

Website: www.kis.in

The School Kodaikanal International School (also called Kodai School or KIS) is a boarding school offering education for grades P-12. KIS is located at 2133m (6,998 ft) in the peaceful Palni Hills of , a known for its rugged beauty and cool temperate climate. KIS combines an ambitious, challenging academic program and a rich range of extracurricular activities within a Christian values framework that draws on a variety of cultures and prepares students for global citizenship.

Kodaikanal International School was established in 1901 as an American boarding school for the children of missionaries in South India. In 1976 KIS became the first IB school and first international school in India by adopting the International Baccalaureate Diploma program; the third school in Asia and one of only 10 schools worldwide to trial the IB Diploma program. Today KIS is one of India's most prestigious independent academic schools.

International Baccalaureate (IB) and American curricula are offered to around 600 students in Preschool through grades 1-12, vertically coordinated in Elementary, Middle and High School programs. There is an Elementary and High School campus. KIS school year runs from mid-July to end-May and tuition costs ~$20,000 a year.

Students and staff from over 30 countries share in a multicultural residential experience intentionally set within a community life. The pupils of this school are diverse in ethnicity, economic status, and religious beliefs. The City Kodaikanal is a city, located 6 degrees off the equator, in the hills of the taluk division of the district in the state of , India. Its name in the means "The Gift of the Forest" Kodaikanal is referred to as the "Princess of Hill stations" and has a long history as a retreat and popular tourist destination.

Kodaikanal was established in 1845 as a refuge from the high temperatures and tropical diseases of the plains. Much of the local economy is based on the hospitality industry serving tourism.

Geography The town of Kodaikanal sits on a plateau above the southern escarpment of the upper Palni Hills at 6,998 feet elevation (2,133 meters) between the Parappar and Gundar Valleys. These hills form the eastward spur of the on the western side of South India. Kodaikanal has an irregular basin as its heartland, the center of which is now , a 3 mile (5 kilometres) circumference manmade lake. and grasslands cover the hillsides. Gigantic Eucalyptus trees and forests flourish in the valleys. Mighty rocks and cascading streams rise up from the valleys. There are many high waterfalls and ubiquitous gardens and flower beds in bloom.

Kodaikanal is known for its rich flora. Cypress, eucalyptus and acacia are the dominant varieties. Pear trees are numerous and the fruits are of high quality. Competing with the fruit trees are the flowering ones - mainly rhododendron and magnolia. Large dahlias of different hues are the main attraction of Bryant Park, situated close to the Kodaikanal Lake. Water lilies in the park's pond are another pleasing sight. The town abounds in a kind of beautiful yellow wild flowers.

Climate Kodaikanal has a monsoon-influenced subtropical highland climate and can typically see 75” of rain a year. Monsoon season runs from July – December. The temperatures are cool throughout the year due to the high elevation of the city, averaging around 75 degrees Farenheit.

Student Teaching A formal partnership has been established between the Phyllis J. Washington College of Education and Human Sciences at The University of Montana and Kodaikanal International School. Through a competitive process, at least two student teaching placements are available each semester for qualifying student(s).  Fall Semester Dates: Mid July – Mid November  Spring Semester Dates: Early January – Mid May

Teacher candidates interested in conducting the student teaching practicum at this site undergo an application and selection process. Those selected are responsible for paying for their Visa, round trip airfare from the US to (~$1500) and then an internal flight (~$300) to the nearest town of the school. Candidates work with the OFE-approved travel agent who coordinates all travel arrangements. KIS arranges for a staff member to greet and escort candidates for the three hour taxi ride to the school.

Fees totaling US $300 may be collected by the KIS Finance Office to help cover costs associated with accommodations, meals in the school cafeteria, photocopy charges and administrative costs.

Candidates can expect a safe, clean environment with modern conveniences and capabilities. Minor health concerns can be addressed by the school’s doctor and dentist. Kodaikanal has two local hospitals. Specialist services are available in and , nearby cities.

Teacher candidates will be working with students from ~30 different countries, bringing a rich culture to the campus. Tolerance for diverse cultures and belief systems are essential attributes. Because Kodaikanal International School is an integrated, community oriented institution, candidates will have responsibilities and opportunities outside the classroom as well, such as field trips, sports activities, hikes, proms, and camping trips.