11A bus time schedule & line map

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The 11A bus line (Leeds - Cross Gates) has 4 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Cross Gates Ctr B, Cross Gates - Inrmary Street, : 8:45 AM - 5:45 PM (2) Cross Gates Ctr B, Cross Gates - Vicar Lane, Leeds City Centre: 7:53 PM - 10:53 PM (3) Inrmary Street, Leeds City Centre - Cross Gates Ctr B, Cross Gates: 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM (4) Bus Stn B, Seacroft - Vicar Lane, Leeds City Centre: 5:00 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 11A bus station near you and nd out when is the next 11A bus arriving.

Direction: Cross Gates Ctr B, Cross Gates - 11A bus Time Schedule Inrmary Street, Leeds City Centre Cross Gates Ctr B, Cross Gates - Inrmary Street, 53 stops Leeds City Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:45 AM - 5:45 PM

Monday 8:45 AM - 5:45 PM Cross Gates Ctr B, Cross Gates Tuesday Not Operational Cross Gates Ctr A, Cross Gates 32 Station Road, Leeds Wednesday Not Operational Thursday Not Operational Cross Gates Ctr D, Cross Gates East View, Leeds Friday Not Operational

Manston Park, Cross Gates Saturday Not Operational

Ethel Jackson Rd, Cross Gates

Euston Road, Cross Gates 11A bus Info Sandleas Way, Cross Gates Direction: Cross Gates Ctr B, Cross Gates - Inrmary Street, Leeds City Centre Sandleas Way, Cross Gates Stops: 53 Trip Duration: 54 min Smeaton Approach Dovedale Garth, Cross Gates Line Summary: Cross Gates Ctr B, Cross Gates, Cross Gates Ctr A, Cross Gates, Cross Gates Ctr D, Dovedale Gardens, Leeds Cross Gates, Manston Park, Cross Gates, Ethel Smeaton Approach Rockingham Road, Cross Jackson Rd, Cross Gates, Euston Road, Cross Gates, Gates Sandleas Way, Cross Gates, Sandleas Way, Cross Gates, Smeaton Approach Dovedale Garth, Cross Ravensworth Close, Leeds Gates, Smeaton Approach Rockingham Road, Cross Smeaton Approach Spur Drive, Cross Gates Gates, Smeaton Approach Spur Drive, Cross Gates, Smeaton Approach Smeaton Academy, Cross Gates, Smeaton Approach Leeds Rd, Cross Gates, Leeds Smeaton Approach Smeaton Academy, Cross Road, Scholes, Leeds Rd Main Street, Scholes, Leeds Gates Rd Coronation Tree, Scholes, Coronation Tree Main Street, Scholes, Main Street, Scholes, Main Street St Smeaton Approach Leeds Rd, Cross Gates Phillips Church, Scholes, Main Street Belle View Estate, Scholes, Station Rd Lyneld Gardens, Leeds Road, Scholes Scholes, Rakehill Road, Scholes, Scholes Lane End, Scholes, Lane End, , Morwick Leeds Rd Main Street, Scholes Farm, Whinmoor, Grimes Dike, Whinmoor, Seacroft Ring Road, Seacroft, Seacroft Bus Stn B, Seacroft, Leeds Rd Coronation Tree, Scholes Eastdean Gate, Seacroft, Bailey's Lane, Seacroft, Baileys Ln Baileys Hill, Seacroft, Baileys Lane Coronation Tree Main Street, Scholes Brooklands Ave, Seacroft, Brooklands Avenue Beechwood School, Seacroft, Ironwood View, Main Street, Scholes Seacroft, Ironwood Approach Hawkshead Cresc, Seacroft, Foundry Lane, , Foundry Ln Main Street St Phillips Church, Scholes Foundry Mill Drive, Killingbeck, Foundry Lane Parkway Grange, Killingbeck, Neath Gardens, , Valley Rd Coldcotes Grove, Gipton, Main Street Belle View Estate, Scholes Wykebeck Valley Road, Gipton, South Farm Road, Gipton, Gipton Approach Road, Gipton, Station Rd Lyneld Gardens, Scholes Shaftesbury Jct A, , Dawlish Terrace, East End Park, Torre Road, East End Park, Raincliffe Road, Rakehill Road, Scholes East End Park, Berking Avenue, Richmond Hill, Pontefract Lane, Richmond Hill, Vicar Lane, Leeds Scholes Lane End, Scholes City Centre, The Headrow (R4), Leeds City Centre, Park Row, Leeds, Inrmary Street, Leeds City Centre Thorner Lane End, Whinmoor

Morwick Farm, Whinmoor

Grimes Dike, Whinmoor

Seacroft Ring Road, Seacroft A64, Leeds

Seacroft Bus Stn B, Seacroft Seacroft Avenue, Leeds

Eastdean Gate, Seacroft Eastdean Gate, Leeds

Bailey's Lane, Seacroft

Baileys Ln Baileys Hill, Seacroft

Baileys Lane Brooklands Ave, Seacroft Bailey's Lane, Leeds

Brooklands Avenue Beechwood School, Seacroft

Ironwood View, Seacroft Ironwood View, Leeds

Ironwood Approach Hawkshead Cresc, Seacroft Hawkshead Crescent, Leeds

Foundry Lane, Killingbeck

Foundry Ln Foundry Mill Drive, Killingbeck Foundry Lane, Leeds

Foundry Lane Parkway Grange, Killingbeck

Neath Gardens, Gipton Neath Gardens, Leeds

Wykebeck Valley Rd Coldcotes Grove, Gipton Wykebeck Valley Road, Leeds

Wykebeck Valley Road, Gipton South Farm Road, Gipton

Gipton Approach York Road, Gipton

Shaftesbury Jct A, Harehills

Dawlish Terrace, East End Park Dawlish Street, Leeds

Torre Road, East End Park Dawlish Crescent, Leeds

Raincliffe Road, East End Park

Berking Avenue, Richmond Hill

Pontefract Lane, Richmond Hill

Vicar Lane, Leeds City Centre 100-102 Vicar Lane, Leeds

The Headrow (R4), Leeds City Centre 115 The Headrow, Leeds

Park Row, Leeds

Inrmary Street, Leeds City Centre 10 Inrmary Street, Leeds Direction: Cross Gates Ctr B, Cross Gates - Vicar 11A bus Time Schedule Lane, Leeds City Centre Cross Gates Ctr B, Cross Gates - Vicar Lane, Leeds 50 stops City Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 6:48 PM - 10:53 PM

Monday 6:48 PM - 10:53 PM Cross Gates Ctr B, Cross Gates Tuesday 7:53 PM - 10:53 PM Cross Gates Ctr A, Cross Gates 32 Station Road, Leeds Wednesday 7:53 PM - 10:53 PM Thursday 7:53 PM - 10:53 PM Cross Gates Ctr D, Cross Gates East View, Leeds Friday 7:53 PM - 10:53 PM

Manston Park, Cross Gates Saturday 8:53 PM - 10:53 PM

Ethel Jackson Rd, Cross Gates

Euston Road, Cross Gates 11A bus Info Sandleas Way, Cross Gates Direction: Cross Gates Ctr B, Cross Gates - Vicar Lane, Leeds City Centre Sandleas Way, Cross Gates Stops: 50 Trip Duration: 47 min Smeaton Approach Dovedale Garth, Cross Gates Line Summary: Cross Gates Ctr B, Cross Gates, Cross Gates Ctr A, Cross Gates, Cross Gates Ctr D, Dovedale Gardens, Leeds Cross Gates, Manston Park, Cross Gates, Ethel Smeaton Approach Rockingham Road, Cross Jackson Rd, Cross Gates, Euston Road, Cross Gates, Gates Sandleas Way, Cross Gates, Sandleas Way, Cross Gates, Smeaton Approach Dovedale Garth, Cross Ravensworth Close, Leeds Gates, Smeaton Approach Rockingham Road, Cross Smeaton Approach Spur Drive, Cross Gates Gates, Smeaton Approach Spur Drive, Cross Gates, Smeaton Approach Smeaton Academy, Cross Gates, Smeaton Approach Leeds Rd, Cross Gates, Leeds Smeaton Approach Smeaton Academy, Cross Road, Scholes, Leeds Rd Main Street, Scholes, Leeds Gates Rd Coronation Tree, Scholes, Coronation Tree Main Street, Scholes, Main Street, Scholes, Main Street St Smeaton Approach Leeds Rd, Cross Gates Phillips Church, Scholes, Main Street Belle View Estate, Scholes, Station Rd Lyneld Gardens, Leeds Road, Scholes Scholes, Rakehill Road, Scholes, Scholes Lane End, Scholes, Thorner Lane End, Whinmoor, Morwick Leeds Rd Main Street, Scholes Farm, Whinmoor, Grimes Dike, Whinmoor, Seacroft Ring Road, Seacroft, Seacroft Bus Stn B, Seacroft, Leeds Rd Coronation Tree, Scholes Eastdean Gate, Seacroft, Bailey's Lane, Seacroft, Baileys Ln Baileys Hill, Seacroft, Baileys Lane Coronation Tree Main Street, Scholes Brooklands Ave, Seacroft, Brooklands Avenue Beechwood School, Seacroft, Ironwood View, Main Street, Scholes Seacroft, Ironwood Approach Hawkshead Cresc, Seacroft, Foundry Lane, Killingbeck, Foundry Ln Main Street St Phillips Church, Scholes Foundry Mill Drive, Killingbeck, Foundry Lane Parkway Grange, Killingbeck, Neath Gardens, Gipton, Main Street Belle View Estate, Scholes Wykebeck Valley Rd Coldcotes Grove, Gipton, Wykebeck Valley Road, Gipton, South Farm Road, Gipton, Gipton Approach York Road, Gipton, Station Rd Lyneld Gardens, Scholes Shaftesbury Jct A, Harehills, Dawlish Terrace, East End Park, Torre Road, East End Park, Raincliffe Road, Rakehill Road, Scholes East End Park, Berking Avenue, Richmond Hill, Pontefract Lane, Richmond Hill, Vicar Lane, Leeds Scholes Lane End, Scholes City Centre Thorner Lane End, Whinmoor

Morwick Farm, Whinmoor

Grimes Dike, Whinmoor

Seacroft Ring Road, Seacroft A64, Leeds

Seacroft Bus Stn B, Seacroft Seacroft Avenue, Leeds

Eastdean Gate, Seacroft Eastdean Gate, Leeds

Bailey's Lane, Seacroft

Baileys Ln Baileys Hill, Seacroft

Baileys Lane Brooklands Ave, Seacroft Bailey's Lane, Leeds

Brooklands Avenue Beechwood School, Seacroft

Ironwood View, Seacroft Ironwood View, Leeds

Ironwood Approach Hawkshead Cresc, Seacroft Hawkshead Crescent, Leeds

Foundry Lane, Killingbeck

Foundry Ln Foundry Mill Drive, Killingbeck Foundry Lane, Leeds

Foundry Lane Parkway Grange, Killingbeck

Neath Gardens, Gipton Neath Gardens, Leeds

Wykebeck Valley Rd Coldcotes Grove, Gipton Wykebeck Valley Road, Leeds

Wykebeck Valley Road, Gipton

South Farm Road, Gipton

Gipton Approach York Road, Gipton

Shaftesbury Jct A, Harehills

Dawlish Terrace, East End Park Dawlish Street, Leeds

Torre Road, East End Park Dawlish Crescent, Leeds

Raincliffe Road, East End Park

Berking Avenue, Richmond Hill Pontefract Lane, Richmond Hill

Vicar Lane, Leeds City Centre Vicar Lane, Leeds Direction: Inrmary Street, Leeds City Centre - 11A bus Time Schedule Cross Gates Ctr B, Cross Gates Inrmary Street, Leeds City Centre - Cross Gates Ctr 51 stops B, Cross Gates Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:50 AM - 11:00 PM

Monday 9:50 AM - 11:00 PM Inrmary Street, Leeds City Centre 10 Inrmary Street, Leeds Tuesday 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM

New Briggate, Leeds City Centre Wednesday 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM 12 12 New Biggate, Leeds Thursday 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Pontefract Lane, Richmond Hill Friday 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM Haslewood Dene, Leeds Saturday 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM Berking Avenue, Richmond Hill

Raincliffe Road, East End Park Glenthorpe Avenue, Leeds 11A bus Info Torre Road, East End Park Direction: Inrmary Street, Leeds City Centre - Cross A64, Leeds Gates Ctr B, Cross Gates Stops: 51 Dawlish Terrace, East End Park Trip Duration: 48 min Line Summary: Inrmary Street, Leeds City Centre, Shaftesbury Jct B, Harehills New Briggate, Leeds City Centre, Pontefract Lane, Richmond Hill, Berking Avenue, Richmond Hill, Gipton Approach York Road, Gipton Raincliffe Road, East End Park, Torre Road, East End Park, Dawlish Terrace, East End Park, Shaftesbury South Farm Road, Gipton Jct B, Harehills, Gipton Approach York Road, Gipton, South Farm Road, Gipton, Wykebeck Valley Road, Wykebeck Valley Road, Gipton Gipton, Wykebeck Valley Rd Coldcotes Grove, Gipton, Neath Gardens, Gipton, Foundry Lane Parkway Wykebeck Valley Rd Coldcotes Grove, Gipton Grange, Killingbeck, Foundry Ln Foundry Mill Drive, Killingbeck, Foundry Lane, Killingbeck, Ironwood Approach Hawkshead Cresc, Seacroft, Ironwood Neath Gardens, Gipton View Foundry Mill Street, Seacroft, Ironwood Approach, Seacroft, Brooklands Avenue Beechwood Foundry Lane Parkway Grange, Killingbeck School, Seacroft, Baileys Lane Brooklands Ave, Seacroft, Baileys Lane Rosgill Dr, Seacroft, Bailey's Foundry Ln Foundry Mill Drive, Killingbeck Lane, Seacroft, Eastdean Gate, Seacroft, Bus Station Foundry Mill Drive, Leeds Stand D, Seacroft, Seacroft Ring Road, Seacroft, Grimes Dike, Whinmoor, Thorner Lane End, Foundry Lane, Killingbeck Whinmoor, Scholes Lane End, Scholes, Rakehill Road, Scholes, Station Rd Lyneld Gardens, Scholes, Main Ironwood Approach Hawkshead Cresc, Seacroft Street Belle View Estate, Scholes, Main Street St Ironwood Approach, Leeds Phillips Church, Scholes, Main Street, Scholes, Coronation Tree Main Street, Scholes, Leeds Rd Ironwood View Foundry Mill Street, Seacroft Coronation Tree, Scholes, Leeds Rd Main Street, Ironwood View, Leeds Scholes, Leeds Road, Scholes, Smeaton Approach Leeds Rd, Cross Gates, Smeaton Approach Smeaton Ironwood Approach, Seacroft Academy, Cross Gates, Smeaton Approach Spur 149 South Parkway, Leeds Drive, Cross Gates, Smeaton Approach Rockingham Road, Cross Gates, Smeaton Approach Dovedale Brooklands Avenue Beechwood School, Seacroft Garth, Cross Gates, Sandleas Way, Cross Gates, Brooklands Avenue, Leeds Sandleas Way, Cross Gates, Euston Road, Cross Gates, Ethel Jackson Rd, Cross Gates, Pendas Way, Baileys Lane Brooklands Ave, Seacroft Cross Gates, Manston Park, Cross Gates, Cross Bailey's Lane, Leeds Gates Ctr C, Cross Gates, Cross Gates Ctr B, Cross Baileys Lane Rosgill Dr, Seacroft Gates

Bailey's Lane, Seacroft

Eastdean Gate, Seacroft Eastdean Gate, Leeds

Bus Station Stand D, Seacroft

Seacroft Ring Road, Seacroft A64, Leeds

Grimes Dike, Whinmoor

Thorner Lane End, Whinmoor

Scholes Lane End, Scholes Scholes Lane, Barwick In Elmet And Scholes Civil Parish

Rakehill Road, Scholes

Station Rd Lyneld Gardens, Scholes

Main Street Belle View Estate, Scholes

Main Street St Phillips Church, Scholes

Main Street, Scholes

Coronation Tree Main Street, Scholes

Leeds Rd Coronation Tree, Scholes

Leeds Rd Main Street, Scholes

Leeds Road, Scholes

Smeaton Approach Leeds Rd, Cross Gates

Smeaton Approach Smeaton Academy, Cross Gates Mail Close, Leeds

Smeaton Approach Spur Drive, Cross Gates Spur Drive, Leeds

Smeaton Approach Rockingham Road, Cross Gates Rockingham Way, Leeds

Smeaton Approach Dovedale Garth, Cross Gates Pembury Mount, Leeds

Sandleas Way, Cross Gates

Sandleas Way, Cross Gates

Euston Road, Cross Gates Ethel Jackson Rd, Cross Gates Ethel Jackson Road, Leeds

Pendas Way, Cross Gates

Manston Park, Cross Gates

Cross Gates Ctr C, Cross Gates 54 Road, Leeds

Cross Gates Ctr B, Cross Gates Direction: Seacroft Bus Stn B, Seacroft - Vicar 11A bus Time Schedule Lane, Leeds City Centre Seacroft Bus Stn B, Seacroft - Vicar Lane, Leeds City 23 stops Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Seacroft Bus Stn B, Seacroft Seacroft Avenue, Leeds Tuesday 5:00 AM

Eastdean Gate, Seacroft Wednesday 5:00 AM Eastdean Gate, Leeds Thursday 5:00 AM

Bailey's Lane, Seacroft Friday 5:00 AM

Baileys Ln Baileys Hill, Seacroft Saturday Not Operational

Baileys Lane Brooklands Ave, Seacroft Bailey's Lane, Leeds

Brooklands Avenue Beechwood School, Seacroft 11A bus Info Direction: Seacroft Bus Stn B, Seacroft - Vicar Lane, Ironwood View, Seacroft Leeds City Centre Ironwood View, Leeds Stops: 23 Trip Duration: 23 min Ironwood Approach Hawkshead Cresc, Seacroft Line Summary: Seacroft Bus Stn B, Seacroft, Hawkshead Crescent, Leeds Eastdean Gate, Seacroft, Bailey's Lane, Seacroft, Baileys Ln Baileys Hill, Seacroft, Baileys Lane Foundry Lane, Killingbeck Brooklands Ave, Seacroft, Brooklands Avenue Beechwood School, Seacroft, Ironwood View, Foundry Ln Foundry Mill Drive, Killingbeck Seacroft, Ironwood Approach Hawkshead Cresc, Foundry Lane, Leeds Seacroft, Foundry Lane, Killingbeck, Foundry Ln Foundry Mill Drive, Killingbeck, Foundry Lane Foundry Lane Parkway Grange, Killingbeck Parkway Grange, Killingbeck, Neath Gardens, Gipton, Wykebeck Valley Rd Coldcotes Grove, Gipton, Neath Gardens, Gipton Wykebeck Valley Road, Gipton, South Farm Road, Neath Gardens, Leeds Gipton, Gipton Approach York Road, Gipton, Shaftesbury Jct A, Harehills, Dawlish Terrace, East Wykebeck Valley Rd Coldcotes Grove, Gipton End Park, Torre Road, East End Park, Raincliffe Road, Wykebeck Valley Road, Leeds East End Park, Berking Avenue, Richmond Hill, Pontefract Lane, Richmond Hill, Vicar Lane, Leeds Wykebeck Valley Road, Gipton City Centre

South Farm Road, Gipton

Gipton Approach York Road, Gipton

Shaftesbury Jct A, Harehills

Dawlish Terrace, East End Park Dawlish Street, Leeds

Torre Road, East End Park Dawlish Crescent, Leeds

Raincliffe Road, East End Park

Berking Avenue, Richmond Hill Pontefract Lane, Richmond Hill

Vicar Lane, Leeds City Centre Vicar Lane, Leeds 11A bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved