Sl. No. CONTENTS Page 1 Introduction 1 -2 2 Achievement at a glance 3 -6 3 Crop Production 7 4 Area, Production and Yield of Field Crops 8 5 District wise Area , Production and Yield 10-Sep 6 Season wise Area Production and Yield 11 7 Crop Yield Estimation conducted 12-13 8 High Yielding Varieties Coverage 14 9 Improved Varieties Coverage 15 10 Seed Replacement ratio achieved 16 11 Seed from Outside Sources 17 12 District Wise Distribution of Certified Seeds 18 13 Progress Report of Seed Processing Unit. 19 14 Progress Report of Seed Testing Lab. 20 15 Progress Report of Soil Testing Lab. 21-22 16 Progress Report of Plant Protection 23-24 17 Progress Report of Organic Farming 25-34 18 Progress Report of Extension Reforms 35-37 19 RKVY 38 20 Progress Report of Engineering Cell 39-47 Progress Report of Natural Resource 21 Management 48-67 22 Macro Management of Agriculture 68-69

Annual Progress Report 2007-08


Agricu ltu re is th e m a in s ta y of m a jority ru ra l popu la ce of . Th e econ om y of th e sta te is lin ked with a gricu ltu re th a t serves a s th e s ou rce of livelih ood a n d econ om ic secu rity of sizea ble n a tive pop u la tion . Th e growth , h owever, h a s been res tricted beca u se of biotic a n d a biotic fa ctors. It is estim a ted th a t over 80% of th e ru ra l popu la tion depen ds on a gricu ltu re a n d a llied sectors for econ om ic, food a n d n u trition a l s ecu rity. Th e a gricu ltu ra l sys tem s pra cticed in Sikkim a re in tegra ted in n a tu re th a t h a ve evolved th rou gh yea rs of experim en ta tion by th e fa rm ers a n d with s tood th e test of tim e. A m a rgin a l im provem en t in th e lifes tyle of th e fa rm ers h a s been witnessed with the adoption of modern technologies.

Th e n et cu ltiva ted a rea of Sikkim h a s rem a in ed a rou n d 79,000 h a (in clu s ive of la rge ca rda m om pla n ta tion s ) for la st deca de or so wh ile th e n et cropped a rea h a s decrea s ed du e to divers ion to n on –a gricu ltu ra l u ses like developm en t of es sen tia l in fra stru ctu re. Th ere is a deficit of n ea rly 72,000 MT, 12,500 MT, 3500 MT of food gra in , pu lses a n d oils eeds, res pectively con siderin g th e res iden t a n d floa tin g popu la tion of th e sta te. Th e a gricu ltu re scen a rio is dom in a ted by soil a cidity, exces s m ois tu re du rin g m on s oon period a n d m oistu re s tress du rin g pos t m on s oon / win ter, h ea vy weed in fes ta tion , low temperature stress during winter , occurrence of hailstorm in pre –kharif maize (March –April), a n d in cess a n t ra in from Ma y to Septem ber th a t ca u ses lea ch in g of n u trien ts a n d pesticides a pplied to kh a rif crops . Th e preva ilin g clim a te fa vou rs h igh in ciden ce of

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

diseases a n d pes ts th a t dra s tica lly redu ce th e crop yields . Th es e fa ctors certa in ly ca u se fa ll in produ ction a n d produ ctivity of m a jor crops. Neverth eless, th e root of th e problem is in th e pers is ten t dom in a tion of tra dition a l cu ltiva rs in th e va riou s crops cultiva ted from m a ize to rice a n d oth er crops like fin ger m illet, s oybea n , bu ckwh ea t, toria a n d oth ers. In th e orga n ic fa rm in g scen a rio th es e tra dition a l cu ltiva rs too ca n pla y a vita l role s in ce th ey a re well a da pted to th e low in pu t s itu a tion s a n d th e elite germ pla s m n eeds to be iden tified from with in th e va st gen e pool a n d u s ed for th e produ ction of ta ilor –m a de va rieties . Th e fa ctor produ ctivity in Sikkim is lower th a n both th e region a l a n d n a tion a l a vera ges for a ll th e m a jor field crops . In crea sin g per unit prod u ctivity will be th e key in bridgin g th is ga p wh ich ca n be a ch ieved with a rea expa n sion u n der h igh yieldin g va rieties a lon g with proper pa cka ge of pra ctices th a t will exploit inherent production potential of varieties designed for organic farming from th e loca l gen e pool, soil –tes t va lu es ba s ed n u trien t m a n a gem en t a n d a ppropria te pla n t protection m ea s u res. Th e per ca pita la n d h oldin g h a s a ls o s een a con tin u ou s fa ll sin ce th e 1970s owin g to va riou s rea son s . Th e s m a ller th e la n d h oldin g s ize h igh er is th e vu ln era bility for loss of va riou s n a tu ra l res ou rces , pa rticu la rly th e s oil. Besides, em ph a sizin g on th e con serva tion of n a tu ra l resou rces it is very im porta n t to protect th e fra gile ecology, a n d in a ddition in crea s e th e produ ctivity of differen t crops for attaining self –sufficiency in cereal, pulses and oilseed production and this will happen only with the concerted efforts on the part of all the stakeholders.

Sikkim h a s a u n iqu e a gro –clim a tic ch a ra cter for wh ich th e depa rtm en t m a kes a ll a ttem pts to brin g a bou t s u s ta in a ble a gricu ltu ra l m eth ods to be u tilized to its fu lles t a dva n ta ge .Th e depa rtm en t h en ce, h a s a policy to im plem en t differen t sch em es u n der th e Ma cro –m a n a gem en t of Agricu ltu re like ICDP, AMDP, INM , NRM a n d oth er CSS Programmes like ATMA, NPOF, etc., which has brought about effective advancement in th e a gricu ltu ra l sector brin gin g a bou t a n im m en se im pa ct to th e ru ra l fa rm ers of th e State.

Annual Progress Report 2007-08


Crop produ ction in th e sta te h a s been sh owin g a 2 to 4 % in crea s e in th e pa s t yea rs h owever du rin g 2007-08, du e to th e decrea se in a gricu ltu ra l a rea from 74,670 Ha . in 2006-07 u n der Food gra in s to 70,120 Ha . in 2007-08, th e produ ction h a s com e to 1 0 1 .7 4 tonne s in 2007-08 from 1 0 3 .6 6 to nne s in 2006-07.Th e decrea se in th e produ ction of food gra in s wa s du e to th e decrea se in th e a rea a n d produ ction of wh ea t a n d ba rley du e to th e dry s pell du rin g th e winters. Th e Oils eed produ ction h a s in crea sed from 7 ,2 9 0 tonne s to 7,470 tonnes showing an increase of 3 %. Area u n der High Yieldin g va rieties wa s 1 8 ,2 1 6 ha. du rin g 2006-07 wh ich h a s in crea sed to 2 3 ,3 8 0 ha. in 2007-08 sh owin g a n in crea s e of 28 % a rea u n der HYV. A tota l of 6286.82 Certified/ TL s eeds wa s procu red from ou tside s ou rces and distributed to farmers under the various schemes. Th e Seed Process in g u n its a t J oreth a n g, Sou th dis trict a n d Seed Process in g Un it, Ma jita r, Ea s t district a re fu n ction in g well ca terin g to th e certified seed growers of a ll th e fou r districts of th e Sta te. Certified s eed produ ction in th e s ta te h a s been on goin g sin ce 2003-04. Un der th is progra m m e A tota l of 486.69 qtls. of certified seed were produced within the State during 2007-08 as against 269.34 qtls. du rin g 2006-07.Th e m a jor crops process ed a re 1. Rice-379.50 qtls . 2. Maize- 61.80 Qtls. 3. Soyabean-20.50 qtls. and 4. Rajma-19.16 qtls.

Th e Depa rtm en t h a s s ign ed a MOU with NSC Ltd. a n d Zu a ri Seeds to produce certified seeds within the State of Sikkim.

Hybrid Ma ize Seeds produ ction was in itia ted in Berm iok a n d Mellida ra Govern m en t Fa rm u n der th e tech n ica l gu ida n ce of Zu a ri Seeds . A ta rget to produce 80 qtls. of hybrid maize has been set.

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

Organic Farming-

Organic Scheme expanded from 100 to 196 bio villages. The total agricultural land area covered under the project is 4861 acres. More th a n 5400 fa rm ers of selected bio villa ges were tra in ed. More th a n 300 tra in in g fa rm er tra in in g / review tra in in g Progra m m es were con du cted for effective transfer of EM technology. 23.462 ton n es of EM com pos t were prepa red by th e fa rm ers. Beneficiaries prepared 14,941.18 quintals of Bokashi. 3,87,779 liters EM 5 / FPE was prepared by the beneficiaries. Soil h ea lth improved du e to increase in orga n ic ca rbon / ben eficia l m icrobes of the soil. Tota l 5404 n os of fa rm ers were tra in ed in th is project wh erea s tota l n o. of beneficiaries was 4861 only. Im provem en t in econ om y s ta tu s of th e fa rm ers by in crea sin g th eir in com e level through increased yield by organic farming. Farm Mechanization:

Emphasis was given to Pos t Ha rvest Processin g & Va lu e Addition of a gricultural produ ces a n d a ccordin gly iden tifica tion , procu rem en t & dis tribu tion of equ ipm en ts s u ita ble for th em was ta ken u p u n der Ma cro m a n a gem en t of Agriculture. Equipments were procured for demonstration purpose. Th e m a ch in eries h a s been procu red keepin g in view th eir u tility to th e loca l fa rm ers . Th e m a ch in eries selected a re expected to u p ea se th e dru dgery of th e fa rm in g opera tion to a grea t exten t, speed u p th e fa rm in g op era tion a n d in crea se th e income of the farming community by value addition of the agriculture produces. Gu est Hou s e a t La ch en , North Sikkim a n d con s tru ction of VLW Qu a rter a t Melliaching, west SIkkim completed. A 150 MT/- per yea r ca pa city Bio fertilizer produ ction u n it es ta blish ed a t Majitar under NEC funding.

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

Natural Resource Management:

Th e ph ys ica l ta rget for 32 Nos. Micro-Wa ters h ed wa s 2936.00 Ha . was achieved. Ha . Th e im pa ct of th e progra m m e h a s been su ccessfu l a m on g th e farming communities of the project area. Ben ch terra cin g wa s ta ken u p in 877.26 Ha . Th e tota l n u m ber of beneficiaries was 1672. Th e im pa ct of th is progra m m e h a s been very sa tis fa ctory a s th e la n d for cu ltiva tion h a s in crea s ed a n d cu ltu re a ble fa llow land has also been turned into an arable land with employment generation. 375 n os. of wa ter h a rvestin g ta n k of 10 000 ltrs. stora ge ca pa city was constructed all over the state benefiting 375 Nos. of farming community. Un der recla m a tion of a cidic s oil, dolom ite wa s dis tribu ted to th e fa rm ers coverin g a n a rea of 1250.00 Ha . Th e im pa ct of th is progra m m e is fou n d to be very u s efu l in a cidic soil in respect of ph ysica l, ch em ica l a n d biologica l properties as a state is declared as organic.

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

ESTIMATES OF AREA, PRODUCTION AND AVERAGE YIELD OF CROPS IN SIKKIM DURING 2007-08. Crops Area Production Productivity (‘000’ Ha) (‘000’ Tonnes) (Kg/Ha) I) Cereals 1) Rice 14.00 22.85 1632.14

2) Maize 39.10 62.56 1600.00

3)Wheat 4.45 4.46 1002.25

4)F/Millet 3.76 3.53 938.83

5) Barley 0.71 0.66 929.58

6) Buckwheat 2.04 1.79 877.45

Total Cereals 64.06 95.85 1496.25

II) Pulses 1) Urd 3.55 3.11 876.06

2) Other Pulses 2.51 2.78 1107.57

Total Pulses 6.060 5.890 971.95

Total Food grain 70.12 101.74 1450.94

III) Oilseeds 1) Soyabean 3.60 3.15 875.00

2) R/Mustard 5.00 4.32 864.00

Total Oilseeds 8.60 7.47 868.60

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

DISTRICT-WISE ESTIMATES OF AREA, PRODUCTION AND AVERAGE YIELD OF CROPS IN SIKKIM DURING 2007-08. Crops Districts Area Production Yield I) Cereals (‘000’ Ha) (‘000’ Tonnes) (Kg/Ha) 1) Rice North 1.00 1.03 1030.00 East 5.60 9.24 1650.00 South 2.80 4.65 1660.71 West 4.60 7.93 1723.91 State 14.00 22.85 1632.14 2) Maize North 2.75 4.38 1592.73 East 8.65 13.80 1595.38 South 17.00 27.25 1602.94 West 10.70 17.13 1600.93 State 39.10 62.56 1600.00 3)Wheat North 0.38 0.04 105.26 East 1.25 1.64 1312.00 South 1.80 1.87 1038.89 West 1.02 0.91 892.16 State 4.45 4.46 1002.25 4)F/Millet North 0.52 0.49 942.31 East 1.59 1.49 937.11 South 0.85 0.80 941.18 West 0.80 0.75 937.50 State 3.76 3.53 938.83 5) Barley North 0.08 0.08 1000.00 East 0.31 0.33 1064.52 South 0.20 0.14 700.00 West 0.12 0.11 916.67 State 0.71 0.66 929.58 6) Buckwheat North 0.15 0.13 866.67 East 0.63 0.56 888.89 South 0.62 0.54 870.97 West 0.64 0.56 875.00 State 2.04 1.79 877.45 Total Cereals North 4.88 6.15 1260.25 East 18.03 27.06 1500.83 South 23.27 35.25 1514.83 West 17.88 27.39 1531.88 State 64.06 95.85 1496.25

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

II) Pulses

1) Urd North 0.02 0.017 850.00 East 1.20 1.03 858.33 South 1.18 1.05 889.83 West 1.15 1.01 878.26 Total 3.55 3.11 875.21 2)Other Pulses North 0.17 0.18 1058.82 East 1.45 1.60 1103.45 South 0.80 0.90 1125.00 West 0.09 0.10 1111.11 Total 2.51 2.78 1107.57 Total Pulses North 0.19 0.20 1036.84 East 2.65 2.63 992.45 South 1.98 1.95 984.85 West 1.24 1.11 895.16 State 6.060 5.887 971.452 III) Oilseeds 1)Soyabean North 0.50 0.42 840.00 East 0.95 0.83 873.68 South 1.27 1.11 874.02 West 0.88 0.79 897.73 State 3.60 3.15 875.00 2)R/Mustard North 0.39 0.29 743.59 East 1.58 1.37 867.09 South 1.54 1.36 883.12 West 1.49 1.30 872.48 State 5.00 4.32 864.00 Total Oilseed North 0.89 0.71 797.75 East 2.53 2.20 869.57 South 2.81 2.47 879.00 West 2.37 2.09 881.86 State 8.60 7.47 868.60 Total Food Grain North 5.07 6.35 1251.87 East 20.68 29.69 1435.69 South 25.25 37.20 1473.27 West 19.12 28.50 1490.59 State 70.12 101.74 1450.90

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

SEASON WISE AREA & PRODUCTION OF FIELD CROPS IN SIKKIM DURING 2007-08 SL.NO CROPS SEASON Area Production Yield in CEREALS ‘ 000’ Ha ‘ 000’ Tonnes Kg/Ha 1 Rice Kharif 14.00 22.85 1632.14 Rabi Annual 14.00 22.85 1632.14 2 Maize Kharif 39.10 62.56 1600.00 Rabi Annual 39.10 62.56 1600.00 3 Wheat Kharif Rabi 4.45 4.46 1002.25 Annual 4.45 4.46 1002.25 4 F/Millet Kharif 3.76 3.53 938.83 Rabi Annual 3.76 3.53 938.83 5 Barley Kharif Rabi 0.71 0.66 929.58 Annual 0.71 0.66 929.58 6 Buckwheat Kharif Rabi 2.04 1.79 877.45 Annual 2.04 1.79 877.45 TOTAL CEREALS Kharif 56.86 88.94 1564.19 Rabi 7.20 6.91 959.72 Annual 64.06 95.85 1496.25 II PULSES 1 Urd Kharif 3.55 3.11 876.06 Rabi Annual 3.55 3.11 876.06 2 Other Pulses Kharif 2.51 2.78 1107.57 Rabi Annual 2.51 2.78 1107.57 Total Pulses Kharif 6.06 5.89 971.95 Rabi Annual 6.06 5.89 971.95 Total Food grain Kharif 62.92 94.83 1507.15 Rabi 7.20 6.91 959.72 Annual 70.12 101.74 1450.94 III OILSEEDS 1 Soyabean Kharif Rabi 3.60 3.15 875.00 Annual 3.60 3.15 875.00 2 R/Mustard Kharif Rabi 5.00 4.32 864.00 Annual 5.00 4.32 864.00 TOTAL OILSEEDS Kharif - - - Rabi 8.60 7.47 868.60 Annual 8.60 7.47 868.60

Annual Progress Report 2007-08



Th e sch em e for Establis hm e nt of Age nc y for Re porting Agric ultural Statistics in Sikkim en visa ges com plete en u m era tion in 166 GPU. It is in ten ded to cover a ll prin ciple crops grown in differen t s ea son s in th e yea r with a view to obta in relia ble estim a tes of a rea , yield ra te a n d produ ction of prin ciple crops by com plete enumeration of 20 % village in all GPU.

Th e s u rvey u n der th is sch em e en visa ges dividin g th e tota l n u m ber of villa ges in th e Sta te in to in depen den t n on –over la ppin g sa m ples. Th e s a m ple of 20 % of villa ges would be cover in ea ch yea r in a ll sea s on s in th e yea r. All sa m ple villa ges wou ld be covered u n der com plete en u m era tion . Th is will provide th e ba ses for stu dyin g th e change in the land utilization pattern of the State in a period of five years.

Annual Progress Report 2007-08


District Sub.Div No. No. of Crop Cutting Report received on Rabi Crops Of GPU Wheat No. of Barley Buckwheat Rape & No. of GPU No. of No. of Mustard GPU No. Kg/ha Cov. No. Kg/ha GPU No. Kg/ha GPU No. Kg/h Covered of of Covered Of covered Of a Exp. Exp. Exp. Exp.

EAST Gangtok 28 25 235 1417 - - - 4 20 730 26 168 720 Pakyong 11 8 128 1210 1 6 940 - - - 9 137 700 Rongli 11 8 29 1225 7 22 1216 4 17 690 7 23 706

Total 50 41 392 1314 8 28 1078 8 37 710 42 328 710

NORTH Mangan 16 13 89 920 1 5 1000 4 21 680 15 105 720 Chungthang 4 1 8 920 1 5 1000 - - - 12 108 825 Total 20 14 97 920 2 10 1000 4 21 680 27 107 772 SOUTH Namchi 29 21 155 1065 ------20 130 716 Ravangla 16 13 126 1000 ------13 108 825 Total 50 34 281 1032 ------33 238 770 WEST 26 5 82 1344 - - - 1 16 800 5 31 712 25 17 111 1050 - - - 5 20 620 15 94 980 Total 51 22 193 1197 - - - 6 36 710 20 125 846 166 111 963 1127 5 33 1052 14 73 710 122 1026 767

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

District Sub.Div No. No. of Crop Cutting Report received on Kharif Crops Of MAIZE PADDY SOYABEAN F/ MILLET RAJMASH G No. No. of No. of No. No.of PU of GPU GPU of Gpu GPU No. Covere No. Covered No. GPU No. cov. Cove of Exp. Kg/ha d of Exp. Of Exp. Cov. Of exp. Kg/ha No. red Kg/ha Kg/ha Of Exp. Kg/ha

EAST Gangtok 28 28 170 1704 25 188 171 25 160 930 27 233 960 16 112 880 Pakyong 11 11 151 1620 11 186 3 5 31 880 3 19 880 3 25 920 Rongli 11 10 105 1655 5 36 172 6 25 837 8 40 940 9 20 860 0 158 0 Total 50 49 426 1662 41 410 165 36 216 883 38 292 920 28 157 900 0 NORTH Mangan 17 17 119 1484 15 64 108 17 131 820 15 105 750 14 83 850 Chungthan 3 2 6 1530 - - 0 ------g - Total 20 19 125 1507 15 64 108 17 131 820 15 105 750 14 83 850 0 SOUTH Namchi 29 29 127 1765 26 152 178 26 118 881 12 30 869 6 23 960 Ravangla 16 13 62 1525 9 70 0 12 72 880 5 18 732 5 12 528 154 5 Total 45 42 189 1645 35 222 166 38 190 881 17 48 800.50 11 35 744 3 WEST Gyalshing 25 26 254 1740 15 151 170 8 49 1020 13 73 920 - - - Soreng 26 24 197 1700 12 277 0 20 142 1075 17 260 800 12 482 720 175 0

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

Total 51 50 451 1720 27 428 172 2 8 191 1047 30 333 860 12 482 720 5

Total 166 160 1191 1654 118 112 141 119 728 947.5 209 775 846 65 757 744 4 5 CROP CUTTING REPORT OF KHARIF CROP 2007-08

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

CROP YEILD ESTIMATION CONDUCTED IN SIKKIM DURING 2007-08 Sl. Crops Particulars No. Of Crop Cuttings Conducted NO North East South West Check Total 1 Rice Target 200 380 220 370 20 1190 Achievement 64 410 220 428 15 1139 2 Wheat Target 60 120 115 90 10 395 Achievement 97 392 281 193 10 973 3 Kharif Maize Target 220 320 320 310 20 1190 Achievement 1125 426 189 451 20 2211 4 F/Millet Target 50 35 45 30 - 160 Achievement 105 292 48 333 - 778 5 Barley Target 25 10 30 25 - 90 Achievement 5 28 - - - 33 6 Buckwheat Target 30 30 35 20 - 115 Achievement - 37 - 36 - 73 7 Urd Target - 80 90 65 5 240 Achievement - 79 47 262 5 411 8 Rice Bean Target - 30 40 40 2 112 Achievement - 30 40 40 2 112 9 Rajmash Target 30 55 40 40 - 135 Achievement 83 60 40 50 2 235 10 Toria Target ------Achievement ------11 Rabi maize Target - 20 20 15 - 55 Achievement - 20 20 15 - 55 12 Other Pulses Target - 60 40 50 - 150 Achievement - 60 40 50 - 150 13 R/Mustard Target 50 130 130 100 10 420 Achievement 50 150 130 100 10 440 14 Soyabean Target 30 100 100 70 10 310 Achievement 131 216 190 191 10 738 15 Other Target - - - 12 12 24 Oilseed Achievement ------TOTAL Target 695 1370 1225 1237 89 4616 Achievement 1660 2218 1247 2149 74 7348

Annual Progress Report 2007-08


Crops Districts Area in Hectares Kharif Rabi Total

1) Rice North 570 - 570 East 1999 - 1999 South 995 - 995 West 386 - 386 State 3950 - 3950

2) Maize North 1210 - 1210 East 4253 - 4253 South 5770 - 5770 West 3860 - 3860 State 15093 - 15093

3)Wheat North - 840 840 East - 1085 1085 South - 1450 1450 West - 962 962 State - 4337 4337

Total HYV State North 1780 840 2620 East 6252 1085 7337 South 6765 1450 8215 West 4246 962 5208 State 19043 4337 23380

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

IMPROVED VARIETIES COVERAGE IN SIKKIM DURING 2007-08 Crops Districts Area in Hectares Kharif Rabi Total Finger Millet North 16 - 16 East 2082 - 2082 South 26 - 26 West 435 - 435 State 2559 - 2559 Barley North - 4 4 East 154 - 154 South 11 - 11 West - - 0 State 165 4 169 Urd North - - - East 395 395 South - - - West - - - Total 395 395 Other Pulses North - 2 2 East - 114 114 South 78 78 West - - - Total 78 116 194 Soyabean North 45 - 45 East 144 - 144 South 205 - 205 West 586 - 586 State 980 - 980 R/Mustard North - 530 530 East - 818 818 South - 1470 1470 West - 532 532 State - 3350 3350 Others North - - - East 97 - 97 South 5 - 5 West - - - State 102 102 Total North 61 536 597 Improved Varieties East 2872 932 3804 South 325 1470 1795 West 1021 532 1553 State 4279 3470 7749 Annual Progress Report 2007-08

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

Annual Progress Report 2007-08



Seed Sl. CROP IXth Plan Target Total Area Sown Rate Seed Distribution No. of Seed Hectares Kg/ Ha. in Qtls. Seed Replacement Rate 2006- 2007- 2006- 2007- 2006- 2007- (Variety ) Replacement 07 08 07 08 07 08 Target 2008- Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual 09

1 Paddy 40 14150 14000 40 675 823 11.93 14.70 15

2 Wheat 40 6380 4450 120 3038 3204 39.68 60.00 70

3 Maize 20 40850 39100 20 1262 3177 15.45 40.63 45

4 Ragi 30 4140 3760 12 38 39 7.65 8.64 25

5 Barley 20 1150 710 100 16 13 1.39 1.83 10 9 Rape & Mustard 90 5280 5000 9 300 171 63.13 38.00 60 10 Soyabean 20 3690 3600 75 451 332 16.30 12.30 20

Annual Progress Report 2007-08


Sl. No. Particular Quantity Qtls. A. Scheme-ICDP Wheat Seeds: Sonalika 1992.4 PBW-343 707.6 UP-262 300 HD 2687 100 Total = 3100 Paddy Seeds KRH 2 28.57 Sugandha -4 200 B. Scheme-AMDP Maize Seeds 1 C-1415 1039.40 2 C-1837 698.95 3 C-1921 275.20 4 Deoki / Suwan Comp. 260.00 5 Suwan Composite 200.00 6 Mahico - 3765 40.00 7 Pop Corn-VP-295 10.00 8 Sweet Corn- Pearl 5.00 Total = 2528.55

C. HYV 1 Soyabean PK 1024 149.7 PK 1042 150 Total = 299.7 2 Mustard B-9 130 Grand total = 6286.82

Annual Progress Report 2007-08


Certified Seeds are being produced in the Farmer’s Field and in the Government fa rm s of th e Sta te for th e la s t five yea rs . Th e certified seeds produ ced a re grown u n der th e s u pervis ion of th e Officers of th e Depa rtm en t keepin g in view th e gu idelin es a n d n orm s of th e Seed Act 1966. Th es e s eeds a re brou gh t to th e Seed Process in g Un it of th e Depa rtm en t. Th e Seed Processin g u n it a t J oreth a n g a n d Ma jita r a re fu n ction in g fu ll s win g for th e Certified Seed growers of Sou th a n d Wes t Dis trict a n d North a n d East District respectively.

Th e certified seeds produ ced in th e fa rm er’s field a n d Govern m en t fa rm s a re brou gh t to th es e processin g u n its for proces sin g, certifica tion , ba ggin g a n d ta ggin g. Th ese ta gged certified s eeds a re th en distribu ted to th e fa rm ers . Th e da y to da y proper running of the processing units is very important.

A tota l of 486.69 Qtls of Certified Seed wa s produ ced with in th e Sta te du rin g 2007-08. Th e deta il of Seed Process ed in th ese two u n its du rin g 2007-08 is pla ced under:

Seed Sl. Processing No CROP Variety Seed Processing Unit, Unit, Majitar Jorethang Total 1 Paddy Sugandha- 2/PD-10/VL 206/85/62/Pus a basmati 189.8 189.74 379.54 2 Rajmash Jwala/HAARC/ VL-63 17.1 2.06 19.16 3 Soyabean PK 1024/1042/262 11.1 9.4 20.5 4 Buckwheat 4.23 - 4.23 5 Millet Indaf-9 0.7 0.23 0.93 6 Ricebean Improved Var. 0.55 - 0.55 7 Maize Suwan Composite 51.68 10.1 61.78

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

Total = 275.16 211.53 486.69



DATE 1.4.2007 to 1.4.2008

1 a) Name of the State seed testing Lab : State Seed Testing Lab.

b) Postal Address: State Seed Testing laboratory

Department of Food Security & Agriculture Development

Majitar , East Sikkim

c) Lab. Code :

2 Status of the Laboratory whether notified

(under section 4 of seed act 1966) (Y/N) : Y

3 Detail of staff :

a) Notified seed analyst under

section 12 of Seed Act, 1966 : One

b) Un-Notified seed analyst under

section 12 of Seed Act, 1966 : NIL

c) Other Staff : Seven

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

Total (a+b+c) : Eight

4 Capacity of the laboratory

in the previous year : 5000 nos.

5 Existing capacity of the lab. : 5000 nos.

6 Details of the seed samples tested during the period :



Certified Sample 225 2 223

Survive Sample 4264 359 3905

Total 4489 361 4128

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

Progress Report on IPM – Under Macro Management (Plant Protection) 2007-08. Sl. No Programme / TARGET ACHIEVEMENT Component Remarks Physical Financial Physical Financial 1. Farmer’s Field 60 10.20 - 1.02 ( 1) Rs .1.02 la kh s of School la st yea r’s du es h as been m et u p from this budget. (2) FFS h a s n ot been con du cted, a s IPM kit cou ld n ot be procured, du e to some unavoidable reason. 2. Promotion of Bio- -- 9 -- 9 La s t yea r’s du es pesticides a m ou n tin g to Rs .2.80 la kh s h a s been m et from th is year’s budget. 3. Survey & -- 5 -- 5 Du e to su dden ou t surveillance of break of s em ilooper Pest & diseases in & mole cricket in various crops maize & other agricultural crops emergency procu rem en t of pesticide, trade name – Tiger (Trizoph os 35%+ Dentamenthrin 1 %) h as been m a n a ged from this budget. 4. Training to field 2 nos 1.80 -- -- functionaries on Integrated Pest Could not be

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

Management conducted concept with special emphasis on Rodent Pest Management. Gross grand total -- 26 -- 15.02 on Macro management 5. Production of Bio -- -- 4.30 -- –agents million

Progress Report on 100% Seed Treatment during 2007 -08.

Sl.No. Name of Crops Qnty of Treated with /Seeds Seeds

1. Paddy 404 qtls Tricyclazole -@ 2gm /kg seed

2. Paddy Nursery 400 hac Tricyclazole -@ 1gm /1 ltr.water

3. Soyabean 28 qtls Carbendazin- @ 2 gm /kg seed & Trichoderma -@ 4 gm/ kg seed

4. Ragmash 21 qtls Carbendazin- @ 2 gm /kg seed

& Trichoderma -@ 4 gm/ kg

5. Millet 10 qtls Carbendazin- @ 2 gm /kg seed

& Trichoderma -@ 4 gm/ kg

6. Pulses, beans, buck 141 qtls Carbendazin- @ 2 gm /kg seed wheat & others & Trichoderma -@ 4 gm/ kg

7. Mustard - The seed was already treated at the time of purchase.

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

8. Wheat - --do --

9. Maize (Pre –Kharif) - --do--

Allotment of seed treating drum Tricyclazole and knapsack sprayer to four districts during the year 2007 -08.

Sl. Particulars Received Allotted to district /Quantity No. North East South West IPM Total Lab.

1. Seed treating 16 nos. 3 nos. 4 4 nos. 4 nos. 1 nos. 16 nos. drum nos.

2. Tricyclazole 120 kgs 15 20 20 20 45 120

3. Knapsack 120 nos 20 30 30 30 10 120 sprayer

Annual Progress Report 2007-08


Sin ce Sikkim h a s been decla red a s Orga n ic Sta te a n d th e s u bsidy on ch em ica l fertilizers is ta pered a n d fu lly s topped by yea r 2006-07. In order to repla ce th e n eed of n u trien ts to crop th e Depa rtm en t is propa ga tin g a n d a dvoca tin g fa rm ers to a dopt n ew

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

a n d m odern tech n ology of orga n ic fa rm in g sys tem to s u s ta in th e crop produ ction , em ployin g option s s u ch a s en rich ru ra l com pos tin g, verm i-com postin g, Bio-fertilizers, soil a m en dm en ts a n d oth er s ou rces of orga n ic pla n t n u trien ts . To in crea s e th e crop produ ction a n d produ ctivity, th e s oil h ea lth a n d s oil n u trien t a va ila ble to crop pla y a m a jor role. Th e in tegra ted n u trien t m a n a gem en t is th e on ly a ltern a tive in orga n ic fa rm in g s ystem to im prove th e produ ction in su s ta in a ble m a n n er. Th u s proper dem on s tra tion of n u trien t m a n a gem en t u s in g va riou s orga n ic sou rces in th e fa rm er’s field a n d m a in ten a n ce of s oil h ea lth ca n brin g a wa ren ess of th e tech n ology a m on gs t the farming community.

i. The District wise allotment under INM Demonstration on

Wheat and Mustard during Rabi 2007-08 is as under:-

Unit Crop & Area Total Nos.of District Area coverage Area Demo. in (Ha.) in (Ha.) in (Ha.) Wheat Mustard North 0.5 100 100 200 400 East 0.5 200 200 400 800 South 0.5 200 200 400 800 West 0.5 200 200 400 800 Total 700 700 1400 2800

The District wise allotment under INM Demonstration on Maize

District Unit Area Crop, Area coverage Nos. of in (Ha.) in (Ha.) Demonstration Maize North 0.5 200 400 East 0.5 500 1000 South 0.5 500 1000 West 0.5 500 1000 Total 1700 3400

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

2. Rural Composting cum Cow urine pit System.

To m a ke best u s e of fa rm wa s te a n d con s erva tion of cow u rin e, a n a m bitiou s ru ra l com pos tin g developm en t progra m m e is bein g popu la rized on a la rge sca le in th e Sta te, in order to en cou ra ge th e fa rm er to produ ce la rge a n d en rich ed ru ra l com pos t to replace chemical fertilizer in nutrient supply to crops.

The District wise Target allotted for Rural Composting cum Urine pit : District Mode of allotments Total nos. 1 st 2 nd 3 rd allotment allotment allotment

1 North 300 100 250 650

2 East 860 600 1150 2610

3 South 750 250 550 (KVK-100.nos) 1550

4 West 750 300 550 (KVK- 50.nos) 1600

Total 2660 1250 2500 6410

3. Vermi-Com posting Program m e :- Th e m a jor ben efits of Verm i-com pos t a re econ om ica l, s u s ta in a ble a n d ea sily a ccepta ble. It is eco-frien dly a n d im proves soil health by supplying micro-nutrients. It works as agents of physical decomposition.

District wise physical target on Vermi-compost programme is as under:- District Mode of allotments Total nos.

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

1 st 2 nd. and 3rd. allotment allotment

1 North 550 750 1300

2 East 2000 2636 4636

3 South 1350 2300 3650

4 West 1600 1600 3200

Total 5500 7286 12786

4. Border Area Development Programme (BADP) :-

Sikkim h a s poten tia l Agricu ltu re belts a djoin in g to th e In tern a tion a l Border Area s. To fa cilita te th e growers of th ese a rea s th e Depa rtm en t h a s proposed to con du ct Dem on s tra tion on Orga n ic In pu ts on Ma ize crop wh ich is th e m a jor crop grown in th e area.

The District wise target distributed to conduct Demonstrations on various Organic Inputs on Maize crop, under BADP as follows :-

Sl.No. District Crop Area coverage Nos.of Demo of size in (Hac) (0.5 Hac/Demo.) 1 East Maize 400. 800.Nos. 2 West -do- 300. 600.Nos. 3 North -do- 300. 600.Nos. Total 1000. 2000.Nos.

5. Demonstration on use of Bio-fertilizers in crop production –

A component under sub head, “4.Balance and Integrated use of Fertilizers” which is included in the Macro-management of Agriculture programme. The use of Bio-

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

fertilizers having Nitrogen fixing bacteria , Phosphate solubalising bacteria and Potassium mobilizing bacteria and Organic manure give better germination, crop growth and development even in moisture stress condition. The recommended dose of Bio-fertilizers are as- i. Nalpak-10 Kg/Ha. (50% basal and 50% top-dressing) ii. VAM- 5 Kg/Hac. (Basal, mixed with Organic manure /FYM.

Bio-fertilizers Demonstration on Rabi Wheat/Mustard and ensuing Maize crop is as under :-

1 st.Proposal :-

Bio-fertilizers Target combinations Total Qty. (Qtl) Area in (Ha.) Crop i. a. Nalpak 100. 1000. Wheat/Mustard b. VAM 50. --do-- -do- ii. a. Nalpak 130. Maize 1300. b. VAM 65. --do-- --do-- Total Area (i+ii) 2300. (Hac.)

2 nd Proposal:-

Bio-fertilizers Target combinations Total Qty. (Qtl) Crop Area in (Ha.) i. a. Nalpak 70.00 Maize 766.6 b. VAM 37.60 --do-- -do- Total Area 766.6 (Hac.)

6. Integrated Nutrient Management Demonstration Programme (INM )-

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

In clu ded u n der th e sch em e of Triba l s u b pla n 2007-08. Wh ere th e Depa rtm en t proposed to conduct INM demonstrations with different Organic nutrient combinations on th e en s u in g Ma ize crop in th e a rea s wh ere 50% of th e tota l popu la tion a re triba l origin.

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

The District wise Target allotment for INM Demonstration under tribal sub plan, is as follows:-

Sl.No. District Organic source of nutrients Total nos. of combinations per Demonstration of one Demonstration Acre and its recommended doses/Acre 1. North (Combination - 1) i.Fym/cow dung 2.MT/Acre ii.Anapurna 30Kg/Acre iii.Nalpak 5Kg/Acre iv.VAM 1Kg/Acre v.Nag-zinc 200gm/Acre 1000.Nos.

(Combination - 2) i.Fym/cow dung 2.MT/Acre ii.Anadam 20Kg/Acre 250.Nos. 2 East (Combination -1) i.Fym/cow dung 2.MT/Acre ii.Anapurna 30Kg/Acre iii.Nalpak 5Kg/Acre iv.VAM 1Kg/Acre v.Nag-zinc 200gm/Acre 3000.Nos.

(Combination -2) i.Fym/cow dung 2.MT/Acre ii.Anadam 20Kg/Acre 1500.Nos. 3 West (Combination -1) i.Fym/cow dung 2.MT/Acre ii.Suryuamin granule 6Kg/Acre iii.VAM 1Kg/Acre iv.Bio-granule zinc 5Kg/Acre v.Suryuamin liquid 250ml/Acre 3000.Nos.

(Combination -2) i.Fym/cow dung 2.MT/Acre ii.Anadam 20Kg/Acre 750.Nos. South (Combination 1) i.Fym/cow dung 2.MT/Acre ii.Suryuamin granule 6Kg/Acre iii.VAM 1Kg/Acre iv.Suryuamin liquid 250ml/Acre v.Bio-granule zinc 5Kg/Acre 3000.Nos

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

7. Inte grate d Nut rie nt Manage m e nt De m ons tration (INM)-A s ch em e in clu ded u n der Sch edu le- Ca s t s u b com pon en t Pla n - 2007-08, wh ere th e Depa rtm en t of FS & ADev. propos ed to con du ct INM Dem on s tra tion s on en su in g Ma ize crop in th e a rea s where more than 50% of the total population is schedule caste origin.

The District wise Target allotment to conduct INM Demonstration with different sources of nutrient combination on Maize crop under Schedule Caste sub component plan-2007-08 is as under:-

Sl.No. District Organic sources of nutrient Nos. of combinations per Demo.of one Demonstration Acre of (one Acre) and its recommended doses/Acre North i. Fym/cow dung 2.MT/Ac. ii. Anapurna 30Kg/Ac. iii. Nalpak 5Kg/Ac. iv. VAM 1Kg/Ac. v. Nag-zinc 200gm/Ac. 400.Nos. 2. East i. Fym/cow dung 2.MT/Ac. ii. Anapurna 30Kg/Ac. iii. Nalpak 5Kg/Ac. iv. VAM 1Kg/Ac. v. Nag-zinc 200gm/Ac. 1100.Nos. 3 South i. Fym/cow dung 2.MT/Ac. ii. Suryuamin bio-granule 6Kg/Ac. iii. VAM 1Kg/Ac. iv. Suryuamin liquid- 50ml/Ac. 1000.Nos. v. Bio-zinc 5Kg/Ac. 4. West i. Fym/cow dung 2MT/Ac. ii. Suryuamin Bio-granule 6Kg/Ac.

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

iii. VAM 1Kg/Ac. iv. Suryamin Liquid 250ml/Ac. 1000.Nos. v. Bio-zinc 5Kg/Ac.

8. Farmers Training Programmes :-

Department organize intensive training Programmes for the farmers, farm women and others, with the objective to educate them, the technical know how of the newly introduced technologies in organic farming systems.

During the financial year 2007-08, Department proposed training of farmers and farm women on Integrated Nutrient Management Programme a component under Macro- Management of Agriculture ( 100% CSS ).

The District wise target allotted for Training of farmers and farm women

under INM, Macro-management 2007-08, was as below :-

Sl.No District Training on Training on Total Maize crop. Rice crop Trainings

1 North 20.nos 20.nos 40.nos

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

2 East 40.nos 60.nos 100.nos

3 South 40.nos 40.nos 80.nos

4 West 40.nos 40.nos 80.nos

Total 140.nos 160.nos 300.nos

9. Progress of Bio-villages, under National Centre of Organic Farming (NCOF )

i. Distribution of Effective Micro-Organism (EM) stock solution and Area coverage. District Nos.of Bio- Qty. of EM stock Area villages solution covered distribution in (Acres) 1 North 30.nos 750.Lts. 250 2 East 70.nos 1750.Lts. 583 3 South 48.nos 1200.Lts. 400 4 West 52.nos 1300.Lts. 433 Total 200.nos. 5000.Lts. 1666

ii. Statement below is the District wise production of compost and bio- pesticides through EM technology during the year 2007-08.

Particulars North East South West Total EM.compost 2416.MT 8746.MT 4273.MT 8027.MT 23462.MT EM.Bokashi 1410.Qtls 5971.Qtls 3251.Qtls 4311.Qtls 14942.Qtls FPE / EM5 44749 lts 130475 lts 95491 lts 117064 lts 387779.lts

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

10. Progress report of Vermi-Hatchery Units of the Districts, under NCOF during the financial year 2007-08. District Name of Govt.Farms and Nos.of Amount of KVK. Centres. units Revenue deposited 1 North KVK-Mangan 1.nos Rs. 2,50,000=00 2 East Centre of 1.nos Rs. 2,50,000=00 Excellence,Nazitam 3 East Govt. Farm Pachaykhani 1.nos Rs. 2,50,000=00 4 South KVK, Namthang 1.nos Rs. 2,50,000=00 5 South Centre of Excellence Rs. 2,50,000=00 Mallidara 1.nos 6 South Govt. Farm Bermiok 1.nos Rs. 2,50,000=00 7 West KVK,Gyalsing 1.nos Rs. 2,50,000=00 8 West Govt.Farm, Daramdin 1.nos Rs. 2,50,000=00 Total 8. Centres 8.nos Rs.20,00,000=00

Report on Organic Sikkim Project:-

1. Expansion of Organic Sikkim Scheme : In th e con clu ded project th e sch em e’s ba se wa s expa n ded from 100 to 196 bio villa ges coverin g 30 con s titu en cies of Sta te i.e. 68, 60, 47 a n d 21 bio villa ges in Ea s t, Wes t, Sou th a n d North District, respectively. Th e tota l a gricu ltu ra l la n d a rea covered u n der th e project is 4861 a cres, which is about 3.24 percent of total agricultural land of the State.

2. Employment Generation: In th e con clu ded project 43 loca l residen ts were given the temporarily time to time as Master Trainers.

3. Skill De ve lopm e nt of Mas te r Traine rs: Th e recru ited Ma s ter Tra in ers were orien ted a n d tra in ed in EM Tech n ology a n d oth er rela ted a rea s of orga n ic fa rm in g to m a ke th em com pa tible a s per th e requ irem en t of th e project. Du rin g th e ten u re of th e project two training programmes were conducted.

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

4. Baseline Survey : An exten s ive ba s e lin e s u rvey wa s con du cted of a ll th e bio villa ges ta rgetin g a ll h ou s e h olds / fa rm u n its of th ose villa ges th rou gh wh ich ba se for th e project wa s decided. On th e ba sis of s u rvey on ly th ose fa rm ers were selected wh o h a ve less n u m ber of ca ttle to en s u re th e prepa ra tion of requ ired qu a n tity of orga n ic manure with EM technology.

5. Farmer’s Training: More than 5400 farmers of selected bio villages were trained u n der th e project in prepa ra tion a n d u tiliza tion of EM ba s ed orga n ic in pu ts i.e EM Com posed, EM Agricu ltu re Boka sh i a n d EM 5 / FPE. More th a n 300 tra in in g fa rm er tra in in g / review tra in in g progra m m es were con du cted for effective tra n s fer of EM technology.

6. Farm e r’s Se le c tion: As per th e ta rget tota l 4861 fa rm ers were selected a n d tra in ed in produ ction a n d u tiliza tion of EM ba sed orga n ic in pu ts i.e. EM Com pos t, EM Agriculture Bokashi & EM 5 /FPE

7. EM based production preparation and utilization

i) EM Com post: Aga in st th e ta rget of 19,444 ton n es of EM com post, 23.462 tonn es were prepa red by th e fa rm ers du rin g th e project. Ou t of wh ich m ore th a n 90% of prepared compost were utilized by the beneficiaries till the conclusion of the project. ii) EM Agric ultural Bokashi: Aga in st th e ta rget of 19,444 qu in ta ls, beneficiaries prepa red 14,941.18 qu in ta ls of Boka sh i on ly th os e fa rm ers were reported to prepa re and utilized Bokashi who used to grow vegetable crops. iii) EM 5 / FPE: Aga in s t th e ta rget of 759783 liters, on ly 387779 liters EM 5 / FPE wa s prepa red by th e ben eficia ries. It h a d h a ppen ed du e to th e fa ct th a t fa rm ers were not found interested in EM 5 preparation because of its high cost of production.

Outcome of the Organic Sikkim Project

1. Awareness among the people about the importance of the organic farming

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

2. En su red da ta collection from th e bio villa ges a bou t th e produ cts a va ila ble for the marketing. 3. Im provem en t in s oil ph ysica l h ea lth by in crea s in g orga n ic ca rbon / beneficial microbes of the soil. 4. Fa rm ers of th e bio villa ges beca m e a wa re a bou t th e differen t pa cka ge of practices of the organic farming. 5. Fa rm ers got tra in in g on differen t orga n ic tech n ologies wh ich a re su ita ble in respect of the climate of the state Sikkim. 6. Differen t in digen ou s Tech n ica l kn owledge (ITK) wa s collected from th e field level a n d wa s im proved scien tifica lly to m a ke it m ore ben eficia l for th e farmers. 7. Th e fa rm ers ea rn ed th rou gh th e kn owledge of differen t tech n ologies for th eir livelihood by selling organic inputs like bio pesticides and bokashi . 8. Tota l 5404 n os of fa rm ers were tra in ed in th is project wh erea s tota l n o. of beneficiaries were 4861 only. 9. Elim in a ted th e u se of ch em ica l fertilizers a n d bio fertilizers from ou t s ou rced by th e produ ction of la rge qu a n tity of EM com pos t a n d boka sh i produ ced in the farmers field. 10. Eco –friendly pests & disease management. 11. Im provem en t in econ om y s ta tu s of th e fa rm ers by in crea sin g th eir in com e level through increased yield by organic farming. 12. Reduces the soil erosion through the improvement in soil quality. 13. Brou gh t a bou t a wa ren es s a m on g th e fa rm ers for la n d an d product certification. 14. Helps in redu ction of h ea lth h a za rd by redu cin g th e u s e of ch em ica ls a n d synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and weedicides. 15. Brou gh t a bou t im provem en t in th e en viron m en t by redu cin g pollu tion by recycling of farm byproducts.


Implementation of SEWP 2007- 08, Progress of SREP preparation & constitution of ATMA committees of new district

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

• Governing Board (GB),ATMA Management Committee (AMC), Block Technology Team (BTT), Farmer Advisory Committee(FAC) of new additional ATMA district (West & North) of Sikkim has already been constituted.

• SREP of two New districts and SEWP of the State completed and submitted to GOI


Farm School: Farm Schools of different Subjects in 14 different blocks have already been established & are functional.

ATMA 8 nos. 1. Nandok : Mushroom Cultivation 2. South Chuba : Seed Production District, 3. Pathing : Off season Vegetable 4. Malangthang : Vermicompost/EM Technology East. 5. Karmithang : Seed Prodn./Bee Keeping 6. Dalapchand : Off Season Veg./Floriculture 7. Raigoan : Off season veg./Floriculture. 8. Saku : Dairy

ATMA 6 nos. 1. Yang Yang : Ginger cultivation 2. Temi : Cole crop cultivation District, 3. Sumbuk : Floriculture 4. Sangmu : Dairy South. 5. Ratey pani : Mushroom cultivation 6. Wok : Dairy.

Important Events organized by the Department of Food Security and Agriculture Development Department:

1. Kharif Kissan Mela organized from 14-16th June 2008 at Saramsa Garden, East Sikkim. During this event, 8 farmers were felicitated with cash award and certificates for outstanding performance. 13 farmers conferred with appreciation award for their achievement in the field of Agriculture & allied field. 2. Rabi Kisan Mela Organized at Jorethang, South Sikkim during January’2008. Hon’ble C.M. of Sikkim graced the occasion. More than 3000 farmers of the state visited the mela. Apart from Department all the line Dept. of State & Private companies participated in the Exhibition.

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

3. Regional Fair :

Participated in Rice Festival at Dimapur, Nagaland from 11th -15th Dec.2008. During the festival all the local ,indigenous and varieties of Rice and all the value added product of Rice & by product grown & produced in Sikkim was displayed in the Exhibition.


Participated in Organic Trade Fair at Delhi from 29th -2nd December’2007 and stood second in overall performance.

The Fair was organized by International Competence Centre for Organic Agriculture (ICCOA) Bangalore.

5. Exposure Visit for 50 Field Functionaries to:

Central Seed Testing Lab. and Vegetable Research Station at Benaras

Chandra Shaker Azad Agriculture College Kanpur for latest technology of cultivation on soyabean and mustard.

6. Participated in the India Organic Fair, Delhi.

7. Training outside the State:

75 Nos. of Field Functionaries and farmers under went Training on at Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana and GB Pant University of Agriculture, Pant Nagar.

8. Training inside the State:

One month Orientation Training was conducted to the newly recruited VLWs of the Department at SAMETI, Gangtok on Agriculture and Horticulture.

Special Activities:

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

26 candidates nominated for PG Diploma course in Agriculture extension Management (PGDAEM) at MANAGE, Hyderabad. Publication of leaflet and pamplet on packages of practices in major crops grown in Sikkim.

Farmers –Scientist interaction with ICAR and other research centers etc. Publishing of Kisan Diary. Production of Documentary films and telecasting of 48 episodes on Krishi Karyakaram through local TV network.

Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) :

Fund Release under: Amount in Rs. In Fund Utilized in Remarks Lakhs Lakhs. DAP 40.00 6.90 Fund utilized by four districts

Stream I 59.00 11.64 Lay out and designing of Processing Unit by Green Tech.

Stream II 178.00 59.00 Bench Terracing and Water harvesting Structures constructed

Total = 277.00 77.54

• Under Stream I-A project on Integrated Processing of spices cleared at an expenditure of Rs. 207.00 lakhs at Birdang, West Sikkim. • DAP at Block Level completed.

Activities under RKVY :

• Orientation Workshop & Training on DAP for field officials of Agriculture and allied Department conducted • Block Level Committee formed

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

• PRA exercise conducted • BAP prepared • C-DAP prepared • SAP (State Agriculture Plan) under progress.

Annual Progress Report 2007-08



Fa rm Mech a n iza tion en su res proper u tiliza tion of in pu ts resu ltin g in con s idera ble in crea s e in produ ctivity from lim ited cu ltiva ble a n d wa ter res ou rces a va ila ble on s u s ta in a ble ba s is . It a ls o h elps redu ce proces sin g & s tora ge los s es. In Sikkim , m os t of th e cu ltiva ble la n d bein g h illy terra in , th ere is a lim ited s cope for m ech a n iza tion of tillin g, in tercu ltu ra l a n d h a rvestin g opera tion bu t with proper tech n iqu es , con s idera ble im provem en t & m ech a n iza tion ca n be brou gh t in th e proces sin g, va lu e a ddition & s tora ge ph a s e. Th e En gin eerin g Cell of th e Depa rtm en t h a s con tin u ou s efforts to sea rch better a n d su ita ble im proved tools a n d im plem en ts from tilla ge to post h a rvest opera tion s ben eficia l to th e Sta te. Du rin g th e yea r 2007- 08 m ore em ph a s is h a s been given to Pos t Ha rvest Processin g & Va lu e Addition of a gricu ltu ra l produ ces a n d a ccordin gly iden tifica tion , procu rem en t & distribu tion of equ ipm en ts su ita ble for th em is bein g ta ken u p from th e Macro-Management schemes.

Ma jority in Sikkim a re m a rgin a l la n d h olders a n d on ly a few a m on gst th e la rge la n d h olders cu ltiva te th eir la n d. Hen ce we ca n sa y th a t a lm os t a ll a re m a rgin a l & m ediu m la n d h olders. Th e fa rm ers grow a bit of everyth in g in th eir lim ited la n d a n d since the produces are generally low in volume, marketing also is a problem.

Villa ges in Sikkim a n d h ou seh olds with in th e villa ges a re sca ttered a n d proces sin g in du s tries in th e villa ges a re n on exis ten t. Wh a tever th e fa rm er produ ces a re sold to th e m erch a n ts in town s . Even for h ou s eh old con s u m ption , th e fa rm ers take their produces to th e town s for processin g like rice h a u lin g, grin din g, oil expellin g etc. a n d ca rry th em ba ck, th ereby in crea sin g th e u n it cos t. Agro Processin g & Va lu e addition of this produces in the village itself would greatly reduce the unit cost of these consumable item s a n d it wou ld a ls o fetch a better price for th em if th ey cou ld s ell th e processed and packaged items instead of raw items.

Annual Progress Report 2007-08


Un der m a cro- m a n a gem en t sch em e tota l a m ou n t s a n ction ed a n d a pproved by GOI wa s Rs 28.5 la kh s for th e yea r 2007-08. Th e sa id a m ou n t wa s prop osed to be u tilized for settin g u p of Agro-service cen tre a s th e s ettin g u p of th e sa m e in ru ra l a rea s h a s h a ve very good resu lts with fa rm ers bein g a ble to su pplem en t th eir in com e su bs ta n tia lly. In th is sch em e 25% su bs idy is a dm is s ible to th e fa rm ers a n d rem a in in g 75% is to be borne by them. The set of Agro-service machineries include

a) Rice huller b) Wheat grinder c) Oil expeller d) Diesel engine(12HP) In th is yea r 2007-08, 32 sets of Agro-service m a ch in eries ( 8 from 2006-07 & 24 from 08-08) have been procured, which are for public distribution on 25% subsidy basis.

Sin ce in th e previou s yea rs , problem h a ve cropped u p du e to th e n on - a va ila bility of 3-ph a s e power lin es in th e rem ote a rea s wh ere th es e Agro Service Cen tres a re requ ired m os t. Hen ce from th is yea r, a 12HP Dies el gen era tor Set h a s a ls o been in clu ded in th e s et of Agro-Service m a ch in eries so th a t th e a rea s wh ere th e 3- phase power lines are not available may also be benefited.

III. Prom otion & Stre ngt he ning of Agric ultural Me c hanization through Training, Testing & Demonstration”.

Du rin g 2007-08, m a n y types of equ ipm en t were procu red for dem on s tra tion purpose which will be done during the Current Financial Year.

Th e m a ch in eries h a s been procu red keepin g in view th eir u tility to th e loca l fa rm ers. Th e m a ch in eries selected a re expected to u p ea se th e dru dgery of th e fa rm in g operation to a great extent, speed up the farming operation and increase the income of the farming community by value addition of the agriculture produces.

Du rin g th is yea r (2008-09), 40 n os . of dem on s tra tion coverin g a tota l of 1600 ben eficia ries @40 tra in ees / - dem o will be con du cted a ll over th e sta te. It will be a live dem on s tra tion wh ere th e prin ciple & opera tion , workin g of m a ch in eries , its

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a dva n ta ges over tra dition a l equ ipm en ts will be expla in ed a n d dem on s tra ted. Als o th ey will be trained in minor repairs & troubleshooting of the machineries.


Sikkim , th ou gh a bu n da n t in a vera ge ra in fa ll, its ra in fa ll dis tribu tion is n ot u n iform over tim e a n d a rea . Hen ce we h a ve h igh ra in fa ll a s well a s drou gh t pron e a rea s. We a lso h a ve dry spells a t tim es . Als o, Sikkim , bein g a h illy sta te with va ryin g degree of slopes , con s tru ctin g big irriga tion ca n a ls ru n n in g a cross th e len gth & brea dth of th e Sta te is a lso n ot fea sible a n d en ta ils a very h igh ca pita l cost & m a in ten a n ce cos t, a n d sin ce th e m a jority of fa rm ers a re m a rgin a l fa rm ers, th ey h a ve are not able to provide irrigation to the crops through costly means.

Hence, keeping this in, Pipe water irrigation system is being implemented s in ce la s t th ree yea rs wh ere by a lka th en e pipe a re procu red a n d dis tribu ted to the farmers who have to have a water tank of 10000 ltr, capacity as their share of th e project cost. Du rin g 2007-08, 2040 coils of a lka th en e pipes were procu red a n d dis tribu ted to th e differen t m odel villa ges ba sed on th e beneficiaries selected by the concerned districts. V. PROCESSING & STORAGE:

Two u n its of Seed Process in g Un its a t Ma jita r & J oreth a n g a re a lready fu n ction a l. In fa ct th e Seed Process in g Un it a t Ma jita r h a s a lrea dy lived its wa rra n ty period. Th e Un it h a d J oreth a n g h a d to be repa ired in a m a jor wa y a s th e electrica l sh ort circu itin g led to a sm a ll fire in th e Un it. Sin ce we don ’t h a ve tech n ica l sta ff to ca rry ou t th e m a in ten a n ce of cold room s & Hu m idifiers , propos a l for h a vin g An n u a l m a in ten a n ce Con tra ct with M/ s In tern a tion a l Com m ercia l Tra der’s ’ Kolka ta for Seed Proces sin g Un it a t Ma jita r & J oreth a n g h a s been fin a lized a n d is likely to be s ign ed by the end of this month.


Ha vin g been decla red a s a n Orga n ic Sta te, Sikkim h a s dra stica lly redu ced th e u se of Ch em ica l Fertilizers a n d u se of Orga n ic m a n u res, verm in com pos t & Bio fertilizer is bein g en cou ra ged by th e Sta te. To su pplem en t Orga n ic m a n u res & verm in -

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

com pos ts , a 150MT/ - per yea r Ca pa city BIO-FERTILISER PRODUCTION UNIT h a s been esta blish ed a t Ma jita r u n der NEC fu n din g. All th e m a jor works h a vin g been com pleted, a few m in or works for esta blis h m en t/ u p gra da tion of la bora tory fa cility are being taken up and the unit is expected to be operational in about two weeks time. Moreover, th e recen t ra in s h a s da m a ged a n d broken down th e brick wa ll fen ce resu ltin g in da m a ge of th e res ervoir ta n k. On ce th e Un it is opera tion a l, it will greatly reduce the dependence on Outside sources for Bio-Fertilizers.


For th e Certified Seed Progra m m e to s u cceed, in a ddition to Seed Processing Un its, a Seed Testin g La bora tory a n d a proper s tora ge s tru ctu re is a ls o equ a lly im porta n t. Hen ce, u n der a ss is ta n ce from th e Cen tra l Govern m en t, a m odern Seed Tes tin g La bora tory a n d a Seed Store h a s been con s tru cted a t Ma jh ita r a t a cos t of Rs .45.00 la kh s a n d Rs.23.00 la kh s res pectively. Th e com m iss ion in g of th is Seed Tes tin g La bora tory is expected to give a lon g awaited and much needed boost to the Certified Seed Programme in the state.

Sin ce th e Seed Tes tin g la bora tory h a s been con s tru cted beh in d th e Seed process in g Un it in on e corn er of th e fa rm , keepin g in view th e s ca rcity of la n d, before com m iss ion in g of Seed Tes tin g La bora tory, a proper a pproa ch roa d h a s to be developed by breaking the brick wall fence .

Th e Cen tra l Store h a s fou r s tore h a lls tota lin g to a ppx. 2400 s ft. Ou t of wh ich on e grou n d floor s tore of 525 s ft. is propos ed for En gin eerin g Cell a n d the rest 3 stores for others. As per the proposal put up by Field crop section for con vers ion to Seed Store, a few m odifica tion s in th e floorin gs a n d ventilation has to be done prior to seed storage.

Annual Progress Report 2007-08



Va riou s repa ir/ ren ova tion works of th e depa rtm en t in con s u lta tion with th e Officer-in-Ch a rge of th e Dis trict were ta ken u p a n d execu ted a s per th e a va ila bility of fu n d du rin g la s t fin a n cia l yea r. Som e of th e works ta ken u p during 2007-08 are mentioned below.

Ren ova tion of Seed proces sin g Un it a t Ma jh ita r, Repa ir of s ewera ge lin e a t Kris h i Bh a va n , Repa ir of wa ter su pply lin e to Kris h i Bh a va n , Repa ir of toilet a n d con s tru ction of file ra ck/ sh elves in a dm . Section in kris h i Bh a va n , clea n in g of Krishi Bh a va n s u rrou n din gs , repa ir of office room s of Ch ief En gin eer a n d ADA were ta ken u p, repa ir of office room of Pla n t Breeder, fu rn ish in g of s ta ff room of Exten s ion & training were taken up.


Th e fin a l ph a s e of th e con s tru ction of Seed Store cu m Gu es t Hou s e a t Joretha n g i/ c electrifica tion , wa ter s u pply & fu rn is h in g wa s ta ken u p u n der th is a n d was completed.


Un der th is , th e Com pou n d Developm en t a lon g with pa rkin g ya rd developm en t, providin g of M/ s ga te, Con s tru ction of Gen era tor s h ed a n d installation of Generator at Bio Fertilizer Production Unit at Majhitar was taken u p. Fu n d of Rs .2.08 la kh s wa s tra n s ferred to PHE depa rtm en t for providin g

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

extern a l wa ter s u pply lin e to Bio-Fertilizer Produ ction Un it a t Ma jh ita r, Ea s t Sikkim.


Un der th is , th e work of In s ta lla tion of Sprin kler Irriga tion Sys tem a t Da ra m din Agriculture Farm, West Sikkim was completed at a cost of Rs.3,17,923.00

(v) BADP

In con tin u a tion of BADP progra m m e th e work of Bea u tifica tion a n d Providin g fu rn itu re a n d fixtu res to n ewly con s tru cted Gu est Hou se a t La ch en , North Sikkim a n d con s tru ction of VLW Qu a rter a t Mellia ch in g, wes t Sikkim were execu ted u n der BADP Programme at an estimated cost of Rs.7.5 Lakhs. and 9.36 Lakhs respectively.


Un der th is , Th e En gin eerin g Cell h a s procu red 100 n o. of Peda l Opera ted Th resh er du rin g 2007 -08 u n der s ta te pla n for distribu tion to differen t fa rm s a n d m odel villa ge. Th e th resh ers were procu red a s per th e dem a n ds of th e gen era l pu blic a n d th e Agricu ltu re Officers from th e districts. Th es e m a ch in es a re very u sefu l for th res h in g of pa ddy/ wh ea t a n d a re n ot depen den t on electricity. Als o bein g ligh t in weight, it can be carried to remote corners of the village/ farms etc.

(vii) Furniture for Block Administrative Centres:

Th e Agricu ltu ra l Officers pos ted in th e 24 Block Adm in is tra tive Cen tres in th e sta te h a s been provided with office room s bu t n o fu rn itu re. To ca ter to th is problem, fu rn itu re a s per th e en titlem en t of th e officers a n d sta ffs were procu red du rin g 2007- 08. Th e fu rn itu re h a ve a lrea dy been delivered a t Store a t Ma jh ita r a n d will be delivered to th e con cern ed BDO offices a fter gettin g th eir office room size. A tota l expenditure of Rs.15, 98,579.00 was incurred for this from OC (PLAN).

Owin g to pa u city of fu n d, Cu rta in s for th e offices cou ld n ot be in clu ded in la s t yea rs procu rem en t a n d will h a ve to procu red in th is CFY. All th e ADO’s / HDO’s pos ted in BDO’s h a ve been provided with a set of Com pu ter ea ch . Hen ce a s et of computer table and chair will also have to be provided in this CFY .

Annual Progress Report 2007-08



A. NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. 1. National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA).

Th e Na tion a l Wa ters h ed Developm en t Project for Ra in fed Area s (NWDPRA) is a major CSS programme being implemented by the Department. It is an ongoing scheme with th e objective for developin g su s ta in a ble a gricu ltu re th rou gh in tegra ted fa rm in g system emphasizing in people’s active participation.

Th e progra m m e en com pa s s es divergen t a ctivities u n der m a n a gem en t a n d developm en t com pon en t, tra in in g, com m u n ity orga n iza tion a n d ca pa city bu ildin gs a re th e m a jor a ctivities . Un der developm en t com pon en t, n a tu ra l res ou rce m a n a gem en t, fa rm produ ction system (for la n d own in g fa m ilies) a n d livelih ood s u pport system (for la n dless fa m ilies) a re th e m a jor com pon en t. Un der n a tu ra l res ou rce m a n a gem en t, la n d developm en t, pla n ta tion of fa s t growin g tree species , dry la n d h orticu ltu re, ba m boo pla n ta tion a n d dra in a ge lin e trea tm en t a re th e a ctivities . Un der fa rm produ ction sys tem , es ta blis h m en t of n u rs eries, crop produ ction -cum-demonstration, ca s h crop pla n ta tion , testin g & dem on stra tion of n ew tech n ology, a doption of proven technology, etc. are the activities.

Un der livelih ood s u pport s ys tem , service s ector s u ch a s ca rpen try, bla ck sm ith y, ba s ket m a kin g, broom bin din g, m u s h room cu ltiva tion , etc. a re th e a ctivities ta ken u p. Besides th is , pou ltry, piggery, bee keepin g, goa tery, etc. h a ve a lso been taken up under livestock management.

The objectives of this programme are:

1. In situ m oistu re con s erva tion , developm en t a n d s u s ta in a ble m a n a gem en t of natural and social resources including their use. 2. En h a n cem en t of a gricu ltu re produ ctivity a n d produ ction in a su sta in a ble manner. 3. Restora tion of ecologica l ba la n ce in th e degra ded a n d fra gile ra in - fed eco- system by green in g th ese a rea s th rou gh a ppropria te m ix of trees, sh ru bs a n d grasses.

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

4. Reduction in regional disparity between irrigated and rainfed areas. 5. Creation of sustained farming system and generation of employment

Opportunities for the rural community including the landless.

6. Equity for resource poor and empowerment of women.

Du rin g th e yea r fin a n cia l 2007 – 2008, th e ph ys ica l ta rget for 32 Nos. Micro- Wa tersh ed wa s 2936.00 Ha . An d th e a ch ievem en t wa s 2 936.00 Ha . Th e tota l expen ditu re in cu rred wa s Rs.1,76,19,000.00 la kh s a s a ga in s t th e ta rget of Rs.1,76,20 ,000.00 la kh s . Th e im pa ct of th e progra m m e h a s been su ccess fu l a m on g th e fa rm in g com m u n ities of th e project a rea , beca u s e of its h olis tic / clu s ter a pproa ch for a ll rou n d developm en t in a s u s ta in a ble m a n n er. Th e progra m m es u n der th is sch em e h a ve a wider a ccepta n ce beca u se it in corpora tes in digen ou s with im proved tech n ologies , im provem en t in la n d & wa ter m a n a gem en t, u p-gra da tion of wa ter sou rces, lives tock m a n a gem en t, pa rticipa tory a n d belon gin g a m on gst th e fa rm ers, improvement in production & productivity both in agricultural and horticulture crops.

2. Bench Terracing under Land Development programme in Agricultural Land.

Th is is on e of th e m ech a n ica l m ea su res a dopted in th e sta te. Th e con stru ction of ben ch terra ces h elps to preven t ru n off with h igh velocity, s oil loss a n d reten tion of m ois tu re, resou rces, m a n u res , fertilizers a n d fa cilita tes th e a pplica tion of irriga tion if available.

Th e ben ch terra ces a re con stru cted in th e s ta te u p-to th e slope of 50%. Th is progra m m e h elps to brin g a ddition a l a rea u n der cu ltiva tion wh ich u n der proper a gron om ic pra ctices is expected to con tribu te towa rds crop produ ction a n d productivity of the area.

Th e depa rtm en t h a s im plem en ted la n d developm en t progra m m e in a com pa ct a rea in th e villa ges . In th is progra m m e fa rm ers a re provided with Govern m en t su bs id y of 25 %, i.e., a pproxim a tely Rs. 7500.00/ - per hectare. During this financial year 2007 – 2008, th e ph ysica l ta rget is 880.00 Ha . An d th e a ch ievem en t is 877.26 Ha . Th e tota l

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

expenditure incurred as subsidy amount was Rs.65, 79,567.00 as against the target of Rs .66, 00,000.00. Th e tota l n u m ber of ben eficia ries is 1672. Th e im pa ct of th is progra m m e h a s been very sa tisfa ctory a s th e la n d for cu ltiva tion h a s in crea sed a n d cu ltu re a ble fa llow la n d h a s a ls o been tu rn ed in to a n a ra ble la n d with em ploym en t generation.

3. Wate r Harve s ting from surfac e run-off pe re nnial wate r s ourc e inc luding roof water by collecting in tanks. Th e m a in objective of th is progra m m e is to con serve wa ter th rou gh su rfa ce ru n - off / roof ra in wa ter / peren n ia l s ou rces , for life sa vin g irriga tion a n d drin kin g wa ter for human being and livestock during lean periods.

Un der th is progra m m e, th e depa rtm en t h a s con s tru cted 375 n os. of wa ter h a rvestin g ta n k of 10000 ltrs. s tora ge ca pa city a ll over th e sta te ben efitin g 375 Nos. of fa rm in g com m u n ity. In th is progra m m e, fa rm ers a re provided with Govern m en t su bs idy of 25% (i.e. Rs 10,000/ - per ben eficia ry). Th e tota l expen ditu re of Rs 37.50 La kh s wa s in cu rred a s s u bs idy a m ou n t a s a ga in s t th e ta rget of 37.50 La kh s. Th e ta n ks a re con s tru cted with th e fa rm er’s pa rticipa tion , com m u n ity orien ted ba sis . Under this programme the number of beneficiary are 375.

Th e con s tru ction of wa ter h a rvestin g ta n ks is to provide irriga tion to vegeta bles a n d fru it crops in lim ited a rea so th a t th e produ ction of crops in crea ses th ereby ra isin g th e in com e of th e fa rm in g com m u n ity. Th e progra m m e is fou n d to be u sefu l and beneficial to the rural areas.

4. Reclamation of Acidic Soil.

Th e sch em e pla ys a vita l role in n ewly terra ced la n d for optim u m crop produ ction . Th e sta te h a s a cidic to very a cidic s oil with pH ra n gin g from 4.5 to 5.5.Su ch s oils a re in ju riou s to pla n t growth a n d a dversely a ffects th e s oil m icrobial a ctivities resu ltin g poor yield. Un der th is progra m m e, a cidic s oils were recla im ed with dolom ite. Th e m a teria l a re distribu ted on dem on stra tion ba s is a t free of cos t. Th e ph ys ica l ta rget is 1600.00 Ha . a n d th e a ch ievem en t is 1250.00 Ha . Th e tota l expen ditu re in cu rred is Rs . 49,98,818.00 a s a ga in st th e ta rget of Rs 50,00,000.00. Th e im pa ct of th is progra m m e is fou n d to be very u sefu l in a cidic s oil in respect of

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

ph ys ica l, ch em ica l a n d biologica l properties a s a s ta te is decla red a s orga n ic. Th ere is improvement in neutralizing the soil acidity resulting more productivity.

4. External Auditing of NWDPRA

As per th e gu idelin e of WARSA-J AN SAHABHAGITA,a m a jor pa rt of th e fu n d a re provided to th e Wa tersh ed Com m ittee a n d extern a l a u ditin g, on ce in a yea r wa s m a n da tory so th a t m a in ten a n ce of a ll th e a ccou n t cou ld be s u ita bly u n derta ken .The auditing of accounts under NWDPRA for the year 2006-2007 for 32 Nos. of Micro- Wa tersh ed h a ve been com pleted by N.Ma rda & Ass ocia tes Ch a rted Accou n ta nt, Ga n gtok a s per th e pa n el list forwa rded by Fin a n ce, Reven u e a n d expen ditu re Depa rtm en t a n d a pprova l of th e Govern m en t. An expen ditu re of Rs 1.94 La kh s h a s been incurred.


1. State Nursery (Soil Conservation).

Th e Depa rtm en t of Soil & Wa ter Con s erva tion h a s 6 (s ix) n u m bers of s ta te n u rseries. Th ese n u rseries a re produ cin g la rge n u m bers of fodder gra s ses, fodder trees, fu el a n d tim ber trees a n d tea sa plin gs n eeded for im plem en ta tion of biologica l con s erva tion m ea su res a n d wa ters h ed project a rea s h a vin g m ore th en 50 % slope a n d land-s lide / la n d slip a rea s . Du rin g th e yea r 2007–2008, th ese seedlin gs produ ced from different nurseries have been distributed to the farmers under green mission, soil con s erva tion progra m m e for con trol of soil eros ion a n d restora tion of n a tu ra l resources.

2. National Agriculture Development Programme (NADP)/

Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY).

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

Th e depa rtm en t h a s im plem en ted ben ch terra cin g in a gricu ltu re la n d a n d wa ter h a rvestin g from su rfa ce ru n -offf, peren n ia l wa ter sou rce in clu din g roof wa ter by collecting in tank.

Th e ben ch terra cin g h a s been im plem en ted wh ere th e s lope is 50%. Ma in objective of th e s ch em e is to brin g a ddition a l a rea u n der cu ltiva tion with proper agronomic practices with the idea of enhancing crop production and productivity in a very s cien tific m a n n er. An a rea of 253.17 Ha . h a s been brou gh t u n der ben ch terra cin g a s a ga in s t th e ta rget of 253.32 Ha . Th e ben eficia ries a re provided with Govt.subsidy of 25% wh ich is a pproxim a tely Rs.7,500.00 per Ha . Th e expen ditu re in cu rred is Rs.18,96,980.00 a s a ga in s t th e ta rget of Rs .19,00,000.00. Th e progra m m e h a s been im plem en ted in ea st, wes t & n orth district ben efitin g 524 numbers of rural farmers.

Un der th is progra m m e, th e depa rtm en t h a s a ls o im plem en ted con s tru ction of wa ter h a rves tin g ta n k. Th e m a in p u rpose of th e progra m m e is to crea te wa ter stora ge th rou gh su rfa ce ru n -off, ra in / roof wa ter or peren n ia l sou rce for life sa vin g irriga tion eith er in kh a rif crops or in ra bi crops , drin kin g wa ter du rin g dry period. Th e depa rtm en t h a s been provided a s sis ta n ce to con stru ct RCC wa ter h a rvestin g ta n k h a vin g ca pa city of 10,000 ltrs . a t 25% Govt. su bs idy wh ich is a pproxim a tely Rs .10,000.00 per ben eficia ry. Ou t of 400 n u m ber of wa ter h a rvestin g stru ctu res a ll h a s been con s tru cted in drou gh t a rea s of Ea st, West a n d Sou th dis trict. An a m ou n t of Rs.40.00 la kh s h a s been u tilized a s a ga in s t th e target of Rs.40.00 lakhs. 400 numbers of farmers has been immensely benefited by the scheme.

3. Tribal Area Sub-Plan Programme

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

Th e depa rtm en t h a s im plem en ted ben ch terracin g in a gricu ltu re la n d with a n objective to in crea se a ddition a l a rea u n der cu ltiva tion with proper a gron om ic pra ctices en h a n cin g crop produ ction a n d produ ctivity for in com e gen era tion . An a rea of 53.18 Ha h a s been a ch ieved a s a ga in s t th e ta rget of 53.2 0 h a . Th e fa rm ers a re provided with Govt.s u bs idy of 25% wh ich is a pprox Rs .7,500.00 per Ha . Th e fin a n cia l a ch ievem en t is Rs .3,98,912.00.a s a ga in s t th e ta rget of Rs .3 ,99,000.00. Th e progra m m e h a s b een im plem en ted in n orth dis trict on ly. 211 n u m ber of triba l farmers are benefited by this scheme.

Th e depa rtm en t h a s a lso im plem en ted con s tru ction of RCC wa ter h a rvestin g ta n k. Th e m a in objective is to crea te wa ter stora ge th rou gh s u rfa ce ru n - off, ra in / roof wa ter or peren n ia l sou rce for life sa vin g irriga tion to lim ited a rea to a gricu ltu ra l & h orticu ltu ra l crops eith er in kh a rif or in ra bi crops du rin g dry period. Th e depa rtm en t h a s been provided 25% Govt.s u bsidy for con s tru ction of 10,000 ltrs. ca pa city of RCC wa ter h a rvestin g ta n k wh ich is a pprox.Rs .10, 000.00 per fa rm er. Ou t of 70 n u m ber of ta rget a ll a re a ch ieved. Th e expen ditu re in cu rred is Rs .7.00 la kh s a s a ga in st th e ta rget of Rs .7.00 la kh s.Th e progra m m e h a s been im plem en ted in drou gh t pron e a rea of ea s t, west & s ou th dis trict. Th e progra m m e has benifitted 70 number of tribal farmers.

4. Special Component for Schedule Caste Programme.

To im prove th e socio-econ om ic con dition of s ch edu le ca ste in ru ra l a rea , th e depa rtm en t h a s u n derta ken wa ter h a rves tin g a n d tra in in g progra m m e. J u diciou s u se of wa ter du rin g dry period is th e m a in con cept of con stru ction of wa ter h a rvestin g stru ctu re. Th e s tored wa ter th rou gh su rfa ce ru n -off/roof wa ter or peren n ia l sou rce for life s a vin g irriga tion to a gricu ltu re a n d h orticu ltu re eith er in kh a rif or in ra bi crops du rin g dry spell. 25% (i.e a pprox Rs 10,000.00) Govt. s u bsidy h a s been provided for con stru ction of 10 ,000.00 ltrs . of RCC wa ter harvestin g ta n k. Th e ph ysica l ta rget of 70 n u m bers a n d fin a n cia l ta rget for 3.00 la kh s h a s been fu lly a ch ieved. Th e progra m m e a re im plem en ted in dry a rea s of ea s t a n d s ou th dis trict. 30 n u m ber of sch edu le ca s te fa rm ers a re ben efited by th is programme.

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

Th e depa rtm en t h a s a lso im plem en ted tra in in g progra m m e on e ea ch in ea s t a n d sou th district. Th e expen ditu re in cu rred is Rs.7, 950.00 a s a ga in st th e ta rget of Rs .8,000.00. Th e progra m m e h a s ben efited 30 n u m bers of s ch edu le ca s te fa rm ers on wa ter h a rvestin g con cept, des ign , u ses a n d ben efits etc. Th e crea tion of em ploym en t gen era tion , s ta n da rd of livin g, in com e gen era tion , s oil a n d m ois tu re conservation etc. are also focused during the traning period.


Physical = in Ha. Financial = Rs. in Lakhs.



1 East 11 1009.25 1009.25 60.55 60.55

2 West 10 917.50 917.50 55.04 55.03

3 South 8 734.00 734.00 44.08 44.08

4 North 3 275.25 275.25 16.53 16.53

TOTAL 32 2936.00 2936.00 176.20 176.19

Annual Progress Report 2007-08


EAST WEST NORTH SOUTH HEAD TOTAL SL.NO. ORGANISATION COMPONENT (11 W / S) (10 W/S) ( 3 W / S) (8 W / S) QUARTER 32 NOS.W/S a. Management Component Rs.84,000/- lakhs/Watershed. 9,24,000.00 8,40,000.00 2,52,000.00 6,72,000.00 26,88,000.00 b. Development Component

1 Watershed Rs.3,55,500/ Committee Watershed 39,10,500.00 35,55,000.00 10,66,500.00 28,44,000.00 1,13,76,000.00 c. W.D.F (Corpus) Rs.6000/Watershed. 66,000.00 60,000.00 18,000.00 48,000.00 1,92,000.00 Management Component 2 P.I.A Rs. 75,000/Watershed. 8,25,000.00 7,50,000.00 2,25,000.00 6,00,000.00 24,00,000.00 Management Component Rs.20,462/- per 3 D.N.A Watershed. 2,61,082.00 2,04,620.00 61,386.00 1,63,696.00 6,90,784.00

State Hea d Management 4 Quarter Component 2,73,206.00 2,73,206.00

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

TOTAL 59,86,582.00 54,09,620.00 16,22,886.00 43,27,696.00 2,73,206.00 1,76,19,990.00


PHYSICAL (Ha) Financial (iN. Rs.)


1 NORTH 78.00 77.92 5,85,000 5,84,774 113

2 EAST 312.00 309.66 23,40,000 23,22,451 567

3 SOUTH 216.00 215.94 16,20,000 16,19,340 226

4 WEST 274.00 273.74 20,55,000 20,53,002 7 66

TOTAL 880.00 877.26 66,00,000 65,79,567 1672

Annual Progress Report 2007-08


PHYSICAL (Ha) Financial (iN. Rs.)


1 NORTH 24 24 2.40 2.40 24

2 EAST 159 159 15.90 15.90 159

3 SOUTH 84 84 8.40 8.40 84

4 WEST 108 108 10.80 10.80 108

TOTAL 375 375 37.50 37.50 375

Annual Progress Report 2007-08


SL. NO. DISTRICT PHYSICAL (Ha) Financial (iN. Rs.)


1 NORTH 619.00 531.00 21.27 21.27

2 EAST 323.00 231.00 9.21 9.21

3 SOUTH 546.00 450.00 17.97 17.97

4 WEST 112.00 38.00 1.55 1.54

TOTAL 1600.00 1250.00 50.00 49.99

Annual Progress Report 2007-08


A. Bench Terracing PHYSICAL (Ha.) FINANCIAL ( In Rs.)

Sl. No. of No. District Constituency Block/Village Target Achievement Target Achievement Beneficiaries U.Sumin, L.Sumin, L.Lingzey, Central U.Lingzey, 1 East Pandam Mangthanh 120.00 119.99 9,00,000.00 8,99,986.00 189 Gelling- 2 West Chakung Samsing 66.66 66.66 5,00,000.00 4,98,043.00 258 Upper Ba rfok, 3 North Dzongu Mangzing 66.66 66.52 5,00,000.00 4,98,951.00 77

TOTAL 253.32 253.17 19,00,000.00 18,96,980.00 335

Annual Progress Report 2007-08


B. Water Harvesting Structure. FINANCIAL ( Rs in PHYSICAL ( Nos) Lakhs)

Sl. No. of No. District Constituency Block/Village Target Achievement Target Achievement Beneficiaries J itlan g, Sa m key, Central Sitey, Sam s in g- 1 East Pandam Chewribotey 200 200 20.00 20.00 200 Palitam, Salghari- 2 South Jorethang Ratyapani 100 100 10.00 10.00 100 Galying-Samsing/ Kamling-Sudung/ 3 West Chakung Khanisirbung 100 100 10.00 10.00 100

TOTAL 400 400 40.00 40 400

TOTAL EXPENDITURE (A+B) = Rs 58,96,980.00

Annual Progress Report 2007-08


A. Bench Terracing PHYSICAL FINANCIAL ( Ha) (In Rs.) Sl. No. of No. District Constituency Block/Village Target Achievement Target Achievement Beneficiaries

1 North Lachung Lachung 53.20 53.18 3,99,000.00 3,98,912.00 211

TOTAL 53.20 53.18 3,99,000.00 3,98,912.00 211

B. Water Harvesting Structure PHYSICAL FINANCIAL ( Nos) ( Lakhs) Sl. No. of No. District Constituency Block/Village Target Achievement Target Achievement Beneficiaries

Pathing Pathing 15 15 1.50 1.50 15 Sang, 1 East Sang Martam Marchak,Namli 8 8 0.80 0.80 8 Central Pandam Sumin 7 7 0.70 0.70 7

2 South Ralong Ralong 10 10 1.00 1.00 10

3 West Geyzing Langang 30 30 3.00 3.00 30

TOTAL 70 70 7.00 7.00 70

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

TOTAL EXPENDITURE (A+B) = Rs. 10,98,912.00

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

EXPENDITURE INCURRED UNDER MACRO-MANAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURE 2007-2008 A Programme & Component Provision Expenditure Balance I NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1 National Watershed Development 176.20 176.20 Nil Project for Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA0 2 River Valley Project (RVP) 140.00 105.88 34.12 II Cereal Development Programme 393.20 374.96 18.24 1 Certified Seed Distribution @ Rs 200/qtl 30.00 30.00 Nil For wheat/rice seed & Rs. 400/qtl for Ragi seed. 2 Encourage Varietal Replacement @ Rs 200/qtl 20.00 20.00 Nil 3 Full Crop Pack Demonstration 50.00 50.00 Nil 4 Breeder Seed Wheat 200/qtl Millet @400/qtl 100.00 99.79 0.21 5 Millet Certified Seed distribution 6.75 6.30 0.45 6 Accelerated Maize Development Programme 183.20 168.87 14.33 7 Seed Treatment @25% cost 3.25 Nil 3.25 III PLANT PROTECTION 36.00 18.39 17.61 1 Farmers Field School 10.20 2.46 7.74 2 Promotion of Bio pesticides & pest/Disease 9.00 8.06 0.94 3 Survey & Surveillance 5.00 5.00 Nil 4 Training of Field Functionaries 1.80 Nil 1.80 5 Seed Treatment @ 25% cost 10.00 2.87 7.13 IV Balanced and Integrated use of Fertilizers 1316.22 1165.68 150.54 1 Stren gth en in g of Soil Tes tin g La b (s oil testin g 17.40 17.38 0.02 kits) 2 Establishment of Soil testing lab in Gyalshing 18.50 18.50 Nil 3 Integrated Nutrient Management Demonstration 166.40 125.59 40.81 4 Training of farmers on INM 15.00 15.00 Nil 5 Rural compost/urine pit 520.00 518.35 1.65 6 Vermi compost 462.50 426.53 35.97 7 Bio fertilizer Demostration 45.00 44.33 0.67 8 Effective Micro organism 71.42 Nil 71.42 V Agriculture Engineering 28.50 28.41 0.09 a Harvesting & Threshing Equipments 5.00 5.00 Nil b Value added equipments 10.00 10.00 Nil c Agro Service Centre 13.50 13.41 0.09 VI Concurrent Evaluation 8.00 4.06 3.94 VII NEW INITIATIVES 237.34 237.34 Nil 1 Intensified Extension and Training 23.84 23.84 Nil

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

a Farmers Training 3.84 3.84 Nil b Farmer Exposure Visit 2.50 2.50 Nil c Field day /Exhibition /Kissan mela 6.00 6.00 Nil d Printing of Literature 5.00 5.00 Nil e Publicity through electronic media 6.50 6.50 Nil 2 Reclamation of Acidic Soil 50.00 50.00 Nil 3 Water Harvesting @ 25% subsidy 37.50 37.50 Nil 4 Bench Terracing 66.00 66.00 NI 5 Strengthening og irrigation facilities-pipe 60.00 60.00 Nil For water conveyance as per BIS specification TOTAL OF MACRO MANAGEMENT = 2335.46 2110.92 224.54 Fund release = Rs. 2335.46 Expenditure upto 31.03.08 = Rs. 2110.92 Balance available as on 1.4.08 = Rs. 224.54

Annual Progress Report 2007-08

Annual Progress Report 2007-08