The Mount Sinai Training School FOR NURSES

Report for the Years 1906-1907

Presented at

the Biennial Meeting MAY 14tH, 1908.

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The Mount Sinai Training School for Nurses


Incorporated March, 1881

Incorporation Confirmed April 4 th, 1896


MAY 14th, 1908


President KALMAN HAAS Vice-President .... HENRY L. CALMAN Treasurer .... EMIL BEROLZHEIMER Secretary LOUIS AUERBACH






NATHAN E. BRILL, M. D., Chairman.






ANNE DRAVO VAN KIRK, B.A. Presbyterian Hospital Training School, , 1896 ASSOCIATE SUPERINTENDENT

LYDIA E. ANDERSON, B.A. New York Hospital Training School, New York City, 1897 NIGHT SUPERINTENDENT MABEL FLETCHER, B.A. St. Luke's Hospital Training School, New York City, 1899 SUPERVISOR PRIVATE PAVILION SADIE W. NEWMAN The Mount Sinai Training School, New York City, 1901 SUPERVISOR MEDICAL PAVILION MARTHA M. SCOTT The Mount Sinai Training School, New York City, 1906 SUPERVISOR SURGICAL PAVILION

GRACE E. STAMP The Mount Sinai Training School, New York City, 1905 SUPERVISOR CHILDREN'S PAVILION

MARGARET I. KERRINS The Bridgeport Hospital Training School, Bridgeport, Conn., 1902 SUPERVISOR OPERATING ROOMS EVA E. MacMATH The Mount Sinai Training School, New York City, 1904 SUPERVISOR DISPENSARY PAVILION WINIFRED FORSYTH The Mount Sinai Training School, New York City, 1907 NIGHT SUPERVISOR PRIVATE PAVILION M. MAY SLATOR The Mount Sinai Training School, New York City, 1906 SUPERVISOR NURSES' PAVILION

LILIAS F. SAVAGE Presbyterian Hospital Training School, New York City, 1896 ASSISTANTS

Training School Pavilion JANE RYERSON The Mount Sinai Training School, New York City, 1883 Private Operating Room ALICE M. MORAN The Mount Sinai Training School, New York City, 1907 Main Operating Room ANNA RADDATZ The Mount Sinai Training School, New York City, 1907 HEAD NURSES

Private Pavilion MARY E. LEE The Mount Sinai Training School, New York City, 1907 Private Pavilion KATE MacDONALD The Mount Sinai Training School, New York City, 1907 Private Wards BESSIE SEGFERT The Mount Sinai Training School, New York City, 1907 SUPERVISOR OF DISTRICT NURSING EVA ELLIOTT The Mount Sinai Training School, New York City, 1907 REGISTRAR

MAUDE L. JARVIS St. Luke's Hospital Training School, New York City, 1897 LECTURERS SARA WELT, M.D Anatomy and Physiology LEO BUERGER, M.D Surgical Clinics HERBERT L. CELLER, M.D Medical Clinics E. P. BERNSTEIN, M.D Materia Medica INSTRUCTORS AMY POPE EMMA GEORGE ELIZABETH BONNELL Massage STANDING COMMITTEES FOR 1907-1908.










Kalman Haas, President Term expires January 1, 1910.

" Henry L. Calman, Vice-President " " " "

" " Emil BerolzhEimeR, Treasurer. .

" Louis AuErbach, Secretary " "


Isaac Stern Term expires January 1, 1910.

H " Emil S. Levi " " "

" Albert W. Scholle " " " "

" Henry Untermeyer " " " "

Albert Stern Term expires January 1, 1912.

(c (( a a (( Philip J. Goodhart

Charles A. Wimpfheimer a a a a a

Berthold Levi u a u (( a

Edward Schaeer Term expires January 1, 1914.

M. Samuel Stern a it a it it

George Blumenthal a a a it ft

Jacob Emsheimer a it a it a :


The President, Mr. Kalman Haas, in the Chair and a quorum present. It was moved, seconded and carried that the reading of the minutes of the last biennial meeting be dispensed with.

The President read his report, whereupon it was moved, sec- onded and carried that this report be printed and mailed to the Members and Patrons of the Society. The reading of the Treasurer's report was upon motion dis- pensed with. It was moved, seconded and carried that a vote of thanks be extended to the Directors of the Training School for the faithful administration of their charge. The meeting then adjourned for the purpose of proceeding with the election of Officers and Directors. GustavE Abrams, Assistant Secretary.

At an election held this day the following Officers and Direc- tors were elected

Mr. Kalman Haas, as President, for the term of two years. Mr. Henry L. Caiman, as Vice-President, for the term of two years. Mr. Emil Berolzheimer, as Treasurer, for the term of two years. Mr. Louis Auerbach, as Secretary, for the term of two years.

Messrs. Philip J. Goodhart, Charles A. Wimpfheimer, and Berthold Levi as Directors for the term of four years. Messrs. Edward Schafer, M. Samuel Stern, George Blumen- thal, and Jacob Emsheimer as Directors for the term of six years. Joseph Fox, Isaac N. Heidelberg, Inspectors of Election. Gustave Abrams, Secretary to Inspectors. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT.

To the Patrons and Members of the Mount Sinai Training School for Nurses:

With pleasure and great satisfaction I present to you to-day an account of our stewardship for the past two years, and submit a report on the present condition of our School.

We are indeed proud of the fact that we are able to record the largest number of nurses in the history of the institution. I may say that there are very few training schools in this coun- try who can show more nurses in training than we. For years it has been our aim to supply the Mount Sinai Hospital with all the nurses required for the care of its patients, not only in its general wards, but also in the Private Pavilion. This ambition has now been realized. Since we have occupied our present building, we have grad- ually admitted more and more probationers, so that at the pres- ent time we have reached the full capacity of the School. On October 1st last, we were able to take over the Private Pavilion, or, in other words, to supply the Private Pavilion of the Mount Sinai Hospital with pupil nurses from the School, and thus save the Hospital a large amount of money and at the same time give our pupils an opportunity to become familiar with the care of pri- vate patients. We are also supplying the Mount Sinai Dispensary with trained nurses, and at the present time there are five of our pupils on service there. The average daily number of patients treated in the Dispensary is seven hundred, and the experience and train- ing which our nurses receive there, is certainly very valuable.

Three nurses are constantly on duty in the diet kitchen, and three in the supply room. Experience in both these fields will prove exceedingly helpful to them in their future career. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. 9

Eight of our nurses are constantly on duty at the Sloane Maternity Hospital, and four at the Lying-in Hospital, thus ac- quiring a thorough training in the care and nursing of maternity cases. Formerly the Sloane Maternity Hospital was the only insti- tution which gave our pupils training in obstetrical cases, but since our School has materially expanded the Managers of said institution have informed us that they cannot take more than

eight of our nurses at any one time. In order to enable all our pupils to take a maternity course, arrangements have been made with the Lying-in Hospital and for the last six months four of our nurses are constantly in training there. We are deeply in- debted to both institutions for their kind co-operation.

, The number of pupil nurses in our School on January 1st, 1908, iwas 147, and since that time a class of probationers has been ad-

mitted, so that to-day the total number is 178. In the class of 1906, 16 pupils received their diplomas, and in the class of 1907, 23 were graduated. At the graduation exercises to-night we shall have a class of thirty-seven who will receive their diplomas and medals. During the year 1906, 613 applications were received for ad- mission to the School, and during the year 1907, 533 applicants handed in their papers. Out of these, 92 probationers were ac- cepted in 1906, of whom 15 proved unsatisfactory. In 1907, 62 probationers were admitted to our School, five of whom were dropped during the year.

The registry for Mount Sinai graduates, which is kept at the office of our Training School, is a means for the public to obtain the services of trained nurses. During the year 1906, nurses

were supplied to 2339 cases, and during the year 1907, 2527 calls for nurses were received and answered. This is an increase of more than 1000 calls over the year previous, and indicates the popularity of the Mount Sinai graduate.

FINANCES. In our last report we called attention to the deficit with which 10 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. we had to close our books at the end of the year. We then ex- pressed the hope that the financial condition of our School would improve with its increased usefulness. I greatly regret to be obliged to state that our hopes were not realized. The Treas- urer's report again shows a deficit for the year 1906 as well as for the year 1907, and I must appeal to the friends of our Insti- tution to help us in making the School self-supporting. Our in- come through membership is not fully $10,000 per annum ; this is certainly not sufficient. We have many Members on our list who pay $10 per annum and could well aflford to increase their membership from $10 to $25. I strongly appeal to these to take into consideration the splendid work of our Institution, and to permit us to make this change. I also appeal to those who are not yet on our list as annual contributors, to come forward and join our Institution as Members or Patrons, and thus participate in a work of education and charity. During the past two years we have received the following cash donations:

1906: From Mrs. Henry Budge $100. Mrs. George W. Naumberg 10. Mr. Charles Altschul 15. Mrs. Millie Lavanburg 500. In Memory of George W. Stern 250.

1907: From United States Grand Lodge Independent Order Free Sons of Israel $100. Mrs. Isaac Blumenthal— (In commemoration of her 70th birthday) 100. Mrs. Leon Gottheil 5.

Mrs. M. S. Fechheimer 5.

To these kind donors, I beg to express herewith our sincere thanks and our appreciation of their liberality and interest shown in our work. A legacy of $500 was received in 1906 from the estate of the late Adolph Herrmann. Mr. Herrmann was for many years a REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. 11

Director of the Mount Sinai Hospital and a staunch friend of our School. We herewith record our appreciation of the generous impulse which prompted so liberal a bequest.


Our colleague and friend Mr Albert W. Scholle in Novem- ber, 1906, established a special fund through a gift of $2,500 in 4 per cent. City bonds ; this fund is to be known as the "Lillie Stern

Scholle Fund" and the income of same is to be used for the pur- pose of providing pleasure and entertainment for the pupils of the School. Mr. Scholle has thus brought much joy to our nurses, and on their behalf, as well as in the name of our Board, I wish to convey to him our sincere thanks for this dedication. In De- cember, 1907, Mr. Scholle liberally added to this existing fund, a $1,000 New York Central & Hudson River Railroad bond, which was likewise received by our Board and accepted with sin- cere thanks.

From the income of this fund the amount of $88.92 has been expended, partly for the purchasing of cots and canvas steamer chairs for the roof, thus enabling a number of our nurses to sleep on the roof during the hot summer months, and partly for theatre tickets.

Among other gifts received during the past two years, are to be mentioned particularly a copy of the famous portrait of Mme. Le Brun, painted by herself, donated by Mr. S. A. Fatman, and a number of etchings from Dr Charles A. Elsberg. We have also received books and magazines from various friends. The thanks of our Board are herewith extended to these kind donors. Through the generosity of some of our Directors, our nurses have on several occasions during the past two years enjoyed dances, at which refreshments were served. These evenings have furnished much needed recreation to our pupils from their ar- duous duties in the Hospital, and are looked forward to by them with much pleasure. The thanks of our Board as well as the thanks of our nurses are herewith expressed to these kind friends. 12 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT.


Since our last biennial meeting we have lost, through death, two of the most active and valued members of our Board.

Mr. David Wile passed away on September 25th, 1906, after he had served as a Director of our School for twelve years, during which period he devoted much of his time and attention to the best interests of our school. A special meeting was held and resolutions were adopted and transmitted to his bereaved family. The death of our lamented friend and colleague, Isaac Wal- lach, was announced to this Board at a special meeting held on March 15th, 1907. Mr. Wallach was connected with our Train- ing School since 1894, and not only had he served as a Director of our School, but as President of the Mount Sinai Hospital he had at all times been instrumental in advancing the school to its present position. In his death we have lost a staunch friend, a valued adviser, and a noble man. The resolutions adopted at that time were also transmitted to his bereaved family and pub- lished in the daily press. We further record with sorrow the death during the past two years of the following annual contributors: Alfred Adler, Joseph Offenbach, Eugene Arnstein, Ferdinand Oppenheimer, William Baumgarten, Mrs. M. Ottinger, Henry Barnard, Gibson Putzel, Henry Bernheim, Auguste Richard,

Mrs. J. Binge, Sigmund D. Rosenbaum, Ignatz Boskowitz, Carl Rosenwald, Leopold Cohn, Mrs. F. Rothschild, Randolph Guggenheimer, William Salomon, Mrs. Pauline U. Herrmann, William Schickel, Henry Hirsch, Herman Schiffer, Mrs. S. Hyman, Walter A. Schiffer, Abraham Kridel, Samuel S. Scholle, F. A. Kursheedt, Mrs. Hyman Sonn, :


Emanuel Lehman, Maurice Seugmann A. Marcus, Bernard Wasserman, Max Martin, Mrs. Edward Wasserman, Otto G. Mayer, Philip Weinberg, Edward H. Nordlinger, Theodore Wolf, Isidore Wormser, Sr.

resignations. Mr. Samuel Eiseman, a member of our Board for the past two years, found it necessary to sever his connection with our Institution in November, 1907, owing to the fact that he could not devote the necessary time to its affairs. His resignation was accepted and the thanks of our Board are extended to him for the interest which he manifested in our work.

Mr. Max Nathan, who was a member of our Board for fif- teen years, resigned in December, 1907, because he felt that a younger and more active man should be elected in his stead. This resignation was reluctantly accepted.

Mr. Nathan has at all times manifested a deep interest in the welfare of our School and we full recognize that his zeal and untiring work for our Institution have in great measure con- tributed to its advancement.

The Directors felt that some provision should be made so that they might continue to receive the benefit of the counsel of those of their colleagues who after many years' service found it necessary to retire from active work. Therefore, at a meeting held on February 27th, 1908, the Constitution was amended by the addition of Article 13, which reads as follows "Honorary Directors may be elected from those who have served as Directors of the Training School for not less than ten consecutive years.

"Elections for such Honorary Directors shall be held at the first meeting of the Board subsequent to that at which the nomi- nations were made. Two or more dissenting votes shall prevent the election of any nominee. 14 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT.

" Honorary Directors shall have the right to be present at all meetings of the Board, and to participate in the discussion of matters before it, but shall not be entitled to vote." At the same meeting Mr. Max Nathan was nominated as an Honorary Director. At the following meeting of the Board, on

March 26th Mr. Nathan was unanimously elected to this office, and we are happy to state that he has accepted.


The Medical Board of the Training School up to January 1st, 1908, consisted of Dr. N. E. Brill as Chairman, and Drs. A. G. Gerster and Henry Koplik. On January 1st, 1908, Dr. Koplik was succeeded by Dr. Florian Krug. We beg to express to these gentlemen of the Medical Board our warmest thanks for their interest in every detail of our work. The Medical Board is as- sisting our Board in many ways, particularly in the supervision of the School, and the formulation of a proper curriculum for our nurses. Formerly, lectures to our nurses were delivered by members of the Attending and Adjunct Attending Staff of the Hospital. This arrangement was found to be inadequate, and the Directors felt that they needed instructors who would devote sufficient time to this work, so that our nurses could get the full benefit of the course of lectures. We consequently appointed Drs. Eugene P. Bernstein, Leo Buerger and Herbert L. Celler as paid instructors, and the lectures are now given regularly, as follows: In Anat- omy and Physiology, by Dr. Sara Welt ; In Materia Medica, Dr. Bernstein; In Surgical Clinics by Dr. Buerger, and in Medical Clinics by Dr. Celler. This arrangement has proven very suc- cessful.


The administration of the internal affairs of our Institution and the training of the nurses particularly is in the hands of our able superintendent, Miss Anna D. Van Kirk, who, assisted by Miss Lydia E. Anderson as Assistant Superintendent, as well —

REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. 15 as by a Night Superintendent and several supervisors of pavilions, is doing all in her power to maintain the high standard of our School.

Our nurses are well taken care of, not only when on duty in the Hospital Wards, but when at rest in the Training School building—their home. The Directors thank this administrative staff for their conscientious devotion to the best interests of our Institution.

We also beg to express our thanks to Dr. S. S. Goldwater, the Superintendent of the Hospital, whose counsel is much needed and highly valued.

Ladies and Gentlemen : Having acquainted you with what we have accomplished during the past two years, we thank you for your kind support and co-operation. We rely upon your generosity to help us to carry on this noble work in the future, and the result will surely redound to the credit of our Institution. Kalman Haas, President. —


To the President and Board of Directors of the Mount Sinai Training School for Nurses.

Gentlemen :

The past year has seen the desires expressed in our last report, for the improvement of the nurses' training, fulfilled.

The theoretical work is being done in the probationery term

first and and second years ; through the generosity of the Board we have been enabled to have paid instruction in certain subjects. A diet kitchen has been established, which has given the nurses a practical as well as theoretical instruction in the most important branch of nursing.

Placing a Supervisor in the Dispensary has opened up the wonderful opportunities of dispensary work to this Training

School. In the supply room instruction is given in the preparing and economical distribution of surgical supplies. But most im- portant of all, last Fall we were able to give our nurses practical experience in the care of private patients.

The number of applications decreased for a time owing to the allowance being cut from eight, twelve and fifteen dollars, to eight dollars per month for three years but at present it is up to the former mark.

The Registry has been very satisfactory. We have kept both young and old graduates busy and satisfied the demands of the public.

Much is to be expected in the future from the dispensary and district work ; the field is wide and the experience invaluable, especially in the latter, as it is the only way that Mount Sinai nurses are taught to meet emergencies and make the best of what is at hand. REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 17

We wish to express our deepest appreciation of the wonder- ful opportunities given at Sloane and the Lying In Hospital.

The health of the nurses has been good, though we have had several cases of serious illness. Our grateful thanks are due to Dr. Brill for his untiring devotion to the sick nurses.

Respectfully submitted,

Anne D. Van Kirk, Superintendent. NOOOOOO^OOOO\NOO\NmOOONOO o


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The undersigned, citizens of the State of New York, and of the United States of America, all being of full age, desiring to form a charitable society under the Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, passed in the year 1848, entitled "An Act for the Incorporation of Benevolent, Charitable, Scientific, and Missionary Societies," and the Acts amendatory thereof, do make and file this certificate.

Article I.

The name by which this Society shall be known is "The Mount Sinai Training School for Nurses."

Article II.

The object of the Society is the education and training of nurses for the sick, in order that those desirous of devoting them- selver to this noble calling shall find a school for their education, and the public shall reap the advantages of skilled and educated labor. Article III. The number of Directors of the Society shall be eight. The

Directors for the first year shall be Mrs. Florian H. Florance, Mrs. Solomon Loeb, Mrs. Henrietta Bettman, Mrs. Moses H. Moses, Mrs. Charles Hendricks, Mrs. Edward Lauterbach, Mrs. Lewis M. Hornthal, Miss Ella Solomon,

Article IV. The principal place of business of the Society shall be in the city of New York. Dated New York, March 24, 1881. (Signed) Sarah H. Florance, Louise Hendricks, Henrietta Bettman, Ella Salomon, Amanda Lauterbach, Betty Loeb, Carrie Hornthal, Esther Moses. ;


State of New York, ) ' V SS City and County of New York, j

On this twenty-fifty day of March, one thousand eight hun- dred and eighty-one, before me personally appeared Sarah H. Florance, Henrietta Bettman, Amanda Lauterbach, Carrie Horn- thai, Louise Hendricks, Ella Salomon, Betty Loeb and Esther Moses, to me known to be the persons mentioned and described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and severally acknowledged that they executed the same. Walter Ferrier, Notary Public, Kings Co., N. Y.

I approve of the within certificate, and consent that the same be filed.

C. Donohue, J. Dated March 26, 1881. Filed and recorded March 26, 1881. State of New York.

Chapter 138. Laws of 1896.


For the relief of the Mount Sinai Training School for Nurses,

and to legalize its incorporation. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows :

Section r. A copy of the certificate of incorporation of The Mount Sinai Training School for Nurses, of New York, in the county of New York, filed and recorded in the office of the clerk of the county on March twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, certified by such clerk, may be filed in the office of the Secretary of State, and such filing shall have the same force and effect as if duplicate certificate had been previously filed 22 CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION. and the filing of such copy shall be deemed a full compliance with chapter three hundred and nineteen of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-eight, entitled "An act for the incorporation of benevolent, charitable scientific, and missionary societies," and the several acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto; and upon the filing of such copy, the incorporation of "The Mount

Sinai Training School for Nurses" is hereby legalized, ratified, and confirmed as of March twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and eighty-one.

Sec. 2. This act shall not affect any action or special pro- ceeding now pending. Sec 3. This act shall take effect immediately. Passed in Assembly and Senate and signed by Governor Levi P. Morton, March 27, 1896.

Office of the Secretary of State, State of New York,

I have compared the preceding with the certified copy "Cer- tificate of Incorporation of The Mount Sinai Training School for Nurses," filed and recorded in this office on the fourth day of April, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, and do hereby certify the same to be a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof. Witness my hand and the seal of office of Secretary of State, at the city of Albany, this fourth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six. Andrew Davidson, (seal.) Deputy Secretary of State. (Endorsement.)

Office of the Secretary of State.

Filed and recorded April 4, 1896, pursuant to Chapter 138, Laws of 1896. Andrew Davidson, Deputy Secretary of State. THE MOUNT SINAI

Training School for Nurses

Constitution and By-Laws of the Society as amended Feb- ruary 23, 1885; November 14, 1889; October 7, December 11, 1890; April 18, 1896; March 12, December 10, 1903; March 10,

1904; January 11, 1906; February 18, 1906; March 18, 1906; and February 27, 1908.


Article I.

This Society shall be known by its incorporated name of "The Mount Sinai Training School for Nurses."

Article II.

The object of the Society is the education and training of suitable persons as nurses for the sick and the nursing of the sick poor at their homes.

Article III.

The Society shall consist of life patrons, life members, patrons and members.

Article IV.

The annual dues of members shall be $10 and the annual dues of patrons $25 payable in advance. The payment of $100 will constitute the contributor a life member, and the payment of $250 will constitute the contributor a life patron. 24 CONSTITUTION.

Article V.

The dues from life patrons and life members, legacies and donations amounting to or exceeding the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars shall be received by the Treasurer, and shall be held as, or added to (unless the testator or donor otherwise directs), a distinct and separate fund, to be known as the Permanent Fund, which shall be invested by the Treasurer, under the direction of the Finance Committee ; and the income derived from the invest- ment of such fund may be applied and used for the current ex- penses of the Society. This Permanent Fund shall only be used for the expenses or other purposes of the Society when deemed necessary, and then only in the manner provided for in Article XI. of the By-Laws. Article VI.

The officers of this Society shall be a President, a Vice-Presi- dent, a Secretary and a Treasurer. They shall be elected bien- nially at a general meeting of the Society, to be held every second year in the month of May. All vacancies shall be filled by the Board of Directors for the unexpired term.

Article VII.

The Society shall be managed by a Board of sixteen mem- bers (not less than nine of whom shall be selected from the Directors of Mount Sinai Hospital), who shall have charge and control of all matters appertaining to the Society. The Board shall be composed of the Officers named in Article VI. and twelve Directors, four of whom shall be elected at each biennial general meeting of the Society for a term of six years.

Article VIII.

The Board of Directors shall hold stated meetings on the third Sunday in each month, excepting in the months of July and August, or such other day as may be designated by the Board of Directors. Special meetings of the Board may be called in manner provided for in Article I. of By-Laws. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum at all meetings. CONSTITUTION. 25

Article IX.

The President shall appoint all the Standing Committees, as provided for in the By-Laws of the Society. He shall also fill any vacancies that may occur in such committees from time to time.

Article X.

The President of the Society shall appoint three Inspectors of Election for the biennial meetings, whose duty it shall be to guard the polls at the election of Officers and Directors, and to record and present a certified report of the result of such elections.

Article XI.

The Constitution and By-Laws of the Society may be altered or amended at any meeting of the Board of Directors by the vote of two-thirds of those present; provided, however, that one week's prior notice shall have been given of such proposed change or amendment.

Article XII.

The presence of forty (40) members shall constitute a quo- rum at the meetings of the Society. :



The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and shall call special meetings at his discretion, or upon the written request of not less than four members of the Board. He shall report biennially in writing to the Society, stating the conditions, etc., of the institution, and shall make such sug- gestions as the welfare of the Society requires.

ii. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the latter. He shall also act as Chairman of the Executive Committee.


The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the Board of Directors and of general meetings of the Society, and shall perform the duties appertaining to this office.

IV. The Treasurer shall receive and take charge of the funds of the Society, and shall give bonds to be approved by the Finance Committee. He shall, under the direction of such committee, in- vest all surplus funds, and shall make written monthly reports to the Board of Directors of the condition of the treasury, and writ- ten reports to the general meetings of the Society. He shall pay no moneys except on the order of the President, and shall pay all such moneys by checks, the stubs of which must show the amount paid, to whom, and on what account.


At the first meeting of the Board of Directors subsequent to each biennial meeting of the Society, the President shall appoint the following committees BY-LAWS. 27

An Executive Committee to be composed of the Vice-Presi- dent and six members. A Finance Committee to be composed of three members. A Committee on Rules and Legal Matters to be composed of three members. A Committee on Nurses and Instruction to be composed of five Directors and of the Medical Board hereinafter mentioned. The Committee on Nurses and Instruction shall organize as soon after its appointment as practicable by the election of a chairman. The chairman of the Medical Board shall serve as the Secretary of this Committee.

It shall keep minutes of its meetings and report regularly to the Board of Directors at each stated meeting of the Board. A Committee on Membership to be composed of seven members. A Committee on House and Purchasing to be composed of three members. A Committee on Nomination of Officers and Directors to be composed of five members. A Committee on Out-Door Service to be composed of three members.

VI. The Medical Board of the Training School shall consist of three members of the Medical Board of the Hospital. Their names shall be proposed by the President of the Medical Board of the Hospital, and when they are confirmed by the Board of Directors of the Training School, they shall constitute the Medi- cal Board of the Training School.

VII. An Auxiliary Committee consisting of eight ladies shall be appointed by the Board of Directors, who shall assist them in the supervision of the household and economic matters of the Train- ing School. This committee shall select its own chairman, who shall make monthly reports to the Board of Directors. 28 BY-LAWS.

VIII. The Committee on Nominations of Officers and Directors shall consist of five members of the Board, other than those whose term of office shall expire at the next general meeting of the Society. This committee shall present to the Board of Direc- tors the names of such nominees as shall have received a majority vote of said committee. All such names shall be confirmed by the Board before presentation at the annual meeting. The committee shall be authorized to have the names thus selected printed on a ballot for use at said general meeting of the Society.

IX. In case of death, resignation, disqualification, or neglect of duty on the part of any Officer or Director the Board of Direc- tors may declare his place vacant and appoint his successor to serve until the next biennial meeting, when the office shall be filled for the unexpired term. The place of any Officer or Director, who shall have been absent without satisfactory excuse from three successive stated meetings of the Board, may be declared vacant by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

x. The Board of Directors shall control the management of the School, shall have the power to appoint and remove the Superin- tendent and all other employees of the School, and shall deter- mine the salaries of all nurses and subordinates.


Whenever it may be deemed necessary to use for the purposes of the Society any portion or all of the Permanent Fund, notice of the amount which it is proposed to use of such fund must be sent to the Officers and Directors at least one week prior to a meeting at which meeting two-thirds of the Officers and Directors present must assent before any portion of such Per- manent Fund can be used. :



Honorary Directors may be elected from those who have served as Directors of the Training School for not less than ten consecutive years.

Elections for such Honorary Directors shall be made at the first meeting of the Board subsequent to that at which the nominations were made. Two or more dissenting votes shall prevent the election of any nominee.

Honorary Directors shall have the right to be present at all meetings of the Board and to participate in the discussion of matters before it, but shall not be entitled to vote.

The order of business at the biennial meeting shall be as follows First—Reading of the Minutes. Second—President's Report. Third—Treasurer's Report. Fourth—Reports from the Medical Board. Fifth—Communications. Sixth—Unfinished Business. Seventh—New Business. Information for Admission of Pupils


The Mount Sinai Training School for Nurses, established in 1881, offers a course of instruction to women desirous of learning the art of caring for the sick.

The School building is a separate structure within the grounds of the Mount Sinai Hospital, Fifth and Madison Ave- nues, 100th and 101st Streets, New York City. The rooms for the nurses are comfortable, well heated, lighted and ventilated, and the building is modern in all its appointments.


The Mount Sinai Hospital affords exceptional advantages for the education of nurses. The new buildings, having been but recently erected, embrace the most modern and improved fea- tures of hospital construction. It is one of the largest hospitals in the city and contains 490 beds for the sick. Its service is varied, having general medical, surgical and children's wards, in addi- ton to special wards devoted to the care of patients suffering with Gynaecological, Dermatological, Neurological, Ophthalmic, Aural and Genito-Urinary diseases.

It embraces a Private Pavilion, eight operating rooms, and a large Dispensary, thus offering unsurpassed opportunities for

thorough practical experience in all kinds of nursing. By ar- rangement with the Trustees of the Sloane Maternity and of the New York Lying-in Hospitals, the pupils receive a three- months course in Obstetrics at these famous institutions. In- struction in properties and preparations of foods, with their

application to the needs of the sick, is given in a diet kitchen,

equipped for teaching. The opportunity of District Nursing is granted to a limited number who desire that experience. INFORMATION FOR ADMISSION OF PUPILS. 31


Candidates wishing to enter the School must apply person- ally or by letter to the Superintendent of the Training School. Those applying should send in a letter giving a personal his- tory, and enclosing a statement from some responsibile person, testifying to good moral character, and one from a physician cer- tifying to sound health and unimpaired faculties. Applicants must be between twenty-one and thirty-three years of age. They must have a thorough English education, and women of superior education and cultivation will be preferred.


Students are admitted in the Spring and Fall, in classes, for a preliminary term of three months. If the record of the student should prove unsatisfactory

during the first six months, her connection with the School may be terminated by the Superintendent of the Training School. At any subsequent time the Board of Directors may dismiss a pupil upon recommendation of the Committee on Nurses and Instruc- tion, for misconduct, inefficiency or failure to develop qualities befitting the nursing profession.


The pupils receive board, lodging and laundry from the date of entrance. After the expiration of two months, an allowance of $8.00 per month will be given for the entire term of three years. This allowance is made to defray the expense of uniforms, text-books and stationery.


A period of three weeks is allowed each pupil at or near the end of her first and second years. These vacations are planned as far as possible to occur between the first of June and the last of September, and occasionally during the Christmas recess. — — —



In sickness all pupils are cared for in the Hospital by one of the Attending Physicians appointed for the Training School by the Board of Directors. All time lost through illness or ab- sence must be made up. Through the generosity of one of the Hospital Board of Directors, a room in the Hospital has been endowed for the benefit of sick nurses who are graduates of the School.

The School being non-sectarian, there are no religious ser- vices connected with it. All pupils are expected to attend the place of worship which they prefer.


The three-years' course is divided into Preliminary term of three months. Junior term of nine months. Intermediate term of one year. Senior term of one year.

Preliminary Term — ^Hygiene and Sanitation. ^Domestic science; particularly in relation to foods. " Bacteriology. v Solutions. ^Bandaging. v Elementary Nursing.

Junior Term - Anatomy and Physiology. Materia Medica. v Urinalysis.

Intermediate Term > Nursing Ethics. -Massage. — — —


^Medical Diseases. s Surgical Diseases. ^Children's Diseases. N Contagious Diseases. ^Obstetrics.

Senior Term

x Instruction and practice is given in Operating-Room Technique. N Care of Private Patients. District Nursing. Executive Work.

The Preliminary Term

In this three months a large part of the time is spent in study and demonstration in the Class Room Classes are held in which the pupil is instructed as to what are the essential qualifications of a nurse ; and clinics in the practical part of nursing, so that stu- dents may become familiar with the various appliances and uten- sils used in caring for the sick. The time spent in the wards is under special supervision as to the manner in which the pupil follows the instruction received in demonstrations and as to her general fitness of disposition and temperament for the work of nursing.

The Junior and Intermediate Terms During this period the students receive instruction in practical work in the men's, women's children's medical and surgical, in the gynaecological, in the eye and ear wards, as well as in the dis- pensary.

The Senior Term— The practical work of this year consists of attendance in the Operating Rooms, Private Pavilion and the management of the various wards. Lectures and demonstrations are given throughout the course by competent instructors. 34 INFORMATION FOR ADMISSION OF PUPILS.


Examinations are held at the close of the course of instruc- tion in the various subjects. These examinations, which are both written and oral, include practical tests, and the standing of the student is based upon the general character of her work through- out the year, as well as upon the results of the examinations. Stu- dents must pass on all subjects before entering upon the work of the following year.


The diploma of the school will be awarded to those who have completed satisfactorily the full term of three years, and have

passed successfully the final examinations. A diploma is also awarded by the Sloane Maternity Hospital and the New York Lying-in Hospital for the three months' Obstetrical Course.


The Murray Guggenheim Scholarship Fund provides twelve scholarships of the value of $100.00 each. These scholarships will be awarded at the close of every school year to the six members of the Junior, three of the Intermediate, and three of the

Senior classes, who have shown exceptional merit in all branches

of the work. It is thus possible for one nurse to obtain the schol- arships of the three successive years.


A reference library has been given and endowed by a friend of the Training School. This contains books which supplement the class work and enable any pupil to pursue advanced study while in the School.

In addition to the above there is a library of works of stan- dard authors. To this the nurses have access at all times. Maga- zines and papers supply general information and keep the nurses interested in current events. INFORMATION FOR ADMISSION OF PUPILS. 35


The Training School maintains a registry for its graduate nurses. There has been a steady increase in the number of calls for Mount Sinai graduates. In the year 1907, there were 2,527 calls, an advance of 188 over the previous year. GRADUATES OF THE MOUNT SINAI TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES.

1883 UNTIL 1888. Miss Alexandra Guttman, Miss M. Hart, Miss Jane Ryerson Miss L. R. Gross,

Miss Ella S. Davis, Miss J. Shommann, Miss Isabella Ash, Miss L. Moss, Miss Bertha Guttman, Miss L. Adler,

Miss Lucy Ryerson, Miss M. J. Leary, Miss Minnie Busick, Miss A. L. Alston, Miss Susan Shillardy, Mrs. H. McCarthie, Miss Adelaide Freeman, Mrs. A. R. O'Neill, Miss L. E. Bateman, Mrs. E. Phillips, Miss Louise Jaeckel, Mrs. F. Hudson, Miss Amelia Eisenberg, Mrs. M. Brownbridge, Miss Emma Anderson, Miss W. Muller, Miss Jennie Hale, Miss H. Levine,

Miss Miriam Jagger, Miss J. L. Bedell,

Miss Anna Barrett, Miss J. Glasgow, Miss Christine Bauerle, Miss G. Beaver, Miss Bertha Wylie, Miss A. D. Phillips, Mrs. Emma Harris, Miss F. Monig, Miss Ida Coots, Miss G. St. Clair,

Miss Lily Elliott, Miss J. E. Bell, Miss Ella Hill, Miss D. Fick, Miss Eva Hill, Miss B. Pohlman, Miss Rose Altmark, Miss M. Wygant, Miss Emma Fales, Miss C. De Graw, Miss Addie Slater, Miss M. Lewis, Miss Emma Guion, Miss D. E. Brownelle, Miss Selma Mentz, Miss Sophia Mentz, Miss Susan Strauss, Miss E. Clayton, Miss Tillie Du Bois, Miss F. Trousdell, Miss Rachel Rockwell, Miss L. Deane,

Mrs. M. G. Dearing, Miss J. Marshall,

Miss J. Campbell, Mrs. R. Marshall, Miss E. Prichtel, Mrs. A. S. Fleutje, Miss E. Deyo, Miss E. Shears, Miss K. E. Rogers, Miss Mary Hart, Miss M. Ryan, Miss C. Von Brunn, Miss E. M. Crowell, Miss R. Morrison, Miss G. V. Earle, Miss A. Gilbert. GRADUATES.

1889. Miss Rosely Halzapfel, Miss Emma Cary, Miss Isabel Lodowick, Miss Susan Cary, Mrs. Edith Swan, Miss Agnes Dodd, Miss Margaret Henderson, Miss Susan Barden, Miss Helen Taylor, Miss Amy Michell, Miss Caroline Swinney, Miss Anna Vail, Miss May Humphreys, Miss Kate Arends, Miss Ida Ketcham, Miss Grace Gable, Miss Anna Sweeney, Miss Elizabeth Winget, Miss Julia Schneider, Miss Josepha Chase, Miss Lydia McKown, Miss Van Liew.

1890. Miss Charlotte Potter, Miss Mary McEwan, Miss Mary Shaughnessy, Miss Margaret Earle, Miss Eleanor Ball, Miss Mary Jennings, Miss Olive Bowen, Miss Delia Jones, Miss Emma Kissinger, Miss Deborah Fawcett, Miss Helen Randolph, Miss Mary Sweeney, Miss Ada Town, Mrs. Emma Ward, Miss Hattie Miles, Miss Charlotte Moody, Miss Ella Atwater, Miss Elizabeth Baker, Miss Mary Barron, Miss Emma Williams, Miss Wilhelmina Meyer, Miss Helen Gottschalk, Miss Caroline Brown, Miss May Morrison. Miss Tillie Ristow,

1891. Miss Clara Averell, Miss Mary Colegrove, Miss Anna Rosenson, Miss Bertha Berthalot, Miss Lizzie Davis, Miss Jennie Greenthal, Miss Mary Kirby, Miss Maybel Carl, Miss Kate Lingeman, Miss Anna Hofer, Miss Lizzie Ormsbee, Miss Mary Switzer, Miss Alphasine Disinger, Miss Maud Glasgow, Miss Maud Workman, Miss Kate Feldman, Miss Etta Johnson, Miss Mary Storer, Miss Fanny Arthur, Miss Sarah Jacobs, Miss Helen Gellner, Miss Sophy Olmstead.

1892. Miss Ida Sweet, Mrs. Agnes Pierce, Miss May Brennan, Miss Mary Bastable, 38 GRADUATES.

1892. Miss Anna Thompson, Miss Carrie Stamberger. Miss Helen Rohm, Miss Margaret Oliver, Miss Kate Dowling, Miss Katherine Bayne, Miss Lizzie Calhoun, Miss Ida Lammerhirt, Miss Lulu Ryan, Miss Pauline McQuade, Miss Delia McCragen, Miss Myrtle Andrews, Miss Anna Hill, Miss Laura Class, Miss Carrie Nies, Miss Bessie Drew.

1893. Miss Lillian Hutchinson, Miss Anna Kerr, Miss Mary O'Dey, Miss Mary Walsh, Mrs. Mary Vittum, Miss Maud Wilson, Miss Zoe Marquis, Miss Mehitable Burt, Miss Bettina Hofker, Miss Laura Brown, Miss Susan Jones, Miss Sarah Clarke.

1894. Miss Elizabeth Chadwick, Miss Anna Simonson, Miss Adelaide Bodine, Miss Florence Bailey, Miss Martha Stoutenberg, Mrs. Rose Freeman, Miss Rose Kaplan, Miss Louise Block, Miss Jennie Loeb, Miss Alice McEwen, Miss M. L. Cutting, Miss Rebecca Shatz, Miss Sarah Tobin, Mrs. Lillian Edwards, Miss Julia Sweeny, Miss Jennie Baldwin, Miss Helen Ellenwood, Miss Rose Johnson, Miss Emma Williams, Miss Rose Wolf, Miss Mary Harrigan, Miss Fanny Bigilison, Miss Katharine Miller, Miss Mary Baxter, Miss Emma Bourne, Miss Bertha Kri'ier, Mrs. Margaret Bryden, Miss Margaret Barron, Miss Frances Shears, Miss Bessie Renwick, Miss Mary Buschman, Miss Mary Renwick.

1895. Miss Bertha Hoffman, Miss Mary M. Blain, Miss Sarah Brewster, Miss Mary H. Noakes, Miss Kate Flaherty, Miss Georgie Cope, Miss Gisela Lackner, Miss Alice Crozier, Miss Ella D. Price, Miss Mary Lemline, Miss Virginia T. Hodges, Miss Mabel Barnard, Mrs. Marion Frances Dean, Miss Rosina Marlow, Miss Sarah Buckminster, Miss Mary Condy. GRADUATES.

1896. Miss Lillian Fewtrell, Miss Christine Hansis, Miss Esther Walters, Miss Annie Anderson, Miss Louise Effrat, Miss Pauline Seixas, Miss Ethel H. Bauder, Miss Mary Fraser, Miss Jennie F. Perry, Miss Elizabeth Sherratt, Miss Teresa E. Taylor, Miss Laura L. Bates, Miss Clara Louise Shodts, Miss Hilda A. Austin, Miss Agnes W. Marlow, Miss Florence M. Parker, Miss Emily E. Murphy, Miss Rosa L. Valentine, Miss Mary E. Lerch, Miss Madge B. Fraser, Miss Emma B. Selig, Miss Ingogereth Haldane, Miss Grace L. Thompson, Miss Maude A. Corsa, Miss Anna G. Freedman, Miss Josephine K. Feldman, Miss Goldie Biddle, Miss Sarah M. Thompson,

Miss Elizabeth Hayman, Miss Mary J. Humphrey, Miss Laura Brook, Miss Emma L. Eberhardt.

1897. Miss Bessie Cohen, Miss Emily F. Ireland, Miss Eliza C. Clark, Miss Ethel V. Shirtz, Miss Anna Ready, Miss Ida C. Marsh, Miss Bertha Heineman, Miss Belle Wight, Miss Mattie Farmer, Miss Adelaide Osterhout, Miss Helen M. Patterson, Miss Elizabeth W. Peters, Miss Emmy Baecker, Miss Amy Barton, Miss Rose Issertel, Miss Dorothy E. Smith, Miss Minnie Tenny, Miss Ada E. Barton, Miss Jennie Evans, Miss Ida A. Hall, Miss Jennie Gravitt, Miss Julia Freeman, Miss Minnie G. Laub, Miss Ida B. Gierman,

Miss Mattie J. Meredith, Miss Rebecca Hervey.

1898. Miss Ethel Welling-Pinckney, Miss Grace Ames, Miss Harriet Gibson, Miss Monica Ainley, Miss Katharine W. Bell, Miss Alice M. Bonnell, Miss Johanna Lowenthal, Miss Louise Stacey, Miss Bessie Christie, Miss Ethel S. Hart, Miss Stella V. Reierson, Miss Margaret Walker, Miss Charlotte Meek, Miss Clara Mitchell, Miss Clara Salomon, Miss Margaret Geany. Miss Elizabeth Koster, 40 GRADUATES.

1899. Mrs. Kathleen Keyes, Miss Euphemia Elsman, Miss Catherine M. Russell, Miss Eugenie Solomon, Miss Alice S. Harris, Miss Sybil C. Harbune, Miss Emma L. Sanders, Miss Helen St. C. Mackenzie, Miss La Mina Sisson, Miss Augusta Deppermann, Miss Annie Ferguson, Miss Mynolia Cohen, Miss Rose Brannan, Miss Florence F. Rosman, Miss Terese Adler, Miss Edith A. V. Mallory, Miss Helena M. Symington, Miss Julia P. Friedman, Miss Priscilla M. Haviland, Miss Emma A. Rogers, Miss Frida L. Hartman, Miss Adele H. Bernard, Miss Jean G. Long, Miss Gertrude Builder, Miss Ray V. Walter, Miss Rose Friary, Miss Charlotte A. Plunkett, Miss Eleanor E. Beresford. Miss Julia L. Smith,

1900. Miss Evelyn Morey, Miss Alice Moses, Miss Frances R. B. Huston, Miss Harriet Brandt, Miss Lotta L. Sargent, Miss Rachael Ausell, Miss Alice L. Seymour, Miss Florence K. Bonnell, Miss Daisy S. Wallbridge, Miss Elisabeth Barnett, Miss Hannah O'Brien, Miss Gertrude Irvine, Miss F. Hellen Miller, Miss Ida Beamish, Miss M. Elizabeth Fisher, Miss Olivia Ellis, Miss Evelyn C. Barnes, Miss Mary L. Bowman, Miss Eleanor Hall, Miss Annie E. Matthews, Miss Rosa L. Anderegg, Miss Emma Rau, Miss Helen Gaffney, Miss Annie Lough.


Miss Elizabeth J. Nookles, Miss S. Frances Rainey, Miss M. Alma Robertson, Miss Alary Miley, Miss Mary C. Jarvis, Miss Esther Odenheimer, Miss Martha Erlbeck, Miss Margaret E. Wright, Miss Kate Penna, Miss Winifred B. Monkhouse, Miss Florence L. Jenkins, Miss Tillie Elsinger, Miss Gertrude M. Dolge, Miss Tillie Delany, Miss Helene A. Boemann, Miss Florence G. Auman, Miss Annie S. Holbrook, Miss Florence Mallory, Miss Minnie D. Oldright, Miss Sadie W. Newman, Miss Eleanor M. Jones, Miss Martha B. Jarvis, GRADUATES.

1901. Miss Caroline M. Finney, Miss Grace L. Kline, Miss Susie A. Peters, Miss Margaret B. Thorpe, Miss Julie E. Correll, Miss E. Marilla Crysler.

1902. Mrs. M. Aseneth Jones, Miss Alice Prescott. Mrs. Flora B. Ball, Miss Ethelberte Brown, Miss Mabel M. Saxton, Miss L. Mae Warner, Miss Constance Green, Miss Alice Y. Kurtz, Miss Mabel M. Montgomery, Miss Marga Dahl, Miss Susan L. Flaherty, Miss Marie L. Moure, Miss Minto M. Wilson, Miss Williamina Little, Miss Annie Racey, Miss Mary M. Mills, Miss Adelaide Bowland, Miss Jeanie Bolfe, Miss Alice C. Garrow, Miss Mary M. Rule, Miss Gertrude Smith, Miss Rose Adler, Miss May C. Macdonnell, Miss Anna B. McLester. Miss Agnes A. Rowman,


Miss Ellen I. Lloyd, Miss Florence Bollert, Miss Flore Blum, Miss Florence Eastman, Miss Daisy MofTet, Miss Flora B. Rogers, Miss Stella R. Cohen, Miss Mabelle Brennan, Miss Grace Brown, Miss Fanny Moore, Miss Mary Duff, Miss May Macdonald, Miss Mary T. Anderson, Miss Florence Thomson, Miss Jean Gill, Miss Gertrude Madole, Miss Fanny Myers, Miss Sarah Sharp,

Miss Eliza J. Caiges, Miss Ruby F. House,

Miss Ella J. Huston, Miss Agnes Bell, Miss Louise Witter, Miss Erma Bristol.

1904. Miss Lila Bland Turner, Miss Julia Kline Cohen, Miss Flora Sellier, Miss Laura Rebecca Logan, Miss Rosamond Smith, Miss Elizabeth Eva MacMath, Miss Elona Nichols Underwood, Miss Louise Frederica Arnold. Miss Hilda Loscombe,

1905. Miss Mildred Martin, Miss Emmy Krebs, Miss Katherine Marr, Miss Ruth Nina Watts, 42 GRADUATES.

1905. Miss E. Isabel Rose, Miss Margaret A. Smith, Miss Jean Mitchell, Miss Grace Stamp, Miss E. Adelaide Hawley, Miss H. Jennett Crysler, Miss Mehitable Mills Crawford, Miss Emily G. Petty, Miss Mabel C. Fox, Miss Edith Chapman, Miss Anna Lyons, Miss Helen Bapty, Miss Anna Mabel Stacey, Miss Anna Cecilia Kearney, Miss Jean Ellice Poapst, Miss Edith Strode. Miss Mary Simpson Nash,

1906. Miss Marea C. Martin, Miss Florence A. Robertson, Miss Helen Read, Miss Lucille Goodhart, Miss Lucy Owen Wootten, Mrs. Martha Macdougall Scott. Miss Mary Stuart Strickland. Miss Emma Bancker Young, Miss Frances Olga Lapatnikoff, Miss Margaret Maye Moore,

Miss Madeline Bindewald Gillette , Miss Esther Hamburger, Miss Miranda D. Lake, Miss Florence Priscilla Bosse, Miss M. May Slator, Miss Noeline Z. Whittaker.

1907. Miss Bell E. Darrell, vliss Winifred M. Forsyth, Miss Lillian V. Median, Miss Eva E. Elliott, Miss Lillian Bradley, Miss Rose Kerner, Miss Gertrude May Willsie, Miss Kate B. Macdonald, Miss L. Ethel Strahan, Miss Reba Goldman, Miss Ellen Lamb, Miss Mary Alice Moran, Miss Elizabeth Young, Miss Theresa Mae McNab, Miss Gertrude Frank, Miss Ada G. Welton, Miss Mary Isabelle Veale, Miss Nellie E. Kirby, Miss Bessie M. Segfert, Miss Anna Louis Kinne, Miss Mary Eleanor Lee, Miss May M. Lear Miss Anna B. Raddatz,

1908. Zora B. Atwater, Mary E. Hughes, Myrtle Lealand Bailey, Grace M. Hustwayte, Margaret Gordon Milne Bechtel Anna Jane Kelly, Anna E. Bedworth, Anna M. Kerr, Sarah Frances Britnall, Dorothy Vera Klass, Mary F. Chapman, Lillian Lent, Adelaide M. Connelly, Elsie Bradford Lewis, Bessie Marcella Couch, Katherine Alice Lyon, Frances E. Cusack, Henrietta Maring, GRADUATES.

1908. Melrose A. Day, Carolyn H. Moore, Loula B. Donaldson, Pearl E. Munn, Mary Idelle Edwards, Sofie Olsen, Maude L. Flannery, Celia Marie Perry, Fannie Jeanette Frank, Elizabeth L. Raddatz, Harriet M. Greene, Lucy C. Sanders, Annie E. Grieve, Elin M. Skoog, Gertrude Mae Hall, Kate F. Taylor, Alice Eleanor Higgins, Dorothy A. Wolgast. Marie Hudson, THE MOUNT SINAI TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES.


Nathan, Max, 92 Liberty St. Schfff, Jacob H., 52 William St. Seligman, Henry, 21 Broad St. LIFE MEMBERS.

Bachrach, Mrs. S. Hornthal, L. M., 22 E. 14th St. Bauer, F. L. Naumburg, E., 6 Wall St. Florance, F. H., 226 W. 138th St. Scheftel, Mrs. A, 20 E. 57th Street. Hendricks, A, 24 W. 75th St. PATRONS. Altschul, Charles, 10 Wall St. Meyer Mrs. Eugene, 114 W. 72nd Arnstein, Leo., 16 E. 80th St. Street. Asiel, E., 52 . Morgenthau, Henry, Broadway and Barnet, Morris S., 27 Spruce St. Corlandt Street. Berolzheimer, Emil, 377 Broadway. Nathan, Max, 85 Liberty Street. Blumenthal, Hugo, 5 Nassau Street. Nathan, Mrs. Max, 85 Liberty Street. Blumenthal, Mrs. Hugo, 52 W. 70th Oppenheimer, Edward, 118 E. 61st Street. Street.

Borg, Mrs. S. C, 32 W. 76th St. Peierls, Siegfried, 453 Broome St. Caiman, Henry L., 100 William St. Plaut, Leopold, 434 W. 23d St. Cullman, Joseph F., 175 Water St. Rosenbaum, Selig., 34 W. 14th St. Eckstein, Alfred, 44 Pine St. Schafer, Mrs. Simon, 59 W. 55th St. Einstein, D. L., 39 W. 57th St. Scholle, A. W., 763 Fifth Ave.

Emsheimer, Jacob, 583 Broadway. Seligman, Mrs. Isaac N., 1 William Erlanger, A., 70 Franklin St. Street.

Fox, Joseph, 507 5th Ave. Seligman, Jefferson, 21 Broad St. Frankenthal, Jacob, 2 W. 86th St. Seligman, Mrs. Theo, 37 W. 57th St.

Goodhart, Mrs. P. J., 21 W. 81st St. Sidenberg, Henry, 477 Broadway. Guggenheim, Murry, 71 Broadway Stern, Albert, 27 William Street. Guggenheim, Mrs. Wm, 833 5th Ave. Stern, Benj., 34 W. 23d St. Haas, Kalman, 7 E. 69th St. Stern, Isaac, 34 W. 23d Street. Halle, Jacques, 30 Broad St. Stern, Mrs. Isaac, 34 W. 23d Street. Heidelberg, Isaac N., 644 Broadway. Stieglitz, Albert, 30 Broad St. Herrmann, Mrs. M., C, 50 W. 49th Untermeyer, Henry, 71-73 Nassau Street. Street.

Housman, Mrs. C. J., 311 W. 84th St Warburg, Mrs. Felix M, 18 E. 72d Kahn, Otto H., 52 William St. Street. Lehman, Meyer H., 667 Madison Av. Warburg, Paul M., 52 William St.

Levi, Emil S., 514 Broadway. Wimpfheimer, C. A., 131 Spring St. Lorsch, Henry, 37 Maiden Lane. Wimpfheimer, Mrs. C. A., 131 Spring Street. MEMBERS.

A Bayer, Edwin S., 524 Broadway. Abraham, L. H., 164 Water St. Bayer, S. D., 24 Broad St. Adler, A., 745 Broadway. Beach, Homer Phelps, 38 Charlton Adler, Mrs. C, 114 W. 77th St. Street. Adler, Jerome C, 527 Fifth Ave. Beckhard, Mrs. Martin A., 102 W. Adler, L., 22 William St. 87th Street. Adler, Simon, 132 Nassau St. Beer. Dr. Edwin, 116 W. 58th St. A. Friend. Beer, Miss Ethel, 51 E. 74th St. Allen, Mrs. Henry S., 101 W. 80th Beer, George L., 329 W. 71st St. Street. Beer, Mrs. Julius, 38 W. 77th St. Altman, Benjamin, 34th St. and 5th Beer, Miss Marion, 51 E. 74th St. Avenue. Beer, Walter E., 51 E. 74th St. Ansorge, M. P., 4 W. 3d St. Beer, .Mrs. Walter E., 51 E. 74th St. Arkush, Reuben, 159 W. 77th St. Behrens, E. H., 35 Greene St. Arnheim, Marks, 769 Broadway. Beller, A, 124 5th Avenue. Arnstein, Albert, 117 E. 81st St. Bendheim, Henry, 134 Grand St. Arnstein, Emanuel, 65 Nassau St. Benjamin, E. S., 438 Lafayette St.

Arnstein, Mrs. L., 16 E. 80th St. Bernhard, A., 107 5th Ave. Arnstein, Max, 65 Nassau St. Bernhard, Mrs. Henry, 39 W. 74th Asiel, Henry N., 34 University Place Street. Asiel, Leopold N., 51 W. 68th St. Bernheim, Chas. L., 409 Lafayette St.

Auerbach, I. H., 75 E. 80th St. Bernheim, Mrs. G., 74 E. 79th St. Auerbach, Louis, 75 E. 80th St. Bernheim, G., 76 Duane St. Auerbach, Mrs. Louis, 75 E. 80th St Bernheim, Henry C, 73 W. 68th St.

August, Elias H Sq. Bernheim, Henry J., 138 Maiden Hotel. Lane. B Bernheimer, A., 32 Broadway. Bernheimer, Adolf L., Broad- Bach, Aaron J., 166 Water St. W. W. Bach, Isaac A., 166 Water St. way and Franklin St.

Bach, Jos. S., 30 Broad St. Bernheimer, Mrs. A., 7 E. 57th St. Bache, Jules S., 42 Broadway. Bernheimer, Miss A., Hotel Nether- Bache, Mrs. Semon, 667 Madison land. Avenue. Bernheimer, Miss Blanche A., Hotel Bachrach, Mrs. B., 28 E. 68th St. Netherland. Ballin, Julius, 396 B'way. Bernheimer, C. L., 120 Franklin St. Ballin, O. E., 37 Wall St. Bernheimer, Mrs. C. L., 62 E. 66th Ballin, Wm, 21st St. and 5th Ave. Street.

Bamberger, Harry, 100 Broadway. Bernheimer, Isaac J., 178 Pearl St.

Bamberger, Leon J., 3 Waverly PI. Bernheimer, Mrs. Jacob S., 35 W. Bamberger, Levi S., Hotel Nether- 72d St. land. Bernheimer, Mrs. Jerome, 56 W. Bamberger, Morris, 100 Broadway. 58th St.

Barnet, Mrs. M. S., 27 E. 73d St'. Bernheimer, L. A., 49 Wall St. 46 MEMBERS.

Bernheimer, L. S., 31 White St. Boehm, A., 563 Broadway. Bernheimer, M. A., 32 Broadway. Bonn, W. B., Europe.

Bernheimer, Max E., 39 W. 72d St. Bonne, Mrs. J., 110 W. 57th St.

Bernheimer, Mayer S., 31 White St. Bookman, Mrs. J., 9 E. 62d St.

Bernheimer, Miss Rose, 7 E. 57th Borg, Mrs. Myron I., 334 W. 77th St. Street.

Bernstein, Charles, 161 William St. Borg, Sydney C, 20 Nassau St. Berolzheimer, Mrs. Emil, 21 W. Boskowitz, A., 2 Rector St. 75th St. Boskowitz, Mrs. J., 32 W. 72d St. Berolzheimer, Philip, 377 Broadway. Braisted, C. S., 377 Broadway. Brettauer, Bien, Mrs. Julius, 140 6th Ave. Mrs. Joseph, 1063 Madi- son Avenue. Bier, Mrs. Sylvan, 30 Broad St. Brickner, Mrs. S. M., 136 W. 85th Bierman, Mrs. I., 42 E. 69th St. Street. Bijur, N., 160 W. 75th St. Bloch, Leopold, Rochester, N. Y. Brussel, Mrs. Fanny, 971 Madison Avenue. Block, Harry, 16 Broad St. Bloomberg, C, 836 Broadway. Buhler, Conrad, 453 Broome St. Bunzl, Blum, Albert, 35 E. 69th St. Mrs. Victor, 121 E. 72nd St. Buttenwieser, Blum, C, 11 E. 76th St. Jos. L., 203 Broadway. Blum, E. C, care Abraham & Straus, C Brooklyn. Cahn, Arthur, 50 E. 72d St Blum, Henry L., 5 E. 73d St. Cahn, Mrs. L., 50 E. 72d St Blum, Joseph A., 39 Greene St. Callman, C, 594 Broadway. Blum, Mrs. Joseph A., 35 W. 58th Caiman, Albert, 450 W. End Ave. Street. Caiman, Mrs. Emma, 7 W. 57th St. Blumenthal, Alfred, 516 Broadway. Cantor, Jacob A., 25 Broad St Blumenthal, August, 563 W. End Carlebach, Emil, 1 William St Avenue. Carlebach, Mrs. E., 136 W. 86th St. Blumenthal, Mrs. August, 563 W. Caspary, Mrs. W., 302 Central Park End Avenue. West. Blumenthal, Benjamin, 516 Broad- Cohen, Adolph, 104 Bleecker St. way. Cohen, Mrs. A., 64 E. 66th St. Blumenthal, George, 23 W. 53d St. Cohen, Mrs. B., The Leonori. Blumenthal, Mrs. George, 23 W. 53d Cohen, Henry, 19 W. 18th St. Street. Cohen, Max, 9 W. 18th St. Blumenthal, Gustav, 516 Broadway. Cohen, Hon. William N., 22 Wil- Blumenthal, Mrs. Isaac, 24 W. 47th liam Street. Street. Cohn, A., 142 Water St.

Blumenthal, S., 521 Broadway. Cohn, Julius, 143 Greene St. Blumenthal, Sidney, 453 Broome St. Cohn, Leopold, 142 Water St. Blumgart, Louis, 171 W. 71st St. Cohn, L. H., 28 W. 22d St. Bodenheimer, Henry, 87 Nassau St. Content, Harry, 50 Broadway. Bodenheimer, Max, 24 E. 14th St. Content, Walter, 50 Broadway. MEMBERS. 47

Cook, Mrs. Alfred A, 123 W. 79th Einstein, I. D., 443 Broadway. Street. Eiseman, Samuel, 73 Grand St. D Eiseman, Mrs. S., 41 W. 89th St. Danenbaum, M. C, 31 W. 23d St. Eising, Louis, 105 5th Ave. Danenbaum, William, 31 W. 23d St. Ellinger, Max, 27 William St. Dann, William, 111 5th Ave. Engel, Max, 53 Greene St. Danziger, Mrs. Max, 11 E. 79th St. Erdman, Albert, 35 Nassau St. David, B. Edmund, 97 Greene St. Erdman, Mrs. B., 1215 Madison Ave. Davidson, Mrs. M., 46 E. 65th St. Erdman, Henry, 476 Broadway. Davies, J. Clarence, 149th St. and Erdmann, Martin, 180 W. 59th St. Third Ave. Erdmann, William, . Deitsch, Charles, 14 E. 17th St. Erdmann, Mrs. William, 52 B'way. Deitsch, Edward J., 14 E. 17th St. Erlanger, Sidney, 93 Prince St.

Deitsch, Mrs. E. J., 1060 Madison Erstein, L., 134 Spring St. Avenue. Erstein, Max, 134 Spring St. De Jonge, Mrs. S., 56 Exchange PI. Ertheiler, James, 172 Water St. Demuth, Louis, 111 W. 57th St. Essing, Arthur, 380 Pearl St. Demuth, William, 509 Broadway. F Dinkelspiel, Mrs. M., 16 E. 63d St. Falk, Mrs. A., 1070 Madison Ave. Doblin, S., 709 Broadway. Falk, B. J., 16 W. 33d St. Dreicer, Michael, 560 5th Ave. Falk, Gustav, 171 Water St. Drey, Max, 186 Franklin St. Falk, Mrs. G.. 16 E. 81st St. Dreyfuss, Ludwig, 43 Exchange PI. Fatman, M., 23 W. 81st St. Dreyfuss, Mrs. Ludwig, 52 E. 68th Fatman, Mrs. M., 23 W. 81st St. Street. Fatman, S. A., 27 William St. Dryfoos, Alphons, 42 W. B'way. Fechheimer, M. S., 748 Broadway. Dryfoos, J. A., 274 Church St. Fechheimer, Mrs. M. S., 57 W. 56th E Street. Ehrich, Jesse W., 31 Liberty St. Fechheimer, Samuel M., 316 Fifth Ehrich, Mrs. Julius, 359 6th Ave. Avenue. Ehrich, S. W., 25 Broad St. Feder, Harry, .

Ehrmann, Ernest, 42 Broadway. Feiber, S. L., 73 Grand St. Ehrmann, Mrs. E., 42 Broadway. Felsenheld, E., care Scholle Bros., Ehrmann, Mrs. Julius, 11 W. 58th 5 Nassau Street. Street. Fink, Sam'l H., 171 B'way. Einstein, B. F., 42 Broadway. Fink, Simon, 87 Nassau St. Einstein, Mrs. D. L., 39 W. 57th St. Fink, Jos. H., 65 Nassau St. Einstein, Emanuel, 37 Wall St. Fisher, Mrs. Miriam, 9 W. 58th St. Einstein, Mrs. Emanuel, 45 E. 72d Flaherty, Joseph B., 44 W. 18th St. Street. Florance, Mrs. Florian H., 226 W.

Einstein, Henry L.. Bound Brook, 138th Street.

N. J. Fox, Mrs. Joseph, 127 E. 79th St. Einstein, Mrs. H. L., 44 W. 53d St. Frank, Mrs. A. B., 48 E. 80th St. 48 MEMBERS.

Frank, Mrs. E. L., 61 E. 82d St. Goldsmith, Abraham, 35 Nassau St. Frank, M. H., 519 Broadway. Goldsmith, Adolph, 68 Nassau St. Frank, Samuel M., 20 E. 17th St. Goldsmith, August, 33 Gold St.

Frankel, David J., 576 5th Ave. Goldsmith, Mrs. G. A., 19 E. 74th Frankel, Simon, 578 5th Avenue. Street.

Frankenheimer, L. S., 112 Ex- Goldsmith, Louis, 53 Greene St. change Court. Goldsmith, Max, 53 Greene St.

Frankenstein, L., 516 Broadway. Goldsmith, Moses, 35 Nassau St. Frankenthal, Adolph, 77 Wooster St. Goldsmith, Mrs. Ph., 16 E. 63d St. Freeman, Joseph, 687 Broadway. Goldsmith, Therese, 29 E. 79th St.

Freeman, Dr. S., 965 Madison Ave. Goldstein, Seig., 46 Cedar St. Frenkel, Emil, 46 Cedar St. Goldstone, M. L., 68 Nassau St. Freund, Max, 8 Maiden Lane. Goodhart, Mrs. Albert, 53 W. 56th Fried, Samson, 23 Greene St. Street.

Friedlander, A., 72 5th Ave. Goodhart, P. J., 57 Broadway. Friedlander, Oscar O., 127 Duane Goodman, Henry D., 739 E. 9th St. Street. Gottheil, Mrs. Leon, 115 W. 70th St. Friedlander, Mrs. Sarah, 336 W. Gottheil, Mrs. Paul, 148 W. 75th St. 72d St. Greenbaum, Samuel, 2 E. 94th St. Froelich, Henry, 68 Nassau St. Greenhut, Mrs. B. J, 36 W. 72d St.

Froelich, I. E., 32 W. 23d St. Greenthal, Benedict H., 74 B'way. Frowenfeld, Edward, 50 W. 71st St. Guggenheim, Mrs. Benjamin, 15 E. Frowenfeld, Mrs. E., 50 W. 71st St. 72d Street.

Fuld, L., 41 New St. Guggenheim, Daniel, 71 Broadway. Guggenheim, Mrs. Daniel, Hotel St. G Regis. Gans, Mrs. Levi, 138 W. 75th St. Guggenheim, Mrs. Murry, 29 W. Gartner, Isidor, 478 Broadway. 76th Street. Gideon, David, Hoffman House. Guggenheim, Simon, 71 Broadway. Gitterman, Henry, 33 Spruce St. Guggenheim, Mrs. Simon, 14 W. Glazier, Henry, 40 New St. 54th Street. Glazier, S. W., 17 E. 67th St. Guggenheim, Sol., 71 Broadway. Glazier, Mrs. S. W., 17 E. 67th St. Guggenheim, Mrs. S. R., 743 Fifth Goldberg, Geo., 71 Nassau St. Avenue. Goldberger, Mrs. S., 57 E. 60th St. Guggenheim, William, 500 5th Ave. Goldfrank, Mrs. M., 12 81st St. E. Guggenheimer, Mrs. Randolph, 923 26 76th St. Goldman, Mrs. H., W. Fifth Avenue. Goldman, Henry, 43 Exchange PI. Guggenheimer, Sol., 139 5th Ave. Goldman, Mrs. Julius, 132 E. 70th Gutman, Mrs. A., 6 E. 80th St. Street. Gutman, Mrs. S., 12 E. 80th St. Goldman, M., 44 W. 70th St. Gutmann, Carl, 102 Franklin St. Goldman, Mrs. M., 44 W. 70th St. Goldschmidt, Mrs. H. P., 20 E. 64th H Street. Haas, Mrs. Kalman, 7 E. 69th St. MEMBERS. 49

Hammerslough, Mrs. S., 5 E. 58th Hermann, Mrs. A., 527 5th Ave. Street. Herrman, Abe, 59 W. 56th St. Hanauer, Jerome, 52 William St. Herman, H. S., 160 5th Ave. Harburger, Leo, Hotel Savoy. Herman, Mrs. H. S., 160 5th Ave.

Hart, Mrs. J., 322 W. 58th St. Herrmann, Mrs. D. U., 9 E. 65th St. Hays, D. P., 115 Broadway. Herrmann, Nathan, 13 William St. Hecht, Aaron, 6 Jacob Street. Herrmann, Uriah, 16 Produce Ex. Hecht, Joseph, 6 Jacob Street. Herzfeld, Felix, 40 Exchange PI. Hecht, Meyer, 6 Jacob Street. Herzog, E. N., 22 E. 73d St. Heidelbach, Mrs. A. S., 54 E. 58th Herzog, Max, 46 Exchange Place, Street. Herzog, Paul M., 22 William St. Heidelbach, Mrs. H., 56 E. 58th St. Hess, Selmar, 122 5th Ave. Heidelbach, Louis, 2 E. 45th St. Hess, Mrs. Selmar, 122 5th Ave.

Heidelberg, Mrs. I. N., 42 E. 69th Hilson, Edward, 72 E. 80th Street. Street. Hirsch, Alb., 42 Broadway.

Heilbrum, Harry, 844 Broadway. Hirsch, Mrs. J., 25 W. 87th St. Heimann, Julius, 602 Broadway. Hirsch, Morris J, 68 William St.

Heimerdinger, Mrs. J. E., 771 Mad- Hirsch, Robt. B., 35 Mercer St. ison Avenue. Hirschhorn, Fred., 1018 2d Ave. Heimerdinger, M., 30 Broad St. Hirschman, S. D, 300 W. 109th St. Heineman, Moses, 236 Church S. Hirsh, Sam., 47 Cedar St.

Heinsheimer, Mrs. J., 37 E. 69th Hochschild, B., 52 Broadway. Street. Hochstadter, Mrs. A. F., 313 W. Heinsheimer, Louis A., 52 William 71st St. St. Hochstadter, Harry, 438 Lafayette Heller, E. L., 52 Broadway. St.

Heller, L. & Son, 68 Nassau St. Hoffman, A. E., 29 Liberty St.

Heller, Louis, 1426 Third Ave. Hoffman, J. E., 149 Water St. Heller, Max, 90 Fifth Ave. Hoffman, Wm, 65 Nassau St. Hellman, Edgar A., 311- W. 71st St. Homan, Ben. H., 67 Exchange PI. Hellman, Eugene A, 106 W. 73d St. Honig, Joseph, 57 William St. Hellman, Mrs. Theodore, 36 W. Honig, Mrs. R., 128 W. 48th St. 54th Street. Hornthal, Mrs. Louis, 25 W. 96th Hendricks, Mrs. Albert, 24 W. 75th Street.

Street. Hornthal, Milton J., 25 W. 96th St. Hendricks, Charles, 340 W. 72d St. Hornthal, Mrs. Sarah, Hotel Majes- Hendricks, Mrs. Charles, 340 W. 72d tic.

Street. Huebsch, Mrs., 150 Nassau St. Hendricks, E., 10 E. 44th St. Hyman, Adolph, 241 W. 136th St. Hendricks, H., 16 Exchange PI. Hyman, Beaumont, 170 Broadway. Henry, William, 721 Broadway. Hyman, Meyer, 20 W. 23d St.

Hermann, Mrs. F., 30 Broad St. Hymans, Mrs. J. E., 14 E. 60th St.

Hernsheim, Mrs. J., 307 W. 106th I

Street Ickelheimer, H. R., 37 William St. 50 MEMBERS.

J Kaufmann, Mrs. Gustav, 46 E. 83d Jackson, Samuel, 49 Wall St. Street. Jacobi, Fred., 65 N. Moore St. Kayser, Julius, 524 Broadway. Jacobson, Charles A., 446 Broad- Kerbs, Ed. A., 1020 Second Ave. way. Kessler, Mrs. A, 2 E. 78th St. Jacobson, Emanuel, 65 Nassau St. Kessler, George, 20 Beaver St.

Jacobson, Henry, 65 Nassau St. King, Mrs. B. J., 12 E. 50th St.

Jaretzki, A., 50 E. 74th St. King, E. J., Jr., 7 E. 82d St.

Jaskou, L, 37 Maiden Lane. King, Mrs. E. J., Jr., 7 E. 82d St. Jaskou, Louis, 87 Nassau St. Klein, Leo. M., 49 Wall St. Jaskou, Sam., 87 Nassau St. Klopfer, Benjamin, 15 Broad St. Jonas, L. A., 510 W. 35th St. Kohlman, Charles, 236 Church St. Joseph, Mrs. Lawrens., 32 E. 74th Kohn, Emil W., 321 5th Ave. Street. Kohn, Harry R., 42 Broadway. Joseph, Mrs. Sam., 771 Madison Kohn, S. H., 334 W. 72d St. Avenue. Kohns, Lazarus, 42 Warren St. Josephthal, L. M., 26 E. 73d St. Kohns, Mrs. Lazarus, 23 W. 56th Josephthal, Mrs. Louis, 50 C. P. W. Street. Josephy, Hugo, 180 Chambers St. Kohns, Lee, 42 Warren St. Joske, Albert, 396 Broadway. Kraft, Harry, 516 Broadway. Kramer, Louis N., 71 Broadway. K Kraus, H., 24 Broad Street.

Kaempfer, M., 121 Greene St. Kraus, Sam., 710 E. 14th St. Kahn, Felix O., care Herzfeld & Kridel, Alex, 49 Greene St. Stern. Kridel, M. M., 49 Greene St. Kahn, Louis, 172 Broadway. Kridel, Sam., 49 Greene St. Kahn, Mrs. Louis, 72 Broadway. Kritzman, Mrs. S., 1211 Madison Kahn, Moses, 172 Broadway. Avenue. Kahn, Mrs. O. H., 8 E. 68th St. Krower, Alfred, 37 Maiden Lane. Kaiser, David, 12 John St. Kugelman, Julius G., 38 W. 23d St. Kaskel, A., 48 E. 72d St. Kuhn, Mrs. Edward, 118 W. 72d Kaskel, Max, 316 5th Ave. Street. Kastor, A., 109 Duane St. Kurzman, Mrs. S. P., 13 E. 49th St. Katz, A. R., 87 Nassau St Kuttroff, Adolph, 17 E. 69th St. Kauffman, Nathan, 16 Reu Drouat, Paris, France. L Kaufman, Julius, 102 Prince St. Lachman, Samson, 35 Nassau St.

Kaufman, Mrs. L., 285 Central Park Lasky, Mrs. Marie, 24 W. 4th St. West. Latz, Mrs. Sol., 95 W. 119th St. Kaufman, Alexander L., 285 Central Lauer, Mrs. W. E., 22 E. 80th St. Park West. Lauer, Wm. E., 66 Broadway. Kaufmann, Baruch, 52 Broadway. Laufer, Mrs. A., 113 E. 79th St. Kaufmann, C, 25 E. 76th St. Lavanburg, Mrs. S., 18 E. 49th St. MEMBERS. 51

Legg, George, 5 Washington PI. Liebman, Henry, 42 E. 72d St. Lehmaier, Mrs. L. A., 906 W. End Liebman, Mrs. Henry, 42 E. 72d Av.e. Street.

Lehmaier, Mrs. Martin H., 159 W. Liebman, Mrs. J., 40 E. 72d St. 72d St. Lilienthal, Mrs. Albert, 126 W. 78th Lehman, Arthur, 22 William St. Street. Lehman, Mrs. Mayer, 175 W. 58th Limburg, R., 25 Broad St. Street. Limburg, Mrs. R., 38 E. 72d St.

Lehman, Philip, 22 William St. Lisman, F. J., 311 W. 76th St. Lehman, Mrs. S. M„ 16 E. 46th St. Littauer, Mrs. N., 715 Broadway. Leopold, Miss Emma, 166 W. 87th Loeb, Carl M„ 285 C. P. W. Street. Loeb, Fred. L., Philadelphia, Pa. Levi, A. A., 52 Broadway. Loeb, Fritz, 20 Broad St.

Levi, Mrs. Berthold, 22 W. 75th St. Loeb, J., 52 William St.

Levi, Mrs. E. S., 516 Broadway. Loeb, Louis, 451 Broadway. Levi, Henlein, 516 Broadway. Loeb, M., 272 Madison Ave.

Levi, Mrs. Henlein, 313 W. 81st St. Loeb, Mrs. Otto, 54 E. 61st St. Levi, Louis, 539 Broadway. Loeb, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon, in Levine, Julius, 7 Waverly PI. memoriam. Levine, Michael, 563 Broadway. Loewenstein, Benj., 5 E. 93d St. Levy, Geo. H., 30 Broad St. Loewenstein, Mrs. M. G., 300 C. P. Levy, Harry A., Ill B'way. West. Levy, L., 9 E. 65th St. Loewenstein, Sol. C, 79 5th Ave.

Levy, Leo., 52 Broadway. Loewenstine, J. H., 513 Broadway. Levy, Manasseh, 182 Broadway. Loewenthal, Bendix, 31 Mercer St.

Levy, Robert J., 471 Broadway. Loewenthal, Julius, 31 Mercer St. Levy, Samuel H., 172 Broadway. Loewi, Valentine, 37 Pearl St. Levy, Mrs. S., 77 E. 80th St. Lorsch, E., The Alpine. Levy, Mrs. William, Hotel Majes- Loth, Bernard, 408 W. 150th St.

tic. Louchheim, H. F., 20 Broad St.

Lewisohn, Adolph, 42 Broadway. Lowengrund, Emma R., 21 W. 68th Lewisohn, Mrs. Adolph, 9 W. 57th St. Street. Lowengard, Otto, 27 William St. Lewisohn, Albert, 11 Broadway. Lowenstein, Leon B., 42 Broadway. Lewisohn, Jesse, 524 5th Ave. Lowenthal, Mrs. R., 261 C. P. West. Lewisohn, Philip, 88 5th Ave. Luck, Emanuel, 514 Broadway.

Lichtenauer, Mrs. J. M., 58 W. 52d M Street. Maas, Gustavus, 30 Broad St. Lieberknecht, Henry, 45 Crosby St. Mack, Jacob W., 85 Liberty St. Liebman, Mrs. Adolf, 57 W. 58th Mack, Mrs. Marc H., 12 W. 88th St. St. Mahler, Abr.. 517 6th Ave. Liebman, Charles, 38 E. 72d St. Mainster, L. M., 516 Broadway. 52 MEMBERS.

Mainzer, Mrs. B., Hotel St. Regis. Nathan, Mrs. Alfred, 36 E. 72d St. Manges, Harry L., 81 Avenue A. Nathan, Fred., 162 W. 86th St. Marchand, Stephen, 12 John St. Nathan, Pincus, 35 W. 86th St. Marcus, Mrs. G., 99 Nassau St. Naumburg, Aaron, 7 Washington

Marks, I. D., 43 Leonard St. Place. Marks, Marcus M., 689 Broadway. Naumburg, Max, 81 University PI. Marshall, Louis, 37 Wall St. Naumburg, W. W., 33 Wall St Martin, Mrs. Max, 11 W. 19th St. Neuberger, A. L., 31 W. 23d St. Mayer, Adolph, 241 Broadway. Neuberger, Benno, 55 E. 74th St. Mayer, B., 227 E. 60th St. Neuberger, Max, 466 Broome St. Mayer, David, 1043 5th Ave. Neukirch, C, 30 Broad St. Mayer, Mrs. Emil, 25 E. 77th St. Neustadt, S., 5 Nassau St.

Mayer, Mrs. L., Hotel Ashton. Neustadt, Mrs. S., 15 E. 69th St. M. Neustadter, H., in memoriam. Mayer, t 3560 3d Ave. Mayer, Otto L., 164 Water St. Neustadter, Mrs. H., 86 Franklin Mayer, Solomon, 73 Grand St. Street. Mendel, Herman, 10 E. 74th St. Newborg, Leop., 44 Broadway. Mendelsohn, Moses, 43 Leonard. Newborg, M., 46 Broadway.

Meyer, Dr. Alfred, 785 Madison Newborg, Joseph E., 1 W. 70th St. Avenue. Nordlinger, Ed. H., 81 Front St.

Meyer, Eugene, 7 Wall St. Nordlinger, Mrs. J. D., 97 Central Meyer, Harry H., 52 Broadway. Park West. Meyer, Mrs. W., 843 Lexingon Nordlinger, L. H., 170 Broadway. Avenue. Nordlinger, M. H., 47 Maiden Lane.

Meyers, Mrs. E. L., 69 E. 60th S. Michels, Jesse, 34 W. 23d St. O Migel, M. C, 465 Broome St. Obermeyer, Theodore, The Essex, Mindheim, Max, 67 Prince St. 56th St. and Madison Ave. Minzesheimer, Chas., 24 Broad St. Ollesheimer, Mrs. H., Hotel Savoy. Minzesheimer, Mrs. Chas., 24 Broad Openhym, Augustus W., 35 Mercer Street. Street. Minzesheimer, D. M., 30 Broad St. Oppenheim, E. L., 30 Broad St.

Modry, I., 476 Broadway. Oppenheimer, Aug., 8 W. 75th St. Morgenthau, Mrs. H., 30 W. 72d St. Oppenheimer, Mrs. Aug., 8 W. 75th

Morris, Charles S., 131 Duane St. Street. Morris, Henry, 2 W. 86th St. Oppenheimer, F., 20 W. 20th St. Moschcowitz, Mrs. Millie L., 925 Oppenheimer, Henry S., 65 Nassau Madison Ave. Street.

Moses, Mrs. E., 1 W. 70th St. Oppenheimer, H. Z., 1 Maiden Lane. Moses, M. H., 79 Vesey St. Oppenheimer, I., 86 Franklin St.

Myers, Nathaniel, 135 C. P. W. Oppenheimer, J. S., 65 Nassau St. N Oppenheimer, Max, 65 Nassau St. Nathan, Alfred, 36 E. 72d St. Oppenheimer, Simon, 471 B'way. MEMBERS. 53

Oppenheimer, Mrs. S., 45 E. 80th Riess, Leo. 66 Broadway. Sreet. Robbins, M. L., 71 Nassau St. Oppenheimer, Z. A., 68 Nassau St. Rose, Cornelius, 2094 5th Ave. Ottinger, M., 23 W. 75th St Rosenbaum, S. H., 42 Broadway. Rosenfeld, Mrs. A., 15 Broad St. P Rosenfeld, B., 60 Murray St. Peck, Mrs. Samuel W., Hotel An- Rosenfeld, L. E., 105 5th Ave. sonia. Rosenfeld, W. I., 1 Maiden Lane. Pfeiffer, David, 18 Wall St. Rosenheim, Louis, 141 Wooster St. Platzek, M. Warley, 320 Broadway. Rosenstein, M. H., 48 E. 9th St. Platzek, Mrs. Sarah, 320 Broadway. Rosenthal, A. S., 45 Greene St. Platzek, W. W., 574 5th Ave. Rosenthal, Jesse, 45 Broadway. Plaut, Albert, 120 William St. Rosenthal, Max, Hotel Savoy. Plaut, Solomon, 35 Nassau St. Rosenthal, Samuel, 45 Broadway. Pollak, Charles N., 125 E. 47th St. Rosenwald, Benno, 35 W. 74th St. Popper, Arthur, 48 E. 66th St. Rosenwald, Mrs. H., Hotel Nether- Popper, Mrs. E., 14 E. 78th St. land. Powers, Mrs. M. L. Rosenwald, S., 145 Water St. Prager, A. J., 5 Nassau St. Rosenwald, Theodore, 116 Broad Pretzfeld, Mrs. Emma, 43 W. 89th Street. Street. Rossbach, Mrs. J., 1 W. 86th St. Prince, S. S., Ill Exchange Court. Rossbach, L., 55 Frankfort St. Pulaski, M. H., 490 Broadway. Rossin, Alfred S., 15 E. 62d St. R Rossin, Morris, 173 Water St. Raunheim, Julius, 3 Maiden Lane. Rothbart, Adolph, 26 Whitehall St. Rawitser, H., 283 W. Broadway. Rothenberg, Mrs. G., Pasadena, Cal. Rawitser, S., 283 W. Broadway. Rothfeld, Siegmund, 126 5th Ave.

Reckendorfer, Louis J., 20 E. 62d Rothschild, Harry S., 141 Water St. Street. Rothschild, Jacob, Hotel Majestic.

Reckendorfer, Sam. J., Hcboken, N. Rothschild, Mrs. Jacob, Hotel Ma-

J. jestic.

Rees, Oscar, Grand and Mercer Sts. Rothschild, J. Henry, 318 W. 88th Reichenberger, V. M., 27 Pine St. Street. Reichman, William, 98 Franklin St. Rothschild, L., 466 Broadway. Reichman, Mrs. William, 98 Frank- Rothschild, Maurice, 49 W. 72nd St. lin Street. Rothschild, Simon, 96 5th Ave. Renskorf, Harry, 27 William St. Rothschild, V. Henry, 43 Leonard Rice, Henry, 377 Broadway. Street. Rice, Ignatius, 89 5th Ave. Rothschild, William, 33 W. 58th St. Richard, O. L., 31 Broadway. Rothschild, Mrs. William, 33 W. Richard, Mrs. O. L., 46 E. 72d St. 58th St. Richter. Bruno, 627 Broadway. Rubino, Jacob, 3 Broad St. Richter, Max, 627 B'way. Russak, Frank, Paris, France. 54 MEMBERS.

S Seasongood, Mrs. C, 37 E. 72d St. Sachs, Dr. B., 21 E. 65th St. Seeberger, Louis C, 50 E. 68th St. Sachs, Mrs. Henry, 4 W. 74th St. Seeman, D. W., 34 University PI.

Sachs, Dr. J., 38 W. 59th St. Selig, Arthur L., 73 Grand St. Sachs, Louis, 28 W. 22 St. Selig, Mrs. Louis, 254 W. 82d St.

Sachs, Samuel, 43 Liberty St. Seligman, Alfred L., 59 E. 59th St.

Sahlein, Moses, 71 Nassau St. Seligman, Mrs. De Witt J., 328 W. St. Goar, Frederick, 35 Wall St. 58th St.

Saks, Andrew, 20 W. 58th St. Seligman, George W., 3 S. William Saks, Mrs. Andrew, 20 W. 58th St. Street. Salinger, Julius, 60 Grand St. Seligman, Henry, 21 Broad St. Sallinger, Mrs. Ed., 149 W. 80th St. Seligman, Hugo, 41 Wall St. Salomon, W., 25 Broad St. Seligman, Isaac N., 21 Broad St. Sampter, Morris, 426 Broome St. Seligman, Mrs. Jefferson, 11 E. 69th Schafer, Charles E., 25 Broad St. Street. Schafer, Leonard, 25 Broadway. Seligman, Mrs. Jesse, 2 E. 46th St. Schafer, Mrs. Samuel M., 52 W. Seligmann, Mrs. Maurice, 58 E. 46th St. 68th St. Schafer, Samuel M., 35 Wall St. Seligsberg, Mrs. R., 2 E. 65th St. Scheftel, Herbert A., 42 Broadway. Shack, Mrs. Julius, 67 E. 78th St. Schenkein, Edw., 2 Maiden Lane. Shoniger, Charles, . Scheuer, Mrs. H., 22 W. 89th St. Shoniger, Henry, 900 Broadway. Schiele, Mrs. Lewis, 139 E. 72d St. Sichel, Eugene A., 10 Wall St. Schiff, Mrs. Jacob H., 965 5th Ave. Sidenberg, Alfred H., 477 Broadway. Schiff, Mortimer L., 932 5th Ave. Sidenberg, George M., 45 E. 49th St. Schiff, Mrs. Mortimer L., 932 5th Sidenberg, Richard, 477 Broadway. Ave. Siegbert, Louis, 114 Greene St. Schiffer, Alfred, 85 5th Ave. Silberman, 130 5th Ave.

Schiffer, Mrs. Alfred 85 5th Ave. Simpson, A. J., 52 Broadway. Schiffer, Mrs. L. G., 24 E. 69th St. Simson, Louis M., 539 Broadway. Schiffer, Herman, 113 Spring St. Singer, Morris, 87 5th Ave. Schiffer, Mrs. L. G., 24 E. 69th St. Sinn, Samuel, 74 Broadway. Schlessinger, Leo., 129 Crosby St. Sinsheimer, Mrs. L., 316 W. 106th

Schloss, I. M., 92 William St. Street. Schlussel, Mrs. Lottie, 37 W. 74th Sklarek, A., 156 Hester St. Street. Sklarek, Mrs. A., 2 W. 86th St. Schoenfeld, David, 451 Broadway. Small, Mrs. Martin, 54 W. 85th St. Scholle, Albert H., 5 Nassau St. Solinger, Mrs. L., 1350 Madison Scholle, Mrs. A. W., 763 5th Ave. Avenue.

Scholle, Melville J., 5 Nassau St. Sommerich, Mrs. S., in memoriam. Scholle, William, 5 Nassau St. Sondheim, Lewis H., Hotel Savoy. Schwarcz, Max M., 85 5th Ave. Sondheim, Phineas, 27 William St. Schwarzkopf, M., 224 E. 116th St. Sondheim, S., 815 Broadway. MEMBERS. 55

Sondheimer, Julius, 516 Broadway. Stieglitz, Mrs. Albert, 316 W. 106th Speyer, James, 26 Pine St. Street. Speyer, Leo. 20 Nassau St. Stine, Marcus, 37 Wall St. Speyer, Mrs. Leo, 17 E. 82d St. Stiner, Mrs. Oscar, 1061 Madison Spiegelberg, Fred., 15 William St. Avenue.

Spiegelberg, I. N., 42 Broadway. Stix, Otto L., 377 Broadway. Stein, Abe N., 130 5th Ave. Stralem, Casimer, 14 E. 82d St. Stein, Mrs. M., 34 E. 72d St. Strasburger, Alvin L., 170 B'way. Steinberg, Mrs. Fanny, 251 W. 76th Strasburger, Byron L., 170 B'way. Street. Strasburger, Louis, 170 Broadway. Steinhardt, Jacob, 68 William St. Strassburger, Lionel, 237 Broadway. Stern, Abr., 31 Nassau St. Straus, Mrs. Beatrice, 49 E. 74th Stern, Mrs. Albert, 134 E. 72d St. Street. Stern, Baruch, 514 Broadway. Straus, Isidor, 34th St. and B'way. Stern, Mrs. Benjamin, 7 W. 53d St. Straus, Mrs. Isidor, 105th St. and Stern, David, 632 B'way. Broadway.

Stern, George, Llewellyn Park, W. Straus, Jesse I., 49 E. 74th St.

Orange, N. J. Straus, Mrs. Jesse I., 49 E. 74th St. Stern, Jacques, 40 Wall St. Straus, Nathan, 34th St. and B'way. Stern, James, 43 Greene St. Straus, Mrs. Nathan, 27 W. 72d St. Stern, Joseph, 55 W. 50th St. Straus, Mrs. Oscar S., 5 W. 76th St

Stern, Julius, 520 Broadway. Straus, Percy I., 34th St and Stern, Leopold, 68 Nassau St. Broadway. Stern, Louis, 632 Broadway. Straus, Mrs. Vivian, 105th St. and Stern, Louis, 34 W. 23d St. Broadway.

Stern, Mrs. Louis, in memoriam. Strauss, Albert, 1 William St. Stern, M. Samuel, 2013 5th Ave. Strauss, Frank V., 112 Wooster St.

Sternbach, Maurice C, 40 Wall St. Strauss, Frederick, 1 William St. Sternbach, Morris, 40 Exchange PI. Strauss, Mrs. H. S., 155 W. 57th St

Sternbach, Sidney M., 30 Broad St. Strauss, Mrs. J., 51 W. 69th St Sternberger, Henry S., 20 Broad St. Stroock, Joseph, Newburgh, N. Y.

Sternberger, M. M., 74 Broadway. Stroock, L. S., 65 Bleecker St. Sternberger, Mrs. M., Hotel Majes- Stroock, M. E., 65 Bleecker St.

tic. Stroock, M. J., 65 Bleecker St. Sterne, A. F., 31 Union Square. Strouse, Abr., 13 E. 67th St.

Stettheimer, Chas. J., 7 E. 17th St. Sulzberger, Cyrus S., 93 Prince St.

Stettheimer, Jas. J., 7 E. 17th St. Sutro, Lionel, 30 Broad St. Stettiner Bros., 52 Duane St. Sutro, Mrs. Lionel, Upper King St., Stich, Edward, 13 Astor PI. Portchester, N. Y.

Stibel, Isaac J., 519 Broadway. T Stiefel, Mrs. L., 36 E. 60th St. Tanenbaum, Leon, 640 Broadway. Stiefel, Mortimer, 37 Wall St. Tanenbaum, Mrs. Leon, 640 Broad- Stiefel, Samuel, 114 Franklin St. way. 56 MEMBERS.

Teschner, Mrs. Jacob, 134 E. 61st Walter, Philip, 23 W. 71st St. Street. Warburg, Mrs. Paul M., 3 E. 82d Thalmann, Ernst, 25 Broad St. Street. Thalmann, Mrs. Ernst, 150 W. 59th Wassermann, Jesse, 42 Broadway. Street Webster, C. B., Hotel Netherlands. Thurnauer, Felix, 138 Grand St. Wehle, Theodore, 59 W. 83d St. Thurnauer, Geo. B., 42 Broadway. Weil, Mrs. M., 667 Madison Ave.

Tim, Sol., 93 Franklin St. Weil, A. J., 11 Broadway. Tynberg, S., Jr., 46 Cedar St. Weil, Henry G., 50 Broadway. U Weil, Dr. Isaac, 57 W. 87th St. Uhlmann, Simon, 17 Battery PI. Weil, Julius, 77 Woster St. Uhlmann, William, 17 Battery PI. Weil, Simon R., 150 Broadway.

Ullman, E. S., 20 W. 20th St. Weill, E., 35 Greene St. Ullman, Samuel, 20 W. 20th St. Weinberg, Charles, 33 W. 23d St. Ullman, bigmund, 17 Broadway. Weinman, Moses, 37 Wall St.

Ulmann, B., 109 Grand St. Weisl, Henry, 25 Broad St. Untermeyer, Mrs. C. S., Euclid Hall. Weiss, Nathan, 111 5th Ave. Untermeyer, Emanuel, 62 E. 91st St. Werner, Ernst, 39 New St. Untermeyer, Mrs. Hy., 71 Nassau St. Werner, Louis, 52 Broadway. Untermeyer, M. F., 55 New St. Wertheim, Jacob, 1020 2d Ave. Untermyer, Isaac, 37 Wall St. Wertheimer, Max, 58 Beekman St. Untermyer, Maurice, 37 Wall St. Whitehead, Oscar, 34 University PI. Untermyer, Samuel, 37 Wall St. Wiener, Dr. Alfred, 616 Madison V Ave. Van Wezel, Joachim S., 380 Canal St Wiener, Max, 15 W. 3d St. Van Wezel, M. S., 380 Canal St. Wile, Mrs. David, 121 E. 74th St. Veith, A., 624 Broadway. Wimpfheimer, Adolph, 25 Waverly Veith, Mrs. Albert, 50 C. P. West. Place. Veith, Mrs. G. F., Hotel Nether- Wimpfheimer, Mrs. Frida A., 124 lands. E. 70th St.

Veith, H. F., 65 Nassau St. Wineburg, Michael, 25 W. 76th St. Veith, Mrs. Hugo G., 126 E. 65th Wise, Mrs. Leo. H., 28 E. 63d St.

Street. Wittenberg, Charles J., 11 B'way. Vineberg, Mrs. Hiram, 751 Madi- Woarms, Mrs. A. L., 421 5th Ave. son Avenue. Wolf, I. S., 78 Greene St. Vogel, Hyman, 657 8th Avenue. Wolf, Theodore, 43 Exchange PI. W Wolff, Alfred R., 15 W. 89th St. Wallach, Mrs. Isaac, 12 E. 62d St. Wolff, Emil, 443 Broadway.

Wallach, Mrs. L., 10 E. 80th St. Wolff, L. S., 12 E. 70th St. Walter, Herman N., 33 Union Sq. Wolff, Mrs. L. S., 12 E. 70th St. West. Wolff, Max, 26 W. 87th St.

Walter, Moritz, 33 Union Sq. West. Wolff, Mrs. M., 26 W. 87th St. MEMBERS. 57

Wolff, Rudolph, 15 W. 89th St. Wormser, Mrs. Isidor, Jr., 24 W. St. Wolff, Mrs. S., 12 E. 70th St. 54th Wormser, Leo., 2 Maiden Lane. Wolfsbruck, Mrs. S., 757 Broad- Wormser, Maurice S., 15 Broad St. way. Wormser, Mrs. Maurice S., 15 Wollman, Henry, 20 Broad St. Broad St. Wormser, Mrs. Isidor, 836 5th Ave. Z

Wormser, Isidor, Jr., 24 W. 54th St. Zimmern, S., 77 John St.

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I give and devise to The Mount Sinai Training

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