JgK CUBU3BA ilKKAOD. EetsbUabvd ltfTl CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. MARCH 20, 1919. TUB CHELSEA STANDARD. ButAbUsbed isSfi VOT,. is. N:0. in. OLDKU BOYS* LONKLltfiNOK 1. $20,-12!).23, AMOUNT IttilMTUiltUNS HOLD T1LE1R rilLLSKA APRIL -5-2S C.UMHS NAT(’iM).\V K M. | OK CHELSEA’S OEItT Tiiciv IVHJ hr si liuiutiicl iUui'Sereroi Wsirf.* '(Vif /ftfftrffV'rf Ut/f.-fs ■ \iltl*ll IVlil’klHS Will t>P I'lVMRIt. lit l ML TTie Foihnvlnff is a Piunpletr* State* , Nearly 2W voter, iwth im-n ami j M -On to Chelsea 100 Strong" is the -logan of the Wusliti-nrav County Old­ iiieiit «f VfH«ce‘vTndebtediinAv women, attended the RepubJjenn can- | er Boys* Conference -that wilt bo eus at the town hall Saturday after- . held in Chelsea April 2f> und 1*0. nuiii, i For the iitformaliou of the eilizens Jacob liuiiimtd called the meeting | At. the tnviiatloii of the Chelsea V*. and taxpayers of Chelsea the follow­ XL C. A. -committee and the older to order and wftS made permanent ] Bprin" tiisie b here autl ib bring?? the Lsuu{ ';jjr'mq bcjo.-e ing report of the present bonded lx*- chairman.. Ford Axtcll was ujijkii'jil- ' boys of the town, what is planned"nr,. JebtocUu^s end other outstBiiding ed cterk and Fred Broesamh* anil Dr. I irlouning, {Hit! in order in luivc it jtDt complete the wiUte v.iri the greatest county gathering of obligations is hcreivith.suhmUted; , ■H. M- Arhiour were npiminted teller^ | COME HERE FIRST, picked older buys will bo held. The W ater "Works refunding f winds: Nos. IL J. Dancer was the unanimous.'!' nerd :i elmiigc, at-: ihere bis lu.-en So much trial smoke und i-ml purposes of this conference which tyi !i JIX2P. due 1D13, S250 each: Nos. 21-2” choice of the gathering for .supervis­ dii?t thro’lgb the whiter seasoiL Our slock of be ar. annual event held by the Coun­ due in 1920..$250 each: .Nos. 23-2.. or, as alsto wns O. T; Iloo'vcr for clerk. LAST AND ALL THE ty Y. M. C. A , will he to bring to the due H)21, S2S0 each: Nos. 25-2U, due There was si contest for the office buys of the county their particular )!<22. $250 eseh. Total w ater works of treasurer, the names, of Wm. H. W-A-X j X j ZE’.A .ZPZEIK . responsiblity to the task of hu'ihHng' refunding bonds .outstanding.; $2,000 Fahrn’er and Miss .Elizabeth flept-w TIME, FOR THE LOW­ up a new. world. . Electric light refunding bonds as. being presented, the former being s»h ,X Prod Lawton, Detroit, C. of M. follows Sof. 19-20, due 1919, S2i>0 ejisy winner. is conipleie, aiurUje designs are very nriLslit. -imi of nil Lbo fothail man. author of ■’Varsity”, the <*neh: Nos. 21-22, .due in 1920, $250 The nnrnoa of B. C. Whit:ik»>r. IL TX prict^sure'r^asiihabie. EST PRICES, QUAL­ famous University gridiron sonic, barlr Nos. 2:t-24, duo 1921, $250 each: Walker ihui M P. Steiner were pre­ called ‘‘the most popular hoys-man of \V.q. 2’* 20 27-21#. due )922, each; sented for the office of justice nf the Detroit,” will he the hig speaker at Total electric light refunding bonds jieace. and Mr. Whitaker w m the ITY CONSIDERED. the opening banquet; outstanding.-$2,500. • winner. E. C. Lljideiiiann, of Chicago.well- . Special bonds issued tn take care Fred J, Saf'vf and.Xcojmrd Loveland known fd. A. C- football em'n, former of outstanding- indebtedness of the both wanted to be highway eominis-: S tale Boys’ and Girls’ Club leader,-js village as follows: Nos. 1 to 8 inclus­ sioner, nml the former won the notni- another headline speaker at the con­ ive, due 1910, 5250 each; Nos. 9 to 15 U3tion.. . ference. , inclusive; due 1920,;; $S>0 each; Nos. .Fred Mcnsiiig was nominated to The Busy Store on the Corner f Keys of high school age lire c(i*g- ; 17 to 24 inclusive, due 192.1 ,$250 each; succeed himsdlf as overseer of high­ >(>!c to attc-mi. Tuv ttefc&aies may be .Vos. 25-26\ xfu f « * . Tpiat way?:.. elected by each high school class, Y. special l»onds outstanding, $6^09^ . The names of Fred Kalmimch and M. C. A. group, scouts, Sunday school The total ivoudsnl indebtedness of Philip Fauser were presented for HENRY H. FENN chis'.v and other hoys’ clubs. Every' the village is $1.1,8)00; notes payable. member hoard .-.of review, the former delegation of five twys or less must 35,711.30: balance due oil Tire engine winning, be accompanied by an adult loader. (one-third paid). $1,325; overdraft-,’ - E. IL Chandler, Evert Bciiton, War­ The conference will begin on the nf- s2.:icJ-2.,j:<. Total indebtedness of the ren C«e and George Hamp iver<* nom­ iernoon of April 2n and ends the af- village on March 15, 1019. whs inated for constables. » terimun of thoYSth.; &XM29.23. Jacob Humihel, George' Gage arid Delegates will ..*h? entertained by- Fred Broesamle will' constitute - the tbo people of Chelsea who will open (JHELSKA BCKKATS NORMAL HIGH township committee for the coming- Wo. have, a*large number o f Stirvlcf; Ballyvihs on-'hand. nLn up their homes for lodging and two stork of ne« W illard tinUerius. and are hi a ptiiilion fctt trive tm.i ttu- /rtie (TacLca boys journeyed to Yp- vear. meals h cents will pay for banquet silnnti- xYiday night and .ihet the ticket ;\nd program. strong Nonmi) high team, which A rOJI.MLiMITY K.VIOIKRS* 'IN- proved tu he pretty close to tlieir W at­ STITFTK TO RE HELD IlKRli erloo. The .Normalites led through- ALL MAKES t*F BATTICUlES'CHARCiEUiANlJ'-HEF-AUtEfb CHELSEA lTSHJNG AND nut the first, second arid third quart­ Phonographs ers :tnd had th e boy? p retty w ell scar­ Si-ssituiv Will be 11 eM hi Ma.eabri' KISH PROROGATION ( M B GIVE US A.TRIAL. A. RIEDEL Popular-makes'at popular prices, including the Cheney, Viia- ed. . U sented almost impossible for ■ Huii. Friday, Mareb Orguiilanthm. Has llf-mi IVrfecrted und Ghidseu to get started. However, «ola, EUmoleum, World and Victor machines $22.50 up. A large A lyimmumty furniors' institute. OlFJeeis J-hcied. ihey did get into the during Will he held in Maceiibee hall,'Chel* and well selected stock of records, needles and supplies. t he lusl quarter and rung up baskets sea, on Fi-itlay, March 28, under th e Preamble-—We, .the undersigned, --o fast for a few minutes .that the knowing that our many inland takes :nisptce-s of Wnshtennw Pomona rrorcr could not keep U]». Grange. Bring your lunch; hot. cof­ ore being' depleted, by fishermen from The .gam e ended with the Score ail over Michigan urn! u pari of Ohio, fee -will he served, A good, time ufi! Handing Chelsea 28, Ypsilunti 2l». ho iiy stoic for those who aUcnd. The S H O E 3BA.3E?,C3 A.X 3S r S The Standard Colony Brooder believe- th a t th e propogaiion mid Bnxilftj nnci Kuimbarli were the only fJiwjilng'of fish fry is a proper and following will he the pn>gram*. n-Lwers f0r.Chtd.5eib each nng- id it. nt. by Di^rhs*- • Jir?r Tr-ceiveiJ, a n o th e r sh ip io v n t of M eaf*i aud i?dyri’ l>i-;> -. and The Most Hernarliable Coal Burning- needed expenditure ami that the only ■sl.x field goals and two free throws. way to get «>ur share of this fund is IJrzt, W o rk Htioes t h a t a rc selliuji a t th e m ost; ruavauahle pricoTi you havi-.' Brooder Ever Invented. Ahlitfon and Ejseman were the point .. -jloiJjtiis ^Cjmiuuunv) jtciMi fo r souK vtfihc. - • . .. to go after li through the Michigan A’inners for A'psiianti.. Powera,- M. S. Kish' Commission,' ifeeitution. Geo. Preston^-A'psihmti. lb)N Hj* FAIL 'L'O l.,UOK THKM OVER. N. C., referee. .Cc.-oparation. Jnlin 0. Kvlehum, Therefore, l»e it lit solved. That an Chehsea high girls defeated \he liarjjaina itt U. S -R u b b er Ryofe, a? goad ns Viicy m ake, 40, organisation to be-perfected to con-. Mosfer of Michigan State Grr.nce. iiumni girls 3W to 8, Saturday even- Mrnfic by urviiestrfi. •list of "Fishermen” and "Liar*-, ng, and the bv»ys defeate‘l iheiduinnl (synonymous’terms) who have caught . 12. Picnic dinner. niys 31 to 15. 1 ji. m. iMu.sir hy orchestra. Sc h m id ’s "cA ^^e^^iroii or lost at least One '‘big one” or be The Chi-l:L--a high lioys will go to able in tell n convincing story ofhav- *’Fer-Ojiig the Family,” Dora l-l. Wlu-iV-'vourecviv tlie most.-lor tu.* lcAs.1 ;ri>oiic Vji-uliuiU to altmd the state basket Stockman.- i^ c iu re r Michigan St-atn ing done so--iiot under 10 or over.)On ■.jail, tournament for schools having WEST- MiDDLE-STHEin1 years of a«fi'.*:ddo to walk. dig bail,, Grange- • •orolhiunst of under 2SiO, next Thurs- Rt-cii at ion, Mrs. G. T. English. rev a boat and enjoy (a*l’s beautiful htv, Friduv and SsUmlay. They | lUit-of-diiOTi:. Saturday.-Monday .ovany “Cost of Praduciion," John ('. 'bvi* a cic-ah. record anil should be' Eefehuifi, • ' - . ■ »ihor old tiny. side to bring ho.me the bacrin. Object -To encourage the; prsnio^a- Facts;'by Chart, A. E. iHcmlen, J.rioh and planting uf fish fiy. the Adrian. - • j proper protection of fish and the Commumty singing. elimination o f-th e ‘-Pish Hog’-, ip i *IK» CROSS NOTES. * •Recitation, Goo. -Presfuu. Showing a Standard Colody Hrooder in Operation with 1,050 Chick* promote good feliowulnp amrne. the Gy his .pa- business, hei f»no>vn ns secretary-and great lunnaniiarian task, it is to lie nmiH, three brothers and three- sis­ treasurer of The Chelsea. Fishing and Un_dcrsio«>d th a t a huge siifii of'm on­ ters. ' One brother died of influenza Fish Propagation Club. . ey. has been set aside to keep the at Camp Custer Inst November, and . Obligation'"-1 agree U> the aims and ;>o»>plr* of the liberated countries anot her brother, in service in , objects as above set fnr(?». . -'ivtiii freezing, 'thousands of yards of has nut been heard from since the H. IX WUhvri'H. Howard F. Brooks, eutcfsaK are. being shipped in the first of November, and Fears, are «-n- Low is. P.” Vogel. ti/v«. J*. Si lihin, W. . •L-ce for the- women to maki* up. li-rtiiincd. Unit be mr.y have - !>ii\df 11 R. TuriiBull, Carl F. Bagye. ii,»retr.h»re neither thread. liefcdleA, su:jo!5*v th o se ' tcho made tin--supr.-on- Ohtis, Hjoher, John li. Parker. R l~ •MiicrLi! nr machines could Im pnr- sacriUce .iur%* before the siyhing c ? \V V.'.n. Sell at;-;, Mow. Vogel, !»■ *>h-i“ed 7i* any price. jjie arm isl ice. \ A. Wagner. W. F. Knnt ichner. Win. Certificates for the elementary hy- I’he funeral services wen- imlil at jG . Oesterh*. F. L. Davidson.-Wm. kiene . classes, given under the r«u* the family .home Sunday .'ifterduru;. ! Fahrner. ,V. S‘. i\-tior. Jr.. Eugene K. pii-es o f ihe American Hod Cross, Tin? remaitK were taken In Ktwvr-t I L»ok, Frank F. Bnwtks, M. Bn^'ks, A. ‘save been received. Memhei's h;iv- Hill ef-metery. Ann Arbor, for ru'er- I K. Collins, K. Harris. D. H. V.urster, :m- compleled the course may pro- ment. Kev. Schm^tele. of DexL-r v;» | fX L. liogers. Jom1 H. Setz, Fred Oes- v-;tre same Lv ending at the home ef Inge, ofi'jrirjf,>iJ ui muh servlrvs. terle, T. C. Schmid, Kil. Kensoh, M- Mrs. A. L. Sieger, chairm an of tlu* NO GEARS- -LARGE CAPACITY-POSITIVE NEED A. Shaver, hi. II. Cook, Relit. Foster home nursing classes. THOK lU LU iTS TO ANN UlBOlL 1.1. if. Boych U. .1. Dnncer, Roy Dillo;i. Member of.both Kurtrical dressing? Supi-tvtM*r H, J. Dancer arid Clerk U tUoiougb1y’pulvcuz.es al! kinds We have given striet addition Ui every detail. and therefore rec- j G. Palmer. A. L. Sieger, Paul O. el'vsses who wish to have th e ir pic- O. T. Hoover took the bullot b<>v in j lincrm. Barle A. Lowry, J. Hummel, tme taken are requested to meet »i» of mamue. Spicads tnoie mattme in oimntuid sod guarantee which reposed the ballots cost ;*l tin* time than any other machine of 4 .»»*>. Hauser. IX Shell, W. R. Danoc-ls. um'fomi at the McManus Studio;-, elecl’M*n of lust fall when N’ee bctvy j Otto fX l.uick, L. T. Freeman, P. G. Match 22. at. 1 p. m. nnd Ford were candidate* for United i like capacity. The manure is spread The Bellevue No. 10 Spreader Ifictisibli', Hwtry )h J.oirk. .1. S. Cum- (L«il on Mr?. Mary L. Ibvyd for .■iLYte.s t» ihtr rtruni.i clerkV. wider and mote evenly. "" I minj£^. K. (X Brown, Fur!?ice ifi Ann Arbor, Wedncsil^y, Sbnpk* coastrnction m akes th e N ew fck-;i th e To all prospective buyer.. We eatrsave you money ott spreatiet-s. • {Inward S. Holmes. C. W. Moronuy. stockings. This will by the iTnnf I Tlii* was quota, to bp com pleted June : order from the United States dist ; Horrver, L. M»»ore, K. F. Benton. A. 1st. ; he-t nutetial. Every pan is inspected many times from start to rie* court in .order that the ballot j ; No itunplituieji gears to get out of order, Ha**. :t Page. huM-s might he available for ua~«* at See Our Furniture Department ASNBBN0E3IKMS. Pursuant to a rail u meeting was the general election in April, ami ai- ‘ ,*:e.idy, n o n -je ttin g feed and a perfect, endless conveyor t lm j held lii the nlfice of H. D. Wfthercil sn thn* the ballots might be preserv­ | iMWiut alip. Our spring goods have arriveil, and we have a most complete line. A regular meeting of the Maccahees mi Friday, Mwrcli 7. HHH, when the ed in duo* It is decided to have a re­ %\ ill m* held on Friday evening of this organixation a« above set forth was 1 count. Representatives of both ran- I Here Are a Few More Features of perfected, preamble and resolutions week, at w'hich tim e Uv»» tleJegates didatea were present mid witnc.ssed to the district nutding to be held in This 100-Point Spreader Just received -a ear load of Wire Felice. Leave ns yuur order | adopted und officer: elected !k« frd* the transfer of the tinllots from tie* lows: Ann Arbor, nn Tuesday, May (L are to Two evlinden (instead of ont-i. lVmtL-d nliodvr tiviii ;t i. for Steel Fence Posts. fve cliH*(ed. A smoker, cords mid in»t«s t>> a hniubome laundry t:ng President Unwind K. Brooks. that had l»r*en supplied by ll»>nry. ! never pull out. Cltttnot choke or clog. Unique and puc»-i':f j -J Secretary and Treasurer- Art. K.. lunch will follow the meeting. They were again scaled up ami now • .uibutut spreads- manure 5 to 7 feet wide. i .c\-' d.»wi!. (’ollius. The nevt tnceiing of the North Sylvan tirunge will he hedd nt the : n'iV'jte In the fowmhip vault, 3ivi.it- Due, t chain dm*.- and slniplei-r of nil feeding m o I'*.\iu.,f:< . FIIU,T~C1,ASS PLUMBING AND TINSHOl* The oft ieers were ih^lrucl.nl to get mg the final-mil, busy with the Michigan Fudi Com- home of Mr. nml Mrs. Irven \V*‘iss, Snon;* Whc+.-ls, b ;’hie?t draft. Look at “ Nev. l.hy o’chwk. THEOmSEA STANDARD, MARCH 26, 1916.

WlilM* Tall Japs-— PRIZE 'W INNERS AT 1st, Mortonson & &>ns, Ann Arbor. Brovrii Leghorns— TH E POULTRY SHOW Ivt, KortciiMfU Si. Sens. Atin Arbor. PJrtuJih'UVTS, TO O W N E R S The f<,ni»tving is thv list of win- Largest Display—Mortenson&Sons. tfcrp at th*.- recent poukrt' and pel Best Display—Mortenson & Sons. Best Display of Ringoecks—Mor- Ht<>eE show licid Ik t : A fhir>*-il. liiickv - ienson & Sana. CVtcUti - Jfct, GVt>. H. C am pbell, Yp- Best Display of Goldens—Morten- s i ia n ii; :.on & Sons. O F D O G S :*J, Knih Wattmcwis. Chelsea: ’id. -ith anil 5th; Dr. Ae.kerson, Man* Second Best In* all Ciasse^-^-Jas, vihebtw. ' Geddus. Hens- lei. Geo. H. CHttinltel*. Tp- PIGEONS. silanit; &1, Hd und. 5th, Dr. Ackcrsun, While Fall tails— ^fithffiosU'r: Ttfi, Tfuth M. Waltrous, Jsf. -/as. Gei/rfes; j A)i ia Pairs'—Morin^mri & Som- O/ J v « portion of the owners of Jogs Cbc-Lsiyi. ■ . ‘ fKMrkOi-cdf?' lii. Kuth M. WaUrous, »lue Fimtfllls- - in Sylvan township liave paid their license Cholsen; lid, 4th ami Sth, Simt Stadel, 1st, Jus; Geddes. Cbi-lo-s-a: ad. (Jin- M. CamphoH, Ypsil Saddle Fantails— st, Jus. Guides, fee, ami the list hus been turned over to a frttli. 1 PulSt'is- Jxi, Coo. JI. Campbell, lleil Pautalls— Deputy Sheriff and lie has been given orders Yprilm iti; 2d, :hl and 4th, Dr. Ackc-r- 1 st, Jnif. Geddes. son, Manchester: 5th, llenry Ahne- Red Cnrisraux-— to carry out the provisions o£ the law. milter, Cist't.S{;.-». 1 st, Jus. Geddes. III:5 Peus Oil.! ; Ruth Af. Waltrous, Yl-HOH OrtiglKIILS— (’hoiosti. 1 st, JuK Geddes. Pens* Young- 1 s t , rfam Stadel, Chel- Black MosiUaiues— 1st, J a i . Gedde?x Knglisli 1‘oulcrs— Rhoilt* fsluttd I tc d s . Huso C-oiuit— -. The only safe way is to have the CJr>fl:s-•■'i'll, Janies Geuch^s, Ciielsea. 1st, Jns. Goddcs. Gat., (.JeiUlts. Chelsea. ' Arclutngies—• Cockerels—l&t. Wm. C. Pritchard, 1st, Jas. Geddfis. license tag on the dog’s collar Chcnvcis: ii! h’u. PtelDmeier, Chelsea. Bttld Head Tamblers — Pullets...1st,- Kd. Pielemeier, Cliei- 1st. Jas. Geddes. M8HHMJP'?- . seu.;; ■ Alinnnd Tmuhlers— SYLVAN TOWNSHIP. BOARD. .CogittefclaH 1st, Jas. Giiddes. Pens O ld --1st, .Ed. Pielumeier, F,ms_u ... CholftCik ■ t ;. ■ •••“'_ ' • Hens Young--1st, W. C. Pritchard, 1st," Jns. Geddes. Parlor 'PmubWrs— (,’hetesii; 2d, Kd. Pieleiueier, Chelsea, , Q L -A y the siiipkegarae vsHth"’;a. jim tny U hll# llyautlwt(e.s--- tat, jas.. Geddes. Coeks-^-lsf. and d, A* F. Smithy ; Heil Jaeohltbr—- A pipe if yooVe iumkermglbr a Uand~ - 2 Jsi, Jas. Geddes. REPORT OF THU CONDITION OF TKK out for -what ails yout smokeappatitet Ann Arhor, Huns—-1st, A. F. Smith, Aon Arbor.- Him*. Hoincrs— JCcmpf Commercial & Savings Bank Fo5-, with Prince Albert, ’you’ve got a new listen on the pipe question ' - 1st, f'rtid //ail,. Chelsea. ; caffixf for Uy tbr '■Cvci’^m k -• Yu\ A. P. Sm ith, Ann CouuuUiidoneT of the 1 cuts you /oose from :o!u stung -longnt* ?uid dry throat worries! AflM*r. . Sla^plfts— PuRcti'—'l s t , A. V\ Smith, Atm Ar­ ■ 1st, Fred flail.' Rv&imecii Commettrfal S&vioga ftf.tcfc toy our exclusive pateauuS process, Pvjnce Albert is ucoiTree Rlusneckcd Bores— L£tai»aocl diseouuuf. tU:— bor. a Secjirctt t)f coltateml...... tuo.cw ao from bite and parch and hands yon-aboutthe biggest tot of srnokefuh fhdtieu Mtmvihitlcs— I sl and 2d, Mortenson & Sons. b llni«rurwl...... ____ #14G.5SS SjMHjia! Best Display Pigeons—Jas. - c Itcjoa in transit — ...... ; ...... 3.1S2 31 dial over was schedu.itfd in yoar direction! C ocks- 1st Gwl .W. Oidentmrg. Ply- oimith; 2d. J. F. Gayo. Manchester. Guddea T o u tb ..,...... #i?o.oi? aT ino.4r«s an f.YD.175 r.« Second Best Display—iiorlenson &. -JtoHiis, mortgagees And K^trii.ica. viz:—. Prince Albert is « pippin of a pipe-pal: rolled into a cigarette it. Pea-{. Old --lid* J; F. Cage, Man- a Bt*nl estate tnurtKasco...... sii.iea tie tisXKfl -chester. -''V" ■ . . Sons. . b Municipal bomlE jn oflic«.‘...... 700 03 .72^34.67 beats the baridl C-tei the slant, that Is. A. is simply everything any ; SPECIAIJi. J LT. S. bomls and cert, of iodcbtvdaess to oOlcci.. 10.000 tw Hens Yoiijsjr •• -1st. .1. F. Cujre. Mon- V U. S. bonds njui oerU of SmlebUjdtttJSA jiSedpsl... man over longed^ for in tobaccol You never will be willing'Vo ■ Best utility pen /Burred Rocks— K CHhwbonas...... a.(,O50tf» chcstei*- ’ ' ■ '■'•'••j. Mrs. Rath Waltrous, Chelsea. H i ■.figure up, the* sport you’ve slipped-on once you get that Prince 1’nrirliJar II y«inh»tin-s-'- 'Totals.....-...:...... |lSt.»hS Off . 4at?uin 4" iJV'.V'TH 52 Hen Old—-1st. Mr«). Schiits. CJhelsua. Beat utility pen Rhode Island Reds Rese-rrcs. viz:-- Albert quality flavor and quality satisfaction into your sHiokesysterii! --W. C. Pritchard, Ghelsen. l*tK>fro Young—1st,. Wm. Sehatz, U.S.bonda&iiticsrt. of indebtedness carried as Yoti’H toUt kind- w ards every tim e you get on the firing Unel Chelseu. : ' •:. ' -.;• -.• i Best .pen in show, by novice—Mr^. lecaJ ref®*v-c...... - ...... V, 31.500 00 Ruth Walirotis, IX. 5. e».*rf. of hub carried udcasU reat*rvc...... U*.ttW \*i •Silver Tneoil lYyumlfituis-- : Second best pen, by novice—Fred • Esebaoeesfor-clearfa* bouse...... 241 05 T&upr rrd box*, uJy end Uni. hartdtont* fieand «nd half-paantl 4itt Anmf- . •pulh*i,*>— -1st, 2 d .and 3dt. tleo, W. CaifTescjr-.. .•;...... j...... ;i,5E? oo ♦i.tYM 00 Jote —tlncl—that c'aitf, practn-vl poautl fryjiu/ ftluit Aucutfar with Dtckinson, Chelsea. Gold co in .______...... 1»3 00 3.0tl> 00 OUienburg, Plymouth. . Silver coin...... I^3S 77 1.000 (fl Wnftf lumxlaovr tap (Aat ftitM the (uAacfO ih »iich j»*r/wt caa^iAan. S. C. hJnrk SHnureioi— • Lady making best exhibit of poul­ Nicbalsaitd oants...... 3T3 If Cocks James GeiUlee, Chelsea; try —-Mrs. Ruth NValtaius. • For best pen o f .R. C. Rhode Is­ Totals...... trr.?-.* 36 ii 1 R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N, C. tM, John Desmond, -Ajm; Arbor. CombinedacvousU, vir:- land UeVf K tlE iilO iU LfA .v. Li'fUoly til .Uu.sHi«r Pulleis —14,1, Jsm cs Geddes, Clud- I'nil Dickinson; Total...... ■...,...... -a*w. ks~ ‘1’bt* ujidfl«tsJ>e31t«.vinc ->6fu u p ro tiu For heat iest Rabbit in show—Si: - LiabUitiefi. etl by the 1-rotitttc i.Viarl ft-r said fw m u y . Com- «jua, 2d Wr* Schatz, Chelsea. .Capitalstock paid In...... $(0.000 00 -»U«ii>rt*t7 t* ceisiilva. iftam iuti tih J adjust a d S a f e t y - 6 % “ N o T a x e s Hen? Old 1st, Jante4) Geddo*;, Chri­ D. Mne\ icar, Y'psilnut.i. 'Surplus fund...... 4O.G00 00 . ciclm * AUt1 ? >s*td-Count? sta. flirgeadi unpaid;.;...... dfvoaSrd- Jieir>,r f o e Ik-W c t:- '■alh$»t»l. by ttttlti* cd (isJu I J-fifi E.Y7JIB/T- Ooaaerciat ti^osUsaubieet.to check...... - I’rm -ste c o o rr for ey**niuz.* fj< tartitesa ib^i A BanJcabk Investment Cocks -Isi, 3-*n.)t!s ir&JiZ, C hases; . CurUerd cliecks...... ; . . . : ...... • cf!Lti*£A34rvlu«1 co o fu i', 0* t|U ■it'flit a lirst ro na soeuriiv llnit is. llenii--Pit, Joo. Geddas, Chelsea; i-did, Chelsea; 2d, C. il. Kaluibach; iytfc iia> at A u n t aw*i uti-tit" 3Ah. ufixV, si Chelsea 3d, Wm. Schatz. Chelsea; itjiia.in,, oftiitcU t>XKfibl days* to alwiiva worlh par anti nccriieil interest wlietfiar 2d and Jd, Henry AhnemiUcr, Cheh examine end adjurt *iM claim,*. • ^ea; 4th and 5th, R uth M. AValtrous; Ith, Frank Brooks, Chelsea; 5th, Geo. T English, Chelsea, 1 T o t a l ...... JonifcS Jtuhlm ain, buying or 'sailing; Chelsea. SsTiagadeebstts, via; - _ R««tt dozen brown eggs—1st. Geo. ' Book account*—3abiectUr«tviiua«by.law6...... • laraiis liuuiou Coekcrols-.-lsi, 41. A. Sm ith, Man-: Certificates of deptnut—rfulyrct to savinz* by-Isirs__ . . Coranriesloae ri'. liutislierl mistonutrs in Miisiiigim .lor more timn u Chester; 2d, Fred Hail, Chelsea; 3d, T. English; 2d. N. W. Lairtl: 3.1 Mrs. Uulh Waltrous. million of these bonds are our lies! adveri iaiiments. Henry Ahneimlicri Chelusn. rhluesi: Geese— ■ Pullets)—-lat ami 2d, M. A. Smith, Best T rio—Mrs. John Frym uth,' (.w»HHidfOiit»m.TS* iSofice. For lull partieulars inquire of - Manchester; -3d, Henry Ahitctniller, Total ...... ifT-TZAr-t E &T-VVE ‘I f Oovnsly .01 WisbtC* Chelsea* 4th «r.d oth, Ruth W altrous, Chelesa. • State of Mldhicaa. Counts- of Waa&irtuiw. w. i»~ .s'A . TK*ii«>lstrr,ttrTM=iI tctvto^bccn a tn ’OlfiC' Hourbun Reds... 1. John t.. Fletcher, cahbier «f tte ahove named bank, do aoleoutb' ewcar that the Hi by .Uit! l-roD ait I '.i u t u r.« a » J c f - n a ^ t oKJ- Chelsea. abort: staPrfneut is true to the beat of uty knowkdetr and belief soil corrccUr zepreaeota (1* r-\< %\e. ftCWHlui: tUKl tuljitt' all Boat YYiiv—-Mrs. Lee Sturdevant, the true si&it* at the terrnt mauent Uterciu conisluxl. «s*lio»n br tk- bookz of tV Vens— lai Fred Dickinaon. Chelseu; )>ank. - - 4. I<. FLKtcnnK. Cashier. ctiiiiiis a-ri-l «Jviiw»ttInt}l ^ Ii {>cr»aitJi AifufDSl thu C, F. HATHAWAY, 2d, iienry Ahnemiller* Chelsea. Chelsea. ■ ; rtftiitf or S’ftdliilv1 I^f fivia'rick*. tielMcu fait: til «aVj HAitlti'I'S ANH CAVIES. •Sidwcnbed and strcirn to before me ibiii U th d ar ot Uarch.lfftV. ’K-nliJ gi'n a-tticv tti»i-r-siij H, I!. Anemias— D. L*. .tterfcra. X olarr Public._ wOBtr.A r r a u ^ a v c MCi'UiwWtl; to ovlv.r t« naid _ 'J U B L .S K A. M ICH . i'ieiiilsh Glanls—Steel Clrey— M r aom m iuion eip ire» i JApril 16. lStff. i*rutiau* C fum . l o r »rcrUlm'** t«J r>fr--rtst !!«>?«• p t.ny_..,3.a{t Frank Letasoii, Manche*:- Correct attest: ' cl6a«.-tSj?uinjrt-tbotnAt« of saiti ti«wi5.. lAilck . VDirector*. »tSW*'lw tht- VtiV»ff«» cl t-Irtlfca jn *>a Ruff •Orpitfsfionii—- .. C. 4. Chandler • l iL ^ H in slttj'O l At*rU SihJ OB fjU' l l l f i ‘te i'C f -lui; -All to J. E. Si!ckiiu**'r, Manchester. antt. W‘-*t s t i f ft Q'lilwiC- m,, Sii caeiitir aaia«1a«! Sr Doe> -1st, Al. D. MacVicar. ■~\a t&xh'c.csajuiac-»s.r-aC}usi.,*ttimg. 8-months Buck—1st, C. II. Colvin; BeltevilSe. li months Buck-—lafi, E. A. Bene­ REPORT OK THE CONIWTION' OP THE Order of t»ubhcat»on. Cockovlsf- -1st, L. Sepmons, Belle- . - i^TATK UK UlEHl ville;-2u,> Henry Mills, Ann Arhor. dict. Hastings.... M U', R<- At A bccseitf U tfi^ 171 S-nsiinihit Black Buck—1st, M. D. Farmers & Merchants Bank tCild isrtUHs 1>1 W sjiu,-ir»'r . ucta ax ttor PuJIota --3.si. 2d, vid and 4th, L. Sea- in l&r- t iii a nr> 'Arixr-r. mb 1 be M acYiau. riistar'll, it. tU>nutnt; ntufca, Dt!/tVvme. ’ \etv /enlaad — JURijIJUtr-JltV.’,. It. V . Ura»» J*ei:rlfwjw—-■■ . r.nu-ej \l. Ja iaiikl. J.ubiv v-f p* Sr Bucks- 1st, Cardie Rarker; 2d, Ucnootees. - Comurtancb Ui-Zkii-fixiSisrrc.j {Jw;c3i5{»' A . CocsoreU—isC Fred H rH, Chelsea; Jam es Goddos; 3 Uusejcnrvd______.______Da.?"*) <1 - Vsvtej. Jiic l.a 4dm inisfrafor’s Vullels—-lsl, .Prank Brooks Chrl* - trurBu-.i In t>if- o>'-irt 5tb, Chas, Stephenson, Chelsea. «• ItmiLs in transit ...... — ...... yea; d. d and -tth, 1‘Yed Hall, Ohcl- •«o>ur.t. aittla uiMallowso-j 2 8 Sr. Does—5si And *id, Cordie T o tals...... ;...... tiitt^QQ o M>a. itwula. tnvrtgsg^g and McurUiea, fie .J thv ivsftfu I'iiv uudci^sgcwl, udmuiutt-nttor pf tnc wintP *>f t|u* late Albert Barker; 3d, John ^Fischer; 4th. Chas. a Real ewtAte ntcrteucea...... - « a yftSirt llijt. P{trir3di!r*vf'uehlns — ii atun(cipBj boniiA in ottlcc...... ,.... >i u.< .-a t i Kennoy, Jackson: 5th, J, E. Seckin- trf.o- a f*ir li WnHrtco, tvdi « fi the folKitvimr persoiml^prtipcriv it CoeKsi—J >t. Jus. Geddes, Ch»*lsi*.*i ycr, Mancbestcri d 1' H- bojtdsantj cert, of UHlehtcxhicasin ottlce__ fihtCO ( ,_ ti-J.tnaiS rot«> , llcnS'-lRl and 2d, Jos. Geddes, . c U. H. tem dsawtoert.of tJKlebtednS'iajitedfrd...... - m.ieo v : ttKiCv l< ioViHibsO Utter: puhlit auetiou at hi* rosiderwM*, Vtt ParK Jr. Bucks—1st, CltaSv Stephenson; - i Warsaviitcsaodtbrifistamiiv...... ; i,.M» js>-ii:I>3 tloy; r>t b tu rlu e . ie tie ; tit*!**-!* ('helsra- . 2d, I). F. W right, Tccurasch: 3d Chas, a Ollier b o n d * ...... - cSiytstluTl -a.wvv.t> tit VA Su-pheiison; 4th, J .. E. Sockinger. Totals...... $t0^(9.rc fvMUU'i K. i ELfi,SHt Jmij-v ol riiiUtb- CholKca. . Jr. Dos 1 iPuHeta -1st and 2d, Mm. T. .Cl, D aefjoki Federal K w em 1 Uauk...... — .... I 12.WO0 .:...J>crw»8Tr. lif-otTf'iu, ?i»vi«er. ■ :r? 2d and 3d, WaHer Beutler/ tJielscn. Due tnoo banks in rew ire cities...... ts.ws r; Saturday* March 22 Speer, Chtilsea. ^ • Doc with Litter—1st, Walter Beut- V. ii. Imcds »tp! next* of fadcitlniBrU c t r m l us t»r»t*‘V uf J‘nHUr«Mon. Rhwile ishmd Wltll«.T— ler, OUMMENCING AT ill A. 41. Pons Old - 1st, -Fred Hall, Chelsea* usTATK O i ill? lU?jA*«. ( cm Mg.w,w, Al .. M HV- i’fotaw - T iia rt K>r RuIim lied Belgians-- v ^3d Cuun.T *!’’ iVabntfeLa'v, Jiaiu pi- M>*i H'lilti* t!r«ilwl Itlnck FolbJi— Hil\CTC9lu...... ‘A.'MCiV li; :1k- « •;.* Gf \ m , A?rj»r. ovUiw I si iulfc.j'uf Rr. Bucks—1st, Jay Tuttle, Chelsea; Nickels and cents...... 4i vu Coek—latv Jos. Geddta, 0u'lsea. -ntttCA.to la Btlrtii i?» it-' Vvnr n rv tni.irn.tnrt «Uh* hun-lrUi IMvllttONAI. i’HOi’KUTV 2d. Yoge! & Grabor, Chelsea. TtttaJH____ ...... '...... | «cr.;5i 4o 4i3i.««s 41 ; -Prrw«t- Cit-uv fc. i-.aU.TS c' rne.-aL Here*—1st and 2d, Jas. Geddes, Sr. Doe—1st, Joy Tuttle. . Combined accuuois. viz; - Ofn: Paeiog Horse, Two -WaU-tiea, Tan t ’-hloTed Open iiritile, Silver Oami»!iM‘-s— ’ OterU ra f t s ...... $ -t£fc« • • >n«Uf no «v.s-.'*at Ml -4.»U.. Mortenson & Sons, Ann Arlior, tap* Total...... * • I t fit Ar»iet<-\j. fn 4 ‘ i/wi- J4tf <«i/ c*: a ;i«15 TKHMS—CASH. Buff C’orhlus— lured eighteen firsts'on Cavics...... i... n **i. at ivrictfc ui rr.»- foiftH f-t., ~i f n . - Trios—1st, MortensOn & Sons, Ann Liabilities. • iMBA' I ^ .r s s in; ai-y i.iiu « l ir.r l»«T«i'e v.anl C. C. LANE, A dm inistrator Best display—Mortenson & Sons; Capital sto tt ...... #25.000 00 «c«atauJ Arbnr; 2d, .l»s. GeddeS, Chelsea, second best display, Ernest Adams, Surplus faiut...... £ I W « -- And ft i.» lujiiMf lii.il ii a1 :}.(* ttlark IW htns- I ’Milficttri rrruifr*. nef...... !!.«1 41 : b* V’«b' !M»'*MErrw. H . M. A IvM OCC, Anctiotieer. CkeheeB. IritidendmupaM ...... j.intl9 le> •■iUl ll'tll- *.i in thr f Trios- $ a:.**-» U i f t - u * r Try Standard W ant Colum n. You g e t r e s u l t s Arbor. Ann Arbor—W. S. Wells, of the T o tal...... ,#l W.740 !.* #I4S<;«0 (•> Mark Huso f'mnh— Missouri Botanical gardens of St. Saviu**deposits. »i«: - U r. J%..| MookAceounta Fwbjrci to navinxslu-lsirn...... t'nmmlwf'uu'rA' KutlCf, Trhw -Ist, MorteruK*» .& Sons, Ann Louis, Mo,, has accepted th e position C trl Mbs lea of ff«p:.> - Oiunu', C» ...... (T, ft**. At 1 »rirtio« of ihc bnt'Dtle o ttu t <0? A la «\s*dsn.of it#- Ptol-atr LLfirt for Ilh lle lto.se rowhv. Michigan. Mr. Weils is already on uvlanh in m u* - t'Xni'noe et»l «I» s*iil Kami} s»f tVaoHtrnnW. h-W a t P ir jifubjit*- >uwi • ountt f>f WiUiMriiavr, held at Um- (Auftale T o tal...... 24 ««•dm* ■t a’l tu-afitti Ibv nitkx. tn Uh? cltr uf Ann Aifx.| on the 3tit URtcr In Ute city ol A.ntt Attx>f. on tliftSnl day iW Pair- 1*1, Jas. Gedtlcs, Chelsea. the job, anil much is anticipated WniiR<- ;i o., talc « f -',M tujai> . «lr- da«* >.f J'-V 'oitrj. in tin* y«a* mu* Inotm w l nine vtbreft. In the >«•«* miu- l(io*i»rtii hmwltfO Dlnri Itrrdiut lied*— H(»t« Michipin. tb a n l) irf tV adilkM e. n . 1 Dt^et-d. iits-Uivyu v1* *-1 rui f.'.nrtn'TtUii livra Hmulifd wn.1 nlnctwn. »nd oliit,t{t'H from this year’s experiments! garden. (. I’.ll.Hcbaible.casltierof the shove nameit bank, do solemnly swear that tW above dft***r*»n}b,-At»t » Kiel a’w i I'r'.tat*' Wrv-nJ Li.jor^ >-. Jw lcr of I'mtaU* ITrAi nt. K,»w>iJ I- Joiltfk- ul I*i«*L*tc- l.A, Gii*. H. Campbell, Ypsil anti; According to Dr. Henry Kraemer, •dalrount U Wur 1o the best o( m> kuowleilffe aihl belief and turrectly rep m en ta khai t.M ii tt^ir untfDtT ll*B Jn r UarrU, jdtiiiHlOrTtl.ir.l.iyfm! fihil in s»M ihiblon Srahrlfflil* - university, and In charge of the ex* ^utwcrlbnl ami M o m (nlH'f<»rrit»e this r.*(tf day of Msreta. IVtff. All YiU*»f f ( m .•*!-} .cMat# on »>n t”.ulroi? and lila c the of Jonnii .'■mirt hr4 libut a.iwifnUtratl.i!i a.-'rouni., au.l * Trio:* -N t, J hs. Geddcrt. C h c l w a : 2d, perimentat medicinal plant work, A. «l. iiladeU B f, Notary PubUe. of aUiI . st-iii itiirl* fUL-L *:t Silver Ihick Wbijr.'1*-1- plants up and making satisfactory C. lvOun*!i | tJ rvltj' i fifr-'id. . It i» unUr*4. ttrt»t li*' jstlv djtj «{ Marvlt J. F. WaUroa« VDiredor*. \ i) >‘*!ro.-r, It l« .m k c -t. Ilwl UK- -mil d.U <* M aid, ’ iicti, at ten oVJ'.kL it* O.n* fi*n>n«)n, at tadki Storienwm # Souk. Ann progress and almost ready to be Ji>lio Kalmhscl* • i-rbitl-*. i>vat,at(rii>)'i:r.H**dta»-tM VtTUC id InoiTina, In Tine I ‘W k « io-joto (>•*>; yf Hvurdu'. in the t'lydxnk tivtnfa# And LkiHdf. Homo ■vtatvrt^ffl * *n..l vlrculAiinji « nrATAui'T* t>rfnt»I andrlrtWt*t’tw in Ofeamml Jiihllcirs- lack of help, still made a &f*At (suc­ Journal si the Jttrtndsrd office. lu »!«» »W»ht» ok waibiBHKtr. . , •aM Cvuntf of WAaljUDait. l»t, Morteneun & Som>, Ann Arbor. cess of the experimental medicinal r.WWT*.fAX,AXi*. pKf>**lr k m iw v v v ri,Axr>,i)».u*.t.i rmHt*. IA UUt- WJUfJ fAitj^foopyi , Black Tull J « w — gardens and expect* far mere satis- Try The Standard Want Column. WfMftf sds giv« rtwuJU. IX^HfcA C f?lITaitMau. tetffttfcr. ci OaKuabousJca.o- kact***- ’ l^ r Murt»nK)n A Sun*, Ann AiW*. fi&ctery reealta th is year. THE CHELSEA STANDARD; MARCH. 20, 1919. AT CHUB'S Oh! My Face People who GERMAN NATION IS BIRLS! LOTS OF ■|!l§si have impure or TONGUE IF SICK, /• impoverished LUsxi ehould FAST RECUPERATING be careful to. EAUT1FUL HAI8 GROSS, FEVERISH W-r s -. • take only _ & temperance -OE LEADER SAYS UNDER FAVOR­ A'small bottle of "Danderine” M^R Y , MOTHER! REMOVE POI- remedy made ABLE CONDITION'S GERMANS makes h-air thick, glossy >PNS FROM LITTLE STOMACH, of Avjiil roots WILL HOLD PARIS 1925. . LIVER, BOWELS. ami iii5tate.ed by it Is U sure sign th a t your tit-. diplomatic mission. r.-C'omjmny M. Tjireo Huswls-ed and Sixty-first infantry.' A. K. F., in front of the lintel di­ trouble ivith mdigcstiou, backache, buad- the Echo dc Fans. According to the V*Jfine's stomach, liver ana bowels vine at Aurienardt*.-Iteljjiuiu. acha. letter, von KuehJmann flays th a t tlm 1 a guntle, thorough cleansing at G it I>r. Pierce’s Coition ifediesl Dis­ funner ruling’classes of Gerinauy arc •k °ttce. . covery to-day a t any medirimi drainra, "hould not he i«Jj*Ne*ph*s. L»ispnleht*it in'table'Jcfc or —ljquic! ** - form, or send - lOe- for aim hopeful of retaining power. f peevish, cross, listless, onto, binji,linnet onmuis^iou, hut deter­ friun Moscow say the soviet.., govern- trial paekapa to I>r, ISerxc's luvalida* The tetter says that events am I Bleep* doesn't eat or act neta- NEWS REVIEW OF mined by rhe council hsei(, t*t;?ause of nTi-ut, 1ms appointed a Swiss aained Uote!, BpffSo. N. Yi moving as the writer anticipated earl­ | or is feverish, stomach sour, their vast importance uml ditlhrultles. Moor ti> be “ihVernalionsi! CefnmlKSTjr'’ Occasionailv one should "dean bouse** ier Jr the .vein* whoa he wrote Hit- ™*8fh ftntf; has stomach-ache, sore These iiK'hith* th«\ frontier dtspuws with imliuiirtHi iiisanclal and political with ei-sior od or tiny pUla mad? up of. Marshal Foch had Rheuthml hte: sword .j r°Bh fU a rrh ccs, t a ll a t aaldf, g iv e s between- ftafy aud jug<>-SIovafcfa. puu-ers.-wfifj a view to protuotmg a £&?*■*" (esvw • of oft n/de ‘ imef root of ami it wdiild not he necassRry fur ^ ‘Slioooful of ^California Syrup of The irimiiiiLssioii on wiicrwaj’S. world-wide couonhidst. revolution. In {alup, first put sip by Dr. I*i«rc»; and cow sold by aiuiost -all drnggiata' in this tengstr-tn tear France. Under •r«i " and In a few hours ail the foul, ports and railways rrsyJmrnehdyd that the Arclmn^el region the hoishevlsis favorable conditions.- von Ruehlmaun . ^Spuied waste, nndlgested food country _ as Doctor Pieccti'a Pira.*iini Quick Peace and Food for the this Ulihip and the Kiel cttnal he ojkbied «‘onrmuc their ututebs on the allied PeUetc,*’ Always couveuieut to lake. Is quoted as saying-, the Germans ■vrlll sour bile gently moves out of the to free navigation by all tuitions, the forces and, though sufi'erlii!* *e\‘ere ttSe bowels without griping. anti you Peoples of Central Europe ^ bo in Paris before l'JUa. former to be rtmtniHed hy an Interna­ losses, hat'e c«iinpel!e»Trsit!osi. . hv the bbislieviki is that tbough their London. - Andrew Bonar Law, gov love- Its delicious tasle, and It «l»*m seeing, number one on the win­ ernuipnt leader In the hoii>9 of com 1‘olund probably will »»c granpMl the army is ium-asinK uml Is well dillled dow next tiny, .exirhilmed, “Oh. rutwn- makes them feei splcndid, TO CHECK ANARCHISM FLOOD desired nutlet to the fialtic sen. mid stud well fed. the rest »\f iho people mona, told tbat-bmly ihal to the best To be pns-s«i=i»»*l of a head of heavy, nifi. here* is another one of those sharp­ aeautlful hair; sofr. lustrous; fluffy, ^Ask your druggist for a ootue of it is.likely she will ho given Dnuzlg are starving to death. I'rodueUon of shooter tiles in the-hou^e-.”’ or Ms tedtef there, was no foundation "^itfoTOia Syrup of ‘Figs," which has and the enfiri? Vistula valiey. This nil kinds has c->im*d and tnuisporta- Tor tbn report unit ‘a • hitch bud oc­ wayy nod free from tiaodruff Is merely tectjons for babies,'children • of all. curred in the preseulaiuon to Germany i matter of using & llitte Duudcriue. Treaty and League of Nation* May Be would .off east I'ntssm and lt-f* !iim is so utterly tlemoralimi ihat-what The Cuticurx Toilet Trio • *eea ®nU for grown-ups plainly on the Separated — Some • Features of believed -thni state will be set up as grain they imre cmutof.be dlstrlbutwi. ot ihe itraU of the pence terms he- It Is easy au«l [nexfieusive to have iiavlng cleared your skin keep it clear lire, soft hair and teik of it. a .^°ttle4 Bewrire Gf counterfeits ■.‘old Ternis "Germany Must Accept- ti .separate republic, in accordance lit si word, the soviet government has c»uao or dlvcrgr-ncuis of opiniim on epa. »j*0 pyre you get the genuine. by making Cutlcuni your every-duy uunll ttnttte. of Knowiton’s Dimdeane —^Spartacans Desperately with the wishes of n Inrge part «f dentotudratwi. tti* alisbhtte iiteuparity tullet preparations. The soap to cleanse tin* subject nf tho league of uatious, Sec that I t to marie b y ‘Tie -;CalN population. The violonr npptjsiiton. mid lark of :nlmlnktnnlve iihility, •ex­ Mr Ruuar Jjiw maria thin statement aow—It cosl5 hut a few cents—all drug Fighting President Eb- end purify, the Oinummt u> soothe .and Bores, recommend ir—apply o Utile as - Fig Syrup Company.'* defuse \vlileh; these nie:i5ttre< limy aronsoi in cept In tlie toaster of raising a coo- In rejdy:»K to ft question by ti. VV. other kind with oontempt.—AdT* , erl’s troops. heal, the Talcum to powder and per­ ilreeled ami within'ten ndnules-there Germany prohaidy will render ad- script nrmv. iu iltis Trotzky Is large­ fume, No toilet table . Is-complete Bottotnlcy,. member tor South Hnck- visabin the sendins to l'uluud of Gen­ ly following the old system of the em­ nt-y, who wanted an awaurauce ‘t’-n t .viii he sin appwsriir.i-e of abundance- On Himself, 6y EOV/ARD W; PICKARD. pire. ti itheut them. 2be everywhere.—*Adv, freshness, flufllnesd and un fncOftipxteA- Immediate peace, bind fond ;for the eral Jhiller’s two divl.-domt of l*ol«-> the terms agreed upon by nil th<- r Novt-ijjq Mouth Turkiugton tells uiiis now In Frit nee. presenlHilvi's at the cuuforencf- pn»»r >le gloss and tfistre, nnd rry as'you jhis story against himself: hungry peoples of ventral Kur«p«\ German Gas. »ill yoo cannot imd a trace of dmulrviff These are the.two es!U*mials, if .over- Tim wnr of worijs and Ideas over the. “Tel! iiiiMihout mustard gas. - Whin to - president WUsotc.s- r»;iuru‘ wouUS >r fnUI»R'halr; hut your real surprise was strolling hronnd mi artists’ That the Gennnns must -liave fond be communicated at once to the (in .-Cross fair when two pretty flap- whelming anarchy Ls to he nverH-d. Teuguo i»f niitioni tMUtiuues unabated. sort nf stnir is ItT* “IVril. ir.’s not All] he ofter shout two weeks* use.. accuriilnjf t«* wi*ll liisted 5iuiii»»r.Uies on quickly if .the Rood of hulslteytk and Kosnn-i PrtMd.'Ut Tnfl ami. others of exactly « relish.“ my. *ltcti v> niliiut tin; pn-.s- luwiiy M first—yes-^but-really new. tiiv.sltit f-'fiuvnionf o f nmay wfi»i sftoffId *’ haven’t got a fouutaiu pen,’ I lll» uUds That -tii-? speedy re^unp.thui ent t!r.tf{ shmshl he. amended,-.-slid ha »K*fpg«uefl at tfiu peace contercnci* wlff m lr—sprontinK out ati over your scalp - Xs.yj, nC prmfu^tiou t’s most fmpenirtn',. "or kniiWT lmdmlujy i>ecremiwT Xa »7rga.-*'srftf .A-^crrAiV .-fmYgv*--. brsiitfor it: jl-,» U*-,igtn: m ail. .••Uhw.’' worntid, -hiilf-sibk • people j gatea will ha' nuthonzed to fruft and cure for Itchy scalp,-and It took out a pencil ami signed liiy protection,^for the rest of Kurope. if snoulj bad out the euue of their, trou­ ‘Anib iu the morocco bound book-that which'is neither war nhr pe:»«-e ion n The ptqx* ha> nitlier weiuklj- n-vened bles. Often st is merely- taalty kidney I negotiations if (hte m anor la fnrceil lorer fails to stop falling hnlr ul once. : not for The .world. Investigators for |-b* tin- tibl tthni of an ngri-.emrnt for tit-- | upon them and -In. this'cu*u tii** cab- ' i*2!atJ given me. breakdown of tlte nmcluaery of civil- j acUon, whirl* a|in«« the blood to get If you wnne to nrovn haw pretty ami izaliom” thr Tillies do not agree wjih thc >t-ar«---. j H*r»»:iUrtn:it nrlutnitinn wU!i -ertmoutic icftucd up with peiaoua that irrilate the ] innt -will .HUjiport tho ilelcijitJOIt and soft your hair roaiiy-tfl. tnolsten a dqth *?ho flapper studied t»y Rignanire a } meats that there is plenty of fond tu. netvea. Backache. hci«iacl-.M». dininess *th u frnwn. Then she looked im ami llbu-ever v>'r«>»g In oolite rexpert j; boycott "of the nation refusing to sub- &ad snnoyiag bladder trouble* an; add­ 1 will; resign if the uational - assembly with ft liiiiu I>an«lorlno and carefnlly • *aid: inay'-lte the seiutors aud other Amor- I ^tosl T*enhm:jv .'md thu g r^ L los- i tuit to tin* award. *>f lhe.n.rfjlrri«< ed proofs that the kidneys nee.1 help. j takes a mffercnl aitUude. Iraw it tlu-ongh your htisr~rtakU»g one ‘Aren't you Robert W. Chamber*?* le:»m> who oiqMwe the present plans J :’,,rH5' Vf uutbnrHlvs nre c.uivtecedi | „ , siiMj*oi‘i 1 j ‘^L-FUtrop* - is fcrifing on hunger ntul ] iir. |irjim. who thinks to . required. i few moments—n deilghiful surprise - . ^The flapper turned to her friend t>-,o ponce tri-nty should be devised and ] ‘*J!a , , lf '•TnH'keil b.v . iiroylslons. j tvyo-ihlriis vute io afindt a new uiom- A Michigan Ca«e iilis overrone who trifrt this.. Adv. renitnenf yirt ually tbrenfeu«ni i bor -HsiLite sorial club. whyre- u . -Gamp* Inhuman Treatm ent of. Men Charged . a shrug of disgust. ’ . ratlfioil fiiS! "and ilu: nmttur of ihe ( ' H'[} 1 - Spruce St., -. T.cud me your rubber. May,’ sh* .league taken ui*Tnt#?r for final scrih- 1 31‘* rt,,n,s ft,M* IJ5,t j few htiite may keep urn an un- iiarlc, in Cablegram to Washington. Some Don't Kiu>m !L Salt!;* says: ‘T tv is n»enL Tiie two projM^iJitiu.s are un- l ttl' ° ,h6lr f,w’1 " !iy ,f !l,,i an,‘*a: , \ »f»mt;enisil apphean:. W?VOTO H ere’s : iv regtsii-uBoti yiirra. ivlitcls, d-railtcilv <-lr,selv Iuienvf.vf?n | n-f « n « t to tee.! <.Prm,mr W'f.Blher i . oi(pl,„..ll!s of ih,. tasu!-,:.phih !u . New York.—ArrosL und tnhufuan though iute, stilt hw.*. »i* Smigli: ...____ tny kt»i . .Pr«sldoht Wilxm m ay.yet .four* his j "• "<‘1 'he ilire.il wiis.-ililulT, It lu* j i(Blfri, !, Imvii. ft.riu«I 11 muioiiitl. or- neys. >fy oaCJi -acht-tl -treatnienc nv the Japanftae-«C BS.OtlD T ln>rn in simriy , yvuy. and see lhem Ciinslitered and | 'oorrv.ed. wish ilils w;«? iuvol\i*(l in** j ganiwuion *»f ui»U‘h C*l. Henry Wiit- flt ntktbt -a»ii -mernr. Koreans tn the conran of ihu ufiegod. Bu I*-. - When'lu* registered hr w as r&* ln£>>, I felt tired und UPSET STOMACH bad no strength. • I suppression by Japan or Korea s in- q iilm l it* fiU o»t mi lcf<.«;miHinn slip often had -nervous depondeiiou movement, arc chan^od ir. giving mime and ntnev perroiuil-facte. sj^c.E*. ac^ouiDanied *4PE»S DIAPEPSIN AT ONCE ENOS lli- by severe headaches. a ualjlegsviiu- sont- tu Premier- (.’lorn- H r w*ns .« bright hoy -and -um;h;: no - SOURNESS, GASES, ACIDITY, ilR X .used. Doan's K14-' onceau. Franco, bv fir. Syngatu Jlhee Katies until he cnate .to the hue : INDIGESTION. ive ney ■ "And one. tiiarked fellowed by n feat«>»l.nation dictate thus to its cun Xo*Av) Hjik. gave me entire &ml Dr. Henry Ghuag. both of whom tengne hml the demands for'amend', ijumpnlgn against the pn»puse>l lenguo •relief. I never fail to recommend this wore rccoutly balked In their ailetuyu re. In this i/mix u-roiv dou-n very querors wish' said by suine to 1h? it scH- medicine when l haveiv* ah • oppartuolts-. -Undigested food! Lumps of paint. meats of ihe jirasehi plan. througunur ilte luitiou. It will under- , Doan s completel; and porriunentls* to obtain passports to go to Pari-t and neatly Uu* out* .word. "Yes.” ***vhing gas, odds and sourness. When T he pcaee doJa-salo.s r<-i*ngnizo the ntts blunder, hut Its worst effect prob­ lako to r«*;»ch every voter hv ■ii.o.Hbut- Ktured *0ur ably willTo* fn.encourage Uu* Garuiaui* •represent Korea's case at Ihe .peace stomach is all upset, here Is in- ncees-dry of submitting the treaty i« )jng hieniturfe attacking The league Cat Do*»’s»t Any Sure, 60c « Beg eonfnrenco, Tho meSMige follows: «hmt relief—No waiting: tin* Gerniun .g!»vemnient before 7h?*r to he Ktuhltorn «« other question* j‘_j,»r7u Atnoi.uy she mojubrns are iujuy WOMEN NEED SWAMP-ROOT whore flie nlties-rannoi afford n> yield. DOAN’S “ ,, T L * ’ r Ifto .r«preiu?ncaff*i,-s of rite govenimor.r fails, and In order tlmf : , • . ,, .. . r, _ . |seautors iind-promliieut pubUelsis. ’ }!nresi2> Mmkv.\s) ssau>i*to.ija8. r-nzu-. It im,y ml rVU lH-rau.-r „f lni.ai..- ,3,- *«»*«> • All houlrel nations are in have soniy- epsim4autvsscou bgffj&o. ay. pooed of all the Koreans residing out-: Tiam^-tTutit of women have kklrev aaJ . IHT. il. is l,..|..-ri!.r prrtlnil.wry .rrMv j * W l ‘P'.n« ' »-*■ "> <:-rn.an |h«rts Thing to say ctmcernlm;’ the tengue be- bUddor lriiuhle. and never, nu-ip-vd n. • sldo of Gitroa; lay before you the fol-: Wonscnn’ ctmiplsmbt dlteii yrova to be • y-hh i« rca.ly by Mar.-i, »-!,«. n,» lH'

SOTH.**; OF KLHO’I'IU-S'. The Chelsea Standard ' Notice is hereby given that o Geu- era'rE lectibti ..will he held Monday, Ac Independent local aeasiwpes pabJUbtU MtsryTtinradayalurRooQ from iU offlet- in the April 7, 1 SUU, between the hours of 7 SlaiEliurtl trtjlidiut. £«M Middle siren, CiurUat, o'clock a. m. and S o’clock p. at.,, of Mlcbino. suid day. Said election ahull be held T . H O O V E R . at the following places: West. Side Town Hall, Precinct No. 1, East Side N ew G o o d s ■ *SQB .«M » V |E»S A S il.O k .B W7HLISHEE, Town Hall. Precinct No. 2, which rerm-i;—fc.tt) ps*r yreo; *lx m&atha, ftHj etafu have been designated tut the Polling thrbeiuunlba. Itnfatr-SvtCtTtiid. Pluces for the respective Precincts In Every Department and The Ford Motor Company.have instructed us to ad? To foreign ooanlrto It .60 per itt the Township of Sylv.au, County of JflMfVstlf #* «VS»jX«Uj» MAMtgV. Mhftii A IfiUA. WjAshtwiaw, S tate of Michigan, for More Arriving Daily. . . . ihe^couiue Ford Paris to any and every reliable Oarage ftttbap£»tnnii%Alvlivlf*ui Ttilchuau, und^r Ion the purpose of electing officers for Ad of Ooatf Wsm ol M»rcfi 3 lifn# - the following offices; who will pledge their uSe in the repair of Ford ears. ' Stale Our Women's Ready-To-Wear Department fe brim fuff of Afew Capes, Dolmans, Co&ts &nd The genome Ford Parts are absolutely necessary to the Two Justices of the Supreme Court, Dresses. The Capes and Dolmans are beautiful, made of Serges, Poplins, Silvertous, and all the owner of Ford ears that he may get full service from his Two Ueuents of the University, new weaves, colors, black, navy, navy; tan, liberty red and pretty pearls. Some are uulined, others Superintendent of Public Jnstruc- are fully lined with Peau de Chim*, Satins and limeades. Prices are more reasonable than most ear. We carry thorn and so, we hope, lu a short rime tiou,- PERSONALS 1 customers expect for these style garments. will even' reliable Garage. We Elicit your service bu.si- Member of the State Board of Edt u cation, Big lot of Georgette. Silk, Satin, Serge and Jersev*Dres-*es arc-arriving daily. Prices are $10.00 ut-sM because we have the Fun! Methods, tho Ford ,Ports, N- K. TruiUli-n \vii.s in Add Arbor. Memberofthe Stale BoardofAgri- to $50 00. Our Showing In Dresses never were as good style nor has the workmanship ever before Saturday. euJture, the ford Mechanics imd tin/ Ford prices, imrklmitally John Sehicfcrslem spent Saturday S tate liighwav t.Vjmmissi.oner, been so good. ’ would be glad to get your order (or oue. or more. ti» Ann .Arbor. Amendment to Section Yeti, Articte New Silks and Dress Goods. Silks in both plain ami fancy patterns will be used this season. M. A. Shaver spent Sunday with hi* Ti*i», <>f the Constitution of the State We are showing a full line of colorings in Skinner’s famous “ 10 T’ Dress Satins, yard $2-50- Font saw. sons in Detroit. of Michigan; A. It. Clark spent the firat of the Cmmiy AU colors in .Worsted Satins, 30-mcli, yaril $2 00 week in Howell. County Conj«}!**»tojjfir of Sclmqls, New Taffetas a t $2.00 and $2-50. Mrs. C. E. ’Whitaker-is visiting rel­ (ouoty Komi System, i New Crepe de Chines and Georgettes at $1.75 to $3.00. ative^ iu Detroit. V ToiinMiip George Fortin, of Detroit, was . a Supervisor. Special values in black Taffetas at $1*75, $2 00 and $2-25- * Chuisoii visitor Friday. Clerk. New 54-ineU Worsted Serges, all staple colors for Capes and Dolmans, $4.50 value, now $3 00. . Mins -Men Wilkinson, of Detroit,, Tietouier. .spent Monday in Chelsea.- Justice of tin* Pence, Now pure Worsted 42-inch colored Serges, §2.00 value, now $1.50. Palmer Motor Sales Co. ■Mr.-».nd-Mrs. I). 11. W urster spent HighVMj CuiiiniU,'ioner. New Printed Voiles, Ginghams, Economy Siiks and Cotton Suiting at 1-4 to 1-3 less than can Wednesday in Jackson. Dicier-"! of the HighwayE, be sold by stores that bought these goods earlier. CHliLSiiA, MICHIGAN Mr.s. Jh J. Schenk, of Aim Arbor, Member Board oi U«.-vUAc„-'- spent Friday u» Chelsea; Pour Constables. . We are giving our customers the benefit of our having been to market later than most retail Mr*. Lihble Day, of Nownvgo, is vis- Bv Order of tlu-; Tovnxship .Board. buyers. •vAs£* ArwvwJlv JJi flbed-crui . O. T. HOOVER, Clerk. Archie AW'Wilkinson/ of Detroit, spent Wednesday in. Chelsea, ■ • - KLTXTION XOTIDK COthVTT M tiUt Mr®. Gat. W. MdlspoUgh, of Ann .SYSTEM. . STORAGE BATTERY Arbor, spent Saturday m Chelsea. .To -ihe qualified elector^ of . tire Mr. ami Mrs. A. 1C. Collins ami Mr. County fo Washtenaw, State of Mich- VOGEL & WURSTER Yc res­ Woven since AlJ-Woo! Fabrics came back tpi the market. We are jii receipt of a new supplement ment on many low or medium priced ears. . ^pont the week-end with her j?rnnd- olution th e proposition .of. adopting Third—-Wt* found however it was ut?etl almost exclusively on narents. Mr. and Mrs. V>. C. McLaren. the County Ruud System will Im sab- tine of “ International” Woolens that certainly are wonders when you consider price, quality and fit. .Mr; :»>d Mr.v. C. W, of Stock- m iUw l ip the elerim-.* of WiuhienftW all high grade automobiles—automobiles on which PRICE of briilRO/ spnnt several days of this County. Si ate of Michigan, ut the reg­ LOOK THEM OVER material was not considered.-- week with Mr; «rt»7 Mrs. William ular Spring 1‘llevtum to be held in Fourth—livery owner of thb rnake of Buttery was a booster the severe! ward?;, townships, pro- „“International,” ‘'Anderson” and “John Hall” Lines Mrsi. Sjnimf. Mm. W uraler and Af\ss emets and election district* of the Hundreds of Patternsjm d I^abrics. Be sure mid look ihem over before buying —because in some mutaiices his.Bat ivry had given five and six CharloLto ilulzel, of Ann Arlwr, ware above named county, on Monday .April vears sendee. quests of Mr, and Mrs. Charles dtehi- 7, 1/Jlth ■ F.tfth»-?Fmaly to our .astonishment this Battery could be, Imeh 'Weilnusday. • The Rinnner of stating: the question bought, unu sol'd fur just s iVtfAf monr ihz>-: iite eoGituvu i l&ttsfies. Mm; Churl** ; ahirtin. Mrs. \V. -M, upon-the ballots to be Used at said Spring Hats, Caps, Shirts and Neckwear Kbunpludl umi Miss hit-Hie Jdaroney et'erti'nii for voting af/Oft titfs pntptj- MsruV- Wc found that befnm tvu xrcfdld that Ageticy it wan u m oo’ imy o f Che Ksiteftr av iitu .’d.eBi In? ;is folicnv?*: Are all in and’ give you a apfenifaf variety. r.t*c^i«hn w have a trained Ha Mery man in our service. Tins S tar in j»ckRon, Monduyl ' t|;../•• “ishal! the Gxuity Jtoud System be latter was easy—we now luive one Dr. H. J. Fulford prl&m a»itl Its criuHiiuf uiinatoSi:Uf>d must -their by April ns puiitioul p»ra*ile« from here. and. I. - Beghminy Monday., March 24 th e l miih’fer them lo th« pirn* barrens of oil tee wili be open on Mondays and lin- nurther;i jiurtion of tlui statu or Thursdays onlv, until May i. Dr. H. Mime other fuvnraA/ot f/a£ fsoteteri le>- J. Fulford. A7 SATURDAY. M AR. 22. j’ithsyj Jarkson h:ta carried the, dis- ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY ypreoabie 7tiul .dc*im>rsiizing burdeh The .JJiirrjibees, for lo! these many .veer*, and it The Athletic Thunderbolt CASH GROCERY ! would grt-aily. itpprvciuto being rur 'I’h« Great Executive Cninmiitve of lu--ved of it. -Saturday Evening Star. the Supreme Tenl have called for. We have Salt Salmon that i.« very fine- Also Canned Fat ffrooklf sir -Ray. Marr, vvlm .hiu; 3US* inytiWinenc' No. 2 of ihe Patriotic Mothers, Daughters, Fathers, Sous, Fund of $1 per niomliei’ which should Beorge Walsh Herring that you would like a t 13ii per can, two for 25c .Prunes, moved from the- BiUqieyer farm in The most timely, imporuiut ami extraordinary enyayeimrut of the; C-ahibritlg* to his own place usrth of bi*’paid to the finance keeper oil or season has been scctm-ii by the .management ot the fat ones, small pita. Apricots the best ht 2 5 c per poaod. Ail Wamplers lake, in: Norvoll, Mld foiir- before March 31. Chelsea Tent. No. ran good* at tea* than SPEOIAX. prices. - •tei«u fa t stLorr> last week for $2,100.70.' 28h.\ ‘ PRINCESS 'TREAT RE On the Jump 'fhey were nnirkfeted tisrough th* Qn- Aidhrv ar.Itegfyfratlmi. AT AN KNoifwOl.!!* POST •3C to witness the most talked of picture in America Saturday. Mnrch. 22, l$lih for the pur- MITT AND JE F F /Walk Around the (.Corner ami $&?{•'& Nickel each. Th«?se. same steers were purr pose of regiBtcring all quakified vot­ dnssed a ycarrago last fall at 0 cents ers who n«av appear; . animated cartoons by Bmid pur pound, im average of &>?.}, the purchaser in torn selling It The following case is typical. performance in the lobby of the theatre to any ot the ladies desir­ to a farmer at Pine C tvck far more Chcls&n rvxkkw ts ?h&i}>{} i>n con­ ing enlightenment on this subject. {h'Xft T)jt* tpathhi* J»ad beeui vinced. * Be L m M e i.’onsldrrably dismontied, even to the Tilts testim ony is cmiUnned the PHOENIX PATENT PHOENIX BREAD horn. .Georg*.* Sutton also had his proof complete. Matinee at 2:1X1 for Ladies t>niy. A Saturilay Evening Post i:wr tnken while in Jackson a short Testimony like this cannot he ig­ First Evening Farfonnanec at 7 o’clock for Ladies Only. story, and a pronounced suc­ W hiter Whf*af. Kloiir HIoiuUkI F lour lime* ago, but recovered it three days nored- Second Evening Performance at s* o'clock lor Men Only. cess on the* stage. A crook after without much difficulty. Mrs. S. J. Trouten. McKinley nt., PiMitiveif no men will l>c permitted at the exclusive lady per­ play with a surprising psycho­ Alin Arbor -Oscar Dickerson, alias Chelsea, Hays: ‘T suffered front back­ formance. Lady theatre attaches throughout No ladies admitted logical twist. Atoorv, Negro, o f Dotrdit, was arrest­ ache ami distressing pains Bcfoss my to the men outy performance at R o'clock. ed Monday afternoon, charged, with kidneys. 1 had headaches and di*x>' stealing Ifi head of.cM.tle from the Ejrt>llH. My kidneys didn’t act right NODHIMMKN UNDKK Id ADMITTED Huron Farm Onipahy, whose farms af all and caused me a Jot of annoy­ H you’re Interested In your own home, your future or the future THDRSDAV, MAR. 27. . ACME .•ire near Ann Arlmr. Sheriff Pack ance. I tried suverni remedies with­ s Sftriiig Wtifliii Flour wool lo Detroit armed with a do- out rol'vf until 1 used Doan's Kidney welfare of vour children you will make It a point to see BIRTH. >ncr?ph‘?> . THE CHEISEA STANDARD, MARCH 20, 1919.

CHURCH CIRCLES. LOCAL NOTES Clothing To Your Measure METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Mrs. J. K. GuIds is confined to her William J. BaJmcr, X). D., Minister. Sueeess is written on the lace of the man who home on South street by illness. “What am 1 Doing’” This question keeps his appearance above par.. will be carefully considered next Sun­ Mr*. F. E. Storms \vas taken to St. day morning. Service at 10, sharp. There are three levels of dressing, the slip-shot! Joseph's sanitarium in Ann Arbor the The theme for the evening discourse last of the week. will be'■“Pleasant Way's, and How to "ay. the cureful way and the exacting way. No man Find Them.” This service is at '7. need be exacting in his dress, but he should be Mins Lei ha A (her gave a miscellan­ Song sen-ice with special music. eous shower Saturday evening' in Lots of people are coming. We’ve curefui. been expecting you every Sunday hvmtr of Miss Cteric* Wright. for some tim e now, hut haven't yet Of course if you choose to be exacting in your seen you at the evening service. Ac­ ■ Miss I.ura Schoenhals gave a mis­ cept this personal invitation; in fact, attire, we etui supply you accordingly, but if you are cellaneous shower Friday evening in make yourself at home with us. « slip-shod dresser, yon can expect no assistance honor nf Mrs.-Harold Spaulding. Sunday school is u good place In he. If you stay to «»ar men's class, you from us. Mrs. G. Kiseu was called to San­ will surely get the habit. 705 dusky. Ohio, Saturday, by the death Childhood and youth arc provided . Wlfi'KK READY TO SHOW THE NEW SPRING of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Theophil for in our Junior and Epworth League Risen. meetings. The former at 3 and the Attractive New Blouses Mr. and Mrs.-Curl Bngge have mov­ la tte r at 6 Sunday evening. Models in finite and Overcoats for men and young ed to apartments in the residence of Thursday evening at 7 we meet for m en th a t will dress you as carefully or exaciingly Mr. and Mrs. M. Brooks, on West Mitl- special Bible study and prayer. .Eas­ Attractively Priced. j die street. ter is approaching- Special services as you desire. are pending. Special prayer and Attractive, appealing, uuHieuiicsIly-slyiptl Blouses at high prices are .n o t at preparation ure essential to highest Lynn Kern Inis purchased the F ran­ success. Come., all rare; but BIouses possessing-'these'ajuulities wholi sold at modefiue pi iees are ‘-'ALL AND EXAMINE OUlt NEW L13\'E OE cis Hnulelaug residence on South d e c i d e d l y 11 c o n s t a n t ] Main street, and moved to bis new CONGREGATIONAL. otit-of-the, ordinary. is Blouses such as these that we are y SAMI’ LES AND LEAVE YOU R ME AS U R E home today. Rev. P. W. Dierbcrger, Pastor. enabied to ofl'er our paf rons Ihrouj'h our very close and jntuhale eo-operation with FOR A NEW SPRING SUIT. M orning ew ship «t JO o’clock. the largest and most representative Blouse makers of the eountry, . Mrs. C. J. Chandler of Detroit, has Sermon by the pastor; subject, “The. sold the C. H. Keinnf residence, cor-' nor Orchard and East streets, to J. Inner Circle/'* • IS it not a source Make Chelsea . prices ? To a. groat many women it is. as it. will likewise, proveto he tor everyone ! 2Gtii Engineers in France, landed In Better.” Use wilt be made of . iel-;(j who will hut acquaint themselves with the very.’ s p l e n d i d ami m u M u u l- Blouse an unusual line display of fancy ami plain ties, jew­ | New York Wednesday; ters written i»y local busihess, profes- * elry, mulllers, gloves, mittens, handkerchiefs, shirts, niDiiai and working people, answering j offerings Unit continually grace our Blouse Department. Mr. nml Mrs. Chas. Snhouski are the question, *‘What "is Chelsea’s | collars, hosiery, underwear, hats aim caps. snaking arrangements to move to Greatest Need?” If you arc interest- j Detroit. Mr. Sobouskf was formerly od in a belter community you will employed by Adam Eppler. attend this service.. Ji'v’orybmly-gocs In Church. Night New Welworth Blouses $2.50 HEN AND BOYS FOOTWEAR Mr. arid Mrs. George Spiegelberg services. Come tonight. Forget-me-. were given a surprise- Friday, by their nut Chapter will have charge of the [ Tomorrow we will place on sale t wo Welworth models You should look over our children, in honor of the fifty-first fellowship dinner. Fine program by { that like all the .Welworilis oiler an over-generous return in large line before buying. anniversary of tlielr marriage. church women. A good time for old j and young. real Blouse value. They are neatly, prettiliy, correctly It will pay you! ' Rev. A. .A. Schoun le ft for Sandus­ styled; they we.ro faultlessly mado; with the utmost uttoiition Men's Shoes in black, tail ky, Ohio, Sunday, .where he attended ST. PAUL’S. the .funeral of -Mrs. Theojihil Risen, Kcv. A. A- Schoen, Pastor. paid to the line details; they are fashioned of quality fabrics, and mahogany calf and' viei which was held Monday afternoon. German .service at 10 o’clock. and ihev are absolutely true to size. Because of the unique kid. the army cut shoes uud Sunday school a t 11:16. Work and \ Welworth method of manufacture and stile there are no other heavy Work shoes. - Douglass Hoppe, youngest son of classes fur- nil; j Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Hoppe, of Sylvan, YStung Feopltt’s service, at .7. Blouses ut the same low price that measure up to the estab­ Boy’s school shoes at prices was taken to the hospital in Ann Ar­ Willing Workers meet every Wed- j bor, Tuesday, for 'an operation for lished nigh quality standard. Sold at $2.50 thu.nulion over. that are pleasing. l i o r n i a . ' nesday afternoon. Our line is large and com­ Choir practice Thursday eveuiuKS. S. S. Gallagher has rented the plete for boys. Cungdots residence on South hi din BAPTIST CflURCH. A complete stock of Rubbers of all k in d s. street, and will move from the rooms Sunday school at 1J:1C u. u>. over his store as soon sis the repair The Bnplist Bible study class will | wiirA" on £he reskk-ttt-e iscnm plniefi.. meet, .ul th e )b>}}ie oS AJiss Ivlizabelh Depew. at 7:IH! Thursday evening. . Twenty-five members nf Olive Tito immiiil meeting of the Baptist Chapter, R. . A. M-, visited thoir church will he held April bth in.the erm an an cer brothers at Grass Lake. Monday even­ church. W. P. Schenk & C om m H J. D ing. After work In the :1L A. degree ST, MARY CHUROH- u banquet \vss given, and nil report a good time. Kev. Henry VanDykc, Rector. •Holy eommunion at 7 «. m- -Aloysius Mei-kel, who has been at Low niiisH a t 7:30 a. m. • Camp Custer for the past six mouths ILigh nrnss a t 10 u. m- - whs mustered out of the service Catechism a t 11 a. in. ■ Tuesday and has returned t<» the Baptism at 3 p. in. home of his parents, Mr. and Mi>_ Mass tm wetik days at 6:30 a. ni. Peter Merkel. SA1,EM M. K. CHURCH. New Spring Suits Fancisco. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Kre&i: will Henry W. Lenz Pastor. Saturday,-March S2,19X 9 - move toAheir. new home In D etroit on Sundiij* siclmol at ii;30 a. m. - - f o r - - Friday nf this week. They have subi Preaching cervices ftt T0:30 a. m. Femmt Butter, pound...... 20c th o ir Hume oil Souths Main stree t to and 7:30 p. m. Swift’s Premium Olno, p jiu n d ...,...... i - ...... 35c Herman Hils of .lackkon. Mr. and EpwortU league, devutioiml meet­ Mrs. HUs expect to move horn about ing a t 7 p. in. Good GaUmp, regiilur sixe bottle...... l i e Mac I. ____ ;.- ■ -j Sour and Sweet Pickles, dozen...... 12c Mrs. David Aii»er, sr., was stricken | Mi's. W. B. Gild art, of Albion, has Men and Boys Ann A Hammer Soda, pound package...... S c with paralj'sis Saturday- Her comli rviVeived word th a t h er. sun, Lieut.- Lieu is cunxidered rrstkaln Col. R. Clyde G ihiart, bud died in Are Ready For Your Inspection—All the New Styles Germany from pneumonia after only Rev. 1*. W. Dierberger will lead the [ a four days’ illness, Tim young of- KEUSCH & FAHRNER d/rj-j> J at the ihtnl county leaders’; lieer-wsis a nephew of Andrew Sawyer irOlfE OF OLD TA VICK'S COFFMC. training • cHiufreence hehl by the and Fabrics «if Chufseo. ' ' . county Y. AS. C. A. in Ypsilanti, S*it- umlHy. March 22. can select, Leonard Embury, of Lyndon, who Wo also have a largo assortment of samples from which you was returning tnhis home with his F. K. Storm s has purchased the W. your cloth and have the suit, made to your measure. Wo W ill make special | automobile, . Sunday, became stalled W.r licsitlrick resitlencs on ’j ’ark Jin the mud near the peter Gorman street and will rexpodel it. after prices on thom to bo delivered any time before Easter. Guaranteed to please j farm, and after a night in the mud which he will shake the dust of Lima j sent home for a 'team and . hauled from off hb feet and. become a resi you or no sale. Let us show you this line. ■_ | the machine away. dent cif Sylvan.

At th e recent m eeting of the Chol- Atiout the biggtbt farce that we st-a Y- M. C. A. com mittee, K -E. know of is-that spring primary to WE HAVE ALSO JTTST RECEIVED Storms;and Rev. K W. Dicrbergcr nominate the county school cmnmis* were chosen to lead two more Y. M. sinner. Every vote cast in the pri­ C. A. group.!. Mr. Storms will be mary Inst week cost the taxpayers of leader of a younger group, the age the county nmre than a dollar apiece. Neckwear New Soft Collars xift he one led by E. H. Steiner, while H would seem that some way could Mr. Dierbergvr will have charge of a bo devised whereby this office could high school group.; he Included in the fail primary, and Hosiery New Hats and Caps thus save this expense. Welfare is jadissatutriy associated with THRIFT. Methodist centenary leaders have’ announced that the centenary finan­ The thrifty man or vromau—the man or woman who cial dfivc for §120,000,000 which was NOTICE OF REGISTRATION scheduled for the first week in May, Notice is hreby given that I will We sell the Bostonian Shoe for Men, made in ail shapes and Leathers. works to the present to provide for the future—is work­ has been jmstjxmed until the latter be at my office In the Standard ing for hts or her welfare. pari of May, at the request of the Building, 108 East Main strut, Chej- NONE-BETTER. government. Federal officials asked soa, in the Township of Sylvan. State In like proportion, happiness—energy.—- spirit, are that the drive he postponed until o f Michigan, on Snfan&y*, th e 15th after the Victory k>an cjunf^ign. day /xf March, } PJP, and Saturday, all dependent upon THRIFT. the 22 M ed velocipede. The machine was a election hereinbefore mentioned pos­ :i deprmlnW*’ tuaikcl. Why The Kempt C o i m a l & Savings Bank common sight.many years ago, but sess such qualification may make ap­ not i:tkv advuutapv of the Carl e . 0, t m the nuHiern blcycif has shoved them plication for registration to me ul ami let u*« si-i vc* yvmy Vct«rlaMi»B SaTAUlASHEI) 1818 into the discard. It was quite a curi­ my office hereinbefore mentioned on OhluL W.rnn'. a.ts.' r.. <>H A»rw(vr, 1919. 1 I'UONK B9 Mamty. lo boos. Ufy aod F1p> lii«ur»i running down hill O. T. HOOVER, Clerk. OflSwlD fik(dv*D»nnd Mock- Obo!«r« Ml i THE CHELSEA STANDARD, MARCH 20, ,1 9 19. Henry. H -‘s stfiL alive aa* SPRAINS! RUB PAINS ! Look out for Span­ i“i | stronger tlmaih:tn ^vt-r—than!;, God:-" AND SWELLING AWAY A NERVOUS | fin. id I hough I longed for thus* most i jih-ur to me up !>i the- hUb*. i sjjcr.t tliv Don’t suffer! Go about your duties— ish Influenza. Light in the Clearing j .night with the llnckels and the sehoui- Relief eomes the moment you BBEftKOQWN ! ui:i“t"r mi'l l sat'.-tn hour together af- Apply “St. Jacobs Liniment.” At the first sign of A TALE of the NORTH COUNTRY in the TIM E of SILAS WRIGHT I ter ilu» fondly had gone to bed. lias Kelly Tells How Lydia • | '•(•luW a te the Dunkelherg’s?" 1 Don’t afny oripplct!! Hub thl=s sor»th-j a cold take E, pfnkimm’s Vegetable • asked. ing, pciielfUtlng Hulirii-nt rlyht into thif'j “J?m«k ;u the sort embraco o' lux- sprain, ache or .strain, ami out cftim-s ; Compound Restored By IRVING BACH ELLER : u ry /’ In* nn-nvennf. 'Tlrim-dnr.v made paitC s«>rene.Bs, HiliTncs-* und utveHIhg. S ' Her-Health." Author of fcEEN HOLUENVirttl ANtU. DARML Of THE BLESSED ;5mn: flrlmshuw liked him. He was Kbildng elsa penetrate?'', hen!? and \ f*LES. K££PiXCMP WSTH UZZiE, £<<^£(e. ;* always ready to fjcfc (fie hoots o' G'rfaj- strengthens (he injured muscle?, i cA K m 1$ Qinmm . j’fvtfv. J,‘ liir&tit tJsoi /JrJffAtbsiiv nerves, (emfou? nsnf fipiments so j Newark, N. /.—** Tor about three j | [left him nn annuity of three thousand years 1 suffered .from nervous break- | promptly. It doesn't’burn or director down and got so • dollars. which he «-;tn enjoy us long the skin tmd e>tn not cause lujury. weak 1 couldhlhardly hardly CHAPTER XVI—Continued; - ; hire of lavin' down far his las' sleep . dishes on It am! n \vhjt»* cover, fmyed : ns jie observes* one condition.” Don't suffer! Get n small trial bottle ...... jr e d a up « cold 'In 34 buui» ‘ti.lkv.'know, tmster, 1 Jos’ shook.. snowy linen. The tali woman served ry one Ihirtfoi Haynes. late o* the town after “Sr. Jacobs Liniment’' is applied wW'umier a phy- j.fh"ea i»p tor me elm utory. -b- turned; my head never lei-on lhat I knew j-a supper on deep blue cliiua, cooked o'-Utillyheen. How is that for spite, you c«a not feel, the-slightest pain or aldaii’siArrfdrtWd 1^* •!«***“ gul om o’ doors. God. what he meant ;an*. tet-hfm wlggle nii' ; ii^ only they fould e»H»k;ln old Jh*\r ’ey boy? Ti:*\v say it’s written down sofiuiess. otid you can go al*out your t _* Skin Tortured veitrs. AgTrl frifad * l$nteK. ft-Wait in the au?hr-~yte. sir— twist like a worm on u hat ^rlddler aa*; , ijcmnvliilii I could'hAtr"the I ire the will.” rcjrular dutU*?. had used Lydia Ei lit waV in-thfeTiighi.-Omt he seut her helh'r Ilk** a cm ‘til he .fell buck Sn . voice of the nt'M squire—u weird. - i iliink; that he must have seen the “St. Jacobs Liniment*’ conquers pain. Babies Sleep % Pinkhtina’s ve#©- i fi-way. ~ GoTdnrn .him! . lie,didn't have" an Rwooh. . ' empty, iiihimirui voice It was. utterly • fisinie of-irdlor playing on lay face, for Ti has been used effectively for sprains, k (able < Compound and ’nu more heart (hum a gntsstionm-r—no,- “Dw'fiio’-’hhn! if don't give , him fib‘ cut bit from h!s iiiroUtcc-ni'e. lc cam e' he quickly added: stflllns, soreness and stiffness for 60 "she'-toW- m e. ubotitr terCuticura P.} it. From the first : ^Ir—not n bit. I could u: hrttiaou hum i-ost.it . Ife tries to tell everyhofly he 1 om of the troubled 'depths of his i “Don’t worry, lad. The will o' Hod years—six gold mednl award?.—Adv. f day 1 took it Lbegaii i v.-jih niy shove!, hut I didn't. . • • s*sees—(li&t’it whm .tiiey say. He he!-: lu'ijcyjy,- j Is "renter tiinn the will O' Orinishasy. ^ to feeL better, ami j ‘ I fyinnl out whom the guMuid gone lc olgiit an’ If ybu.gp idmvii | ' So - thut lionso—the scene, of his ; 1U: made you two for oar-ii other and Mfsunderstandhip. ^iiow I am well and i ;H»* 1 foilor^il iiyr—yis t- did—found i); Itel! beUcr te you an* ytui'il kuow, great *iu which -oroaid preseatly lle jshe wm he. true to ye, ns true as the Sh-»—What do vnu thick? A bat '"Bblo 'to do most any- | her In the pourhimse *.vav over on wtfif it s nhout- hut the others doivL down vruniilHi.in t!n> diLst—was Hood-jiieedle to the north star.” nearly gut in my head hisr nisrbf- BKostv&BCBab!B>Hi*bestr»fot»accK-PATENTS i! a Bau«»r*ieM. S : 1 kind of work. T i P u lle y lliu -uh huh! she Jos put ’*Vou n:>’ uie are tlm oiity one^ tlun n hundred limey n day, by the tia-} “Do you think so3“ Hc— Y"n're hi'diy. .Mine always gets hftvo been recom - i her Hna.s 'round my nock- tin*- cried nn* knows (ho'.secret.X kur-ss. SomC ilay, ‘ lia|>py ■u'drlt In the t?«ce I do. Didn’t Hie.as much 03 In tuy feet. VV. N. DETROIT, NO. 12-19 roemijug the* Com­ Tore he dies. I'm so la' to take u|?;ihut tell mo .i’hat here in this riKuu—not a pound ever since and give yon my per- i-crli>(1; I gjjcsw T looked ih*;ul of the nighl T henril Its despair tneisjon to publish tins lotlcr/*—Miss rkhbl o' frioudlv—uh huhi { tol* her liwulsnm an hull- it. but hu'U nerer echoing tlumigh: the silent .chaintiers. week ago? She loves y«*. (fiiy. as true F i.o Kelly, 476 So. 14ifa St., Newark, i j»lio should come right over’ to - our fcuow-li's iIwh*—no. sir—not 'id he .Kate said iitth? as we ate, er as we a< GoYl iovc.s ye, an* she’s a girl or d N..T. . :■ ' !ut‘ s;tuy Jest «s- long. ;as k!jc- gits to the judgment War. attynoy.” sat logethcr. in die shabby, great'runoi thousanil.’' Toe reason this famous root and herb ] wrihfed to as soon ns site got weH— 'Hie old »i;m roso.imd straightened' at tCr jmpper, but she seemed to enjoy “Why did they go away? Was It remedy. Lydia E, Pinkhsm’s Vegetable | .via, sir. I did. hiuiself and Mow out his lircuih and m.v lalk mid I ’.vent into the detad-t of because I was eoTsihig?** Compound, was so. sncccsyfu) m Miss brushed his liandK unon his TiiiUsers my pcrsomil history. ' MlI Uiiiik. ii likely, my fine lad. The Kelly 's cose was because it went to tile ] -,u3bc was sick u.lf snimaer long— root ■of ht>r U'oabie-, .r&tioreel fre-r to a ,i Ulml n' flBt o' la y hrjatL yi- knnvv au J by way »jf i?U»j)jiiQg down Into this • y ln» Jijkvt rv> her Japs', f'vvn ivhPe J • wasi hoard o’ it yome way—^perhaps normal healthy condition and as a result- ( fiK'iKi to go over liossback an* take worni again out of tlie close und dUudy Ayas speakrngi ihiiiciiretl that .her through yer uncle. He’s chtzy for the b«r liftrviiuauees disappeared... | ihiiig^ fer lie r td eat. • An* one duy i tott ol Tits memory, isut 1 called him thoughts w.-mdeml. restlessly. In the itioney. hut lie’ll get over that. Leave i when I was over (here llmv wu* ivm i-: hack.’ . ; gloomy desert of Iter past. I thought him to me. I've a line course o’ lu- The-Wise Chief. . i derm’-whnt they was i;oin to do with -TVliat has hecmiic of ICimcliT* I of, that guy. hlriUlkc youth oi s of : structlou ready for tuy lord o* Dunkel-. . importer—'•\Yh:itst»;te;! (he.-blare her Httle hnby. I rook H !u iu.v firms tiskfitl.-;. .. ' wldch (he old imm v»Iih .(hi vthe burg.’ •che?f?“ Fire Chief ftp -i whirtperj-r ) fift* Mi he got dummed If H didn't grab "Wah sir, Knock sturtcil n!f West had told ihe, ond-womlen.'d. As.XwaS “I ihliik I shall go. and try to find “dponttiiutme: insurance." . -- i hoiti o' my uose nn* hun« «m »Hn* ; ‘bout three year ago an. we ain't heard ; thinking of thin-there* tmmu n cry from her,” I Siiltf. This Is Orange Blossom Time pappy to u root. When ilir*y tried l [a word fr»mi*hlm since.(lint duy—zuiry-r.thp u*?wi aqnire so loud luul 'ileieful . ul am to counsel ye about that,” . K?»t» y>kM'ltrr> a=il<«-. y» ■w-efc l*f -i'li-rfi-’g. Cjifi-ufll ] ta k e It away u Rridihed its fingers Into > « won!, mister. I>mpiH>sc wtvvriU some rh-u it shiriied »u* and I turned and siild the schoolmttster. “She’s ns keen in Florida fcw{> (••rlltSlT. i». -on both ; leaneil imvun.1 iny ear whispering; . bundle ns olf to Europe for .two or sights imBipnnt)!*—r-thousands of acre? of Orange and Grapefruit Trees (jfienso. | uiy «rms, uy-uh! My wife Kcoldwl me *'i*io.s kUid o’. AVo've ■kiyte letters out | . “n js KJr futh«»r. He Is always- thiok- tliree years.' - in till! bloom, scenting the air for miles around.. iVe h(t»c a b w planted small «rbvca, iiut fine, not yet taken, l»a* i IHio Saru IllLi—yas, sir—sshe hail • five; to \YTi«oop.-»}u. where ho was p’latin’ | jjtj; n? whoa f was u girl. lie lYimtS “So there’s the trail ye travel, ray you ranaot .bay sn a m natll -you hart first *efn the property. You had | of her own. 1 to!' her 1 wus gom* to for, an* to places on the wny, but. we; me." boy. Tt’s the one. that keeps away; better- hurry, for these are choice and will be sold soon. ! rakn it back in n day :i»r two but ufler. can’t -git nn m->v,s 'bout him., Mebhei She bmle r ip. good alirht and-, le ft Don'tTet. him thiok ye’ve anything: an After.carefully investigating what others have done in our vicinity, Children Who Are Sickly andcr exactly similar conditions, and you have satisfied yourself it WLea yoar child ertcaAl eight. tiM*nce. to be jfatUn’ yer arms around her— p e rfe c t '_aaf«ty. tffiifrivd, Wolbcrs \vho vabre llmf #w lime which witfi -htiunliug the ■ -old If yoa. bH>-t your ^rlp easts yea uaihisK, us ws refund tr.avetlnc cumioi-taijtS t be welbacQf in n r ti l lilraK, “Wo bronght him up nn’ he was ah I could sue a glimmer of a light In squire. -A Wbie-lnv on tne mlde iu*ar : v.ouhln’r. ye. now? dure, there’s tlme. expense io' puichrtsera; • • cUotiid never bcw tiim ntu box of wiss* a good boy- -We culled him 1 the. thicket of pliu-.i do-i;i (he tTilley. I me anil I sat n*mbng it foe an hour *br ’ euenah ! Y'e’rc to tin* old treadmill o’ Our groves at Lake Alfred are right on the Main Line of the A tlanticn rl f* Coaiit iKilriMlWJtailroftd. '* In 'the * heart uf • * tho- ■ H.ighlandrLahe T - •*- Section.-- .th< *'-■’■ M other C ray’s Sweet, nno«-li—Fnoch ltum— did ye -te r h e ir -nul iufiuah-*i mj horse. so. A lull cjock iti n corner- solemnly • God—the both <)’ ye! Te’re bein’ highest, safest citrus section of Florida. With Ninety Lakes within a Pow ders for Child ren tU«* isjuvuT' i “ I'ake the first turn to the right/* tolled (be hour of nine, iu dime the Tweighed nn* irnHl for the great prize; F3ve-Mlit* radius. Good asphalt and brick roads, schools, etc. t<.' ijJ.o.o't -ao>l s>sc heeUhfut etecu Pen: l eccopl I goiie jtwuy over Into York state, amae •Aly hurve. Impatient as over to. fiutj. 14q four-jmst bwlateml. (Imped In know ye - wore bein' tm?d there—did hr eei'ni&Uag the child's en; itibnituie. tilt* eiiil-wf. th6 riiud.Jmrrimi ihp uifmg - ilttv stood agamst a walk . The bed, Ye’vt* stoo*i it.like a man. What rnt'm:. - . : ' ; j ssmi she’d druwu».*d •herself.- liy’irt by Un we were down * xhi-etod in old dn«i, had quilted cut- , w ill y e b e d fd u f»F-*U iI«atfV.»t*. aJUiM? osileo I:S£F. • uuder Utc pine.grove that sm-ruonded • The room was nbticefibly clean; ] “rdXike t go to Washington with Ar-ldieii. Mcthvr Gt-s? C=.. (,« Bcr. N. V. j.mfo Sr. laiwrence county. wl:orc Slhis j Krr pki u?i far and ttlrtnut Wrlghc fives an* where young Grun- the bouse of old Squire Fullerton—n i Up iruliure uf old nmlmfimy and Its ; the senator." tug, stom*. house -svltl* n graveled roud » comparatively-uuworn. i lj IcxghfH heartily figlfcsf &9j's &$&ei readers let Ct:i5dr#fi. simw had aerfled down after he got' *3 married. around it. s- A ur^ai black dog • cutne When I- undresBcd 1 drendud to put}. *T was hopin’ vo’d say that,” he harking and growling nt me from the i.nui the oundlc. For (he first dine lu-j wunt on. “Wdl, l«iy. I think It can he ’limit five year nge the squire from porch, r nule uround the house, ycafts 1 had ft kind of ehlhl'ferir of the i urrsiitrcfL ITI :;ee the senator -ai snnn hurieii hi:-: second wife—-there 'tls pver imd he followed. Beyond flic windows i.-ifigm. Hut I went to hed at Inst qnd f.«u ever Iu* comes an’ I bellsve he’ll m thiTC hack o’ Kfttc-Vr with the fifties; l could sol- the i?Uutm of csiudkdmhi: sjepl rather fitfully, waking ofteu when I j>e giad to know n’ yer wishes. I -speckled ungvi ou it. Xonndy hud sooil the aqdire- outside o’ . hls -lipuse: for amt moving fiFiiires. : A man (rume out the cries of the old Kqul/e came flood- I tldnk he’s been honin’, like. Giftt ye ni the hack door as T neared U. •; lug through the walls. How lunged ..would propose it- Go up to tlio fa’rni } vwir*. until toe IuHorni--he wits crlp- 1 : "Who’s Lhere?” he demanded.* j for the light of the nuuming! I: came nail .spoml :i Inii){ty .uumrii or two DRUGGISTS! VICK’S i ph:s! go with riimimatlK. After that H« “My name Is Jluriois l.kiyuefi from {at lord nnd 1 rose and dressed and with Tti^r auut. an* uncle. It'll do ye 1 In-L'tl nil 'lone io -tlte liig house- wtth ol’ ■ $>i. l.invrauM county.- Knl«.* i-Tdlertutn went out of doors. Tom' Xinttcy nn* ■ tils wife, .nho’vyi K«od. i’e’ve bevn growin' plump dowel Is toy:friend tturt T ivlsh uj st*o lurr.” :i ICau- mm- nu* at the rt«M>r when I there. On »a’ melt i t off in tm> fields.” ’ worked therq for liout fony year, I : “Conn* up to the. steps, soi'. Don’t | back into the house and kissed .pUCLSrt.."' A Httlft usore talk ami we wero off to git nff yer.. hor«e--’Ui i’ve chnlucd Urn i my check and ngsdn 1 hcunl those bed wilh tmr ejituUvA. t’Wnl. sir, fust wo know Knte was ; dog. K jte’U be out In a inluute." ... | hnlf-Bpokcu words: "My hoy." . l ate there in the house .livin’ with her fa Mext nionimc l went, down into the The Deal Scheduled for Last A TREMENDOUS JOB TO INCREASE -1 Liu chained-me dog u>' the lutchlnc j-.my breakfast with her and when I was mmn street of rh« vitlngt* before loav- T>UR PRODUCTION uicr. \W wouldn't V-kumved h, then/* imst ami us. he did so u :loud. long.} about to gor into ray saddle, ur the pig for home- I wanted to see how lt Novembers Which Was Post­ If It hatlu’c been thne -Trxo Liuuc-y • In (his emergency wc tried to do our wailing cry broke the sikvice of the ‘ door * gnvo her a hug «nd, as sh« ? laoh^l end. (o be quite fnink, 7 n-miled poned on Account of the Influ- parr. We scoured the country for raw come over one day ao’ said he guessed; house, ft put nu- In mind the eoiq- rt ndcrly p:ir«*d my chock, u sm ilo; &jm* of the people of Csntbn to sec >ena» Epidemk,-‘is Now Re-in­ the o f squire wiintt-d to see unr—noil materials—our Truffle Manager spout pbtint of the dimmed which I remom- lighted her -conulenonce so that It \ huw t looked, for soy clothes wbre of stated — Good During the bis days riding freight cars in— w(> sir, • wu wouldn't—for -.the squire ain’t • lu'red hearing ilm tnlnlMcr describe iccjoatl .to shim? upon ibc. V *'9T6itlie host clotii and cut In the latest Month of March. soclfible an' Hie mughlmrs never dark-! sldpiwd raw material;; In carinnd lots ymira before at- Hie-111 tie sohcHillimtse . VAX*? forgotten its serc-mty .and sweet* j fniti,ron. Many .stopped .sue anil shook b.v oxpre.SK and pleaded with .numurac* <-v? iu.f 4o#r. She wmxr *.v* eKW/v to tin:-: In Llckltysplit. llotv It harrowisi me i ■ aess; -/.tuy iuind—inVJi: and .women w ho‘had OVER ONE MILLION JARS (iijShL jesL ns she . went—uobody sec ; rurers to Increase their (leHveries to u£. ner go an’ nobmly see her come, «ii*| Tiw man wenC fato tfie fwu- . „ . m* reftfAed Cunlou at o clock In putidfie. W liat u stem-souled lot. those It Is with pride tbfit we announce IK.sl.es. Tern -.1.4, WBlbir.1 tl,,- ef men ' ,!1!“ ul Ui'l!,rt" ci,a,c ^r“," h n "■«1 to the drug trade that the shortage of months to come from the Far Last- . in . • \ wl«?ij he Uelti the camUe so that Its : **ie tn:nl,,£ of a beautiful summeT'youkees were! “All ain't gold that Then wo had to recruit and train ’vomit) ytck’sVapoItub, wiilch baa lasted since ^ “T l,4‘}»Rl«f«H mwniny/ace! 1 jumped off, I went at pneo to call upon tlie ,Ks„ ^ How often ihad bekrd that skilled, labor. We brought/mir sales­ .-iKtWt! au p Intel at toy hoosn. , , , -J, * Duninllinras anJ Ivni-n.-,! from a man "vi-i-slon the old irtotto! last October, is now overcome. Since of January 1st. we have been running our men Into the factory nnd trained them “Why* you look like the senator as foremen. W e Invented new ma­ t on. ronto OMT an s.,1.1 h,. ca Unu-U , „ oumn, , !oVrt! fi)r ,,„r sorroKi • nnnn a n a y fa r Hu- numainr. How j laboratory twenty*-three and a half when he Is ju st gUtln* hmnc iroin the chinery, and managed to Install it on ho^rs out o f every twenty-four. Last Uh- .squire. wontm! io W ‘ in.', > u I • ncrt fof; my debt to her ami rcineP ‘-kWM wos' ***' tllsaraiolniment! I went i capllal," suhl Mr. Jtmlsoo. Cliristinas Day, so ss not to imerfer* -^eht t^ev ratal tlie doora^i^ ^ wlthcrwj c,,eet. ^ tavern.antf got niy. ftupfM-r.andi : They were not yet willing to fnke week,we shipped the last of our back 0 «5ShJ Hmv-.old an’ kind o liroku down - wlin{ ,noniohr u w;^ for hf»‘h «Ihcn over to Aahery lune to see -Ml- orders, find retail druggists, therefore, with our dally production. ; iuo nt the par of niy nppeamnee. 143 JARS OF VAPORUB EVERY she looked L But I ktraw ker ll,o ram^j „sT'' *l WomCttt “ for ^ , «hn*l Bachet owt Ids Tamils'. X foima I I ttict Betsy Friet—one nf tuy school- are no lunger requested to order. In tue J set ray eyes on heiv-ol, fcuh-tra' [ ■- h , , . . . . , , ihe scfaoolomster playing Ills vlolira smail quantities only. MINUTE DAY AND NIGHT j nitites—on the slreet. She wag very B y January 1st we had everything :«UU.(IUllCtt .UI,> MHHItUCr UliU KKIII U,l , . , , LUIUUilcordial U1IUand told»V>.U 'me>UL' limtthat theVi Duiikel- cam coiue 'lo her tiyea fta'witlunn f - “Iv e fatal lm m l, my toy, hnyr , _ |M s w m t „s t e lhot running day and night. To feed our yuur jttoutli tastes like all the be postjxmed on accoirat o f; the short­ automatic madfincs. Which drop out mean___ .. things you ever did- . “S - ".“ t r ™, i M f ; . 1i°.V U.n w w Bfc Urfw ™ i m r . 't t n f ^ d U . t »?*» -‘l» <*P« an’ U a a g W . U ita ar was a t Urn name'IMS age of YapoRub. Is fe-fnstoted for the one hundred Vmd forty-three jars of nnutre tat! tho imt.y, » t* eonldn t Ulwc „ „b mimilnft fm pmn-J o' y.-tlmt I u m !” \cl an(, , h at t a snd hl.r (altsfi wcre mouth of March. This allows n dis­ mbced together, then you need ' « H e fcun'ts nn til* tb to st trim ja m - ! W m i. a„,K,_ o i» i I wnnifcrmt wbat tic meant to r a VapoKub a minute or one million and jyzod-—couldn’t sponk nor netlUn’. She led me Into the JihuSe. She {good friends.” count of 10& on shipments from job­ eighty thousand weekly, has required iuoked vi’ry neat now—lu a black seeuml «nd Uiep asked: ^ | j xvomlor if she really enjoyed stlclr- bers' stock of quantities of front 1 to Where do ye suppose ho vvns whoa I „1* 1* t [iys whh you? j lug this thorn Into .my fleidb—a' thom a force o f 500.people. Our Cafe De­ gown over.which was a sqtotiias while 4 gross. 5% of this, discount is allowed partment, created for the benefit of found hltuf” npron fcid collar of Ince-^-and much' w r c * which made it difficult /o r me to fol- *‘|n bud 7’ I asked* by the Johl»er and 5% by us. these workers, served 7,000 meals dor* nr«re slender than when I had seen nriMvered. hit you down, w-illod call , \ nw y ie nfivierr of fl»o schoolmaster and We advise the retnU druggists to “Mo. Hir—-ho, ftlr&ol lie was In hell lng the month of January alone. her lest. $he took mv tulr> n large the family. They re.out la the kitchen , rrthAed mo of thc unlo peace 1 might place their orders immediately, so that —Hint’s where he « h?i—reg’lar «!’ fash- ! rtHim in t]u» front of t.hftJjwjse w);h a patting the dishes away. Many hands ; !l;ivc (,iv!(1, ^ . My faith in ih,J!y wav- 13 MILLION JARS OF VAPORUB PULS wnfet; light labor/* the Joi&crs «*;JJ J.v? able In g et pr&tpgft iutHKf. down-east heff, humfnf with lire Your rssoib is a good indication of fiw carpet nnd .tairufttire, hnodsoiue once • (‘red up nnd down nntil it settled at shipments to them. DISTRIBUTED SINCE OCTOBER. condithm of the stomach and bowefs, isrim-iiuR, Owt ke'et ottcl fke affuttor Ttip? came qufckfy and gafft«Nvd Its wonted level ttud rtslssurod me. An frfea u f Che wortr we have ac­ for »ir hml recoumiuntled to every sln- liut a«*w worn and decri-pit, .Ohi,1ln»ft-| . Llrtmt&law’ A>»r Mtidlda* iu A»W«M, stalnetl rogrovlnas of sbt’hea from tho > hhoul me—u noisy, happy group, The It wn«? a p**rfect sinmn'r morning t h a n k s o f t h e p u b l ic d u e t h e complished this fall may be gives - Mdarfryvkitr*. ht busv*, IQhe^Sfc. per In the neighborhood. Lie was set- lirhle. tanned in^Wtmd. bung on tira *n™p:or children kissed m^and sat on mu! T enjoyed my walk over the famil­ DRUG TRADE DURING THE by our production figures— 13,023/17# tin* in his room. God o* Isr’e!! Yoii h nils. my knees and gnvo raw the sroall .news INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC. Jars o f VajvoUnb manufnctnred asul r(» n' *recn the tooUnns he made fHth iar roud uud up Into the hill country. farm Opporlunihcs I told all that I llntl heard from of w dcftpcrit he tried to “Sally?” "Wlmt a Joy for the spare rooroi" getting home after a long absence. war caused a shortage of physicians— plication in connection with the physi­ St$%S U«!lMJSnSS^!SmS^ i nUl out tlw thws t o t «rn«_ plowin' “She* hns hw1 n,"rt Bow und J um going to te e her.** dancin’ on Its four legs this very min­ Wrist Blotter. was unexpected and overwhelming, on Vick’s almost exclusively. hi IHM w»*rOSbg ue*l r*;o«, iwdwste*. i *'.yi jc, H COtflb ftCTost TOe What "Ton love Rally?" sh whispered, ute/’ . In these days or wrist wntchei there and to*(his demand they responded Literally millions of families all ovef S.'wS'iSS.! tw wnnttil-antck ns yo wul.l «iv amt. “Belter than,! love-niy ilfn.** “I Intend to walk up to the hills to­ Reenv^ to be n call for the simple wrltt nobly. Retail druggists kept open day the country, from Cali­ <« KUO" K»*e'» '>W'»1U" Afirttn she wh5sp(irc«» he wamofl. The sluu wa* kind o' lay- **Wh hriK* to !n LHlf. 1 have agreed rily. “An1 the Haekrts lyin’ awake device conNists merely of a curved Wholesale druggists called their sales­ to (he Gulf, have found K’f *A^ wLwSS^O c r Jin’ On his stomwlck nn’ minin’ of him to her by the his pint* tree on ihc tldiikSn’ o’ ye on the dark rood! Try likvuer back, blotier and a wrist strap. men off the road to help fill orders— Vick's Vnpoltub tho 'day on* night, lie couldn’t Sian’ tt. river bank nt eleven o’chwk the third It. boy. no* ye’ll get a crack with the *o that the blotter nmyt.e worn on tho hundreds wired Us to ship Vick’s Vapo- Ideal home remedy for Colds Grow B etter lie knew lhat h-» wns goln’ to die porty of Tune, 1 R-M. W« *»«> tonklng‘foe* ruler ami an hour after school. Yer right band of the u.v*r. •Thus the blot­ Rub by the quickest route, teffnrdtass croup and cold trou­ soon nn* thnt Kste would come bent ward to that day.*' aunt and uncle wilt be airouccr to ter. Is ffisUntiy HYnilablQ^ir use, tmd >f expense. bles. . nn* see it nn* that eTer>‘hody wmfid A tall. *|1tu womnn entered the room stand yer cornin’ with the iilght's rest the l>eo does nm have tu bo laid down. Itbg wh*n yes «»• nfll«Wt, tinwdMio* see her Mamllh* hero By feet own grave, Uh ii nhd titiW that supper was wady. npotjt them, Yo wottldfet be routin’ nn* It worried him. It was klod o* like Rnte roM> wltb' B radio and I followed them out 6* hed no* they utter u hard Optimlktlo Thoutfit. a Brg lit his hefly. feet Into tho dining rooat wWro. twO d^y tsith tfee lmyiii't Wtcn* my kind U OlnciM feus (ui t h i l l It ifeo t e i Up “1 gum , too, hr couldn't besr the table* M M itifH l Ofio hud; cwttm [ hettrled iud. ye mwst gw* fe thbui^l to. btefiatiypfe ' PISO’S j; * is e s a a S THE CHEi-SEA STANDARD, MARCH 20. 1919.

Iron Mountain—John Andrews. Jr4 has been renominated fer 'mayor anr o Yetr flfipfftvjffuns \ys7f. pruve a ri-vefn- Adrian-—J. N. Sampson has received office in Berrien county- She won over her male opponent by over fifty votes. tioii if ,vt*or he.;r Sotiin/r. « « « * « ? /-•/■ noticatlon of hie appointment to the gray. Mixing the Rape Tea and Sul resident guardianship of the Industrial Traverse City—By mutual consent pliur u-i.-ifm nt tli-msh, Is tVoti- Home tor Girls here. the hearing, of Mre. Stanlstawa Lip-, blesoiw-. An easier ,vv:iy is to gA*t ii For Pain Golds Sandusky—Mrs, Katherine Carmon ctrnski, hold in connection, with'the bottle of Wyeth’* Rage and Sulphur of Lexington was very badly burned alleged slaying bf Sdster Mary Janina Cdmp’uind nr any ilrog -More oll recdy Headache Grippe about the face aud hands when she at Isndore 11 years ago, was postponed for ns*-, This is tho tfid-tiiqe reolpc Toothache Influenzal* started a fire with oil. to March 27. improved by tin? audition of other in­ Petoskey—Sixty new cases of in- Albion—Harold Wochholz, ot Albion, gredients. Earache Colds flacnznhave b&en reported In Petos-. and Russell Boyd, former Albion - col- While wispy, gray, faded hair is hot Rheumatism Stiff. Neck key and precautionary- measures arc iygo student, ain. cbos*m among the sinful, m- nil desire to retain onr being' taken against an epidemic, first 150 men of 1,004 to be sent from youihfu! nm»enrnm-i> and nttrartlvi*- Lumbago Joint Pains the Great-Lakes Naval Training Sta­ jm’SR. -By durkenitur your hair with Muskegon—-County -Clerk. Michael* Wyeth’s .Rage and Sulj.lmr Compimml. tion to Brest, France. son Is ready to aid returned Muskegon no une can fell: because It does it so soldiers In securing the JCQ bonus, Saginaw—The Saginaw Shipbuilding naturally, so erenly. Yon Just dinnpen Adults— Take one or two *'Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” with which has been recently voted by con­ company .has started work ou l^th a sponce »>r w»ft brush with U und vater. !f necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals. gress. ship of it* 24 contract with the Emer­ draw- this llironcH your l»»ir; taking Stockbridge—For the purpose of gency Fleet corporation and this otie one smnli strand at n timt*: hy- tnominr Ask for and insist Upon finding a market ior'iann produce the' and 11, others to follow will be 4,200 nil gray imirs - have disappeared, end. Stockbridge Producers’ Association tons instead of 3,564. after another npplteatiop or fwo.-yoTlr i i has been -organised .with' a member­ Nllcp-' lle^pite the- fact that a Jus­ hair bf-eniues beaullfitllv iliirk. ylussy. ship of farmers. tice court jury Indicted him fur ; tbh soft ond hrxuriant.—Adv. Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” Mahtetee-—Harold-Cole, 11 years old, murder as a result of a card -game American owned— Entirely! died of infiucnxa. bis parents ilmving dispute, «f Joe Cainpiso Sunday, Do­ HIS MEMORY PROVED FICKLE i died of the same disease & week ago. minick Greco pr^riaitns-bm Innocence £0 e#nt Bayar aIfo lnryi-r Raver, parkegvx, The number of coses reported Is:in*' and will fight for freedom.- Convivial Gentleman In Hard Luck ( • Bay Ilayei packagts oah--—t'.t’l original package.. When it Came Time to Remove } creasing xojddiy. ('hoyjolifr—-Fred fHvip, a painter, is H>s Footwear. { Asririn ivtBe tttide tairktsil^ycr U^uicrt'iire ciMcmniRucKnletter of SrilerfindiS Bad Axe—Paul Najrey, who killed dead nfc the result of shooting himself through* the head with a revolver. '1 be his mother nnn three children' with: A •haDbiiy «-IHxi-ii . nf ibciviit? Love Knows :No Rank. Experienced Lovvr. bullet, which onterea the right tempie a an axe, at Coseville, has -been ad­ i-il.v b»Vl bi^-n asjs until‘•-'tW'siiinU hours T he liUU* ssr! Yrotu .T«:x:;s‘ ehyly . WJSHnm .7* Burns, the tlotcrtlvo, yald judged insane end will be committed ami came out ot the left i*lde. was with ••OHvlvml •■nnu»jini«»l)S. U AvaS nof ii-Skod tla- fKlici r af.'ih** *lii5' Wht-n* iiolF fq a ^rihtton irfliurp; io nn Institution. found on the bed bnssde Inivis. «:ic il.v Si "jiry bultfi!:y'-' ibat bo hart' rft — l»‘ fotlU«l, •“To a AVv!Mr:uti«-d fioi'-.illvt- rvovy Port Huron—The young blood of East Lansmg--The run ot nispie visil • d. ,i h« . hi-rivv• Ui-uG-miiir -.vbh Irl X«>„ —>«??.. ♦-v^ry uirltliMit Is.qxfttliof ifioan- Port Huron 1b to be made an import­ syrup iap will bo excenJingiy small f-Xtilllll-ill .-•1. 11.iv n»on;W d. by fivr-fril.*-. iny i am romutiit-fl of a story, ant factor In developing the commun­ this .war; according to rrofessors hi m e S«-tPrj«l‘ .Prra Ur, rqibvsf lban gwi- o, j>ut it; thi- i.iotn’ri* UtdH'ri !u»d ld«- K u d Oo{ 7 of Wrapjxr. Ijtiif-iilm*. “yttd f?vi?r^Th|np." . ".i .WriJiis tnittj s:it In :t parlor alone. ity and b young tneu'n council, lo be the forestry department, of. the Utuver- metrb*.. llm*.s t« •*r, to hl«., . vns. Mir 1rutruam miqhl ? ikt- Thim a hpattiifol sir! t-np-retl. 'rtterr*- composed of high school ant) grammar nilv of Michigan. The umisualty open aud- <*Iu.lr. T hn Jn ciiilr 1 UK winter Is assigned as tbo cause. lii« wife in a whlsnrr n bH«k at 51. The piri rVi? iy wa-i a,-tv upon rho voonp ‘ utnn rostf, • took rite SOLD FOR SO YEARS students, is now being organized as rn f-ifiar}’. froiit IiIk upper wjtis'.-ojU fhHjfcfft, Muskegon—Deputy Stale Ga.nl© *T riui-f c imnfK ur.' pretty auxiliary to the Chamber of Com­ iliuiieimut ctiunrd ar' tire -. s«C-. i::hl tliv-m <-un‘fu!>y on t-i jiitjim. aml For MALARIA. IVurdea Georgc WeUhnni^r. has re­ *‘Wh:.r? ibr • imittrr : tvisit jiur : Tbr c-.i. merce.' bonK- ' • tur»*. Icoln-rt xiu*. n but. SoshMooUhip thru aUvunrud .'toward- flit* girt CHILLS and Benton . Harbor—Dtispendent be­ plenished several airenms anil creekn fetbrn- l ivas bx siuinittlyv.ids aruts outmj-cU-n<>tj. . •‘Xit/rin.- ■ !r< n 'faint \ M-par. But xvbn lbs? W ml FEVER cause of ill health following an attack of Muskegon countv wita brook trout tin* f< limy waft' l *antu{t i n>«p-brt!ar • : Itul t!o» ?*5rt clr»-tv*h:tel:. “WlmiV .sla-M.mitti-i; m i ; «»ir ti.y fry. The &troams arc Oteveiand. , A iw a F in i Ctturbl of influenza. Mrs. ITank Burr, aged ihrii shr er*»ss- is:i itlord. UJIHiti- Uio -hn«kp Of il I ** 'You Jusvc loved brim,«ho fuIu.w Stnitfilw nioi Tonic. 25, wife of a postal clerk who has re­ Little Bear,' Cedar. .Green, Mosquito. : “Nl7.ziH'." ■ *nst- rsme. • Hiilrert . 2:nb DLtt,TIffi)H!DS Norris aud Ryerson creeks, sMSriT a u s u b moms cently been discharged from navy ser­ •'\\ bv dn 'you pun j iiitr . tltYOiS off: Jw-rn !tu-firrii. *n »?. nflirr r dclaib-i ! T " vice. and prominent m local society SI. Chilr—At a crowded nieetirg i heirs**. Klisinh tii »*Si‘orl tbs-. yoifa C -.AVObuin to NOSE CLOGGED FROM : SrOP SLAUGHTER OF BIRDS! “SUCKERS" ALWAYS ON HAND circles, banged herself in the base- hero another new city party was orr ".Maria. I’ve foriroi •Ire lah bi-r itlliuriV-./fl, moot of the'Burr home. ganlred under tho name of ~*Ln!uQ" Ttii v. A man ; A COLD OR CATARRH: Wardens Wage Constant War on Un­ Despite Their General Shrewdness, IkitrolI-r-As 'WllliaJii Pryrek. was party: Politics! uphca?nts have now h!s fot-'k rurn«*r|. w as «»utstdt * ll»T kllvh :!' 5 principled Stayers of Feathered American People Are -Easy-Vic- caused the organization of three par­ «‘tt i httsfiy fc'«;-rjibblntf jam--. - A ! t Apply- Cream In Neetrils cleaning a revolver, the weapon ac­ Open Up Air P*aaHgea. Friends of the Farmer. - time of Confidence Garnet cidentally exploded, u bullet fitrikmg ties here, the other two being t&A ImiV: «>f ;«rn:pflthy ruiua Hus o lire eye* i Lives 200 Years! uf titp sir! nnrii-rln*-turneih Dorothy, his lb.year.old daughter, in. "Citizens" and "Liberty" tickets. •1 i . ■‘R«b*-rr -The* punnilan of. the birds oh.pro- "lire true American Is a funny Indi­ the abdomen. The child .war taken to ManlBtique—Peter Muknvlrh. al­ Ah! Whni rAlitifi! Y«mr elnpffotl nuSr ■frkted bind? is aa Important p a rt of vidual.” remarked Sheriff. ('line the -And »« bjs «rin« yv*n»i j iromnl her ! Gran* HnspiiaX when* her condition is . leged sJa.vcr of Dsn KnJji'h,, w as ajo- Far mare <6*d 55XI-y»-*r*, ffinarfcm-OtT, slit*, tiavrr utlssi-il tlis-s tusu-lihn rils & . AitiiMfpn state j?.v£ »£■- serious. Robert.-I*. Speed, assistant ] the fanroufi nztioiml remeov -»f UotlamL * ttniuhit jferty snimitehl «r t-atarrh is gone. law’ whihvon the other ha mi. no mat*. m the lack,- fct-I, tired m tins- inorumB, nnly one wty la cure'Catntrlutl Deafness, • Don't stfty siuftvfi npi.. Get a Binstil • Mlling them for the Puke of the prices t«*r lifiw absurd the-trick, there nrt*-«K bers of the - United Staten Pcwer Mouroc~-As thcrc ar& several- thous­ hestfhchce, mdigcFttou, m-oinnis. pamfui ait<5 that is by a conatltuUonel remedy, the wines will bring.- Thus e constant Squadron is mode iu « resolution in­ and quart* of coniiscAted whisky; dr too frequent pelage uf unne, irrduttdn HAM/S CATATtlUI MBDICtNB oeis s butiie.nf- Kly’s* Omim halm-froiii j-nur ways plenty or gullible people to bite. Ibrongh tho.Illnod on.the-Mucout fiurfftcea. t.drtipKl'-n nmv. -Apply a iiltle a t th in ' ■'MHch Is K»'c*-ssnry. Patrol boats arc lr wasn't-more than aweek or ten troduced by Senator A rthur E. Wood, locktnlup in the basement nf the court •nr einne m tiuv Idadder. vou itid slniovt of the Syeconn Catarrhal Uexlnesa is certaudy find -relief , m (»UL1> MLDAL raossft - by nn Infiarned condition :of-Jbft :-frTigrfiut.'tmiiM'piic ereAinltv ynnr is ok- f WuMnmlv hovering along the shores days up* when a Tnau (.Tilled here mid fkdnilt, and approved by the Senalo. house her© tlm hoard .of supervisors Kaarlctn Oil Capfcak-b. Th:« the good the ri.‘fervnitor»«. and more than ope tr.uroii* llr.frg of the EusincbioU: Tube. r {rilft. !f-t It penelrste thronyb evory nlr asked me if he could lodge u com­ The. resolution requenta the Michigan instructed the prosecuting attorney to obi (tiiittiy that ha a Ucoil the trn- fur When tilts tuba Is' Inflamed ycu havu a ; |«iissjip»* :«f -the lunid: .vornhe and heal Idtched bottle has Iipoji fought to rnyu plaint. • delegation in Congress-to endeavor W confer with insurance companies as to biiiitlmlb uf m m , prrjtnred tn ilit- jini;K-r rufiibllns sound or Impel foct hearing, and the caret or {mils from slmighfer. In ‘What do you want in romplnln usnttry end cntit-eim-nt form to take. when It la entirely closed. De»fr.ea* la (he ■ the Kivollen, iifilnmo.d rouc^ias itjpid- obtain one of the llO.fcot - chaser*, .whether this is permissible under tho i is.unporicd dircct boiu litiMartii lab- result. 17r!«ms the. inflam m ation can bo r*- Farida, one oF the best panic warden* about? J asked him. duved nad th is tMbe- .n»t«ircd-to ite nr-r-, I hrano. civln?:. ynt* Instnnt . relihL RIy'ff built by the Maihews Co., Pori Clfn- counties Insurance polfufes.- entories, and you win get :it at any miii condition, nearing tsay be destroyed : Crenm Bairn Ik -wlme «vory cold the Audubon- society was killed by “fly way of reply he placed berore . drug store, it it -a FUrvisrd. olil-litnc ton. G., and now lying in Rocky River LaiiRiog- Dr. A, A. Patterson, ot. i forever. Many -castta of Drafnees are ! nnclvcmarrh stifftrror hits bi-vu uveklog, hinl bub-hers. me nu iidvertisojiient wubrh read •In­ home remedy and nc-e«is no introduction. caused b>r Cptarrft:- wfilcfe la.n n tnffamed at Cleveland; ...... ’... Chippewa Lake, who ha* been making Kacii c&peuie raatauta one dose of fire rondUkm uf the Mucous .Burfacen. ' It's jtirf sjvleudld.—Adv. • If those who coll the rohln the tidcf unctions cm wluit to do at tin? tabic.' drops and » p tn u n i and easy in Lake. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS' for any • W their- fruit, am! bate Mm for Ins *• *r sent money for a copy,’ explained . Ann-Arbor—Accortling to statistics charges against tho jnsrmgement of case of Calat-rhab Drnfncsa that cannot gathered by *Dr. Seuseman of tho LJ. the Traverse City State hospila^ al-: They will quickly mUrvt -loose rtiilencd be cured hy HALL'S CATARRH Where the Drinkinq Is Done^ .Flatly iiutnthip raids o n • their berries. tiie man, *atnl in reply received a sill* State, thatt backai'lie.baekariie, riieumaltVm, Iuid- MEDICINE. ^onld realize that the little Trull of paper on which was printed the one of M. Aluatni nnu*e. 123 university men leging cruelty while lie was an in;nui«: go, sciatica, gall atone*, gntveL- ‘ limit All DniRtrlsta •TCe. Circulars free. "This W a tlry FtHtiC last tlieir lives in the war in eight dif­ Utere, has been asked to come to Lans­ duft,J‘ etc. Your money prontptly. refund­ P. J. Chmey A Co., Toledo, Ohio. -Wives don't have to Krnvli thelP: ^Killed if a-light dessert far the huge word “Hat."*”—I.os Angeles 'limes. ed if they do not relieve you. Hot he ture •Tnmitiry of Insects killed before, the ferent countries, while in the service ing and tell his story to th>: Traverse lni>ib:sn«r^ breath ivlnvn-' il»»?y- eotna to aet the ctfluinc GOI.B MEDAL brand. IiOtne." ,, •T?Uli iv»h touched. then their feelings Albert Expialna. of the United Stales or one of lu al­ City hospital committee of tbe houae. In hose*, -t urIIfee eizee.—Adv. Egoism. 'rouid he more kindly. Cutworms anti "Albert Pemiyroyul .lutres. toll me this lies. This is not, of course, anywhere . Jnckbon—Brouidiaus 'Nasisctkn. aged *‘BMs,j2»iik «rviu»v4 txrvc-UaRly Lhank- whrn. ihey route homo. Wo J nno luive it> KiUtiil tbtur UrvathK lut* •Ta.neHlG*, which do great lumu to grain mhmte-where you are going." tlemaud- near nil the university graduates who 9. ha* told police officials here that Particulars. fitk yi*Kii-rtiay. ■ "le*," flul he Kninpljou- »mtiintM's to ! inriiiiMvl.v a tier, they've • la-vn. down III ^fops. are favorite foods..for :robins. i ed the head of the house. died in the service, and it wiU prob­ his father kicked him twice in the face “I ii<*nr Hint vnum- Spend!! Ik ctv while lenf-bee-tlefi. vine-worms, etc., art* j "Why—ot— my .dear,” explained A!* ably take many months to get a com- JiiK timli-r." . (Kukt* hirt KruiSuuiij sound like jihL-»T j the <-«-liur to b-ok fit th«? t'uruute fixe.** • and chained him to a bed for a week hcKistln^.’* j — l>HrulL l-'rtju.f'ri^K. . taton in creut numbers.—Exchange. j Iicrt meekly. “J was—vr—going to ploto return. Of the 123-deaths offi­ as punishment for a boyish prank he •“Very-much ml- -Up K t-tlhrr tuub-r > lodge—r” cially reported, 74 were from disease. hlE, uutoinuhile nr utiib-r :t i-biml.'* committed. The Sheriff ami » humane 3*ou .rjiiJjt'r Ji.be tiw* m an njU<> sef^ f 'F a r tAti ttmT} .*Jw»Ar.v w tnighi- m e He Had Had Hie AtcdMne, "A .likely story. fnrtoed. You gi> Camp Custer, Battle Creek—“No*v officer claim to have found the'hoy ing to do nothing Of the kind.” . Wlien the i«r« away-the m-tphbora |M»ars tt* bo iuterrstejl In yi t?r ‘ start ihve from the kj>riua-bnttrd. !>xtt Mn—-There's a good little hoy. T a le yourre fafkmg/' suft/ many men at rnstcnuii co a DCdposf fa fits home, and rot ivi«!»i(mta. even If lt«* ilwsn'f etsre n wl»u>|>. he. rt*K'f-Ti‘t iry.it. . -Four rordiejui* like father does. :"Yef?, 1 was about to sny thnt-T was tlamp Custer when an order was post­ released him. a . Jimmie—Air *lmrbs} When father: going ip lodge—cr~n complaint with your dresfetnnker that she was nicking ed that army field clerk Jobs wet* Buy City—fJIrlc Fliutbuff. 28. was *Rke« his be always says that word you available at li.ZOO a year, with a pri­ . licked me otn-e for Rayin'. your doilies too cheup'Tooking/’ seetcuced to serve from 21 to 45 years vilege of receiving |2.080 later. The in Marquelto prison by Judge iHough- Natural Procedure. Her Occupation. camp personnel office will handle Bp ton, Fllnthoff was conTicted of a statu­ ■*Whnt dn you think of -ilmt new “What kind of n woman is his wife, plications. For the first time, Custer tory charge against a lS-yenr-old girl, tR* scheme*?'' "Oh. everybody in mak- Amanda ?" ‘I think-she is what you now houses a .Negro commissioned Fllnthoff protested his,. Innocence on light of It.1' call a mandatory.*' officer, UeuL Emmet Br^wn,- 317:h being sentenced, and then -requested Ammunition Train,' who came here that he he sent to Jackson iuatead of wjth 35 Negroes for demobilization af. Marquette but without avail, i Flint- ler serving .overseas. r ; hoff claim s that be Is the victim of a Hillsdale—Arthur W. Strauss, C. A. frnoie-up. 126th infsutry, 3?cd dlvI&ion, with the Grand Rapids—There is lees Army ot Occupation, tormerly of Read­ ladfgency In Grand Rapids than for More fund more, thoughtful wornen arc de­ The SameDelicious ing. writes that at Chateau Thierry many years.' Figures for the year ho and his paj were about ten .feet show that the decroase has been near­ creasing the. cost of living by increasing the apart, when a shell came over, light­ ly 60 families a Tnqnth. Tho saviug Satisfying Drink ing between his chum's legs, taking to tho city has Amounted to approxi­ variety of their home baking. They have them both off at ib.e knees and wound- mately $900 monthly. One hundred leg him in the beck. -They had car* and twenty-fivo families 'are depen­ learned to bake the Royal w ay with fewer Used for years instead of coffee by rletl him about 24 rods aways when dent for medical aid. The Average another shell struck the stretcher he cost -for Aiding a family is eggs. They have found that more baked families who value health. was on, blowing him to pieces and monthly. Medical aid costs about foods mean less m eat They have further killing both tho first ald mon. $3.60 an Individual, flr $6 for a family. LanMng—Senator Herbert Baker’* Owd*m -D r. A. M. Hunin of Owosso, discovered that their baking keeps fresh The Original htti to pei ea end to tke laliuenta. of who Aw two months has -bean fn wealth In Michigan elections was charge of tho bureau oS m M tary relict longer when made with burled in tbo Senate by a vote of 1-i maintained at New York by the war to 13. with three ot four Detroit sen-, preparedness board tor returning Postum Cereal ators present voting in favor of thing* Michigan soldiers, declares that there as they are. The measure was aimed are In Walter Reed heapUal, Wash­ at (be methods typified by the $176,* ington, 72 Michigan men who would ICO campaign fund ured by the cohort* not Average one leg and one arm each. Boiled just liKe coffee of Truman H. Newberry before; the He emphasised the bigness of the task butt primary. Incident* of that cam­ ot training war cripple* to support Absolutely Pure —15 nunutSs alter boiling begins. paign supplied Senator Baker his themselves and pleaded ror co-opera­ chief arguments In support of the bill. tion. In many recipes, only half as many eggs are required, in Rich in aroma. Pleasing in flavor. Lansing— Tlte entire machinery of Menominee—Entering the First Na­ the Michigan war preparedness board tional bank ot Menominee a man come none atall, if an additional quantity of Royal Baking Economical. No table drink has and various county war boards will asked TelUr Fred Klumb to hand him be nlllUed in canvsea Industrial In­ over $2,000, while ho covered him with Powder is used, about a tea spoonful in place of «»g"h ever taken the place of Postum. stitutions of Michigan to Interest unit a 44-callbe* revolver. The letter back­ ployere In the government** plan of ed out dt the cage, ostensibly to ron- egg omitted. vocational education for crippled sol­ suit Assistant Cashier Clint dram and diers. Tho plan was outlined In the the man covered others in the hank " There's a Reason ” war preparedness board by Oenerdi with the weapon. Cashier G. A. Blesch Try it with your favorite recipes S. Greener and Charles W. Sylvester, recognised the man aa a hunting of Chicago, representing the division guide. Ole Nbleon, of Paeans, $jlch.. a Royal Contains No Alum - Get hat grocers. Two sizes 15c & 25c. of vocational rehabilitation lot Mk&> trapper, and said **146110 Ole.*' Die lean. Illinois-and Wie*ot»nfn, 4tid iris concerted,_IV. the wcmW be -tOhber ^LkL.. t.backed hcftrtiir tndorwd by Dr. Arthur Hubm^ ottt bf tho-tmnk. He .was eapturtd end No Bitter Ta»l« of Owosco, in hharde •h'Now Yofh. jtlMibUiUM.

WfUMkHUtatatate ■ ..R -A a M a THE CHELSEA STANDARD, MARCH 20, 1918.

FRANCISCO. IRC NEIGHBORING Mrs. Geo. Schvre, spent Thursday OVERLAND' Gfl-RME in Chelsea. llaymond Klumpp and Sheldon (FORMERLY .SUGAR BOWL) Bt/icte SKI: Serve Polish > . SYLVAN. ❖ Frey were Grass Lake visitor* Wed­ Isdry diitrreut. col: eon bu i to--»S do cs t» not ihfi ANNOUNCEMENT nesday evening. Will Open Saturday, March 22, at Noon, ust drvr>: ibiriil sjd pmU: (rsstv;‘fjiUi't; iw>du:i«TtJir:. ut^A^xl/ T«i no We have moved our \ ufc&ntzcr"from the second door to the Misr f^ rain e lYalx, of \Yv$t Fran- grt y « t zsstu-y’s Krai it. Fred Notion hit* installed an oiec- Cisco, spent the week-end at the home With ft First-Class Line of firat iloor, and uva now prepared to .do better arid quicker work -trie".lighting, plant on' his farm' of Mrs. K ate Wair. Chau ever before, at price* that will meet any competition, . Adalbert Schenk was sick several Mr. aiul Mrs. Wm. Maurer and chil­ Ice Cream. Candy and I’ruits Black Silk ’ ■lisps Jaat week, but ik improving at dren, of Grass ako, were quests . of W* j»/$o vtf a W # ? *ii*vk of A t jaJJ liuw*. r.V/V tittus. , - Stove Polish Mrs. ‘K ate • Knfz, Sdiufay. it »w.t? it pi^ii^brlib- for cat*.which are- m use, winch we wiii seii a t from 29% to 2J>% ■ • Mr. ami Airs. E verett Lyon of Ann _ iiLV>Sej- wn* ih e -guest o f . M 2 f r v New Arbor,'spent Sunday fit the home, of JOHNSON & omms ZS:±. «XV.'liU.'i.'i?.';'r ■ :■*“ .-ct o.»v. i. le.-^ tiibd priefe* ebar^ed bv m any other}’. E very'one gunnuticed. texts .Margaret (Jicake. of Chelsea, a (tto U toto i iui tim. • av t- r.u i.1 Wih-iirj 3.ln. tind Mrs. L. C.,Hayes. couple of-days lust week. ud DWU'j. iJeflrgH Schutenheim will te ■ eitt* Ervunn Jackson returned from A lary« stock of Tired and -Accessories earned at al! times, to c .. f -r Itiv n Si ployed by Herbert Rank this summer. -Oelixiit, Wednesday, a fter Spending a - i^-V.Wt>fi* in w aeieot from. ; Ho commenced work Monday. few weeks with her brothers. v <: s -tot ttolraiOKll OIVteiUS A CALL TO PROVE n \. Mi©; Kv« Bohue, who has been Etr'c P.ilh. PotUf* spending !km>e Lime with .relatives in hicrung. Illmoii. Uenitimbor .we have in stock the famous Overland Car* ami Waterloo, returned Ikmiio Friday. ‘.:1: Air «»tylna Overland Lraetnrs Imjn-ri ihcivi before placing your order. FKKRDOM. Mrs. Jesrio Boh no, of Jackson, and Mrs. Stipliia Kalndusch, o f,. Sylvah. Tlio tim e to |M-ej,sn-c i«r ftdv.arsilv • *n>e Keptiblicans uf Freedom nam- spent Tuesday with Mr. and Sirs. G. IK Bonne. is NOW —not. tonioi'iow nor the iif-xi, iiiiusitf lliy fo1!o\vinK ticket ‘Ljostlny: Ssipervikor-’-Henri’ Ucrlkt*. • Fred Willy Juib; sold ins home in d a y . Clerk- lien lireitonwischor. Dexter uml will move U> Francisco 'Troasurcr—Oscar Stabler.- this week and reside in Mrs. Matilda Aecuinulating a bank aciiouut is Hi$yiiwfiv Cnmmiftsioaer -- Urnest Horning's residence. • Mrs. E. J, Schuekvrl, o f -Detroit, the best safeguard against tomorrow’s Mann. criio«> last Thursday to spend a few m isfortunes. Justice'of the Fout'e—W- fl. Elsen- days at the Renter home. She return­ .Alemboi- lionrd of Keviy.v- John ed Saturday, accompanied by Mrs. Htrusler. Ber|.hn Renter and daughter. Miss Chelsea Home Bakery Overseer of HlghwayK---Henry Ort- Ella; .briiip-' Farmers & Merchants Bank' JliaJIBER FEDERAL RESEMYK SYSTEM WATKRL00. We Are Making: LYNDON. L. L. Gorton spent Wedbesilay in AiVF ircn end atmit.ca amtfeirisg Buttermilk Bread Oeo.. 11.'.Goodwin spent"Mendnv in Jncksoni M bocaiise they are treating jriTecu: Jaekiwn. - George Emmons has a new Ford instead of removing causes.. • The Di'moerats of Lymlnn township touring ear. .'W hy botlicr vrith llaifth.-nis aud hold their caucus-»n the. town hall Jacob Rommel finished sawing logs JctJons for rheuma.-ic yai.is, twekach--». Saiurday afternoon,, and placed the here this’week. .w : 6 lo uinf jornth, rote .mas'dfcj, bi!iouiaciS»r Mr. Hunter, of- Dnadiiln, has bought nervodsni.-ts, fto2t*ngspt-cL3 ihevKion.'- The Quality Loaf 0 >lItnt'rnF Lfcket in nomination:- uiszuics, ptsSy poucltcs u:.Je» die eyu?,_. ■Supervisin'"'-xlsunws Howiett. ■Tncob Uonimers-snwiuUI. Delivered at my shop. 109 YYest Middle Wniter Koclz; of Ann Arbor, spent: or other srm plona cl . kidney trouble^ Clerk '.John Prendnrgivst. street,- Chelsea, before ;2:3"(im , on ifffaeo the kidneys cor b'r n;ade iwel! sad ‘ Treasurer Florsnice Sweeney. a few days with his parents here. strong, Thu? rcinovinJ i!r- CiUico o f tliSj Uffdnv'ay ;- Ctmimlsslcner—Tt. -V', John Barber is home from the hos­ Saturday. March 22, 1.919. syniptoins? Fruit Cake Angel Food Gake ; Watts." pital; and is getting along nicely. Justice of- the Peace --Eugene H. Jas. Simpson; who has - been vnth Cookies McKermm. • the A. K. F. m Franeo.- Is visiting Member Ikmrd of Rfvicw—fieo. W- frinmls- here. - EUGENE P STEINER . (Jvefeccii used fer LtJock mv.4nc a»4 bbd Pjlls-j H. J. SMITH p -- .; ... , . .. <$ He has been in service since a year l esuucsitly reeunssucuU ibeui to any os»c twtfcfT., Lie hots hbbwy ur bladder itoubk.” ' !igo last Scptumbci:. SOLD EVERYWHERE. M^&s C harhilie: Moeckvl • spent Sat * The Democrats at thuu* cauciL* held' nnlay in Chelsea. . m the- town Hull, Saturday after- AultmiobUe and General Repairs. Motorcyclo^. liii'ydes, . .1 J«j Kathryn Notion w spend.'*}#-a mi the Ji>)h>ivSir# Jw R atfm lors, Fuicaoisieg a u d lv*efif(ng. Aff w ork striclly fo-.v days in Liinu Center.- ilu?-four principal olTices: -. Mrs;: Ada Menstni? is spending a Supervisor--''Herbert. Harvey. i ca ^t. <$&crefaction gtraranCetxL . Used Cttrs Hoit-rhc, PINE GROVE GARAGE. rroupio nf w eetorm -Jackson. Clerk Fred Radford. ] Sold anu Exchanged. ('OH SOUTH MAIN A iD V TERItlTO R lA l. ROAD ■ Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Vnte-rson spent- Treasurer—Fred Dorkee. ' Sunday rtt tlu* hoinu of Ouri Straub. flighwav GomtiusBiuner-.-G..-A,-Barr St < t-.nrt a full l»n« at OtlJv-and riLOfifciSGillKsa-. >or all make hoy’ Miller, of Detroit, bun . been M E S E R V A & D IC K E N S O N of ear* T.-".'- ‘ h‘>mc* ot) a five day furlough, and re> The. .Kepubllcans held their caucus SKILLliD ,sii I'S- furiied Sunday. in flit* town hall Snlurday ufiernoon, Flume 9,1 Rear-lftI West Middle St, HKlLLKi) I,AIKlli. T-tA DtATOHS RKPAlURD,' -Vif IjCASHKIttU -DONE,. .Miss Kjcka Kt>!mluu*li anil Mrs;. Kate and name*]-.the following? ANM tlKN FKA l. AFTU tl!2FAU5LNG. Hieske attended the Pomoiin Criinge- Supervisor- - Adolph Siegrisi. lot Ann Arbor, '.fmvjtjiiy, ... . Clerk'---William Wiilmore. <;«kji> .shis’h’iA ,\m* 6’aik fukjE-- Mrs. Eva Dancer imd children,; of Tn>ftsurm*—Ernest ftiocckul, j^Unu Center, • .spent th e week-end- at Hfghw'uy Commissioner—F.ndinaiui R o b e r t the itniiie o f Mr. imd F4vs. Henry hmt- Siegrist. PiiOKi-: Umi-fiai; . Mni. Mary Havens relumed in-her hmutv SaturiSsv, after spending -the LIVE STOCK SALE Fiiultu-y. i.'0!iatriii:l!i>» winter wuh her dn«ehterr Mrs. John WANT COLUMN; and l'Viiindry llel|>. ■ Miller. 1 am uuaiile lo work usy farm and offer for sale ihe tollowing stock !th, HfcAL K-SJ'A'l'B, FOUND, aiui tools on my premises, 6 udles west of Dexter aud 4 LOST, WANTED. ETC. tniies north-east of Chelsea, on 5% ON YOUR SAVINGS NORTH LLIiT. There is a Job tor you now; • e s-^-s-« kXJK JLU.iv -1 -Jfwi piutform spring XU E S D A Y , A P R Ii-t t in Pontiac, wagon, in due condition. Inquire Irf^ Becker npent several days of COMMENCING AT J O'CLOCK P. M., SHA RP. Ask our local ai'OUti.nbnuL cnvestiui1 from fclu.W) this week in Detroit. ofL K Gorton. Wateriw«. 3S ■ LYjiasi. fiudwn in aAvtating1 t \ A. Manufacturer-/ Assi'tiiarinn. up draw-oy a nvt. tUroimr or 5 per FOR RALE -S. C. Wlnte Leghorn eggs (.iferm. of Limn, with his farm work \ 39 Booth Saginaw St. . ren t per uuimi>i pavkblr fo r a favvduyH, for hatching.- IViiy set mforior Mr. iiml Mrs. if. V. -W«tts were efft.s- K^fcw ytat e.ttt gel guaranteed 39 - HEAD CATTLE- 39 1 wire a year. -- - | ■ II I I n I . I ml quests at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. fertility? Von rnn no risk buying Bight cows; 1 new mUcli with ealf by her side; J due soon; '4 A rthur May, Sumhiv. these egg*. All poor layers have been culled oui t*y *< evp- old; IS two-year old steers; 1 yeariiug bnii;Syearlings. CAPITOL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION* c?imy utteniiod the funeral of-Mrs: Deinnmi tin ;' best Uoj C I ves. Chelsea Greenhouses l‘hone id-W. 3? H O RSE--O ne good hor£e 10-years old.; l a n s in a h Frank ILnchcy in Pmckiicy, ’Thurs- «-, m o u r n . SW INE— Two brood sow s; l due June Lk; I bm?e stock hog; w»>rk »n Inbora-, 21 sh o als; 7 piga. tory. Applv to Michigan iV.rtlmid EWLS —Three fat ewes. POTTED l-LANTS W. D.ARNOLD; ANNA R TIC0KNOK. AGENTS. it putfeiit at the Pinckney sanitarium PDNEUAL DliSIGM?- for thu past ten davs. is rcjKiried iis Cem ent Co. ' - 35 TOOLS—Osborne side delivery rake, truck wagon, Miller nron^K s. wu:ti.; in ins' slowly. FOR SALE - Two Shorthorn bulls. bean puller and sorue otlier articles. Jlemy Gilbert returned to his 8 . HmV 0 moiithK old; New. Dutn'o hay Elvira Glark-Visel home here Sunday, after PpendinjMhe . - louder, hss • loaded about 50 tons; past four weeks at..the- Ci. of M. I105- ; TI2RMS—All sums of $10 casii, over that amount om* year’s Rhone 1SU-F2I V l.OlUSf new 7-ft. wooden puittp with cyl­ time wiU.be given on good bankable paper at OCj.. pivat, Ann Arbor. inder: il foot bamboo, spray , rods. The Golden Rule class met at the is. bomb of Mr. mid jlra. Floyd .Watts Oscar Widmnyer, p)u»ne 152-F2. Chplfum, M idi. 34tf CHARLES BALFANZ Friday evening. A largo crowd was K. \V, liANIKUs, <\utU»oiH*e.r. triLUKirr MADDKN, Clerk pr»wettt ur»«l h bur time was roported TAKE NOTICE—'The party who look H aving decided 10 q u it farm ing I wfll sell all myper&on&l pm|>* by all. SHOE REPAIRING u pair «f. horse .blankets from my of all ktiids jnvm jfily .iml Di-aU ertyat public auction on the premises known aa the lliomas premisea the dajMif my auctioii had done; also bargains in Mew farm, two miles south rant of Lima Center, on hod ?;cUor return them at niice and WANTED — im uiediate ty. com petent Urtrii.s noil tVnrk Bboi.v. anvil expense. John E. Guenther. WANTED - Two ifooil mechanics to LIMA NEWS, work in garage. Steady work to girt for general imtiiewwk in fain WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26th, 1919 ■9- ■ * Eisetrle Shoe Shop, W. Middle HOUSE TO ItENT -On Harrison st.; right fellows. Overland Grunge. 34 By of two. Mrs. U. S. Willtums, 905 VOMMRNCfNC AT ld»i f». .v!., .SHABF* gtiod garden $not, mol quantity of Olivia Ave.f Ann Ariwir, Micii, Oscar Kimluuer has purchased of O. Piipue call telephone 883. or write C. liurkhiirl a yearling Black Top sm-’dl fruit. •-lm(ikire nf llr s . U. IL WIGS FOR HATCHING—S. 0. White LefrhnTns, W hitney, Jiam m , C-orneil lr, the above address. 35 rum that weighed J&S pounds. The H O R SE S---Four Imad of work hurAes. young strain, $1.25 setting. U. C. ansmsf whs the pn»fc of Mr, Burt- OA1TLI3—One fnlW»foo. Walt i-ou.c. 04 WANTED • -People who have any le­ a»p1 «tvty two boor* to 7-W p. m. '»* ^ double harness, two HngJe'bstrne«. wt scales, bag truck and Member B-jnrd of Review--Emini- frank. 31 gal printing required in the settle­ ,I»i4 h >» as:) lan tlD t 0;N p i md FisenniAn. FOit SALK -The Marj Wortley prop­ ment of estates, etc., to have it ■xratm* ctu» bobler, tjotadhiglu, cutter, grovel \w:<, 160 crates, 40 grain bags, FOR SALE-—1« bu. choice aisike clov­ sent to the Standard office. The F.a*t ]lo u in }-'!S l a. in. a m ie M -ijt* ' *11 it* Republicans of Lima held tlieir erty corner W, Miihfle »ml Grant >1 eider barrel*, horse robe and tmusy other articles. enficuji in the town hall Monday af­ er seed, l/cavt* orders at Chelsea rates are universal in such matters, boatat(»?:»4 p. w . HAY AND GRAIN—■About 7 tm*» clover hay, 200 bttahela wtA P rirr $1,800. Address Mrs. Hardware Co., or call phone 20-1- and to have your notice* appear in Wwt k m o i-tw ii». m. m d u tt) i** ternoon hmI placed the following Maude Stoiubnch, 802 CliffonJ st, this paper it is only nceossnry to oats 26 ImeheJe sbclhei corn. S bo.dnds acid corn, I bushel rlovcr lickel in nominaiejoir Ff». . 31 boor* to l>. m r.xi-rMitisxt* m»** Flint, or inquire of Mrs. t'has. F u r­ ask the probate judge to send thorn local *to»r* «•«*( o f Ann Arlxn, weed and a •;uanutv of w haat on Urn ground Clerk --Irvcn Weisn. to the Chelsea Standard. rier. (.•Urlfiva. 35 FOR SALE—Double surrey in gootl bocab c*aa. Treafiutvr -Usvar Limlauer. Hom ai-I0:l'-’ P. in, ToYprH**',*d USUAL TRKMS OF SALE. Highway C'-mimnsshmec- ■ W. W, p at, condition; price right. Inquire uf FOR SALK Work lu.rj^; price $30. J. W. Slerinini!, phone 161-W. 31 FOR KALE and For Rent window onty. I | t&>p m. ti*rvott, Inquire of P. M. HitjefiairiJe,' phobv signs for sale at the Standard W eal HonmJ • *. m ., il^ r r .... ^ F. G. STABLER, Justice of the Pence - -Kniory 1>, 282- KS. 84 office. far* connect at Yosttasli for Sabr Chfpmau. FOR SALE—-20 bu. of early seed p<> anti fit Wajntv lo t PtymonOi am i Nt*ri^ V. W iMtilKL-S. Auctloiu'vr l». K HK.wn. cie;rk Title. Member Board of Review-—Sher­ FOR SALE- Homemade sauerkraut. tatocs. William Kanffmonn, R. F. OLD PAPERS for tftlo At this office. man Pf«r