STANDARD MAIL Lanai Today Current Resident or U.S.POSTAGE PAID P. O. Box 630601 Boxholder Lana’i City, HI 96763

Lana’i HI 96763 Lana’i, HI 96763 Permit No. 72

- res Lanai shortchange would it said some its meetings and its members. members. its and meetings its is for community members to be able to to able be to members community for is

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15 & 14 Page

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12 Page

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ing was an informational update update informational an was ing (LPC) met at Lanai Senior Center Center Senior Lanai at met (LPC)

- meet the at agenda the on Also Lanai Planning Commission Commission Planning Lanai

testify at its meetings. its at testify n Wednesday, October 21, the the 21, October Wednesday, n

Groups By Alberta de Jetley de Alberta By

Community Project Project Community Avenue Houses reviewed Houses Avenue

11 & 10 Page

Lanai three for Assessment Environmental Draft

This Month This

for an expedited review and approval of of approval and review expedited an for installation companies of their choice. their of companies installation modify their current systems will be be will systems current their modify

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designed for customers customers for designed Supply: Self to customers by Oct. 21. Lanai residents residents Lanai 21. Oct. by customers to will continue under the NEM program. NEM the under continue will

- pro These technologies. energy-storage

approximately 28 cents per kilowatt-hour. per cents 28 approximately programs were expected to be available available be to expected were programs cations submitted prior to Oct. 13, 2015 2015 13, Oct. to prior submitted cations

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tomers installing both traditional rooftop rooftop traditional both installing tomers

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- cus for programs offer will HECO

be credited at approximately 17 cents per per cents 17 approximately at credited be tomers as each utility advances towards towards advances utility each as tomers options will replace the NEM program. program. NEM the replace will options

100 percent renewable standard by 2045.” by standard renewable percent 100

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customer bills and meet Hawaii’s goal of a a of goal Hawaii’s meet and bills customer

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able energy solutions needed to help lower lower help to needed solutions energy able

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Photovoltaic panels on Lanai plantation . plantation Lanai on panels Photovoltaic

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and economic reasons, that the policies policies the that reasons, economic and continued continued

“We appreciate the PUC’s thorough thorough PUC’s the appreciate “We

Hawaii. It is also clear, for both technical technical both for clear, also is It Hawaii. the grid for for grid the

growth of rooftop PV in Hawaii. in PV rooftop of growth

energy resources can provide benefits to to benefits provide can resources energy connected to to connected

solutions that will support the continued continued the support will that solutions

“It is abundantly clear that distributed distributed that clear abundantly is “It who remain remain who

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ther expand options for our customers. our for options expand ther In addition, addition, In

allow customers of the Hawaiian Electric Electric Hawaiian the of customers allow


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new rooftop PV programs that will will that programs PV rooftop new

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n October, the Hawaii Public Public Hawaii the October, n

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per kilowatt-hour per

Lanai’s credit for customers with PV systems will be approximately 28 cents cents 28 approximately be will systems PV with customers for credit Lanai’s

Public Utilities Commission approves new rooftop solar programs - - programs solar rooftop new approves Commission Utilities Public

NEWS FOR AND ABOUT THE RESIDENTS OF LANAI OF RESIDENTS Today THE ABOUT i AND FOR NEWS Lana VOLUME 7, ISSUE 12 - - 12 ISSUE 7, VOLUME - NOVEMBER 2015 NOVEMBER - Page 2 • Lanai Today • NOVEMBER 15, 2015 Advertiser’s Index Letters to Alberta Business Name Pg Phone Anton and Mayumi Anton would like to extend ing the funeral and all the details, and even though their deepest mahalo to all who have supported them we cannot list everyone by name, the family would Aguila Express 4 559-6251 and continue to support them after the death of their like to extend their more sincere thanks for each and American Loans 8 808-872-4964 son James. Mahalo nui to all who attended the funer- every thought and deed that led to a beautiful service al, who visited them in their home, and who support- celebrating James’ life and providing time and space Blue Ginger Cafe 9 565-6363 ed them materially and financially. Many thanks to for our community to grieve together. Café 565 10 565-6622 those who provided flowers, who coordinated vid- eotaping and live streaming to Kosrae, who helped Pastor Sarah Rentzel Jones Chris Andrus 4 649-9656 with logistical details such as setup and providing Lanai Union Church Coffee Works 6 565-6962 the necessary chairs, tables, and casket cart. So many people in the community contributed to coordinat- Alberta’s note: Turn to page 19 to read the touching Construction Hotline 19 565-3911 obituary for young James Anton. Da Hula Hut 15 565-6255 Don Jackson 14 649-0448 Get your feet wet and your work EcoPool - Luis Molina 18 649-0337 Expeditions 15 800-695-2624 published locally Four Seasons Resorts 3 565-4580 lot of readers ask about becoming contrib- Community newspapers Friends of Bill W. 4 760-419-0785 uting writers or photographers to Lanai are a good place to “get Today. Professional photographer Wayne your feet wet.” We hope Greg Cohen 8, 18 565-7073 A Shinbara, who was pictured in the October ad for Wayne’s email will inspire Hale Kupuna 15 565-6615 Blue Ginger Café, sent a long email to us about his our readers to submit career as a professional and credited a teacher at their photographs to us. Harvey’s Yard Service 6 203-0305 Honolulu Community College for giving him “C” Commentaries about life on Hawaii Dental Clinic 8, 14 565-6418 grades for work he thought he had done well. It Lanai are welcome, but we wasn’t until years later he realized she was giving reserve the right to edit all Hawaii Disabilities Legal Services 14 536-8074 him C’s instead of A’s because she wanted him to ex- submissions. Photographers Hawaii Energy Smart 10 280-9627 pand his creativity; all of his work for her had been should have a basic under- about fire fighters! House for Lease - Jeanne Marie 13 649-9517 standing of digital file for- Since then, Wayne’s photographs have been mats and image resolution. Hui Ho’omalu 19 888-879-8970 published in many of Hawaii’s newspapers and For writers, we recommend Images of America – Lanai 17 649-0808 magazines. A publisher at Hawaii Motorsports News using the Grammar function once told him, “relax…sit down and smell the roses. in Microsoft Word, always Island Appliance 11 559-0856 “And if I remind myself to do this…and my work use spell check before sub- Island Images Salon 10 565-7870 is published, then I receive my grade of “A”, Wayne mitting, and Pidgin is not acceptable for news journal- wrote. “And that’s what I always (try) to do…relax ism. Email: [email protected] and see your work Kaiser Permanente 7 ---- and don’t get too serious about shooting, just sit back in print! Ke Ola Hou O Lanai 19 565-7204 and relax…smell the roses!” Keo Konstruction 14 559-5365 “We the Powerful!” Lanai All Axis Hunter 6 495-4414 To help residents learn to effectively add their voices to influence State laws, the Public Access Lanai City Grille 13 565-7211 (PAR) will be presenting a , “We the Powerful!”, on Lanai on Monday, November Lanai City Service 11 565-7227 26 at Lanai Senior Center beginning at 5:30 p.m. Lanai Comm. Health Center 16 565-6919 Public Access Coordinator, Virginia Beck, will be arriving on Monday morning and is willing to do Lanai Community Hospital 13 565-9650 an advanced workshop for interested residents. Contact her at: [email protected] or phone 808-587-0478. Lanai residents may call toll free: 800-486-4644, ext. 7-0478. Lanai Culture & Heritage Center 19 565-7177 Lanai Digital Printing 14 597-4080 Lanai Hardware & Lumber 6 565-9394 Lanai Cancer Fund - Friends in right places Lanai Oil Co. 20 565-6802 Since its inception several years ago, the Lanai Cancer Fund continues to have friends in right places. These include all levels of fund-raising, from residents who have stepped up with bake sales and sales to Four Seasons staff Lanai Photography Ron Gingerich 11 559-0003 collecting pledges for the Lanai Charity Walk. It all goes to helping our neighbors who have been diagnosed with cancer Lanai Water Co. 4 565-3355 and are fighting their way back to good health. The love and support of family members, friends and neighbors in our small community go a long way towards showing how much each and every person battling cancer means to us. Your Lanai Youth Center 19 565-7675 loose change dropped into the jars at various businesses around town also helps a lot. Donations to the Lanai Cancer Maui Disposal 6 446-1894 Fund can be mailed or dropped off at Ke Ola Hou O Lanai in the Dole Bldg. Make your check payable to Na Puu Wai and note it is for the Lanai Cancer Fund at P. O. Box 630713, Lanai City, HI 96763. Maui Electric Co. 17 877-871-8461 MEO Business Dev. Corp. 11 243-4314 Mike Carroll Gallery 9 565-7122 Lana I Today Mimi’s Place 15 565-8009 Publisher, Editor and Advertising Sales - Alberta de Jetley Graphic Artist, Layout Design and Pre-press - Greg Cohen Nita’s In-Style Salon 13 565-8082 Obenauf Law Group 6 244-3905 Lanai Today - P. O. Box 630601 - Lanai, HI 96763 808-649-0808 - Email: [email protected] Oceanic Time Warner Cable 5 643-2337 Pele’s Other Garden 8 565-9628 Contributing Writers/Sources Contributing Photographers/Sources Jane Boyle Jane Boyle Pineapple Child LLC - doTerra Dist. 13 649-9206 Four Seasons Resorts Lanai Greg Cohen Philip S. Nerney 10 537-1777 Butch Gima, Lanaians for Sensible Growth Four Seasons Resorts Lanai Lanai Community Health Center Ron Gingerich Pine Isle Market 12 565-6775 Jack Martin Pulama Lanai Pulama Lanai 3, 10, 11 565-3000 Mili Woolsey Martin Philip S. Nerney Richard’s Market 9 565-3780 Dr. Greg Sanders Roman Catholic Diocese 4 808-527-4604

Sergio’s Oriental Store & Grocery 4 559-6251 Sharon Liden 6 649-0032 Sherri Williams RS 8 565-7688 Mahalo for your subscriptions! The Local Gentry 10 565-9130 We’ll be mailing renewal notices to all subscribers as their subscriptions expire. Subscriptions Trilogy/LCS - Turkey Giveaway 12 661-4743x3 are $30 per year. To subscribe, mail your check with your name and address to: Lanai Today, P. O. Box 630601, Lanai City, HI 96763. Zac’s Fumigation 18 888-787-7774 Lanai Today is FREE to active duty military members with Lanai connections, just email your address to: [email protected]. Lanai Today’s back issues are available online! We reserve the right to refuse advertising deemed not suitable for our publication. Articles and photographs by Alberta de Jetley may be reprinted with permission. Lanai Today • NOVEMBER 15, 2015 • Page 3 Economic Development planning meeting for Lanai very five years, the U. S. De- organization, is coordinating the CEDS partment of Commerce requires for Maui County. Ean update of Comprehensive One requirement of the CEDS process Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is that it forms “cluster” Focus Groups for communities who want to apply for that represent the County’s key economic investment assistance under the Econom- drivers and geographical regions, and ic Development Administration’s Public convene a meeting with community Works or Economic Adjustment Assis- stakeholders. Lanai’s meeting took place tance Programs. EDA is one of the prime on Friday, November 6 at the ILWU . sources of funding for construction, infra- The group conferred on where Lanai’s structure and other projects in communi- economy is currently, what opportuni- ties that will spur economic activity and ties and challenges lie ahead, and which job creation. Maui County has been one strategies will best achieve agreed goals. of those communities. Results of the meeting will not be avail- This is the year that Maui Coun- able immediately but if you were not on ty revisits and updates its “economic the focus group and have information or roadmap” through this CEDS process. As an opinion you would like to share, email it has done in the past, Maui Economic project director John Harrison: john@ Development Board (MEDB), a non-profit Work group needs a boost tudents in Lanai High School’s (LHS) Work SStudy class are finding it difficult to acquire part-time jobs in the community as the resorts are presently closed for renovations. As many businesses are not using student employees at this time, it’s difficult for them to get on-the-job experience. Howev- er, Lanai Art Center’s resource teacher Cindy Sagawa put the students to work decorating the of a tool shed built by community volunteer Bill Moore for the 304. Pictured are: Senior students Shawn elementary school’s gardening program. Sibbaluca and Jaylee Koanui Nefalar, Dan The results of their project were excellent! Farrow, Sophomore Isaiah Nakano and If anyone can provide work experienc- Junior Willie Olomua. Not pictured is es for the students, please contact their Junior Taye Mercado, Jr. teacher, Dan Farrow, at 565-7900, ext. Page 4 • Lanai Today • NOVEMBER 15, 2015 Each month, the Lanai Police Stats shows a “Selected Citation of the Month”. In October, no one What’s Happening was ticketed for HRS 291C-104(a), Speeding in School Zone. The fine for it is $322, a huge fee for not slowing down! Remember to slow down in front of the school and help to keep all of our on Lanai? keiki safe. Mahalo for driving safely on all of our island’s roads and in the school zone!

CITATIONS OCT Selected Citation of the Month: Telephone scam alert: Businesses HRS 291C-104(a) Speeding in School Zone ($322 0 fine) targeted by utility impersonators Speeding 4 No Insurance aui Electric Company is warning custom- callers. ers about an increased number of reports • Scammers may use technology to fake a caller Other Moving 2 of telephone scams to utility customers. ID, so don’t be afraid to ask questions. Get the call- Seat Belt 1 M er’s name, phone number and company name. Recently, business customers have reported receiv- Child Seat ing telephone calls saying that their electric bill • Exercise caution when responding to unsolic- Vehicle Tax 15 is delinquent and that they’re subject to same-day ited phone calls. If customers feel unsure about the Safety Check 25 disconnection. The businesses were also directed to identity of a caller, they should hang up and don’t pay their utility bills by purchasing certain types of call back the phone number provided by the caller. Bike Helmet money vouchers, such as a prepaid MoneyPak card or Check a reliable source for a Maui Electric contact Quad/Golf Cart related violations Moneygram. Prepaid cards and Moneygram are not number such as a phone book, electric bill or at www. Other Regulatory 10 acceptable methods of paying electric bills. Other Parking 4 If customers receive a suspicious call from some- • Report any suspicious activity to police. one claiming to represent the company, Maui Electric • Maui Electric employees would never direct Total 61 encourages customers to call the Maui Electric you to make a payment at any location other than our Customer Service Center at: 808-871-9777. Lanai customer service office and the options noted below. ARRESTS OCT customers may call toll free: 1-877-871-8461. Lanai customers may pay electric bills in person at Males, Adult 2 In addition, Maui Electric is reminding customers: First Hawaiian Bank. Payments can be made online Females, Adult 0 • Do not provide personal, confidential, or finan- at:, or by mail: MECO, P. O. 1670, Males, Juvenile 3 cial information to any unidentified individuals or Honolulu, HI 96806-1670. Females, Juvenile 0 Total # of Charges 5 Dept. of Housing and Human Concerns Lanai Water Company Monthly Tips! Grant Applications open Plug away. he County of Maui Department of Housing governing board whose members have no material and Human Concerns, Grants Management conflict of interest and serve without compensation. We have a lot of clay in our soils. Aerate clay TDivision, announced that all qualified pri- • Have bylaws or policies which describe the soil by poking holes in it at least once a year vate non-profit and for-profit organizations providing manner in which business is conducted. Such to help the soil absorb and retain moisture or planning to provide services and programs in the bylaws or policies shall include provisions relating which helps your grass and plants. It will areas of social welfare, youth services, alcohol and to nepotism and management potential conflict-of-in- also reduce your water use. substance abuse, homelessness, youth centers and terest situations. other public service programs within Maui County • Be licensed and accredited in accordance with Visit our new website for more tips and other useful information: are invited to submit an application for grant funds applicable requirements of federal, state and County for Fiscal Year 2017 and Fiscal Year 2018. Deadline governments, as necessary. Lanai Water Company to submit applications is December 15, 2015. Due to a new application system, organizations Funding periods are from July 1, 2016 to June 30, wishing to submit a grant application are required health info 2017 and July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. Second-year to submit proposals online using the AMPLIFUND Only Tap Water funding is contingent upon successful first-year pro- system. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that Delivers Fire Protection gram performance (which includes the submission ALL required documents are uploaded to complete of required reports and data in a timely manner) and the grant application. Incomplete applications will Our water system is critical to protecting us from availability of funds. Grant fund categories include: not be accepted. Grant applications will be reviewed the ever-present threat of fi re. It provides adequate • Affordable Rental Housing Program according to specifications of the Maui County Code distribution, pressure and storage. This impacts • Health, Human Services and Education Program (Chapter 3.36). homes, business, schools, and our insurance rates. • Social Services: Food, Shelter and Safety (solic- Applications are now available at www.mauicoun- ited as Community Partnership Grants in previous Application deadline is December Visit our new website for more tips and other useful information: years) 15, 2015. No late or incomplete applications will • Substance Abuse Prevention/Treatment Program be accepted. A free grant application workshop is • Youth Centers and Program scheduled for Lanai non-profits on Thursday, Nov. Friends of Bill W. • Early Childhood Program 19, 2015, Lanai Youth Center, 717 Fraser Ave, Lanai Meetings at Lanai Union church. 5 nights weekly • Animal Sheltering Program City: 10 a.m. – noon. Qualifying requirements for applicants: Space is limited at the , and pre-regis- 6 P.M. - 7 P.M. , Sunday, Tuesday-Friday • Must be a profit organization incorporated tration is required. For more information or to regis- Fraser @ 8th Street Upstairs under the laws of the State of Hawaii, or a nonprofit ter, please contact the Grants Management Division More information, call Rita organization determined to be exempt from federal (GMD) at (808) 270-7807. For general grants infor- income tax by the Internal Revenue Service. mation online, visit at 760-419-0785 • In case of a nonprofit organization, have a

Sergio’s Oriental Store & Grocery Open 7 Days a Week! 8 am to 7 pm Construction Workers Welcome. Personalized Everything you need for Filipino Reliable Service and Asian Cooking! I pick up & deliver Air 831 D Houston St. Side street between Pele’s Other Garden and Ground Freight. and Pine Isle Market Sergio Aguila Have a daily newspaper delivered right to your front , 7 days a week

ALL the News Home Delivery Service

Let Chris deliver the USA Today/The Maui News/Star Advertiser! Call 649-9656 or message me at [email protected] Lanai Today • NOVEMBER 15, 2015 • Page 5 Hawaii is ahead of President’s call to reduce testing in schools ast school year, the Hawaii State This would reduce testing of 8th graders Required state assessments for 2015-16: by 3.5 hours/student. Department of Education (HI- Grade In July 2015, Superintendent Matayoshi Assessment Content Area Testing Time LDOE) performed a review of Levels all of the assessments required by the sent a letter to the Smarter Balanced As- Based on time that a state. Superintendent Kathryn Matayoshi sessment Consortium expressing concern Smarter Balanced English Language student needs to complete and Deputy Stephen Schatz listened to about the “burden of test administration (aligned to Hawaii Common Arts/Literacy 3-8, 11 the test. Average: 7 hours concerns from the field, including admin- during the spring testing and the Core) Mathematics (total-both subjects) istrators and teachers, and held discussions time required for testing.” Matayoshi will Hawaii State Assessment in HSA-Science 4 and 8 with the Hawaii State Teachers Associa- be reiterating the call for more streamlined 1.5 hours Science (aligned to Hawaii tion. As a result, HIDOE streamlined the Smarter Balanced testing at a meeting of Content and Performance Biology I End of High state requirements for testing students for all state superintendents next month. 1.5 hours this school year. The Smarter Balanced Assessments Standards III) Course Exam school “We made significant changes to reduce (SBA) in mathematics and English Lan- ACT Exam (nationally English, Mathe- the amount of testing in our schools this guage Arts/Literacy are aligned to the benchmarked college en- matics, Reading, 11 4 hours year,” stated Superintendent Matayoshi. Hawaii Common Core Standards, and trance exam) Science, Writing English, Mathe- “Teaching and learning is the primary designed to measure whether students are ACT Aspire Exam (replaces matics, Reading, 8 3 ½ hours mission of our schools and our work. Tests “on track” for readiness in college and/or ACT EXPLORE Exam)* play a role in supporting teaching and career. These are mandatory assessments Science, Writing learning, but that role must be balanced given to students in grades 3-8 and 11. On National Assessment of average, tested students in Hawaii took Educational Progress Reading Odd numbered years with the critical importance of instruction 4, 8 and student supports.” HIDOE eliminated 7 hours to complete the tests. The test is (approx. 2,300 students per Mathematics 1 hour per subject the requirement for five tests and has pro- not timed; students are given appropriate subject per grade) posed eliminating an additional required time to answer all questions. test. Actions to reduce testing for this Students also take other tests in *Anticipate approval from U.S. Department of Education to make this school year (2015-16) include: school. These are primarily “formative optional in 2015-16 • Ended mandatory statewide requirement assessments” that teachers use to inform for three End of Course exams for the instruction and monitor student learning The state also requires alternative assessments for special needs students, and a 2015-16 school year. This means that the throughout the year. Schools also may Hawaiian language SBA for grades 3-4 in Kaiapuni Hawaiian immersion schools. state no longer requires that high school choose to use the optional End of Course Hawaii’s 8th grade and 11th grade students take the most state required tests, but the students take a 60- to 90-minute test at or ACT exams if they support the school’s testing time is less than in other states/districts, according to a Council of Great City the end of their Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and educational program (e.g., a high school Schools’ study released earlier this month. U.S. History courses. using the End of Course exam as a final • Ended mandatory statewide requirement exam for a class, ACT Aspire exam to Hawaii National for ACT exams in grades 9 and 10. This inform students’ Personal Transition Grade 8 12 hours 25.3 hours reduced testing for high school freshman Plans, etc.) Students may also elect to Grade 11 11 hours 22.5 hours and sophomores by four hours per student take Advanced Placement exams on their in each grade. own for college credit. Learn more about • Proposed to U.S. Department of HIDOE’s tests at: http://www.hawaiipub- Education to eliminate the statewide requirement for grade 8 ACT test, which Testing is a readiness measure in the Strive HI Performance System for middle schools. Page 6 • Lanai Today • NOVEMBER 15, 2015 Open Monday to Friday Straight from the source Lanai 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM By Alberta de Jetley Saturday 8:30 to 5 PM Hardware t’s official. “Festive” the name Four Seasons pleted and it is the last of Manele’s major permits. Closed for Lunch Resorts gives to the holiday season, is can- Photos of the renovation work were shared with & Lumber 12:30 to 1:30 PM Icelled. Renovation work at Manele Bay will residents attending the meeting. In addition to the not be completed in time for a December reopening work going on in the upper and lower , be- 565-9394 and all of the resorts’ guests, Four Seasons manage- hind the public areas, work is underway in several rial staff, and the ILWU, the union representing its , scaffolding, fire sprinklers, and on the 1110 Lanai Ave, next to the workers, have been notified. It’s a huge disappoint- air-conditioning. service station. ment but it is rescheduled to open in “early 2016.” Although it is not a part of the major renovations All employees assigned to help in the community or at Manele, normal maintenance work is also being other task force groups will continue to do so until done at the Conference Center. It includes painting, HARVEY’S YARD SERVICE they are called back to the resort. carpeting and other miscellaneous work. The mural However, not all the news was sad at Pulama La- on the conference room’s wallpaper was carefully “No Mow Time” nai’s Senior Vice President Lynn McCrory’s October removed and will be reinstalled. 12 meeting in the ILWU Hall. The Alii Suite permit Pulama Lanai’s monthly meetings with Lynn are Pressure Washing was scheduled to be completed in October. It is in usually scheduled on the second Monday of each what is called “Final Plan Check,” Lynn explained. month; 43 residents were in attendance at October’s Painting - Haul Trash This is when the County reviews it one more time meeting. It’s an excellent opportunity to hear what Prices Negotiable to be sure everything that was a question has been is happening and to ask questions about the Manele answered, or if changes required to the plans were projects. To be placed on the meeting notification list, Call for free estimate done. The process normally takes 10 days to be com- email: Barbi Shinno at: [email protected] HARVEY GACETA 808-203-0305 Two private helistops proposed By Alberta de Jetley hat’s the difference between a heliport and a helistop? At a special meeting for WLanai residents on October 7, Pulama Lanai Senior Vice President Lynn McCrory explained the differences between them and discussed Pulama’s plans to apply for permits for two helistops. The proj- ect manager for the helistops is Tom Hanines. A heliport is like an airport, helicopters can be sta- tioned there. General maintenance and refueling can take place there, and pilots can approach or depart the landing zone from various directions, subject to traffic control and weather conditions. At a helistop, a helicopter can only land to drop off or pick up its passengers. It has a prescribed flight path in and out, and cannot stay on the ground for an extended period of time. Maintenance work and from the helicopter. A wind sock will be installed refueling cannot occur there. and portable night lights will be placed on the helis- Pulama Lanai will be submitting an application top if a late evening or night landing is scheduled. for two proposed locations, one at Manele and one The helistops are for the exclusive use of Four at Koele. As the sites are located on agricultural- Seasons Resorts guests and the island’s ownership, ly zoned parcels, it must go to the Lanai Planning Lynn explained. A carrier for the guests has tenta- Commission (LPC) first, and then be heard by the tively been selected. It’s anticipated 30 round trip Maui County Council. Public hearings take place at landings will be made for the resorts guests each each step and residents will be able to submit their month (combined total). If a helicopter must wait for testimony for or against the application at each step any length of time for outgoing guests, it will go to of the process. Lanai Airport. The Manele site is located near the company’s nurs- At the discussion following Lynn’s presentation, ery located off its private construction road. Its’ pro- she was asked if the helicopter could assist in a med- posed flight path will not take it near any of Manele’s ical emergency. No, she replied. It is not equipped luxury homes or . The Koele site is near the to do so. However, later in the discussion, it was tennis courts. Its’ proposed flight path will not impact noted Maui County’s emergency helicopters can the Lodge at Koele or vehicles traveling on Keomoku land almost anywhere and have used Cavendish Golf Road, nor will the flight path cross over Lanai City. Course and Manele Golf Courses. Residents also Each helistop will have approximately 150 ft. voiced concerns over helicopter tours in general and Licensed Sharon R. of cleared space around it: 60 ft. of flat concrete flights over Lanai City. Both issues are beyond Pu- Marriage bordered by 22 ft. of graded rock, and the remaining Liden, Ph.D. lama’s control. If residents would like to know when safety area in grass. They will not be visible from Family “Dr. Sharie” the public hearings for this application is scheduled, roadways and each will have a security fence enclos- Therapist email Barbi Shinno at: [email protected]. ing it. A gated walkway will lead passengers to and Hawaii (MFT81) Therapy for AAMFT Approved individuals, couples Supervisor and families. Insurance Accepted Every Friday we purchase non-ferrous metals [email protected] (808) 649-0032 You should be advertising in LANAI TODAY Every DOLLAR helps. How will others find your business? Bring your HI-5 Contact Alberta - 649-0808 Plastic Bottles, Cans & Glass • Broadheads • Taxidermy • Arrows • Local Hours of Operation: • Ammo knowledge • Clothing • Great service Mon/Wed - 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. • Bow Service • And more! Fri - 1 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. WHY THROW AWAY MONEY? Open Mon-Fri 10 a.m. -6 p.m. Aft er hours and weekends call for appointment Sat - 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. We buy your Copper, 335 A 9th Street (Next to No Ka Oi Grindz) Aluminum, Stainless Steel, Phone - 808-495-4414 Location: 12th & Frasier St. Fax - 808-495-4413 Email - [email protected] Phone: (808) 446-1894 Brass, Radiators and Rims Lanai Today • NOVEMBER 15, 2015 • Page 7 Page 8 • Lanai Today • NOVEMBER 15, 2015 Perspective Editorial Oceanfront on Lana’i LSG challenges Mayor Arakawa on Terraces at Manele Bay Condominium Affordable Housing stance Contributed by Butch Gima for Lanaians for Sensible Growth anaians for Sensible Growth (LSG), its board partment of Housing & Human Concerns (DHHC) or and interested residents, confronted Mayor the Mayor’s Capital Improvement Project department LAlan Arakawa on October 8 at the coun- is taking the lead. Furthermore, the DHHC’s new Di- ty’s annual Budget Meeting at Lanai Senior Center rector is unfamiliar with Lanai’s AHP and its history. regarding his decision to stop Lanai’s Affordable With no one person or department taking the lead on Housing Project (AHP). Months earlier his adminis- our AHP, the project continued to stall. Opportunity to own oceanfront, 2 Bdrm/2 Bath plus garage. tration’s representatives led our community to believe In an effort to “kick start” the AHP again, LSG met Eligible for Island Club Membership. Price upon request. that this was a high priority project for the Mayor and with the Mayor on August 18 but was surprised to SHERRI WILLIAMS RS-74127 his administration. At a breakfast meeting with LSG learn of his decision to not support Lanai’s AHP. He President Butch Gima in August, the Mayor said he claimed Lanai lacks the need for affordable housing an experienced lanai resident was not supporting the project and his representatives and cannot justify spending millions on our AHP 808.565.7688 [email protected] had no authority to make promises to our community. when Maui Island has so many other needs, notably Hawai’i Life RealEstate Brokers 161 Wailea Ike Place, Ste. C-103B, Wailea, HI 96753 Lanai’s Affordable Housing project began in 2008- housing their homeless. In addition, he blamed Lanai 2009. Permits were acquired and entitlements obtained councilmember Riki Hokama for his decision; Hoka- to move the project forward. However, a change in ma, along with other councilmembers, have rejected the economy and administration stalled the project till a number of the Mayor’s administration’s projects or LSG resurrected it in 2014. In a 2010 Office of Envi- requests for project funding. ronmental Quality Control Environmental Notice, the LSG subsequently met with the community and We Welcome fi rst-ti me County’s Department of Housing and Human Con- agreed to address our concerns at the Mayor’s an- cerns (the proposing agency) noted, “The project is nual budget meeting. LSG requested beforehand a home buyers! expected to provide needed affordable housing for the change in the meeting format so everyone could hear Lanai Community over the next 15 years.” In essence the Mayor’s response to LSG testimony. A heated the need existed then as it exists now. exchange ensued after the Mayor refused to change AMERICAN Byron Yap In November of 2014, LSG convened a Housing the meeting format and instead approached the LSG Summit with members of the community and County board and community testifiers. He did remain stand- Home Loans Senior Residenti al Loan Offi cer officials to resurrect Lanai’s AHP. The administra- ing with LSG in the back of the Senior Center but A division of American Savings Bank NMLS# 860092 tion’s Joe Pontanilla was designated the point person only those close to him could hear his responses. It Direct 808-872-4964 for the project and project interim goals and due dates appeared he offered input only to justify his position [email protected] were established. New and young LSG board mem- on the AHP, referred to Maui island examples when Mobile 808-280-3491 bers subsequently met with several of the Mayor’s Lanai-specific issues were brought up and tossed staff on November 7 on Maui to further solidify the out a number of statements that lack or project goals. Staff vowed to hold community meet- evidence. In the end, it was still unclear whether American Home Loan is ings to outline the AHP status and county’s role. the Lanai’s AHP is off or possibly open, given the LSG subsequently coordinated two meetings in Jan- remarks about working with Pulama Lanai. uary with Administration. Staff met with the commu- In the end, LSG made a Budget Meeting request of happy to serve Lanai clients! nity then the next day with community stakeholder or- $7M to fund the infrastructure costs of our communi- ganizations. Per Keith Regan, the County’s Managing ty’s AHP. Director, “This is a priority for the Administration…” Perspective Editorials are always welcome and Community members and stakeholders discussed the express the opinions of the writer. Lanai Today $1M appropriated for the AHP planning, their housing will be happy to publish reponses, rebuttals or com- preferences, need for community support at hearings mentary letters in our December or future issues. and need for community data for County planners. The AHP stalled in May 2015 when County officials “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; differed on funding a planning position for the project. courage is also what it takes to sit down and The Council eventually funded a project-specific listen.” - Winston Churchill consultant position but to date, no one is sure if the De- More information on cacao available ould you grow cacao? Although there is one family with a cacao tree in their yard, Lanai is Cthe only island in Hawaii without a commercial farmer growing cacao. Amy Hammond, from the Hawaii Chocolate and Cacao Association, visited Lanai in Octo- ber to share some fascinating and very useful information on what’s involved to raise cacoa. If you missed her great presentation, find out more by contacting her at specialev- [email protected] or visit Amy Hammond

Deli & Bistro Join us for lunch or dinner! NOW 12 beers on tap!

MONDAY - FRIDAY Open LUNCH - 11 am -2 pm for Dinner DINNER - 5 pm - 8 pm Saturday Closed on (Last Call 9 pm) Sunday Reservations Highly Recommended CORNER OF 8TH & HOUSTON STREETS LANAI CITY 808-565-9628 Lanai Today • NOVEMBER 15, 2015 • Page 9 Stomp out Giant African Snails! fter years of drought, Giant African Snail (GAS), almost dis- Aappeared from Lanai but rains from this year’s hurricane season have resurrected them! GAS was first found in Florida in the 1960s and they eventually hitchhiked to Hawaii in cargo and became established on every island. Lanai home gardeners are report- ing snails are destroying their gardens overnight! Considered one of the most Giant African Snail - Photo courtesy of damaging snails in the world, GAS can Hawaiian Invasive Species Research. grow to almost eight inches and consumes Adults should use gloves when remov- more than 500 kinds of plants. Fruits and ing snails from plants; many gardeners vegetables, especially vegetable seed- crush the snails by stomping on them lings, are its favored choices but they will or hitting its shells with a heavy object. also eat ornamental plants, tree bark, and Always bag and dispose of the snails’ paint and stucco on buildings. The snails remains in a plastic bag, do not leave it contain both female and male reproductive in your compost pile. Wash your hands, organs and can produce 100 to 500 eggs in tools and the soles of your shoes thor- clutches every two or three months. oughly. Always wash the fruits and vege- Parents, warn your children not to han- tables harvested from your garden. dle the snails! They may carry a parasitic We may not be able to eradicate Afri- nematode that can lead to meningitis in can Snails completely, but we can certain- humans. Meningitis is a general name for ly work together to reduce their numbers an infection of the fluid and membranes significantly. If Lanai Today’s readers that surround the spinal cord and brain. have gardening advice on how they are Symptoms of meningitis include head- combating snails and slugs in their garden ache, stiff neck, high fever, vomiting, and would like to share it with our read- photophobia (discomfort when looking at ers, please email Alberta at: lanaitoday@ bright light), confusion and irritability. Totally gross but necessary! call to the Maui office of the hide, i.e. under stacks of old tin roofing Hawaii Department of Agri- or lumber, and also using stale beer as bait A culture resulted in a return call traps for both snails and slugs. Beer with from Mach Fukado, an entomologist who lower alcohol content works better than had lots of helpful advice on what home expensive beer, he said, and it’s the yeasty gardeners can do to combat the African smell of it that snails like. Use a deep con- Snail invasion on Lanai. Unfortunately, tainer so they’ll drown in it. Rats and snail there is no funding available for him to populations go in cycles, so also set out visit Lanai but he recommends sprinkling rat traps or bait for them also. If you have coffee grounds on compost piles, remov- advice you can share with other gardeners, ing places where snails and slugs can email Alberta at: [email protected]

Enjoy Life at the Blue Ginger Cafe

Kolen Taal and Kenye Olter are ready to take your order.

Sometimes all you want for lunch is a plain egg salad sandwich! You can have other old-fashioned favorites at Blue Ginger Cafe; try their grilled cheese or tuna melt sandwiches, too! Whether you’re there for an early morning bacon and eggs breakfast or sauteed mahimahi with capers for dinner, there’s always something delicious waiting to be cooked to order for you. April Badillo, Jonathan Baltero and Alice Bolo with holiday specials. Preparing Thanksgiving dinner can be stressful, but Jonathan Baltero will have the market’s display cases fi lled with all kinds of things besides turkey! The cafe’s outside April Badillo’s holding a chocolate cream pie and Alice Bolo, from Pulama Lanai’s city , holds one of its’ prize orchid plants. So, from fl owers to tables are the decorate your holiday table to main dishes, side dishes, and desserts, you’ll be perfect spot to able to fi nd everything you need for a festive feast at Richard’s Market. enjoy the view Richard’s Market continues to have the largest selection of wines available of Lanai’s Cook on Lanai to fi t all budgets and tastes. If you’re planning Island pine trees in a casual dinner or want to relax at the beach instead of Like us on spending the day cooking, stop by Richard’s and pick up Dole Park and to a few treats to take with you. Happy Thanksgiving! people watch while you enjoy your meal. Richard’s NOW OPEN DAILY Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Open 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Freshly Baked Bread and Pastries Monday 6 a.m. – 8 p.m. Market Catering for all occasions Tuesday & Wednesday 6 a.m. – 2 p.m. Thursday & Friday 6 a.m. – 8 p.m. 434 Eighth Street 565-3780/3781 565-6363 Saturday & Sunday 6:30 a.m. – 8 p.m. Page 10 • Lanai Today • NOVEMBER 15, 2015 Happy Four Seasons & Pulama Lanai Community Projects Thanksgiving!

Warmest wishes for a great Holiday from all of us at Café 565 to our Residents, Lanai Visitors, LUNCH visiting Hunters and Monday - Saturday Construction Workers! 10 a.m to 3 p.m. DINNER Open 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday - Friday Tues. & Wed. 5 to 8 p.m. Closed on Sunday FREE WI-FI CONNECTION Take Out 565-6622 with any food purchase Lanai’s kupuna had their yards pruned back and cleaned by the Community We accept Try our Bentos at Development Task Force City team. VISA, MC, & DISCOVER Lanai City Service Located on Dole Square in Lana’i City, corner of 8th and Ilima Ave.

A Full Service The Civil Landscaping team spruced up Iwiole Apartments. Salon for Men, Women and Children Treat yourself to a Manicure & Pedicure combo package! Eyebrow threading Neda Rajaei has a great selecti on a specialty of haircare and beauty products. Now Open Daily! Located on Ilima Avenue across Flexible schedule, from the ILWU Hall Walk-ins Welcome! Neda’s Cell Island Images Salon 554-5991 Cultural and Historic Preservation teams helped at Manele.

Open on Sundays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mon. - Fri. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mia displays a coloring book. All kinds of new gift items have arrived along with 565-9130 some great clothes for men and women. Expect the Unexpected! BLACK FRIDAY’S COMING! Task Force members were welcome additions at Pulama Lanai’s city nursery. Like us on Facebook! Jenna’s Black Friday is a Lanai traditi on. See photos of new There are All Day Specials plus an arrivals & logo wear. evening fashion show. Come and see 10% Discount for Lanai Residents who her models are this year! The Located on Dole Square evening event begins at 7 p.m. and everyone’s welcome! Corner of Ilima & 7th St.

Civil Landscapers did some heavy pruning at Manele. Lanai Today • NOVEMBER 15, 2015 • Page 11 Photographs courtesy of Pulama Lanai

Four Seasons and Pulama’s Task Force teams reached into every corner of Lanai and:

worked in a banana patch at Maunalei…

spread gravel along roadsides…

painted lines in parking lots…

admired vegetables they had helped to grow… grew vegetable seedlings for the school’s garden…

Lanai Residents Business Loans up to $30,000 5% interest rates for Start-up, Expansions or Improvements No Charges for Business Consulti ng Services Thinking of starti ng your own business or need to revamp your business? Dave Daly, Loan Manager hacked back invasive weeds… Offi ce: (808) 243-4318 removed debris for kupuna… Cell: (808) 280-4435 Fax: (808) 249-2991 Email: [email protected]

Lanai Plantation Store and gas pumps created crafts at Lanai Art Center…assisted staff at Ke Ola Hou O La- Open Daily 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. nai…put on an exceptional summer school program for our keiki and also assisted as tutors and aides at Lanai High and Elementary School. Dollar Rent A Car Mahalo for all of their hard work! Open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. helped to rebuild an ancient fishpond… Napa Auto Parts Open Mon. to Fri. 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed Sat. & Sun. 565-7227 Direct Phone - 565-9027

Lanai Plantation Store and Gas Pumps NOW OPEN 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. DAILY Napa Auto - Propane Filled Mon-Fri 8 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 3 p.m. assisted at Richard’s Market… took care of clerical work at UH Maui Lanai. Page 12 • Lanai Today • NOVEMBER 15, 2015 Buildings will be repositories of good memories and things to come! By Alberta de Jetley hanksgiving is just around the corner and although our local economic has taken a hit with the two resorts being closed for renovations, we still have a lot of good things for which we can be thankful. A special thanks goes to Pulama Lanai and its decision to place Four Seasons Resorts TLanai team on special projects throughout the community. Their work is sincerely appreciated by all of the agencies, non-profits, and kupuna they have helped. Mahalo to all of the construction workers who have been working on new and renovation projects in our community. We appreciate your good work! Here are special buildings we are thankful for: Have you seen Ka The two buildings on Ilima Avenue Lokahi O Iesu Kristo which were old plantation houses with Church’s recreational hall boarded up , have been trans- and area at Koele? formed into two beautiful buildings which Without any fanfare, will house Hospice Lanai and Venture the original hall was Physical Therapy in 2016. So many fam- renovated, giving the ilies have already been helped by Hospice church’s congregation a Lanai in 2015; the new facility will be a beautiful space to use for blessing for the elderly who for any reason gatherings after services will not be able to receive hospice care on Sundays. Come and in their own home. The physical therapy enjoy the service which is facility next door to Hospice Lanai will conducted in Hawaiian. mean residents will be able to have excep- tional care on Lanai instead of traveling to Rizal Day is always celebrated at Oahu or Maui for services. the Lanai Filipino Clubhouse on Fifth Street and in 2016, the community will be able to celebrate it in style in their renovated clubhouse. The is still a construction site, so we can’t take a peek inside, but new lumber has replaced termite-eaten and , new Jackie Woolsley and Phyllis windows will let the trade winds cool McOmber, two very deter- the building, and we can’t wait to see its mined ladies, had a vision interior! and started Lanai Commu- nity Health Center. Diana Shaw joined them and kept Everybody their dream on track for years likes to have against tremendous odds. See- fun and to ing the parking area being built enjoy a good in front of the new facility is movie. We’d be like watching them approach- remiss not to ing the finish line! Providing include Lanai health care for Lanai’s residents Theater in our who are under-insured and list of things non-insured has always been to be thankful their goal, and in this brand for! Raise your new facility, it’s a dream come hand if you’ve true. been to the movies!

Kama Fauatea and his favorite cereal. The cereal shelves at Pine Isle Market are “kid-height”, and four-year-old Kama Fauatea knows exactly what kind of cereal he likes at breakfast! From old timers to young keiki, Lanai families have shopped together at the market for generations. Visit the produce section for Grown in Hawaii fruits and vegetables, some of which are locally grown in Lanai gardens. HOURS Mon. - Sat. 565-6488 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Mahalo for shopping at PIM! Tues. & Thurs. (Closed for Lunch, Buy Local * It Matters 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.) PINE ISLE MARKET Your neighborhood grocer since 1949

Located on Dole Square in the heart of Lana’i City Lanai Today • NOVEMBER 15, 2015 • Page 13 Pennsylvania girls basketball team NITA’S share aloha spirit IN-STYLE BEAUTY Contributed by Jane Boyle SALON argaret Boyle, daughter of Man- ele residents Jim and Jane Boyle, A Full Service Mand five basketball teammates Family Salon visited Lanai in August. The girls hail from Pennsylvania where their team had Hairstyling - Color - Perms reached Pennsylvania CYO State Basketball Children Welcome Tournament finals and only lost to the eventu- Weddings - Updos al state winner. By appointment please For having worked so hard in winning several tournament championships during Lynn Stubbart and Nita Duguay Monday to Friday the 2014-2015 season, these rising 9th grade It’s time for a new look! Call Nita 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. students from York Catholic High School L to R: Domenica Martello, Maggie Boyle, Caron Green, Duguay to make your appointment celebrated with a trip to Hawaii with their Bella Ebel, Megan Daugherty, McKenna Walker, Bella for a new hair style. long-time coach, Jim Boyle. 565-8082 Kepner - Photograph by Jane Boyle During their Lanai visit, the team set aside 831A Houston Street Lana’i City, HI 96763 several hours to help give back to Lanai Community in exhibition basketball games with members of the Hospital’s Serenity Garden. Under the supervision Lanai High and Elementary School boys and girls Lana’i Community Hospital of Caron Green, a hospital auxiliary board member, basketball teams. Special thanks to LHES Coaches the team spent a morning assisting in on-going beau- Mary Lou Kaukeano and Christian Yumol, as well as tification efforts by planting new flowers and ground Athletic Director Roderick Sumagit, for their help in * Quality Healthcare cover as well as weeding and sweeping. The plants providing the team with a venue to play. * Quality People were donated to the garden by Pulama Lanai and de- Volunteering in the Serenity Garden, having a livered by Alberta de Jetley, who is also an auxiliary chance to play basketball with the school’s teams, board member. swimming in beautiful Hulopo`e Bay, and meeting Services: Later that week, these young ladies also interacted many friendly people made their visit to Lanai so • New expanded Emergency Room with the Lanai youth community by participating special for these girls from Pennsylvania. • Acute and Long Term Care • Lab Services: Open 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Halloweeen 5th Friday crowds had great Monday to Friday fun in costume • Diagnostic (X-Ray) Services We are here for you 24 hours a day, Every Day -Ph. 565-8450 After hours 565-8470

Pineapple Child, LLC

Two adult party-goers had fun in AJ Briones was a giant Classmates Jake Ropa Catherine Fisher Lanai’s doTERRA Distributor their costumes. jellyfish. and Chaya Clarabel was unidentifiable enjoyed the LAPA as a green-faced performance. witch. Michele Vergara 808-649-9206 email: [email protected]

Ron Iher and Maxwell, Akilah Sprout with who was the youngest Hello Kitty, her entry in the costume siblings all had great Lililou Capdevielle and Florence parade, with his big costumes on, too! Fisher were beautiful butterflies! sister, Ciara Jarman.

Lanai City Grille is the perfect venue for an employee holiday party or festive family gathering. Contact us today at 808-563-0104 or [email protected] Page 14 • Lanai Today • NOVEMBER 15, 2015 Questions Answered & Help with Applications Lanai Library celebrates for Social Security and SSI Disability Benefi ts Diane C. Haar 40th Anniversary Hawaii Disability Legal Services We visit Lanai monthly, call us for dates, times and location! For more information, call 808-536-8074

Keo Konstruction, LLC Locally owned and operated.

This great mural packed with memories graced the to the library. Librarian Peggy Fink Kosraean leader Glasstine Cornelius

Rob Sanches General Engineering Contractor AC-25860 559-5365

L to R: Cyndi Rogers, Dorothy Tolliver, Stacie Kanno, Stacey Aldrich, Peggy Fink, Dwight Gamulo, Sharon Woodall and John Schaumburg. Cindy, Dorothy and Sharon are from Maui Friends of the Library. John and Dwight represent Friends of Lanai Library. State Librarian Stacey Aldrich. Public Libaries Branch Director Stacie Kanno.

Poet Laureate Kealoha delighted the crowd.

Let Don do it! YOUR MAUI SHOPPER! (808) 649-0448 Aunty Nyla Fuji-Babb, a long-time Lanai favorite from the award-winning Art & Story program (2002 - [email protected] 2007) held the room spellbound with tales of old Hawaii. Personalized service, will shop for you or pick up orders from Maui stores. Will pick up packages or documents for delivery on Lanai or Maui! Will pick up bulky items at Kaumalapau Harbor and deliver them to your home. Call Don Jackson for details.

Lanai’s young library patrons enjoyed the programs provided by the visiting artists at the library’s anniversary celebration. - Photographs of keiki above by Greg Cohen Lanai Today • NOVEMBER 15, 2015 • Page 15 October 15, 2015 Photographs by Ron Gingerich & Greg Cohen

Gifts for All Occasions Open Mon. to Sat. Guests lined up eagerly for a taste of the intricately decoarted cake commemorating 40 years of service. 565-9170 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mahalao to Pulama Lanai for providing the delicious cake. Made in Hawaii jewelry, gifts and clothing.

Girls from the fifth grade performed a The Kosraean Youth Organization Choir shared several of their graceful hula. cultural songs.

Applications Available Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8 am to Noon Call for more information 565-6615

The MEO Senior Ukulele Group were joined by a young lady.

Minimum Requirements at time of application: 1. Must be at least 62 years old. Must be capable of 2. RD Income Limits: achieving an One person, very low: $32,900 independent living Two persons, low, $37,600 status. Mimi’s Place Lanai favorites since their first visit in 1998 , the Kenny Endo Taiko group filled the library with amazing rhythms.

Relax renew and enjoy a more intimate comfy cozy one on one all about you experience@Mimi’s. By Appointment@565-8009 Text 808-280-1730 Cameron Chin is in the middle of the action with the Ilihia and Keonehana Mano-Villiarimo Taiko drummers. quickly picked up Taiko drummers’ beat! Page 16 • Lanai Today • NOVEMBER 15, 2015

LCHC hosts 2nd annual Susan G. Komen Ohana Wellness Day ctober was Obreast cancer aware- ness month, and this year’s event brought together supporters and community mem- bers for a morning of wellness includ- ing free healthcare screenings, flu shots, breast health LCHC staff at the Wellness Day education, Zumba fitness and prize drawings. around Dole Park honoring friends and “Our organization is fortunate to family members who have been affected partner with the Susan G. Komen by breast cancer. Participants received a Foundation to host this event for the free t-shirt and enjoyed refreshments and Lanai community,” said Diana Shaw, healthy snacks. Wellness booths were Lanai Community Health Center exec- staffed by employees of the health center utive director. including the organization’s Behavioral “Health and wellness goes beyond Specialist, Cori Takesue. Flu shots were doctor visits. Our mission is to encour- administered by a medical assistant and age patients to get their annual screen- oral health screenings were offered by ings, eat healthy and receive the proper dentist Dr. Scott Hiramoto. Those in health education they need to live attendance enjoyed a Zumba fitness class happy and well balanced lives. In con- led by Lanai Community Health Center’s tinuing our mission to provide quality wellness coach, Monique Bolo. Winners healthcare services, we are excited to of the prize drawing received hydroflasks share with our patients and the com- and a FitBit as munity our new expanded programs the grand prize. and new healthcare facility (currently in the final stages of construction).” This event was designed to raise awareness of health and wellness services, including breast healthcare services and programs available to the Lanai community. It was sponsored by the Susan G. Komen Foundation. The event began with a Memory Walk Lanai Today • NOVEMBER 15, 2015 • Page 17 Let’s ask Dr. Greg Dear Dr. Greg; We were all sitting around watching the have created our own problem with the news the other night and started talking invention of cell phones and the internet about how much violence involving police that create a whole different world for and teenagers is going on. My daughter people to live in no matter where they is 20 and my son is 16 and still in school. are (even in class). I believe some kids My daughter and I agree that kids used to and adults have lost their manners and get along better with teachers and police common sense by depending on the ano- because we were better mannered and had nymity of the internet. They can be rude, more respect for authority than kids these hostile, and opinionated and completely days. My son said it’s just the opposite, hide their identity if they want to. Also that police and teachers are rude and act notice how rude and aggressive behavior like bullies, so kids are just giving it back is praised on TV and “reality shows” to them. He says kids have a right to be where the more rude and outlandish peo- rude to adults who treat them badly or are ple get the most attention and celebrity. rude to them. There have always been rude and ag- I can’t help but argue that if I “gave it gressive kids, adults, teachers and police; back” to my supervisor every time I felt that’s not new. What you might be seeing disrespected that I would be unemployed is how the blame is being placed and about now. But I also believe that things how the news media treats “victims” and have gotten a lot worse and that kids are “perpetrators”. The current fashion is to just spoiled rotten these days and haven’t blame authority and praise victimhood, so been taught manners at home. When naturally if you can be the victim you’re you see kids trying to run down cops “the good guy.” Dig deeper and look with their cars, or you see that girl being at how an incident was created and ask dragged out of her desk by a cop you have your kids what could have prevented the to wonder what made the kid think they violence early on. could just give the police a hard time? Meanwhile, we could all do with a What’s going on? And how does the course in good manners and respectful counseling world look at this problem? living; everyone of us needs to step back Sincerely, and look at our own behavior and feelings Old Fashion Mom toward fellow human beings. Aloha, Dear Old Fashion Mom; Dr. Greg According to the research some things are getting better, like lower crime rates and higher graduation rates than in the “good old days”, depending on what you Greg Sanders, Psy.D. consider those days to be. I agree that is the School Based kids seem to be less respectful and com- Behavioral Health pliant than they used to be, but I’m not Specialist for Lanai High sure if that is true or just my observation. and Elementary School Our society puts a lot of value on being and has been counseling self-directed and independent, which to a kid might mean “I do what I want.” We for over twenty years.

Community support during With aloha from Lāna‘i by Alberta de Jetley Domestic Violence Awareness Mahalo to everyone who’s purchased my book. Part-time Month appreciated Lanai resident Jane Boyle who Contributed by Mililani Woolsey Martin, Women Helping Women, resides in Pennsyvania wrote: Lanai Coordinator “I have already read most of the book and enjoyed the vari- t was impressive and heartwarming ety of scenes and photos. The to have the community’s support compilation is a wonderful trib- Iduring our Domestic Violence ute to those who have worked, Awareness month in October. Women lived and sacrifi ced to preserve Helping Women (WHW) set out in late and build a very special piece of September and early October to place Hawaiian history -Lanai.” large purple bows in our island’s busi- nesses, places of worship, municipal or- The book is divided into ganizations and service venues. The bows were to remind residents to “remember all seven chapters that give readers those who have survived,” through Do- an insight into the our island’s mestic Violence Awareness and Advoca- history. From the fi rst chapter, cy. Mahalo to Women Helping Women’s Mike Carroll with purple bow on his Legend or Fact, to the last Lanai supporters: storefront. chapter, Looking Back and Bank of Hawaii – Lanai Branch Moving Forward, I hope it Blue Ginger Café Lanai Launderette will help to rekindle personal Café 565 Lanai Lumber and Hardware If you are in the US Armed Forces and Lanai is memories of each family’s Canoe’s Lanai Restaurant Lanai Senior Center your hometown, it will be my pleasure to send life on Lanai. Coalition for a Drug Free Lanai Lanai Theater you a complimentary, signed copy of the book. Coffee Works Lanai Union Church County of Maui – Lanai DMV Maui Fire Dept. – Lanai Station Da Hula Hut Maui Police Dept. – Lanai Station ORDER FORM - Clip and return with your check to: First Hawaiian Bank – Lanai Branch Mike Carroll Gallery Alberta de Jetley, P. O. Box 630601, Lanai, HI 96763 Hawaii Dental Clinic Lanai Nita’s In-Style Salon Hotel Lanai No Ka Oi Grindz Name______Island Images Salon Pele’s Other Garden Ke Ola Hou O Lanai Pulama Lanai Mailing Address______Pine Isle Market START Computer Technology Richard’s Market Lanai Art Center Thank you everyone, for your support. ______Lanai City Service For more information about Women Lanai Community Health Center Helping Women on Lanai, call 565-6700. No. of copies requested ______@ $21.99 each plus Lanai Culture and Heritage Center WHW’s main office number on Maui is Lanai Digital Printing 808-242-6600. After hours, call 808-579- postage of $5.75 for 1 to 3 copies. If you would like a Lanai Hospice 9581. If in crisis call our hotline, 808- personalized autograph, please include a note to me. Lanai International Store 563-0216. To contact Mili Martin, email: [email protected]. Page 18 • Lanai Today • NOVEMBER 15, 2015 Bankruptcy: Credit Counseling Available By Philip Nerney, Attorney-at-Law o you have more debt than you can pay? If exceptions. It is important to understand, however, so, then it may be prudent to consider filing that a secured creditor may still be able to foreclose Dfor bankruptcy protection if other alterna- a lien to recover its security. Thus, for example, a tives are inadequate. discharged debtor may no longer have to pay a mort- A list of approved credit counseling agencies is gage, but the bank may still be able to take mort- available at It may be gaged property away from the debtor. possible to resolve debt problems by working with an As stated in Bankruptcy Basics, “Chapter 13 offers approved credit counselor. individuals a number of advantages over liquidation For most individuals, bankruptcy means filing under chapter 7. Perhaps most significantly, Chapter for protection under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the 13 offers individuals an opportunity to save their Bankruptcy Code. Those two chapters have different homes from foreclosure.” In some sense, a Chapter 13 characteristics. According to Bankruptcy Basics, bankruptcy might be looked at as a consolidation loan. a publication of the Administrative Office of the The “automatic stay” is another important feature United States Courts referenced here, and available of filing for bankruptcy protection. The automatic stay Lanai Author Greg on-line, Chapter 7 involves a liquidation to pay debt generally prevents creditors from exercising their rem- over time, usually 3 to 5 years, based on a repayment edies without bankruptcy court approval. This, too, is Cohen’s New Novel plan approved by the court. There is a test to deter- often used as a tool to at least delay foreclosure. “travels with my mom” is mine which chapter an individual must use. So, if you get in a jam, do what you can to honor your available now in paper- Obtaining a discharge is an important goal for obligations. Keep in mind that an approved credit coun- back or for E-readers! debtors in bankruptcy. The bankruptcy discharge selor may provide valuable assistance. In certain un- Paperback & digital available releases the debtor from personal liability for cer- fortunate circumstances, however, it may be qualified online at: tain specified types of debts, subject to significant bankruptcy counsel which helps you get a fresh start. The Lanai TECH Corner Search Amazon “Greg Cohen hawaii” to visit Greg’s online store. You can also download a free app to read Kindle books on any device! Contributed by Jack Martin of START Computer Technology Independent Amazon reviewer: “This book is for everyone. After the loss of a he tech world is abuzz this month about the screen. The new iPad Pro being released this month loved one, a family’s incredible trip through China, helps them move through two major camps of computer operating exceeds the abilities of Microsoft’s offering of the love and loss. Guilt, anger and confusion combine with life experiences and systems. They are Apple, with two new Surface Pro 3. courage into the recovery of a young man, his twin sister and their grieving T versions of their venerable and widely acclaimed Microsoft’s Windows 10 has been a big success father. Expresses the strength of family, especially when the lost family iOS in the mobility market and OSX desktop/laptop with many refinements being released monthly. I like member carries on in the survivors. The family do not “get back to being market. The other, of course, is Microsoft’s Windows it for my Windows desktop machines and Surface Pro themselves” . . . they become new people, stronger, more loving and aware. 10 available in August, free for a limited time, and 3. Windows Phone, having taken a huge hit, looks to Contains incisive thoughts on friendships, family connections, personal trust, and the importance of art. Highly recommended.” then available, starting at $119. be a not-quite-yet-discontinued product. Windows Apple by far has a broader upgrade offering that Phones still matter to Microsoft, just not in the tradi- tional sense. Microsoft has new plans for Lumia, and Also, if you missed it, be sure to check has been fully tested, verified and implemented. they involve flagships, low-cost devices, and business out Greg’s 1st novel, They are the update of the mobile software iOS8 to iOS9, much to almost everyone’s approval, and phones, but beyond that, the future of Windows Phone “Center of Gravity” the anticipated productivity software “El Capitan” is very vague. Independent Amazon reviewer: “A splendid blend OSX 10.11 from the previous “Yosemite” OSX 10.10. Productivity is the key; ease of use and thoughtful of love, life, music and history! Center of Gravity is a These two upgrades are absolutely free and offer a interface certainly are at the top of my minimum re- panoramic novel covering the music business from much enhanced productivity experience that build on quirements. Make sure your selections and purchases the 1920s to the age of early Rock. The story is told as the beloved previous operating systems. Upgrading reflect this idea, you won’t regret it. I’ll be happy to a family saga of sorts beginning with a knife-throwing from iOS8 to iOS9 can be a very rewarding expe- answer any questions you may have. Email: jakmar- vaudeville act, on through two generations of Runyon- rience when coupled with the new iPhone 6s or the [email protected] or phone 597-4080. Note: Senior esque characters, and up almost to the present. Computer classes are on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of The author, who knows his stuff after years in the iPhone 6s Plus that support the 3D “Force Touch” business of music, spins out an intriguing tale of love and loss, songs and every month at 1 p.m. at Lanai Senior Center. stars, and decades of America’s cultural history. For anyone who enjoys true to life characters, or is interested in the history of music from Tin Pan Alley onward, this is a must read. I couldn’t put this book down once I got Pine Lass and Pine Lad Achievers started with it.” Paperbacks available at: For SEPTEMBER 2015 Congratulations to our students!

Preschool - Mrs. Urbas - Leboeuf: Kai 2nd Grade - Ms. Mitchell: Elena Riel Montgomery and Aliana Ranis Ms. Romero: Hannah Mae Lee and Anissia Kindergarten -Mrs. Preza: Jack Frank and Tulpe Ramirez Jackson 3rd Grade – Mrs. Montgomery: Reggie Adams Mrs. Chew: Destinee Rose Dupree Ms. Gregory: Sivanny Seiuli Ms. Traczek: Balian Roberts and Princess Faye 4th grade – Mr. Savage: Tysen Ayonayon and Baltero Geivrielle Ostrander We’ve got you covered! 1st Grade - Ms. Conrath: Abigail Roth and Rylee Mrs. Patterson: Kana Amor and Jeniel Uminga Kalawaia Paleka Baptista 5th Grade – Mrs. Savage: Reece Etrata and and Kaio Kalawe Mrs. Baltero: Jennifer Agcaoili Evelyn Hera Mrs. Tabucbuc: Jeff Agcaoili and Haley Ostrander Call Zac’s Fumigation 1-888-787-7774 for all your Fumigation and Van Quaethem Chiropractic Lanai Closes Pest Control Needs It was a sad day for Amy Van Quaethem’s Lanai care for you in my Maui of- clients when they received the following message fice, located in Kaanapali in EC POOL OF HAWAII from her: the Fairway Shops. Thank “Aloha Lana’i Ohana, you so much for your sup- COMPLETE CARE FOR It is with a heavy heart that I must close my Lana’i port these last five years! practice. I will be available to serve you through Yours in Health, Amy Van POOLS, SPAS, PONDS AND Tuesday, November 10, 2015. This has been a very Quaethem” WATER FEATURES difficult decision for me as I care for you like family. Maintaining my overhead on Lanai has become Mahalo, Amy, we appre- a challenge with the recent insurance changes at ciated having your services LUIS MOLINA HMSA and my inability to become a participating available on Lanai. Thank LIC #25939 provider with ChiroPlan Hawaii, the insurance com- you for being a part of our Amy Van Quaetham 808.649.0337/808.565.8011 pany for the unions. I will continue to be available to community. Lanai Today • NOVEMBER 15, 2015 • Page 19 LĀNA‘I CULTURE & HERITAGE CENTER Four Seasons Employee of the Month E Ho‘ohanohano ‘ana i ka wā mamua, a e Ho‘olako ‘ana i ka mua aku! oyet Molina is a hard worker and a team player. (Honoring the Past, He has done a lot of work inside the . and Enriching the Future!) BBoyet resolves kitchen equipment issues and even Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. issues with refrigeration. LAK doesn’t have an AC/refrig- eration employee, but because we have Boyet, all problems Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. were taken care off. With or without work orders, just talk to him and he will do the job. He never says “No” each (808) 565-7177 • [email protected] • time you ask for help. Thank you, Boyet, for your help and P.O. Box 631500 • Lana‘i City, Hawai‘i 96763 commitment. A Non-Profi t Charitable, Museum, Research and Educati onal Organizati on

Ludvig Simonsen, Paul Mamuad, Jojo Baltero, Boyet Molina, Dan Greenwood, and Tom Roelens Leader of 3rd Quarter he KFAS program was a huge success. Our very Lanai Today’s back issues are available on the Web. own Pam Haban poured her heart into making this a great experience for the keiki on Lanai. It is truly T You’ll also find a page of helpful Lanai Links, visit a heart-warming experience to receive letters like the one below from Kimberly Miyazawa-Frank that show what our site today! great partners our team members have been to the commu- nity during the resort closure. Amazing! Comment from Kimberly Miyazawa Frank: Na Pu’uwai Native Hawaiian Health Care This summer, Pulama Lanai offered Mo’olelo O Lanai, a Ke Ola Hou O Lana’i summer program for LHES keiki. The intent in doing so 730 Lana’i Ave.(old Dole Bldg.) was three-fold: q To engage kids during the summer (especially since Open Monday - Friday Ludvig Simonsen, Pamela Haban, Tom 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 565-7204 many FS parents are now on a 8:00 – 5:00 work schedule); Roelens, Tammy Ringbauer q To engage FS team members assigned to Community Programs Community Health Screenings Development (we have a total of 85 FS team members from as they learned about the storied places of Case Mgmt. Services LAK and MBH); and Lanai. Home Care Assistance Health Education q Nutrition Education/Counseling Asthma - Blood Pressure - Diabetes To offer place-based learning that we knew would be Because this was such a significant Chronic Disease Health Education Stroke - Cancer - Weight Mgmt. beneficial for both kids and FS team members. program for our community, I wanted to Podiatry Chronic Kidney Disease - Tobacco/ The program has been a huge success because the team be sure everyone knew about it. While Ke Ana Ola - Healthy Lifestyle Smoking Cessation and much more worked very hard. So, we were delighted (but not surprised) everyone else involved (from Aunty Irene to learn that parents were pleased with the caliber of this Davis and Uncle Bully Davis to the other New Construction Worker HOTLINE # year’s program, and kids often did not want to leave at the FS aunties and uncles) are deserving of end of the day when their parents came to pick them up. credit, Pam was truly the overall organizer (808) 565-3911 The Community Development team hosted a “staff and worked to recruit KFAS and other FS If you witness any illegal or disorderly conduct by a appreciation party” for those assigned to LHES. It was one team members who could best contribute to contractor working for Pulama Lanai, call the NEW hotline to way to say mahalo. And, in talking with the FS team mem- the summer program. She worked tirelessly report it. If you witness an emergency involving any of the bers, it gave me great satisfaction to learn that those who each day (and on the nights in between) contractors on the island, please call 911 have been involved with the program have truly enjoyed to ensure that the keiki enjoyed a rich and it. They found it satisfying and perhaps even inspirational, meaningful experience each day. Lanai Youth Center announces Annual Meeting arents and community members are welcome For Lanai’s newer residents, Lanai Youth Center Our Programs to attend Lanai Youth Center’s Annual Board is located behind the County Gym. It’s programs are Teen Night - Educati on - Health Skills - Character Building - PMeeting and reopening of its newly renovated free. For more information, call Executive Director Culturally Diverse - Alternati ve Acti viti es - Ages 8 - 17 building on Wednesday, November 18 from 5:30 to Bonita Sandi at 565-7675, or visit 6:30 p.m. Residents will meet the center’s board mem- Save the Date Free membership! - days of fun-fi lled acti viti es bers, discuss upcoming projects and events, and learn Lanai Youth Center Annual Board Meeting how they can become involved in LYC’s programs. Wednesday, November 18, 2015 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. For more informati on, call 565-7675 or visit our website: htt p:// Kulo Malulap means Thank you in Kosraean James Anton n Saturday, October 24, 2015, residents of Maui Crime Stoppers offers rewards of up to all ethnic backgrounds and religions joined August 24, 2004 – October 14, 2015 OLanai’s Kosraean community in saying $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and goodbye to James Anton who passed away on Oahu on Wednesday, October 14, 2015. The Pedro Dela indictment in unsolved crimes. All callers are Cruz Gym was filled with James’ extended fami- anonymous, you do not have to give your name. ly who had traveled to Lanai to attend his funeral service, and it was with very heavy hearts we all If you have information about a crime, mourned his passing. A touching eulogy presented call (808) 242-6966. by family friend Lisa Grove described his vibrant personality. He was a very special child who loved living on Lanai. The following message was shared in the service’s printed program: “James Anton was a wonderful, kind and respect- ful boy who enjoyed life to the fullest. He is known for his big smile, his ability to crack jokes and make everyone’s day brighter. Laughing, always laughing. meant baseball—and he always wanted to include He loved to sing and dance and there was always everyone around, especially Jimmy. a telltale wiggle in his step. He was so excited about People called Jimmy and James a “package deal,” moving from Kosrae to Lanai that it is said that he because they were always together. He also loved his did the “Stomp the Yard” dance at the airport, on the sisters dearly and they felt the same way about him. tarmac, on the plane, and, finally, in the yard where Big heart, big hellos, huge smiles, laughter. He his family lived and called home. knew how much he was loved by his parents, his James was a leader, willing to try new things or family, his friends, and the adults who knew him and be the first to do something scary or new. As one he gave that love back every day. The island is a qui- parent said with admiration, “James was always the eter place without James. He will be sorely missed bravest one. He never backed down and always led and remembered often.” the others.” James is survived by his parents: Anton and He loved playing basketball and baseball. Loved Mayumi Anton, his siblings: Masumi Mia Jonas, the sport and getting to play, being on a team and the Senyorina Lonno, and Gina and Jimmy Anton. The coaches. He was thoughtful and always looked after Anton Family wishes to say Kulo Malulap, Thank others and just wanted the best for everyone. He was You, to all of the people who helped them during the one of those kids who made friends easily and could weeks when James was hospitalized in Honolulu and find anything to play with – a stick and piece of fruit for their prayers. “Around Town” - Ohana Wellness Day October 24, 2015 Photographs by Alberta de Jetley

Straub Clinic’s Lanai staff members were joined by specialists from their Honolulu clinic to assist residents with their Legacy for Life was represented by Julie Young. health care needs at the fair.

Shelly Barfield, pictured with Cherie and Racquel Malacas, assisted the Class of 2016 Dr. Robin and Pamela Holton with Marie Romero who were community service volunteers at the event.

Lions’ Club members Dwight Gamulo with Donna and John Schamburg Jake Janikowski and Vala Welch displayed coloring books, Eddie Tolentino is pictured behind them.

Debbie Wheeler and Judy Guajardo had a table for Na Ha Alex and BabyJean Garliyo and their son Andrei Ryllah-Rae Rodrigues and Giyana Agliam were Aloha. Sequro were just one of the many families attending helping Sgt. Kimerbly Masse. the event. “Around Town” is proudly sponsored by Lanai Oil Company