Earning a Welcome N

1. Please be friendly and polite to local residents and other water users. O

2. Drive with care and consideration and park sensibly. Republic R T

3. Change clothing discreetly, preferably out of public view. of Ireland Northern H 4. Gain permission before accessing private property. Ireland OF IRELAND

5. Minimise your impact on the natural environment and use recognised access points. BELFAST There are also many unofficial access points along the shore, which may be used with the owner’s consent. 6. Be sensitive to wildlife and other users regarding the level of noise you create. 7. Observe wildlife from a distance and be aware of sensitive locations such as nesting birds and wintering flocks. 8. Outdoor Recreation NI supports the principles of Leave No Trace and encourages others to do the same when taking part in outdoor recreation. For more information please visit leavenotraceireland.org. 9. Keep the numbers in your party consistent with safety, the nature of the water conditions and the impact on your surroundings. 10. Wild camping should be carried out discreetly, in small parties, and for overnight stays only. 11. Have respect for anglers - keep well clear of anglers fishing from banks and boats. Avoid shallow gravel areas of rivers where salmon and trout may spawn, especially from November to January. 12. Take care to avoid spreading invasive species. For more advice see invasivespeciesireland.com

MAGHERY 7 GR 924 637 Derrywarragh Island


9 CONEY ISLAND A45 GR 937 640 B196 8 MAGHERY SLIP ‘The Point’ M1 GR 926 637

To J14



To Enniskillen 5 BOND’S BRIDGE GR 873 585 A29 B106

MOY 3 GR 852 559


B106 Key to Symbols Slipway Access Jetty A4 J Parking

Rough Camping

BENBURB Shop BLACKWATERTOWN Toilets Fresh water START OF ULSTER CANAL Telephone BLACKWATERTOWN Public house 2 GR 841 522 Cafe/restaurant B128 Historical Building 5km 1 MAYDOWN BRIDGE Towns or Residential areas Access points A GR 818 519

Direction of Flow Town facilities nearby 5km This guide is designed to be used in conjunction with relevant OSNI 1:25,000 or 1;50,000 maps

Camping & Accommodation Provision for people with disabilities Copney Campsite All sites with slips cater for disability access with varying degrees depending on the water level. It is recommended to check before • Copney Campsite is maintained by City, Banbridge and starting a journey. Craigavon Borough Council and offers space for 10 small tents. Booking is not required - space is available on a first come first This guide is available on request in alternative formats. served basis. • The site is only accessible from the water via canoe steps at GR H877589 Disclaimer • An Eco Toilet is available. Every effort has been taken to ensure accuracy in the compilation of this • Please do not camp outside the fenced off area as this is privately publication. Outdoor Recreation NI and its partner organisations cannot however accept responsibility for errors or omissions, but where such are owned land. brought to our attention, future publications will be amended accordingly. Canoeing may by its nature be hazardous and involve risk; training is A range of self-catering, B&B,hotels and guesthouses are available in essential for safe participation. It is recommended to take out personal the wider area. Please visit DiscoverNorthernIreland.com accident insurance. Users must undertake and act on their own risk assessments prior to use of any access site or waterway and review and update during use. The guide must be used in conjunction with an ordnance Canoe Hire and Canoe Tours survey 1:25,000 or 1:50,000 map. Neither the publishers, funders, For up-to-date canoe hire and guiding please visit CanoeNI.com STOP contributors, landowners, site managers, riparian owners nor agents of the aforementioned can be held responsible for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by any person or persons as a result of THE SPREAD Further information information, guidance or advice given in or omitted from this guide. Are you unknowingly spreading invasive Tourism DiscoverNothernIreland.com Visit Armagh VisitArmagh.com species on your water sports equipment and clothing? Acknowledgements Armagh City, Banbridge getactiveabc.com Design: thinkstudio.co.uk & Craigavon Borough Council Invasive species can affect fish and other wildlife, restrict navigation, clog up propellers and be Photography: brianmorrison.co.uk National Trust NationalTrust.org.uk costly to manage. You can help protect the water sports you love by following three simple steps Trail updates: any changes to the canoe trail that may occur will be when you leave the water. updated on CanoeNI.com. Please email any feedback to [email protected] NIEA Water Pollution Hotline Freephone 0800 807060 Check your equipment and clothing for live organisms - particularly in areas that are damp or hard to inspect. Clean and wash all equipment, footwear and clothing thoroughly. If you do come across any organisms, leave them at the water body where you found them. Dry all equipment and clothing - some species can live for many days in moist conditions.

This project has been developed by Make sure you don’t transfer water elsewhere. For more information go to www.invasivespeciesireland.com

direction before departing. before direction

way. Please check forecast and in particular wind strength and and strength wind particular in and forecast check Please way.

for lunch breaks and the many photo opportunities along the the along opportunities photo many the and breaks lunch for

speed of 4 kilometres (2.5 miles) per hour and also allowing time time allowing also and hour per miles) (2.5 kilometres 4 of speed

These itineraries have been compiled using an estimated paddling paddling estimated an using compiled been have itineraries These

Neagh Lough

finish including including finish

The trail from start to to start from trail The

1 miles) (15 Island Coney –

Maydown Bridge 24km 2 Maydown Bridge Maydown 2 24km Bridge Maydown

2 miles) (12.5 Island Coney –

Blackwatertown 20km 2 Blackwatertown Blackwatertown 2 20km Blackwatertown

nldn og eg Neagh Lough including

relaxing overnight overnight relaxing

A longer day trip or or trip day longer A

shores of Lough Neagh. Neagh. Lough of shores

3 miles) (9 Blackwater.

countryside you will reach Maghery Country Park on the the on Park Country Maghery reach will you countryside

o oe sad 5m - Moy 1-2 15km Island Coney – Moy overnight stop off on a two-day trip along the river river the along trip two-day a on off stop overnight

After a combined 10km paddle through beautiful beautiful through paddle 10km combined a After

approximately half way along the trail this is the perfect perfect the is this trail the along way half approximately

trip Day Longer

accessible from the water via canoe steps. Located Located steps. canoe via water the from accessible

exit point on day itineraries that require a shuttle. a require that itineraries day on point exit

Just downstream of Bond’s Bridge is Copney Campsite, Campsite, Copney is Bridge Bond’s of downstream Just

2 miles) (7.5 Bridge Verner’s slipway, jetty and car park make this is a popular entry or or entry popular a is this make park car and jetty slipway,

Blackwatertown to 12km 1 Blackwatertown Blackwatertown 1 12km to Blackwatertown Verner family the iron structure was built in 1910. A A 1910. in built was structure iron the family Verner

on the opposite shore of the river. river. the of shore opposite the on

After 3.5km you reach Verner’s Bridge. Named after the the after Named Bridge. Verner’s reach you 3.5km After

at the time, owned both The Argory and Derrygally Estate Estate Derrygally and Argory The both owned time, the at water flat –

constructed of Iron. It is named after the Bond family, who, who, family, Bond the after named is It Iron. of constructed

Manageable day trip day Manageable

+44 (0)28 6862 1333 . to

Bond’s Bridge was built in 1890 and is a bowstring bridge bridge bowstring a is and 1890 in built was Bridge Bond’s

Great Northern Railway bridge on the line from Dungannon Dungannon from line the on bridge Railway Northern Great

2 miles) (5.5 Bridge Bond’s

accessed from the north west of the Lough. Lough. the of west north the from accessed

fendering. These are the remains of the original piers of the the of piers original the of remains the are These fendering.

room is open seasonally. seasonally. open is room

lcwtront 9m Blackwatertown 1 9km to Blackwatertown

Canoe Trail onwards to the Lower Bann Canoe Trail Trail Canoe Bann Lower the to onwards Trail Canoe

Paddling downstream you will pass pillars of heavy iron iron heavy of pillars pass will you downstream Paddling

a picnic stop. An onsite tea tea onsite An stop. picnic a

Those seeking a longer journey can link the Lough Neagh Neagh Lough the link can journey longer a seeking Those

trip – flat water flat – trip provides the perfect venue for for venue perfect the provides

drinking from the river. river. the from drinking

Perfect bite sized day day sized bite Perfect particularly well kept and and kept well particularly

fifth century. century. fifth

downstream where on occasion you will glimpse cattle cattle glimpse will you occasion on where downstream

3 miles) (4.5 The riverbank here is is here riverbank The

believed to have used the island as a place of retreat in the the in retreat of place a as island the used have to believed

river is framed by higher banks. These lower as you head head you as lower These banks. higher by framed is river

Moy to Verner’s Bridge 7km 0.5 Moy Moy 0.5 7km Bridge Verner’s to Moy Neo-classical masterpiece. masterpiece. Neo-classical

causeway known locally as St Patrick’s Road, as the Saint is is Saint the as Road, Patrick’s St as locally known causeway

otter holts on the steeper sections of riverbank. Initially the the Initially riverbank. of sections steeper the on holts otter

of the 19th Century House – a a – House Century 19th the of

Legend has it that the island was once accessed by a a by accessed once was island the that it has Legend

stretch frequented with darting kingfishers and signs of of signs and kingfishers darting with frequented stretch

Apo) POINT (Approx) have time why not take a tour tour a take not why time have

with recreational fishing particularly popular. It is a calm calm a is It popular. particularly fishing recreational with


National Trust’s crown. If you you If crown. Trust’s National

cottage is still inhabited today. today. inhabited still is cottage

and lush. The water here is often shared with other boats boats other with shared often is here water The lush. and

one of the jewels in the the in jewels the of one

and eleventh Baron Charlemont. His nineteenth century century nineteenth His Charlemont. Baron eleventh and

Heading downstream from Bond’s Bridge the river is wide wide is river the Bridge Bond’s from downstream Heading

Argory, often described as as described often Argory,

summer retreat of James Alfred Caulfield, seventh Viscount Viscount seventh Caulfield, Alfred James of retreat summer itineraries can be downloaded from CanoeNI.com CanoeNI.com from downloaded be can itineraries

4km you will reach The The reach will you 4km

since the Mesolithic period. More recently it was the the was it recently More period. Mesolithic the since break or day trip on the Blackwater Canoe Trail. Full Full Trail. Canoe Blackwater the on trip day or break

river widens out a lot, after after lot, a out widens river

indicates that the island has been occupied at various times times various at occupied been has island the that indicates itineraries to allow you to make the most of your next short short next your of most the make to you allow to itineraries

Bond’s Bridge to Maghery Slip Slip Maghery to Bridge Bond’s

food and drink. From Moy the the Moy From drink. and food

and is accessible by canoe steps. Archaeological evidence evidence Archaeological steps. canoe by accessible is and of many local experts to design a variety of canoeing canoeing of variety a design to experts local many of

many options to stock up on on up stock to options many

Coney Island is beautifully maintained by the National Trust Trust National the by maintained beautifully is Island Coney The CanoeNI team has combined their knowledge with that that with knowledge their combined has team CanoeNI The

easily accessible and offers offers and accessible easily

River Bann, in the south-west corner of Lough Neagh, Neagh, Lough of corner south-west the in Bann, River

just downstream of the bridge. From here the village is is village the here From bridge. the of downstream just

Lying between the mouths of the River Blackwater and the the and Blackwater River the of mouths the between Lying method of journeying downstream. journeying of method

At Moy there is a quay on the left-hand side of the river river the of side left-hand the on quay a is there Moy At

However, it is strongly advised to take the more relaxed relaxed more the take to advised strongly is it However,

recommended for experienced paddlers only. paddlers experienced for recommended Blackwatertown so it is possible to paddle upstream. upstream. paddle to possible is it so Blackwatertown

the river is teeming with fish. with teeming is river the

northerly or easterly winds. This stretch is therefore therefore is stretch This winds. easterly or northerly west to north east. The trail is slow moving downstream of of downstream moving slow is trail The east. north to west

Moy. Otters and kingfishers are a frequent sight here, and and here, sight frequent a are kingfishers and Otters Moy.

windy periods. Maghery is particularly exposed in strong strong in exposed particularly is Maghery periods. windy The Blackwater River flows into Lough Neagh from south south from Neagh Lough into flows River Blackwater The

stretch of river and is just a 5km downstream journey to to journey downstream 5km a just is and river of stretch

large waves build on the vast expanse of water during during water of expanse vast the on build waves large

Starting at Blackwatertown this is a relaxing and beautiful beautiful and relaxing a is this Blackwatertown at Starting

paddle away. Lough Neagh can be a serious undertaking as as undertaking serious a be can Neagh Lough away. paddle entire trail to be paddled in two manageable days. days. manageable two in paddled be to trail entire

nearby Copney Campsite adding the option to overnight. overnight. to option the adding Campsite Copney nearby

spot to launch from when visiting Coney Island, just a 1.1km 1.1km a just Island, Coney visiting when from launch to spot day trips. An overnight stay at Copney Campsite allows the the allows Campsite Copney at stay overnight An trips. day

Bridge provides the perfect one-day paddle with the the with paddle one-day perfect the provides Bridge

Maghery is a great entry point for Lough Neagh and a great great a and Neagh Lough for point entry great a is Maghery paddling shorter sections allows for an excellent range of of range excellent an for allows sections shorter paddling

The stretch of river between Blackwatertown and Bond’s Bond’s and Blackwatertown between river of stretch The

The Blackwater Canoe Trail is 23 km length and therefore therefore and length km 23 is Trail Canoe Blackwater The

Blackwatertown to Bond’s Bridge Bond’s to Blackwatertown Lough Neagh and Coney Island. Island. Coney and Neagh Lough Suggested Itineraries & Wildlife Wildlife & Itineraries Suggested

Shop located 1km from water cano e TRAI L S

Blackwater Staying Safe The Blackwater Canoe Trail is one of the most popular canoe Canoeing can be a fun way to experience nature, helping you to stay Canoe Trail trails in Northern Ireland as it is accessible to such a wide fit and healthy and is always a great way to spend time with friends range of abilities. As with all canoe trails in Northern Ireland, and family. It can also be a dangerous activity if appropriate safety A genteel 23km trail along the River Blackwater to Lough access to the water is free and no licence is required. This is a guidelines are overlooked. Neagh that meanders through the velvety green countryside superb venue for families or those embarking on their first of Counties Armagh and Tyrone. This trail offers wonderful canoe trip, although some sections require greater ability A good way to ensure your safety and get the most out of your opportunities for canoeists across a range of abilities and an paddling is to learn to canoe with a club or centre. than others. abundance of wildlife. Maydown Bridge to Blackwater Town Stay safe: To help make sure you remain safe at all times, be sure to The trail can be explored in its entirety or split into shorter follow British Canoeing safety advice guidelines. sections to suit those seeking a more leisurely trip. Keep a look out too as the river is a haven for all kinds of wildlife • ALWAYS be certain to let others know where you’re going and Maydown Bridge in provides a nice starting point including kingfishers, otters, herons and maybe even a barn when you’re expected to return with historic buildings including Benburb Castle and The owl. • BE CERTAIN that the journey you plan is within your capabilities Servite Priory of Our Lady of Benburb. The Valley Park hosts • MAKE SURE you never paddle alone beautiful riverside walks and the village provides plenty of The head of the trail is at Maydown Bridge from which a facilities. Wear appropriate clothing: Always wear shoes. Rocks, rough terrain 23km stretch of the river meanders lazily through the and river beds present serious hazards to boaters without the proper countryside acting as a boundary line between the counties The section of river between Maydown Bridge and Black- attire. Nearly 90% of all boating injuries are attributed to lack of of Armagh and Tyrone. watertown is either feast or famine. A ‘bump and scrape’ in proper footwear. low water or a Grade 2 after a period of heavy rainfall, so Approximately half way down the trail, situated on the banks this is an area best left to experts. Shortly after departing Other canoe safety clothing includes: hats, gloves, additional dry of the river, you will find The Argory, a beautiful Neo-classical Maydown Bridge a mid-stream island prompts a decision to clothing and layered items which can easily be removed. Take or mansion on a wooded riverside estate which is maintained go left or right – both are of equal length and accessibility. wear a windproof top and course always wear a buoyancy aid - for and managed by the National Trust and well worth a visit. children make sure the crotch straps are used. A short distance downstream is Copney Campsite, developed Be sure to: especially for canoeists and only accessible from the river. An enclosed grassy area offers pitching for approximately 10 • Know the weather forecast and check the water conditions small tents providing the perfect overnight stop. before you set out canoeing. We recommend checking this before heading out as the river levels can rise and fall quite The river comes to an end at Maghery Country Park where it quickly in wet or dry conditions. flows gently into Lough Neagh creating a breathtaking view • Check that your equipment is well maintained and ready for the on a fine summer’s day. water. • Check that your boat has the required buoyancy to keep it afloat Lough Neagh is the largest freshwater lake in the UK and in the event of a capsize. Ireland with a circumference of 125km. Coney Island situated in the south west corner of the Lough offers an additional Checklist: Always use this canoeing safety checklist to make sure you have everything you need: 1.1km paddle from Maghery Country Park. The island is stepped in history with a motte and ancient round tower. • Boat • Paddle Lough Neagh can be a serious undertaking as large waves • Buoyancy Aid build on the vast expanse of water during windy periods. • Bailer/sponge Such conditions are best left to the experienced open water • Small First Aid Kit paddler. Those seeking a longer journey can link the Lough • Phone (in a waterproof bag) Neagh Canoe Trail onwards to the Lower Bann Canoe Trail. • Drinking water and snacks • Suitable clothing for the weather This guide has been designed for canoeists by canoeists. It gives practical advice on everything required for an Emergency Telephone Numbers enjoyable experience. Lough Neagh Rescue covers Lough Neagh and its tributaries. In the unlikely event of an Emergency use the following numbers: Police and Ambulance 999 (all phones) or 112 (all phones) Happy Paddling! Coast Guard (Lough Neagh) 999 (all phones) or VHF channel 16. Please note that mobile phone reception is unreliable in many areas.