J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.16.5.435 on 25 November 2003. Downloaded from

MEDICAL PRACTICE Persistent Knee Pain in a Recreational Runner

Scott A. Paluska, MD

Primary are rare and affect fewer than half a pack of cigarettes daily, used no illicit sub- 2500 people yearly in the United States.1 Osteo- stances, and had no relevant family history. sarcoma, the most common malignant primary Her temperature was 99.1°F on initial examina- bone tumor, has an annual incidence of 2 cases per tion, and she seemed healthy. Physical examination million people.2 Advances in surgical and medical of her knee revealed no gross deformity, effusion, therapies have dramatically improved the prognosis crepitus, or regional muscle wasting. She was ten- of during the last few decades.3 Early der over the medial proximal tibia and the antero- detection by primary care physicians remains a cor- medial line of her right knee. The knee range- nerstone of treatment, because locally advanced or of-motion was 5° to 140°. Strength testing of the metastatic disease has a substantially worse prog- right lower extremity was normal, and she had nosis.4 This report describes a recreational athlete normal peripheral pulses and sensation. Ligamen- who complained of persistent knee pain and was tous and meniscal tests were normal. She walked subsequently diagnosed with high-grade tibial os- with a normal gait, and the remainder of her phys- teosarcoma. ical examination was normal. The patient’s atypical symptoms, including pro- Case Report gressive discomfort and night pain in association

A25-year-old recreational runner presented to her with localized bony tenderness, prompted her fam- copyright. family physician for evaluation of chronic right ily physician to obtain radiographs of her right knee pain. The discomfort had been present for 2 knee. These radiographs revealed an abnormal months and started after an episode of falling onto bony architecture with a mottled lucency and cor- her knee. She had struck her flexed knee on cement tical irregularity affecting the medial tibial plateau while avoiding a dog and noted moderate anterior (Figure 1). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) knee pain. She sustained a few superficial abrasions showed a large (5 cm) focus of pathologic marrow but did not hear a “pop” or recall swelling of the replacement at the medial tibial plateau with dis- affected knee. She felt no regional weakness or ruption of the posterior cortex and extension into http://www.jabfm.org/ numbness and did not seek care at the time. The the adjacent soft-tissue (Figure 2). Aradionuclide pain subsided over the ensuing 3 weeks, and she bone scan demonstrated increased activity in the resumed athletic activities. Five weeks before eval- medial proximal right tibia, but no other areas of uation, she noticed increasing pain in the anterior abnormal uptake were noted. The patient’s family right knee that awakened her from sleep and forced physician promptly discussed the case with an or-

her to discontinue running. She noted no catching, thopedic oncologist who recommended and per- on 29 September 2021 by guest. Protected locking, or instability of her knee. She denied any formed a biopsy of her right tibia that revealed a fevers, chills, night sweats, or weight loss. No sim- high-grade osteosarcoma. ilar symptoms were present in other . Her Under the direction of a medical oncologist medical history was otherwise unremarkable, and working with the orthopedic and primary care her only medication was ibuprofen. She smoked teams, the patient received 3 cycles of preoperative chemotherapy with doxorubicin and cisplatin. Her orthopedic surgeon subsequently performed a wide Submitted; revised, 20 December 2002. tibial resection with endoprosthetic reconstruction. From the Department of Family Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle. Address correspondence to Scott A. After a brief course of physical therapy, she re- Paluska, MD, University of Washington, Department of ceived 2 postoperative cycles of chemotherapy with Family Medicine, Roosevelt Medical Center, 4245 Roos- evelt Way NE, Box 354775, Seattle, WA98105 (e-mail: ifosfamide. She developed burning on the soles of [email protected]). her feet consistent with chemotherapy-induced neu-

Persistent Knee Pain 435 J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.16.5.435 on 25 November 2003. Downloaded from copyright. http://www.jabfm.org/

Figure 2. MR images of the patient’s right lower extremity show a large (5 cm) focus of pathologic Figure 1. Plain knee radiographs of a 25-year-old marrow replacement at the medial tibial plateau with recreational runner with chronic right knee pain. The disruption of the posterior cortex and extension into radiographs reveal an abnormal bony architecture on 29 September 2021 by guest. Protected the adjacent soft-tissue (arrows). with a mottled lucency and cortical irregularity affecting the medial tibial plateau. nosed cancers among children and adolescents. It is ropathy. She returned to her family physician to treat the third leading cause of -related death postoperative symptoms of depression and insomnia, within this population.1,4 Osteosarcoma has a peak but she had no other complications. Extensive testing incidence in the second decade of life during revealed no recurrent disease 18 months after her growth spurts.5 Aslight gender predilection is initial presentation, and she became pregnant. noted, and men are more 1.5 times likely than women to develop osteosarcoma.2,6 Osteosarcoma Discussion typically presents at the metaphyseal region of long Although osteosarcoma is relatively uncommon, it , particularly the distal femur, proximal tibia, accounts for a significant minority of newly diag- and proximal humerus.3,7 The majority of osteo-

436 JABFP September–October 2003 Vol. 16 No. 5 J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.16.5.435 on 25 November 2003. Downloaded from

Table 1. Differential Diagnosis of Localized Anterior Knee Pain

Condition Typical Findings Diagnostic Testing

Bipartite or multipartite patella Usually asymptomatic Radiographs, including contralateral for comparison Infrapatellar fat pad syndrome Tenderness below inferior patellar pole, Rarely indicated (Hoffa syndrome) worse with resisted knee extension Osgood-Schlatter disease Localized tibial tubercle tenderness in an Radiographs, compare with contralateral knee adolescent or young adult Patellar fracture Localized patellar tenderness or swelling Radiographs, including contralateral to rule over the anterior knee out multipartite patella Patellar subluxation/dislocation Apprehension with lateral patellar pressure, Radiographs if conservative therapy fails or abnormal medial/lateral patellar glide patella is nonreducible Patellar tendonitis (jumper’s Localized patellar tendon tenderness, worse Rarely, consider MRI for chronic symptoms knee) with resisted knee extension Patellofemoral pain syndrome Tenderness over patellar body or facets; Radiographs uncommon; consider if (Anterior knee pain syndrome) abnormal patellar tracking, medial/lateral conservative therapy fails glide, or tilt; increased Q-angle* Prepatellar bursitis (housemaid’s Tenderness, erythema, or superficial Rarely indicated knee) swelling over patella Sinding-Larsen-Johansson disease Localized inferior patellar pole tenderness Radiographs, compare with contralateral knee in an adolescent or young adult Tumor Insidious pain, swelling, or mass over Radiographs; consider MRI or bone scan if anterior knee; night pain or systemic radiographs are negative and clinical symptoms suspicion is high

* Q-angle: An approximate measure of patellofemoral alignment. The angle is formed by the intersection of a line from the anterior superior iliac spine to the center of the patella and a line from the tibial tubercle to the center of the patella. Anormal q-angle is less than 10° in men and 15° in women. copyright. sarcoma tumors begin as primary lesions, although osteosarcoma may describe symptoms consistent some arise from a prior malignancy.8 The natural with a muscle strain, tendinitis, or other benign history and progression of osteosarcoma is variable. condition. Thus, primary care physicians need to Typically, fewer than 60% of high-grade tumors maintain a high index of suspicion when talking to undergo spontaneous necrosis by outgrowing their active persons with localized extremity pain. blood supplies.9 Most cases consist of localized ex- Like the symptoms of osteosarcoma, physical tremity tumors at the time of diagnosis. Fewer than examination findings are nonspecific and inconsis- http://www.jabfm.org/ 20% of patients present with identified metastatic tent. As a result, fewer than one third of patients disease, although most have subclinical micrometa- with osteosarcoma initially receive the correct di- static disease.5,8 agnosis.2 Localized tenderness is the most common Diagnosing an osteosarcoma can be challenging physical finding. Additional important clinical fea- for both primary care physicians and specialists, tures of osteosarcoma include fever, a palpable because the symptoms can frequently be subtle or mass, painful or restricted range of motion of the misleading. Regional pain, decreased range of mo- affected extremity, limping, or regional muscle at- on 29 September 2021 by guest. Protected tion, or a palpable mass are the most common rophy. Local or distant lymphadenopathy is an un- presenting complaints.4,7 Some patients have few common finding.2,10 symptoms except for mild, intermittent discomfort Accurately diagnosing knee osteosarcoma at an that has waxed and waned for several months. early stage is often difficult, for the differential Night pain, fevers, and weight loss are uncom- diagnoses of anterior or medial knee pain are broad mon.3 In one study, 47% of the patients with os- and osteosarcoma is uncommon. Tables 1 and 2 list teosarcoma related the onset of pain to regional the common differential diagnoses of localized an- trauma occurring shortly before the onset of symp- terior or medial knee pain, the typical clinical find- toms.2 Because osteosarcoma typically affects ings, and the recommended diagnostic tests to eval- young, healthy persons, the likelihood of reporting uate the various conditions. Several different bone symptoms of a coincident activity-related disorder tumors may affect the knee joint. Table 3 lists the is relatively high. Consequently, a patient with an most common benign and malignant bone tumors,

Persistent Knee Pain 437 J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.16.5.435 on 25 November 2003. Downloaded from

Table 2. Differential Diagnosis of Localized Medial Knee Pain

Condition Typical Findings Diagnostic Testing

Hamstring tendonitis Localized tenderness or swelling over medial Rarely indicated hamstring tendon insertion Medial collateral ligament tear Laxity or regional pain with valgus stress Radiographs or MRI testing; effusion rare Medial plica syndrome Tenderness near medial patellar retinaculum Radiographs if symptoms are atypical or that worsens with knee flexion persistent Meniscal tear Tenderness over medial joint line; positive MRI or McMurray test*; effusion possible Ͼ12 hours after injury Osteoarthritis Regional medial knee or joint line Radiographs tenderness; effusion and decreased range- of-motion possible Osteochondritis dissecans Decreased range of motion or mild Radiographs; consider arthroscopy, MRI or weakness; joint line tenderness or effusion CT possible; occasional catching or locking Pes anserine bursitis Tenderness 2 to 4 cm below medial knee Rarely indicated joint line Tibial plateau fracture Localized or diffuse superior tibial Radiographs; consider MRI or CT tenderness; effusion possible Tibial stress fracture Localized or diffuse superior tibial pain Radiographs; consider MRI or bone scan if radiographs are negative Tumor Insidious pain, swelling, or mass over medial Radiographs; consider MRI or bone scan if knee; night pain or systemic symptoms radiographs are negative and high clinical may occur suspicion

* McMurray test: (1) Position patient supine and flex affected knee. (2) Steady the knee with one hand and grasp the ipsilateral heel with the other. (3) Palpate the medial and lateral joint lines. (4) Rotate the ipsilateral foot externally to test the medial meniscus and internally to test the lateral meniscus. (5) Asnap felt over the joint line while extending the knee signifies a positive test. copyright. including their peak ages of onset, typical locations, rotic lesion in a long bone metaphysis.3,7 Radio- clinical findings, and prognoses. An important graphs are often good predictors of histologic di- point to note is that osteosarcoma is uncommon in agnosis but frequently underestimate the tumor patients older than 20 years old, making this tumor extent.11 very unusual for a 25-year-old person. Triple-phase is a useful ad- Evaluating a suspected osteosarcoma may re- junct for evaluation of a suspected osteosarcoma.9 http://www.jabfm.org/ quire a primary care physician to consider several Bone scans are helpful in gauging the extent of the diagnostic studies. Serologic tests are typically not primary tumor and are more sensitive than plain helpful, but alkaline phosphatase or lactate dehy- radiographs for the detection of bony metastases.5 drogenase may be elevated in 30% to 40% of pa- Scintigraphy has the advantage of allowing visual- tients with osteosarcoma.10 The patient discussed ization of the entire skeleton, but bone scans may in this case report had symptoms consistent with miss “skip lesions” in the affected bone (additional anterior knee pain syndrome, which is the most medullary disease within the same bone as the pri- on 29 September 2021 by guest. Protected common knee disorder in this age group and does mary tumor but not in direct continuity).3 Thal- not typically require radiographs. However, plain lium scintigraphy has been be used to predict the radiographs of the entire affected bone should be tumor’s response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, the initial study of choice if warning symptoms and a tumor necrosis of less than 90% indicates a occur (fevers, night sweats, night pain, or unex- poor response.11 Bone scans are also used to mon- plained weight loss) in association with knee pain.4 itor for disease recurrence. Indeed, promptly obtaining radiographs pointed Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and com- the family physician toward the correct diagnosis in puted tomography (CT) are superior to plain radi- this case. Radiographs have the advantage of being ography for evaluation of osteosarcoma.3 Both convenient, inexpensive, and reproducible. Radio- MRI and CT can determine the presence of re- graphs will be abnormal in the majority of cases, gional soft-tissue invasion and assist with planning with osteosarcoma appearing as a lytic and/or scle- a limb-salvage procedure.11,12 MRI is highly sensi-

438 JABFP September–October 2003 Vol. 16 No. 5 J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.16.5.435 on 25 November 2003. Downloaded from

Table 3. Differential Diagnosis of Benign and Malignant Bone Tumors

Peak Age Disease (years) Typical Location Findings Prognosis

Chondroblastoma 10–20 Long bone epiphyses Regional muscle atrophy and Good localized tenderness; radiographic appearance of a cyst containing calcium deposits Chondroma Ͼ20 Central diaphyses Usually asymptomatic; Good radiographs show stippled calcification Chondromyxoid fibroma Ͻ30 Distal long bones Sharply circumscribed, lytic Good lesion on radiographs Chondrosarcoma 30–50 Flat bones, long bone Lobular radiographic appearance Fair with surgical resection but diaphyses with punctate calcification resistant to chemotherapy Ewing’s Sarcoma 10–18 Long bone diaphyses Localized pain or swelling; Good if nonmetastatic, poor if and flat bones Јonion peelЈ periosteal metastatic reaction on radiographs Giant cell tumor Ͻ2, Ͼ24 Epiphyses Lytic appearance on radiographs Good; tendency to recur Osteochondroma 5–15 Distal femur, proximal Painless, hard palpable mass; Good; 10% with multiple tibia most common benign bone lesions develop a malignancy tumor Osteoid osteoma 5–20 Femur, tibia Nocturnal pain relieved by Good aspirin Osteosarcoma 10–18 Long bone metaphyses Localized pain or swelling; Good if nonmetastatic; poor if sclerotic or lytic destruction metastatic on radiographs copyright. tive for identifying osteosarcoma and has largely teosarcoma, because hematogenous spread of replaced CT for this purpose.8 MRI can also de- micrometastases occurs very early in the disease termine the extent of disease, involvement of sur- process.4,14 The long-term survival rates of patients rounding neurovascular structures, and presence of with osteosarcoma have dramatically improved skip lesions.3,13 CT is a superior way to evaluate the during the last few decades, primarily as a result of cortical integrity of the affected bone and can de- enhanced chemotherapeutic regimens.2,7,15,16 Be- 5 lineate the tumor extent. The majority of osteo- fore the routine use of multiagent chemotherapy, http://www.jabfm.org/ sarcoma metastases occur in the lungs, and CT is 5-year osteosarcoma survival rates were less than the study of choice to identify pulmonary metasta- 15%.3,6 The survival rate has recently escalated to ses that are undetectable on 20% of chest radio- 60% to 80% with the combination of chemother- graphs.3,10 apy and surgery.3,4,14,17 That the long-term sur- Abone biopsy is a critical step in the diagnosis vival rates for osteosarcoma have dramatically im- 13,14

and management of osteosarcoma. Abiopsy proved with modern treatment regimens should be on 29 September 2021 by guest. Protected under CT or fluoroscopic guidance can distinguish emphasized by primary care physicians when coun- osteosarcoma from other neoplasia or benign con- seling patients about osteosarcoma prognosis. ditions with 90% accuracy.13 Biopsy technique is Modern chemotherapeutic regimens are given critical, and a trained tumor surgeon who is careful both before surgery (neoadjuvant) and after (adju- not to compromise the area of subsequent surgical vant). Avariety of researchers have confirmed that resection should perform the biopsy.10 Improperly neoadjuvant chemotherapy significantly improves performed biopsies may be a cause of misdiagnosis osteosarcoma survival, especially among children or inappropriate therapy.5 and adolescents.3,8,15,18 The fibrosis and tumor Treatment should be initiated shortly after shrinkage that occurs after neoadjuvant chemother- the biopsy and staging studies have confirmed the apy may also facilitate surgical removal of the pri- diagnosis and extent of osteosarcoma.10 Chemo- mary tumor.3 In addition, neoadjuvant therapy therapy is essential for most patients with os- provides time to prepare custom prostheses for

Persistent Knee Pain 439 J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.16.5.435 on 25 November 2003. Downloaded from limb-salvage procedures, treat micrometastases Radiotherapy is of limited value in treating os- empirically, and minimize pulmonary metasta- teosarcoma, but radiation therapy may be helpful ses.5,18,19 for palliation of nonresectable tumors.3,4,16 Intra- Doxorubicin, cisplatin, ifosfamide, etoposide, operative radiation therapy in conjunction with and high-dose methotrexate are the most com- surgical excision has also been used for locally ad- monly used chemotherapeutic agents.3 Patients are vanced tumors.28 Current research has not con- typically treated with multiagent regimens, al- firmed the value of prophylactic lung radiation for 16,22 though regimens of fewer drugs may be equally pulmonary metastatic disease. efficacious and better tolerated.17,20,21 The degree When counseling patients with osteosarcoma, of necrosis after neoadjuvant chemotherapy is the primary care physicians need to be cognizant of most important prognostic factor for osteosarcoma osteosarcoma prognosis. As noted, the long-term and may be used to tailor the adjuvant regi- survival of patients with osteosarcoma has dramat- men.7,17,19,22 Chemotherapy presents many poten- ically improved, but several factors may influence tial risks, and some researchers believe that mul- the overall prognosis. An important factor affecting tiagent, aggressive chemotherapeutic regimens prognosis is the presence of metastases. Of patients increase toxicity without improving survival.18,20,21 with clinically detectable metastases, only 20% to Potential chemotherapeutic side effects include 40% will successfully be cured, versus 60% to 80% 10 cardiomyopathy, emesis, alopecia, peripheral neu- without metastases. Because patients with meta- ropathy, ototoxicity, neutropenia, leukopenia, and static disease at diagnosis have significantly worse prognoses than those with localized osteosarcoma, nephrotoxicity. In addition, a second malignancy, primary care physicians can significantly improve such as leukemia, may occur as a long-term com- patient outcomes by quickly diagnosing and refer- plication of systemic chemotherapy.8 ring patients with osteosarcoma.3,4 Additional fac- Despite the importance of chemotherapy in the tors associated with a worse prognosis include an

modern treatment of osteosarcoma, surgical re- copyright. axial primary tumor location, bony metastases, in- moval of the primary tumor and all visible metas- creased lactate dehydrogenase levels, and a larger tases remains essential to minimize the risk of tumor volume.3,19,26 Patients with a greater degree recurrence.4,10,15,18 Surgery by itself, however, is of tumor necrosis after neoadjuvant chemotherapy inadequate for most patients because of microme- or those with osteosarcoma of the tibia or fibula tastases or unrecognized skip lesions, and more have more favorable long-term prognoses.3,7,17,19 than 80% of patients treated solely with surgery 3,15,19 With current medical and surgical therapy, the will develop recurrent disease. long-term survival for patients with osteosarcoma http://www.jabfm.org/ Osteosarcoma of the extremity has traditionally has dramatically improved, but 30% to 40% of 10 been treated with limb amputation. Recently, patients will develop recurrent disease.10 Local wide-local resection combined with limb salvage recurrences affect only 5% to 10% of patients, has become a preferable alternative to amputation and the majority of recurrences arise in the 6,23–25 for most patients. Limb-salvage reconstruc- lungs.3,6,22,25 Additional surgery or chemotherapy tion uses metallic implants (endoprostheses), au- can be considered for patients with recurrent dis- tografts, or cadaveric allografts to replace the ex- ease, but most will develop additional disease. Ul- on 29 September 2021 by guest. Protected 3 cised bones or joints. No evidence suggests a timately, cure rates of only 10% to 20% should be significant difference in the long-term survival rate expected for recurrent osteosarcoma, and distant between limb amputation and limb-salvage surgery metastases are the most common cause of eventual 23,26,27 for extremity osteosarcoma. Advantages of death.3,10,25 Patients without evidence of recur- limb-salvage surgery include improved psycholog- rence within the first 3 years after diagnosis are ical, cosmetic, and functional outcomes with similar likely to be cured.15 disease-free intervals compared with amputa- Patients with successfully treated osteosarcoma tion.26,27 Disadvantages of limb-salvage surgery in- should be monitored for at least 5 years by their clude higher rates of reoperation and the potential primary care physicians or surgeons. Chest CT need for subsequent amputations.23 Allografts used scans every 4 to 6 months and bone scans every 12 in the procedure may also present risks of infection months for the first 2 years are recommended to or transmission of viral diseases.28 detect recurrent disease.5 Psychosocial supports are

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442 JABFP September–October 2003 Vol. 16 No. 5