1 Bodyweight/Martial Arts Exercises:
[email protected] First off, the reason I wrote this is simple. I needed a way to work out that was time-efficient, cheap, took up very little space, and needed little or no equipment and that I would not get bored of. After a lot of reading and researching, I found that bodyweight calisthenics, when done right, can make you as strong or stronger than a weightlifter, and the strength is all functional. It costs next to nothing but your own time and effort, and a few small pieces of equipment: Push up handles Chinning bar with “V” handles Some pieces of broomhandle or dowel Some short pieces of rope or old towels A spring/rubber band expander A Jump rope Running or workout shoes Abdominal Wheel Some chairs A wall All these things will be mentioned in the workouts to follow, and can be gotten cheaply. The most expensive thing is probably the shoes (considering shoe prices nowadays). All the rest can be bought and/or made for very little, probably less than 75 or 100 bucks. You can adapt and improvise as well. You can mix up, change, or vary the exercises done to make them more interesting and harder to do, thus continuing the desired training effect – strength and power. My sources in compiling this personal manual included the following: Wrestling and boxing exercises, my martial arts instructors in Wing Chun as well as from my younger days in Muay Thai, friends who’ve taken gymnastics and other arts, Internet resources on Wing Chun Kung Fu drills and exercises, Navy Seal workout manuals, Israeli Defense force books, books on Pilates, Yoga, total body conditioning, stretching, and isometric/isotonic exercises.