Ffiof Jamm Ln Pursuance of Rule 5 of the Jammu and Kashmir
offfi Jammu and Kashmir Government OrderNo : 40 - GADof 2009 Dated :10-01 - 2009 Kashmir ln pursuanceof Rule 5 of the Jammu and GovernmenteusinessRu|es,l,omarAbdu||ah,ChlefMinister,of the and t<asnmir,do herebyassign to the-charge Jammu to this Ministers,the Governmentbusiness as Lhown in Annexure order. sd/- (OmarAbdullah) ChiefMinister Publishedfor general information (S-E-Kapur) Dated: 10-01-2009 No: GAD(Adm)437l2008-V CoPYto the:- 1. Hon'bleDePutY Chief Minister 2. All Hon'bleCabinet Ministers' a EconomicAdvisor to Jammuand Kashmir Government. 4. AdvocateGeneral, J&K, Jammu 5.ChiefSecretariesofalltheStateslUnionTerritories.5- Prithvi 6. principalneiident Commissioner, J&K Government, RajRoad, New Delhi' 7. All FinancialCommissioners 8. Chairman,J&K SPecial Tribunal' 9. DirectorGeneral of Police,J&K' 10. All PrincipalSecretaries to Government' 11. ChiefExecutive officer, Economic Reconstruction Agency' 12'Princlpa|secretarytoHon'b|eChiefMinister. 13.A||Commissioners/SecretariestoGovernment. 14. Director General, J&K Institute of Management,Public Administrationand Rural Development, J&K, Jammu. 15. PrincipalSecretary to H.E.the Governor 16. DlvisionalCommissioner, Jammu/Kashmir. 17. AccountantGeneral, J&K. 18 Secretary,J&K LegislativeAssembly/Council. 19. Secretary,J&K Public Service Commission. 20. Secretary,J&K Services Selection Board. 21. All Headsof Departments. 22. Director,Information Department. 23. Director,Estates Department. 24. Director,Archives, Archeology and Museums. 25, All DeputyCommissioners. 26. ManagingDirectors of allPublic Sector Undertakings. 27. Secretary,J&K Academy of Art Culture and Languages. 28. GeneralManager, Government Press, Jammu. 29. Prpl.Pvt. Secretary to ChiefSecretary. 30. Pvt.Secretary to Commissioner/Secretaryto Government, General Administration Department 31. GovernmentOrder file/Stock file/GAD Website. Annexure to Order No. 40-GADof 2009 dated 10-01-2009 CabinetMinisters Departmentsassigned I L__L._ _ l1 I ShriTara Chand.
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