The Rock Community of the Sacred Name Founded 1893 Contents This month the Community of Collect AAW!!!6 the Sacred Name appears on Anglican World!5 our lectionary. The Community Everliving God, of the Sacred Name was we thank you for CWS!!!3 founded in Christchurch in Mother Edith Diocesan News!4 1893 by Sister Edith (- and the community Editorial!!5 ess). She was released from she founded; the Community of St Andrew From the Vicar!2 in London to establish an in- give us grace to love Ladies Guild!!3 digenous community to re- you above all things Parish Calendar!8 spond to the needs of the co- and each other in you, Parish Directory !8 lonial Church. A wide variety that we may care for of teaching, childcare and par- Vestry in Brief!4 those in need ish work has been undertaken Wardens’ Warble!6 over the years. Today there and faithfully sing are three houses. Since 1966, your praise; Of Special Interest the Sisters have run a large this we ask Ronaldson,Maori and children’s home in Fiji. Many in the sacred name of !the Masons!!7 St Peter’s parishioners have Jesus Christ our Lord. supported the home in Fiji Community of the over many years. In 1997, the !Sacred Name!1 Sisters undertook work in Tonga, helping in the Church Published by The in various ways. The mother Anglican/Episcopal Parish of St Peter, house in Christchurch has a Caversham, Dunedin NZ. small retreat house. Editor The major work is ecclesiasti- Ray Sisley 36 Glenross Street cal embroidery. Underpinning Dunedin 9011 all the work is a life of wor- New Zealand ship. Phone: 03 476 7589 If we love one another God lives in us, and God’s love is perfected in us. Email: [email protected] 1 John 4:12

GROUNDS MAINTENANCE: ANY VOLUNTEERS? If we can get sufficient volunteers to help with up a roster. Cutting the lawns is quite a big job, lawn mowing, weeding and pruning etc., consid- so it would be good to have two people at a time erable cost savings can be made on grounds for this. maintenance. If you are able to help, please let me or one of the wardens know and I will draw Heather Brooks (Ph. 481 1916 (evenings/weekend)


The Vicar Writes

Mother But there are ex- But, O what a waste. Why wasn’t is celebrated in the Angli- ceptions to every- she out in the world helping people? can Church on 8th May. thing, and Mother Isn’t that what what God would For someone who spent Julian is one of want? Well, you tell Him for me. her life as a mediaeval them. Just who But you might just find that what He recluse or anchoress she was we ’t wants isn’t quite what we might ex- (she lived circa 1342 – really know. We pect. And if God calls someone to a 1430) she has had an know nothing of her solitary life of prayer, intercession extraordinary influence family, where she and contemplation, that really is His on modern Christianity was born, or right, is it not? And anyway, God through the book which whether she had takes a rather longer view than we she wrote following her been married and do. Mother Julian was a well-known experiences on 8th May the mother of chil- source of comfort and council in her 1373. This book is the first ever dren before she was own time and place, but no-one then written in English by a woman, and walled into her anchorhold be- would have any idea that she would something of a literary masterpiece, side St Julian’s Church (from write a book which no less a man but it is not for those reasons that it which she presumably took her than would profess has become so widely read and ap- name in religion) in the East An- to prefer to the writings of the great preciated in the last fifty years or so, glican city of Norwich not far Spanish mystic, St John of the having been virtually unknown for from the shrine of Out Lady of Cross. And he would call her the centuries before that. Walsingham. It should perhaps greatest English theologian before be pointed out that although she Cardinal Newman (OK, so even Normally, I have little enthusiasm for could not leave the anchorhold, Merton was not perfect.) the writings of those who see vi- she could speak to people sions, and have a good deal of sym- through a window when neces- Thus an obscure woman from the pathy for Dom John Chapman of sary, and she had a woman to English middle ages has trans- , one of whose see to such matters as food and formed many modern people’s un- monks claimed to have had the ex- drink – and she had a cat! derstanding of Christianity, and to perience. “Oh no, Father,” the (What more could anyone need, their very great advantage. It just exlaimed, “we don’t have visions you ask?) shows you what God can do with here at Downside!” those who live for Him – no matter who or what they are.

The saying, "…All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner The Crucified and Risen God bless of things shall be well", is one of the most individually famous lines in all you! of Christian theological writing, and certainly one of the most well-known Fr CARL phrases of the literature of Julianʼs era. It, along with "the ground of our beseeching" from the 14th Revelation, also appears in "Little Gidding," the fourth of the Four Quartets poems by T.S. Eliot:

Whatever we inherit from the fortunate We have taken from the defeated What they had to leave us—a symbol: A symbol perfected in death. And all shall be well and

All manner of thing shall be well By the purification of the motive

In the ground of our beseeching.


Ladies Guild Will members please bring an item A comment from a recent suitable for a ‘Bathroom Basket’. This visitor to one of our services. will form a ‘Sunday raffle’ to be “Wow. I thought that this held in June the proceeds from sort of thing was only found which will go to the vestry. on the television. Do you do our next meeting will be held on this every Sunday?” Tuesday, May 11th at 2.00pm in the Mary Barton, Parish Lounge. Secretary

DUETS AND DESSERTS A musical extravaganza of beautiful duets sung and played by Foreign Affairs set to some of Dunedin’s best. change overseas de- velopment funding Served up wit scrumptous desserts and cakes fom te kitchen of te Home of St Pauline McKay, national Barnabas. director Christian World Service, responds to Saturday 26th June 2010 - 7.00pm proposed changes St Peter’s Church Hall Official launch day for Hillside Road - South Dunedin new global aid and development giant $20.00 per ticket March 24 was the offi- cial launch day for ACT Tickets are available from the Home of St Barnabas - Ph 455 8298 Alliance, the global (Kaye) partner for Christian Arnold and Friends. World Service. Women's Day in Haiti Come along and enjoy the evening with Arnold Bachop and Many widowed women friends to help support the New Kitchen Project at the Home of are now the main St Barnabas breadwinners for their families following the devastating January earthquake. Cluster Bomb ban reaches Ratification Milestone St Barnabas Home for the Aged has completely redeveloped their kitchen at considerable cost. This concert by Arnold and Treaty To Become Bind- ing International Law on Friends provides you with an opportunity to contribute towards 1 August 2010 the cost of the kitchen. Get in early and order your tickets now.

The vicarage kitchen is at last finished. Pictures have

been posted on the parish web site. What a change.




Christian traditions have various forms of "medita- tion." Practices such as the rosary, the Adoration (focusing on the eucharist) or the hesychast tradi- • Study. If you are going to be studying theology tion in Eastern Orthodoxy. is next year then contact the Ministry Officer. Fi- nancial help may be available. considered a form of prayer. Hesychastic practice • Candlelight Memorial 2010. St Paulʼs Angli- may involve recitation of the Jesus Prayer, thus can Cathedral - The Octagon, Dunedin, 16 May 2010, 7 pm. "through the grace of God and one's own effort, to • Preaching Well Seminar. Preaching Well concentrate the nous in the heart." conference on 14th & 15th May at St Mat- thew's, Dunedin. In 1975, the Benedictine monk, John Main intro- • Seasons Program. Please keep the children and their families in your prayers. duced a form of meditation based on repetitive For information and referrals for the next pro recitation of a prayer-phrase, traditionally the gramme, please contact Christine James - Aramaic phrase "Maranatha," meaning "Come, 03 454 5852 - 0274 489 690, or [email protected] Lord". • Fair Trade Fortnight. Monday 3 May 2010 - 5.10pm - 6.00pm and repeated 6.40pm - Our Parish has a Meditation group. Ask 7.30pm. Academy Cinema, 50 Dundas Street, Rosemary Brown or Marjory Palmer. Dunedin.


At the April meeting of Vestry, the following items were of note:

 A new heating timer has been installed in the church to save power.  The flag on top of our church, commonly called the Flag of St. George, is in fact the Flag of the Resurrection.  The vicarage kitchen is almost finished.  Following a successful planning meeting, David Hoskins presented a proposed calendar of events and strategic plan. There will be further discussions at the next meeting of Ves- try.  The hall window has been repaired.  Kate Paterson consulted the Dunedin City Council about selling jams and cakes on mar- ket day. We can sell these items if we apply for a free, temporary food stall license. However, we are not allowed to sell cream or other perishable items.  Vestry thanked the Ladies Guild for their donation of $100 towards power.

Heather Brooks (Vestry Secretary)



New Bishop in Auckland. Repre- need a warm church and we sentaves from throughout the have got that right. The after Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New service tea, coffee and gossip Zealand and Polynesia gathered also offer an opportunity to rein- for the ordinaon and installaon force the welcome - if we talk to of the Very Rev Ross Bay as the new comers. People are unlikely 11th Bishop of Auckland. to see Christ shining through us ANGLICAN WORLD if his love isn’t evident in the EDITORIAL way we go about things. Bishop of Durham to rere. The Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright, “Hullo. How nice to see you.” But what about all those people has announced that he will be re- A research project conducted by who never darken our door? A ring from the See of Durham on the University of Otago a few large percentage of our popula- August 31 to return to academia. years ago found that the greatest tion now has to work or to ferry fear that we have is ‘to go into a Rio Grande diocese elects Mi- children to umpteen different room of people whom we do chael Louis Vono as ninth bishop. activities on Sundays and so we not know’. Every visitor or new- The Rev. Dr. Michael Louis Vono rarely if ever get to welcome was elected April 24 as ninth comer to our church must over- them. An awful lot of people are bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of come that fear just to be able to just not able to attend worship at the Rio Grande. sit in a pew for the first time and the times that we traditionally we are such nice people. Scosh Churches prepare for offer it. And these pressures im- World Mission Conference. From pact upon our current members Welcoming people to our church 2-6 June, a broad partnership of as well, some of whom may suc- is much much more than the Scosh churches is welcoming cumb. How can we welcome greeting at the door, which is 300 delegates from over 60 coun- them all and sustain that wel- tries for the Edinburgh 2010 con- very important. How well do we come. ference. maintain our welcome once peo- ple start to enter into the life of Bishop of Hai to speak at annual Over the centuries the church the church? And, what are we general meeng of the Compass has adapted and changed (some- doing to avoid people leaving by Rose Society. Compass Rose Soci- times reluctantly) to offer a fresh the back door, once they have ety President Bishop Philip Poole expression of church life to meet come in through the front door? has announced that the Right Rev- changing community needs. This erend Jean Zaché Duracin, Bishop may involve trying different of Hai, will address the Society's Of course every church every- things, a lot of effort and a need 2010 Annual General Meeng. where would say that they al- to accept that things can be done ways welcome people well. I Anglican-Lutheran communion differently, even if we don’t yet have worshipped in many meeng proceeds despite air know how. Maybe a ‘market churches and the welcome has travel ban. "Volcanic erupon survey’ of non churchgoers ranged from an over-the-top ef- won’t stop us working to bring could be undertaken. A gigantic fusive in your face scary ‘wel- Lutherans and Anglicans closer to leap in faith would need to be come’ to a timid, embarrassed, full communion," says Commission made. The results may not be co-secretary. tentative offering of a book to what we expect but if we can being total ignored. For some, inject a new enthusiasm and en- Fourth Anglican Global South to ease of access may be unwelcom- South Encounter begins in Singa- ergy into the life of the church ing but we have got that rea- pore. 130 primates, bishops, we will have done well. sonably right. For some the ease clergy, senior lay leaders, associ- of access to a toilet and we have ates and observers have met for a Ray Sisley five-day Encounter. got that right. And, inevitably, being in the Southern See we



To begin with this month, at long last we can of Events taking the Parish through to February report that the current upgrade at the Vicarage 2011. It is not my intention to go into the details has been completed and what a huge difference it of these documents, they will be released in due has made. No doubt parishioners will have a chance course. The other thing to be remembered is that to see what has been done but in the mean time the contents are not set in concrete and they will those of you with computers can visit this website be able to be adjusted or “tweaked” as time goes and you'll be able to see a progressive pictorial on should the need arise. At least we do now have a view what has been going on, http:// plan in place giving us all some goals and objectives to aim for. News_VicarageKitchen.html . I'm sure that you'll I didn't attend this meeting but from feedback be impressed and it will be a huge difference for received it was a much appreciated opportunity the vicarage residents. for the the various groups to meet and to have In mid April a meeting was held with Father Carl some input into the general longer term planning of along with representatives of vestry and the the Parish. This is something that to my knowledge various parish groups with a view to come up with a has not happened at St Peter's previously and I'm long term plan for the parish which has been called sure it is a good idea, rather than simply moving A Strategic Plan and it covers the period from along month to month with no real plan for the Now until December 2014 – seems a long time time ahead. This will help the parish with both the ahead but it won't be long before we have reached planning and budgeting for future. that date and it'll be time to set the objectives Finally, a message from the Parish Recorder, a and goals for the next few years once again. Some special thanks to all of those who use the Envelope of the contents of this plan are listed as, Core System for adapting so well to the new envelopes, Values of St Peter's Church, A Vision for St a whole month has gone by with none of the old Peter's Church, The Mission of St Peter's Church, envelopes being used – well done, keep it up. these are followed by a list of Goals and Objectives. As part of this there is also a Calendar Tubby Hopkins, Vicar’s Warden AAW Father Carl conducted the service at the April ing a book are among her many amazing Meeng. Twenty members were welcomed, achievements. An inspiraon to all her heard her. with a special welcome to Dawn's daughter Jill. Many thanks to Helen and her group who organized the meeng. Following the usual meeng we were privileged to have Julie Woods as the guest speaker. Our next meeng on the 23rd of May will be a day- Blind for ten years and now a movaonal speaker me gathering. and cook Julie, 'That Blind Women' as she likes to be known showed us how a posive atude and saying GWEN HUDSON "Why not? when offered a challenge has opened Coordinator. many doors for her. From taking part in the 100th Birthday Celebraons of Louis Braille, in Paris, to writ-

Thank you: Arnold Bachop for enhancing our worship with your glorious singing. Thank you: Everyone that contributed towards the Easter services in- cluding the behind the scenes ‘brass cleaners’, ‘palm cross makers’ etc.


ST PETER’S PEOPLE BY HEATHER BROOKS Ronaldson, Maori and me he was also priest-in-charge of Mornington and Green Island (now parishes), was Diocesan the Masons secretary on three occasions and Clerical Secre- If the founders of St. Peter’s, Caversham can tary of the General Synod. be likened to a flolla of boats rendezvous- Of parcular interest, is Ronaldson’s in- ing at the corner of Baker Street and Hillside volvement with Maori. During his incumbencies Road, then some of them had a perilous in Otago, he was also diocesan secretary and voyage. William Ronaldson’s journey ap- bishop chaplain for ministry to Maori. As well as pears to have been both meandering and being a licensed minister for the Maori and Eng- dangerous, as he travelled several mes be- lish selers in the Wairarapa valley, he was ap- tween England and the Anpodes. Never- pointed to the Chrisan Missionary Society theless, his arrival was of the utmost impor- Maori College of St. Thomas at Papawai, centre tance in the establishment of St. Peter’s in a of the Maori Parliament. It seems Ronaldson new building in a new locaon. Born in Lon- had been a supporter of the Papawai don in 1823, he was the son of development from the beginning, al- wine merchant John James Ron- though as it turned out, the enterprise aldson and his wife, Sarah Huth- did not achieve the degree of success waite. John James must have ex- ancipated. He must have worked celled at his trade for he married closely with Tamihana Te Rauparaha into a prominent Nonghamshire who arrived at Papawai in May 1860. family. One of twelve children, In the later part of the 1860s, Te Rau- William Ronaldson was educated paraha and Te Whiwhi used their in- privately at Hackney Grammar fluence to prevent the wars from School. reaching the Wellington area. His first adventure was to join Coinciding with his departure from St. the “Roxburgh Castle” at the ten- Peter’s in 1890, Ronaldson became der age of 15 years and sail to the First Grand Secretary of the newly Sydney. Aer a brief return to Rev Fr Wm Ronaldson formed Grand Lodge of New Zealand England, Ronaldson arrived in New Freemasons and moved to Auckland Zealand to work on his uncle’s with his wife and two daughters. In this guise he Wanganui farm. A year later, we find him at the connued to travel the country being licensed to Church Missionary Society at Puki as a cate- ministry in the diocese of Wellington, Christ- chist schoolmaster and his confirmaon by church and Dunedin as well as Auckland. Of all Bishop Selwyn followed soon aer. By order or the places he visited and lived, Dunedin must by choice, he returned again to England in 1849 have held a special aracon. The year 1908 and, aer studying at the Church Missionary finds him residing at 39 Castle Street, Dunedin. College at Islington, was ordained priest by the He died in his 94th year having had a long and Bishop of London (1855). His first posng was as producve life. assistant curate in Peterborough (Nongham- shire) where he met his wife, Arabella Ridge. Of Bibliography: interest is the fact that Ronaldson aended Ta- William Ronaldson. mihana Te Rauparaha, a convert to Chrisanity, in an audience with Queen Victoria in 1852. Yet New Zealand must have had a strong aracon dunedin2003.pdf. and, in 1855, Ronaldson returned as the first Te Rangi-Taka-i-waho, Te Manihera clergyman appointed to the Wairarapa district ?-1885. Dictionary of New Zealand Biog- CMS mission at Papawai. His next move was to raphy. Motueka and Picton (1868-1877). It was not un- Papawai – the centre of Maori Parlia- l 1877 that he arrived in Otago and, aer three ment. years in Milton, took up the posion at St. Pe- Masterton District Library and Wairarapa ter’s, where he remained unl 1890 overseeing Archive. the building of the present church. During this



CALENDAR WORSHIP SERVICES !MAY All Sundays: Sun 9 +EASTER 5 Eastertide 6 8am Eucharist. Pot Luck Lunch 10.30am Solemn Eucha- 5pm Compline by Candle light rist. Mon 10 Monday Club 10am in the Hall Sundays of the calendar Tue 11 Ladies Guild 2.00pm in month at 5 pm: the parish lounge Thu 13 Meditation Group after the 2nd, 4th and 5th Compline Eucharist and Exposition Games Night 7pm in the Hall Sun 16 +ASCENSION 1 1st and 3rd Sung Even- 5pm Sung Evensong and song and Benediction. Benediction Mon 17 Monday Club First and third Tuesdays of Wed 19 Vestry 7.30pm in the Vic arage the month: 11am Eucharist Thu 20 Meditation Group at St Barnabas' Home. Games Night Sun 23 +PENTECOST Whit All Wednesdays and Fri- sunday 5pm Compline by We’re on the Web! days (except when the Candlelight See us at: Vicar is away): 8am Eucha- AAW rist. Mon 24 Monday Club Thu 27 Meditation Group Games Night All Thursdays: 10am Sun 30 +TRINITY SUNDAY Eucharist. Baptisms, Weddings, House 5pm Compline by Blessings, Candlelight Mon 31 Monday Club Burials and Confessions by JUNE arrangement with the Vicar Thu 3 Meditation Group Games Night Sun 6 +CORPUS CHRISTI Parish Directory 5pm Sung Even song and Benedic Parish Priest: Director of Music: tion Father Carl Somers-Edgar David Hoskins Material for the June Maga- The Vicarage, 57 Baker Churchwardens: zine is due today Street Vicar’s Warden: Mon 7 Monday Club Caversham, Dunedin Tubby Hopkins Thu 10 Meditation Group People’s Warden: Games Night Telephone: (03) 455 3961 Joy Henderson Fri 11 BARNABAS Email: [email protected] Sun 13 +TRINITY 2 Ordinary Internet: Vestry secretary: 11 Heather Brooks 5pm Compline by Candlelight Pot Luck Lunch Sat 26 Duets and Desserts