in mini-slots. Also, on conventional probabilistic arguments. In addition, the let V be the number of reservation mini-slots in the RSF. proposed model allows to determine the data packet delay It can be shown that the reservation success probability is distribution at the granularity of the mini-slot, while the maximized when the number of contenders in each RSF is −1 model in [6] allows only to determine average delays at the nopt = ln(V/(V −1)) [44]. From the basic inequalities, granularity of the frame duration. 1 − 1/x < ln(x) < x − 1, for x > 0, it follows immediately An ALOHA protocol that implements reservation mini- that V − 1 < nopt < V . This suggest than the number of slots and data slots has been studied in [43] by simulation. reservations mini-slots V per frame should be adapted to However, FSA-RDP is different to the protocol studied the number of estimated contenders. However, for model there, where no DAP are allowed to enter the system until tractability, we consider a fixed value for V . the controller fully resolves the collisions that occurred We introduce an access permission probability r [17]. during the last access, using for this a distributed queue Then, at each RSF, active devices send a RVP with prob- algorithm. That is, a DFT approach, in contrast to the ability r. Note that r can be adjusted by the controller ac- IFT deployed in our work. cording to the observed outcomes of the previous RSF, and the estimated number of DAP arrivals during the whole frame. The adaptive algorithm is left for further study. 4. System model Then, we also consider a fixed value for r. Let i be the number of active devices at the beginning 4.1. Protocol Operation of a RSF. The probability that j of them, j ≤ i ≤ M, We consider a wireless network composed by a controller transmit a RVP follows a binomial distribution, and de- i (gateway) and a finite number of devices forming a star note it as Bj (r). A device selects any of the V mini-slots topology. Devices operate independently and transmits to transmit the RVP with equal probability (1/V ). j DAP of constant size as a consequence of their activity. In Let Sk(V ) denote the probability that k among j con- the RSF, active devices (with DAP in their queues) con- tending devices succeed with the reservation. It can be tend for channel access by transmitting RVP. At the end of obtained recursively as, the RSF, the controller broadcasts a slot allocation packet j (SAP) that contains the data slots allocated to those de- X Sj (V ) = Bj (1/V )Sj−n(V − 1) , k = 0 , vices that succeeded with the reservation. Following the k n k SAP, successful devices initiate the transmission of one n=0,6=1 j j j−1 DAP per reserved data slot, i.e., in a contention free man- Sk(V ) = B1(1/V )Sk−1(V − 1) (1) ner. Finally, the controller broadcast an control packet to j−k acknowledge the successful reception of the DAP. X j j−n + Bn(1/V )Sk (V − 1) , k = 1,...,V. Figure 1 describes an example of the operation of FSA- n=0,6=1 RDP, where 5 devices transmit DAP to the controller. Ob- serve that we denote by: i) Di the devices; ii) Ri the RVP Recurrence (1) is based on the following sequential rea- transmitted by Di; iii) DAPi the DAP transmitted by Di; soning. First, we observe the contention outcome in the iv) E empty reservation mini-slot; v) S successful RVP; first mini-slot of the RSF: empty (no RVP), success (a vi) C collided RVP. At frame i − 1 four devices contend single RVP), or collision (multiple RVP). Based on this for access sending their respective RVP during the RSF. outcome, we formulate the contention outcome of the re- R2 and R5 succeed, while R1 and R4 collide. At the end maining mini-slots of the RSF. of the RSF, the controller broadcasts the SAP to allocate Similar recursive algorithms have been proposed in the data slots to the successful devices. Then, D2 and D5 send literature. See for instance equation (12) in [22]. Also, DAP2 and DAP5 during the DSF. At frame i, R1 and R4 in [45] a new recursive scheme is proposed to evaluate the collide again. Then, the controller broadcasts the SAP in- joint distribution of the number of successful and collided forming that the DSF is omitted in this frame. At frame packets. The authors study the computational complex- i + 1, R1 and R3 collide, while R4 succeeds. Then, the ity of different algorithms, and show that the one they DSF ends after DAP4 is transmitted. Observe that D3 propose is quite efficient, even for large number of devices 5 and reservation mini-slots (V ). From the joint distribu- where fk is the fraction of frames which duration is equal tion, marginal distributions can be readily determined. to tk = V + kW . i Let Dk(r, V ) denote the probability that k among i ac- tive devices succeed in a frame, i.e., their RVP do not 5. Data Packet Delay Distribution collide. It is given by,

i Let us consider a frame randomly chosen, frame n, and i X i j suppose that its duration is tm = V + mW . We assume Dk(r, V ) = Bj(r)Sk(V ) , 0 ≤ k ≤ j ≤ i . (2) j=k that our tagged device receives at least one DAP during that frame; this occurs with probability am. Note that The evolution of the number of active devices observed only one DAP can be hold at the device buffer (Q = 1). at the beginning of each RSF can be modeled as a DTMC. We observe the number of active devices at the beginning Let {Pij} denote the transition probabilities of the DTMC, of that frame. A device is active when has a DAP in its i.e., the probability of j active devices in the next frame buffer. Clearly, since the frame has a duration tm , at n + 1, conditioned on i active ones in the current frame n. least k devices, m ≤ k ≤ M, were active at the beginning They are given by, of that frame (M − k were inactive). Our tagged device could be one of the active devices or not. In the following min(i,V ) X i M−i+k Subsections we distinguish three different cases. Pij = Dk(r, V )Aj−i+k (ak) , (3) k=max(0,i−j) 5.1. Case A s At the beginning of frame n, the tagged device is not where Au(ak) is the probability that u devices become active among s inactive in a frame with k successful reser- active, i.e., it is not among the k active ones. This occurs vations, ak is the probability that at least one DAP ar- with probability (M − k)/M. Assuming that m out of k rives to a device during a frame of duration tk mini-slots, terminals gain access in the RSF n, the probability that tk = V + kW , 0 ≤ k ≤ V . That is, ak reflects the in- our tagged terminal will compete in the next frame n + 1 dividual activity of each devices. For Poisson arrivals, with other j terminals, 0 ≤ j ≤ M 0 = M − 1, is given by, −λt t ak = 1 − e k = 1 − δ k (for convenience, we define −λ s δ = e ). Clearly, A (ak) follows a binomial distribution. u M − k 0 The definition of t allows the model to determine the P (M, m, j, k) = Dk (r, V )AM −k+m(a ) . (5) k A M m j−k+m m delay of DAP at the granularity of a mini-slot. Also, notice that since we assume Q = 1, no more than one DAP per Weighting the above expression by the steady state frame and per device can be admitted. Finally, we point probabilities πk, m ≤ k ≤ M, we have, out that both, the transmission of a SAP at the end of a M RSF, and the transmission of an ACK at the end of a DSF X by the controller, require a single mini-slot. For simplicity, PA(M, m, j) = πkPA(M, m, j, k) . (6) this constant delay term has been omitted in the analysis. k=m Then, with TD scheme, the first DAP that arrives along Since the probability that our tagged terminal receives frame n (the new DAP) is transferred to the buffer for at least one DAP during the frame n (am) depends on the transmission if it is found empty. If the buffer is occu- frame duration tm, (6) must be weighted by am. Further- pied with a previous DAP that succeed in the RSF n, the more, in order to include the arrival instant of the DAP new DAP also joins the buffer. Otherwise, the new DAP within frame n we have to distinguish between the TD and is dropped. However, with PO, the last DAP that arrives the PO schemes. In particular, respectively we have, along a frame n (the new DAP), is transferred to the buffer t −1 for transmission regardless of the state of the buffer. In Xm F (z) = δtm−1−l(1 − δ)zl , (7) particular, if the buffer is found occupied with a previ- m l=0 ous DAP that did not succeed in the RSF n, this DAP is pushed-out by the new one. tm−1 X l l Let πi denote the stationary probability of finding i ac- Lm(z) = (1 − δ)δ z . (8) tive devices at the beginning of an arbitrary RSF. The l=0 stationary probabilities π = [π0, π0, . . . , πM ] are obtained Both expressions (7) and (8) are generating functions by solving the system of linear equations π = πP with the that account for the admitted DAP arriving at any mini- normalization condition of πe = 1, where P = [Pij] , and e slot of the frame n. Obviously, am = Fm(z = 1) = Lm(z = is a column vector of 1s. Then, the throughput γ (carried 1). They are explained as follows. In (7), we keep in mind DAP rate), in DAP per mini-slot, can be determined by, that the duration of frame n is tm mini-slots. Then, for l = 0, a DAP arrives to the tagged device during the last V  V M X X X n mini-slot of frame n, and no DAP arrive during the previ- γ = kfk tkfk , fk = πnDk (r, V ) , (4) tm−1 k=0 k=0 n=k ous mini-slots. This occurs with probability δ (1 − δ). 6 For l = 1, a DAP arrives to the tagged device in the 5.3. Case C penultimate mini-slot of frame n, and no DAP arrive dur- ing the previous mini-slots. This occurs with probability This case complements Case B, where we assumed that δtm−2(1 − δ). Note that the potential arrival of one DAP the tagged device was active. In addition, we assume here during the last mini-slot has no effect, as this DAP is re- that the tagged device does not succeed with the reserva- jected because the TD scheme is being considered. For tion in frame n. This occurs with probability (k − m)/k. l = 2, 3, . . . , tm − 1 the same reasoning applies. Then the tagged DAP that arrives along frame n will For expression (8) we argue as follows. For l = 0, with be lost with the TD scheme (Q = 1), but admitted probability (1 − δ) a DAP arrives to the tagged device with the PO scheme (as it pushes-out the DAP in the during the last mini-slot, and pushes-out previous arrivals, buffer). In this later case, the probability that the tagged if any. For l = 1, with probability (1 − δ) a DAP arrives DAP contends with other j active devices in frame n + 1, to the tagged device during the penultimate mini-slot and 0 ≤ j ≤ M 0 = M − 1, is given by, pushes-out previous arrivals, if any. It will contend in the RSF n + 1 if no arrivals occur during the last mini-slot. This occurs with probability (1−δ)δ. This line of reasoning k k − m P (M, m, j, k) = Dk (r, V )AM−k+m (a ). can be extended to the rest of mini-slots. C M k m j−k+m+1 m Also, the normalization with respect to the frequency of (13) occurrences of intervals of duration tm weighted by am is Then, as in (6) and in (11), weighting the above expres- required. Then, we can write, sion by the steady state probabilities πk, m ≤ k ≤ M, we have, V X PA,X (M, j, z) = (1/Ga) Xm(z)PA(M, m, j) , (9) M m=0 X PC (M, m, j) = πkPC (M, m, j, k). (14) V k=m X where G = a f and X = F,L; i.e. X (z) = a i i m In the same way as in (9) and in (12), weighting the i=0 expression (14) we get, Fm(z),Lm(z), for TD or PO schemes, respectively.

V 5.2. Case B X PC,P O(M, j, z)) = (1/Ga) Lm(z)PC (M, m, j) (15) At the beginning of the frame n, the tagged device is m=0 active, i.e., it is one of the k active devices. This situation occurs with probability k/M. Assuming that m out of 5.4. Phase-Type Distributions k devices succeed with the reservation, the tagged device succeeds with probability m/k. Then, the DAP preceding The delay distribution of successfully transmitted DAP our tagged DAP is successfully transmitted in the actual under the TD and PO buffer management scheme follow frame n. The tagged DAP is copied to the buffer as soon Phase-type (PH) distributions. They are represented as as the previous DAP in the buffer is transmitted. In that (α, T, T0), where α defines the probabilities that the ab- case, the probability that our tagged device will compete sorbing process is initiated at each of its transient states, in the next frame n + 1 with other j active devices, 0 ≤ T defines the transition probabilities between transient j ≤ M 0 = M − 1, is given by, states, and T0 = e − Te is a column vector that defines the transition probabilities from transient states to the ab- k m 0 sorbing state [46, 47]. P (M, m, j, k) = Dk (r, V )AM −k+m(a ). (10) B M k m j−k+m m For the TD and PO schemes we denote them as 0 0 (αTD, TTD, T ), and (αPO, TPO, T ), respectively. As in (6), weighting the above expression by the steady TD PO The initial probability vectors for the PH distributions state probabilities πk, m ≤ k ≤ M we have follow from (9), (12) and (15). For TD we have, αTD(z) = M [αTD,0(z), . . . , αT D,M 0 (z)] , and for PO scheme, αPO(z) = X 0 PB(M, m, j) = πkPB(M, m, j, k). (11) [αPO,0(z), . . . , αP O,M (z)] , where k=m αT D,j(z) = PA,T D(M, j, z) + PB,T D(M, j, z) , Finally, in the same way as in (9), weighting the expres- α (z) = P (M, j, z) + P (M, j, z) sion (11) we get, P O,j A,P O B,P O + PC,P O(M, j, z) , V X PB,X (M, j, z) = (1/Ga) Xm(z)PB(M, m, j). (12) where αTD(1)e < 1, i.e., αTD(1) is a substochastic vector, m=0 and αPO(1) is a stochastic vector, αPO(1)e = 1. 7 0 0 5.5. Matrix TTD|TTD for TD scheme With regard to TP O,k;i , the PO counterpart of (18), we Let TT D,k;i,j be the probability that the tagged device have two contributions. The first one contains the prob- contends with other i active devices in a frame, k devices ability that the tagged DAP is pushed-out in a frame of succeed with the reservation, but the tagged device does duration tk, before it succeeds with a reservation. This PM 0 not succeed, and contends in the next frame with j other happens with probability ak j=0 TT D,k;i,j = akTT D,k;i . active devices. Then, for 0 ≤ i, j ≤ M 0 = M − 1 and The second contribution is coincident with the TD scheme, 0 0 ≤ k ≤ i + 1, so with TT D,k;i given in (18), and reflects the probability i that the RVP of the tagged device does not collide, and the Ck−1  i+1 M−i−1+k corresponding DAP is successfully transmitted in a frame TT D,k;i,j = 1 − i+1 Dk (r, V )Ak−i+j (ak) Ck (16) of duration tk. Then, k  i+1 M−i−1+k = 1 − Dk (r, V )Ak−i+j (ak) i + 1 0 0 TP O,k;i = TT D,k;i + akTT D,k;i , (22) i i where Cj = j . In matrix notation and in terms of the probability generating function (pgf) we have, and the parallel expression to (19) is

V V X (V +kW ) 0 0 X (V +kW ) TTD(z) = TT D,kz . (17) TPO(z) = TTD(z) + akTT D,kz . (23) k=0 k=0

To get a better understanding of (17) we remember that, 5.7. Data packet delay distributions when k devices succeed with the reservation, the RSF is followed by a DSF of duration kW mini-slots. Based on previous section, here we derive the pgf of 0 the delay distribution of transmitted DAP for TD and PO Let TT D,k;i be the probability that the tagged device contends with other i active devices in a frame, k devices schemes. Using the results given in (17) and (19), (21) and succeed with the reservation, and the tagged device is one (23), then generating function of the sojourn time for TD of them. It is given by, is given by,

i 0 Ck−1 i+1 k i+1 RTD(z) = αT D,M TT D,k;i = Dk (r, V ) = Dk (r, V ). (18)  2  0 i+1 +αTD(z) I + TTD(z) + TTD(z) + ... TTD(z) Ck i + 1  −1 0 (24) = αT D,M + αTD(z) I − TTD(z) T (z) 0 TD Let TT D,k denote the column vector with elements given = RT D,a(z) + RT D,r(z) . by (18). Again, in matrix notation and in terms of the gen- erating functions, we have the following column vectors, The identifications in (24) are, RT D,r(z) = αT D,M > 0

V as the probability that a DAP is rejected by the tagged de- X T0 (z) = T0 z(V +kW ) . (19) vice, and RT D,a(z) takes into account the delay distribu- TD T D,k tion of the DAP accepted by the tagged device. Obviously k=0 RTD(1) = 1. In the above expression, it is assumed that the controller For PO we have, with αP O,M = 0, will send the ACK at the end of the DSF to acknowledge  2  0 the successful reception of DAP to the k corresponding RPO(z) = αPO(z) I + TPO(z) + TPO(z) + ... TPO(z) devices. Note that once the tagged DAP is successfully  −1 0 transmitted in a given frame, the arrival of new DAP has = αPO(z) I − TPO(z) TPO(z) s  −1 no impact on the tagged DAP. That is, the term Au(ak) = αPO(z) I − TPO(z) (25) is no longer needed in (18), but was needed in (16). V X T0 (z) + a T z(V +kW ) 5.6. Matrix T |T0 for PO scheme TD k T D,k PO PO k=0 Let TP O,k;i,j be defined as (16) but with the additional = RP O,a(z) + RP O,r(z). condition that no DAP will arrive to the tagged device during a frame of duration t . Then, k where RP O,a(z) and RP O,r(z) can be identified from (23). −1 R (z) = α (z)I − T (z) T0 (z) takes into ac- TP O,k;i,j = (1 − ak)TT D,k;i,j . (20) P O,a PO PO TD count the delay distribution of the DAP that are transmit- Let TP O,k denote a matrix with elements given by (20). ted before being pushed-out. RP O,r(z) takes into account In matrix notation and in terms of the pgf we have, the waiting time of those DAP that are pushed-out. We are only interested in finding the delay for DAP that TPO(z) = (21) are finally transmitted. That is, V V X (V +kW ) X (V +kW ) −1 TP O,kz = (1 − ak)TT D,kz .   0 αTD(z) I − TTD(z) TTD(z) (26) k=0 k=0 RT D,a(z) = , RT D,a(1) 8 Table 1: Model Symbols and Parameters 0.25 V=2,PO ana V=2,PO sim Input Parameters Symbol Value V=4,PO ana 0.20 Number of devices M 8 V=4,PO sim Numb. reserv. mini-slots V 1, 2,... Permission probability r [0, 1] 0.15

Device buffer size Q {1, 5, 10} L Data packet duration W mini-slots P Frame duration (mini-slots) tk V + kW 0.10 Packet arrival rate λ packet/mslot Device i load ρi λW System load ρT Mρi 0.05 Performance parameters Symbol Value Station.prob. k active devices π [0, 1] 0 k 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Fraction frames of duration tk fk [0, 1] ρ System throughput γ packet/mslot T Channel utilization S [0, 1] Figure 2: Analytical and simulation data packet loss probability with Packet loss probability PL [0, 1] Packet transmission delay D mini-slots the offered load ρT . 95-th percentile of DD95 mini-slots Frac. frames a device inactive PI [0, 1] average values of measurements made over 20 · 106 DAP arrivals. In addition, 95% confidence intervals have been and obtained. However, as they are very small, and therefore not significant, they are only shown in Fig. 2 and 3 for  −1 0 αPO(z) I − TPO(z) TTD(z) illustration purposes, and omitted in the rest of figures. RP O,a(z) = , (27) RP O,a(1) We define a reference scenario where M = 8, W = 10, Q = 1, and permission probability r = 1, unless otherwise with R (1) = R (1) = 1 − α . T D,a P O,a T D,M stated. The load of device i is ρi = λW , where λ is the device DAP arrival rate in packets per mini-slot. Then, ρi 6. Numerical results is the average number of DAP per data slot that arrive to device i. The total traffic load is defined as ρT = Mρi. Different performance parameters are studied, such as Also, λT = Mλ . Three reference traffic loads are consid- the protocol efficiency measured in terms of the data ered: i) low, ρT = 0.3 ; ii) medium, ρT = 0.5 ; and iii) packet loss probability. Also, we determine the channel high, ρT = {0.8, 0.9} . utilization, the data packet throughput, the cumulative We compare the DAP loss probability and the average distribution function (CDF) of the data packet delay for DAP delay to validate the analytical and simulation mod- packets that are successfully transmitted, and from it the els for systems with Q = 1. According to (4), the DAP 95-th percentile of the data packet delay. loss probability PL is given by, We first validate the analytical model for Q = 1 by γ γ comparing its performance results with those obtained by PL = 1 − = 1 − . (28) Mλ λ simulation. The simulation results are obtained by im- T plementing the contention schemes, scheduling schemes, Note that for both queue management schemes, TD and queue management schemes, and data transmission pro- PO, the fraction of DAP that are lost must be the same. cedure in a custom-built C based discrete-event simula- When a DAP arrives to a full buffer, one DAP is lost tion program. The developed simulation model mimics the regardless of the queue management scheme. With TD, physical behavior of the MAC protocol considered (FSA- the DAP that arrives is lost, while with PO, the DAP at RDP). That is, in each frame a device receives DAP ac- the head of the queue is lost. This intuition is confirmed cording to a given discrete distribution, contends for chan- by the results of the analytical and simulation models. nel access with other devices using RVP when it is active Figure 2 shows the variation of the DAP loss probability (has DAP in the buffer), and, if it succeeds, then trans- with the offered load ρT , obtained by the analytical model mits a DAP in the data slot allocated by the controller. (ana) and by simulation (sim), for V = {2, 4}. Devices The simulation model also supports imperfect channels implement the FIFO queue discipline with either tail drop and SIC, when required. (TD) or push-out (PO). As observed, the analytical and The simulation results are completely independent of simulation results match exactly. those obtained by the analytical model. That is, the com- Note that Fig. 2 displays a somehow counter intuitive putation of performance metrics by the simulation model is system behavior. That is, for loads below ρT = 0.7, PL not dependent on the derived mathematical expressions at for a system with V = 2 is lower than for as system with all, nor are the state transition probabilities used in these V = 4. This is due to the fact that the average frame computations. The performance results reported are the duration for V = 4 is longer than for V = 2. In longer 9 Table 2: Minimum Data Packet Loss Probability (P ) 35 L

30 V MAC ρT = 0.3 ρT = 0.5 ρT = 0.8 FSA-RDP-I 0.0109 0.0338 0.1078 25 FSA-RDP 0.0151 0.0484 0.1539 1 r 0.64 0.52 0.39 V=4 opt 20 V=2,PO ana FSA 0.1343 0.3097 0.5228 V=2,PO sim ropt 0.38 0.29 0.21 15 V=2,TD ana FSA-RDP-I 0.0115 0.0322 0.1020

D (minislots) V=2 V=2,TD sim sim 0.0115 0.0322 0.1021 10 V=4,PO ana FSA-RDP 0.0131 0.0411 0.1466 V=4,PO sim sim 0.0131 0.0411 0.1466 5 V=4,TD ana 2 ropt 1 1 0.79 V=4,TD sim FSA 0.1243 0.3036 0.5211 0 ropt 0.76 0.56 0.41 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 ρ FSA-RDP-I 0.0137 0.0354 0.1040 T FSA-RDP 0.0154 0.0438 0.1413 Figure 3: Analytical and simulation average data packet delay with 3 ropt 1 1 1 FSA 0.1194 0.2980 0.5196 the offered load ρT . ropt 1 0.82 0.61 FSA-RDP-I 0.0162 0.0401 0.1103 frames, the probability that multiple arrivals occur dur- sim 0.0162 0.0401 0.1103 ing the frame is larger. As devices can only hold a single FSA-RDP 0.0179 0.0486 0.1465 sim 0.0179 0.0486 0.1465 DAP in their buffers, losses will more likely occur in longer 4 ropt 1 1 1 frames. However, as load increases, allowing V = 2 reser- FSA 0.1345 0.2945 0.5184 vation mini-slots instead of V = 4 becomes a bottleneck. ropt 1 1 0.79 As more collisions occur, DAP are held longer in the buffer, FSA-RDP-I 0.0187 0.0451 0.1186 and more losses occur induced by new arrivals. Recall that FSA-RDP 0.0205 0.0537 0.1542 5 ropt 1 1 1 in FSA-RDP losses may only occur at new DAP arrivals, FSA 0.1534 0.3070 0.5173 as collisions in the channel occur with RVP. ropt 1 1 0.97 Figure 3 shows the variation of the average DAP delay FSA-RDP-I 0.0212 0.0501 0.1277 with the offered load ρT , obtained by the analytical model FSA-RDP 0.0231 0.0590 0.1626 (ana) and by simulation (sim), for V = {2, 4}. The DAP 6 ropt 1 1 1 delay is the time elapsed since DAP arrival to departure FSA 0.1724 0.3255 0.5198 r 1 1 1 (when the last bit is transmitted). As observed, the an- opt alytical and simulation results for the PO and TD queue management schemes match exactly. beginning of a frame, and it sends the SAP without the Note in Fig. 3 that the DAP delay for PO is lower than need for contention. In order to perform a fair comparison, for TD. When PO is implemented and a new DAP ar- the frame structure for FSA-RDP-I is the same as the one rives to a full buffer, the DAP at the head of the queue defined for FSA-RDP in Fig. 1. That is, it is also composed is pushed-out. Clearly, pushed-out DAP are the eldest in by the RSF and DSF, and the maximum number of DAP the queue. This leads to a smaller average DAP delay than that can be transferred during the DSF is V . Therefore, with TD, where elder DAP are held, and new ones are lost. the analytical model for FSA-RDP-I is the same as the For the numerical results we focus on small values of M one developed for FSA-RDP, except that the permission and V , i.e., clusters with a small number of devices. For i probability is set to r = 1, and Dk(1,V ) is now defined large values of M and V , the computational complexity of following (2) as, solving the system of linear equations π = πP increases  substantially. The reader is referred to [48] for the de- 1 i ≤ V , k = i , i  scription of standard numerical techniques specific to large Dk(1,V ) = 1 V < i , k = V, (29) systems.  0 otherwise

Table 2 shows the minimum PL for different values of 6.1. Efficiency of the FSA-RDP protocol V and for the three loads considered. Note that the min- Following with the case Q = 1, we compare three proto- imum PL is achieved at the corresponding optimal per- cols: i) FSA; ii) FSA-RDP; and iii) ideal FSA-RDP (FSA- mission probability (ropt), that is obtained by exhaustive RDP-I). In FSA the contention occurs in data slots (in-slot search. As expected, the performance of FSA-RDP is up- signaling), while in FSA-RDP occurs in reservation mini- per bounded by the performance of FSA-RDP-I. slots (out-of-slot signaling). Observe that for a given V , PL is larger for FSA than In FSA-RDP-I there is no contention. It is assumed for FSA-RDP. In FSA DAP losses occur mainly due to that the controller knows the state of the devices at the access collisions, and less frequently due to arrivals to a 10 Table 3: Protocol Inefficiency (If ) 1 0.9 MAC ρT = 0.3 ρT = 0.5 ρT = 0.8 0.8 FSA-RDP 0.20 0.27 0.39 FSA 9.99 8.14 4.08 0.7 Push out ideal (POI) 0.6 Push out (PO) 0.5 Tail drop (TD) full buffer. However, in FSA-RDP DAP losses are only D CDF due to arrivals to a full buffer. 0.4 For a fixed load and a given protocol X = {FSA, 0.3 ∗ ρ FSA-RDP}, we define PL,X as the minimum PL obtained 0.2 =0.2 from Table 2 for different values of V , and denote by V ∗ ρ=0.5 0.1 ∗ ∗ ρ the value of V at which PL,X is achieved. For V < V , =0.9 ∗ 0 PL,X > PL,X , as more collisions are expected due to 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 the small number of data slots (FSA) or reservation slots minislots (FSA-RDP). Then, DAP stay longer in the buffer, which Figure 4: CDF of the data packet delay with the offered load ρT , increases the probability that new DAP are rejected (TD), V = 4. or new DAP push-out old DAP from the buffer (PO). Also, ∗ ∗ for V > V , PL,X > PL,X , the carried DAP rate does 80 not grow substantially, but frame duration increases (more V=2,PO V=2,TD reservation and data slots). As described before, for Q = 1 70 V=2,POI longer frames induce larger DAP losses, as multiple DAP V=4,PO arrivals in a frame more likely occur. 60 V=4,TD For a given load, we define the inefficiency factor of V=4,POI ∗  protocol X as If,X = PL,X − PL,I /PL,I . Note that 50

PL,I corresponds to the packet loss probability achieved (minislots) by FSA-RDP-I at the same load and protocol configu- 95 40 ∗ D ration (V ) at which PL,X is found. Clearly, the smaller the value of If,X , the more efficient protocol X is, as its 30 PL,X is closer to the one achieved by the idealized protocol 20 FSA-RDP-I (PL,I ). The inefficiency factors are shown in 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Table 3. Clearly, the efficiency improvement obtained by ρ FSA-RDP respect to FSA is between one and two orders T of magnitude, depending on the load. As observed, the Figure 5: 95th percentile of the data packet delay with the offered difference between protocol efficiencies decreases as load load ρT . increases. This effect was expected, as the contention in- creases with the load. An interesting observation is that, for a fixed V , to as V increases. This is due to the fact that as V increases, a higher reservation success rate is obtained, the devices achieve the minimum PL in FSA, the optimal permission maintain their queue levels low, and the frequency of DAP probability, ropt, has to be appropriately set (values lower than 1), particularly as load increases. However, for FSA- push-outs or tail drops decreases. RDP, the optimal permission probability is constant to 1 Figure 5 shows the 95th percentile of the data packet for a large range of loads an values of V . This would make delay, D95, with the offered load ρT , for V = {2, 4}. Note a scheme that adapts r with the load more robust when that D95 is the delay that meets P [D ≤ D95] = 0.95 . implemented with FSA-RDP than with FSA. That is, 95% of the transmitted DAP have a delay lower than D95 . Clearly, for all configurations D95 increases 6.2. Packet Delay Distributions with the load. Note that for a constant load and V , the D95 attained by the TD scheme is larger than the one at- Figure 4 shows the CDF of data packet delay for three tained by the PO scheme. Finally, observe that for POI representative offered loads ρT = {0.2, 0.5, 0.9}, Q = 1, the difference between D95 at V = 2 and at V = 4 seems and for V = 4. We consider the two queue management to be almost constant with the load. schemes, TD and PO. As a reference, we also display the ideal scheduling scheme, denoted by ‘I’. For simplicity, we 6.3. Devices with Larger Queues only consider the performance of the POI scheme, that outperforms the TDI scheme. In this section we extend the performance evaluation As expected, observe that DAP delay is smaller for PO study to systems with devices that implement buffers of than for TD. It has been found that the difference between sizes larger than one DAP. This study is made by sim- DAP delays obtained by the PO and TD schemes decreases ulation. More precisely, we now implement devices with 11

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

S S Q=1,PO 0.4 Q=1,PO 0.4 Q=1,POI Q=1,POI Q=5,PO Q=5,PO Q=5,POI 0.2 Q=5,POI 0.2 Q=10,PO Q=10,PO Q=10,PO adap Q=10,PO adap Q=10,POI Q=10,POI

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 ρ ρ T T (a) V = 2 (b) V = 4

Figure 6: Channel utilization with the offered load ρT . two queue sizes, Q = {5, 10} DAP. We study two scenar- active (with DAP in their queues) during all frames. That ios where the number of reservation mini-slots per RSF is, all devices contend for reservation slots in all frames. are V = {2, 4}, and the permission probability is always This leads to massive collisions, throughput reduction and set to r = 1, unless otherwise stated. Here, we also have massive losses. considered FIFO as the service discipline and two queue This intuition can be validated using the analytical management schemes, TD and PO. model and assuming that, in the saturation regime of the Figure 6 shows the evolution of the channel utilization FRA-RDP scheme, πM = 1 and πi = 0, i 6= M. As an S with the load for systems with V = 2, 4. It is defined as, example, for V = 2, r = 1, the throughput in saturation (collapsed regime) can be computed from (4) simply by, S = W γ , (30) V  V and expresses the fraction of time the channel is being X X M γs = kfk tkfk , fk = Dk (r = 1,V ) , (32) occupied with DAP, i.e., RVP are considered control over- k=0 k=0 head. Although figures show results for the PO scheme, M they coincide with the ones obtained for the TD scheme. where Dk (r = 1,V ) is the probability of k success reser- For Q = {1, 5, 10}, and V = 2, the maximum achieved vations when M devices contend, and was given by (2). by FRA-RDP-I is Smax = 0.908. For V = 4 the curves Clearly, Ss = W γs . Then we get, Ss (M = 8,V = 2, )= are identical to the ones shown for V = 2. This similarity 0.238, that coincides with the simulation value represented is expected. We consider that the FRA-RDP-I scheme in Fig. 6a. operates in the saturation regime when all nodes are active For V = 4, FRA-RDP achieves Smax = 0.767 when in all frames. Then, at each frame the number of DAP Q = 5, and Smax = 0.756 when Q = 10. In saturation transmitted will be V (provided that M ≥ V ). Then, the they tend to Ss = 0.721. This is validated by computing channel utilization achieved by the FRA-RDP-I scheme in analytically Ss (M = 8,V = 4) using (32). the saturation regime is given by, Figure 7 shows the evolution of the channel utilization in the saturation regime S with the number of devices in VW W s S = = , (31) the network M, when r = 1. The curve for V = M dis- s V + VW 1 + W plays Ss for the optimal configuration of the RSF, i.e, the i.e., Ss is independent of V and only depends on W . For number of reservation mini-slots equals the number of con- W = 10, M = 8 and V = 2 or V = 4, we get Ss = 10/11 = tenders per frame. Recall that in the saturation regime all 0.90, that approximately coincides with the maximum for devices contend in all frames. Curves for V = M − 1 and FRA-RDP-I obtained by simulation and provided above. V = M +1 display Ss for suboptimal configurations of the This explains why the curve of S for V = 2 coincide with RSF. These two curves are important as they show that the one for V = 4 when FRA-RDP-I is used. as M increases, the optimal configuration of the number For Q = 1, V = 2, FRA-RDP peaks at Smax = 0.698. of reservation mini-slots in the RSF becomes less critical. For V = 2, we observe that S collapses for systems with That is, the system performance achieved by an adaptive Q = 5 for loads ρT > 0.47, and for systems with Q = 10 for scheme that would configure V as a function of the load loads ρT > 0.40. This phenomenon is due to the fact that, would be almost insensitive to small errors in the estima- as load increases, devices get to a point where they stay tion of M. 12 Table 4: Representative values for the adaptive scheme 0.82 V=M V=M−1 V=M+1 ρT 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.9 0.81 V 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 r 1.00 0.95 0.65 0.55 0.50 0.50 0.40 s

S 0.80 mately the same load for both the PO and the TD schemes, with negligible differences. Although not observable in 0.79 Fig. 11, D95 for the PO scheme is slightly lower than the one for the TD scheme. The knee point occurs after the curves for PL start to grow exponentially. In the prox- 0.78 imity of the knee, all devices are active in all frames, the 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 M throughput is very small as a lot of RVP collisions occur, and DAP stay longer in the queue. Figure 7: Channel utilization as a function of the number of devices A final observation is that as V increases, the differ- in the saturation regime. ence between the performance of FSA-RDP with Q = 5

and Q = 10 is drastically reduced, and they approach the 1 performance of the FSA-RDP-I scheme. Note also that 0.9 the performance of the FSA-RDP-I scheme for V = 2 and 0.8 V = 4 is quite similar. This is due to the fact that the 0.7 DAP loss probabilities experienced by the ideal scheme 0.6 for V = 2 and V = 4 are quite similar (in fact negligible).

I This is an important observation, as it shows that their is

P 0.5 still room for improvement in the design of new schedul- 0.4 Q=5,PO Q=5,TD ing schemes that use more efficiently the system resources, 0.3 Q=5,POI particularly for V < M. 0.2 Q=10,PO Q=10,PO adap 0.1 Q=10,TD 6.4. Adaptive Scheme Q=10,POI 0 One possible solution to the collapse condition problem 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 ρ displayed in Fig. 6a would be to implement an adaptive T scheme. It should adjusts both the number of reservation Figure 8: Fraction of frames a device is inactive with the offered load slots V and the permission probability r as a function of ρT , V = 2 . the load. Note that the system load varies with the prod- uct Mλ . To validate this intuition we provide results for a system Figure 8 shows the evolution of the fraction of frames a where devices have a buffer of Q = 10 DAP. In this system, device is inactive (empty queue) for a system with V = 2. the controller adapts V and r, and informs the devices by As observed, when load grows above the values that lead using, for example, the slot allocation packet (SAP) at the to a system collapse in Fig. 6a, the corresponding devices end of the RSF, or the ACK packet at the end of the DSF. become always active (PI ≈ 0), and therefore, all devices The adaptation algorithm at the controller might be based contend in all frames. This result helps to understand why on the number of successes and collisions observed during the system with Q = 10 collapses earlier (smaller load) past RSF. When device i is active, it contends for one of than with Q = 5. the V reservation mini-slots with probability r, where the Figures 9, 10 and 11 show the evolution of the DAP loss values of V and r have been broadcast by the controller. probability PL, the average DAP delay D, and the 95th With probability 1 − r, it sleeps until the next frame. percentile of the DAP delay D95 with the total offered Table 4 shows some representative values for the ad- load ρT . The shape of the curves in these figures provide justed V and r found by exhaustive search, when the ini- additional evidences of the system collapse phenomenon tial value is V = 2 and for the load range ρT ∈ [0.2, 0.9]. described previously. Note that the DAP loss probability Observe that at ρT = 0.75 , V is increased by one unit. (PL) curves for PO and TD coincide. For the average DAP The maximum channel utilization Smax can also be im- delay D, both schemes achieve similar performance at low proved by adapting V and r as a function of the load. loads. However, for high loads, the PO scheme achieves a For example, Fig. 6a displays the result of adapting the slightly lower average DAP delay than the TD scheme for system with Q = 10 in the interval ρT ∈ [0.2, 1.6] (curve the same load. This difference was explained before. ‘PO adap’). Ss improves from 0.238 when a static con- Observe that, the evolution of D95 with the load has figuration V = 2, r = 1, is used, to 0.8 when adaptation a characteristic knee shape. The knee occurs at approxi- is used. Also, Fig. 6b displays the result of adapting the 13

0.25 Q=5,PO 140 Q=5,TD 0.20 Q=5,POI 120 Q=10,PO Q=10,PO adap 100 0.15 Q=10,TD Q=10,POI 80 L P

0.10 (minislots) 60 Q=5,PO 95

D Q=5,TD 40 Q=5,POI 0.05 Q=10,PO 20 Q=10,PO adap Q=10,TD Q=10,POI 0 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 ρ ρ T T

Figure 9: Data packet loss probability with the offered load ρT , Figure 11: 95th percentile of the data packet delay with the offered V = 2. load ρT , V = 2.

70 the PL achieved in scenarios with Q = 5 and Q = 10 60 is slightly worse than the one achieved by the adaptive scheme in the scenario with Q = 10 and V = 2. Figure 8 50 shows the beneficial impact that adaptation has on PI . From the energy efficiency point of view, it is desirable 40 to achieve an energy consumption per successfully trans- mitted bit as low as possible. Then, collisions in the RSF 30 Q=5,PO D (minislots) Q=5,TD should be minimized. Focusing on the system with Q = 10 20 Q=5,POI as an example, it is clear that when the load goes beyond Q=10,PO the collapse point, the system remains in a state where the 10 Q=10,PO adap Q=10,TD energy is wasted by the transmission of RVP that collide, Q=10,POI and a very low throughput is obtained, achieving a poor 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 energy efficiency. Then, an adaptive scheme would dras- ρ T tically help to reduce energy consumption, and improve energy efficiency. Figure 10: Average data packet delay with the offered load ρT , V = 2. 6.5. Successive Interference Cancellation We study two scenarios where devices implement FSA- system with Q = 10 in the interval ρT ∈ [0.7, 1.6] (curve RDP, and in addition the controller implements successive ‘PO adap’). Ss improves from 0.721 when a static config- interference cancellation (SIC) techniques to achieve mul- uration V = 4, r = 1, is used, to 0.8 when adaptation is tipacket detection. In the first scenario devices implement used. Note that as the load increases (ρT > 0.9), V must Irregular Repetition Slotted ALOHA (IRSA) [25], and we be increased progressively up to V = 8. assume a perfect channel. In the second scenario we as- Figures 9, 10, and 11, also show the impact that the sume an imperfect channel, but devices transmit a single adaptation of V and r have on the system performance. RVP per frame. That is, no RVP replicas are transmitted As observed, the system performance improves drastically, in the second scenario. as PL, D, D95 all decrease. Clearly, adaptation allows the system to successfully operate over a wider load range than 6.5.1. IRSA without adaptation. When nodes implement IRSA, they transmit a ran- For a scenario with V = 4 (not shown), when Q = 5 the dom number of RVP replicas per frame. We evaluate the average delay D for the PO and TD schemes are identical. performance of IRSA in scenarios with pairs (M,V ) = The same happens when Q = 10. The average delay D {(20, 20) , (200, 200)}. The permission probability is al- obtained when Q = 5 and Q = 10 are very close to the ways set to r = 1.0. Devices operate in saturation mode, one achieved by the adaptive scheme in the scenario with and transmit one mandatory RVP per RSF. Further RVP Q = 10 and V = 2. That is, as expected, for a constant can be transmitted following a truncated geometric distri- load, the adaptation becomes less relevant as V increases. bution with probability q, up to a maximum of V RVP. Let A similar comment can be said for D95 . Rp be the number of RVP that a device transmits in the n−1 For the DAP loss probability PL in a scenario with V = same frame. Then, P [Rp = n] = q (1 − q), 1 ≤ n ≤ V −1 4 (not shown), a similar comment can be said. However, V − 1, and P [Rp = V ] = q . The average number of 14 Table 5: IRSA, M = 20, V = 20 DAP. Recall that the duration of a RVP is one mini-slot. Columns labeled with ∆EE show the relative energy ef- q Rp RS S ∆S EE ∆EE ficiency improvement compared to the one achieved by a 0 1.00 7.54 0.79 79.04% system that does not implement IRSA (q = 0). 0.1 1.11 7.88 0.80 0.91% 78.00% −1.31% From the results summarized in Tables 5 and 6 we con- 0.2 1.25 8.22 0.80 1.76% 76.68% −2.98% 0.3 1.43 8.63 0.81 2.71% 75.12% −4.96% clude that IRSA does not seem to be a convenient scheme 0.4 1.67 9.05 0.82 3.62% 73.08% −7.54% for wireless sensor networks, where devices are battery lim- 0.5 2.00 9.27 0.82 4.07% 69.86% −11.62% ited. As observed, for small systems ((M,V ) = (20, 20)), 0.6 2.50 8.59 0.81 2.64% 63.22% −20.01% 0.7 3.33 5.45 0.73 −7.43% 45.02% −43.04% to achieve a throughput improvement of 4%, the energy 0.8 4.94 1.02 0.34 −57.23% 9.37% −88.15% efficiency decreases by 12%, approximately. For larger 0.9 8.78 0.004 0.002 −99.75% 0.02% −99.97% systems ((M,V ) = (200, 200)), to achieve a throughput improvement of almost 6%, the energy efficiency decreases Table 6: IRSA, M = 200, V = 200 by 15%, approximately.

q Rp RS S ∆S EE ∆EE 6.5.2. No Reservation Packet Replicas 0 1.00 73.76 0.79 78.67% 0.1 1.11 76.71 0.79 0.83% 77.54% −1.90% The impact of propagation in the channel is commonly 0.2 1.25 80.12 0.80 1.72% 76.22% −3.57% described by three effects: path loss, shadowing and fast 0.3 1.43 84.11 0.81 2.70% 74.64% −5.56% fading [49]. For the path loss we follow the IEEE chan- 0.4 1.67 88.97 0.82 3.79% 72.75% −7.96% 0.5 2.00 95.20 0.83 5.05% 70.41% −10.91% nel model [50, 51]. For additional details on the channel 0.6 2.50 102.74 0.84 6.40% 67.27% −14.89% model and the parameters used, please refer to [52]. To be 0.7 3.33 86.18 0.81 3.17% 56.38% −28.66% consistent with the analytical model that considers that 0.8 5.00 9.41 0.32 −59.33% 8.60% −89.12% all active devices have the same success probability when 0.9 10.00 0.07 0.004 −99.53% 0.04% −99.95% they contend for the channel, we assume that all devices are at the same distance (d) from the controller. V  A channel model that takes into account only the shad- RVP sent per frame is given by, Rp = 1 − q / (1 − q). Each RVP transmitted by a device selects one reserva- owing effect, but not the fast fading, is more realistic for tion mini-slot randomly, avoiding multiple selections of the wireless sensor scenarios, where nodes are mostly static. same mini-slot in the same RSF. The results in [52] show that the average number of suc- Tables 5 and 6 show the average number of successful cessfully decoded RVP in the same reservation mini-slot when the channel model only takes into account shadowing RVP detections at the receiver per frame RS. A RVP is detected successfully when it is the only RVP in a reserva- is close to the one obtained when the channel model takes tion mini-slot. In addition, when a RVP is detected using into account both shadowing and fast fading. Then, for the SIC technique, its signal is subtracted from the signal the rest of the study we assume a channel model that only of those mini-slots containing replicas of the successfully considers the shadowing (slow fading) effect. Results also detected RVP. Then, new mini-slots with a single RVP show that SIC provides an important performance boost, might appear, and can now be successfully detected. The as it will shown later. As expected, the performance of procedure continues until no more RVP can be detected. SIC deteriorates as d increases, or the number of RVP in Columns labeled with S show the achieved throughput the same mini-slot increases. defined as, In the scenarios studied, curves not labeled with ‘SIC’ refer to scenarios where a perfect channel is assumed, and WR S = S , (33) all transmitted RVP are received successfully, provided V + WRS they do not collide. However, in SIC scenarios an im- perfect (lossy) channel is assumed, and not all transmit- where W is the number of mini-slots occupied by a DAP. ted RVP might be successfully received. In scenarios with Columns labeled with ∆ show the relative throughput S imperfect channel, for simplicity, we assume that chan- improvement compared to a conventional system that does nel impairments affect only to RVP, while data packets not implement IRSA (q = 0). Clearly, R and S increases S are always successfully received. There, we study three with q up to a given value, and then sharply decrease. representative distances: 100 m (short), 600 m (medium) Columns labeled with EE show the energy efficiency and 1000 m (long). As the results obtained for medium defined as, distances are quite close to the ones obtained for short dis- WR tances, medium distance results are not shown for brevity. EE = S , (34) MRp + WRS Figure 12 shows the impact of implementing SIC in a where MRp is the energy spent to transmit RVP, and system where devices have a limited buffer of size Q = 1 WRS the energy spent to transmit DAP, both per frame. DAP. We represent the cumulative distribution function Clearly, we assume equal transmission power for RVP and of the delay of DAP that are successfully transmitted (D) 15

1 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 S 0.5 S 0.5

0.4 0.4 Q=5,POI 0.3 Q=10,POI 0.3 Q=10,adap 0.2 POI 0.2 Q=5,SIC,d=100 PO Q=10,SIC,d=100 0.1 SIC,d=100 0.1 Q=5,SIC,d=1000 SIC,d=1000 Q=10,SIC,d=1000

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 ρ ρ T T (a) Q = 1,V = 2 (b) V = 4

Figure 13: Channel utilization with the offered load ρT .

1 0.125 Q=5,POI 0.9 Q=10,POI Q=10,adap 0.8 0.1 Q=5,SIC,d=100 Q=10,SIC,d=100 0.7 Q=5,SIC,d=1000 Push out (ideal) 0.075 Q=10,SIC,d=1000 0.6 Push out,SIC,d=100 Push out,SIC,d=1000 L 0.5 P

D CDF 0.05 0.4 0.3 ρ =0.2 T 0.025 0.2 ρ =0.5 T 0.1 ρ =0.9 0 T 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ρ minislots T

Figure 12: CDF of the data packet delay for different offered loads Figure 14: Data packet loss probability with offered load ρT , V = 2 . ρT , and V = 2 .

performs the adaptive scheme. Curves with ‘Q=10,adapt’ when V = 2. The push-out ideal (POI) discipline de- refer to the performance of a system that assumes a per- scribes an idealized operation that was described in Sub- fect channel, uses a push-out queue management scheme, section 6.1. Clearly, for short to medium distances (100- and adapts the permission probability r and the number 600 m), the performance of a system operating with SIC of reservation mini-slots V . The adaptive scheme was de- is almost identical to the performance of the POI scheme. scribed in Subsection 6.4. Figure 13 shows the evolution of the system through- Figures 14 and 15 confirm the performance improve- put S with the offered load ρT . Observe that in the sce- ment brought by SIC. Note that, as in previous sections, narios shown, the SIC scheme in short to moderate dis- packet losses in Fig. 14 are only due to DAP arrivals to a tances achieves a slightly higher throughput than the POI full buffer and not to channel impairments. As observed scheme. This is an outstanding result, as it shows the huge before, even in the worst scenario (d = 1000), the perfor- potential of SIC techniques. The advantage of implement- mance of a SIC scheme is better that the one obtained ing SIC comes from the fact that with a frame of V RSV by the adaptive scheme. The only exception is for the slots, a maximum of V DAP per frame can be transmitted delay performance parameters D (not shown) and D95 at when the POI scheme is used. However, when SIC tech- d = 1000 m, where the adaptive scheme (perfect channel) niques are used at the receiver (controller) more that V obtains a small advantage at low loads when compared to RVP per RSF might be successfully received, and there- the performance of SIC [52]. This is due to the fact that fore more that V DAP per frame can be transmitted. as distance increases, the SINR of the received RVP de- An additional interesting observation is that even in the creases and the detection performance of the SIC scheme worst scenario with d = 1000 m, the SIC scheme out- deteriorates. Then, DAP stay longer in the queue. 16

200 Q=5,POI gible at short distances (d = 100). Also, the throughput 180 Q=10,POI achieved by the adaptive scheme and by the SIC scheme is Q=10,adap 160 Q=5,SIC,d=100 practically the same for small loads. However, at medium Q=10,SIC,d=100 to high loads, the throughput achieved by the SIC scheme 140 Q=5,SIC,d=100 is noticeably higher. At long distances (d = 1000) the rel- Q=10,SIC,d=100 120 ative throughput loss of the adaptive scheme is larger than 100 the relative throughput loss of the SIC scheme, when com-

(minislots) 80 pared to the ones achieved at short distances (d = 100). 95

D Table 7 shows the energy efficiency of a system in different 60 evaluation scenarios. Columns labeled with ‘ICh’ refer to 40 scenarios where a perfect (ideal) channel and no SIC at 20 the controller is assumed. Columns labeled with ‘LCh’ re-

0 fer to scenarios where an imperfect (lossy) channel and no 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 ρ SIC at the controller is assumed. Finally, columns labeled T with ‘SIC’ refer to scenarios where an imperfect channel Figure 15: 95th percentile of the data packet delay with the offered and SIC at the controller is assumed. Scenario labeled ∗ load ρT , V = 4 . with Q = 10 refer to a system that adapts the permis- sion probability and the number of reservation mini-slots.

1 Energy efficiency is determined by (34), but now no RVP replicas are sent. 0.9 For imperfect channels, high load and V = 2 (not 0.8 shown), the adaptive scheme achieves an energy efficiency 0.7 higher than the one obtained by the SIC scheme [52]. How- 0.6 ever, for V = 4 the SIC scheme achieves a slightly bet- ter energy efficiency. This suggests that in some scenar- S 0.5 ios where the controller implements SIC, the energy effi- 0.4 ciency might be further improved by adopting the adaptive POI 0.3 adap scheme. Alternatively, when the additional cost of imple- 0.2 SIC,d=100 menting SIC is not justified, the performance and energy adap,LCh,d=100 efficiency of the system can still be quite good by imple- 0.1 SIC,d=1000 adap,LCh,d=1000 menting the adaptive scheme, particularly for low loads and short to medium distances. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 ρ T 7. Conclusions Figure 16: Channel utilization with the offered load ρT , V = 4, Q = 10 adaptive. In this paper we studied a type of Frame Slotted ALOHA protocol that proposes reservation and data pack- ets, that we refer to as FSA-RDP. In FSA-RDP frames are Figure 16 shows the evolution of the system through- divided in two subframes, the reservation and the data sub- put with the offered load in scenarios where devices have frames. In reservation subframes active devices that have queues of size Q = 10 DAP. We study two scenarios, one access permission contend for sending reservation packets that assumes perfect channel and one that assumes an im- to the controller. Those that succeed (their reservation perfect (lossy) channel (LCh). In scenarios with an imper- packets do not collide) are assigned a dedicated data slot fect channel, we assume that the detection hardware of the to transfer a DAP during the data subframe. controller operates with or without SIC. In some scenarios We model the operation of the FSA-RDP protocol with the controller adapts the access permission probability r a discrete-time Markov chain, and determine the proto- and the number of reservation mini-slots V . In scenarios col efficiency and the packet delay distribution, for a sce- with an imperfect channel, we have reused optimal values nario where M2M devices have a buffer to store a single of r and V obtained for perfect channel. Note in Fig. 16 packet. We define the protocol efficiency in terms of the that the reused values are not the optimal ones. data packet loss probability. We compare the efficiency of The main purpose of curves ‘adap,LCh,d=100’ and the FSA-RDP protocol and the conventional Frame Slot- ‘adap,LCh,d=1000’ is to show the performance of the ted ALOHA (FSA). Results show that protocol efficiency adaptive scheme in a more realistic scenario (lossy chan- of FSA-RDP is between one and two orders of magnitude nel). This provides a fairer performance comparison with larger than the efficiency of the conventional FSA. the SIC scheme. As expected, the difference between the We determine the cumulative distribution function of throughput achieved by the adaptive scheme in a scenario the packet delay for FSA-RDP, when both the tail drop with perfect channel and with imperfect channel is negli- (TD) and push-out (PO) queue management schemes are 17 Table 7: Energy Efficiency, V = 4

Q = 10 Q = 10∗ ICh SIC (distance, d) ICh LCh (distance, d)

ρT 100 600 1000 100 600 1000 0.200 90.55% 90.84% 89.60% 86.16% 90.55% 90.55% 89.28% 85.64% 0.800 63.65% 88.97% 87.00% 81.62% 80.15% 80.15% 75.92% 66.69% 1.625 57.17% 84.20% 81.57% 76.03% 82.71% 79.70% 77.40% 71.28%

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