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Sonochemical degradation of in aqueous solution: investigation on the influence of Cite this: RSC Adv., 2020, 10,7396 operating parameters and degradation pathway – a systematic review

Meghdad Pirsaheb and Negin Moradi *

Along with the wide production, consumption and disposal of pesticides in the world, the concerns over their human and environmental health impacts are rapidly growing. Among developing treatment technologies, sonochemistry as an emerging and promising technology for the removal of pesticides in the aqueous environment has attracted the attention of many researchers in recent years. This systematic review presents an extensive study of sonochemical degradation of different types of pesticides from aqueous solution. The influence of various parameters including reactor configurations, initial concentration of , ultrasonic frequency, intensity of irradiation, bulk solution temperature, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. operational pH and sonication time on the degradation efficiency has been analyzed. The mechanism of ultrasonic degradation has been discussed, and recommendations for optimum operating conditions have been reported for maximizing degradation efficiency. Additionally, the intensification of ultrasonic Received 30th December 2019 cavitation by combining with oxidation processes was overviewed and the main advantages and Accepted 6th February 2020 disadvantages were pointed out, in order to address future studies and promote efficient large-scale DOI: 10.1039/c9ra11025a operations. As a conclusion, it appears that ultrasonic irradiation can be effectively used for intensification of the degradation of pesticides from aqueous solution. This article is licensed under a 1. Introduction Despite the noticeable benets of using pesticides in agri- cultural production and the help in mitigating food scarcity and Pesticides are agrochemicals widely used worldwide in agri- controlling infectious diseases, their use also poses serious 8,9 Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. culture and forestry, on sports elds, public urban green areas, threats to ecosystems. Their fate in the environment is of great industrial sites, educational facilities, etc.1,2 Pesticides are typi- concern, since many sources like agricultural runoffs and cally applied in order to protect plants from pests, diseases, industrial sewage spread them into soil and surface water or overgrowth by weeds and humans from vector-borne diseases.3 . Pesticides cause serious health hazards to human Based on function and the target pest organism pesticides can health due to direct exposure or through residues in food and be classied into: (insects), (fungi), .10 A typical pesticide cycle in an ecosystem is bactericides (bacteria), (weed), (mites), schematically represented in Fig. 1. Pesticides hold a unique (mice and other rodents), algaecides (algae), position among environmental contaminants of today's world larvicides (larvae) and repellents. Others include: desiccants, due to their toxicity, high biological activity, long-term stability ovicides (insects and mites), virucides (viruses), and bioaccumulative.11 Therefore, it is imperative to develop (slugs and snails), (nematode), avicides (birds), efficient treatment approaches for the removal of residual moth balls (mold or moth larvae), lampricides (lampreys), pis- pesticides. cicides (shes), silvicides (woody vegetation) and termiticides So far, several treatment techniques such as biological, (termites).4,5 Depending on the chemical composition and physical, chemical and physicochemical methods have been nature of active ingredients, pesticides are classied into four investigated for removal of pesticides from different types of main groups namely; organochlorines, organophosphorus, matrices, such as water and soil.6 The biological remediation and synthetic .6,7 process depends on numerous factors, such as pH, tempera- ture, soil moisture content, nutrient availability and level.12,13 Physical methods including nanoltration and Research Center for Environmental Determinants of Health, Department of adsorption using various materials such as clays, zeolite, carbon Environmental Health Engineering, School of Public Health, Kermanshah University nanotubes, activated carbon, and polymeric materials are very of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran. E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: common for eliminating pesticides from water. However, major +989188867003

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Fig. 1 A schematic view of the pesticide cycle in an ecosystem.

limitations of these processes are slow kinetics, dependency on technologies. In addition, sonolysis is not affected by the 14

This article is licensed under a the mobility and polarity of pesticides sites, high sorbent costs, biodegradability and toxicity of the compounds. On the other capital investment and the high processing temperatures.14 In hand, the sonochemical process also has the advantage of being addition, physical processes such as adsorption merely transfer compatible and attachable to other biological or physical pollutants from one phase to another phase creating problems processes.21 Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. of secondary pollution. Also, utilization of chemical methods is A goal of this review was to judge the potential use of ultra- not efficient but because of high consumption of chemicals, sound in the removal of pesticides from aqueous solutions and high treatment cost, incomplete removal, and time evaluate the applicability of ultrasound process in water treat- consuming.15 The physicochemical methods based on the ment. The rst part describes an overview of ultrasound, production and use of hydroxyl radicals, named advanced induced phenomena, mechanisms of ultrasound in degrada- oxidation processes (AOPs) have shown to be very efficient to tion of pesticides. Then, a detailed analysis of the existing remove different organic compounds from aqueous literature related in the specic area of ultrasonic treatment of solutions.16,17 pesticide-containing water has also been presented. In the next Among the different existing AOPs, ultrasound (US) irradia- part, the combinatorial treatment schemes based on the use of tion has been recently attracting considerable attention for the sonication have been examined which can further intensify the degradation of organic and inorganic pollutants in water and degradation process and led to an economical operation even at wastewater such as pesticides.18 Ultrasound, as a newly devel- commercial scale operations. Finally, the future perspectives of oped treatment technology, has unique advantages over ultrasound applications in removal of pesticides will be dis- conventional treatment methods.16,19 Ultrasound operates at cussed as well. This paper is aimed at providing the funda- ambient temperature and pressure conditions. Moreover, mental background information and outline research ultrasound technology has been considered as an environ- directions to those who are involved or about to be involved in mental protection method, as it produces no secondary this eld. pollutants.16,20 Ultrasound is no need for extra chemicals; therefore, the operating cost will be reduced. This technique is not only appropriate from the economic viewpoint, but it is also 2. Theory of ultrasound easy to implement. Furthermore, it has lesser safety issues and Ultrasound is an acoustic wave with frequencies above the faster remediation rate compared to other existing realms of human hearing (i.e., 20 kHz).22 The propagation of

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ultrasonic waves through the liquid medium, cause acoustic and pressure (up to 100 MPa) which lead to breakdown and cavitation phenomenon which consists of formation, growth pyrolytic decomposition of volatile substance and organic during the rarefaction cycle (negative pressure period) and pollutants inside the cavitation bubbles.24,28 Inside the cavita- transient collapse of the bubble during the compression phase tion bubble, water vapor and oxygen molecules undergo (positive pressure period).23 The acoustic cavitation can be thermal dissociation to produce different highly reactive radi-  c c classi ed into stable and transient cavitation. At high frequen- cals (H ,HO2 and HO ). These primary radicals of sonolysis cies, stable cavitation is dominant, where bubbles only oscillate react with dissolved organic and inorganic compounds leading and do not implode. In this type of cavitation, the motion of to hydroxylation and oxidation reactions.29,30 A simple mecha- cavitation bubbles lead to micro-streaming which can provide nism for radical formation, during sonolysis of water is micro agitation in their surrounding area. On the other hand, described below (reactions (1)–(5)):31 low frequency ultrasound primarily generates transient cavita- tion bubbles which live for only a few acoustic cycles and grow H2O + )))US / Hc +HOc (1) rapidly over a period of a few cycles to a critical size until O + )))US / 2Oc implode very violently.24 Fig. 2a illustrates schematic of stable 2 (2) and transient cavitation. Oc +H2O / 2HOc (3) The collapse of transient bubble causes some hydrodynamic phenomena such as shock waves, shear forces and high-velocity Hc +O2 / HOc +O (4)

micro-jets can easily disruption of cell walls or breakdown of – H þ O /HO polymer chains.25 27 In addition, transient collapse of cavitation 2 2 (5) bubbles creates causes a high local temperature (up to 5000 K) Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. This article is licensed under a Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM.

Fig. 2 Schematic representation of (a) cavitation bubbles displaying stable and transient cavitation and (b) reaction zones in cavitation process.

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Hydroxyl radical is among the strongest oxidants that can react full-text-reading steps. In total, 1265 documentaries were found non-selectively with almost all types of organic and inorganic on international databases, then a large number of search compounds. The trapped organic compounds in the bubble, results were eliminated by reviewing their titles or abstracts, either undergoes pyrolysis or reacts with the hydroxyl radical.32 and only 115 documents were selected for evaluation. Papers At the interface of liquid–gas bubbles, high temperature that mention other pollutants in their titles were excluded from gradient leads to locally condense HOc and the degradation the study. The remaining papers were carefully reviewed and reaction occurs in the aqueous phase. Though the temperature relevant papers were selected and 30 papers were nally in this region is lower than that in the bubble core, there is an analyzed. Fig. 3 illustrates the search process. adequately high temperature to thermal decomposition of the substrate. Moreover, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) can be gener- 4. Results and discussion ated by recombination hydroxyl radicals during sonolysis  a diluted aqueous solution, which does not usually play 4.1. In uence of the operational variables a crucial role in oxidizing organic species and the amount may Operation parameters such as reactor congurations, initial be too small to be signicant (reactions (6) and (7)).33–36 concentration of pesticide, ultrasonic frequency, intensity of irradiation, bulk solution temperature, operational pH and 2HO2/H2O2 þ O2 (6) sonication time have been studied widely because of their signicant effect on the performance of sonochemical 2HOc / H O 2 2 (7) processes for the degradation of pesticides. Therefore, these parameters need to be optimized for achieving the best removal Generally, there are two mechanisms responsible for the efficiency and the lowest economic costs. In this part, some oxidation/degradation of pesticides by ultrasound which is optimization rules for these parameters are systematically out- decided on the basis of physical and chemical properties of the lined based on the exhaustive analysis of the existing literature. pesticides. The rst mechanism is pyrolysis inside the cavita-

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. Information on some studies conducted in recent years for the tion bubbles which is expected to be the main reaction path for degradation of pesticides using ultrasound is presented in the degradation of hydrophobic or apolar and more volatile Table 1. compounds. The second mechanism is the formation of 4.1.1. Inuence of the reactor congurations. In general, hydroxyl radicals in the cavitation bubbles, which subsequently four types of laboratory ultrasonic apparatus are widely used, are thrown out in the bulk liquid on cavity collapse and oxidise namely, whistle, bath, probe (horn) and cup-horn system. The the organic compounds which are hydrophilic or polar and non- whistle reactors are employed for polymerization, emulsica- volatile compounds.37 In bulk liquid, the reactions are basically tion, and phase transfer reactions. The cheapest and most between the substrate and radicals that migrate from the readily available laboratory ultrasonic device for carrying out

This article is licensed under a interface. In the bulk phase, shear forces, turbulence and micro- sonochemical reactions is the ultrasonic bath which is a low- streaming help radical reaction to proceed more quickly.38 Most intensity device. However, maintaining the temperature is not of the hydrophobic and volatile compounds react inside and at easy in this system and also the ultrasonic power is limited by the interface of cavities, inside the cavitation bubble whereas attenuation by the water, bath size, wall thickness and bath Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. hydrophilic and non-volatile compounds react at bulk water position. Owing to the above reasons, the ultrasonic bath is that contains insufficient OH radicals.39 Fig. 2b depicts the usually utilized for cleaning operations or the removal of dis- schematic illustration of the sonochemical reaction zones. solved gases. An ultrasonic horn or probe system directly dip- ped in the solution and result in intense cavitation. The 3. Methods ultrasonic horn is characterized by providing much more effi- cient power control; however, the accurate temperature control Initially, an electronic literature search in the international is crucial here. Furthermore, cavitational erosion of the horn tip databases (Google Scholar, Web of Science, Science Direct, leads to some chemical interference which will contaminate the Scopus and PubMed) was done to nd the published studies system. The cup-horn system is a combination of bath and and reports associated with the subject of this study from 2000 probe (horn) system which provides better temperature control to 2019. Our systematic search was performed using English and higher intensities without any contamination by the horn keywords with any possible combinations of keywords such as tip material.49–51 ultrasound, sonolysis, pesticide, removal, degradation, As shown in Table 2, Bagal and Gogate8 studied sonochem- aqueous, advanced oxidation process, ozonation, Fenton, ical degradation of alachlor using ultrasonic horn (20 kHz, 100 photo-Fenton, sono-photo-Fenton, photocatalysis, sonophoto- W) and ultrasonic bath (20 kHz, 80 W) reactors. They observed catalysis additives, hydrogen peroxide, carbon tetrachloride and a decrease in the extent of degradation in the case of bath titanium dioxide. Besides, a manual search of the bibliogra- reactor as compared to horn reactor which could be explained phies of eligible papers was done to identify additional relevant by the lower operating power density in the case of the bath as publications which were missed by online searches. compared to horn. The “AND” and “OR” operators were used to make our In another study, Shriwas and Gogate52 investigated degra- outcome of search inclusive and restrictive. Study selection dation of methyl Parathion using ultrasonic horn and ultra- procedure was including of title-reading, abstract-reading, and sonic bath reactors with operating frequency of 20 kHz and

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Fig. 3 Flow diagram of study identification.

maximum power rating of 270 W and 230 W, respectively. They the removal of pesticides. The inuence of frequency on reported that extents of degradation for only sonication were degradation of pesticides can be attributed to the fact that rates about 8% and 10.2% obtained on ultrasonic horn and ultra- of HOc radical formation depends on the frequency of ultra- sonic bath, respectively, which can be attributed to lower sound. In general, when the ultrasound frequency increases, operating power density in the case of the ultrasonic bath (72 W the bubbles lifetime becomes shorter and the size of cavitation Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. L 1 on the basis of rated power input) as compared to ultrasonic bubbles reduces. In other words, the cavitation threshold horn (2700 W L 1 on the basis of rated power input). In addi- improves with increasing frequency, and therefore cavitation tion, they revealed that though the power dissipation levels are intensity reduces and leads to diminish the maximum considerably higher in the case of horn reactor, similar level of temperature attained in the collapse. All these factors lead to enhancement in the extent of degradation was not observed. a lower yield of HOc generation as the frequency is They explained their observations by the more uniform distri- increased.53,54 On the other hand, the higher frequency bution of cavitational activity in the bath reactor owing to enhances mass transfer by acoustic streaming, turbulence and broader area of transducers as compared to horn reactor. other physical effects and leads to the faster release of active Most of the studies describing the degradation of pesticides radicals into the surrounding medium and bulk reactive solute This article is licensed under a used ultrasonic probe system due to its high intensity and toward the interface of cavitation bubble. For hydrophobic optimum performance at different amplitudes. It should be compound the optimal frequency degradation is not only noted here that though the treatment studies have been with determined by the optimal hydroxyl radicals yield but also the

Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. horn or bath system, the scale up prospects of these ultrasonic efficient mass transfer of molecule from the liquid phase to the reactors are quite poor. Indeed, in spite of extensive studies on gas/solution interface of cavitation bubbles.55 Therefore, the laboratory scale and immense application potential for degra- ultrasound frequency effects are dependent on the reaction dation of pesticides, not many researches are available in the localization and nature of the molecules. Overall, in terms open literature related to pesticide degradation on an industrial ultrasonic frequency, low frequency such as 20 kHz is recom- scale. The main drawback of horn-type ultrasonic system is mended which will give dominant physical effects of cavitation high-energy consumption and the limited cavitation zone phenomena so as to promote the mass transfer rates. around the transducer, which is less efficient for the treatment Agarwal et al.16 studied the effect of ultrasound frequency (35 of large volumes of liquid.49 Changing the conguration or and 130 kHz) on sonolysis of chlorpyrifos in aqueous solutions geometry of the sonochemical reactor is one of the efficient and they observed that pesticide removal increases with ways for decreasing the energy consumption. It is recom- increasing of the ultrasound frequency. mended to ensure power dissipation over broader area using Yao et al.48 also investigated the degradation of parathion in multiple transducers to get higher intensities of cavitation. aqueous solutions at different frequencies (200, 400, 600, and Multiple transducer irradiations (with or without multiple 800 kHz). The results showed that parathion degradation frequencies) also lead to remarkably higher cavitational activity reached a maximum at 600 kHz. They explained that the as compared to single transducer operation and thus these optimal frequency for degradation parathion, as a nonvolatile novel congurations of ultrasonic equipment show good pros- and hydrophobic compound, is determined by both the optimal pects for scale up. hydroxyl radicals yield and the efficient mass transfer of the 4.1.2. Inuence of the ultrasound frequency. As shown in molecule from the liquid phase to the interfacial region. Table 1, many studies have evaluated the effect of ultrasound 4.1.3. Inuence of the acoustic power. Based on the studies frequency on the sonolytic degradation of pesticides. The reviewed, acoustic power plays an important role sonochemical results show that ultrasound frequency has signicant effect on degradation of pesticides. The results clearly show that

7400 | RSC Adv.,2020,10,7396–7423 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded on 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. Review hsjunli h oa oit fCeity2020 Chemistry of Society Royal The © is journal This Table 1 Sonochemical degradation of pesticides

Degradation Sonochemical Other experimental intermediates/ No. Pesticides Chemical structure Initial conc. conditions cond. products Results Ref.

1 Chlorpyrifos, M (g mol 1 ) ¼ 2–3 ppm A probe system: 20 Temperature 15, 25 Chlorpyrifos oxon Optimum degradation occurred 40 350.57, log P: 4.96 kHz and 0–1.2 kW and 35 C; pH 5–8; and TCP at 900 W, 35 C and pH 7 sonication time 1– Hydrolysis and oxidation are the 120 min degradation pathway of chlorpyrifos The toxicity decreased for chlorpyrifos solution aer ultrasonic irradiation due to chlorpyrifos oxon formation

2 Chlorpyrifos 1 and 2 ppm An ultrasonic bath: Temperature 25 C; Not reported 98.96% degradation was 16 35 and 130 kHz, 300 pH 4, 7 and 9; occurred under optimal and 500 W sonication time 20, conditions (pH 9, pesticide 40 and 60 min concentration 1 ppm, frequency 130 kHz, ultrasonic 500 W and sonication time 20 min) The polynomial equations satisfactorily described the behavior of ultrasonic treatment According to the absolute effects of the independent variables, the initial concentration of chlorpyrifos had more importance over other variables for the derived rst-order polynomial models

1 3 DDT, M (g mol ) ¼ 354.5, 8 ppm A probe system: 1.6 pH 7.0; sonication DDD (C14 H10Cl4), Low power high frequency 20 pKa ¼ n.a, log P: 6.91 MHz and 20 W time 90 min DDE (C14 H8Cl4) and ultrasound with operating costs 1 (150 W L ) DDMU (C14 H9Cl3) much lower than low frequency is effective for the degradation of

S Adv. RSC non-polar pollutant DDT 90% degradation occurred by ultrasound aer 90 min Combination of ultrasound and ,2020, FeSO4 increased degradation rate of DDT 10 ,7396 S Advances RSC View ArticleOnline – 43| 7423 7401 Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded on 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. S Advances RSC 7402 Table 1 (Contd.)

| Degradation S Adv. RSC Sonochemical Other experimental intermediates/ No. Pesticides Chemical structure Initial conc. conditions cond. products Results Ref.

,2020, 4 Diazinon, M (g mol 1 ) ¼ 7.82, 32.52 A probe system: 25 Temperature 15 C; IMP, diazoxon, Pseudo-rst-order kinetics; 90% 41 304.4, pKa ¼ 2.6, log P:3.69 and 65.19 mM kHz and 0–650 W sonication time 15– hydroxydiazinon, 2- degradation occurred by 120 min hydroxydiazinon ultrasound aer 2 h, ultrasonic 10

,7396 intensity 500 W at initial concentration of 7.82 mmol L 1 – 43Ti ora s©TeRylSceyo hmsr 2020 Chemistry of Society Royal The © is journal This 7423 5 Diazinon 800, 1200, 1.7 MHz and 9.5 W Temperature 20 C; Not reported Pseudo-rst-order kinetics; 70% 42 and 1800 sonication time degradation occurred for ppm 600 s; solution 1200 ppm as initial concentration volumes 40, 50, and and 50 ml solution volume 60 mL

6 Diazinon 2–3 ppm A probe system: 20 Temperature 15, 25 IMP, diazoxon, Optimum degradation occurred 40 kHz and 0–1.2 kW and 35 C; pH 5–8; hydroxydiazinon, 2- at 900 W, 35 C and pH 7 sonication time 1– hydroxydiazinon, Hydrolysis, hydroxylation, 120 min diazinon methyl dehydration and oxidation are the ketone degradation pathway of diazinon The toxicity of diazinon solution declined aer ultrasonic irradiation

7 Dicofol, M (g mol 1 ) ¼ 5.4 to 54 mM A probe system: 20 Temperature 10– 3,30-Dichloroben- Pseudo-rst-order kinetic model 43 370.5, pKa ¼ n.a, log P: 4.3 kHz and 150–450 W 40 C; pH 3–7; zophenone, 4- The optimum condition: sonication time 60 chlorobenz- acoustic power of 375 W, min ophenone and temperature of 20 C, pH of 3 and benzophenone an initial dicofol concentration of 27 mM Addition of H2O2 (5000 mM) during the sonication led to a slight increase in degradation rate Thermal decomposition along with radical attack at bubble– vapor interphase is the degradation pathway of dicofol View ArticleOnline Review Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded on 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. Review hsjunli h oa oit fCeity2020 Chemistry of Society Royal The © is journal This Table 1 (Contd.)

Degradation Sonochemical Other experimental intermediates/ No. Pesticides Chemical structure Initial conc. conditions cond. products Results Ref.

8 Dichlorvos, M (g mol 1 ) ¼ 20 ppm A probe system: 20 Temperature 15– Not reported Maximum extent of degradation 44 221, pKa ¼ n.a, log P: 1.43 kHz and 0–270 W 45 C; pH 2–8; of dichlorvosis as obtained at pH sonication time 120 of 3 and temperature of 25 C min H2O2 and CCL4 enhanced the reaction by producing of the oxidizing species The free radical attack is the controlling mechanism for the degradation of dichlorvos under sonication

9 Dichlorvos 5.0 10 4 M A probe system: 500 Temperature 20 C; Dimethyl Increasing ultrasonic power 45 kHz and 86–161 W pH 3.3; sonication phosphate, formate, from 86 to 161 W led to the time 140 min carbon dioxide, enhancement of the rate constant chloride and from 0.018 0.001 min 1 to 0.037 phosphate 0.002 min 1 Mixture of the argon and oxygen gases (Ar/O2: 60/40% v/v) with ow rate ow rate 100 mL min 1 during sonication at a power of 161 W resulted in the highest rate constant (0.079 0.005 min 1 )

10 Malathion, M (g mol 1 ) ¼ 2, 4 and 8 A batch reactor: 130 Temperature 18– Not reported The extent of malathion 46 330.4, pKa ¼ n.a, log P: 2.75 ppm kHz and 300 W, 20 C; pH 6.8–7; degradation decreased by increase 400 W, 500 W sonication time 20– of initial malathion concentration 120 min and decrease of ultrasonic power The results showed that sonication time and temperature had no signicant effect on degradation of malathion (p >

S Adv. RSC 0.05) Radial attack at bubble–vapor interphase is the dominant

,2020, pathway decomposition of malathion by ultrasound 10 ,7396 S Advances RSC View ArticleOnline – 43| 7423 7403 Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded on 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. S Advances RSC 7404 Table 1 (Contd.)

| Degradation S Adv. RSC Sonochemical Other experimental intermediates/ No. Pesticides Chemical structure Initial conc. conditions cond. products Results Ref.

,2020, 11 Organochlorine pesticides 20 and 40 mg A probe system: 20 Temperature 20 C; Not reported 2.3% degradation was occurred 47 (OCPs) L 1 kHz and 200 W pH 3, 7 and 11; by ultrasound under follows treatment time 5–60 condition: 40 mgL 1 10

,7396 min concentration for each pesticide, pH 7 and sonication time 60 min Combined ultrasound/H2O2 – 43Ti ora s©TeRylSceyo hmsr 2020 Chemistry of Society Royal The © is journal This 7423 process was less effective than using ultrasonic waves alone which reected inappropriacy of the H2O2 dose, pH or time The decomposition mechanism of pesticide under ultrasound can be described by OH radical reaction with pesticide by double- bond addition or hydrogen abstraction

12 Parathion, M (g mol 1 ) ¼ 0.8, 2.9 and 200, 400, 600 and Temperature 25 C; 4-Nitrophenol, 2,4- Pseudo-rst-order kinetics 48 291.3, pKa ¼ n.a, log P: 3.83 5.2 mM 800 kHz; 17.4, 37.8 pH 7.0; sonication dinitrophenol and The optimal frequency for and 55.2 W time 30 min paraoxon parathion degradation was 600 kHz The extent of parathion degradation rate of parathion decreased with increasing initial concentration and decreasing ultrasonic power. The N2 in air takes part in the parathion degradation through the formation of cNO2 during sonication The gas–solution interfacial regions are predominately the reaction zones for sonochemical degradation of parathion. The gas/ liquid heterogeneous reaction obeys pseudo-rst-order-kinetic model based on Langmuir– Hinshelwood model View ArticleOnline Review Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded on 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. Review hsjunli h oa oit fCeity2020 Chemistry of Society Royal The © is journal This Table 1 (Contd.)

Degradation Sonochemical Other experimental intermediates/ No. Pesticides Chemical structure Initial conc. conditions cond. products Results Ref.

13 Pentachlo- 20 and 60 mM A probe system: 20 Temperature 30 C; Tetrachloro-o- Pseudo-rst-order kinetics 30 rophenol, M (g mol 1 ) ¼ kHz and 66.54 W; pH 7.3; sonication benzoquinone (o- Lower frequency and PCP 266.3, pKa ¼ 4.73, log P: a tube resonator: 20 time 5–150 min chloranil concentration 3.32 kHz and 466 W; an tetrachlorocatechol resulted in more orthoreactor: 500 (TCC), oxalate, and rapid rates kHz and 48.3 W chloride

14 Pentachlo- 0.1 mM Dual-frequency (20 Temperature 30 C; Not reported Pseudo-rst-order kinetics 18 rophenol kHz/40 kHz, natural pH; Rate of pentachlorophenol 22.73 W; 20 kHz/530 sonication time 5– degradation at dual- kHz, 22.97 W; 20 120 min frequency irradiation kHz/800 kHz, is the highest compared 20.39 W; 20 kHz/ to single low frequency 1040 kHz, 18.32 W) Order of dual-frequency systems for PCP degradation at 20 kHz is as follows: 530 kHz > 800 kHz > 40 kHz > 1040 kHz S Adv. RSC ,2020, 10 ,7396 S Advances RSC View ArticleOnline – 43| 7423 7405 Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded on 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. S Advances RSC 7406 Table 2 Synergetic effect of ultrasound with other degradation technologies

| Other Degradation S Adv. RSC Initial Sonochemical Other experimental intermediates/ No. Pesticides Chemical structure conc. conditions technologies cond. products Results Ref.

,2020, 1 Acephate, 100 160 kHz Temperature Primary products 22.9% and 60.6% of the M (g Mol) ¼ 183.2, ppm and 0–50 W treatment, 25 C; (CH3O(CH3S)P(O)NH2 acephate was removed by pKa ¼ 8.35, (O3 ow rate pH 7; and CH3COOH), ultrasonic irradiation 10 log P: 0.85 2 L min 1 ) sonication time intermediate products and ozonation, respectively ,7396 60 min (CH3O(CH3S)P(O)OH, The degradation efficiency of CH3O(HO)P(O)OH, acephate enhances to 87.6% – 43Ti ora s©TeRylSceyo hmsr 2020 Chemistry of Society Royal The © is journal This 7423 and CH S(O) SCH ), by combined ultrasonic/ 3 2 3 72 and nal products ozonation process + (NH4 ,NO3 The combined method led to 2 QUOTE , SO4 , thoroughly acephate CO2,H2O, degradation and most nal and H3PO4) products were innocuous to the environment

2 Alachlor, 20 An ultrasonic Fenton process, Temperature Major byproducts: Only 3.5% degradation was 8 M (g mol 1 ) ¼ 269.8, ppm horn: additives 28 C; 2 hydroxy-20, obtained using ultrasonic 0 pKa ¼ 0.62, 20 kHz and (hydrogen pH 2–11; 6 -diethyl- bath aer 60 min log P: 3.09 0–100 W peroxide and sonication time N-methyl An ultrasonic carbon 120 min acetanilide and 86.4% bath: tetrachloride) 2-chloro-20, degradation of alachlor was 400 kHz and 80 60-diethyl- achieved by ultrasonic W N-methyl horn at initial acetanilide pH 3 aer 120 min Nearly 98% degradation was obtained using US/H2O2 (0.07 g L 1 )aer 120 min 98% degradation was obtained using US/CCl4 (1 g L 1 )aer 90 min Complete degradation was obtained aer 50 min US/FeSO4 :H2O2 (0.035 g L 1 : 0.07 g L 1 ) At the 1 g L 1 loading of CCl4, 98% degradation was achieved aer 90 min sonication View ArticleOnline Review Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded on 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. Review hsjunli h oa oit fCeity2020 Chemistry of Society Royal The © is journal This Table 2 (Contd.)

Other Degradation Initial Sonochemical Other experimental intermediates/ No. Pesticides Chemical structure conc. conditions technologies cond. products Results Ref.

3 , M (g 5 ppm An ultrasonic Ultraviolet Temperature Not reported 97.68% degradation was 73 1 mol ) ¼ 215.7, pKa generator: irradiation (UV 20 C; achieved under the ¼ 4.14, 10.7, log P: 20 kHz, lamp 254 nm) pH 12; conditions of 142.5 W 0.97 0–2000 W treatment ultrasound power, 75 W time 4 h UV power and 10.75 g h 1 O3 ow rate Ozonation The degradation of (two 300 W O3 Atrazine followed the generators) second-order polynomial model The presence of other organic compounds in the matrix approximately avoided the degradation of atrazine by consuming radicals

4 Carbofuran, 10 A probe system: Fenton process Temperature Not reported Carbofuran degradation 74 1 M (g mol ) ¼ 221.2, –200 20 kHz and 300 (H2O2:0–500 25 C; the enhanced from 22% 1 2+ pKa ¼ n.a, ppm W mg L ,Fe :0– pH 7.3; to 44% with increasing log P: 1.8 0.306 mM) treatment time H2O2 dosages of 60 min 0–200 mg L 1 within 120 min Almost 99% of the carbofuran was degraded by combined ultrasound/Fenton process aer 30 min for the initial carbofuran concentration of 20 mg L 1

S Adv. RSC and Fe2+ and H2O2 dosages of 20 mg L 1 and 100 1 ,2020, mg L , respectively, all at pH 3 The degradation of 10 carbofuran followed ,7396 

the rst-order Advances RSC

kinetics model View ArticleOnline – 43| 7423 7407 Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded on 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. S Advances RSC 7408 Table 2 (Contd.)

| Other Degradation S Adv. RSC Initial Sonochemical Other experimental intermediates/ No. Pesticides Chemical structure conc. conditions technologies cond. products Results Ref.

,2020, 5 Chlorpyrifos, 900 An ultrasonic Electrooxidation Temperature Not The optimum conditions 71 M (g mol 1 ) ¼ ppm generator: process 15–35 C; reported for degradation 350.57, 40 kHz, 40–320 (voltage 5–30 V, treatment were: electrolyte 10

,7396 log P: 4.96 W Na2SO4 time 60 min concentration of concentration 2mgL 1 , voltage of 20 V, 0.5–3gL 1 ) ultrasonic power – 43Ti ora s©TeRylSceyo hmsr 2020 Chemistry of Society Royal The © is journal This 7423 of 200 W and temperature 20 C, which led to 93.3% and 72.8% of degradation in US-EC system and EC system The chlorpyrifos degradation followed pseudo-rst-order kinetics Ultrasound in the US-EC system gradually improve the amount of cOH production compared with the EC system

6 Dichlorvos, M (g 20 An ultrasonic Photocatalysis, Temperature Not reported Only 6.4% and 20% 75 1 mol ) ¼ 221, pKa ¼ ppm horn: 36 kHz, 0– ozone and 20 C; pH 3; degradation of dichlorvos n.a, log P: 1.43 150 W Fenton process sonication time was achieved aer 120 min 1 120 min of US and US/H2O2 (0.07 g L ) 3% and 78.4% degradation was obtained by US/ 1 TiO2 (0.1 g L ) and 1 US/TiO2/solar (0.1 g L ) in 2 h treatment Combination of US/Fenton’s reagent (80 mg L 1 :80mgL 1 ) increased the extent of degradation 81.2% Complete degradation was obtained in 30 min of reaction time by using combination of 1

ozone (1.95 g h ) View ArticleOnline and ultrasound Review Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded on 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. Review hsjunli h oa oit fCeity2020 Chemistry of Society Royal The © is journal This Table 2 (Contd.)

Other Degradation Initial Sonochemical Other experimental intermediates/ No. Pesticides Chemical structure conc. conditions technologies cond. products Results Ref.

7 Diazinon, 50 A probe Fenton process Temperature Diethyl The degradation 76 1 M (g mol ) ¼ 304.4, ppm system: (H2O2:0– 15–55 C; phosphonate, efficiencies subjected to US, 2+ pKa ¼ 2.6, 20 kHz and 4.41 mM, pH 7.3; 2-isopropyl- US/Fe and 2+ log P: 3.69 100 W Fe : treatment 6-methyl-4- US/H2O2 were 0–0.306 mM) time 60 min pyrimidinol, 22, 25 and 26%, diazoxon respectively and 98% degradation hydroxy- occurred by sono- diazin Fenton under optimal condition: 20 ppm Fe2+ , 150 ppm, H2O2,25 C and pH 3 OHc attack, hydroxy- lation and hydrolysis were the major degradation pathway of diazinon

8 Diazinon 20 An ultrasonic Catalyst Temperature 2-Isopropyl-6- Degradation of 15 –80 bath: 200–400 W (catalyzed 20 C; pH 3–12; methyl- diazinon enhanced ppm L 1 persulfate (5– treatment time pyrimidin by increasing the 1 10 mmol L ) 120 min -4-ol, 2-(thiophos- Fe3O4@MOF-2 dosage with phonooxy)- and the US bath Fe3O4@MOF-2 acrylic , power, along with reducing nanocomposite: (1E,2E)-3-((dimethoxy- the diazinon concentration Fe3O4@MOF-2 phosphoryl)- 100% degradation was (0.4–1gL 1 ) oxy)-N-methylbut- achieved by 2-enimidic acid, 3, Fe3O4@MOF-2/US/PS 7-dimethyloct- under follows condition: 6-enal, (methyl- [diazinon]0 ¼ 30 mg amino)methyl L 1 , dihydrogen [PS] ¼ S Adv. RSC phosphite, (E)-2,6- 10 mmol L 1 , dimethylocta- Fe3O4@MOF-2 ¼ 2,6-diene and propionic 0.7 g L 1 ,

,2020, acid pH ¼ 3 10 ,7396 S Advances RSC View ArticleOnline – 43| 7423 7409 Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded on 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. S Advances RSC 7410 Table 2 (Contd.) |

S Adv. RSC Other Degradation Initial Sonochemical Other experimental intermediates/ No. Pesticides Chemical structure conc. conditions technologies cond. products Results Ref.

,2020, – ð Þ ð Þ  9 Dimethoate, M (g 20 A probe system: Ozonation (0.1 Temperature CH3O 2P S SCH2 Pseudo- rst-order kinetics 77 1 3 1 mol ) ¼ 229.3, pKa ppm 40 kHz and 0– 0.55 0.41 m h ) 25 C; pH 7.0; US, O3 and combined ¼ 10 n.a, log P: 0.704 250 W sonication time US/O3 process resulted

,7396 5–30 min in 14.5%, 20.1% and 90.8% dimethoate

– degradation, respectively, 43Ti ora s©TeRylSceyo hmsr 2020 Chemistry of Society Royal The © is journal This 7423 under the optimal conditions: treatment time 4h,O3 ow rate of 0.41 m3h 1 , ultrasonic power of 4.64 W cm 2 , pH of 10.0, temperature of 25 C, and initial dimethoate concentration of 20 mg L 1

10 Fenitrothion, M (g 10 An ultrasonic Photo-Fenton Temperature Nitrite and sulfate Almost 100% 78 1 mol ) ¼ 277.2, pKa ppm generator: 20 process: (light 25 C; pH 6; degradation was ¼ n.a, log P: 3.32 kHz, 150 W intensity: 1.0 treatment time obtained by US/ mW cm 2 Fe3+: 30 min ferrioxalate/UV 0–1 10 3 system under optimum oxalate: 0–5 conditions: pH 6, 3 4 10 M) 5 10 M Fe(III), 5 10 3 M oxalate

11 Linuron, M (g 10 An ultrasonic Photo-Fenton Temperature Chloride, nitrite and Complete 79 1 mol ) ¼ 249.1, pKa ppm generator: 200 process (Fe(II): 0– 25 C; treatment ions decomposition of ¼ n.a, log P:3 kHz, 100 W 5 time 60 min; pH linuron was achieved 10 4 mol L 1 ) 2.5–5.5 by US/Fe (II)/UV system aer 20 min under follows conditions: Fe(II) concentration of 1.2 10 4 mol L 1 and pH 3.0; while only 79.3%

decomposition of View ArticleOnline linuron was obtained by sonolysis Review First-order constant for degradation of linuron by ultrasound/ /Fe (II)/UV process Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded on 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. Review hsjunli h oa oit fCeity2020 Chemistry of Society Royal The © is journal This Table 2 (Contd.)

Other Degradation Initial Sonochemical Other experimental intermediates/ No. Pesticides Chemical structure conc. conditions technologies cond. products Results Ref.

(0.17 min 1 )was about 2 times greater than that in individual ultrasonic process (0.08 min 1 )

12 Metazachlor, An ultrasonic Oxygen (oxygen Temperature 2-Chloro-N-(2-methyl- The metazachlor 80 M (g mol 1 ) ¼ generator: ow rate of 2.0 L 22 C; treatment phenyl)-N- decomposition by 277.75, 20 kHz, min 1) time 120 min; [(1H-pyrazol-1-yl)methyl]- sonolysis tted in pKa ¼ n.a, 100 W pH 3 acetamide; 2- pseudo-rst log P: 2.49 chloro-N- order kinetics Fenton-like [2-(hydroxy- First-order oxidation methyl)- constant for degradation process (initial phenyl]-N- of metazachlor concentration of [(1H-pyrazol-1-yl)methyl]- enhanced from ferric acetamide; 2- 1.11 10 2 min 1 for oxyhydroxide of chloro-N- conventional 50 mg L 1 ) (2-formyl-6-methyl- sonolysis to phenyl)-N-methyl- 1.79 10 2 and acetamide; 2-chloro- 2.88 10 2 min 1 N-(2,6-dimethyl- for O2-saturated phenyl)- and Fe2O3-added acetamide; solutions, respectively 2-chloro-N-(2-formyl- Almost 97% -6-methylphenyl)- degradation was achieved acetamide; N-(2-- by sonolysis in the chloroacetyl)-N-(2- presence of ferric methylphenyl)- oxyhydroxide formamide

S Adv. RSC 13 Methomyl, M (g 25 An ultrasonic H2O2 (1 : 10, Temperature Not reported 28.57% degradation 59 1 mol ) ¼ 162.2, pKa ppm generator: 20 1 : 20, 1 : 30, 28 C; pH 2.5– was achieved by ¼ n.a, log P: 1.24 kHz, 500 W 1 : 40 and 1 : 50) 7.5; treatment sonolysis aer 72 min time 60 min at the optimal pH of 2.5 ,2020, and power density of 0.155 W mL 1 10 Fenton Combination of 2+ ,7396

(Fe :H2O2 ultrasound with H2O2, Advances RSC

1 : 50, 1 : 40 and Fenton and photo- View ArticleOnline

– 1 : 30) Fenton process led to 43| 7423 Photo-Fenton complete degradation process (two UV of methomyl aer

7411 lamps of 8 W) 27 min, 18 min and 9 min, respectively Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded on 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. S Advances RSC 7412 Table 2 (Contd.) |

S Adv. RSC Other Degradation Initial Sonochemical Other experimental intermediates/ No. Pesticides Chemical structure conc. conditions technologies cond. products Results Ref. ,2020, 14 Methyl parathion, M 20 A probe system: Additives (TiO2, Temperature Not reported 10.2% degradation 52 1 (g mol ) ¼ 263.2 ppm 20 kHz, 0–270 W CCl4 and H2O2); 30 C; pH 2.5– occurred by ultrasonic

10 A ultrasonic bath Fenton process 9.3; sonication horn under acidic

,7396 time 60 min conditions at pH 2.5 Presence of solid

– particles TiO2, CCl4 43Ti ora s©TeRylSceyo hmsr 2020 Chemistry of Society Royal The © is journal This 7423 and H2O2 during sonication led to a considerable increase in the extent of parathion degradation The extent of degradation in the presence of Fenton chemistry in cavitation condition was 96% for 3 : 1 ratio of FeSO4 :H2O2

15 Monocrotophos, M 0.01 An ultrasonic Photocatalysis Temperature Dimethyl phosphate, Sonodegradation 81 (g mol 1 ) ¼ 223.2, –0.12 generator: 213 and sonophoto 25 C; treatment dimethyl followed rst order 1 pKa ¼ n.a, log P: mM kHz, 16–55 m W catalysis (1 g L time 60 min; pH phosphonate, 3-hydroxy dependence with respect 1 0.2 mL TiO2) 2.7 -2-buteneamide and N- to MCP while TiO2 methyl- photocatalytic degradation 3-oxobutana showed a zero mide order dependence The presence of TiO2 during the sonolysis inhibited the degradation of monocrotophos due to the interference of phosphate ions formed as an intermediate About 15 fold enhancement was found for degradation rate in the presence of Fe3+ during photolysis View ArticleOnline Review Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded on 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. Review hsjunli h oa oit fCeity2020 Chemistry of Society Royal The © is journal This Table 2 (Contd.)

Other Degradation Initial Sonochemical Other experimental intermediates/ No. Pesticides Chemical structure conc. conditions technologies cond. products Results Ref.

16 Simazine, M (g 5 ppm An ultrasonic Photocatalysis pH 6; treatment 6-Chloro-N,N0- The rst order kinetics was 82 mol1) ¼ 201.7, pKa generator: 42 time 7 h diethyl-1,3, observed for the ¼ 1.62, log P: 2.3 kHz 5-triazine-2,4- degradation of Simazine diamine; The extent of the TOC 1,10-[(6-chloro-1,3, removal by sonolysis, 5-triazine-2,4-diyl)- sonocatalytic, diimino]- photocatalytic and diethanol; 4,6-bis- sonophotocatalytic (ethylamino)-1,3, were 11%, 31%, 26% 5-triazin-2-ol; and 43%, respectively 6-chloro-1,3,5 -triazine-2,4 -diamine; N-(4-amino -6-hydroxy- 1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)- acetamide; 4,6-diamino-1, 3,5-triazin-2-ol; 1,3,5-triazine-2, 4,6-triol

17 Triazophos, M (g 20 An ultrasonic H2O2 Temperature 3Z-Undecene- Combination of 61 mol1) ¼ 313.31, ppm generator: 40 (triazophos: 37 C; treatment 5,7,10-triynoic acid; ultrasound with H2O2, pKa ¼0.15, log P: kHz, 0–1500 W H2O2 time 90 min; pH 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)- ozone and Fenton's 3.55 1: 2.3–7.3; ow rate 2-hydroxymethyl- reagent result in 48.6%, 1 to 1 : 5); 480 mL min 5-nitroimidazole; 54.6% and 92.2% ozone acetylisoniazid; triazophos degradation, (100– zolpidem respectively 400 mg h 1 ) metabolite I; The best reaction and Fenton's dihydrodeox- parameters were: ultrasonic reagent ystrepto power 203.6 W, ow rate 1 S Adv. RSC (triazophos : mycin; 480 mL min , pH of 3.2, FeSO4 :H2O2 swietenine; ratio of triazophos to H2O2, 1:1:1to1: crocetin ozone ow rate 400 mg h 1 and 4:4) triazophos ,2020, : FeSO4 :H2O2 1:4:4 The triazophos

10 degradation using ,7396

ultrasound Advances RSC

followed View ArticleOnline

– a rst order 43| 7423 reaction kinetics 7413 View Article Online RSC Advances Review

sonochemical reactivity increases proportionately with an radical scavengers and results in the diminish in the concen- increase in acoustic power. An increase in the acoustic power tration of HOc.44,59 Thus, higher reactivity of hydroxyl radicals in leads to an increase the rate and the number of cavitation the acidic medium than that at neutral and basic pH enhances bubbles and increase the HOc radicals concentration generated, degradation kinetics under the ultrasonic irradiation. consequently. In addition, as acoustic power increases, the size Sonochemical degradation kinetics at different pH is of individual bubbles increases which result in higher collapse dependent on the state of the pollutant molecule, i.e., whether temperature.45,56,57 Furthermore, an increase in the mixing the pollutant is present as ionic species or as a molecule. Hence,

intensity results with an increase in power density because of the physicochemical property, pKa value of ionizable organic the turbulence produced from cavitational effects.57 However, pollutants plays a major role in determining the effect of pH on

further increase in the acoustic power from optimal value lead the rate of degradation. When the pH value is lower than pKa to lower degradation efficiency. At higher acoustic power of value, the molecular form of the pollutant is dominate and irradiation, the number of cavitation bubbles, close to the probe hence can accumulate at the bubble interface (gas–liquid lm emitting surface enhances. The remarkable numbers of cavities region) and more subjected to the highly reactive hydroxyl coalesce to form larger cavities which leading to a less violent radicals.9,60,61 Also, a fraction of this molecular form may even bubble implosion. As a consequence, less number of free radi- vaporizes into the cavitation bubbles (gaseous) for volatile

cals would be generated resulting into the lower the degrada- compounds. Thus, when pH is less than the pKa the overall tion rate of pesticide at very high ultrasonic power. Moreover, decomposition of pollutants at is considered to take place in there exist large numbers of gas bubbles in the solution which both the gaseous and interfacial lm regions by pyrolysis and scatter the sound waves to the vessel walls or back to the free radical attack. At lower pH, the electrostatic attractive force transducer and hence lower energy is dissipated in the solu- between the charged of bubble–water interface and oppositely tion.58 In general, in terms of the acoustic power, typically charged hydrophobic compounds resulted in faster degradation optimum levels of ultrasonic power are recommended (value kinetics under acidic conditions.62–64 If the pH is higher than the

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. will depend on the pesticide under consideration as well as the pKa value, the amount of ionic form predominates, which sonochemical reactor conguration). cannot vaporize into the cavitation bubbles. This ionic species Numerous studies have evaluated the effectofacousticpower is restricted only into the interfacial lm region and react with ontheextentofpesticidedegradations.SchrammandHua45 the OH radicals.37,60 Therefore, solution pH must be kept lower ff investigated the e ect of acoustic power (86, 124 and 161 W) on the than the pKa for higher degradation of pesticides during soni- degradation of dichlorvos and also reported that increasing total cation. For pollutants without ionizable groups little degrada- acoustic power input from 86 to 161 W resulted in a change in the tion variance was observed in tested pH range.63 rate constant from 0.018 0.001 min 1 to 0.037 0.002 min 1. Zhang et al.40 monitored degradation of chlorpyrifos at They also attributed these results to the increasing the number of different pH values and reported that the extent of chlorpyrifos

This article is licensed under a collapsing bubbles and concentration of free-radicals into the degradation increased from 41% to 55% with an increase in its bubble–bulk interface region and aqueous solution with initial pH from 5 to 7; however, the degradation percentages increasing acoustic power. The similar results were reported by declined, as the pH value increased from 7 to 8. They attributed Agarwal et al.,16 Zhang et al.,41 Golash and Gogate,44 Schramm and the highest degradation efficiency at pH 7 to the occurrence of Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. Hua,45 Shayeghi et al.46 and Yao et al.48 complex degradation pathway during sonolysis. Debabrata and Sivakumar43 investigated the degradation of Similar ndings of an enhancement in the extent of degra- dicofol in aqueous media under sonolysis process. They dation of pesticides under acidic conditions during sonolysis observed that the degradation increases with a rise in acoustic are also reported in the literature. Golash and Gogate44 inves- power up to 375 W, beyond which a reduction in the degrada- tigated the effect of initial pH on sonochemical degradation of tion rate. These authors explained their results by an excessive dichlorvos and reported that maximum extent of degradation heat production during sonication which led to a less violent was obtained at operating pH of 2. They attributed this to the bubble collapse. improved formation of free radicals under acidic conditions 4.1.4. Inuence of the solution pH. On the basis of litera- and also higher oxidation potential of hydroxyl radical under ture review, solution pH is another crucial factor in deciding the acidic conditions. Debabrata and Sivakumar43 have also re- decomposition rate and hence the overall efficacy of the ported that the maximum extent of degradation of dicofol is removal pesticide. obtained at operating pH of 3. Similarly, Kida et al.47 have also The initial pH of the solution controls the rate of formation reported that the best efficiency of degradation of pesticides was of hydroxyl radicals during sonochemical degradation and obtained at operating pH of 3. hence affects the nal extents of degradation. Acidic conditions 4.1.5. Inuence of the temperature. Recent studies have inside the cavitation reactors lead the higher rate of formation demonstrated that the sonolytic degradation of pesticides is as well as accumulation of hydroxyl radicals due to hampering strongly temperature-dependent. The operating temperature

of the recombination reaction to form H2O2. In other words, in has a remarkable impact on mass transfer coefficients and higher pH solutions, a higher number of hydroxyl radicals kinetic parameters. On one hand, increasing temperature cau-

recombine to form H2O2 that leads to decrease in the quantum ses reduction in the viscosity and surface tension of the solution of the hydroxyl radicals available for the desired degradation and thereby diminish cavitation threshold, so that cavitation reaction.8,9 Furthermore, a high pH value may create more free bubbles are more easily produced. On the other hand, the

7414 | RSC Adv.,2020,10,7396–7423 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 View Article Online Review RSC Advances

cavitational bubbles generated by ultrasound may be so readily In literature there are many studies analyzing the inuence collapsed owing to a smaller pressure difference between inside of initial concentration of pesticide on the efficiency of sono- and outside of bubbles at extreme temperature. In other words, at chemical degradation. For instance, Zhang et al.41 observed high operating temperature, the ultrasonic cavitation has a more a decrease in the degradation percentage from 51.3% to 10.8% vaporous nature which exerts a cushioning effect on the cavity when the initial concentration of diazinon was increased from implosion during collapse phase. As a consequence, the temper- 7.82 mM to 65.19 mM. Furthermore, similar results of a decrease atureofthehotspotandtheextentoffreeradicalsdecrease.Thus, in the degradation rate of pesticides with an increase in initial increasing the temperature couldresultinthedeclineinsono- concentration during sonolysis have also been reported by degradation efficiency of pesticides.58,65,66 A critical analysis of the Shayeghi et al.,46 Kida et al.47 and Yao et al.48 literature indicates substantial extent of degradation can be ach- In another study, Debabrata and Sivakumar43 investigated ieved using sonication over the range of 20–40 C. sonochemical degradation of dicofol with initial concentrations Many studies have investigated the inuences of tempera- of 5.4 to 54 mM. They reported 27 mM, as the optimum initial ture on sonochemical degradation of pesticides. For instance,43 concentration for the highest degradation rate. Also, they studied the effect of solution temperature on the sonochemical attributed the higher degradation rates of dicofol at concen- degradation of dicofol. They found that temperature of 20 Cas tration of 27 mM to higher pyrolysis of dicofol along with radical an optimum temperature for the highest rate of dicofol degra- attack at interfacial region. Matouq et al.42 observed an dation and the degradation rate constant declined to optimum initial concentration of 3.9 mM for diazinon degra- 0.009 min 1 and 0.008 min 1 with a change in the temperature dation by high frequency of ultrasound. to 10 C and 30 C, respectively. Golash et al.44 also reported that 4.1.7. Inuence of the time. In general, the sonochemical maximum extent of dichlorvos degradation using sonochemical degradation efficiency is a function of time and the extent of reactors was obtained at an optimum temperature of 25 C. pesticide degradation increases with increasing sonication They explained that higher operating temperatures resulting in time. This can be explained by that the opportunity of the

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. a net diminish in the energy being released at the implosion pesticide molecules and the acoustic cavitation process for and subsequently decreasing the extent of free radicals in the reaction enhances by prolonging the degradation time. Also, system. Zhang et al.40 observed similar results in their survey. the results show that the degradation prole could be 4.1.6. Inuence of the initial concentration. Based on the considered in three distinct phases. The rst step (Step 1) is revised literature, the efficiency of pesticide sonodegradation can represented by a sharp increase in the removal percentage of be signicantly affected by its initial concentration. The initial pesticide which is caused by the high concentrations of degradation rate enhanced with a rise in the pesticide initial pesticides. By further increase in sonolysis time (Step 2) the concentration up to the optimum value. At low concentrations of degradation proceed more slowly. At the end of the sonode- pesticides, a fraction of the hydroxyl radicals generated during gradation process (Step 3), the yield of removal pesticide by

This article is licensed under a sonolysis in the bulk of the solution may attack pesticides mole- a horizontal line remains the same. In other words, at start, cules and a considerable part of hydroxyl radicals recombine to the content of pesticide molecules are relatively high, the ffi yield H2O2. However, as the concentration pesticide is enhanced, utilization of ultrasound could su ciently played roles in the fraction of hydroxyl radicals that undergo recombination degradation, the reaction is accelerated, as prolonging the Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. would diminish and the probability of hydroxyl radical attack on degradation time, pesticide molecules are degraded gradually, pesticide molecules increases and hence the degradation rate leading to a slower reaction.70 Thetypicalrangeofrequired enhance.67,68 Also, an increase in pesticide initial concentration in degradation times using the ultrasonic process would be the bulk liquid lead to overcome limitation of diffusion and the anywhere between 5 min to 1 h. It is important to characterize mass diffusion rate into the interfacial lm region and thereby the degradation process in terms of kinetics and then increase the interfacial pesticide concentration. Thus, thermal optimum treatment time using sonication can be selected. decomposition along with radical attack at the interfacial region of Agarwal et al.16 studied the sonolysis of azinphos-methyl for 20, cavitation bubbles is expected to be the dominant degradation 40 and 60 min treatment time. They observed that the removal pathway at the optimum concentration.50 Alternatively, at higher efficiency of azinphos-methyl enhanced very quickly during the pesticides initial concentration, the competition for reaction with rst 20 min and then it proceeded more slowly until 60 min. At the hydroxyl radicals increases in the bulk solution. Meanwhile, with end of sonolysis, the yield of pesticide removal remained constant. increasing in initial concentration of pesticide, a partial pressure increase on the cavitations bubbles and leads to diminish the ff transient high temperature inside the cavitation bubble.64,69 Thus, 4.2. Synergetic e ect of ultrasound and other degradation the degradation efficiency of pesticide is decreased as the initial technologies concentration of pesticide increases. It is recommended to opti- Although sonochemical reactions were quite efficient for mize the initial concentration of pesticide based on the laboratory- degradation of pesticides, complete degradation was not ach- scalestudiesastheoptimumvaluewillbedependentonthe ieved in most of the cases. This might be due to higher polarity pesticide composition. Most investigations have also revealed that of the organic compound, low availability of hydroxyl radical or remarkable degradation yield can be obtained using low initial lack of dissipated power.71 Hydrophilic molecules with low concentration of pesticide over the range of 0.1–100 mM. vapor pressures tend to remain in the bulk phase; however, the extent of hydroxyl radicals is lesser than the interfacial region

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 RSC Adv.,2020,10,7396–7423 | 7415 View Article Online RSC Advances Review

62 liquid during sonication. To overcome these limitations, the HO þ HO2/H2O þ O2 (16) sonochemical process can be combined with advanced oxida- tion processes or other technologies. Some of the synergetic effects of ultrasound and other degradation processes are pre- To enhance the hydroxyl radical concentration in the bulk sented in Table 2. phase, Fenton and ultrasonic cavitation can be combined 4.2.1. Ultrasound combined with Fenton process. Fenton together. These methods utilize the advantages of sonolysis and process is one of the most effective and promising methods for Fenton's reagent, allowing increased degradation of pollutants. oxidizing pesticides. The Fenton reagent is constituted by The studies reported in the literature related to ultrasound/ a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ferrous iron (Fe2+) under Fenton process on pesticides degradation are summarized in acidic condition. The ferrous is oxidized to ferric ions and Table 2. The synergistic effect of ultrasonic cavitation and catalyses the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into hydroxyl Fenton process leads to a higher formation of hydroxyl radicals. radicals (reaction (8)).83–85 Ferric ions will react with hydrogen peroxide and produce – 2+ – a complex intermediate Fe (HO2) (reaction (17)). Although Fe 2+ 3+ H2O2 +Fe / Fe +OH +HOc 2+ 2+ ð Þ (8) (HO2) can be decomposed to Fe and HO2 spontaneously, the decomposition rate is much smaller. However, combined The generated ferric iron reacts again with excess hydrogen 2+ with the ultrasound, the decomposition rate of Fe–(HO2) can 83 peroxide to form more radicals (reaction (9)). This reaction be greatly increased (reaction (18)).38 Once ferrous iron had which is called Fenton-like reaction and slower about 6000 formed, it reacted with hydrogen peroxide and produced 2+ ffi times than Fenton reaction, leads Fe regeneration in an e - hydroxyl radical again, and then a cycle mechanism was 84 cient cyclic mechanism. In Fenton like reaction, besides established.8,75 In other words, coupling US irradiation and ð Þ ferrous regeneration, hydroperoxyl radicals HO2 are Fenton oxidation (in the so-called sono-Fenton or US/Fenton produced which can also attack pesticides, but they are less process) can promote faster pesticide degradation due to (i) – sensitive than hydroxyl radicals. Reactions (9) (12) represent higher formation of HOc, (ii) improved mixing and contact Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. the rate limiting steps in the Fenton chemistry since H2O2 is between HOc and pesticide, and (iii) enhanced regeneration of 2+ 3+ consumed and Fe are regenerated from Fe through these ferrous ions.87 Thus, using a combination of ultrasound and reactions. Formation of hydroxyl radicals includes a complex Fenton process leads to higher oxidation potential, improving – – sequence of radical radical reactions or hydrogen peroxide degradation and mineralization rate of the pollutant. In addi- – 83 radical reaction (reactions (13) (16)). Highly reactive hydroxyl tion, intense turbulence created by cavitation phenomena also radicals can degrade the pesticides, oxidizing and transforming results in promoting mass transfer rate and also enhancing them into by-products; they can react with other radicals; or utilization of hydroxyl radicals. Furthermore, in combined ffi with other ions/compounds in water (ine cient equa- ultrasound/Fenton system, some part of hydrogen peroxide 83,84,86 This article is licensed under a tions). The oxidation mechanism for the Fenton process is directly dissociates in the presence of ultrasonic cavitation shown in Fig. 4. generating additional hydroxyl radicals.31 The reaction mecha- 3þ 2þ nism for the sono-Fenton process is shown in Fig. 5. Fe þ H2O2/HO þ HO2 þ Fe (9)

Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. 3+ 2+ + Fe +H2O2 / Fe–(HO2) +H 2+ 3+ (17) Fe +HOc / Fe +OH (10) 2þ 2þ Fe ðHO2Þ þ ÞÞÞUS/Fe þ HO 2þ 3þ 2 (18) Fe þ HO2/HO2 þ Fe (11)

3þ 2þ þ Fe þ HO2/O2 þ Fe þ H (12) As shown in Table 2, many studies have investigated the degradation of pesticides using a combination of ultrasound and Fenton process. For example, Ma et al.88 investigated the HOc +HOc / H2O2 (13) degradation of carbofuran by a combined ultrasound/Fenton H2O2 þ HO /H2O þ HO2 (14) process. They observed that more than 99% of the carbofuran was degraded by the combination of ultrasonic irradiation and HO þ HO /H O þ O 2 2 2 2 2 (15) Fenton process within short reaction time periods. They

Fig. 4 Reaction mechanism for the Fenton process.

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irradiation combined with photo-Fenton reaction would exhibit signicant enhancement in the degradation of pesticides. The sonication combined with photo-Fenton process has several unique advantages, including simple handling, rapid degrada- tion, and wide applicable pH range. The additional advantage of using sono-photo-Fenton process would be that SPF process declines the extent of ferrous ions present in the treated water, 89 Fig. 5 Reaction mechanism for the sono-Fenton process. and this is crucial in an industrial point of view. Katsumata et al.78 investigated the application of US/ ferrioxalate/UV process for the degradation of fenitrothion. The initial pH was maintained at 6. Aer 30 min, almost reported an increase of 66% in the extent of carbofuran degra- complete degradation of fenitrothion was observed with dation when the Fenton process was combined with ultrasound. sono-photo-Fenton process whereas 87% and 40% degrada- 76 Also, Wang et al. studied the degradation of diazinon using tion was observed with ferrioxalate/UV and ultrasonic, ultrasonic irradiation facilitated by Fenton process. They re- respectively. ported that 98% degradation of diazinon was achieves by sono- In another study,79 they conducted an investigation on Fenton process which increased by 61% compared with Fenton degradation of linuron by using ultrasound/Fe(II)/UV process. process. The effect of Fe(II) concentration and initial pH, on the degra- 4.2.2. Ultrasound combined with photo-Fenton process. dation of linuron was investigated. The optimum initial The combination of ultrasound and ultraviolet irradiation along concentration of Fe(II) and pH were found to be 1.2 with Fenton reagent is known as sono-photo-Fenton process 10 4 mol L 1 and 3, respectively. The results showed that (SPF), which increased the generation of hydroxyl radicals in an linuron was completely degraded aer 20 min using ultra- aqueous system remarkably. As mentioned earlier, sonolysis of II Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. sound/UV/Fe( ) process. water generates hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen atoms which 4.2.3. Ultrasound combined with hydrogen peroxide. may recombine with each other to produce hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen peroxide is known to dissociate under the cavitating and result in a low radical concentration that further slowed conditions and acts as a useful source for additional hydroxyl down the degradation process. However, combination of radicals to increase the extent of degradation of pollutants. The c ultrasound and ultraviolet light increase the quantity of HO by reaction occurring in the presence of ultrasonic irradiations, converting hydrogen peroxide produced by recombination of when hydrogen peroxide is added initially to the solution, can 60,83 hydroxyl radicals (reaction (19)). Furthermore, the interme- be given as follows: diate complex produced by the reaction of ferric ions (Fe3+) with

This article is licensed under a hydrogen peroxide during the Fenton reaction could be con- H2O2 + )))US / 2HOc (21) verted to ferrous ions by sonolysis (reaction (18)) and photolysis (reaction (20)). Hence, UV irradiation not only produces the Thus, using a combination of ultrasound and hydrogen additional hydroxyl radicals but also leads to regeneration of peroxide causing higher degradation as compared to both the Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. ferrous ions.9,84 The reaction mechanism for the photo-Fenton treatment schemes operated individually, due to the enhance- process is shown in Fig. 6. ment in the quantum of free radicals generated by the decom- position of hydrogen peroxide. Loadings of hydrogen peroxide H2O2 + hv / 2HOc (19) decides the rate of dissociation of hydrogen peroxide and hence the rate of generation of the enhanced hydroxyl radicals and Fe(OH)2+ + hv / Fe2+ +HOc (20) also on the reactivity of the generated free radicals especially hydroxyl radicals with the pollutant. The use of hydrogen peroxide in conjunction with sonication is only benecial to the Additionally, the ferrous ions regenerated reacts with point where optimum loading is achieved. Above the optimum hydrogen peroxide. As a result, almost all hydrogen peroxide loadings, additional hydrogen peroxide acts as the scavenger of formed by sonication was consumed. Therefore, ultrasound

Fig. 6 Reaction mechanism for the sono-photo-Fenton process.

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hydroxyl radicals and hence it results in a marginal enhance in Along with hydroxyl radicals attack due to the sonolysis of the extent of degradation (reaction (22)).64 water vapor in the cavitation bubble, the additional oxidizing species attack the organic compound present in the bulk phase HO þ H2O2/H2O þ HO2 (22) or at the gas–liquid interface. Thus, this combined attack in the

presence of CCl4 remarkably enhances the rate of pollutant

Thus, there exists an optimum loading of hydrogen peroxide degradation. It is also important to note that adding CCl4 can where the extent of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into affect nal toxicity levels of the system, if the additive is not hydroxyl radicals is appreciable and scavenging action of utilized completely during the treatment scheme. Furthermore,

residual hydrogen peroxide is not dominating. The optimum the excessive amount of CCl4 beyond an optimal value in the concentration of hydrogen peroxide depends on the type of reaction system leads to formation of vaporous cavitation compound, reactor geometry, the operating conditions such as bubbles due to highly volatile nature of the additive and this ultrasonic intensity. reduces the net release of energy during the bubble implosion Several studies have evaluated the effect of addition of leading to decreased generation of oxidants. Hence, in order to

hydrogen peroxide on sonochemical degradation of pesticides. prevent residual amount of CCl4, minimize the toxicity and For instance, Bagal et al.8 studied the degradation of alachlor achieve maximum intensication of degradation, selecting an (initial concentration of 20 mg L 1) sonochemical reactor irra- optimum loading is a critical design consideration. The

diated with 20 kHz ultrasound at the power dissipation of 100 W optimum loading of CCl4 is strongly dependent on the type of and reported that the optimum concentration of hydrogen the pollutant.44 peroxide is 0.07 g L 1 giving a ratio of oxidant to pollutant as Bagal et al.8 have studied the ultrasonic degradation of ala- 1 3.5. Beyond this loading, a further increase in the hydrogen chlor in presence of CCl4 (0.1 to 3 g L ). They found that the peroxide loading to 10 : 1 ratio resulted in a marginal increase extent of degradation increased with an increase in the CCl4 in the extent of degradation. loading till an optimum loading of 1 g L 1 beyond which Raut-Jadhav et al.59 studied the degradation of methomyl by

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. marginal increase in the extent of degradation was observed. using the ultrasound cavitation in combination with H2O2. They Similar trends have been observed in the literature for sono- found that complete degradation of methomyl was obtained chemical degradation of methyl Parathion in the presence of  52 a er 27 min. CCl4. 52 In other experiments, Shriwas et al. reported an increase in 4.2.5. Ultrasound combined with ozonation process (O3). the extent of degradation of methyl Parathion with an addition Ozonation is one of the advanced oxidation processes widely of the hydrogen peroxide till an optimum loading of 10 : 1 ratio used for the removal of different pollutants like pesticides, of hydrogen peroxide to methyl Parathion. They found also that owing to the effective, powerful and nonselective oxidizing the extent of degradation decreases at addition ratio of 20 : 1. agent of ozone. Two distinct pathways have been determined for

This article is licensed under a 4.2.4. Ultrasound combined with carbon tetrachloride. oxidation by ozonation method: direct oxidation by ozone Presence of carbon tetrachloride during sonication can result in molecules or indirect oxidation by hydroxyl free radicals (HOc) the intensication of the extent of degradation of pollutants like produced during ozone decomposition.90 pesticides by way of formation of additional oxidizing species in Ultrasound/ozone combination can be more effective and Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM.  the system. CCl4, as a hydrophobic organic compound, tends to bene cial than US or O3 alone treatment for the degradation of enter the cavitation bubbles and undergoes degradation by pesticides. The use of ultrasound in combination with ozone pyrolytic cleavage, which leads to dissociation of CCl4 molecules can allow the decline of both ozone consumption and ultra- and formation of highly reactive chlorine radicals. The forma- sonic energy, with the consequent decline of operating costs.51 tion of chlorine radicals will lead to a series of recombination In a collapsing cavitation bubble, the pyrolytic decomposition reactions generating strong oxidizing species in the system of ozone and subsequent hydroxyl radical formation occurs as (reactions (23)–(30)):54,64 follows:

3 CCl4 + )))US / cCCl3 + cCl (23) O3 + )))US / O2 +O(P) (31)

3 CCl4 + )))US / :CCl2 +Cl2 (24) O( P) + H2O / 2HOc (32)

cCCl3 + )))US / :CCl2 + cCl (25) Ultrasonic irradiations produce better utilization of the oxidant through improving the decomposition of ozone and cCCl + cCCl / CCl + :CCl 3 3 4 2 (26) results in generation of more active species, such as hydroxyl

radicals and nascent oxygen. Furthermore, in US/O3 process, cCCl3 + cCCl3 / C2Cl6 (27) cavitation effect of ultrasound leads to formation of myriad of

tiny air bubbles which enable most O3 to enter the liquid :CCl2 + :CCl2 / C2Cl4 (28) medium or react on the bubble–liquid interface. In other words,

cCl + cCl / Cl2 (29) ultrasound promotes the mass transfer of O3 to the solution by the turbulence produced from cavitational effects. Thus, ultra- Cl2 +H2O / HClO + HCl (30) sound overcomes mass transfer resistance, as a major limiting

7418 | RSC Adv.,2020,10,7396–7423 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 View Article Online Review RSC Advances

factor for the application of ozone alone. Hence, the enhance- numerous advantages such as improvement penetrating ability ment of the mass transfer and dissociation processes of ozone of light, enhancement of aggregation of catalyst particles, coupled with high-localized temperatures and pressures upon keeping particle in oating condition and acceleration of the c the collapsing of cavities increase the generation of highly splitting of H2O2 to form more HO and HO2 free radicals. In reactive hydroxyl radicals which results in a higher reaction addition, ultrasound irradiation increases the catalyst surface rate.70 The ultrasound/ozonation mechanism is proposed and due to reducing particle size and continuously cleans the pho- illustrated in Fig. 7. tocatalyst surface during the operation.81,94 Schematic of the The extent of degradation increases with an increase in the pesticides degradation mechanism by photocatalytic and sono- ozone ow rate up to optimum value, which can attribute to the photocatalytic processes are shown in Fig. 8 and 9, respectively. – improvement of the mass transfer rate of O3 from air ozone + bubbles to the liquid medium. The enhancement in gas holdup Photo-excitation: TiO2 + hv / TiO2 (e +h ) (33) – enhances the bubble liquid interfacial area with a consequent + h +OHads / HOc (34) enhance in the mass transfer rate of O3 from the gas bubbles to the solution and the increase in the free radicals concentration. e +O2 / O2c / HOc (35) Beyond the optimum, the degradation rate diminishes with increasing ozone ow rate due to transfer of the bubbly regime to the heterogeneous regime where large bubbles size start to Upon irradiation of catalyst with light energy higher or equal form as a result of ozone bubble collision and coalescence. The to the band gap energy, an electron from the valence band – formation of the large bubbles decreases the bubble liquid elevated to the conduction band with simultaneous production interfacial region considerably, with a consequent reduction in of a hole in the valence band.95 The valence band holes have the 70,91 the O3 transfer rate from the gas phase to the liquid phase. ability to oxidize the organic compounds, or they can react with 72 Wang et al. reported that the degradation efficiency of 96 OH or H2O to form strong oxidizing hydroxyl radicals. On the

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. acephate by combined ultrasonic/ozonation method was 27% other hand, the conduction band electrons can also react with ffi greater than the degradation e ciency when individual ozon- dissolved oxygen to produce superoxide radical anion (O c )  2 ation method was used a er 60 min. which can also lead to generation of additional hydroxyl radi- 75 Patil et al. found that combination of ozone and ultrasonic cals as a major active species.75 ff irradiations was the best approach for e ective removal of As shown in Table 2, numerous studies evaluated the effec- dichlorvos and complete degradation of dichlorvos was ob- tiveness of ultrasound application in combination with photo- tained by using the combined method. catalysis process for pesticide removal. Patil et al.75 examined 4.2.6. Ultrasound combined with photocatalytic process. sonophotocatalytic degradation of dichlorvos using TiO2 at Recently, sonophotocatalytic oxidation has been widely used for 1 1 1 different loadings of TiO2 (0.01 g L , 0.075 g L , 0.1 g L and This article is licensed under a the degradation of toxic and hazardous pollutants like pesti- 0.2 g L 1). They reported that the maximum degradation effi- cides. Using combination of sonolysis and photocatalysis ciency aer 2 h treatment was obtained at a TiO2 concentration ffi results in generation of su cient quantity of hydroxyl radicals of 0.1 g L 1 (78.5%) beyond which the extent of degradation is through both band gap excitation of titanium dioxide (TiO2) Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. nearly constant. Similar results were found by Sathishkumar – (reactions (33) (35)) as well as sonolytic splitting of water et al.82 for sonophotocatalytic (42 kHz) degradation of Simazine molecules and leads to completely oxidize majority of the – in the presence of Au TiO2 nanocatalysts. They reported that pesticides. Titanium dioxide is the most widely accepted pho- the order of Simazine degradation was, sonophotocatalysis > tocatalyst for such treatments owing to some of its unique sonocatalysis > photocatalysis. advantages including low cost, commercial availability, Sajjadi et al.15 performed sonochemical degradation of stability, harmlessness, non-toxic and high efficiency.69,92,93 diazinon using catalyzed persulfate with Fe3O4@MOF-2 nano- Compared to individual processes, sonophotocatalysis provides composite. They reported that complete degradation was

Fig. 7 Proposed schematic ultrasound/ozonation mechanism.

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Fig. 8 Proposed schematic photocatalytic degradation mechanism of pesticides. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence.

This article is licensed under a Fig. 9 Proposed schematic sono-photocatalytic degradation mechanism of pesticides.

achieved by the Fe3O4@MOF-2/US/PS system and the combined in terms of improvement of novel sonoreactor designs based on

Open Access Article. Published on 19 February 2020. Downloaded 9/26/2021 6:09:15 PM. system was a capable degradation process for pesticide the use of multiple transducers resulting into uniform and treatment. enhanced cavitational activity. Madhavan et al.81 studied the sonophotocatalytic degrada- Also, there is a need to develop continuous ow ultrasonic

tion of monocrotophos using TiO2. They reported that a slight reactor with transducers attached to the reactor wall and the improvement in the degradation rate was observed for sono- solution, hence, placing several units in parallel can omit scale photocatalysis relative to sonolysis due to inhibition effect of up problems as the sonoreactor geometry remains constant and phosphate ions. matches the penetration depth of the ultrasonic wave. Another problem preventing the effective operation at industrial scale is possible erosion of transducer material with 5. Path forward and research needs continuous utilization leading to a reduced transfer of energy and also require for frequent maintenance and/or replacement. There are a variety of aspects in the application of ultrasound Therefore, the further research studies need to be directed in waves to removal pesticides that require to be addressed in the terms of improvement of high power ultrasonic transducers, future. Several crucial issues where future studies should be with higher power capacity, efficiency, radiating surface area directed are mentioned below. A detailed overview of the studies and more sophisticated control system. related to sonochemical degradation of pesticides has indicated The analysis of scientic literature shows that most studies that signicant intensication in term of enhanced removal, focus on low pesticide concentrations in synthetic samples; can be obtained with the use of ultrasound either alone or in however, the pesticide wastewater has a very high strength combination with other technologies. However, it has been wastewater that contained various toxic and detrimental observed that the majority of the studies have been based on the contaminants. The natural water samples use is a crucial factor use of simple designs of batch sonochemical reactors such as for the reliable assessment of removal process efficiency, as it ultrasonic bath and ultrasonic horn which may not be efficient at industrial scale operation. Further research may be directed

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permits the investigation of conditions close to the actual ones, Conflicts of interest therefore paving the way for process scale-up considerations. Theoretical work is indeed required for efficient optimiza- There are no conicts to declare. tion of the large-scale design of the sonoreactor. Based on theoretical analysis, one can obtain the pressure eld distri- Acknowledgements bution in any new sonoreactor with various geometries and operating conditions, which can help in optimization for The authors gratefully acknowledge the Research Council of maximum/uniform distribution of cavitational activity. The Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences for the nancial modeling investigations can be extended to quantication of support. other operational parameters such as mass transfer coefficient, distribution of temperature, liquid streaming, etc., which can be References controlling process parameters considering the specic appli- cation of pesticide removal. 1 P. Nicolopoulou-Stamati, S. Maipas, C. Kotampasi, In the perspective of large-scale applications of sonochem- P. Stamatis and L. Hens, Front. Public Health, 2016, 4,1–8. ical degradation of pesticides, a fundamental aspect to be better 2 R. A. Hamza, O. T. Iorhemen and J. H. Tay, Environ. Technol. claried is the possible generation of hazardous intermediated Innov., 2016, 5, 161–175. or products: to this end, toxicological researches are needed. 3M.Kock-Schulmeyer,¨ M. Villagrasa, M. Lopez´ de Alda, From the economic value perspective, the feasibility of this R. C´espedes-S´anchez, F. Ventura and D. Barcelo,´ Sci. Total approach full-scale needs to be assessed. Therefore, more Environ., 2013, 458–460, 466–476. research studies should be conducted in order to establish 4 R. Kaur, G. K. Mavi, S. Raghav and I. Khan, Int. J. Curr. energy consumption levels, in order to evaluate both the tech- Microbiol. Appl. Sci., 2019, 8, 1889–1897. nical and economic competitiveness of ultrasound towards 5 M. Arias-Est´evez, E. Lopez-Periago,´ E. Mart´ınez-Carballo, ´ ´ı ´ı Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. conventional treatment methods. These items must be J. Simal-Gandara, J. C. Mejuto and L. Garc a-R o, Agric., considered as future research directions. Ecosyst. Environ., 2008, 123, 247–260. 6 A. Marican and E. F. Dur´an-Lara, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 2018, 25, 2051–2064. 6. Conclusions 7 J. George and Y. Shukla, J. Proteomics, 2011, 74, 2713–2722. 8 M. V. Bagal and P. R. Gogate, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2012, 90, In recent years, the majority of studies have been focused on the 92–100. search for alternative and innovative techniques for removal of 9 S. Raut-Jadhav, V. K. Saharan, D. V. Pinjari, D. R. Saini, pesticides from aqueous solution. A detailed analysis into S. H. Sonawane and A. B. Pandit, J. Environ. Chem. Eng.,

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