COLORADO Postgame Quotes Page 1 at State Beavers, December 6, 2020, , Corvallis, Ore.

Colorado Head Coach JR Payne

On CU’s third quarter “We just got really hesitant. We stopped attacking. I think if you'd watch the first three or four minutes of the third quarter, we probably missed three or four layups like actual layups. If those had fallen, we would have probably felt really good. If we get that close to the basket and have an opportunity to lay up we got to be able to make that. I think that's what happened. I thought we got good looks, but we didn't put those in. Then we got a little bit gun shy and things just kind of fell down from there.”

On Mya Hollingshed “We definitely need her to play well and be in the game [after foul trouble at Oregon]. That is a positive from last game.”

On attacking Oregon State’s bigs “We definitely had an aggressive mindset early and even in the beginning of the third quarter. We just missed too many layups. Then we took too many 3’s and all of that was not good for us. Then we weren't getting stopped so that combination snowballed out of control pretty quickly.”

On struggles from 3-point range “We don’t want to shoot as many 3’s. Our best output this year was a game where we only took six and we shot over 60 percent from the floor. We don’t want to be shooting as many 3’s. We want to move the ball and get inside. We can go inside-out certainly, but we don’t’ want to just be jacking 3’s.”

On improving against Denver “We just want to play good basketball. In every game we play this year we've had parts of some really good basketball. When we kind of start playing on an island or sort of doing our own thing or we get passive. That's not good for this ballclub. We need to be able to play as a cohesive unit defensively and offensively. I think that'll really help us when we're able to do that.”