Your window on partnering for the unreached through translation, community development, and church planting

Friday, June 4 2-9 pm

2:00 The All-Nations Vision Welcome – Bryant Martin, Communications Director Register ahead of time at God’s Vision for All the Nations – Ken Miller, Board member

2:50 Our Mission: Partnering with Churches How Our Church Supports Our Vision – E.W. and J.F in Finding Our Way into a Mixtec Village – L.H. in Mexico 10-minute Break

3:40 All-Nations Teams The Path to Team Formation – W.D.,

4:00 Bible Translation Stories of God at Work in Bible Translation – R.W. (Wycliffe) in 5:00 One-hour Break

6:00 Bible Translation, continued Bible Translation, Explained and Demonstrated – Adam Boyd (Wycliffe) in PNG

6:50 Community Development Setting up a Foundation for Community Development – L.S., Indonesia Literacy vs. Orality in Church Planting Strategy – an interview with A.O., literacy coach 10-minute Break

7:45 Church Planting Their Worldview Grid: Lessons in Indigenous Church Planting – Steve Sanford (Ethnos360) All-Nations Church Planting Course: an Introduction – Joel Martin, General Director

8:50 Core Values of All-Nations May We Partner with You? – Bryant Martin 9:00 Closing

Guest Speakers

R. W. R. W. is a conservative Anabaptist who has served with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Africa for longer than All-Nations existed. She will be telling stories of what God has done and what she has learned in over 20 years as a Bible translator. We withhold her full name here for security reasons.

Adam Boyd Adam and his family live in Papua New , where he serves in Bible translation with the Enga people. Adam also participated in our video series, God’s Word: Enduring through the Ages. He will be demonstrating what Bible translation is like.

Steve Sanford Steve served in the jungles of with Ethnos360 back when it was New Tribes Mission. He is now on Ethnos360’s executive leadership team and teaches at their Wayumi center in Pennsylvania. He will be sharing experiences and lessons learned with the Joti people.