Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:X Issue No:115 Price: Afs.15 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes MONDAY . NOVEMBER 23 . 2015 -Qaus 02, 1394 HS Yo ur Yo ur ad ad he re he re Haqqani-linked militant group busted in Paktia operation in southeastern Paktia and information about govern- AT Monitoring Desk province. ment employees to the terrorist The NDS in a press statement is- organization. The arrested KABUL: Operatives of the Na- sued the other day said that they Haqqani network facilitators were tional Directorate of Security have detained three Haqqani net- identified as Mustafa, Zakaria (NDS) arrested three members of work militants. The arrested men known as Amerullah and Din Mo- Haqqani network during a special were allegedly providing bombs hammad Mohammadi. 1,800 drug dealers apprehended this year, tons of drugs seized AT Monitoring Desk KABUL: As many as 1,800 drug dealers have been detained and tons of drugs seized this year across the country, said the Min- istry of Counternarcotics on Sun- day. Addressing a press confer- ence, the Interior Deputy Minis- sources, all of the kidnapped peo- ter for Counternarcotics, Baz ple were from Hazara ethnic mi- Mohammad Ahmadi, said that nority. Seddiqi Seddiqi, spokesman more than 1,800 drug dealers have for the MoI, told reporters in Kab- been nabbed so far this year. He ul that security forces in coopera- said that the anti-narcotics police tion with local elders secured re- during counter-narcotics opera- lease of nine captives from the gun- tions have seized more than 100 men.