Staff Guide 44
STAFF GUIDE 44 2 43 TABLE OF CONTENTS BIBLIOGRAPHY Battistuz, Sr. Lucy, MPF, unpublished Prayer Experiences, 2017 Basile, Giacinta - Calabrese, Geraldine, MPF, Forever Yes, The Story of Lucy FORWARD 4 Filippini, Philadelphia, 1979. Basile, Giacinta - Calabrese, Geraldine, MPF unpublished notes. PREFACE 5 Bergoglio, Jorge, Pope Francis, The JOY of the GOSPEL: Evangelii Gaudium, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 7 2013. CALL TO BE EDUCATORS( ST. LUCY'S WORDS) 8 Congregation for Catholic Education, Educating Today and Tomor- row: Instrumentum Laboris, Vatican City, 2014. MISSION 10 Congregation for Religious Education, Educating Today and Tomorrow, Strat- egies and Perspectives that Emerge from the Responses to the Question- INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE 11 naire of Instrumentum Laboris, Rome, 2015. BIOGRAPHIES OF ST. LUCY AND CARDINAL BARBARIGO 14 Longo, Laura, Barone, Gloria, MPF, DVD Empowering the Spirit, Morristown, ST. LUCY FILIPPINI CHRONOLOGICAL FACTS 16 2015 CARDINAL BARBARIGO CHRONOLOGICAL FACTS 17 Marchione, Margherita, MPF Land of the Etruscans, Rome, 1986. CHARISM OF THE FOUNDERS 18 Mazzinelli, Alessandro, Instructions of the Schools of Christian Doctrine, Villa Walsh, 1986. Recchia, Pancrezuio, OCD, History and Theology of a Charism, Rome, 1991. LUCY'S SPIRIT ALIVE IN US 23 Religious Teachers Filippini, Words to Grow and Live By, Rome, 1980. VISION OF THE SCHOOL 24 Religious Teachers Filippini, Educational Philosophy, Rome, 1991. Religious Teachers Filippini, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops/USCCB, New American Bible / STYLES AND METHOD 25 NABRE, 2011. CHARACTERISTICS OF A TEACHER 25 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Schools: Communities CHARACTERISTICS OF A STUDENT 26 of Faith, Knowledge and Service FILIPPINI TRADITIONS 27 we-teach/catholic-education/ .
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