Sewanee Alumni News, 1949
ALUMNI NEWS A Sports History OF Wi\t Hntoersitg of the 3outh BEING A Statistical Compilation of all Inter-Collegiate Athletic Contests in which Sewanee Teams have participated, together with the Names of all Sewanee Athletes. 1875-1948 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH SEWANEE, TENNESSEE fol. XV, No. i February 15, 1949 (§ewanee ^Alumni V\(ews THE ASSOCIATED ALUMNI Officers Charles McD. Puckette, '07. .President Sjewamee Alumni News, issued quarterly by the John B. Greer, '08 1st Vice-Pres. Associated Alumni of The University of the ^outh. at Sewanee. Tennessee. Entered as second- Edmund C. Armes, '13 ..2nd Vice-Pres. class matter May 25. 1954.. at the postoffice ar Se- Coleman A. Harwell, '26_3rd Vice-Pres. wanee. Tenn.. under the Act of March 3. 1879. Rev. Lee A. Belford, '35 . -Rec. Sec'y '35 FEBRUARY 15, 1949 Douglas L. Vaughan, Treasurer Arthur Ben Chitty, '35. .Alumni Sec'y t Member American Alumni Council and Editor, Alumni News CONTENTS Introduction: Sports at Sewanee by James Gregg, Jr 3 Sewanee Football Statistics: Dates and Scores of All Games 7 Summary of All Games by Seasons 12 Summary of Records Against College Teams 13 Lettermen in Football: Names of Coaches, Managers, Players 14 Principal Scoring Plays: Runs, Passes, Field Goals 21 Sewanee Ail-Time Football Team: All-Star Selections . 25 Basketball Statistics: Scores of All Games, Lettermen 27 Baseball Statistics: All Recorded Scores, Lettermen 29 Track Records, Meets, and Teams 33 Tennis Records, Meets, and Lettermen 37 Golf Meets and Lettermen 39 Iron Men of Sewanee: The Team of 1899 40 ATHLETIC STAFF— 1948-49 Gordon M.
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