New Revisions on Abstinence, Fast Issued

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New Revisions on Abstinence, Fast Issued --J 2 <=> m o oi ^ cn from Pope Paul... <: —« m -D M- ;o m JO ^ m o OJ XJ < C3 r~ C/j o c : vJi O 75 JO f\5 New Revisions -H 03 'T l O On Abstinence, X o Fast Issued Washington — Pope Paul VI has issued new ^^pocrr^pliC L I regulations on fast and abstinence by making I them apply only on Ash Wednesday and Good It actually happened in Fort Friday. Collin.s: “ Hello; operator, this is But the traditional law requiring abstinence Msgr. Duffy. I want to talk to Father Fraezkowski in from meat remains in effect for all Fridays of Craig.” the year. Operator: “How do you spell that?” Msgr. Duffy: “I wouldn’t be The Pope, however, freed children under calling him if I knew how to 14 from the obligation to abstain. Heretofore the spell it.” abstinence law has been in effect from the age * « « Twixt optimist and pessi­ of seven. The age bracket for the law of fasting mist remains the same — beginning at 21 and ending The difference Is droll; with the beginning of the 60th year. The optimist sees the Preparing Campaign’s Advance Gifts Program doughnut. The revisions, which become effective on John J. Sullivan, rigKt, will serve as advance gifts right, are Monsignor Elmer J. Kolka, director of the The pessim ist sees the hole. Ash Wednesday (Feb. 23), were set down by chairman of the second annual Archdiocesan Develop­ advance gifts program; Bishop David Maloney, exec­ “T h e timid move in ment Program for the second year. Announcement utive cochairman of the campaign; and .-Vrchbishop crowds; the brave in single the Pope in an Apostolic Constitution entitled was made Feb. 10 at a dinner for vice chairmen of the Urban J. Vehr, executive chairman. See story on this file.” Coadjutor Abbot-Elect Poenitemini, which was published in Rome Feb. advance gifts section. Shown at the meeting, left to page. — Bishop Ireland Edward Vollmer, O.S.B. 17. The major points were released here by the “Our rather exclusive west­ Apostolic Delegation for the United States. ern, small-family system.” Canon City said Pearl S. Buck, “is hard ( ! on children, because the chil­ dren are so dependent on two Archdiocese of Denver parents. They have no re­ New CHANCERY OFFICE course from those two. The anxieties of the parents will 1536 Logan Street fall heavily on the children, Denver 3, Colorado DENVER CATHOLIC and the result is that the chil­ Abbot dren sometimes suffer from a Feb. 13. 1966 general feeling of insecurity. Reverend dear Father and beloved People: We need more warmth be­ Your generous charity is asked to aid the mission cause of tween the generations. This Named the Indians and Negroes in our country. Most of these missions REGISTER business of putting the aged are not self-supporting, and depend for their very existence on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1966 V O L. LX No. 28 in old people’s homes is very Elected Coadjutor Ab­ the generosity of the Catholics in better circumstances. sad. They are doing it now in bot of Holy Cross Abbey, China, too, under the Commu­ Canon City, on Wednes­ The annual collection is distributed by a central committee nists. to the hundreds of little centers in our country caring for a “Old people are valuable. day, Feb. 16, was the They provide the continuity of Rev. Edward Vollmer, real mission need in our midst. The spiritual welfare of the In­ ^'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiijiiiw iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiH^^^ dians and Negroes is particularly our duty and privilege. Your life. My father lived with us O.S.B., at present pastor 10 years before he died, and I of Sacred Heart parish, generosity will sustain the missions already in operation and I Visit to Laborers Hailed was glad to have my children Boulder. He will succeed extend their work. with him as he grew old. I the Rt. Rev. Abbot Leon­ hope my grandchildren will ard Schwinn, O.S.B.. who Faithfully yours in Christ, have the same experience has retired but who will with me. Children should retain his title until death. share in birth and death, I Pope Goes to Workers should see old people facing Coadjutor-elect Abbot VoU- loss of strength and illness, By Rev. John P. Donnelly a mason’s level and a plumb- resentative of the Lord. .His — saying for instance that it mer was born in Milwaukee, while they themselves are Wis., and moved with his line. Pope Paul raised them 'one who is sent’. .1 am a is enough to be paid. Rome — “You don’t aloft and said, “These I shall missionary.. .Can 1 stay at “ No, beloved sons, pay Is still young. They lose their family to Colorado Springs in Archbishop of Denver fear, they leam courage, they 1924. He attended St. M ary’s come to see me, so I’ve always keep by me to remind home? Sometimes I stand by not enough. You must get come to you.” Pope Paul me of you.” Then he em­ the window and look to see if something m ore. Just as you understand by experience the high school, Colorado Springs, universality of human life.” and was graduated from St. VI dramatically told braced the workman. these workers are coming . have a right to education, Some come, yes, but the medicine, am usem ent, so you Benedict’s college, Atchison, workmen building apart­ The extraordinary scene An optim ist is a man who Kans. ment houses in an im­ took place in the suburb of others?. .. Maybe those who have a right to religion. suffer most do not come. .. Aren’t yon m en? Aren’t you thinks that the dry cleaners poverished suburb of Pietralta, inhabited largely by are shrinking the waistline of HE WAS ordained in Den­ Advance Gifts souls? Aren’t you Chris­ impoverished immigrants “Isn’t it my duty to come Rome. tians? You have a soul, and his trousers. ver in June, 1938, for the Ben­ from Southern Italy — one of and see j-ou? Isn’t it my mis­ • * * His visit to the workmen, who is looking out for it? edictine order by .Archbisop Rome’s districts described as sion and ministry to look for many of them members of a Who will say words which A reader of the Saturday I !! Urban J. Vehr and sang his a stronghold of Communism. you? If I am to be a shep­ Officials Voice Communist-dominated union, will quicken your spirit? Who Review spends his time First Mass in Corpus Christi Thirty years ago small one- herd who looks for his lambs was called a “gesture more will say: ‘My sons, you are searching for words which church. Colorado Springs. He effective than a social encycli­ story houses had been built I cannot be at peace until I are spelled the same way for­ received his master's degree sons of God. immortal beings, cal’’ by one Italian newspa­ there as “temporary” accom­ have made contact with you you have a right to liberty, ward or backward. Among in education from the Catho­ modations for immigrants. to say I love you, that I’ve Drive's Purpose per, the Catholic Avvenire D’- justice, love, truth, which his findings are: ere. bib, did, lic University of America, Now those which haven’t fal­ nothing to ask of j"ou and ev­ Italia. makes you live as men and bob. dud, eke, ewe, eye. Kay­ Washington, D. C. This year’s second annual Archdiocesan Develop­ len apart are being disman­ erything to give j’ou — my “I come to honor modern as sons of God’? ak, level, refer, radar, reviv­ Before being assigned to the ment Program must equal, if not, hopefully, exceed tled by the government and words, my learning — that is work,” the Pope said in fa­ “.And because you have a er, rotator, deified. Boulder parish as pastor in in their place are rising 834 to say, the truth of which I When he tires of this game, the amount raised last year, said John J. Sullivan, miliar and informal Italian — right to the words I am bring­ 1957 he served as headmaster apartments. am a depository — the beauty he looks for words which K.S.G., who will serve for the second year as advance a departure from the usual ing you, and I have the duty of Holy Cross abbey school, of Christian life, the joy of spell another word back­ gifts chairman of the campaign. Papal style of speaking in the Avvenire D’ltalia said that of bringing them, we have served in parishes in the Pue­ being among men who have a wards: straw, warts; diaper, He met with vice chairmen plural “we.’’ these workers had been m et.” blo diocese, was director of hope surpassing the meager repaid; stinker, reknits: de­ of the advance gifts section parish, Denver, and his fellow caught in the crossfire of a Pope Paul read off a list of the abbey’s summer camp and short span of this mortal liver. reviled: dessert, Feb. 10 in the Denver club parishioner. Gerard R. Te- “ I COME to look for you. I prolonged crisis in the build­ 10 nam es of workmen who program, and was assistant and said that this year’s goal Bockhorst; Gene E. Steinke, come to tell you the Church is ing industry. The next day, in life. tressed. Newman club chaplain at the were ill, and announced they 4> * * must be met “if the arch­ St.
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