The Bxilletin of

Catalog for 1981 -82 The Bulletin of Wellesley College

Academic Calendar, 1981-82 45 Graduate Fellowships 28 Inquiries and Visits to the College 5 The Academic Program 31 The College 3 The Curriculum 31 The Campus 7 Academic Policies and Procedures 33 Facilities and Resources 7 Special Academic Programs 36 Student Life 11 Academic Distinctions 38 Student Residence and Resources 11 Honors Awarded, 1981 39 Student Government 13 Courses of Instruction 47 Career Services 15 The Board of Trustees 185 Admission 17 Presidents 189 Criteria for Admission 17 The Faculty 191 Admission Plans 19 The Administration 209 Foreign and Transfer Students 20 The Alumnae Organization 215 Costs & Financial Aid 23 The National Development Fees and Expenses 23 Fund Committee 217 Payment Plans 25 Travel Instructions 219 Financial Aid 27 Index 221 Map 224

Volume 71 , Number 1

The information contained in this Bulletin is accurate as of August 1981. However, Wellesley College reserves the right to make changes at its discretion affecting policies, fees, curricula or other matters announced in this Bulletin.

The Bulletin of Wellesley College (USPS 078-360) is published September, December, January,

March, and May by Wellesley College, Green Hall, Wellesley, Mass. 02181 . Second-class postage paid at , Mass. Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to Wellesley College Post Office, Green Hall, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. 02181

Wellesley College admits students, without regard to race, color, religion, or national origin, to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the College. The College does not discriminate, on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin, in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and other college-administered programs or in its employment policies. Wellesley College, as a private, undergraduate educational institution tor women, does not discriminate on the basis of sex against its students in the educational programs or activities which it operates, and does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its employment policies, in compliance with the regulations of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, nor does the College discriminate on the basis of handicap in violation of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

The College

A student's years at Wellesley College are the beginning — not the end— of an education. The liberal arts curriculum and the great opportunities on campus encourage investigation of diverse interests and intensive work in a single field. The rewards are freedom from preconceptions, the capacity to synthesize new information, and the ability to make critical judgments. These are lifetime skills essential in pursuing personal goals and in participating effectively in the larger community.

Wellesley offers this education in an environment that takes women seriously as individuals, as scholars, and as leaders.

Although Wellesley is more than 100 years old, Wellesley's outstanding resources and it continues to reflect the goals of its founder, facilities are administered with the policy that Henry Fowie Durant. An impassioned believer all students, whether majors or nonmajors, will in equality for women, Durant saw education as have access to the resources they need to the way women could prepare themselves for pursue their interests in all departments. "great conflicts" and "vast reforms in social The fylargaret Clapp Library has an life." Wellesley College reaffirmed these early extensive general collection containing visions in 1971 when, after seriously original source material from special considering coeducation, it elected to remain a collections. In addition to the facilities of the college for women only. main library, many departments have their Throughout the years, Wellesley encouraged own libraries. In the sciences, the new women to make unconventional choices. The Science Center brings together all the science success of past Wellesley graduates in departments, including mathematics and academics, business, law, and medicine have computer science, in a contemporary setting helped to open the way for the students of today that fosters interdisciplinary studies. who wish to enter these fields. This commitment Wellesley's strength in the sciences dates to prepare women for a full range of life and to the nineteenth century, when the College's career opportunities is an integral part of physics laboratory was the second such Wellesley's rigorous and demanding academic laboratory in the country (the first was at the program. Massachusetts Institute of Technology). High academic standards at Wellesley are Laboratories in the new Science Center are combined with considerable flexibility of choice completely equipped for a wide variety of for the individual student. There are fields. Other scientific resources at Wellesley opportunities for independent study, include a central library, greenhouses, and an individually designed majors, and research. observatory. A primary concern in the Wellesley Students in the arts find excellent facilities classroom is the development of analytical in the Jewett Arts Center which has a teaching skills and clarity of expression; to this end, most museum, libraries, practice rooms, studios, instructors emphasize writing papers and and an auditorium. Each year the fvluseum has reports. The average size of classes ranges several exhibitions of students' work, and from 22 to 25 students. Popular introductory Jewett is also used for students' concerts and courses that enroll more than 100 students recitals. include small discussion or conference The Wellesley curriculum is extended sections. Upper-level classes and seminars through opportunities for cross registration bring together 1 5 to 20 students and an with the Massachusetts Institute of instructor to investigate clearly defined areas of Technology, exchange programs with other concern. A low student-faculty ratio offers an colleges, and study abroad. excellent opportunity for qualifying students to Wellesley-MIT cross registration allows undertake individual work with faculty on students to combine the strengths of these honors projects and research. two very different institutions. MIT men and Wellesley's faculty— of which 55 percent are women come to Wellesley for such courses as women— bring to the College diverse academic psychology, economics, and art history. and professional interests. Poets, novelists, Wellesley women travel to MIT for such artists, musicians, scientists, political and classes as urban planning, political science, economic analysts, the members of the faculty and photography. Buses shuttle hourly along are scholars dedicated to teaching and to the 12 mile route between the two campuses. sharing their experience with students. A The Twelve College Exchange Program number live on or near the campus, and they each year brings men and women from other take part in many aspects of College life. New England colleges to Wellesley for a The College

.'u;tn(!st(!r or ;i year, utid (Miat)l(;s Wellesley a representative member of her staff. students to live and study on another campus. Students also have numerous outlets for An exchangr' tii'twiH>n Wellesley and Spelnnan self-expression through involvement in such College, a dctnHiui .IhhI Black liberal arts activities as theatre and musical groups, college for woriu-'n in Atlanta, Georgia, was student publications, and sports. inaugurated in 1974-75. Each week brings lectures, poetry readings, Weill';, Icy .il;,n nftcns opportunities for study films, exhibitions, and performances in dance,

.itiiiMil II iM UK ill II M' M.iter, Waddell. and theatre, and music. Visiting artists and Stectiet sctiolaiship programs. The Slater lecturers frequently offer master classes for program contributes to the cost of attending interested students; receptions and informal European institutions for a semester or dinners provide further occasions for students academic year, and it brings Slater Fellows to talk with distinguished men and women. from abroad to the Wellesley campus. The While Wellesley encourages the Waddell program provides funds for study in participation of its students in events and C,imI)Immii (onntiios or in Africa. The Stecher activities designed to heighten their pi(»ii. ii.ihir;; sludents to study art abroad awareness of the world around them, a eitliei (iuMMi) ilii' ,i( .idi'iiiii: year or in the student's inner development and her search summer. Wclli".lcv i- i incinber of the for personal and spiritual values are also coiiMiitiiiiii (jdvcminy a piogram in Cordoba, important parts of a Wellesley education. Over

Sp. nil (I 'Ml MUD) and is a participating the past few years, there has been an institution III M' ,i:,:,()( i.ilKinii which increasing interest in ethical and religious

( sponsor progMnr. .iImo.hI I Ih' '-ollege gives issues and activities. The chaplaincy sponsors assistance to students (n.ikiny individual special seminars and programs in which arrangements for study in loieign universities, students can explore these issues as well as either by diiecl ciinillinent or through share with one another the celebration of prograrTis adininisicicd by other colleges. religious holidays. The chaplaincy provides a One advantage ut women's colleges is the religious program embracing many faiths and opportunity for women to assume leadership also offers denominational programs for those in college organizations and activities. These who wish to participate. options frequently are limited for women in The development of social responsibility coeducational institutions where extracur- and social responsiveness is an integral and ricular activities can be dominated by male continuing part of Wellesley's heritage. students. Students are encouraged to participate in and Wellesley students serve on almost all contribute to the communities of Boston as major cofTirnittees of the Board of Trustees, well as the Wellesley College community. including the Investment Committee, and on Their activities range from tutoring with the coriimittees of the Academic Council, lyilT-Wellesley Upward Bound Program to including the Board of Admission and the internships in urban legal studies. Committee on Curriculum and Instruction. As an individual learns and grows, so, too,

Students are voting members of rriost does a community. It explores and seeks committees on wtiich they serve. In many alternatives and remains open to innovation. academic depaitments, they are nonvoting The past several years at Wellesley have members of curriculum and faculty search witnessed marked changes in the curriculum committees, and they also serve on and academic policies as well as in policies committees that set policy for residential life governing students' lives on campus. These and govern Schneider College Center, the changes are a continuing process and rest on focus for much student and community a foundation of sound academic and social activity on campus. values. They come about through the efforts The Wellesley College Government of individuals who influence and shape the Association was established in 1918 by College environment. student and faculty agreement and is the In its desire to create the best possible official otgani/ation of all Wellesley students. education for women, Wellesley continues to Tluough its lepresentative student Senate, seek solutions to problems faced by both men appointments to College committees, student and women in a changing society. It is looking, oiganizations, and a variety of programming too, at its own community, and is trying to- and policy groups, students are fully involved make it a better place in which to work, study, in all areas affecting student life. College and grow. It is exploring new patterns of work, Government officers are elected each spring new ways for campus groups to communicate on a campuswide basis, and Senate more effectively with one another, and new representatives are elected in each residence styles of residential life. liall and by tlie NoniesidenI Association. Each student who comes to Wellesley College Government policy and programming College joins an extended community; the groups are advised by the Dean of Students or The College

support and involvement of the alumnae add Life at Wellesley is influenced by the an important dimension to the College's life. location of the College, The 500-acre One reason for Wellesley's leadership among campus— a rural setting on the shores of Lake colleges and universities is the success of its Waban— is only thirty-five minutes from alumnae who have pioneered in all areas of (Metropolitan Boston and its many cultural life Some have been outstanding scholars offerings. and researchers: others have been leaders in Whatever one's life choice and goal, a science, politics and women's rights; still Wellesley education provides women with others have made important contributions to intellectual and personal growth that their communities through volunteer work. continues long after the college years.

Inquiries & Visits

Wellesley welcomes inquiries and visits to the College from prospective students, their parents, and other interested individuals. For those who would like more detailed information on many of the programs and opportunities described in this catalog, the College publishes a number of brochures and booklets. These publications, as well as answers to any specific questions, may be obtained by writing to the appropriate office as listed.

For those who would like to visit the College, the administrative offices in Green Hall are open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and by appointment on Saturday mornings during term time. Special arrangements for greeting prospective students can also be made during vacation periods. Rooms for alumnae and for parents of students or prospective students are available on the campus in the Wellesley College Club and may be reserved by writing to the club manager.

A prospective student who wishes to arrange an interview with a member of the professional staff of the Board of Admission should make an appointment well in advance.

Student guides provide tours for visitors without previous appointment. Visitors to the College may call the Board of Admission prior to their visit to arrange a mutually convenient time for the tour.

President Registrar General interests of the College Transcripts of records

Dean of the College Dean of Continuing Education Academic policies and programs Continuing education

Dean of Students Director, Office for Careers Student life Graduate school: employment; Advising, counseling general career counseling of Residence undergraduates and alumnae IVIIT cross registration Exchange programs Vice President for Financial and Business International students Affairs Study abroad Business matters

Class Deans Vice President for Planning and Resources Individual students Gifts and bequests

Director of Admission Vice President for College Relations Admission of students Internal and external public affairs

Director of Financial Aid Executive Director, Alumnae Association Financial aid: student employment: Alumnae interests fellowships: student loans Address Bursar Wellesley College College fees Wellesley, (Massachusetts 02181 (617)235-0320

The Campus

Wellesley College has a campus of more than 500 acres bordering on Lake Waban. There are woodlands, hills and meadows, an arboretum, ponds, and miles of footpaths. In this setting are 64 buildings, with architectural styles ranging from Gothic to contemporary. The focal point of the campus is the Galen Stone Tower, named for its donor, which rises 182 feet. From the top one sees not only the whole Wellesley campus, but the outlines of Boston and Cambridge, an exciting area of which Wellesley is very much a part.

Facilities and Resources

The broad scope of Wellesley's curriculum is supported by excellent academic facilities, ranging from large lecture halls to study carrels, from tools to create art to equipment for advanced

scientific research. Of equal importance to the quality of its academic facilities is the College's policy of making them available to all students; even those facilities outside a student's principal interests will enrich her educational experience.

Classrooms Observatory

The two primary classroom buildings. The Whitin Observatory contains laboratories, Founders Hall and Pendleton Hall, are located classrooms, darkroom, and the library of the in the academic quadrangle. The humanities astronomy department. Its research are taught in Founders and the social equipment includes a 6-inch, a 12-inch, and a sciences in Pendleton East. 24-inch telescope. The observatory was a gift of Mrs. John C. Whitin, a former trustee of the

Science Center College. It was built in 1900, enlarged in 1962 The Science Center houses the departments and 1966, and is considered to be an of astronomy, biological sciences, chemistry, unusually fine facility for undergraduate geology, mathematics, physics, psychology, training in astronomy. and the laboratories of computer science and Facilities human performance. In the Center are the Computer teaching and research laboratories: an f^any courses and research projects at extensive array of sophisticated facilities and Wellesley involve the use of a computer. The equipment. Special equipment includes two College has its own DEC-20 computer with electron microscopes, two NMR spectrom- access on a time-sharing basis to other eters, and an X-ray diffractometer. There are computers in New England. It is housed in the also environmental rooms, animal quarters, a Henry David Tishman Computer Laboratory. holograph room and closed circuit TV. Computer terminals are located in the Public The Science Center also houses the Terminal Room of the Margaret Clapp Library, Science Library, comprised of over 66,000 in the Science Center, and at various locations volumes from five separate departmental in academic buildings. collections. Group study rooms, carrels, audiovisual and tutorial rooms, copying Arts Center equipment and facilities microfilm are under The Jewett Arts Center, completed in 1958 the supervision of a trained science librarian. consists of the Mary Cooper Jewett art wing and the Margaret Weyerhaeuser Jewett music Greenhouses and drama wing. Linking the two buildings is Classrooms in the biological sciences the Wellesley College Museum. department open directly into the f^argaret C. The Museum is open to the general public.

Ferguson Greenhouses, named after a former It includes a fine collection of classical, Wellesley professor of botany. The climate in medieval and renaissance sculpture, old the greenhouses ranges from temperate to master paintings, prints and drawings, and tropic with many excellent examples of trees twentieth century art. In addition to the and flowers which flourish in the respective permanent collection, many loan exhibitions temperatures. There is considerable space for are presented throughout the academic year. experiments by faculty and students. The greenhouses are open to the public throughout the year. 8 The Campus

The art wing contains photography game rooms, badminton and squash courts, a darkrooms, classrooms, an extensive library, swimming pool, a practice dance studio, and offices of the art department and basketball backboards, volleyball courts, and museum. The music and drama wing contains an athletic training facility. Outdoor water the music library, listening rooms, practice sports center around the boathouse where the studios, and classrooms and offices of the canoes, sailboats, and crew shells are kept. music department. A collection of musical Wellesley also maintains a 9-hole golf course, instruments of various periods is available to 24 tennis courts, hockey, soccer and lacrosse students. fields, a ski slope, and a swimming beach. The Jewett Auditorium, a theatre seating 320 persons, was designed for chamber Alumnae Hall music performances, and is also used for The largest auditorium on the campus, seating are rehearsal special events. In addition, there 1,500 people, is in Alumnae Hall. The Hall also rooms and other theatre facilities. has a large ballroom and houses the Wellesey Pendleton West, part of the Arts Center, College Theatre and the College radio station, contains laboratories, studios, a sculpture WZLY. Visiting lecturers, concert artists, and foundry, an extension of the Music Library, the professional theatre groups often appear concert salon. choir rehearsal room, and a there. The building was erected in 1923 and is the gift of Wellesley alumnae. Margaret Clapp Library

The third enlargement and complete Chapel remodeling of the Margaret Clapp Library was The Houghton Memorial Chapel was finished in 1975. At the center of the modern presented to Wellesley in 1897 by the son and and functional building is the reference room daughter of William S. Houghton, a former which distinguished the original building trustee of the College. The chapel's stained erected in 1910. glass windows commemorate the founders The library's holdings contain more than and others, while a tablet by Daniel Chester 600,000 volumes and an important collection French honors Alice Freeman Palmer, of public documents. Subscriptions to Wellesley's second president. The chapel, Interlibrary periodicals number over 2,600. which seats 1,000 people, is a setting for loans through the Boston Consortium of lectures and community meetings as well as Academic and Research Libraries augment religious services. the College's own collections. The Special Collections include letters, Schneider College Center manuscripts, and rare books and the Archives The center for extracurricular life at the contain materials documenting the history of College is Schneider College Center. Its Wellesley. The language laboratory and a facilities provide lounge areas, a snack bar, listening room for the collection of spoken and meeting rooms, offices for student dramatic recordings are in the library. A organizations, and a coffee house. It also lecture room is available for meetings. contains the offices of the Center Director, the Director of Residence, and the Chaplain. Child Study Center Harambee House and Slater International The Child Study Center in the Anne L. Page Center are complementary adjuncts to Memorial Building is a pre-school and Schneider. laboratory which serves the College and the neighboring community. Under the direction of Harambee House the Psychology Department, students and Harambee House is the cultural and social faculty from any discipline can study, observe, center for the Black community at Wellesley. conduct approved research, volunteer or Diverse program offerings, which highlight assistant teach in classes with children ages 2 various aspects of Black culture, are open to to 5. In addition to the observation and testing the College community. Harambee has a booths at the Center, there is a growing library of the history and culture of Developmental Laboratory at the Science African and Afro-American peoples and boasts Center; modern equipment is available at both a record library (classical-jazz by Black locations. artists), which is housed in the Jewett Music Library. The House also contains offices for Physical Education Facilities the staff. Ethos (the Black student for all Classes indoor sports and dance are organization), and Brown Sister (a literary conducted in Mary Hemenway Hall and in the magazine), as well as rooms for seminars, nearby Recreation Building. The latter has meetings, and social gatherings. The Campus

Slater International Center Infirmary

Slater International Center is an informal Simpson Infirmary is a licensed hospital, meeting place for foreign and American approved by the American Hospital students and faculty. The Center serves Association, with an outpatient clinic built in campus organizations that have an interest in 1942. It is connected to the original infirmary international affairs and helps to sponsor which was built in 1881. seminars and speakers on international topics. Located in the Center is the Foreign Students President's House Office which handles immigration and gives The President's House, formerly the country other counseling to students from abroad. estate of Wellesley's founders, Mr. and Mrs. Slater Center is the headquarters for the Henry Fowie Durant, is located on a hill just International Slater Association, providing a south of the main campus. The spacious place where foreign students may study, cook, lawns border Lake Waban. Remodeled and entertain, and get to know each other better. renovated in 1968, it is frequently the scene of The Executive of Committee, composed alumnae and trustee gatherings as well as students the Foreign and Student Advisor, receptions for distinguished visitors, for shares the responsibility tor the policies and entering students, and for graduating seniors programs of the Center. and their parents.

La Casa Wellesley College Club La serves as the center for Alianza, the Casa The Wellesley College Club is a center for organization for Puerto Rican, Chicana, and faculty, staff, and alumnae. Its reception and American Indian students. Located in La Casa dining rooms are open to members, their are kitchen, offices, a and a common room guests, and parents of students for lunch and with library a and record collection. dinner and are also used for many special occasions. Overnight accommodations are Beit Shalom also available for alumnae and for parents of Beit Shalom, the religious, cultural, and social students and prospective students. center for the Wellesley Jewish community, houses study rooms and kosher kitchen Wellesley College Center for Research on facilities as well as a dining room for Sabbath Women dinners. The College does not provide kosher The Center for Research on Women was meals part of plan. as a meal established in the summer of 1974 by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation and is currently Society Houses supported by the Ford Foundation, Time, Inc., There are three society houses for special and a variety of private foundations, interest groups. Each house has kitchen and government agencies, corporations, and dining facilities, a living room, and other individuals. The Center conducts policy- gathering rooms. Members are drawn from all oriented studies of women's educational, four classes, beginning with second semester work, and family needs and examines paid freshmen. Shakespeare House is a center for and unpaid work in the context of increasing students interested in Shakespearean drama; life choices for both men and women. Tau Zeta Epsilon House is oriented around art and music; and Zeta Alpha House provides a setting for students with an interest in modern drama.

Green Hall

The offices of the president, the board of admission, the deans, and all administrative offices directly affecting the academic and business management of the College are located in Green Hall. The building has large rooms for Academic Council and trustee meetings, class and seminar rooms, and some faculty offices. Named for Hetty R. Green, the building was erected in 1931.


student Life

Intellectual growth is only part of the realization of one's talents and abilities. Wellesley College offers many opportunities for a student to develop self-confidence, leadership skills, and a sense of social responsibility through participation in student organizations and college governance.

Many student groups reflect ethnic, social, The arts have always been a highly visible political, and religious interests. Some of part of the Wellesley experience. The College these organizations are Alianza, an Choir, the Madrigals, the Tupelos, the association of Chicana, American Indian, and Collegium Musicum, the Chamber Music Puerto Rican students; Ethos, an organization Society, the Chapel Choir, the Ethos Choir, the

of Black students; the Asian Association, Carillonneurs Guild, and the MIT Orchestra all composed of Asian and Asian-American offer experiences for students with interests in students; the Women's Alliance, a group music. Those inclined toward the theatre can interested in feminist issues; and the choose among the Wellesley College Theatre, Nonresident Council. Religious groups such as the Experimental Theatre, the Shakespeare the Newman Club, the Wellesley Christian Society, and the Wellesley College Black Fellowship, Hillel, the Black Christian Repertory Total Theatrical Experience. Fellowship, Canterbury Club, and Christian Life at Wellesley also includes a number of Scientists offer many programs throughout traditional social events. Fall Weekend, the year. Sophomore Parents' Weekend, Spring Students are also responsible for a number Weekend, and International Week are of publications, among them Wellesley News, supplemented by frequent informal parties. the weekly student newspaper; Legenda, the Schneider Center, which also has a coffee College yearbook; Brown Sister, a student house, conference rooms, and a student-run publication for and about Third World women; store, is the location for much community New Voice, a biannual publication devoted to activity. Supplementing the facilities and social and political issues; WRagtime and the resources of Schneider are Slater Galen Stone Review, literary publications. International Center, which is the frequent WZLY, the campus radio station, is operated setting for international events and by an all-student staff. celebrations, and Harambee House, the social Sports are a significant part of life at and cultural center of the Black community at Wellesley. There are ten intercollegiate teams, Wellesley. Throughout the year, Harambee and numerous opportunities for competition in sponsors such events as lectures and dance the intramural program. Other students performances, many in conjunction with the pursue physical education just for fun, or to Black Studies department. Beit Shalom is the stay in shape. Interests range from yoga and center for the Wellesley Jewish students and fencing to dance and scuba diving. The La Casa is the center for members of Alianza. College has good facilities and Lake Waban, on the campus, is used for water sports and ice skating.

Student Residence and Resources

Although some students live off campus, most live in one of Wellesley's seventeen residence halls. As a largely residential community—and for nonresident students as well — the College provides the counseling, religious, and health services necessary to ensure the spiritual and medical health of the population.

Residence Malts

The residence halls are the focus of much differing life styles and cultural backgrounds,

campus life. Each has a character of its own. contributes much to this process. Much of the informal learning at Wellesley The residence hall system at Wellesley is takes place in spontaneous discussions and designed to foster a sense of community, with debates in the residence halls. The diversity of most of the routine administration and Wellesley's students, who bring to the College program planning left to the individuals who 12 Student Life

live within the community. Within this principle posters. They clean their own rooms and of student self-government, the halls offer contribute two or three hours a week many opportunities for residents to assume answering the telephones and doing other leadership positions. miscellaneous jobs which are scheduled by The residence experience is also likely to the student heads of work. include lectures, faculty, staff and alumnae Seventeen residence halls are grouped in Guests in Residence, group discussions, three areas of the campus: Bates, Freeman, dinners with faculty members, and parties. McAfee, Simpson, Dower, Homestead, Stone, One tradition, initiated in the early years of the and Davis are near the Route 16 entrance to College, is Wednesday Tea— an informal the campus; Tower Court, Severance, occasion which continues to attract many Crawford House, and Claflin are situated off students. College Road in the Center of the campus; and Members of all four classes live in most of Shafer, Pomeroy, Cazenove, Beebe, and the halls. Each residence hall also has a Munger are located by the Route 135 professional Head of House, with the entrance to the College. exception of Stone, Davis, Simpson, The residence halls vary in size. Most house Homestead, Crawford, Freeman, and between 115 and 140 students, while one hall Pomeroy, which are staffed by students. The houses approximately 250 students. Three Heads of House and the student staff House halls house less than 25 students. Presidents serve as advisors and counselors to individuals and groups in the residence Counseling and Advising Resources halls and as a liaison to the College The offices of the Dean of Students offer a community. A student Resident Advisor is wide range of counseling and advising situated on each floor and provides assistance services for individuals and groups of to floor residents. students. Students in the larger residence halls elect Counseling is readily available. Many a House Council which administers the day-to- students feel the need to talk with someone day details of living. The Vice President of other than friends and roommates about Programming and her committee in each hail personal matters during their college careers, plan a variety of social, cultural, and whether their concerns are large or small, year. educational events throughout the Each affecting their daily life, or a part of sorting out residence also elects representatives to the their sense of purpose or direction. Students Senate, and these students consult with are encouraged to utilize the Counseling members of the residence hall on campus- Services. wide issues and convey opinions of their The staff of the Stone Center for constituencies to the student government. Developmental Services and Studies, the A residential policy committee reviews College counseling service, provides short- many aspects of residential life and is term counseling and psychotherapy. On the developing ways to involve students in all staff are professionals who have an interest in areas of residential policy making. The individual and group counseling and in Residence Office has been working to preventive mental health. They are trained in a strengthen the involvement of faculty, staff, variety of fields including psychiatry, and alumnae in residence hall life. psychology, and psychiatric social work. Long- contain single Most of the residence halls term psychotherapy is not provided at the rooms, double rooms, and some suites. College, but the resources for such treatment Incoming freshmen are placed in double are readily available in the Greater Boston rooms. The cost of all rooms is the same, area. The counseling service can help regardless of whether they are shared, and students locate appropriate long-term students are required to sign a residence therapists. Complete professional contract. Each hall has a spacious living room, confidentiality is maintained at all times. smaller common rooms, and a study room. All Members of the staff of the Dean of but five have dining facilities, and in the Students are available to discuss personal and remaining halls, facilities are open on a five- academic concerns with students. They or day seven-day basis. There are limited include the Residence Office staff. Heads of kitchenette facilities in the halls for preparing House and student staff in residence halls, the snacks or for use when entertaining. Each Nonresident Advisor, the student activities building is equipped with coin-operated staff in Schneider College Center, Harambee washers and dryers. House, Slater International Center, and the The College supplies a bed, desk, chair, Chaplain and religious groups advisors. lamp, bookcase, and bureau for each resident student. Students may rent linen or supply Religious Resources their own. Students supply blankets, quilts, Wellesley seeks to respond sensitively to a and their own curtains, pictures, rugs, and variety of religious traditions. The College student Life 13

encourages Independent religious involvement inpatient care (medical, surgical, or on the part of its students. psychiatric). These services are usually The College chaplaincy offers diverse covered by insurance. There are no charges religious, personal growth, and social action for outpatient treatment except laboratory programs as well as service opportunities. The studies, elective examinations or procedures, Chaplain and other members of the immunizations and treatment of pre-existing or chaplaincy staff are regularly available for ongoing conditions. A College-sponsored religious and personal counseling. student insurance plan is available. Boston The Chaplain also officiates at regular has long been one of the major medical Sunday morning worship, an ecumenically centers in the country, and consultation with oriented Protestant service in Houghton specialists in all medical fields is easily Memorial Chapel with guest preachers invited available. during the year. Attendance at all worship Besides the usual care given by College services is voluntary. Health Services, members of the staff Catholic masses are offered on campus on establish programs to expand the use of the Sundays and Thursdays, as well as a number health services and arrange special programs of other programs sponsored by the Newman in response to student interests. Catholic [Ministry. Jewish students will find a The confidentiality of the doctor-patient varied schedule, including High Holiday relationship is carefully preserved. College services and a koshered kitchen, fvlany medical personnel will not share any medical activities are also sponsored by other religious information concerning a student with any groups on campus. College authorities, or with the parents of Students may also major in religion or take students, without the written consent of the elective courses in the field. student. It may be necessary to disclose minimal information to insurance companies College Health Service for verification of medical claims. Students are required enroll in The services of the College physicians, to the College Student Health Insurance Plan unless they have counselors, and nurses are available at Simpson Infirmary which includes a licensed equivalent coverage. Parents are requested to sign a statement hospital and an outpatient clinic. Regular full- authorizing time students and part-time Continuing the College to proceed with appropriate treatment in the of serious Education students who carry three or more case illness or emergency in the event they cannot courses are eligible for care. There is no be reached by telephone. health fee. Appropriate charges are made for

Student Government

Throughout its history the College has based its policies regarding student life upon the concepts of personal integrity, respect for individual rights, and student self-government. The rules and procedures governing student life reflect these concepts, and are designed chiefly to ensure the privacy and safety of individuals. Legislation concerning all aspects of Wellesley community life is contained in the Articles of Government, copies of which are available to all students.

Honor Code The honor code covers all duly adopted of for of Inherent in Wellesley's system of democratic rules the College the government work, for the of college government, and its accompanying law, is the academic use honor code. As the vital foundation of resources and for the special conduct of its government, the honor code rests on the members. Each student — degree candidate, assumption that individual integrity is of exchange student, and special student— is fundamental value to each member of the bound by all the rules. community. Within the philosophy of self- Each student is expected to live up to the government, the personal honor and honor code, as a member of the student body responsibility of each individual as he or she of Wellesley College both on and off the approaches both the regulated and campus. She should also remember that she nonregulated areas of academic, social, and is subject to federal, state, and local laws residence hall life in the Wellesley community which are beyond the jurisdiction of Wellesley are of central importance. College. 14 Student Life

The honor code can work only with full enroll, the student's parents if the student is a support among all mennbers of the College dependent for tax purposes, and certain other community. In addition to upholding the persons and organizations. regulations and spirit of the honor code The final regulations for the Act make clear personally, both students and faculty are that, in the case of students who are responsible for the survival and success of the dependents of their parents for Internal system as a whole. This includes guarding Revenue Service purposes, information from against and, if necessary, reporting any the education records of the student may be inadvertent or intentional abuses of the honor disclosed to the parents without the student's code by any member of the community. prior consent. It is the policy of the College to notify both the student and her parents in College Government writing of academic warnings, probationary

dismissal. It will that fvlost of the legislation and regulations guiding status, and be assumed every student is dependent of her parents, student life is enacted and administered by a the student College Government, of which all as defined by the Internal Revenue Code, students are members. Responsibilities unless notification to the contrary with delegated by the Board of Trustees to the supporting evidence satisfactory to the College Government include governance of all College is filed in writing with the Registrar by student organizations, appointment of October 1 of each academic year. In students to College committees, allocation of communications with parents concerning student activities monies, and administration other matters, it is normally College policy to of the Honor Code and judicial process. Many respect the privacy of the student and not to of these responsibilities are assumed by disclose information from student education Senate, the elected legislative body of College records without the prior consent of the Government, which also provides the official student. representative voice of the student body. Copies of the Privacy Act, the regulations Serious violations of the Honor Code are therein and the "Wellesley College Guidelines adjudicated through the student Judicial on Student Records" are available on request System. Three separate branches of the from the Office of the Dean of Students. Judicial System address infractions of Students wishing to inspect a record should residence hall violations, violations of apply directly to the office involved. academic principles, and the appeal process. Complaints concerning alleged noncompliance by the College with the Privacy Act, which are Confidentiality of Student Records not satisfactorily resolved by the College itself, may be addressed in writing to the Family Maintenance of the confidentiality of individual Educational Rights and Privacy Act Office, student educational records has been and Department of Education, 550 Independence continues to be important at Wellesley, as is a Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201. concern for the accuracy of each record. Under the provisions of the federal Family Directory Information Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, The Privacy Act gives to Wellesley the right to every Wellesley student is assured the right to make public at its discretion, without prior inspect and review all college records, files, authorization from the individual student, the and data directly related to her, with certain following personally identifiable information: exceptions such as medical and psychiatric name; class year; home address and records, confidential recommendations telephone number; college address and submitted before January 1, 1975, records to telephone number; major field; date and place which the student has waived her right of of birth; dates of attendance at Wellesley access, and financial records of the student's College; degrees, honors and awards parents. The student may also seek a received; weight and height of student correction or deletion where a record is felt to athletes; participation in officially recognized be inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in sports and activities; previous educational violation of the privacy or other rights of the institution recently attended. student. The Privacy Act also protects the most The Privacy Act also allows individual privacy of personally identifiable information students to place limitations on the release of maintained in student records by prohibiting any of the above information. student who the release of such information (other than A to this file special form with those facts defined below as "Directory wishes do must a the Registrar, Green Hall, each year by July 1 Information") without the written consent of for the following academic year. the student, except to persons such as In practice. College policies discourage the officials or teachers within the College who indiscriminate release of any information have a legitimate educational interest in about individual students. College directories seeing the information, officials of other and lists are for use within the College institutions in which the student seeks to community itself. student Life 15

Career Services

The Office for Careers provides a complete range of services, and students are encouraged to maintain contact with the Office throughout their careers at Wellesley. All services are available to alumnae. The Resource Center, open Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., houses information on specific professions and career options, graduate and professional study, entrance examination requirements, and opportunities for v\/ork and study abroad.

The Office maintains a file of alumnae who are willing to talk to students about their graduate study and/or career experience. The Office also sponsors a wide variety of programs that bring alumnae back to the campus to discuss their personal and professional working lives.

Counseling assistance and materials for application to graduate school, including graduate Individual appointments for advice and school and professional school discussion of career goals are arranged examinations, copies of recommendations solicited the through the Office for Careers, fvlany students by students but maintained on file at the Office, who are unsure of their future plans find that and advice on completing graduate school the counselors aid them in establishing broad applications. goals. The first appointment is often spent in establishing a relationship between student Internships and counselor so that the advice and

assistance may be tailored to the individual. The Office for Careers is the center for "Drop in" hours are held four afternoons and information concerning all internships and can five mornings a week on a first come, first direct students to the appropriate faculty served basis for students who wish to share members for those programs administered by news or ask brief questions. college academic departments. All internships Group counseling sessions are held to require early application and considerable explore areas of common concern about planning; students interested in internships

either broad career related topics or specific should consult a counselor well in advance. occupations. Group workshops on such topics as career goal setting, resume writing and Scholarships and Fellowships interviewing are available, and they take a The Office for Careers provides information variety of forms from simple discussion to role and assistance on a wide variety of scholar- playing and group critique. A vocational ships and fellowships, some for very specific interest inventory is available all to students. institutions or fields of interest, and others with more general application. A full listing Recruiting and description of scholarships and fellow- The Office for Careers arranges interviews ships is maintained in the Resource Center. with recruiters from over 50 companies. Students are notified of impending visits by Recommendations postings in the Office, in the Weekly Bulletin All students are encouraged to build a and in the Career Planning News, and are reference file; all references will be forwarded advised to consult with a career counselor to schools and employers upon request. In prior to the interview. addition to recommendations from faculty, students should consider obtaining references Job Notices from summer employers, from responsible Job notebooks are maintained by the Office individuals with whom the student has worked staff and are open to all students and on internships or special programs, and from alumnae. Notices of job openings are filed in faculty members at schools she attends on these notebooks as they are received by the exchange programs. The Office provides Office. A job bulletin Newsletter is sent to standard recommendation forms acceptable alumnae upon request. to graduate schools and employers unless forms are provided in application materials. Graduate Schools Students seeking information on the academic programs at specific graduate and professional schools should speak with their academic advisors and members of the faculty as well as career counselors. The Office for Careers provides complete

17 Admission

The Board of Admission chooses students who will benefit from and contribute to the type of education offered at Wellesiey and be able to meet the standards for graduation from the College. Consideration is given to creativity and high motivation as well as strong academic potential.

The Board of Admission considers each application on its merits and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, creed, or national origin. In accordance with its desire to maintain diversity in its student body, Wellesiey College encourages applications from qualified students who come from a wide variety of cultural, economic, and ethnic backgrounds.

The Board of Admission at Wellesiey is composed of representatives of the faculty, the administration, and the students. In selecting the candidates who will comprise the student body, the Board of Admission considers a number of factors: high school records, rank in class, scholastic aptitude and achievement test scores, letters of recommendation from teachers and principals, the student's own statements about herself and her activities, and the interview reports of the staff or alumnae. The Board of Admission values evidence of unusual talent and involvement in all areas of academic and social concern.

Each application is evaluated with care. The admission decision is never made on the basis of a single factor. For instance, the Board recognizes that standardized tests do not measure motivation or creativity and that scores may be influenced by the student's experience with timed examinations. Each part of the application, however, contributes to a well rounded appraisal of a student's strengths and is useful in attempting to predict whether Wellesiey would be the right place for her to continue her education.

Criteria for Admission

General Requirements for Freshman The Application Applicants Application forms may be obtained from the Wellesiey College does not require a fixed Board of Admission, A nonrefundable fee of plan of secondary school courses as $25 must accompany the formal application. If preparation for its program of studies. the application fee imposes a burden on the However, entering students normally have family's finances, a letter from the applicant's completed four years of strong college guidance counselor requesting a fee waiver preparatory studies in secondary school. should be sent to the Director of Admission Adequate preparation includes training in with the application for admission. clear and coherent writing and in interpreting literature, training in the principles of The Interview mathematics (usually a minimum of three A personal interview is required of each years), competence in at least one foreign applicant. If it is not possible for a candidate language, ancient or modern (usually achieved to come to the College for an interview, she through three or four years of study), and should write to the Board of Admission for the experience in at least one laboratory science name of an alumna interviewer in the and in history. candidate's local area. A high school junior Students planning to concentrate in just beginning to think about colleges may mathematics, in premedical studies, or in the arrange for an informal conversation with an natural sciences are urged to elect additional alumna or member of the Board. The Board of courses in mathematics and science in Admission is closed for interviews from secondary school. Students planning to February 1 5 to April 1 ; however, tours will still concentrate in language or literature are be given by student guides during this time. urged to study a modern foreign language and Latin or Greek before they enter college. Campus Visit There are often exceptions to the preparation suggested here, and the Board Students who are seriously considering will consider an applicant whose educational Wellesiey will have a better understanding of background varies from this general student life at Wellesiey if they can arrange to description. spend a day on campus. Candidates are welcome to attend classes, eat in the 18 Admission

residence halls, and talk infornnally with It is necessary to register with CEEB Wellesley students. Prospective students who approximately six weeks before the test dates; plan to spend some time exploring the College however, limited walk-in registration may be are urged to notify the Board of Admission in available at some test centers. advance so that tours, interviews, meals, and Either the SAT or three Achievement Tests attendance at classes can be arranged before may be taken on any of the following dates, arrival on campus. Overnights in the but it is not possible to take both the SAT and residence halls can also be arranged for high the Achievement Tests on the same day, so school seniors. students must select and register for two different test dates. The latest test date from College Entrance Examination Board Tests which scores can be used for admission in The Scholastic Aptitude Test and three September, 1982 is January 23, 1982. Achievement Tests of the College Entrance The CEEB Code Number for Wellesley College Examination Board (CEEB) are required of all is 3957. applicants for admission. One Achievement Test must be the English Composition or Dates of CEEB Tests English Composition with Essay Test. 'November 7, 1981 Each applicant is responsible for arranging Decembers, 1981 to take the tests and for requesting to CEEB 'January 23, 1982 send to Wellesley College the results of all 'March 27, 1982 (SAT only) tests taken. CEEB sends its publications and May 1, 1982 the registration forms necessary to apply for June 5, 1982 the tests to all American secondary schools and many centers abroad. The applicant may *Not held in New York. obtain the registration form at school, or may In addition, on October 10, 1981 the SAT only obtain it by writing directly to CEEB, Box 692, is offered in California, Florida, Georgia, New Princeton, New Jersey 08540; or in western York, North Carolina and Texas. The English

United States, western Canada, Australia, Composition Test-with-essay is offered only on Mexico, or the Pacific Islands, to CEEB, Box the December 5, 1981 test date. 1025, Berkeley, California 94701.

Summary of Students, 1980-81

Candidates for the B.A. degree Seniors Juniors Sophomores Freshmen Continuing Education Students Nondegree Candidates Special Students Admission 19

Admission Plans

Students may apply to Wellesley under several admission plans. Most applicants use the Regular Decision or Early Evaluation plans, but tor students with special considerations or with particularly strong high school records there are plans tor early decision and early admission. Each plan has specitic guidelines and deadlines.

Regular Decision Early Admission A candidate who uses the regular plan of The College considers applications from admission must file an application by February candidates who plan to complete only three

1 of the year for which she is applying. years of high school and who have Applicants will be notified of the Board of demonstrated academic strength and Admission's decisions in mid-April. Applicants personal and social maturity. These for regular admission may take Scholastic candidates are considered for admission Aptitude Tests and Achievement Tests any along with other applicants for the Regular time through January of the senior year. It is Decision Plan. They are requested to identify preferred, however, that students take these themselves as early Admission applicants in tests before the January test date to insure their correspondence with the Board of that scores will arrive well before the Board of Admission, it is preferable that these Admission begins to review records. Results candidates have their interviews at the of tests taken after January arrive too late for College if distance permits. Early Admission consideration by the Board of Admission. candidates are not eligible for Early Decision

or Early Evaluation. In all other respects they Early Decision follow the regular procedures for the Regular Plan. This plan is intended for those students with Decision strong high school records who have selected Wellesley as their first choice college by the Deferred Entrance fall of the senior year. Candidates under this Application for admission is made for a stated initiate plan may applications at other year; however, it is possible to change the colleges, but they agree to make only one intended date of entrance if a written request Early Decision application, and if admitted is sent before the Board of Admission takes under Early Decision, they must then withdraw formal action on the application. Students who all other applications. complete their applications and are admitted Early Candidates who wish Decision must and who then wish to defer entrance to the

Part I of the application 1 submit by November freshman class for one year should accept the and indicate that they want to be considered offer of admission by May 1 , and at the same under the Early Decision Plan. Although CEEB time request a year's deferral. Students who tests taken through the November 7, 1981 test attend another American college full-time date may be used, it is preferred that students during the year between high school and their complete the appropriate tests by the end of entrance to Wellesley are not considered the junior year. All supporting credentials and deferred students, but must reapply for an interview must be completed by November entrance as transfers. Ordinarily, transfer 15. Decisions on admission and financial aid students may not defer entrance to the will be mailed no later than mid-December. following semester or year.

Early Evaluation Citizens Living Abroad Candidates whose credentials are complete For U.S. citizens living in other countries the by January 1 , and who request it by checking entrance requirements and procedures for the appropriate box of the application form, making application are the same as for will receive an Early Evaluation of their applicants within the United States. U.S. chances of admission. These evaluations will citizens who have been educated exclusively be sent by the end of February. Candidates in foreign school systems follow the same will receive the final decision from the Board application procedures as foreign students. of Admission in mid-April. 20 Admission

Foreign and Transfer Students

Through the years Wellesley has sought and benefited fronn a large body of foreign students on campus. The College also seeks highly qualified transfer students who believe that Wellesley's special opportunities will help them to achieve specific goals. For foreign and transfer students there are some additional and different application procedures and deadlines.

Foreign Students The College will accept for credit only those The College welcomes applications from courses which are comparable to courses citizens of other countries who have excellent offered in the liberal arts curriculum at secondary school records and are completing Wellesley. Candidates accepted for transfer will the university entrance requirements of their be given a tentative evaluation of their credit status at the time of admission. own countries. It is possible to receive advance credit toward the Wellesley degree Transfer credit for studies completed in foreign countries will through successful results in national be granted only when matriculation examinations. Foreign students the Registrar has given specific approval of the courses elected the must apply by January 15 of the year in which and institutions the student plans to enter the College. granting the credit. To receive a Wellesley Admission is for September entrance only. degree, a transfer student must of There is no application fee for foreign students complete a minimum 16 units living outside of the United States. Foreign of work and two academic years at the students cannot apply under Early Decision, College. A Wellesley unit is equivalent to four Early Evaluation, or Early Admission. Specific semester hours and some transfer students instructions for foreign students wishing to may need to carry more than the usual four apply to Wellesley are contained in the courses per semester in order to complete brochure, Information for Foreign Students, their degree requirements within four years. which may be obtained by writing to the Board Wellesley College has no summer school and of Admission. Letters of inquiry should include courses done independently during the the student's age, country of citizenship, summer may not be counted toward the 16 present school, and academic level. units required. Incoming juniors, in particular, should be aware that Wellesley requires Admission of Transfer Students evidence of proficiency in one foreign language before the beginning of the senior Wellesley College accepts transfer students year. In addition, all transfer students should from accredited four and two year colleges. note Wellesley's course distribution They must offer an excellent academic record requirements which must be fulfilled for at the college level and strong graduation. These requirements are described recommendations from their deans and on p. 31 of this catalog. instructors. Scholastic Aptitude Tests are Incoming junior transfer students may not required of Transfer applicants. Incoming take part in the Twelve College Exchange sophomores and juniors are eligible to apply Program or Junior Year Abroad. All transfer for entrance in either the first or second students may elect to take courses through semester. Transfers in the middle of the the cross registration program with MIT after freshman year are discouraged. Students they have completed one semester of study at wishing to transfer into Wellesley should make Wellesley. Candidates who have interrupted application by February 1 for entrance in the their education for more than five years and/or fall semester, and before November 15 for who are older than 25 years of age may wish entrance in the spring semester, on forms to consult the Office of Continuing Education. which may be obtained from the Board of Admission. Notification is in mid-April and late December, respectively. The preliminary application forms should be returned with a nonrefundable registration fee of $25, or a fee waiver request authorized by a financial aid officer or college dean; the rest of the application forms will be sent upon receipt of these items. Admission 21

Geographic Distribution of Students in 1980-81

Students from the United States and Students from Other Countries Outlying Areas

Alabama 6

Alaska 1 Arizona 13

Arkansas 1 California Colorado Connecticut

Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York NorthCarolina

Total ;sss! .

23 Costs & Financial Aid

The cost of an excellent education is high, both at Wellesley and other comparable institutions. To assist students and their fannilies in meeting these costs, Wellesley offers a variety of payment plans. At the same time through financial aid the College is currently able to make its educational opportunities open to all its regular U.S. students regardless of their financial circumstances. The amount and kind of financial assistance is determined solely by financial

need. At present, there is only limited financial aid available to Continuing Education students and foreign students.

Fees and Expenses

At Wellesley the fee represents approximately 59% of the educational cost to the College for each student. In past years the difference has been made up from gifts and income earned on endowment funds.

Annual Fee General Deposit

The fee for the academic year 1981-82 is A general deposit of $100 is paid by each $9,630. In addition, there is a student activity entering student. The deposit is refunded after fee of $80 and a fee of $180 for the student graduation or withdrawal and after deducting health insurance program. The breakdown is any unpaid special charges. as follows: Resident Nonresident Room Retainer Fee Returning resident students must submit Tuition $6,450 $6,450 $200 to the bursar 18 reserve Room 1,550 by March to a room Board 1,630 for the following year. This $200 fee is applied against room and board charges for the Student activity following year. student is leave the fee 80 80 A who on Student Health first semester and wishes to have a room Insurance Program 180 180 reserved for the second semester must submit $200 to the Bursar by November 1 $9,890 $6,710 The fee will be applied against room and board In addition to the fees payable to the College, charges for the second semester. a student should count on approximately $750 for books, supplies, and personal expenses. Special Fees and Expenses Some students spend more and some spend These include, but are not limited to, the less. following:

Student Activity Fee Certain special fees and expenses listed in departmental descriptions, e.g., the cost of The purpose of the student activity fee of $80 instrumental and vocal lessons given on p. is to provide resources from which the student 124. government organization can plan and implement the programs of student activities A fee for each unit of work taken for credit in sponsored by various clubs and organizations excess of five in any semester: $806. on campus. Of this fee, $8 is allocated for the A fee for each unit of work done independently payment of the student's annual subscription during the summer: 50% of the tuition cost for News. per course.

A fee for each examination for credit during Reservation Fee the summer: 50% of the tuition cost per A fee of $200 reserves a place in the College course. for the student. It is due February 1 for Early An automobile parking fee per semester: $30 Decision students and f\/lay 1 for all other for each semester, or $50 for the year if entering students, and annually on June 1 for purchased in September. returning students. It is included in the annual fee of $9,630. All fees, with the exception of tuition, room, board and activity fees, are subject to change without notice. 24 Costs & Financial Aid

Payment for Students on Financiai Aid Refund Policy

Except for the reservation fee, grants and Refunds of prepaid tuition, reservation, and loans are usually applied equally by semester other fees, and room and board charges will against all tuition, and room and board be allowed for withdrawal or leave of absence payments for the year. The remaining financial prior to the midpoint of the semester. In obligation must be paid in accordance with computing refunds, such prepayment will be one of the approved plans. Students on prorated on a weekly basis, except that $100 financial aid who have difficulty meeting the will be withheld to cover administrative costs scheduled payments outlined above should in any case. No refunds will be made for consult the financial aid office. withdrawal or leave of absence after the semester mid-point. The date of withdrawal Student Health Program shall be the date on which the student notifies the Registrar of withdrawal in writing, or the Information concerning student medical date on which the College determines that the insurance is sent to all parents by the bursar. student has withdrawn, whichever is earlier. Because of the high cost of medical care, Admissions candidates must notify the parents are required to subscribe to the Director of Admission of withdrawal. Refunds Wellesley College Student Health Plan or to will be made within 40 days after withdrawal provide equivalent coverage, especially since and will be prorated among the sources of Wellesley College does not assume financial original prepayment. Wellesley College grants responsibility for injuries incurred in are not subject to refund to the student. instructional, intercollegiate, intramural, or recreational programs under the auspices of Continuing Education Fees the Department of Physical Education and Athletics. Full-time Continuing Education The basic fee for a Continuing Education students are also required to have coverage if student is $806 per semester course, payable they plan to use the College Health Service. August 1 for the fall semester and January 15 Continuing Education students carrying less for the spring semester. Continuing Education than three courses per semester are not students taking four courses a semester may eligible for infirmary care or insurance. take a fifth course at no charge. A $10 student The insurance is charged at $90 per activity fee will also be charged on a per semester, and provides coverage for the course basis with a maximum of $40 per period September 1 through August 31. semester. Continuing Education applicants Students subscribing to the Wellesley College pay the nonrefundable $25 application fee as Student Health Program will not be billed for do all other students. There is also a services at Simpson Infirmary. nonrefundable registration fee of $25, payable Students entering Wellesley College at the when the student is accepted. beginning of the second semester— transfers. A Continuing Education student who finds it Twelve College Exchange students —and necessary to withdraw from a course is students who are ineligible for their parents' entitled to tuition refunds as follows: a full insurance due to age requirements are eligible refund of prepaid tuition charges and student for enrollment for the second half of the year. activity fee will be allowed for withdrawal from courses during the first two weeks of classes. Parent Loan Plan Thereafter, refunds will be prorated on a weekly basis until the midpoint of the Wellesley offers a Parent Loan Plan to enable semester. No refunds will be made for parents whose combined income is between withdrawal after the semester midpoint. The $15,000 and $75,000 annually to extend the date of withdrawal shall be the date on which payment period for college education the student notifies the Office of Continuing expenses beyond four years. Wellesley Education of withdrawal in writing, or the date provides funds for loans at an interest rate on which the College determines that the lower than is generally available student has withdrawn, whichever is earlier. commercially. Monthly payments begin at the Refunds will within days after time a student enrolls and extend over a be made 40 withdrawal and will be prorated among the period of six to eight years. Details can be of original prepayment. Wellesley obtained from the Office of the Vice President sources College grants are not subject to refund for Financial and Business Affairs. to the student. Costs & Financial Aid 25

Payment Plans

It is necessary that all fees be paid in accordance with the specified plans before the student can begin or continue attendance, and all financial obligations to the College must be discharged before the degree is awarded. Degrees and official transcripts will be held until all financial obligations are satisfied. Detailed descriptions of plans are sent by the bursar to the parents of entering students and to others on request. Although there are minor variations in the payment plans for Regular Decision and Early Decision students, the final due dates for each group are the same. A late payment fee of $25 will be charged each semester on all accounts not paid in full by the due date. The eight-payment plan is available only for a complete academic year.

Semester Plan* Early Regular Returning Resident Nonresident Decision Decision Students Amount Amount Due Due Due

Reservation fee

Second semester fee 4,945 3,355 Jan. 15 Jan. 15

*Amount will be adjusted if Health Insurance Program is waived. 26 Costs & Financial Aid

Eight-Payment Plan* (For full year only) Costs & Financial Aid 27

Financial Aid

The Wellesley College program of financial aid opens educational opportunities to able students of diverse backgrounds, regardless of their financial resources. No student should be discouraged from applying to Wellesley because of the need for financial aid. At Wellesley, admission decisions are made without regard for financial need, and only after a student is admitted does the Financial Aid staff determine the amount of aid she will require. Approximately 72% of all Wellesley students receive aid from some source, 45% receive financial aid based on need from the College. An additional 14% of the student body receives federal guaranteed loans.

At Wellesley College financial aid is given several kinds of loans available with different solely because of demonstrated need. interest rates. In most cases a student is Amounts vary in size according to the required first to apply for a Student resources of the individual and her family, and Guaranteed Loan from a lending institution in may equal or exceed the comprehensive her local area; the federal government allows College fee. Although aid is generally granted colleges to be only the lender of last resort. for one year at a time, the College expects to continue aid as needed throughout the Repayment of Loans from the College student's four years provided funds are A student who has received a loan from the available. College has the obligation to repay the loan of aid begins Determination of the amount after withdrawal or graduation. Before she with examination of family financial resources. leaves the College she should make the Using a nationally standardized system, arrangements for an exit interview with the establishes the the Financial Aid staff amount Bursar. At that time she will be notified of her parents can reasonably be expected to responsibilities regarding the loan and will be contribute. The staff next looks at the amount given a repayment schedule. the student herself—with summer earnings and a portion of accumulated savings and Grants benefits— can contribute. The total of the Whatever portion of the student budget parents' and the student's contributions is remains is awarded in grants, either by the then subtracted from the student's budget College from its own resources or from the which is comprised of the College fees, a $750 federal government through the Federal book and personal allowance, and two low- Supplementary Educational Opportunity cost round trips from her home state to Grants program. Massachusetts. The remainder, which equals Students who are eligible for other federal the "financial need" of the student, is or state grants are required to apply; if the awarded as aid. student does not apply, the College reduces Most financial aid packages are a her grant by the amount she would have combination of three types of aid: work, loans, received. In addition, whenever possible, and grants. students should seek grants from local Work programs, from educational foundations, and from other private sources. The first portion of a student's financial need is met through jobs on and off campus, Town Tuition Grants generally as part of federal Work-Study programs. Students are expected to devote Wellesley College offers ten Town Tuition no more than six hours a week to their jobs, Grants to residents of the Town of Wellesley earning approximately $650 a year. who qualify for admission and whose parents Over 70% of Wellesley College students or guardian live in the town. These students work on or off campus. The Office of may live at home or on campus. Those who for student Financial Aid is the clearinghouse choose to live on campus may apply to the to all students, employment, a service open College for financial aid, and their applications whether they are receiving aid or not. will be reviewed in light of the same financial Financial aid students receive priority for on- aid considerations presently applicable to all campus jobs such as office work in academic Wellesley students. and administrative departments. Off campus, students have worked in offices, stores, and Financial Aid for Transfers restaurants. Financial aid funds are available to assist a Loans limited number of transfer students. A transfer with demonstrated need will be The next portion of aid, approximately $1,600, student eligible to receive aid for the number of is awarded through low-cost loans. There are 28 Costs & Financial Aid semesters determined by the Registrar as Application Form necessary for degree completion. If a transfer The Wellesley College Application for student does not receive a grant upon Financial Aid should be returned to the qualify admission to the College, she will not Director of Financial Aid, Wellesley College, for a grant while she is at the College. It is by November 1 from Early Decision possible, however, that she may receive work applicants, February 1 from Regular Decision loans. study or applicants and fall semester transfer applicants, and November 15 from spring Assistance for Famiiies semester transfer applicants. Not Eligibie for Aid

Wellesley has special concern for the growing Financial Aid Form upper income families number of middle and This form is available in the secondary daughters' who find it difficult to finance their schools, or may be obtained by writing to the education through current income. The College Scholarship Service, Box 176, services of the Office of Financial Aid and Princeton, New Jersey 08540; or Box 1025, Planning are designed to assist all families, Berkeley, California 94701 . A copy can also be regardless of the need for aid. provided by the Director of Financial Aid if the For those families not eligible for aid, specifically requested by an applicant. The First, College will assist in several ways. Financial Aid Form should be filed with the find a job, on Wellesley will help any student College Scholarship Service which will then the College will furnish or off campus. Second, forward a copy for confidential use to the information and advice on obtaining a student college or colleges indicated on the form. loan: state in or parent state guaranteed every The Financial Aid Form must be filed by the country has such a program. Third, two February 1 from Regular Decision applicants; new payment programs, the Insured Tuition February 1 from fall semester transfer Payment Plan, a monthly prepayment plan, applicants; and November 15 from spring and the Parent Loan Plan, in which the semester transfer applicants. From Early parents, not the students, obtain loans, are Decision applicants, a special financial aid being offered by the College. form, the Family Confidential Statement, available from the Financial Aid Office must For Further information be filed by November 15; Early Decision Detailed information on all the material applicants should also file the 1982-83 summarized here is available in a booklet Financial Aid Form of the College Scholarship entitled Financing a College Education: Service by February 1. Financial Aid at Wellesley. This booklet is sent to every student who requests this Federal Income Tax Return information. If a student is admitted and enrolls at Wellesley College, parents are required to Applying for Financial Aid submit a certified copy of their latest federal Each registered applicant for admission who income tax return. The certified copy is is applying for financial aid must file three forwarded directly to the College by the forms: the Wellesley College Application for District IRS Office at the request of the parent Financial Aid, the Financial Aid Form of the on a form provided by the Financial Aid Office. College Scholarship Service, and a certified Financial aid awards are not final until the IRS copy of the latest federal income tax return. form is submitted.

Graduate Fellowships A number of fellowships for graduate study are open to graduating seniors and alumnae of Wellesley College, while others administered by Wellesley are open to women graduates of any American institution. Awards are usually made to applicants who plan full-time graduate study for the coming year. Preference in all cases, except for the Peggy Howard Fellowship, will be given to applicants who have not held one of these awards previously.

For Graduates and Undergraduates of Anne Louise Barrett Fellowship, preferably in Wellesley College music and primarily for study or research in musical theory, composition, or in the history Fellowships open to Wellesley College of music; abroad or in the United States. alumnae and graduating seniors are listed below. Stipend: $3,000 Costs & Financial Aid 29

Margaret Freeman Bowers Fellowship, for a which the fellowship is first held. Applications first year of study in the fields of social work, must be filed with the Secretary to the law, or public policy/public administration. Stevens Fellowship Committee, Office of Also eligible are MBA candidates with plans Financial Aid, before December 1. for a career in the field of social services. Stipend: $10,000 Preference will be given to candidates demonstrating financial need. For Graduates of Other institutions and Stipend: $1,000 Wellesiey Coiiege

Professor Elizabeth F. Fisher Fellowship for Some graduate fellowships for study at the research or further study in geology or institution of the candidate's choice are geography, including urban, environmental or administered by Wellesley College and are ecological studies. Preference given to open to alumnae of any American institution, geology and geography. including Wellesley. Stipend: $500-$1,000 Alice Freeman Palmer Fellowship for study or Horton-Hallowell Fellowship for graduate research abroad or in the United States. The study in any field, preferably in the last two holder must be no more than 26 years of age years of candidacy for the Ph.D. degree, or its at the time of her appointment, and unmarried equivalent, or for private research of throughout the whole of her tenure. Non- equivalent standard. Wellesley candidates should file through their Stipend: $4,000 institutions. Wellesley will accept no more than four applications from another institution. Peggy Howard Fellowship in Economics, to Stipend: $4,000 provide financial aid for Wellesley students or alumnae continuing their study of economics. Mary McEwen Schlmke Scholarship, a Administered by the economics faculty who supplemental award for the purpose of may name one or two recipients depending on affording relief from household and child care the income available. while pursuing graduate study. The award is made on the basis of scholarly expectation Edna V. Moffett Fellowship for a young and identified need. The candidate must be alumna, preferably for a first year of graduate over 30 years of age, currently engaged in study in history. graduate study in literature and/or history. Stipend: $1,500-$2, 500 Preference given to American Studies. Vida Button Scudder Fellowship for graduate Stipend: $500-$1,000 study in the field of social science, political M. A. Cartland Shackford Medical Fellowship science, or literature. for the study of medicine with a view to Stipend: $2,000 general practice, not psychiatry. Sarah Perry Wood Medical Fellowship for the Stipend: $3,500 study of medicine. Nonrenewable. Harriet A. Shaw Fellowship for study or Stipend: $6,000 research in music and allied arts, abroad or in Trustee Scholarships are awarded on a the United States. The candidate must be no competitive basis to seniors who intend to more than 26 years of age at the time of her pursue graduate studies. These scholarships appointment. Preference given to music are unrestricted as to field of study. The title candidates; undergraduate work in history of Trustee Scholar is honorary and in cases of art required of other candidates. financial need stipends may be awarded to the Stipend: $2,000-$3,000 scholars or, if not needed by them, to Information and application forms may be alternates who need financial assistance. All obtained from the Secretary to the Committee applications and credentials are due by on Graduate Fellowships, Office of Financial December 1. Recipients share the total annual Aid, Wellesley College, Wellesley, stipend. Massachusetts 02181. Application forms for Stipend: $6,000 the Peggy Howard Fellowship may be Fanny Bullock Workman Fellowship for obtained from the Economics Department, graduate study in any field. Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts Stipend: $3,000 02181. The applications and supporting Mary Elvira Stevens Traveling Fellowship for materials should be returned to the same travel or study outside the United States. Any address by April 1.

scholarly, artistic, or cultural purpose may be Applications and supporting materials for all considered. Candidates must be at least 25 other fellowships are due December 1. years of age on September 1 of the year in I 31 The Academic Program

The process of learning begins with the mind and motivation of the student herself. The most tempting array of courses and the most carefully planned requirements alone will not guarantee the growth of an educated mind. The academic experience is designed for the student who seeks a broad acquaintance with the many and diverse fields of human inquiry as well as the opportunity to explore her personal intellectual interests in depth. It provides for the acquisition

of knowledge and of the skills appropriate to the liberal arts but above all it is responsive to the student who genuinely wishes to acquire the habit of learning. It seeks to stimulate the mind, refine the eye and enlarge the capacity for free independent and discriminating choice.

The Curriculum

The curriculum at Wellesley is structured to provide strong guidance and to allow, at the same time, great personal choice. Central to the curriculum is the concept of diversity, the concept that the student should pursue a number of disciplines during her four years at the College. Accordingly, by the time the Bachelor of Arts degree is earned, she should be acquainted with the main fields of human interest, capable of integrating knowledge from various fields, and prepared for continuous scholarly and personal growth. In her major field, the student is expected to demonstrate maturity of thought, acquaintance with recognized authorities in the field, and general competence in dealing with sources of research or analysis.

Academic Advising shall be in the major. The program in the senior year may not include more units of At Wellesley academic advising for the

Grade I than of Grade III work, and at least freshman and sophomore classes is the two must be Grade III. Directions for Election responsibility of the Class Dean. The advising of the major vary with the department. Please of juniors and seniors is shared by faculty and see departmental listings for specific class deans. This arrangement provides for requirements for the major. systematic and equitable supervision of each student's progress toward the B.A. degree. In addition, it has the double benefit of Distribution Requirements specialized advice from faculty in the major In order to provide students with as much field, and objective and detailed examination flexibility as possible, Wellesley requires no program. of the student's overall specific courses. To ensure, however, that students gain insight and awareness in areas for of Bachelor of Requirements Degree outside their own major fields, the College Arts does require that they elect three semester

Each student is responsible for meeting all courses in each of three academic areas as degree requirements and for insuring that the part of the 32 units required for graduation. Registrar's Office has received all credentials. (Courses numbered 350— Research or Each candidate for the degree of Bachelor of individual Study—do not satisfy this Arts is required to complete 32 units of requirement.) The three groups of academic academic work at a C average or better. Each disciplines are: semester course is assigned one unit of credit. The normal period of time in which to GROUP A earn the degree is four years and a normal program of study includes from three to five Literature, Foreign Languages, Art, and courses a semester. Freshmen are Music encouraged to carry a maximum of four Three units chosen from courses in the courses each semester, but upperclass Departments of Art, Chinese, English, French, students may take five. German, Greek and Latin, Italian, Music, Religion, (Greek and Hebrew), Russian, Courses are classified in Grades I, II, and III. Introductory courses are numbered 100-199 Spanish; or from those courses offered by the Department of Black Studies and from those (Grade I); intermediate courses, 200-299 extradepartmental literature courses which (Grade II); advanced courses, 300-399 (Grade fulfilling the requirement in ill). Each student must include at least four are designated as A. units of Grade III work, at least two of which Group C

32 The Academic Program

GROUP B appropriate department. A student whose native language is not English will be Social Science, Religion, Philosophy, and exempted from this requirement, subject to Education approval of the Class Dean and the Academic Group b1 Review Board.

One or two units chosen fronn courses in the Other Requirements Departments of History, Philosophy, Religion, and courses offered by the Department of Students are expected to use acceptable Blacl< Studies in these fields; and Education standards of spoken and written English in 102,200,212,312 their college work. Special assistance in and English, mathematics, and other basic and special skills is offered at the College. Group b2 In addition, all students must complete the physical education requirement described on One or two units chosen from courses in the p. 130 for which no academic credit is given. Departments of Anthropology, Economics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and Preparation for Medical School courses offered by the Department of Black Studies in these fields. Medical, dental and veterinarian schools require special undergraduate preparation. GROUP Students should consult as early as possible with the Premedical Advisory Committee to Science and Mathematics plan their academic preparation to meet their Three units, at least one of which shall be a individual needs and interests. Appointments course with laboratory, chosen from courses can be made with the premedical secretary offered in the Departments of Astronomy, who is located in the Science Center Focus. Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Geology, In general, most health profession schools Mathematics, and Physics. require 2 units of English and 2 units each of the following science courses (with lab); Foreign Language Requirement Introductory Biology, Introductory Chemistry, Before the beginning of the senior year, Organic Chemistry, and Physics. Many students must exhibit a degree of proficiency schools also require Math, in some cases 2 in the use of one foreign language, either units of Calculus, and additional science ancient or modern. f\/lany students fulfill this courses. Veterinary schools frequently require requirement by passing one of the language courses such as speech, technical writing, tests offered by the College Entrance animal nutrition, genetics, biochemistry, etc. Examination Board (CEEB). Wellesley requires Requirements vary and catalogues of a score of 610 or better on the CEEB individual schools should be consulted. Achievement Test, or a score of at least 3 on All science requirements should be the Advanced Placement Examination (AP). completed before taking the Medical College This requirement can also be met by the Admission Test (MCAT) or the Dental completion of 2 units of language study at the Admission Test (DAT) which are taken second year college level or 1 unit of language approximatey 16 months before entering study above the second year college level. medical or dental school. Second Year College Level Courses The Major Chinese: 201 (1-2), 202 (1-2) Students may choose from among 26 French: 111-122(1-2), or 121-122 (1-2) or departmental majors, seven interdepartmental 141-142(1-2) majors—American studies, Chinese studies, German:' 101-103 (1-2), or 102-103 (1-2) or classical civilization, classical and Near 104-105(1-2) Eastern archaeology, medieval/renaissance Greek: to be chosen in consultation with studies, molecular biology, and the department chairman psychobiology or they may design an Hebrew: (see Religion Department): 209 — individual major. Of the 32 units required for (1-2) graduation, at least 8 are to be elected in the Italian: 202(1)203(2) major, and at least 18 must be elected outside Latin: to be chosen in consultation with of any one department. the department chairman Russian: 200(1-2) Students who are interested in an individual Spanish: 102(1-2) major submit a plan of study to two faculty members from different departments. The Students may take introductory courses in plan should include 4 units in one department only two modern foreign languages. above the introductory level. The program for Fulfillment of the foreign language the individual major is subject to the approval requirement through work done at another of the Committee on Curriculum and institution must be approved by the The Academic Program 33

Instruction. Some students wish to center year each student elects a major field and their studies upon an area, a period, or a prepares for the Registrar a statement of the subject which crosses conventional courses to be included in the major. Later departmental lines. Examples of possible area revisions may be made with the approval of studies include East Asian studies, Italian the chairman of the major department, or in culture, Latin American studies, Russian the case of the individual major, with the studies; of periods, the Middle Ages, the student's advisors, and be presented to the Renaissance; of subjects, comparative Registrar not later than the second semester literature, international relations, theatre of the junior year. Directions for Election of studies, urban studies. the major vary. See departmental listings for specific requirements for the major. In the second semester of the sophomore

Academic Policies and Procedures

The academic policies and procedures of the College have been subject to continuous change and examination throughout the College history, responding to changes in student life styles and innovations in the curriculum. The policies and procedures that govern most routine aspects of academic life are described below.

Academic Standards should do so in writing and in consultation with

class deans and deliver it to the Registrar at Academic standards at Wellesley are high, least week before the petition is to be and students take full responsibility for one attending classes, submitting required work on considered. time, and appearing for examinations. If students have difficulties with course work, Credit for Advanced Placement become ill, or have other problems which Examinations interfere with their academic work, they Students entering under the Advanced should consult with their class deans for Placement Program of the College Entrance assistance in making special arrangements Examination Board, and who make the scores for their studies. Tutoring and programs in specified by Wellesley College, will receive study skills are offered through the Academic credit toward the B.A. degree, provided they Assistance Program. do not register in college for courses which Students are expected to maintain at least a cover substantially the same material as those C average throughout their college career. At for which they have received Advanced the end of each semester each student's Placement credit. Two units of credit will be record is reviewed, and appointments with the given for each AP examination in which a Class Dean are arranged if needed. The student received a grade of 4 or 5 with the College tries to provide the appropriate following exceptions: 1 unit of credit will be support services to students in difficulty. given for the Latin 4 examination; 1 unit of Students who show consistent effort are credit will be given in the Mathematics AB rarely excluded from the College. examination; 1 unit of credit for a score of 3 in Academic Review Board the Mathematics BC examination. Not more than 2 units may be offered for credit in any The Academic Review Board is the principal one department. Note: the taking of a course body for review of academic legislation and deemed equivalent to one for which credit has for overseeing each student's academic been granted will nullify the credit previously progress. Chaired by the Dean of Students, awarded. the Board is composed of the class deans, the Director of Continuing Education, and seven Credit for Other Academic Work elected faculty and student representatives. Of the 32 units required for the degree of The student members of the Academic Review Bachelor of Arts, a student may earn a Board do not participate in discussions of of 16 units through a combination of individual student's standing, but they do maximum the following: AP examinations (no more than contribute to discussions of academic policy courses taken at another institution during and of student requests for exceptions to 8); the summer or the academic year; or study regulations. The Board researches and independent of Wellesley courses which is recommends changes in academic policy and then evaluated by examination by a Wellesley is also responsible for proposing an annual department. (See Examinations.) Four units academic calendar. Dates of Academic may be earned in summer school, or by a Review Board Meetings are posted in the combination of summer school and summer Registrar's Office. Students wishing to submit independent study. No more than 2 units may a petition to the Academic Review Board 34 The Academic Program

be earned tor summer independent study. Grading System Eight units, in addition to summer school, may Students have the option of electing courses be earned through courses taken at another on a letter or nonletter grading system. At the institution. Students, including transfer beginning of the eighth week of a semester, students, complete 16 units at Wellesley. must students notify the their instructor whether Candidates for the B.A. degree in the program they plan to take the course for a letter grade for Continuing Education must complete a or on the credit/noncredit basis. Credit is minimum of 8 units of work at the College. given to students who have attained a Exemption from Required Studies satisfactory familiarity with the content of a course and have demonstrated ability to use Students may be exempted from any of the this knowledge in a competent manner. If studies required for the degree, provided they credit is not earned, the course does not can demonstrate to the department appear on the student's permanent record. concerned a reasonable competence in the elements of the course. Exemption from any Examinations of the studies required does not affect the An examination period occurs at the end of general requirement for completion of 32 units each semester. Within this period, students of credit. It does, however, make it possible may devise their own examination schedules for some students to select more advanced for the majority of courses. Examinations are courses earlier in their college careers. scheduled for some art, music, and foreign be achieved in one of Such exemption may language courses which require audiovisual of 4 (Honors) or 5 (High two ways: a score equipment. Special examinations are offered Honors) on the CEEB AP tests, or passing a in September to qualified students to earn special exemption examination. Permission for credit for work done independently, for the exemption examination must be obtained admission to advanced courses without the from the chairman of the department stated prerequisites, and for exemption from In addition to the evidence offered concerned. required studies. the examination, departments may by some Students who wish credit for work done require the student to present a paper or an independently in the summer should consult acceptable laboratory notebook. the appropriate department and the Class Research or Individual Study Dean, and should apply to the Registrar at least a month in advance for a special Each academic department provides the examination to be given at the beginning of opportunity for qualified students to undertake the college year. a program of individual study directed by a Examinations may be taken for credit, for member of the faculty. Under this program, an admission to a more advanced course, or for eligible student may undertake a research exemption from the required studies in Groups project or a program of reading in a particular A, B, and C. Examinations for credit passed at field. The results of this work normally are a satisfactory level also count for advanced presented in a final report or in a series of placement and/or exemption; examinations for short essays. The conditions for such work are advanced placement also count for described under the course numbered 350 in exemption. Examinations passed at a each department. Wellesley offers further satisfactory level for exemption do not count opportunities for research and individual for credit. study. (See Honors in the Major Field.) Registration for Courses Credit for Summer School and Summer Independent Study All returning students must register in the spring for the courses they select for the next Some students undertake planned programs academic year. Upon returning to college in of summer independent study which they have the fall, the student will be issued a schedule designed with members of the faculty and card of her classes. All changes to this their Class Dean. Two units of credit may be schedule must be recorded in the Registrar's earned in this way. Four units may be earned Office by the end of the first week of classes. by a combination of summer school and A student will not receive credit for a course independent study. Other students attend unless she has registered for it, and a student summer school. The amount of summer who has registered for a course will remain school credit allowed toward the degree is registered unless she takes formal action to limited to 4 units, and is not automatic. drop it. Students should consult their class deans Any conflicts in scheduling must be before enrolling in summer school courses. reported to the Registrar's Office immediately. Students should get approval from department A student is not permitted to take a course if it chairmen before enrolling in a course from conflicts with any other course on her which they expect to receive credit; approval schedule. forms are available in the Registrar's Office. The Academic Program 35

Adding or Dropping Courses sequence of four continuous years at Wellesley, the College Add/Drop cards are available from the has established a policy for temporary leaves of absence. Leaves may Registrar's Office during the first week of be taken for as short a period classes. A student may submit only one as one semester or as long as two years, and for a Add/Drop card, and it must include all variety of reasons which may include study at changes in the schedule for that semester. All another institution, work, travel, or other Adds are due by the end of the first week of activities which meet personal needs. classes. Permission is required from the Application for leave of absence may be made department chairman or the major advisor if to the Class Dean at any time after a student the student wishes to drop a course which has completed at least one year at Wellesley. affects the major. If a course is dropped, with Freshmen who have completed only one the permission of the Class Dean, before the semester may remain on leave for a maximum beginning of the eighth week, it will not appear of three semesters. on her record. A student who goes on leave of absence cannot remain in residence Auditing Courses on campus more than 48 hours after the A student who wishes to attend a class as a effective date of leave. obtain regular visitor must have the permission of the To permission to spend the year at institution instructor. Auditors may not submit work to another as nonmatriculated the instructor for criticism, and audited students or guests, students submit a detailed plan to the Class or if courses will not be considered for credit. Dean advisor and, a major has been chosen, to that department. Acceleration The plan should list the course of study for the

A few students complete all the requirements year and justify its relationship to the four year for the degree in less than the usual eight program. semesters. After two semesters at Wellesley, Withdrawal students who wish to accelerate should Voluntary consult their deans and then write a letter to Withdrawal Students plan to withdraw inform the Academic Review Board, petitioning to who must the Class Dean. A withdrawal form will then be fulfill the requirements in less than the normal sent the period of time. to parents or guardian for their signature. The official date of the withdrawal is The petition should include the month and the date agreed upon by the student and the year in which the degree requirements will be Class Dean and written on the withdrawal fulfilled, and all units which will be counted card which is signed by the Class Dean. The toward the degree. withdrawal date is important in order to Normally, a plan to accelerate must include compute costs and refunds. (See Refund

8 units at Wellesley in two consecutive Policy p. 24.) Students who have officially semesters during the junior and senior years. withdrawn from the College cannot remain in In accumulating units in addition to courses residence on campus more than 48 hours taken at Wellesley, an accelerating student after the effective date of withdrawal. may count: Required Withdrawal 1 Advanced Placement credit (no more than 8 The College reserves the right to require the units); withdrawal of any student whose academic 2 work falls below its standards, who violates its a maximum of 4 units earned either in summer rules and regulations or the rights of others, or school or by a combination of summer school whose continuing presence constitutes a risk and independent study during the summer, to the health, safety, or general well-being of validated by the College. No more than 2 units the College community or herself. In addition, may be earned for summer independent the College may require the withdrawal of any study; and student who fails to meet financial obligations 3 to the College. a maximum of 2 units of college or university Readmission credit earned prior to graduation from student the College secondary school, which is not included in the A who has withdrawn from units of secondary school work required for and wishes to return should apply to the Office admission. of the Dean of Students for the appropriate forms. will in An accelerating student must maintain at Readmission be considered the light of the reasons for withdrawal and least a C average at all times. reapplication, and in the case of resident Leave of Absence students, available residence hall space. A Recognizing that many students benefit nonrefundable fee of $15 must accompany educationally if they interrupt the normal the application form for readmission. 36 The Academic Program

Special Academic Programs

The traditional four-year curriculum offered at Wellesley is expanded by many special academic programs. Some are administered by the College and some are programs run by other institutions in which Wellesley students may participate. Students may participate in some while in residence at the College; others involve living at other colleges or abroad for a semester or a year.

Cambridge Humanities Seminar semester. Since the number of participants in the exchange is limited, upperclass students The Cambridge Humanities Seminar is a are given preference. collaborative effort by universities in the Students register at the Wellesley Exchange Boston-Cambridge area to enrich and diversify Office and at MIT for MIT courses. They must their interdisciplinary offerings in the follow the instruction sheet carefully to insure humanities at an advanced level. The program that they register for courses which are is centered at the Massachusetts Institute of equivalent in credit to Wellesley courses. Technology and offers subjects to students in the humanities at participating institutions Opportunities in Engineering during the last two years of undergraduate

and the first two years of graduate work, in an Cross registration with MIT makes it possible area of scholarship periodically determined by for Wellesley students to take advantage of

its membership. The program involves faculty both the opportunities of a women's liberal

in literature, history, philosophy, and fine arts. arts college and the resources of a superior

Its current subject is the idea of the past as it engineering program. Students interested in plays a role in the study of various cultural mathematics, physics, chemistry, or biology activities. All seminars have limited can apply these interests in a very practical enrollment. Subjects to be offered in 1981-82 way through engineering, an expanding field

are described on p. 171. for women. Engineering can be pursued at Wellesley in Freshman-Sophomore Colloquia two ways: by designing an individual major combining Wellesley and MIT courses or by These courses are designed for freshmen and fulfilling a Wellesley major while taking sophomores to undertake concentrated study advantage of MIT courses to prepare for of a significant, well-defined topic. They offer graduate study in engineering. students the opportunity to work in small Students interested in engineering should groups in association with individual faculty take mathematics and physics at Wellesley members. They are similar to advanced freshman year in preparation for MIT courses. seminars in method and approach in that they Information concerning possible fields, stress discussion, independent work, and oral prerequisites, and contact persons at MIT is and written presentations. available through the Office of the Class Cross Registration Program with the Deans. ly/lassachusetts Institute of Technology The Twelve College Exchange Program A program of cross registration of students at Wellesley belongs to a consortium which Wellesley and the Massachusetts Institute of includes Amherst, Bowdoin, Connecticut Technology was officially inaugurated in College, Dartmouth, Mount Holyoke, Smith, 1968-69. The program allows students to elect Trinity, Vassar, Wesleyan, Wheaton, and courses at the other institution, and extends Williams. Two one-semester programs the diversity of educational experiences associated with the Twelve College Exchange available in the curricula and in the are the National Theater Institute in environments of both. The two schools Waterford, Connecticut, and the Williams combine their academic, extracurricular, and Seaport Program in American Maritime operational resources while maintaining the Mystic Studies. Students in good standing may apply separate strengths, independence, and through the Exchange Coordinator for a integrity. semester or full academic year in residence at A Wellesley student interested in exploring any of the member institutions. The number of the possibilities of electing specific course at is admission is competitive. MIT should consult the Exchange Coordinator, places limited and is students planning to the department advisor, or the appropriate Preference given to in year. exchange program faculty advisor. participate their junior Students must request that transcripts be Registration in MIT courses takes place each sent to the Registrar's Office to receive credit semester, and application must be made in the Exchange Office during the preceding for work done away from Wellesley. The Academic Program 37

The WellesleySpelman Exchange Program internship groups: The Shared Educational Experience Program and the Massachusetts Wellesley maintains a student exchange Internship Office. program with Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia, a distinguished Black liberal arts Summer Internships college for women. The exchange, initiated as a three-year experimental program in 1974-75, The College sponsors a Washington Summer was approved in spring 1977 as one of the Internship Program which provides a unique continuing exchange opportunities available to opportunity for students to learn about the students. national government through direct The program is open only to students in participation in political activity. Interested their junior year, with a maximum four- juniors may apply for 15 available summer semester enrollment per year (one to four internships, in governmental and students) at each institution. Students may nongovernmental offices. Interns hold full-time apply through the Office of the Exchange jobs for ten weeks and also participate in Coordinator. evening seminars with guest speakers on governmental or political problems. Job The Junior Year Abroad assignments are made according to the interest of the student and the potential for Qualified students may apply for admission to learning. Recent assignments have included various groups spending the junior year in positions in congressional offices, in the Europe and in other foreign countries. A few Department of Justice, in the Department of Wellesley Slater Junior Year Abroad Health, Education and Welfare, with the scholarships are available to juniors, eligible Federal Trade Commission, in the Office of for financial aid, who have been accepted for the President, and with a major broadcasting programs approved by the Foreign Study system. Salaries are offered in some of these Committee. Stecher Scholarships for the study positions; the College provides stipends for of art abroad are awarded to qualified students who hold nonsalaried positions. students who are eligible for financial aid. In addition, the Wellesley Urban Politics Candidates are selected by the Art Internship Program offers juniors the Department Stecher Scholarship Committee Summer opportunity to focus on some of the dilemmas and the Foreign Study Committee. Limited of contemporary urban life. Students participat- financial support for students wishing to spend ing in this program spend ten weeks working the junior year in Africa or the Caribbean is for government agencies or private organiza- provided by the Waddell Fund. The selection tions in Los Angeles. Interns attend seminars of recipients for awards from the three funds and other meetings designed to stimulate is made early in the second semester of the analytical thinking about politics, government sophomore year on the basis of academic institutions, and public policy-making. Interns qualifications and faculty recommendations. receive a stipend from the College. The amount of each individual award is determined according to need. Information Community Involvement about these awards may be obtained from the Office of Foreign Study. Wellesley students can become involved in The Office of Foreign Study helps students the Greater Boston community in a variety of with individual plans for study abroad, for ways. Some students choose to work in example, applications for direct enrollment as communities where they can participate in visiting students in British universities. legal aid, tutoring, and health services, or Students who are interested in spending the church work. Others work with the City of junior year abroad should consult their Class Boston or the Town of Wellesley in various Dean and the Study Abroad Advisor during the departments. freshman year to ensure completion of Credit may be given for supervised field Wellesley eligibility requirements. work as a research component of some Students must request that transcripts be courses or independent study; in other sent to the Registrar's Office in order to instances, experience in the community forms receive credit for study done abroad. part of the required work of courses dealing with social, political, or economic issues. Internships Generally, students become involved in community work for many reasons besides the The Office for Careers houses information on possibility of earning academic credit. a wide variety of internship programs available through the College, the local community, and the country, during the term, January, and summer. As well as working closely with the Wellesley academic departments to share information and to develop opportunities, the Office for Careers coordinates efforts with two 38 The Academic Program

Summer Study Abroad enroll either part-time or full-time. Continuing Education students attend classes with Students planning sumnner study in foreign Wellesley undergraduates and take the same countries should consult the Office of Foreign courses. Study. Wellesley awards Stecher Summer Candidates for the B.A. degree are women, Scholarships for study of art to students who older than the usual undergraduate age, need to have access to materials available whose educations have been interrupted for only in foreign countries. First consideration is several years prior to the date of application. given to applicants whose summer studies are Completion of a minimum of 8 units of work at related to honors projects approved for the the College is a requirement for the B.A. senior year. Waddell Summer Scholarships degree. There is no time limitation for provide opportunities for students wishing to completion of the degree. study in Africa or the Caribbean. An Special students may be graduates of an application for a Stecher or a Waddell accredited college or university Scholarship requires the support of the but requesting course work at the level, student's major department and a statement undergraduate matriculated students currently affiliated with from the Director of Financial Aid showing another accredited college or university what funds are needed to supplement the and requesting course work for degree credit student's financial resources. at the affiliate. Special students are limited to Continuing Education two consecutive years of study and a maximum of 8 units of course work. Continuing program provides The Education For further information about the program, an opportunity for to resume their women write to the Office of Continuing Education, education electing to for the by study Wellesley College, Wellesley, fViassachu- Bachelor of Arts degree, or to take courses as setts02181. special students not eligible for a degree. This nonresidential program enables students to

Academic Distinctions

To give recognition for superior or advanced work, either upon graduation or during the student's career, the College confers a number of academic distinctions.

Departmental [Honors Juniors and seniors are elected to Students who have shown marked excellence membership in the Eta of fylassachusetts chapter of Phi the basis of and an unusual degree of independence in Beta Kappa on their total in their work may be invited to participate in the academic achievement college. Seniors are majoring in the sciences Honors Program, based on their record in the who may major field. Under this program, an eligible be elected to associate membership in the student may be invited to undertake Wellesley chapter of Sigma Xi. independent research or special study which On recommendation of the faculty, the will be supervised by a member of the faculty. trustees award the title of Trustee Scholar to In several departments, options for general four seniors who intend to pursue graduate examinations, special honors seminars, and studies. The awards are made on a opportunities to assist faculty in teaching competitive basis; the title is honorary. In introductory and intermediate level courses cases of financial need, stipends are awarded are available to honors candidates. The to the Scholars or, if not required by them, to successful completion of the work and of an alternates who need financial assistance. oral honors examination leads to the award of Applications and supporting credentials Departmental Honors. should be sent to the Secretary to the Committee on Graduate Fellowships by Other Academic Distinctions January 4. Certain prizes have been established at the The College names to Freshman Distinction College for the recognition of excellence in a those students who maintain high academic particular field. The selection of the recipient standing during the freshman year. Wellesley is made by the appropriate academic College Scholars and Durant Scholars are department; each award carries a small named at Commencement, based on stipend or gift and usually bears the name of academic records after the freshman year. the donor or the person honored. Wellesley College Scholars have achieved high academic standing and Durant Scholars highest academic standing. The Academic Program 39

Honors Awarded, 1981 Jennifer Lynn Colagiuri Economics In the Class of 1 981 , 82 students achieved the highest academic standing and were named Francisca Copeland Durant Scholars; an additional 210 students Spanish recognition as Wellesley College Scholars won Livia Margarita Corredor for high academic achievement. The names of Philosophy members of the Class of 1981 who were Frances Anne Croke awarded other honors and prizes appear Art History below. The names of juniors and underclassmen who won prizes in 1981 are Joy Roberta David also listed, followed by their class years. Religion Evelyn Byrd Davidheiser Departmental Honors Political Science Hope f^arian Anderson Teresa Ann Deschanes History Music Anderton Catherine Georgine DiVirgilio Political Science History Barbara Belding Ardan Sharon Berniece Donzis Studio Art Political Science Donna Marie Ballman Janet Livingston Edmonds Political Science English Katharine Elizabeth Barnes Cindy Ehrenfreund Mathematics Biological Sciences

Susan Barrows Lydia Marguerite Equitz Biological Sciences English Kristin Jo Beard Kathleen Ann Fairman Biological Sciences Sociology Anna Lisa Bergman Victoria Lynn Farrington Political Science English Julie Rae Block Allison Lund Feeley Religion Psychobiology Mary Anne Borrelli Linda Maria Fioretti Political Science Biological Sciences Greta Kay Brandstetter Rochelle Ivy Frank Biological Sciences Psychobiology Susan Elizabeth Bullock Martha Beeman Friedman English English Jane Theresa Cabral Nancy Elise Gabriel Psychology Chemistry

Nancy Lynn Canter Harriet Carlton Goldweitz Psychobiology Art History Anne Elizabeth Capeci Frances Sara Lani Gotkowitz French Art History

Rosalyn Delia Ceasar Lorraine Gray Psychology Religion Julia Wei-Yuen Chang Melissa Green Biological Sciences Religion Anita Jean Chawla Catherine Grundmann Political Science Philosophy Kyuran Ann Choe Anne Marie Grunow Chemistry Geology Ann Marie Civetta Kathleen Lou Haggerty Psychology Biological Sciences Nancy Lowther Codispoti Tamara Joan Hardenbergh History Biological Sciences 40 The Academic Program

Elizabeth Ann Heilnnan Debra-Jo Pachus Political Science Psychobiology

Sarah Ellen Hoover Katherine Lynn Parker Art Biological Sciences Susan Jean Hovde Diana Pecikyan Physics English Susan Lynn Howard Heather Stuart Richardson Chemistry English

Allison Ann Van Dyke Hughes Mayra Maria Rodriguez English Spanish

Yuri Imanishi Anna Maria Rotondi Physics Molecular Biology

Elisa Mae Joseph Mary Ryder Psychology Molecular Biology Barbara Krueger Claudia Anita Sauermann Studio Art History Carol Ann Lahann Alexandra Schuiz Political Science Studio Art

Paola Irene Lang Beth Sandra Shapiro French Psychobiology

Lynn LiCaIsi Alison Ronda Sherman English Psychology Dale Susan Loomis Caroly Anne Shumway Political Science Biological Sciences Nancy Ruth Lynn Julia Ann Stern Psychology English Jennifer Susan Maestre Barbara Jean Sullivan Art Psychology

Lisa Beth Mausolf Ann Elizabeth Sutherland Art History Biological Sciences Jean Marie McCornnick Kristin Diane Thompson Art History Astronomy Emnna Catalano McGeachie Anne Charlotte Turnburke Spanish Molecular Biology Bethany Bradley Medrano Rosalie Ann Ulmer Chemistry Biological Sciences

Mary Margaret Melilli Clare Urion Studio Art Medieval/Renaissance Studies

Christine Miller Nancy Ann Venditti Psychology Biological Sciences

Lorraine Joyce Miller Adele Rose Volta History Philosophy Linda June Moniz Jane Ogden Weber Mathematics Anthropology Diane Alvey Montllor Sue Ann Mary Williams Political Science Biological Sciences Cynthia Depp Morrow Jane Halsted Willson History Physics Anhar Mulla Anne Marie Wiseman Political Science French Ann Michi Nishizaka Cornelia Tillman Woodrow Political Science French

Kathleen Marie O'Connell Ingrid Jean Wysong Political Science Physics The Academic Program 41

Phi Beta Kappa Elections Sue Ann Mary Williams —Class of 1981 Gretchen Porter Wold Ingrid Jean Wysong Karen Baclawski Mary Anne Borrelli Sigma Xi Leslie Suzanne Patterson Brown Laura Margaret de Tullio Burton Katharine Elizabeth Barnes Ruth Jiling Chang Mathematics Anita Jean Chawla Susan Barrows Wendy Hope Cohen Biology Jennifer Lynn Colagluri Kristin Jo Beard Franclsca Copeland Pamela Coravos Biology Gay Aynesworth Crosthwait Greta Kay Brandstetter Deborah Saunders Davenport Biology Teresa Ann Deschanes Jane Theresa Cabral Frances Lee DiSavino Psychology Sharon Bernlece Donzis Lynn Canter Joan Helen Dugan Nancy Psychobiology Claudia Jean Dumas Mary Elizabeth Dussault Rosalyn Delia Ceasar Elizabeth Leonard Fagerson Psychology

Kathleen Ann Fairman Julia Wei-Yuen Chang Victoria Lynn Farrington Biology Mariane Ferme Kyuran Ann Choe Nancy Elise Gabriel Chemistry Lorraine Gray Anne Marie Grunow Ann Marie Civetta Janice Halpern Psychology Susan Jean Hovde Ann Durbin Yuri Imanishi Biology Elisa Mae Joseph Cindy Ehrenfreund Carol Ann Laham Biology Kristen Mary Lewis Lynn LiCaIsi Elizabeth Leonard Fagerson Nancy Ruth Lynn Physics Carol Ann Madden Mildred Veronica Farmer Andrea Nikki Meyerhoff Chemistry Christine Miller Allison Lund Feeley Cynthia Depp Morrow Psychobiology Kathleen Marie O'Connell Debra-Jo Pachus Linda Maria Fioretti Katharine Lynn Parker Biology

Leslie Payton Rochelle Ivy Frank Julie Ruth Peterson Psychobiology Nfcole Marie Provost Nancy Elise Gabriel Lynn Virginia Riddle Chemistry Mary Ryder Susy Sarfaty Anne Marie Grunow Claudia Anita Sauermann Geology Doreen Dorothea Schmelz Kathleen Lou Haggerty Alison Nathania Schondorf Biology Beth Sandra Shapiro Tamara Joan Hardenbergh Rachel Slonicki Biology Debra Lynn Solomon Julia Ann Stern Susan Jean Hovde Barbara Jean Sullivan Physics Ann Elizabeth Sutherland Susan Lynn Howard Sarah Louise Swanson Chemistry Marcia Tsao-Ming Teng Yuri Imanishi Carol Ann Tompkins Physics Anne Charlotte Turnburke Jane Ogden Weber Elisa Mae Joseph Elizabeth Frances Weil Psychology Kathryn Mary Whitehead 42 The Academic Program

Nancy Ruth Lynn Trustees Scholars

Psychology Mary Anne Borrelli Bethany Bradley Medrano for graduate study in Political Science Chemistry Sharon Berniece Donzis Christine Miller for graduate study in Law Psychology Yuri Imanishi Linda June Moniz for graduate study in Medicine

Mathematics Lorraine Joyce Miller Helen Marie Moore for graduate study in Law & International Biology Affairs Pamela Yvonne Morgan Academic Prizes Biology Tfie Academy of American Poets Prize is Claudia Dana Newcorn administered by the English Department for Psychology the Academy of American Poets. It is awarded Setha Margaret Olson each year for the best work of poetry by an Biology undergraduate. Elba Milagros Pacheco Susan Elizabeth Bullock Biology The Lucy Branch Allen Prize was given in Debra-Jo Pachus 1934 by an anonymous friend in memory of Psychobiology Lucy Branch Allen of the Class of 1897, "to Katherine Lynn Parker perpetuate the spirit of one who was endlessly Biology generous; who loved everything that walks or flies, or scrambles in the world of out-of-doors; Anna Maria Rotondi to whom the poetry of life was a perpetual Chemistry joy." It is awarded in the field of Biological Mary Ryder Sciences. Chemistry Jill Hamilton Beth Sandra Shapiro The Adelaide Niles Belyea Prize in Botany was Psychobiology founded in 1974 and is awared to a student Alison Ronda Sherman who has exhibited general excellence in plant Psychology science.

Caroiy Anne Shumway No award in 1981. Biology The Billings Performance Award in Music was Barbara Jean Sullivan a gift from the estate of Robert C. Billings in Psychology 1903. This award is given in recognition of an Ann Elizabeth Sutherland outstanding contribution to the community Biology through the performance of music. Elizabeth Anne Hart Kristin Diane Thompson

Astronomy The Billings Prize in Music. A gift from the Anne Charlotte Turnburke estate of Robert C. Billings in 1903, the Biology income provides a prize in recognition of excellence in music studies. Rosalie Ann Ulmer Biology Abigail Austin Thompson

Nancy Ann Venditti The Ralph H. Bollard Prize for Distinction in Biology American History was founded in 1961 by his daughter, Margaret Bollard Rogers, of the Julia Arlene Whiteside Class of 1930 to promote more surely the Chemistry knowledge of, and interest in United States Sue Ann Mary Williams History. Biology Katherine Trumbull Stanis Jane Halsted Willson The Ralph H. Bollard Essay Prize in American Physics History was given by Margaret Bollard Rogers Ingrid Jean Wysong of the Class of 1930 for the best essay in the Physics field of United States History. Loretta Yam Diane Alampi '83 Chemistry The Academic Program 43

The Natalie V. Bolton Faculty Prize in Fisk of Cincinnati in honor of his daughter of Economics was established to honor the the Class of 1923 and is awarded annually. of this memory distinguished alumna. Its No award in 1981. purpose is to encourage good scholarship and The f^ary F. C. Gross Scholarship Prize is analytical ability in the field of economics and awarded to the junior with the highest official is awarded to the student who has written the scholastic record in her sophomore year. best economics paper during the year. Theresa J. Thomas '83 Leslie Papke '82 The Peggy Howard Economics Prize was The Natalie V. Bolton Student Prize is awarded established by Anne and Gordon Howard, annually to the economics major designated of the late Peggy Howard, Class of by her peers as an outstanding economist. parents 1966 and Ph.D. in Economics from Yale. It is Barbara Louise Rollinson awarded to a senior economics major who The Davenport Performance Prize for Acting has been accepted for graduate study. was established is 1922 by George H. Anita Jean Chawla Davenport and is awarded to an The Jacqueline Award in English Compostion undergraduate who has performed in an was established by Eleanor and Rosamond outstanding manner in one of the regularly Jacqueline, of scheduled college dramatic productions. Peck in memory of their sister the Class of 1934. It is awarded with particular Caroly Anne Shumway reference to the ability of the student to write The Joanna Mankiewicz Davis Prize for Fiction with delicacy and beauty of expression as well was established in 1975 in her memory and is as power. awarded for an outstanding work of fiction Susan Elizabeth Bullock (First Prize), written by an undergraduate. Natalie Lynn Baturka (Second Prize) Marcia Ian C.E. (First Prize), The Germaine Lafeuille Prize in French was Katherine Jessie Haas (Second Prize), established by her colleagues in the French Christine Miller (Third Prize) Department to show their respect and The Deborah W. Diehl Prize for Distinction in affection for Germaine Lafeuille on her History was established as a memorial by the retirement in 1975. It is awarded in alternate friends and family of Deborah Diehl of the years for the best academic work which is Class of 1973 to be awarded to the submitted to a three person jury of outstanding senior graduating in history department members or for work of a creative chosen by vote of the faculty. nature. Hope Marian Anderson, Lorraine Joyce Miller Stephanie Joanne Tournas, Rindala El-Khoury '83 The John Charles Duncan Prize in Astronomy was established by former students and The Hubert Weldon Lamb Prize in Musical friends of John Charles Duncan, Professor of Composition was established in 1976 in the

Astronomy. It is awarded for outstanding work Music Department to honor the in the field of astronomy. accomplishments of Wellesley composers, past and present, and thereby encourage No award in 1981. composition as a field of endeavor on the part The Allan Eister Award for Academic of present and future Wellesley students. Excellence in Sociology was founded in No award in 1981. dedication to Allan Eister, Professor of

Sociology, for his love of the intellectual life The rvlary C. Lyons Prize for Writing was and his devotion to enhancing academic founded in 1978-79 by friends of Mary Lyons excellence in the liberal arts. It is awarded of the Class of 1935, former editor of the annually to the sociology major graduating Alumnae Magazine. The prize is awarded to a with the very highest academic record in her senior and can be a story, a scholarly study, sociology major. or an essay. It must reflect topical interest and distinction. Susan Buckley Harlor, Barbara Richardson Lewis show literary Donna Lee Lanham The Erasmus Prize in History was a gift from a member of the Class of 1920 and is awarded The Barnette Miller Foundation Prizes in annually for the best piece of historical or History and Political Science. They were political research presented by a senior. established in 1980 as an essay contest in the field of international relations in the History Leslie Suzanne Patterson Brown and Political Science Departments to The Isabelle Eastman Fisk Performance Prize encourage interest and excellence in for Acting was established in 1924 by Otis H. international relations studies.

Seval F. Oz '83 44 The Academic Program

The Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Candace C. Stimson of the Class of 1892 in Foreign Languages Award recognizes honor of her father because of his love of excellence in the study of the Spanish mathematics. Its purpose is to promote the language and Hispanic cultures. study of mathematics. Deborah Saunders Davenport Katherine Elizabeth Barnes, Susan Jean Hovde, Linda June Moniz, The James Pappoutsakis Memorial Flute Alison Nathania Schorndorf Scholarship awarded annually to a student studying flute. The Dudley Folk Templeton Memorial Prize Elizabeth Leonard Fagerson founded in 1979 is awarded annually to a Wellesley student for the best article, poem or The Agnes F. Perkins Prize in English was story on a religious subject in the opinion of of English. It is named for a former Professor the senior ordained member of the faculty of for creative or critical prose. awarded the Department of Religion at Wellesley College. Marcia Ian CE Lorraine Gray The Mary White Peterson Prize was The Virginia Wainwright Sonnet Prize was established in 1926 by the mother and established in 1963 by Virginia Wainwright and husband of Mary White Peterson of the Class is awarded annually. of 1908. it is awarded to a student "for Vicki Hengen '82 evidence or promise, of exceptional ability to do independent work" in the field of Biological The Wall Street Journal Student Achievement Sciences or Chemistry. Award is given for an outstanding paper in Nancy Ann Venditti modern politics. Anne Crane Miller The Plogsterth Award in Art was established by W. Thomas Plogsterth, whose daughter The Wellesley College Theatre Award was Ann is a member of the Class of 1965, for established in 1977 by the Department of outstanding work in art history, preferably to a Theatre Studies enabled by the Katherine senior. Brown Barrett Fund. It is awarded from time to Frances Sara Lani Gotkowitz time to that graduating student whom the faculty of the Department regards as having The Royal Society of Arts London Silver Medal made a truly outstanding contribution to the is a silver medal awarded to a student who life and work of both the Department and the has a distinguished academic record directly Wellesley College Theatre production activities. concerned with art or application of art and/or science to industry and/or commerce, and Betsy Burr '83 who has played some significant part in The Ethel Howland Folger Williams Prize in student activities. German was established in 1905 in her Carolyn Currey memory by her husband Horace D. Williams. The prize is awarded to a sophomore for The Mayling Soong Foundation Prize is awarded annually for the best paper submitted excellence in German studies. by students on any aspect, ancient or modern, Nadia Miraca '84, Theresa Thomas '83, of the anthropology, art, economics, history, Karen Storz '83 literature, philosophy, politics, religion, The Woodrow Wilson Prize In Political Science sociology of or scientific development in East was founded by Phillips Bradley, Assistant or South Asia. Professory of History at Wellesley College '82 Giovanna Virata (First Prize), 1922-25. The prize is awarded to a senior for Virginia Burdet Penhune (Second Prize), an outstanding paper in modern politics. Suzette Li-Ming Wu (Second Prize) Cheryl Lynn Edwards, Michele Jeanne Sison

The Mayling Soong Scholar is an honorary The Florence Annette Wing Prize in Lyric award established to provide Wellesley with Poetry was established by her sister, Mable opportunities to contribute to the mutual Wing Castle of the Class of 1887, in 1942 and understanding of East and West through is awarded annually for a lyric poem. academic study and continuing friendships. Susan Elizabeth Bullock (First Prize), Yuri Imanishi Susan Clinkenbeard '83 (Second Prize) The Stern Prize, established in 1980, is The Natalie Wipplinger Prize in German was awarded to the Continuing Education student established in 1940 by former students of Miss with the highest achievement in English Wipplinger teacher of German, at Wellesley studies. College from 1904-1940. The prize is awarded Marcia Ian C.E., Patricia Rettew CE. to a junior or senior for outstanding work in German. The Lewis Atterbury Stimson Prize in Mathematics was founded in 1920 by Teresa Ann Adams, Hania Teresa Niklas 45

Academic Calendar 1 981 -82

First Semester New students arrive


Courses of Instruction

A semester course which carries one unit of credit requires approximately eleven hours of work each week spent partly in class and partly in preparation. The amount of time scheduled for classes varies with the subject from two periods each week in many courses in the humanities and social sciences to three, four, or five scheduled periods in certain courses in foreign languages in art and music, and in the sciences. Classes are scheduled from Monday morning through late Friday afternoon; examinations may be scheduled from Monday morning through late Saturday afternoon.

Prerequisites are given in terms of Wellesley courses, exemption examinations, AP scores, and "admission units." Admission units refer to the secondary school credits acquired in various precollege courses.

Freshman-Sophomore Colloquia (150 one of these courses. They may, however, courses) Directions for Election apply for more than one, indicating their

preference. If a course is oversubscribed, the For a general description see page . The chairman or instructor, in consultation with colloquia have no prerequisites, although the Class Dean, will decide which applicants some are open only to freshmen. Each course will be accepted. counts as one unit, and may be elected to satisfy in part one of the distribution In 1981-82 colloquia are offered by the requirements. Since class sizes are limited, Departments of Art, Black Studies, English, students ordinarily may not enroll in more than History, Mathematics and Philosophy.

Legend (1-2) Courses numbered: Continued throughout Not offered every Absent on leave the academic year. year. Note: Unless .1 100-199 Unless specifically specifically stated Absent on leave

Grade I courses stated, no credit is such courses will be during the first awarded unless both offered in 1981-82. semester 200-299 semesters are .2 Grade II courses completed Course may be Absent on leave satisfactorily. elected to fulfill in 300-399 during the second part the disbtribution Grade III courses semester requirement in Numbers in brackets Group A 3 Units of Credit designate courses Part-time instructor Unless stated listed only in earlier otherwise, a course catalogs. Course may be is equal to one unit of elected to fulfill in credit. part the distribution requirement in Group

(1) B"! or Broup B^ as Offered in first designated semester * * • * Course may be (2) elected to fulfill Offered in second semester in part the distribution requirement in (1)(2) Offered in both Group C semesters 48 Anthropology

205 (2)* Social Anthropology A comparative approach to the study of Anthropology social organization. Emphasis is placed on the influence of ecology and economy, and on the roles of kinship, marriage, politics, and religion in the organization of tribal societies. Professor: Prerequisite: 104 or Sociology 102 or by Shimony (Chairman) permission of the instructor. Assistant Professor: Kohl, Merry 206 (2)* Heredity, Evolution, and Society A study of the causes of human diversity — genetic, environmental, and social — and of the role of natural selection in the evolution to Anthropology 104 (1) (2) Introduction of modern human populations. The concept of man's place in nature. Brief Consideration of adaptation will be the unifying theme of the anthropology, archaeology survey of physical course. Topics for discussion will include the Ethnological study of social and linguistics. biological role of sex and aging, nature vs. religion, and art. and political systems, nurture, the biological concept of race, and of the nature of culture with Examination the political implications of genetics. primarily from non-Western examples Prerequisite: 104 or Sociology 102, or societies. Biological Sciences 110 or by permission of all students. Open to the instructor. Mrs. Shimony, Mrs. Merry Not offered in 1981-82.

106 (1) (2) Introduction to Archaeology 210 (2) Racism and Ethnic Conflict in the development of archaeology A survey of the United States and the Third World and a presentation of methods and A comparative view of racial and ethnic techniques. Introduction to prehistoric conflict in Western and non-Western cultural evolution from hominid sites in Africa societies, focusing on underlying social the rise of civilizations in the Old and New to processes and barriers to intercultural World. Students will have the opportunity to communication. Topics for discussion include participate in field excavations. the history of American immigration, racial Open to all students. conflict in American neighborhoods, school Mr. Kohl busing, separatist movements, refugee problems, and the competition for 200 (1)* Current Issues in Anthropology subsistence in multi-ethnic nations. An examination of current controversial Prerequisite: 104 or Sociology 102, or one

issues in anthropology such as Race and unit in Black Studies, political science or Intelligence, Sociobiology, The Culture of economics, or permission of the instructor. Poverty, Neo-Colonialism. Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors without prerequisite, and to freshmen with 217 (2)* Economic Anthropology previous anthropological experience, and by Analysis of economic structures of non- permission of the instructor. Western societies in relation to our industrial Not offered in 1981-82. capitalistic system. Concentration on anthropology, Mrs. Shimony substantive issues in economic such as the debate on the applicability of 204 (1)* Physical Anthropology formal economic theory to simpler societies, The origin of man as a sequence of events in the nature and importance of the economic the evolution of the Primates. This theme is surplus, and problems of scarcity and approached broadly from the perspectives of development. anatomy, paleontology, genetics, primatology, Prerequisite: 104 or Sociology 102 or one unit and ecology. Explanation of the inter- of economics.

relationship between biological and Not offered in 1981-82. sociobehavioral aspects of human evolution, Mr. Kohl such as the changing social role of sex. Review of the human fossil record and the different biological adaptations of the polytypic species Homo sapiens sapiens. Open to all students. Mr. Kohl Anthropology 49

234 (2)* Urban Poverty 243 (2)* Food Production: Origins and An anthropological analysis of urban poverty Development in the Old and New World in the U.S. and the Third World. Cultural and An examination of the beginnings of structural interpretations of poverty. The agriculture and domestication of animals in strategies of the poor for coping with poverty. the Old and New World and a discussion of Ameliorating poverty as a problem in applied the causes and effects of the "neolithic anthropology. revolution." A survey of traditional Prerequisite: 104 or Sociology 102, or one subsistence systems throughout the world, unit in political science, economics, or such as swidden agriculture, pastoral European history; open to juniors and seniors nomadism, and Asian wet-rice cultivation, and without prerequisite. an examination of their effect on social development and structure. Offered in Not offered in 1981-82. alternation with 242. Mrs. Shimony Prerequisite: 104 or 106 or by permission of the instructor. 236 (1)* Ritual, Myth, and Symbol A study of the social dynamics of ritual, myth, Mr. Kohl and symbol in non-Western societies. (1)* Societies and Cultures of the Evaluation of various conceptions of ritual 244 and symbolic systems among nonliterate Middle East Comparative study of political, economic, and peoples. Readings assigned will include other social institutions of several major works from Frazer, Malinowski, Leach, Levi- Middle Traditionalism vs. Strauss, Turner, and Geertz. cultures of the East. modernization. International conflict in Prerequisite: 104 or Sociology 102 or by anthropological perspective. permission of the instructor. Prerequisite: 104 or Sociology 102, or one Not offered in 1981-82. unit in political science, economics, or history. 241 (2)* Development of Archaeological Method and Theory Mr. Kohl An evaluation of current trends in (2)* Societies of archaeological method and theory. The 245 and Cultures Native concept of prehistory from the 19th century South America survey of the tribal, rural, and urban to the present, and the origins of modern A peoples of South America, with attention to theories of cultural evolution. Research on their histories and current social conditions. the analysis of archaeological materials through modern data-processing techniques. Topics include ecology and village economies, male/female roles, race and Prerequisite: 104 and 106 or by permission of social class, religious and the instructor. groups mass movements. Not offered in 1981-82. Prerequisite: 104 or Sociology 102. Mr. Kohl Not offered in 1981-82.

242 (1)* The Rise of Civilization 269 (1)* Sex Roles, Marriage, and the A comparative survey of the emergence of Family the Early Bronze Age civilizations in An exploration of the nature of sex roles and Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus valley, and family life in a wide variety of non-Western Shang China, as well pre-Columbian as societies. Investigation of attitudes toward developments in Mesoamerica and Peru. The birth, sex, marriage, parenthood, masculine course will examine ecological settings, and feminine temperament, and male and technologies, and social structures of the female dominance. Emphasis is on the ways earliest complex urban societies. Offered in in which kinship serves as the organizing alternation with 243. framework in non-industrial societies. Prerequisite: or of the 106 by permission Prerequisite: 104 or Sociology 102, or by instructor. permission of the instructor. Not offered in 1981-82.

Mr. Kohl 50 Anthropology

270 (2)* Political and Legal Anthropology 344 (1) Seminar. Archaeology of Southwest A comparative anthropological analysis of Asia political and legal systenns in selected non- A rotating seminar on the cultural history of Western societies, using anthropological four selected areas in Southwest Asia from studies of faction-forming, political the beginnings of food production through the manipulation, and conflict resolution in small appearance of written records. Reliance on scale societies. Comparison of political roles primary archaeological site reports. of men and women. Prerequisite: 106 and two Grade II units or Prerequisite: 104 or Sociology 102, or one permission of the instructor; 242 or 243 are unit of political science. suggested but not required.

Not offered in 1981-82. Not offered in 1981-82. Mr. Kohl 301 (2) Anthropological Theory History of ethnological theory. Examination of 345 (2)* Seminar in Urban Anthropology current evolutionary and functional theories Comparative analysis of the nature of of the relationship of culture. Discussion urbanism in the United States and non- betvi/een personality and culture. Problems of Western societies. Topics for discussion method in anthropology. include the nature of urban kinship and Prerequisite: 104 or Sociology 102, and two friendship, social networks, the decline of Grade II units, or permission of the instructor. community, urban social disorder, crime, the Mrs. Shimony role of urban courts, urban housing and gentrification, as well as migration and 308 (1-2) Seminar for Materials Research housing in the developing world.

in Archaeology and Ethnology 2 Prerequisite: same as for 301, or one Grade I

The role of materials and technologies in the and two Grade II units in political science, or development of ancient societies. The economics. contribution which scientific analysis of Mrs. Merry achaeological artifacts and monuments makes to our understanding of the cultures 346 (2) Seminar on Social Anthropology is on lithics: that produced them. The focus Caste, Ritual, and Myth in India. This course their production. identification and will examine the caste system in India as well Determination of the history of lithic items as some of India's major symbolic systems. the of their use-wear patterns through study An attempt will be made to reach a cultural and weathering. First semester includes understanding of the meanings of the social weekly seminar and laboratory; second institutions and the symbolic systems. Other laboratory semester devoted to supervised topics covered will be the place and meaning detailed projects by students. More course of religion; the place of the individual in description available in the Anthropology hierarchical society; the indigenous Department. categorization of male and female as seen in juniors seniors with Open to and permission the kinship realm and in the sphere of gods of the instructor. and goddesses. Ms. Luedtke (U. Mass.), Mr. Kohl Prerequisite: same as for 301.

Not offered in 1981-82. 342 (1)* Seminar on Native American Ethnology 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual Selected topics concerning Native Study 1 or 2 Americans. Ethnographic review of North Open by permission to juniors and seniors. American culture areas; problems of modern Indian communities; ethnic conflicts; 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 sovereignty and legal questions. Native Open only to honors candidates. Americans in literature and art. Prerequisite: same as for 301 or permission of the instructor. Mrs. Shimony Cross-Listed Courses

Extradepartmental 114(1) Introduction to Linguistics For description and prerequisite see Extradepartmental 114. Art 51

Directions for Election Art Majors in anthropology must take eight courses (which nnay include courses from MIT's anthropology offerings), of which 104 and 301 are obligatory. In addition, at least Professor: one "methods" course is strongly suggested. O'Gorman*, Armstrong, Rayen, Wallace, Preferably this should be calculus or Fergusson (Chairman), Janis statistics in the mathematics department, or Associate Professor: a computer science course, but it may also be the methods course offered by Clapp*, Marvin, Adams^ economics, psychology, or sociology Assistant Professor: (depending on the particular need and MacNei|3, Harvey, Carroll*, Siebel, Freeman, interest of the student). Drew, Friedman, Davies, McDonald

Students may take Grade II and Grade III Instructor: courses upon the presentation of either Grossman^, Strazdes^ Sociology 102 or Anthropology 104, but Lecturer: anthropology majors may not substitute Gabhart^, Fairbanks^, Trent^ Sociology 102 for Anthropology 104.

The Department of Art offers courses in the history of art and in studio art. Some of the courses in art history include laboratory work in one or more media with which the course

is concerned. One of the studio courses, 204, is a survey of the techniques of painting from the Middle Ages to the present, and is required of all art history majors. The department believes that laboratory training has great value in developing observation and understanding of artistic problems. However, no particular artistic aptitude is required, and

the laboratory work is adjusted to the student's ability.

An art major may either concentrate in history of art or in studio art. Stecher Scholarships are available to qualified students for the study of art abroad during the school year, Winter Session, or summer.

History of Art

100 (1-2) Introductory Course 1 or 2 A foundation for further study in the history of art. The major styles in Western architecture, sculpture, and painting from ancient Egypt to the present are presented in lectures and in conference sections. Simple laboratory work requiring no previous training or artistic skill planned to give the student a greater understanding of artistic problems. One unit

of credit may be given for 100 (1), but 100 (2)

cannot be taken without 100 (1). Open only to freshmen and sophomores.

The Staff a

52 Art

120 (1) Themes and Meaning in Asian Art 201 (2)* Egyptian Art Topic for 1981-82: A study of selected artistic A survey of Egyptian architecture, sculpture, and architectural monuments of Asia and the painting and minor arts from 3000 to 31 B.C. ways in which they embody some of the The course will trace historically the major religious, philosophical, and social development of ancient Egyptian style, ideas of the Orient. The course will take a stressing sculpture and painting. broad view of architecture, painting, and Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors, sculpture in Asia, and the works will be and to freshmen who have taken 100 (1). chiefly as symbols of their examined Not offered in 1981-82. distinctive cultures. Miss Marvin Open to all students.

202 (1) Medieval Art Topic for 1982-83: Early Christian art— 150(2) Colloquium survey of the formation of art and For directions for applying 47. by see p. Open architecture to accord with the developing permission to freshman and sophomore attitudes of the church and society from the 15 students. applicants. Limited to catacombs to the revival under Charlemagne. The eloquent object Open to all students.

An orientation to art using originals. Not offered in 1981-82. Examination of the material properties of Mr. Fergusson objects and the manner in which they may social, political, incorporate and express 203 (2) Cathedrals and Castles of the High historical, literary, and aesthetic ideas. Middle Ages Extensive reading on art by poets, A study of the major religious and secular philosophers, and critics as well as art buildings of the Romanesque and Gothic historians. Reading, conversation, writing and periods with emphasis on France and rewriting several short papers as well as field England. Attention will be given to the trips to Boston and Cambridge. A course in interpretation and context of buildings and to basic drawing or design to acccompany this their relationship to cult, political and urban course is strongly advised but not required. factors. Occasional conferences. Ms. Janis Open to all students. Mr. Fergusson 200 (1)* Classical Art Topic for 1981-82: art. survey of the Roman A 204 (1) (2) General Techniques Course arts of Imperial Rome. Principal focus on the A survey of significant technical material period from Augustus to Constantine. related to the history of Western painting Architecture, sculpture, and painting: the from the Middle Ages to the modern period. function of art in Roman society, the nature Laboratory problems of purely technical of the influence Roman taste, and of Roman nature requiring no artistic skill. art on later Western art. Topic for 1982-83: Prerequisite: 100 (1) and (2) or permission of art from the of the Dark Greek end Ages to the instructor. 204 or 209 (1) is required of all the death of Cleopatra. art history majors. Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors The Staff who have taken 100 (1) or 215, or by permission of the instructor. 211 (2) Selected Topics in African, Oceanic Miss Marvin and Pre-Columbian Art Topic for 1981-82: Arts of Black Africa. Style and iconography of sculpture and masking in relation to concepts of self, competition for power and the role of women: principles of African design and aesthetics. Open to all students. Ms. Adams Art 53

214 (2) Art and Ideology 220 (1) Painting and Sculpture of the Later Case studies of selected monuments from Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries in ttie 5th througfi the 20th centuries A.D. Southern Europe affording a survey of important phases in the A study of Italian and Spanish painting and development in Western Christian and sculpture from early Mannerism through the secular iconography. The historial context late Baroque. Among the principal artists and ideological function of these works will studied are Michelangelo, II Rosso Fiorentino, be analyzed, allowing the class to consider Pontormo, Parmigianino, Tintoretto, El Greco, the problem of the generation and demise of the Carracci, Caravaggio, Bernini, Pietro da symbolic codes for political legitimation and Cortona, Ribera, Velasquez, Tiepolo. dissent. Open to sophomores who have taken 100 (1) Prerequisite: 100 (1) and (2) or 215 and 216. and (2), and to juniors and seniors without prerequisite. Not offered in 1981-82. Mr. Mrs. Carroll Wallace

221 (2) Northern Art: Sixteenth to 215 (1) European Art to the Renaissance Eighteenth Centuries The major movements in architecture, French, Flemish, Dutch and English art from sculpture, and painting from ancient Egypt to the school of Fontainebleau through Hogarth. c. 1400. Students attend course 100 lectures Special emphasis given to the work of Pieter and are strongly urged to attend course 100 conferences. Reading and paper assignments Brueghel the Elder, Rubens, Rembrandt, Poussin and Watteau. differ from those of 100. Students will be Prerequisite: for assigned staff advisors. same as 220. Open only to juniors and seniors who have Mr. Wallace not taken 100. 224 (1-2) Modern Art 1 or 2 The Staff Painting, sculpture, and the related arts of the 20th century. One unit of credit may be 216 (2) European Art from the Renaissance through the Nineteenth Century given for either semester. Background reading is required if elected in second Western art from the Renaissance to the semester only. present with emphasis on painting, sculpture, and architecture. Students attend course 100 Prerequisite: 100 (1) and (2), or 216, or 219, or permission of the instructor. lectures and are strongly urged to attend course 100 conferences. Reading and paper Ms. Freeman assignments differ from those of 100. Prerequisite: same as for 215. 225 (1) Cinema Detailed analysis of selected fiction and The Staff nonfiction films. Classics of world cinema, products of the Hollywood studio system, 219 (1) Painting and Sculpture of the Nineteenth Century documentary features and shorts, and the work of controversial experimental and avant A study of the painting and sculpture of the garde filmmakers. Emphasis on class 19th century in Europe with concentration on discussion and numerous short papers. France. Special emphasis on the relationship Open to all students. of academic ideals to emerging individualism and on the social context of style. Not offered in 1981-82.

Open to sophomores who have taken 100 (1) and (2), by permission of the instructor to 226 (1) History of Afro-American Art freshmen who are taking 100, and to juniors A survey of Afro-American art from colonial and seniors without prerequisite. times to the present. Special attention will be given to the relationship between Afro- Ms. Janis American art and social and cultural conditions in America.

Open to all students.

Not offered in 1981-82. 54 Art

(1)* From Giotto to the Art of the 228 (2) Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century 250 Architecture Courts painting and sculpture from 1260-1420; A survey of the major movements in Italian art of the International Style in architecture in Europe and the United States and the later 14th century. from Neo-Classicism to the present. Northern Europe in the tradition in Italian Prerequisite: same as for 220. The great narrative sculpture and painting: Nicola and Giovanni Ms. Friedman Pisani, Giotto and Duccio; the Sienese painters Simone Martini and the Lorenzetti in 231 (1) The Art of the English Colonies and the context of the emergent Italian city state; the United States to the Civil War the spread of the International Gothic Style A survey of American art from the colonial through the Valois courts (the Limbourg period to the Civil War. Attention given to the Brothers and the Due de Berry) and its later relationship between art and the social impact in on Ghiberti and Gentile da history and literature of the time. Fabriano. Prerequisite: 100(1) and (2). Open to sophomores who have taken 100 (1) Ms. Strazdes and to juniors and seniors without prerequisite. 232 (2) Art in the United States from the Ms. Armstrong Civil War to World War II American art from the Civil War to the 251 (2) Italian Renaissance Art foundation of the New Yorl< School. Attention Painting and sculpture in Italy in the 15th and given to the relationship between art and the early 16th centuries. Topics included in this social history and literature of the time. survey are: the formation of the Early Prerequisite: same as for 231. Renaissance style by Masaccio, Donatello, Ms. Strazdes and Ghiberti; the development of sculpture in relation to architecture in Luca della Robbia; Architecture and Daily 233 (1) Domestic Medici patronage; the spread of the Life Renaissance outside of Florence by Piero of European and American houses, A survey della Francesca, Mantegna and Bellini; and design and use from the late Middle their the formation of the High Renaissance by Economic and social Ages to the present. Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo. will be stressed, with particular conditions Prerequisite: same as for 250. attention to changes in family structure and Ms. Armstrong the role of women. The use of rooms and furnishings will also be discussed. 254 (1)* Art of the City: Medieval, Open to all students. Renaissance, and Baroque Ms. Friedman Aspects of the history of urban form, and of art in public areas of the city in the medieval, 248 (1) Chinese Art Renaissance, and Baroque periods. Analysis of the major artistic traditions of Survey of various urban types such as medieval through monuments of the Bronze Age, China market towns, ideal city plans in the sculpture, and painting from the Buddhist Renaissance, and innovations in city planning Han to the Ch'ing Dynasty. in the 17th century. Attention will be given to to all students who have taken one unit Open sculptural programs designed to enhance either in the history of art, or in Asian history public spaces and buildings. or religion, or by permission of the instructor. Open to sophomores who have taken 100 (1) to and (2), or 202 or 203 or 250 or 251, juniors and seniors without prerequisite, or by 249 (2) Far Eastern Art permission of the instructor. Topic for 1981-82: Japanese art. An Not offered in 1981-82. introduction to the sculpture and pictorial arts of Japan from the early Buddhist period Ms. Armstrong through the 18th century woodblock print. Prerequisite: same as for 248. Art 55

304 (2)* Problems in Italian Sculpture 309 (1)* Renaissance and Baroque Topic for 1980-81: Italian Renaissance Architecture sculpture. The works of major Italian The Early and High Renaissance, Mannerist, sculptors of the 15th and 16th centuries will and Baroque styles of the 15th through the be stressed. Topics to be considered will 18th centuries, with particular emphasis on include: the formation of the Early Italy. Renaissance style in sculpture by Donatello Open to sophomores who have taken 251, to and Ghiberti; patterns of patronage and its juniors and seniors who have taken or are effect on sculptors such as Luca della Robbia taking one Grade II unit in the department, or and Verrocchio; Michelangelo, Sansovino, by permission of the instructor. and the High Renaissance; and the Mannerist Not offered in 1981-82. sculpture of Benvenuto Cellini and Giovanni Bologna. Ms. Friedman Open to sophomores who have taken 220 or 311 (1)* Northern European Painting and 251, to juniors and seniors who have taken or Printmaking are taking a Grade II unit in history of art, or Painting and printmaking in Northern Europe by permission of the instructor. from the late 14th through the 16th centuries. Not offered in 1981-82. Emphasis on Jan van Eyck, Rogier van der Ms. Armstrong Weyden, Bosch, Durer, and Pieter Brueghel the Elder. 305 (2) The Graphic Arts Open to sophomores who have taken 202 or

A history of prints and visual communication 251 , to juniors and seniors who have taken or from the time of Gutenberg to the present are taking one Grade II unit in the alternating between the achievements of department, or by permission of the great masters such as Durer, Rembrandt, instructor. Goya, Picasso, and the proliferation of Not offered in 1981-82. popular imagery and ephemera leading to the Mrs. Carroll invention of photography. Emphasis is on class participation and the examination of 312 (2)* Problems in Nineteenth- and Early originals. Required laboratory. Limited to 18. Twentieth-Century Art Open only to seniors. A study of special problems of interpretation Ms. Janis in 19th- and early 20th-century art. Romantic imagery, interpretations of Manet, History of Photography 306 (1) photography and painting, historicism, origins A seminar treating the language of of abstraction. Emphasis on extensive its peculiar formal code. photography and reading and class discussion. Treats work amateurs as well as by Prerequisite: 219 or permission of the professionals artists in 19th and 20th and instructor. century France, England, and America. Not offered in 1981-82. Topics range from problems of realism and documentary to what constitutes art in Ms. Janis photography. Students will also learn how photography has affected the study of art 320 (1) American Art and Artifact: The history. Emphasis is on student discussion, Seventeenth Century writing and rewriting from originals. The course will be taught at the Museum of Laboratory is not only required but Fine Arts in Boston using its collection as constitutes a fundamental aspect of this primary documents of historical technologies, course. Limited to 20 students. styles, and social structures. European Open to juniors and seniors who have taken sources for Late Medieval and Mannerist 219 or 305. styles in the decorative arts will be examined, as will the demography of immigrant Ms. Janis craftsmen who transmitted the styles to the New World. Requirements include catalogue entries, brief essays, class reports, a brief research paper, and a written final examination. Limited to ten students. Prerequisite: 100 (2) or 231, or by permission of the instructor.

Mr. Trent 56 Art

330 (2) Seminar. Italian Art 335 (1) Seminar. Modern Art Topic for 1981-82: Venetian art and culture Topic for 1981-82: Art Today. Close study of 1450-1570. Venetian painting, architecture, such diverse recent manifestations as pop and patronage in the Renaissance. art, color field abstraction, minimalism, Consideration of historical, literary, and conceptual art, process and performance art, nnusical topics. Connmissions executed by the and photo realism occurring in America and painters Bellini, Carpaccio, Giorgione, Titian Europe since abstract expressionism. and Tintoretto, as well as the architecture Frequent visits to museums, galleries, and urban projects of Sansovino and Palladio. collections and presentations by artists. provides a Prerequisite: any Grade II or Grade III course contemporary 224 for this in Renaissance art or history, or by thorough art history background pernnission of the instructor. course and is recommended; enthusiasm for engaging the important issues raised by Ms. Armstrong recent art in our culture is essential. Open by permission of the instructor. 331 (1)* Seminar Ordinarily a different topic each year. Ms. Freeman Open to juniors and seniors by permission of the instructor. 336 (1) Seminar. Museum Problems An investigation of the history and structure Not offered in 1981-82. of the museum, the philosophy of exhibitions and acquisitions, and the role of the museum 332 (2)* Seminar. Medieval Art in modern society, combining the theory and Topic for 1980-81: The cathedrals of England. practice of all aspects of museum work. The seminar will focus on selected problems Problems of conservation, exhibition, in art, architecture, programming, cult and acquisition, publication, and education will be usage in six cathedrals: Winchester, Durham, discussed. If the museum schedule permits, Canterbury, Salisbury, Lincoln, and will involved in the planning and Westminster Abbey. students be mounting of an exhibition. Visits to museums Open by permission of the instructor. and private collections in the area will be 1981-82. Not offered in arranged. Limited enrollment. Mr. Fergusson Open by permission of the instructor to junior and senior art majors. 333 Seminar (1) Ms. Gabhart Painting and printmaking in 18th and 19th century England. Special emphasis on English 337 (2)* Seminar. Chinese Art landscape art and the work of Wenceslaus Painting of the Ming Dynasty literati masters, Hollar, William Hogarth, Thomas the origins of their art in Sung and Yuan, and Gainsborough, Joseph Wright of Derby, their relation to the Che School. William Blake, and Samuel Palmer. Frequent Open by permission of the instructor. visits to museums and collections in the area Not offered in 1981-82. and to the Yale Center for British art. Open to students who have taken 220, 221 or Mrs. Clapp 305, or by permission of the instructor. 340 Seminar. American Art and Artifact: Mr. Wallace (2) The Eighteenth Century European sources for Baroque, Rococo, and 334 (2)* Seminar. Problems in Archaeological Method and Theory Neo-classical styles in the decorative arts, the indigenous craft traditions and continued Tell el-Amarna, the city of Akhenaten. An immigration of European craftsmen. Taught examination of the art and architecture Fine Arts in Boston using associated with Egypt's heretic Pharaoh and at the Museum of its collection as primary documents of the life of the city that was his new capital. technologies, styles, and social Open by permission of the instructor. historical structures. Requirements include catalog Miss Marvin entries, brief essays, class reports, a brief research paper, and a written final examination. Limited to 10 students. Prerequisite: 100 (2) or 231, or by permission of the instructor.

Mr. Fairbanks Art 57

345 (1) (2) Seminar. Historical Approaches Directions for Election to Art for the Major Comparative study of the major art historical approaches and their philosophical bases: connoisseurship, iconography, theories of the History of Art evolution of art, theories of style, psychoanalysis and art, psychology of An art major concentrating in history of art perception, and theories of art criticism. must elect both semesters of 100 (unless an Strongly recommended to all art majors. exemption examination is passed), or 100 (1) Open to juniors and seniors who have taken and 150; 204 or the first semester of 209 (not or are taking one Grade II unit in the the second semester), and at least five department. further units in history of art. For distribution, Ms. Freeman (1), f^s. Friedman (2) students must elect at least one unit each in three of the following six areas of 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual specialization: ancient, medieval. Study 1 or 2 Renaissance, Baroque and 18th century, 19th Open to qualified students by permission of and 20th centuries, non-Western art. Art 345 the instructor and the chairman of the and 305 may not be used to meet this department. distribution requirement. If approved by the chairman, courses elected at other 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 institutions may be used to meet the Open only to honors candidates. distribution requirement. Although the department does not encourage over- Boston Museum of Fine Arts Seminar specialization in any one area, by careful A limited number of qualified students may choice of related courses a student may plan elect for credit seminars offered by the a field of concentration emphasizing one curators of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. period or area, for example, medieval art or These are held in the museum and use oriental art. Students interested in such a objects from the collections for study. For plan should consult the chairman of the enrollment procedures, consult the department as early in the freshman or department chairman. Seminar topics to be sophomore year as possible. offered in 1981-82 to be announced. Students planning to major in history of art

should plan to take 204 or 209 (1) in the second semester of the sophomore year or in the first semester of the junior year. Cross-Listed Courses Art 345 is strongly recommended for all majors, especially those who are considering Anthropology 308 (1-2) 2 graduate study in history of art. Seminar for Materials Research in A reading knowledge of German and French, Archaeolgy and Ethnology or Italian, is strongly recommended for For description and prerequisite see majors. Anthropology 308. Students intending to major in art history

Greek 228 (1) whose high school preparation does not Reflections on the Search for Alexander include a thorough grounding in history For description and prerequisite see Greek should take History 100 and 101. They should 228. also consult the Catalog carefully for other courses in history as well as in literature, religion, philosophy, and music, which will be relevant to their interests.

Students interested in graduate study in the field of conservation of works of art should consult with the chairman of the department regarding chemistry requirements for entrance into conservation programs. Ordinarily at least two semesters of chemistry at the college level should be elected.

The attention of students is called to the interdepartmental major in classical and Near Eastern archaeology, and in medieval/renaissance studies. 58 Art

208 (2) Photography II Studio Courses The development of one's personal vision through intensive Studio courses meet twice a week for double photographic aesthetic studies in periods. technical and photography. Each student works in either book or portfolio form exploring relationships 105 (1) (2) Drawing I Introductory drawing with emphasis on basic between photographers and/or between and words. Study of the work of forms in spatial relationships. Stress on the photographs various forms of essential control of line in a variety of media. master photographers and book. Limited enrollment. Open to all students. the photographic Prerequisite: 108 or permission of the The Staff instructor.

108 (1) (2) Photography I Ms. MacNeil Photography as a means of visual communication. Problems dealing with light, 209 (1-2) Basic Design 1 or 2 interrelated tonal values, two- and three-dimensional Consideration of a series of space, documentary and aesthetic problems in two-dimensional and three- develop both approaches to the medium. Emphasis on dimensional design intended to skills. Techniques of printing and critical analysis of photographs. observational and formal graphic Limited enrollment. drawing, sculpture, painting, and Open by permission of the instructor. design. Open to all students. One unit of credit may Ms. MacNeil be given for the first semester. Semester II

requires Semester I. 204 (1) (2) General Techniques Course A survey of significant technical material Mr. Drew related to the history of Western painting from the Middle Ages to the modern period. 210(1) Color Included are laboratory problems of purely Basic problems in the interaction of color. technical nature requiring no artistic skill. Special attention will be given to the Prerequisite: 100 (1) and (2) or permission of considerations of value, intensity and the instructor. 204 or 209 (1) is required of all natural mutability of hue. art history majors. Open to all students.

The Staff Mr. Rayen

Printmaking 205 (1) (2) Painting I 212(2) basic intaglio A study of basic forms in plastic relationships Instruction in the monotype and line aquatint in a variety of media. techniques including and engraving. Prerequisite: 105 or 209 (1-2), or permission etching, lift ground etching, and of the instructor. Studio fee for materials: $30. Prerequisite: 105 or 209 (1-2), or permission Ms. Harvey (1), Mr. Rayen (2) of the instructor.

206 (1) Drawing II Problems dealing with the realization through graphic media of form, light, and volume. 307 (1) (2) Sculpture II of sculpture Students will be required to establish and The advanced development work out an individual project during the concepts through problems dealing with the second part of the course. construction, abstraction, imagery, and Prerequisite: 105. figure. Emphasis on foundry techniques. Studio fee for materials: $30. Ms. Harvey Prerequisite: 207 or permission of the instructor. 207 (1) (2) Sculpture I An introduction to sculpture through basic 315(2) Painting II problems as well as modeling from the figure Continuing problems in the formal elements utilizing various materials such as clay, wax, of pictorial space, including both plaster, wood, and metal. The student will be representational and abstract considerations

introduced to lost wax and sand casting in in a variety of media. bronze and aluminum. Studio fee for Prerequisite: 105 and 205. materials: $30. Ms. Harvey Prerequisite: 105 or 209 (1-2) or permission of the instructor. Astronomy 59

*316 (2) Life Drawing Intensive analysis of anatomy, perspective, Astronomy composition, chiaroscuro, with direct visual observation of the model. Prerequisite: 105.

Mr. Drew Professor: Birney* 317 (2) Seminar. Problems in the Visual Assistant Professor: Arts Little^, Little-Marenin3, Hagen (Chairman), Concentrated study of individual problems in French^ a variety of media. Each student will be required to formulate a specific project to pursue throughout the semester. Emphasis will be given to group discussions and criticisms on a regular weekly basis. The 103 (1) (2) Introduction to Astronomy attention of all studio majors is drawn to this Relationships of earth and sky; the solar course; it is especially recommended as system, stars, and galaxies. Two periods of advanced preparation for those who are lecture and discussion weekly with a third contemplating a 350 or 370 project. period every other week; laboratory in Prerequisite: 206, 307, 315 or 316, or alternate weeks, and unscheduled evening permission of the instructor. work at the Observatory for observation and Mr. Rayen use of the telescopes. Open to all students. 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual The Staff Study 1 or 2 Open to qualified students by permission of 203 (2) Recent Developments in Astronomy the instructor and the chairman of the Contemporary topics in optical, radio, and department. space astronomy. Topics include cosmology, pulsars, quasars, black holes, exploration of 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 the planets, and extraterrestrial Open only to honors candidates. communication. Applied Arts Program Prerequisite: 103.

In addition to the regular studio curriculum, a Ms. Hagen separately funded program makes it possible 204 (1) Introduction to Astrophysics to offer one noncredit course each year in The physical principles behind the analyses of such fields as metal casting and enameling, stars, interstellar matter galaxies. ceramics, woodworking, and weaving. Topic and Prerequisite: 103 and Physics 106 or 110 for 1981-82: ceramic tile making. taken previously or concurrently.

Mr. French

Directions for Election 206 (1) Basic Astronomical Techniques I Visual and photographic use of the telescopes. Optics applied to astronomical instruments. Astronomical coordinate systems. Spherical trigonometry. Conversion studio Art of time and use of Ephemeris. Star catalogs. Photometry. An art major concentrating in studio art must Prerequisite: 103 and a familiarity with elect 100 (1 and 105, 209 (1 and plus a 2), 2), trigonometric functions. minimum of four additional Grade II or Grade Mr. Little III units in studio art. Course 100 is counted toward the degree but not toward the major. 207 (2) Basic Astronomical Techniques II Since the department believes in the Measurement of stellar radial velocities. importance of an understanding of the history Spectroscopy. Classification of stellar of art, the attention of students is drawn spectra. Applications of the Method of Least particularly to 224 (1 and 2) and 219 (see Squares and statistical methods. The History of Art). semester's work includes an independent For students particularly interested in design, project at the telescope. attention is further drawn to Theatre Studies Prerequisite: 206 and some familiarity with 206. calculus.

Ms. Little-Marenin 60 Astronomy

302 (2)* Galactic Structure Cross- Listed Courses Distribution and kinematics of the stellar and nonstellar components of the galaxy. Galactic Mathematics 205 (1) (2) rotation, problems of spiral structure, the Multivariable Vector Calculus galactic nucleus, the halo. Comparisons with For description and prerequisite see other galaxies. Mathematics 205. Prerequisite: 204 and Mathematics 116.

Not offered in 1981-82. Physics 202 (1) Optical Physics f^r. Birney For description and prerequisite see

304 (1) Stellar Atmospheres and Interiors Physics 202. The formation of continuous and line spectra 204 in stellar atmospheres. An introduction to Physics (2) stars with unusual spectra. The structure of Modern Physics description and prerequisite see and energy generation in stellar interiors. For Stellar evolution. Physics 204. Prerequisite: 204 and Mathematics [201] or 215. Physics 204 or [200] is recommended. Ms. Hagen Directions for Election 307 (2)* Planetary Astronomy The following courses form the minimum Study of the properties of planetary major: 204, 207; Mathematics [201], 205 or atmospheres, surfaces and interiors with 210; Physics [200], 202 and 204; two Grade emphasis on the physical principles involved. III courses in astronomy and an additional Topics covered include the origin and Grade III course in astronomy or physics. evolution of the planetary system, Extradepartmental 110 and 216 are strongly comparison of the terrestrial and giant recommended. In planning a major program planets, properties of minor bodies and students should note that some of these satellites in the solar system and inadvertent courses have prerequisites in mathematics modification of the earth's climate. Recent and/or physics. Additional courses for the observations from the ground and from major may be elected in the Departments of spacecraft will be reviewed. Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy. Prerequisite: 204 and Physics 106 or 110 or in physics is permission of the instructor for interested A substantial background graduate study in astronomy. students majoring in geology or physics. required for graduate school Mr. French A student planning to enter in astronomy should supplement the minimum 349 (1)* Selected Topics major with courses in physics, including Grade III Topics in previous years have included Physics 306 and, if possible, other Variable Stars, Galaxies, Stars of Special work. The student is also urged to acquire a Interest. reading knowledge of French, Russian, or Open by permission of the instructor. German.

Not offered in 1981-82. See p. 7 for a description of Whitin Observatory and its equipment. Ms. Hagen

350 (1) (2) Research or Individual Study 1 or 2 Open to juniors and seniors by permission.

370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 Open only to honors candidates. Biological Sciences 61

111 (2) Introductory Biology II Major biological concepts including the Biological evolution, ecology, and the structure function relationships of multicellular plants and Sciences animals. Open to all students.

Mrs. Coyne, Mr. Harris, Mr. Eichenbaum

Professor: 200 (2) Cellular Physiology Widmayer*, Allen (Chairman), Coyne Intensive study of cell function, physical Associate Professor: characteristics of cells, energy metabolism Webb»2 and metabolic pathways, irritability of cells, membranes and membrane transport, Assistant Professor: evolution of enzyme systems, control Williams, Harris, Eichenbaum, Hirsch*, mechanisms. Hendricks, Paper, Smith, Langman«2, Prerequisite: 110 or [101] and 1 1 1 or [100] Richards and one unit of college chemistry. Instructor: Mrs. Allen, Mr. Harris, Mr. Hendricks, Standley Ms. Cooper Laboratory Instructor: Muise, Dermody, Cooper, Hall, Hacopian 201 (1) Ecology An introduction to ecosystem structure and Unless otherwise noted, all courses meet for development, including population and five periods of lecture, discussion, and community ecology, intraspecific and laboratory weekly, except for seminars that interspecific relationships among organisms, meet for two periods. and biogeography. Emphasis on evolutionary aspects of ecology. Laboratory emphasis on field work and reduction and presentation of quantitative data. Prerequisite: 111 or [100] or permission of 108 (2) Horticultural Science the instructor. Fundamentals of cultivation and propagation of plants, the effects of chemical and Mr. Williams, Ms. Standley environmental factors on their growth, and methods of control of pests and diseases. 202 (1) Comparative Anatomy Laboratory includes work in the field and in A systems approach to the study of chordate the greenhouses. Not to be counted toward anatomy emphasizing the relationship the minimum major in biological sciences. between embryology, structure and function Open to all students. which lead to an understanding of evolutionary trends within the vertebrate Ms. Standley, Ms. Richards, Mrs. Muise, group as a whole. Laboratory dissection of a Mrs. Dermody variety of chordates from the lamprey to the monkey. 109 (1) Human Biology Open to students who have taken 1 1 1 Study of anatomy and physiology of man. [100] or 109 or one semester of college biology, Some work on human genetics, nutrition, and and to juniors and seniors immunology. Two lectures weekly with a without prerequisite. double period every other week for demonstration-discussions. Does not meet Not offered in 1981-82. the laboratory science distribution requirement. Not to be counted toward the 203 (1) Comparative Physiology minimum major in biological sciences. A comparative approach to the study of Open to all students except those who have physiological systems with a concentration on taken 111 or [100]. vertebrates. Emphasis will be placed on the physiological adaptations to the environment. Mr. Eichenbaum, Mr. Langman Topics for consideration will be salt and water metabolism, respiratory and circulatory 110 (1) Introductory Biology I control, temperature regulation, sensory Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell structure, perception and endocrine control chemistry, and function. Cell metabolism, mechanisms. genetics, cellular interactions and Prerequisite: Biology 111, 109 or AP biology mechanisms of growth and differentiation. and juniors and seniors with permission of Open to all students. the instructor. Mr. Harris, Mr. Hendricks, Mr. Williams Mrs. Coyne, Mr. Langman 62 Biological Sciences

205 (1) Genetics 212 (1) Fundamentals of Plant Structure Principles of inheritance, structure and Study of how plants are constructed starting function of hereditary informational with the cell, leading to the organization of molecules, application of genetic principles to cells into tissues and the grouping of the biological problems. Laboratory and lecture tissues into the organs of the plant: leaf, stem material selected from plant, animal, and root. The development of the various microbial, and human studies. plant structures as well as their adaptations

Prerequisite: 1 10 or [101] or by permission of to specific environments will also be the instructor. considered. A brief survey of the vascular

plants is included to illustrate evolutionary Ms. Paper, Mrs. Dermody, Mrs. Hall changes of plant structure. Laboratory includes light microscopy and related 206 (1) Histology-Cytology I: Cell and Tissue Structure techniques and observation of prepared plant The microscopic organization of animal cells specimens and living material from the and tissues. Ultrastructural and cytochemical greenhouses.

Prerequisite: 1 1 1 or or features considered, especially in relation to [100] the equivalent or functional activity. Laboratory study includes by permission of the instructor. direct experience with selected histological Ms. Richards and histochemical techniques. Prerequisite: 110 or [101]. 213 (1) Introduction to Psychobiology An introduction the of the Mr. Smith to study relationship between the nervous system and behavior with particular 207 (2) Nonvascular Plants emphasis on the Biology of algae, liverworts, and mosses. structure and function of the nervous system. Laboratory includes microscopic observations Topics include basic neuroanatomy and of a diversity of genera and culturing of neurophysiology, and brain mechanisms selected specimens. involved in such aspects of behavior as Prerequisite: 111 or [100] or the equivalent or emotion, language, motivation, memory, by permission of the instructor. sensation, and cognition. Emphasis on comparison of experiments with animal and Not offered in 1981-82. human subjects in an effort to shed light on human cognitive functions. Laboratory. 208 (2) Systematics of Vascular Plants Prerequisite: Psychology 101, and Biology Introduction to classification and evolution of 111 or [100] or 109. ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms. Laboratories will emphasize field study and Mrs. Koff, Mr. Eichenbaum identification of common plant families and flora of New England. 214(2) Research Methods in Neurobiology Prerequisite: 111 or permission of the Specific research topics in neurobiology will instructor. be selected, presented and discussed by the instructor and students in a seminar format. Ms. Standley Possible topics include development of the nervous system, comparative neurology, 209 (1) Microbiology neuroendocrinology, neuromodulators, small Introduction to bacteriology, virology, and nervous systems, and sociobiology. immunology. A detailed consideration of Laboratory exercises will focus on advanced biological principles which characterize the techniques in small animal surgery, microbial world. The microbiology of electrophysiology and new methods in infectious disease and unique features of histology as they are applied to research microrganisms will also be considered. problems. The course will meet for one two- Prerequisite: 110 or [101] and one unit of and-one-half hour seminar and one three-and- college chemistry. one-half hour laboratory per week. Mr. Hendricks Prerequisite: Biology 213 and permission of the instructor. 210 (2) Invertebrate Zoology Mr. Comparative study of the major invertebrate Eichenbaum groups emphasizing evolutionary trends and adaptations to the environment. Includes investigation of structure and function and field studies of ecological relationships.

Prerequisite: 1 1 1 or [100] or the equivalent. Mr. Williams Biological Sciences 63

216 (2) Concepts in Growth and 306 (1) Developmental Biology and Development Embryology Introduction to principles governing the The first part of the semester is devoted to growth and development of organisms. the study of human ontogenetic development, Lectures and laboratory integrate the use of including some immunological aspects of plant, animal and microbial systems to pregnancy. The remainder of the semester is illustrate concepts of development from the spent discussing current areas of interest in molecular to the gross morphological level. developmental biology (e.g., tumorogenesis,

Prerequisite: 110 or [101] and 1 1 1 or [100] or organization, and operation of the genome, permission of the instructor. pattern formation, hormone action). Emphasis Ms. Paper, Ms. Richards on the experimental approaches used in determining the cellular and molecular

302 (2) Animal Physiology mechanisms involved in developing systems. A study of organ systems in vertebrates. Half Students undertake group research projects of this course will cover topics in which are designed to familiarize them with cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, some of the methodology and equipment excretory, and endocrine physiology. The currently utilized in the experimental analysis other half will cover sensory, neural, and of development. muscle physiology. Students gain experience Prerequisite: 216. Students without 216, who in the use of various physiological measuring have taken 200 or 205, may enroll only with devices such as kymographs, polygraphs, the permission of the instructor. strain gauges, pressure transducers, Mr. Webb stimulators, oscilloscopes, and microelectrode recording equipment. 307 (2) Topics In Ecology Prerequisite: 200 or 213 or permission of the Topic for 1981-82: Evolutionary ecology. instructor. Issues and controversies in ecology, including Mrs. Coyne the role of competition, population regulation, community structure, and coevolution, all viewed from an evolutionary 304 (2) Histology-Cytology II: Structure of perspective. Organ Systems Readings from the current literature. Analysis of the microscopic organization of Laboratories will include independent field organ systems, particularly those of the work. Topic for 1982-83: Plant ecology. mammal. Detailed examination of selected Prerequisite: 201 or permission of the specialized cells; the relationship of instructor. ultrastructural and cytochemical features to Mr. Williams principal physiological processes. Prerequisite: 206. 309 (1) Experimental Plant Biology Topic for 1981-82: Plant Mr. Smith physiology. A series of independent research projects will be conducted throughout the 305 (2) Seminar. Genetics semester in final Topics in advanced genetics with emphasis culminating a paper and oral on current forefront research, such as gene presentation. The class will involve informal structure, sequencing, regulation of gene discussions and oral presentations of both expression, recombinant DNA technology, the research progress and relevant papers from genetics of development, behavior and scientific journals. One class meeting each week. cancer. The topics to be considered in depth will be chosen cooperatively by students and Prerequisite: 200 and two units of college chemistry or of instructor. instructor. Original research publications will permission the be used as the primary source of information. Mr. Harris The development of skills of critical reading, discussion, oral presentation, and writing will 310 (1) Seminar. Topics in Plant Biology be emphasized. Topic for 1982-83: Plant physiology. Prerequisite: 205 and either 200 or Chemistry Prerequisite: 200 and 205. 211 and permission of instructor. Not offered in 1981-82. Ms. Paper 64 Biological Sciences

312 (1) Seminar. Endocrinology 330 (1) Seminar Selected topics on the regulation and action Topic for 1981-82: Plant development at the of hormones and neurohormones in organismal level. Describing and, ultimately, vertebrates. Emphasis on the study of current understanding certain aspects of plant literature. development require a synthetic viewpoint. In Prerequisite: 205 and 200 or permission of this seminar we will study current hypotheses the instructor. 302 is strongly recommended. about 1) the integration of developmental processes which results in a given organ or Mrs. Coyne whole plant form: 2) how these processes change over the life cycle of a plant: and 313 (1) Microbial Physiology and Cytology 3) The study of the chemical activities (cellular how these processes relate to plant adaptation and evolution. The emphasis of the growth and its physiological basis, metabolic patterns, biochemical genetics, and relation seminar will be on learning about selected of structural to function) of microorganisms phenomena of plant development, examining what is and is not about these as model systems in order to explain living known the general processes in molecular terms. Emphasis on phenomena, and understanding experimental approaches and current questions which they raise about plant literature. In the laboratory, groups carry out biology. a number of experimental problems designed Prerequisite: 216. to allow the development of research Ms. Richards techniques and analysis. Prerequisite: 200 and 205 or permission of 331 (2) Seminar the instructor. Topic for 1981-82: To be announced. Mrs. Allen 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual Study 1 or 2 314 (2) Topics in Microbiology juniors Topic for 1981-82: Virology. This laboratory Open to and seniors by permission. course will retain several aspects of a seminar 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 format. Class meetings will include lectures Open only to honors candidates. concerning fundamentals of virology followed by student led discussions. Reference lists will include review articles and current articles which students will be expected to evaluate and criticize. Possible topics of focus in the Cross-Listed Courses course will be: regulation of viral growth and expression, anti-viral activities (e.g., Chemistry 323 (1) interferon) of the infected host, the immune Chemical Aspects of Metabolism response of the host to viral infection, viruses For description and prerequisite see of public health and economic interest, and Chemistry 323. viral vaccines. Laboratory exercises designed to demonstrate current methods in virological Chemistry 324 (2) research will be included. Chemical Basis of Selected Physiological Prerequisite: Biology 200 or 205, Chemistry Processes 211 and permission of instructor. For description and prerequisite see Mr. Hendricks Chemistry 324.

319 (2) Advanced Cytology: Biological Extradepartmental 112 (2) Ultrastructure Evolution: Change Through Time Introduction to the principles and procedures For description and prerequisite see of electron microscopy using animal tissues. Extradepartmental 112. Emphasis on interpretation of ultrastructural features of cells and their components with particular regard to function. A knowledge of the basic structure of animals, especially at the cell and tissue level is essential. In addition, a knowledge of the fundamental principles of biochemistry is recommended. Prerequisite: Biology 304 and Chemistry 211 or permission of the instructor.

Mr. Smith Biological Sciences 65

Freshmen with advanced placement or with Directions for Election 1 10 or 111 exemptions are advised to consult before continuing the core A major in biological sciences must include the chairman curriculum. two Grade I units or their equivalent and at least two of the following Grade II courses: Students planning graduate work are advised 200, 205 and/or 216. Students are advised to to take calculus, statistics, organic chemistry, check the prerequisites for Grade III courses two units of physics, and to acquire a working carefully so they will have taken the knowledge of computers and a reading appropriate Grade II courses early enough to knowledge of a second language. They enter the Grade III work of their choice: the should consult the catalogs of the schools of required Grade II work should be completed their choice for specific requirements. within the first 5-6 units in the major. At least Premedical students are referred to the two Grade III units must be taken at requirements given on p. 32. Wellesley. One of these Grade III units, exclusive of 350 or 370 work, must require laboratory experience. In addition to eight units in biological sciences, two units of college chemistry are also required. Additional chemistry is strongly recommended or required for certain Grade

III courses. Courses 323 [221] and 324 [320] do not count toward a minimum major in biology.

Courses 108, 109, and 112, which do not ordinarily count toward the minimum major in biological sciences, do fulfill the College distribution requirements for the degree; 108 as a laboratory science; 109 and 1 12 as a non-laboratory science course. Independent summer study will not count toward the minimum major. Course 213 does not fulfill the Group B distribution requirement for biology majors.

Within the major, students may design a program in general biology or one which emphasizes subjects dealing with animals, plants, or microorganisms. A broad training in the various aspects of biology is recommended.

Students interested in an interdepartmental major in molecular biology are referred to the section of the Catalog where the program is described. They should consult with fyjrs. Levy, the director of the molecular biology program.

Students interested in an interdepartmental major in psychobiology are referred to the section of the Catalog where the program is described. They should consult with fyir. Eichenbaum and Ms. Koff, the directors of the psychobiology program.

Students interested in an individual major in environmental sciences should consult a faculty member who teaches 201. 66 Black Studies

150(1) (2)***'' Colloquium For directions for applying see p. 47. Open by Black Studies permission to a limited number of freshman and sophomore applicants.

b. 1919: Year of the New Negro

Professor: The New Negro period was similar in many Martin (Chairman) ways to the Civil Rights and Black Power era of the 1950s and 1960s. We will examine Assistant Professor: some of the major problems facing Black Jackson*, Howell, Mbere people in 1919, including lynching, mob Instructor: violence and the mistreatment of Afro- Evans3 American and West Indian soldiers. We will Lecturer: then examine the response to these Darling conditions by Black folk in general, by the Black press and by leaders such as Marcus Garvey, W.E.B. DuBois and A. Philip Randolph. Finally, we will look at the way that state, federal and foreign governments viewed New Negro militancy. Our sources will Course may be elected to fulfill in part the mostly be newspapers and magazines from distribution requirement in Group A 1919.

Mr. Martin Course may be elected to fulfill in part the distribution recujirement in Group 200 (2)*** Africans in Antiquity

B'' or Group B^ as designated. Highlights of the African experience in the pre-Christian era: African origins of human- kind; African Egypt; Nubia, Kush, and Ethiopia; Egyptian/Ethiopian influences on the beginnings of Western civilization; Africans in 105 (2)***2 Introduction to the Black Greece and Rome; Africans in the Bible; Experience ancient Africans in the Americas. This course serves as the introductory Open to all students. offering in Black Studies and explores in an Not offered in 1981-82. interdisciplinary fashion salient aspects of Mr. Martin Black history, culture, and origins in Africa, and life in America. Its aim is to provide ***• 202 (2)* Introduction to African students with a fundamental intellectual Philosophy understanding of The Black Experience as it Initiation into basic African philosophical is reflected in history, and the social order. concepts and principles. The first part of the Open to all students. course deals with a systematic interpretation The Staff of such questions as the Bantu African philosophical concept of Muntu and related 106 (2)*** Introduction to Black Culture beliefs, as well as Bantu ontology, survey of Afro-American culture, its African A metaphysics, and ethics. The second part roots, and its development in dance, music, centers on the relationship between religion, philosophy, and architecture. philosophy and ideologies and its implications Utilizing slides, films, recordings and lectures, in Black African social, political, religious, and the course emphasizes interrelationships economic institutions. The approach will be among various cultural forms. comparative. Offered in alternation with 211. Open to all students. Open to all students except those who have Not offered in 1981-82. taken [302].

Ms. Darling Not offered in 1981-82.

Mr. Menkiti Black studies 67

203 (2)** "2 Introduction to Afro-American 209 (1)** The Black Total Theatrical Sociology Experience: Concepts and Production This course is designed to introduce the An academic study of plays from the rich student to the methodology and the heritage of Black drama combined with both theoretical underpinnings of sociology as a the technical and performing aspects of basis for the description and analysis of Afro- theatre. Students will have the opportunity to American experience in cultural rather than apply the skills acquired in the course to a racial terms. The course examines the major production. Students will be complex realities of racial and social issues encouraged to direct, act, sing, or dance and associated with being Black in American to learn about the basic mechanics (lights, society. set design, set construction, costumes) that Prerequisite: Sociology 102, 103, or Black help to create the so-called "magic" of Studies 105. theatre. Open to all students. Not offered in 1981-82. Not offered in 1981-82. Mrs. Howell

210 (2)** Black Drama in the Twentieth 204 (I)***"" Oral History and Social Century 1 or 2 Science Methodologies Basic concepts, subtleties, and complexities Importantly, as one moves to incorporate a of the Black playwright and his interpretation multicultural perspective into our of the various Black experiences that are an understanding of the American experience, integral part of the Black man's existence in innovative research techniques become a racist society. Lonne Elder III, Ron Milner, important tools. The synthesis of oral Adrienne Kennedy, Alice Childress, Joseph investigatory techniques with social science Walker, James Baldwin, Imamu Baraka, behavioral methodologies represents a Lorraine Hansberry, Ted Shine, William unique opportunity to explore the creation of Branch, and Douglas Turner Ward are among new sources and the reworking of existing the playwrights to be considered. Special source material through asking new and emphasis on the aesthetics of Black drama heretofore unasked questions in relation to and theatre in general. Students will also be sources and interpretations. This course is given the opportunity to explore how Black designed to focus on the use of oral history, drama has helped to save Broadway from its interviews, role theory, collective behavior, own artistic and economic decadence. cross-cultural analysis, dialectical analysis Open to all students. and other conceptual frameworks and methods in the chronicling of human Not offered in 1981-82. behavior. ** Open to all students. 211 (2)* Introduction to African Literature Ms. Darling The development of African literature in and in translation. Although special 206(1)***1 Afro-American History English attention will be paid to the novels of Chinua Afro-American history to 1865. Study of the Achebe, writers such as James Ngugi, political, economic, and social development Camara Laye, Wole Soyinka, Ezekiel of American Blacks from their African origins Mphahlele, and Christopher Okigbo will also to the end of the Civil War. be considered. The influence of oral tradition Open to all students. on these writers' styles as well as the Ms. Darling thematic links between them and writers of the Black awakening in America and the 207(2)***1 Afro-American History West Indies will be discussed as time allows. Afro-American history since 1865. An analysis Offered in alternation with 202. of the social, economic, political, and cultural Open to all students. developments within the Black community from the Reconstruction era to the emergence of Mr. Menkiti Black Power. Open to all students. Ms. Darling 68 Black Studies

214(2)***2 Blacks and the United States 220 (2)***2 Segregation in American Supreme Court Communities An analysis of the Suprenne Court and its Survey of sociological theories of impact on the lives and experiences of Black ghettoization as well as the systematic Annericans. Particular concern will focus on analysis of the various types of ghettoization, the Court's role as protector-creator of social factors and policies involved in the fundamental rights and privileges for Black process. Emphasis will be given to the Americans. urbanization of Blacks. Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors Open to all students. without prerequisite and to freshmen by Mrs. Howell permission of the instructor.

The Staff 222 (1) Images of Blacks and Women in American Cinema 215 (1)***2 Race and Racism in American The creation of images and their power to Politics influence the reality of race and sex in the An introductory examination of the efforts by American experience. Viewing and analysis of Blacks in the United States to realize various American cinema as an artistic genre and as degrees of political effectiveness within the a vehicle through which cultural and social context of American politics. Particular history is depicted. attention will be focused on the special Open to all students. difficulties presented by the phenomena of Ms. Darling race and racism as Blacks have sought to enjoy full citizenship status in the U.S. Some 230 (2)** '2 Black and Third World Women comparisons with other groups in the An analysis of the economic, social, political American political system. and cultural role of women of color; their Open to all students. historical relationship to their respective The Staff societies and the reasons for their oppression. Examination of analytical, fictual 216 (1)***1 History of the West Indies and audio/visual sources. Survey of political, economic, and Open to all students. factors shaping Indian sociological West Ms. Darling society. Topics covered include Africans in the New World before Columbus, genocide 264 (2)** Black Literature in America against the indigenous peoples, slavery and A survey of the Afro-American experience as slave revolts, immigration and emigration, the depicted in literature from the 18th century West Indies and Africa, the West Indies and through the present. Study of various forms Afro-America, the struggle for majority rule, of literary expression including the short the spread of United States influence, story, autobiography, literary criticism, poetry, independence and its problems. drama, and essays as they have been used Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors as vehicles of expression for Black writers without prerequisite. during and since the slave experience. Mr. Martin Open to all students except those who have taken [228]. (1)***2 Sociology of the Black Family 217 The Staff Analysis of the Black family from a historical and sociological perspective with an 305 {1)***2 The Social Psychology of emphasis on the various types of Black family Blacks structures. Topics to be discussed include Marginality as a social-psychological dynamic the role of the Black female, the relationship of minority group members in America. of the Black family to economic institutions Examination of norms, values and sanctions and social policy. which determine position and behavior Open to juniors and seniors or by permission patterns, minority life course and social of the instructor. structure, and social aspects of economic Mrs. Howell conditions in the society. Prerequisite: 105 or Anthropology 210.

Mrs. Howell Black Studies 69

310(1-2)** Seminar. Black Literature 320 (1)***2 Black Institutions 1 or 2 An overview of the role of Afro-American Black literature seminar explores institutions as expressions of Afro-American

contemporary works by Black authors. It cultural autonomy. The focus of this course compares and contrasts themes, structures, will be the Black church in general, and the characterizations, and enviromental sources African Methodist Episcopal Church in which inform the authors' perspectives. The particular, as we look at the ways in which course attempts to identify the scope and Afro-American schools, businesses, fraternal multiplicity of ideas, thoughts, and activities and civil rights organizations serve to prevalent among Afro-Americans as they deal institutionalize the values of Afro-American

with the historical and social obstacles of life. racism in American society. Open to qualified juniors and seniors.

Prerequisite: one Grade II unit in literature or Not offered in 1981-82. permission of the instructor. Mr. Jackson Not offered in 1981-82. 340(2)***'' Seminar. Afro-American History (1)*** Black Politics in the 312 Urban Topic for 1980-81: Marcus Garvey, Marcus South Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement The political modernization paradigm has Association dominated the Afro-American been extensively used by political scientists scene in the decade after World War I and in their examinations of African, Asian, and was a major influence in the lives of Black Latin American countries. This seminar will people in the West Indies, Central America, this approach in an effort to examine use Africa, and elsewhere. Garvey's program of recent political changes in the urban South. race first, self-reliance, and Black nationalism Materials based on the Atlanta, Birmingham, was still very much alive in the Black Power Houston, Orleans, and Durham New era of the 1960s and 1970s. Elijah experiences will be emphasized. Muhammad, Malcolm X, and Shirley Chisholm Open to qualified juniors and seniors. are among the many politically active Black Not offered in 1981-82. people who were associated with Garvey's movement in their formative years. This Mr. Jackson seminar will examine Garvey's ideas, impact, 317 (1)***1 Political Sociology of Afro- and struggles. Americans Open to qualified juniors and seniors and by An explanatory analysis of the changing permission to sophomores with a strong political and social indices operative in the background in Black studies courses.

Black community. Emphasis will be placed on Not offered in 1981-82. the political and social patterns that have Mr. Martin emerged as a result of these changes. Open to all juniors and seniors or by 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual permission of the instructor. Study 1 or 2 Not offered in 1981-82. Open by permission to juniors and seniors.

Mr. Jackson 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 319(2)***1 Pan-Africanism Open only to honors candidates. The historical efforts of African peoples all over the world to unite for their mutual advancement. Such topics as 19th-century emigrationist movements to Liberia and elsewhere, the role of Afro-American churches in African nationalism, the Pan- African congress of W.E.B. DuBois, the Garvey movement, the Communist International and Pan-Africanism, Pan- Africanism in the 1960s, Pan-Africanism on the African continent. Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors with at least one course in Black Studies or the equivalent.

Mr. Martin 70 Chemistry

The following courses are offered as related work by other departments where they are Chemistry described. Courses from this list may be counted toward the major, provided that a minimum of six courses is elected from the Black studies departmental offerings. Professor: Crawford, Webster*, Rock*, Loehlin Art 226 (1) History of Afro-American Art (Chairman), Hicks See Art 226. Associate Professor: History 267 (2) African Historical Kolodny, Levy Traditions Assistant Professor: See History 267. Kahl, Hearn, Swallow*, Rosenfeld

History 268 (1) Africa in the Modern World Instructor: See History 268. Haines, Karnett Laboratory Instructor: Music 106 (2)* Afro-American Music Darlington, Mann, Smith^, Lieberman^ See Music 106. Unless otherwise noted, all courses meet for two periods of lecture and one three-and-one- half hour laboratory appointment weekly and one 50-minute discussion period every other Directions for Election week, at the pleasure of the instructor. The topics will generally be The requirements for the major are selected courses include consistent with the concept of Black studies taught without laboratory, but may laboratory for topics. Calculators may as a multidisciplinary field of study. The some requirements are designed to provide a wide be used in all chemistry courses. range of knowledge and analytical ability as Ordinarily students who have taken one year well as a firm foundation in an area of of high school chemistry should elect 114. specialization, such as sociology, history, Chemistry 113 is intended for students who economics, political science, or literature. have not studied chemistry within the past four years and leads to 115. Chemistry 120 It is strongly recommended that two units be replaces 1 14 and 115 for students with more elected in each of the three general areas of high chemistry. Black history, humanities, and the social than one year of school sciences as multidisciplinary training. As the basic introduction to the discipline of Black studies, 105 is strongly recommended of all majors. In addition, at least four units must 101 (1) Contemporary Problems in be taken in a single discipline as a field of

Chemistry I specialization. Units taken at another Consideration of selected aspects of institution to fulfill any departmental chemistry and related chemical concepts. requirements must be approved by the will scheduled discussion department. There be no session. Not to be counted toward the of elected A minimum six courses must be minimum major. Students wishing credit for from Black studies department courses. The more than one unit of 101-102 should consult others may be elected, after consultation with the department. your advisor, from related courses taught in Open to all students except those who have other departments or from courses taken on taken any Grade I course in the department. exchange. Not offered in 1981-82.

102 (2) Contemporary Problems in

Chemistry II Consideration of selected aspects of chemistry and related chemical concepts. Topic for 1981-82: To be announced. There will be no scheduled discussion session. Not to be counted toward the minimum major. Students wishing credit for more than one unit of 101-102 should consult the department. Open to all students except those who have

taken any Grade I course in the department. Chemistry 71

110 (1) Introductory Chemistry II 120 (1) Intensive Introductory Chemistry Atomic and molecular structure, chemical A one-semester alternative to Introductory

bonding, chemistry of elements, introduction Chemistry I and II for students who have to chemical energetics and kinetics. taken more than one year of high school Prerequisite: [105], [106], [107], or [108]. chemistry. Atomic and molecular structure, chemical bonding, properties of liquids and Not offered after Semester 1 1981-82. solutions, chemical equilibria, thermo- The Staff chemistry, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics. 113 (1) Fundamentals of Chemistry Open only to students who have taken more The periodic table, chemical formulas and than one year of high school chemistry. Not equations, atomic and molecular structure, open to students who have taken any Grade I chemical bonding, chemistry of the transition chemistry course. elements, nuclear chemistry, states of matter. Three periods of lecture and one Mrs. Kolodny three-and-one-half hour laboratory 211 Organic Chemistry I appointment weekly. (1) (2) A study of the synthesis and reactions of Open only to students who have not taken a typical organic compounds with emphasis on chemistry course within the past four years, the chemistry of aliphatic molecules. and to students who feel that their Prerequisite: [110], [111], 115 or 120. preparation in high school chemistry is equivalent to less than one full year. Miss Crawford, Mr. Rosenfeld, Mr. Haines

Serves as prerequisite for 1 15. 222 (2) An Introduction to Biochemical Mrs. Levy Principles A study of the chemistry of proteins, nucleic 114 (1) (2) Introductory Chemistry I acids, and selected metabolic pathways. Atomic and molecular structure, chemical Prerequisite: 21 1 and one year of high school bonding, chemistry of the transition elements, biology or Biology 1 10. nuclear chemistry, states of matter. Open only to students who have taken one Mrs. Levy year of high school chemistry. Not open to students who have taken [110] or [111]. 231 (1) (2) Physical Chemistry I Properties of gases, chemical thermo- The Staff dynamics, properties of solutions and chemical kinetics. Second semester will have 115 (1)* (2) Introductory Chemistry II special emphasis on biochemical examples. Colligative properties, chemical kinetics and Prerequisite: [111], 115, or 120, equilibrium, acids and bases, thermo- [110], Mathematics 116, and Physics 104 or 105 or chemistry, electrochemistry, chemistry of the 106 or 107 or 110. elements. Prerequisite: 113 or 114. Not open to Mr. Loehlin, Mr. Karnett students who have taken [105], [106], [107], or [108]. 241 (1) Inorganic Chemistry Chemical periodicity, structure and *Not offered in Semester 1 1981-82. reactivities in inorganic systems. Offered in Semester 1 and 2 1982-83. Prerequisite: 211.

Mr. Kahl

261 (2) Analytical Chemistry Classical and instrumental methods of separation and analysis, quantitative manipulations, statistical treatment of data. Prerequisite: 211 or 231 or by permission. Mrs. Kolodny 72 Chemistry

306 (1) Seminar 319 (2)* Selected Topics in Organic topic will be studied Each year an important Chemistry from a variety of chemical perspectives. Topic for 1981-82: Carbon-carbon bond 1981-82: Clinical chemistry. A study Topic for forming reactions and functional group of clinical tests and their biochemical and transformations in the synthesis of organic medical implications. The course will include compounds. There will be no scheduled discussion of analytical techniques, discussion session. instrumentation and application of results. Prerequisite: 313 and permission of the considered will include analysis of Tests to be department. enzymes, lipids, hormones, electrolytes, and immunological procedures. One two-period Mr. Rosenfeld meeting per week. No laboratory. 323 (1) Chemical Aspects of Metabolism Open to all students regardless of major who An examination of reaction mechanisms, have completed two units of chemistry interrelationships of pathways, and beyond the Grade I level and who have experimental approach to the understanding permission of the instructor. of metabolism. Miss Hicks Prerequisite: 211 and Biology 200; or 222. Miss Hicks 309 (1) Foundations of Chemical Research Advanced study of research design and 324 Chemical Basis of Selected methods through the literature and the (2) Physiological Processes laboratory. Two three-and-one-half hour consideration of topics of current research periods of lecture and/or laboratory each A interest such as blood clotting, antigen- week. antibody interactions, regulation, mechanism Prerequisite: 211, 231, and 261. of enzyme and coenzyme action. offered in 1981-82. Not Prerequisite: 323 or 222 or [326].

Mrs. Levy 313 (1) (2) Organic Chemistry II A continuation of 211, with emphasis on the 329 (1)* Selected Topics in Biochemistry chemistry of aromatic molecules. Normally a different topic each year. Prerequisite: 211. Prerequisite: one unit of biochemistry and offered in Semester 1 1981-82. Not permission of the department. Miss Crawford, Mr. Hearn, Mr. Haines Not offered in 1981-82.

Offered Semester 1 1982-83. 333 (2) Physical Chemistry II 317 (1) Organic Chemistry III Quantum chemistry and spectroscopy. An examination of fundamental topics such Structure of solids and liquids. as the nonclassical ion controversy, Prerequisite: 231, Physics 106 or 110 and electrocyclic rearrangements, functional Mathematics [201], [215], or 205. preparations novel methods, group by Mrs. Kolodny synthetic strategy. Related laboratory work and readings will be taken from primary 339 (1)* Selected Topics in Physical research literature. There will be no regularly Chemistry scheduled discussion session. Topic for 1981-82: Chemical kinetics. Prerequisite: 313. Prerequisite: 231 and permission of the Mr. Hearn department. Mr. Karnett

349 (2)* Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry Topic for 1981-82: The role of metals in biological systems. Prerequisite: 241 and permission of the department.

Mr. Kahl Chinese 73

350 (1) (2) Research or Individual Study 1 or 2 Chinese Open by permission to students who have taken at least two units in chemistry above

the Grade I level. Professor: 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 Lin (Chairman) only to honors candidates. Open Assistant Professor: Lam, W. Liu

Instructor: Van ZoerenS Directions for Election Lecturer: Chemistry 113 or 114 serves as prerequisite Yao, Crook3

for 1 15. Final assignment to one of these courses will be made by the staff of the chemistry department.

A major in chemistry must include [110], or [111] or 115 or 120 (or their equivalent), 211, 101 (1-2) Elementary Spoken 231, 313, and 333, plus two additional units Chinese 2 Chinese. exclusive of 350 and 370. In addition. Introduction to vernacular Mandarin Pronunciation, sentence structure, and Mathematics [201], [215] or 205 and a Grade II unit of physics with laboratory are required. conversation. Three periods. 101 and 102 combined form the first-year Chinese course. Students planning graduate work in chemistry Open to all students with no background or no or closely allied fields should plan to elect 241 previous formal Chinese language training. and 261, and should also strongly consider Corequisite: 102. additional mathematics and physics courses. A reading knowledge of German and either Mrs. Yao French or Russian is required in many Reading and graduate programs. 102 (1-2) Basic Chinese Writing

Students planning to elect Organic Chemistry I Analysis of grammar and development of

and II are urged to elect both units I and II in reading skills of simple texts and in character the same academic year whenever possible. writing in both regular and simplified forms Students interested in biochemistry or with emphasis on vocabulary currently used in molecular biology are referred to the section People's Republic of China. One period with of the Catalog where the interdepartmental additional hour for smaller group discussions major in molecular biology is described. They or individual assignments. 101 and 102 should consult with the director of the combined form the first-year Chinese course. molecular biology program. Open to all students with no background or no previous formal Chinese language training. Premedical students are referred to the Corequisite: 101. requirements given on p. 32. Note that either

231 or 313 is acceptable to most medical Mrs. Lin, Mr. Crook schools as the fourth chemistry unit. 151 Advanced Elementary Chinese The American Chemical Society has (1) Intensive oral training and practice in reading established a set of requirements which it and writing with particular stress on sentence considers essential for the training of structure and vocabulary building. chemists. Students wishing to meet the Open to students who can read and write standard of an accredited chemist as defined some Chinese with a speaking ability of either by this society should consult the chairman of Mandarin or any kind of Chinese dialect. the Department of Chemistry. Mr. Crook

Placement and Exemption Examinations

For exemption with credit, students will be expected to submit laboratory notebooks or reports. 74 Chinese

201 (1-2) Intermediate Chinese 310 (1) Introduction to Literary Chinese Reading 2 Wen-yen grammar, reading, and discussion in Reading with emphasis on vocabulary Chinese of selections of simple texts in building; review and further development of classical Chinese. Two periods. sentence structure, composition, and oral Prerequisite: 252 or by permission of the expression. Newspaper reading. Two periods instructor. with additional hour for smaller group Mrs. Lin discussions or individual assignments. 201 and 202 combined form the second-year 311 (2) Readings in Classical Chinese Chinese course. Reading and discussion in Chinese of Prerequisite: 101 and 102 taken concurrently, selections of poetry, prose, traditional short or by permission of the instructor. stories, and novels. Two periods. Corequisite: 202. Prerequisite: 310 or by permission of the

Mr. W. Liu, Mrs. Lam instructor. Mrs. Lam 202 (1-2) Intermediate Conversational

Chinese 316 (2) Seminar. Chinese Literature in the Discussion of current events and cultural Twentieth Century topics combined with use of videotapes. Two Study of works and authors in Chinese periods. 201 and 202 combined form the theatre, poetry, novels, etc. Topic for second-year Chinese course. 1981-82: Development of Chinese theatre

Prerequisite: same as for 201. Corequisite: from its beginning to the present. 201. Representative plays from different periods Mrs. Lam, Mr. W. Liu will be examined. Students may experiment with writing and staging Chinese plays. 252 (1) Readings in Modern Style Writings Readings and discussions all in Chinese. Reading and discussion in Chinese of Topic will be changed every year so students selections from contemporary Chinese can elect repeatedly. writings, including plays, poetry, and essays Prerequisite: 300 or 301 or by permission of on various topics such as economics, history, the instructor. philosophy, political theory, and sociology. Mrs. Lin Three periods. Prerequisite: taken concurrently, 201 and 202 349 (1) Seminar. Topics in Literary Chinese of or by permission the instructor. Reading and discussion in Chinese of Mrs. Yao premodern literary writings with chief emphasis on works reflecting significant 300 (2) Readings in Contemporary Chinese social changes. Topic will be changed every Literature year so students can elect repeatedly.

Reading and discussion in Chinese of Prerequisite: 310 or 31 1 or by permission of selections from short stories and novels. the instructor. Readings from 1917 to the present. Three Mrs. Lam periods. Prerequisite: 252 or by permission of the 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual instructor. Study 1 or 2 Mrs. Lin Open by permission to qualified students.

301 (1) Readings in Expository Writings of People's Republic of China Readings and discussions in Chinese of selections from People's Republic of China, including the works of Mao Zedong and important issues of various current events and focus on practice in writing and translating in documentary style. Three periods. Prerequisite: 252 or by permission of the instructor.

Mr. Crook 3

Economics 75 Cross-Listed Courses Economics

Extradepartmental 106 (1) Introduction to Chinese Culture For description and prerequisite see Professor: Extradepartmental 106. Bell (Chairman), Goldman, Morrison

Extradepartmental 141 (2) Associate Professor; China on Film Case For description and prerequisite see Assistant Professor: Extradepartmental 141. Matthael*. Amott, Grant, Nichols, LIndauer Extradepartmental 241 (2) Chinese Poetry and Drama In Translation Instructor: For description and prerequisite see Baum, Norton, Klamer, Sjogren Extradepartmental 241. Lecturer: Gough, Jr. Extradepartmental 242 (2) Chinese Fiction in Translation For description and prerequisite see Extradepartmental 242.

101 (1) (2) Survey of Modern Economics — Microeconomics 102 (1) (2) Survey of Modern Economics Directions for Election — Macroeconomics 1 each Each course, which may be taken Students who major in Chinese studies or Independently and In either order, presents a East Asian studies should consult the view of our market economy, beginning with chairman of the department and the advisor the nature of economics and economic early In the college career. systems, supply and demand analysis, and For students majoring in Chinese studies, the the development of economic thought. 101, minimum requirement Is extensive Chinese microeconomics, is an analysis of the language training, and literature in the choices individuals and firms make in the original Chinese Is highly recommended. markets where they buy and sell. It deals with Students who wish to take Chinese 252 or questions of equity and efficiency. Policy other courses in Chinese literature are problems Include income distribution, advised to have a knowledge of Chinese competition and its regulation, health and culture or history. For this, Extradepartmental education as human capital Investment, and 106, History 275 and 276 are recommended. current economic topics. 102, macroeconomics, is an analysis of the For students majoring in East Asian studies aggregate dimensions of the economy: GNP, who do not Intend to do graduate work, at national income and employment, price levels least one year of Chinese Is encouraged, but and inflation, money and banking. not required. Students who wish to do International trade and Investment. Policy graduate work In East Asian studies are problems include the role of government, advised to complete at least two years of prosperity and depression. Investment and Chinese language training. economic growth, worldwide economic properly Course 350 Is an opportunity for development, and current economic topics. qualified students to work independently In All sections present the same course; fields not In other courses in the covered Individual instructors may offer slightly department. It can also provide continuing different material and problem sets. Small study in classical Chinese literature. classes allow for discussion. All registered students must attend a series of special lectures (three for 101, three for 102) given by department faculty or visiting experts. The dates and times of these lectures will be published in the Schedule of Classes; topics and speakers will be announced in class. Open to all students.

The Staff 76 Economics

Financial Markets and the 201 (1) (2) Microeconomic Analysis 210 (1) Microeconomic theory; analysis of the Economy individual household, firm, and industry. An analysis of the role of commercial banks Prerequisite: 101 and 102. and other financial institutions in the economy. Microeconomics of financial Mr. Morrison, Mr, Nichols intermediaries. The Federal Reserve System, regulation of financial institutions and 202 (1) (2) Macroeconomic Analysis monetary policy. Analysis of aggregate income, output, Prerequisite; 101 and 102. employment, and the price level. Analysis of policies to control inflation and unemployment. Prerequisite; 101 and 102, 211 (1) (2) Statistics and Econometrics Descriptive statistics and an introduction to Ms. Baum, Mr, Klamer, Mr, Norton statistical inference. Expected values, probability distributions, and tests of 203 (2) Economic Development: The European Experience significance. Classical models of bivariate solving Description and analysis of the economic and multiple regression. Problem development of Western Europe from the using the computer. 101 and 102, or for students Middle Ages to the 20th century. Particular Prerequisite; emphasis on interrelationships among who have completed one course, are taking economic, demographic, and institutional the other, and have instructor's changes which accompany the recommendation in certain cases. See transformation of agriculture and the Handbook. Industrial Revolution. Mr. Case, Mr. Norton Prerequisite; 101 and 102. International Finance Mr. Klamer 214(1) International monetary problems, institutions policy. 204 (1) American Economic History and Description and analysis of the growth and Prerequisite; 101 and 102. development of the U.S. economy and its Mr. Grant institutions from Colonial times to the 20th century. Emphasis on the "new" economic 216 (2) Elementary Mathematical history; explicit economic models and Economics quantitative methods to analyze historical Mathematical foundations of elementary phenomena, including slavery and the South, economic theory; fundamentals of relevant the industrial economy and its labor force, advanced theory. Mathematical applications the transportation revolutions, and of economic analysis; mathematical problem- government's role in economic change. solving in the social science. Prerequisite; 101 and 102. Prerequisite; 101, 102, and Mathematics 115.

Mr. Norton Mr. Grant

205 (2) The Corporation 217 (1)* Topics in Mathematics and The development of the modern corporation Economics and its place in the economy. Corporate Applications of calculus and linear algebra to organization and financial management. economic analysis. Topics selected from; Financial markets; the technical and linear and general optimization, input-output fundamental aspects of the stock market. analysis, marginal analysis, analysis of Government regulation of corporations and market equilibrium and stability. markets. Limited to fifty students; preference Prerequisite; 201 or 202 and Mathematics to seniors. [201] or [215] or 205, or by permission of the Prerequisite; 101 and 102. instructor.

Not offered in 1981-82, Mr, Grant, Mr, Shuchat Economics 77

231 Current Economic Topics 220 (1) Development Economics (1) Survey and analysis of problems and One or more subjects under current circumstances of less developed nations. investigation by economists, e.g., the Examination of theories of economic existence of rational expectations, the extent development. Review of policy options and of involuntary unemployment, defining basic prospects for Tfiird World countries. Specific needs, changing population structure and topics to include: population growth, rural dependency. Topic for 1981-82: Social development, basic needs, international welfare policy trade, foreign aid and investment, planning Prerequisite: 101 and 102. strategies. Ms. Baum Prerequisite: 101 and 102.

Mr. Lindauer 239 (2) Seminar. Economics of Energy and tfie Environment

222 (2) Seminar. Reindustrialization of Is economic growth without environmental Massachusetts deterioration possible? The economic forces Has Massachusetts become the Japan of the (externalities) which cause pollution; the United States? What explains Massachusetts' costs and who bears the costs; the energy apparent turnaround from 1974 when it had crisis; the implications of zero economic one of the highest unemployment rates growth; the extent of the problem and among the 50 states to 1981 when it had one possible solutions both here and abroad. of the lowest? Students will be required to Prerequisite: 101 and 102. prepare case studies, with the hope of Mr. Goldman publication, examining why firms have located in Massachusetts. Consideration of 241 (1) Tfie Economics of Personal Choice location theory, tax policy, and the availability Analysis and decision-making in ordinary life of energy, labor and technology. situations; using economics to plan for one's Prerequisite: permission of both instructors. future. Representative topics include housing, 201 and 211 strongly recommended. borrowing, having a family, insurance, saving, Mr. Goldman, Mr. Case retirement, investment in one's self. Prerequisite: 101 and 102.

225 (1) Urban Economics Mrs. Bell Analyses of the urban and suburban economies with particular reference to urban 243 (2) Issues in Social Policy: The Sexual renewal, income distribution, transportation, Division of Labor housing markets, employment, and the Analyses of the sexual division of labor in the economic development of the inner city. home and marketplace from historical and Prerequisite: 101 and 102. theoretical perspectives. Evaluation of social Ms. Sjogren policies to achieve sexual equality from an economic standpoint.

229 (2) Introduction to Labor Economics Prerequisite: 101 and 102. Analysis of labor markets and wage Ms. Amott determination including: microeconomics of labor supply and demand; labor unions and 249 (1) Topics in Political Economy I collective bargaining; human capital and Radical political economy's criticisms of occupations; minimum wages and "new" modern capitalism. Study of Marxian theories of unemployment. economic theory as an alternative conception Prerequisite: 101 and 102. of the workings of the market economy. Mr. Lindauer Comparison of Marxian and mainstream economic theories.

230 (2) Contemporary Economic Issues Prerequisite: 101 and 102. A course applying introductory macro and Mr. Norton micro economic analysis to problems of current policy. Topic for 1981-82: The 301 (1) Comparative Economic Systems economics of education. The economics of capitalism, socialism, Prerequisite: 101 and 102. fascism, and communism. Ms. Sjogren Prerequisite: 201 or 202. Mr. Goldman 78 Economics

305 (1) Industrial Organization 316 (2) Modern Economic History Applied microeconomics directed to the study Economic history from the Great Depression of the interactions of market structure, to the present. Analysis of economic business behavior, and economic problems and policies from the 1920s to the performance. The first two-thirds of the 1970s. course emphasizes positive explanation and Prerequisite: 202. theory. The remainder focuses on policy and Mr. Morrison includes critical, ex-post analysis of antitrust rulings. 317 (1) Introduction to Economic Modeling Prerequisite: 201 and 211. Introduction to mathematical and Mr. Nichols econometric modeling. Techniques of specifications, estimation, and simulation of 310(1) Public Finance rational and behavioral economic models. Principles, practices, and economic effects of Prerequisite: 201, 202, 211, and Mathematics the public sector. The goals of public finance. 1 15 or [201], or by permission of the A seminar treatment of current issues of instructor. fiscal policy. Mr, Grant Prerequisite: 201.

Mr. Case 320 (2) The Challenge to Development Theory

312 (2) Economics of Accounting History of Third World development from Accounting principles and practice analyzed 1950 to present; evaluation of the in terms of economic concepts of value and development record through individual and cost; problems in accumulating and collective country experience; assessment of presenting accounting data for decision- the record's impact on development theory making by firms, by investors, by regulators, and strategy. Welfare theory, dependency and others; case method used in class. theory, the theory of Dualism, macro- Prerequisite: 201 and 202, or by permission economic planning models, industrialization of the instructor. strategy, the cooperative experience, poverty and income distribution, agricultural Mrs. Bell development and other topics. Prerequisite: 201, 202, 211; 220 or by 314 (2) International Economics Theory of international trade. Methods of permission of the instructor. adjustment to disequilibrium in balance of payments. The impact of international movements of commodities and capital on 325 (2) Law and Economics economic activity in the past and since World Economic analysis of legal rules and

War II. Current problems: international institutions. Application of economic theory liquidity, economic integration, the United and empirical mentods to the central States balance of payments. institutions of the legal system including the Prerequisite: 201 and 202. common law doctrines of negligence, contract, and property as well as civil, criminal, and administrative procedure. The course will contrast non- 315 (2) History of Economic Thought economic and The development of economic thought from economic theories of law and will address the ancient to modern times. A brief study of strengths and limitations of the conomic early economic ideas followed by a more approach to law. detailed examination of the history of Prerequisite: 201. economics since 1776. The systems of the Not offered in 1981-82. leading economists in the light of their own Mr. Case times and of the present day. Prerequisite: 201. Ms. Baum .. 1 Economics 79

in Applied 326 (2) Social Control of Economic Activity 333 (1) Seminar. Workshop Welfare economics of market failure, analysis Economics and applications. Philosophies and theories of Students will apply the concepts of economic government intervention in the economy. modeling and empirical analysis to selected Both historical and current examples will be policy topics (e.g., determinants of alumnae explored, e.g., medieval price controls, contributions, economics of Massachusetts modern stabilization policy, public utilities, Sunday legislation). Students will work as a public safety. The implications of group doing primary research in a workshop deregulation. environment. Enrollment limited to 12.

Prerequisite: 201, 202, 211. Prerequisite: 201 , 202 and 21 Ms. Amott Mr. Lindauer

329 (1) Labor Markets and Employment 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual The structure and functioning of the labor Study 1 or 2 market from both neoclassical and Open by permission to juniors and seniors institutional points of view. Human capital who have taken 201 and 202. theory, labor force participation, the economics of discrimination, labor unions, 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 minimum wage policy, and other topics. Open only to honors candidates. Prerequisite: 201 and 211. Ms. Amott

330 (1) Seminar. Topics in Current Theory Directions for Election and Policy. Macroeconomic Modeling The complete survey course consists of both Focused on contemporary macroeconomic Grade I level courses. Neither 101 nor 102 is issues, the economic events affecting them a prerequisite for the other and either may be and the practical problems of analyzing and elected separately for one unit of credit. forecasting. Contemporary tools of applied macroeconomics, especially large-scale Any student who plans to take economics econometric models: their theoretical after 101 and 102 should consult a foundations, contemporary characteristics, department advisor to avoid poor choices. and use. An interactive course: students See also the Department Handbook. participate in developing specification of key Economics is a social science directed to the macroeconomic relationships which they use study of the universal problems of scarcity, to analyze topical economic issues. choice, and human behavior. It contains Prerequisite: 201, 202, and 211. elements of formal theory, history,

Mr. Gough, Jr. philosophy, and mathematics. Unlike business administration, which deals with the specific

331 (2) Seminar. Monetary Theory and procedures by which business enterprises

Policy are managed, it examines a broad range of The monetarists' controversy. Readings in institutions and focuses on their interactions. contemporary monetary research. Thus students are urged to supplement their

1 in economics with courses from Prerequisite: 201 , 202, and 21 program many other disciplines in the liberal arts. Mr. Klamer An economics major contains required 332 (2) Seminar. Topics in Current Theory courses 201, 202, and 211 which should be and Policy Macroeconomics taken at Wellesley. Permission to take these Stagflation theory and policy alternatives. courses elsewhere must be obtained in Supply side disaggregation, job search, advance from the department chairman. An rational expectations, tax cut-induced economics major must take more than half of investment, incomes policies, and modern her Grade III economics units as Wellesley macro debates. Emphasis throughout on the courses; permission for an exception must be nature and implications of alternative obtained in advance from the chairman. stabilization policy actions.

Prerequisite: 201 , 202, and 21 1

Mr. Nichols 80 Education

Choosing courses to complete the major requires careful thought; the department Education discourages a minimum major with only two

Grade III courses. Students are advised to consult the Department Handbook prior to selecting courses each term. The Handbook Assistant Professor: contains specific suggestions and deals with Brenzel*, Bull (Chairman) a variety of topics including preparation in mathematics, desirable courses for those Associate in Education: interested in graduate study in economics, Powell, Rokicki, Sleeper complementary courses outside economics, Lecturer: etc. Beatty3

The Economics Complement is recommended for students wishing to develop competence in economics in preparation for work or Course may be elected to fulfill in part the graduate study in law, business, public distribution requirement in Group B"! or Group administration, area studies, international b2 as designated. relations, public health, medicine, etc. The Complement consists of Economics 101, 102, 211, and at least two other courses in the department. The plan for this option should be carefully prepared: a student wishing to 102(1)***1 Education in Philosophical add the Economics Complement to the major Perspective in another field should consult a faculty Examination of modern ethical problems of advisor in economics. public education such as equality of opportunity, compulsion and the granting of educational credentials, student rights, and the education of religious minorities. Recent examples of the philosophical thinking necessary to understand and resolve these problems will be studied. Special attention will be paid to the interpretation and application of philosophical texts and to the writing of philosophical arguments. Relevant field placement may be arranged as part of

this course; it will be available for all students but especially for those wishing to fulfill state requirements for teacher certification.

Open to all students.

Mr. Bull

200 (1)***1 Modern Philosophies of Education Analysis of the role of education in modern social and political philosophy. Background study of the works of John Dewey, Eduard Bernstein, Edmund Burke, and Karl Marx. Focus on the educational writings of more recent participants in these philosophical traditions — including Paul Goodman, Jacques Maritain, Jacques Barzun, Paulo Freire, and Ivan lllich. Open to all students.

Not Offered in 1981-82.

Mr. Bull Education 81

(2)***2 Society, and Social 206 (1) Women, Education, and Work 216 Education, Examination of ways in which the background Policy theories of women, the educational system, and the Through examination of educational structure of work affect the lives of women, and practices in an interdisciplinary manner, from a historical, sociological, and public the social context of educational and social policy point of view. Relationships between policies will be analyzed. The formulation and educational and economic institutions, implementation of these policies will be intersections among the family lives, studied with special emphasis on issues such educational experience, and work lives of as inequality, desegregation, community women. control, alternative schooling, testing, youth Open to students who have taken one unit in unemployment and family policies. Course Group B. will focus on the interrelationships between social structure and education, the potential Not offered in 1981-82. and limits of education and social policy. Brenzel Ms. Open to all students. Ms. Beatty 208 (2) Moral Education and Schooling Study of recent demands for and attempts to 300 (1) Mandatory Knowledge: develop educational practices explicitly Epistemology, Curriculum, and Evaluation designed to affect students' values and moral An examination of the major epistemological beliefs. Particular emphasis will be placed on and ethical questions in school curriculum, theories of value clarification (Louis Paths the relation of curriculum to intellectual and Sidney Simon) and moral development development and the structure of the (Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg); their disciplines, its usefulness, and its evaluation. assumptions about morality, their Relevant field placement may be arranged as instructional programs and their public part of this course; it will be available for all justification will be examined. students but especially for those wishing to Open to all students who have taken one unit fulfill state requirements for teacher in Group A or Group B. certification. Required for secondary school Not Offered in 1981-82. teacher certification. Mr. Bull Prerequisite: 102 or 212 or for MIT students, MIT Seminar 212 or by permission of the 212 (I)***"* History of American Education instructor. Study of the various historical conflicts and Mr. Bull controversies leading to the development of education as a central force in American 302 (2) Methods and Materials of Teaching popularization of culture. Topics include the Study and observation of teaching objectives public schooling, its role in socializing the and classroom procedures in secondary young, and the effects of political, economic, schools. Review of teaching and learning and social forces in shaping American theories. Study of the philosophy underlining field placement be education. Relevant may the secondary school, its history and arranged as part of this course; it will be contemporary functions. Examination of especially for available for all students but curriculum materials in major teaching fields fulfill requirements for those wishing to state and of classroom practice. Open only to teacher certification. seniors doing student teaching. This course is Open to all students. required for Secondary School certification. Ms. Beatty Students electing 302 and 303 may include in addition one unit of independent study in the same semester. Prerequisite: 300, and at least one of 102, 212. MIT students only may substitute MIT Seminar 212 for 102 or 212.

The Staff 82 Education

303 (2) Practicum • Curriculum and Directions for Election Supervised Teaching Observation, supervised teaching, and With the exception of Education 302 and 303 curriculunn development in student's teaching the department's courses are designed for all fields throughout the semester. Attendance at students and not simply those planning a secondary school placement required five career in public or private school teaching. days a week. Students electing 302 and 303 For those students who do wish to be may include in addition one unit of certified as high school teachers (grades independent study in the same semester. This 7-12) upon graduation, the following program of course is required for secondary school will ordinarily satisfy the requirements the teacher certification. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Corequisite: 302. Certification in Massachusetts is recognized by many other states. The Staff Required: Education 102 or 212, 300,

307 (2) Seminar. Law, Ethics, and 302 and 303. Education Pyschology 207 of federal and state statutory and Study Recommended: 200, 208, 216 or 307 governing public education constitutional law Psychology 212, 217, or 219 of education, as it reveals public purposes MIT Seminars 211 and 212, the legal status of students and teachers, the SRE 222 requirements for equal educational Black Studies 105 opportunity, and the basis of public school Commonwealth requires that two courses finance. Emphasis on ethical aspects of The taken prior to student teaching include field issues such as student rights, academic experience. In some circumstances, students freedom and affirmative action. Attention will meet some of the requirement by be paid to the comprehension and may submitting evidence of similar experience. interpretation of legal cases and, to a limited For additional requirements in particular extent, to methods of independent legal the research. disciplines consult members of department. Open to juniors and seniors.

Mr. Bull

312 (2)***1 Seminar. History of Child Rearing and the Family Examination of the American family and the emerging role of the state in assuming responsibility for child rearing and education. Study of the role of institutions and social policy in historical and contemporary attempts to shape the lives of immigrants, poor families, and their children. Open to juniors and seniors without prerequisite. Ms. Beatty

350 (1) (2) Research or Individual Study 1 or 2 Open to juniors and seniors by permission. English 83

150(1)(2) Colloquia For directions for applying see p. 47. Open by English permission to a limited number of freshman and sophomore applicants.

(1) Professor: a. Cynthia's Revels Quinn, Layman*, Poetry, politics, theatre, spectacle, and Ferry, Garis*, Craig, Gold (Chairman) romance - and their fusion in the court of a Visiting Professor: remarkable queen. The course will focus on Finkelpearl, Florence I. Tucker Visiting Elizabeth, who ruled England during its Professor. Dorius^ unparalleled burst of literary splendor, and on Associate Professor: the royal image in literary and theatrical art, Sabin, Bidart, Cain including that of Spenser, Shakespeare, and Ralegh. Assistant Professor: Harman, Stehling, Peltason*, Tyler*, Ms. Van Dyke Dyke, Rosenwald, Cole^, Roessner3 Van b. Time and tragedy Instructor: A study of the theme of time in Greek Polito, Reimer tragedy, Aeschylus and Sophocles; in Lecturer: Renaissance tragedy, Shakespeare; and in Eyges^, Stubbs^, Moss^ modern tragedy, Beckett. The theme will reanimate more traditional philosophical questions on tragedy: the role of fate and free will, the individual and the natural or social order. The course will include an 100 (1) (2) Expository Writing introduction to close reading and to the Instruction in the fundamentals of writing reading of literary criticism. expository essays. Mandatory Miss Craig credit/noncredit/credit-with-distinction. c. Literary Boston Open to all students.

The Staff 19th-century Boston in the immediate and retrospective views of American writers: John Hawthorne, 101 (1) (2) Critical Interpretation and Henry Adams, Emerson, A course designed to increase power and James, Robert Lowell. skill in critical interpretation by the detailed Mrs. Cole reading of individual works of literature in d. American women writers of the short story historical context. Open to all students. Short stories of the past one hundred years by Sarah Orne Jewett, Edith Wharton, Willa Mr. Quinn, Mr. Ferry, Miss Craig, Mr. Gold, Gather, Katherine Anne Porter, Eudora Welty, Mr. Finkelpearl, Mr. Dorius, Ms. Harman, Flannery O'Connor, Grace Paley, and others. Mr. Polito Mrs. Eyges

112 (1) (2) Shakespeare (2) study of of representative The a number a. Images of America plays with emphasis on their dramatic and Some American travel-books studied as poetic aspects. commentaries on the nature of America. Open to all students. Authors will include William Bartram, Hector Craig, Finkelpearl, Mr. Dorius, Miss Mr. St. John Crevecoeur, Francis Parkman, Ms. Van Dyke, Mr. Polito Charles Henry Dana, Melville and Thoreau. Mr. Rosenwald 127 (1) (2) Modern Drama The study of British, American, and European drama from Ibsen to the present. Open to all students.

Mr. Stehling, Mr. Rosenwald 84 English

b. Women on women: female portraits of a 211 (1)* Medieval Literature lady Major works of medieval literature excluding those of Chaucer. A study of the medieval A study of the images of women in the works search for ways to represent human of several major female novelists with special experience in imaginative literature, a search attention to the dimensions of women's that led writers to the authority of dreams, to experience as characters in novels, as creating dramatic allegories, to recasting writers of novels, and finally as readers of ancient stories into medieval forms, and to novels. the song-like simplicity of medieval lyric Ms. Reimer poetry. Works will include, for example, Piers c. The American dream: the idea of success Plowman, cycle plays, and Sir Gawain and in America the Green Knight. Open to all students. Study of the myth of the "American dream" and what it means to be a "success" in Not offered in 1981-82. America. Authors will include James, Twain, Dreiser, Wharton, Fitzgerald, and Ellison. 213(1) Chaucer Intensive study of The Canterbury Tales, Mr. Cain supplemented by the short later poems as they reveal Chaucer's comic artistry, his 200 (2) Intermediate Expository Writing relation to history and society of the late 14th A course designed to improve the student's century in England. ability to write course papers. Besides weekly Open to all students. short papers, assignments will include substantial readings (although fewer than in Mr. Stehling regular courses in literature). Open to all juniors and seniors, and to 222 (1) Renaissance Literature sophomores by permission of the instructor. Prose and poetry from More and the courtier poets of Henry VIII through Shakespeare's Ms. Van Dyke greatest 16th-century predecessors, Sidney, Spenser, and Marlowe. A study of forms 201 (1) (2) The Critical Essay characteristic of the Renaissance, and of the The writing and revising of critical essays changing climate of ideas. about poetry, fiction, or drama, in conjunction Open to all students. with readings in important criticism, past and present. Mr. Polito Open to all students. 227 Milton Mrs. Eyges, Ms. Roessner (2) Close analysis of Milton's major poems. Some examination of the political and 202 (1) Poetry religious contexts of Milton's writings, his The writing of short lyrics and the study of influence on later poets, and his importance the art and craft of poetry. for 20th-century critics and literary theorists. Open to all students by permission of the Open to all students. instructor. Mr. Cain Mr. Bidart

234 (2) Eighteenth-Century Literature 203 (1) (2) Short Narrative An historical approach, from the Glorious The writing of sketches and the short story. Revolution of 1689 to the French Revolution For interested students, experience in the of 1789. Emphasis on class conflicts, writing of one-act plays. climates of opinion, the play of ideas, and Prerequisite: same as for 202. ways of conceiving the significance of Ms. Moss changes in style. Authors to include Congreve, Defoe, Johnson, Boswell, Sterne, Burke and Crabbe. Open to all students.

Mr. Gold

241 (1) Romantic Poetry Discussion of a selection of poems and some critical prose by Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, and Keats. Open to all students. Mr. Ferry, Mr. Bidart English 85

245 (1) Victorian Literature 273 (1) (2) The History of the English Representative texts by major writers Novel III including Mill, Carlyle, Newman, Ruskin, The 20th-century English novel from Conrad Arnold, Dickens, Eliot, Tennyson, Browning to the present. and Rossetti. Study of a variety of literary Open to all students. responses to the new industrial world in Ms. Van Dyke, Ms. Roessner which these Victorians found themselves, with emphasis on their struggle to control and 281 (1)* Comedy master the world through language and art. The development, variety, and continuity of Open to all students. English comic writing. Ms. Reinner Open to all students. Mr. Finkelpearl 251 (1) (2) Modern Poetry 20th-century poetry and poets, emphasizing 282 (2)* Tragedy the sources and achievements of the Tragic drama in the age of Shakespeare— its modernist revolution. Major figures will be diversity and relation to other traditions. studied, such as Yeats, Eliot, Pound, Stevens, Open to all students. Frost, Williams and Lowell. Not offered in 1981-82. Open to all students.

Miss Craig, Mr. Bidart 301 (1) The Short Story Techniques of short story writing together 261 (1) American Literature I with practice in critical evaluation of student A survey of American literature from its work. Puritan beginnings to Moby-Dick. Emphasis Open by permission of the instructor to upon major figures. students who have taken one Grade 11 writing Open to all students. course. Mr. Quinn Ms. Moss

262 (2) American Literature II 302 (2) Advanced Writing American writers to from Whitman World War Intensive practice in the writing of poetry. I. Emphasis upon major figures. Prerequisite: 202 or by permission of the Open to all students. instructor.

Mr. Rosenwald, Mr. Quinn Mr. Bidart

263 (1) (2) American Literature III 313 (2)* Advanced Studies in Chaucer

American writers from World War I to the A reading of "The Book of the Duchess," present: prose and poetry. 'The House of Fame," 'The Parliament of Open to all students. Fowls," the Prologue to "The Legend of Good Mr. Cain, Mrs. Cole, Ms. Roessner Women," and Chaucer's lyrics as they lead to an intensive study of "Troilus and "11 271 (1) The History of the English Novel I Criseyde." Supplemented by Boccaccio's The beginnings of the English novel in the Filostrato" and Henryson's "Testament of 18th century: Defoe through Jane Austen. Cresseid." Open to all students. Open to juniors and seniors who have taken Mr. Rosenwald two literature courses in the department, at least one of which must be Grade II, and by permission of the instructor to qualified 272 (1) (2) The History of the English other

Novel II students. The 19th-century English novel from the Mr. Stehling Brontes to James.

Open to all students. 323 (1) Advanced Studies in Shakespeare I Plays written between 1591 and 1604, such Mr. Quinn, Ms. Harman, Mr. Polito, Ms. Reimer as Richard II, Henry IV, Much Ado about Nothing, Troilus and Cressida, Hamlet, Measure for Measure, Othello. Prerequisite: same as for 313.

Miss Craig, Mr. Finkelpearl 86 English

324 (2) Advanced Studies in 351 (1) Advanced Studies in Modern Poetry

Shakespeare II Topic for 1981-82: The post-modern Plays written between 1605 and 1611. such generation. A study of the work of Lowell, as King Lear, Macbeth, Antony and Bishop, Ginsberg, Jarrell, Berryman and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, Cymbeline, The Plath, emphasizing the ways they extended Winter's Tale, The Tempest. and changed the Modernist revolution begun Prerequisite: sanne as for 313. by the great generation of writers that preceded them. Mr. Finkelpearl, Ms. Van Dyke Prerequisite: same as for 313.

327 (1) Seventeenth-Century Literature Mr. Bidart Major themes and structures in the works of such poets as Donne, Herbert, Vaughan and 363 (1) Advanced Studies in American Marvel!; and of such prose writers as Bacon, Literature Burton, Brown, Bunyan and Milton. Topic for 1981-82: Symbolism in American Prerequisite: same as for 313. literature. Study of some major 19th- and texts in American symbolist Ms. Harman 20th-century the tradition.

331 (2)* The Age of Satire Prerequisite: same as for 313. A study of satire as social response and as Mr. Quinn literary phenomenon, exemplified in the work of such writers as Dryden, Congreve, Gay, 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 Swift, and Pope. Open only to honors candidates who choose Prerequisite: same as for 313. to do honors research or an honors project in creative writing. For alternate honors Not offered in 1981-82. programs see Directions for Election. 333 (2)* From Neoclassic to Romantic 372 Studies in the Novel The shift of sensibility from the 18th to the (1) Advanced 1981-82: 19th century studied with emphasis on such Topic for The novel and human authors as Johnson, Burke, and Blake. dignity. Dickens, Dostoevsky, Lawrence, and Kafka studied they seek the conditions in Prerequisite: same as for 313. as which it becomes possible for us to look upon Mrs. Sabin ourselves without loathing. An ethical approach, not neglecting questions of literary 341 (2) Advanced Studies in the Romantic form but seeking the spiritual ends that forms Period serve. Topic for 1981-82: Wordsworth and Shelley. Prerequisite: same as for 313. Intensive study of key poems and critical documents. Mr. Gold Prerequisite: same as for 313. 381 (1) The English Language Mr. Ferry Historical linguistics: major characteristics of the English language today studied as the 345 (1) Advanced Studies in Victorian and products of their origin and history. Emphasis Early Modern Literature on speech, dictionaries, semantics and Normally a different topic each year. etymology, and translation. Not offered in 1981-82. Open to juniors and seniors who have taken

or are taking two Grade II literature courses 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual in the department, or a course in linguistics, Study 1 or 2 or by permission of the instructor to other Open to qualified students by permission of qualified students. the instructor and the chairman of the Not offered in 1981-82. department. Two or more Grade II or Grade

III units in the department are ordinarily a prerequisite. English 87

382 (2) Criticism Directions for Election What is a text? An exploration of this and related questions from the points of view of Grade I literature courses are open to all New Criticism, reader-response, structuralist students and presume no previous college and post-structuralist criticism. Concentration experience in literary study. They provide on establishing the interests and concerns good introductions to such study because of that stand behind a critical method, the their subject matter or focus on training in components of that method and its practical the skills of critical reading and writing. implications for the interpretation of Grade II courses, also open to all students, literature. presume some competence in those skills. Prerequisite: same as for 313. They treat major writers and historical Ms. Harman periods, and provide training in making comparisons and connections between

386 (1) Seminar different works, writers, and ideas. Grade III Topic for 1981-82: Henry James' short stories courses encourage both students and and novels. Read in chronological order to teachers to pursue their special interests. give the shape of James' career. They presume a greater overall competence, Supplementary reading in biography, letters together with some previous experience in and criticism. the study of major writers, periods, and ideas Prerequisite: same as for 313. in English or American literature. They are Mrs. Sabin open to all those who have taken two literature courses in the department, at least

387 (2) Seminar one of which must be Grade II, and by Normally a different topic each year. permission of the instructor or chairman to other qualified students. For admission to Not offered in 1981-82. seminars and for independent work (350), students of at least B+ standing in the work of the department will have first consideration. Students are encouraged to Cross-Listed Courses consult with the instructors of courses they

are interested in. More complete descriptions

Black Studies 264 (2) 2 of all courses, composed by their instructors, Black Literature in America are posted on bulletin boards in Founders For description and prerequisite see Black Hall, and are available from the department Studies 264. secretary.

Students with AP credits in English, together Extradepartmental 100 (2) with other freshmen and sophomores who Tutorial in Expository Writing may be considering English as a major or For description and prerequisite see double major, should at some convenient Extradepartmental 100. point confer with the chairman. The department also maintains a roster of faculty Extradepartmental 231 (2) advisors available for students contemplating Interpretation and Judgment of Films English courses, whether as majors or For description and prerequisite see nonmajors. Extradepartmental 231. The English major consists of a minimum of Not offered in 1981-82. eight courses, six of which must be in literature. At least four of the latter courses Extradepartmental 247 (2)

must be above Grade I and at least two at Arthurian Legends the Grade III level. (Neither English 100 nor For description and prerequisite see English 200 may be counted toward the Extradepartmental 247. major.) Students must take Critical Interpretation, or present very clear evidence

of having had its equivalent. This course offers fundamental and rigorous practice in methods of interpreting a literary text. All majors must also take at least one course in Shakespeare, ordinarily English 323 or 324. They should work closely with their advisors in seeking to arrange a program of study combining breadth and depth: a more than superficial acquaintance with some major works, authors, and periods that comprise the 88 English history of English and Annerican literature, Knowledge of English and American history, of together with a developing interest in some the course of European thought, of theatre special field of study, such as the English studies, and of at least one foreign literature Renaissance, drama, criticism, or modernism. at an advanced level is of great value to the student of English. See, for example. History The department offers a choice of three 239, 240, 252; Philosophy 203; Grade II and programs for Honors. Under Program I the Grade III in foreign literatures; honors candidate does independent research courses Greek 104; Russian 201, 202; Extradepartmental or a project in creative writing. Although this 211, 220, 247, courses in Theatre program, upon completion, enters the 330; and Studies. student's transcript as two units of English

370, it may be begun as a unit of 350 and A reading knowledge of at least one ancient converted to 370 at the end of an auspicious or modern foreign language is desirable for fall semester. Programs II and III offer an all majors. Students expecting to do graduate opportunity to receive Honors on the basis of work in English should ordinarily plan to work done for regular courses; these acquire a reading knowledge of two foreign programs carry no additional course credit. A languages. candidate electing Program II takes a written For students interested in American examination in a field defined by several of literature, in American studies, in modern her related courses (e.g., the Renaissance, drama, and in modern poetry, attention is drama, criticism). One electing Program ill called to relevant courses in the department presents a dossier of essays written for of Black Studies, especially 105, 210, 211, several courses with a statement of and 310. connections between them and critical questions raised by them. An oral examination is required in all Honors programs.

Special attention is called to the range of courses in writing the College offers. English

100 is open to all students who want to improve their skills in writing expository essays. Extradepartmental 100 is open, with the permission of a class dean, to students who would benefit from a continuation of English 100 or from an individual tutorial. English 200 is a new course made possible through an endowed fund given by Luther I. Replogle in memory of his wife, Elizabeth

Mcllvain Replogle. It is a workshop designed especially for upperclassmen who want training in expository writing on a level above that of English 100. English 201 (The Critical Essay), besides offering intensive instruction in writing about literature, may include opportunities for writing review articles about the other arts. Courses in the writing of poetry and fiction (Grades II and III) are planned as workshops with small group meetings and frequent individual conferences. In addition, qualified students may apply for one or two units of Independent Study (350) in writing.

Grade II and Grade III courses in writing and 350 writing projects as well, may at the discretion of the instructor be offered credit/noncredit/ credit-with-distinction. In general, enrollment in writing courses is limited to 15, French 89

111 (1) Elementary Intermediate French French Intensive oral training and practice in listening comprehension and writing. Thorough grammar review. Vocabulary building. Three periods. Open to students by permission of the Professor: department only. To receive credit for 111, Galand, Frangois, McCulloch, Stambolian*'' students completing the course must proceed

to 122. To fulfill the language requirement,

Associate Professor: students completing 1 1 1 must proceed to Mistacco, Lydgate (Chairman), Gillain 122.

Assistant Professor: Ms. Levitt Huies*'', Grimaud, Levitt, Mathe*, Respaut*, Straus, Frye, Baier3 121-122 (1-2) Intermediate French 2 First semester: Particular stress on grammar Visiting Assistant Professor: review, listening comprehension, vocabulary Abetti, Raffy building, and development of oral skills. All (except 220 and are courses 349) Second semester: Choice of different in French. Oral expression, conducted sections emphasizing either the reading of composition, and, in certain courses, creative modern texts with discussion and written writing are stressed. work or further development of The department reserves the right to place conversational skills through regular new students in the courses for which they laboratory work using primarily nonliterary seem best prepared regardless of the number materials. Three periods. of units they have offered for admission. Prerequisite: 102.

Qualified students are encouraged to spend Ms. Hules, Mr. Straus and Staff the junior year in France. See p. 37. 141-142 (1-2) The Language and Culture of Modern France 2 Discussion of selected modern literary and cultural texts. Grammar review. Study of 101-102(1-2) Beginning French 2 vocabulary and pronunciation. Frequent Intensive oral training and practice in written and oral practice. Three periods. listening, speaking, and reading, Prerequisite: 122. supplemented by regular laboratory Mr. Frye and Staff assignments. A slide presentation of the text introduces each week's cultural and linguistic 201 (1) 202 (2) French Literature and material. will The French comic book Asterix Culture Through the Centuries 1 or 2 be used as a supplement during the second First semester: From the Middle Ages semester. Three periods. through Classicism. Second semester: From Open only to students who do not present the Enlightenment through Existentialism. French for admission. Class discussion of selected masterpieces, Mr. Grimaud and Staff short papers, outside reading, slides. Either semester may be taken independently. Prerequisite: 142, or by permission of the instructor, 122.

Mr. Frangois, Mr. Galand, Miss McCulloch

205 (1) French Society Today Contemporary problems and attitudes. Class discussion of representative texts, periodicals, and newspapers. Oral reports, short papers, outside reading. Prerequisite: same as for 201. Ms. Raffy 90 French

206 (1) (2) Intermediate Spoken French 220 (2) Proust and the Modern French Practice in conversation, using a variety of Novel (in English) materials including films, videotapes, Psychology and aesthetics in works by periodicals, songs, radio sketches, and Flaubert, Gide, Sartre, Beckett, and Robbe- interviews. Regular use of [he language Grillet, with emphasis on Proust's laboratory. Enrollment limited to 15. Remembrance of Things Past. Lectures, Fresfimen may register for tfiis course only papers, and class discussion in English. after consultation with the instructor. Students may read the texts in French or in Prerequisite: same as for 201. English translation. Cross-listed in Extradepartmental. Ms. Gillain, Ms. Raffy Open to all students except those who have

taken two or more Grade II courses in French 212 (1) Medieval French Literature I The knight, the lover, and the outlaw: from literature. the Chanson de Roland through Villon. Mr. Stambolian Medieval texts read in modern French.

Prerequisite: one unit of 201, 202, 203, 205, 222 (1) (2) Studies in Language or 206; by permission of the instructor, 142. A review of selected problems in French Miss McCulloch grammar, enrichment of vocabulary, and an introduction to specifically French techniques of the 213 (1) (2) French Drama in the Twentieth composition and organization of ideas. Century Limited enrollment. Trends in contemporary drama: symbolism, Open to freshmen in the first semester only the use of myths, the influence of after consultation with the instructor. existentialism, the theatre of the absurd. Prerequisite: 142, or 122 by permission of the Prerequisite: same as for 212. instructor. Mr. Straus, Mr. Stambolian Mr. Galand, Mr. Frangois, Mr. Grimaud, Mr. Abetti

214 (1) (2) The French Novel in the Nineteenth Century 223 (2) The Nature of Narrative: An Intensive study of narrative techniques and Introduction to Structuralist Criticism the representation of reality in major works How to analyze novels, plays, short stories or by Balzac, Stendhal, Flaubert, Zola. nonliterary texts. Emphasis on the different Prerequisite: same as for 212. ways one can study plot; implications for a psychological and social analysis of creation Mr. Frye, Ms. Mistacco and reading pleasure.

Prerequisite: one Grade II unit of French 215 (1) Baudelaire and Symbolist Poets literature. The nature of the poetic experience studied in the works of Baudelaire, Verlaine, Mr. Grimaud Rimbaud, Mallarme, and Laforgue. Prerequisite: same as for 212. 226 (1) (2) Advanced Spoken French Practice in oral expression to improve fluency Mr. Galand and pronunciation with special attention to idiomatic vocabulary and phonetics. In 219 (2) Love/ Death addition to recordings, videotapes, and in major novels of different periods, this periodicals, classics of the French cinema course will investigate the connection will be studied for their linguistic interest. between fiction and our fundamental Regular use of the language laboratory. preoccupation with the issues of love and Enrollment limited to 15. Not open to death. Texts ranging from medieval to 20th freshmen. Not recommended for students century will be studied, with an eye toward who have already studied in France. understanding how the themes of love and Prerequisite: one Grade II unit except 206, or death are related to structure, narration, and by permission of the instructor. the dynamics of reading.

Prerequisite: one Grade II unit of French Ms. Gillain, Mr. Abetti literature. Permission of the instructor is required. 240 (1) French Cinema A survey of French cinema from its invention Not offered in 1981-82. (Lumiere, Melies) to the New Wave (Godard, Ms. Respaut Truffaut) with emphasis on the classical narrative film of the '30s and '40s (Vigo, Carne, Renoir, Ophuls, Cocteau, Bresson). Enrollment limited to 20. Prerequisite: same as for 223.

Ms. Gillain French 91

249 (1) (2) Selected Topics 1 or 2 304 (1) The French Novel in the Not offered in 1981-82. Eighteenth Century The affirmation of self and the evolution of 250 (2) The French Press narrative forms. Special attention will be A reading of current newspaper and given to the ideological assumptions magazine articles in French. The emphasis underlying the portrayal of women and their will be political, sociological, intellectual as relationship to narrative structures. Authors well as linguistic (practice in conversation studied: Prevost, Marivaux, Rousseau, and composition). Analysis of cartoons and Diderot, Laclos, Sade. comic strips from satirical newspapers and Prerequisite: same as for 300. magazines and of advertisements from the Ms. Mistacco daily and weekly press. Ideological and stylistic differences will be stressed. Oral and 305 (2) Advanced Studies in the written reports. Enrollment limited to 15. Nineteenth Century Prerequisite: one Grade II unit except or 220, Prerequisite: same as for 300. by permission of the instructor. Not offered in 1981-82. Ms. Raffy

306 (1) Literature and Ideology in the 300 (2)* French Literature of the Twentieth Century Renaissance Ideological purpose and literary form in intellectual contexts Social and of the selected works of Proust, Gide, Breton, Renaissance in France. Humanism vs. Malraux, Sartre, Camus, and Robbe-Grillet. traditional theology. Popular vs. official Prerequisite: same as for 300. culture. Oral tradition and the revolution of Mr. Galand printing. Tolerance vs. religious fanaticism. Study of major writers and the important 307 (2)* French Poetry in the Twentieth literary beginnings their works reflect: Century Rabelais and the birth of the novel; The nature and function of poetic creation in fylontaigne and the origins of autobiography; the works of Valery, Apollinaire, Breton, Saint- love poetry reoriented with Ronsard; a John Perse, Char, and Ponge. Representative tradition of women's writing established by texts by poets associated with OULIPO and Louise Labe and Marguerite de Navarre. Tel Quel will also be included. Frequent reference to concurrent Prerequisite: same as for 300. developments in music and the plastic arts. Prerequisite: two units of 201, 202, or 203, or Mr. Galand one unit of 212, 213, 214, 215, or 219.

308 (1) Advanced Studies in Language I Mr. Lydgate Comparative stylistics: a normative approach through linguistic analysis to the processes 301 (1) The French Classical Theatre and patterns of translation. Theories are Power struggle as represented on the stage. tested and applied. Study of plays by Corneille, Racine, and Prerequisite or corequisite: one Grade III unit Moliere, with reference to important political, of French literature and 222, or their social, religious, and philosophical changes in equivalents. the 17th century from Louis XIII and Richelieu through the most spectacular decades of the Mr. FranQOis reign of the Sun King. Studies in II Prerequisite: same as for 300. 309 (2) Advanced Language Translation into French from novels, essays Mr. Frangois and poetry. Study of French style through analysis of selected texts. 303 (2) Advanced Studies in the Prerequisite: same as for 308. Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Prerequisite: same as for 300. Ms. Gillain

Not offered in 1981-82. 312 (1) Medieval French Literature II See 212. Joint class meetings for 212 and 312. Supplementary assignments and readings in Old French for students at Grade

III level. Open by permission of the instructor. Miss McCulloch 92 French

318 (2)* The Reader in the New Novel 349 (2) Studies in Culture and Criticism Recent experiments in fiction: textual play vs. (in English) expression, comnnunication, representation; Topic for 1981-82: French Lyricism: From transgression and transformation of Literary Text to Opera. Classic French conventions of reading. Some discussion of stories, plays, and novels and their adaptation film. Emphiasis on the works and theoretical by French, Italian, and German librettists and writings of Sarraute, Butor, Beckett, Duras, composers. Reading and discussion of a Simon, Ricardou, and Robbe-Grillet. specific literary text precedes consideration Prerequisite: same as for 300. of its transformation into an opera. The central issue is the manner in which narrative Not offered in 1981-82. construction, dramatic characterization, Ms. Mistacco mood, and style differ in prose fiction, dramatic literature, and opera. Texts by 319 (2) Women and Literary Expression Perrault, Corneille, Beaumarchais, Prevost, Topic for 1981-82: Transgression and Hugo, Dumas, Merimee, Maeterlinck, Transcendence: Modern French Women Apollinaire. Operas by Rossini, Massenet, Writers. Revolt against traditional Mozart, Verdi, Bizet, Debussy, Puccini and androcentric psycho-social models, the Poulenc. creation of "feminine" alternatives and the Additionally listed under Extradepartmental. search for another language. Selected texts Prerequisite: one Grade II unit in literature or of Chawaf, Cixous, Duras, Leclerc, Rochefort by permission of the instructor. Reading and Wittig as well as excerpts from feminist knowledge of French required. theoreticians. Mr. Turk (Taught at MIT) Prerequisite: one Grade III unit of French literature or, by permission of the instructor, 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual its equivalent. Study 1 or 2 Ms. Hules Prerequisite: same as for 321.

321 Seminar (2) 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 Topic for 1981-82: Le metteur en scene. An Open only to honors candidates. exploration of the esthetics and politics of modern French theatre through consideration of writings by eminent 20th-century French directors from Jacques Copeau, whose Directions for Election Theatre du Vieux Colombier opened its doors to the public in 1913, to Ariane Mnouchkine Course 101-102 is counted toward the degree whose Theatre du Soleil on the outskirts of but not toward the major. Students who begin Paris is working today to carry theatrical with 101-102 in college and who plan to innovation forward. major in French should consult the chair of Prerequisite: one Grade ill unit of French the department during the second semester literature or by permission of the instructor. of their freshman year. Course 141-142 may Mr. Straus not be elected by students who have taken both 101-102 and 121-122. A student may not count toward the major 220, both 121-122 and 141-142, both 206 and 226. Course 349 may be counted toward the major but not toward the minimum major.

Students who achieve a final grade of A or A- for 121 or 141 may, on the recommendation of their instructor, accelerate their study of French in the following manner: from 121 to

142, from 141 to a lower Grade II course. Students achieving a final grade of A or A- for 102 may, upon the recommendation of their instructor, accelerate to 141. Geology 93

Majors are required to take two of the following courses: 222, 308, 309. In some Geology cases 226 may also be required. Majors should consult their advisors regularly to arrange a program of study with these objectives: (a) oral and written linguistic Associate Professor: competence: (b) acquisition of basic Andrews (Chairman) techniques of reading and interpreting texts: (c) a general understanding of the history of Assistant Professor: French literature; (d) focus on some special Besancon, Thompson area of study (such as a genre, a period, an Instructor: author, a movement, criticism, poetics, Jannik3 contemporary French culture).

Courses in other foreign language and literature departments, in Art, History (especially 242 and 243), Philosophy, English, Extradepartmental 237, 330, 333, and 331, 100 (1) Oceanography and Religion 104 and 105 are recommended An introduction to ocean science with an for majors. emphasis on marine geology. Topics include ocean currents and sediments, ocean basin Students who plan to do graduate work in tectonics and evolution, coral reefs, deep-sea French are advised to begin or to pursue the life, and marine resources. No laboratory. study of a second modern language and the Open to all students. study of Latin: those who plan to do graduate work in comparative literature are advised to Mr. Andrews continue the study of one or more other 102 Introduction to modern literatures and to acquire proficiency (1) (2) Geology An introduction to the basic features of the in at least one classical language. solid earth and the processes that continue

to modify it. Emphasis on the development and impact of the continental drift and plate tectonics theories. Laboratory and field trips include study of minerals, rocks, topographic and geologic maps. Open to all students. Mr, Andrews, Ms. Thompson, Mr. Besancon

200 (2) Historical Geology The geologic history of North America and the evolution of life as revealed in the fossil record. Interpretation of paleogeography and ancient sedimentary and tectonic environments. Laboratory and field trips. Prerequisite: 102 or permission of the instructor.

Mr. Andrews 94 Geology

202 (1) Mineralogy 304 (1)* Stratigraphy and Sedimentation Introduction to crystallography; systennatic Study of the formation, composition, and study of the rock-forming minerals. Emphasis correlation of stratified rocks. Emphasis on on geochemical relationships including sedimentary environments, transportation of bonding, solid solution series, and mineral sedimentary particles, sediment diagenesis, structure. Introduction to optical mineralogy. and sedimentary petrography. Laboratory and Laboratory. field trips. Prerequisite: 102 or permission of the Prerequisite: 202. instructor. Ms. Thompson

Mr. Besancon Not offered in 1982-83.

205 (2)* Invertebrate Paleontology 308 (2)* Plate Tectonics and evolution of the major The morphology The purpose of this course is to examine fossil invertebrate phyla with discussion of geological, paleontological, and geophysical such general topics as functional arguments underlying the plate tectonic and higher morphology, origin of species theory of global dynamics. Topics to include: and phylogeny, and animal taxa, ontogeny historic controversy over continental drift, Laboratory. size and shape relationships. evidence from the ocean basins leading to or one unit in Prerequisite; 102 and 200, the concept of sea floor spreading, of the instructor. biology, or permission geophysical evidence for plate boundaries Not offered in 1981-82. and plate motions, tectonic provinces associated with presently active plate Mr. Andrews boundaries, applications of plate theory in the Offered in 1982-83. interpretation of ancient tectonic provinces. Prerequisite: 102 and 206. 206 (1)* Structural Geology 1981-82. Introduction to geometry and origin of rock Not offered in structure ranging from micro-textures and Ms. Thompson fabrics to large-scale folding and faulting. Offered in 1982-83. Emphasis on processes of rock deformation

in terms of theoretical prediction and 309 (2) Petrology findings. Laboratory and field experimental Study of the origin and occurrence of igneous trips. and metamorphic rocks with particular Prerequisite: or permission of the 102 reference to modern geochemical instructor. investigations. Examination and description of Not offered in 1981-82. hand specimens and thin sections using the petrographic microscope. Laboratory. Ms. Thompson Prerequisite: 202. Offered in 1982-83. Mr. Besancon

207 (1)* Earth Resources 310(2)* Geometries An introduction to the formation and location Statistical analysis of geologic data utilizing of geological resources, especially petroleum, univariate, bivariate, and multivariate coal, ores, water and gem minerals. Topics techniques. Development and application of will include supply and estimation of FORTRAN computer programs for the reserves, modern exploration and exploitation solution of geologic problems. Laboratory techniques, and environmental includes field mapping and scientific considerations. Field trips to be arranged. No photography. laboratory. Prerequisite: 102 and one Grade II unit, or Prerequisite: 102 or permission of the permission of the instructor. instructor. Mr. Andrews Not offered in 1981-82. Not offered in 1982-83. Mr. Besancon 1982-83. Offered in 349 (1) Seminar Geomorphology. Study of processes acting on the earth's surface.

The Staff

Not offered in 1982-83. German 95

350 (1) (2) Research or Individual Study 1 or 2 German Open by permission to juniors and seniors.

370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 Open only to honors candidates. Professor: Goth (Chairman)

Associate Professor: Cross-Listed Courses Ward Assistant Professor: Prather, Hansen Extradepartmental 112 (2)

Evolution: Change Through Time The language of the classroom in all courses For description and prerequisite see is almost exclusively German. The student Extradepartmental 112. thus has constant practice in hearing, speaking, and writing German.

The department reserves the right to place a new student in the course for which she seems best prepared regardless of the Directions for Election number of units she has offered for admission. In addition to eight units in geology, normally to include 205, 206, 304, and 309, the By doing special reading during the summer minimum major requires four units from other and upon approval of the chairman, capable laboratory sciences, mathematics, or students in 100 have the opportunity to omit computer science. All four units may not be intermediate level courses and proceed with taken in the same department. A student 202. planning graduate work should note that most Upon recommendation of their instructor and graduate geology departments normally approval of the chairman, students may require two units each of chemistry, physics, proceed from 101 or 102 to 105 or from 104 and mathematics. Biology often may be to 203 at mid-year. substituted if the student is interested in Qualified students may be recommended to paleontology. spend the junior year in Germany. See p. 37. The department recommends that students majoring in geology attend one of the Rocky Mountain geology field courses given by other colleges. Credit may be given for such courses provided the student's plans are 100 (1-2) Beginning German 2 An introduction which emphasizes as approved in advance by the department. German it is spoken and written today. Extensive practice in all four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Weekly laboratory assignments with special emphasis on oral expression. Reading of fables, fairy tales and short stories. Introduction to contemporary life and culture in German speaking countries. Four periods. Open only to students who do not present German for admission.

The Staff 96 German

101 (1) Intensive Review German 2 202 (1) 203 (2) Introduction to German Intensive practice in listening comprehension, Literature 1 or 2 speaking and writing for students with Interpretation of selected masterpieces. Short previous knowledge of German. Thorough papers with emphasis on stylistics and grammar review. Vocabulary building. Reading grammar. First semester: From the Middle and tapes from the intermediate level. Five Ages to the Enlightenment. Emphasis on the periods. Entering students must take a Reformation and Baroque periods. Second placement exam. To fulfill the language semester: From the 18th- to the 20th-century. requirement, students must proceed to 103, or Texts by Lessing, Goethe, Schiller, the with special permission, 105. Three units of Romantics and the Realists. Both semesters credit are given after completion of 101-103 or are required for the major. Each semester 101-105. may be taken independently. Three periods. Prerequisite: three Mr. Hansen or more admission units and placement exam, two units of inter-

102-103 (1-2) Intermediate German 2 mediate level German, or by permission of the Review of grammar and practice in all department, 100. Permission will be based on language skills with special emphasis on a high grade in 100 and summer work. idiomatic usage. First semester: thorough Mrs. Prather, Ms. Goth grammar review, practice in classroom and language laboratory, reading in contemporary 205 (1) Studies in Romanticism: Literary culture. Second semester: extensive and Folk Fairy Tales composition practice, readings in German The "Kunstmarchen" of the Romantic epoch history and culture and modern literary texts, and its relationship to the folk "Marchen" some computer laboratory work. Three (Grimm, Anderson, Perrault) and to myth. periods. Religious, social and psychological patterns. Prerequisite: one to two admission units and Psychoanalytical interpretations of the fairy placement exam or 100. tale: Freud, Jung, Bettelheim, Fromm. Ms. Ward, Mrs. Prather Prerequisite: 202, 203 or by permission of the instructor. 104-105 (1-2) Studies in Language and Ms. Goth Literature 2

Intermediate language study with emphasis on 206 (1) Nineteenth-Century Literature: From idiomatic usage, vocabulary building, and the Fairytale to the Novelle expository writing. First semester: Grammar Late Romanticism and Realism with special review, written and oral practice based on emphasis on the development of the Novelle literary readings. Second semester: Further as a genre. Tieck, Hoffman, Stifter, Keller, training in analysis of fiction, poetry, and Droste-Hulshoff, Storm, and others. drama with emphasis on the continued Prerequisite: 202 and 203. development of language skills. Three periods. Not offered in 1981-82. Prerequisite: two to three admission units and Ms. Ward placement exam or, by permission of the department, 100. Permission will be based on 207 (1) Twentieth-Century Literature: a high grade in 100. Hugo von Hofmannsthal Ms. Goth A study of the major poetry, plays, and libretti of Hofmannsthal; will include investigation of such topics as Decadence, Symbolism, and classical motifs in modern literature. The course ends with a study of selected operas by Hofmannsthal and Richard Strauss with special emphasis on Rosenkavalier.

Prerequisite: two Grade II units or by permission of the instructor.

Not offered in 1981-82.

Mr. Hansen German 97

208 (2) Literature since 1945: Women and 304 (2) Goethe Women Authors in the Two Germanies An introduction to the Goethe-era through Discussion of the changing role of women in study and performance of his dramas from the Federal Republic of Germany and the Gotz von Berlichingen to Faust. The Storm German Democratic Republic through an and Stress and classical periods. analysis of contrasting literary works by Prerequisite: 202-203 or by permission of the representative women writers from Anna instructor. Seghers and Ingeborg Bachmann to Sarah Ms. Ward Kirsch and Gabriele Wohmann. The image of women in literature considered within a 305(1) Reading in Eighteenth-Century political/historical context. Attention will also Literature be given to recent trends in literary criticism, Emphasis on writers of the Enlightenment and including feminist and Marxist approaches. the Storm and Stress movement: Gottsched, Prerequisite: one Grade II unit. Lessing, Herder, Burger, Goethe, Schiller.

Not offered in 1981-82. Prerequisite: two Grade II units or by permission of the Ms. Ward instructor. Not offered in 1981-82. Offered in 1982-83. Ms. Goth 210 (2) Theatre in Germany Offered in 1982-83. German drama theory and practice from the Middle Ages to the present, with attention to 310 (1) Studies in Poetry theatrical as well as textual issues. Extensive Study of themes, techniques, and historical use of tapes. The course will culminate in the background. The development of German staging of a one-act play or portion of longer a poetry from the Baroque to modern times. drama chosen the class. by Close study of key poems by Gryphius, Prerequisite: one Grade II unit. Goethe, Novalis, Rilke, Brecht, Celan and Not offered in 1981-82. others. Prerequisite: 202-203 or by permission of the Ms. Ward instructor. Offered in 1982-83. Ms. Goth

225 (2) Clashing Myths in German Culture 349 (1) Seminar. German Exile Literature (in English) (1933-1945) Mythology from the Classical and Norse Exploration of the writers who were forced to Traditions as a subject of inquiry in modern flee Hitler and continue their literary German thought and as thematic material in production outside Germany. Topics to be opera, literature, philosophy, psychology, and considered include the psychological crisis of social thought. Includes theories of myth, exile and its effect upon the writers and their some classical myths, a study of specific works; the recurring themes and techniques of Norse Myths, myth in Wagner, Nietzsche, oppositional, anti-fascist literature; political Hofmannsthal, Freud, Jung, Hesse, Alfred and aesthetic concerns of exile literature. Rosenberg, and Thomas Mann. Course will Letters and memoirs, as well as primary texts, include listening to two German operas. All will be examined as documents of the literary texts read in English. life of this troubled era. Open to all students. Prerequisite: one Grade III unit or by Mr. Hansen permission of the instructor.

Mr. Hansen 230 (2) Advanced German Language Skills A review of difficult points of grammar, syntax 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual and style, with intensive practice in Study 1 or 2 composition, translation and oral skills. Open by permission to juniors and seniors. Readings from newspapers and magazines, as well as technical material from various fields. 370 (1) (2) Thesis 2 to 4 Regularly scheduled work in language and Open only to honors candidates. computer laboratories. Required for all German majors whose native language is not German. Two periods.

Prerequisite: one Grade II unit. Mrs. Prather 98 Greek and Latin Directions for Election Greek and Course 100 is counted toward the degree but not toward the major. Intermediate level courses (101, 102-103, 104-105) are Latin

considered as Grade I courses and are not ordinarily counted toward the major. Students who begin with 100 and who wish to major in German should consult the department in Professor: order to obtain permission to omit the Lefkowitz (Chairman), Geffcken*'' intermediate level and take 202-203. Students Associate Professor: who begin with intermediate level work and Marvin wish to major may be encouraged at mid-year to advance from 101 or 102 to 105 and from Assistant Professor: 104 to 203. Engels*, Rash, Starr, Poliakoff

Students intending to major in the department Courses on the original languages are are required to take 202-203, 304 or 305 conducted in English and encourage close offered in alternate years, 230, and at least analysis of the ancient texts, with emphasis on one seminar. their literary and historical values. right It is strongly recommended that the major The departments reserve the to place a

include a distribution by approach; that is, at new student in the course for which she least one period, one genre and one single- seems best prepared regardless of the author course, and that there be three Grade number of units she has offered for admission.

III units. Qualified students are encouraged to spend a

Courses in art, music, philosophy, English, semester, usually in the junior year, at the literature courses in other foreign language Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in departments, and History 244 are Rome. See Directions for Election. recommended.


102 (1) Beginning Greeic An introduction to Ancient Greek, stressing rapid reading and Greek as an example of a highly inflected Indo-European language. Four periods. Open to students who do not present Greek for admission.

Mr. Rash

103 (2) Intermediate Greek Further development of Greek reading and language skills. Three periods. Prerequisite: 102 or equivalent. Miss Marvin

104 (1) Classical Mythology The more important classical myths read in English translations of Greek and Latin authors; their religious origins; their expression in ancient literature and art; their later influence. Open to all students. Mrs. Lefkowitz Greek and Latin 99

201 (1) Plato 254 (2)* The Greek Experience Apology/. Crito. and selections from the A survey of archaic and classical Greek Phaedo. Socrates in Plato and in other ancient literature based on readings in English sources, his position in the developnnent of translation of major authors, including Homer, Greek thought. The dialogue form, the Hesiod, Sappho, Solon, Pindar, the tragedians, historical context. Selected readings in Aristophanes, Herodotus, and Thucydides. translation from Plato, Xenophon, the comic Emphasis on relationships between literature poets, and other ancient authors. Three and society, and on the interplay between periods. tradition and innovation in Greek culture. Prerequisite: 102 and 103, or two admission Open to all students. units in Greek, or exemption examination. Not offered in 1981-82. Mr. Starr 302 (2)* Aeschylus and Sophocles 203 (2)* Greek Drama in Translation Drama as expression of man's conflict with Intensive study of tragedies of Aeschylus, forces beyond his control; the use of Sophocles, and Euripides, in English mythology to describe the conflict between translation. The survival in literary form of human institutions and the natural world; primitive ritual; the development of new innovations in language, metaphor, and metre. mythic patterns on ancient models. The role of Reading of one drama by each author in contemporary psychoanalytic theory in Greek, others in English. evaluating the social function and structure of Prerequisite: 205. drama. Not offered in 1981-82. Open to all students. Mrs. Lefkowitz Not offered in 1981-82. Offered in 1982-83.

205 (2) Homer's Iliad 303 (1)* Study of selected books in Greek with Herodotus of emphasis on the oral style of early epic; A study Herodotus and the origins of the Western historical tradition, focusing on his reading of the rest of the poem in translation; theory of history in the archaeological background of the period. and his place the Three periods. intellectual world of 5th century Athens. Prerequisite: 201. Herodotus' perception of the war between Greece and Persia as a conflict of liberal and Mr. Poliakoff absolutist political institutions and values; Herodotus and the origin of the concept of 228 (1) Reflections on the Search for political freedom. Alexander Prerequisite: 205. An examination of the cultural and social background of Macedon and the Hellenistic Not offered in 1981-82. world of the fourth to first centuries B.C. Mr. Engels based on the show "The Search for Offered in 1982-83. Alexander" at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Special consideration will be given to 304 (1)* Euripides technology and style and to the process of Euripides' exposition of current problems in selecting and exhibiting the objects in the traditional narrative framework; his show. development of dramatic form; his exploration Open to all students. of human and political motivation. Reading of Miss Marvin two or three plays in Greek, others in English. Prerequisite: 205. 252 (2)* Women in Antiquity Mrs. Lefkowitz The role of women in Greek and Roman societies; the influence of ancient values on present-day attitudes. Readings from historical, medical, legal, and religious documents; consideration of archaeological evidence. Comparison of relevant materials from other periods and cultures. Open to all students. Mrs. Lefkowitz 100 Greek and Latin

305 (2)* Thucydides History 229 (2)* Contemporary impressions of the political Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World conflicts confronting the state in the late 5th For description and prerequisite see History century B.C. Imperialism and the causes of 229. the Peloponnesian War; the flaws in Athenian democracy and the influence of Sophistic History 230 (2)* argumentation. The attempt to formulate a Greek History from the Bronze Age to the scientific approach to history and the rejection Death of Philip II of Macedon of earlier models; the creation of a new prose For description and prerequisite see History style. Reading in Greek of selections from 230. Thucydides. Prerequisite: 205. Religion 207 (1) New Testament Greek Mr. Poliakoff For description and prerequisite see Religion 207. 328 (2)* Problems in Ancient History and Historiography Prerequisite: History 229 or 230 or 231 or permission of the instructor.

Not offered in 1981-82.

Seminar lor 2 349(1) (2) Latin First semester: Homer's Odyssey. Study of selected passages in Greek; reading of the rest in translation. The art of the oral poet; the 100 (1) Beginning Latin use of Homer as a source for reconstructing Fundamentals of the Latin language. Readings the social world and moral values of early from classical and medieval texts. Greece. Second semester: Greek Comedy. Four periods. Reading of plays by Aristophanes and Open to students who do not present Latin for Menander in Greek and in translation. admission, or by permission of the instructor. Theories of comedy, ancient and modern; the Mr. Poliakoff, Mr. Starr adaptation of Greek Comedy by Roman authors. 101 (2) Intermediate Latin Prerequisite: 205 Development of reading skills through Mrs. Lefkowitz(2) intensive study of classical authors. Three periods. 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual Prerequisite: 100. Study 1 or 2 Mr. Poliakoff Open to seniors by permission.

102 (2) intensive Review 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 Survey of grammar and syntax; reading from Open only to honors candidates who choose classical Latin authors. Four periods. to do honors research. For alternate honors Prerequisite: two admission units in Latin or program see Directions for Election. permission of the instructor.

Mr. Rash

200 (1) Introduction to Vergil's Aeneid Cross-Listed Courses Study of the poem with selections from Books l-VI in Latin. Three periods. Extradepartmental 246 (2)* Prerequisite: Latin 101 or 102, or three Ancient Medicine admission units in Latin not including Vergil, or For description and prerequisite see exemption examination.

Extradepartmental 246. Mr. Poliakoff

Extradepartmental 251 (1)* 201 (2) Latin Comedy Ancient Science Study of selected plays of Plautus and For description and prerequisite see Terence in the light of ancient and modern 251. Extradepartmental theories of the comic. Reading of two plays in Latin, others in English. Three periods. History 150 (1)c Prerequisite: Latin 200, or three admission Early Greece units in Latin. For title and description see History 150 (1)c. Miss Geffcken Greek and Latin 101

207 (2) Medieval Latin 309 (2)* Livy The interaction of Christian values and Livy's vision of Rome, his use of sources, classical nnodes of thought in literature from historical judgment, and literary techniques. 374 to 1374 AD. Selected readings fronn Readings from selections on early Rome and prose and poetry. Three periods. the Hannibalic V\/ar. Prerequisite: 200 or 201 or the equivalent, or Prerequisite: 249. permission of the instructor. Mr. Starr Mr. Starr 316 (1)* The Effects of Power and 221 (1) Catullus and Horace Authority in the Empire The evolution of Latin poetic style during the How Tacitus and Juvenal understood the

last years of the Republic and the Augustan Roman Empire. Tacitus' career and its effect Age. Readings from the short poems of on his approach to history; his literary Catullus and the Odes of Horace. techniques. Juvenal's picture of the

Prerequisite: four admission units in Latin or debasement of Roman society and life. three including Vergil or 200 or 207. Not open Prerequisite: 249. to students who have taken [202] or [203]. Not offered in 1981-82. Mr. Rash Mr. Starr

222 (2) Ovid and Petronius Offered in 1982-83. Narrative art in poetry and prose: Ovid's 317 (2)* Imperial treatment of human psychology in selections Rome: The Novel from the Metamorphoses and from his other The development of the ancient novel with emphasis on satirical techniques in Petronius v\/orks, Petronius' use of comic technique in the Satyricon. and on religious and mythological themes in Apuleius. Prerequisite: same as for 221 . Open to Prerequisite: same as for 316. students who have taken [202] or [203]. Miss Geffcken Not offered in 1981-82. Miss Geffcken 249 (1) Selected Topics Offered in 1982-83. Topic for 1981-82: Latin love elegy. Traditional expressions of subjectivity and their 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual development in the elegiac poetry of Catullus, Study 1 or 2 Tibullus, Propertius, and Ovid. Open to seniors by permission. Prerequisite: [202] or [203] or an AP Latin score of 5, or of instructor. permission the 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 Mr. Poliakoff Open only to honors candidates who choose to do honors research. For alternate honors 302 (2) Vergil's Aeneid program see Directions for Election. The artistic achievement of Vergil in the light of earlier literature, especially Homer and Ennius; Vergil's view of man and the destiny of Rome. Cross- Listed Courses Prerequisite: 249 or permission of the instructor. Extradepartmental 246 (2) Miss Geffcken Ancient Medicine For description and prerequisite see 308 (1)* The Struggle for Power in the Late Extradepartmental 246. Republic

The events, life, and thought of the late Extradepartmental 251 (1) Republic in the letters of Cicero and in the Ancient Science historical writings of Caesar and Sallust. For description and prerequisite see Prerequisite: 249. Extradepartmental 251. Mr. Starr Greek 104(1) Classical Mythology For description and prerequisite see Greek 104, 102 Greek and Latin

Greek 252 (2) Students who wish to focus a classical major Women in Antiquity on ancient civilization can plan with the For description and prerequisite see Greek department an appropriate sequence of 252. courses, which should include work in art, history, philosophy, and literature. Such a Greek 328 (2)* program should always contain at least four Problenns in Ancient History and units of work in the original language. Basic

Historiography knowledge of French or German is For description and prerequisite see Greek recommended. For details on the classical 328. civilization major, see p. 174.

The departments offer a choice of two History 231 (1)* plans for the Honors Program. Plan A History of Rome (Honors Research, see 370 above, carrying For description and prerequisite see History two to four units of credit) provides the 231. candidate with opportunity for research on a special topic and the writing of a long History 360 (1)* paper or several shorter papers. Plan B Seminar. Roman History provides an opportunity for the candidate For description and prerequisite see History to show through examinations at the end 360. of her senior year that she has acquired a superior grasp, not only of a basic core of texts, but also of additional reading beyond course requirements. Plan B Directions for Election carries no course credit, txit where appropriate, students may elect a unit of To fulfill the distribution requirement in Group 350 to prepare a special author or project A, students may elect any courses in Greek or Latin except Greek 252, 328; History 150, 229, which would be included in the Honors examinations. 230, 231, 360; Extradepartmental [243], 246,

(these courses be elected to fulfill 251 , may Honors candidates who are classical the requirement in Group B). The following civilization majors should elect Plan B. may not be counted toward the major in Greek The College is a member of the or Latin: Extradepartmental [243], 246, 251; Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies Greek 203, 228, 252, 254, 328; Greek/Latin in Rome, a program for American 104; History 229, 230, 150, 231, 360. undergraduates in classical languages, All students majoring in Greek must complete ancient history and topography, four units of Grade III work. archaeology and art history. Majors, especially those interested in All students majoring in Latin are required to Roman studies, urged to plan their complete 302 and at least two units of the are programs following: 308, 309, 316, 317. so as to include a semester at the Center in the junior year. Latin students who offer an AP Latin score of 5 should elect 249; an AP score of 4 normally leads to 202.

Students majoring in Greek or Latin are advised to elect some work in the other language. It should be noted that work in both

Greek and Latin is essential for graduate studies in the classics.

Courses in ancient history, ancient art, ancient philosophy, and classical mythology are recommended as valuable related work. Students interested in a major in classical and Near Eastern archaeology are referred to p. 175 where the program is described. History 103

103 (1) Introduction to Non-Western History History An introduction to world history focusing appreciably on non-Western societies and civilizations. Deals with common themes in the origins and evolution of civilization from Europe, Africa and the Middle East, to India, Professor: China and the Far East. Discussion of the Auerbach (Chairman), Cohen, Cox, Prayer* delineation of world cultures from ancient to Robinson post medieval times. Concludes with a survey Associate Professor: of the Western expansion, from the age of Jones exploration to imperialism, and the responses Assistant Professor: of various societies to the rise of globalism in Knudsen, Tumarkin, Engeis, Saad, Gouda, the modern era. Fitzpatrick, Cayton Open to all students.

Instructor: Mr. Saad Dyer 150(1)(2)Colloquia

For directions for applying see p. 47. Open by permission to a limited number of freshman and sophomore applicants.

100 (1) (2) Medieval and Early Modern European History (1) A study of the major ideas and institutions that a. The Southern confederacy have shaped Western civilizations from the An examination of the various forces that "grandeur that was Rome" to the Age of the shaped, divided, and ultimately led to the Renaissance and Reformation. Emphasis upon defeat of the Confederate States of America, the different "lifestyles" of successive with special emphasis on racial, class, and Western societies and upon the processes of political conflict within the new nation. social change in the history of Western Ms. Jones Europe. Introduction to the techniques of c. Early Greece historical analysis and to problems in the interpretation of historical evidence through A study of the formation of the Western extensive use of original sources. cultural tradition in Greece from the Bronze Open to all students. Age to 500 B.C. The course will emphasize the development of fundamental innovations such Mr. Cox, f\^s. Dyer as rational thought, the belief in natural law,

101 (1) (2) Modern European History 1 and systems of government based on the An introduction to European history from 1600 consent of the governed. Other topics will to the present, designed to aid the student in include the Minoan and Mycenaean formulating historical judgments about the civilizations, the problem of the Dorian significance of representative institutions, the invasion and the Greek Dark Ages, religion, scientific revolution, the Enlightenment, the society, the formation of city states, and French Revolution, industrialization, colonization.

imperialism, world wars, totalitarianism. Not offered in 1981-82. Open to all students. Mr. Engeis Ms. Tumarkin, Mr. Knudsen, Ms. Gouda

102 (1) The American Experience An introduction to the social, cultural, political, and economic forces that have shaped American history, including colonization, slavery, immigration, civil conflict, industrialization, and international relations. Open to all students. Principally for those who have not had a survey course in American history in junior or senior year of high school. Ms. Jones 104 History

e. China in outside perspective 222 (1) Classical and Early Medieval Intellectual History Can another people's historical or cultural A history of Western thought from its pre- experience be understood in its own ternns by Socratic an outsider? Or does the outsider's origins to Boethius. Emphasis will be placed on the living issues of thought in the outsideness place definite limits upon cross- pre-Socratics, Plato, Aristotle, the Stoic cultural understanding? Many westerners who and Epicurean philosophers, the Bible and the went to China in the 20th century stayed for Church Fathers, among others. long periods, became deeply engaged in the Open to freshmen revolutionary changes that were taking place, and sophomores who have taken 100 or related work in literature or and then wrote accounts (often highly philosophy, and to juniors and seniors without personal) of their experiences. What we can prerequisite. learn from these accounts about China—and what the accounts tell us about the outsiders Not offered in 1981-82. of Americans) will themselves (many them — Mrs. Chaplin be the central problem explored in this course. Readings will be drawn from autobiography, 229 (2)* Alexander the Great and the fiction, personal memoirs, and journalism. Hellenistic World Mr. Cohen The course will survey the achievements of Alexander and the culture of the new world he (2) created. The personality and career of Alexander will be examined as well as the d. Henry VIII: wives and policy innovations he introduced into the Western A study of the relationship between Henry's world: new concepts of kingship, political matrimonial ventures (all six) and issues of organization, and the notion of brotherhood domestic and foreign policy during his reign. between diverse ethnic groups. The rich The colloquium will be structured around the diversity of the Hellenistic world will also be BBC television series films, 90 minutes (6 surveyed: trade with India and China, religious each) called "The Six Wives of Henry VIII." syncretism, the spread of oriental religions Recent scholarly works, including biographies into the Mediterranean world, and the where possible, and 16th century sources will achievements of Hellenistic science which provide historical materials for comparison formed the foundation for the future with and contrast to the dramatic development of the Western scientific presentations. tradition.

Mrs. Robinson Open to all students. h. Richard The Lion-Hearted in history and Not offered in 1981-82. legend. Mr. Rash An introduction to the great issues of life and death, love and war, politics and religion 230 (2)* Greek History from the Bronze Age during the second half of the 12th century in to the Death of Philip II of Macedon England, France, and the "kingdoms beyond A survey emphasizing the relationships the Sea" through a study of the life and career between the patterns of Greek culture, the of one of medieval Europe's most famous origins of the Western intellectual tradition, figures. and the development of constitutional forms of government culminating in the formulation of Mr. Cox democracy in Athens. Other topics will include j. Germany in the twenties Greek religion, society, economy, and the

Introduction to the Weimar Republic from its failure of Athenian democracy in its conflicts revolutionary beginnings in 1918 until the with Sparta and Macedon. Depression and the Nazi takeover. Course will Open to all students. study the politics, society and culture of the Mr. Rash twenties using memoirs, plays, films, novels, and pamphlets. Mr. Knudsen History 105

231 (1)* History of Rome 234 (1) Renaissance and Reformation in An introduction focusing on Rome's cultural Western Europe development from its origins as a small city The development of culture and society state in the 8th century B.C. to its rule over a between 1300 and 1600. The course will vast empire extending from Scotland to Iraq. concentrate on the intellectual movements of Topics for discussion will include the Etruscan the Renaissance and Reformation period: influence on the formation of early Rome, the humanism, neoplatonism, scholasticism, causes of Roman expansion throughout the mysticism, scepticism, and reformation Mediterranean during the Republic, and the thought. Reading will consist largely of Hellenization of Roman society. Also, the primary sources, including works by Dante, urbanization and Romanization of Western Petrarch, Pico, Erasmus, Machiavelli, Luther, Europe, the spread of mystery religions, the Calvin, Loyola, Montaigne. persecution and expansion of Christianity, and Open to all students. the economy and society of the Empire will be Ms. Dyer examined.

Open to all students. 235 (2) Medieval and Early Modern

Not offered in 1981-82. European Intellectual History, 400 to 1600 A survey in the history of ideas from Augustine Mr. Engels to Francis Bacon. Themes to be studied: the dignity of man, the freedom of the will, man 232 (2) The Medieval World, 1000 to 1300 and nature, man and God. Reading largely An introduction to the history and culture of from primary sources, including Augustine, Europe during the High Middle Ages, for Boethius, Anselm, Abelard, Bonaventure, students interested in art, literature and Aquinas, Ockham. philosophy as well as history. The attempt to Prerequisite: same as for 232. create a Christian commonwealth will be examined, together with its effects upon Not offered in 1981-82. feudal monarchy, knights and chivalry, Ms. Dyer peasants, townsmen and students. Life in castles, on manors, in villages and towns will 236 (1)* The Emergence of Modern be seen in relation to political, religious and European Culture: The Seventeenth and social ideas as expressed in contemporary Eighteenth Centuries sources, including art and literature. A comparative survey of Enlightenment Open to qualified freshmen and sophomores culture in England, France, and the (see Directions for Election) and to juniors and Germanies. Topics to be considered include seniors without prerequisite. skepticism, the scientific revolution, Mr. Cox classicism in art, the formation of liberal society, the differing social structure of

233 (1) Renaissance Italy intellectual life. The approach is synthetic, Italian history and culture from the age of stressing the links between philosophy, Petrarch and Boccaccio to the age of political theory, art, and their historical Michelangelo and Machiavelli. The new urban context. Among the authors: Locke, Hume, civilization of late medieval Italy as a Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau, Lessing, Kant, background to the developments in art, Goethe. literature, and philosophy of the Renaissance. Prerequisite: same as for 232. include the Topics to be discussed Not offered in 1981-82. commercial revolution, the impact of the Mr. Knudsen Black Death, republicanism and the growth of civic humanism, patronage and art, the rise of 237 (1)* Modern European Culture: The the court, theories of princely power, and Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Counter-Reformation culture. A survey of European culture from the French Prerequisite: same as for 232 Revolution to the post-World War II Not offered in 1981-82. period— from idealism to existentialism in Ms. Dyer philosophy, from romanticism to modernism in art and literature. As with 236, emphasis is placed on the social and historical context of cultural life. Among the authors: Wordsworth, Hegel, Marx, Mill, Nietzsche, Freud, Merleau- Ponty. Prerequisite: same as for 232.

Mr. Knudsen 106 Histot7

238 (1) English History: 1066 and All That 242 (1) The Age of Louis XIV in France From the coming of the Anglo-Saxons through The history and culture of France, 1600-1715. the coming of Henry Tudor. This survey will Absolute monarchy and the palace-city of study some of the traditional heroes and Versailles, both as techniques of government villains, such as Alfred the Great, William the and as expressions of political, religious and Conqueror, Richard the Third; church and aesthetic ideals will be studied against the churchmen, such as Bede, Becket, and background of crisis, rebellion and war during Beaufort; developments into and away from the first half-century. The art, architecture, feudal monarchy; aspects of sociopolitical drama and literature of the "Classical Age" history, including baronial and peasant will complete this picture of the France that uprisings; and selected cultural achievements. became the wonder and the terror of its time. Open to qualified freshmen and sophomores Prerequisite: same as for 232. (see Directions for Election), to sophomores Mr. Cox who have taken 100 or are concentrating in English literature, to juniors seniors and and 243 (2) The Enlightenment, the French without prerequisite. Revolution, and Napoleon Mrs. Robinson The history and culture of France, 1715-1815. Monarchical splendor, lordly pleasures, the 239 (2) English History: Tudors and Stuarts new urban culture, and the pursuit of The 16th and 17th centuries, emphasizing the happiness and reform, as seen in art, unique aspects of the English Reformation, architecture and letters during the Age of Elizabethan achievements and failings, and Voltaire and Rousseau. Analysis of the causes the multiple revolutions or alleged revolutions and events of the Revolution, the effort to of the 17th century. Special attention to create a Republic of Virtue, the rise of exploring the controversies among historians Napoleon and the creation of the Napoleonic in explaining and interpreting these Empire. Napoleon himself will be studied as transforming developments. one of the more fascinating and enigmatic Prerequisite: same as for 238. phenomena in modern European history. Mrs. Robinson Prerequisite: same as for 232. Mr. Cox 240 (1) Modern England English history from the 15th century into the 244 (2) Modern Germany 20th. We will explore some of the tensions and Beginning with the revolution of 1848, an difficulties accompanying the transformation examination of German politics, society, and of a basically agrarian, hierarchical, traditional culture to the post-World War II period. society into an industrial, secular democratic Special emphasis on Bismarck and the welfare state. The emphasis will fall on the founding of the German Empire; the Empire's time period 1815-1914. crisis and collapse in World War I; the Open to qualified freshmen and sophomores formation of the Weimar Republic; and the (see Directions for Election), to students who emergence of Nazism and the Third Reich. have taken 101 or 259, to sophomores The task will be to explore the German concentrating in English literature, and to response to problems shared throughout juniors and seniors without prerequisite. Western Europe. Prerequisite: same as for 232. Not offered in 1981-82.

in 1981-82. Mrs. Robinson Not offered Mr. Knudsen History 107

245 (2) History of Modern France, 250 (1) The First Frontier 1815-Present The settlement of North America by

Starting with the restoration of the nnonarchy Europeans and Africans in the 1 7th and early this course will explore the interaction 18th centuries and its impact on native between the revolutionary tradition and American cultures. Course discussion will reactionary factions in French politics, the include the expectations of immigrants and eruption of revolution in 1830 and 1848, the their transformation in interaction with the Comnnune in 1870 and the ennergence of a American environment as well as the search politicized labor movement and its for stability in colonial America. connections to international Marxism, and in Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors the 20th century attention will be devoted to without prerequisite.

during I, the the fate of France World War Mr. Cayton United Front in the inter-war years, and political alignments during World War 11; 251 (2) The United States in the Eighteenth France's economic takeoff in the postwar era, Century the Algerian crisis, and the student protests of The transformation of society, culture, and the 1960s. politics in the era of the American Revolution, Prerequisite: same as for 232. 1750-1820. Ms. Gouda Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors without prerequisite.

246 (2) Medieval and Imperial Russia Mr. Cayton A study of the social, political, economic, and cultural development of Russia from the 252 (1) The United States in the Nineteenth medieval period to the mid-19th century. Century Particular consideration is given to the rise of An introduction to the major political, absolutism, the enserfment of the peasantry, economic, and social forces which shaped and the impact upon Russia of successive 19th-century American history. foreign cultures— Byzantium, the Mongol Prerequisite: same as for 246. Empire, and the West. Not offered in 1981-82. Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors without prerequisite. Ms. Jones Ms. Tumarkin 253 (2) The United States in the Twentieth Century 247 Modern Russia and the Soviet Union (1) Selected 20th-century issues and problems, One hundred years of reform, revolution, and with emphasis on the responses of Americans reaction. Late Imperial Russia, the Revolution and their institutions to social change. of 1917, and the creation of a Soviet state Prerequisite: same as for 246. under Lenin and Stalin. Special emphasis is placed on the Russian Revolution and on Mr. Auerbach continuity and change under Soviet rule. 257 In American History Prerequisite: same as for 246. (2) Women A survey of women in American history, from Tumarkin Ms. the colonial period to the present, focusing on the family, education, patterns of paid and 248 (1) Europe in the Twentieth Century unpaid labor, creative women, images of An interpretative study of modern Europe women in the popular media, women's rights, emphasizing social change and the and feminism. Special emphasis on class, development of new modes of thought and ethnic, racial, and religious differences among expression. Topics include: communism, American women, as well as their common fascism, nationalism; Freud; changing artistic experiences. and intellectual perceptions; the mass media. Open to all students, except those who have Prerequisite: same as for 232. taken [155]. Ms. Tumarkin Ms. Jones 108 History

258 (2) Science and Medicine from the 261 (1)* History of Spain Middle Ages to the Scientific Revolution From the epic struggle between Moors and A survey of developments in science and Christians for the control of the Iberian medicine between 500 and 1700. The course peninsula, through the centuries of Imperial will trace the classical tradition in natural Spain, to modern Spain with its split between philosophy inherited from Antiquity, its liberals and conservatives, a split which transformation in the high Middle Ages, and explodes into the apocalyptic Civil War of the emergence of new explanatory systems 1936-39, the history of Spain is explored during the 16th and 17th centuries. Authors to through readings, lectures, and discussions. be read include Albertus Magnus, Oresme, The course ends with the study of the Franco Leonardo, Paracelsus, Copernicus, Vesalius, dictorship (1939-75) and post-Franco Spain. Francis Bacon, Galileo, Harvey, Descartes, Prerequisite: same as for 260. and Newton. Mr. Lovett Prerequisite: same as for 232. Ms. Dyer 267 (2) African Historical Traditions This course seeks to illustrate the richness of

259 (1) Labor in the United States cultural historical traditions in Africa. The history of the American worker from the Consideration of various kingdoms, from colonial period to the present. The experience Yorubaland in West Africa to Ethiopia in East of working men and women will be studied Africa to Great Zimbabwe in southern Africa. along with the broader relationship between Discussion of art, architecture, literature, labor and the state. Special emphasis will be religion and belief systems. Special emphasis placed on the impact of industrialization, on the evolution of social, political and religion and the working class, labor unrest, spiritual culture and on the modes of the growth of organized labor, conflict and transmission of culture from medieval to change within the labor movement. modern times. Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors Open to all students. without prerequisite. Not offered in 1981-82. Ms. Fitzpatrick Mr. Saad

260 (1)* History of Latin America 268 (2) Africa in the Modern World political, social, economic, and cultural The Modern history of Africa from the mid-19th evolution of the Latin American world from century to the present. Analyzes the origins, colonial the present. Emphasis on days to growth and breakdown of colonialism with colonial institutions and their relations to emphasis on traditionalist and modernist in the Iberian historical developments African responses. Examines the rise of peninsula on the fundamental problems, and nationalist and liberation movements and the especially in certain key countries, of modern emergence of new states. Discussion of post- and contemporary Latin America. independence problems and special attention Open to qualified freshmen and sophomores to the current crisis in southern Africa. (see Directions for Election), to sophomores Open to all students. who have had a course in history or art Mr. Saad history, and to juniors and seniors without prerequisite. 269 (2) History of the Islamic World Not offered in 1981-82. A survey of Islamic history from the prophet Mr. Lovett Muhammad and the classical period of Islam through the Mughal, Safavid and Ottoman empires to modern times. Consideration of the Islamic sciences and arts, as well as jurisprudence and institutions. Attention to adaptations of Islam in various Asian and African cultures. Emphasis on religio-political traditions and especially the dichotomy between the theocratic and secularist trends. Open to all students. Mr. Saad History 109

271 (2) Japanese History 280 (2) Imperialism and Dependency in the Japanese history from earliest times to Third World present, focusing on modern period (since Analyzes the economic and political causes of 1600). Special consideration given to cross- the expansion of Europe and the United States cultural comparison (Japanese and European into Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin feudalism, Japanese and Chinese responses America since the mid-19th century. Examines to encounters with the modern West), factors the characteristics and consequences of contributing to Japan's rapid economic growth imperialism and dependency in these areas of in the 19th century and the development of the world today. ultranationalism and militarism in the 20th, Open to all students without prerequisite. cultural and intellectual trends, World War II Not offered in 1981-82. and the postwar recovery, problems faced by Mr. Saad Japan in the future. Open to all students. 284 (1) History of the Middle East fy^r. Cohen A study of the rise of the modern Middle Eastern states against the background of the Imperial Chinese History 275 (1) Late disintegration of the Ottoman Empire. Focus After a brief survey of earlier developments in will be on a series of important Chinese history, the course will focus on the transformations, such as the rise of period from late Ming (ca. 1600) to the eve of Muhammad Ali in Egypt, the Ottoman reforms the revolution of 1911. Emphasis will be of the 19th century and the realignments placed on both internal and external sources which came in the wake of the two world of change: the growing commercialization of wars. A survey of the colonial interlude and Chinese society, unprecedented population the emergence of nationalist movements, expansion, the doubling of the size of the concluding with a historical overview of the Chinese empire in the 18th century, Mideast conflict. indigenous intellectual and cultural Open to all students. developments, the political-economic- Mr. Saad intellectual impact of the West and the progressive breakdown of Chinese society and 310 (1-2) Social History of the United States polity in the 19th century. 1 or 2 Open to all students. The development of American society in terms fvlr. Cohen of changing family organization, socioeconomic class structure, patterns of 276 (2) China in Revolution work and leisure time activities, An introduction to the revolutionary changes industrialization, urbanization, ethnic groups, in 20th century. that have swept China the and social and geographical mobility. First the revolution of Among topics to be covered: semester: Colonial period to 1850. Second 191 1 its warlordism and the and meaning; semester: 1850 to 1970. Either semester may militarization of Chinese politics; May Fourth be elected independently. literary currents; cultural, intellectual, and Open to juniors and seniors who have taken Jiang Kaishek and the Guomindang; Mao two units of history or by permission of the Zedong and the early history of the instructor. Communist movement; social and economic Ms. Jones changes; World War II; the Communist triumph in 1949 and major developments of 320 (1) American Legal History the last 30 years; future problems. The modification of English law, legal changes Open to all students. during the post-revolutionary period. Group Mr. Cohen research in selected topics relating to the development of American law in the period before the Civil War. Open to juniors and seniors.

Not offered in 1981-82. Mrs. Preyer 110 History

322 (2) Progressivism: Reform in Twentieth- 332 (1) Seminar. The "Woman Question" in Century United States Victorian England Analysis of the roots, the character, and the A study of the literature about, and the consequences of social reform of the struggles for, the emancipation of women: Progressive movement (1898-1917). personal, legal, educational, professional, Muckracking, temperance, child labor, political. A major source will be the periodical unemployment, trusts, vice, and immigration literature from the 1850s onward, with special are some of the areas to be explored. The attention to the many articles written, often evolution of a new corporate economy and the anonymously, by women. emergence of the national state will also be Prerequisite: same as for 330. examined. Mrs. Robinson Open to juniors and seniors.

Ms. Fitzpatrick 337 (2) Seminar. The Revolutionary Americas 330 (1) Seminar. The Age of Chivalry As comparative history this course will Studies in the history of the medieval knight examine the American Revolution and the from the formation of the first knightly orders Spanish-American wars for independence in the mid-12th century to the "flowering" of (especially that of Mexico) as parts of a world- chivalry in the mid-1 5th century, as seen in wide revolutionary movement. Subjects will historical documents, literature, art, and include the nature of society in both North and music. Different kinds of knights and their South America between 1770 and 1830, the differing roles in medieval society will be goals and achievements of the wars for examined as well as the emergence of independence, the typology of revolutions, and chivalric courts and the degree to which real- the nature of 19th-century liberalism. Students life knights conformed to the ideal depictions will be asked to complete a research paper of them in literature and art. stressing the techniques of comparative Open to qualified juniors and seniors by history. permission of the instructor (see Directions for Open to juniors and seniors with permission of Election). the instructor. (Knowledge of Spanish not necessary). Not offered in 1981-82. Mr. Cayton Mr. Cox

338 (2) Seminar. America as the Promised 331 (2) Seminar. Russia after Stalin Land Who or what could replace Stalin after his An examination of selected texts drawn from death in 1953? How did the U.S.S.R. achieve various disciplines and historical eras which the status of a great power, and at what cost? attempt to define the promise of the American This seminar on the last quarter-century of experience and analyze the fulfillment or Soviet history will explore such topics as: the failure of that promise. politics of de-Stalinization; Khrushchev and Open to qualified juniors and seniors by Brezhnev as leaders; Soviet relations with permission of the instructor. China, the West and the Third World; Solzhenitsyn, Sakharov and other dissident Mr. Auerbach writers; hooliganism, alcoholism, religious revivals. For their seminar papers students 339 (1) Seminar. American Jewish History will have the option of writing the biography of The development of American Jewish life and a Soviet citizen based on interviews with a institutions since the era of mass immigration, recent emigre. with particular attention to the tension Open to juniors and seniors who have taken between Old World and American Jewish cultures. Historical and literary evidence will History 247 or Political Science 301 , or by permission of the instructor. guide explorations into the social, psychological, and political implications of Ms. Tumarkin Jewish minority status in the United States. Open by permission of the instructor. Mr. Auerbach History 111

341 (2) Seminar. The Nature and Meanings 347 (2) Seminar. History and Poverty: The of History Poor and the Oppressed in Nineteenth- Introduction to modern historical writing with Century Europe an emphasis on the tendencies and counter- In an age without comprehensive social tendencies in the 20th-century European provisions for the poor and the oppressed, life tradition. Particular concern with patterns of for the majority of citizens in France, the historical explanation as adopted by practicing Netherlands, and England was "nasty, brutish, historians: individual and collective biography, and short." This seminar will explore the ways demography and family reconstruction in which European societies cared for their psycho-history, Marxism. indigent masses and, when poor relief was not Open to qualified juniors and seniors by forthcoming, how the poor responded to their permission of the instructor. plight and material suffering. By examining a Mr. Knudsen variety of literary sources, household budgets, documents of working class organizations,

342 (2) Seminar. Imperialism and and national legislation, the seminar will Dependency in the Third World address such issues as the impact of the Theoretical approaches to the economic and revisions of the British Poor Law in 1834, the political expansion of Europe and the United relationship between poverty and economic States since the 19th century. Analyzes the change in the Netherlands, and the

emergence of dependency relations in Africa, connection between pauperism and criminality Asia, and Latin America during the present in France in order to derive insights into the century. Discussion of development theory social conditions of the poor as well as the and its applications in contemporary Third origins of the contemporary welfare state. World history. Due attention to recent trends, Prerequisite: same as for 330.

such as the rise of oil prices and the growing Not offered in 1981-82. trend towards global interdependence. Ms. Gouda Prerequisite: same as for 330.

Mr. Saad 348 (1) Seminar. Women, Work and the Family in European History, 1700-present 345 (1) Seminar. Chinese History An exploration of the ways in which economic Normally a different topic each year. and social transformations between 1700 and Prerequisite: same as for 330. the present affected the lives of women, their

Not offered in 1981-82. work patterns, and modified their relative positions of power not only within the family

346 (2) Seminar. Chinese History but also within society at large. By placing Topic for 1981-82: Sino-American relations women within the context of the family from the late 19th century to the present. economy, topics to be discussed are Possible issues to be covered: the treatment demographic changes, household structures, of Chinese in California and U.S. exclusion the demand for female labor, and the legislation, the rhetoric and reality of the Open changing position of women within the Door, American intellectual and cultural organization of the family. influence on China in the 1920s and 1930s, Prerequisite: same as for 330. China and the U.S. as allies during World War Ms. Gouda II, American intervention in the Chinese civil war, McCarthyism and the re-emergence of 349 (1) Labor and Working Class Culture in anti-Chinese feeling in the 1950s, the Nixon Modern Europe opening and the renewal of diplomatic A comparative history of various European relations, current and future problems in Sino- nations-among them France, England, the Low American relations. Countries, and Germany-since the beginning Prerequisite: same as for 330. of industrialization. While the French Mr. Cohen Revolution changed the nature of political authority, industrialization, as it first occurred

in England during the 18th century, revolutionized many of the prevailing productive and social relationships. Emphasis will be placed on social and demographic developments, changes in social structure and the family, working class conditions, and popular culture. Open to juniors and seniors. Ms. Gouda 112 History

350 (1) (2) Research or Individual 367 (2) Seminar. Renaissance Florence It Study 1 or 2 is undoubtedly a golden age," wrote Marsilio Open by permission to juniors and seniors. Ficino in 1492, "which has restored to light the liberal arts that had almost been 355 (1-2) Intellectual History of the United destroyed: grammar, poetry, eloquence, States 1 or 2 painting, sculpture, architecture, and music. The ideas associated with the development of And all that in Florence." But the Florentine American culture as they are embodied in Renaissance was also a period of social political thought, religion, the arts, philosophy upheaval, political constriction, economic and social institutions from the colonial period depression, and religious uncertainty. In what to the present time. By permission of the ways did the social, political, and economic instructor either semester may be elected crises serve as the background and impetus independently. to the intellectual and artistic flowering? We Open to juniors and seniors. will approach this question by examining the structure of Florentine society, and in Not offered in 1981-82. particular the life and mentality of the Mrs. Preyer patrician families whose patronage and protection fueled the "golden age" of 356 (2) Seminar. The 1920s in America Florentine culture. Examination of American society in the Prerequisite: same as for 330. aftermath of a disastrous war. Among the major topics are political repression, Ms. Dyer presidential scandals, the retreat from political activism to narcissism and careerism and 368 (2) Seminar. Origins of the World Wars Babbitry as a dominant cultural norm. A comparative study of the literature and the historians' the coming of war in Consideration of the Crash of 1929 will debates about precede comparisons with the 1970s. 1914 and again in 1939. The alleged origins, of the precipitating Prerequisite: same as for 330. underlying some crises, and the roles of the various powers will Not offered in 1981-82. be examined. Special attention will be given to Mr. Auerbach the equivocal position of Great Britain in both

the pre World War I and pre World War II 360 (1)* Roman History years. Topic for 1981-82: The Collapse of the Roman Prerequisite: same as for 330. Republic. Survey of the Republic in a period of Mrs. Robinson stability (c. 200 B.C.); investigation of events

and personalities in its last century (c. 1 30 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 B.C. -31 B.C.) which led to its destruction. Open only to honors candidates. Topics include the nature and limitations of the Roman constitution, Roman imperialism and its social and economic consequences, Greek influences upon Rome, the impact of the volunteer army, and the rise of the great Cross-Listed Courses military leaders.

Prerequisite: 231 or permission of the Black studies 150(1) (2) b instructor. 1919 the Year of the New Negro Mr. Rash For description and prerequisite see Black Studies 151.

Black Studies 206 (1) Afro-American History For description and prerequisite see Black Studies 206.

Black Studies 207 (2) Afro-American History For description and prerequisite see Black Studies 207.

Black Studies 216(1) History of the West Indies For description and prerequisite see Black Studies 216. ,

History 113

Black Studies 319 (2) Majors are encouraged to focus eventually Pan-Africanism upon a special field of interest, such as (1) a For description and prerequisite see Black particular geographical area, nation, or Studies 319. culture; (2) a limited time period; (3) a special aspect of history, e.g., social, intellectual, Blacl( Studies 340 (2) economic; (4) a significant historical problem Seminar. Afro-American History or theme, e.g., revolution, cultural change, For description and prerequisite see Black urbanization, institutional development, Studies 340. colonialism. In designing a program, students should consider courses given at MIT and in Education 212(1) other departments at Wellesley. History of American Education The concept of the major should be discussed For description and prerequisite see with the major advisor, and students should Education 212. consult with their advisors about changes they may wish to make in the course of the junior Education 312 (2) and senior years. Seminar. History of Child Rearing and the Family The colloquia are available to freshmen and For description and prerequisite see sophomores without prerequisite. However, Education 312. since colloquia enrollments are limited, the instructor will decide which applicants are to Greek 328 (2)* be accepted in the event of over-subscription. Problems in Ancient History and Students are advised to consider alternate Historiography courses. For description and prerequisite see Greek Some seminar work is strongly encouraged of 328. all majors. Seminars, unless otherwise indicated, are open by permission of the Religion 203 (2)* instructor to qualified juniors and seniors. The Ancient Near East; An Introduction Notification of which applicants are to be For description and prerequisite see Religion accepted will be made no later than the 203. announced date for course changes without

fee in each semester. Religion 218(1)* Religion in America The general survey courses (100, 101, 102,

For description and prerequisite see Religion 103) and Grade II survey courses in classical 218. (229, 230, 231), American (257), Asian (271 275, 276), Middle Eastern (280, 284), and Religion 255 (2)* African (267, 268, 269) history are open to all Japanese Religion and Culture students without prerequisite. In addition, For description and prerequisite see Religion freshmen and sophomores with a strong 255. secondary school background in European history (ancient, medieval, or modern) may elect as a beginning course 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 242, 243, 244,

Directions for Election 245, 248, 258. Courses at the Grade I level, however, are strongly recommended for A wide variety of programs may provide students planning to major in history. insight into the nature and scope of history as a discipline. Accordingly, the student majoring in history is given great latitude in designing a program of study. Department offerings fall, for the most part, into three roughly defined areas: (1) the modern West (Europe since 1600, the United States, modern Russia); (2) the premodern West (ancient Greece and Rome, Europe before 1600, medieval and imperial Russia); and (3) the non-West (Africa, China, Japan, and the Third World). Majors

may elect courses freely, but it is strongly recommended that at least one unit be taken from each of these areas. (The department

chairman should be consulted if it is unclear into which area a particular course falls.) 114 Italian

Literature 207 (1) An Introduction to Italian and Culture of the Late Middle Ages and Italian the Renaissance An introduction to the Golden Age of Italian texts literature. Study and analysis of selected by authors such as Petrarch, Boccaccio, Assistant Professor: Poliziano, Michelangelo, Vittoria Colonna, Ellerman^, Jacoff*. Fontanella Machiavelli and Castiglione. Prerequisite: 203 or by permission of the Instructor; instructor. Mattii3 (Acting Chairman), Ciccarello listed, are Mrs. Mattii All courses, unless otherwise given in conducted in Italian, In all courses Italian Literature may be 208 (2) An Introduction to Italian, except seminars, some work and Culture of the Nineteenth and required in the laboratory. Twentieth Centuries may be recommended to Qualified students An introductory study of selected major poetic year in Italy. See p. 37. spend the junior and prose texts of the period. The course will Italian Leopardi, Manzoni, Attention is called to the major in discuss authors such as and Montale. Culture. See Directions for Election and Pascoli, Verga, Ungaretti, Svevo of the Individual Majors. Prerequisite: 207 or by permission instructor.

Mr. Fontanella

211 (1-2) Dante (in English) 2 Italian 2 100 (1-2) Elementary An introduction to Dante and his culture. This language skills for the Development of basic course presumes no special background and acquiring contemporary spoken purpose of attempts to create a context in which Dante's reading knowledge useful in the Italian and a poetry can be carefully explored. It A general view of study of other disciplines. concentrates on the Divine Comedy and Three periods. Italian civilization. Dante's use of his literary and philosophical encyclopedic The Staff sources. The centrality and paradigmatic nature of the Comedy make it a

I Ages. Since 202 (1) Intermediate Italian work for students of the Middle Review of grammar, syntax, and development Dante has profoundly influenced some key written of vocabulary. There will be short figures of the 19th and 20th centuries, spoken modern compositions and emphasis on the students will find that he illuminates variety of language with conversations on a literature as well. First semester may be the topics. The topics will be suggested by elected independently, second semester may the reading of a significant modern novel or be elected independently by permission of stories will selected short stories. The novel or instructor. articles which be supplemented by pertinent Open to all students. social clarify their themes in historical and Not offered in 1981-82. terms. Three periods. Prerequisite: 100 or the equivalent. Ms. Jacoff

Staff The 212 (2) Literature of the Italian Renaissance (in English) 203 (2) Intermediate Italian II the An opportunity to read certain key texts of Development and refinement of language Italian Renaissance in depth: Boccaccio's equal emphasis on written and oral skills, with Decameron, selected Petrarch letters and practice. A significant modern novel will be poems, Cellini's Autobiography, Castiglione's read.The novel will be the basis for class The Courtier and Machiavelli's Prince and discussion of cultural, historical and literary Discourses. The focus will be on stylistic and pertinent It will be supplemented by issues. issues and on the problems of this thematic articles and other shorter literary texts. In interpretation raised by these texts. fourth semester of Italian, there will also be a Open to all students. greater emphasis on critical and analytical 1981-82. reading of the novel. Three periods. Not offered in Prerequisite: 202 or the equivalent.

The Staff Italian 115

214 (2) Machiavelli (in English) 302 (1)* The Theatre in Italy An analysis of Machiavelli's thought in terms The development of the theatre from its of its political, cultural and methodological origins to the present time. An introduction to elements. The analysis will proceed according the classical theatre, the Commedia dell'Arte, to two complementary lines: reading and the Pastoral drama; special emphasis on the discussion of basic works (The Prince, modern theatre and experimental theatre of Discourses. Art of War. Letters, History of today. Study of plays by authors such as Florence): study of the historical context and Machiavelli, Tasso, Goldoni, Pirandello, Betti, cultural tradition in which the various themes and Fo. developed. Interpretation of reality, the Prerequisite: same as for 208. dichotomy between "virtu" and "fortune"; Not offered in 1981-82. force and persuasion; the role of the aggregate and of the individual "virtu." 303 (1)* The Short Story in Italy Through Evaluation of Machiavelli's intellectual the Ages revolution, the emergence of a new A study of the art of the "Novella" based on relationship between empirical observation readings by authors such as Boccaccio, and theoretical elaboration. The science of Saccetti, Verga, Pirandello, Calvino, and of significant politics. Discussion some Moravia. Attention will also be given to the historiographical interpretations. Also, content of these works as a reflection of particular attention to Machiavelli in relation to changing social mores. the intellectuals of his own time. Prerequisite: same as for 208. Open to all students. Not offered in 1981-82. Mrs. Mattii

308 (2) The Contemporary Novel 249 (2) Significant Moments in the History The study of Italian fiction since the 1940s as of Italian Culture (in En-slish) seen in the works by authors such as Pavese, This course is designed to supply a historical Pratolini, Vigano, Levi, Volponi, and novelists context in which certain major cultural of the 1970s. Special emphasis on themes movements and works of individual authors related to the literary, social, and cultural may be best studied. It follows a chronological problems of the postwar era. order, going from the 13th century up to the Prerequisite: same as for 208. modern period, with particular attention to the Ms. Ciccarello historical periods of greatest cultural importance, such as: the age of the city-state, 310 (1) Italian Lyric Poetry the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the Background and development of lyric poetry. Unification of Italy, Fascism and the Selected Medieval, Renaissance, and 19th- Resistance. The readings will include analysis century texts, with main emphasis on 20th- both of historical and literary texts. The course century poetry. serves to integrate the curriculum of study Prerequisite: same as for 208. offered by the Italian department but should offered in 1981-82. also be useful to students in other fields. Not Open to all students. Mr. Fontanella

Not offered in 1981-82. 312 (1) Chivalric Literature of the Italian Mrs. Mattii Renaissance Development of the Italian "romanzo 301 (1-2) Dante 2 cavalleresco" genre. Interdisciplinary A study of Dante's Divina Commedia and approach to its sources in French and English minor works. epic literature. Reading and analysis from Prerequisite: same as for 208. Pulci's Morgante, Bojardo's Orlando Not offered in 1981-82. Innamorato. Ariosto's Orlando Furioso. and Tasso's Gerusalemme Liberata. Study of Epic Literature in the context of Italian Renaissance culture and its linguistic background. Prerequisite: 207 or by permission of the instructor.

Mr. Fontanella 116 Mathematics

349 (2) Seminar. Literature and Society The works of one or two writers studied in Mathematics relation to their historical context. The author(s) will be chosen according to the interests of the participants in the course. Open by permission of the chairnnan. Professor: Ms. Mattii Wilcox Associate Professor: 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual Stehney*, Shuchat (Chairman), Shultz Study 1 or 2 Open by permission to students who have Assistant Professor: completed two units in literature in the Sontag, Wang», Beers, Magid*, Woiitzer*, department. Hirschhorn, Lawrence, Cook, Shall, Edwards, Criscenti3 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Open only to honors candidates. Mathematics: Roberts

Lecturer: Cross-Listed Courses Campbell^, Trubek

Extradepartmental 245 (2) Films and the Novel in Italy Most courses meet for two periods weekly For description and prerequisite see with a third period every other week. Extradepartmental 245.

100 (1) (2) Introduction to Mathematical Thought Topics chosen from areas such as strategies, Directions for Election computers, infinite sets, knots, coloring problems, number theory, geometry, group Course 100 is counted toward the degree but theory. Neither 100 nor 102 may be counted not toward the major. toward the major; both may be elected. Students majoring in Italian are required to Not open to students who have taken 115, take 207 and are advised to take 208. Courses 150, or the equivalent. in one or more other languages, ancient or The Staff modern, art, history, and philosophy, are recommended as valuable related work. 102 (1) (2) Applications of Mathematics Students interested in an individual major in without Calculus Italian Culture are referred to the section in Introduction to topics such as probability and the Catalog where the program is described. statistics, matrices and vectors, linear They should consult with the director of the programming, game theory; applications in the

Italian Culture program. 214 is strongly biological and social sciences. Neither 100 recommended and will count forward the nor 102 may be counted toward the major; major. both may be elected. Open to all students. Majors planning to do graduate work in Italian are advised to take at least one unit in French The Staff or Spanish literature and to have a reading knowledge of Latin or of a third Romance language. Mathematics 117

103 (1) Review of Algebra with an 150 (2) Colloquium

Introduction to Calculus I For directions for applying see p. 47. Open by This course is open to students who lack the permission to a limited number of freshman necessary preparation for 1 15. Mathematics and sophomore applicants. 103 together with 104 provides the equivalent Discovery course in mathematics and its of 1 plus a review of algebra, trigonometry 15 applications and logarithms necessary for work in calculus, Mathematical reasoning and its applications. fvlethods of problem solving; an emphasis on A discussion group in which students discover development of analytic and algebraic skills mathematical structure in several fields, and an introduction to calculus. 103 does not including not often recognized count toward the Group C distribution some as requirement. mathematical in nature. Topics chosen from: network analysis, mathematics in music and Open by permission of the department. art, graphing and interpretation of data, Ms. Campbell exponential growth, computer programming. Especially appropriate for students with an 104 (2) Review of Algebra with an interest in fields requiring quantitative Introduction to Calculus II reasoning but who might otherwise avoid This course is a continuation of 103 and these fields because of the mathematics includes further topics in pre-calculus and involved. Two 70-minute meetings and another calculus. A student who completes 104 will be 1-2 hour meeting weekly. Mandatory prepared to enter 1 16. credit/noncredit. May not be counted toward Prerequisite: 103. the major. Ms. Campbell Prerequisite: reasonable knowledge of high school level mathematics. Not open to those 115(1) (2) Calculus I who have taken 100 or calculus. Introduction to differential and integral Ms. Beers calculus for functions of one variable. Differentiation and integration of algebraic 203 (1) Probability and Elementary and transcendental functions. Applications to Statistics curve sketching, extremal problems, Topics selected from the theory of sets, velocities, related rates, areas, and linear discrete probability for both single and approximation. multivariate random variables, probability Open to all students who have not taken an density for a single continuous random equivalent course. variable, expectations, mean, standard The Staff deviation, and sampling from a normal population.

116(1) (2) Calculus II Prerequisite: 1 16 or the equivalent. Theoretical basis of limits and continuity. Mr. Hirschhorn, Mr. Shull Mean Value Theorem, inverse trigonometric functions. Further integration techniques. 205 (1) (2) Multivariable Vector Calculus Volumes of revolution. Sequences and series. Vectors, matrices, and determinants. Curves, L'Hospital's Rule and Improper Integrals. functions of several variables, partial and Prerequisite: 104 or 1 15, or the equivalent. directional derivatives, gradients, vector The Staff valued functions of a vector variable, Jacobian matrix, chain rule. Introduction to first-order differential equations. Prerequisite: same as for 203. Not open to students who have taken [215].

The Staff

206(1) (2) Linear Algebra Sets, functions, and relations. Algebra of complex numbers. Vector spaces, subspaces, linear independence, bases, dimension, inner products. Linear transformations, matrix representations, range and null spaces, inverses, eigenvalues. Applications to differential equations and Markov processes. Emphasis on proving theorems. Prerequisite: 205 or [215]. Not open to students who have taken [216].

The Staff 118 Mathematics

209 (1) (2) Methods of Advanced Calculus 303 (2) Elements of Analysis II Inverse and implicit function theorems. Topics such as measure theory, Lebesgue Multivariable integral calculus (multiple integration, Fourier series, and calculus on integrals, line integrals, Green's Theorem, manifolds. numerical methods). Topics such as Fourier Prerequisite: 302. series, approximation methods, partial Mr. Wilcox differential equations, and harmonic functions.

Prerequisite: same as for 206. 305 (1) Modern Algebraic Theory I The Staff Introduction to groups, rings, integral domains, and fields. 210(2) Differential Equations Prerequisite: same as for 302. An introductory course in ordinary differential Ms. Beers equations.

Prerequisite: same as for 206. 306 (2) Modern Algebraic Theory II Ms. Sontag, Ms. Lawrence Topics chosen from the theory of abstract vector spaces, Galois theory, field theory. 217 (1)* Topics in Mathematics and Prerequisite: 305. Economics Mr. Shull Applications of calculus and linear algebra to economic analysis. Topics selected from: 307 (1)' Topology linear and general optimization, input-output Introduction to point set, algebraic, and analysis, marginal analysis, analysis of market differential topology. Topological spaces, equilibrium and stability. (Additionally listed in continuity, connectedness, compactness, the Economics Department.) product spaces, separation axioms, Prerequisite: Economics 201 or 202 and homotopy, the fundamental group, manifolds. Mathematics [201], [215], or 205, or Prerequisite: 302. permission of the instructor. Not offered in 1981-82. Not offered in 1981-82. 309 (1)* Foundations of Mathematics 218 (2)* Topics in Applied Mathematics An introduction to the logical foundations of See Mathematics 318. modern mathematics, including set theory, the Not offered in 1981-82. cardinal and ordinal arithmetic, and axiom of choice.

249 (1) Selected Topics Prerequisite: 302 or 305. Topic for 1981-82: Operations research and Ms. Edwards systems analysis. The application of calculus,

linear algebra, and probability to decision- 310 (2) Functions of a Complex Variable making problems in management and Elementary complex functions and their government. Sample applications include the mapping properties; integration theory; series analysis of production policies, transportation expansions of analytic functions. and distribution networks, harvesting policies, Prerequisite: [216] or 209, and 302. facility location, traffic flow and waiting times. Mr. Hirschhorn Prerequisite: two Grade II level courses or permission of the instructor.

Mr. Shuchat

302 (1) Elements of Analysis I Metric spaces; compact, complete, and connected spaces; continuous functions; differentiation, integration, interchange of limit operations as time permits. Prerequisite: 206 or [216]. Ms. Cook Mathematics 119

318 (2) Topics in Applied Mathematics Examinations for exemption from one or two Topic for 1981-82: Mathematical modeling. courses in mathematics to satisfy partially the Translation of "real world problems" into College requirement in science and mathematical form (building a model), analysis mathematics will be offered to students who of the model, and interpretation of the results. have been well prepared in the subject matter

Mathematical techniques especially relevant of 1 15 and 116. Exemption examinations are for modeling will be applied to problems in not offered for other courses. areas such as public planning, demography, economics, energy, ecology, the physical sciences, and renewable resource management. Each student will develop a Directions for Election model of a significant contemporary problem as part of the course. Calculus and linear A major in mathematics must include 205 or algebra will be used throughout; probability, [215], 206 or [216], 209 or [216], 302, 305, and statistics, and differential equations will be either 303 or 310. Students expecting to major introduced as needed. Students should be in mathematics should complete 206 or [216] able to write simple computer programs or be before the junior year. It is desirable to take willing to learn this in extra sessions of the 303 in the same year as 302 and 306 in the course. same year as 305. In order to take 310, a Prerequisite: 206 or permission of the student must first complete 209 or [216] as instructor. well as 302.

Mr. Shultz For the Class of 1982, units of AP credit and courses 100, [101], 102, 103, and 150 may not 349 (2) Selected Topics be counted toward the minimum of eight units Normally a different topic each year. in the major.

Not offered in 1981-82. For the Class of 1983 and subsequent

classes, the major must include 115, 1 16 (or 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual the equivalent) and seven units of Grade II and Study 1 or 2 III courses. Open to juniors and seniors by permission. Students expecting to do graduate work in elect and 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 mathematics should 303, 306, 310 III also Open only to honors candidates who choose another Grade course. They are acquire a reading knowledge of one to do honors research. See Directions for advised to Election. or more of the following languages: French, German, or Russian.

Majors who may be practice teaching in their senior year should elect 302 and 303 or 310 Placement In Courses and not later than their junior year. Students are encouraged to elect MIT courses which are Exemption Examination not offered by the Wellesley College mathematics department. Note that 303 was Placement of calculus students in 103, 1 15, formerly called 302 (2) and 306 was formerly 116, or 205 is based on their previous courses All for honors will be and examination results. The elections of 305 (2). candidates following freshmen are reviewed by the department required to complete two of the and 310. The during the summer; those of upperclassmen three courses: 303, 306, department offers the following options for at the beginning of the semester. Students earning honors in the major field: (1) may not enroll in a course equivalent to one completion of 303, 306, 310 and one for which they have received high school or additional Grade III course, and two written college credit. A special examination is not comprehensive examinations; (2) two necessary for placement in an advanced course. semesters of thesis work (370); or (3) participation in a two-semester seminar and a Students entering with AP scores of 4 or 5 on written examination on the seminar topics. An the AB Examination, or 3 on the BC oral examination is required in all honors Examination of the are eligible for 1 16; CEEB programs. those entering with AP scores of 4 or 5 on the BC Examination of the CEEB are eligible for 205, 120 Music

100(1) (2) Style in IVIusic Music A survey of principal musical styles and forms of Western music, with emphasis on the period 1700 (Bach and Handel) to the turn of the last century (Moussorgsky, Debussy, and Stravinsky). Not to be counted toward the Professor: major. Two lectures and one section meeting. Herrmann, Jander (Chairman) Mr. Herrmann, Mr. Ladewig Associate Professor: Barry 106(2)* Afro-American Music Assistant Professor: A survey of Black music in America, its orgins, Ladewig, Brody, Proctor its development, and its relation to cultural social conditions. Lecturer: and Not to be counted toward the major in music. Tolkoff3, Davis3, Fisk^ Normally alternates with 104 and 105. Instructor in Performing Music: Open to all students. Taylor (organ), Pappoutsakis (harp), Preble Mr. Davis (flute), O'Donnell (voice). Plaster (bassoon and Assistant in Chamber Music Society), Hartzell 111 (1) (2) The Language of Music (viola da gamba and Assistant in the Collegium Instruction in simple musical skills, such as Musicum), Moran (French horn), Linfield the reading and writing of notation, in a (recorder and Assistant in the Collegium context that encourages students to discover Musicum), Cirillo (violin and Director of for themselves the ideas underlying musical Chamber Music Society), Arnold (guitar), Fisk perception, systems of notation, and the (piano), Cleverdon (harpsichord), Pearson elements of composition. Consideration of (oboe), Krueger (flute and Director of new ways of hearing and thinking about Performance Workshop), Shapiro (piano), music. Not to be counted toward the major. Tolkoff (Assistant in Chamber Music), Walant Two section meetings and one 60-minute (trombone), Stillman (Assistant in the class devoted to lecture or laboratory. Collegium Musicum), Wurtzler (double bass), Open to all students. Vaverka (clarinet), Barnes (viola), Beal (cello) Mr. Brody, Mrs. Proctor

115(1) Musicianship Cultivation of the ability to see and hear what 99 (1-2) Performing i\Ausic Noncredit is in a musical score through practice in One half-hour private lesson per week. reading, ear-training, and keyboard skills. Students may register for hour lessons for an Students develop a working understanding of additional fee. For further information, tonality through writing melodies, and through including fees, see Performing Music: Private reading and experiencing tonal works. Instruction. See also Music 344. Normally followed by 202. Two class meetings Open by interview with the performing music and one 60-minute laboratory. faculty member(s) concerned. A basic skills Open to all students who have passed the test is given to students wishing to enroll in basic skills test. Music 99. For those who do not pass this test, Miss Barry, Mrs. Proctor a corequisite to Music 99 is Music 111. Such students must pass the basic skills test before 200 (1-2) Design in Music 2 continuing with their second semester of A survey beginning with Gregorian chant and study. concluding with electronic music, with The Staff emphasis on live performance and on the incisive analysis of scores. One unit ofcredit may be given for the first semester. Three periods. Prerequisite: 202.

Mr. Jander .

Music 121

(2)* in 202 (2) Harmony I 214 American Music the Twentieth A continuation of 115. Further development of Century reading and listening skills. Figured bass: A number of topics, indicative of the diversity harmonic writing, analysis, and keyboard and richness of American music in this century realization. The study of classical tonal will be examined. Among the topics to be relationships. One lecture, two section considered will be: the confluence of European meetings, and one 60-minute laboratory. and American influences on 20th century Prerequisite: 115 or [102]. composition; European expatriots in America;

jazz; and music since World War II — serialism Miss Barry and the American transcendental school. Not to be counted toward the major in music. 204 (1)* Counterpoint I Normally alternates with 208, 209, and 210. Writing and analysis of 16th-century modal Prerequisite: for 208. counterpoint. A practical study based on the same as vocal music of the period. Offered in Mr. Brody alternation with 304. Open to students who have taken, or 215(1)* Vocal Forms exempted, 115 or [102]. Topic for 1981-82: The opera. The growth of the opera as a musical and dramatic form Mr. Brody from its beginnings in the early Baroque to the end of the 19th century. Works studied will 208 (2)* The Baroque Era cover the span from Monteverdi's Orfeo to Studies in the music of the 17th and early 18th Puccini's La Boheme. but particular emphasis centuries with emphasis on the works of Bach will be placed upon the operas of Mozart, and Handel. Not to be counted toward the Verdi, and Wagner. Not to be counted toward major in music. Normally alternates with 209, the major in music. 210, and 214. Prerequisite: same as for 208. Prerequisite: 100, 1 15, or [102]. Mr. Herrmann Not offered in 1981-82.

240 Proseminar in Performance 209 (1)* The Classical Era (2) Studies in performance and interpretation. Normally a different topic each year. Not to be Exploration of available repertory, editorial counted toward the major in music. Normally problems, and questions of performance alternates with 208, 210, and 214. practice in several historical periods through Prerequisite: same as for 208. the performance and analysis of a few 1981-82. Not offered in representative works. The study of a common repertory, shared by the entire class, will be 210 (2)* The Romantic Era supplemented by individual projects relating Normally a differenct topic each year. Not to directly to the student's own performance be counted toward the major in music. interests and needs. Limited enrollment. Open Normally alternates with 208, 209, and 214. by consultation and informal audition with the Prerequisite: same as for 208. instructor. Not offered in 1981-82. Prerequisite: 202.

Not offered in 1981-82. 211 (2)* Instrumental Music Normally a different topic each year. Not to be 251 (2)* Music in the Middle Ages counted toward the major in music. A survey of music in medieval society: Prerequisite: same as for 208. Christian chant and its offshoots; liturgical Not offered in 1981-82. drama; liturgical music at Notre Dame and elsewhere; the rise of secular lyric song; instrumental and dance music. Prerequisite: 200(1).

Mr. Ladewig

252 (2)* Music in the Renaissance Music at the courts and cathedrals of France, Italy, England, and Flanders during the 15th and 16th centuries. A study of the Masses, motets, madrigals, chansons, and instrumental works of composers from Dunstable and Dufay to Byrd and Gabrieli. Prerequisite: same as for 251

Not offered in 1981-82. Mr. Ladewig 122 Music

302(1) Harmony II 314 (2)* Tonal Composition The harmonization of melodies. Improvisation A study of tonal forms— the minuet, extended and elaboration of typical harmonic phrases. A song forms, and the sonata— through the continuation of figured bass studies with composition of such pieces within the style of emphasis on keyboard realization. Further their traditional models. Offered in alternation study in the structure of classical tonality. Two with 313. class meetings and one 60-minute laboratory. Prerequisite: same as for 304. Prerequisite: 202. Mr. Brody Mrs. Proctor 319 (2)* Seminar. The Nineteenth Century

304 (2)* Counterpoint II Normally a different topic each year. A Study of tonal counterpoint through written Open to students who have taken 200 and exercises based on examples from the works who have taken or are taking 306. of J. S. Bach. Additional study will devoted be Not offered in 1981-82. to developing an understanding of the role of counterpoint in classical tonal composition. 320 (1)* Seminar. The Twentieth Century Offered in alternation with 204. Topic for 1981-82: Opera in the 20th century, Prerequisite: 302. involving the study of works by Bartok, Britten,

Not offered in 1981-82. Berg, Schoenberg. Prerequisite: same as for 303. Mr. Brody Mrs. Proctor

306 (2) Tonal Analysis The normal continuation of 302. A study of the 321 (1)* Seminar. The Age of Bach and tonal forms of the 18th and 19th centuries. Handel Analysis emphasizing musical form as a Normally a different topic each year. process in time and tonality. Three class Prerequisite: 200 and 306. meetings and one 60-minute laboratory. Not offered in 1981-82. Prerequisite: 302.

Mrs. Proctor 322 (2)* Seminar. The Classical Era Topic for 1981-82: The art of development. An 307 (1)* The Opera investigation of developmental procedures A study of operatic forms, styles, and employed by Haydn and Beethoven through a traditions from the time of Mozart to the study of selected works by these composers. present. Prerequisite: same as for 321. Prerequisite: 200 or, with permission of the Miss Barry instructor, two Grade II units in the literature of music. 323 (1)* Seminar. Selected Topics Topic for 1981-82: birth of the Not offered in 1981-82. The Baroque style in Italy in works such as the operas of Mr. Herrmann Monteverdi and the keyboard music of Frescobaldi. The spread of this new music 313 (1)* Twentieth-Century Analysis and style beyond the Alps to Germany (Schuetz), Composition France (Lully), and England (Purcell). An A study of compositional devices of 20th- appraisal of Bach and Handel as the century music through the analysis of culmination of a century and a half of Baroque selected short examples from the literature. music. Techniques will be reinforced by the Prerequisite: same as for 319. composition of solo and small ensemble pieces, vocal and instrumental. Offered in Mr. Ladewig alternation with 314. Prerequisite: same as for 204.

Not offered in 1981-82. Mrs. Proctor Music 123

344 (1) (2) Performing Music— A Special Directions for Election Program 1 or 2 Intensive study of interpretation and of The normal music major sequence is 115, advanced technical performance problenns in 202, 200 (1-2), 302, and 306. Also required for the literature. One hour lesson per week plus the major are four additional units of Grade II

required biweekly performance workshop. or Grade III work in courses designed for the Music 344 is a special program whereby music major. Two of these units must be in students receive academic credit for work music literature; at least one of the literature done in performing music at Wellesley units must be Grade III work. Students who College. One to four units may be counted major in music are encouraged to explore toward the degree provided at least two units their special areas of interest; composition, in the literature of music other than Music 200 literature, performance, or theory. for 344, are completed. (1-2), a prerequisite Students who plan to undertake graduate of these units must be Grade III work, the One study in music should be aware that a other either Grade III or Grade II work which knowledge of both German and French is the major. Music 344 should counts toward essential for work at that level, and a ordinarily follow or be concurrent with such proficiency in Italian is highly desirable. Also in the literature of music; not more courses of value are studies in European history, unit of 344 may be elected in than one literature, and art. advance of election of these courses. Only Music majors are especially urged to develop one unit of 344 may be elected per semester. their musicianship through the acquisition of Permission to elect the first unit of 344 is basic keyboard skills, through private granted only after the student has instruction in practical music, and through successfully auditioned for the department involvement in the Music Department's faculty upon the written recommendation of various performing organizations. the instructor in performing music. This audition ordinarily takes place in the second Training in sight reading, keyboard harmony, semester of the sophomore or junior year. and score reduction is provided without Permission to elect subsequent units is charge to all students enrolled in 115, 202, granted only to a student whose progress in 302, or 306. 344 is judged excellent. The department offers a choice of three The Staff programs for Honors, all entitled 370. Under

Program I (two to four units of credit) the

350 (1) (2) Research or Individual honors candidate performs independent Study 1 or 2 research leading to a thesis and an oral

Directed study in analysis, composition, examination. Under Program II, honors in orchestration, or the history of music. composition, one unit is elected per semester Open to qualified juniors and seniors by in the senior year, these units culminating in a permission. composition of substance and an oral examination on the honors work. Prerequisite 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 for this program: 204, 306, distinguished work Open only to honors candidates who choose in 313, and evidence of independent work in to do honors research, or an honors project in 314; prerequisite or corequisite: 320. Program

composition or in performance. See III, honors in performance, involves the Directions for Election. election of one unit per semester in the senior year culminating in a recital, a lecture demonstration, and an essay on some aspect

of performance. Prerequisites for Program III: Music 344 (normally two units) in the junior year, and evidence that year, through public performance, of exceptional talent and accomplishment. 124 Music

Performing Music first week of the semester. Students may begin their performing music study at the start

of the second semester only if space permits. Instrument Collection In addition to a nunnber of modern instruments, the music department owns an unusually fine collection of early instruments, Performing Organizations largely reproductions, available for use by students. These include a clavichord, virginal, The following six organizations are a vital two harpsichords, a positive organ, fortepiano, extension of the academic program of the and two Clementi pianos; a lute, eight violas Wellesley music department. da gamba, and a baroque violin; a sackbut, krummhorns, shawms, recorders, a The Wellesley College Choir Choir, with renaissance flute, two baroque flutes, and a The Wellesley College members, gives concerts on baroque oboe. Of particular interest is the new approximately 80 off during the academic year, Fisk organ in Houghton Chapel, America's and campus of with choirs. Endowed first 17th-century German style organ. many them men's funds provide for at least one joint concert Performance Workshop each year accompanied by a professional A biweekly performance workshop, directed orchestra. by a member of the performing music faculty, gives performing music students an The Wellesley Madrigal Singers are chorus of opportunity to perform in an informal situation The Madrigal Singers a chamber before fellow students and faculty, to discuss about 25 mixed voices. The organization the music itself, and to receive helpful elects its own student director. comments concerning performance. Required The Collegium Musicum for 344 students, the workshop is open to directed by a faculty Wellesley students who study performing The Collegium Musicum, member and several assistants, specializes in music at Wellesley and elsewhere, on the the performance of early music. Members of recommendation of their instructor. the Collegium enjoy the use of an unusually Private Instruction fine collection of historical instruments. See The music department offers private under Performing Music: Instrument instruction in voice, piano, fortepiano, organ, Collection. harpsichord, harp, violin, viola, cello, double Separate consort instruction is available in bass, viola da gamba, flute (baroque and viola da gamba, renaissance winds, and modern), oboe, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, recorder for both beginning and advanced French horn recorder, lute, and classical players. Members of such groups are guitar. encouraged to take private instruction as well. Information concerning interviews, auditions, The Music Society and course requirements for performing Chamber The Chamber Music Society, supervised by a music study is given above under the course faculty member and assistants, presents three listings for Music 99 and 344. Interviews for concerts each year, plus a number of diverse, Music 99 are ordinarily given at the start of informal programs. the first semester only; the basic skills test is given before the beginning of both semesters. The Wellesley College Chamber Orchestra is for There no charge performing music The Wellesley College Chamber Orchestra is a instruction to students enrolled in Music 344. student-directed organization consisting of All other students who contract for performing approximately 30 members. Its concerts music instruction are charged $350 for one include works from several periods for small lesson per week throughout the year. An orchestra, with possibilities for solo additional fee of $25 per year is charged to performance. performing music students for the use of a practice studio. The fee for the use of a The MIT Orchestra practice studio for harpsichord and organ is Through the Wellesley-MIT cross-registration $35. Performing music fees are payable in program, students on the Wellesley campus advance and can be returned or reduced only are eligible to audition for membership in the under limited conditions and upon the MIT Symphony Orchestra. Wellesley members approval of the chairman of the Department of of the orchestra have often held solo Music. positions.

Arrangements for lessons in performing music are made at the department office during the Philosophy 125

150(1) Colloquium Philosophy For directions for applying see p. 47. Open by permission to a limited number of freshman and sophomore applicants.

Darwin, Marx, and Freud: pioneers of modern Professor: thought Stadler, Putnam (Chairman), Chaplin, An introduction to the thought of three 19th- Congleton century thinkers who have provided the historical for the contemporary Visiting Professor: framework will placed on their Maclntyre, Henry R. Luce Visiting Professor period. Emphasis be interpretations of human nature and history. A Associate Professor: specific interest of this colloquium will be the Menkiti psychological process of discovery, the Assistant Professor: origins of new ideas, and the process of social Janik3, Flanagan, Winkler acceptance and assimilation of ideas which may appear to threaten the intellectual 101 (1) (2) Plato's Dialogues as an establishment. Introduction to Philosophy Not offered in 1981-82. An introduction to philosophy through a study of Plato's views of the nature of man and Mrs. Chaplin society, and of the nature of philosophical inquiry as found in the early and middle 200 (1) (2) Modern Sources of dialogues taking Socrates as their central Contemporary Philosophy of the of Descartes, Hume, and concern. Some consideration will be given to A study work Aristotle. Kant. The course is intended to introduce students to the most influential philosophers Open to all students. of modern times. Key concepts, terms and Ms. Congleton, Mr. Winkler, Mrs. Chaplin, Mr. arguments used by philosophers from the 17th Maclntyre century to the present day will be discussed. The course also provides preparation for more 106 (1) (2) Introduction to Moral Philosophy advanced work both in contemporary An examination of the methods by which philosophy and in the history of modern intelligent moral decisions are made through philosophy. an examination of the views of several major Open to all students except freshmen in the figures in the history of moral philosophy. An first semester. attempt to develop the capacity to recognize and critically analyze philosophical arguments Mr. Flanagan pertinent to the resolution of concrete contemporary issues. 201 (1) Philosophy and the Scientific Revolution Open to all students. During the 17th and 18th centuries, Mr. Maclntyre, Mrs. Putnam, Mr. Winkler, Mr. philosophical theories about knowledge, Flanagan, Ms. Congleton reasoning, nature and reality influenced the work of practising scientists; and the successes of mathematics, physics, and later biology, led philosophers to develop new ideas and raise new questions. The course will study this interaction through readings from Galileo, Bacon, Descartes, Newton, Berkeley, Leibniz and Diderot. Open to all students except first semester freshmen.

Mrs. Janik 126 Philosophy

211 Philosophy of Religion Introduction to African Philosophy (2) 202(2)* problems regarding philosophical An examination of basic Initiation into basic African the nature of religion, the grounds of religious concepts and principles. The first part of the and the character of ritual, with with a systematic interpretation belief, course deals and contemporary African attention to both traditional of such questions as the Bantu positions. philosophical concept of Muntu and related Prerequisite; same as for 203. beliefs, as well as Bantu ontology, metaphysics, and ethics. The second part Mr. Menkiti centers on the relationship between Mind philosophy and ideologies and its implications 215 (1) Philosophy of political, religious, and for discussion include the mind-body in Black African social, Topics will/determinism; the problems of economic institutions. The approach will be relation; free mind and other comparative. knowledge of one's own of unconscious Prerequisite: same as for 203. minds; the problems motivation; the relation between mind and Not offered in 1981-82. brain. Readings include Descartes, Freud, Mr. Menkiti Skinner, Chomsky, Piaget. sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Offered in 1982-83. Open to Mr. Flanagan 203 (1) Philosophy of Art of some major theories of art An examination 216(1) (2) Logic on the clarification and art criticism. Emphasis An introduction to the methods of symbolic style, meaning, and of such key concepts as logic and their application to arguments in judgments and truth, and on the nature of ordinary English. Discussion of validity, and arguments about artistic beauty implication, consistency, proof, and of such excellence. topics as the thesis of extensionality and the have taken one unit in Open to freshmen who nature of mathematical truth. sophomores, juniors, and Not philosophy, and to Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. seniors without prerequisite. recommended for freshmen.

Mrs. Stadler Mrs. Putnam, Mr. Winkler Convention 205 (2) Nature and 217 (2) Philosophy of Science life depends on changeable of the How much of our A study of problems in the philosophy on social convention and how much natural and social sciences, such as the The first half of the of unchangeable necessity? growth of scientific knowledge, the reality short readings from course will be based on theoretical entities, space and time, purpose how the question of various fields showing in nature, and the explanation of human connection with such convention arises in action. Readings in both classical and and questions as the relation of thought contemporary sources. definition, and language, the basis of sex role Prerequisite: same as for 203. the ways judges reach and justify their Mr. Winkler decisions. The second half of the semester 20th will be a study of convention by the in 221 (2) History of Modern Philosophy century philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. the Nineteenth Century Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors A study of Post-Enlightenment philosophy, prerequisite. without concentrating on the German tradition. Ms. Congleton Selected texts from Hegel, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche will illustrate the themes of 210 (1) Social Philosophy reason, history, and human nature. Some key issues in social of An exploration of some attention will also be given to the thought focus on such topics as philosophy which will John Stuart Mill and Auguste Comte. the the nature and value of community; Prerequisite: 200 or 201 or other previous coercion and the moral the grounds for social study of Kant accepted as equivalent by collective versus legitimacy of group rules; instructor. individual rationality; the responsibilities of between Mrs. Janik persons in their roles; and obligations generations. Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors without prerequisite.

Mr. Menkiti Philosophy 127

222 (1) American Philosophy 249(1) Medical Ethics The development of American philosophy from A philosophical examination of some central

its beginnings as an attempt to come to terms problems at the interface of medicine and with Puritanism, through the response to ethics. Exploration of the social and ethical revolution and slavery and the development of implications of current advances in biomedical Transcendentalism, to its culmination in research and technology. Topics discussed Pragmatism. Pragmatism, exemplified by will include psychosurgery, gendersurgery, Peirce, James, and Dewey, as America's genetic screening, amniocentesis, euthanasia. unique contribution to world philosophy Prerequisite: same as for 203. roughly half of the course. This occupies Mr. Menkiti course is intended for American studies majors as well as for philosophers. 302 (1) Kant or Prerequisite: 200 or 201 by permission of Intensive studies in the philosophy of Kant the instructor. with some consideration of his position in the Mrs. Putnam history of philosophy. Prerequisite: 200. Existentialism 223 (2) Phenomenology and Mrs. Stadler Central themes in contemporary European philosophy with special emphasis on the 304 (2) The Theory and Practice of contributions of Sdren Kierkegaard, Edmund Metaphor Husserl, Martin Heidegger, and Jean-Paul A "discovery course," tracing the function of Sartre. metaphor in literature, the sciences, and other previous of Prerequisite: 200 or study human creativity in general. Theoretical Kant accepted as equivalent by the instructor. analysis of metaphorical thinking as well as Mrs. Stadler studies of the role of some specific metaphors in past and present will be included.

227 (2) Feminism, Anti-Feminism and Prerequisite: one Grade II course, preferably

Philosophy 200 or 201 , or permission of the instructor. Study of the range of feminist and anti- Mrs. Janik feminist theories developed in the course of Western history from Plato to the present. 311 (1)* Plato will especially on Emphasis be placed Two issues in Platonic philosophy will be discovering what values and concepts emphasized. The so-called "Socratic underlie anti-feminist theories and attitudes. paradox" which holds that no one knowingly Some recent discussions of the possibility of does evil and the theory of "forms" or changing traditional values and concepts so "Platonic ideas." Offered in alternation with as to reflect women's equality will also be 312. examined. Prerequisite: 101 or Greek 201. Open to all students without prerequisite. Not offered in 1981-82. Mrs. Janik Ms. Congleton

234 (2) Philosophy of History Offered in 1982-83. An introduction both to speculative and analytical philosophy of history. The course 312(1)* Aristotle will first study some attempts at Intensive study of the thought of Aristotle demonstrating the existence of patterns or through detailed reading of selected texts. general laws in the human past, then examine Attention will be given especially to those the main problems engendered in the process works which present Aristotle's picture of of translating historical events into written nature, human nature, and society. Aristotle's form, in particular the nature of historical influence on subsequent science and explanation and the possibility of historical philosophy will be discussed briefly. Offered in objectivity. alternation with 31 1. Prerequisite: same as for 203. Prerequisite: 101 or Greek 201.

Not offered in 1981-82. Mrs. Janik Mrs. Janik 128 Philosophy

326 (2) Philosophy of Law 335 (1) Theory of Meaning A systematic consideration of fundamental A study of some contemporary discussions of

issues in the conception and practice of law. what it might mean to say language has Such recurrent themes in legal theory as the "meaning" in addition to grammatical nature and function of law, the relation of law structure. Theories to be discussed include to morality, the function of rules in legal the reference theories of such philosophers as reasoning, and the connection between law Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell, Hilary and social policy are examined. Clarification Putnam, and Saul Kripke, and the of such notions as obligation, power, contract, transformational theories of Noam Chomsky liability, and sovereignty. Readings will cover and the interpretive and generative the natural law tradition and the tradition of semanticists. legal positivism, as well as such contemporary Prerequisite; 216 or equivalent study of logic. writers as Hart and Fuller. Ms. Congleton Open to qualified juniors and seniors, or by permission of the instructor. 336 (1) Contemporary Analytic Philosophy Mr. Menkiti A study of contemporary philosophy in the English-speaking world. Points of contact with

327 (2) Seminar. Ideas of Progress and the philosophical tradition and philosophy on Perfection the European continent will be emphasized. The aim is to discover what exactly is at issue Among the topics: language and the world, in discussions of the debts which the arts, philosophical method, moral psychology, the sciences, and philosophies of the 20th century self, skepticism, relativism. owe to their respective historical antecedents. Prerequisite: 200. seminar will in The examine texts the history Mr. Winkler of art, science, and philosophy with a view to clarifying the of measure agreement between 338 (1) Justice: The Proper Balance of different answers to the questions of what Liberty and Equality progress is and how it is to be assessed. Intensive study of John Rawls' A Theory of Readings will include Gombrich, Lakatos, and Justice as one attempt to clarify our thinking Collingwood. Offered jointly with MIT 21 .367. concerning the apparently conflicting Open to juniors and seniors by permission of demands for greater equality and more the instructor. extensive liberty put forward by various Mrs. Stadler, Mr. Kibe! (MIT) groups in a democratic society. Attention will be paid to some of the major areas of conflict, 328 (2) Problems in Twentieth-Century Art e.g., affirmative action, the ERA, the welfare and Philosophy state, as well as to some of the philosophical Twelve major painters of the last 100 years, responses to and clarifications of A Theory of from Manet to Olitski, will be studied. Equal Justice. emphasis will be given to their stylistic Prerequisite: one course in moral or social development through a close study of individ- philosophy or in political theory, or permission ual paintings and to the critical issues raised of the instructor. by their work especially as these issues relate Mrs. Putnam to the history of Modernist thought. Readings will include writings of the artists themselves, 339 (2) Contemporary Ethical Theory as well as relevant critical and philosophical Questions to be studied include: Are moral texts. Offered jointly with MIT 21 .980. values discovered or invented? If there are Open by permission of the instructor. objective values how do we come to know

Mrs. Stadler, Mr. Ablow (Boston University) them, and if there aren't, where does the sense of moral obligation come from? What is the nature of moral (practical) reasoning? What is the point of morality? Readings will be taken primarily from the works of 20th century philosophers. Prerequisite: one course in Philosophy or permission of the instructor. Mrs. Putnam . , , Philosophy 129

345 Philosophy and the Human (2) Extradepartmental 341 Sciences (1) Epistemological Crises A critical study of some major philosophical For description and prerequisite see issues raised by the advent of sociobiology, Extradepartmental 341 psychology, and anthropology as sciences. Issues to be addressed are: Are there any Extradepartmental 342 (2) essential differences between the human and Seminar. Moral and Political Philosophy and the natural sciences? Can the human the Emergence of Modernity sciences give objective value-free knowledge? For description and prerequisite see To what extent do the human sciences Extradepartmental 342. conceal political ideologies? What are the implications of the human sciences for our conceptions of human nature, values, and culture? Case studies include Freud's psychoanalysis, Wilson's sociobiology, Directions for Election psychology, and Milton Kohlberg's moral Beginning with the Class of 1982, philosophy economic theory Friedman's majors are expected to elect at least two permission of the instructor. Open by courses from each of the following three Mr. Flanagan areas:

A. (Historical): 101 , 200, 201 , 202, 205, 221 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual 222,223,302,311,312 Study 1 or 2 B. (Value Theory): 106, 202, 203, 210, 21 1 Open to juniors and seniors by permission. 227, 249, 326, 328, 338, 339, 342 C. (Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge): 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 202, 205, 215, 216, 217, 234, 304, 327, 335, Open only to honors candidates. For alternate 336,341, 345 honors programs see Directions for Election. Philosophy 200 is required of all philosophy

majors; 216 is strongly recommended to students who plan to do graduate work in Cross-Listed Courses philosophy. A knowledge of Greek, French, or German is desirable. Students planning graduate work in Education 102(1) philosophy should acquire a reading Education in Philosophical Perspective knowledge of two of these languages. For description and prerequisite see Education 102. The department offers the following options for earning honors in the major field: (1) Extradepartmental 119(2)* writing a thesis or a set of related essays; (2) a History of Science: Scientific Ideas and World two-semester project which replaces the Views thesis with some of the activities of a teaching For description and prerequisite see assistant; (3) a program designed particularly Extradepartmental 119. for students who have a general competence and who wish to improve their grasp of their Extradepartmental 226 (1) major field by independent study in various History of Science: Historical Foundations of sectors of the field. A student electing option Modern Science (2) will decide, in consultation with the For description and prerequisite see department, in which course she will Extradepartmental 226. eventually assist and, in the term preceding her teaching, will meet with the instructor to Extradepartmental 272 (2) discuss materials pertinent to the course. Moral Theory and Moral Change Option (3) involves selecting at least two For description and prerequisite see related areas and one special topic for Extradepartmental 272. independent study. When the student is ready, she will take written examinations in her two areas and, at the end of the second term, an oral examination focusing on her special topic. 130 Physical Education and Athletics

Season 1. Scheduled in first half of first Physical semester Aerobic Running I Canoeing Education and Crew Exercise and Weight Control Golf Atiiletics Horseback Riding Jazz Sailing Soccer Professor: Softball Vaughan (Chairman) Swimming Associate Professor: Tennis Batchelder Volleyball Assistant Professor: Season 2. Scheduled in second half of first Bauman, Cochran*, Tennin^, Moulton semester

Aerobic Running I Instructor: Archery Cooper, Dale, Diekema, Ford, Paul, HansaS, Badminton Samelson^, Katz3 Normandeau^, Rogers^, CPR Town 3 Diving Exercise and Weight Control 121 (1-2) Physical Education Activities Fencing The instructional progrann in physical Field Hockey - Officiating education is divided into four seasons, two First Aid each semester. To complete the College work Folk Dance in physical education a student must earn 8 Horseback Riding credit points. Students are strongly urged to Jazz earn the 8 credits by the end of the Squash sophomore year. These credit points do not Swimming count as academic units toward the degree, Table Tennis but are required for graduation. Most activities Volleyball give 2 credit points each season, but certain activities give 3 or more credit points. Each (2) activity is divided into skill levels to provide Scheduled throughout the second instruction in homogeneous groups. Special semester fees are charged for a few courses and are listed in the course descriptions. More Ballet detailed information on specific course Conditioning offerings, skill levels, prerequisites, and Composition and Improvisation numbers of points may be found in the Jazz Department of Physical Education and Modern Dance Athletics Curriculum Handbook which is sent Scuba to entering students and is distributed to each Self Defense student prior to registration. The total program Sports Medicine Seminar continued of activities offered in 1981-82 in very general Swimming terms follows. WSI Yoga

(1) Season 3. Scheduled in first half of second Scheduled throughout the first semester semester Advanced Life Saving and Aquatic Safety Badminton Ballet Cross-Country Skiing Conditioning CPR First Aid Downhill Skiing Jazz Exercise and Weight Control Modern Dance Fencing Scuba First Aid Self Defense Folk Dance Sports Medicine Seminar Horseback Riding Swimming Jazz Yoga Lacrosse: Skills and Conditioning Physical Education and Athletics 131

Lacrosse - Officiating Directions for Election Squash Swimming Each student is expected to complete a Table Tennis minimum of two seasons a year until Physical Volleyball Education 121 is completed. A student may elect a course which is scheduled throughout Season 4. Scheduled in second half of second semester a semester, two courses concurrently, or may choose not to elect a course during some Aerobic Running I Archery seasons. Canoeing Students should select courses which meet CPR their present and projected interests in

Crew physical activities. It is hoped that students Exercise and Weight Control will gam knowledge of the relation of physical Field Hockey activity to the maintenance of general well- First Aid being; that they will achieve a level of ability, Golf understanding, and participation in sports, Horseback Riding dance, and/or exercise so that they may Jazz experience satisfaction and enjoyment; and Sailing that they will be able to swim with sufficient Soccer skill to participate safely in recreational Softball swimming and boating. Squash A student's choice of activity is subject to the Swimming approval of the department and the College Tennis Health Services. Upon recommendation of a Volleyball College physician and permission of the department, a student who has a temporary or Intercollegiate Program permanent medical restriction may enroll in a There are opportunities for those who enjoy modified program. competition to participate in one of the in physical intercollegiate teams presently sponsored by Students may continue to enroll education after Physical Education 121 is the Department of Physical Education and faculty elect Athletics. completed. Members of the may activities with permission of the department. These teams include: Basketball Crew Fencing Field Hockey Lacrosse Soccer Squash Swimming and Diving Tennis Volleyball

Cross-Listed Courses

Theatre studies 235(1) Looking at Ballet For description and prerequisite see Theatre Studies 235.

Theatre Studies 236 (2) Looking at Modern Dance For description and prerequisite see Theatre Studies 236. 132 Physics

103 (1) Contemporary Problems in Physics Physics Consideration of selected aspects of physics and physical concepts in their relationship to contemporary societal problems. Topic for 1981-82: Physics of whales and porpoises. Various aspects of these unusual mammals Professor: will be explored and viewed in the light of the Fleming (Chairman), Brown physical principles they embody. Areas Assistant Professor: covered include: diving, acoustics, and Ducas, Marshall movement through fluids. Each student will Laboratory Instructor: write a final paper on a particular topic. Benson^, Sweeney^, Cope^ Laboratory in alternate weeks. Not to be counted toward the minimum major, or to All courses meet for two periods of lecture fulfill entrance requirement for medical weekly and all Grade I and Grade II courses school. have one three-hour laboratory unless Open to all students. otherwise noted. Mr. Ducas

104 (1) Basic Concepts in Physics I Mechanics including: statics, dynamics, and conservation laws. Introduction 100 (2) Musical Acoustics to waves. Production, propagation and perception of Discussion meetings in alternate weeks. sound waves in music; emphasis on Open to all students who do not offer physics understanding of musical instruments and the for admission and by permission of the means of controlling their sound by the instructor to juniors and seniors who offer for performer. No laboratory. Each student will physics admission. write a term paper applying physical Prerequisite or corequisite: Mathematics 115. principles to a particular field of interest. Not Ms. Marshall to be counted toward the minimum major, or to fulfill entrance requirement for medical 105 (1) General Physics I school. Elementary mechanics and applications to Open to all students except those who took gravitation and planetary motions; 102 in 1979-80. introduction to wave phenomena; a special Ms. Brown topic of classical physics, such as thermodynamics; fluids. Discussion meetings

101 (2)* Physics in Perspective in alternate weeks. Open to students who A qualitative overview of the evolution of offer physics for admission and are not physics from classical to modern concepts. elgible for 110. An introduction to the methodology and Prerequisite or corequisite: Mathematics 115. language of physics. Laboratory in alternate Mr. Roberts weeks. Not to be counted toward minimum major, or to fulfill entrance requirement for 106 (2) Basic Concepts in Physics II medical school. Electricity and magnetism; wave phenomena Open to all students. and optics. Discussion meetings in alternate weeks. Not offered in 1981-82. Prerequisite: 104 and Mathematics 115.

102 (2) Musical Acoustics with Laboratory Ms. Marshall Same description as 100 except the course is offered with laboratory in alternate weeks and 107 (2) General Physics II the students will write a shorter term paper. Electricity and magnetism; wave phenomena Not to be counted toward the minimum and optics. Discussion meetings in alternate major, or to fulfill entrance requirement for weeks. medical school. Prerequisite: 105 and Mathematics 115, or Open to all students except those who took permission to students who offer physics for 102 in 1979-80. admission.

Ms. Brown Mr. Roberts Physics 133

110 (1) Advanced General Physics 305 (2)* Thermodynamics An intensive course which includes forces on The laws of thermodynamics; kinetic theory particles in gravitational, electric, and of gases; statistical mechanics. nnagnetic fields; rotational motion; wave Prerequisite: 106 or 1 10, and one Grade II motion; simple circuits. A student who course; 216 or Mathematics 205 or [201] or successfully completes 110 is eligible for [215].

Grade II work in physics. Discussion Not offered in 1981-82. meetings in alternate weeks. offer Open to students who physics for 306 (1) Mechanics admission and have completed Mathematics A vector analytical presentation of Newtonian 115. mechanics including central fields, rotational Miss Fleming motion, and small vibrations; Lagrange's equations.

201 (2) Electricity and Magnetism Prerequisite: 201 or 202; 216; or permission Fundamental laws of electric and magnetic of the instructor. fields; electric circuits; electric and magnetic Ms. Marshall properties of matter. Laboratory includes practice in the use of the oscilloscope and 314 (2) Electromagnetic Theory other measuring instruments. Maxwell's equations, boundary value Prerequisite: 106 or 110, and Mathematics problems, special relativity, electromagnetic 116. waves, and radiation. Miss Fleming Prerequisite: 201 and 306, and 216 or Mathematics 205 or [215]. 202 (1) Optical Physics Ms. Brown Wave theory as applied to optical diffraction, phenomena. Interference, 321 (1) Quantum Mechanics coherence, polarization, dispersion, Interpretative postulates of quantum resolution. Introduction to modern optics mechanics; solutions to the Schroedinger including lasers and holography. equation; operator theory; perturbation Prerequisite: same as for 201. theory; scattering; matrices. Ms. Brown Prerequisite: 204 or [200] and Mathematics 210; 306 or 314 are strongly recommended. 204 (2) Modern Physics Ms. Brown Basic principles of relativity and quantum theory, and of atomic and nuclear structure. 349 (2)* Selected Topics Prerequisite: 106 or 110, and Mathematics Advanced topics of mutual interest to faculty 115. and students. Topic for 1981-82: Modern Mr. Ducas Spectroscopy. Students will report on topics of special interest.

222 (1) Medical Physics Prerequisite: 204. Biological applications of physics. Such areas Mr. Ducas as mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and thermodynamics will be investigated. No 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual laboratory. Study 1 or 2 Prerequisite: 106 or 110, and Mathematics Open by permission to juniors and seniors. 115, or permission of the instructor. (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 Mr. Ducas 370 Open only to honors candidates.

249 (1)* Selected Topics Topics selected from areas not covered in the general physics courses. Normally a different topic each year. No laboratory. Cross- Listed Courses Prerequisite: 106 or 110 and 216 or Mathematics 116 or the equivalent, or Extradepartmental 216 (2) permission of the instructor. Mathematics for the Physical Sciences Not offered in 1981-82. For description and prerequisite see Extradepartmental 216. 134 Political Science

Directions for Election Political Credit will be given for only one of the following courses: 104, 105, 110.

A major in physics should ordinarily include Science 201, 202, 204 or [200], 306, 314, and 321. Extradepartmental 216 or Mathennatics 209, or [216] is an additional requirennent. One unit of another laboratory science is Professor: reconnmended. Miller, Schechter (Chairman), Stettner, Keohane A reading knowledge of two of the following

languages is desirable for students planning Visiting Professor: to attend graduate school: French, German, Heer3 Russian. Associate Professor: Just

Assistant Professor: Delessert^, Paarlberg*, Sheppard^, Krieger, Exemption Examination Sanchez-Jankowski, Joseph, Murphy

An examination for exemption from Physics Instructor: 110 is offered to students who present one Lewis admission unit in physics. Students who pass Lecturer: this examination will be eligible for Grade II EntmacherS, Leymaster3, Wasserspring3 work in physics. No unit of credit will be given for passing this examination.

101 (1) (2) Introduction to Politics Study of political conflict and consensus, or "who gets what, when, and how." Topics include ways in which political systems deal with problems of leadership, economic development, social and racial inequality. Comparison of democratic and authoritarian systems, including the United States, Great Britain, Nazi Germany, and the People's Republic of China. Emphasis on the relationship between political thought, institutions, and policy problems. Readings from Rousseau, Madison, Mill, Hitler, Marx, Lenin, and Mao as well as contemporary political analysts. Strongly recommended for all further work in political science. Open to all students.

The Staff Political Science 135

Comparative Politics 209 (2) African Politics An examination of the politics of Africa, with special emphasis on relations among African 204 (1) Political Economy of Development countries and between Africa and the rest of and Underdevelopment the world. Attention will be paid to the An analysis of the national and international problems of decolonization, national context of political and economic problems in integration, and to the crisis in southern Third World countries, with special Africa. consideration of major explanations of Prerequisite: one unit in political science; by development and underdevelopment. Topics permission to other qualified students. discussed include colonialism, Mr. Murphy industrialization, rural development, and economic dependency; constraints of political 300 (2) Politics of East Asia and economic structures on national National and international politics of China decision-making; and the potential for and Japan. The People's Republic of China change. The course will include case studies will be considered as an experiment in a of specific political systems. radical political ideology and a response to Prerequisite: one unit in political science, the problems of economic development. economics, or European history; open to Study of Japan will emphasize contemporary juniors and seniors without prerequisite. voting behavior and bureaucratic politics. Mr. Joseph Prerequisite: two units in political science or one unit in Asian history. 205 (1) Politics of Western Europe Mr. Joseph A comparative study of democratic politics in Western Europe. The course will focus on 301 (1) Politics of the Soviet Union and political development in Great Britain, France, Eastern Europe and Germany and will examine the role of Study of the ideology and political political culture, parties, interest groups, and organization of Soviet and Eastern European leaders in the political process. Contemporary Communism since the 1917 Bolshevik problems in civil rights, economics, and Revolution. Topics include theory and European integration will be explored. practice of Marxism-Leninism and Stalinism, Prerequisite: one unit in political science or internal politics of the Communist Party, European history; open to juniors and seniors Soviet education and public opinion, and without prerequisite. varieties of socialist democracy in Mr. Krieger contemporary Eastern Europe. Prerequisite: two units in political science or 207 (2) Politics of Latin America Russian language and/or history. An analysis of political and economic Mrs. Heer problems of Latin America, including alternative explanations of development and 303 (2) The Political Economy of the in region. The course underdevelopment the Welfare State will focus on major national problems such as A comparative study of the foundations of urbanization, rural development and agrarian social and welfare policy in Western reform, economic dependency, democracies. Focus will be on the changing industrialization and redistribution and explore character of the welfare state in Europe and the political consequences of public policies America: its development in the inter-war formulated to deal with these issues. Special years, its startling expansion after World War consideration given to the political systems of II, and its uncertain future today as a result Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, and Chile. of fiscal crisis and diverse political Prerequisite: unit in political science; by one oppositions. Themes to be discussed include: permission other qualified students. to state strategies for steering the capitalist Ms. Wasserspring economy; problems of redistribution of wealth; social security, health, and unemployment protection; and equal employment and educational opportunity.

Prerequisite: one Grade II unit in American or comparative European politics or macroeconomics or European history; open to juniors and seniors without prerequisite by permission of the instructor.

Mr. Krieger 136 Political Science

304 (2) Studies in Political Leadership 308 (1) Seminar. War, Protest and Politics A comparative study of the resources and in Vietnam and the U.S. constraints modern political leaders Analysis of political participation in Vietnam experience. Conceptual approaches and case and the United States as a result of studies will be analyzed. Exploration of America's involvement in Vietnam. Issues to succession problems and political culture in a be considered include: conscription, political variety of democratic and authoritarian mobilization, anti-war protests, civil rights, societies. Individual research and student loyalty to the state, economic implications, reports. political integration, impact of the war on Open to students who have taken one Grade contemporary political issues in both

II unit in international relations, American or countries. comparative politics, or by permission of the Open to juniors and seniors by permission of instructor. the instructor.

Miss Miller Mr. Sanchez-Jankowski

305 (1) Seminar. The Military in Politics A comparative exploration of the role of the military in the political process. Why and how American Politics does the military become involved in politics?

What are the consequences of its involvement for the society and for the 200 (1) (2) American Politics military as an institution? Special attention to The dynamics of the American political military and civilian elite interaction, causes process: constitutional developments, growth of military coups, decision-making styles, and and erosion of congressional power, the rise policy outcomes in military regimes. Case of the presidency and the executive branch, studies drawn from experiences in the U.S., impact of the Supreme Court, evolution of Western Europe, and the Third World. federalism, the role of political parties, Open to juniors and seniors by permission of elections and interest groups. Emphasis on the instructor. national political institutions and on both historic and Ms. Wasserspring contemporary political values. The course will include analysis of a variety of contemporary policy problems, including 306 (2) Seminar. Revolutions in the Modern World such issues as race and sex discrimination, Comparative analysis of the theory and individual liberties, poverty, urban conflict, environmental disruption, inflation, practice of revolutions in the 20th century. and unemployment. The seminar will consider such questions as: Recommended for further Why and when do revolutions occur? Why do work in American law and politics. Prerequisite: unit in some succeed while others fail? Are there one political science, different types of revolutions? What are the economics, or American studies, or by important qualities of revolutionary permission of the instructor. leadership? How are people mobilized to join Mr. Schechter, Mr. Sanchez-Jankowski, and support a revolutionary movement? Mr. Lewis Revolutionary writings by Lenin, Mao, Guevera, Debray, and Ho Chi Minh will be 210 (1) Voters, Parties, and Elections studied, along with contemporary social Analysis of political behavior in America. The science analyses of the phenomenon of role of interest groups and public opinion in revolutions. Case studies will be drawn from policy issues. Study of voting decisions, revolutions in Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam, political campaigns, party organization, and Chile, and Iran. the meaning of elections. Special topics Open to juniors and seniors by permission of include the use of media and technology in the instructor. campaigns, political alienation, and structural reform. Mr. Joseph Prerequisite: two units in political science or American history or sociology, or permission of the instructor.

Mrs. Just Political Science 137

212(1) Urban Politics 314 (1) Congress and the Legislative Introduction to contemporary urban problems. Process Analysis of the various perspectives on the An examination of the structure, operation, nature of urban and suburban problems and and political dynamics of the U.S. Congress policies. Evaluation of the formation, and other contemporary legislatures. implementation, and impact of selected urban Emphasis will be on Congress: its internal policies concerning housing, education, race, politics, relations with the other branches, criminal justice, welfare, finances, and responsiveness to interest groups and transportation. Examination of trends in the public. The course will analyze the national urban policy, intergovernmental sources and limits of congressional power, relations, and patterns of political and will familiarize students with the involvement and conflict. intricacies of lawmaking.

Prerequisite: one Grade II unit in American Prerequisite: 200, or 210, or permission of politics, two units in American history, the instructor. sociology, or economics, or of the permission Mr. Sheppard instructor.

Mr. Sanchez-Jankowski 315 (2) Public Policy and the Bureaucracy Exploration of the expanding role of the

310 (1) Political Decision-Making in the federal bureaucracy. What are the causes of United States bureaucratic growth? What impact has this Analysis of the policy-making process based had on individuals, on institutions, and on the on simulation of decision-making in executive, policy process? Focus on processes of legislative, and/or judicial units at different decision-making, problems of implementation, levels of government in the United States. intergovernmental relations, and program Four or five nationally important questions evaluation. Examination of specific considered with all class members playing bureaucratic responsibilities such as roles as advocates, witnesses, decision- budgeting, regulating the private business makers, or analysts; evaluation of role-playing sector, and the Great Society programs of and extent to which relevant considerations the 1960s. Case studies of agencies such as are taken into account in reaching decisions. the Office of Management and Budget, the

Prerequisite: one Grade II unit in American Environmental Protection Agency, the Office politics or permission of the instructor. of Economic Opportunity, and the Occupational Safety and Health Mr. Lewis Administration. Prerequisite: 200 or permission of the 313 (2) American Presidential Politics instructor. Analysis of the central role of the president in American politics, and the development and operation of the institutions of the modern presidency, including the White House staff, 316 (2) Mass Media and Public Opinion the Office of Management and Budget, the Analysis of development and treatment of Council of Economic Advisors, and the contemporary political issues in the mass National Security Council. The course will media and the written press. Relevant topics focus on sources of presidential power and in political behavior will also be explored. limitations on the chief executive, with How consistent or mutable are popular particular emphasis on congressional opinions? How does public opinion influence relations and leadership of the federal or constrain democratic leadership? bureaucracy. Case studies will be drawn from Comparison will be made of the development recent administrations. of issues such as the Vietnam War, school Prerequisite: 200, or the equivalent, or desegregation, national health insurance, and permission of the instructor. ERA. Prerequisite: 200, or 210, or permission of Mr. Lewis the instructor.

Mrs. Just 138 Political Science

317 (2) Seminar. Race and Ethnicity in 223 (1) International Organization Urban Politics The changing role of international institutions Examination of the roles of race and ethnicity since the League of Nations. Emphasis on in the politics of Annerican cities, with some the General Assembly and the Security comparison to Montreal, Mexico City, and Council of the UN, plus examination of other metropolitan areas in the world. At the specialized agencies, multilateral micro level, attention will be given to the conferences and regional or functional analysis of conventional forms of individual economic and security organizations. The participation (electoral politics, collective theory and practice of integration beyond the action, and lobbying activity) and to the nation-state, as well as the creation and analysis of unconventional forms of destruction of international regimes. participation (protest activity, strikes, riots, Prerequisite: one unit in international relations and urban terrorism). At the macro level, the or comparative politics. will the issues of race and focus be on ways Mr. Murphy ethnicity influence public policy, with regard the urban particular to response by 321 (1) The United States in World Politics governments to demands made by members An exploration of American foreign policy of minority groups. since 1945. Readings will include general Open to juniors and seniors by permission of critiques and case studies designed to the instructor. illuminate both the processes of policy Mr. Sanchez-Jankowski formulation and the substance of policies pursued. Consideration of future prospects. 318 (1) Field Research Seminar in Welfare Prerequisite: one unit in international relations Policy or permission of the instructor. A seminar combining student internships in Miss Miller governmental agencies or public interest with investigation of the law and groups 323 (1) The Politics of Economic politics of welfare in the United States. Class Interdependence sessions will explore welfare policies, and A review of political strategies for coping with procedures and structures of the different global economic interdependence. Emphasis agencies in which interns have been placed. on the promise and performance of national, Open to juniors and seniors by permission of regional, international, and transnational the instructor. organizations, including multi-national

Not offered in 1981-82. corporations, in response to demands for a new international economic order. Global issues discussed will include food, oil, terms of trade, population, income inequality, and International Relations resource depletion. Prerequisite: one unit in international relations or comparative politics. 221 (1) (2) World Politics Mr. Murphy An introduction to the international system with emphasis on contemporary theory and 324 (2) International Security practice. Analysis of the bases of power and War as the central dilemma of international influence, the policy perspectives of principal politics. Shifting causes and escalating states, and the modes of accommodation and consequences of warfare since the industrial conflict resolution. revolution. Emphasis on the risk and Prerequisite: one unit in history or political avoidance of armed conflict in the science. contemporary period, the spread of nuclear Miss Miller and conventional military capabilities, arms transfers, arms competition, and arms 222 (2) Comparative Foreign Policies control. An examination of factors influencing the Prerequisite: same as for 321. formulation and execution of national foreign Not offered in 1981-82. policies in the contemporary international system. Comparisons and contrasts between "advanced" and "developing" countries will be stressed, especially the varying significance of domestic sources of foreign policy in Western and non-Western settings. Prerequisite: one unit in international relations or comparative politics. Mr. Murphy Political Science 139

325 (2) Seminar. Negotiation and 331 (1) International Law Bargaining The law applicable to the relations of States, An examination of modern diplomacy international organizations, and individuals in emphasizing the behavior of states, the international community, considering international organizations, and other actors lawmaking processes, settlement of public in a variety of political settings. Case study and private disputes, national claims to material will be drawn from the experience of marine areas, control of international

World Wars I and II, Vietnam, and the Middle terrorism, nationality and alienage, regulation East. Consideration of the roles of and protection of foreign trade and personalities, national styles of statecraft, investments, revision of laws of war. Legal and domestic constraints in East-West and research and moot court practice. North-South conflicts. Individual research and Open to students who have taken 330 or two student reports on such topics as strategic units in international relations, or by arms limitation, the Law of the Sea, and the permission of the instructor. Israeli-Egyptian treaty. peace Ms. Delessert Open to juniors and seniors by permission of the instructor. 332 (1) The Supreme Court in American Miss Miller Politics Analysis of major developments in 326 (2) International Politics in the Middle constitutional interpretation, the conflict over East judicial activism, and current problems facing A systematic examination of the role of the Supreme Court. Emphasis will be placed domestic and foreign ideas and policies in the on judicial review, the powers of the emergence of nationalism, and nationalist President and of Congress, federal-state movements in the Middle East. Topics to be relations, and individual rights and liberties. discussed include: self-determination, the Each student will take part in a moot court state, the policies of major powers; Arab, argument of a major constitutional issue.

Jewish, Kurdish and Palestinian nationalist Prerequisite: two Grade II units in political movements; the situation in Iran and science, including one in American politics, Afghanistan; and the Arab-Israeli conflict. or 330, or permission of the instructor. for 321. Prerequisite: same as Mr. Schechter Mr. Murphy 334 (2) The Criminal Justice System An examination of how the criminal justice system works, considering the functions of Legal Studies police, prosecutor, defense counsel, and court in the processing of criminal cases; uses of discretionary power in regard to 330 (1) (2) Law and the Administration of international and national rendition of fugitive Justice offenders, arrest, bail, plea bargaining, and Fundamentals of the American legal process, sentencing; changing perceptions of the including development of common law, courts rights of offenders and victims; current and judges, civil and criminal proceedings, problems in criminal law. Legal research and consumer rights and duties, criminal liability, moot court practice. interaction of law and politics, limits of the Prerequisite: 330, or 332, or permission of legal system; some comparison with other the instructor. legal systems. Legal research and moot court Mr. Leymaster practice. Recommended for further work in legal studies.

Prerequisite: two Grade II units in political science or two Grade II units in any combination of Group B disciplines; and by permission of the instructor to sophomores.

Ms. Entmacher, Mr. Leymaster 140 Political Science

335 (2) Seminar. Law and Social Change 242 (1) Contemporary Political Theory Analysis of the emerging constitutional and Study of selected 20th century political statutory rights of women and racial theories, including Marxism-Leninism, Social minorities. What rights have been sought? Democracy, Fascism, Neo-conservatism. What rights have been achieved? To what Attention will be paid to theories leading to extent have new legal rights been translated contemporary approaches to political into actual social and governmental science, including elite theory, .group theory, practices? Focus on the equal protection and functionalism, and theories of bureaucracy. due process clauses of the Fourteenth Prerequisite: one unit in political theory; 241 Amendment, statutes such as Title VII of the is strongly recommended. 1964 Civil Rights Act, and Supreme Court decisions during the past decade. The Not offered in 1981-82. seminar will compare litigation with more Mr. Krieger traditional strategies for changing public policies towards employment discrimination, 249 (2) Political Science Laboratory abortion, affirmative action, school The role of empirical data and the use of the segregation, housing and welfare. computer in the study of comparative politics, Prerequisite: one unit in American legal public opinion, and political behavior. studies and permission of the instructor. Frequent exercises introduce students to Mr. Schechter topics in descriptive statistics, probability and sampling, questionnaire design, cross tabulation; tests of significance, regression,

correlation and modeling. Emphasis is on concepts in data analysis. No previous Political Theory and knowledge of mathematics, statistics, or Methods computing is required.

Prerequisite: one Grade II unit in political science or permission of the instructor. 240 (1) Classical and Medieval Political Theory Mrs. Just Study of selected classical, medieval, and early modern writers such as Plato, Aristotle, 340 (1)* American Political Thought Cicero, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Examination of American political writing, Machiavelli, Luther, Calvin, and Hooker. with emphasis given to the Constitutional Views on such questions as nature of political period. Progressive Era, and to contemporary man; interpretations of the concepts of sources. Questions raised include: origins of freedom, justice, and equality; legitimate American institutions, including rationale for powers of government; best political federalism and separation of powers, role of institutions. Some attention to historical President and Congress, judicial review, etc.; context and to importance for modern American interpretations of democracy, political analysis. equality, freedom and justice; legitimate Prerequisite: one unit in political science, powers of central and local governments. philosophy, or European history. Attention paid to historical context and to importance for modern political analysis. Mr. Stettner Prerequisite: Grade II work in political theory, American politics, or American history, or 241 (2) Modern Political Theory permission of the instructor. Study of political theory from the 17th to 19th centuries. Among the theorists studied are Not offered in 1981-82. Hobbes, Locke, Hume, Mill, Rousseau, Burke, Mr. Stettner Hegel, Marx, and Nietzsche. Views on such questions as the nature of political man; interpretations of the concepts of freedom, justice, and equality; legitimate powers of government; best political institutions. Some attention to historical context and to importance for modern political analysis. Prerequisite: one unit in political science, philosophy, or European history.

Mr. Stettner Political Science 141

341 (1) Issues and Concepts in Political Cross-Listed Courses Theory Study of such political concepts as freedom, justice, equality, democracy, power, Black Studies 214 (2) revolution, civil disobedience, and political Blacks and the U.S. Supreme Court obligation. Discussion of related issues, For description and prerequisite see Black including implications for political systems of Studies 214. adopting these concepts and problems which Black Studies 215 result when these values conflict with one (1) and Racism in American Politics another. Emphasis on contemporary political Race problems and sources. For description and prerequisite see Black Studies 215. Prerequisite: two Grade II units in political science, philosophy, or intellectual history, or Black Studies 312(1) permission of the instructor. Urban Black Politics in the South Mr. Krieger For description and prerequisite see Black Studies 312 342 (2) Marxist Political Theory of the fundamental concepts of Study Education 307 (2) Marxism as developed by Marx and Engels Seminar: Law, Ethics, and Education and explored by later classical Marxist For description and prerequisite see theorists including: Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Education 307. Gramsci, Kautsky, and Luxemburg. Attention will also be paid to the contemporary theoretical controversy surrounding both East communism and the "Euro- European Directions for Election communism" of France, Italy, and Spain.

Concepts to be critically examined include: A major in political science may be broad in alienation, the materialist view of history, the scope, or it may have a special focus, e.g., bourgeois state, the transition to socialism, metropolitan regional problems, the dictatorship of the proletariat, and environmental politics, area studies, permanent revolution vs. statism. international politics, legal problems of

Prerequisite: one Grade II unit in political minorities, political ethics. Political Science theory or permission of the instructor. 101, which provides an introduction to the Mr. Krieger discipline of political science, is strongly recommended for students planning to major.

349 (2) Seminar. Political Thought of the The department offers courses, seminars, American Founding Fathers and research or independent study in five An intensive examination of the political fields: American politics, comparative politics, writings of the leading figures in the international relations, legal studies, political Revolutionary War and Constitutional periods, theory and methods. All majors are particularly Madison, Jefferson, Hamilton, encouraged to take a seminar. Of the eight Adams, Wilson and Marshall. The emphasis units comprising a minimum major, two units five of the seminar will be on the inter-play of must be taken in each of three of these abstract conceptions of politics with the need fields. At least three of these six distribution of to develop specific political institutions in the units must be taken in the Department new nation. Political Science at Wellesley. Units taken at Open to juniors and seniors by permission of another institution in order to fulfill the field the instructor. requirement must be approved by the department. Mr. Stettner Graduate work in political science leading to

350 (1) (2) Research or Individual the Ph.D. usually requires a reading Study 1 or 2 knowledge of two foreign languages and, for Individual or group research of an exploratory many specialties, a knowledge of statistical or specialized nature. Students interested in techniques or an introduction to the calculus. request the independent research should Students participating in the Wellesley assistance of a faculty sponsor and plan the Washington Summer Internship Program or project, readings, conferences, and method the Wellesley Urban Politics Summer of examination with the faculty sponsor. Internship Program may arrange with the Open to juniors and seniors by permission. respective directors to earn credit for independent study. 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 Open only to honors candidates. 142 Psychology

207R (1) (2) Research Methods in Developmental Psychology Psychology An introduction to research methods appropriate to the study of human development. Individual and group projects. Laboratory. Each section typically limited to Professor: twelve students. Zimmerman, Dickstein, Furumoto, Miller Prerequisite: 205 or [201] and 207.

Associate Professor: Mr. Pillemer, Ms. Brachfeld Schiavo, Clinchy (Chair), Finison>5, Mansfield^, Harlan3, KaplanS 208 (1) Adolescence Consideration of physical, cognitive, social Assistant Professor: and personality development during Koff, Schwartz, Pillemer, Erkut^, Keane>^ adolescence. Instructor: Prerequisite: 101. Akert, Brachfeld, Cheek Ms. Erkut Lecturer:

Rierdan3 210 (1) (2) Social Psychology by Research Assistant: The individual's behavior as it is influenced situation. Study of Eister other people and the social social influence, interpersonal perception, social evaluation, and various forms of social interaction. Three periods of lecture, discussion, and demonstration.

101 (1) (2) Introduction to Psychology Prerequisite: 101. selected research problems from Study of Ms. Akert areas such as personality development, cognition, and social phychology to learning, 210R (2) Research Methods in Social demonstrate ways in which psychologists Psychology study behavior. An introduction to research methods Open to all students. appropriate to the study of social psychology. on selected The Staff Individual and group projects topics. Laboratory. Each section typically

205 (1) (2) Statistics limited to twelve students. The application of statistical techniques to Prerequisite: 205 or [201] and 210 or 211. analysis of psychological data. Major the Mr. Schiavo emphasis on the understanding of statistics in published research and as found 211 (1) Group Psychology the student's own research in in preparation for Study of everyday interaction of individuals A considerable part more advanced courses. groups. Introduction to theory and research devoted to laboratory of the course will be on the psychological processes related to Three periods exercises in and out of class. group structure and formation, leadership, Additional of combined lecture-laboratory. communication patterns, etc. be arranged for review optional periods may Prerequisite: 101. and discussion. Mr. Schiavo Prerequisite: 101. Mr. Dickstein Mr. Finison, 212(1) (2) Personality Selected theories of personality as applied to Development 207 (1) (2) Child the normal individual. Some emphasis on psychological development in Behavior and relation of theories to selected topics and/or Theory and research infancy and childhood. case studies. social, and cognitive pertaining to personality, Prerequisite: 101. development are examined. Three periods of Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Cheek lecture, discussion, demonstration, and observation of children. Prerequisite: 101.

Mr. Pillemer, Ms. Brachfeld Psychology 143

212R (1) (2) Research Methods in 217 (1) Cognitive Processes Personality Examination of basic issues ard research in An introduction to research methods human information processing, including appropriate to the study of personality. topics from attention and pattern recognition: Individual and group projects. Laboratory. memory and conceptual processes; Each section typically limited to twelve judgment, reasoning, and problem-solving. students. Prerequisite: 101. Prerequisite: 205 or [201] and 212. Not offered in 1981-82. Mr. Dickstein, Mr. Cheek 218 (2) Sensation and Perception

213 (1) Introduction to Psychobiology Survey of theoretical and experimental An introduction to the study of the approaches to selected topics in sensation relationship between the nervous system and and perception. Topics will include; sensory behavior with particular emphasis on the receptor processes; auditory and visual structure and function of the nervous system. perceptual phenomena; perceptual learning Topics include basic neuroanatomy and and adaptation in children and adults; neurophysiology, and brain mechanisms influence of social and personal variables involved in such aspects of behavior as upon perception; perceptual anomalies such emotion, language, motivation, memory, as visual illusions, feelings of deja vue, and sensation, and cognition. Emphasis on hallucinations. Course will include laboratory comparison of experiments with animal and demonstrations. human subjects in an effort to shed light on Prerequisite; 101. human cognitive functions. Laboratory. Ms. Mansfield Replaces [245].

Prerequisite: 101 and Biology 1 1 1 or [100] or 219 (1) Learning 109, or by permission of the instructor. Conditioning, verbal learning, and memory will Cross-listed in Biological Sciences. be discussed. There will be an emphasis on principles of Mrs. Koff, Mr. Eichenbaum in-class exercises demonstrating learning and a consideration of their

21 4R (2) Research Methods in relevance to everyday learning situations. Psychobiology Prerequisite; 101. Introduction to research methods employed Ms. Furumoto in psychobiology. Consideration of human and animal experimental methodology. Group and 220R (1) Research Methods in individual projects, with opportunity for Experimental Psychology students to design and execute an An introduction to research methods independent research project. employed in experimental psychology, Prerequisite; 205, [201] and one of the including the fields of learning, information following: 213, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219. processing, animal behavior, and cognition. projects. Opportunity for Mrs. Koff, Ms. Furumoto Group and individual student selection of an appropriate

215 (2) Comparative Psychology independent project. Laboratory. Study of the behavior of a variety of animal Prerequisite; 101 and 205 or [201] (205 may species to provide insight into basic be taken concurrently); and 213 or 215 or psychological processes and behavior 216 or 217 or 218 or 219 or [245].

patterns such as learning, cognition, Not offered in 1981-82. communication, consciousness, courtship, mating behavior, and parenting. Course will include laboratory and field observations. Prerequisite: 101.

Not offered in 1981-82. Ms. Furumoto

216 (2) Psycholinguistics Consideration of psychological theories of language, including such topics as origins and evolution of language, animal communication, language acquisition, biological basis of language, and the relation between language and thought. Prerequisite: 101.

Mrs. Koff 144 Psychology

300 (2) Seminar. The Psychology of 306 (1) States of Consciousness Education An examination of various conceptual and Topic for 1981-82: The psychology of college empirical issues in consciousness study. education. Exploration of different types of Topics considered will include sleep and liberal arts colleges from the psychological dreams, hypnosis and the induction of point of view. Topics will include changes in dissociated states, biofeedback, childhood student attitudes, values, and behavior during states of consciousness, the unconscious, the college years; salient features of the psychotic and hallucinogenic states, drug- college environment as perceived by students induced states, and cross-cultural and and faculty (e.g., competition, achievement); psychotherapeutic concerns. student decision-making (e.g., the major, the Prerequisite: same as 303. students and career); relationships among Mr. Schwartz between students and faculty; the social of the classroom and the psychology 309 (1) (2) Abnormal Psychology residence hall; innovative and traditional Consideration of major theories of neurosis teaching techniques; methods of evaluating and psychosis. Illustrative case materials. student learning; single sex vs. coeducational Selected issues in prevention and treatment colleges; the ideal college education for of emotional problems. women. Open to juniors and seniors who have taken by permission of the instructor to Open two Grade II units, including 212. students who have taken 101. Mr. Schwartz, Ms. Rierdan Not offered in 1981-82.

310 (2) Seminar 301 (2) Seminar. Child Development and The acquisition of schizophrenic behavior. A Social Policy definition of "schizophrenia" will be attemped Topic for 1981-82: An examination of the through consideration of theoretical models, relevance of psychological theories and case studies, and autobiographical reports. research in forming social policy, with Different approaches to explaining the particular emphasis on policies affecting acquisition of schizophrenia, as well as children. Consideration of the applicability of strategies for the change of schizophrenic developmental research to policy issues such behavior, will be considered. as the content of federal regulations and the Open by permission of the instructor to construction of social programs serving juniors and seniors who have taken two children and adolescents. Topics include the Grade II units, including 212. effects of televised advertising and violence, Not offered in 1981-82. educational television, day care, juvenile delinquency, and physical and sexual abuse 311 (2) Seminar. Social Psychology of children. The adequacy of existing Psychological study of family interaction. strategies for synthesizing psychological Application of social psychological variables research in order to increase its policy and small group theories to the study of the relevance will be considered. internal processes of family interaction. Open by permission of the instructor to Topics will include power, decision-making, juniors and seniors who have taken two coalition formation, conflict resolution, and Grade II units, including 207, and to other privacy. The approach will consider both qualified students. marital interaction and processes involving Mr. Pillemer the family as a unit. Some consideration given to the research methods used to study 303 (2) The Psychological Implications of family interaction. Being Female Open by permission of the instructor to Consideration of some of the changing juniors ana seniors who have taken two patterns in the behavior of women, including Grade II units, including either 210 or 211. literature in the area of sex differences. Not offered in 1981-82. Some of the following topics will be examined: theoretical formulations of the psychology of women; female sexuality; men's liberation; results of research on sex differences in humans and animals; social determinants of sex-stereotyped behavior. Open to juniors and seniors who have taken

two Grade II units and by permission of the instructor to other qualified students. Psychology 145

312 (1) Seminar 327 (2) Selected Topics in Personality Topic for 1981-82: Psychology of death. An Topic for 1981-82: Behavioral medicine. This examination of the psychological meaning of course focuses on behavioral-psychological death to the individual. Topics to be covered factors in health care. It provides an overview will include acquisition of the concept of of the concepts, theoretical applications, and death, antecedents and correlates of research relevant to behavioral interventions individual differences in concern about death, in some "medical" disorders. Included will be psychological processes in dying persons and discussions of migraine and other forms of their relatives, and the psychology of grief chronic pain, behavioral pediatrics, and mourning. biofeedback interventions, seizure disorders, Open by permission of the instructor to cardiovascular disorders, and holistic juniors and seniors who have taken two medicine.

Grade II units. Prerequisite: same as for 303.

Mr. Dickstein Not offered in 1981-82.

317 (1) Seminar. Psychological 328 (1) Seminar Development in Adults Topic for 1981-82: Freud and psychoanalysis. Exploration of age-related crises and Study of works of Sigmund Freud selected to dilemmas in the context of contemporary show the development of Freud's concepts psychological theory and research. Primary and concerns. Special consideration of focus will be on early adulthood, but selected Freud's place in modern psychoanalytic topics in mid-life and aging will also be thinking and in other Western intellectual examined. Among the topics to be covered traditions. will be intellectual development in adulthood; Prerequisite: same as for 312. changing conceptions of truth and moral Mr. Schwartz value; commitments to intimacy and work; marriage divorce; parenthood; conflicts and 330 (1) Seminar between family and career; the role of play in Topic for 1981-82: Environmental psychology. adult life; sex differences in development; This seminar will examine the influence that role reversals as parents age; retirement and setting has on behavior. Important concepts maintaining productivity in old age. in environmental psychology such as Open by permission of the instructor to juniors crowding, privacy, territoriality, and personal and seniors who have taken two Grade II units space will be examined in detail. Sections of and to other qualified students. the course will focus on specific settings Ms. Mansfield (e.g., hospitals, offices, classrooms), and attention will be paid to investigating the

318 (1) Seminar. Brain and Behavior urban environment. The application of Selected topics in brain-behavior psychological variables in architectural relationships. Emphasis will be on the neural planning and design will also be considered. basis of the higher-order behaviors. Topics Prerequisite: same as 317. will perception, learning, include language, Not offered in 1981-82. memory, hemispheric specialization, and sex differences in lateralization. 331 (2) Advanced Topics in Psychology Open by permission of the instructor to Topic for 1981-82: The Pschology of the juniors and seniors who have taken two Self. An examination of psychological

Grade II units, including one of 213, 215, 216, approaches to understanding the nature of 217, 218, 219, or [245]. the self from William James (1890) to Mrs. Koff contemporary theories. Topics will include self-awareness, self-esteem, self-consistency,

325 (1) Seminar. History of Psychology self-presentation, and self-actualization. The Topic for 1981-82: Women in the Early Period processes of self-concept formation during of American Psychology. Women in early childhood will also be considered. American psychology (1890-1930). Study of Prerequisite: same as 303. life histories, educational experiences, and Mr. Cheek professional contributions of about 30 women who completed advance work in the emerging discipline of psychology. Open by permission of the instructor to juniors and seniors who have taken 101. Ms. Furumoto 146 Psychology

335 (2) Seminar. Experimental Psychology 349 (2) Seminar. Selected Topics in Topic for 1981-82: The ape language Psychology controversy. Is language unique to humans, Topic for 1981-82: Nonverbal Communication. or does the potential for language exist at This course will examine the use of nonverbal least in some closely related species? This communication in social interaction. seminar will consider evidence from ape Emphasis will be on the systematic language research projects and recent observation of nonverbal behavior, especially criticisms which question the validity of this facial expression, tone of voice, personal research. space, gestures, and body movement. Open by permission of the instructor to Readings will include both scientific studies juniors and seniors who have taken one of and descriptive accounts. Among the issues the following: 213, 215, 216, 217, 218, or 219, to be considered: the communication of and to others by permission of the instructor. emotion, cultural and gender differences in nonverbal communication in specific settings Ms. Furumoto (e.g., counseling, educational situations, and interpersonal relationships). 340 (2) Seminar. Applied Psychology Topic for 1981-82: Organizational Psychology. Open to juniors and seniors who have taken

two Grade II units in psychology. To be effective in any organization it is crucial to have a working knowledge of how Ms. Akert organizations and people within them function. This course will examine 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual applications of psychological and managerial Study 1 or 2 principle of problems encountered in work Open by permission to juniors and seniors. settings. Topics will include the impact of organizational systems on behavior, the use 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 of power and influence, strategies for Open only to honors candidates. increasing productivity, motivation and Prerequisite: 207R, 210R, 212R, or 214R morale, employee selection, training and [220R]. development techniques, and the implementation of organizational change. Special attention will be paid to the role of women as managers and leaders. Directions for Election Prerequisite: same as for 317. A major in psychology must include 101; one Ms. Harlan of the following: 207, 208, 210, 211, 212; one of the following: 213, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 345 (1) Seminar [245]; and 205. The psychological interview. Consideration of the psychological interview as a conceptual The department offers four research courses: and methodological approach to small-scale, 207R, 210R, 212R, 214R, [220R]. A major in intensive research. Focusing on the interview psychology must include at least one of situation as a context in which to observe these. and analyze dyadic processes, verbal and The department recommends that students nonverbal communication processes, and plan a program in which 205, the research individual psychodynamic processes, the course, and preferably all Grade II seminar will examine and test principles of requirements are completed as early in the psychological interviewing. Will include group program as possible and no later than the laboratory work with videotape and individual end of the junior year. student projects on selected developmental Students interested in an interdepartmental topics. major in psychobiology are referred to the Open to juniors and seniors who have taken section of the Catalog where the program is 101 and two Grade II units in psychology. described. They should consult with the Not offered in 1981-82. directors of the psychobiology program. Religion 147

108 (1) (2) Introduction to Asian Religions An introduction to the major religions of India, Religion Tibet, China, and Japan with particular attention to universal questions such as how to overcome the human predicament, how to perceive the ultimate reality, and what is the Professor: meaning of death and the end of the world. Johnson»2 Materials taken from Islam, Hinduism, Visiting Professor: Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and Shinto. Bourdeaux3, Obolensky3 Comparisons made, when appropriate, with The Kathryn W. Davis Professors in Slavic Hebrew and Christian Scriptures. Course is Studies: Hobbs also taught at MIT second semester. Associate Professor: Open to all students. Kodera (Chairman) Mr. Kodera Assistant Professor: (1-2) Elementary 2 Marini3/»1, Levenson, Eikins3/»1, Reynolds 109 Hebrew A systematic introduction to the grammar of Instructor: the Hebrew language, with attention to oral Geller3 and written expression. Preparation for the reading of religious texts from all periods. No previous acquaintance with Hebrew assumed. Open to all students. Ms. Geller 104 (1) (2) Introduction to the Hebrew Bible A critical study of the Hebrew Bible (Old 110 The Religious Dimension Testament) from a variety of (1) What is the religious dimension of human perspectives— as a cultural expression of the life? An introductory comparative exploration ancient Near East, as a source for the history of basic themes and patterns of religious of Israel, and as the record of the evolving experience and expression. Topics include: religious tradition of the Israelites. Attention sacred space and sacred time, the holy in to this tradition as the matrix of Christianity art, myths of creation, rite and sacrament, and Judaism. Emphasis upon the world views religious community, evil and suffering, and literary craft of the authors. means to spiritual fulfillment. Readings from Open to all students. various religious traditions. Mr. Levenson Open to all students. Ms. Reynolds 105 (1) (2) Introduction to the New Testament 201 (1)* Jesus of Nazareth An exploration of the writings of the New The life and teachings of Jesus within the Testament as diverse expressions of early context of Roman Judaea. Includes a Christianity. Close reading of the texts, with theological analysis of the varieties of faith in particular emphasis upon the Gospels and Jesus as expressed by the synoptic gospels. the letters of Paul. Treatment of the literary, Offered in alternate years only. Offered in theological, and historical dimensions of the alternation with 202. Christian scriptures, as well as of methods of Open to all students, except those who interpretation, both ancient and modern. elected 105 before 1978-79. Open to all students. Mr. Hobbs Mr. Hobbs

107 (1) Crises of Belief in Modern Religion Religious and antireligious thinkers from the Enlightenment to the present. An examination of the impact of the natural sciences, social theory, psychology, and historical method on traditional religion. Readings in Hume, Darwin, Teilhard de Chardin, Marx, Reinhold Niebuhr, Freud, Tillich, and others.

Open to all students. Mr. Johnson 148 Religion

202 (1)* Biblical Archaeology 207 (1) New Testament Greek An archaeological approach to the Special features of Koine Greek. Readings reconstruction of daily life and historical and discussions of selected New Testament events in the eras of the Hebrew Bible and texts. New Testannent, with emphasis upon the Prerequisite: Greek 102. period from 1000 B.C. to A.D. 300. Among Mr. Hobbs topics covered are the cities of Jerusalem,

Samaria, and Ephesus; the Dead Sea 208 (2) Ethics Community, an early Gnostic community in An inquiry into the nature of values and the Egypt, and the interrelationship of text and methods of moral decision-making. material remains; synagogues and the Examination of selected ethical issues earliest evidence for church structures. including professional morality, violence and Offered in alternation with 201. oppression, sexism, social justice and Open to all students. revolution, and personal freedom.

Not offered in 1981-82. Introduction to case study and ethical theory as tools for determining moral choices. 203 (2)* The Ancient Near East: An Open to all students. Introduction Mr. Marini A discussion of the earliest civilizations which are basic to Western thought, focusing on the 209 (1-2) Intermediate Hebrew 2 cultural history and especially the literature of A rigorous review of Hebrew grammar with Egypt, Mesopotamia, Syria, and Canaan. readings in biblical and rabbinic texts and Elish, Readings include Enuma Gilgamesh, modern religious literature. Practice in the the Code of Hammurabi, the Baal cycle, the development of oral competence. Keret and Aghat epics, and various hymns, Prerequisite: 109 or permission of the omens, letters, treaties, chronicles, and royal instructor. inscriptions. Closes with a discussion of the Mr. Levenson, Ms. Geller relationship of Israel to its environment. Open to all students. 210 (1) Psychology of Religion Mr. Levenson An examination of psychological studies of religion including a variety of theoretical 204 (2)* Paul: The Controversies of an perspectives and exercises in contemporary Apostle research methods. Readings in authors such A study of the emergence of the Christian as William James, Sigmund Freud, C. G. movement with special emphasis upon those Jung, Erik Erikson, and Gordon Allport. experiences and convictions which Open to all students. determined its distinctive character. Intensive Mr. Johnson analysis of Paul's thought and the significance of his work in making the 211 (1)* Religion and the Human Life transition of Christianity from a Jewish to a Cycle Gentile environment. Offered in alternate A cross-cultural study of the role of religion in years only. Offered in alternation with 307. the major stages of the life cycle: birth, Open to all students. puberty, marriage, death. Attention given to Mr. Hobbs the rituals that mark these critical episodes and the religious questions they raise. 205 (1)* The Prophetic Institution in Readings from autobiography, literature, Biblical Israel anthropology, psychology, and ritual texts of A study of the institution of prophecy in its the major traditions. Opportunity to do field literary, historical, sociological, and work. settings. of theological A discussion ecstatic Open to all students. experience and spirit-possession in general Not offered in 1981-82. and in the ancient Near East, followed by a careful reading of all the prophetic Ms. Reynolds anthologies in the Hebrew Bible in an effort to understand the world-views of the prophets and their function within Israelite society. Prerequisite: 104.

Mr. Levenson Religion 149

214 (2)* The Jewish Experience 218 (1)* Religion in America A survey of the history of the Jewish A study of major ideas, institutions, and community from the close of the period of events in American religions from the colonial the Hebrew Bible to the present. Exploration period to the present. Introduction to the of the elements of change and continuity principal ways Americans have interpreted within the evolving Jewish community, as it religious reality and the historical impact of interacted with the larger Greco-Roman these ideas on society and culture. Readings world, Islam, Christendom, and post- in central thinkers including the Puritans, Enlightenment Europe and America. Jonathan Edwards, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Consideration given to the central ideas and and Mary Baker Eddy as well as primary institutions of the Jewish tradition in historical sources from Native American, Black, perspective. Catholic, Jewish, and Pentecostal traditions. Open to all students. Open to all students.

Ms. Geller Not offered in 1981-82.

Mr. Marini 215 (1) Religious Autobiography First person accounts of the search for 219 (1)* Religion and Politics in America meaning. A comparison of classic Christian A study of religious beliefs, institutions, and autobiographies, modern narratives from symbols in the political culture of the United diverse religious traditions, and works of States. Case studies and theoretical readings fiction. Readings include Augustine's in selected topics, including religion and the Pensees, Wiesel's Confessions, Pascal's Constitution, the ideological functions of Night, Journey to Ixtlan, The Castaneda's religion, politics and symbolic drama, of Malcolm X, Matthiessen's Autobiography religious identity and the electoral process, Leopard, Hesse's Siddhartha, and The Snow religious radicalism and political dissent, and Lagerkvist's The Sibyl. civil religion. Offered in alternate years only. to all students. Open Offered in alternation with 220. Not offered in 1981-82. Open to all students.

Ms. Elkins Not offered in 1981-82. Mr. Marini 216 (1)* History or Christian Thought: 100-1400 220 (2)* Religious Themes in American Good and evil, free will and determinism, Fiction orthodoxy and heresy, scripture and tradition, Human nature and destiny, good and evil, love of love of faith and reason, God and love and hate, loyalty and betrayal, salvation neighbor; issues in Christian thought as and damnation, God and fate as depicted in addressed by Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, the novels of Hawthorne, Melville, James, Francis of Assisi, and other shapers of Twain, Hemingway, Faulkner, and others. Christianity from its origins through the Reading and discussion of these texts as medieval period. Attention also to popular expressions of religious thought and culture religious practices; pilgrimages, the cult of in 19th- and 20th-century America. Offered in saints, asceticism, and mysticism. alternate years only. Offered in alternation Open to all students. with 219.

Not offered in 1981-82. Open to all students.

Ms. Elkins Mr. Marini

221 (2)* Catholic Studies Contemporary issues in the Roman Catholic Church, with particular attention to the American situation. Topics include sexual morality, social ethics, spirituality, and modern theology. Readings represent a spectrum of positions and include works by Thomas Merton, Simone Weil, Karl Rahner, Hans Kijng, and Second Vatican Council. Open to all students.

Not offered in 1981-82.

Ms. Elkins 150 Religion

223 (2)* Foundations of Modern Theology 242 (2) Christianity in the Arts Primary attention to those late 18th- and early The Christian tradition as expressed through 19th-century theological positions that the arts. Painting, architecture, and liturgy became dominant in the formation of modern viewed in their theological and historical theology: Kant, Schleiermacher, Hegel, and contexts. Examples include the Catacombs, Kierkegaard. Also some consideration to Byzantine Ravenna, Medieval monasteries radical theological critics, such as Feuerbach and cathedrals. Renaissance Rome and and Nietzche. Florence, and Protestant London and New Open to all students. England. Open to all students. Not offered in 1981-82. Ms. Elkins Mr. Johnson

250 (2)* Primitive Religions 234 (2)* The Crisis of the Fifteenth and An exploration of religious patterns of non- Sixteenth Centuries literate and archaic peoples. Topics include: Individuals and institutions in a time of magic, witchcraft, myth and ritual, the religious, economic, and social upheaval. shaman, totemism, taboo, vision quest, Protestants and Jesuits, intellectuals and peyote cult, revitalization movements. peasants, mystics and witches, the old world Consideration given to theories of the origins and the new, examined through literature, and evolution of religion, and to the concept theology, letters, trial records, practical of "the primitive." Special attention to the guidebooks, and propaganda. Interdisciplinary religious life of selected Native American approach emphasizing contrasting societies. interpretations of the period. Open to all students. Open to all students. Ms. Reynolds Not offered in 1981-82.

Ms. Elkins 251 (1) Religion in India An exploration of Indian religious expression 235 (1) Religion Under Communism and experience from 2500 B.C. to the of the of religion A comparative study place present. Concentration on Hinduism, but with in the countries. This course communist consideration of Islam, Buddhism, ranges broadly over nations of widely Christianity, and Judaism as well. Attention to different history, religious tradition, and myth, ritual, sacred time and space, present state policies. Particular attention will cosmology, religious community, and patterns given to the USSR, Poland, Romania, and be of interaction among traditions. Sources Czechoslovakia, but there will be include sacred texts, ethnographies, comparisons made with China, Albania, and literature, arts, and symbol systems. Bulgaria. The emphasis will be on the Open to all students. positive, even developing, role which religion Ms. Reynolds continues to play in these societies.

Open to all students. 252 (2)* The Islamic Tradition Mr. Bourdeaux An exploration of the fundamental patterns of Islamic religious life from its 7th century 236 (2) The Making of Eastern Europe, A.D. origins to the present. Topics include: life of 500-1000 the Prophet, articles of belief and practice, A study of the emergence, out of the travails pilgrimage, mosque, women in Islam, Sufi of the barbarian invasions of the sixth and mysticism. Islamic revolution, unity and seventh centures, of a community of states diversity in the Islamic world. and nations owing much of their culture, and Open to all students. their ecclesiastical allegiance, to Byzantium. Not offered in 1981-82. The character, and the growth, of this community in the ninth and tenth centuries. Ms. Reynolds Emphasis will be placed on imperial diplomacy and on the missionary work of the Byzantine Church. Open to all students. Mr. Obolensky Religion 151

253 (2)* Buddhist Thought and Practice 260 (2)* Eastern Spirituality in the West A study of Buddhist views of the human An examination of the "new religions" of predicament and its solution, using different Asian-origin in America: Transcendental doctrines and forms of practice from India, Meditation, Hare Krishna, Divine Light Thailand, Tibet, China, and Japan. Topics Mission, Dharmadhatu. Topics include: the including Buddha's sermons, Buddhist doctrine, practice, and social organization of psychology and cosmology, meditation, the groups; social and theological bodhisattva career, Tibetan Tantricism, Pure significance of the "turn East'; relations with Land, Zen, influence on Western thinkers other religious traditions. (e,g., Eliot, Hesse), and adaptation to the Open to all students. in alternation with 257. West. Offered Ms. Reynolds Open to all students.

Not offered in 1981-82. 303 (1)* Asian Mysticism The sufi, the saint, and the yogi as foci for an Mr. Kodera exploration of mysticism and techniques of

spiritual liberation in Asian religious traditions. 254 (1)* Chinese Thought and Religion Materials and readings from hatha yoga, Continuity and diversity in the history of Hindu and Buddhist tantra, Hindu and Muslim Chinese thought and religion from the ancient devotional paths. sage-kings of the third millenium B.C. to Mao. Prerequisite: one course in Asian religions. Topics including Confucianism, Taoism, Chinese Buddhism, folk religion and their Ms. Reynolds further developments and interaction. Materials drawn from philosophical and 304 (1) Seminar. Zen Buddhism religious works as well as from their cultural Zen, the long-known yet little-understood manifestations. Offered in alternation with tradition, studied with particular attention to 255. its historical and ideological development, Open to all students. meditative practice, and expressions in poetry, painting, and martial arts. Not offered in 1981-82. Prerequisite: one course in Asian Religions Mr. Kodera and permission of the instructor.

Not offered in 1981-82. 255 (2)* Japanese Religion and Culture Constancy and change in the history of Mr. Kodera Japanese religious thought and its cultural and literary expressions. A consideration of 305 (2) Seminar. Religion and Asian Japanese indebtedness to, and independence Literature from China, assimilation of the West and A discussion of literature from India, China, preservation of indigenous tradition. Topics and Japan as reflecting the religious, social, including Shinto, Japanese Buddhism and its and cultural concerns of the people. arts, Neo-Confucianism and nationalism. Open by permission of the instructor.

Christian impact and failure, and modern Not offered in 1981-82. Japanese thought. Offered in alternation with Mr. Kodera 254. Open to all students. 306 (2)* The Encounter of the Hebrew Mr. Kodera Bible and Modern Thought An examination of the theological 257 (1)* Contemplation and Action assumptions, goals, and implications of some An exploration of the relationship between of the major schools of interpretation of the two dimensions of religious life. Materials Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) against the drawn from religious and cultural traditions, backdrop of modern intellectual history. East and West. Topics include: self-cultivation Examples of topics to be explored: the and responsibility (Confucius), liberation and emergence of critical method; historicism; nonviolence (Mahatma Gandhi), salvation and the impact of archaeological discoveries; the justice (Martin Luther King). Offered in history of religious school; the Biblical alternation with 253. theology movement; liberation theology; the Open to all students. possibility of the Hebrew Bible as scripture. Mr. Kodera Prerequisite: 104 or 105, or by permission of the instructor.

Mr. Levenson 152 Religion

307 (2)* Seminar. The New Testament 318 (2)* Seminar in American Religions A study of the Christian movement, its life Selected topics in History of Religion in and problems, in the post-Pauline period with America. special emphasis on the Gospel according to Prerequisite: 218, 219, History 250, or John and its interpretive insights for an permission of the instructor. understanding of the person and work of Not offered in 1981-82. Jesus and of the Christian tradition. Offered Mr. Marini in alternation with 204. Prerequisite: 105 or permission of the 335 (1) Seminar. Church-State Relations in instructor. Communist Countries Not offered in 1981-82. This will be more technical than Religion 235,

building on it by going into the detail of 314 (1)* Seminar. Theology church-state relations. The course seminar Topic for 1981-82: Critical issues in the will concentrate mainly, but not exclusively, ongoing Jewish-Christian dialogue. An on the Soviet Union, paying attention to exploration of the theological issues in Catholic and Protestant traditions, as well as contemporary Jewish-Christian relations in the Orthodox, demonstrating how each is their intellectual, societal, and historical affected by the political and legal system contexts. Attention to such topics as: the under which it lives. exclusiveness of Christian salvation claims Prerequisite: 235. and the particularism of Jewish identity, the Mr. Bourdeaux authority of the Law, traditional and secular messianic expectations, and the ecumenical 336 (2) Seminar. The Mission of Cyril and future for Jews and Christians. Readings from Methodius to the Slavs Saul of Tarsus/The Apostle Paul to the A study of the origins, the course and the present. results of this ninth-century Byzantine Mission Prerequisite: one course in Judaism or from original documents in English Christianity, or permission of the instructor. translation. Mr. Johnson, Ms. Geller Open by permission of the instructor.

316 (2)* Seminar. Ethics Mr. Obolensky An intensive study of an ethical issue or a set 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual of related issues with readings in relevant Study 1 or 2 source materials. Open to juniors and seniors by permission. Prerequisite: 208.

Not offered in 1981-82. 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 Mr. Marini Open only to honors candidates.

317 (2)* Religion and the Social Sciences The use of social scientific methods (psychological sociological, and Cross-Listed Courses anthropological) in the study of religious communities. Readings in theoretical texts Black Studies 320 (1) and exercises in current research methods. Black Institutions Offered in alternation with 314. For description and prerequisite see Prerequisite: 210, or 211, or Anthropology Black Studies 320. 104, or Sociology 102.

Not offered in 1981-82. History 233 (1) Mr. Johnson Renaissance Italy For description and prerequisite see History 233.

History 339(1) Seminar. American Jewish History For description and prerequisite see History 339.

Sociology 212(2) Sociology of Religion For description and prerequisite see Sociology 212. Russian 153 Directions for Election Russian In a liberal arts college, the study of religion constitutes an integral part of the humanities and social sciences. Recognizing religion as an elemental expression of human life and Professor: culture, past and present, the department Lynch (Chairman), Bones offers courses in the major religious traditions of the East and the West. These Instructor: courses examine both the individual and the Chester^ collective dimensions of religion and approach their subject from a variety of perspectives including historical and textual, theological and social scientific. 100 (1-2) Elementary Russian 2 The total program of the major is designed Grammar: oral and written exercises; reading around the principles of breadth and depth. of short stories; special emphasis on oral To promote breadth, majors shall complete expression; weekly language laboratory one course in each of three groups: Biblical, assignments. Three periods. Western, and Asian. To insure depth, majors Open to all students. shall concentrate in a special field of interest. The structure of this concentration shall be The Staff determined in consultation with the advisor. 200 (1-2) Intermediate Russian 2 In individual cases, studies in the original Conversation, composition, reading, review of language of religious traditions may be grammar. Three periods. especially valuable. Hebrew and New Prerequisite: 100 or the equivalent. Testament Greek are available in this The Staff department; Latin and Chinese are available elsewhere in the College. Majors interested in 201 (1) Russian Literature in Translation I pursuing language study should consult the Russian literature from its beginnings to the advisor to determine the appropriateness of middle of the 19th century. The focus of the such work for their program. course is on the major prose of the first half of the 19th century. The authors to be considered include Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Goncharov, Turgenev, and Dostoevsky.

Open to all students.

Not offered in 1981-82. Mrs. Bones

Offered in 1982-83.

202 (2) Russian Literature in Translation II Russian literature from the second part of the 19th century to the present with emphasis on the works of Tolstoy, Chekhov, Sologub, and such Soviet writers as Babel, Olesha, Bulgakov, and Solzhenitsyn. Open to all students. Mrs. Bones

205 (2)* Intermediate Conversational Russian Practice in conversation and writing to increase fluency and accuracy in the use of idiomatic Russian. A variety of materials such as newspapers, periodicals, tapes, and films will be used in the course. Regular use of language laboratory. Prerequisite or corequisite: 200 or permission of the instructor.

Not offered in 1981-82. Mrs. Bones 154 Russian

225 (1) Soviet Film 1917-1980 (in English) 320 (2)* Seminar The history of Soviet film, Lenin's "nnost Topic for 1981-82: Internal and external important art." Close analysis of several films emigres. To leave or to stay — the writer's with extensive reading in film history and moral and artistic dilemma. Nabokov, theory, interrelation with other arts (literature Chukovskaja, Axmatova, Morshen, Brodsky. and painting). Main genres to be examined: Prerequisite or corequisite: 300. documentary, historical re-creation, social Mrs. Lynch drama, adaptation from literary sources. Landmark films of the 1920s and 349 (2)* The Writer in a Censored Society: developments from 1956 (post-Stalin) through His Literary and Nonliterary Roles the present will be emphasized. Film theory Topic for 1980-81: Mayakovsky and Esenin. by Eisenstein, Pudovkin, Kuteshov, Vertov will Prerequisite or corequisite: 300. be discussed. Not offered in 1981-82. Open to all students. Mrs. Lynch Not offered in 1981-82. Offered in 1982-83. 249 (1)* Language General laws of phonology, syntax, and 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual grammatical categories. History, theory, and Study 1 or 2 qualified students. logic of language and their application to Open by permission to Russian and the problems of English-Russian 370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 translation. only to honors candidates. Prerequisite or corequisite: 200 or permission Open of the instructor.

Mrs. Lynch

300 (1-2) Advanced Russian 1 or 2 Directions for Election The structure of modern Russian. Extensive Course 100 is counted toward the degree but reading of literary and historical works. not toward the major. Courses 201 and 202 Weekly written and oral reports on selected are counted toward the distribution topics. Two periods and weekly laboratory requirements in Group A and are strongly assignments. recommended to students who intend to Prerequisite: 200. major in Russian. However, only one of them Mrs. Lynch may count toward the major. A major in Russian is expected to elect 249 or 205 in 311 (1)* Russian Literature From Its conjunction with 200, as well as three Grade

Beginnings up to Pushkin III courses beyond Russian 300. Byzantine, Western, and folk influences in the Students majoring in Russian should consult chronicles and epics of the Kievan and the chairman of the department early in the Moscovite periods. Reading of the Igor Tale, college career, as should students interested selections from Primary Chronicle, in an individual major which includes Russian. Zadonshchina; and works of Ivan IV, Avvacum, Lomonosov, Derzhavin, History 246 and 247 are recommended as Radishchev. related work. Prerequisite or corequisite: 300. The study of at least one other modern Ms. Chester and/or classical language is strongly recommended for those wishing to do 317 (2)* Russian Writers Today: Emigre graduate work in Slavic languages and and Soviet literatures. tor 1980-81: Solzhenitsyn. Topic Attention is called to Religion 235 (1), 335 (1), Prerequisite or corequisite: 300. 236 (2) and 336 (2). Not offered in 1981-82.

Offered in 1982-83. Sociology 155

120 (1) Urban Sociology Sociology An examination and critique of various explanations for the causes and consequences of urban phenomena. The historical and sociological importance of the city; as an explanation of individual values Professor: and interactions; individual reactions to the Berger (Chairman) urban environment.

Assistant Professor: Open to all students. Anderson-Khleif, Imber, Silbey3 Mr. Cuba Instructor: Cuba 129 (2)* Sociology of Work and Occupations Study of representative work and occupational experiences ranging from blue- collar jobs to the professions. The nature of 102 (1) (2) Sociological Perspective work in traditional and in contemporary Introduction to the sociological perspective; societies. Socialization to work roles; the its principal concepts, theories; its process of professionalization; work careers; methodologies of examining human social and other topics. behavior in relation to social institutions. The Open to all students. interconnection between the "micro" world The Staff of the individual and the "macro" world of social institutions. 138 (2) Deviant Behavior Open to all students. Deviance as an interactive process. Specific The Staff attention to the process of becoming deviant, societal reactions (both formal and informal) 103 (2) American Society to deviant behavior, and the management and How the experience of being "American" has transformation of deviant identities. changed during the past century, from our Open to all students. agrarian roots to the foundations of the Mr, Cuba corporate state. Readings in local community studies and in social reports from de 200 (1) Sociological Theory Tocqueville to the present which analyze Sociology has been a very successful American society in terms of an ideology of discipline. It has fundamentally influenced equal opportunity. Attention to populism, other fields of study as well as thinking about racial class conflict, and social reform and social life in all parts of the world. There is, within the context of American Pragmatism. therefore, an urgent need to understand what Open to all students. sociology is and how it goes about looking at Mrs. Silbey, Mr. Cuba the world as well as interpreting individual and social life. This course seeks to follow 111 (1) Family Sociology through the development of major The study of transition or change in the sociological themes and theoretical positions family system. Emphasis on the from the Enlightenment to the present. contemporary U.S. family but includes Prerequisite: 102 and one Grade I unit. Scandinavian family, comparative material. Mrs. Berger Israeli kibbutz family, Middle East extended family, family discussed as cross- and Dutch 201 (1) Social Statistics cultural models for change. Topics include An introduction to issues and techniques of dating, family and work roles, marital statistical analysis. Descriptive, inductive, and relationships, contacts with kin, divorce, and multivariate statistics as ways of presenting single-parent families, singlehood, and and organizing data necessary for the alternative family forms. development and testing of hypotheses, and Open to all students. for understanding current sociological Mrs. Anderson-Khleif research. Provides the necessary background for 302.

Prerequisite: one Grade I unit or permission of the instructor.

Mr. Cuba 156 Sociology

207 (1) Criminology 213 (2) Law and Society How does crime differ from other forms of What distinguishes law from other forms of disapproved behavior and how do societies social control? Do people obey laws because

respond to this? Systematic examination of it is right or because they are compelled to? the meaning of crime and reactions to crime. Is there a distinction between law and Topics will include: theories regarding the justice? What is the relationship between law cause of crime; nature and origins of criminal and other social institutions, polity, family, laws; extent and distribution of criminal and economy? Examination of features of behavior; societal reaction to crime through legal systems and legal reasoning which the criminal justice system, penology and makes law an available device for problem corrections. Attention to the relationship solving. Empirical study of the legal between crime, punishment, and justice. profession, jury system, relationship of law to Prerequisite: 102 or by permission of the social class and patterns of social change; instructor. the meaning of having one's day in court. Prerequisite: same as for 201. Mrs. Silbey Mrs. Silbey 208 (1)* Demography The analysis of population composition and 215 (2) Sociology of Culture change. Differential fertility, mortality, and Systematic analysis of the constitutive migration of sociocultural groups are elements of contemporary culture; their examined with reference to population theory impact on individual and society alike. The and national policies. Attention is also given role of science, technology, bureaucracy, to urbanization, over-population, and government and the mass media; questions environmental limits. of autonomy, rationality and irrationality, the

Prerequisite: one Grade I unit or by theme of abstraction and the spirit of protest. permission of the instructor. Prerequisite: same as for 201.

The Staff Mr. Imber

209 (2) Social Stratification 224 (1)* Political Sociology and Social The concept of social stratification is the Movements core concept of sociology. This course will Analysis of the social basis of power and compare and contrast alternative theories of political action in modern societies. How does stratification in terms of: the impact of one's socially structured position influence stratification on social behavior, values, and political behavior, and is political action personality; changes in stratification systems rooted in ideological structures or material over time, particularly in terms of industrial- conditions? Special attention given to the ization; indicators of stratification; causes and relationship between the "ways of being consequences of mobility. These dimensions political" and structures of power and of stratification will be analyzed at the authority. Analysis of revolutions, political community, national, and international levels. movements, as well as ordinary citizen Prerequisite: Sociology 102 or by permission activities. of the instructor. Prerequisite: 102 or by permission of the instructor.

Mrs. Silbey 212 (2)* Sociology of Religion Examination of the social dimensions of 225 (2) Sociology of Science religion and the institutional interrelationship An examination of the social conditions of between religion and society. Sociological scientific development and controversy. The theories of religion, religious organization and scientist as an individual who lives in political, behavior, religion and social change, and the social, intellectual, professional, and moral processes of institutionalization and worlds. Other topics include: the secularization. Special attention will be given interrelations of science, government and to religion in America with wide use of industry; sociobiology and IQ debates; the comparative materials. politics of science education and the ethics

Prerequisite: 102 or one Grade I unit. of science research. Prerequisite: or permission of the The Staff 102 by instructor. Mr. Imber Sociology 157

229 (1) Organizations and Organizational 311 (2) Seminar. Family Studies Behavior Analysis of problems facing the contemporary How do organizations operate? Why do U.S. family and potential policy directions. people act the way they do inside Discussion of the social meaning of income organizational settings? Analysis of and the quality of family life. Emphasis on organizational structure, processes, and welfare, housing, the impact of work on behavior. Topics include organizational roles, family relations, day care, the elderly, the managerial ideologies, the individual in the working poor, and delivery of services to organization, power, communication, families with special needs. Sweden studied effectiveness, decision making, conflict, as a comparative model for family policy.

recruitment, mobility, fast-tracking, risk Prerequisite: one Grade II course, or taking, initiative, flexibility and rigidity in permission of the instructor. organizational structure, and organizational Mrs, Anderson-Khleif change. Prerequisite: 102 or by permission of the 314 (1) Medical Sociology instructor. Social factors associated with the definition, Mrs. Anderson-Khleif incidence, and treatment of health disorders. Topics include: differential availability of 231 (2) Society and Self health care; social organization of health How can the individual be at once cause and delivery systems; role behavior of patients, consequence of society? Not only is the professional staff and others; attitudes toward person a social product, but s/he is also terminal patients or dying; movements for clearly unique, and in turn helps shape and alternative health care. modify society. This course is concerned with Prerequisite: one Grade II unit or by the relationship between the individual and permission of the instructor. society, and the behavior of persons in Mr. Imber groups. Ways in which groups and institutions aid or inhibit individual experience will be 320 (2) Seminar. Urban and Community discussed. Studies Prerequisite: 102 or by permission of the Analysis of the structures and processes instructor. found in modern American communities and Mrs. Berger cities. Intensive research on different aspects of community (e.g., power structure, patterns 300 (2)* Seminar. Sociological Theory and of residential neighboring, degree of the Sociology of Knowledge organizational participation). Analysis of topics in contemporary Prerequisite: 102, 120, or permission of the sociological theory. The relationships instructor. between thought and society; fundamental Mr. Cuba approaches to the critical analytical modes in the sociology of knowledge. course will The 324 (1) Seminar. Social Change consider contributions from European and Examination of theories of social change and American sources. Focus varies with the the emergence of modern paradigms of instructor. social change. Analysis of the impact of Prerequisite: 200 and one other Grade II change upon selected social institutions such course or by permission of the instructor. as the polity, economy, family, the The Staff stratificational system. Social-psychological dimensions of change. The processes of

302 (2) Research Methods rationalization, and bureaucratization.

An examination of the logic of survey Prerequisite: two Grade II courses or analysis, from the development of hypotheses permission of the instructor. and construction of a survey instrument to Not offered in 1981-82. the analysis and reporting of results.

Emphasis is on field research experience; class participants work individually or collectively on the design and implementation of a research project of their choice. Prerequisite: 201 or by permission of the instructor. Mr. Cuba 158 Sociology

329 (2) Internship Seminar in Directions for Election Organizations To observe operations and behavior in a Majors in sociology are required to include in range of business, nnedical, government, law, their programs 102, 200, 201, and 302. In media, urban planning, and social service addition to the "core" of required courses, organizations. Selected topics in theory and students may continue to develop a general research including organizational major to consist of at least four additional development, group-to-group interface, courses of their choice or to construct a incentive systems, job satisfactions, more specialized program in an area of organizations and environment, organizational concentration: Family Studies, Urban Studies, design, coalitions and cliques, information or Deviance, Sociology of Law, Corrections, systems, standard operating procedures, and and Organization and Organizational Behavior management roles. starting with an appropriate exploratory

Prerequisite: one Grade II course or by course in each case. permission of the instructor. 229 is recommended. Mrs. Anderson-Khleif

338 (1)* Seminar. Topics in Deviance, Law and Social Control Violations of moral and social norms; examination of how rules are constructed within social settings such as schools, political organizations and social movements, police, courts, and prisons. Topics include the relativity of normal behavior, the causes and functions of deviance, the meaning of stigma, the nature of crime and delinquency, role of conflict and consensus in constructing moral order, the location and sources of power and successfully labeling deviance and crime.

Prerequisite: one Grade II unit or by permission of the instructor. Mr. Cuba, Mrs. Silbey

350 (1) (2) Research or Individual Study 1 or 2 Open by permission to juniors and seniors.

370 (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 Open only to honors candidates.

Cross-Listed Courses

Anthropology 210 (2) Racial and Ethnic Minorities For description and prerequisite see Anthropology 210.

Black Studies 220 (2) Segregation in American Communities For description and prerequisite see Black Studies 220.

Education 216(2) Education, Society, and Social Policy For description and prerequisite see Education 216. Spanish 159

103 (1-2) Intensive Spanish 3 Spanish First semester: Concentrated introduction to spoken Spanish. Constant oral-aural practice, in class and in the language laboratory, builds an active facility with linguistic structures. Intensive vocabulary building through visual Professor: presentations, dramatizations, and short Lovett readings. Second semester: Increased Associate Professor: emphasis on writing and on the reading of Gascon-Vera (Chairman), Ben-Ur literary texts. Continued use of the audio- Assistant Professor: lingual method develops accuracy and Villanueva fluency with the spoken language. Five periods per week. instructor: Open by permission of the instructor to Levy3, Agosin3 students who do not present Spanish for Lecturer: admission. Renjilian-Burgy Not offered in 1981-82. Courses of the department are normally

conducted in Spanish; oral expression is 201 (1) (2) Oral and Written stressed. Communication Practice in The department reserves the right to place conversation and writing to increase fluency and in of new students in the courses for which they accuracy the use idiomatic Spanish. seem best prepared regardless of the number Through frequent oral presentations of units they have offered for admission. and the use of audio- and videotapes, students develop their ability to Qualified students may be recommended to use Spanish comfortably in various situations. spend the junior year in a Spanish-speaking Prerequisite: 102, 103, [199] or [200] or four country, either with the PRESHCO admission units or permission of the Consortium Program of Hispanic Studies in instructor. Cordoba, Spain, or a non-Wellesley program. The Staff See p. 37.

202 (2) Linguistic and Literary Skills A course to serve as a transition between language study and literary analysis; speaking and writing organized around interpretations 100 (1-2) Elementary Spanish 2 of works by contemporary Hispanic authors; Introduction to spoken Spanish through a review, the directed conversation; stress on audio-lingual at advanced level of selected problems in Spanish grammar. Three periods. approach. Extensive situational-type drills. Language laboratory exercises. Three Open to students presenting three admission periods. units, 102, 103, or 201. Open to students who do not present Spanish Ms. Renjilian-Burgy for admission. 203 (2)* Modern Spanish Literature The Staff From La Generacion del '98 to the Spanish Civil War. Dominant themes and innovations 102 (1-2) Intermediate Spanish 2 in such authors as Unamuno, Valle Inclan, Intensive review of grammar and language Baroja, A. Machado, Garcia Lorca, Guillen, skills through practice in the classroom and and Salinas. Offered in alternation with 204. with language laboratory exercises. Readings by contemporary Spanish and Spanish Prerequisite: [199], [200], 201, or permission of the instructor. American writers. Emphasis on vocabulary building and oral and written expression. Not offered in 1981-82. Three periods. Ms. Gascon-Vera Prerequisite: two admission units in Spanish or 100.

The Staff 160 Spanish

204 (1)* Post-Civil War Spanish Literature 208 (2) The Spanish Realistic Novel of the From 1936 to the present day. The struggle Nineteenth Century for self-expression in Franco's Spain and the The masters of 19th-century peninsular prose transition fronn dictatorship to dennocracy. A studied through such classic novels as Peplta study of the literary styles and Jimenez by Juan Valera, Mlau by Perez accomplishnnents of contennporary authors: Galdos, Los pazos de Ulloa by the Countess Miguel Hernandez, Cela, Goytisolo, Gabriel Pardo Bazan and La Barraca by Blasco Celaya, Martin Santos, and Bias de Otero. Ibahez. Discussions. Student interpretation. Offered in alternation with 203. Prerequisite: same as for 203. Prerequisite: same as for 203. Not offered in 1981-82.

Ms. Gascon-Vera Mr. Lovett

205 (1)* Freedom and Repression in 209 (1) The Spanish American Short Spanish American Literature Narrative An introduction to the literature of the The realistic and fantastic short stories of special Spanish American countries with contemporary Spanish America. Special focus on the tension between literary emphasis on women writers. In-depth expression the limiting forces of and analysis of the masters Quiroga, Borges, authoritarianism. The constant struggle Cortazar, Rulfo, and Garcia Marquez. Offered between the writer and society and the in alternation with 205. outcome of that struggle will be examined Prerequisite: same as for 203. and discussed. Close reading of poetry, Not offered in 1981-82. chronicles, essay and drama El Inca Garcilaso, Sor Juana de la Cruz, Ruben Ms. Ben-Ur Dari'o, Gabriela Mistral, Pablo Neruda, Octavio Paz. Offered in alternation with 209. 210 (2)* Chicano Literature: From the Prerequisite: same as for 203. Chronicles to the Present A survey of the major works of Chicano Ms. Ben-Ur literature in the United States in the context of the Hispanic and American literary 206 (1) Landmarks of Spanish Literature I traditions. A study of the chronicles from Intensive study of masterpieces that establish Cabeza de Vaca to Padre Junipero Serra and Spanish identity and create the myths that 19th-century musical forms such as corridas. Spain has given to the world. Poema del Cid, A critical analysis of the themes and styles of La Celestlna, Lazarillo de Tormes, El burlador the contemporary renaissance in the light of de Sevilla (Don Juan); Garcilaso, Fray Luis de each author's literary values: Luis Valdez, Leon, Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Calderon. Alberto Urista, Jose Montoya, Rodolfo Anaya. Prerequisite: same as for 203. Prerequisite: same as for 203. Mr. Lovett Not offered in 1981-82.

207 (2) Landmarlts of Spanish Literature II Mr. Villanueva From the virtue-extolling El si de las nines by Moratin through the turbulent works of the 211 (2) Living Women Writers of Spain, emotion-prone Romantics Rivas, Espronceda, 1970-1981 and Becquer, and the biting satire of Larra, to A selection of readings — novels, poetry, the realistic novel of Perez Galdos. essays, theatre — by Spanish women writers Prerequisite: same as for 203. of the 1970s and 1980s. Carmen Martin Mr. Lovett Gaite, Rosa Montero, Ester Tusquets, Merce Rodoreda, Carmen Conde. A close study of the development of their feminist consciousness and their response to the changing world around them. Prerequisite: same as for 203. Ms. Gascon-Vera Spanish 161

215 (1) Spanish Practicum 301 (2)* Drama of the Seventeenth Century Students are placed with various Hispanic The characteristics of the Spanish drama of organizations in the Boston area to Increase the Golden Age. Analysis of ideals of love, their fluency In Spanish through personal and honor, and religion as revealed in the drama. continued contact with the language. Representative masterpieces of Lope de Classroom seminars, Hispanic guest Vega, Guillen de Castro and Ruiz de Alarcon, lecturers, and films In Spanish complement Tirso de Molina, Calderon. Offered In the students' internship experiences. alternation with 302. Readings by Oscar Lewis, Babin, Maidonado Open to juniors and seniors who have taken

Denis, and others. two Grade II units Including one unit in Prerequisite: personal interview with the literature. instructor to establish adequate language Mr. Lovett skill. Ms. Levy 302 (2)* Cervantes A close reading of the Quijote with particular 228 (2)* Latin American Literature: emphasis on Cervantes' Invention of the Fantasy and Revolution novel form: creation of character, comic The Interrelation between aesthetic and genius, hero versus anti-hero; levels of reality sociopolitical problems In the works of and fantasy, history versus fiction. Offered in contemporary Latin American writers, as alternation with 301. seen by Garcia Marquez, Cortazar, Paz, Prerequisite: same as for 301. and Neruda. Special attention will be Donoso, Not offered in 1981-82. given to the imaginative vision of Jorge Luis Ms. Gascon-Vera Borges.

Open to all students except those who have 306 (1) Arts and Letters of Contemporary taken Spanish 306 and 307. Mexico Not offered In 1981-82. Study of the fiction, poetry and essay In Ms. Ben-Ur Mexico within the context of the interrelationship of the arts from the 260 (1)* History of Latin America Revolution of 1910 to the present. Emphasis The political, social, economic, and cultural will be placed on the pervading Influence of evolution of the Latin American world from myths originating in pre-Corteslan cultures colonial days to the present. Emphasis on and the Colonial period which appear as colonial institutions and their relations to recurrent themes In literature and painting. historical developments in the Iberian Authors read to Include Vasconcelos, Rulfo, peninsula and on the fundamental problems, Fuentes, Paz, Usigli, Revueltas, Gorostiza, especially In certain key countries, of modern Villaurrutla, Carballido, Garro, Sainz. and contemporary Latin America. Prerequisite: same as for 301. Open to qualified freshmen and sophomores, Ms. Ben-Ur to sophomores who have had a course In history or art history, and to juniors and 307 (2) The New Novel of Latin America seniors without prerequisite. Analysis and discussion of major Latin from the and 1970s. Not offered in 1981-82. American novels 1960s Special topics will be social conflict In the Mr. Lovett novel, estheticism vs. engagement, literature as a critique of values and a search for 261 (1)* History of Spain identity. Works by OnettI, Cortazar, Fuentes, From the epic struggle between Moors and Rulfo, Carpentler, Donoso, Garcia Marquez. Christians for the control of the Iberian Prerequisite: same as for 301. Peninsula, through the centuries of imperial Spain, to modern Spain with its split between Not offered in 1981-82. liberals and conservatives, a split which Ms. Ben-Ur explodes Into the apocalyptic Civil War of 1936-39, the history of Spain is explored through readings, lectures, and discussions. The course ends with the study of the Franco dictatorship (1939-75) and post-Franco Spain. Prerequisite: same as for 260. Mr. Lovett 162 Theatre Studies

310 (1) Seminar. Cuba from 1898 to the Present Theatre Intensive examination of the major literary, historical, journalistic and cinematographic manifestations of modern Cuba. Study of Studies representative authors such as Desnoes, Guillen, Fernandez Retamar, Benitez. Films discussed may include "Memorias del subdesarrollo," 'Lucia," 'El super," and Professor: "Muerte de un burocrata." Prerequisite: Barstow (Chairman) same as for 301. Lecturer: Ms. Renjilian-Burgy Levenson3

350 (1) (2) Research or Individual Study 1 or 2 Open by permission, or to seniors who have

III units in the taken two Grade department. 203 (2) Plays, Production, and Performance (1-2) Thesis 2 to 4 370 The produced play considered as originally only to honors candidates. Open the creation of the dramatist but brought to completion in performance through the creative collaboration of producers, directors, designers, and actors. Directions for Election Open to all students. Mr. Course 100 is counted toward the degree but Barstow not toward the major. 205 (1)* Scene Study Students begin with 100 in college and who Study of the performed scene as the basic who wish to major should consult the building-block of playwright, director, and chairman in the semester of their second actor. Scenes from significant plays and freshman year. scenes written for the course regularly Students may choose to major either in rehearsed and performed for class criticism. Peninsular or Latin American literature. The Prerequisite: 203 or permission of the Peninsular major should ordinarily include instructor. 201, 203 or 204, 206, 207 or 208, 301, 302, Mr. Barstow either 205 or 307, and at least one additional unit of Grade III literature in Spanish. The 206 (1)* Design for the Theatre Latin American major should ordinarily Study of the designer's function in the include 201 , 205, 209, 21 or 21 1 , 306, 307, production process through development of 206 or 302, and at least one additional unit of scale models of theatrical environments for Grade III literature in Spanish. History 260 is specific plays. The models are evaluated in a recommended for the Latin American major; series of juried critiques focusing on History 261 is recommended for the performance as a realization of the analytical Peninsular major. interpretation of each play. Offered in

Individually planned majors in Latin American alternation with 209, studies, which combine language and Prerequisite: same as for 205. Majors are literature courses with a program of history, encouraged to take Art 100 and one or more anthropology, political science, and of the following before taking 206: Art 105, economics courses, are encouraged. 108, 209, 210.

Not offered in 1981-82.

Mr. Levenson

Offered in 1982-83. Theatre Studies 163

208 (1)* Contemporary Theatre 235 (1) Looking at Ballet Late 20th-century dramatists and production A history of ballet from the Romantic ballet of styles; plays, producers, designers, and the 1830s to the present. Analysis of ballets actors significant in the development of by such choreographers as Petipa, contemporary theatre. Balanchine, and Ashton. There will be filmed Prerequisite: 203 or permission of the and taped materials each week, along with instructor. Open to juniors and seniors lecture and discussion. When possible, without prerequisite. lectures will be supplemented by field trips to

Not offered in 1981-82. dance performances in the Boston area. Open to all students. Mr. Barstow Mrs. Temin Offered in 1982-83.

236 (2) Looking at Modern Dance 209 (2)* Seminar. The Design of Lighting An analysis of modern dance focusing on for Theatrical Production what makes it "modern" and how it differs Theory and technique of the lighting of from ballet. Modern dance choreographers performance as a major artistic component from Isadora Duncan and Ruth St. Denis to of theatrical production. Emphasis is on Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey, Paul developing the analytical, organizational and Taylor, Merce Cunningham, and Twyla Tharp technical skills necessary to the lighting will be discussed. Frequent films and designer. Offered in alternation with 206. videotapes of modern dance will be Prerequisite: same as for 205. supplemented when possible by field trips to Mr. Levenson dance performances in the Boston area. Open to all students. 210 (1-2)* History of the Theatre 1 or 2 Not offered in 1981-82. Study of theatre structures, crafts, and practices with emphasis on acting and Mrs. Temin production styles as these relate to major Offered in 1982-83. developments in dramatic literature. One unit of credit may be given for either semester by 350 (1) (2) Research or Individual permission of the instructor. Study 1 or 2 Prerequisite: same as for 205. Open by permission to qualified students.

Not offered in 1981-82.

Mr. Barstow Offered in 1982-83. Directions for Election

215 (1)* Shakespeare in the Theatre A student who wishes to pursue an interest in Study of production of Shakespeare's plays in theatre should consult the chairman of the theatre; particular attention to Elizabethan theatre studies about course selection which stagecraft and to contemporary production will emphasize dramatic literature in English styles; emphasis on acting and directing. and foreign languages together with the Reports, and scenes performed for class history and philosophy of art and music. criticism. A student who is interested in an individual Prerequisite: 203, and English 112, [215], or major in theatre studies should see [305], [306], or 323, or 324. Interdepartmental Majors. Mr. Barstow 164 Extradepartmental

106 (1) Introduction to Chinese Culture Extra- An inquiry into the patterns and themes of China's culture by examining its history, philosophy, religion, literature, art and departmental science. Particular themes will be explored through a series of historical topics. The patterns we will look for should help us answer questions such as: why did the Chinese Empire continue to exist for four The following section includes several millenia? why did Chinese philosophy develop separate courses of interest to students in in the direction of Maoist ideology? Classes in various disciplines. English. Open to all students without prerequisite. Course may be elected to fulfill in part the Mr. W. Liu distribution requirement in Group A

110 (1) (2) Introduction to Computer Programming and Computation Course may be elected to fulfill in part the Introduction to the science of computation distribution requirement in Group B"! or B^ as and problem-solving techniques in the BASIC designated. programming language. Focus on the development of good programming style and

Course may be elected to fulfill in part the experience with modern programming distribution requirement in Group C methodology in a range of application areas. The use of Wellesley's DECsystem-20 computer, and of editor programs and other system facilities; the FORTRAN language and Extradepartmental Courses the impact of computers on society. Open to all students. No prior background with computers or mathematics is expected. 100 (2) Tutorial in Expository Writing The Staff An individual tutorial in writing, taught by juniors and seniors from a variety of 112 (2)**** Evolution: Change Through academic departments. Requirements for the Time course include completion of weekly Study of the concepts of evolution in the assignments in writing and revising; physical and biological world and their impact occasional reading assignments; weekly on man's view of himself, his place in nature, conferences with a student tutor; occasional and his expectations for future change. conferences with faculty advisor. Mandatory Evidence for origins and change in the credit/noncredit. universe, the earth, and life forms. Open by permission of the class dean. Consideration of the historical development of Mrs. Stubbs evolutionary concepts will provide the opportunity to examine the manner in which scientific concepts are formulated, revised,

and restated; what it means to be "objective" in science; and the degree to which preconceived ideas affect what we observe, record, and accept in science. Two periods for lecture and a 3-period demonstration section. Meets the Group C distribution requirement as a nonlaboratory unit but does not count toward the minimum major in any Group C department. Open to freshmen and sophomores; to juniors and seniors by permission.

Not offered in 1981-82. Miss Webster, Miss Widmayer Extradepartmental 165

114 (1)***2 Introduction to Linguistics 130 (2) Comparative Literature Designed to familiarize the student with some Topic for 1980-81: Transformation of myths in of the essential concepts of language ancient and modern literature. Study of description. Suitable problem sets in English several classical myths which form the basis and in other languages will provide of significant works of widely separated opportunities to study the basic systems of periods. Analysis of essential plots of myths. language organization. Changes in linguistic Comparative study of their adaptations by methodology over the last century will also be ancient as well as modern authors. discussed. "Universal" appeal of the myths, and the Open to all students. effects of using traditional material in 20th- century literature. Readings available in Ms. Levitt translation, but students with reading knowledge of classical or modern languages 119 (2)* History of Science: Scientific Ideas and World Views will be encouraged to prepare in the original. all students. A course designed for students whose Open to technical knowledge of science is limited, but Not offered in 1981-82. who wish nevertheless to examine some of Mrs. Boedeker the scientific ideas which have shaped man's ideas of himself and his universe. Films from 141 (2) China on Film Jacob Bronowski's Ascent of Man series will West looks East through the camera's eye. provide a perspective for examining the Charlie Chan in Shanghai, Shirley MacLaine of scientists Newton, contributions such as at the Great Wall, Pearl Buck on the Good Darwin, and Einstein to the science of their Earth: a cinematic exploration of Western our Critical evaluation time as well as to own. conception of 20th-century China. A broad of scientific ideas their of the portrayal and selection of films, primarily documentary, will impact in historical accounts, biography and be analyzed in their historical context, film. (There will be film showings outside of supplemented by readings on both class hours.) background material and film criticism. Focus Open to all students. on major shift of dominant Western opinion

Not offered in 1981-82. toward China, Films by Felix Greene, Antonioni, Rene Burri, Shirley MacLaine, Miss Webster Edgar Snow to be included among others. in English. Discussion 120 (1)** Introduction to Women's Studies Course conducted following each film showing. Short paper Examination of key works of literature and assignments through the course. scholarship on women and the intellectual Open to freshmen and sophomores only; background of modern women's movements. upperclass students by permission of the Themes to be emphasized include (1) instructor. different definitions of male and female roles

(2) recommendations for changes in Mr. W. Liu established practice and attitudes and (3) women's cultural history. 211 (1-2)* Dante (in English) 2 Open to all students. An introduction to Dante and his culture. This course presumes no special background and attempts to create a context in which Dante's

poetry can be carefully explored. It concentrates on the Divine Comedy and Dante's use of his literary and philosophical sources. The centrality and encyclopedic

nature of the comedy make it a paradigmatic work for students of the Middle Ages. Since Dante has profoundly influenced some key figures of the 19th and 20th centuries, students will find that he illuminates modern literature as well. First semester may be elected independently, second semester may be elected independently by permission of the instructor. Open to all students. Ms. Jacoff 166 Extradepartmental

216 (2) Mathematics for the Physical 226 (1) History of Science: Historical Sciences Foundations of Modern Science Mathematical preparation for intermediate A course designed for students who have and advanced physical science courses. completed their introduction to science and Topics include: vector analysis; field theory, who wish to put some aspects of that with the divergence and Stoke's theorems; knowledge into historical perspective, ordinary and partial differential equations; emphasizing the historical development Fourier series. Topics such as diagonalizing rather than the textbook version of scientific matrices and using statistical distribution ideas, and the context — historical, political, functions included as time permits. No economic, and philosophical — of pivotal laboratory. episodes. The latter will be selected as much Prerequisite: Physics 104 or 105 or 110 or as possible to reflect the interests of the permission of the instructor and Mathematics students electing the course. With this 205 or [201] or [215]. introduction to history of science as a Ms. Marshall discipline and with several case histories from different sciences as models. Students will design research projects in the history of 220 (2) Proust and the Modern French Novel science reflecting their particular areas of Psychology and aesthetics in works by interest and expertise. Students will present Flaubert, Gide, Sartre, Beckett, and Robbe- their projects orally and in final papers. Grillet, with emphasis on Proust's Prerequisite: three units in Group C, at least Remembrance of Things Past. Lectures, one of which is with laboratory. Open to papers, and class discussion in English. juniors and seniors, and to sophomores by Students may read the texts in French or in permission of the instructor.

English translation. Not offered in 1981-82. Open to all students except those who have Miss Webster taken two or more Grade II courses in French literature. 227 (2) Feminism, Anti-Feminism and Mr. Stambolian Philosophy Study of the range of feminist and anti- ***2 222 (2) Women in Contemporary feminist theories developed in the course of Society Western history from Plato to the present. The legal, political, economic, and Emphasis will be placed espcially on psychological issues affecting women. discovering what values and concepts Special emphasis on women's work at home underlie anti-feminist theories and attitudes. and in the paid labor force, their role in the Some recent discussions of the possibility of family and in social change. changing traditional values and concepts so Prerequisite: Extradepartmental 120, or a as to reflect women's equality will also be social science course, or by permission of examined. the instructor. Open to all students without prerequisite. Mrs. Janik

228 (2)* ** Latin American Literature: Fantasy and Revolution Aesthetic and sociopolitical problems in the works of contemporary Latin American writers, as seen by Garcia Marquez, Cortazar, Paz, Donoso, and Neruda. Special attention will be given to the imaginative vision of Jorge Luis Borges. Open to all students except those who have taken Spanish 306 and 307.

Not offered in 1981-82. Ms. Ben-Ur Extradepartmental 167

230 (1) (2) Information Structures and 237 (2)* History and Structure of the Algorithmic Techniques Romance Languages An introduction to the PASCAL programming Open to students of French, Italian, Spanish, language and the theory and application of and Latin, this course deals with the data structuring techniques. Topics include: development of the modern Romance internal data representations, abstract data languages from Vulgar Latin. Primary types, stacks, recursion, pointers, list emphasis will be placed on examining this structures, trees and file storage. development from a linguistic point of view, Prerequisite: Extradepartmental 110 or stressing general principles of historical permission of the instuctor based on change. Some reading and comparison of equivalent preparation elsewhere. early texts in each of the languages will also be included. Offered in alternation with 238. The Staff Prerequisite: Extradepartmental 114 or by permission of the instructor. 231 (2) Interpretation and Judgment of Films Not offered in 1981-82. Close analysis of masterpieces of film art, Ms. Levitt drawn from the work of such directors as Eisenstein, Chaplin, Keaton, Dreyer, Ophuls, 238 (2)* Linguistic Analysis of Social and Fellini, Godard, and Welles, Bergman, Literary Expression Antonioni. short written assignments. Many An interdisciplinary course designed for Frequent screenings in the early part of the students in the humanities and social film under discussion; students week of the sciences based on the application of are required to see each film at least twice. linguistics to the analysis of language in its Open to all students. written and spoken forms. Emphasis on the Not offered in 1981-82. ways literary styles are created, and levels of social expression are conveyed, by variations

235 (1) An Introduction to Religion under in the structural and semantic organization of Communism language. Includes extensive study of A comparative study of the place of religion women's language. Offered in alternation with in the communist countries. This course 237. ranges broadly over countries of widely Prerequisite: Extradepartmental 114 or by different history, religious tradition and permission of the instructor. present state policies. Particular attention will Ms. Levitt be given to the USSR, Poland, Romania and Czechoslovakia, but there will be 240 (1) Organization of Computer Systems with China, Albania and comparisons made An investigation of the issues that arise in the will the Bulgaria. The emphasis be on design of large and complex programming positive, even developing, role which religion systems using Wellesley's DECsystem-20 continues to play in these societies. computer as a model. Topics include: Open to all students. machine language programming, operating Mr. Bourdeaux system principles and the programming methodology required to manage systems. 236 (2) The Making of Eastern Eurpoe, A.D. Prerequisite: Extradepartmental 230. 500-1000 Mr. Roberts A study of the emergence, out of the travails the sixth and of the barbarian invasions of 241 (2)* ** Chinese Poetry and Drama in seventh centuries, of a community of states Translation culture, and and nations owing much of their A survey of Chinese literature of classical the ecclesiastical allegiance, to Byzantium. antiquity, with emphasis on works of lyrical The character, and the growth, of this nature. Readings include selections from community in the ninth and tenth centuries. Book of Songs, elegiac poetry of Ch'u Yuan Emphasis will be placed on imperial diplomacy and works by the great poets of the T'ang and on the missionary work of the Byzantine and Sung periods. The course concludes with Church. the introduction to poetic drama of the Yuan Open to all students. Dynasty. Comparative analysis with other Mr. Obolensky literature will be encouraged. Classes in English. Open to all students without prerequisite.

Mr. Van Zoeren 168 Extradepartmental

** 242 (2)* Chinese Fiction in Translation 247 (2) Arthurian Legends A survey of Chinese narrative literature from A survey of legends connected with King the medieval period to the present. Readings Arthur from the 6th century through the 15th include short stories from the T'ang Dynasty with some attention to the new interpretations to the end of the Ming, selections from the in the Renaissance, the 19th, and the 20th great classic novels of the Ming and Ching centuries. Special lectures by members of Dynasties, and prose fiction by 20th-century the medieval/renaissance studies program. authors. Discussions will focus on the Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. different stylistic developments of high- and Mr. Stehling low-culture literature, the social significance of this literature, and the writer's perceptions 249 (2)* History of Italian Culture (in of the customs, institutions, and conflict of English) in his/her historical environment. Classes This course is designed to supply a historical English. context in which certain major cultural Open to all students without prerequisite. movements and works of individual authors

Not offered in 1981-82. may be best studied. It follows a chronological order going from the 13th 245 (2)* Films and the Novel in Italy century up to the modern period, with An introduction to historical, political, and particular attention to the historical periods of social aspects of post-war Italy; exploration of greatest cultural importance, such as the age the interrelationship between Italian cinema of the city-state, the Renaissance, the and fiction in the development of both social Enlightenment, the Unification of Italy, realism and experimental modes of poetic Fascism and the Resistance. The readings expression. Emphasis on novels by authors will include analysis both of historical and such as Pavese, Calvino, Moravia, and Levi literary texts. The course serves to integrate and analysis of films directed by Visconti, the curriculum of study offered by the Italian Rossellini, De Sica, Fellini, and Pasolini. department but should also be useful to Given in English. Students doing the reading students in other fields. and paper writing in Italian may count this Open to all students. course toward the major in Italian. Mrs. Mattii Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

Not offered in 1981-82. 251 (I)***! Ancient Science A study of our Western scientific heritage Mrs. Ellerman from its origins to about 200 A.D. Egyptian and Babylonian mathematics and astronomy 246 (2r**1 Ancient Medicine and their later transformation into deductive A survey of medical practice in the Near sciences by the Greeks. The boundary East, Greece, and Rome focusing on the between non-science and science, the development of rational medicine under cultural values necessary for scientific Hippocrates and the medical achievements of development in the ancient world, early the Hellenistic era. Also, theories of physical theories of biological and cultural evolution, and mental diseases and their consequences conflicts among science, religion, and for later Western medical practice, doctor- philosophy. Medical practices not included in patient relations, malpractice suits, the cult of this course. the healing god Asklepios, and miracle cures. Open to all students. Open to all students. Not offered in 1981-82. Not offered in 1981-82. Mr. Engels Mr. Engels Extradeparlmental 169

261 (2)* Theory of Programming 331 (2) Seminar. The Theatre since 1945 Languages Comparative study of the major innovative A survey of the techniques used in the design forms of contemporary drama from the works of a nnodern progrannming language and in of Beckett, Brecht, and Artaud to the most the implementation of programming language recent theatrical experiments in Europe and translators. Emphasizes the relationship of America. New critical approaches and research in computer science to the playwriting encouraged. problems of programming language Open by permission of the instructor to translation and considers such questions as juniors and seniors. the theory of parsing, formal languages and Not offered in 1981-82. their grammars, table-driven lexical analysis, Mr. Stambolian code generation and optimization. Prerequisite: Extradepartmental 230. 333 (2) Comparative Literature Not offered in 1981-82. Topic for 1980-81: Ideas of typology in the Mr. Roberts Bible and literature. Examination of certain basic typological structures established in the

272 (2) Moral Theory and Moral Change Old Testament and how the New Testament A study of the philosophical and practical adopts and transforms them. Typology both

conflict in the 18th and 19th centuries as a historical phenomenon (why was it so between those who make happiness the goal important and ubiquitous?) and a theoretical of morality and those who declare that one (what are its implications for theology, happiness is irrelevant to morality. Diderot, historiography, and hermeneutics?). Kant, George Eliot, Sidgwick and Kierkegaard Questions posed and answered in different will be the protagonists chiefly studied. terms by both texts and iconography in art Offered under the auspices of the Henry R. and architecture. Readings from Vergil's Luce Professorship in the academic year Aeneid, Augustine's Confessions, Dante's 1981-82. Inferno and Purgatorio. and Milton's Paradise Lost. Readings available in translation, but fylr. fyiaclntyre students with reading knowledge of Latin or Italian encouraged to prepare in original 308 (1-2) Seminar for Materials Research languages. in Archaeology and Ethnology 2 all students have taken at least Explore the role of materials and technologies Open to who one unit of foreign language beyond the in the development of ancient societies and college requirement and one Grade II course of the way in which scientific analysis of archaeological artifacts and monuments in literature. contributes to our understanding of the Not offered in 1981-82. cultures that produced them. Focus on lithics Miss Jacoff and their identification and production. The history of lithic items after their manufacture 334 (2) Seminar. The Autobiographical patterns and by studying use wear Impulse in Photography, Writing, and weathering phenomena. The first semester Speaking week and seminar and laboratory work each An interdisciplinary study of the human desire will devoted to the second semester be to reveal, explore, and record the individual's students under CMRAE laboratory projects by self, body, and world. Attention will be given faculty supervision. to the sources of this desire, the cultural Ms. Luedtke (MIT), Mr. Kohl factors that resist or shape it, the various

languages and forms it adopts, and the

310 (2)* Mathematical Foundations of personal and political uses to which it is put. Computer Science Among the artists and thinkers studied are: A survey of topics in the mathematical theory Barthes, Beckett, Ingmar Bergman, Foucault, of computation. Includes material in the Freud, Violette Leduc, Rousseau, Lucas following areas: abstract automata theory, Samaras, Susan Sontag, Picasso, Proust, and computability and decidability, computational selected photographers. Students will be complexity, recursive function theory and required to complete a short autobiographical combinatorial algorithms on trees and graphs. project. Prerequisite: Extradepartmental 230 and Open to juniors and seniors by permission of Mathematics 206. the instructor.

Mr. Roberts Mr. Stambolian 170 Extradepartmental

335 (1) Church-State Relations in 349 (2) Studies in Culture and Criticism Communist Countries Topic for 1981-82: French literature and This course seminar will concentrate mainly, opera. Classic French stories, plays, and but not exclusively, on the Soviet Union, novels and their adaptation by French, Italian, paying attention to Catholic and Protestant and German librettists and composers. traditions, as well as the Orthodox, Reading and discussion of a specific literary demonstrating how each is affected by the text precedes consideration of its

political and legal system under which it lives. transformation into an opera. The central Prerequisite: Religion 235. issue is the manner in which narrative construction, dramatic characterization, Mr. Bourdeaux mood, and style differ in prose fiction, dramatic literature, and opera. Texts by 336 (2) Seminar. The Mission of Cyril and Methodius to the Slavs Perrault, Corneille, Beaumarchais, Prevost, Merimee, Meterlinck, A study of the origins, the course and the Hugo, Dumas, results of this ninth-century Byzantine Mission Apollinaire. Operas by Rossini, Massenet, Mozart, Verdi, Bizet, Debussy, Puccini, and from original documents in English translation. Poulenc. Open by permission of the instructor. Prerequisite: French 201, 202, 205 or 206, or by permission of the instructor. Mr. Obolensky Mr. Turk (Taught at MIT)

341 (1) Epistemological Crises When an intellectual crisis disrupts some established mode of thought and practice, how are standards of knowledge and rational justification reestablished? Problems in the theory of knowledge will show the importance of this question for morality, science and philosophy. Offered under the auspices of the Henry R. Luce Professorship in the academic year 1981-82.

Mr. Maclntyre

342 (2) Seminar. Moral and Political Philosophy and the Emergence of Modernity A study of how moral and political philosophies, particularly those of Adam Smith and Hegel, contribute to the emergence of specifically modern social forms and conceptions of the individual, the state, liberty, justice and productive work. Offered under the auspices of the Henry R. Luce Professorship in the academic year 1981-82.

Mr. Maclntyre Extradepartmental 171

Experimental Courses Cross-Listed Courses

According to College legislation, the student- faculty Committee on Educational Research German 225 (2) (in English) and Development has the authority to Clashing Myths in German Culture recommend experimental courses and For description and prerequisite see programs to the Dean of the College. Faculty German 225. members and students are invited to submit Greek 104(1)** their ideas to the Committee. There are three Classical Mythology criteria for an experimental course or For description and prerequisite see program: a) it should address a defined Greek 104. problem in education at Wellesley; b) it should test a set of conscious assumptions Greek 203 (2)* about learning (and the results of the test Greek Drama in Translation should be communicated openly); c) it should For description and prerequisite see not fit easily into conventional departmental Greek 203. contexts. The following is the experimental course: Greek 228 (1) Reflections on the Search for Alexander 301 (2) Symbolism For description and prerequisite see In 1873, the English essayist and critic Walter Greek 228. Pater wrote: "All art constantly aspires towards the condition of music." On a Greek 252 (2) number of occasions, both in essays and in Women in Antiquity interviews, the French poet Stephane For description and prerequisite see Mallarme implied strong agreement with this Greek 252. statement of his English contemporary. This idea as part of an aesthetics that attempts to Greek 254 (2)** bridge the various arts, is an important part The Greek Experience of the movement called Symbolism. For description and prerequisite see This course will attempt to elucidate the Greek 254. Symbolist concept of music as the model art, and to investigate ways of describing the Italian 212 (2) relationships between the different arts Literature of the Italian Renaissance (in through the study of some of the poetry, English) painting and criticism commonly designated For description and prerequisite see as Symbolist, and through the study of some Italian 212. of the composers of the same period: above Italian 214 (2) all Debussy, but also Mahler, Richard Machiavelli (in English) Strauss, Scriabin, and, as background, prerequisite see Wagner. For description and Italian 214. Open to juniors and seniors with some reading knowledge of French and music, (or Russian 201 (1) any Grade I course in music), and to others Russian Literature in Translation I only with permission of the instructor. For description and prerequisite see Mr. Fisk Russian 201.

Russian 202 (2)

Russian Literature in Translation II For description and prerequisite see Russian 202.

Theatre Studies 235 (1) Looking at Ballet For description and prerequisite see Theatre Studies 235.

Theatre Studies 236 (2) Looking at Modern Dance For description and prerequisite see Theatre Studies 236. 172 Extradepartmentai

Cambridge Humanities Semester II 1981-82 Seminar Problems in Twentieth-Century Art and The Cambridge Humanities Seminar is a Philosophy collaborative effort by universities in the Twelve major painters of the last 100 years, Boston Cambridge area to enrich and — from Manet to Olitski, studied. Equal diversify their interdisciplinary offerings in the emphasis given to their stylistic development at advanced level. The humanities an through a close study of individual paintings program is centered at the Massachusetts and to the critical issues raised by their work, Institute of Technology and offers subjects to especially as these issues relate to the in the humanities at participating students history of Modernist thought. Readings institutions during the last two years of include writings of the artists themselves, as undergraduate and the first two years of well as relevant critical and philosophical graduate work, in an area of scholarship texts. Same course as Philosophy 328. periodically determined by its membership. Mrs. Stadler, Mr. Ablow (Boston University) The program currently involves faculty in literature, history, philosophy, and fine arts. On Quality in Art Its current subject is the idea of the past as it An exploration of recent and older attempts plays a role in the study of various cultural at formalizing critical and comparative activities. All subjects have limited judgments of works of visual art, tracing the enrollment. subject back to its roots in the isolation during the 16th century of a distinct aesthetic realm, in order to investigate the extent to which objectivity of such judgment can be Semester I 1981-82 arrived at. Readings will be coordinated with analysis of art works to which they refer.

Issues in Literary Interpretation Authors include selections from Vasari, Burckhardt, Examination of the ways in which issues Winckelmann, Baudelaire, arising in the interpretation of dreams, folk Hildebrand, Meier-Graefe, Berenson, Roger tales, sacred texts, works of visual art, and Fry, Apollinaire, Breton, Focillon, Panofsky, primitive cultures have influenced the Gombrich, Jacob Rosenberg, Rhys Carpenter, practice of interpreting literary and narrative James Ackerman. texts. Readings include Freud, T.S. Eliot, Mrs. Martin (Boston University) Empson, Levi-Strauss, Derrida, Barthes, Gombrich, Panofsky, Walter Benjamin. Ideas of Progress and Perfection is what exactly is at Mr. Kibel (MIT) The aim to discover issue in discussions of the debts which the American Television: A Cultural History arts, sciences, and philosophies of the 20th Television's evolution as a system of story- century owe to their respective historical telling and myth-making, studied from antecedents. The seminar will examine texts anthropological, literary, and cinematic in the history of art, science, and philosophy perspectives. The course centers on prime- with a view to clarifying the measure of time commercial broadcasting but also agreement between different answers to the examines theoretical perspectives as well as questions of what progress is and how it is to the medium's technological and economic be assessed. Readings will include Gombrich, history. Lakatos, and Collingwood. Same course as Open by permission of the instructor. Philosophy 327. Offered jointly with MIT 21.367. Mr. Thorburn (MIT) Mrs. Stadler, Mr. Kibel (MIT)

The Theory and Practice of Metaphor A "discovery course" tracing the function of metaphor in literature, the sciences, and human creativity in general. Theoretical analysis of metaphorical thinking as well as studies of the role of some specific meta- phors in past and present will be included. Same course as Philosophy 304 or 201.

Prerequisite: one Grade II course, preferably 200 or 201, or by permission of the instructor.

Mrs. Janik Interdepartmental Majors 173

Black Studies 230 (2) Inter- Black and Third World Women

Black Studies 264 (2) departmental Black Literature in America

Black Studies 320 (1) Majors Black Institutions

Economics 204 (1) The College offers a number of established American Economic History interdepartmental major programs. In addition, a student may design an individual Economics 243 (1) major. All interdepartmental and individual Issues in Social Policy: The Sexual Division of majors must include at least four units of Labor

work in one department above the Grade I level, and at least two Grade III units. Some Education 212(1) representative individual majors and courses History of American Education available for them are included in this section. English 261 (1)

American Literature I

American Studies English 262 (2) American Literature II Director: Marini English 263 American studies is a highly flexible, (1) (2) American Literature III interdisciplinary program designed to illuminate varieties of the American History 250 (1) experience. A wide selection of courses in The First Frontier different departments within the College may be taken for credit in the major. This flexibility History 251 (2) enables students to develop individual The United States in the Eighteenth Century programs of study. Students are encouraged to integrate diverse elements of American History 252 (1) experience by working closely with their The United States in the Nineteenth Century advisors and by taking courses which focus on what is enduring and characteristic in History 253 (2) American culture. The United States in the Twentieth Century

Four courses in one department above the History 310(1-2) Grade I level and two Grade III units are required. Social History of the United States

The following is a partial list of other courses History 355 (1-2) available that be included in an may Intellectual History of the United States American studies major:

Music 104 (2) Anthropology 210 (2) American f\^usic Racism and Ethnic Conflict in the United States the Third World and Philosophy 222 (1) American Philosophy Art 231 (1) the The Art of the English Colonies and Political Science 310 (1) United States to the Civil War Political Decision-Making in the United States

Art 232 (2) Political Science 332 (1) Art in the United States from the Civil War to The Supreme Court In American Politics

World War II Political Science 340 (1)* Black Studies 206 (1) American Political Thought Afro-American History Religion 218 (1)* Religion in America 174 Interdepartmental Majors

Chinese Studies Extradepartmental 241 (2)* Chinese Poetry and Drama in Translation Directors: Cohen, Lin Extradepartmental 242 (2)* Students interested in graduate work and a Chinese Fiction in Translation career in Chinese studies should take extensive Chinese language work, and History 150(1) e literature in the original Chinese is highly China in Outside Perspective recommended.

The following courses are available for History 275 (1) majors in Chinese studies. Late Imperial Chinese History

Art 120 (1) History 276 (2) Themes and Meaning in Asian Art China in Revolution

Art 248 (1) History 345 (1) Chinese Art Seminar. Chinese History

Art 337 (2)* History 346 (2) Seminar. Chinese Art Seminar. Chinese History

Chinese 101 (1-2) Political Science 300 (2) Elementary Spoken Chinese Politics of East Asia

Chinese 102 (1-2) Religion 108 (1) (2) Basic Chinese Reading and Writing Introduction to Asian Religions

Chinese 151 (1) Religion 253 (2)* Advanced Elementary Chinese Buddhist Thought and Practice

Chinese 201 (1-2) Religion 254 (1)* Intermediate Chinese Reading Chinese Thought and Religion

Chinese 202 (1-2) Religion 304 (1)* Intermediate Conversational Chinese Seminar. Zen Buddhism

Chinese 252 (1) Religion 305 (2) Readings in Modern Style Writings Seminar. Religion and Asian Literature

Chinese 300 (2) Readings in Contemporary Chinese Literature Classical Civilization Chinese 301 (1) Readings in Expository Writings of People's Director: Lefkowitz Republic of China Students who wish a classical civilization major can plan with the Departments of Chinese 310 (1) Greek and Latin an appropriate sequence of Introduction to Literary Chinese courses, which should include work in art, history, philosophy, and literature. Such a Chinese 311 (2) program should always contain at least four Readings in Classical Chinese units in the original language. Basic

knowledge of French or German is Chinese 316 (2) Seminar. Chinese Literature in the Twentieth recommended. Century The selections listed below are available for majors in classical civilization during 1981-82. Chinese 349 (1) Greek: All courses in the original. Latin: All Seminar. Topics in Literary Chinese courses in the original.

Extradepartmental 106 (1) Art 100 (1-2) Introduction to Chinese Culture Introductory Course

Extradepartmental 141 (2) A« 200 (1)* China on Film Classical Art: Roman Art Interdepartmental Majors 175

Greek 104(1) Students who concentrate in classical Classical Mythology archaeology must normally have at least an elementary knowledge of both Greek and Greek 228 (1) Latin. Students who concentrate on the Reflections on the Search for Alexander ancient Near East must have knowledge of one ancient Near Eastern language and have Greek 252 (2) taken Anthropology 344 which details the Women in Antiquity emergence of early urban societies, and Religion 203 which traces their later history. History 230 (2) Students should plan for at least one summer Greek History from the Bronze Age to the of excavation and travel. Scholarship aid for Death of Philip II of t^acedon this travel is available from the Stecher Fund for qualified students. 37. History 360 (1) See p. Seminar. Roman History

Philosophy 101 (1)(2) Plato's Dialogues As an Introduction to French Studies Philosophy The major in French Studies offers students Philosophy 312 (1)* the opportunity to achieve oral and written Aristotle linguistic competence, a good knowledge of France through study of its history, literature, Religion 104(1) (2) arts and thought, and an understanding of Introduction to the Hebrew Bible contemporary French society.

Students will have further advantage of Religion 105 (1) (2) working closely with two advisors, one from Introduction to the New Testament French and one from another area of study, to devise and focus their programs. Programs Religion 201 (1) are subject to the approval of the director. Jesus of Nazareth Requirements: For the major, at least four

Religion 203 (2)* units in French above the Grade I level are The Ancient Near East: An Introduction required. Of these, at least one shall be at

the Grade III level, and at least one chosen Religion 207 (1) from among the following: French 222, 308, New Testament Greek or 309. All courses above French 102 may be counted toward the major in French Studies, except that both French 121-122 and 141-142 or both French 206 and 226 may not be Classical and Near Eastern counted. Archaeology For the major in French studies, two or more courses shall be elected from the following: Director: Marvin Art 202 (1) The purpose of a major in classical and Near Medieval Art Eastern archaeology is to acquaint the student with the complex societies of the Old Art 203 (2) World in antiquity. Cathedrals and Castles of the High Middle The program for each student will be planned Ages individually from courses in the Departments of Anthropology, Art, Greek, History, Latin, Art 219 (1) Philosophy, and Religion as well as from the Painting and Sculpture of the Nineteenth architecture and anthropology programs at Century MIT. Certain courses in statistical methods, geology, and chemistry are also useful. The Art 305 (2) introductory course in archaeology History of Photography (Anthropology 106) or its equivalent is required for all archaeology majors. Art 312(2) Problems in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth- Century Art 176 Interdepartmental Majors

Extradepartmental 220 (1) The program for each student will be planned Proust and the Modern French Novel on an individual basis and is subject to the approval of the director. At least four units in

Extradepartmental 237 (2) Italian above the Grade I level, one of which

History and Structure of the Romance shall be of Grade III level, must be included Languages in the program.

The following courses are available for Extradepartment 331 (2) majors in Italian culture: Senninar. The Theatre Since 1945

Art 220 (1) Extradepartmental 349 (2) Painting and Sculpture of the Later Sixteenth Studies in Culture and Criticisnn and Seventeenth Centuries in Southern Europe History 242 (1) The Age of Louis XIV in France Art 250 (1)* From Giotto to the Art of the Courts History 243 (2) The Enlightenment, the French Revolution, Art 251 and Napoleon (2) Italian Renaissance Art

History 245 (2) Art 254 (1)* History of Modern France, 1815-present Art of the City: Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Music 251 (2) Music in the Middle Ages Art 304 (2)* Problems in Italian Sculpture Music 252 (2) Music in the Renaissance Art 309 (1)* Renaissance and Baroque Architecture At the discretion of the director, after consultation with the course instructor, other Art 330 (2) courses may be approved, such as: Art 216, Seminar. Italian Art European Art from the Renaissance through the 19th Century; Art 224, Modern Art; Art Extradepartmental 211 (1-2)* 228, Scientific Revolution; Philosophy 223, Dante (in English) Phenomenology and Existentialism; Political Science 205, Politics of Western Europe; Extradepartmental 245 (2)* Extradepartmental 130, Comparative Films and the Novel in Italy Literature; Extradepartmental 333,

Comparative Literature. Extradepartmental 249 (2) History of Italian Culture (in English)

History 233 (1) Italian Culture Renaissance Italy

Director: Jacoff Italian 202 (1)

Intermediate Italian I The major in Italian culture offers students the opportunity of becoming proficient in the Italian 203 (2) language and of acquiring knowledge and Intermediate Italian II understanding of Italy through the study of its art, history, literature, music, and thought. Italian 207 (1) An Introduction to Italian Literature and Culture of the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Italian 208 (2) An Introduction to Italian Literature and Culture of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Interdepartmental Majors 177

Italian 212 (2)* sequence of courses that will provide them Literature of the Italian Renaissance (in with a sound background in the linguistic and English) critical techniques essential to further work in their chosen fields. Individual interests and Italian 214 (2) needs can be accommodated through Machiavelli (in English) independent study projects carried out under the supervision of one or more faculty Italian 302 (1)* members and designed to supplement, or Theatre in Italy The substitute for, advanced semindr-level work. Art 330 is the seminar recommended for Italian 303 (1)* majors in medieval/renaissance studies in The Short Story in Italy Through the Ages 1981-82. Among the courses available for majors and prospective majors are: Italian 308 (2) The Contemporary Novel Art 100(1) Introductory Course Italian 310(1)* Italian Lyric Poetry Art 202 (1) Medieval Art Italian 312(1) Chivalric Literature of the Italian Renaissance Art 203 (2) Cathedrals and Castles of the High Middle Italian 349 (2) Ages Seminar. Literature and Society Art 215(1) Music 208 (2)* European Art to the Renaissance The Baroque Era

Art 250 (1)* Music 252 (2)* From Giotto to the Art of the Courts Music in the Renaissance

Art 251 (2) Music 303 (1) Italian Renaissance Art The Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Art 254 (1)* Music 307 (1)* Art of the City: Medieval, Renaissance, and The Opera Baroque

Art 304 (2)* Problems in Italian Sculpture Medieval/Renaissance Art 309 (1)* Studies Renaissance and Baroque Architecture Director: Cox, Fergusson Art 311 (1)* The major in medieval/renaissance studies Northern European Painting and Printmaking enables students to explore the infinite richness and variety of Western civilization Art 330 (2) to the of from later Greco-Roman times Age Seminar. Italian Art the Renaissance and Reformation, as reflected in art, history, music, literature, and Art 332 (2)* language. Seminar. Medieval Art Numerous opportunities for study abroad exist for those who wish to broaden their English 112(1) (2) experience and supplement research skills Shakespeare through direct contact with European and Mediterranean culture. Majors who are English 150 (1)d contemplating postgraduate academic or Cynthia's Revels professional careers should consult faculty English 211 (1)* advisors, who will assist them in planning a Medieval Literature

English 213 (1) Chaucer 178 Interdepartmental Majors

English 222 (1) History 234 (1) Renaissance Literature The Renaissance and Reformation in Western Europe English 282 (2)* Tragedy History 235 (2) Medieval and Early Modern European English 313 (2)* Intellectual History, 400 to 1600 Advanced Studies in Chaucer History 238 (1) English 323 (1) English History: 1066 and All That

Advanced Studies in Shakespeare I History 239 (2) English 324 (2) English History: Tudors and Stuarts

Advanced Studies in Shakespeare II History 258 (2) Extradepartmental 211 (1-2) Science and Medicine from the Middle Ages Dante (in English) to the Scientific Revolution

Extradepartmental 247 (2) History 367 (2) Arthurian Legends Seminar. Renaissance Florence

French 212 (1) Italian 207 (1)

Medieval French Literature I An Introduction to Italian Literature and Culture of the Late Middle Ages and the French 300 (2)* Renaissance French Literature of the Renaissance Italian 301 (1-2) French 312 (1) Dante

Medieval French Literature II

Latin 207 (2) German 202 (1) Medieval Latin Introduction to German Literature Music 251 (2)* German 225 (2) Music in the Middle Ages Clashing Myths in Gernnan Culture (in English) Music 252 (2)* (2)* Greek 328 Music in the Renaissance Problems in Ancient History and

Historiography Music 303 (1) The Middle Ages and the Renaissance History 100(1) (2)

Medieval and Early Modern European History Political Science 240 (1) Classical and Medieval Political Theory History 150(2) d Henry VIM: Wives and Policy Religion 216 (1)* History of Christian Thought: 100-1400 History 150(2) h

Richard The Lion-Hearted in History and Religion 242 (2) Legend Christianity in the Arts

History 230 (2)* Spanish 206 (1) History from the Bronze Age to the Greek Landmarks of Spanish Literature I

Death of Philip II of Macedon Spanish 302 (2)* History 231 (1)* Cervantes History of Rome

History 232 (2) The Medieval World, 1000 to 1300

History 233 (1) Renaissance Italy Interdepartmental Majors 179

Molecular Biology Individual Majors

Director: Levy Students who are interested in interdisciplinary work may design an The Departments of Biological Sciences and individual major, in consultation with two Chemistry offer an interdepartmental major in faculty advisors. The program for the molecular biology which gives opportunity for individual major is subject to the approval of advanced study of the chemistry of biological the Committee on Curriculum and Instruction. systems. In setting up guidelines for the individual units of biochemistry In addition to two (323 major, committee hopes to extend the or and the area of and 324 [221] [326]), possibility for a major which crosses consists of four units of concentration traditional departmental lines to those chemistry which must include 211 and 231; students who could most benefit from such a five units of biology (110 or 1 1 1 or [101], major and to assure suitable guidance to the 200, 205, and one Grade III unit with a [100], student in selecting appropriate courses for laboratory taken at Wellesley scheduled the major. The program for the individual excluding 350 or 370); Physics 104, 105, or major should include four units in one 110; and fvlathematics 116 [111] or the department above the Grade I level, and two equivalent. Students should be sure to satisfy Grade III units. the prerequisites for the Grade III biology The majors and suggested courses listed course. below are representative of the more established programs.


Directors: Koff, Eichenbaum East Asian Studies

The Departments of Psychology and Directors: Cohen, Lin Biological Sciences offer an interdepart- A student who is interested in an East Asian mental major in psychobiology which Studies major may take a minimum of provides opportunity for interdisciplinary Chinese language work or none; and may study of the biological bases of behavior. check Chinese Studies Interdepartmental in psychobiology must include A major major for suggested course list and add and Psychology 101 and 205, Biology 110 courses as follows: 111, and Psychobiology 213, and either 214. In addition, Psychology 214R or Biology Art 249 (2) majors must elect at least one Grade II Far Eastern Art course from each department, and two

relevant Grade III courses from either History 271 (2) department, or their equivalents, subject to Japanese History approval by the directors of the program. Religion 255 (2)* It is recommended that students plan a Japanese Religion and Culture program in which the core sequence (first six courses) be completed as early in the Religion 260 (2) program as possible, and'no later than the Eastern Spirituality in the West end of the junior year.

Religion 303 (1) Asian Mysticism 180 Interdepartmental Majors

Language Studies Theatre Studies

Director: Levitt Director: Barstow

The major in language studies offers students The major in theatre studies offers who are interested in the field of linguistics opportunity for study of the theatre through the opportunity for interdisciplinary study of its history, literature, criticism, and related questions relating to the structure, history, arts and through the disciplines of its philosophy, sociology and psychology of practitioners; playwrights, directors, language. designers, actors, and producers.

The program for each student will be The student's program in the major may be individually planned and subject to the adapted to individual interests. Focus may be approval of both advisors and director. Four on the theatre and a national dramatic courses in one department above the Grade I literature, on the theatre and related arts, or, level and two Grade HI units are required. within the general demands of the curriculum, a variety of emphases may be Students are urged to consult the fvllT evolved, including work in such areas as catalogue for additional offerings for the philosophy, history, psychology, sociology, major. Courses given by the visiting Luce and religion. Professor may also be relevant. Theatre Studies 203 and both semesters of The following courses are available in Theatre Studies 210 are required for the language studies:

major. At least four units above Grade I normally should be elected in a literature English 381 (1) The English Language department (English, French, German, Greek and Latin, Italian, Russian, or Spanish), with literature. Extradepartmental 114 (1) emphasis on dramatic At least two

Introduction to Linguistics units above Grade I normally should be elected in art or music. Two of the six units Extradepartmental 237 (2)* thus specified (or their equivalents) must be

History and Structure of the Romance Grade III.

Languages Students electing to design a major in theatre studies normally will take at least one Extradepartmental 238 (2)* resident semester of concentrated work in Linguistic Analysis of Social and Literary the discipline either with the National Theater Expression Institute at the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center in Waterford, Connecticut, or at another French 308 (1) institution in the Twelve College Exchange Advanced Studies in Language I Program, to supplement and enrich their work at Wellesley. French 309 (2)

Advanced Studies in Language II Since developments in the theatre arts are the results of stage experiments, and Philosophy 304 (2) because the theatre performance is an

The Theory and Practice of Metaphor expression of theatre scholarship, it is expected that theatre studies majors will Philosophy 335 (1) elect to complement formal study of theatre Theory of fvleaning history and theory with practical experience in the extracurricular production program of Psychology 216(2) the Wellesley College Theatre. Psycholinguistics In addition to the offerings of the Theatre Department, the following courses Russian 249 (1)* Studies Language are specifically relevant to the individual major in theatre studies:

Chinese 316 (2) Seminar. Chinese Literature in the Twentieth Century

English 112(1) (2) Shakespeare Interdepartmental Majors 181

English 127(1) (2) The following courses are specifically Modern Drama relevant to the individual design major in theatre studies: English 150 (2) e 182 Interdepartmental Majors

Urban Studies Women's Studies

Director: Case Directors: Gouda, Janik, Ward

A major in urban studies may be designed by Faculty Advisors: Amott (Economics), students in consultation with two faculty Anderson-Khleif (Sociology), Ben-Ur (Spanish), advisors, representing different departments. Berger (Sociology), Brown (Physics), Campbell Each program is subject to the approval of (Mathematics), Clinchy (Psychology), Darling the Committee on Curriculum and Instruction. (Black Studies), Friedman (Art), Gouda (History), Hules (French), Janik (Philosophy), The program should include a minimum of Jones (History), Koff (Psychology), Lefkowitz four units in one department above the Grade (Greek and Latin), Magraw (Physical I level. Moreover, at least two of those units Education), Merry (Anthropology), Roberts must be at the advanced (Grade III) level. (Computer Science), Robinson (History), This concentration is to provide majors with a Schechter (Political Science), Schiavo sound disciplinary background and to equip (Psychology), Silbey (Sociology), Solomon them for further academic or professional (Psychology), Van Dyke (English), work. Such concentration usually occurs Ward (German). within the Departments of Anthropology, Art, Black Studies, Economics, History, Political A major in women's studies offers the Science, Psychology, or Sociology. opportunity for the interdisciplinary study of

women's experience as it is reflected in Students should note carefully the course history, the humanities and social sciences. prerequisites set by each department. It is An understanding of the new intellectual also strongly recommended that majors elect frameworks contributing to a reevaluation of basic methodology courses in their field of the models and theories which have concentration (e.g.. Economics 211; Political conditioned thought about women and men Science 249; Sociology 201, 202 sequence, should be at the core of the women's studies etc.). This focus will provide techniques and major. tools of analysis pertinent to a discipline perspective on urban processes and/or Beginning with the Class of 1983, a major in policy. Women's Studies must include Extradepartmental 120, Introduction to The interdisciplinary approach, based on Women's Studies, and at least one of the particular student interests, may emphasize following: Extradepartmental 222, in urban problem-solving and public Women Contemporary Society, Philosophy 227, administration, urban design, urban Feminism, Anti-Feminism and Philosophy, or education, or the urban environment. An Black Studies 230, Black and Third World understanding of the processes which create Women. In addition the program should and sustain urban systems should be at the include a concentration in one department: core of an urban studies major.

four units above the Grade I level and two Students are also encouraged to apply for units of the major at the advanced level experientially based programs such as the (Grade III). These may include individual Urban Politics Summer Internship, programs study in 350 or 370 courses. It is strongly sponsored the Office for Careers, and to by recommended that majors elect basic elect Political Science 318 (Field Research method and theory courses in their field of Seminar in Public Policy) and Sociology 329 concentration. (Internship Seminar in Organizations). Additional opportunities for courses and field work are available through MIT cross- registration. Interdepartmental Majors 183

Students design their programs in French 304 (1) consultation with two faculty advisors, one of The French Novel in the Eighteenth Century whom should be from the department of concentration. The directors are available for French 319(2) preliminary consultation and referral to the Women and Literary Expression. other faculty advisors. Transgression and Transcendence: Modern French Women Writers The following courses are available in women's studies. Other courses are available German 208 (2) each semester through cross-registration with Literature since 1945: and MIT. Women Women Authors in the Two Germanies

Anthropology 269 (1) Greek 252 Sex Roles, Marriage, and the Family (2) Women in Antiquity

Art 233 (1) History 150(2) d Domestic Architecture and Daily Life Henry VIII: wives and policy

Black Studies 217 (1) History 257 Sociology of the Black Family (2) Women in American History

Black Studies 222 (1) History 332 (1) Images of Blacks and Women in American Seminar. The "Woman Question" in Victorian Cinema England

Black Studies 230 (2) History 348 (1) Black and Third World Women Seminar. Women, Work and the Family in

European History, 1700 - Present Economics 243 (2) Issues in Social Policy: The Sexual Division of Philosophy 227 Labor (2) Feminism, Anti-Feminism and Philosophy

Education 206 (1) Political Science 335 Women, Education and Work (2) Seminar. Law and Social Change

Education 312 (2) Psychology 303 (2) Seminar. History of Child Rearing and the The Psychological Implications of Being Family Female

English 150(1) a Psychology 317 (1) Cynthia's Revels Seminar. Psychological Development in Adults English 150 (1)d American Women Writers of the Short Story Psychology 325 (1) Seminar. History of Psychology English 150 (2) b Women on Women: Female Portraits of a Sociology 111 (1) Lady Family Sociology

English 203 (1) (2) Sociology 311 (2) Short Narrative Seminar. Family Studies

English 301 (1) Spanish 211 (2) The Short Story Living Women Writers of Spain, 1970-1981

Extradepartmental 120 (1) Introduction to Women's Studies

Extradepartmental 222 (2) Women in Contemporary Society

Extradepartmental 238 (2) Linguistic Analysis of Social and Literary Expression j^mifmsmmtl^ M 185

Board of Trustees

Betty K. F. Johnson MA Carol Johnson Johns M D Chairman of the Board Baltimore, Maryland Cincinnati, Ohio Howard Wesley Johnson MA Robert A. Lawrence B A Cambridge, Massachusetts Vice Chairman Westwood, Massachusetts Mary Gardiner Jones LL B Washington, D.C. Horace S. Nichols B.S. Treasurer Hilda Rosenbaum Kahne PhD Weston, Massachusetts Lexington, Massachusetts

Mary Dooley Bragg B A. Mildred Lane Kemper B A Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts Kansas City, Missouri

Walter M. Cabot MBA Grace Mills B A Dover, Massachusetts New York, New York

Frances Clausen Chapman B A. Suzanne Carreau Mueller B A St. Louis, Missouri New York, New York

Harriet Segal Cohn B.A. Samuel H. Proger M D Brool

Dorothy Dann Collins B A. George Putnam MBA Dallas, Texas Manchester, Massachusetts

Allison Stacey Cowles MA. Katherine Curtis Rigler B A Spokane, Washington Bethesda, Maryland

Prudence Slltor Crozier Ph.D. William L. Saltonstall MBA. Wellesley, Massachusetts Manchester, Massachusetts

Nelson J. Darling, Jr. LL.B. Mary Ann Dilley Staub B A Swampscott, Massachusetts Winnetka, Illinois

Luella Gross Goldberg B.A. David B. Stone LL D Minneapolis, Minnesota Marion, Massachusetts

Harvey H. Guthrie, Jr. Th.D. Nancy Angell Streeter B A Cambridge, Massachusetts New York, New York

Barbara Barnes Hauptfuhrer B.A. Margaret Westheimer Tishman MA Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania New York, New York

Anne Cohen Heller M D Nannerl O. Keohane Ph D , ex officio New York, New/ York President of Wellesley College Wellesley, Masschusetts Walter Hunnewell MBA

Wellesley, Massachusetts Beatrice Strand MacDonald B A , ex officio President of the Wellesley College David O. Ives MBA Alumnae Association Cambridge, Massachusetts Lexington, Massachusetts

Barbara Loomis Jackson Ed D. Clerk of the Board of Trustees Baltimore, Maryland Doris E. Drescher B S Needham, Massachusetts 9 187

Trustees Emeriti

Eleanor Wallace Allen '25 John R. Queries Boston, Massachusetts Lynchburg, Virginia

O. Kelley Anderson Rose Clymer Rumford '34 Boston, Massachusetts Baltimore, Maryland

Sirarpie Der Nersessian John K. Spring Paris, France Concord, Massachusetts

Byron Kauffman Elliott Edward A. Weeks, Jr. Boston, Massachusetts Boston, Massachusetts

Alexander Cochrane Forbes Mary Sime West '26 Manchester, Massachusetts Somers, New York

Mary Cooper Gaiser '23 Henry Austin Wood Spokane, Washington Newport, Rhode Island

Elisabeth Luce Moore '24 Katharine Timberman Wright '18 New York, New York Columbus, Ohio 1 ^-

--f Y --*-'

.-^*1- 189

President Nannerl O. Keohane

Presidents *r' .'5!?3'. Faculty 191 Faculty

Frank Abetti Jerold S. Auerbach B.A., Duke University; B.A., Oberlin College; Ph.D., M.A., Ph.D.,

Visiting Assistant Professor of French Professor of History

Marie J. Adams^ Jane R. Baier^ B.A., M.A., University of Chicago; B.A., Mount Holyoke College; M.A., Ph.D., Columbia University M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin

Associate Professor of Art Assistant Professor of French

Marjorie AgosM^ Robert Barnes^ B.A., University of Georgia; Instructor in Viola M.A., Indiana University

Instructor in Spanish Evelyn Claire Barry A.B., A.M., Radcliffe College Robin Akert Associate Professor of Music B.A., University of California (Santa Cruz); M.A., Paul Rogers Barstow Instructor in Psychology B.A., Williams College; M.F.A., Yale University l\1ary Mennes Allen Professor of Theatre Studies B.S., M.S., University of Wisconsin; Director, Wellesley College Theatre Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley)

Professor of Biological Sciences Ann Streeter Batchelder B.A., Wheaton College; Teresa Louise Amott M.Ed., Framingham State College; B.A., Smith College; Ed.D., Boston University Ph.D., Boston College Associate Professor of Physical Education Assistant Professor of Economics and Athletics

Susan Anderson-Khleif Sandra R. Baum B.A., University of Minnesota; B.A., Bryn Mawr College; A.M., Ph.D., M.A., M.Phil., Columbia University

Assistant Professor of Sociology Instructor in Economics

Harold E. Andrews III Connie Lynn Bauman B.A., College of Wooster; B.S., Illinois State University; M.A., University of Missouri; M.S., Arizona State University Ph.D., University Harvard Assistant Professor of Physical Education Associate Professor of Geology and Athletics Athletic Trainer Lilian Armstrong B.A., Wellesley College; Stephanie Bea|3 A.M., Radcliffe College; lnstruc,tor in Cello Ph.D., Columbia University

Professor of Art Barbara R. Beatty^ A.B., Radcliffe College; Louis W. Arnold^ Ed.M., Harvard University

Instructor in Guitar Lecturer in Education

Legend for superscripts is on page 47. 192 Faculty

Donna Lee Beers Barbara Miriam Brenzel* B.A., M.S., Ph.D., University of Connecticut B.A., University of Toronto; Ed.M., Ed.D., Harvard University Assistant Professor of Mathennatics Assistant Professor of Education Carolyn Shaw Bell B.A., Mount Holyoke College; Martin Alan Brody Ph.D., London University B.A., Amherst College; M.M., M.M.A., Yale University Katharine Coman Professor of Econonnics Assistant Professor of Music Priscilla Benson^ B.A., Smith College; Judith Claire Brown M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology B.A., Rice University; Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley) Laboratory Instructor in Physics Professor of Physics Lorraine Elena Ben-Ur B.A., Mount Holyoke College; Barry Leonard Bull A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University B.A., Yale College; M.A., University of Virginia; Associate Professor of Spanish M.A.T, University of Idaho; Ph.D., Brigitte Berger M.A., Ph.D., The New School of Social Assistant Professor of Education Research William E. Cain Professor of Sociology B.A., Tufts University; M.A., Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University James R. Besancon B.S., Yale University; Associate Professor of English Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Molly S. Campbell^ Assistant Professor of Geology B.A., Wellesley College; Harvard University Frank Bidart A.M., B.A., University of California (Riverside); Lecturer in Mathematics A.M., Harvard University Class Dean

Associate Professor of English Margaret Deutsch Carroll* B.A., Barnard College; D. Scott BIrney* A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University B.S., Yale University; M.A., Ph.D., Georgetown University Assistant Professor of Art

Professor of Astrononny Karl E. Case A.B., Miami University; Ella P. Bones A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University B.A., Cornell University; A.M., Radcliffe College; Associate Professor of Economics Ph.D., Harvard University Andrew Cayton^ Professor of Russian B.A., University of Virginia; Brown University Michael Bourdeaux^ M.A., Ph.D., B.A., M.A., St. Edmund Hall, Oxford; Assistant Professor of History B.D., Oxford University Maud H. Chaplin Kathryn W. Davis Visiting Professor B.A., Wellesley College; in Slavic Studies M.A., Ph.D., Brandeis University

Sheila Brachfeld Professor of Philosophy B.A., Tufts University; Dean of the College Ed.M., Boston University Jonathan Cheek Instructor in Psychology B.A., George Washington University; M.A., University of Texas (Austin)

Instructor in Psychology Faculty 193

Pamela Chester Betsy Cooper B,A., Wellesley College B.S., Ed.M., Boston University A.M., Harvard University Instructor in Physical Education and Athletics Instructor in Russian Christine D. Cooper Mary Jane Ciccarello B.A.. M.A.. Wellesley College B.A., Barnard College; Laboratory Instructor in Biological M.A., Columbia University Sciences Instructor in Italian David B. Cope^ Nancy Cirillo^ S.B., S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Instructor in Violin

Director of Chamber Music Society Laboratory Instructor in Physics

Anne de Coursey Clapp* Eugene Lionel Cox B.A., Smith College; B.A., College of Wooster; M.F.A., Yale University; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University Mary Jewett-Gaiser Professor of History Associate Professor of Art Mary D. Coyne Suzanne Cleverdon^ A.B., Emmanuel College; M.A., Wellesley College; Instructor in Harpsichord Ph.D., University of Virginia

BIythe McVicker Cllnchy Professor of Biological Sciences B.A., Smith College; M.A., New School for Social Research; Martha Alden Craig Ph.D., Harvard University B.A., Oberlin College; M.A., Ph.D., Yale University Associate Professor of Psychology Director, Child Study Center Professor of English

Barbara J. Cochran* Jean V. Crawford B.S., M.Ed., Pennsylvania State University; B.A., Mount Holyoke College; Ed.D., Boston University M.A., Oberlin College; Ph.D., University of Illinois Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Athletics Charlotte Fitch Roberts Professor of Chemistry Paul A. Cohen B.A., University of Chicago: Jacqueline Penez Criscenti^ A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University A.B., Regis College; Sc.M., Brown University; Edith Stix Wasserman Professor of Asian Ph.D., University of Minnesota Studies Assistant Professor of Mathematics Phyllis Cole3 B.A., Oberlin University; Michael Crook^ A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University B.Sc, Oueen Mary College, London University

Assistant Professor of English Lecturer in Chinese

Ann Congleton Lee J. Cuba B.A., Wellesley College; B.S., Southern Methodist Universtiy; M.A., Ph.D., Yale University M.A., M.Phil., Yale University

Professor of Philosophy Instructor in Sociology

Edith Cook Roxanne Dale A.B., Wheaton College; B.A., Slippery Rock State College

M.A., Ph.D., University of Rochester Instructor in Physical Education and Assistant Professor of Mathematics Athletics 194 Faculty

Marsha J. Darling Katherine Dyer A. A., City University of New York; A.B., Radcliffe College; B.A., Vassar College; M.Phil., Warburg Institute, University M.A., Duke University of London

Lecturer in Black Studies Instructor in History

Jeanne A. Darlington Kathleen Edwards B.A., Knox College; B.A., M.A., University of Rochester; M.A., Wellesley College M.S., Ph.D., University of Chicago

Laboratory Instructor in Chemistry Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Judith Davies Howard Brook Eichenbaum B.A., Scripps College; B.S., Ph.D., University of Michigan M.F.A., University Temple Assistant Professor of Biological Assistant Professor of Art Sciences

Stanton Davis^ Dorothy Z. Eister B.M., New England Conservatory of Music B.A., Hood College; M.A., Mount Holyoke College Lecturer in Music Research Assistant in Psychology Christiane Delessert^ M.A.L.D., Fletcher School of Law and Sharon K. Elkins^'*^ Diplomacy; B.A., Stetson University; Ph.D., Graduate Institute of international M.T.S., Harvard Divinity School; Studies Ph.D., Harvard University

Assistant Professor of Political Science Assistant Professor of Religion

Margaret A. Dermody Mei-Mei Akwai Ellerman^ A.B., Emmanuel College; Lie, University of Geneva; M.A., Wellesley College M.A., Boston University; Ph.D., Harvard University Laboratory Instructor in Biological Sciences Assistant Professor of Italian

Louis S. Dickstein Donald Engels* B.A., Brooklyn College; B.A., University of Florida; M.S., Ph.D., Yale University M.A., University of Texas; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania Professor of Psychology Assistant Professor of History and of Jeffrey Diekema Greek and Latin B.S., M.A., Central Michigan University Joan Entmacher^ Instructor in Physical Education and Athletics B.A., Wellesley College; Joel Dorius^ J.D., Yale Law School

B.A., University of Utah; Lecturer in Political Science M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University Sumru Erkut^ Professor of English B.S., Middle East Technical University; William A. Drew Ph.D., Harvard University B.F.A., M.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design Assistant Professor of Psychology

Assistant Professor of Art Sylvia L. Evans^ Theodore William Ducas B.A., Stanford University; B.A., Yale University; M.A., Occidental College

Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Instructor in Black Studies

Assistant Professor of Physics Doris Holmes Eyges^ B.A., University of Michigan; A.M., Radcliffe College

Lecturer in English Faculty 195

Jonathan Fairbanks^ Carlo Roger Frangois B.F.A., University of Utah; Lie. en Philosophie et Lettres, Agr§g6, M.F.A., University of Pennsylvania; University of Liege; M.A., University of Delaware A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University

Lecturer in Art Professor of French

Peter Fergusson Nan Burks Freeman B.A., Micfiigan State University; B.A., Smith College; A.M., Pfi.D., Harvard University M.A., University of Pennsylvania; Professor of Art Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Assistant Professor of Art David Ferry B.A., Amherst College; Richard G. French3 A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University B.A., M.Sc, Ph.D., Cornell University

Sophie Chantal Hart Professor of English Assistant Professor of Astronomy

Lorenz J. Finison^ Alice T. Friedman A.B., ; A.B., Radcliffe College; Ph.D., Columbia University M.Phil., University of London; Associate Professor of Psychology Ph.D., Harvard University Assistant Professor of Art Philip Finkelpearl A.B., Princeton University; Robert Dean Frye A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University A.B., M.A., Ph.D., University of Illinois

Florence I. Tucker Visiting Professor of Assistant Professor of French English Laurel Furumoto Charles Fisk^ B.A., University of Illinois; A.B., Harvard College; M.A., Ohio State University; M.M.A., Yale School of Music Ph.D., Harvard University

Lecturer in Music Professor of Psychology Instructor in Piano Ann Gabhart^ Ellen Fitzpatrick^ B.A., Wellesley College; B.A., Hampshire College; A.M., Harvard University Ph.D., Brandeis University Lecturer in Art Assistant Professor of History Director, Wellesley College Museum

Owen J. Flanagan, Jr. Rene Galand B.A., Fordham University; Lic.-es-Lettres, University of Rennes; M.A., Ph.D., Boston University Ph.D., Yale University

Assistant Professor of Philosophy Professor of French

Phyllis J. Fleming Robert Garis* B.A., Hanover College; B.A., Muhlenberg College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University

Sarah Frances Whiting Professor of Physics Katharine Lee Bates Professor of English

Luigi Fontanella Elena Gascon-Vera Doctorate in Letters, University of Rome; Lie, University of Madrid; Ph.D., Harvard University M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University

Assistant Professor of Italian Associate Professor of Spanish

Susan Ford Katherine Allston Geffcken**! B.A., Connecticut College; B.A., Agnes Scott College; M.A.T., Brown University M.A., Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College

Instructor in Physical Education and Athletics Professor of Greek and Latin 196 Faculty

Barbara Geller^ Wendy Hagen B.A., Princeton University; B.A., Mount Holyoke College; M.A., Duke University M.S., Ph.D., University of Hawaii

Instructor in Religion Assistant Professor of Astronomy

Anne Gillain David Haines Licence de Lettres Classiques, Sorbonne, A.B., Earlham College Universite de Paris; Instructor in Chemistry Ph.D., Harvard University

Associate Professor of French Ellen M. Hall A.B., Smith College Arthur Ralph Gold Laboratory Instructor in Biological B.A., Princeton University; Sciences A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University

Professor of English Jyoti LaPeer Hansa^

Instructor in Physical Education Irwin Marshall Goldman and Athletics B.S., Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania; Thomas S. Hansen A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University B.A., M.A., Tufts University; Class of 1919 Professor of Economics Ph.D., Harvard University Assistant Professor of German Maja J. Goth Mittellehrerdipl., Oberlehrerdipl.; Anne Harlan^ Ph.D., University of Basel B.A., University of Houston; Caria Wenckebach Professor of German M.A., Ph.D., Ohio State University Associate Professor of Psychology Frances Gouda C.Ed., Rijkspedagogisch Academie (Utrecht); Barbara Leah Harman B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Washington B.A., Tufts University; Assistant Professor of History M.A., Ph.D., Brandeis University

Assistant Professor of English Robert A. Gough, Jr.^ A.B., Bates College; Gary C. Harris A.M., Ph.D., Duke University B.S., Bates College;

Lecturer in Economics M.S., Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Assistant Professor of Biological James Howard Grant Sciences B.S., Grand Valley State College; M.A., Ph.D., Michigan State University Adrienne Hartzell^ Assistant Professor of Economics B.Mus., New England Conservatory of Music Michel Grimaud Instructor in Viola da Gamba B.A., M.A., University of Aix-en-Provence; M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin Bunny Harvey Assistant Professor of French B.F.A., M.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design Assistant Professor of Art Arlene Grossman<3

B.F.A., M.F.A., Boston University Michael J. Hearn School of Fine Arts B.A., Rutgers College;

Instructor in Art M.S., M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University

Assistant Professor of Chemistry Vachik Hacopian B.A., University of California; Nancy Heer^ M.S., University of Massachusetts B.A., Syracuse University;

Laboratory Instructor in Biological A.M., Radcliffe College; Sciences Ph.D., Harvard University

Visiting Professor of Political Science Faculty 197

David A. Hendricks Owen Hughes Jander B.S., University of Toledo; B.A., University of Virginia; M.A., Bowling Green State University; A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley) Catherine Mills Davis Professor of Music Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences Linda Gardiner Janik B.A., University of Sussex; William A. Herrmann M.A., Ph.D., Brandeis University B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Columbia University Assistant Professor of Philosophy Professor of Music Director of the Choir Eugenia Parry Janis B.A., University of Michigan; Sonja E. Hicks A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University B.S., University of Maine; Professor of Art Ph.D., Indiana University

Professor of Chemistry Nancy Olga Jannik^ B.S., College of William and Mary; Ann Mary Hirsch* M.S., Rutgers University B.S., Marquette University; Instructor in Geology Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley)

Assistant Professor of Biological Roger A. Johnson*^ Sciences B.A., Northv^estern University; B.D., Yale University; Philip Steven Hirschhorn Ph.D., Harvard University B.S., Brooklyn College of CUNY; Professor of Religion Ph.D., Massachusetts institute of Technology

Assistant Professor of Mathematics Jacqueline Jones B.A., University of Delav^/are; Edward Craig Hobbs M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin Ph.B., University of Chicago; Associate Professor of History Ph.D., Federated Theological Faculty Oriental Institute Saj-nicole Joni Visiting Professor of Religion B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of California (San Diego) Chandler Howell Ann Assistant Professor of Computer Science B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Temple University and Mathematics Assistant Professor of Black Studies William Joseph Virginia Thorndike Hules*^ B.A., Cornell University; B.A., Wellesley College; M.A., Ph.D., Stanford University A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University Assistant Professor of Political Science Assistant Professor of French Marion R. Just Jonathan Imber B.A., Barnard College; B.A., Brandeis University; M.A., Johns Hopkins University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania Ph.D., Columbia University

Assistant Professor of Sociology Associate Professor of Political Science

Weldon Jackson* Stephen B. Kahl B.A., Morehouse College; B.S., Duke University; Ph.D., Harvard University Ph.D., Indiana University

Assistant Professor of Black Studies Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Rachel Jacoff* Martin Karnett B.A., Cornell University; B.S., State University of New York A.M., M.Phil., Harvard University; (Stony Brook); Ph.D., Yale University M.S., M.Phil., Yale University

Assistant Professor of Italian Instructor in Chemistry 198 Faculty

Laurie Katz^ James Leslie Ladewig B.M., Northwestern University; Instructor in Physical Education and Athletics M.A., Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley)

W. Michael Keane^ Assistant Professor of Music B.S., Trinity College; M.A., Columbia University; Yuan-Chu Ruby Lam Ph.D., City University of New York A.B., A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University

Assistant Professor of Psychology Assistant Professor of Chinese

Manner! O. Keohane Vaughan Langman*^ B.A., Wellesley College; B.Sc, Colorado State University; M.A., Oxford University; M.Sc, University of the Pacific; Ph.D., Yale University Ph.D., University of Alaska

Professor of Political Science Assistant Professor of Biological President Sciences

Arjo Klamer Vivian Susan Klein Lawrence M.A., University of Amsterdam B.A., Cornell University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Washington Instructor in Economics Assistant Professor of Mathematics Jonathan B. Knudsen B.A., Michigan State University; Beverly Joseph Layman* Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley) B.A., Roanoke College; M.A., University of Virginia; Assistant Professor of History A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University

T. James Kodera Professor of English B.A., Carleton College; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University Mary Rosenthal Lefkowitz B.A., Wellesley College; Associate Professor of Religion A.M., Ph.D., Radcliffe College

Elissa Koff Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities B.S., Queens College, CUNY; M.S., Ph.D., Tufts University Eric Levenson^ A.B., Harvard College; Assistant Professor of Psychology M.F.A., Brandeis University

Philip L. Kohl Lecturer in Theatre Studies B.A., Columbia University; Design Director, Wellesley College Theatre A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University Jon D. Levenson Assistant Professor of Anthropology A.B., Ph.D., Harvard University

Nancy Harrison Kolodny Assistant Professor of Religion B.A., Wellesley College; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Andrea Gayle Levitt B.A., Wellesley College; Associate Professor of Chemistry M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University

Joel Krieger Assistant Professor of Linguistics and B.A., Yale College; of French Ph.D., Harvard University Judith T. Levy Assistant Professor of Political Science A.B., Goucher College; Christopher Krueger^ Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University B. Music, New England Conservatory of Music Associate Professor of Chemistry

Instructor in Flute Nancy Ruth Levy3 Director of Performance Workshop B.A., M.A., American University

Instructor in Spanish Faculty 199

Jeremy Lewis Irina Borisova-Morosova Lynch B.A., Keble College, Oxford University AM, Ph.D., Radcliffe College

Instructor in Political Science Professor of Russian

Mark H. Leymaster^ Alasdair Maclntyre B.A., Princeton University; B.A., Queen Mary College, J.D., Yale Law School University of London; M.A., Lecturer in Political Science Manchester University; M.A.,(Oxon.)

Elizabeth C. Lieberman^ Henry R. Luce Visiting Professor of B.A., Wellesley College; Philosophy M.A., Brandeis University

Laboratory Instructor In Chemistry Wendy MacNeil^ A.B., Smith College; Helen T. Lin M.A.T., Harvard University B.S., National Taiwan University Assistant Professor of Art Professor of Chinese Martin Andrew Magid* David Lindauer B.A., Brown University; B.S., City University of New York M.S., Yale University; (City College); Ph.D., Brown University A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University Assistant Professor of Mathematics Assistant Professor of Economics Sukie Magraw Eva Linfield^ A.B., Radcliffe College

Instructor in Recorder Instructor in Physical Education Assistant in Collegium Musicum and Athletics

Stephen J. Little^ Helen C. Mann B.A., M.A., University of Kansas A.B., Fresno State College; (Lawrence); M.A., Wellesley College

Ph.D., University of California Laboratory Instructor in Chemistry (Los Angeles) Annick Mansfield^ Assistant Professor of Astronomy A.B., Radcliffe College; Irene R. Little-Marenin^ Ph.D., Columbia University B.A., Vassar College; Associate Professor of Psychology M.A., Ph.D., Indiana University Stephen Anthony Marini^/**! Assistant Professor of Astronomy A.B., Dickinson College; William W.Liu Ph.D., Harvard University Nankai University; Assistant Professor of Religion B.A., University of Tennessee Elizabeth Marshall Assistant Professor of Chinese B.S., St. Lawrence University; James Herbert Loehlin Ph.D., Dartmouth College B.A., College of Wooster; Assistant Professor of Physics Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tony Martin Professor of Chemistry Barrister-at-Law, Gray's Inn; University of Hull; Gabriel H. Lovett B.Sc, M.A., Ph.D., Michigan State University B.A., M.A., Ph.D., New York University Professor of Black Studies Professor of Spanish

Barry Lydgate Miranda Constant Marvin B.A., Bryn Mawr College; B.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University Ph.D., Harvard University Associate Professor of French Associate Professor of Art and of Greek and Latin 200 Faculty

Sylvie Mathe* Vicki E. Mistacco Docteur de I'Dniversite de Paris B.A., New York University; Agregee de I'Dniversite M.A., Middlebury College; Ancienne eleve de I'Ecole Normale M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University Superieure Jeunes Filles de Associate Professor of French Paris, France

Assistant Professor of French Bernard G. Moran^

Instructor in French Horn Julie Ann Matthael* B.A., University of Michigan; Rodney Morrison M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University B.S., M.A., Boston College; Assistant Professor of Economics M.S., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin William R. Kenan Professor of Economics Cecilia Mattii'^ Dott. in Lett., University of Florence Rose Moss^

Instructor in Italian B.A., University of the Witwatersrand; B.A., (Hons) University of Natal

Aggrey MxolisI Mbere Lecturer in English B.A., Occidental College; M.A., Cornell University; Linda S. Moulton Ph.D., Harvard University B.S., Eastern Illinois University; Assistant Professor of Black Studies M.S., Northeastern University Assistant Professor of Physical Education Florence McCulloch and Athletics B.A., Vassar College; Athletic Director M.A., Ph.D., University of North Carolina

Professor of French Barbara F. Muise B.A., Bates College; Louisa McDonald M.A., Smith College B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Stanford University Laboratory Instructor in Biological Assistant Professor of Art Sciences

Ifeanyi A. Menkiti Craig Murphy B.A., Pomona College; B.A., Grinnell College; M.S., Columbia University; M.A., Ph.D., University of North Carolina M.A., New York University; (Chapel Hill)

Ph.D., Harvard University Assistant Professor of Political Science Associate Professor of Philosophy Len M. Nichols Sally Engle Merry B.A., Hendrix College; B.A., Wellesley College; M.A., University of Arkansas; M.A., Yale University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Illinois

Ph.D., Brandeis University Assistant Professor of Economics Assistant Professor of Anthropology Bruce Norton Jean Baker Miller B.A., University of Chicago; B.A., Sarah Lawrence College M.S., University of Wisconsin M.D., Columbia University Instructor in Economics Professor of Psychology Director, Stone Center for Dimitri Obolensky^ Developmental Services and Studies B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Trinity College, Cambridge University B. Miller Linda Kathryn W. Davis Professor in Slavic Studies A.B., Radcliffe College; M.A., Ph.D., Columbia University Hazel F. 0'Donnel|3 Professor of Political Science B.Mus., M.Mus., Boston University

Instructor in Voice Faculty 201

James F. O'Gorman* Elinor Preble^ B.Arch., Washington University; B.Mus., New England Conservatory of Music M.Arch., University of Illinois (Urbana); Instructor in Flute A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University

Grace Slack McNeil Professor of American Art Kathryn Conway Preyer* B.A., Goucher College; Robert L. Paarlberg* M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin B.A., Carleton College; Professor of History Ph.D., Harvard University

Assistant Professor of Political Science Gordon Pritchett^ B.A., Williams College; Louise Came Pappoutsakis^ M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin

Instructor in Harp Associate Professor of Mathematics

Joanne Paul Arlene Zailman Proctor B.S., Valparaiso University Diploma, Juilliard School of Music; M.A., University of Pennsylvania Instructor in Physical Education and Athletics Assistant Professor of Music

Peggy Pearson^ Ruth Anna Putnam B.S., Ph.D., University of California Instructor in Oboe (Los Angeles)

Timothy Walter Hopkins Peltason* Professor of Philosophy A.B., Harvard College; M.A., Ph.D., Yale University Patrick F. Quinn B.A., M.A., University of Wisconsin; Assistant Professor of English Ph.D., Columbia University

David Burrell Pillemer Professor of English B.A., University of Chicago; Ed.D., Harvard University Sabine Raffy License, Matrise, Doctorat Certificat, Assistant Professor of Psychology University of Paris; Isabelle C. Plaster^ Ph.D., New York University B.A., Wellesley College; Visiting Assistant Professor of French M.Mus., New England Conservatory of Music Carlene A. Raper Instructor in Bassoon and Assistant in Chicago; Chamber Music Society B.S., M.S., University of Ph.D., Harvard University

Elizabeth Pleck^ Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Brandeis University James Rash Visiting Associate Professor of University of Michigan Extradepartmental B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Princeton University

Michael Poliakoff Assistant Professor of Greek and Latin B.A., Yale University; B.A. (Hon.), Oxford University; James Wilson Rayen Ph.D., University of Michigan B.A., B.F.A., M.F.A., Yale University

Assistant Professor of Greek and Latin Professor of Art

Robert Polito Gail Reimer B.A., Boston College; B.A., Sarah Lawrence College; M.A., Harvard University M.A., Rutgers University

Instructor in English Instructor in English

Charlotte Carroll Prather Joy Renjilian-Burgy B.A., Barnard College; A.B., Mount Holyoke College; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University A.M., Harvard University

Assistant Professor of German Lecturer in Spanish 202 Faculty

Michele Respaut* Margery Sabin* Faculte des Lettres, Universite de A.B., Radcliffe College; Montpellier; A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University M.A., Assumption College; Associate Professor of English Ph.D., Brown University Class Dean Assistant Professor of French Debby Lynn Samelson^ Holly Baker Reynolds B.A., City College of the City University of B.A., Rockford College; New York M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin Instructor in Physical Education Assistant Professor of Religion and Athletics

Jennifer Richards Martin Sanchez-Jankowski A.B., Radcliffe College; B.A., Western Michigan University; Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley) M.A., Dalhousie University; California (San Diego) Assistant Professor of Biological Ph.D., University of Sciences Assistant Professor of Political Science

Jill Rierdan3 Elisabeth Scharlack^ B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Clark University B.A., Wellesley College; M.A., University of Michigan Lecturer in Psychology Instructor in Art Eric Roberts A.B., S.M., Ph.D., Harvard University Alan Henry Schechter B.A., Amherst College; Assistant Professor of Connputer Science and Mathematics Ph.D., Columbia University Professor of Political Science Alice Birmingham Robinson B.A., Wellesley College; R. Steven Schiavo A.M., Ph.D., Radcliffe College B.A., Lehigh University; Ph.D., Columbia University Professor of History Associate Professor of Psychology Elizabeth Jane Rock* Director of Science Center B.S., College of Mount St. Vincent; M.A., Smith College; Wynn Randy Schwartz Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University B.S., Duke University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Colorado Arthur J. and Nellie Z. Cohen Professor of Chemistry Assistant Professor of Psychology

Jane Roessner^ Lois Shapiro^ B.A., Wellesley College; B.Mus., Peabody Institute of Music; Ph.D., Boston College M.Mus., Yale University School of Music; D.Mus., Indiana University School of Music Assistant Professor of English Instructor in Piano Stuart Michael Rosenfeld B.A., Colby College; Burton David Sheppard^ Ph.D., Brown University B.A., Johns Hopkins University; D.Phil., Oxford University; Assistant Professor of Chemistry J.D., Boston College Law School

Lawrence Rosenwald Assistant Professor of Political Science B.A., Columbia College; M.A., Ph.D., Columbia University Annemarie A. Shimony B.A., Northwestern University; Assistant Professor of English Ph.D., Yale University

Ellas N. Saad Professor of Anthropology B.A., M.A., American University of Beirut; Ph.D., Northwestern University Alan Shuchat B.S,, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Assistant Professor of History M.S., Ph.D., University of Michigan

Associate Professor of Mathematics Faculty 203

Randy Shull Thomas Stehling A.B., Humboldt State University; B.A., Georgetown University; M.S., University of New Hampshire; M.A., Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley) A.M., Ph.D., Dartmouth College Assistant Professor of English Assistant Professor of Mathematics Ann Kathryn Stehney* Frederic W. Shultz A.B., Bryn Mawr College; B.S., California Institute of Technology; M.A., Ph.D., State University of New York Ph.D., University of Wisconsin (Stony Brook)

Associate Professor of Mathematics Associate Professor of Mathematics

Heddi Vaughan Siebel Edward A. Stettner B.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design; B.A., Brown University; M.F.A., Yale University M.A., Ph.D., Princeton University

Assistant Professor of Art Professor of Political Science Associate Dean of the College Susan S. Silbey^ 8. A., Brooklyn College; Daniel Stillman^ M.A., Ph.D., University of Chicago B.A., Brandeis University

Assistant Professor of Sociology Assistant in Collegium Musicum

Jane Sjogren Todd Thomas Straus B.A., Barnard College; B.A., M.A., University of Iowa; M.A., Stanford University Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley)

Instructor in Economics Assistant Professor of French

Dennis Smith Diana Strazdes^ B.S., Ph.D., Loyola University A.B., Vassar College; M.A., M.Phil., Yale University Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences Instructor in Art

Elaine L Smith^ Marcia Stubbs^ B.A., M.A., Wellesley College B.A., M.A., University of Michigan

Laboratory Instructor in Chemistry Lecturer in English Director of Expository Writing Alexia Henderson Sontag B.A., Pacific Lutheran University; Kathleen C. Swallow* M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota B.S., Westhampton College, University of Richmond; Assistant Professor of Mathematics Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ingrid Stadler Assistant Professor of Chemistry B.A., Vassar College; A.M., Ph.D., Radcliffe College H. Lee Sweeney^ S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Professor of Philosophy A.M., Harvard University

George Stambolian*1 Laboratory Instructor in Physics B.A., Dartmouth College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin Frank Cochran Taylor l|3 B.A., Yale University Professor of French Instructor in Organ Lisa Standley B.S., M.S., Cornell University Christine Temin3 A.B., Bryn Mawr College; Instructor in Biological Sciences M.F.A., University of North Carolina

Raymond James Starr Assistant Professor of Physical Education and A.B., University of Michigan; Athletics M.A., Ph.D., Princeton University

Assistant Professor of Greek and Latin 204 Faculty

Margaret D. Thompson Tino Vlllanueva A.B., Smith College; B.A., Southwest Texas State University; A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University M.A., State University of New York; Ph.D., Boston University Assistant Professor of Geology Assistant Professor of Spanish Lyn Tolkoff3 B.A., Wellesley College; Glen Albert Walant^ Ph.D., Yale University Instructor in Trombone Lecturer in Music Assistant in Chamber Music Richard William Wallace B.A., Williams College; Donald Town^ M.F.A., Ph.D., Princeton University

Instructor in Physical Education Professor of Art and Athletics Helen Wang* Robert F. Trent^ B.A., University of Wisconsin; B.A., Boston University; A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University M.A., University of Delaware Assistant Professor of Mathematics Lecturer in Art Margaret Ellen Ward M. Jeanne Trubek B.A., Wilson College; A.B., Bryn Mawr College; M.A., Ph.D., Indiana University M.S., Northeastern University Associate Professor of German Lecturer in Mathematics Lois Wasserspring^ Nina Tumarkin B.A., Cornell University; B.A., University of Rochester; M.A., Princeton University A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University Lecturer in Political Science Assistant Professor of History Andrew C. Webb*^ Luther Terrell Tyler, Jr.* B.Sc, Ph.D., University of Southampton B.A., Southwestern University at Memphis; Associate Professor of Biological M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University Sciences Assistant Professor of English Eleanor Rudd Webster* Joyce Van Dyke B.A., Wellesley College; B.A., Stanford University; M.A., Mount Holyoke College; M.A., Brandeis University; A.M., Ph.D., Radcliffe College Ph.D., University of Virginia; Professor of Chemistry Assistant Professor of English Dorothea J. Widmayer* Steve Van Zoeren^ B.A., M.A., Wellesley College; B.A., University of Michigan; Ph.D., Indiana University M.A., Harvard University Professor of Biological Sciences Instructor in Chinese Howard J. Wilcox Linda Kent Vaughan B.A., Hamilton College; B.S., M.A., Russell Sage College; Ph.D., University of Rochester Ph.D., Ohio State University Professor of Mathematics Professor of Physical Education and Athletics Ernest H. Williams, Jr. B.S., Trinity College; Julie Vaverka^ M.A., Ph.D., Princeton University

Instructor in Clarinet Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences Faculty 205

Kenneth P. Winkler Theresa C-H Yao B.A., Trinity College; B.A., Taiwan Normal University Ph.D., University of Texas (Austin) Lecturer in Chinese Assistant Professor of Philosophy Claire Zimmerman Donald Lewis Wolitzer* B.A., Wellesley College; B.S., State University of New York Ph.D., Radcliffe College (Stony Brook); Professor of Psychology f^.S., Ph.D., Northeastern University

Assistant Professor of fy/lathennatics

Bela Wurtzler^

Instructor in Double Bass 206

Professors Emeriti

Ruth Elvira Clark Litt D Dorothy Mae Robathan Ph D Professor of French Professor of Latin

Mary Bosworth Treudley Ph.D. Agnes Anne Abbot Professor of Sociology Professor of Art

Grace Elizabeth Howard Ph.D. Eva Elizabeth Jones Ph D Associate Professor of Botany Professor of Zoology

Edna Heidbreder PhD Edith Brandt Mallory Ph D Professor of Psychology Professor of Psychology

Ada May Coe MA Evelyn Faye Wilson Ph D Professor of Spanish Professor of History

Louise Overacker Ph D Teresa Grace Frisch Ph D Professor of Political Science Professor of Art and Dean of Students

Jorge Guillen Catedratico de Universidad Dorothy Heyworth Ph D. Professor of Spanish Professor of Physics

Waclaw Jedrzejewicz Margaret Elizabeth Taylor Ph D Associate Professor of Russian Professor of Latin

Helen Thayer Jones Ph.D. Barbara Salditt PhD Professor of Chemistry Associate Professor of German

Ella Keats Whiting Ph D Louise Wilson Roquemore Ph D. Professor of English and Dean Professor of Biology

Mary Leilah Austin Ph.D. Eleanor Milton Tenney B.A. Professor of Zoology Director of Residence

Grace Ethel Hawk B.Litt. (Oxon.) Walter Edwards Houghton Ph D. Professor of English Professor of English

Lucy Winsor Killough Ph D Barbara Philippa McCarthy Ph.D. Professor of Economics Professor of Greek

Magdalene Schindelin Ph.D. Mary Ruth Michael Ph D Associate Professor of German Professor of English Professors Emeriti 207

Ernest Rene Lacheman Ph D Richard Vernon Clemence Ph D. Professor of Religion and Biblical Studies Professor of Economics

Sylvia Leah Berl

Herbert Morrison Gaie Ph.D. Owen S. Stratton Ph.D. Professor of Religion and Biblical Studies Professor of Political Science

Deiaphine Grace Rosa Wycl(off Ph D Mary E. Bradley Ed D Professor of Bacteriology Associate Professor of Education

Hannah Dustin French MS Ruth Deutsch MA. Research Librarian, Special Collections Lecturer in German

Virginia Onderdonk B.A. Helen Margaret Brown M.S. Professor of Philosophy Librarian

Virginia Fleming Prettyman Ph.D. Janet Guernsey PhD Professor of English Professor of Physics

Thelma Gorfinkle Alper Ph.D. Lucetta Mowry Ph.D. Professor of Psychology Professor of Religion and Biblical Studies

Hubert Weldon Lamb A B Grazia Avitabile Ph.D. Professor of Music Professor of Italian

Harriet B. Creighton Ph D Fred Denbeaux S.T.M. Professor of Botany Professor of Religion and Biblical Studies

Sarah J. Hill Ph D Edward Gulick Ph D Professor of Astronomy Professor of History

Germaine Lafeuille Ph.D. Alice Schafer PhD Professor of French Professor of Mathematics

Justina Ruiz-de-Conde Ph D. Helen Storm Corsa Ph D Professor of Spanish Professor of English

Elizabeth Frisch Katherine Lever Ph D Associate Professor of Art Professor of English

209 Administration

Office of the President Office of Financial Aid

Nannerl Overholser Keohane Ph D Amelia Botsaris Nychis MA President Director Professor of Political Science Lucia Whittelsey MA Katherine M. MacDonald B A Associate Director Executive Secretary to the President Phyllis Kelley MS Associate Director

Office of the Secretary of Carol Marsh Assistant Director and Coordinator of the College and Student Work Clerk of the Board of Constance Koeneman B.S. Trustees Assistant Director

Sylvia Watkins B S Doris E. Drescher B S Administrative Assistant Secretary of the College Clerk of the Board of Trustees

Carol A. Millen Secretary to the Secretary of the College and Office of College Relations to the Clerk of the Board of Trustees

Alia O'Brien B A. Vice President, College Relations

Office of Admission Trixie G. Stetson Administrative Assistant

Mary Ellen Ames B.A. Rosemarie Matthees Cummings Director Director, Publications

Elizabeth M. Chandler B A. Lafferty Associate Director Margaret Galloway B A Director, Special Events Audrey Smith-Whitaker M Ed. J. O'Sullivan B A Associate Director Ann Director, Media Relations Karen S. Andrews M.S.S.W. IHarmon Scott Senior Assistant Director Carolyn Manager, Information Bureau Joellen O'Neil B A A. B.A. Assistant Director Steven Russo Press Officer Nancy Steves M Ed. Assistant Director

Dorothy Beard Office Manager

Jan Eckert Administrative Assistant 210 Administration

Office of the Dean of the Mary Wallace Davidson MS Music Librarian College Katherine D. Finkelpearl B L S. IVIaud H.Chaplin Ph D Art Librarian Dean of the College Professor of Philosophy Ann Davis Greene MS Associate Librarian for Technical Services Edward A. Stettner Ph D Associate Dean of the College Judith Kahl MS Professor of Political Science Acquisitions Librarian

IVIary Lorantos Betty J. Landesman MS Secretary to the Dean of the College Serials Librarian

Ruth Anne Nuwayser MA Irene Shulman Laursen MS Assistant to the Dean of the College, Science Librarian Faculty Appointments Sally Blumberg Linden M.S. Readers Services Librarian

Audiovisual Services Claire Tucker Loranz MS Documents Librarian Florence Carlson Jane Ann McNichols M.S. Director of Audiovisual Services and Technical Services Librarian Language Laboratory

Eleanor Louise Nicholes Ph.D. Special Collections Librarian

Computer Center Wilma Ruth Slaight Ph D Archivist GeneOtt Ph D Director Joan Spillsbury Stockard MS. Readers Services Librarian Lorraine H. Keating B.A Software Analyst Katherine Topulos MS Cataloguer Eleanor D. Lonske M.Ed Courseware Specialist

Hsiao-ti Falcone M Ed Registrar User Services Coordinator

Barbara B. Farquhar M Ed Registrar Director of Institutional Research Office of Sponsored Research Adriana F. Feuer B.A. Associate Registrar

Elizabeth C. Lieberman MA. Eleanor Witten Director Assistant to the Registrar

Margaret Clapp Library Science Center

Eleanor Adams Gustafson MS. R. Steven Schiavo PhD Librarian Director, Science Center Associate Professor of Psychology Edith Shapero Alpers M.S. Senior Cataloger Rosamond V. White B S Manager, Science Center Administration 211

Office of the Dean of Chaplaincy Students The Rev. Constance Chandler-Ward M Div Chaplain Florence C. Ladd Ph D Dean of Students

Charleen Vaneili Secretary to the Dean of Students Continuing Education

Joan Esch Ph D Dean of Continuing Class Deans Education Margarita Balcom Shirley Quinn B A Office Manager and Continuing Education Dean of the Class of 1982 Coordinator Director of Academic Assistance Programs Coordinator of the Class Deans

Margery Sabin Ph D Exchange Coordinator Dean of the Class of 1983 Associate Professor of English Dorothy B. Moeller B A Molly Campbell MA Dean of the Class of 1984 Lecturer in Mathematics Harambee House Pamela Daniels MA. Dean of the Class of 1985 Research Associate, Wellesley College Wynne Holmes Center for Research on Women Director

Karen Whitmore Maxwell B.A. Dean of the Class of 1985 College Health Service

Office for Careers Thomas J. Keighley M.D. Director, Health Service

Barbara B. Lazarus Ed D Elizabeth Veeder M D Director Associate Physician

Diane L. Redonnet MBA Gertrude E. Murray M D. Administrative Director Associate Physician

Sylvia L. Evans MA. Ann Stewart- Burton M.D. Assistant Director Staff Gynecologist

Catherine E. Solmssen M.Ed. Charlotte Sanner M.D Assistant Director Associate Physician

Nancy Tobin A B. Assistant Director

Floy Stryker M L S Stone Center for Resource Center Librarian Developmental Services

Marianne Nee and Studies Internship Coordinator Jean Baker Miller M D Eleanor V. Perkins B.A. Director Career Counselor/Special Projects Lionel Abbott Schwartz M D Irma Tryon Senior Psychiatrist Recruitment Coordinator 212 Administration

Rona Klein M D E. Anne Blackwood MBA Staff Psychiatrist Manager, Adminstrative Data Processing

Clevonne Turner M S W Robert A. Bower M.B.A./C.P.A. Psychiatric Social Worker Controller

Eve Rassiga Ed.D. Susan O. Cheston B.A. Counseling Psychologist Benefits Adnninistrator

Doris Turyn M Ed Elizabeth Cornwall B.S. Administrative Assistant Director, Food Services

Carolynn E. Jones B.A. Director, Personnel

Residence Lucille M. Knight B A Assistant to the Vice President David H. Drinan M Ed. Director John Louis Leiievre Director, Purchasing Dorothy Duquet Assistant Director Richard L. Lewis B.S. Bursar June IVIurphy-Katz M.Ed. Assistant Director Matthew Marshall M.P.S. (Hotel Adm.) Manager, Wellesley College Club

John C. McManus Schneider College Center Manager, College Post Office

Barry F. Monahan MA. Alice M. Roodkowsky Chief, Campus Police Coordinator for Schneider Center Activities Mary Painter Secretary to the Vice President of Financial and Business Affairs Slater International Center Anthony R. Oteri Assistant Director, Physical Plant Sylvia S. Hiestand MA. Director and Foreign Student Advisor Adel A. Rida B S Director, Physical Plant

Study Abroad Advisor Office for Resources Ruth G. Rose MA. Peter McE. Buchanan Ed.D. Vice President for Planning and Resources

Phyllis S. Fanger M Ed Office for Financial and Director, Key Gifts Business Affairs Emiko I. Nishino B A. Director, Planned Giving and Government JohnW. Hartley MBA Programs Vice President for Financial and Business Affairs Nancy L. Agnew MBA Director, Corporations and Foundations Elizabeth K. Bark B A Director, Budget and Financial Planning Elsie A. Dorain B A Director, Class Programs William L. Biggart, Jr. Manager, Duplicating Services Administration 213

Joan K. Tofias B A Sharon Harlan Ph D Director, Geographic Representatives Research Associate

Ann Wadsworth Ruth Jacobs Ph.D. Office fvianager and Assistant Director Program Associate

June P. Hill MIchelene Malson Ph D Secretary to tfie Vice President Acting Program Director

Lydia O'Donnell Ed M Research Associate Weliesley College Museum Brigid O'Farrell Ed.M. Research Associate Ann Gabhart A.M. Director Jan Putnam B A Assistant to the Director Judith Hoos Fox f^ A Assistant Director Patricia Bell Scott Ph D. Research Associate Marjorie Dings B.S. Membershiip and Promotion Adnninistrator Michelle Seltzer MA Program Associate

Ann Stueve MA Center for Research on Research Associate Women Jane Traupmann Ph.D. Research Associate Laura Lein Ph.D. Kathy Weingarten Ph D. Director Research Associate

Grace Baruch Ph D. Carol Weiss PhD Program Director Research Associate Margaret Mcintosh Ph D Program Director

Joseph Pleck Ph D. Child Study Center Program Director

Marian S. Blum AM T. Ruth Baden B.A. Educational Director Program Associate

Mary E. Ucci M Ed. Rosalind Barnett Ph.D. Head Teacher Research Associate

Lynette P. Burke B A Lois Biener Ph.D. Head Teacher Research Associate

Ann S. Schwartz B A Pamela Daniels MA. Head Teacher Research Associate

Trase D. Rourke Sumru Erkut Ph.D. Assistant to the Director Research Associate

Jacqueline Fields Ph.D. Program Associate

Andrea Genser M.S. Program Associate

Anne Harlan Ph.D. Research Associate '^f\


^*. *>.'X ?

; i#- 215 Alumnae Organization

Alumnae Office Chairman, Campus Mrs. Edmund H. Geschickter 787 Pleasant Street Anne Mitchell Morgan B.A. Framingham, Massachusetts 01701 Executive Director

Chairman, Class Officers Joan Gardner Assistant to Executive Director Ms. R. Stephanie Bruno 5129 Chestnut Street Caroline Canterbury Riem B A , Louisiana 701 15 Associate Director for Classes and Reunions Chairman, Class Fund Programs Mrs. Richard Bodine Lantern Hill Road Alumnae Magazine Easton, Connecticut 06612

Chairman, Clubs Phyllis Meras MS Editor Mrs. Robert L. Wiley 22 Holly Lane Mary Jane Ertman B.A. Mercer Island, Washington 98040 Associate Editor Chairman, Communications Marcia Burick Goldstein 35 Harrison Avenue Alumnae Association Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 Board of Directors Chairman, Academic Programs Mrs. Judah Folkman President 18 Chatham Circle

Mrs. William I. MacDonald Brookline, Massachusetts 02146 64 Liberty Avenue Lexington, Massachusetts 02173 Chairman, Alumnae Admission Representatives

First Vice President Ms. Anne L. Messenger Mrs. Donald M. Stewart 500 Melrose Drive Reynolds Cottage Syracuse, New York 13212 Spelman College Atlanta, Georgia 30313 Ex Officiis Anne Mitchell Morgan Second Vice President Executive Director

Mrs. Seth I. Morris Phyllis Meras 2 Waverly Place Editor, Wellesley, the alumnae magazine Houston, Texas 77005 Alumnae Trustees Secretary Mrs. William J. Chapman (1976-1982) Mrs. Paul Christopherson St. Louis, Missouri 2 Cross Gates Mrs. Lawrence D. Bragg, Jr. (1977-1983) Short Hills, New Jersey 07078 Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts

Treasurer Mrs. William H. Cowles III (1978-1984) Spokane, Washington Miss Thelma M. Blackmore 70 East Tenth Street Mrs. Douglas V. Rigler (1980-1986) New York, New York 10003 Bethesda, Maryland Miss Grace M. Mills (1980-1983) W. Hempstead, New York j-^m»

^ifr-.;-V^-: *-1 , ^'f^ /. 217

National Development Fund Committee

The National Development Fund Connmittee sets policy and provides leadership for all efforts to seek voluntary financial support of the College. Wellesley welcomes all gifts in support of its educational and charitable missions. The generous contributions of alumnae, friends, and parents provide the means by which the College is able to maintain the standards of excellence which are the hallmark of a Wellesley education.

For 1981-82 the members of the National Development Fund Committee are as follows.

Mrs. Carl M. Mueller Dr. Carol J. Johns (Suzanne Carreau '46) (Carol Johnson '44) Chairman Past Chairman 435 East 52nd Street 203 East Highfield Road New York, New York 10022 Baltimore, Maryland 21218 Mrs. Richard Bodine Mrs. Stephen Mochary (Barbara Ann Butterfield '48) (Mary Kasser '63) Chairman, Class Fund Programs Member-at-Large Lantern Hill Road 60 Undercliff Road Easton, Connecticut 06612 Montclair, New Jersey 07042

Mrs. William H. Cowles III Mrs. Robert P. Schauss (Allison Stacey '55) (Martha Schwanke '40) Co-chairman, Key Gifts Chairman, Geographic Representatives 1727 East 20th Avenue 633 Park Avenue Spokane, Washington 99203 River Forest, Illinois 60305 Mrs. Shelby Cullom Davis Mrs. Alan V. Tishman (Kathryn Wasserman '28) (Margaret Westheimer '41) Co-chairman, Planned Giving Co-chairman, Key Gifts Broad Oak, Wilson Park 1095 Park Avenue Tarrytown, New York 10591 New York, New York 10028

Donna R. Ecton '69 Mrs. Robert L. Wiley Chairman, Corporations and Foundations (Mary Ann Townsend '53) 20 West 64th Street, 37F Chairman, Clubs New York, New York 10023 22 Holly Lane Mercer Island, Washington 98040 Mrs. Arnold G. Fraiman (Genevieve Lam '49) Ex Officiis Member-at-Large 1140 Fifth Avenue Mrs. Nannerl O. Keohane New York, New York 10028 (Nannerl Overholser '61) President Mrs. F. Daniel Frost (Camilla Chandler '47) Mrs. Morse Johnson '44) Co-chairman, Key Gifts (Betty K. Freyhof 470 Columbia Circle Chairman, Board of Trustees Pasadena, California 91 105 9 Far Hills Drive Cincinnati, Ohio 45208 Mrs. Stanley M. Goldberg (Luella Gross '58) Mr. Robert A. Lawrence Member-at-Large Vice Chairman, Board of Trustees 7019 Tupa Drive State Street Research & Management Minneapolis, Minnesota 55435 Company 225 Franklin Street Mrs. Francis G. Jenkins Boston, Massachusetts 02110 (Anne Mather '43) Co-chairman, Planned Giving Post Office Box 684 Williamstown, Massachusetts 01267 218 National Development Fund Committee

Mr. Nelson J. Darling, Jr. Mr. Horace S. Nichols Past Chairman, Board of Trustees Treasurer 100 Federal Street, Suite 3100 75 Federal Street Boston, Massachusetts 021 10 Boston, Massachusetts 021 10

Mrs. William I. MacDonald Mr. Peter McE. Buchanan (Beatrice Strand '60) Vice President for Planning and Resources Association President, Alumnae Miss Alia O'Brien '44 Liberty 64 Avenue Vice President for College Relations Lexington, Massachusetts 02173 219 Travel Instructions

If you arrive by plane: If you arrive by bus: MBTA (subway) Greyhound Take the shuttle bus (50e) at the terminal to Get off the bus at the RIVERSIDE terminal (a the Airport MBTA stop, then take an inbound stop prior to Boston). From there, take a taxi

car to Government Center (MBTA Blue Line) to Wellesley College ($7.00). If necessary, call (75e). Go upstairs and change to a car marked Wellesley Community Taxi at 235-1600. "RIVERSIDE-D" on the Green Line. Get off at Woodland (the second-to-last stop). Trailways & Peter Pan Get off at the FRAMINGHAM/NATICK From there you have two options; terminal—Speen Street (a stop prior to (1) Take the bus marked "Framingham via Boston). From there, take a taxi to Wellesley

Wellesley" (it leaves Woodland at 15 College ($7.00). If necessary, call Wellesley minutes past the hour) and ask the driver Community Taxi at 235-1600. to let you off at Wellesley College (SOd;). If you drive: The bus v^^ill stop in front of Cazenove the Hall, a short walk from Green Hall. From West Take the Massachusetts Turnpike to the Take a taxi ($7.00). If necessary, call (2) Weston Exit. Then go south on Route 128 for Wellesley Community Taxi at 235-1600. one-half mile to the Route 16 Exit. Follow Allow about two hours for the trip to the Route 16 West to the entrance to the College, College from the Airport by public opposite the golf course (you will drive through transportation. Be sure to have plenty of the Town of Wellesley). change! Exact fare is required on bus and subway systems. From the East Take the Massachusetts Turnpike to the West Taxi Newton Exit. Follow Route 16 West to the

The taxi cost from Logan Airport is $22.10 if entrance to the College, opposite the golf you call the following number when you arrive course (you will drive through the Town of to arrange a pick-up. (There is a small Wellesley). additional charge when more than three people share a cab) Wellesley Community Taxi From the North

Service/7:00 a.m.-l 1 :00 p.m./235-1600. (Other Take Route 128 South to Route 16 West Exit. taxi arrangements will cost substantially Follow Route 16 West to the entrance to the more.) College, opposite the golf course (you will drive through the Town of Wellesley). If you arrive by train:

Get off at SOUTH STATION. Take the Red Line From the South to Park Street (75$). Change to a car marked Take Route 128 North to the Route 16 West "RIVERSIDE-D" on the Green Line and get off Exit. Follow Route 16 West to the entrance to at Woodland. Follow the above directions from the College, opposite the golf course (you will Woodland to the College. drive through the Town of Wellesley). ^' 1

221 Index

Academic College Entrance Examination Board tests, 18 advising, 31 College Government, 14 calendar, 45 College health service, 13 distinctions, 38 College, history of, 3-5 honors, departmental, 38 Colloquia, freshman-sophomore, 38, 43 programs, 31-44 Community involvement, 37 Review Board, 33 Computer facilities, 7 policies and procedures, 33-35 Confidentiality of student records, 14 prizes, 42-44 Continuing education, 24, 38 standards, 33 Correspondence, 5 Acceleration, 35 Costs and financial aid, 23-28 Adding courses, 35 Counseling resources, 12 Administration, 209-213 Courses of instruction, 47-183 Admission, 17-21 Credit application for, 17 for advanced placement examination, 33 campus visit, 17 for community involvement, 37 College Entrance Examination Board tests, 18 for other academic work, 33 criteria for, 17 for summer school and independent study, 34 deferred entrance, 19 Cross-registration, Massachusetts Institute of early admission, 19 Technology, 36 early decision, 19 Curriculum, 31-33 early evaluation, 19 foreign students, 20 Degree general requirements for freshman applicants, 17 B.A., requirements for, 31 interview, 17 Development, national committee, 217-218 plans, 19 Directory information, 14 regular decision, 19 Distribution requirements, 31-32

transfer students, 20 Dormitories, 1 U.S citizens living abroad, 19 Dropping courses, 35 Advanced placement, credit for, 33 Alumnae, 215-218 Early evaluation, 19 Association, board of directors, 215 East Asian studies, individual major, 179 National Development Fund Committee, 217-218 Economics courses, 75-80 trustees, 215 Education courses, 80-82 Alumnae Hall, 8 Emeriti professors, 206-207 American studies, individual major, 173 Employment, student, 15 Anthropology courses, 48-51 Engineering, opportunities in, 36 Archaeology, classical and Near Eastern, English courses, 83-88 interdepartmental major, 175 Enrollment statistics, 18, 21 Art courses, 51-59 Examinations, 34 Arts center, 7 advanced placement, 33 Astronomy courses, 59-60 exemption, 34 Auditing courses, 35 Exchange Programs Wellesley-Spelman, 37 Bachelor of Arts degree, requirements for, 31 Twelve College, 36 Beit Shalom, 9 Exemption from required studies, 34 Biological sciences courses, 61-65 Expenses, general, 23 Black studies courses, 66-70 Experimental courses, 171 Buildings, see Campus Extradepartmental courses, 164-172

Calendar, 45 Facilities and resources, 7-9 Cambridge Humanities Seminar, 36, 172 Faculty, 191-205 Campus, deseription of, 7-9 Federal Income Tax Return, 28 Career counseling, 15 Fees and expenses, 23-24 Career Services, 15 annual fee, 23 Chapel, 8 continuing education, 24 Chemistry courses, 70-73 general deposit, 23 Child Study Center, 8 general expenses, 23 Chinese courses, 73-75 parent loan plan, 24 Chinese studies, interdepartmental major, 174 plans of payment, 25-26 Choir, 126 reservation fee, 23 Classical civilization, interdepartmental major, room retainer fee, 23 174-175 special fees and expenses, 23 Classical and Near Eastern archaeology, student activity fee, 23 interdepartmental major, 175 student health program, 24 222 Index

Fellowships, Medical school, 32 undergraduate and graduate. 15, 28-29 Medieval/Renaissance studies, Financial aid, 27-28 interdepartmental major, 177-178 application for, 28 Molecular biology, Federal Income Tax Return, 28 interdepartmental major, 179 form, 28 Music courses, 120-123 jobs, campus and off campus, 27 performing music, 124 payments, 24 performing organizations, 124 transfer students, 27 Financial information, 23-28 National Development Fund Committee, 217-218

Foreign language requirements, 32 Nondiscrimination, policy of. 1 Foreign students admission of, 20 Observatory, 7 countries, 21 Opportunities in engineering, 36 French courses, 89-92 Orchestra, 126 French Studies, interdepartmental major, 175-176 Freshman Parent loan plan, 24 admission requirements, 17 Phi Beta Kappa. 41 Freshman-sophomore colloquia, 36, 47 Philosophy courses. 125-129 Physical education and athletics courses, 130-131 Geographic distribution chart, 21 Physical education facilities, 8 Geology courses, 93-95 Physics courses, 132-134 German courses, 95-98 Plans of payment, 25-26 Grading system, 34 Policies, 14 Graduate fellowships, 28-29 Political science courses, 134-141 Graduate school information, 15 Preparation for medical school, 32 Greek and Latin courses, 98-102 Presidents, 189 Green Hall, 9 Presidents House, 9 Greenhouses. 7 Prizes, academic, 42-44 Psychobiology, interdepartmental major, 179 Harambee House, 8 Psychology courses, 142-146 Health service, 13 infirmary, 9 Readmission, 35 medical insurance, 24 Recommendations, 15 History courses, 103-113 Refunds, 24 History of art courses, 51-57 Registration for courses. 34 Honor Code, 13-14 Religion courses, 147-153 Honors Religious resources, 12 awarded, 39 Required studies, departmental, 39 exemption from, 34 Requirements Individual majors, 180-183 Bachelor of Arts, 31 Individual study, 34 distribution, 31 Infirmary. 9 exemptions, 34 Inquiries and visits. 5 foreign language, 32 Insurance, medical, 24 other, 32 Interdepartmental majors, 173-183 Research, student, 34 Internship information, 15, 37 Residence halls, 11 Internships, summer. 37 Resources and facilities, 7-9 Interview. 17 Russian courses. 153-154 Italian courses. 114-116 Italian culture, interdepartmental major, 176-177 Schneider College Center. 8 Scholarships, 15, 37, 38 Jewett Arts Center. 7 Scholastic aptitude and achievement tests, 18 Job notices. 15 Science Center, 7 Job recruiting, 15 Sigma Xi. 41 Junior year abroad, 37 Slater International Center, 9 Slater scholarship. 37 La Casa, 9 Society houses, 9 Language studies, individual major, 180 Sociology courses, 155-158 Latin courses. 100-101 Spanish courses, 159-162 Leave of absence. 35 Special academic programs, 36-38 Library, 8 Spelman-Wellesley Exchange Program, 37 Loans, 24 Sports facilities, 8 repayment of, 27 Stecher scholarship, 37, 38 Student government, 13-14 Major, 32 Student life, 11-14 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Student records, confidentiality of, 14 cross-registration, 36 Students Mathematics courses, 116-119 from other countries, 20 Medical insurance, 24 geographic distribution, 21 summary, 18 Index 223

Studio art courses, 58-59 Urban politics summer internship program, 37 Study abroad Urban studies, individual major, 182 junior year, 37 summer, 38 Visitors, 5 Summer Internships, 39 Waddell scholarships, 37, 38 Washington summer internship program, 37 Theatre studies courses, 162-163 Wellesley College Center for Research Theatre studies, individual major, 180-181 on Women, 9 Transfer students Wellesley College Club, 9 admission, 20 Withdrawal, 35 financial aid, 27 Women's research center, 9 Travel Instructions, 219 Women's studies, individual major, 182-183 Trustees, board of, 185 Trustees scholars, 42 Tuition payments, 25-26 Twelve College Exchange Program, 36

Design: Sheaff Design, Inc./Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts Printer: Rapid Service Press/Boston, Massachusetts

September 1981 15M >-

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The Bulletin of Wellesley College Second Class Postage Wellesley, Massachusetts 02181 Paid at Boston, Massachusett!


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