3: The Redeemer

Get Everyone On the Bus: Give the single guy this chapter, wow! But I am used to being abused about my singleness and not being married – My sister-in-law Ashley at Thanksgiving, “That’s still a trend for you huh, scared of walking down aisles!” so I get abused! So I can say confidently I am not an expert on dating or marriage, but I do have the book this morning! - This is a wonderful passage this morning that unfolds a love story, and some here may wonder, can or does the God of this Universe love me? Does He care about me at all? I think this passage gets at that answer!

PRAY Opening Illustration – In HS I went to a Christian school and the guys that I ran with and myself used to try rile the girls in our class up by reading from the scriptures to them about wives submitting to husbands from Ephesians, or Colossians, trying to get a rise out of them. “Some of you are out there thinking, no wonder you are single?” But as I have grown in the Scriptures I have been confronted with the fact that I did not understand those scriptures at all! As one friend says, having the role of leader in the home isn’t one of privilege along the lines of, “Hey Woman! Get me my chips!” But instead is one of weighty responsibility of a man who is willing to provide, protect, serve, and if necessary die for the sake of his bride! This morning we will see reflect much of this as He points us to our Father who does the same!

(FAST!!!) Background: - This story takes place in the time of the Judges – There is spiritual famine in the land (everyone does what is right in own eyes, or essentially whatever feels good and right go for it) and so there is also physical famine in the land, the irony being that in the House of Bread, there is no bread! - And there is an exile and return that has taken place – A family from (who was supposed to be a light to the nations) has exited the promise land to the east, just as Adam and Eve had been exiled to the East of the Garden, and in , tragedy strikes as they instead of being a light to the nations join the nations (Hebrew men taking Moabite wives) and all that is left is and her daughter in Laws!

Transition to the Text – Ruth however has come to believe in the God of Abraham and returns with Naomi to the house of bread – And we see once again bread in the land… And we see in that the love of Yahweh! Often times Israel is pictured as a wayward wife because she runs after other gods, and Yahweh as the loving Husband who displays his loving kindness to her through keeping His covenant. So there is hope for these two widows!

Difficult text to interpret: This not mainly about example – this is a descriptive text meant to highlight some principles for us, but not one to one examples here - So for instance if one of you ladies come up to the elders and say: “I want a Boaz type husband” we aren’t going to say, “well you know the church lock-in is coming up and so what we want you to do is make sure you take a bath, put on some perfume and maybe a nice dress and see which sleeping bag he gets in… and...” Not one to one example here!

So then what does mean for God’s people today?

Main Idea – God demonstrates his amazing Loving-Kindness by providentially providing for and protecting His people who cling to Him by faith through a Redeemer! - And what is striking in this book is that this providential care of Yahweh over Israel isn’t done through signs or magnificent miracles by a prophet, but instead there are subtle signs in the every day lives of common Israelites by which He displays over and again His Kindness in fulfilling his promises from the Torah to set up a Messianic Dynasty through one family!

I. Naomi’s Plan (3:1-7) READ VERSES 1 and 2

Naomi begins the chapter by planning to find rest/security for Ruth – She may be a little discouraged because it has likely been up to seven weeks since the initial meeting of Boaz and Ruth and not much has happened and so Naomi is scheming to make something happen! - The idea of rest is prevalent in the Scriptures – Naomi plans by this to honor her daughter in law who has honored her through a protector-husband which would be an answer to the prayer she prayed for Ruth in chapter one for her to find rest! And which in turn will find great rest for Naomi – and so let me translate how Naomi plans to do this, “Hey Ruth, you need a man!”

“That it may be well with you” – interesting language here – Ruth has assumed the role of Daughter for Naomi, and Naomi here mentions language from the Ten Commandments of Honoring Father and Mother so that it may be well with you! - The promise from God children, is that if we obey and honor our parents we will be protected and it will go well for us because obedience to parents is a loving protection and provision that our Lord has provided for us in the Law! And likely the go well with you is connected to a protector and a son (Deut. 6:3)

And so Naomi points her back to Boaz who has shown interest – you can imagine your mom doing this right… “That Boaz is such a nice man” Or when my parents say, “you know so and so would make a great pastor’s wife!” - Naomi is really saying isn’t he the kind of man who is eligible to redeem you as one of our possible redeemers who can make it well with you, who can give you rest – we can talk more about this later, but this would have been built off the principles of levirate marriage in the Torah, but I don’t think the text is indicating that is obligated here of Boaz as we will see! I think the principles of it and the principles of a redeemer throughout the Torah are in mind here!

And now Naomi points out where Boaz will be… and so it’s date night!


She says, “Hey take a bath… and maybe put on some as Ferguson said Moab #7 on (I think that was a play off Chanel #7 – that’s a thing right?) And put on some nice clothes! - It’s date night – Now, again this isn’t a story about dating, but that’s just good advice ladies… and dudes, probably more so, take a bath, smell decent, etc! This isn’t seduction, just wisdom - But more commentators think this is to be a sign that she has ended her period of mourning over her husband (2 Sm. 12:20 when ends his mourning) and that she is prepared to be a bride (similar language in Ezek. 16) – she is eligible… there ain’t no ring on the finger o This may be a reason Boaz hasn’t pursued her yet!

Naomi’s plan is that Ruth not reveal herself to Boaz while he is eating and drinking, celebrating the harvest… again not about dating, but probably good advice… probably not best to sit down next to the dude while he’s watching the SB and pounding Queso and say we need to have a DTR!


What in the world is going on here? Naomi has instructed Ruth to demonstrate her dependence on Boaz and make a Marriage Proposal! This is a bold and shocking play! - Not sure if this should be your first move ladies, but hey! And she believes that Boaz will initiate from there! - But she says be careful to notice where he lies – “I’d say so!” don’t want to uncover the wrong pair of stinky feet!

V. 5 and 6 – Ruth acts like a Daughter who honors and obeys father and mother – here we see the character of Ruth as carries out what her mother has told her

Some Thoughts and applications before we move on: - This could seem like a reckless plan on Naomi’s part (threshing floor could be a seedy place) – but the author does nothing to indicate that! It is likely instead a bold move of faith based in her knowledge of the integrity of Boaz and his protection, which he has already demonstrated in chapter 2. - Naomi does not believe Boaz will compromise his or Ruth’s integrity – in fact, the author never doubts Ruth, Naomi, or Boaz’s integrity throughout the narrative! Naomi seems to believe that Boaz will respond as a redeemer based on his past actions and the principles of the Levirate and Redeemer laws to which Boaz is a law-keeping man! o Again, this is not about dating tips, as not one to one culture to culture application – we don’t live in a Theocracy governed by Levirate laws – so don’t get any ideas I am not going to stand up here alright any single ladies want to come lay at my feet tonight… I live at 26… - I would also say it’s good to seek counsel from parents, and godly mentors when comes to dating – if you are dating someone and all the godly counsel in your life is saying one thing, but your feelings/emotions are saying another – Jaws Music! Parents that was for FREE!

Finally, God’s Providence and Sovereignty are no excuse for passivity – His sovereignty and our responsibility are not at odds – We aren’t fatalists (that’s why we take medicine, etc because God has given us a brain to exercise faith and wisdom!) - And we see that God here is even turning sin for good – Naomi’s sons shouldn’t have married Moabites (not because interracial marriage isn’t allowed, but because Inter-Faith marriage are not allowed) and yet God is superintending for His plans! - This isn’t by the way an excuse for missionary dating – you have to love some of those comments right – well I am telling him about … yeah if he’s interested in Jesus have him come talk me! The fact that God overcomes our sin doesn’t give us a license to sin, but instead a chance to testify to His grace! o And thankfully now with Ruth it’s not an inter-faith marriage as she has clung to the God of Naomi!

II. Ruth Acts (3:7-9) READ VERSE 7-8

After celebrating the harvest (He wasn’t toasted), and a good days work he went to lay down in the field to protect the harvest – and here she comes like a Ninja… softly! Not sure if she was tiptoeing or what? - And she acts in a shocking way in doing what Naomi told her! Some have argued this has sexual innuendo but I will state clearly the text never calls into question the purity of either! In fact says they are persons of honor!

Imagine this scene – tonight around 2am you wake up thinking is there a draft in here, my feet are cold, and you look down and a woman is lying on your feet! AWKWARD! You have to think this writer had a sense of humor when you read this! (Ever wake up imagining someone is in the room and scares you to death? Now imagine it were true – nightmares tonight! Youre welcome!) - This must have been something akin to what Adam is feeling when he wakes up from surgery and has a wife… some in this room are thinking best surgery ever!

But now, in a sense, how Boaz reacts to this marriage proposal means everything about his future, and the future of God’s people! And so what does he say?


And so he responds with a quote from Joey Tribiani, “How you Doing?” - He doesn’t chide her like he could, he says “who are you” – I think he knows who she is (though its dark possibly he doesn’t), but I think he is more asking what are your intentions, “what can I do for you?”

And she replies with the verbal marriage proposal in striking language, “Spread your wings over me!” (PAUSE) - She is saying “Boaz, be my refuge”… NOW THAT’S A PICK UP LINE! “hey baby, take me under your wings!” - She is saying I am your servant who is humbly at your feet asking you to redeem me – Ruth uses a different label for herself here than chapter 2, she says here maidservant as opposed to slave-servant (which would have had very limited rights) the new term means she has the privileges of a servant who can bear an heir!

Spread your Wings is the plea for marriage – she is saying cover me and make me your own and she is doing this by challenging him to fulfill your own prayer you prayed for me in chapter 2:12! She is saying be this symbol of the Lord’s protection for me that you prayed for me! - She is saying protect me! Like a Mother Bird would take chicks under wings and protect them from birds of prey! - The word for wing can also mean garment, so spread your garment over a bride was a symbol used in Israel of marriage, as the groom would spread his garment over his bride!

And she reminds him that he is Redeemer who can fix her plight – her tone is deferring for sure, but she is making her intentions clear by calling him a redeemer!

III. Boaz Responds (3:10-15)


Boaz responds with remarkable honor by calling her daughter and recounting her kindness – he could have taken advantage of her, remember this is a time when men are doing what is right in their own eyes (who would have believer her), or yelled at her! Instead he honors her by proclaiming a blessing on her and showing integrity in the darkness! - Boaz recounts her kindness to Naomi as the FIRST – this was the kindness she showed by clinging to Naomi and Naomi’s God even when Naomi couldn’t provide a husband!

Boaz points out he knows whats going on by saying that this second kindness is even greater than the one she showed to Naomi – He is quite honored that she didn’t run after the young or even rich - Not sure but the text may be implying he wasn’t quite the cutest cat – but he’s man of great integrity and character! And Ruth runs after that!

And we see this theme HESED once again don’t we – Ruth’s kindness to Naomi in caring for the Widow! She is displaying her clinging to Yahweh in following His ways! And now her kindness to Boaz! - This also likely shows that neither Ruth nor Boaz were bound by the Levirate laws – which is why I believe Naomi and Boaz are acting on the principles whether than letter of the law! He says you could have gone after other younger men, rich or poor! - Application – What we need ladies/men is not wealth, or status… what you need is a godly person! We may need to evaluate our checklists/I need to evaluate, in many ways this week I have been called on the carpet by my own sermon!

And so he says, “do not fear” – He is stepping up to provide for her!

And we see him refer to her as a Proverbs 31 using a similar word to describe her that is used in Proverbs 31:10 - As has been mentioned in the Hebrew ordering of the books Ruth comes right after Proverbs – we cannot miss what the Canoniclers are trying to tell us – Ruth is a Proverbs 31 example, a worthy woman of whom it is said “let her works praise her in the gates!” and Boaz is saying all the fellow townsmen when they speak at the gate, they call you worthy! Coincidence?

Application: - Ruth had gone from being a foreigner and slave-servant to a Proverbs 31 example! Think you are outside of the grace of God? No chance! What praise to the grace of our God in redeeming a Moabite rebel who placed faith in Him! In a sense now her faith and change are on full display as she has gone from a rebel alien, to one who walks in the laws of Yahweh by honoring Mother and caring for the Widow! - In addition, Boaz who points us to a greater redeemer who cares for those that the World may not… and I don’t want to get to far off on this, but men in particular in this room, but not just men, if you say to yourself that you can never marry a non-virgin… well all I can say is I am thankful the one to whom Boaz points didn’t feel that way!

The author is here showing us the rich heritage of the Messianic Forerunner King David – and even though we are in the time of the Judges there is a faithful remnant called worthy – both Boaz and Ruth are called that in this book, Why? They are people of Loving-Kindness!


Now for first time in this unfolding love story there is a hitch – Boaz, though again not bound, is acting on the spirit of the laws in pointing out that in essence another kinsman has more right! - Boaz is such a law keeping, upright man that he is not willing to even been seen to be improper with the Law! He keeps even the spirit of the Law! HE is the Law Keeper

This also demonstrates that anything Boaz does in regards to Ruth he does out of Kindness, not obligation – He is not bound by the letter of the law, instead he is driven by his loving kindness! He will do this because he loves her! He’s got that tune in his head now, “I cant live if living is without you!” Con Air! - Application here – God doesn’t owe us anything! He doesn’t owe us a spouse! A Job! A Family! He owes us one thing… anything else you receive is an evidence of his overwhelming kindness to us! And let’s be amazed and overwhelmed by His kindness this morning!

Boaz makes clear here, that either way she will be redeemed and does so by solemn promise, “As the Lord lives!” – He is saying I will make sure you are redeemed either by me, or by another!

- I cant chase down with the whole OT theme of Kinsman-Redeemer – only to say Yahweh had established Israel as his people and put in the law ways to care for his people, to safeguard them, especially family members! Some of those being close relatives stepping up to care for widows! - And so Boaz is saying you will be under my protection, a once gentile now you will have a Hebrew Redeemer! The glorious truth that God makes outsider, insiders! People excluded from the people of God, brought into the people of God – Boaz is being a light to the nations – this is a missionary text!

We see in Boaz many characteristics of the godly man who obeys God’s law: - He cares for the widow, the poor, the foreigner and the marginalized (that is Ruth, that is Naomi) – He is saying I will make sure you a formerly unworthy Moabitess will be redeemed even if it costs me Social and Financial Gain! - Here in the time of the Judges when men took what they wanted, this man in the dark gave of himself even when it would cost him – as he cares for a widow and bride above himself! That’s real love – self-sacrifice displayed here in his willingness to endure significant cost in caring for widow and her family! - Boaz is godly, he loved God and neighbor – We need Boaz’s here at IDC!

READ 14 -15

These two verses are all about how Boaz honors Ruth – he honors her by protecting her reputation and by feeding her! A little Breakfast in bed! - He wanted her to lie until morning and to leave before she could be recognized to protect her reputation – he didn’t want the wrong idea that something untoward took place! Nor that he had usurped the right of the other redeemer! - In addition, it could have been dangerous at night so he protects and honors her!

Application – but don’t get the wrong idea here teenagers… she shares everything with her mom, so not an excuse to spend the night with a dude! - But mainly, don’t deal with men who compromise your integrity – and I am not saying they have to be perfect, cause that ain’t happening and I am not saying there shouldn’t be grace in dating, but just saying if a dude is willing to callously compromise your integrity again you should be hearing Jaws Music!

V. 15 Boaz also honors her with Provision – in a sense he seals his promise with food! (I don’t have a ring to give you right now, you did catch me at night, but here’s a biscuit!) - He is a protector of honor and through provision; he feeds her… everything that belongs to him is beginning to belong to her! This is kind of man you want who provides, protects, honors! That is true Love! o And just a word of application here – men we need to lead out in Advocacy! It’s a shame that most that lead out in advocacy for trafficked women, etc are women! Not enough Boaz’s! And again here I am convicted by my own study, tough place to be!

The provision he gave her is quite large – I saw several different guess, 100lbs, 200lbs, 80lbs, either way Ruth’s going to have to rely on her P90X workout and go beast-mode to get it home! - But in all seriousness we are seeing grace upon grace, kindness upon kindness, as he acts to feed – We have a God who feeds! When we see it as this kind of kindness how can we not devote ourselves to Him?

IV. Naomi Receives (3:16-18) READ VERSES 16-18 – GO FAST FAST FAST

Naomi basically says, “how’d it go?” and Ruth tells her about all of Boaz’s kindness! - This is highlighted by the word play at the end of verse 17 of “empty handed” the one who had said of herself she was empty in 1:21 is now to be full – Boaz is a means of the Lord’s kindness to Naomi as she receives fullness where she was once empty - This is much like the story of the prodigal where Naomi had fled from the Father’s land to a land of Sin and returned with nothing – Only to have the Father welcome her home and bless her with Bread in the house of Bread! - Imagine this, you have lost your husband and sons and endured famine… and now bread and possibly a redeemer! o Christian see Romans 8 in your life that even in tough times these slight momentary afflictions…

Naomi nows says Sit/Wait/Rest the man will get it done – he is an honorable man and he will settle this today! I love the author write THE MAN! Cause he is!

So what a story! A love story, a story also of Resurrection! Famine to fullness, curse to blessing! - You Israel would have been reading this story in Exile – when once again God’s people like Adam and Eve, like Naomi would be exiled outside the Promised Land to the East! - Israel would be identifying with Naomi, as once again the seed of Genesis 3:15 is threatened, as instead of a King on David’s throne, there are dead sons! And the question is burning where is the Davidic King? - But once again God’s Loving Kindness would return us to Bethlehem!

Christocentric – Praise God that is not the end of the story, Israel or for us! God would show His Loving Kindness to sinners in providing another Redeemer!

You see there will be another Redeemer! - There will be a day when we find ourselves back in Bethlehem at the birth of another redeemer, a son of Boaz - Another redeemer who would take vulnerable sinners under his wings (Matt 23) saying, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem…How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings” - There will be another redeemer who is a light to the gentiles, who shows Loving Kindness to the Sojourner – to which Paul says there were those of us that were once “strangers to the covenants of Promise, aliens to the commonwealth of Israel, having no hope and without God in the World – But Now In Christ Jesus you who were once far off have been brought near!” - Another son of Boaz who will feed the last of these, widows and sojourners… and in great Irony it is said whenever we do this for the least of these we are doing this for Jesus’ Brother and that’s what Boaz was doing, caring for the least of these Jesus’ GREAT GREAT GREAT… Grandmother! - There will be another redeemer who provides bread and wine for his people, who abundantly feeds the hungry, but this would be bread and wine of His body!

There will be an even greater love story in which a redeemer takes for himself a bride - You see here Boaz points to this redeemer who protects and saves… and Ruth and Naomi point to us/the church, the outcast, the stranger, the vulnerable, the one outside the fold who needs to be saved not just from earthly worry, but eternal ones and this Redeemer takes us a bride and gives to us an imperishable inheritance – everything that belongs to HIM!

And this redeemer, like Boaz would not rest until the matter was settled – he would say I must work the works of him who sent me and that I have a baptism that I must undergo… and he would redeem us at GREAT COST! His Life! As hour after hour he would hang there purchasing an eternal reward for His bride, settling the matter… until He cried out It is Settled! It is Finished! - And on a Sunday morning like this one He would show that this inheritance for His bride was an imperishable one because He would walk out of a Hole in the Ground proving that forever He will protect us and even death itself wont have ultimate dominion over us!

(SKIP???) That’s Good News – you see only 3 things had to be in place for someone to be a redeemer – 1) related by blood 2) able to pay the price 3) willing to redeem - And you see we have such a redeemer made like us in every way by flesh and blood, yet without sin, who was able to pay the price and willing as he says no man takes my life from me, I lay it down freely! Here he is the greater Boaz, Jesus of Nazareth our Redeemer!

Response: - Unbeliever – you may think you are beyond redemption, you are not! Christ stands willing to redeem! Fall like Ruth at the feet of the Redeemer, and say as she did: “please make me your own!” And He will give you Rest! o And he will cover you with His righteousness as a Husband would cover a Bride with a Garment!

Believers lets be encouraged by grace this morning: - Consider, Why in the world would this one set His affections on us? Grace! - And now we, who have been redeemed, protected, provided for… need to be Boaz’s to others! As we look out for the interests of others! - We need to be agents of redemption, advocacy, protection… especially men step up for women - Since our future is secure in Christ and our Inheritance is Imperishable, how can we not lavishly spend it on others? (neighbors, widows, orphans…) - And trust with eyes of faith that our God is working even in ordinary circumstances that will never be written about in newspapers… He is quietly increasing his glory through his faithful ones!

In HS I didn't have a clue, I was no Boaz… and I am not now – But have high hopes that I am being formed to be a man like Boaz as: - I look at brothers around me in this church - As I read the Word with examples like Boaz - And when I look to the one to whom Boaz points us – his GREAT GREAT GREAT Great.. Grandson, who is part Moabite And to His gospel that forms me - Which tells us that real manhood isn’t domination or privilege, real manhood, a real husband is a redeemer greater than Boaz who so loved his bride that he would give up his inheritance and set his face like flint toward Jerusalem to drown in His own blood… to Rescue… To Protect… To provide for… To Redeem a Bride!

And so now may we as the bride be fed by Him at His Table!