Morse-Conley-Floer Homology T.O. Rot (
[email protected]) and R.C.A.M. Vandervorst (
[email protected])1 Department of Mathematics, VU University Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Abstract. The gradient flow of a Morse function on a smooth closed manifold generates, under suitable transversality assumptions, the Morse- Smale-Witten complex. The associated Morse homology is an invariant for the manifold, and equals the singular homology, which yields the classical Morse relations. In this paper we define Morse-Conley-Floer homology, which is an analogous homology theory for isolated invariant sets of smooth, not necessarily gradient-like, flows. We prove invariance properties of the Morse-Conley-Floer homology, and show how it gives rise to the Morse-Conley relations. AMS Subject Class: 37B30, 37C10, 58E05 Keywords: Morse homology, Lyapunov functions, Conley index theory 1. INTRODUCTION arXiv:1305.4074v2 [math.DS] 23 Apr 2014 The aim of this paper is to define an analogue of Morse homology for isolated invariant sets of smooth, not necessarily gradient-like, flows. We first recall how the gradient flow of a Morse gives rise to Morse homology. 1.1. Morse Homology. On a smooth, closed, m-dimensional manifold M the Morse-Smale pairs (f; g), consisting of a smooth function f : M ! R 1Thomas Rot supported by NWO grant 613.001.001. 1 2 T.O. ROT AND R.C.A.M. VANDERVORST and a Riemannian metric g, are characterized by the property that all critical points of f are non-degenerate and all their stable and unstable manifolds with respect to the negative g-gradient flow intersect transversally.