Ld Barnard Castle Rural District

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Ld Barnard Castle Rural District Wednesday, November 15th, 1939. THE TEESDALE MERCURY. er rttli. 19:39, Sector 04. R..1 Hogg, 12, Toft Hill. BARNARD CASTLE RURAL DISTRICT. Senior Warden : .Mderson. 17, Etherley Bank. regret if M r T. Stevens, Coronation Terrace. \V. Al. Stobbart, 16. Etherley Bank. his action . ist in THE A.R.P. PERSONNEL. Wardens : J. Teasdale, Greentields nom. n 1g for all, whe C. Deieliton, Council Houses. Sector J7. not to ma.ke CHIEF AIR RAID WARDEN : THE LORD BARNARD, C.M.G., M.C., T.D., EP., Ita ly .1 W. Liosley, IS, Comer Terrace. Senior Warden : nit to go home Castle, Staindrop, Darlington. Tel. No. Staindrop 202. \V. lio\\ land , Coronation Terrace. G. E. Oxley, 1)arley House, W. Auckland. 1110 next month DEPUTY CHIEF Alit RAID WARDEN : Mr F. R. REID, " Fern Villa," Staindrop, via \V. E. comm. 16, Mayfield Terrace. \Varden irnian. As he Darlington. Tel. No. Staindrop 234. \\. Stevens, In, Coronntion Terrace. N. S. Howson, Copeland House, West lid many friends G. \V. Stevens, II. c.e-:nation Terrace. _kuchland. Broumleyr had In the Event of an Air Raid, the Chief Air Raid Warden or Deputy Chief Warden will Sector C5. id and they did take duty at the REPORT CENTRE, BARN ARD CASTLE. Tel. No. Barnard Castle 183. Senior Walden : REGION " K."-COPLEY, WOODLAND, As he had done LYNESACK AND SOFTLEY AREAS. REGION " A." REGION "D."-WORKED PROM WARDENS' Obilield, 66, Lauds Bank. or education it Wzirdens : Post : Copley Institute. e carried out his HEAD WARDEN : I. T. Tallentire, Elm HOMES, also point nt Miss Edleston's, House, Middleton. Phone 46. Gainford. Tel. Gainford 2u5. W. Dowson, lauds 11,1111:. HEAD \\.11I1)EN : Mr J. IL Hind. lrngyll HEAD NVARDEN : J. 1', Charge, North T. ohllield. 13, Felt Houses. View, Copley. Phone Cockfield 263. be a calamity if DEPUTY HEAD WARDEN : \V. Swinbank, Meeting Point : loan -11112. 1100m, Lands. e Chairmanship Baby Cottage, Middleton. Terrace, Gainford. Phone 229. Sector Kl. Sector G6. es so favoUrably, Sector Al. Sector Dl. l'oint : Temperance Hall, Woodland. on. Scattered Area. Worked from Wardens' Senior Warden : Senior Warden : Senior \\*order): d support a pro_ Homes. • E. C. Adamson, West Teri ace, Gainford. T W. (:lark, •sperley Lane. T. \Valley, laielitiow Cottage, \Voodland. hould reconsider Senior Warden Phone Gainford 213 Wardens ■ Wardens : own Mr Emerson, C. Robson, High Force Hotel. wnrdeos : \V. \\. Ila - les, E-perley Lane. .1. Hodgson, Eastbourne Farm, Woodland. d he had always Wardens : Mrs A. 1). Fife, Gainford House. Phone 202. c. Andersoii. 0. Victorin Tery.. Cockiield. Sirs Tarn, Wharton Terrace, Woodland. an, always ready M. Edgar, School House, Forest. E. Pettit, Station House. T. W. Linsley. The Green, Cocklield. R. Crawford, Woodland. Meeting l'-0 it : MI Snowdon's Stable. public weal. He T. Bainbridge, Banks, Forest. Sector D2. Illackett, Satterharn, Buttorknowle. ould reconsider H. L. Beadle, Dale House, Forest. Senior Warden : REGION ." H."-EVENWOOD & BARONY. Sector K2. as usual at the J. Gartland, Iliggside, Harwood. A. Clark-, Heathen). Posts : Bridge Inn ziod 'Bomb-doll Institute. Senior Warden : E. Robinson, Intake, Harwood. Wardens : HE \I) W : Al• .1. McDolinell, Joiner H. .1. E. Lowther, church View, Copley. ought he could T. Foster, Honey Pot, Harwood. Mrs A. G. Hett, Headlam. and Builder, Evenwood. Phone West Wardens : uggested that Mr Sector A2. H. Robinson, Headiam. Vu klaud >!5 E. Hunthle, Ashcroft. 1 the new district Warden's Point : Mrs M. 1). Robinson, Headlam House. 1)El'Ul'Y HE.\D \V \UDEN : Mu G. .\blersoit, .1. Parkin, Gainiless Terrace. in April and con- Senior Warden's, Newbiggin. Phone 30. Sector D3. 12, South View. Evenwood. E. O. Alderson, 'Teasdaie's Yard. sition until that Senior Warden Mrs L. Heslop, Langton, ilainford. Sector Hi. E. Wall, Copley Lane, Butterknowle. J. Wearmouth, Newbiggin-in-Teesdale. Wardens : Senior Warden : .1. Watson, Front Street, Copley. • 'DLL H. Heslop. Langton. • 1. Hannou, 4, Sand Hole, linmshavw. 1. Itrunskill, 44, Copley. eeting dispersed) : Wardens : Wardens : 11. Bainbridge, Howgill, Newbiggin. REGION " E."-POINTS AT SENIOR 1'. .klderson, Gaunless Terrace, Copley. time . H. V. Temple, Bowlees. H. Hewitt, Bain haw Bow. .1. Dowson. 7, Gi•ewburn. Lane, Copley. 1. W. Watson, Newbiggin House. WARDEN'S HOMES. E. G. Spenee, 36, Back Bow Evenwood. J. W. Stubbs, 6, Alpine Terrace, Copley. Sector A3. H1 \D WARDEN : All II. Davison, "•Otinitz Sector H2. J. 1'. Stubbs. Li. tlautiless View. LD Post : Mechanics' Institute, Middleton. House,• Staindrop. Phone Staindrop 219. Set iot Wardeo A. Russell, Hazeldene, Copley. Phone 46 and 9. Post, Ormuz House. W. Watson, Gordon Lane, Ilamshaw. E.- moore, Three Horse Shoes, Copley. Sector El. J. Stubbs, 19, Teesdale Terrace, Copley. rvice of Remem- Senior Wardell : Wnriletis : J. W. Tallentire, Dent Bank, Middleton. Senior Warden : M. Clennel. Trotters :Arras Inn, Evenwood. Sector K3. leld on Sunday at .1. ( ;. Galilee, 3, Baby Cottages, Staindrop. - .1, Auks Bank. Cockfleld, was Wardens : .1..1. Taylor, Senior Warden : T. Horn, Blue Bell Cottage. Wardens : Tho .1. W. Dawson, Meadow I; :111( . A. Smisson, Bar- - E. Morton, Hude Gate, Middleton. J. B. Billie, New R.aby. Sector H3. knowle. the Rev. R. Cart- I). Cody, Keverstone. Staindrop. Me, and Captain J. S. Collinson, Monk's View. Senior Warden : Wardens : Army. After the J. S. Turnbull, Bank House. G. Forest, Baby Home Farm, .1. Trotter, 57, Cross llo•, Evenwood. B. Touren, Pinfold Lane. by the Salvation Miss N. Robinson, Plantation Villa. Sector E2. Wardens : \V. Coe, 15. Slitek. Ilutterknowle. Boy Scouts, Girl Sector A4. Senior Warden : G. Brown, 29, Ba ck pow. E. Bainbridge. 17, Stone Row, Buttlinowle. 1, and many other Post as for Sector A3. H. Dent, The Grange,• Cleatlam. S. Pylms, 34, Back Bow, Evenwood. T. White, 5, The Slack, Butterknowle. Senior Warden : Wardens : 1. Etherington, 5-4, Cross Bow, Evenwood. proceeded to the Longstaff, Brunton House. REGION " L."-HAMSTERLEY AND SOUTH of , which many E. Benne•orth, Blue Bell Hotel. Phone K. D. S. Sector H4. BEDBURN. • Wardens : R. Dent, Grange, Old Cleatlam. Settior Warden : " Last Post " and \V. E. Wooff, Beavanstead. HEAD WARDEN : Mr J. M. Greenwell, The ed by Bandsman G. Longstaff, Market Place. A. Lobes, 3, Rochester Street, Evenwood. Lodge, Hamsterley. Phone Witton-le- B. Spraggon, 49, Market Place. Sector E3. Wardens :. Miss K. Fleming, 1, Masterman Place. Senior Warden : F. 1\1. Butter, 7. Randolph Tern. Evenwood Wear 81. EXHIBITION. R. L. Cochrane, 18, Market Place. J. \V. Birtley, South Terrace, Staindrop. G W. Linsle, 9, Delaware Avenue. Sector Ll. bition and sale of R. J. Thompson, Cleveland Arms Hotel. Wardens : J. C. Walker, 5, Osborne Terrace. Point : South Bedburn Mill. e Girls' Friendly- (All of Middleton-in-Teesdale.) J. S. Elgey, West End, Staindrop. Sector H5. Senior Warden : Church Hall, Cock- T. Hodgson, Weston House. T. Wood, Shutt Cottage, South Bedburn. Sector A5. Senior . Warclen. : Wardens : •ng. The Rev. R. Post as for Sectors 3 and 4. Sector E4. W. H. llowen, 26, Swan St., Evenwood. introduced Mrs B. Senior Warden Wardens : G. \V. Coatsworth, South Bedburn. d the opening cere- Senior Warden : W. J. Stephenson, Black Hill, 1. A. Smith, 15, Market Place. W. H. Hodgson, 2, Barnard Street, A. Ta.ylor, 2. Maude Terrace. 'I'. Stephenson, South Itedburn. ton presented Mrs Wardens : Staindrop. R. \V. Atkinson. 7. Osborne Terrace. y of malmaison T. G. Nixon, Horse Market. Wardens : PrieStley, II, The Centre. Sector L2. right thanked Mrs J. J. Evans, 2, Chapel Row. J. Cullen, Musgrave House, '. A. Gibson, 2. Copeland Row. Meeting Point : S•vainston's, Hamsterley. ess in opening the Miss M. Redfearn, 2, Masterman Place. A. L. Brown, Central. Cafe. A. Ward, Jubilee Terrace. Senior \\'ardeu! Nutter, who acted Sector A6. H. Layton, Front Street. Sector H6. Bush. Hamsterley:' r•ell presented Mrs Wardens : of pink carnations. Post as for Sectors 3 to 5. Sector E5. Senior Warden : Senior Warden : Senior Warden : W. A. Hutchinson, Evenwood. .1'. Henderson. Green View, Hanist• , Hey. ited prizes to the A. R. Kipling,,10, Jubilee Place. T. Race, Garden H., Staindrop (1).H.W.) Wardens : \V. Richardson, Hall Farm. Hamsterley. T. M. Dowson, Rowantree Cottage. Britton ; 2, Miss Wardens : Wardens : D. Hughes, 22. Alpine Terr., rv - envwood. S. Cooper, 17, .Tubilee Place. J. G. Hall, Black Swan. Stoheld, 10, Victoria Street, Evenwood. Mrs A. Dowson, Rowantree Cottage. ;. A. Pinkney„ 12, Jubilee Place. 'NV Henderson, Winston Lane. Sector H7. Sector L3. allentire ; 2, Mrs J. J. Harrison, 2, Masterman Place. B. Race, 3, Baby Avenue. Senior Warden : Point : As for Sector 2. Tallentire. Miss S. Falconer, 1, jubilee Place. Sector E6, D. H. Sommerville, 4, Hairy St., Evenwood. Senior Warden : e. F. Walton, 19, Town End. Senior Warden : Wardens F. Mangles, Butewell Terrace, Hamsterley. d a surprising dis Sector A7. J. Townson, The Hall, WI:Acen j. G. Heel. 39, Centre. Evenwood. NVardens : hemselves, and had Pest : Reading Room, Eggleston. Phone Wardens : T. NV. Bowman, 6, Roby St.. Evenwood. J. A. Smith, Litchgate Farm, Hamsterley. teresting entertain- t:otherstone 012. II, Thompson, 9,`Wockertield. T. E. Hutchinson, 16, Baby Street. G. Maroniss, Hanisterley. Senior Wardell : 11. D. Barningham, Hazeldene. J. E. Gaffney, 13, 'laity Street, Evenwood. H. Cowley, Litchgate Cottage, .Hamsterley. ing sketches, solos, H. Coatsworth, South View, Hamsterley. A sketch entitled E. Smith, Wood Hill, Eggleston. REGION " F."-POINTS AT SENIOR Sector H8. ," was splendidly Wardens : WARDEN'S HOMES. Senior Warden : rnurthwaite, Peggy W. J. Smith, The Shop. J. Robson, 62, Victoria Street, - EVenwood. Mamie Britton. T. Adamson, Belle Vue. HEAD WARDEN : G. Thornton, 2, Gainford Wardens : E. Wootin, St. Leonards. Road, logien -tn. Gondol-do Telephone No., A Carrick, 22., Farucomb Terr a Evenwood. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. (iray and Jenny Constable's House, (la inford 240. 'ington, of Bishop T.
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