CENSUS Handbd~K 1R;\Fkki

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CENSUS Handbd~K 1R;\Fkki CENSUS OF INDIA, 1981 . .. ,',": DlSmCT "CENSUS HANDBd~k 1r;\fKKI . ." . M. VIJAYANUNNI , OF THE iNDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE DIMCTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS - KERALA 106/509-1 1981 CENSUS PUBUCATIO~ PROGRAMME KEilALA STATE Paper/Part number Title and subject matt", Paper 1 of 1981 Provisional Population Totals Paper 2 of 1981 Ru~al-urban Composition . (Provisional Totals) Workers and Non-workers (Provisional Totals) Disabled persons Paper 3 of 1981 Final Popula~ion Total~ Paper 4 of 1,981 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Scft~duled Tribes . Paper 5 of 1981 Final Totals of workers and non-workers Part I Administration Report- } N t £ 1 (.6 . Eriumer~ion and . 0 ffi or sa e 1°1')' Tabulation 0 ce use on y Part II-A ,General Population Tab~es (A-Series-Table A-I to A-5) Part II-B Primary Census Abstract & '(i) General &onomic Tables (B-;Series-Tables B-1 Part III-A B ,-I, , .. " to B-8 &. B-1 1 . to ~17) . eral Economic Tables'(B-Series-Tables B-18 to :8-20) , eneral Economic Tables ~B-Series-Tables B...,21 & B-22) • Part IV-A Social and Cultural Tables (C-Series-Tabl(s C-I to C-6) Part V-A & B Migration Tables (D Series-Table D-l to D-8 D-13 & 0-15) Part VI-A & B Fertility Tables (F-Series:-Tables F-I to F-27) Part VII Rouses and Disabled Pppulation-Report and Tables (H-Series-Tables ~-1 and H-2) _ Part VIII-A & B Household Tables (HR-Series-Tables HH-l'to lUI-9, HH-ll, HH...:12 & HH-17) Part IX Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled . Tribes (SC-Series--Tables SO-I to SC-6; ST­ Series-Tables ST-l to ST-9) 'Part X-A State Town Directory Part X-B Survey Reports on selected towns ~ . Part X-C Survey Reports on selected villages Part XI Ethnographic Notes and special studit s on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part XII State Census Atlas Pa1't XIIl-A & B . District Census Handbooks-One volume for each District (Village and Town Directories and Primary Census Abstract) ii FOREWORD T() THE D.C.H. SERIES The District Census Handbook (D. C .R.), compiled by the Cens~ Organisation on 'behalf · -of the State 'Governments, is o,ne of the most valuable products of the.. cens_us. The D.C.H. is ~onstantly referred to by planners, administrators, academicians and researchers. It is infer alia used for delimitation of const;tuenmes, formulation of local level and regional plans and as an aid to District administration. The District Census Handbook is the only p~blication :which provides Primary Census Abstract (P.C.A.) data upto village level for the rural-areas and ward­ wise for each city or town. It also provides data on infrastructure and amenitie9 in villages,y and towns etc, ;. The'Di$trict Census Handbook series, was lniti"ated during the 1~51 census. It contained impol'tant .census tables and p.e.A. for each village and town of the dist:r:ict. During )961 .census the scope of the D.C.H~ was enlarged and it contained a descriptive accountof the -district, administrative statistics, census tables and a village and town directory, including "P.C.A. The 1-971 DoC.H. series was planned in three parts. Part-A rdateci to. village and town directory, Part.:...B to village and t~wn P.C.A. and Part-C comprised. analytical report, admini 'Stra~iV'e statistics, district cens:us tables and certain analytical tables based on P. C.A. and amenity <.Lata inrespect·ofvillages. However, in some states Par:t.-G: w~. ~~:>nfined to ~istrict census u.bles and in a few cases altogether given up due to del~y in co~pilation and printing. -' .'-~ . While designing the format of i981-D.C.H. series, .s<?me new feature~. '(along with the -restructur~ of the formats of village and town directory have·~1i~,ri;att~mpted. Ai the same time, comparabIlity with the 1971 data has also been kept in view. An the amenities except· -power supply in the village have been brought together inthe vma ge directory with the instruc ' tion that in case ,an amenity is not available in th:! referr~nt village the <!lstance in broad range ftom the nearest place where the amenity is available may be given. The restructuring of the ~fonaat of the vil~ directory and incorporating more exhaustive. data on infra'structure aspect particUlarly in relation to amenities and land-use pattern is expected to further meet' the need · of micro level plamung for rUTal areas. I t is e:x.pected to help no"!: only in local 'area planning !, but rcgula.ting- the provision of goods and services. as well s<? as to minimise the regional . imbalances in the process of development. A few new i-tems of information h~ve also been introduced to meet ~some of the requirements of th~ Revised Minimum Needs Programme. 'Such new items uf information as adult literacy centres, primary health subcentres and -community health workers in the village' have been introduced in the village directory with this objective in mind. The new item on, appNach to the village is to have an idea about the village in the ~~trict which are inaccessible. A new column, "total popUlation and number of .households" has ~n introduced to examine the correlation of the amenities with the popula­ tion and number of households they serve. Addition of two more appendices listing the' · villages where no amenities are availa1>le and according to the proportion of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population to population has also been made with this view in mind. The formats of the town directory have also been" modified to meet the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme by providing information on a few new items. The coluIlUls , -on ScheduledCastes and Scheduled Tribes population in Statement IV relating to civic and other amenities and adult literacy classes/ccntre~ un.der educational fFlcilities in Stateme~lt V are also added inter alia with this view. A significant addition is class of town iri all the six statements of the town directory. The infrastructure. of amenities in urban areas of the country can be best analysed by taking the class of towns into consideration. The addition of the columns -on civic administration status and population in a few statements also serves this purpose. ~ iii ' The format of the primary census abstract for the villages and towns bas been forlnulated in the light of changes in the economic and other questions canvassed through the individual ~lip of 1981 census. , In order to avoid delay in publication.of 1981 D.C.H. series, it has been so designed that Part.... A of the volume contains village and tQwn directory,and . Part-BlI the p.e.A. villages and ~ ._ ..... ~ ~'._.. ,,. ... , _,_'f.~,. '",' c! .....!.. .. towns including the Scheduled Carstes and Sche<luled Tribes p.e.A. upto Tehsil/Town levels. A.:~; ,~e beginning of ;thep.C.~.; a d~,t~led an~;lyti~~~.n~t~ .~upgorte_d ~Y a ~~~er, o~< i~~rt tables. baSed of P .C.A. and noOn-census data In relahon to the mlTastruclures. has been mtroduced to. 'enbance 'its value. The aistrict ~d'~"h~iJrpolice ;;i~don.jcD 'bfo~ 't;tc. l~~el ni~ps dlpidiing the bb~da.des arid' ()ther 'lmp()l1;ant 'fc?atuies have bedn inse~ted a:t· appr~priate plac~s to furthe~ enllance die ~t.ie ~f the 'p~lliic~it~'n. This pubiication 'il> a joiilt ventUre of the State G6"er'lurient arid the d~nsus Organisation'. The data have be~n collected ahd compifed in the state un<rer the direction of . Sii M~ Vijayanunni, Director of Census Operations, K:era1a on behalf of the State Government which has ?oI1le the c?s~ of printin~. The, task of plan~ing., . designing ~nd co7o.rdi~ation of 't!rls\)ublicl1tiodwas,carriid'out Hy $ri N. G. N~g, Deputy Ii?g'isttar General (SOcial Studies) army offi~e,. Dr. 'n. It. ]toy, ~puty 'Registrar 'General (Map) ·Provided the techil'i<:al guidance in ttie preparat10n 'of'me m1tps. Data rediived fr()m I CenSUS Di~Jt~ratb have ken s'b:uinised in \he Socia:i -'Sfulties bi~ision ,at the he:idquart6-s 'und:~r 'the gui&n~e of Sri M. M. !)mi.~ Senior Research ·OAicer. I am tbaniful to '~il who have contributed 'in this p'roject. P. PAD~ABHA, .;_, of New Delhi. Registrar GeMral and tCensus Commissioru" India . .... lV PREFACE TO THE D.C.H. SERIES The District Census Handboo~s (~.C.H.) constitute an important set of cerASUS publi­ cations brought out by the census organisation which are widely made use of by the State­ Government and its district-level and lower officials for planning, development and admini­ stration purposes as well as by a large cross-section of data USers like academicians, scholars, researchers and other non-governmental agencies. This volume presents the Village and Town Directories under Part A and the Primary Census Abstract under Part B. The Village Directory gives for each village the area,. population, educational, medical, civic and other amenities and land use. The Town Directory gives for each town, the area, population characteristics., physical aspects, com­ munications, :rllUnicipal finance, educational, medical, civic and other amenities and trade, commerce, industry and banking facilities. The Primary Census Abstract presents Certain other basic data like num~el' of residential h6uses and households, literates. Scheduled Caste and Tribe.
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