2nd Symposium on Space Educational Activities, April 11-13, 2018, Budapest, Hungary The educational programmes with involvement of DLR´S Mobile Rocket Base Katharina Schüttauf Alexander Schmidt Mobile Rocket Base (MORABA) Mobile Rocket Base (MORABA) German Aerospace Center (DLR) German Aerospace Center (DLR) Germany Germany
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract—Mobile Rocket Base (MORABA), a department of Weltraumforschung) under the initiative of Professor Dr. German Aerospace Center’s Space Operations and Astronaut Reimar Lüst, at that time founding director of the Max Planck Training provides the national and international scientific Institute for Extra-terrestrial Physics. MORABA was later, in community with opportunities to prepare and implement rocket- 1967, integrated into DLR and is based in Oberpfaffenhofen, and balloon-borne experiments. The fields of research include Germany. aeronomy, astronomy, geophysics, material science and hypersonic research. Further, MORABA supports educational MORABA’s main task is to support the national and programs for scientific experimentation as well as engineering international research community in the preparation and disciplines. This paper presents MORABA’s involvement in the execution of sounding rocket- and balloon-borne experiments. educational programs “STudentische Experimental-RaketeN”, or These cover a variety of scientific fields, such as atmospheric STERN shortly, and REXUS / BEXUS. On one side, STERN physics, astronomy, microgravity and linear acceleration supports students from aerospace universities across Germany to experiments, hypersonic research, technology testing and of design, build, test and launch their self-developed rockets. On the course education. By providing and operating mobile other side, the REXUS/BEXUS programme allows European infrastructure (TT&C, RADAR and rocket launchers), it is students to carry out scientific and technological experiments on possible to perform complex scientific missions at almost any research rockets and balloons.