Ellipses and Hyperbolas 0 B 1 2 2 Is Obtainedin This Bychapter Precomposingwe’Ll Revisit the Equationsome Examples for Cof,Conies

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Ellipses and Hyperbolas 0 B 1 2 2 Is Obtainedin This Bychapter Precomposingwe’Ll Revisit the Equationsome Examples for Cof,Conies EllipsesEllipses andand HyperbolasHyperbolas In this chapter we'll see three more examples of conics. In this chapter we’ll revisit some examples of conies. EllipsesEllipses 1 If youIf beginyou begin withwith the unitthe unit circle,circle.C ,C’. andand youyou scalescalex-coordinatesr-coordmates byby somesome nonzerononzero numbernumbera, anda. youand you scalescaley-coordinatesj-coordinates byby somesome nonzerononzero numbernumber bb,, - the resultingthe resulting shapeshape in thein planethe plane is called- is called an anellipseellipse.. on on IoI I-o I I-o ‘I I II Let’s begin again with the unit circle ‘I II C’, the circle of radius 1 centered at Let's begin again with the unit circle C1, the circle of radius 1 centered at (0, 0). We learned earlier that C’ is the set of solutions of the equation (0; 0). We learned earlier that C1 is the set of solutions of the equation x-+y9 2 =1 x2 + y2 = 1 The matrixa 0D scales the x-coordinates in the plane by a, and The matrix scales= ( the) x-coordinates in the plane by a, and it scales it scales the0 y-coordinatesb by b. What’s drawn below is D(C’), which is the shape resulting from scaling C’ horizontally by a and verticallyaby 0b.It’s an the y-coordinates by b. What's drawn below on the right is (C1), example of an ellipse. 0 b which is the shape resulting from scaling C1 horizontallyH’ by a and vertically by b. It's an example of an ellipse. op 0 op Using POTS, the equation for this distorted circle, the ellipse D(C’), is obtained by precomposing the equation for C’, the equation x2 + y2 = 1, by the matrix op _ z:3 -co op _ z:3 D1=(j -co II + + ?) II + + 1874 4 0 0 II II + 204 + - - on on - I-o I I-o ‘I I II ‘I II on I-o I ‘I a 0 Using POTS,II the equation for this distorted circle, the ellipse (C1), Ellipses and Hyperbolas 0 b 1 2 2 is obtainedIn this bychapter precomposingwe’ll revisit the equationsome examples for Cof,conies. the equation x + y = 1, by the matrix Ellipses −1 1 a 0 a 0 If you begin with the unit circle. =C’. and1 you scale r-coordmates by some 0 b 0 b nonzero number a. and you scale j-coordinates by some nonzero number b, the resulting shape in the plane is called an ellipse. op op op _ z:3 -co op _ z:3 -co op II + IoI+ II + + Let’s begin again with the unit circle4 C’, the circle of radius 1 centered at 4 0 0 (0, 0). We learned earlier that C’ is the setII of solutions of the equation II 9 2 + x-+y =1 + op _ z:3 The matrix D scales the x-coordinates-co in the plane by a, and II + + = ( ) 4 it scales the y-coordinates by b. What’s drawn below is D(C’), which is the 0 shape resulting from scaling C’ horizontallyII by a and vertically by b. It’s an example of an ellipse. + H’ 1 a 0 x y Because 1 replaces x with a and y with b , the equation for the ellipse 0 b a 0 (C1) is 0 b 0 x2 y2 + = 1 Using POTS, the a b which is equivalent to theequation equationfor this distorted circle, the ellipse D(C’), is obtained by precomposing the equation for C’, the equation x2 + y2 = 1, by the matrix x2 y2 2 + 2 = 1 a D1=(jb ?) 187 The equation for an ellipse described above is important. It's repeated at the top of the next page. 205 Ellipses and Hyperbolas Suppose a; b 2 − f0g. The equation for the ellipse In this chapter we’ll revisit some examples ofR conies. obtained by scaling the unit circle Ellipses by a in the x-coordinate and by b in the y-coordinate is If you begin with the unit circle. C’. and you scalex2r-coordmatesy2 by some + = 1 nonzero number a. and you scale j-coordinates by asome2 bnonzero2 number b, the resulting shape in the plane is called an ellipse. IoI Let’s begin again with the unit circle C’, the circle of radius 1 centered at (0, 0). We learned earlier that C’ is the set of solutions of the equation x-+y9 2 =1 Example. The matrix D scales the x-coordinates in the plane by a, and x2 y2 = • The equation for the ellipse shown below is + = 1. In this ( ) 25 4 it scales the y-coordinatesexample,by web. areWhat’s usingdrawn the formulabelow is fromD(C’), thewhich top ofis thethe page with a = 5 and shape resulting fromb = 2.scaling C’ horizontally by a and vertically by b. It’s an example of an ellipse. H’ 0 tn Using POTS, the equation for this distorted circle, the ellipse D(C’), is obtained by precomposing the equation for C’, the equation x2 + y2 = 1, by the matrix ************* D1=(j ?) 187 206 Ellipses and Hyperbolas In this chapter we’ll revisit some examples of conies. Ellipses If you begin with the unit circle. C’, and ou scale i-coordinates by some nonzero number a, and you scale y-coordinates by some nonzero number b, the resulting shape in the plane is called an ellipse. C, b r Let’s begin again with the unit circle the circle of radius 1 centered at (0. 0). We learned earlier that C’ is the set of solutions of theEllipsesequation and Hyperbolas 9 9 In this chapter we’ll revisit some examples of conies. Circles are ellipses The matrix D scal:s th:x-coordinates in the plane by a, and A circle is a perfectly round ellipse. Ellipses = ( ) If weit scales scalethe they-coordinates unit circle byby theb. What’s same numberdrawnIfbelowryou > begin0is inD(C’), bothwith which coordinates,the unitis thecircle. C’, and ou scale i-coordinates by some thenshape we'll stretchresulting thefrom unitscaling circleC’ evenlyhorizontally in all directions.nonzeroby a andnumberverticallya, byandb. youIt’s scalean y-coordinates by some nonzero number b, example of an ellipse. the resulting shape in the plane is called an ellipse. C, C’ b Ellipses and Hyperbolas r In this chapter we’ll revisit some examples of conies. Ellipses If you begin with the unit circle. C’. and you scale r-coordmates by some Using POTS. the equation for this distortedLet’scircle,begintheagainellipsewithD(C’).the unitis circle the circle of radius 1 centered at nonzero number a. Theand resultyou scale willj-coordinates be another circle,by some onenonzero whosenumber equationb, is obtained by precomposing the equation for C1,(0. 0).the Weequationlearnedi2earlier+ y2 =that1, byC’ is the set of solutions of the equation the resulting shape in the plane is called an ellipse. the matrix x2 y2 9 9 + = 1 rD’=(E52 r2 We can multiply both sides of this equation) byTher2 tomatrix obtainD the equivalentscal:s th:x-coordinates in the plane by a, and 187 = ( ) equation it scales the y-coordinates by b. What’s drawn below is D(C’), which is the 2 2 2 x + y = r shape resulting from scaling C’ horizontally by a and vertically by b. It’s an which we had seen earlier as the equation for Crexample, the circleof an ofellipse. radius r centered at (0; 0). IoI C’ Let’s begin again with the unit circle C’, the circle of radius 1 centered at (0, 0). We learned earlier that*************C’ is the set of solutions of the equation x-+y9 2 =1 The matrix D Hyperbolasscales the fromx-coordinates scalingin the plane by a, and = We've( ) seen one example of a hyperbola, namely the set of solutions of the it scales the y-coordinates by b. What’s drawn below is D(C’), which is the 1 Using POTS. the equation for this distorted circle, the ellipse D(C’). is shape resulting fromequationscalingxyC’=horizontally 1. We'll callby thisa and hyperbolaverticallyHby ,b. theIt’sunitan hyperbola. obtained by precomposing the equation for C1, the equation i2 + y2 = 1, by example of an ellipse. the matrix H’ D’=(E5 ) 0 187 Using POTS, the equation for this distorted circle, the207ellipse D(C’), is obtained by precomposing the equation for C’, the equation x2 + y2 = 1, by the matrix D1=(j ?) 187 Ellipses and Hyperbolas In this chapter we’ll revisit some examples of conies. Ellipses If you begin with the unit circle. C’. and you scale r-coordmates by some nonzero number a. and you scale j-coordinates by some nonzero number b, the resulting shape in the plane is called an ellipse. IoI Let’s begin again with the unit circle C’, the circle of radius 1 centered at 1 (0, learned Suppose c > 0. We can horizontally stretch the unit hyperbola H using 0). We earlier that C’ is the set of solutions of the equation 9 c 0 x-+y 2 =1the diagonal matrix . This is the matrix that scales the x-coordinate 0 1 by c and does not alter the y-coordinate. The resulting shape in the plane, The matrix D scales the x-coordinates in the plane by a, and = c 0 ( ) (H1), is also called a hyperbola. it scales the y-coordinates by b. What’s drawn0 1below is D(C’), which is the shape resulting from scaling C’ horizontally by a and vertically by b. It’s an example of an ellipse. - H’ - - (c,i) .xI—cx on D(H) on 0 on Using POTS, the equation for this distorted circle, the ellipse D(C’), ) is ,)ço I-o I ‘4O obtained by precomposing = ‘I the equation for C’, the equation x2 1, by I-o I-o II + y2 I I 1 o fj ‘I c\ ‘I II II the matrix =) D1=(j ?) 187 Jo c 0 The equation for the hyperbola (H1) is obtained by precomposing 0 1 c 0−1 1 0 the equation for H1, the equation xy = 1, with = c .
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