l1TtT XIII-if)


ti. m. itf, IJ oqror"\1{ smmf;{"'i" ~1 f"iq "'Iqvr.n I "at srflJ j ~9tlJ t'JIIISUS-PUBLICAT ION PLAN

(1981 C."sus Publications, S8ries /1 In All Series wtl/ be published In the/oJlowing parI')


Part I-A Ad ministra tion Re po rt- Enume~a hon

Part I-B Administration Report-Tabulation

Part II-A General Population Tables

Part lI-B Primary Census Abstract

Part III General Economic Tables

Part IV Social and Cultural Tables

Part V Migration Tables

Part VI Fertility Tables

Part VII Tables on Houses and Disabled Population

Part VIII Household Tables

Part IX Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

Part X-A Town Directory

Part X-B Survey Reports on selected Towns

Part X-C Survey Reports on selected Villages

Part Xl Ethnographic Notes and special studies on Scheduled Castes ane') Scheduled Tribes Part XII • Census Atlas

Paper 1 of 1'82 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Trj~.

Paper 1 of 1984 Household Population by Religion of Head of Household


Part XIII-A&B Dis-trict Census Hand book for eacb of tb~ 45 districts in the Sta te. (VilJage and Town Directory and Primary Census Ahstract) farQq ~~ CONTENTS

'{"o ~lfr Pages

1 srrlf'fi~ Foreword i-iv 2 smn~.n Preface v-vi . 3 f;jf~!.fit if"Wl District Map 4 ,,~~~ lRi'lt'rl Important Statistics vii 5 flrolI'l!fVI"c'{tfi fa-afQfl Analytical Note xi-n.xii ill"T~lI'Hl1

6 'Si'G '" - "lQ f.:tifnrl Section I-VILLAGE DIRECTORY 1-322 (1 ) f!f1lT~1=fTi~r~ ~T"T ~1 ~'

~ 4) qf'{f111si! 1- w~fvr!fi, f'il'f!ficm ~" q;:l!" Appendix 1- Tahsilwisc Abstra<:t 266-269 ~formq) !fiT Cf~~T~orT1.; ~T1.; of Educational. I Medical and other amenities (~) qft~ 2- q~-;;q{lff~lfiT oii!',{f (~ifl1fifT Appendix 11- Land utilisation data 270 ;;IT,{) ?t ~f'f ~qq)'f ~;ff(T q't~ in respect of Non­ Municipal Tgwns (Census Towns) ( 6) qr~ftN 3- l1P:if 'llT i1~m~CfH ~'q') ~, Appendix III- Tahsilwise list of 211-276 w~furlfi, f"f'll(~T, :&'Tlfi or CfT,{, Villages where no ~T';JfT~/Q.rc: ifi fG:'f lTT fG:;:rr if,. Educational, Medical, i'l PT, ~T.fT~ Cf¥fT fcr~~T lfiT Post & Telegraph, Day ~p!f~ q;T ~fqa-p:r'\3"cr;;r;a- ;:r~1 ~ or Days of Market/Hat, Communications and PoWer supply facilities are available (7) qfdw~~ 4- ~ -:;:r;r~!fT it ~~~f'il'Cf \ifTfi1lfr ' Appendix IV- List of Villages 2.77-322 Q;et :q;:r~m \iA-\jfTfi1zrt it; according to the ._, " ~urT

7 ti~ ~ - oi1'N f"i~l Section II-TOWN DIRECTORY 323-354 I (1) i'I''I'1.; f.:rif'llT'IlT it \3"Qzr)1T f'll~ rm 'lfi~' if, Notes explainil\g the "Codes" used ~;;f~ it fCC!f1JTT in the Town Directory 324-327 (2) fqor~-l srf~'ffq ~ct erf:; ~fq~m Statement 1- Status and Growth History 3211-33 1

(3) foren:OT - 2 >TT~fafTf~ i1 ~;;;a­ CfiT 'J:N it; ft'Til tioifE1ff \5fTifCf.'n1 'fiT 'f~ ;;f +r~ \if~T tfW IR"fflRCfi ~f.rt:TT!q'T if; T \5fTififiP} t!;mo if; \ifif'TlIlifT ~~fllflft efT I 1961 ~1~Tif fi;f~T ,:!f~ff'fir Cfi<:rrT ~ fiif~ij !tfTi'fT ;:;rTi'fT

iififlfVJrrT ~r~ Cfi) flft'TTCfi~ ~T+r ",1, ifq~ f",.rfw'fiT 'l=fT lII'rfll~ ~,.~ qR:fh ifq~ A~f!iT'fiT, '3''1 llTllT if; GfT~ it ~ ;:;rgt ifiW :! fer a-T '3"qw;;;t[ ~1 ~ 6''£r (§'-1Jrrr it ~1'1f ~1~ ;;rr, CfiT srTqflri.p iif'flJUTifT ~n: ~h ~~<:T, ~~ :;ri'fti~lfr if; 'A:!'1TiJ i:i ~~f:qo iifTfo qh ~:i­ 'T -1fT'T it fT ~ tOmr it \11 ~~ ~WI'Er.f f'f>!:t ifQ; ~ iififtfUTifr ~gfllfllt ~1 ~r rr~ tTl I ~~ ~~ ~T +rT~ ~ iifi:[t f'if~~ f~ ~~ +rG:T it; ;;rr~ it i;f~; f~ ~iii iij'1~ i';:~ ij ~i:Illtlf ~lfT 1 ~"n orTa ~ 197 1 ~ il'tifi~"'f if;1 S!;:;rifTi: If'!'iCl'r ",), '+iT 5l1'Tif if ~@T I1liT ~lHif if ~~a- q!:t i'fFrf~'il iij'h 'fill ~P.n:rr'AT ifi

EtlRq iiI), q~ & I iflf~ fif;i!fllT"fiT it ~Ifi Jj~ccr~oi fcClfOTr 1{T lf~ ~ fijffl"it fcrf¥l";:if {if~ mhfurlft ij"n:~fu:r.;r ~ q'Rcrcrif ~'lfr ~n(f' f"f:wr q'~ VTClrf~ CJ ~ I srlirllTif Cjif ~if: 'I"l"l :Jf'A'm"T

1981 ifiT ~ar.,T it 'q'l::T rr{ cll"f'RIfl::f qf:qq) iii !R'rf~ifi lt~ Sl"'fiT!ifi'f ~T;j1T lJ~ifiR tr"h: 'IT'fTf1Jl''fT fflfosrr if; ~~11f6 ~h if;:'!!' ~,!{ifT iT ;:;rT \IT qf~cn:f'" f~~ q~, :a-~T qf~crT !f,~ ~ J tJiJ'lt if ~t'fi~T "fiT ~~if ~T t. ij'T. ioJ SlfTOf it ~tS~ ~I:!; VTtfT ~n: ;:J'iT~T ~ !:fT~ ::;r;r;rur.,T ~T ~ fif~!lT


The district census handbook (DCH), compiled by the census organisation on behalf of the State governments, is one of the most valuable ;-, od ucts of the Census. The DCH is constantly referred to by planners, administrators, academici[l'<,s and researchers. It is inter-alia used for delimi­ tation of constituencies, formulation of local Ic\'el and regional plans and as an aid to District administration. The district census handbook is tbe only publication which provides Primary 'Census Abstract (PCA) data upto village level for the rural areas and ward wise for each city or town. It also provides data on infrastructure and amenities in villages and towns etc.

The district census handbook series was initiated during the 1951 Census. It contained important census tables and PCA for each village and town of the district. During 196) Census the scope of the DCH was enlarged and it contained a descriptive account of the district. administrative statistics, census tables, and a village and town directory, induding PCA. The 1971 DCH series was planned in three parts, Part-A related to village and town dill ctory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. However, in some states it was confined to district census tables and in a few cases altogether given up due to delay in compilation and printing.

While designing the format of 1981 DCa series some new features along with the restructuring of the formats of village and town directory have been attempted. At the same time, comparability with the 1971 data bas also been kept in view. All the amenities except power supply in the village have been brought together in the village directory with the instruction that in case an amenity is not available in the referrent village the dis!ance in broad ranges flOm the nearest place where the amenity is available may be given. The restructuring of the format of the village directory and incorporating more exhaustive data on infrastructure aspect particularly in relation to amenities and land·use pattern IS expected to further meet the need of micro level planning for rural areas. It is expected to help not only in local area planning but regulating the provision of goods and services as well so as to minimise the regional imbalances in the process of development. A few new items of information have also been introduced to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme Such new items of informatioa as adult literacy centres, primary health sub-centres, and community health workers in the village have been introduced in the Village director:/ with this objective in mind. The new item on approach to the village is to have an idea about tne villages in tbe' district which are inaccessible. A new column, "total population and number of households" has been introduced to examine the correlation of the amenities with the popUlation and number of households they serve. Addition of two more appendices listing the villages where no amenities are available and according to .tle proportIOn of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes popUlation to the total population has also b~en made with tbls view in mind.

The formats of the town directory have also been modlfied to meet the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme by providing information on a few new items. A new statement on civic and other amenities in slums in class-I and Class-II lawns (Statement IV-A) has been introduced with this objective in mind. It is expected that this will belp the planners to chalk out programmes on provision of civic amenities for the improvement of slums. The columns on SCheduled Castes and Sched uled Tribes popUlation in statement IV relating to civic and other amenities and adult literacy classes/centres under educational facilities in stateme.nt V are also added inter-alia with this iv

view. A significant addition is class of town in all the seven statements of the town directory. The infrastructure of amenities in urban areas of the country can be best analysed by taking the class of towns into consideration. Tbe addition of the columns on civic administration statuI and population in a few statements also serves this purpose.

The format of the primary census abstract for the villages and towns has been formulated in the light of changes io the economic and other Eluestions canvassed through the individ ual slip of 1981 census. /

In order to avoid delay in publication of 1981 DeB series it h:ls been so designed that Part-A of the volu~e contains village 3.nd town duectory and Part-B the PCA of villages and towns including the Scheduled Castes and Scbed uled Tribes peA upto Tahsil/Town level·s. At the beginning of the DCH a detailed analytical note supported by a number of inset tables based on PCA and non-census data in rela tion to the infra~tructure has been introduced to enhance its value. The district and tahsil/police station/C D Block etc. level maps depicting the boundaries and other important features have been inserted at appropriate places, to further enhance I.he value of the publication.

'This publication is a joint venture of the State Government and the Census Organisation. The data have been collected and compiled in the State under the direction of Shri K. C. Dubey, tho Director or Census Operations, on behalf of the State Goverrunent which has borne the cost of printing. The task of planning, designing and coord ination of this publication was carried out by Sbri N. G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General (Social StuJjei) of my office. Dr.B. K~ Roy, Deputy Registrar General (Map). plovided the technical guidance in the preparation of the maps. Data received from census Directorates have been scrutinised in the Social Studies Division at the headquarters under the guidance of Sbri M. M. Dua, Senior Research Officer. I am thankful to all who have contributed in the project.

P. ·PADMANABHA REGISTRAR GENERAL. INDIA New Delhi the 26th April, 1982. v


One of the most important publications of the Census are the District Census Handbooks. This publication was begun in this caption since 1951 Census. But prior to this, a similar publication was released in the Census earlier than 1951. That p'1:'Jlication was on the title of Village Statistics and it contains only village names and total population thereof. The 1951 Census could, therefore, be said.. to represent a significant step in tbe process of making detailed Census statistics availabJe down upto the village level.

In fact the District Census Handbook is the most important publication at the Census and it also perhaps the most widely used. Also perhaps this is the only publication used at the micro-level down upto the tahsil and development block.

The form of the District Census Handbook has gone considerable change since 1951. This is basically due to the growing demand for more information. For the purpose of convenience as well as with a view of making the basic statistics availa bie with the data users as early as possible the District Census Handbooks have been split into 2 parts, Part-A contains the Introductory Note on the district and Town/Village Directory. This volume will be found useful to get alIl10st all the non-Census statistics available at one place. Part-B also contains an il}troductory note and the Primary Census Abstract.

One of the innovation of the present Census has been in terms of allotment of Location Code numbers to the villages. In the earlier Censuses the location code system W:IS such that the viUages of a Patwari Circle were found at different serial !lumbers. Since the Patwari Circle st111 remains an important administrative unit, the location code nUl bers have been so given in the present Census that it may be possible to locate all the villages of a particular Patwari Circle at one plaee one below the other.

When the planning for the present census was started in J 979 the tahsils were sti]] revivable as an important unit of the administration, the whole planning was, therefore, done taking tahsil as thl!" unit. It was during the course of the census that some requests were informally received for making blockwise data available. Since these requests w~re received very late and were also received ,only in an informal manner, it has not been possible to disturb the original planning of villages arranged according to the location code numbers taking tahsil as one unit. However. additional exercise has been done and in addition to the tahsil figures blockwise figures have also been indicat~d. It is hoped that the availability of these blockwise data will enhance the utiltty of this publicat ion.

It is boped that this handbook will provide the basic statistical support to executive and developmental administration. It is needless to state that the proper implementation of policy d~pends on the ability of the administration authorities concerned. , It may be remembered that the villagewise area figures given in the Primary Census Ahstract and the Village Directory are those based on the village papers while the tahsil totals given in PCA are obtained from the Land Records department, which in many cases exclude forest area. vi

The statistics that are contained in the district census hand books are the result of a massive and marathon exercise in the compilation and tabulation of voluminous statistics. The compilation of tbe statistics contained in this volume was carried Gut by 9 Regional Tabulation OffiGes each under a Regional Deputy Director of Census Operations. These Regional Offices were run with the help of purely temporary staff-roughly about 1,500 Tabulators, about 250 Checkers and about 80 Su~rvisors. I am grateful to my colleagues, the Regional Deputy Directors and those temporary staff for the speed and accuracy in the editing and basic compilation of more than nearly 522 lakh ,slips and nearly 1 *kb of household schedules. The compilation of village directory was taken up at the headquarters and I am equally grateful to the officers and staff who have worked whole heartedly on the job in a collec­ tive and co-operative venture. It is not possible nor fair to name in this. The maps contained in the handbook bave been prepared in the Cartographic Section of my office. However. the analytical note has been prepared by Shri V. S. Joshi, Assistant Director of Census Operations.

J am thankful to all who have contributed to bring this publication possible. The census organisation is also grateful to the Government of Madhya Pradesh for having been so kind as to undertake the rubIication of thes.e handbooks and to the Controller, Printing and Stationery. Madhya Pradesh. and his staff for the printing arrangements made. The inspiration behind this ambitious venture is that of our indefatigable Registrar General. Shri P. Padmanabha to whom we are all deeply grateful. Our thanks are also due to Shri V. G. Joshi. Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) for alJ tbe help tbat we received from him and his section.

K. C. DUBEY Director of Census Operations. Madhya Pradesh. Bhopal Janmashtami, 31 AUI. 1983. vii


MADHYA PRADESH Mandsaur District Population Total Persons 52,178,844 1,263,399 Males 26,886,305 651,011 Females 25,292,539 .612,388 Rural Persons 41,592,385 1,007.473 Males 21.266.321 517,482 Females 20.326,064 <489,991 Urban Persons 10,586,459 255,926 Males 5,619,984 133,529 Fl!malcl 4,966,475 122,397 Decennial Population Growth Rate 197\-81 25.27 31.40 Area (Sq. Kms.) 443,446.04 9,791.0 Density of population (Per Sq. Km.) 118 129 Sex-Ratio (Number of Females per I ,000 males) 941 941 Literacy Rate Persons 27.87 31.26 Males 39.49 46.50 Females 15.53 15.06

Percentage of urltan population to total population 20.29 ~0.26 Percentage to total population ( i ) Main Workers Persons 38.41 40.07 Males 53.52 53.94 Females 22.35 25.33 (ii ) Marginal Workers Persons 4.52 5.05 Males 0.96 1.01 Females 8.30 9.34 (Iii ) Non-Workers Persons 57.07 54.88 Males 45.52 45.05 Females 69.35 >65.33 Break op of Main Workers: ( percentage among main workers) ( i ) Cqltivators Persons 51.96 ,61.70 Males S,Llll 60.23 Females 47.28 i{)5.04 (ii ) Agricul tUral Labourers Persons 24.24 17.01 Males 17.81 12.27 Females 40.61 27.76 (iii) Household Industry Persons 3.52 2.25 Males 3.36 2·53 Females :l.93 1. 60 (iv) Other Workers Persons 20.28 19.04 Males 25.02 24.97 Females 8.18 _ 5.60 Percentage of Scheduled Castcs Persons t 4. 10 J 5.59 population to total popula tlon Males 14.16 1 ~ .1i0 Females 14.04' 15 58 Percentage of Schduled Tribes Persons 2:!.97 5.20 Populatio'n to total population Males 22.33 5.27 Females 23.66 5.12

NumlJer of occupied resident ial bOUin 8,929,190 213,054 Number of villages Total 76,603 1.765 Inhabited 71,429* 1.581+ Uninhabited 5,1740 184++ Number of Towns 327 12

111: Includes 77 inhabited villages ",hich have been treated wholly as urban outgrowth of nearby City/Town. o Includes 58 Uninhabited villages of which Abadi area have been merged in nearby City/Town. +Includes 1 inhabited vilJage which has been treated wholly as urban outgrowth of nearby City/Town. ++Includes 2 uninhabited villages of which Abadi area have been merged in nearby City/Town 7 30' IS' 30' 7 0'


DISTRICT MANDSAUR 2S' 0' ~ 4' ~ II",~S, :", Iq~KILOMETR£S I \ ~" 0 J 4" :i V"'" ) I '{ "j !, : l \, 1'\. •.( I.... r', I \" ...,"..,." .... ".1. \. ~~~ \ \ ' • ~ -lI, • I .• .J.• ,\ I , \ J ··oil I h~ '. '•. h .. ·... ""iil'



IS 15




o , 2) 23' 4J

, r:i , 0' IS' 10' .5 , 15' @~OVr.O'INOI"COPYRI6HT,19h , fztqvft ANALYTICAL NOTE



This note gives the meanings and explanations could be ensured and which should provide basis of terms and concepts used in this handbook. This for analysing of figures and urbanization in the is necessary because, without a proper grasp of the country, But it has to be remembered that the meanings of such simple concepts as building,bouse. urban criterion 0 f 1981 varies slightly from household, workers etc., it is not possible to appre­ that of 1961 and 1971 censuses is that the ciate the data presented in the handbook. Thus males working in activities such as fishing, one who does not know that an unpretentious hut logging, etc. were treated as engaged in non-agri_ in the thick of Bastar forests with unplastered bam­ cultural activity and therefore contributed to the boo waHs and a thatch roof and with apace hardly 75% criterion in 1961 and 1971 censuses, whereas enough for two cots is not a bit less of a building inthe 1981 census these activities are treated as on than the Indian versions oC the sky scrapers in one par with cultivation and agricultural labour for the of the metropolitan cities, or that a central jail purpose of this criterion. housing all manner of criminals and shady characters is as much a household as the household Applying the criteria described above, a list of of the most pious and god-fear~ng citizen in the 327 towns was finalised and it is these 327 town, State. may not be able to appreciate what exactly whicb are treated as urban areas for the purpose of the figures represent. 1981 census. The additional Secretary to the Govt. of India in the Ministry of Home Affairs sent a Concepts and Defini tions letter to tbe Chief Secretaries of tb e State Govern­ ments as back as 10th May, 1979, requesting them Rural/Urban: to ensure that no changes are made In jurisdiction It has been the tradition of the Ind ian Census and boundaries of municipalities and revenue to present the census data for rural and urban areas villages, tahsils, sub·divisions and districts during separately. In fact, in all the Censuses through­ the period from I-J-1980 to 30-6-1981. However, out the world this classification of census data into subsequent to our finalization of rural and urban rural and urban units is generally recognized. How­ frame the State Government in the Local Govern­ ever. di~tinction between rural and urban is not yet ment Department notified many places as notified amenable to a single definition which would be areas and municipalities. Such places have not applicable to all countries. been treated as towns for the purpose of census and the secretary to Government in the Local Govern­ The definition of an urban unit at the 1971 ment Department had agreed to this arrangements. Census was as follows - Similarly. the State Government raised the status of (a) All places with a munioipality, corporation, (, municipal committees to that of municipal corpo­ cantonment bO~lrd or notified town area; rations, These new municipal corporations are also treated as municip:d committees. (b) All other places which satisfied the follow­ ing cri teri a, While d eating with the subject orrural ann urban (i) A minimum population of 5,000 ; break up mention may be made of the area under (ii) At least 75 per cent of male working the SpeCial Area Dt>ve!opment Authority. The populatiun engaged in nOD-agricultural Special Area Development Authority have beeD pursuits; and constituted under th~ Madhya Pradesh Nagar Tatha (iii) A density of population of at least Gram Nivesh Adhiniyam, 1973 and they enjoy the 400 per sq. km. (1,000 per sq. mj]es). power to function as a municipality so far as the municipal management of that area is concerned. The same criteria is retained at the 1981 census The limits of these Special Areas include large por also that comparability with the previous cellliUii tions of rural areas comprising number of villages xii

situated around the core town or village of such (i) it should have a core town of a minimum Special area. For example, Orchha is a SADA popUlation of 50,000, (ii) the contiguous area. area in Tikamgarh district but there is no town in made up of other urban as well as rural administra­ this area. Similarly, Malanjkhand in Balaghat tive units should have mutual socia-economic links district, Bhedaghat in JabaJpur district. Mandav in with the core town and (iii) in aU probability this district and similar other cases are SADA entire area should get fully urbanised in a period of areas but there is nO urban area within that. The two Of three decades. Certain Standard Urban objective of the SADA areas perhaps is to control Areas were determined on this basis in 1971 and the future development of the~e areas in a pJanned some basic data wne presented for 1951, 1961 and manner and that is all. It was, therefore, not con· 1971 for such areas and their components. Similar sidered desirable to treat such SADA areas at par data have been presented for the Standard Urban with other urban bodies Ii ke municipal corpora­ Areas in 198i also. The idea is to present basic tions, municipal committees etc., and only that part data for tbose areas for four to five decades so that of it is treated as urban which is really '50. As such the urbanisation process in .those areas can be in the Korba SADA area only Korba town has been studied. However, there have been minimum changes treated as urban and rest of the area remains in the in the constituent units of the Standard Urban rural frame. Areas of 1981 Census as compared to those of 1971. but the list of SUA remailles unchanged. Urban Agglomeration: Size Class of Towns : Apart from town/city the 1971 concept of The urban areas are classified into 6 classes urban agglosperation is also adopted for the 1981 referred to as towns of Class I to VI. The classi­ census. Very often large railway colonies, university fication is shown below- campuses, port areas, military camps etc., come up outside the statutory limits of the city or town but Class I 100,000 and above adjoining it. Such areas may not by themselves Class II 50,000 to 99,999 qualify to be treated as towns but if they form a Class III 20,000 to 49,999 contiguous spread with the town, they are out­ Class IV 10,000 to 19,999 growths of the town and deserve to be treated as Class V 5,000 to g,999 ul'han. Such towns together with their au tgrowths Class VI Less than 5,000 have been treated a.& one urban unit and called 'urban agglomeration'. An urban agglomeration It is customary to treat a town having a popu­ maY constitute :- lation of 1 lac and above as a city.

(a) A city with continuous outgrowth, (the Census House : part of outgrowth being outside the ~tatu­ A Census House is a building or part of a build­ tory limits but falling within the bound­ inl ha ving a separete main entrance from the road aries of the adjoining village Or villages); or common courtyard or staircase, etc., used or (b) One· town with similar outgrowth or two recognised as a separate unit. It may be occupied or more adjoining towns with their out­ or vacant. It may be used for a residential or non­ growths as in (a) : or residential purpose or both. (c) A city and one or more adjoining towns If a building had a number of Oats or blocks with their outgrowths all ofwbich form a which were independent of one another baving continuous sp·read. separate entrances of their own from the road or a common staircase or a common courtyard leading standard Urban Area: to a main gate, they have been considered as separate census houses. A new concept of Standard Urban Area intro­ duced in 1971 census will also be followed for the In some cases, however, it was difficult to 1981 Census. The essential requirements for the apply the definition strictly. For example, in an constitution of a Standard Urban Area are- urban area, a fiat ha'S five rooms, each bavina direct xiii

entrance to common staircase the or courtyard Scheduled Castes aod Scheduled Tribes which by definition had to be treated as five census houses. If all the$e five rooms were found SCheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are occupied by single household entire fiat was treated those found in the Notification of Sched uled Castesl as onO census house. In such cases singleness of Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Act, 1976 use was taken into consideration to avoid undue (108 of 1976). By this amendment, area restrictions proliferation of the number of census houses. for most of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes have been removed. However, the area An occupied residential census house means a restriction still remains in respect of Dhobi (in census house whicb is" actually used for residential Bhopal, Raisen and districts): Kotwal and purposes, either wholly or partly by one or more Pardhi (in Bhind, Dhar Dewas, Guna, Gwalior. households. Indore, Jhabua, Khargone, Mandsaur, Morena, Rajgarh, Ratlam. Shajapur, Shivpuri, Ujjain and Household: Districts) and Kumhar (in Chhatarpur. The term household in census is defined as a Datia, Panna, Rewa, Satna. Shahdol, Sidhi and group of persons who commonly live together and Tikamgarh districts) Scheduled Castes. Likewise would take their meals from a common kitchen Keer and Pardhi Scheduled Tribes are still restrict. unless the exigencies of work prevented anyone of ed only in Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore districts; them from doing so. There may be a household of Mina in sub-division of ; persons related by blood or a household of un­ Panika in Chhatarpur, Datia, Panna, Rewa, Satna. related persons or having a mix of both. Examples ShahdoJ, Sidhi, and Tikamgarh districts; Pardhi. of unrelated households are boarding houses, mes­ BaheJia. Bahellia, Chita Pardhi, LangoIi Pardhi. sess, hostels, residential hotels, rescue homes, jails, Phanse Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar, Takia [ in (1) "Ashrams" etc., These are called institutional Bastar, Chhindwara, Mandla, Raigarh, Seoni and households. There may be one member households Surguja districts, (2) Baihar tahsil of Balaghat two member households or multi - member district, (3) Betul and Bhainsdebi tahsiIs ofBetui households. For census purposes, each one of these district, (4) Bilaspur and Katgbora tahsils of Bilas­ types is regarded as a 'household'. pur district, (5) Durg and Balod tabsils of Durg district, (6) Chowki, Manpur and Mohala Revenue There a.re three types of households viz, normal, Inspector's Circles of Rajnandgaon district. (7) institutional and houseless households. A houseless Murwara, Patan and Sihora tahsils of Jabalpur household is that whkh is normally found to be district, (8) Hoshangabud and Sohagpur tabsils of "residing on the road side, pavements, in hume pipes Hoshangabad and Narsimhpur districts, (9) Har­ under staircases, or in open, temple, mandaps, sud tahsil of Khandwa district, (10) Bindra-Nawa platforms and the like. Institutional household. garh I Dbamtari and Mahasamund tahsils of Raipur have been explained above. Those househol(ls which district. ] do not fall in the category of institutional household and house less household have been categorised as Persons belonging to the castes/tribes mention­ normal households, The enumerator was required ed above found in the districts otner than those to indicate in the Hou5 .. hold Scheduled whether the where Scheduled have not been treated as schedul­ household belonged to 'Institutional household' or ed castes or scheo uled tribes as tile case may be. 'Houseless household'. For institutio~al 'I' was lt may be mentioned here that sch~duled castes can written against the question 'Type of household' be belong to the Hindu or the Sikh religion only, (l.nd '0' was ind icated III the case of houseless while the scheduled tribes belong to any religion. household. For normal household, no entry was The list of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe. required to be made. relating to Madhya Pradesh relevant to 1981 census The enumeration of institutional households has been given immediately after this note as was done in the manner the normal households were Annexure-I. enumerated during the enumeration period from L iterates and Educated Persons : 9th February to 28th February. 1981. The house­ less households were enumerated on the night of A person who can both read and write with 28th Febfllary, 1981. understanding in any language is treated as literate. xiV

A person who can merely read but cannot write, is Censuses, the economic questioDs were baled on nofliterate. It is not necessary that a person different approaches, namely,' usual status and who is literate should have received any formal current status, were adopted with reference period education or should have passed any minimum of one year and one week for seasonal and for educational standard. regular work, respectively. Current status approach was thought to be irrelevant in the context of our The test for literacy was necessary only when country where usual status of a worker is consider­ the enumerator had any doubt about any person ed to be more appropriate. returning as 'literate'. The test for literacy was ability to read" any portion of the Enumerator's The above questions are in three parts and Instruction Booklet and to write a simple [etter. have b~en des'igned in such a way that first of all Ability merely to sign one's name was not consider­ it attempts to divide the population into two broad ed adequate to qualify a person as being able to groups viz .• write with understanding. If a person claimed to (1) those who have worked any time aU be literate in some other language with which the at during the last year, and (2) those who have not enumerator was not familiar, the respondent's word worked at all. was taken as correct. The latter group consists of the non-workers. All child ren of the age of 4 years or less were This i_nformation is obtained in Q. 14-A. Ha ving treated as illiterate even if they might be going to classified the popUlation into two groups, the next school and had picked up reading and wrjting a attempt has been to classify those wbohave worked few words. any tijne into Main workers and Marginal workers, On the basIs of time spent on work as well as Classification of workers by Industrial Category: secondary work, if any, of the Main workers. II At the 1981 Census, the questions which were a person had worked for six months or more (lSu canvassed in the Iud ividual slip to elicit informa­ days or marc) he waS treated as Main worker tion on economic characteristics of the population and if the period of work was Jess tban six months were as follows i- he was regarded as a Marginal worker. In Q. 15B details of secondary work or marj~inal work are (i) Q. 14A Worked any time at all last Year '1 obtained. Finally an attempt has been made to Yes determine whether those who are non-workers or marginal workers are seekjng or are available for No. (H/ST/D/R/B/I/O) work. Q. 14B If yes in 14A, did you work for major part of last year '1 Yes(l)/No (2) It will thus be seen that these questions on economic aspects have been so designed as to ii Q. lSA Main activity last year? identify all workers, full time workers or seasonaJ workers or marginal workers and non-worken with Yes in 14B (C/AL/HHI/OW) reference to the activities during the last one year No in 14B (H/ST/D/R/B/f/O)- period prior to the date of enumeration.

Q. 14B Yes-Any other work any time last year? The various terms and definitions used in ISB Yes (CJAL/HHI/OW)/No collecting the economic data have been explained Q. 14B No-Work done any time -----last year? brietly in the follOWing paragraphs. (C/AL/HHI/OW) Definition of work : iii Q. 16-If No in 14A or 14B, se,eking/available for work? ~es (l)/No (2). Work bas been defined as patticipatioll in any economically productive activity. Such participa' The above questions were formulated after tion may be pbysical or mental in nature. Wort detailed discussion at the Data User's Conference involves not only actual work but also effective and tecbnical groups. At tbe 196t and 1971 supervision and di.ection of work. xv

For persons on regular employment Or engaged dependents, retired persons or rentiers, beggars, in regular type of work, temporary absence during inmates of jnstitutions~ unemployed personS etc. the reference period on account of illness, holiday, They are persons who have not worked any time at temporary closure, strike etc., was not a dis­ all in the year preceding the e-numeration. qualification for treating them as workers. Main activity of workers : Persons under training, sucb as apprentices. with or without stipends or wages were also treated The main activity of workers has been classified as workers. In tbe caSe of a person who bad been into four categories viz., cultivator, agricultural offered work but bad not actually joined, he was labourer, household industry and other work in the not treate-d as a worker. Rent receivers, pensioners PCA at the 1981 census. A significant departure has, etc., were not treated as economically active unless tberefore, been made this time while presenting the they also engaged themselves in some economic data on economic activity whicil relate to only four activity. broad categories indicated above as against nine In all tbese questions, the reference period is ind ustrial categories of the 1961 and the 1971 the one year; preceding the date of enumeration. censuses. The nine categories of the 1971 census Certain types of work such as agriculture, house­ were-(i) Cultivator, (ii) Agricultural labourers, bold industry like gUT making etc., carried on either (iii) Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and throughout the year or only during certain seasons Plantations, Orchards and allied activities, (iv) or part of the year, depend ing 0 n the local circum­ Mining, (v.) Manufacturing, _Processing and servic­ stance. In all such cases the reference period has ing with sub-categories-(a) At Household Industry been the broad time span of the agricultural Sea­ and (b) Other than Household Industry, (vi) Con­ sons preceding the enumeration. struction. (vii) Trade and Commerce, (viii) Trans­ port, Storage and Communications, and (ix) Other Main Workers: Services. The correspondence between the cate­ The main workers are those who have worked gories of 1981 and 1971 are as under- for a major part of the year preceding the enume­ ration. Main activity of a person who was engaged 1981 Category 1971 Category in more than one activity was reckoned in terms of time disposition. For example, if a person had I I worked as daily wage labourer for 4 months, as an IJ II agricultural labourer for I month and as cultivator HI V(a) for 2 months, he WaS treated as a Main worker on IV 1Il,IV,V(b),VI,VIl,VUl & IX the basis of total time spent On work and his main activity have been reckoned as Daily Wage Labourer Cultivator: since he spent major part of his time on work in this activity than as cultivator or agricultural For purposes of censuS a person is working as labourer. cultivator if he or she is engaged either as employer. single worker or family worker in cultivation of Marginal Workers: land owned or held from Government Or held from . I Margmal workers are those who have worked private persons or institutions for payment in any time at all in the year preceJing the enumera­ money. kind or share. tion but have not workod for a major part of the Cultivation involves ploughing, sowing and year. For example, if a person who is mostly harvesting and production of cereals and millet doing household duties, or is mainly a 'student, or crops such as wheat, pa<1dy, jowar, bajra, ragi. mainly a dependent or a rcntier or a beggar and etc., and other crops such as sugarcane,groundnuts the like who is baSically a non-worker had done tapioca, etc. and pulses, raw jute and kindere::l some work at some time dUrIng the reference fibre crop, cotton etc., and 'does Dot' Include fruit period, he was treated as a marginal worker. growin5, vegetable growing or keeping orchards or groves or working of plantation like tea, coffee, Non-Worken : rubber. cinchona, opium and otber medicinal plan­ Non-workers constitute of householders, students, tations. xvi

Agricultural Labourer: processing,s('rvicing, repalrmg or making and selling (but not merely sellin&) or goods sucb as Persons working in another person's land for handloorn weaving, dyeing, carpentry, bidi rolling, wages in money, kind or share have been treated a. pottery manufacture, bicycle repairing, blacksmith­ agricultural labourers. An agricultural labourers ing, tailoring etc. It does not include professions has no risk in the cultivation and he has no right. of such as a pleader or dOl;tor or barber or 'dhabi' lease or contract on land on which he works. even if such professions are run at home by mem­ bers of the household. Household Industry:

HousehoJd Industry is defined as an industry Other workers: eond ucted by the head of the household himself/ herself and or by the members of the households at home or within the village in rural areas and only All workers, i.e. tho~e who have been engaged within the precincts of the house where the house­ in some economic actiVity during the last one year, hold lives in urban areas. The larger' proportion who are not cUltivators or agricultural labourers of workers in a household industry should consist or in household industry are 'other workers'. The of members of the household inc]uding the head. type of workers that COme under this category The industry should not be run on the scale of include faoory workers, plantation workers, those registered factory which woU1d qualify and has to in trade, c,)mmerce. business, transport, mining, be registered under the Indian Factories Act. construction, political or social work,all government servants, municip.al employees, teachers, priests, Household Industry relates to production, entertainment artists etc. xvii



r The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act. ]976] Dated the 18th September, 1976

Scheduled Castes

I Audhelia. 35 Kumhar (In Chhatarpur, Datia, Panna, Rewa, 1 Bagri, Bagdi. Satna. Shahdo I, Sidhi and Tikamgarh d iltricts). 3 Bahna, Bahana. 36 Mahar, Mehra. Mehar. 4 Balahi, Dalai. 37 Mang, Mang Garodi, Mang Garudi. Dankhni S Banchada. Mang, Mang Mahasi, Madari. Garudi, Radhe 6 Barahar, Basod. Mang. 7 Bargunda. 38 Meghwal. 8 Basor, Burud, Bansor, Bansodi, Bansphor, 39 Moghia. Basar. 40 Muskhan. 9 Bedia. 41 Nat, Kalbelia, Sapera. Navdigar, Kubutar. 10 BeIdar. Sunkar. 42 Pardhi ([n Bhind, Dhar, Dewas, Guna, Gwa­ 11 Bhangi, Mehtar, Balmik, Lalbegi, Dharkar. lior, Indore, Jhabua, Khargone, Mandsaur. 12 Bhanumati. Morena, Rajgarh, Ratlam, ShajapuT, Sbivpuri 13 Chadar. Ujjain and Vidisha Districts). 14 Chamar, Chamari, Bairwa, Bbambi, Jatav, 43 Pasi, Mochi. Regar. Nona, Rohidal, Ramnami. 44 Rujjhar. Satnami, Surjyabanshi, Surjyaramnami, Ahir~ 45 Sansi, Sansia, war, Cbamar Mangan, Raidas. 46 Silawat. J5 Chidar. 47 ZamraI. 16 Cbikwa, Chikvi. 17 Chitar. Scheduled Tribes 18 Dabait, Dahayat, Dahat. I Agariya. 19 Dewar. 2 Andh. 20 Dhanuk. 3 Baiga. 21 Dhed, Dher. 22 Dhobi (rn Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore 4 Bhaina. districts) :' 5 Bharia Bhumia, Bhuinhar Rhumia, Bhumiya, 23 Dohor. Bharia, Paliha, Pando. 6 24 Dom, Dumar, Dome, Domar, Doris. Bhattra. 7 Bhil, Bhilala, Barela,Patelia. 25 Ganda, Gandi. 26 Ghasi, Ghasia. ~ Bhil Mina. 27 Holiya. 9 Bhunjia. 28 Kanjar. 10 Biar, Biyar. 29 Katia, Patharia. 11 Birljhwar. 30 Khatik. 12 Birhul, Birhor. 31 KoH, Kori. 13 Damor, Damaria. 32 Kotwal (In Bhind, Dhar, Dewas, Guna, 14 Dhanwar Gwalior, Indore, Jhabua, Khargone,Mandsaur 15 Gadaba, Gadba. Morena, Rajgarh, Ratlam, Shajapur, Shiv. ] 6 Gond: Arakh, Arrakh, Agaria, Asur, Badi puri, Ujjai n, and Vidisha districts). Maria, Bada Maria, Bhatola, Bhimma, Bhuta 33 Khangar, Kanera, Mirdha. Koilabhuta, Koliabhuti, Bhar, Bisonhorn 34 Kuchbandhia. Maria, Chota Maria. Danrlami Maria. Dhuru. xviii

Dhurwa, nho ba, Dhulia, DorIa. Gaiki, Gatta 35 Oraon, Dhanka. Ohangad. Gatti, Gaita. Gond Gowari, Hill Maria, Kan­ 36 Panika (In Chhatarpur, Datia, Panna, Rewa, dra., Kalanga, Khatola, Koitar, Koya, Khirwar Khirwara, Ku('ha Maria, Kuchaki Maria. Satna, Shahdol, Sidhi and 'Tikamgarh distlicts.) Madia, Maria, Mana, Mannewar, Moghya, 37 Pao. Mogia, Monghya, Mudia, Muria, Nagarcbi, 38 Pard han, , S,soti. Nagwanshi, Ojha, Raj, Sonjhari Jhareka, Thatia, Thotya, Wade Maria, Vade Maria. 39 Pardhi (In Bbopal,Raisen and Sehore districts) Daroi. 40 Pardhi, Bahelia, Bahellia, Chita Pardhi, Lan­ goli Pard hi, Phanse Pard hi, Shikari, Takankar 17 Halba, Halbi. Takia lIn (1) Bastar, Chhindwara, MandLa, 18 Kamar. Raigarh, Seoni and Surguja districts, (2) Baihar 19 Karku. tahsil of Balllghat district. (3) Betu} and 20 Kawar, Kanwar. Kaur, Cherwa. Ratbia, Tan- Bhainsdebi tahsils of Betul district, (4) Bilaspur war, Cbattri. and Katghora tahsils of Bilaspur district, 21 Keer (Ill Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore districts). (5) Durg and Baled tahsii~ of Durg district, 22 Khairwar, Kondar. (6) Chowki, Manpur and Mohla Revenue Inspectors' Circles of Rajnandgaon district, (7) 23 Kharia. Murwara. Patan and Sihora tabslls of Jabalpur 24 Kondh, Khond, Kandh. district, (8) Hoshangabad and Sohagpur 25 Koi. tahsils of Hoshangabad district and Narsimba­ 26 Kolam. pur district, (9) Harsud tahsil of Khandwa i and 27 Korku, Bopehi, Mouasi, Nihal, Nabul, Bondhi district, (10) Bindra-Nawagarh. Dhamtar Mahasamund tahsils of Rnipur district.] Bondeya. 28 KorwR, Kodaku. 41 Parja. 29 Majbi. 42 Sabariya, Saharia, Seharia, Sehria, Sosia, Sor. 30' Majhwar. 43 Saonta, Saunts. 31 Mawasi. 32 Mina (In Sironj sub-division of Vi dish a district) 44 Sauro 33 Munda. 4S Sawar, Sawara. 34 Nagesia, Nagasia. 46 Sonr. xix


The History of the District Census Hand book Thus the present series of District Census Hand­ could be traced from the 'Village lists' brought out book consists of two volumes viz., DCHB Part A for every district in 1901 and 'village statistics' for and DCHB Part B. Part A contains the village/Town every district 1911. But this was discontinued Directory and Part B contains the Town/Villagewise in }921 and 1931. In 1941, however 'village statis­ Primary Census Abstract of the concerned district. tics' were brought out by then Central Provinces Part A-V ilJage Directory contains information and Berar Government. It was for the first time in about the name of village, total area of village. 1951 the practice of bringing out a single volume total pJpulation and number of households in the known as the District Census Handbook, giving viHage, amenities like education, medical, drinking villagewise statistics and other census tables for water, post and telegraphs, mar~ et day, communi­ the district at the cost of the State Government cations. approach to vilbge. distance from tbe was initiated and is continuing since then. nearest town, power supply, staple food, land use, places of religiOUS, histoJ i<>al and archaeological The District Census Hand book, compiled by interest ek. the Census Organisation on behalf of the State Government is one of the most important publica­ In addition there are four appendices to the tions of the censu& and is widely used by planners, Village Directory as under- administrators. academicians and researchers. (1) Ta hsilwise abstract of educational, med ical and other amenities. The scope of the District Census Handbook (2) Land utilization data in respect of census has gone considerable change since 1951. In 1951, towns. the District CensuS Handbooks contained only the (3) Tabsilwise list of villages wbere nO ameni. Primary Census Abstract and the Census tables. ties are available, and In view of the usefulness of this publication. (4) Tahsilwise list of villages according to the improvements were made in 1961 by including non­ proportion of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled census data like climate, agriculture, co-operation Tribes population by ranges. industry, education, health etc., as also an 'Intro­ ductory Note' for each district. Unfortunately, the The last two appendices have been included for desire to make the district census handbook more the first time in I % I Census. Appendix III will be comprehensive delayed its publicatIOn. Therefore. helpful ror planning input in areas/villages where in 1971, it was decided to publish the district cen­ basic infrastructure is lacking and Appendix IV will sus handbook in three parts in order to release the be helpful for planning welfare programmes for maximum data as and when finalised. Part A con­ Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes at micro level. tained the Village Directocy which gives villagewise particularly in relation to area development non-census statistics of land use, area and amenities orientation programmes. available within the village. Part B contained the Similarly the Town Directory contains seven village wise Primary Census Ahstract and Part C contained varIous ad 1:1inistrative statistics. Part A statements as below- and B were, however, published in one volum~ since Statement I-Status and growth hisury. it was economical to do so as data for both the Statement II-Physical aspects and lOcation parts became available early. Parts A and B were of towns. pu blished separately in Hindi and English versions. Statement HI-Mnnicipal Finance. Collection of data for Part C was cumbursome and Statement IV-Civic and other amenities. it took unduly' long time in its finalisation, and Sta~nent IV-A-Civic and other Amen.ities in ultimately this publicatIon had to be abondoned lD Notified Slums. view of the enormouS deJay in its printing. Statement V-Medical, educational, recreatio­ In 1981 census, with a view to avoid delay in nal and cultural facilities. bringing out of OCR series, the part containing Statement VI-Trade, Commerce & [ndustry and the administrative statistics bas betn dropped. Banking. An additional statement IV-A is meant only ind ustrial categor ies viz, cu Itivators. agricultural for Class-I and Class II towns giving the civic and labourers, household industry and other workers other amenities in notified slums. This statement marginal wl..'rkers and non-workers. has been introduced for tbe first time in 1981" crnsus. The inclusion of primary Census AbstraCt relating to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Part B-The town/villagewil;e Primary Census Tribes at the tahsil/tOWn level is another impor­ A bstract gives the basic data like area of the village, tant fea ture of the DCHB series of 1981 census. occupied residential houses, total number of house­ holds. Population by sex. as also the sexwise popu­ An appendix contaming Development Block­ lation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, wise-'Vikas Khandwar' totals of PCA figures has literacy and population by sex ibto four broad also been included. xxi


Mandsaur district is lying, between latitudes State. Each of eastern districts of Bilaspur, Surguja 23°46.' and 25.03 1 north and longitudes 74·43' and and Raipur is more than two times as big as Mand~ 75·57' east in the northern most corner of Indore saur. while Bastar the biggest district in the State ia division. and in the exteme north-west corner of four times al big as, Mandsaur. the State. It is surf(~unded on three sides i. e. West. North and East by Cbittorgarh, Bhilwara, The populatien of Mandsaur di8lrict constitutes Kotah and Jhalawar districts of the State of Raja­ 2.42% of the State's population and it ranks 13th in sthan and on the south by Ratlam district. terms of population among the 45 districts of the State. It is four times as populous as Datia, the least It takes its present name from district head­ populous District in the State. whereas Raipur the quarters town Mandsaur which in turn is considered most populous district in the: State bas more than two to have been evolved from Marhsaur. a name coined and halftimes the population on Mandsaur district. from the names March and Saur of two villages that bave mergefi in Mandsanr town. Mandsaur district Administratively, the district is divided into was formed after 1947 from the merger of Mandsaur eigbt tabsils. Jawad the north--western tahsil make. (comprising greater portion of present Mandsaur. deep indent into Rajasthan territory and consists of Neemuch and lawad tahsils) district of erstwhile most of the former Jawad tahsil of Gwalior State. Gwalior State, Ramp ura, Bhanp Lira (compr ising most Nandwai tahsil of Rampura-Bhanpura tahsil district of present Manasa. Garoth and Bhanpura tahsils ) of former Ivd ore State and some villages transferred district of erstwhile Indore State, l\1alhargarh and San­ from Rajasthan. Manasa tahsil occupies the mid jit tahsils of former Jaora State and former Sitamau north portion of the district v.hile Bhanpura is in State. Re· organisation of State in 1956 affected the the most north and east. Sitamau tahsil occupies 1951 constitution of the district only to the extent of the south eastern ~"\art of the district with Garoth transferring the Sunel tappa enclave of Bhanpura tahsil which extends to the eastern boundary of the tahsil consisting of the Sunel town and 77 vjJlagt:s tn district to its north. Towards the west Neemuch the Stat e of Rajasth a n * tahsil, containing Neemuch the second biggest town in the district is to the south of ]dwad. Furth~r Containing 2.21% of the States area, Mandsaur south is Malhargarh tahsil, whil e Mandsaur tahsil district ranks 20th among the 45 districts in Madhya­ makes the extrem:! south-western partof the district· Pradesh. It is as big in area as its southern neigh­ Malhargarh and Garoth tahsils occupy the central bour. Ratlam district, and more than four and half bf'lt of the district stretching longitudinally right times as big as Datia, the smallest district in the from its eastern to western bounJalY.

------~-- - -~------"'Diillrict Census Handbook. Mandsaur District, 1961 xxii


Distribution of Villages According to the Availability of Different Amenities

------... ------No. (with percentage) of viliageshaving one or more of the following amenities ,------~------~ Marketl ' Communi- Approach Power SI. Name of Tahsil No. of Educa- Medical Drinking Post and cations by pUCCI! supply No. inhabited tion water Telegraph Hat villages road ------_ .. - _------_.------9 16 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .------..------~ ------70 183 1 Jawad Tahsil 275 134 17 275 25 48 (48.73) (6.18) (100.00) (9.09) (17.45) (25 45) (66.55)

69 130 2 Neemuch Tahsil 190 121 14 190 22 1 52 (63 68) (7.37) (100.00 I (11.58) (0.37) (27.53) (37.32) (68.42)

3 Manasa Tahsil 218 135 U 2~8 20 73 . 42 127 (61.93) (5.96) (l00.00) (9. 17) (33.49) (19.27) (58.26)

4 B~anpura Tahsil 82 62 62 82 15 1 14 17 47 (75.61 ) (12 20) (100.00) (18:29) (1.22) (17.07) ~/,O. 73) (57.32)

5 Malhargarh Tahsil 170 126 10 170 24 4 41 20 130 (74.12) (5.88) (100.00) (1.1.. 12) (2,35) (24.12) (11.76) (76'47)

6 Garoth Tahsi I 193 117 17 193 23 5 52 30 101 (60.62) (8.81) (100.00) (11.92) (2.59) (26.94) (15.54) (52.33)

7 Mandsaur Tahsil 220 163 19 220 29 3 20 53 190 (74.09) (8·64) (100.00) (l3.t8) (1. 36) (9.09 ) (24.09) (86.36)

8 Sitamau Tahsil 232 155 17 232 28 8 20 23 116 (66.81) (7.331 (100.00) (11.07) (3.45) (8.62) (12.07) (50.00) ---_--_-_. ------_------_----_.. _-_----

Total: District 1,580 1,013 117 1,580 186 22 320 329 1,024 (64.11 ) (7.41) (100.09) (11 .77) (1. 39) (20.25) (20.82 ) (64.81)

i> ------_'" ------

Distribution of villages according to the Supply, are available in more than 60% village •• availability of different amenities is described in the Having a hydel power generation plant at Gandhi above table. As revealed from the table, drinking Sagar in Mandsaur district, its 35.19 per cont villages water facility is available in all the" villages of tho are still without electricity. Medical, Post & telegraph, district, while the amenities 'of Education & Power Market/nat. Communicat ions and approach by Pucca xxiii

road facilities are inadequate in the villages of district.


ProportioD of Rural Population Served by Different Amenities

------~------~------SI. Name of Total Popu­ Proportion of rural populatio~ served by the amonity of

( ___-_- ______..A. ______~ No. Tahsil lation of inhabited Education Medical Drinking Post & Market! Communi- Approach Power villages in water telegraph . Hat cations by pucca supply the tahsil road ------___-:--- ______J ______- __

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------.. _------

Jawad Tahsil 134,105 114,014 44,793 134,105 ~6, 162 58,Z60 63,705 114,540 (85.02) (33 .40) (100.00) (41.88) (43.44) (47.50) (8S.41)

2 Neemuch Tahsil 111,449 99.457 36,009 111,449 46.024 728 58,960 59,701 79,680 (89. 24) (32.31) (100.00) (41.30) (Q.65) (52.90) (53.57) (87.65)

3 Manasa Tahsi I 131,482 116, '86 34,904 131,428 42,271 60,334 43.736 103.156 (83.97) (26.55) (100.00) (32.15) (45.89) l33.26) (78.46)

4 Bhanpura Tahsi I 67.543 63,039 22.327 67.543 34,818 1,399 19,802 2! ,728 51,904 (93.33) (33.06, (100.00) (51,55) (2.07) (29.32) (31.43) (76.85)

5 Malhargarh Tahsil 111,017 100,449 21,932 111,017 3l?,263 12,271 48.185 27.606 92,956 (90.48) (19.76) (100,00) (35.37) (11.05) (43.40) (24.87) (83.73)

6 Gacot}> Tahsil 120.260 101,260 31,027 120.260 42,255 10,9.1 9 56.3'76 33,684 81,99{ (84.20) (25.80) (100.00) (35.14) (9.10) (46.8B) (2&.01) (68,18)

7 Mandsaur Tahsil 178,644 166.493 46,921 178,644 62,535 8, 152 2 j. 096 58,656 168,993 (93.20) (26.27) (100.00) (35.01) (4.56) (13.49) (32.112) (94.60)

8 Sitamau Tahsil 152,973 133.351 41,469 )52,973 55,634 27.527 40,205 39,264 94.736 (87.17) (27.11) (100.00) (36.37) (I' .99) (30.20) (25.67) (61.93)

------_' ------

'fetal: District 1.007,473 895,049 219,382 1,097,473 378,962 6 ( .026 372,218 347,580 805,!l56 (38 .84) (27.73) (100.00) (37.62) (6.06) (36.95) (34.50) (ISO. 00) . ,.._-.--~ ------.------~-- --~---.------

Table 2 provides the proportion of rural popu­ education which is basic need for the development. lation served by different amenities, in district as 27.73 per cent of the rural population has only medical we 11 as in tabs ils also. facilities while 6.06 per cent of rural population has the market/hat facilities in the district. Most of The population covered by the educational the rural popUlation has to depend on adjoining or institution comes to 88.85 per cent. It shows, that the near by areas for their med ical a id and marketing distric:t has progressed latisfactorily in the field of needs. There is minimum of 30 per cent coverag~ xxiv

of rural population who avail of the ameni-ties like areas have facility of drinking water in the villages Post and Telegraph, Communications and approach they reside. 8U% rural population have the power by pucca roads while 100% residents in of rural supply facility in the district.


Distribution of villages not having certain amenities arranged by distance ranges from tbe places where these are available

Distribution of villages not having certain - The following table preseots the distribution amenities arranged by distance ranges from the plaCl~ of villages not having certain amenities arranged by where these are available. three distance range, from the place'S where these are available.

------~------SJ. Village not having the NumJ>er of vi llages where the amenity is not available and available at distance of No_ amenity of r------.-----___,.,A..~--.------5 Kms. 5-10 KIns. 10+Kms Total (Col. 3... 4) ------'------2 3 4 5 \ (;

Education 536 30 567

2 Medical 693 617 153 1 ,463

3 Drinking Water

4 Post and Telegraph 868 453 73 1,394

5 Market/Hat 266 .477 815 1,558

6 Communications 706 804 146 1,260


Of the 567 non-educational institution villages There are majority of,l villages which do not in the distriGt 536 villages are situated within a have the medical, Post and Telegraph, distance range of 5 kms where this facility exists. Market/bat and Communications amenities It follows that educational amenity is available within the villages in the distri.::t, and therefore the within easy reach. xxv

residents of these villages have to coVer distanct:; ran&es varying from 5 kms to 10 + kms.


Distribution of villages according to the distance from the nearest town and availability of different amenities

_--_ ------_ .. ------_------

Dist:Jncc Ntlmber of ~umber (with percentage) of villages having the amenity of Rang'" the inhl'bited ,------..A--______~ from nearest villages in Educational Medical Drinking Post and Market! Commun,- Approach by Power town each range water Telegraph Hat cations pucca road supply

---... ------_.. ------:------

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

------_------_._------_... _-----

0-5 216 120 11 216 25 2 46 73 164 (55.56) (5.09) (100.00) (11.57) (0.93) (21.30) (33.80") (75.93)

6-15 _ 621 442 57 621 83 6 131 150 443 (71.18) (9. IS) (100.00) (13.37) (0.97) (21.10) (24.15) (71.34)

1 ~-50 597 391 43 597 71 14 119 73 345 (65.49) (7. 20 ) (100.00) (11.89) (2.35) (19.93) n2.23) (57.79)

'51+ 146 60 (; 1.+6 7 24 33 72 (41.10) (4. 11 ) (100.00) (4.79) (16.44. (22.60) (48.32) ------_._------

Total 1,580 1,013 117 1,580 186 22 320 329 1. 024 (64.11) (7.41) (100.00) (11. 77) (1. 39) (20.25 ) (20.82) (64 81)


The table 4 gives the distribution of villages About 71 per cent of these viI lages have according to the distanoe from the nearest town amenities of power supply and education but the other and availability of different amenities. amenities like market/hat and medicai facilities arc poor. 75.93 per cent of the villages which are 216 villages have a town within the ran!?:e of located within the distance range of 0-5 kms' from a 0-5 kms. Majority (621) of the villages have towns town have power supply facility, whercas villages within range of 6-15 kms. These are the villages located at the distance range of 51+ have no which are better equipped with various amenities. markd/hat facility in the district. It means villages xxvi

which are located far away for a town have no available in about 65 per cent of the villages marketing facility of their own. It is, however, irrespective of the fact whether they are located heartening to note that power supply amenity is within the proximity of an urban centre or not.


Distribution of villages according to Population rallge and amenities available

------~------.-- population range No. of inhabited No. (with percentage) of villages having the amenity of villages in r------.------"------.- ;::------'I each range Edllcation Medical Drinking Post and Mdrket! Communi- Approach Power water Tele8raph Hat cations by pucca supply road

-----~--~------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

------~------.------.------499 913 364 2 913 2 106 139 487 (39.87) (0.22 ) (100.00) (0.22) (11.61) (15.22) (54.34)

500-1,999 589 571 47 589 112 8 159 140 463 (96.94) (8.15) (100.00) (19.02) (1.36) (26.99) (23.77) (78.61)

2,000-4,999 72 72 61 72 66 12 50 45 liS (100.00) (84.72) (100.00) (91.67) (16.67) (69.<44) (62.50) (94.44)

5,000+ 6 6 6 6 6. 2 5 5 6 (100.00) ( 100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (33.33) (83.33) (83.33) (100.00) ------~----.------Total 1,5S0 l,013 117 1,580 186 22 320 329 1,024 ( 1. 39) (20.25)' (20 SZ) 1 ___---4- ______(64. 11) ... ______(7.41) (100 . 00 ) (11.77) -- ______-_ ------(64.8 )

TABLE 6 The above table presents the data on amenities Main Staple Food in tbe Majority of Tillages available in ~he villages according to the population in eacb Tabsil range.

SI. No. Name of Tahsil Main Staple Food As per the table villages having population 5,000 ------_._---_._------and above have the maximum amenities whereas 1 2 3 villages coming under the population range of less --~------_--- than 499 have relatively less. It is therefore evident Jawad- Tahsil Maize, Wheat that larger the population size of a village, greater the 2 Neemucb Tahsil Jowar, Wheal amenities in it. There is one village in Malhargarh 3 Manas8 Tah'li) Jowar. Wheat .. 4 Bhanpura Tahsil tabsil and one in Sltamau tahSil, both of which are in Jowar, Wheal 5 Malhargarh Tahsil Jowar. Wheat the population range 5000+ and are having all the 6 Garoth Tahsil Jowar, Wheat amenities. 7 Mandsaur Tahsil Jowar, Whe.,t 8 Sitamau Tahsil Jowar, Molizc ----_.. ------_.- xxvii

The above table shows the main staple food in and Wheat are the main staple food of tho majority of the villages in each tahsil in tbe district. !"ural population of the district. Maize and wheat , is the main staple food in Jawad tahsil while Jowar Except in Jawad and Sitamau Tahsils Jowar and Maize are main in staple food in Sitamau tahsil. TABLE 7

Distribution of Villages According to Land use ------_------_._------Sl. N ante of 1 ahsil No. of inhabited Total area Percentage of cultivable Percent ago of irriaatod No. villages area to total area area to total Cultivable area ------2 3 4 5 6 ---_--_ ------_------~------Jawad Tahsil 275 142,255.00 69,332.00 14,1158.00 (48.74) (21.43)

2 Neemuch Tahsil 190 82,828.00 68,356.00 10,761.00 (82.53) (15.74)

3 Manasa Tahsi 1 21g 122,228.00 55,359.00 10,131.00 (53.47) (15.50)

4 Bhanpura Tahsil 82 59,848.00 42,986.00 5,914.00 (71.83) (13.76)

5 Malhargarh Tahsil 170 73,493.85 61,712.26 to,065.58 (83.97) (16.31)

6 Garoth Tahsil 1'93 )05,891.00 76,063.00 11,37J.OO (71.83) (14.95)

7 M"ndsaur Tahsil 220 125,618.00 111,399.00 19,884.0(,) (17.85 ) (17.85)

8 Sitamau Tahsil 232 123,091.00 99,665.00 12,787.00 (80,97) (12.83)

-- ---. ------_--_------_ Total : District 1,580 835,252.85 594,872.26 95,771. 58 (71.22) (16.1:» ------_... _------_ ... _------Table 7 shows the land use pattern giving irrigated. Six tahsils of the distri~t have the largest the proportion of cultivabIe- area to the total area percentage of cultivable area ranging from 71.83 and the irrigated area to the cultivable area. In the to 88.68 per cent while the irrigated area is district 5,94,872.26 hectares, or 71.22 per cent area only between 12.83 to 17.85 per cent of cultivable is cultivable. 16.10 per cent of the cultivated area is area. Jawad tahsil hal the lowest proportion (48.74%) Xllvi ii

of cultiva ble area but the proportion of irrigated area is highest being 21.43 per cent.


Growtb, Density and Sex-ratio of Urban Population in the District in relation to tbe State ------_------District State r------...A------.--~ r------"------__" Cen- Total Urban %Urban DecadaJ Density Sex- Total Urban ~~Urban Decadal Density Sex- IUS Popu- Popu- PopuJa- Percentage (Popu- ratio(No. Popu- Popu- Popula- percentl.'ge (popula- ratio(No year lation lation tion variatkm lation of females lation lation tion variation tion per of females in urban per sq. per 1,000 in urban sq.k.m.) per 1,000 popu 'at ion kl1l.) males) pc;pulation males)

~------___ ------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 1 1 12 13

---- ... ------.---~------

1951 606,601 115,403 19.02 ~44.6g 3,562 947 26,071,637 3,132,937 12.02 +33 .16 2,034 907

1961 752,085 159,53L 21.2L +38.24 4,924 880 32,372,408 4,627,234 14.29 +47.70 2,482 856

1971 961.522194,52920.23 +21.94 5,740 901 41,654,1196,784,767 16.29 +46.63 2,378 86&

1981 1,263,399 255,926 20.26 +31.56 4,444 917 52,178,8-+4 (0,586,459 20.29 +56.03 2,170 884 ------

The above table reveals the growth. del'lsiIY, sex ratio of urban population in the district, in TABLE: 9 comparision to the State for the last four Cenl'uses. Mandsaur district bas the urban population of New Town"jTowns declassified in 1981 Census 255.926 spread over in twelve towns constituting 20.26 per cent of the total district popula.tion. The ------~------_ --- 1971-81 deaadal growth rate is 31. 56 per cent. As Name of Town PopUlation 1981 Census against this the state as a whole bas urban popUlation of 1,0,586.459. Which constItutes 20 29 per cent of the ---.---.. ------total State urban population. The decadal growth 2 rate of +56.03%is higher than the district and highest during the last three decades. --~------~----.- ---- The density ofpop1l1ation of Mandsaur distnct urban is much higher than the State urban popuL­ (a) Added I tion in all the Censuses. The SCI( ratio has always }- Nil been high in the district urban population in (b) Declassified J comparision with State urban population ever sin!.:e 1951. ..----...------.. ---- xxi)!;

Table 9 is meant for showing Dew towns added district in 1981. The number of towns remain and declassifed in 1981 Census. There bas been unchanged since 1961. no add ition or declassification of towns in the TABLE 10

Per capita receipt and expenditure in towns ------_------_._- Class, Name and civic Per capita

status of the town ,.------~ Receipt Expenditure r----..A..----""""' _------A------~ Total Receipt Receipt Total General Expenditure Public Expen- Other throu,h from aU expen- adminis- on public works di ture aspect faxes other diture tration health and on public sources convenience instiIuli4ilns------..------~------_ ------_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 ------,------_.. ------~--

IV Bhanpura (M) 80.94 19.60 61.34 83.40 12.01 47.13 5.90 0.08 8.28 V GaRdhi Sagar (G. P. ) 3.91 2.78 1.13 3.83 3.04 0.24 0.55 Hydel Colony IV Garoth (M) 40.30 22.20 18.04 26.50 10.14 12 .93 0.23 3.20 IV Jawad (M) 19.58 15 64 3.94 39.42 9.39 15.95 9.96 0.65 3.47 V Malhargarh (M) 32.46 30.09 2.37 30.65 20.09 3.98 '.58 IV Manasa (M) 40.70 26.97 13.73 32.72 6.88 15.30 6.26 0.94 3.34 II Mand!aur (M) 67.02 33.37 33.65 66.71 5.54 16.98 9.50 33.69 V Narayang:trh (M) 26.46 20.45 0.01 22.85 11. :!6 0.51 0.52 JO.56 II Neemuch (M) 70.82 31.73 39.09 59.24 4.12 2 r .39 3.32 0.85 29.06 IV &Impura (M) 27.89 27.26 0.63 26.74 14.32 3.98 0.50 0.14 7.80

IV Shamgarh ~M) 38.57 28,61 9.96 41.77 12.95 4.96 10.61 13.24 V Sitamau (M) 37.23 24.12 13.11 30.33 6.26 9.39 2.47 0.15 12.06 ------_._------Total : District 55.47 28.41 27.06 51.97 7.63 17 14 5.71 0.49 20.94 ----.------

The table above Ll ~als with the finances indi­ Receipt through taxes is found highest in Mandsaur cating the receipt and expenditure in towns of municipality (Rs. 33.77), while tht: iowesI per capita Mandsaur district. receipt through taxes is recorded in Gandhi Sagar Out of the twelve towns in the district. the Hydel Colony (GP> (Rs. 2.73). Bhanpura mUJ11Cl­ highest per capita receipt is recorded in Bhanpura paIity is on the top in receipt from all other souret's municipality (Rs. 80.94) followed by Neemuch whereas Rampura municipality is at the bottom in this respect. Among the towns in the district municipality (Rs. 70.82) and Manrlsaur municipality being district h eaquarters town ranks third Bhanpura muncipaJity stands first in total per capita (Rs. 69.20). The lowest per capita receipt is recorded expendit ure and its total per capita. expendit ure is in Gandhi Sagar Hydel Colony (G.P.) (Rs. 3.91). higher than the total per capita receipt. The per capita expenditure in Bhanpura. Jawad been highest in ~hanpura town. Neemuch is next and Sbamgarh towns has been higher than the per to spend a sizable sum on this aspect. capita receipt. Out of twelve towns in the district six towns The per capita expenditure on public works are enjoying sound fmancial position with surplus has been highest (10.62) in Shamgarh toWI'!. budget. Jawad. Bhanpura and Shamgarb munici· Mandsaur town is the next highest in this respect. palities are facing with deficit bud&ct. Expenditllre on public health and convenience has


Schools per ten thousand population in t9WDS

------. ------. ------Class, Name and civic No. per ten thousand population s.tatus of town r- --~-----...:_------~ Hi gher SecJ)ndary/ Junior Primary Secon(1ary! Matriculation Secondary/ Inter/PUC/ Middle I Junior College ------_-.._------.. _------_--_ 2 3 4 5 _._---_----_.. ------.------

IV Bhanpura (M) 1.50 3.00 3.00 V Gandhi Sagar Hydel Colony (O.P) 1 .88 3.78 9.44 IV Garoth (M) 1. 86 1. 86 2.79 IV Jawo\d (M) 1.62 3.43 7.2& V Malhargarh (M) ]. S I 3.62 3 62 IV Manasa (M) 1. 28 1.92 4 50 II Mandsaur (M) 0.77 2.45 5.41 V Naryangar h (M) 2.38 2 38 4.77 II Neemuch (M) 0.88 2 03 4.50 IV Rampura (M) 1.40 2.79 4.89 IV Shamgarh (M) 1.43 2.14 4.28 V Sitarrt.\lu (M) 2.02 6.05 7.06

------_.-_-_-- - --. - -- -_ ------

All Towns 1.17 2.51) 4.96

------The table above presents the data relating to secondary/luter/PUCjjunior college per 10,000 the availability of schools per ten thou'sand population works out to 1.17, Junior secondary J population among the towns of the district. All middle schools comes to 2.50 per 10,000 P ,pLllation the towns put together. the total numb~r of higher and primary schools 4.96 per 10,000 population. uxi

In respect of higher level institutions the The table above gives the number of beds aVerages do not always indicate the real situation. available in medical institutions in towns, per 10,(100 For example the average of 0.77 in respect of higher population. The overall position in urban areaS secondary level institution in Mandsaur town is of the district is roughly. 2 bed s per 1000 found to lewest while in Narayangarh town it is population. highest being 2.38 but the literacy rates in these two towns are 5'/.1,8 and 46.18 respectively, The highest average of 3.36 beds per 1000 population is found to be highest in Garotll town. On the whole the No. of institutions per 10,000 followed by Rampura and Mandsaur with 3.35 and population seems to bo good in urban areas of 3.17. respectively. But it has to be remembered that Mandsauf ~istrict. The low average is therefore Mands3ur with low average has better type 01 not an ind ieator of low literacy. It is the size of medical faciJjti~s because of its ha villg the District the institution that·counts. Hospital. TABLE 12 TABLE 13 Number of Beds in Medical Institutions in Towns. .------_----- Proportion of Slum population in town • Class, name and civic No. of beds in medical statUS of the towns institutions per 1,000 popUlation. Class, Name and Proportion of Density in 1 2 civic Status of Slum population slum -_------_------the town to total population (per sq. km) IV Bhanpura (M) 2.62 V Glndhi Sagar Hydel Coiony(M) 1. 13 2 3 IV Garoth(M) 3.36 IV Jawad (M) 2.26 II Mandsaur (M) 7.89 19,147 Malharprh (M) 2.17 V II Neemuch (1\1) 21.48 54,423 IV Ma.nasa (M) 1.16 ------II Mandsaur (M) 3.17 Total 14.13 32,705 ,V Narayangarh (M) 1.43 II Ncemuch (M) l. 10 -_... _----_------_ IV Rampura (M) 3.3S Table 13 highlight's on proportion of slum IV Shamjarh (M) 0.57 population to total population of towns and density in slums. The proportion of the slum popUlation V Sitamau (M) 2~Ol to total of the town is much higher in Neemuch ------All TOWDS 2.13 municipality in comparision to Mandsaur municipality ------which is district headquarters. xxxii


Most important commodity manufactured, imported and exported in towns ----'--_------_--_------Class, name and civic status l-:1ost important commodity of the town r------~- --___ ..A. ______~ Manufactured Exported Imported - -_._------_-_ ----_._------_----- 2 3 4 ------.------

IV Bhanpura Wheat Medicines V Gandhi sagar Hyde I Colony Medicines IV Garoth Opium Sugar IV Jawad Printed Cloth Printed Cloth Cloth V Malharhga-ro Gram Cloth IV Manasa Iidible Oil Jowar Medicines II Mandsaur Slate and Pencil Slate and Pencil Veaetable ghee V Naryangarb Opium Cloth II Neemuch Groundnut Oil Opium Cloth V Rampura Opium _"-1edicines IV Sh!lm&:uh Groundnut Oil Grain Cloth V Sitamau Opium Medicines ------Table 14 shows the most important commodity while printed cloth is manufactured in lawad town. manufactured, imported and exported in towns of Opium is the most important item which is exported the district. In the field of manufacturing Mandsaur from Gartoh. Narayangarh, Nee,mudl, Rampura and town is famous for manufacturing of Slate pencil Sitamau towns of the Mandsaur district. Since' which is also exported froIp the town. Manu­ these towns are in the opiun cultivation belt of the facturing of groundnut oil and edible oil have been State. Sugar, Medicines; Cloth and vegitable ghee recorded in Neemuch. Shamgarh and .Manasa towns. are generally imported in all the towns of district. I' R A MADHYA PRADESH TAHSIL JAWAD DISTRICT MANDSAUR

I I 0 I • 6~lfS ~~ AI 1 I 0 1 4 6 811L0\(1I1E5


sd sd







7 0' 10' 20'

© GOV1.OfIHOllcm ~GIlT, 1911· 40 7f 15' '" 7 " (9 GOVT OF INOlA COPVRI~HT, 1984 MADHYA PRADESH A J TAHSIL MANASA A s T DISTRICT MANDSAUR ~ ri; ,~ ;waEl 2 I 4 , ICloII1III 21 40'


II 0 I. HIES ,...... ,..__,'--'--' "I. I '!KILOMETRES


URBAN AREA \!11TH LOCATION CODE ,.,." ... ~ o METALLED ROAD ...... UN METALLED ROAD. RIVER & STREAM", .... ~ ~ FQRESTAREA "',.,'" "", ""',', , .~ POST OffiCE I POST AND TELEGRAPH OFFICE ...... ,.. 10/rtO HIGHER SECONOARV SCHOOL ...... ,.... ,...... POLICE STATION ...... ,...... ,...... II

HOSPITAL, PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRE...... , .. ,... Ii I • DISPENSARY...... ,...... +- MATERN lTV AND CHILD WELFARE CENTRE .... ,...... , MARKET/HAT,MANDIEL ...... ,...... ,...... NOTE,- A,t:. I VILLIGELOIITlONIOOENUM!ERSl5,'5,1I1,lll,I6I,I15, 116,1I2,185,111,119,m,191,19I,200,m,112,2II,INOI20 liIHO! SHOiN


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O.j ~ 74·150' 75° 00' 10' 20' MADHYA PRADESH TAHSIL MALHARGARH c H DISTRICT MANDSAUR ~ ! I a 4 6 ~llES 1 a 4 6 I KILOMETRES .. 0 0 -= 24 2 2


Id 10'

VILLAGE WITH LOCATION CODE NUMBE R.. C =.~ == " HEADQUARTERS: TAHSIL ...... ""'''' @ VILLAGES WITH POPULATION SIZ E: BELOW 200 2oo-'T99j 500-999)1000-4999, ...... r A H S UNINHABITED VILLAGES ..... , l URBAN AREA WITH LOCATION CODL ...... ,\ POSITION OF TAHSIL MALHARGARH STATE HIGHWAY...... _,;'!!!..!.!.. _.- IN DISTRICT MANDSAUR METALLED ROAD...... __._ ...... II, :1., / ,} uttMETALLED ROAD ...... =::~:::::::::::" \ \ . ..~ AS : .. ",' ~'·1 RAILWAY LINE WITH STATION: METRE GAUGE ...... _,.. .@IHf+! ~!"t.... .' "J :. i j .. , .~"\ ~. \ "~.,. i "" ..'\ ). ...i . RIVER AND STREAM ...... ~ . ,I •.!.i~D BHAIIPURA ~" (NEIMUCH \ MANilA /. 5 POST OFFICE / POST AND TELEGRAPH OFFICE...... 'O/flO "1.'1' .~: .' 1-'1 .." '. .! ~ VILLAGES SU6H!RGED UND!R QANDHI SlGAR PRDlfCT . I ~) . ~ HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL ...... , ...... ( HAL~6i~.e &AftO~H\"l POLICE STATION ...... '" ...... '~'~\J~j HOSPITAL, PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRE...... 'NANDSAUR\v, , ., SITINAU 1..,. l r {l .. ""., • ,.. OJ DISPENSARY ..... , ...... i .~,/\ : .,..,r·Vlj 24 0 24 ~ILES MARKET I HAT, MANDIES... '" ... '" . _ .. . r". I'""T'""T'""""''--'--' 48.1>1 0 48 K~OMETRES I

~~~15~O'...... --~------~7roS.~IOOOtI------L_------~10~/------L_-- ...... --~2~O/~ ...... __...... _L______75'Iao'~~.__j so'



BOUNOlRYj STATE ... , ...... , ...... " .... _ .. - : TAHSIL ...... _,_,_,_ VILLAGE WITH LOCATIO," CODE NUMBER [12j:] llUonUARTERS: TAHSIL...... @ ) VILLAGES WITH POPULATION SIZE: BELOW 200i tOQ-499i 500:-999; IOOH999i...... 0'" UNINHABITED VILLAGES ..• , • : . , ,', , . , , , , , , , , • , . X URBAN AREA WITH LOCATION CODE., , • , . , . , . , . ~ .eTALLED. ROAD.,., '. , ••• , , , , . , • , , . , , .. ,__ _ _ tlU.f.D...IIOAD, .. ' , .• , , , •. , . , •.•.. , , .• , '.'" ...... RA1UMV'.I• .Wf,WItl! STATION: BROAD GAUGE,..... J .£1 ANO STREAM ; TAN...... " ...... ~ 1.05T OFFICE I POST AND 1'tlE&BAPH OffiCE. . • •• PO, 'TO IIIGHER SECONDARV SCHOOL ...... •..•..•.• I ~ II POLICE STATION .... : ...... , •... '.' ...• < ,s HOSPITAL I PRIMARV HEALTH. C!lTU .•. , , ., .• '. i , • DISPENSARY .... , " .. i .. "." ...' • , ...... + MARKET / HAT, MANDIES ... " .. " .. " .... ,,, .. f l.I


@ GOV'. OF IIIO~ CCIP'IAI6HT,iIfI' 1 74 55' 75' 00' &0'

A R H MADHYA PRADESH \ ~ ~IH ~ R Q \~ I. l;' TAHSIL MANDSAUR ~ \ OJ \ 'I! ~ t.:\ 24' 10 1 ~ ~, DISTRICT MANDSAUR 10 ~ j I M'LE!





II) ) REFERENCE BOUNDARY STATE .. " .. " ...... _ .. _ .. _". DISTRICT ...... _,_,_,_ TAHSiL ...... _._ ._._


75' 00' 10' 20' 30'

o GOVT...OF IHOII [OPrR~Hr,'''' •


, , 0 , • 6IA'U., 91=i ,., ~KILONETlI£SFilii

It 24 T H 10

24' 4' 00



SOUNIlAR~, .1~TE ...... !" •. ,""".,-"-~'-

II DISTRICT .... , .. , ...... , .. , ...... -._._._ " lAHSll,,,,,, "". " ..... ,. " ...... _._ ,_,_ J/ VILLAGE WITH LOCATiON CODE NUMBER ... . HEADQUARTERS: TAHSIL. " .. ,," " " " " ...... VILLAGES WiTH POPULATION SIZE: BELOW 200i o •••• 200-499; 500- 999; 1000-4999; 5000 AND ABOVE. 2 5 UNINHABITED VILL~GES .... " ..... " . " ... "... X URBAN ARE~ WITH LOCATION CODE, . '" " . """ ~ STATE HIGHWAY, .... "" .. " ... """ ...... !Pl METALLED ROAD ...... ".",., " ... "."" ___ UNMETALlED ROAD."""." ...... , .• " ======" RAILWAY LINE WITH STATION: BROAD GAUGE .. , ." M RIVER AND STREAM ...... , , .... ". ~ PoST OFFICE/ POST ANO TELEGRAPH OfFiCE".... PO /110 HI&HER SECONDARY SCHOOL .. ", .. , .... " ...... ' POLICE STATtON ...... HoSPITAL, PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRE .. DISPENSARY ...... , , • , , , , . , , , .. MATERNITY AND CHILD WELfARE CENTRE .... MARKETI HAT, MANDIES" •.... ,'" """"""""" ~. C$ - tfTq f:=J~f~l



f~liftll ~T~ ;jiil\ ~;fu{ 1Ii)¥ i{+i(<: r-----A-~ ,-----A--.__ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------2 3 4 2 3 4

8T;mtcr~ 269 268 27 ;a'~ST 296 295 2 ri,!<: 311 310 28 ~ 77 77 3 II'liiTt'I'l\1 151 150 29 ~~<:1.. 112 112 4 8TOA1 262 261 30 ~~r 223 222 5 8T'I''fT lfi1I'T lOS IuS 31 ;a''f<: 115 115 6 ~l1!i 104 104 7 iTorcm.r ~52 151 59 8 fT 36 ~rm 60 16 8T\

~""'q'ij~l'( Q'TQl !fit ~T _------'lji1{ VA IIil ;n;r ~.iI'RA Iffl'f llir ,,"'f "I'i\'ll R iI'qA 1If." «~, .~lI" r---"---, ---A---, \971 19S1 1971 1981

------'* ------_' "------2 3 4 2 3 4 ------"------~ ~------

16/] m cj'~ ff~~r<1

83 li;r,!fnn 321 321 ~32 332 53 . 'li'rt,!tT 84 236 ~tli~ 308 307 ~~T ifi

~lfl~"T~ "1(1) .n ~) ------'Ii~ VJ1I' 'liT ;n~ f.-rtftlJ 'IIT~ i1fi1"- 'Ii~ imI IfiT i[J~ ~~~~ ~ ... " di'IT ,.----A-~ 1971 1981 "' 1971 1981 ------_ -----_ --- I 2 3 4 2 3 4 ---_------

1 6/ 1 IfFf({ ~tftoT

107 'fiTiI' 158 157 134 mcrOTr 47 47 108 'HT~ (a{~ T"I'T) 243 242 135 fm;flfl: 213 212 109 'f~ 85 85 136 flff~lIT li~ 327 327 110 'ftqf~lfT \iI1

~ 'if' 138 ..r"~r ~~t 79 79 115 :;r1T2:~ i[h:R:lI'r 125 124 139 ;SFn:r ( f~TlTTOTT ) 80 80 116 ;;rifq:~ lft"l'f 303 302 140 .mrf~lI'r (\;ftc) 162 161 117 ;;rii~ ~n 20; 204 141 ~Tift 108 108 118 ;;r"l'~ 215 214 142 fEiit;;r 193 192 185 119 ~I' (~tA'~) 186 143 s:~~~ III 111 120 :;r~T~ (fum~T) 18 18 144 ,!;yf~lI'r 75 75 48 145 ~T~T~ 129 128 121 :;r«q';:f~ 4~ 122 :;rl('; 133 132 123 \iI11'1<:f.rll"t 46 46 124 'irfqTtIl 240 239 125 :;rfqrr:' 198 197 146 ~OTT'fT 293 292 126 :;rfql~T' (f«m.ft) 6 tS 147 ~11l!im; 184 183 127 ~"I'r ~T1JIT 53 53 148 iTOJTT 234 233 128 ;;f;:f~T 32 32 149 GrorT :311 316 129 ;;f;:f~T 168 167 150 ~T.n 316 315 130 ;;fcr~T 248 247 131 :ifcrf<'TlfT 107 107

~32 ;;rrS"T ~rt<'T 42 42 151 cn:Tm- 132 1 31 152 rrT<11~ 224 223 153 am 37 87 133 Hcr~ !fiT ~T:;r1~' 54 54 154 torT 235 234 6

1!!{".qT~~'~ VTql !flT ~.l _------1IIi'f VTll 'fiT ;rIll ~r.fuf m '1~ ~ illf!liT ~ ~miI"A dliilft r-~ d., _--.A----. 1971 1981 1971 1981

------_------2 3 4 2 3 4 -._ - --._------_ ------_----_ ------

16/1 ~~ \'It~

24 24 176 "qT'l~TUfT 155 ~f~llT 52 52 119 177 i'jlq~ 156 ~~f"{lH 120 256 255 178 rrlq~r 266 265 179 i'fTif2;f~!fT 287 286 180 ;'I1<:~T 174 173 30 181 ij'T~ ~on 126 157 ~it<; 30 125 182 fif~n:ij'T 254 253 183 "Tl!" ~t ~~ ~ 175 174 184 .,Tfiiflft 203 202 185 158 ,gym 214 213 ~<:T~ 81 81 186 rr)vt'm 159 GTllY~ ~r Z72 271 147 1,46 160 ~qm ~T 318 317 161 ~f~ 163 162 162 ~T~T 27 27 163 ~T milT;; 2 2 164 ~~ 176 175 187 lHrr~<:r 242 241 l8il 165 ~~ ~f<:zrT 100 100 ~~r 89 89 189 166 GT~~~T 250 249 qfcllr~ 20 20 190 Ifi'ffi 167 G~~T!f.m 99 99 219 218 t:r"fy<;fT 168 GTmr~u 'iLci '92 92 191 216 215 169 ;:)~~~<:T (GTtc) 154 \53 In t:r<:m~ 90 90 193 I:f<:quft 208 207 194 !f1.TIlIT 103 103 195 lfiiUf«llT 55 55 22 170 a'{~Cf 22 196 q~~?iT 49 49 171 a-iff"l::llT 263 262 197 IfTc;r 86 86 172 IOHllf"flll 309 308 198 mf~qT 166 165 173 1:m:~ 4 4 199 IfT~~T l[91 284 2113 174 !:Tylf


~~ llT~

16/1 ~~ ~~

233 '"~ ~'.. ) 119 118 234 or)';;r Iif~t 221 220

20S q;n r;;IT !fiT ti,') 74 74 206 Cfi'~n:lfT 13 13 235 'Il'l'

"for'liq'~«T,{ \tTql !til ~.t _------_------

'ltll WIlt ~T ;:nit "ATlt !fitw .. ~ '!iii .rN lfiT ill" ~ 1IilI'~ ¥(>;If' r-~ SMI _--A--...... " 1971 1981 1971 1981 ---_------_._-----.__ ._- ---- 2 3 ·4 2 3 4

____ o ___ _... _--- _*------_...------_.------_------

.6/1 'Jfl"R ~'hr

261 +rTi1~<:r (llT~'lir) 33 33 290 l;q~U (1l1"{Cf,:[) 217 216 262 ll~'li') 239 238 291 llq~-u (liftOfr) 150 149 292 't1f:l;;:r 263 ,,~U 259 258 57 57 264 ~~r ifT. 36 36 265 if~,!<:T 'i1~;; 58 58 ~ 266 ifm;r li6T 290 289 293 ~rfq1.T[ 267 '1ifi<:1 127 126 194 193 294 268 111%I'!'FT 63 (;3 ~r~T 5 5 295 269 llR:T .. nst 35 35 <.:rr~fi;jf 11 11 296 2')0 l1~T 294 293 ~m~ 140 139 297 271 111

274 ,a';;lf~ 173 172 275 <:rrTq~ Iif~i 153 152 302 mi1

277 <:~T 62 62 278 <:r;;r'!

------..-.-.. ",iftQ •

16/1 ~~~

311 'J'i\";;r 299 298 325 ~CfRi~T 278 277 312 IJ<:CfTf'flfT iffiTi'fT 267 266 326 ~r 279 278 313 iJ<:miflfT ~r<:f!I" 297 296 327 ~ 298 297 314 iJ<:CfTfiflfT (f«tirn1") 70 70 328 ~il:;;T

83 t 170 t 1 8TTW ~3 1 or~i< 70 12 orTlIi<'ft 122 122 2 or1Ot-Tf"(lfT 162 162 71 13 an-':ilT 143 143 3 or~T~T 71 atTli<'IT fi~ 94 94 4 at~ Ii! 16 14 145 145 5 at,,""n;fl" 1iT

E(Vi'Jfi'('~«T"{ VTQl 'fit ~t

------...--- - -_ ------_--_

If>~ trIlr !fiT ,nit f"frrihi lfi"r. ,,~ "fill' 'fTlI' iIiT "l'T'I' ~I.fm~

_---A__ ~ q'~ ,--~ u~n 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------.,------._,------_.------2 3 4 2 3 4

.... _------_-----

16/2 ;:fi+rq Cf'6'm~

43 t"fT<'f ~fqlf' 13' 139 44 f~n:~T 54 54 45 18 lfi~ 118 118 ,!~<'fT l€i7 167 19 lfiifrqe'T 22 22 46 l!,<'IT;;r ,,~') 97 97 20 Ili":tWn ~t<:l;;Y t 47 147 47 'f)n~ ~'T HiS 165 21 ~T 178 177 22 lfiT;rT~~ 62 60' 23 'lii<'l:rr~~ 126 126 48 ~'g"t 6 24 1f>r~ 163 163 6 49 'iij"i"T i3IllTI<: 174 174 25 f'lim~<:T 43 .. 44 26 'lilllf~r 131 131 27 ,,!:"!":~"r.:: 193 193 23 ifi'i $~!n 107 107 29 iP:'T 142 142 50 'I'!f<:r 13 13 30 ~<'!.~~ 117 117 5l '

9 34 ~q~ 9 e 35 lSfr~T ~~"t 38 42 58 ~T'(§ 111T~T 201 201 36 19)~ 161 161 59 ~r


, ,.. 1971 1981 1971 1981 -----_.. _---- 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 _lL-______

6S ;;nn~T 87 87 66 'Ilm~r 133 133 (,7 \jfT

72 tTififl:lfT 92 92 88 critf<:lfT ifi;;rf 20 20 89 ~f\!fT 11!~ 49 49 .. 90 !:TTiI".-.rr ;;rr'TT, 181 181 91 ~H'{ifTlfT 137 137 73 ~r 60 62 74 .tf«!fT 72 72 if 75 ~.~~ 14 14 !2 <'f<:~~'T 40 40 93 if'l".{i'f lST~ 157 157 94 f.r

78 m~ .)~T 187 187 79 fa-'l',I:I"T .)~T 84 84 9' 'iG:l1iU 179 176 100 'i'~T~T 175 176 q<:m;, 197 197 80 'f~T<'TT 42 41 101 12

1l("lJIiql~~T~ VTql $) ~l _-- -_----_------'lli1f I'llf !liT ;mr ""Tiful 0 it~ !A ~11f ItiT ;:nlf RAT!(~~ ~'iln r--~ ~1 _--J.--~ 1971 19.8J 1'71 1981 ------... _------I 2 3 4 2 3 4

.. ------

16/!. .,[f!"q ~

III 129 102 ql~ ~lrr 111 fiTll;:I.TT ~O3 105 103 qm;'T 151 151 130 for«<1


,,..._-~J.... __.... , 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------2 3 4 2 3 4 ------

1 6/2 ;:frlfii ff~~ftt;

157 'fT~Tln 114 114 iii' 100 158 '!.u~ 100 48 48 159 ifm 179 ~r.;T 115 115 160 109 109 ifm 180 trllm'ft GIlt{'h: 186 186 161 i{cmrr 10 11 181 lr~T'IT 11 10 ,62 172 172 q~T 182 ~wf.1!I'T iTf;: 28 28 183 mm

~ 172 ~~Il"t 123 123 173 ~~~T.a'!I'1: 88 88 174 ~~l'''t ~T 98 98 196 ~6"~U L.() L6 175

202 ~FqH 196 196 178 fcr;;TlI'


_--.A-. __

1911 1981 1971 1981 ------1 2 3 4 2 3 4


16/3 ~~Tijj ~


46 l.l!·if<:l:{T 22 263 21 ~If~) 'tiT Ii~ 52 261 47 I.l!"lU 108 91 48 I;fCTllT 'fiT ~ 38 264 ;:a-' 4' {[6T~~T 128 113 22 67 54 50 1.l!,4lT 62 17 IS

m~m'{ VTQl .:t ~)

------.... !lli1f Q'11f IIil 'ill!' f1Il~ ;i\'~ r.r.(' !lli1f In" lIit ij'l" E'Iliftlf 1IiT, ij';q ~ ~ r--J-:~ ([Qlrl ,------A--_--. 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------_--- 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

------~----- "------_-_. _----

16/3 1f;rT~ ~!lm

51 ~i'flij)' 162 150 7(j "ifi~fulfT 37 267 52 f!i1fm ~Ai 217 202 77 ~ 278 239 78 S3 ~l!T~ 154 141 ~ 247 208 54 !i~mfm:rt 226 207 79 ;;rq-~ 112 94 55 ~~T ]68 152 80 ~ll

97 clf;Tf'(lfl 303 252 74 Iif~~ 222 204 98 W:iTC:T 21 18 99 fC:lff<:l:fT lfrc:~T 243 278 293 245 75 "<:


_--.A-_~ 1971 1981 ------1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------

16/3 lRTij"T Cf~~ft~

120 ~:"{tT1~T 120 t04 121 ~~~ 161 147 122 , 294 247 101 ct~) 54 40

105 iii;:l: 130 t 1 5 10(;

J09 erT ftt 36 269 115 G:i'f

....r.q~m~ Q'l.n .n 'fC'

------_.. 'Jfi1l Vl1'I' 'tIT ifl1l ~;ftlJ ..rrl' <:1'01~ 'JIi1l «111 '" !fl1l ~ "" ""'~ ~ " , ~1iiIn r--__,.A__--.. 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------2 3 4 2 3 4

• __o ______------__ -----

1 6/3 lVlHrr (f~~T~

143 qrrr.:r "t"!.~ 23 21 168 ~T 111 95 144 qClU 59 42 169 il{~Tf

• .r.qy!I~J1: VT'Il llii ~)


~" 6'lP"Tlf 1fT ;nil '" r.ihr Ifir.r i1~ ':fj1i If flf 'tiT. ;r,lI' ~1.f1tif6~ ~t.. r---.-A u~, ,- --A--_"",", 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------,,------2 3 4 ~ 3 4 _._------_ ------..~----. ------

16/3 ~;:rrma~

228 #f,llT fit) 175 ISs 229 JftIl1~ 127 112 230 ~;;:rfit; 201 "~ltl~ 1.53 137 11-1 231 lI'T~" 79 62 202 "<:'A'T 208 In 232 Ii'NI$T 91 75 203 "if~ 273 232 233 m~T lOS 93 204 'IlTiJ'OI' ~I{ 195 271 234 lI')!iI'~' 210 189 205 "1"01' ~~ 260 218 235 mliT 118 206 'IlI'l'Tft 261 224 102 236 2~2 244 207 "Ie 'Ii ~T vi 143 III If)<'I'~ ~" 208 'IllC 'il'~ ,!~lj 72 58 2~9 "P'.lfT 82 65 210 "Tq~<:r 248 209- 211 ,!Cff;fTT'l 199 181 237 <:6'~ 152 136 212 -.T"(~T '0 41 238 ~r;;J~T 174 159 2'13 'Iit'll~) 126 106 239 ~~~lfT 20 260 240 ~Tffi (fOl'r f 70 57 241 <:T!ff~u~ 103 83 242 <:"'«~ 51 46 243 ~r 137 121 214 lf~a:r 252 215 244 ~<:Tim'f> 139 123 215 +f';fTf<:lI'r 250 217 245 "~T 282 23f 216 If;;Jrfw 'OI'TII> 259 216 246 '{lcn>.rHf 100 U 217 If;rfoT 301 253 247 <:l~ifl 2Z3 20' 21'8 lf~~'T 16 257 219 If.<:l'lfT 'liT Ifl'~~ 33 . 265 <'i

220 "i!:~l'f 50 35 254 ~)~if11"T 98 82 19


1971 1981 1971 1981

----~------2 3 4 1 3 4 ------

268 f{1"fTf~t 270 229 269 ~'~T 145 133 270 255 24 19 ~m~r ~

16}4 m;;~~T ~~m


1 aTQlfOflfl 35 19 6 arT~Hr 104 80 2 an:r~1 101 77 7 arTij"T~T 99 .., 75 3 if<;;:lfT 'll"T"(;Y 53 37 4 '1",

9 'Ii'l:"f~

------_------_-- If.li VIli 'fiT ifT1I "r.thr Iti'R" if~ !fi1t VA ;r;t ;mr ~.~ ~r'lOlll r------"-----.., HIl' _--.A.-~ 1971 1981 1171 1981 ------_... _------1 2 3 4 2 3 4

-~------_ ------

16/4 'I'T~U crQ;ij'f.n

11 "'TtT~T ~~') 88 64 81 58 12 "'T~," 91 67 13 ;PIon tiR: 33 'iilif'lU 71 99 14 ~'Ii~~ 49 33 26 15 ~Ol~fr 42 16 ~~","T 87 63 118 94 17 ij;~T 34 '"fr~ln 27 14 18 ~i.'fT!!for: (<[!If') 78 S6 19 'Ii)e~~ 77 55 35 ('Tift 50 34 20 'Ii)~ 69 50 'liT~<'I" 9 7 21 1E

36 iTifi.'fT IT;:r)i[' 37 21 37 iiiTiffir tfT!.i\'f~ 89 65 3~ ~I;;n PO 86 22 IiTGt"{II'T 107 83 23 ~m~~ 64 96 15 24 ~ 28 25 45 29 ~,~ 39 ij't"{i'lil 56 40 1::1, . 26 1§1""{~~ 26 27 fliT"''iif')~"{ 3 2

40 qrfl' 84 60

~ 28 rrr l'lllir \3ll"f"{lir 79 102 29 1'I'f<:f.T"Il"(T 95 7i 41 1{j"<'I'T g~ 61 30 ~fq;:~l?T 115 91 42 i

31 ~'P!f<:ll'T 63 47 32 ....1'1if 119 95 45 ml1·m 70 51 21

~'pTl ,",,1 .. p1 ..... _---- -~-- -- __ ~ V11l !If iI1'l ~m O!ni' ~ fIN ~ 'IN ~1Ii)y~ AIR A ., Ufilfl ,. t ~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------_ ------I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------

16/4 \Wf~U ~~~

46 m~ 'i!~ 67 98 68 'fCfr;:ftl1:T 19 9 47 m~ 'L,"!V 66 48 69 m~ 62 46 48 I!.CI,,q' 111 87 70 "~l~J 112 ig


49 'fT'I'~ 74 53 71 ~~!TT 38 22 50 ;r11l "i<: 100 76 72 1fr~lfT ~

67 $f'{ct[J!jjTtt 106 82 88 fllTq~f,{lfr 76 101 22


1971 1981 1971 1981 ------1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------

97 S 3 98 54 38 99 25 12 89 i!im,{l 92 68 72 90 ~1'RI"1i)~T 96 92 91 ~q"fT 116 32 92 ~TC!~T 48 60 44 100 1l:,"~iJ (~NrCfr,,) 80 57 93 ~t~ 101 ~

16/5 ~T~ ~~i;;r

12 arTIf~ !ffi:T<:T 33 33 13 m;JlrT orT'fit 137 136 114 1.4 artlf!rriT~1 179 169 1 ~T 114 17 1:5 2 'T'!:$:r 18 ~ '27 27 151 Hi artnmitT "!ii!.lT 140 3 'if~

19 ;o'iTT~l

10 OTt'fi"fT 37 38 11 arniT ~

..r""'~~nl V11Il .n \f'I'l

------~--.. !Ii1I VT1J I6T qt~ ~1IftIl Ifi)~ iltiI' ~ VT1J IJf '"~ ~""~~ Pn , .A. ., URI , A. ...., 1971 . 1981 1971 1981 ------_------I 2 3 4 I 3 4 ------

16/5 lR'~gq'~o~~

22 lRlT~ 54 54 50 ifTIf~~~J 69 69 23 ;PT~ ~~<'rT 124 126 51 ~qTo:r~t 112 111 24 llit'lffm~ 77 77 25 llim-m ~'~r 2 4 26 1In'..n~ ii\' 43 44

27 ;PT~lI'f 100 100 52 'il'q-u 8 8 Zit 1In'~1fT iift 1]6 116 53 :;fiOO'~n 11 9 29 IliT~fV~iIio:ri' 145 145 54 vl:'~f 106 106 30 IliTrn V~T '!~ 167 158 55 'lfTi!ffil 84 84 31 .. f; 'it 111 113 ~. 56 ffim<:~T 118 119 32 42 43 ~~ 57 ;furrvit 32 32 33 ~ 135 134 58 'If'~~') 101 101


34 ~llrof 60 60 35 ~';'ml(T 119 117 59 'alTlI'if 149 149 36 VT(lI'yvi\ 72 72 37 ~fV~') 173 165 38 l(~j 171 162 39 .~ 154 154 60 \;f;::rTf~T 14 34 40 li;;r~ (~~)t;r) 107 107 61 cifi'l'~T 49 49 41 ~~T 70 70 62 GfTIf.,r 46 46 42 Ii~T ~l(T li~) 121 121 43 V~T iiIillI'ffi 134 135 44 ~~ 12 12 45 ~)V~T 53 S3 63 m;:l:I'TlOm, 23 23 64 .lTUT 19 19

46 1f~'If~ 123 122 47 ~;:rr( 164 155 6~ ~'11~~ 120 120 48 ~~~m 76 73 66

_- ..-----_-_- -_,_------

_--.A.__ ~

1971 1981 1971 1981 ----.------1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------

83 f'l'ln>1:fT 68 {If\;ITW 68 66 ;:rT~ 131 130 84 ;:rT'TT li~T 69 it~lI'T ifT;rr 93 93 128 128 85 ;:rT\T~ 24 25 86 ;:rTo;IT li~t 59 59 81 f.nrM 52 52

70 ~iffiT 95 9S 71 i!l'fi">:TJ 82 82 ,"U 172 88 trifGf;:rr 72 184 91 90 89 q'~~T 13 13 ~O Q'TI1T li~ 4 3 91 q'T~;;rr 147 147 92 flrqt'lfT :oitUT 129 73 cr19a'~ 127 127 131 93 74 CfT

c: 100 q;a-~"{ 105 105 101 f1:6~T'lfT

..r"'1T~9T-': "",1 ~ pl'

_...... ,_------_.... ~ VfII' IIiT ill'!' "'~ 1f>T~ ;;r.I'~ 'Ii'!' crpr Itil ;nIt ~~~~, Pn ..'" .' ..., «~ r--.._A.--~ 1971 1981 1971 1981

------~- 1 2 3 4 J 2 3 4 ------~------' ---

16/5 ~g~6¢t~

~ 107

------'------'------""~ 11ft .. if~ ,.-----"---., ----"---~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------1 2 -3 4 1 2 3 4 ------

16/5 ~~~m

158 ~~..., 57 57 66 ['!ll'ffflrT 90 91 159 m~) 44 47 1 167. ~~T!m 17 18 160 itlw1 176 167 7S 168 ~~);;f 22 22 161 ~ 74 50 169 87 86 162 Il'r.ft 51 ~~ 20 20 (70 ~?ft illfu'lff 170 161 163 Il'~ 1@)ftlrr 164 ~*I(~tn) 40 40 171 143 143 ~)ftll1 182 170 165 ~~U 126 125 172

r mH~ 187 181 13 o;l1~ 128 123 14 U;rort 57 52 an 15 ~T 151 146

2 qT"'flI'T 173 167 3 $T1'fl:1'T ~·cn:If~ 53 48 4 atrm 13 9 16 ifi'<9tf

..r..,~'( "",1 _, p1

------=----~ ~ V11r ... iflq """'" m "n(~ ~ IT1I' I6T ;rJ1'{ fIIItiftlr IIill iflC~ PIn ... & ., 6C1n ,.----..A-----.. 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------I 2 3 4 :2 3 4 ------,_---

16/6 ~'tTo ~

28 ~T~T ll!:1i 110 105 54 ~lfT ~1!<:~ 178 172 29 1Il'lo" i!,\1T 104 99 30 ~)?;~, 19 14 31 ~~~Ii' 130 125 SS ;f

65 ;;mrT~~ 65 60 43 lflil1V~ 50 45 66 '""1!f'llfT 137 132 44 trWT 179 113 67 GJ_;:rpn.n m-~·lfr 205 199 70 65 4S tr<:To ~ 68 G!."'T'n"fT qTqeT 109 104 46 188 182 'fTtmT 69 :;fYj'lfT 92 86 47 31 26 tf'Ifult ~ 70 ~1'!') 97 92 48 ~'Uf~

53 76 71 73 199 193 28

---~------._.__...... ____.------~~.=t~ ifJn r-~ --__,.,..__-~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------.. _------1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------_-----

16/6 ~~)o i:l~ij'rt1

93 ifr<:tll'1!ft 39 34 94 ifTf~lI't ~Ii 136 131 fn't"( .93 88 74 9S ;:rTf~!:fr ,,:or;i 142 137 198 192 ~. 75 .. '!~~ 96 f;mf'fll'T 196 190

38 33 76 ~~lf.. 97 q~n:llT 152 147 ifT~Ui"t 96 91 77 98 'fflTV~"t 120 11.5'

112 'lR1'lif1i~"t 106 lOt U3 ~rn~T 79 74 89 SW"(lI't 131 126 114 'lRT~ffi ~"t


92 if'O{'l!~ 115 110 116

..r""'~1~ "1'11 ..n .",1 ------_..-_. 'li1l' VTlr iIiT iJl1l' m~ ifiT~_,. "'ii(~ 'li1l' VTlr 'liT '"11' E'R~~~' ~ ., Uliln ,--__._____,_ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------2 3 4 I :2 3 4 ---_------._---

16/6 mTo cr~~Qf

117 ot;rr<:' 185 179 149 'fc;_~T lie 174 118

------_._------If." VTlI IIiT ifT1l "Anr !lit .. if~ II III llil iflll ~ .. ~ fi"... f ...A ., _----J------. 1971 1981 1971 1981 -_._-_ ------1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 .._.------

. 187 tTCfT'11'T 102 97 1.88 molill 46 41 189 ~T<1ro.T 209 203 176 <11ii{tv~ 20 15 190 trTon:r 158 153 177 <1~f~ 33 28 191 ~~T,!ifT 127 122 178 <1TII"TIi~ 73 68 192 ~~;rrrr~ 122 117 179

199 ~(ff~ 29 24 183 ~lTr Ii~ 71 66 200 ~frr~T 161 156 184 tT'fin:lfT ~~ 147 142 201 ~ifll~lfT 113 108 185 ~

161' ~~T~ Q~

7 Of";:lit ,!.i5I1: 150 148 8 Of<:;:lfT 'qC~cfr 47 45

I q1ll1f<:~ 53 53 9 a:r<:fiflfr f;;.;rTl!~ 79 79 38 2 Of~<:T 56 5S 10 a:ror«ii:T u~ 40 3 ~,r 6 9 4 at;;rrer ~~) 48 49 arT

S qqjijf<1~" 124 124

6 qm:rtGT~ 61 61 11 OfFllI'T ~l'[T~$T 169 169 31.


1911 1981 1971 1981 ------2 4 I 3 4 ------

16/7 ;r~trR ~tr~

31 12 lIl1'1lff tjK~ 31 31 ~~~ln 30 29 13 arrIP~ 206 206 32 IPFr


15 ~m 73 73 34 ~~f<:ltT m~~ 210 210 16 ~li~ 164 165 35 ~'() arT'Sfil'l 138 139 17 ~18~~ 120 121 36 ~-a~T~ S5 58 37 ~fOifuTt mq 90 90 38 fVVI'if'T:r 45 46 ~ 39 ~~ "Ilfifn: 165 161· 40 IlfUlIT 196 196 18 \;~r 81 80 41 VT~rfr 211 211

19 t!;~~ 217 217 42 nmT'l'(T 44 47 43 i[~~ 203 203 44 ~~ 10 14 45 iCTf<:lfT 'if ~ 4.93 93 20 IPif;m:r 223 224 46 ~"{Tf'1IT ~qr 2S 25 21 ~T 158 158 47 ~,(T~ iffT~"!.i{T . 180 180 22 ~'( 192 J92 48 I!<:lf~ m~ 222 222 23 '1tiI'IT~ 117 11$ 49 . ~f<'l'lfTrfT 166 164

24 !!ilf'lt .." 49 48 SO ~;;m:r 16 16 25 ~ 190 190 51 ,_


16/7 ;p~rn a~p:rr~

54 "fttrffi '74 74 75 55 ~~') 209 20P ~Tf~lfT 152 152 76 56 f.l!if~T 40 39 fSlJiq ~;f 96 96 77 f'!1'Jiq' 1{rm 57 f~~HT 101 101 98 97 78 .iT~T~T • 58 f~1{)f(:flf' 116 116 181 18t 59 :;ftmn 189 189

79 f"'ti"t~t 28 30

60 o;n:;r,,~r 67 67

61 l'!1'lf~ 97 98 80 ffi~tT 207 207 31 fcrmf 111 111 \if 82 ~(

62 ~~ (;rT{("') 91 91 63 ~ri~ (q;:~) , 33 35 64

90 Q'i~lfl 105 105 91 Q'iQ'~ 200 200' 71 el"'~ 142 142 92 Q'ltlf'~ 167 167 72 RITn:lfT 37 37 93 m"'~fl.T 69 68 73 ~)wT 41 41 94 Q'Tf,lfT ~~ 18 19 74 e)<;N~ 172 172 95 ,!.~!fil 135 135 33

...r""'~9t,; aNl.n fW1

------~ iN IJI iflQ "liftv m

16/7 ifi'~~R ~~1~


96 iflr~) 225 225 124 q;~~~ Ij(j 173 97 .,.':trlfl:tT 188 188 98 ~~ 198 197 125 136 136 99 i{J~ctr 173 174 ~ 126 iliff 202 202 100 "T~r 43 43 127 101 'IT

--.--...... ------_....__,------~~ 1I1\'.;r~ ~ ml'f'liA r-~ _--.A--~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------

16/7 ~~Ut~ ai[~

150 ~"{~r


1W ttlT':T~t 185 185 188 OfI9IfT ~ 168 168 160 ~it 13 13 189 ~BT.~ 119 117 161 llit~~r 215 214 190 Of~~T 133 133 162 l1>ita-u 216 216 191 <'f$~T SO 81 16} 1'r~1'1'I((~' 65 65 192 .iIT'f~ 99 100 203 <'flU 110 110 172 <:21T:rT 113 114 173 ~1JT~1!r 148 149 174 <:<'fTl:(q"r 21 21 175 <:'l~ 68 69 204 204 176 ~i,iTl{'f 205 205 204 221 22t 177 <:T;;rrrs"'t¥r 6':: 62 205 187 187 178 <:mTlSTn 151 1St 206 35


,.., ___..A ____ ,",\

1971 1981 1'71 1981 ------_'"'_------1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------

144 207 «ta('l' ~l 144 208 m.r ~~T 27 27 209 f~ 26 26 149 150 210 f«il."'h; 220 ~f"'lfT 162 162 139 138 211 ~.~ 221 ~""i:fr 179 179 109 108 212 ~~T 222 ~ 195 195 54 54 213 ~:;r~l 223 ~;;rT 77 77 70 70 214 iQ'M 224 ~~~i1fHr 15 12 215 iti{~f 'liT ..')' 143 143 116 ~.n 82 82 217 «lff~r WRT 178 178 218 «AtR"t 71 71 225 184 184 219 _1ai'!" 66 66

244 242 1 af1rTtr 12 'Ii'J~Hr 11 12 229 227 2 Sl'm<'l'lfT 13 Ifi'ififrft 3 3 174 172 3 3(if~ 14 1fi~1l'1 ~~') 76 75 aH~r ~~ 60 59 4 15 lfil;f11l1"( 28 28 16 Ifi~f.~ 157 155 17 'ii~

flurlJli"T~9''{ QI"l Ifi).\tit ------_------._..,.------If,,, VI" ItiT !WI t"It& l!ilT ijl'lf" q;" VI" iii'

16/8 ~1ff111'3i ~~

:!! 21 21t ~

54 ~;;>ir~ 234 232 5S 'ff~iITU 82 8) 78 • :;r;r<:l 195 193 37

.ail!(iql1~~ 'llql ~1 \rI1

------~ --_"------",q VII{ I6T ;nq "11ihr Iti'l&' ~~ ~ 11'"' 'liT '1""' ~mll1ilR Utln ,--~ Qn _--A-~ 1971 1981 1'71 1981 ------_... _------;------1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------. -----.--

16/8 ~(iT1t¢i ~

79 Gl'1!;lfT 210 208 ~ 80 ;;r1PS),r 52 ·s 1 101 <::I'Il'Tli1~'t 91 89 81 ;;retF'll'(T 51 so 102 <::;;.n<:: 236 234 82 ;;TCl2;"{T 143 141 103 <::<'fli;r 147 145 104 ~TqiU U8 136 105 Wini':n 141 139 6 83 II<1"n:r 6 106 ~ff.r!!"T 99 97 112 110 84 RltTf~!fT 107 ~~T il't'l\ 223 221 204 202 85 ~TCT

112 "'~f<:!!"T 142 140 113 &~"ti!'T 218 216 88 .riT~T 146 144 114 ~!!"rI9T;ft 242 240 ~TI!ll:~ 226 224 89 rt5 &iifQ?: 181 179 116 &r!li"i!'~r 221 219 117 gT~T~ 205 203 137 135 96 iiai~r 118 '=l"lif4: T '3T~ T 187 155 216 214 91 iilGf<'fT ~q'" 119 aTi'f~T 171 169 202 200 92 ill... ",r 'II'1fC(Tl'I' 120 alll'·!!"T 180 178 179 177 93 ~~l!l' 121 aT,(!lS)~ ~3 8l 94 flEl!l;lfT ]64 162 95 ~).~ 201 199 96 IIT,J 41 40 122

------'-~- _'_'------~~mif~ r--~ 1971 IP81 ------_. ______-..,;;._------.---_._-_._------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------__.. __ ..-...... ------

16/8 ~T~~

128 f~~lltf" 185 183 155 qr<:lliiT~l 111 16 129 "fTa:t~ 161 159 156 orl

144 il'~)~ 23 23 172 +T1l;;:T 233 231 145 "filfT 195 194 173 +T~' 156 ]54 t46 ~lfT ~<: 176 114 174 ~

_-....--__.,------...-_.....____ ------IIIIFfllr m ;n:n ,.,__ ...... )L __ .... "' ----"'--~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------_ ,------_------1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------, ------

-190 188 213 !!TOf'f>W~ 17 17 183 ~~'l"I'l'~'U 214 !!T'i'li<:li~ 55 184 ~urTli~T H 34 54 133 131 215 !!TI(~ 139 137 185 ~iI"!~T . 186 -':«T!faT 130 128 !16 W~~ 113 111 187 ~Tlf1T

~T;;r~ 134 132 188 217 ~~ 108 106 • 27 27 189 ~T;;rr~ 218 fTtl'f ~T 114 1]2 'liT1ftT'J 42 41 190 219 ~fT~ f21 119 101 99 191 w-rl'[~ 220 utflU ~T 140 138 219 217 192 tTlf'lif<: 221 ~rlrn«T 93 91 84 83 193 ~rlfTfi~T 222 ~l(fni~ 131 129 100 98 194 ~T


------...------Sl. Name of "ilIallD L.e.No. Sl. Name of viUaae L.e.No. No. r--..A----.. No r-_..A-_- 15171 1981- 1971 1981 ------1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------:---__ -. ------

16f1 ].wad Tahsil

A 28 Bagpura 149 148 29 Bagundi 322 321 268 30 Bahoda 21 21 1 - Achalwada 269 31 Baldarkha 170 169 2 Ajitpura. 151 150 32 :Banada I to 1 to 3 AkaJi .222 221 33 Banediya 26 26 4 Akhepur 311 310 34 Banited 320 319 S Alori 178 177 35 Barada 312 311 6 Amarpura 265 264 36 Bardawada 25 7 Amarpnra Jat 324 324 2S 37 Barekhan -169 168 ~ Amarpura (Ratangarb) 189 t88 _:IS Barkheda Chauhan 314 313 9 Amartiya 131 136 to Amba (Jat) 160 159 39 Barkheda Qujar 124 123 40 Barkheda Jat 288 287 11 Amba (P:ulai) 94 94 12 Amba Ratangarb 210 .209 41 Barkheda Kamaliya 281 280 42 Barkheda Mina 29S 294 13 Amli Bhat 313 312 43 Basedi Bhati 300 299 14 Anandpura 84 84 44 Bawal Juni 285 284 15 Anandpura Chauhan 69 69 Bawal Nai 227 226 16 Aned- S9 59 -45 BhagWanpura a1 ias Guia 19: 190 17 Anghora 152 151 46 18 Anoppura 40 40 Nathuram 19' Arniya 1 47 Bhagwanpura (Jat) 326 326 20 Aranya 319 318 48 Bhagwatpura 261 260 2} Asan Dariyanath 233 232 49' Bhimsukh 155 154 22 Ala 229 228 ' 50 Bh"Jjpura 209 208 252 '2S1 23' Athana 262 261 51 Bhopatpura 323 323 24 Athwan Kalan lOS 105 S2 Bidsaliya Bilkh3nda _ 65 65 25 Athwan Khurd 104 104 53 S4 Bolkheda 221 220 B S5 Bora Kundi 119 1 t 8 56 Bordiya 121 120 57 Borkhedi 271 270 26 B~hllwa 164 163 58 Brahmanpuri 200 199 27 Badi 9 9 59 BuJhs i nghpura 231 230 41


------_------...... __ SI. Name of Yillage L.C.No. Sl. Name of village L.C.No. No. ,._.----..A--_--.. No. ,....-..A..-~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------"------2 3 4 1 2 3 4 --_. ---_----_- ~------

16/1 Jawad TabsiJ

C 88 Dhalopa 293 2.92 89 Dhamaniya 309 30g 60 Chadi Chada 142 141 90 Dhaneriya 263 262 61 Chadol 158 157 91 Dhangaan 22 22 62 Chadol \ Athana) 243 242 92 Dhani 234 233 63 Chak~odi Jhar 10 10 93 Dhank Jhar 184 183 64 Chaldu 85 85 94 Dharacli 4 4 65 Chandeda 185 184 95 nhogawan 16 16 66 Chanwadiya Jat 130 129 96 Diken 193 192 67 Chikali 207 206 97 Dorai 129 123 68 Chimanpura 3 3 98 DungariYa 75 75 69 Chlrmi Kheda 192 191 99 Dungarpur 111 111


70 Dabara Kalan 79 79 100 Fattaji Ki Khedi 74 74 Dabara (Singoli) 80 71 80 ~ 01 Funsariya 13 13 72 Dabaria (Jat) 162 161 73 Dabi 10R 108 G 74 Dadoli 214 213 75 Damodarpura 272 271 76 Daulatpura 250 249 102 GadoJa 315 314 77 Daularpura (Jat) 154 153 103 Ghanti 138 137 78 Daulatpura Kalan 99 99 104- Gotha 258 257 79 Daulatpura Khurd 92 92 105 Gothada 301 300 pO Dehpur 176 175 106 Govindpura 28 28 81 Dehpuriya 100 100 107 Guda Hola 201 200 8'l Deoriya 163 162 108 Gudha Parihar 199 In 83 Depalpura 318 317 109 Gujar Khedi Sankla 257 256 84 Devipura 27 27 110 Gujar Khedi Talab 275 274 ,85 Devipura Abad 2 2 111 Gulsari 51 51 86 Dhaba 317 316 112 Gundi Kheda 172 171 87 Dhabi 316 315 113 GUnjaliya 182 181 42



S1. Name of .illaae L.C.No. Sl. Name of villqe L.C.No. r- -..A.. - ____ No. No ,--_-"-_- '9'1 1981 1971 1981 --_- ____ ------_-_. -~------4 1 1 2 3 2 3 4

--~------_.. - ---. ------~ ------~----

16/1 Jawad TabsiJ

259 136 lhantala 114 Guthlai 260 47 47 142 37 1hanwar Ka Rl\ipura llS Gwalior KaI an 141 1 54 54 144 143 138 Jhiriya Khedi 116 Gwalior Khurd 327 326 139 Jhirmir 213 212 140 livagarh 240 23') H 141 Jivapura 198 197 142 Jivapura (Singoli) 6 6 143 lodha Kundal 42 117 Hanmanliya 268 267 42 144 118 Haripura -(Ratangarb) 195 194 JUna Parana 53 53 119 Haripura (Singoli) 23 23 Hathipura 116 116 120 K 121 Hi mmatpura 206 205

J45 KachhaIa I 43 43 146 Kadwasa 60 60 147 Kalepur 302 30t 122 Indraji Ka Kheda 118 117 148 Kama 330 330 149 Kamawas 264 263 J ISO Kanakpura 67 67 151 Kandaka 277 276 123' Joogpnr Bocdiya 125 124 152 Kankaciya Talai 123 122 124 Jagepur Hada 20.5 204 153 Kanod 101 lOt 125 Jagepur Mina 303 302 154 Kanwarji Ka Kbeda 39 39 126 Jamraniya 46 46 - l55 Kanwarji Ki Khedi 66 66 12i Janakpur :2.15 214 156 Karanpura 247 246 128 Jarad (Ratangarb) 186 185 157 Kashmariya 165 164 129 Jarod (Singo-li) 18 18 158 Kashya 228 227 130 Jaswantpura 48 48 159 Kawai 8 8 131 Jat 133 132 ,60 Kawariya 45 45 132 JelJiya 107 107 16 t Kawariya Khedi 141 140 133 Jetpura 32 32 162 Keharpura 249 248 134 Jetpura 168 167 163 KeJdiya 14~ 144 135 JetpUca 248 247 164 Kelu Kheda 286 285 43

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES ------Sl. Name or .iIIap L.C.No. 81. Name or villaae L.C.No. No. ,----..A---~ No. ~---.J---~ j97J 1981 1971 1981 ------2 3 4 1 2 3 4 _------

16/1 Jawad Tahsil

165 Kenpuriya 23'8 237 198 Kulmiyan 78 78 166 Kesharpur Kalan 273 272 199 Kundala (Net'n1ueh) 280 280 167 ~sharpur Khurd 291 290 200 Kundala (RataDgarh) 204 203 168 Kewadiya 334 334 201 Kuntali 135 134 169 K(;!walpura 50 SO 170 Khajuriya 179 178 L 171 Khanpura 41. 41 Kharadi 187 186 172 202 Ladpura 5 5 173 Khati Kheda 146 1/~5 203 Lalganj 11 11 174 Khati Kreca 190 189 204 Lalpura 140 139 Kbeda Bhangota 106 106 175 205 Lanpiya 194 193 176 Kheda Madl ieha 44 44 206 La~ur 304 303 177 Kheda MIlJhawat 19 19 207 Lodh 289 288 178 Kheda Modi 292 291 208 Luhariya (Jat) 161 160 179 Kheda Moka Ka dol 7 7 209 Luhariya (Ratangarh) 180 179 180 Kheda Rathor 276 275 181 Kheda Tintarcha 331 331 210 Lumba 68 68 182 Khempuriya 321 321 183 Khera Kundi 73 73 M 184 Kher Kheda 308 307 185 Khermaliya 329 329 211 MaiIawada 305 3.:.4 186 Khokhara 37 37 212 Madhopura 171 170 187 Kholpura 29 29 213 Maharajpura 12 12 188 KhoT 274 273 214 Maharajpura (KhUrd) 196 195 189 Khurd Khedi 301 306 215 Mahelldri 212 211 190 Kirpura 332 332 216 Maheshpura (Jar) 328 328 191 Kirpura Kal an 237 236 217 Maheshpura (Neemuch) 283 282 192 KJrpura Khurd 236 235 218 Mahudi Kheda 245 244 193 Kirta 157 156 219 Mahupura (Jat) 325 325 194 Kishanpura 82 82 220 Mahupura (Molki) 33 33 195 Kishorpura 251 250 221 Mahupura Puran 64 64 196 Kojya 102 102 222 MaJgarh 202 201 197 Kolpllra 76 76 223 Malota 148 147 44

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES ------Name 01 villa.., l..C.No. SJ. Name of vi I lap L.C.No. SI. ,--_..A.. __ No. ,----"--...... No 1911 1981 1971 1981 ------_.------_------1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------.. --._------._------

16/1 Jawad Tahsil

224 Manda 211 210 253 Niliya 203 202 225 Manoharpura 83 83 254 Nim Ka Klwda 175 174 255 226 Manoharpura Kalan 98 98 Nisami 254 253 227 Manoharpttra Khurd 96 96 2211 Maopura 122 121 P 229- Mata Ka Kheda 91 9 1 230 Mata Ka Kheda. 134 133 256 Padala 219 218 Ma',ada 114 114 231 257 Poldliya 166 165 Megrpara 259 258 232 258 Pal ada Kheda 284 283 Meghpma Chauhall 58 58 233 259 Palasiya 55 55 Meghpura GaUd 36 36 234 ·260 P


------_------SI. Name af Yillap L.C.No. Sl. Name of villaae L.C.No. , No. ~-.J<---~ No. ,....-Jo-----" J971 1981 1971 1981 ------, ;" ------2 3 4 1 2 3 4


16/1 Ja".d T ....sil

280 Ranipura 218 211 311 Shyampl1ra 188 187 281 Ranpur 306 301) 312 Shyampura 230 229 282 Rastpura. 62 62 313 Singoli 15 15 283 Ratangarh 173 172 314 SoIanki Ka Kheda alias 91 97 284 Retpura 57 57 Chaukha Ka Kheda 285 Richha 161 166 315 Sujanpura 71 71 17 286 Rughnathpura (Si ngroli) 17 316 Sukhanand Juna 255 254 281 Rughnathpura 93 93 317 Sukhanand Naya 232 231 288 Rughnathpura (Ratao&arh) 183 182 318 Suntholi 197 196 289 Ruppura 246 24S 319 Suwakheda 278 277 290 Ruppura (Amba) 9~ 95 291 Ruppura (Morwan) 217 216 T 292 Ruppura (Sani) 150 149 320 Tal 87 87 S 321 Tarapur 224 223 322 Taroli 132 131 14 14 293 Sabalpura 323 Tejpuriya 120 119 Sadalpur 310 309 294 324 Thadod 30 30 Sakhatpuriya 244 243 295 325 Tokara 38 38 31 296 Saloda 31 326 TUmba 235 234 299 298 297 Same) 327 Turkiya 24 24 298 Sanda 128 127 299 Sanwalpura 181 180 U 300 Sarod a 253 252 301 Sarwaniya Maharaj 297 296 328 Ubafan 77 77 302 Sarwaniya Masani 267 266 329 Udpura 156 155 303 Sarwaniya (Singoll) 70 70 330 Umar 115 115 304 Segawa 279 278 331 Ummedpuia 112 112 305 Sehana Talai 34 34 332 Ummedpura 223 222 306 Sema)pura 298 - 297 333 Upreda 296 295 307 Shambl\u Ka Kheda 136 135 308 Shivpura 117 320 V 309 Shopura 226 225 310 Shripura 139 138 334 Vishnari 241 240 46


------:------:._,_-- L.C.No. Sl. Name of village Sl. Name 01 village ,--_J...L.C.No. __ No. r--...A----.. No 1971 1981 1971 1981 . ------_._------_.. ------1 . 2 3 4 J 2 3 4

- ----:------. ------~------_---

16/2 Neemocb Tahsil

A 29 Bhadbhadiya 25 25 30 Bhadkasnawda 159 159 71 71 31 Bhagwallpura 17 t Admaha 15 162 32 Bhanwrasa ) 19 2 Aghor;ya 162 119 122 33 3 Akli 122 Bhat Kheda 67 67 170 Akhepur 170 34 Bhat Khedi 68 66 83 5'* Akya 83 35 Bhima Khedi 150 148 16 6 AI11t\wali 18 36 Bhimpura 176 175 7 Amawali Jagir 169 16' 37 Bholyawas ,23 23 143 143 s- Amba 31) Bbopatpura 11'1 - 180 94 () Amli Kheda. 94 39 Bisalwas Ramanya 61 61 191 ttl Arnya Bodan 191 40 Bisalwas Kalan 8 8 194 J 1 Arnya C:1andawat 194 4t bisa}was Khurd 7 7 146 12' Aroya Chandel 146 42 Bisalwas Soni~ira 74 74 13' Amya Kumar 132 132 43 Bishanya. 103. 105 14 Arnya Mangir 64 64 44 Bordiya Kalan 101 101 IS As.pura. 145 145 45 Bordiya Khurd 102 102 46 Borkhedi Kalan 5" 50 B 47 Borkhedi Khurd 76 76 4& Borkhedi Panodi 73 73

16 BadO'Ii 44 41 C 17 Baman Bardi 5 5 18 Bamnya 113 113 37 19' 1Jamora 1<48 149 49 Chadoli 37 50 Chainpur~ 4 4 2.& Hamori 149 150 189 Zl Bans Kheda 184 184 51 Chaldu 189 52 Ch:lI1gera 13 13 n Dans Khedi 185 185 2-3 Darkheda Gujar t54 154 53 . Champi 63 6~ 24 Barkheda Hada 12? 129 54 Chauth Kheda 58 58 25 Barkheda Sondhiya. 188 188 55 Cheela Kheda 164 16_f 26 Barukheda 24 24 56 Chen;:JUra 168 IllS 27 Belari 96 96 57 Chhachh Khedi 201 20i 28 Bhadawa 85 85 58 Chhayan tOR 108 47


------.-...-- Sf. Name of yiJJaae L.C.No. SI. Name of villaae L.C.No.

'No. ,,_--.A-----. No. ,....~~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------.------2 3 4 1 2 3 4

------~---~- --_------

16/2 Neemuch Tahsil

D 84 Hanmant::8 Pawar 91 93 85 Hanmantya Vyas 6$ Dalawada 125 125 66 59 86 Holnmantya RawaJi 41 39 Da!patpura 158 158 60 87 26 72 '72 HansDura 26 61 Dansiya 88 3 3 Hamawada 141 141 62 Daru 89 60 6: Harwar 196 196 63 Dasani 90 90 90 Hingoriya 127 127 64 Dhaba 137 137 65 Dhamaniya 18 1 181 J 66 Dhamanya Jagir 20 20 67 Dhaneriya Kalan 49 49 91 Jagepur 195 195 68 Dhaneriya Khurd 51 52 92 Jagoli 133 133 69 Dholpura 104 104 93 Jaisingpura 134 134 "'0 Dipu Khedl 77 94 Jamuniya Kalan 128 128 71 Dowad 77 16 18 95 Jamuniya Khurd 59 59 72 Dudarsi 57 57 96 Jarkheda 65 68 73 Dula Kheda 14 14 97 ' Jawasa 87 87 74 Dungalawada. 98 Jawi 36 36 G 99 Jeefan 182 182 100 Jetpura 56 56 75 Ghasundi 6 6 101 JhaJri 79' 79 Ghasundi Jagir 174 174 76 135 135 54 54 102 Jhanjharwada 77 Gifdoda 165 78 Gopalpura 165 167 K 79 Gudala 167 80 Gulab Khedi 91 97 139 1.3, Kacholi 118 118 S1 Gwal Deviya 103 126 126 82 Owal Talab 156 156 104 Kalya Khedi 105 Kana Kheda 62 60 22 H 106 Kanawati 22 177 107 Kanpura 178 iCaradiya ~aharaj 147 147 83 Hameriya 112 112 108 48


------_------Sl. Name 01 villalO L.C.No. SI. Name of villaKo L.C.No. r-_A __ No. r--..A..-__. No,

1971 198) 1911 1~81 ------,-.------_------I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

.__.. ___..---____..------. ~-- ._------_-_------_---

1612 Neemu~b Tabsil

10:1 Kas.br 163 163 137 Manpura 34 34 110 Kelu Kheda 117 117 138 Mansha Khedi 95 95 III Kenpuriya 107 101 139 Manya I<:.hedi 190 190 112 Keri 142 142 140 Me1ki 48 48 113 Khadawada 9 9 141 Melki 109 109 '114 Khatya K.hedi 38 42 142 Mewasa fO It 115 Kheda 161 161 14:t Mohanpuf 172 172 116 Khedadaru 15 17 144 Mundla 100 \00 117 Khermalya 2 2 82 82 118 Kheta Kheda CharaB N 119 Khela Kheda Doriya 183 183 120 Khokhariya 192 192 145 Narsinghpura 40 40 121 KismnplIra 43 44 146 Nayan Khedi 157 157 122 Kothadi 69 69 141 Neemuch Gram 203 i03 123 Kothadi lstmurar 120 120 148 Newad 21 27 124 Kothadi Magara 160 160 149 Nil kant hpura 86 86 125 Kumariya 131 )31 150 Nipaniya 31 81 126 Kunchdod 193 193 151 Nipaniya Abad 31 33 I. P 127 Lakhami 123 123 12& Lanchh )24 124 152 Padampura 179 176 129 Lasudi Hada 98 98 1,53 Palsoda tIl 11 t 130 L'lsudi Tanwar 28 88 154 ParasaJi 197 197 131 Lewada 19 19 155 Parathipura ]75 179 132 Lolplua. 29 29 15' Pawada Kalan 173 173 157 Pawada Khurd 166 166 M 158 Pawali 151 15 r 159 Pteth 15S ~5S 133 Mah'udiya t44 144 160 Peerana IS3 153 134 MaIiya 114 114 161 Ph()kalya 199 200 135 Malkheda SO 51 162 Piplon 46 47 136 Mangro.J 105 103 163 Piplya Mircha 99 99 49


------_------_..... -----_..._ .... Sl. Name of yiIJqe L.C.No. Sl. Name of village L.C.No. No. ,.--..A--_--., No. ,...-...A--~ 19'11 1981 1971 1981 ------2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------_ --

16/2 Neeruudl Tahsil

164 Piplya. Bag 136 136 186 S!lwan 89 89 165 Piplya Charan 35 35 187 Sedariya 33 32 166 Piplya Gujar 121 121 188 SemaJi Chandrawat 32 31 167 Piplya Hada 53 53 189 Semali Chaudhari 130 130 168 Pipl ya Jagir 180 178 190 Semali Mewad 111) 110 1 169 Piplya Nathawat 80 80 191 SeOlarda 1 170 Piplya Yyas 116 116 192 Sir Kheda 106 106 193 Sohdi 152 152 R 194 Sangariya Khedi 198 198 195 Soniyana 138 138 196 Surjana 30 30 171 Rabadya 140 140 Raisinghpura 'i'R 78 172 T 173 Rajpuriya 45 45 174 Ranpura 39 38 'fal Kheda 187 187 'Rampuriya 75 75 197 175 198 Thadoli 42 41 Ratdiya 70 70 176 199 Thikariya 92 92 177 Rawat Kheda 21 21 200 Tinakya Khedi 84 84 118 Rayan Kheda 200 199 Rewali Dewali 55 55 179 U

S 201 Ugran 202 202 202 Umaheda 93 93 180 Sagrana 11 10 sakrani 115 115 181 V 182 Sakrani Jagi! 186 186 183 Samar Kund 12 12 47 46 184 Sarwaniya Bor 28 28 203 Yinayaka 185 Sawalp~ iJ.71 111 so


------... ------~------.------SI. Name of villaae L.e.No. S). Name of vi llaac L.e.No. No. r--.A..-_ No r-_...A-_- 197] 1981 1911 1981 ------:---- I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------_ ---

16/3 Mana·sa Tahsil

A 28 Banada 299 2S5 29 Banegarb 187 16!i1 t Abakhedi Khurd t60 144 30 BalJi 115 97 Z AchalpUJ'a 94 79 31 Baojari Bujurg 31 24 3 AkH 102 85 32 Banjari Khurd 32 23 4 Akhepl1r 66 51 3J Barampura 274 234 5 Alhed 73 5~ 34 Barda 246 275 6 Amad' 191 174 35 Bardiya 69 56 36 7' Am:l-d (Amargarh BlIIJdt) 190 175 Bardiya 125 107 37 8 Amad Khedi fS() 164 Bardiya 300 256 38 Barkheda 9 Amaliyll 275 235 1 1 3~ Barkheda 116 101 10 Amargarh 204 ISO' 40 Barkhed'i 117 98 11 Amarpura H 12 41 Barlai 271 228 12 Amarpllta 239 213. 42 Barthun 110 96 n Amarpura Block 22() 19'8 43 Barwadiya 249 210 )4 Amarpura alias SangrampUTIt 192 177 44 Basantpura 288 241 15 Ameri 1'88 173 45 Basanya 262 225 Ananoipllfa 191 181 ~6 46 Basi Block 2J5 200 17 Antri Bujurg 158 142 47 Battisada 147 130 fS Aranya Ohani 280 238 43 Battisadi 146 12S 19- Arnya 53 39 49' , Bawada 65 52 ZO Arnyamali. ~5 7i SO Besada 8 8 51 Besala 219 197 S 52 Bhadana 20S 18ft S3 Bhadwas 153 137 n lJacnc.ha Khodi, t7t 154 54 Bhagal Khurd 195 271 22 Badku.wa III 95 55 Bhagori 261 224 23' Badodiya Bujurg, 265 226 56 Bhagal Bujur~ 260 218 24 Bakhtuni 35 22 57 Bhamesar 273 232 25 Balagan} 56 43 58 Bhandya 8;! 65

.,~ 26 Bamaniya 266 219 59 Bhat Khedi Bujurg ,k 58 27 Bamni 86 69 60 Jlhat Khecli Khurd 143 132 51


------_...... _------SI. Name of Yillap L.C.No. SI. Name:or viUaae L.C.No. No. r----"---~ No. r-__"__~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------16/3 Manasa Tahsil

89 DatoIi 63 49 Bherpura 60 41 61 Dayli 248 209 90 209 190 62 Bhimpura 106 91 _Dcnthal 161 147 63 Bhopali 126 181 92 Deoran 294 247 64 Bliuwanipura 199 25 93 Deor.i 267 22J 65 BiIwas 34 94 Deori Antri 156 139 66 Borkhedi 132 118 160 95 Deori Kbawasa 99 8, 67 Borkhedi 173 196 96 Deori Padada 76 64 68 Buj 218 191 97 Deori Somya 131 116 69 Buj Mahadev 211 251 98 Dhakad Khedi 46 31 70 Burawan 297 99 Dhakni 89 73 C 100 Dhamanya 57 44 101 Dhanderi 130 115 102 Dharampura 135 122 71 Chachaheda 114 99 103 phodhar 136 124 72 Chaehor 278 239 104 Dhodhar Block 18'" 16K 73 Chainpuriya Block 216 194 105 Doriya ,Khedi 74, Chakdatia 37 267 171 15S . 106 Dudhawa 4S 26 75 Chamleshwar 13 1,3 107 Dhudhlai 264 222 76 Chandan Kui 39 266 lOS Duragpura 120 104 77 Chandrapura 247 208 Chap lana 112 94 78 G 79 Chaukadi 4 4 80 Chaurasigarh 237 282 109 Gafarda S 5 81 Chenpuriya 213 192 110 Gaganya Khedi 97 '81 82 Chikli 194 178 III Gyariguda 19 11 83 Chikli Block 193 176 112 Ghadod 222 204 84 Chukni 88 72 113 Gopalpura 200 183 114 Gothada 42 32 D 11S Gugal Kuwa 18 16 85 Dab)'il 12 () 86 Dangdi 54 40 H 87 Danta 178 167 88 Datlai 44 30 116 Hada Khedi 224 203 S2


------r- Sl. Name 01 villap • L.C.No. SJ. Name of villap L.C.No. No.. ,.--.A--_ No, ,-_...A.._:"""" 1971 1981 1§71 1981 ------I 2 3 . 4 1 2 3 4 ------16/3 Manas. Tahsil

tI1 Hamerpuriya 92 76 141 KarC har Bhat Khedi 241 ' 279 US Han-mantya 142 127 142 Khadawada 128 113 119 Hansp·.l:' 123 108 143 Khajuri 108 91 144 120 Hathipura 71 55 Khanderiya 22 263 145 121 Hatuniya 269 227 Kltan Khedi 162 150 146 Khardi 26 17 I ... 147 Khatama Ki Rail 38 264 148 Kheda 212, 193 149 122 tmJi K<\ Kheda 52 261 Kheda Baradi 43 33 150 Khedli 14 14 J 151 Kheda Medi 7 7. 152 Khedi 51 37 153 123' Jaliner 85 70 Khedi 106 89 lsi 'Khejdi 1,68 152 124 Jalod 254 213 125 jamalpura 251 214 t55 ~hemputjya 19 259 126 jamunya 64 50 156 Kherapura 107 90 t27 ,jannoo 263 221 157 KhempUriya Bhat Khedi ~() 2t;J }l8' Jannod Block 268 220 I5H Khctpalya 8f 68 129 ]etli J09 92 159 Khetpalya 202 186 13(i) Jodmi 296 243 160 Khetpalya (Anandipura Block) 207 27<1:" 161 Khimla .Block 217 202 162 K Khushaliya 226 207 163 Khushalpura 154 141 164 Kotda 119 103 IJI Kachhavi Bhatkhedi 242 280 165 KOhli 186 172" , 132' Kachlli Mata Bhat Khedi 244 217 134 133 Kacholi 80 66 166 Kukdeshwar 119 167 KUlthana Bujucg 2 2 134 Kadi Antrr IH 138 ns Kadi Bujurg 182 162 168 ~:uIthana Khurd 3 3 136 Kadi Khurd 181 163 169- Kundalya 179 )1)5 41 137 Kanjard~ 6 6 170 Kundalya Bujurg 29 l3g Kanti Khurd 29 270 171 KundaJya Khurd 40 28 139- K>!tradiya 172 156 172 Kundla 165 149 140 KaraIlp1.Ka BLock 214 195 173 Kundwasa 167 151 53


------.--.____,.,_---- Sl. Name of yillage L.C.No. Sl. Name:or village L.C.No; ... No. ,-----...A---~ No. r- ..__~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 -- . ------1 2 3 • I 2 a 4 ------______...... 01_

16/3 Manasa Tabsil

202 Molki Bujurg 292 244 L 203 M~'a 118 102

174 Laltaj"i 245 276 175 Lasudiya Antri ]50 135 N 243 176 Lasudi)'a istmurar 289 268 177 Laxmipura 30 204 Nabha Khcdi 176 157 82 178 Lodakya 9.8 205 Nagpura 236 206 87 71 179 Loomdi. 206 Nali 291 246 279 240 180 ~Lotwas 207 Nalkheda 96 80 208 Nalwa 151 1.40 M 209 Narayanpet 47 27 210 Narwali 221 199 215 181 Magarda 252 21 ] Nawalpura 15 15 121 105 182 Maivlgarh 212 Neem Ka Kheda 36 269 .144 . ' 131 183 Maheshpuriya 213 Nimbod 232 201 250 2}7 184 Majinya 216 185 Majiriya }lIock 259 49 36 P 186 MaIaheda ( 3S 187 M.dah.eda Block 50 48 28 21 188 MaIkheda 62 214 Pagara Bujurg 237 27 20 189 Malkheda 281 215 Pagara Khurd 257 272 231 190 Manoharpura. 16 216 PaIda 10 191 Manoti 301 253 217 PaIasiya 9 189 171 192 Manya Khedi 183 161 218 PaIri 149 134 193 .Maramya Ka Kheda 33 265 219 Paoti ]94 Matasara 198 179 220 Parda 59 42 60 195 Meriya K.hedi 175 158 221 Parot Pipl),a 74 203 272 196 Mokalpura 7~ 62 222 Peel Khedi 197 Mokdi 127 112 223 Peel Khedi Block 205 182 110 198 Mokdi Block 111 224 Peetpur 122 177 166 199 Mokbampura 91 75 225 Phoolpura 140 126 200 Mokhampura 105 93 226 PhophaIiya l'ipaIda 2(H 184 201 Mokhampura 210 189 227 54


------;------~-~---- Sl. Name 01 yillallD L.C.No. S!. Name of villal<' L.C.No. No. ,----..A..-...... No. r---"--- 1971 198J 1971 J981 ------.. ------_------_. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------...------

16/3 Maoasa Tahsil

,!28 Pi paId'a mock 2.,66 185 254 Sandalptir 302 250 229 Pi pIon 77 61 255 Sandiya 84 67 256 230 Piplya 277 230 Sanga Kheda 276 233 231 Piplya Ghota 129 114 257 Sarelya 133 117 258 2~2 Piplya Hadi 52 38 Sarsi 124 109 259 233 Piplya Khurd 163 148 Semli Antri 157 145 260 2'34 PipJya Raoji 68 53 SemJ..i Istmurar 113 100 261 235 Pokharda 18 63 Semli Jagir 148 129 262 23ti Pl:a tapplll'a 159 143 Sheshpur 90 74 263 Shivpuriya 24 19 264 R Singhadiya 210 229 2'5 Sojawas 1(')1 86 266 Sondi 295 249 23; Raisfngpura t03 8'8 267 Sundi US In 238 Rajpura 174 1'9 268 Suwasada BUzw-g 48 34 239 Rajpuriya 20 26& 269 SU wasada Khurd 240 RatanpUl"3 152 136 185 170 241 RatitaJai 70 57 T 24Z Jtawatpura 5g 46 27() 24'3 Rondna 223 205 Takuiya 303 252 244 Rupawas 100 84 271 Tal au 169 153 245 Ruppura ' 137 121 272 Tamoti 21 18 2M> Ruppura Block. p9 123 273 Tejgarb 17 258 247 Raypuriy,a. 282 236 274 TejpUriya 93 77 275 Thaned 290 242 276 S Tilsamra 61 47 277 Timariya Bhat Khedi 243 278 2.78 Tol Khedi 293 2t5 248 SadbaJ<.vdi Block 5S 45 279 Tumda 104 87 249' Sakariya Khedi 138 120 250· SalarmaJa 253 211 U 251 Salarmala Block 25S 2f2 280 Uched 67 54 252 SaJya Khedj 298 ·254 281 Vda Kheda 141 125 253 Samya 164 146 282 Udepuriya 23 262 5S

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF vn.LAGES ------..._...----- Sl. Name of .iIlaae L.C.No. S1.. Name~of vilJaae L.e.No. No, ,.---..A--~ No. ,...----'--::~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------__..------I 2 3 • 1 2 3 4 ------_- ---..... _------

1614 Bhanpura Tahsil


77 24 Dantla 85 J Amjhari 101 61 93 25 Dhaba 110 86 2 Anki 117 19 89 65 3 Antraliya 35 2' Dhabla Madhosingb 4 Aranya Bhau 34 18 27 Dhabla Manohar 31 21 37 5 Araoya Chuan 53 28 Dhamanyll 7J 51 29 Dhawad Buzurg 66 48 30· Dhawad Khurd 67 98 B 31 DhuwaKhedi 111 87 32 Dhudhli 93 69 55 39 33 Dbali ka Kheda 65 97 6 Babulda 83 5!.l 34 Dudha Khedi 36 20 7 Badi g Badodiya 75 54 102 78 G 9 Badodiya 23 10 10 Bambhori Buzurg 3S Gadiya Umariya 79 102 Bambhori Khurd 24 11 11 Gordhanpura 95 71 58 42 36 12 Barkhedi Govind Kheda 115 91 90 66 37 13 Beedgolon 62 46 14 Bhanpura H 106 15 Bharatya Khedi 82 19 Haltlirgarh (Lodawada) 80 57 16 Bhawanipura 9 38 I! 2 Harigarh 86 62 11- Bhcsoda 88 39 18 Hamawada 44 28 18 Bilkhedl 8 40 Hinglajgarh 73 lUU 19 Borda 109 85 41 20 Budhanpur 41 25 J 14 C 42 Jalya 27

K 21 Chauki 119 95 Kaga lya lGledl 88 64 22 Chenpuriya • 63 47 43 Kailashpur (Boozar) 78 56 23 Chhatrapura 71 99 44 5,6

ALPHAaETlCAL LIST OF VILLAGES ------Name of viII.., L.C.No. SJ. ~me of village L.C.No. SI. .. r--.J.-.,..._ No. r--.A.-_ No. 11171 1981 1971 1981 ------_..;._.. ------1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------~.--- -_ ----~------

16/4 Bhanpura Tahsil

67 71 Modi 32 17 4~ Kala Kot 91 72" Mokampura 1,03 79 46 Kanoll 59 43 S 47 Karanpura 7 N 48 Kar KAriya 43 '1.7 73 Naoli 74 53 Katnd 81 58 49 74 Neemthur JOO 76 50 Kesoda 118 94 Kerhuli 87 63 '1 0 52 Khajurna 107 83 75 Osara 99 7<; S3 Kheda Khurd 64 96 " 76 Osarna 104 80 54 Khedi 28 15 - 55 Kher Kheda Bhae 26 13 P 56 Kher K.hcdJ 4S 29· 57 KhilchipUJ 3 2 77 Paikheda 108 84 58 Kohl a. 9 7 78 Panga 111 89 59 Kotdi Tank 77 Ss 79 Paronya 40 24 6{) Xoyla 69 50 80 PipaJda 6 4 61 Kukdeshwara. 49 33 81 " Prcmpuriya 68 49 62 Ku.ntal K.h~dj. 42 26 R

L 82 RaiKheda t 14 ~o 83 Raipmiya 31 16 63 Ledi Kalan 98 74 84 Ralaya~a 57 41 64 Ledi Khurd 97 73 85 Rata Guradiya 51 35 '5 Lot Khedi. 01 45 86 Ratanpura 105 81 87 Rchtadi 47 31 M S

Sal ampuriya 82 ~6 Mahudiya 38 22 88 103 67 Malasari 2 1 89 Sameli 116 92 68 Manpuriya BUZUJ'B 39 23 90 Sammat Khedi 96 72 69 Manpuriya Khurd 46' 30 91 Sanada 94 70 70 Mitthan Khedi '52 36 92 Sandal pur 60 44 57

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF Vll.LAGES ------.___,.._--- 81. L.C.No. SI. Name_or viU.. e L.e.No. No, ,-----"--~ No. 1971 IIJ81 1971 1981 ------__ ..... ____...... ------I 2 3' 1 2 a 4, ------

16/4 Bhanpura Tahsil

93 Sandhar a 9 2 68 T 94 Sanwat Kotdi 72 52 100 Thagi 84 60 95 Satal Khedi 48 32 10J Toongni SO 34 96 Shivpuriya 76 101 102 Toranya 56 40 97 Sujanpura 5 3

98 Sunari .5'" 38 v 99 Surjana 25 12 103 VitthalpUTa 8 6

16/5 Millbarg


1 AnkIi 37 38 13 Baboo kheda 83 83 2 MIdi 130 129 19 Badpur 102 102 3 Abdapur 150 151 20 Badri 3,0 30 4 Admalya 114 114 21 Bahl 71 71 5 Ata Khedi 27 27 2L Balagudha 63 63 6 Akyabika 137 136 23 Balaheda (Dhanil 174 t64 7 Akyamedi 1.79 169 2 J ' Band PiplYa 21 21 8 Akya Palra 33 33 25 Bankrol 1 9 Amarpllra 47 45 26 BansRhedi 139 139 wali) 10 Amba Khedi Buzurg 140 140 21 Bans Khedi (Barujana 29 29 11 Ambaw 61 61 28 Bardal 66 68 12 Antri Khurd 142 141 29 ,Barkhedll Dangi 168 159 13 Anuppura 18 17 30 Barkheda Deo Doongri 5 5 14 Aranya Deo Doongari 7 7 31 Barkheda Jaising 67 65 15 Aranya Mina 96 '96 32 Barkheda Panth 39 39 ]6 Aranya Jatya 146 146 33 Barkheda Virpuriya 36 3S ] 7 Awana ~cbarjya 108 108 34 Baruj"lla 26 26 58

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES ------SI. Namo 01 yillaae L.C.No. SJ~ Name of villaso L.C.No. ,..-_..A. __ No. ,..--..A.---, No. 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4


16/5 Malhar_arh Tahsil

3S Belala 86 87 F 36 Dhainsa Kheda 46 42 37 Bhangi Piplya 98 98 63 Fatepur 105 105 38 Bhil khedi 115 115 64 Firojabad 151 152 39 BillaUd 132 132 65 Fosari 153 153 40 Borkhedi 165 ].57 41 Borkhedi ( Kachnara waH) 1,5 15 G 42 Borkhedi (Kamlya) ss. 85 66 Garnai .. 164 155 43 Botaiganj 80 81 67 Garr"wad 123 122 44 Rudha 104 104 68 Gogarpurll 69 69 69 C Gopalpura 1I2 111 70 GudbheJi 76 73 71 Gu!lbheli (Narayangarh wali) 25 24 45 Chandrapura 106 106 11 9 46 Chandwa~a H 47 Changeri 8 & 48 Chaoli 84 84 72 Hanurnantiya 90 91 101 49 Chauth Khedi rOr 73 Haripura 87 86 ;149 149 50 Chhayan 74 HarmaJa 17 18 118 119 51 Chillod Piplya 75 Harsol 22 22 32 32 52 Chita Khedi 76 Bathi BoJiya 170 161 77 Hingoriya 143 143 D 78 Hingoriya 182 170

53 Dcori 88 88 I ,54, Dewa r{heda 172 163 55 Dbabla 95 95 79 If Ii 109 ] I 0 64 56 Dliakdi 64 J 51 Dhikanya 82 82 58' Dhorri 184 172 80 J~lodiya 34 34 59 - Dobda 148 148 81 Jetpura 49 49 60 Dodiya'Mina 93 93 82 Jhanya Khedi 23 23 61 Dorwada 103 103 83 Jharda 19 1\1 62 Vunglawada (i8 66 84 Jogani 45 46 59

ALPHABETICAL LIST 0Ii' VILLAGES ------_.-_ ------SI. Name of .ilJaso L.C.No. SI. Name or villaae L.C.No. No. ,..---..A--~ No. ,....---A--"""" )97] 1981 1971 1981 ------_------2 3 4 1 2 3 4

_------...... --;.,...__

16/5 ~Ia)bargarh Tahsil

K 113 Lunaheda 78 78

85 Kachariya Cbandrawat 77 77 M 86 Kachariya Dco Doongri 2 4 87 Kacbariya Kadmala 124 126 114 lVlagran3 138 138 88 Kacbariya Nau 43 -14 115 Malbargarh Gaon 41 41 89 Kachnara 16 16 116 Mauasa Kburd 3 2 90 KalyaKhedi 116 116 117 Manchha Khedi 141 142 '91 Kalya Khedi Kalan 145 145 118 MindIa Kheda 89 89 92 KaIya Khedi IChurd l67 158 1 f 9 Molya Khedi 9 11 .. 100 120 Mundadi 92 93 Kamlya 100 92 54 121 Mundedi 35 94 Kangetti 54 36 117 122 Mund Khosa 95 Khadpalya 119 65 61 123 Mundli 10 96 Khankharai 60 eO 10 124 Munja Khedi 117 JIS 97 Khatya Khedi 72 72 98 Khatya Khedi 173 165 70 N 99 Kheda 70 . 121, 100 Khedll Katya Khedi 121 135 125 Nagad Piplya 131 130 101 Kheita Koyla 134 1;4 J 26 Nali Kheda 59 59 102 Khejdi 154 107 127 Napa Kheda 128 128 103 Kbejdi t Harsol) 107 12 128 Narayangarh 24 25 104 Kher Kheda 12 129 NinoiU 52 52 105 KhoKhra 53 53 106 Khunti 171 162 P 101 Kitu Khedi 111 113 109 Koyla 135 134 130 Paheda 13 13 109 Kun~hari 42 43 131 Palevlt'1a 91 90 132 Pama Kheda 4 3 L 133 Parli t47 147 134 Fipal Khodi 175 166 110 Lasudfya Kadmala 6 6 135 Piplya (Vishnya) 14 14 111 Lasudiya Rathaur 97 97 136 Piplya Jodha 129 131 112 Limbawas 28 28 137 Piplya Panth 73 74 60

ALPHABET! CAL LIST OF VILLAGES ------Sl. Name or .iIIalO L.C.No. 81. Name of villaae L.C.No. No. r---"---"" No. ,-_.A.._--. lP71 1981 1971 1981 ------4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 ------.....-

1615 Malbargarh Tahsil

138 Pipfya Raisins 171 181 155 Sololtganj (Kanthariya) 40 40 139 Piplya Ratan 133 133 156 Somya 20 20 140 Piplya Solanki 48 48 IS7 Soni 51 SO 141 Pir GUradiya 110 109 158 Soopda 56 51 159 Sudwas 166 ]56 R 160 Sujanpura 62 62 161 Sunthod 38 37 142 Ranayra 125 124 162 Suthar BoJiya 169 160 143 Rinchha 31 31 144 Rupare} 136 131 T 145 Rupi So 51 163 Takhatpur J27 127 1 C)4 Takrawad 120 S 17.0 165 Talab Piplya 122 123 1606 Thadod 79 19 146 Sanawada 55 53 , 167 Tidwas 118 168 147 Sanjit 152 ISO 168 Tila Kheda 75 76 148 Sarwaniya. 144 144 169 TUrndi 113 112 14''} Selawari 44 47 170 Turkya 99 99 ISO Se;nli 57 57 151· Sesadi 176 16-7 U 152 Sindwan 94 94 ]53 Sohangara 126 125 171 Ujagariya 81 80 154 Sokdi. 74 75 172 'U nlMiya. 58 58

16/6 Carotll Tabsil

A ~ Akya 173 167 6 Akya Knnwarpada 53 48 I AakIi 11 9 7 Amli 189 183 2 ,Aakli Diwan' 118 113 g Anandipura 25 20 3 Aakli Shi·vdas 144 139 'J Asawati 187 181 4 A211T 151 152 10 Avara 174 168 61

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF vn..LAGES --.__ ------_------81. Name of .il1 ... L.C.No. SI. Name of viUqo L.C.No. No. .----.A--~ No. ,....--.A-~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------2 3 of J 2 3 4 _------.--.._---

16/6 Garotll Tahsil

B 43 Bhi! Khedi 59 54 44 Bhojpur 16 11 11 B1ghuniya 153 148 45 Bhundiya ]54 149 12 Bakana 171 165 46 Bhunki 26 13 Baloda 18 13 2l 47 Boliya 107 14 Bamni 90 85 102 48 Borkhedi 54 15 Bani 191 185 49 49 Borkhedi Gnata ]68 163 16 B~ari 61 56 50 Borkhedi Redka 162 157 17 Banjari 185 179 51 Borwani 208 202 18 BaRs Khedi 207 . 201 19 Bapya Khodi 6 6 . C 20 Bapcha 190 184 21 Baradiya IstmUrar 91 86 52 Cbachawada 12 R 155 150 22 Baradiya "lstmurar 53 Chand Khedi 139 134 23 Baradiya Puna 149 144 54· Chane Khedi Kliurd 108 103 24 Bardiya Amra 72 67 55 C'handrapura 62 57 25 Barkheda 52 47 56 Chandwya 177 171 26 Barkheda Amlekha 103 98 57 ehaplya Khedi 3 3 27 Barkheda Loya 67 62 58 .Chhayam 200 194 28 Barkheda Nayak 194 188 59 Chirdi 172 166 29 Barkheda Rathaur 134 129 60 Chikanya 101 96 30 Barkhod Uda 202 196 61 Chukni 94 89 31 Bllrkhedi 66 61 32 Barkhedi Mitthu 98 93 D 3.3 Bami 182 176 34 Barrama 1 1 62 Dasoriya 78 73 35 Basgon 64 59 63 Denthali Buzurg 37 32 36 Baodi Khoda 68 63 64 Denthali Khurd 40 35 37 Baodi Khoda 186 180 65 Deori 197 191 38 Bhadka. 169 164 66 Deoriya 27 22 39 Bhagdi 148 143 67 Dhaba 58 53 40 Bhagori 15J 145 68 DhabI a GUjar 133 128 41 Bhama Khedi 24 19 69 Dhabla Mohan 22 17 42 Bhalani 180 174 70 Dhakni 96 91 .62


------~------SI. Name 01 villalD L.e.No. Sl. Name of villaae L.e.No. No. r- ---"--~ No. r---"--- 1971 1981 1971 1981 - ..... ----~--~ ------I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------"'------

16/6 Garotla Tahsil

7f Dhatmu 33 33 94 GUTadiya Mara 80 75 12 Dha,naniya Diwan 206 200 95 Guradiya Narsing 43 38 7'J Dhamaniya Jhald 42 37 74 Dhaturiya 131 126. H 75 Dholadi 83 18 93 88 76 Didor 96 Hanmantya 113 108 17 Dongar 'Kltedi 198 192 97 Haripura 105 100 l)g Hatai 29 24 '9 Hatuniya 161 156 lOB Higoriya i 69 64 78 Emdi 128 123 79 Eri lSI 146 J 80 Eriya. 51 52 101 Jamuniya 137 132 102 Jassa Khedi 65 60 t03 Jhiranya , 95 90 104 Jhobra III Farnya Khedi 106 101 17 12 105 Jodma 92 86 82 Farasari 79 74 106 Jodmi 97 . 83- Faras,,1 i Diwao 132 127 92 107 Junapani Dhoranya 205 199 InS Junapanf Paoti 109 104 0 K 8'4 . Gagsi 18S" 182 85 Gaja Khcdi 50 4S )09 K3t:lli'iaIiya 48 43 86- Garda 179 1'73 IIO Kala Kheda 112 107 8~ Gariya Khedi 31 26 111 Kanpura 2 2 88 Garoth. Kasba 70 65 112 Kanthariya 60 55 89 Ghatya 76 7~ 113 Karadiya 32 27 'gO 6hatya Istmurar 178 172 114 Karadiya S5 SO 911 Gopalpura 5 5 115 Khadawada 7 7 92 GopaJpura t~ I 175 lUi Khai Kheda 126 121 9l Gopalpura Tan.k 35 30 1\7 Khajuri Doda S, 81 63


------______,__---- 81. Name of ymqe L.C.No. SI. Name ~ of vill_ L.C.No. No. ,..----J.-~ No. ,---.A-----. Hl7l 1981 1971 1981 ------,------1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------.--...---- 16/6 Oarotb Tabsil

117 112 146 Mola Khedi Buzurg 21 16 118 Khajuri Panth 51 46 147 Mola Khedi Khurd 159 119 Khajuri Runda 164 143 138 148 Mordi 165 16 ) 120 Khankhari 111 106 149 121 Kharkheda MUndla 159 154 125 120 122 Khejad iya N 30 25 123 Kher Kheda 150 :Walkheda 1 15 110 129 124 124 Kher Khedi 151 Narayani 39 34 156 151 125 Kher Khedi 152 Nariya Buzurg 142 137 176 170 126 Kilgari 153 Nariya Khurd 136 131 104 99 127 Kothada Bujurg 154 Nipaniya 196 190 110 105 128 !{olhada KIlurd 19 14 129 Kothadi P 130 125 130 Kothadi Akha 140 135 152 147 131 Kundla Buzurg 155 Paderiya 140 120 132 Kundla Khurd 145 156 Padya Kbedi 11S Charandas 82 77 157 Palkhanda 121. 116 133 Kundalya 193 187 44 39 134 Kurawan 158 Panwadi 99 94 76 135 Kurlasi 159 Paoli 81 160 parasali 167 .62 L 161 Phool Kheda 74 69 162 Pinchhala 192 186 136 Lakha Khedi 73 68 163 pipIiya 166 161 11') 137 Lakhama Kbedi 20 15 164 Pipaliya Ghata 124 63 138 La1pura 184 178 165 Pipaliya Jati 58 139 Lambi Khedi 100 95 166 Pipaliya Mitteslia 85 80 75 70 140 Lasudiya 33 28 167 Pipaliya Mahammad J68 Pipaliya Raja 41 36 M 169 Pipal 'Kheda S6 51 Pun va Khedi 34 29 141 Makdawan· , 204 198 J70 203 197 142 Makdi Chaoda R 143 Manaki 77 72 J44 Manpura 141 136 171 Ralayati 28 ' 23 145 Mel Kheda 146 141 172 Ram Khedi t9S 189 64

ALPHABETICAL LlST OF ViLLAGES ------_----_. ------St. Name of villaae L.C.No. 81. Name of villaae L.C.No. ,--_..A.. __ No. ,---..A.::-...... No, 1971 1981 1971 198i ------_------:I 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------

16/6 Garoih Tahsil

\ 19.3 113 P.anayarlt 4S 40 S~Ili.r01 4 4 174 Ranayara 183 17J 194 Sura Khedi 119 114 175 . Raoti 88 83 195 SucJllua Juna 127 122- 116 Ratr Khedi 87 82 196 SUrjana 'Naja 122 117 177 Rajya 89 84 Ruparel 163 155 178. T 179 Ruppura 36 31 180· Rupra 84 79 197 Takra~ad. f9!J 193 S 198 Tarawali 114 109 199 1'ola Khedi 17S 169

18t SaiOTiya 138 133 182 Sakariya Khedi 71 ·66 U 183 Sakariya K.hedi 147 14Z 163 ISS' 184· Sakarlya K.hedi: 200 Udlllya Khedi 23 18 185 Salsriya 209 203 201 Ul'I'ariya IS 10 )5& IS3 1 au Salri 102 97 187 Sapanya V 46 41 188. Sath Khed'a 111 ]89 Semli DiwaJ} 116 Varni 49 44 190 SemI i Hada 201 195 202 47 42 Vi&huiya 123 118 191 Semli RUpa 203 J35 13(} 192 SemJi. Shankar

16/7 Mandsaur Tabsil

A :I Adhari alias Niradhari 64 ~4 124 1 Achera 56 S5 4 Afjalpuf 124 Z Ached 6 9 S Aghoriya 53 53 65


------~--- SI. Name of yill ... L.C.No. 81, Namc.oI viII ... L.C.No. No. ,--___"__--" No. r ..,._~ 1971 IPSI 1971 1981

--~------2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------

16/7 Mantlsaor Tahsil

6 Aiij Khedi 48 49 3:') Bhardawad 9 (j 7 AkotJada 206 206 37 Bhatltna 114 115 8 Akya Phattu 31 31 38 Bhat PipIya 159 159 9 Akya Umahcda 169 169 39 Bhatrewas 126 126 10 Alawada Khedi 38 40 40 Bhaugarh 194 194 11 Amlawada 61 61 41 Bho)iya 153 153 12 Aranya NiJamuddin 79 79 42 Bhuki 29 2g 13 Araya Bhatti 47 45 43 Bhunya Khedi 24 23 14 Arnya Gujar 150 148 44 Bilantri U8 119 45 ,Bobra Khedi 39 3!\' 46 Bol Kheda 3'4 33 B 47 Buchcha Khedi 58 57 48 BugaJiya 17 17 15 Rabrecha 129 129 16 Bada Khedi S9 59 C 17 Blldwan 136 136 18 Bagya 131 131 49 Chanda Khedi 209 20') 19 Bahadari 72 72 50 Changli 74 74 20 Baj Khedi 75 75 51 Chhaju Kheda {j7 07 21 Balodiya 197 198 52 Chha}'cln 97 98 22- Bani 202 202 5~ Cbikaliya 40 39 23 Bani Khedi 170 170 54 Chi plana Jot 101 24 Bansa Khedl 104 104 55 CbirmoIiya 116 116 25 Baodi Kalan '- 46 44 56 Chosla 189 18CJ 26 Bardiya 103 103 27 'Barkhedi 182 183 D 28 Beed Naulakha 52 52 29 Beed Nirdhari 85 84 20 20 57 Daloda Rai) 171 17' ~o Heed Pitha Khedi Daloda Sagra 219 220 31 Bebpur 199 199 58 76 76 32 Bekbeda 94 94 59 Damdam 152 152 B Bhalot 60 60 60 Dansiya 11 t1 34 Bhandariya 201 201 61 Dau Khedi 23 24 35 Bhawata 146 146 62 Daulatpur 66


------~-..... --- Name of villaae L.C.No. SI. Name of village L.C.No. SI. ,--_..A.. __ No. r--..A.. ---. No. 1971 198' 1971 1981

------_.------:------~---- 4 1 1 2 3 2 3 ~


16,7 Maodsaur Tahsil

63 D..,bri 208 208 87 Guradiya Syab 222 222 64 Dhakad Khcdi 69 68 88 Gyanpura 184 184 167 65 Dhamnar 167 89 Gyaspura 44 47 66- Dhandhoda 200 200 61 Dhariya Khedi 18 19 H 68 Dhatudya 105 105 69 Dhikola 28 30 90 Hansali 77 77 70 bhundhadaka 135 135 91 Hanumanti 179 179 71: Digaon Khurd 96 96 92 Harchandi 195 195 72 Digaon Mali 98 97 93 Hatuniya 162 162 10 73 Dilawara 12 94 Hedarwas 15 12 74 Dorana 181 181

E 95 Isab Khedi 164 . 165 75 EleIl; 217 21' 96 Ishak pUT 120 12 t 97 It!1yati 73 73 F J 76 Fateltgarh 176 173 98 Jagga Khedi Mandsaur 33 35 G 99 Jagga Khedi (Nai1argarh) 91 91 100 Jamalpura 8 8 77 Galya Khed'i 10 14 101 Jamuniya Meena 163 163 78 Gariya Kbedi 93 93 102 Jawasiya 183 182 79 oaroda 203 203 103 Jhakarda 141 141 8(} Ghatawada 5 5 104 Jhawal 140 140 81 Gorkhedi 57 56 105 Jhirkan 137 137 82 Gudiyana 128 128 106 Jogi Kheda. 15.7 IS7 83- Gujardll 16 16 84 GuliyaRil 166 164 K 85 Guradiya Deda 25 25 &6 Guradiya Lalmuha 180 180 107 Kachnara 223 224 67


- ~------:------SI. Name of Yillale L.C.No. 81. Name:'!f villall: L.C.No

No, ,..----"---_ No _---..Jo--~ 1971 1981 197. 19B1

----.------~------2 3 .. I 2 3 4

------'------~------._ --_

16/7 Mandsaur Tahsil

108 Kama1pura 117 118 138 Lasudawan 130 130 109 Karju 190 190 139 Lasudi 125 125 186 186 110 Karn'l Khedi 140 Lasudiya· lIa 224 223 3 111 Karoli '., 3 141 Lilda 86 s5 Il2 Kasba I'vlandsaur 42 42 142 Lodh 110 110 113 Katkya 158 158 143 l,uhari Shripat 99 10J I 14 Katlar f92 192 144 Luhari Shekh 100 99 115 Kayam Kheda 49 48 138 139 116 Khajur i Ajna M 117 Kh!ljuri Badayala 55 58 Khajuriya Sarang 210 210 118 145 Majesara 215 214 119 Khanderiya Mar", 90 90 146 Maje Sari 2-16 216 120 Kheda Dhamar 165 161 147 Majeti 13 13 121 Kheroda 196 196 148 Maliya Kher Kheda 95 95 122 Khilchipura 45 46 149 Malya Khedi 14 IS Khodana 211 211 123 150 Mangrola 185 185 124 Kity"ni 36 36 151 Maru Khedi 127 127 125 Koch;wi 7 7 152 Mau Khedi 193 19:t . 126 Kolwa 8, 83 153 Mirjapura 51 51 127 Kumhariya, 30 29 154 Morkheda ] 32 128 Kunchrod 145 145 132 155 Mohammadpura 65 65 156 Muitanpura 22 22 L 157 Munala 122 120

129 Labdadl ~O 81 N 130 Lachchha Khedi 119 117 131 Ladusa_ 133 133 158 Nagri 225 225 132 Lahu Khedi 147 147 159 Nai Khcdi 173 174 133 Lakhma Khedi 168 168 160 Nalchha 43 43 134 Lala Khedi 218 218 161 Nandawata 188 188 135 Lalghati 35 34 162 Nandwel 198 197 136 Lamgara IS5 IS5 163 Nawan Khodi 92 92 137 Lamgari 154 154 \64 Netawali 112 112 68


------.. - Sl. Name of ,illap L.C.No. Sl. Name= 01 viUaac L.C.No. No, ,------"-----.. No. ,---..A..-----, 1 It? I 1981 1971 1981 -----_------_------2 3 4 2 3 ..... 4


16/1 Mandsaur Tahsil

16S NimbaKhedi 174 176 193 Rathana 113 114 166 NJmbod 212 212 194 Rati Khedi 151 151 161 Nipaniya Meghraj 50 50 195 Rewas Deoda 4 4 168 Nipanya (Afjalpur} 161 161 196 Richchha Bachchha 63 6.' 169 Nirdhari 87 87 1')7 Rinchha Lal Muha 220 219 170 Nogawan 1 198 Rinda 102 102 199 Rindwan 2 2

P 200 RupawaJi (MandsaUr) 32 .l_~") 201 Rupawa1j (Nahargarh) 115 113 1,71 P.1dTiya Lat Muha 177 177 172 Pltdliya Maru 89 89 S 173 P41asiya 13 213 174 Paldi 06 106 202 Saba T


------SI. Name af yillaa. L.C.No_. 81. Name:ot vil~e L.C.No. No ,..----.JIo.-...-- ...... No ,.----"--___" .971 1981 197 J 1981 ------_------2 3 .. 1 2 3 4 ------

lGI'7 Mandaaur 'Ta1ISiJ

221 Tisai 111 111 U 222 Todi 41 41 223 Tol Khedi 172. 172 225 Udpura 81 80 224 Tumadawada 1~1 J23

16/8 Sitamau Tab~iI

A 24 Belari J5.5 153 25 Beti Khedi 7 7 Aba Khedi 26-J Bhagor . 122 120 - 2 Ajepur 174 172 2' Bharatpura 119 117 112 3 Akya 94 28 Bharpur 227 225 228 226 4 Amba 29 Bhat Khedi S4 53 244 242 5 Angari 30 Bhensola 203 201 229 227 6 Aotraliya 31 Bl}i Iya Khedi 45 44 7 Arnya Gaud 60 59 32 Bhuki Bujurg 20 20 8 Aori 36 36 33 Bhuwangarh 107 105 34 Boliya 58 57 B 35 Borkhcdi 66 65 9 Badnd 23 23 36 Borkhedi 245 243 10 Baj Khedi 53 52 11 Balahedi 33 33 C 12 Bangli 173 171 37 Chakalya 126 124 Bankli 65 64 13 31 Chanpa Khed i 235 233 215 213 14 Baodi Kheda 39 Chhatrapura 111 109 15 Bardawadl 106 104 40 Chikla 75 14 16 Bardiya 196 194 41 Chimangarh 168 166 17 Bardiya Ba.rkheda 24 24 18 Bar'diya Gujar 176 174 D 19 Bari Kheda 16 16 20 Baru Kheda 68 67 42 Dalawada 138 136 21 Basai 172 170 43 0.1 K.hc:di 147 145 22 Bavchya 158 156 44 Dallod 236 234 23 BeJara 159 157 45 Damma Khedi 91 ·89 70


-_------:------...... :. .- 81 .. . Name 01 "iii." L.C.No. 81. Name:of villaae L.C.No. No. ,-----"---_ No. _-..A---- 197. 11181 197. 1981 -----_------l 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------16/8 Sit_mau Tablif

46 Dabdf 146 144 G 41 D~pura Barnni 239 237 75 Gadriya 39 38 48 De.pura Nagar 223 221 76 Galihara 82 81 49 Deori 32 32 77 Ganga Khcdl 153 lSI SO DeMiya Moti 188 186 78 Gardan Khedi 234 232 51 Deoriya Vijai 207 205 79 Gelana 220 218 Sol Dhabla Bhagwan 21)2 200 80 Ghasoi . 229 53 Dhabla Dewal 216 214 231 81 Ghatiya Khedi 39 54 Dha.bla Mahesh 179 177 40 8:). Ghenchali 194 192 55 Dhakll.d Khedi 221 219 83 Gokulpura ] I 8 56 Dha I pat 181 179 116 84 GO'Jdha 192 190 57 Dhamanya ]80 ] 78 S5 Gopa Khedi 198 196 58. Dha"nadi ] 7'1 169 86 Gopalpura 145 143 59 Dhanada Kheda 1>87 185 , 87 Gordhanpura 184 182 60 Dhandheda 137 135 88 Gud Bheli 136 134 61 Dhan K.hedt 205 203 89 Guj'ir Khedi 225 223 62 Dbanwada 218 216 C L radiya Bamni 240 238 63 Dhara Khedi 83 82 90 50 49 64 Dharnya Khedi 242 240 91 Guradiya Gond 92 Guradiya Pratap 212 210 65 nbaturiya 142 140 GUradiya "ij1y 189 187 66 Dhikanya 164 162 93 67 Dhodhar 201 199 H 68 Dhorra 4-1 40 69 Dipa K.heda 141 139 94 Halduni 109 107 10 Dokar K.hedi 226 7.24 95 Halu Khedi 11 11 Dudhiya 97 71 99 96 H

74 Fatehput (Chikli) 73 72 100 Ishak pur 132-_ 130 71


------~------SI. Name of "map L.e.No. SI. Name:or vilJaae , L.C.No. ,._.---J.--__ No, No. _---..A.--~ 197 J Ig8 J 1971 1981 ------2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------

16/8 Sit.mao Tabsil

J 129 Khanu Kheda H 25 130 Kbatru Khodi 163 IH 101 Jagdi 19S 193 131 Kheda 86 85 ]02 Jamunya 210 208 132 KhoJi 49 4~ ]03 Jawanpura 51 50 133 Khe_idiya ]62 ] 60 104 Javkheda 52 51 134 Khejadiya Bhoop 237 235 lOS JetpUra 143 141 135 Khejadiya Megha 211 209 106 Jhaiara 6 6 )3' Kher Kheda 87 86 107 Jhangariya III 110 137 Kheta Kheda 64 63 ]08 Jhontawali 204 202 138 Khotl 78 77 139 Kishangarh 48 47 K ]40 Kishoeepurll 206 204 141 Kochaeiya Kltedi 96 !H 142 Kodiya 77 76 ]09 Kachriya 67 66 143 Kol~i tlO Kachnara 1 I 12 38 37 144 Kotda Bahadur 30 30 III Kachl1Jlri 3 3 14S Kotda Mata 112 Kamma Khedi 76 75 56 55 1 13 Kanaheda 191 189 146 Kotdi 170 168 147 Kotdi Manda 114 K~Dtlya 182 180 13 13 148 KOjli 11S Karadiya 47 46 4 4 149 Kundia 116 Karandiya 157 155 lIS J 13 150 117 Karan Khedi 110 108 Kunta Khedi 21 21 118 Karanpura 70 69 119 KarnaIi 63 62 L 120 Karnali 144 142 121 Kayampur 28 28 151 Ladoona 122 Ke)u Khedi 9 9 91 90 123 Khai Kheda 117 liS 152 Lakhu Piplya 61 60 153 124 Khajuri ,Chandrawat j 5 Lakhwa 230 228 125 Khajuri Gaud 59 .58 154 Laori 104 102 126 Khajuri Manda '14 14 155 Larni 167 165 127 Khajuri Nal 116 114 1.56 Lasurdiya 120 118 128 Khanderiya Kachar 29 29 157 Lodha Khedi 222 220 72


-- - - ___,. _. -- -_ ----~------._---_ - SI. Name of villaae L.C.No. Sl. Name=or village L.C.No. No r----.A---__., No. ,..---..A-- _ __, 1911 l~IP 1971 1981 ------_-_. --.------2 " 2 3 4 - ~------.-.~---~-----. _ __.:_ ----.------_

16/8 Sitamau Tabsil

M 184 Piplya 128 126 ISS Piplya 238 236 186 156 154 Piplya Dhakad 72 71 158 Mahuwa 166 164 187 Piplya Kot 44 43 159 Mahuwi 147 188 Potaliya 129 127 Mamat Kheda 149 160 189 Pratappura 123 121 177 175 161 M:lnpura 233 231 162 Masudi 146 R )63 Mau Kheda 148 124 122 164 Meriya Khedi 79 78 190 Raghunathpura 190 188 165 Morkheda 46 45 191 Rahimgarh 169 167 166 Motipura 103 101 192 Raja Kiledi 27 27 167 Mundla 97 95 193 Rajnagar 134 132 168 Muwala 19~ Ralayafa 130 128 195 Rama Khedi 84 83 N 196 Ramgarh 42 41 197 Ramgarh 101 99 2 2 169 Nahargarh 198 Ramnag~r 219 217 lOS 103 170 Nakerdiya 199 Ranayra 34 34 25 25 171 Nataram 200 Rawta 100 98 26 26 172 Nataram Muha' 20t Rawti 95 93 197 195 173 Nalhu K.b.cdi 202 Ratanpura 133 131 71 70 174 Nipanya 203 Rawat Kheda 186 184 183 115 Nirdhari 185 204 Rchatadi 178 176 ]76 Nodhani 161 159 20S Ristha! 31 31 206 Roja Fategarh 10 10 P 207 Rojhani 199 197 208 Runija 224 222 177 Padli 165 163 209 Ruparel 183 181 178 -PalYa Khedi 151 149 210 Rupni 35 35 179 Pan pur 22 22 180 Parsi 160 158 S 181 Pallasi Chbotl 88 87 182 PatIasi Kalan 102 100 20 Sagor lOS 106 183 Paya Khedi 43 42 212 Sakhtali 93 91 73


------81. Name of YilJago L.C.No. SI. Nam(Of vilJqe L.C.No. No, No. 1971 lUI ------1 2 3 4 I 1 3 4

------~------~------_ 16/8 Sitamau Tahsil

61 232 2a3 Salariy.a 62 Suriya Kheda 80 79 14(J 132 33 214 San,ri Piplya 2 Surjani 154 152 215 Sarag Set'hra 114 112 234 Sur Kheda 89 88 216 Saraspura !21 119 235 Suwasra. 208 206 217 Sata Khedi 131 129 5avadi 200 198 218 T 219 Sedhra (Karnali) 69 68 220 Sedra Mala 13 , 133 85 84 221 Semaliya 236 Tamboliya 98 96 222 Serna! Kheda J50 148 237 Tarawali 175 173 223 Scmli 243 241 238 Tarnod 232 230 224 SemH Kanka~ 217 2105 239 Tatka 127 125 225 Shakkar Khedi 17 17 240 Titrod 152 150 226 Shakkar Khedi 55 54 241 Tonkda 213 211 227 Shardulgarh 139 137 228 Shergarh 113 111 V 229 Sultaniya 8 8 230 Sunthi 19 19 242 Vasaniya 209 207 231 Sunth K'!,eda 18 18 243 Vishanya 57 56



The Village Directory contains information P - Primary School about the name of village. total area of village, M - Junior Secondary or Middle School total population and the number of households in H - Matriculation or Secondary School the village, amenities like education. medical, PUC - Higher Secondary I Intermediate/Pre. drinking water. post and telegraph, market day, University/Junior College communications, approach to village. distance from the nearest town, power supply, staple food, land C - College (graduate level and above) use, places of religious, historical and archaeologi­ like Arts, Science, Commerce etc. cal interest etc. This is further supplemented by I - Industrial School information on copies of newspapers coming in the Tr. - Training School village, number of motor cycles!scooters!carsjjeeps AC - Adult Literacy class/centre and tracJors available in the village. o - Oth~r Educational Institutions. These Every village in a tahsil has been assigned a may include Sanskrit Pathshalas. serial number which is the location code of the Senior Basic School, Maktab, etc. village to faci} itate id entification. Apart from the Where figures like P(3), M(2), H(I) etc. occur revenue villages, forest villages have also been listed. Villages that have been treated wholly or these denote that the village baS three Primary, two partly as urban outgrowths because of their being Middle and one Highe; Secondary School. contiguous to an urban area have also been ,listed If there are composite schools like Middle and a note ind icating ,. included wholly or partly as scuool with Primary classes or Higber Secondary urban outgrowth of such and such town" haS also schools with Middle classes, these have been been given against each sucb village. included in the number of Primary Schools and Information about the amenities available has Middle schools as the case may be. been given in columns 5 to 10 of the Village Direc­ tory with the abbreviations used in different Columo 6 : Medical facilities have been shown by columns as indicated below:- the use of the following abbrevia'ions:-

Where there are more than one institution of a H - Hospital type the number of such institutions has also been MCW - Maternity and Child Welfare Centre shown within brackets. If no facility or amenity is MH - Maternity Home available within the village. a 'dash' is shown and CWC - Cbild Welfare Centre next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges HC - Health Centre viz., 5 km., 5·10 km. etc. of the nearest place where the facility/amenity is available has been PHC - Primary Health Cen tre indicated. PHS - Primary Health Sub.Centre D - Dispensary Column 5 : Ed ucational facilities ba ve been shown FPC - Family Planning Centre by adopting the. following abbrevia­ tions :- TB - TB Clinic 76

NH - Nursing Home KR Kaccha Road RP - Registered Private Practitioner FP Foot Path $MP - Subsidised Medical Practitioner Column 12 : Nearest town and distance - The CHW - Community Health Worker distance in km of the nearest town o - Others (whether located in the state or in another state) has been given in Column 7 ; The types of the potable drinking water brackets under this column. supply and the sources available in the village have been indicated by the Column 13 : Power supply: For this purpose, the following codes :- foJlowing codes have been used uuder T Tap Water this col umn. W Well Watel ED Electricity for Domestic Purpose .. TK Tank Water EAg Electricity for Agriculture TW Tubewell Water EO Electricity for other purposes like HP Hand Pump industrial, commerciaJ, etc. R River Water EA Electricity for all purposes listed F Fountain above. Canal C Column 15-19 Land use : Break-up of area under L Lake different type of land usc viz .• S Spring forest. irrigated area, unirrigated N Nullah area, culturable Waste and area not available for cultivation has beeJ.'l Others o furnished under columns 15-19. NA Information not available Column 8 : Post and Telegraph facilities have been (a) Forest - This includes all lands classed as shown by adopting tbe following abbre­ forests under any legal enactment viations: dealing with forests or administe­ red as forests, whether state owned PO Post Office or private, and whether wooded or TO Telegrapb Office maintained as potential forest PTO Post and Telegraph Office land. Phone Telephone connection (b) Irrigated and unirrigated (land use) ~ The Column 10 : Communication facilities have been two columns (coh. 16 and 17) cover indicated by the followillg codes :- all agricultural land and include BS Bus Stop net area sown with crops and RS Railway Station orchards or net cropped area and NW Navigable Waterway (including also cunent and other fallows. Tbe river, canal, backwaters, etc.) latter implied aU lands which were taken up for cultivation. but are Only public transport l.i ke Bus, rail temporarily out of cultivation for and waterway have been considered a period of not less than a year for this purpose. and more than five years. These Column 11 Approach to village - Thia refers to columns do not include grols Ilrea the state of road etc. leading to the sown or gross cropped area. village. This bas been indicated by the use of following (c) Culturable waste - It includes land fit for codes :- cultivation whether or not taken up PR - Pucca Road for cultivation or once taken up for 77

cultivation but not cultivated for For example. if there is any faJr.ous more than 5 years. Grazing land religious, historical or archaeologi­ and land 'under .groves have been cal place in the village it has been included under cuIturable waste indicated in this, column. Some­ but this does not include 'orchards'. useful information like number of To be more precise culturable c'opies of news-papers coming in waste inoludes : tbe village, number of motor cycles, scooters, jeeps, cars, tractors. etc .. a Permanent pastures and other are available in the village has grazing lands, been given. The abbreviations used b Land under miscellaneous trees, to indicate tho above information crops and groves. relating to the village are a. below:- c and cultivable lanels not put to agriculture. N - Copies of the news papers coming in the village. (d) Area not available for cultivation - This column gives the area of barren M - Motor cycles/scooters available in and uncultivable lands and lands the village. pu t to non-agricultural uses like C - Cars/Jeeps available in the village. village sites. roads, water, rocks T - Tractors available in the village. and hills etc. In case there is 'Nil' information for a village 8 Column 20 : This is a remark column but it has been 'dash' has been shown. used tg iodic'ate some important information relating to the village, 78

'IT" f~imltil Gn'Q qe1111 iIP'-tf... ,q Q. '!'" :acrq)tJ

~ VT1l 'Il lfI1l vtl!' 'Il tV tf1In:.n .q~a .II-~Prflllt tm V11f it ~&lll{ 'ilIWca I{~ _ III ~" it (-) .. it1ftIf' '"" t ... P Q'IiW 1t1I'~1 Ii\~ !iJ~ If~ ~ 1Ii~ 'VT1l if r,.", ra ~ '1N81lt "".,., t "'l! m n q fit ~ CfR~ if) ~&qy U II'IIiA"~' 1ft. ·Sr...... , 5·10 fiI • .rr. If' 10+ ""At) Amenities available (if Dot nailable witbin tbe villa,e, a dasb (-) is shown in tbe column and next 10 it In bra..teIB. Ibe eIi.lane,: in broad ranges viz -Skms. 5-10 tm,. II nd IO+km, of tbe neare" oJace wbere tbe facility II available i, livell) _------...... ------w.rtN fllrr.m ofiit .. qy;iI "Ifi~ .At~!lir;r !fit Rifl .",. ~ Total (Ill '~lIR..:tt~ (~q. tft~- Loca- TOlal area population 1i1l1l, Q -1I11i) Oa, or 1100 Name oftbc .dn Communica- number of Drinking days of tions (8us Stop, COde ot YiJlag. (in water 1"011 and Ibe market/ Jailway station. Dumber yillage beetares) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telcgrapo bat, if any water way).

I 2 4 S 6 7 8 , 10

1,349.00 665(127) P(l) (5 .1~) W -(5-10) 1 "'~ "'(10+) -(5"'10)

2 ~':Tm"T'4' 162.00 210(40) -( -5) -(5-10) W -( -5) -(10+) -( ... 5)

3 f"l1if~\' 88.00 <;f'h:tif

4 ~"t 462 00 1.006(211) P( 1 ),M( I; -(-5) w PO -(10+) BS

s <'rT~1:T 91.00 143( 25) -( ..... 5) -(-5) W -( .... 5) -( 10+) -(5)

6 iIfro~1:t (ffrmOl'T) 145.00 ~ft1.:T;:r

7 ."I!'l'1'iT !fit m 356.00 171(41 ) -(-5 ) -( t 0+) w - (5-10) -(10+) -(-5) 8 Ifi"" 827.00 342(63) pel) -(5-10) w -(5-10) , -(10+) -(-5) 9 ~ 1,300.00 637 (120) P(I) -(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5)

10 'lfl!i~~~ 448.00 266(41) . P( 1) -(5-10) W ... (5-10) -(10+ ) -(5-10)

i 1 ~0f1t;;r 466.00 )01(67) P(I) -(5-10) w -(5 .... 10) -( 10+) -(5 .... 10)

12 ~u~~'fQIJ"1:)~ 188.00 itTI"!

13 ,,'mItT 2,781.00 .826 (172) P( I) -(-5) W -( .... 5) -(10+) -(-5)

14 {f~1.:' 141.00 ~T1.:T"! [ ..

15 futmr1 903.00 5,274(994) P(2),M(2). H( I) W PO& -( 10+> BS AC( 1) ,PUC( I) Phone 16 u'lmft 292.00 352(75) P{l) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+) BS

17 ~,sq~u ftl'T1~ 174.00 156(33) -( .... 5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -( - 5)

18 .~T. (ffl"lTn-n) 532.00 451(92) pel) -(-5) w -(- 5) -(10+) .. (- s)

19 'lif' q'nn~tf 144.00 68(11) -( - 5) -(-5) w -( ..5) -( 10+) -(-5)

mlfTW 20 il3.00 681(139) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(... ,) 79

VILLAGE DIRECTORY Amenities and Land ose Jawad TahsiJ

VI1I If" firun If'I"( ~ ~ .. '[flr ~ .("Ift 'lfq

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 1-

FP Jawad(89) Wheat, 619.00 90.0(!W 177.00 138.00 225.00 Temple Amya Maize FP Jawad( 86) Wheat. 35.00W 60.00 28.00 39.00 Dewipura Abad Maize Uninbabited ChimanpUra I

. PR Jawad(84) EA, Wheat. 116.00W 144.00 76.00 126.00 N(7) , Dhardi· Maize T( 1) PR Jawad(83) EAg Whelt, 35. DOW 27.00 10.00 19.00' Ladpura Maize UninhHbited Jivapura (Singoli) FP Jawad(83) Wheat, 42.00 ,14.00W 48.00 127.00 125.00 Kheda Moka Maize Ka lod FP Ja>\-ad(82) . Wheat, 100 00 31.00W 85.00 181. 00 430.00 .' Kawai Maize FP Jawad(79) EAg Wheat. 111.00 56.00\\> 233.00 304.00 596.00 Badi Maize FP Jawad(78) EAg Wheat. 34,00 36.00W 163.00 137.00 78.00 Chak Sodijhar Maize FP Jay,. ad (77) Wheat, 175.00 30.00W 69.00 100.00 92.00 Lalganj Maize Uninhabited Maharajpura Singroli KR Jawad( 74) EAg Wheat, 842.00 89.00W 415.00 669.00 766.00 Funsariya M.aize Uninhabited Sabalpura

PR Jawad( 11) EA Wheat, 171.00W 274.00 111.00 347.00 M(25),C(3). Singoli Maize TO ),N( 12) PR Jawad(74) ED, Wheat, 49.00W 87.00 52.00 104.00 Dhogawan EAg Maize FP Jawad(70) EAg Wheat. 48.00W 82.00 23.00 21.00 Rughnathpura Maize Singoli FP Jay,.ad(74) EAg Wheat, 73.00W 153.00 99.00 207.00 Jarad (Si ngoli) Maize FP Jawad(76) EAS •. Wheat, IS.00W 33.00 76.00 20.00 Kheda Majhawat Maize FP Jawad (75) BAI,ED, Wheat. 319.00 81. OOW 198.01) 1.51.00 134.00 Temple Patiyal 1'0 Maize 80

enq q~f1" ",;HjfIf'llIQ Q" "!~ ~

ElI(t~ V11l I51I1R V'" IIiI P IllAU.I .""IV .,,-~r.-artt (.... '"" I p811( vqw.. ;rl{t' !It '5IW1I it (-) h wmlll 'flit t I'" ft_ t1!i ~1 ~ :aft 1M ~ 1Ii~ it VI1I " fQ1ft ~ If' ,!R81~ "Wla l I'll! !fA en q [{~ •~ (~II"{ it) t\'8qJ .« ...... "liit trC, ·Sr..Ift., 5-10 til. lb. '" 10+ R;.Ifi.) Amenitiel available (if nOI .vailable witbin tbe vUlaae. a dUb (-) is shown In tbe column and neltt to il In bracket•• tbe diltance in broad ranges viz -Skms. 5-10 kms . _------.A..--_;....------• nd 10+"m. of tbe nearell place wbere tbe facility it available'l liven ,afq ~ ~~~ .rlli sm 1I~''(!lIra IJf ffcifl ••" ~ Total m • f':;:r lffi: IIi\i ~ (~, 't.. ~- Loca· .Total area population .Wit ,Q.l(lli) dOD otthe 1Idn Day or Communka- NIUDI days of number of Drinkina dons (8U8 Stop. eode of village (in water POll and tbe Illarkel I .lailway statiC)ll. Dumber .tIJago beetaros) bouseholds Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph bal. if any water way).

, 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

21 qt,T 160.00 , 273(4g) -( ... 5) "'\-5) w -(-~) -(10+> -(-5)

22 VOf'fT

23 ~T - (fu>f)"y) 37 2.00 3S0(63) P( I) -(-S) W -(-S) -(10+) BS

24 ~fillilff 323.00 20S(41) -(-S) -(-5) w, -(-5) -(10+> BS

25 i('~I

26 ~~lJt 257:00 147~31) -(-5) -(10+) w -(-5) -(10+) BS

27 ~')~ 162.00 iftU"T

28 ~~u 99.00 20(5) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) .

29 m'!'T 122.00 28(6) -(-5) -(5-tO) HP -(S-10) -(10+) -(-5)

30 ~ '760.00 1,189(221) P(t),M(J) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) BS

31 ij'~t 174.00 379(61) P(l) -(-5) W - (-5) -(10+) - (-5)

79.00 124(22) - (- S) -( - 5) W 32 ;jt(l'l~r • -(-5) -(10+) -(-5 33 ~nn.,(T 1f1"f'liY- 151.00 395(82) P(l} -(-S) W -(-S) -(10+) -(-5)

34 ~fo'I'T at:TTt 240.00 415(89) P(l) -(-5) W - (-5) -( 10+) -(-5)

35 II1i\lu.l 347.00 186(47) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+> -(-5)

36 it1r1l,1:r 11" 370.00 128(211) -(-5) -(-5) w -C-5} -(10+) "(-5)

37 .)WU 98.00 ~t"

38 itlfi1;T 135.00 174(33) . -(-5) -(S~10) W -(5-10) -( 10+) -(5"'10)

39 Ij~~~ Itil 94.00' 93(17) .,T - (- 5) -(5-10) W -(S-10) .-( 10+) -(5-10 )

40 ~"f1"11;T 131.00 30(6) -(-5) -(-s) W -(-S) ... ( 10+> -(-5) 81

AD1enitie~ and Land use Jawad Tahsil

IItII If~ r;:riill'ZSlf ~ fiI'Q) ~ '{f1I ~ (1111'''' "!:f",, "1I'!l)lr llit fa"fw;R ~l it; fi fecqui't mfWfi elf" $1 if'" CJi~ ~~~lIir~ 11ft .m;ft ~~ ii f.t~!""i{~;;rq it; . 1ft. .it) ~ Land use (i.e. area' under different types of Land 8J1Ilirt 2; Uffi

FP Jawad( 80) Maize. 10.00W 9.00 27.00 53. GO Gvvindpur.l Wheat· FP Jawad(80) Maize, 18.00W 27.00 74.00 3.00 KhoJpllra Wheat PR Jawad(80) . BA Maize, 140.00W 128.00 270.00 222.00 Thadod Wheat FP Jawad(72) • EA Maize, 44.00W 76.00 22.00 32.,00 T( I) Saloda Whea.t FP Jawad(72) BAg Mai:re. 21.00W 42.00 8.00 8.00 T(I) Jetp'lra Wheat .. Fp Jawad(72) EAg, Maize, 56.00W 65.00 12.00 18.00 M:lhClpUra \1.o1k BD Wheat FP Jawad(72 ) EA Maiez, 73.00W 62.00 67.00 38.00 M:( 1) Sehna Talai Wheat FP Jawad(72 ) EAg Maize, 46.00\\7 94.00 64.00 143.00 MJtiyarda. Wheat FP Jawad(72) EAg Maize. 30.00W 57.00 61.00 222.00 Megbpura Gaud Wheat Uninhabited Khokhara

PR Jawad(70) Mai7e, IO.OOW 26.00 59.00 40.00 Tokra Wheat FP Jawad(70) Maize, 9.00W 8.00 13.00 64.00 Kanwarji Ka Wheat Kheda KR Jawld( 71) BAg Maize, il.0ew 21.00 28.00 71.00 Anoppura Wheat 82

",q ~61" ;fiHjfffl1Tq Q. ~f" aqu)'l

~qJ;rPf V11J IlIlIff1l VT., IlIl P 1fl'T~' VqlPS .if-6fir~ (Ilf_ V11J i ~S'rlt 811'•• ;rlil t '" ~J"'" i (-) i. "-"rln fU" t m f1!i ~~1 "'1: :a~ irA ~ 1Ii~ if VN-8 f.1J1it f(t CR '!til"S'Jtt- nW18 ~ Ill! m en q 11:1 ~ (~~"p ""'" it) ~~qr '(I nnI .. 1Ii'1ft , ·sr..1ft 0, .5-10 f'-.Ift. IIrl 10+ ".11\.) Amenities available (if nOI svailable within the village, a dub (-) is shown III tbe column and next 10 ilm brackels, Ibe dillance in broad ranges viz ·Skms. S-10 kms. and 10+kml of -tbe nearel' place wbere the Jacility is available i. IJI\lCRI ------_..... _--_:_------w",fGr1B r.rCP8'1 ~it IIif cmft "TIIi~ ilr:ort~!l!f.1lIl f?:if/ V~ ~ Total m't it; ~ l{~ 1Ii)f ~ (tmm, \ .. it- Loca- TOlal area population ~lfil ,~_'"~) lion Name of the udn Day or Communica- number of Drinkina days of tions (Bul StoP. code of vII lase

~ 2 4 6 7 8 9 10

41 ~ 106.00 ~A'

42 '3()flT~~ 289.00 \t08(19) -(~5) -(5-10) W -(S-IO, --(10+) -(-S)

43 1Ii@T<'Il _ 42S.00 500(92) pel) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(10+) BS

44 V~T JfT~(;ft'ifT 190.00 241!46) -(-5) • --(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 10+) -( -~)

45 lfi~R:l:fT 373.00 228(37) P( I) -(5-10) w -( 5-10) -(10+) - (- 5) 46 '3('lmf;rlJT.. 405.00 121(28) -( ·5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 10+) -(S-10) 47 ~~<'Il 660.00 1,846(377) P(I),M(1) D( 1) W PO -(10+) BS

48 I'IHr~~r 297.00 289(63) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -tlO+) -(-5)

49 qiC.,!,i'1"T 187.00 253'{S3) -(-5) -(- 5) W -(- 5) -(10+) -(-5)

SO iR<'I11:f 48.00 77(12) -(-5) -(-S) W - (-5) -(10+) -(- 5)

51 ~"'~T 84.00 179(35) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

52 ~fUfT 48.00 158(32) -(-5) -(-5) w -\-5) -( 10+) -( ... 5)

S3 't"I1'HTVfJ 1 71 .00 CfTU'f . 5.4 ii

5'5 qo:rTf~lfT 273.00 488(95) P( 1) ... (--5) W -(-5) -(10+) - (- 5)

56 ql'q ... .r 191.00 413(74) P( I) -(-5) w -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5)

57 ~T 102.00 231(47) -(-5) -(-5) \V -(-S) - (10+) -(-5)

S8 It'!fT=f 'if" ~f;; 125.00 183(28) -(-5) -(-S) W - (-5) -(10+) -(-5)

S9 af.f~ 197.00 265(49) pel) -(-5) w -(-S) -(10+) -(-5)

60 1Ii~' 247.00 1,218(235) P(1 ),M(t) HC( I) W PO -( 10+) -(-5) P{JC( 1) 83

Amenities and Land use Jawad Tahsil

--.----~------'~1Ii f;tifca" ;:rm: f~) '!.~ m'!' ~Ttf (;v.'ffa "ff" wlui,,, 111"1 fC!f"f"{ fq;~ifl if; Ill~ fltqUTr atflriifi lI'TlI' ift ;:rnl q{~ ~ al;[

Uninhabited Khanpura

KR Jawad (65) ED, Maize, 16 OOW 66.00 80·00 127.00 Joohakundal BAg Wheat PR Jawad (69) EA Maize, 52·00W 93·00 50.00 230.00 T( 1) K..!.chhala Wheat FP Jawad (72) EAg M:Jize, 32.QG'W 58.00 36.00 64.00 Kheda Madlicha Wheat FP Ja\\ad (70) EAg Maize, 55 00 33·00W 63.0Q 80.00 14::!.OQ K:twariya Wheat FP lawad (70) EAg Maize, 30·00W 6S.00 172.00 13?·OO Jamraniya Wheat KR Jawad (67) EA Maize, 168.00W 239.00 76.0Q 177.00 N(S) , Jhantala Wheat M(S) ,T( 1) FP Jawad (68) BAg Maize 40.00W 53.00 68.00 136.00 Jaswantpura Whe,.t KR Jawad (64) BAg Maize, 28.00W 56.00 52.00 S 1·00 Pandu Kundi Wheat FP Jawad (68) FAg Maize, 12·00W 27.00 2.00 7.00 Kevalpura Wheat FP Jawad (68) BAg Maize. 27.00W 44.00 3.00 10.1)0 Gulsari Wheat FP Jawad (68) Maize, IO.OOW 8.00 3.00 27.00 Naya Parana Wheat Uninhabited luna 'Parana

FP Jawad (68) BAg Maize 46.00W 76.00 84.00 409.00 Jhanwar Ka Wheat Rajpura FP Jawad (68) EAg Maize, 84.00W 130.00 20:00 39.00 PalasiYa Wheat FP Jawad (68) BAg Maize, SS.OOW 67.00 20.CO 49.00 Pi pal Rawaon Wheat FP Jawad (68) BAg Maize, 30.00W 50·00 3.00 19.QO Retpura Wheat FP Jawad (68) EAg Maize, 43.00W 66·00 4.00 12.00 MegnJ)ura Wheat Chauhan FP Jawad (90) BAg Maize, 44,OOW 77.00 30.00 -'6.00 M(l) Aned Wheat FP Jewad (90) EA Maize, 10G.OOW g8.00 12.00 -41.00 N(l).T(3), Kadwaaa Wheat C( 1 ),M(1 ) 84

iiIi<'fa' ~" liIif1flmTli I{'i '_f'f "'""

~r;frll II" II' ..., Iff" ,rlf I5r f<'f OI';:rd'lt' ;r1l'~IS 1flf-'1fifsr'f (If" "r" it 'lfimq ;mmJ qr • m IliJn it c-) Iv IflIt1Jr mff Ifi)~ JjtII' i«IJi" ~ qfro~1 II')~ ,,,,iiI'm il:r 1fi'1~ Ii !1I'I' iI' f;;rfJ;r) ~" !J~,"" aqw.. ~ lI)a m ~ q (t) ;p:<["{ (~lI1: it) 'li1mr ,9 IFllirt ,",!Iii 1ft t -5 fir;.Ifi., 5-10 ~.Ift. '" IO+,..th, Amenitiea ll17aiJable(i( not available wirhio rhe "iIlale, a dalh (-) i•• hown In the column and next to it in brackctl. th 0 distance in broad rangC' "ia -Skm •• S-JOlma and lo+kmt C)( the nearelt place "here Ibe faciiity is available I. ,iveD). r------,,------·------uerfVrlfi r.flrnrr ftil' IIiJ f'IIi am ;mrr,j~ IIil r.;r I «'iT" 1If,,"' on;f' m 5 rlf;r Iffa I!i)f II (iiffi Rfq'~_ tOla- folal ~w;r. \lfor-1Il1f > Day or tion rotalaro. "opolatloD Communica, code of tb. and Drinkig days of tloos(Bus-stoP. Name of ,Illllgc (In Dumber 01 water Post and the marketl railway statioll. Dum· bar, if any ber Villa Ie beetare. ) households Bduoational Medical (Potable) Telegraph water way)

--~~-~-- 8 9 f 1 3 4 5 II 7 111 --~-. ~------~-- 18(5) W ~ (-5) -( [0+) 6L

62 <:«!,!'{T 148.00 178(36) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

63 l'IT'fil'l'[" 71.00 120(J9) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -00+) -(-5)

-( .. 5) .. ( 10+) 64 l'IT~'i'! '[''f 224.00 350(68) PCI) -(-5) w -(-5)

65 f - {-5}

66 ifi~,GTT '!it '(jfr 179.00 379(69) pel) ~ (-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

67 'liil'q<:r 70.00 84(17) -(-5) -(-5) w "(-5) ... (10+) -( ... 5)

-(- 5) -( -5) -(-5) 68 ,!1'ilT 462.00 248(51) -(-5) w -(10+)

-(-5) -(-S) 69 Oft;H<:,!,r "fi~';f 49.00 71(12) ... ( ... 5) -(-5) w -110+)

70 "'~rf.or'll (futTtoIT) 49.00 36(8) -(-5) -( -5) W -(-S) -(10+) -(-S)

.. (--oS) 11 llGTT'f,!<:r 131.00 123(27) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+)

~(-5) W .. (-5) -( ..5) 72 ,;;{p.f6r 456.00 38(8) . -(-5) -(10+)

-(-5) W -(5-10) -( 10+) -(-5) 73 '(j"(T~GST 91.00 9(3) -(-5)

W -(10+) -(10+) -(-5) 74 'lim.n

-(10+) ~(-S) 75 (Uf\lll 290.00 237(45) -(-5) -(-5) w -(10+>

Ei"fWf 76 1!it\,!~"(T 115.00

-(5-10) w -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5) 71 ~'Iil1!f 218.00 26(3) -(-5)

.. (5-10) -( 10+) -(~5) 78 ~i'lfljtff 305.00 10(2) -(-5) -(S-10) w -(5-10) 79 1111l,1 'f.ot:f 494.00 472(91) P(l) -(5-10) W -(10+) - (10+> -( 5-1 0) 80 - .fiT'l ( fl'Ha"fT ) 590.00 314(67) -(-5) -(S... JO) w ... (10+> -(10+) 85

Amen ities and Land use Jawad Tahsil

~--~' ~ IHlJ q'iT trmff~ f;:r~i!fflf ~tn: f~) ,!:1§If "{flf ~)tr (61'ffa '!'flf .,,,lilll ~ f"f'l'if fif;~1 if; ~er ret1Turl !l'lflJifi 'fur 'I'{;f,\' • ~ "{!ifi')~~) !fi' IIfIvnr ~l{<: it f.rlI>~alf

72.00 34.00 108.00 Ubafan FP Ju.wad( 56) Maize, 4,00W Wheat 4.00 155.00 IH.OO Kulmiyan PP Jawad(57) Maize, 2.00W Wheat 111.00 1.87.00 148.00 T( 1) Dabra Kalan FP Jawad (64 ) Maize, ·48.00W Wheat 52.00 102.00 410.00 Dl'.bra (Sinlroli) FP Jawad( 64) Maize, 26.00W Wheat 86

~~~" Gf'f1firaT'i (('f "fq ~,,")q

~I*,lt !lUI If' IIIq 1111 1111 ';if ;;f1fti'lU iQ,n8 "-1~!illtt('I.I'''' vm it 'lR8~ ,"",8 qy, tit IIiIn II (-) 1111 W1TT'I.I'I ~'I.I" tfi). ~ier'filll ~ 'tfun~l ~ 'i'''~ 1fT" flT !lilso'll ii 11111 q forl'l

l.o~a- fotal ~FI'. q-'fTJf) lion local are. populatloD Day or Communica code of tb. and Drinkig days of tIODS(Bus-stop OWll" Name of ,liIage (In Dumber 01 water Post and tbe marketl railway station: ber Villag, beotare. ) bouleholds Eduoatlonal Medical (Potable) Telegraph bat, If any water way) , 1 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

~ 81 ;f\ffl 477.00 157(27) -(-5) -(5-10) W,TW -00+) -(10+> -(-5) \ 82 f"li~,!~T 290.00 133(47) -(-5) _(_5) W -(-5) - (10+) BS

83 ~;fTQ<,!'T 100.00 74(20) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+> BS

.... (5-10) 84 ~lif'<:.~-n 276.00 14(2) -( .... 5) -(5-10) W -(10+> -(-5)

104(23) -(-5) -(5-10) W .... (5-10) -(10+) -(-5) 85 "'~ 779.00

86 'fTc.; 294.00 199(40 ) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(10+) BS

87 aFir 675·00 451(88) PO) -(5-10) w -(5-10) ':'(10+)" BS

88 f'f'fOfTIi~T (f~'1')OfI) 291. 00 345(64) ... ( -5) -(5-10) W ... (5-10) -( 10+> BS

89 sf;>;$

90 'f1;<;flf 1,464.00 600(112) P(l) '-(-5) W -(10+> -(10+ > ... (10+>

91 ~rffT !til ~~T 201.00 38(5) -(-5) -( -5) W -(10+> -( \0+) -(10+>

92 aT",6~ ~~ 170.00 47(8) -(-5) ... (-5) W -(10+> -(10+) - ( 10+)

93 ~~rvr'!,t 100.00 iiT1~T;r

94 oTll'ifT ('f~<;fTf) 714.00 395(87) P( 1) D(1) w -(10+) -10+) -(10+)

95 qq~. r (3m:I(T) 409.00 iiTT"

96 ~if~<$\T ~

97 ~ff<'t'fi') ti~t 108.00 cih:Tif

98 ~"TQ:<'I

99 ~if$

100 ~t'!J1 346.00 131(32) -(5- ) -(5-10) w -00+) -( 10+> .. (10+) 87

Amenities and Land use Jawad Tahsil

lI''lTff1fi f'l'lfii!'ffli if'R: fwmr) ~ ,r'l' ~ltr (811!l~6 'fff'l' "qUIll ~ fcrf'l"f f.ti~1 it 1lTi;r R:tqvil gy f1:rlfi II'HI" ""I ifnr 'fs"..r.t ~ ~~,,"T~')

11 12 13 14 1!l 16 17 18 19 20 2

FP Jawad(56) Maize, 10 OOW 45.00 167.00 255.00 Neral Wheat KR Jawarl( 68) EAg Maize, 41 oew 83 00 79.00 87.00 Kishanpura Wheat PR Jawad(64 ) Maize, 6,OOW 9.00 24.00 61,00 Manoharpura Wheat FP Jawad(65) Maiz~, 4. COW 81.00 49.00 142.00 Anandpura Wheat FP Jawad(68) Maize, 402.01) 21.00W 38.00 114.00 204.00 Chaldu Wheat PR Jawad(69) Maize, 11.00 20.00W 42,00 60.00 161.00 Pat au Wheat PR Jawad(70 ) EA Maize, 438.00 36,00W 74.00 29.0~ 98.00 TO) Tal Wheat PR Jawad(71 ) EAg M.tize, 41.00 33.00W 41.'.)0 83.00 94.00 Pipali Kheda Wheat Singoli FP Jawad(75) Maize. 314.00 6.00W 20.00 42.00 74.00 Prempura Wheat FP Jawad(62 ) Maize, 1,002.00 59.00W 115.00 182.00 106.00 Parlai What FP Jawad\63) Maize, 119.0J 1.00W 8.00 70.00 3.00 Mata Ka Kheda Wheat FP Jawad(63) Maize, 110.00 3.00W 6 00 34.00 17.00 DauItpura Khurd Wheat Uninhabited Rugnathpura

FP Jawad( 65) Maize, 441.00 32.00W 26.0Q 92.00 123.00 Amba \ ParIai) Wheat Uninhabited Ruppura (Amba)

Uninhabited ]l.1anoharpUra Khurd Uninhabited Solanki Kheda

FP Jawad(69) Maize, 201.00 1l.00W 15.00 22.00 18.00 Manoharpura Wheat Kalan Daulatpura Kahn

9.00 41.00 72.00 Dehpuriya FP Jav.ad(72) Maize, 216.00 8.00W Wheat 88

cmer{ cr,&l~ Gf;r""ff.ari ~ ,!ffl Gqll'PJ

",,;{ht Q'JIf Ifi' IWI IRIf llil f~ \ifOf«lIi1l'1 ."'tifiS iI1I'-,f~!lr~(Ifr. ,,'If if '1f~sl~ u'lWQr Ifiif t riI ~ it C-) 'If fmm lfIff !fiR 'iW elill'lPI ~ 'Tfw1:' 81'\1; ,uri5 "a: i!f Ililt1iSifi ii !JIll' q fu.j) ,!-Q '"' !jf1(mq iii''flil'. ~ Ifli m 1f1; 1Il16 ~ (~!f1; it) ..,) ~1IilJ' (~II;p'~ ~ 'Ifl 1ft ~ -5 fiii.Ift" 5-10 Ri.,". "' 10+fii.,", Amenities Ilvailable(if not available Within the village, a dash (-) i ••11o"n in the e'))umo and next to it in brackell. IhC distance iO broad range. viz -5klIlI.S.I0Itms and 10+kmc

I 1 3 S 6 7 ~ 9 10 ---~-- -~-- -~ ------~-~------~------~ " ;01(111) P( 1) -(S-10) w· -( 10+) 10 1 ;pt;:ft~ 1,481.00 -(10-1-J -(10+>

102 !(i);;liT 1,191.00 722-( 135) P( l) -(5-10) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

103 Ifft~ 1,:,03.00 546(102) P{l) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

104 i!f1{qT ~t 675.00 233(47) -(-5) -( - 5) W -(5-10) -( 10+) BS

105 Of.:fqj ;p

106 ti~ 'l"'lTT~ 350.00 388(76) P( 1) -(-5) W -(5-10) -(10+) BS

107 ~af -(-5)

108 ~r.rr 280.00 103(16) -(5-10) -(5~1 0) W -(5-10) -( 10+) -(5-10 )

109 qmt,!<:T 307.00 q'hFf , P( I) 110 ifT~ 1,114.00 499(100) -(5-10) W:HP -(5-10) -( 10+) -(5-10)

111 (1J1:~"{ 1,088.00 310(58) -(5-10) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

HZ ~~~t 444.00 347(71) P(I) -(10+) W -( 5-1 0) -(10+) -( ... 5)

113 <:riir~ 127.00 273(48) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

114 lI'lIRT 158.00 277(42) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

115 '3'11'<: 1,267_00 960( 177) P( 1). M (1 ) -(5-10) W PO -(10+) BS

116 ~~T 869. 00 290(58) _(_5) -(5-10) W -(-5) ..... (10.+) -(-5)

117 ~1:(jfT IliT lifT 167.00

118 .jtZYf6f 503.00 36(9) --(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5)

11() ~~l(T 169.00 ~·h:t.r

120 ~~l(1 91G.OO 819(162) P( 1) -(S ·10) w -(5-10) -(10+) BS 89

Amenities and Land use Jawad Tabsil

VIOet.- f;;q;Getlf ;:rm: r~, 'i~ 1tfli ;a-Ifli'hT (aJ'li(f 1tfl1 raqlitll ~ f"f'lr.'f fif;~11) ~ lifer rearm mrn!fo 11'1+1 !foT ml1 qif~ ~ ;a-~

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

FP Jawad (72) Ma;ze. 887.00 49.00W 73.00 2:5.0Q 247.00 Kanod Whe.:t FP Jawad (75) Maiz.:. 674.00 35.00W 166.00 177.00 139.00 Kojya Wheat FP Ja'l\ad (78) Maize. 1,176.00 52.00W 61.00 187.00 27.00 Parichha Wheat PR Jawad (56) EAg Maize. 15.00W 143.00 23t.00 286.00 Athwan KIlUrd Whedt PR Jawad (56) EAg Maize. 74.00W i77.0G 187.00 468.00 Athwan Kalan Wht'at PR Jawad (56 ) EAg Maize, 47.00W 89.00 42.00 172.00 Kheda Bhan20ta Wheat FP Jawad (56). IVfaize, 35.00W 60.00 50.00 31S.00 Jetliya Wheat FP Jawad (54) Maize. 6.00W 25 00 45.00 204.00 Dabi Wheat Uninhabited Motipllra

FP Jawad (59) Maize, 40.00W 64.00 177.00 833.00 Banada Wheat PP Jawad (64) Maize, 16.00W 137.00 591. 00 344.00 Dungarpur Wheat KR Jawad (53) ED, Maize', 37.00W 77.00 127.00 203.00 Ummedpura • EAg Wheat FP Jawad (50, EA. Maize, 30·00W 6.00 22.00 69.00 Rana Khedi EAg Wheat FP Jawad (49) EAa· Maize, 35.00W 41.00 37.00 45.00 Mawada Wheat PR Jawad (49) ED, Maize, 109.00W 112. ('0 113.00 933 .00 Uma: EAg Wheat PR Jawad (51) EAg Maize, 336.00W. 37.00W 52.00 147.00 297.00 Hathipura Wheat Uninhabited Indarji Ka Khoda

FP Jawad (54) Maize, 3.00W 128.00 43.00 329.00 .. Borakundi Wheat Uninhabited Tejpuriya

PR Jawad (51) BD, Maize, 1.00 l20.00W 298.00 103.00 394.00 Bon!iya EAa Wheat 90

",Cf~ ~\"I ~;; .,fCfa,~ ~ tifq.... ~qa)fr

N1;') If lI'ur lilir "fir II'llf lilil ~1lr :;r;r«0i1l1 lIqiij'i'1 j[OI-,!fCfmt:i (Iff, vll'f it 'i f

121 mi{~<:T 379.00 606(125) P( I ) -(5-1Q.l W -(~5) -(10+) -(-5)

122 1!iTlilif<:liT a ilT ~ 447. '-00 1,554(273) p(l),M(I) -(5-10) W PO -( 10+) -(5-10)

123 ;n:~~T '!_iiI""\ 233.00 115(21) -( -5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

124 \5fT{o;r:


126 llili\T 477 .00 423(96) P(1) -( 10+) w -( 10+) -(10+) -(-5)

lig 127 ~ilfT 1,180.00 347(72) PCI) ~(10+) W - (10+) -(10+) ~

128 ~)\l~ 399.00 319(63) P(1 ) -(5-10) \V -(5-10) -(10+ ) .8S

129 :q"~fslft ;;rt~ 630.0G 637(109) P( I) -1. 5- 10 ) W -(5~1(l) -(10+) -(10+) "- ..... (5-10) 130 qt~r 194.00 51 (8) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(10+) -(-5)

131 ;:rUiij'!" 334.00 206(45) -(-5) -(-S) W -(-5) (10+) -(-S)

; [32 '

133 mm iff li$'T 329.00 167(44) -(-5) -(S-10) W -(5- 10) -( 10+) -(S-10)

134 lliif

13S lIl''l! IiliT li~ 97.00 14(3) -(-5) -(-S) W -(-5) -(10+ ) -(-S)


137 '

138 ~~<:T 106.00 291 (57) -(-5) _(5-10) W _(,_IQ) -(10+) -(5-10)

139 ","T\'I~r 10S:00 150(28) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-s) -(10+) -(-5)

140 '!iT1fR:~:n .~T 337.QO 78 ( 13) - (:- 5) -( 10+) w -(10+) -(10+>. -(10+) 9 I

Amen ities anti Land use JawAd Tahsil

---_- ~-- - --~------_- ~------~_------~ --~ ~ IlllTa~ f;rlfi~';"'r <1m: f&l~') 'i~ iffll

FP Jawad( 48) EAg t\.~aiLe , 7G.O(W 65.00 7. 6. C)!) 212.00 M~npu'a Wheat :2 ~ 3.00 M(4) Kr.nkariy.t Talai KR Jawad( 50) ED, M:1ize, 53.C0W 6H.(;O 2R.OO BAg Wheat 1(; 1.00 BarkheJa GlIj:J.f FP jawad(S2) EAg Ma:ze, If(.e~w 31. 00 23.00 Wheat Hi).DO Jagepur 130rdiya FP Jawad(51 ) EAg Maize, 176.00 95. COW 205.00 35.1J0 Wheat UninhJbit~d Nahar Khalla

222.00 M:J.kera KR iawad(56) Maize, 132.00 38.COW 50.00 35.00 Wheat M( 1) Sanua PR Jawad(54) ED, Maize, 934.00 27.00W 32.00 53.00 134.00 EAg Wheal 30.0{) 60.00 25.00 Dorai I PR 3awcd( 53) ED, Maize, 237.00 Jawad(81) Maize, 221.00 11. OOW 41.00 18.00 Wheat 92

iilTClG: ff~~" lifrr..prayq ~ arf" ~'"""

'!;flitTQ Ill" ~ '1'1'1 VIII llil ~<;r ~r;Hi'lI'l ;rqiiTilJ ....~r.erl~(If~ 11111 ii ,!r"l!lT~ ","II If(f t m IIilft if (-) flff fl'lm mn 1fiT. ~ ~1,if'IiW ~qfw~l an~ niii ITJ .. ~ 1li16i5. ii 11111 9' fiifH'YfT ~'(J en ,!fii~ ;rIAl .. ~ ~ m IR q 16 ~~ (~lf~ it) iii) «lIlfr '~lI'ifil~ "qj IIf'r Iff ~ -5 fii.Ifr •• 5-10 fiD.Ifr.!If 10+flI.. Ifr. Amenities available(if not available Within the viJlage, a dash (-) i. shown In tho c()lumn and nexl to it in brackets. tb 0 diStance in broad ranges via ·Stml.S-IOt•• aod lo-j-kmt of the nearelt place "bere the CaciHty is available il givcn). r- A ______-----_- ____ ivfilrti r.~9'r mllil "'" am . irr~H/~ IIil f«if I «'iff', lIlfiR"lrl III;r) ff~ _ filii gr. IIi'tt it (~mcr~- '£.01.8- Total ~U'f. iift;f·""f) tion Total are. populatioll Day or Communica. code of tbe and Drinkig days of tions(Bus·stop . OUW" Name of .mage (In number 01 water Post and tbe marketl railway station, ber Village beotares) households Bduoational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hal, if any waler way) _------1 l 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 ------141 :qil'q~T 121.00 215(54) -(-5) -(10+) W -(10+) -( 10+) -(10+)

142 Hf! f.ll:n: 'Ii<;rT 1,866.00 2'09(49) -(~S) -(10+) w -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

143 nnf<'f!f <. I1\Ii H.OO 189(32) P(l) -( 10+) w -(10+) -(10+ ) -(10+-)

144 >1;<;rfslfT 2S0.00 14(3) -(-5) -(10+) w -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

145 ~Tal~T~T 419.00 196(39) -(-5) -(10+ ) w ..... (10+) ..... (10+) -( 10+)

1-1-6 'f"'l<-ilfl 210.00 'fRT

147 lflortol 223.00 'f)

148 ;rlrr,!<'T 276.00 211(44) P(l) -(10+) W -(10+) ..... ( 10 +) -(10+) .... 149 1§:Q,!<:T (ij'tilT) 47.00 12S(23) -(- 5) -(10+) w .. ( 10+) -(10+) ..... (10+)

150 at .ft

151 at"lo;rI'O 417.00 147(32) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

152 <:'l'TqCfli~T 213.00 316(65) PCI) -(5-10) w -(S·10) -(10+) -(5-10)

153 ~"'r<1a'l:"O ;orr~ 907.00 545(91) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5... 10) -(10+) ..... (5-10)

154 'iflll~llI' 256.00 124(26) -(-S) -(S-10) W -( 5-1 0) -(10+) ..... (5 -10)

_( ..5) 155 a;~'I'{r 237.00 82(14) -(-5) .. (-5) W -(-5) -(10+)

156 'tiT<.eH 1.264.00 344(S8) P( 1) -(5~10) W -( 5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

157 'ifeTor 691.00 306(54) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(S-10) -(10+) -(-5)

158 <:nln: a-i ~T~'{,!<:T 341.00 153(19) -(- S) -~S-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) BS

IS9 ~Tl"f1 (;jfT~) 440.00 197(48) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(5.10) -(10+) -(..... 5)

160 'iliTf<:1T (;Sn~) 2.161.00 496(103) P( 1) - (5-10) w -(5-10) - (10+) DS 93

Amen ities and Land use Jawad Tahsil

f.rQelf ~ 'if'f ~q1fltr (81flYt. (IJ~qii'liia Remarks (try:q1: 8i)1: • inclUding 'lffiTtTtil:T ~f~« ) any place of Appro­ Nearest Culturable Area not religio .JS, ach town and waste (inclu. available historical to distance Power Sta.ple (fugarC(! Unin i- ding gauchar for or archaeolo­ Name 01 village (in krns) supply roc·" Porcsl by sourc~ gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Village

-----~-~--.--~- ~----- II :2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Jawad (SO) Maize. 21 00 20. cow 17. co 10.00 59.CO Chadi Chada Wheat KR hwad (81) Maize, 1,509.00 49 OOW, 43.Qv IH . .()O 87.00 Gwalior Kalan Wheat 4.oI.TK KR Jawad (80) M:lize, 35.00 6·00W 12.00 13.00 13.00 Gwalior Khurd Wheat KR Jrtwad (77) ]\;laize, 196.CO 6.0CW 20.00 7.(J0 21.00 Keiadiya Whear KR Jawad (76) Maize, 309. 00 30. DOW 31.CO 12·00 37.00 Khat; Kheda Wheat .. Uninh",biled Naulangi I U,ninhabited Malotha

KR Jawau (74) Maize, 1 5 1 .00 19. ooW 21. 00 15.00 70.00 Wbeat PR Jawad (73) Maize, 11.00 9.00W S.OO 6.00 13.00 Ruppura( Sani) Wheat Uninhabited Ajitpura

FP Jawad (84) Maize, 34.00 24. OOW 39.00 56.00 26.+.00 Anghora Wheat FP Jawad (83) Maize, 46.00W 34.00 63.00 70.00 Ranawat Kheda Wheat KR Jawad (81) Maize, 54.00W, 70.00 141.00 617.00 DaU!atpu.ra Jat Wheat 25.00TK. PR Jawad (81) Maize, 13.00W 40·00 133·00 10.00 Bhimsukh Wheat PR Jawad (77) Maize, 30.00W 71.00 51.00 85.00 Udpura Wheat FP Jawad (68) Maize, 1,027.00 31.00W 45.00 67.00 94.00 Kirta Wheat FP Jawad (59) Maize, 60.00 42.00W 33.00 114.00 442.00 Challol Wheat PR Jawad (58) Maize, 250.00 5. OOW 49.00 22.00 15.00 Raj"r ali as Wheat Bahadurpura FP Jawad (59) Maize, 1 6 OOW 56.00 92.00 276~00 Amba (Jat) Wheat PR Jawad (56) BAg Maize, 1,694.00 59.00W 101. 00 217.00 90.00 Luhariya (Jar) Wheat 94

~a~~ \iffif1f.. 9TQ ~ 1!fq .Q1l)'l

llil f<'l or.nili!f I """lEI "'''-,!f'''Efl~ (lI'flt VIII if '!filfEflq eqi9 ;r.p • m "1ft it (-) ill' «'mIl tnrT ",""It 11'''' iii' It''' "q !liT. !F' i

162 ~lffw 416.00 236(45) P( 1) -(-5) W .. (-5) -(10+) -(-5)

163 ilmcrT 168.00 762(132) P(1) -(0< 5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

164 ~""f<:II'T 328.00 33J(65) P(I) - (-5) W .. (-5) -(10+) .... (-5)

165 qy~f~ltl 316.00 82(16) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -,,5)

166 +T~ 485.00 38(5) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

167 1itl'l~T 760 00 198(36) - (-5) -(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

168 'f~~ 974.00 21 (3) -(-5) -(-5) N "'(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

169 ~.t 436.00 2112(53) p( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -{10+J BS

170 ~rnit~<:T 191 00 98 ( 16) -(-5) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(10+) ... ( - 5)

171 "~V~T 148.00 54(10) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) _(_5)

172 "(f~ 938·00 4,146(786) P(2),NI(2), H(l ),PPC(l) T,W PO,Fhone -( 10+) BS PUC(l),AC(l) SMP(l) 173 ifn:~ 201.00 89(20) -(-5) -(-5) W -(- 5) -(10+) -(-5)

174 ifTi!iflN~T 342.00 370(67) P( 1) -(-5) w -c- 5) -(10+) -(-5)

175 ~ 975.00 979(191) P(I) r-(5-1 0) HP,W -(-5) -(10+) ... (5-10)

176 cftqqfi v~ 208.00 cfl<:rrr

177 ITTWI"ff 1,036.00 1,809(355) P(I),~(I) -(5~10) T,W PO -(10+) ... (5-10)

178" tlI;_nlfT 1,136.00 348(65) P(I) -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

179 <'!.~,f\l:il (<:trif~') 378.00 753(150) PO) -(10+ ) w -(-5) -(10+) -00+)

180 ~~T 61.00 18(3 ) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+> - -(-5) 9S

Amenities and Land 'use Jawad Tahsil

------~--- -- ,,"cr

----~ ------11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 2

FP J'awad( 56) Maize. 437.00 8.00W 8.00 57.00 46.00 Dabariya (Jat) Wheat FP Jawad(46) BAg,BD Maiza. 19.00W 24.00 73.00 300.00 Deoriya Wheat FP Jawad(46) BAg Maize, 3S.00W t4.00 9 00 107.00 Badlnwa Wheat FP Jawad(4S) BAg l\-faize, 62·00W 51.00 34.00 181.00 Kashmariya Wheat FP Jawad(46) Maize. 20.00W 41.00 118.00 137.00 Padliya Wheat FP Jawad( 47) Maize, t~. OOW 25.00 60.00 381.00 Richha Wheat FP Jawade 43) Maize, ]7.00N 103.00 48.00 592.00 Jetpura VI> heat FP Jawad(40) Maize, S.OON 47.00 12.00 910.00 Bare khan Wheat KR Jawad(471 BD,EAg Maize, 292.00 40. OOW, :'2.00 4S.00 30.00 Baldarkha Whoat 4.00R

KR Jaw~d(46) EAg Maize, 44.00 40.00W, 32.00 30.00 44.00 Madhopura Wheat I.OOR KR lawad( 44 ) Maize, 31.00W, 62.00 30.00 24.00 Gundi Kheda Wheat l,OOR PR Jawad(43) BA Maize, 4Z3 .00 90 .00w, 53·00 130.00 237.00 N(3IO),M(13) Ratangarh 'wheat S.OOR C(1). T(1) KR Jawad( 44 ) BAg Maize, 26.00W 23.00 ~S·OO 64.00 Narda Wheat FP Jawad( 46) ED,EAg Maize, 159.00 44.00W 24.00 44.00 71.00 Neemka Kheda Wheat KR Jawad( 49) BAg Maize, 480.00 143.00W 43.00 116.00 193.QO Dellpur Whc:at Uninhabited Pipli Kheda

FP Jawad( 53) ED,BAg Maize, 104.00W 15.00 141.00 776.00 M(4), Alori Wheat N(12) FP Jawad(54) BAg Maize, 53.00W 37.00 43.00 1,003.00 Khajuriya Wheat FP. Jawad(S4) EAg Maize, It.OOW 34.00 50.00 213.00 Luhariya Wheat (Ratangarh) FP JaWad(56) Maize, 23.00W 23.00 2.00 13.00 .. Sanwall'ura Wheat 96

Irlf llit ~"' ;;fiHriQ' ,qi!US orif-ljf"srq(lff1 '11111 it ,!fn!~ iJftl8 IfiP '!it llil"" it (-) hi W1Tm 1I1f' 'J" e'i9[!fi(ll ~ q f~C(n:l 1Ii\~ 'iJtrifi illil il.T 1li16i5ifi ii Inl[ 9' flf{l'if')

1 2 3 4 5 6 'I 8 9 III

18 t 1;;rrf

555.00 31(8) -(5-10) -(5-10) w -('-10) -(5-10)

803.00 61(17) -(5-10) ~(5-10) W,R ·(5-10)

502.00 5(1) -(~5) -(5-10) N ~(-5 ) -(10+> -(5-10)

186 lSfUT 2,232.00 27(3) ~(-5) -(5-10) N -(-5) -(5-10)



318.00 191(48) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

1 90 \RTqt",!~r ~ 1,842.00 58u(85) P(l) -(5-10) w -(5-10) ~u;fI¥J. ;,:T1'I" 191 f'f~q"tltii1 48J.OO 162(31) -(~-10) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+ ) -(5-10)

5,775.00 4,074(722) P(I),M(l) H(l),D(l) TW. po, Phone BS PUC(I),AC(I) TK 19 3

295.00 100(20) -.(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5)


1,277.00 1,100(194) pel) -(5-~0) W -(5-10) -(-5)

174.00 29(6) -(-5) -(-S) W -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5)

1,138.00 283(50) pel) -(-5) W,HP ~(-S) -(19+)

199 ~,!~T 206.00 208(28) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

200 i~TQ.l\1T 635.00 406(81) pel) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -1.-5) 97

Amenities and Land use Jawad Tahsil

.'lfT6'" f~",~a'~ ~~ ~~ ~11J (81'tm 1lf'f ~qU'1J Ifi') f'!.lfu;:", f'li~l iii ~~ ~vn eTlflfifi qif~ ti

------~------11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 2

PR Jawad (56) Maize, 3Q.OOW 92.00 16.00 395.00 GunjaJiya Wheat FP Jawad (59) EAg Maize, 7.00W, 35.00 9.00 95.00 Rughnathpura Wheat 16 OOR "Ratangarh) FP Jawad (65) Maize, 2.00W 24.00 180.00 249.00 DhankJhar Wlleat FP Jawad (59) EAg Maize, 14.00W, 't6 .. 00 6.00 702.00 Chandeda Wheat 2S.00R FP Jawad (115) Maize, 4.0QN 15.00 20.00 463.00 Temple, Jarad (RaLangarh) Wheat FP Jawad (42) Maize. 44.00 23.00 2,165.00 Khardi Wheat Uninhabited Shyampura

Uninhabi ted Amarpura (Ratangarh) FP Jawad (49) Maize, 27.00W 219.00 51.00 21.00 Khati Kheda Wheat FP Jawad (49) Maize, 6 • OOW , 97. 00 424.00 1,309.00 Bhagwanpura Wheat 6.00N alias Gudanathuram FP Jawad (49) Maize, 2.00W 251.00 159.00 68.00 Chirmi Kheda Wheat PR Jawad (31) ED,EAg Maize, 268.i)OW 1,085.00 680.00 3,742.00 N(200),M(8) Deekan Wheat . ~' C(2),T(22) FP Jawad (25) Maize, 2 . OOW 133 . 00 t 4 L 00 1, 166 . 00 Lanpiya Wheat FP Jawad (25) EAg Maize, 11. OOW 71. 00 84.00 129.00 Haripura Wheat ( Ratangarh) lfninhabited Maharajpura Khurd KR Jawad (25) EA Maize, 181.00 91.00W, 240.00 184.00580.0\1 N(2), Suntholi Wheat 1.00N M(l),T( 1) FP Jawad (30) EAg Maize, 4.00W 22.00 35.00 113.00 Jivapura Wheat KR Jawad (30)" EAg Maize, 48.00W 279.00 172.00 639.00 Gudha Parihar Whe'lt KR Jawad (30) EAg Maize, 37.00W 94:00 36.00 39.00 Brahmapuri ; Wheat KR Jawad (30) EAJ Maize, 'l.oeW 222.00 63.00 289.00 Gudahola Wheat 98

Irq iii! f.r "'f61i'fl al"( "aj 'Iii ITt ~ -s Iii."'., S-10 f.&.1ft.1f1 IO+flll.1ft. Amenities available (if not available within the village. I dash (-) i•• bown 10 the c)lumn and neltt to it in bracketl. th e distance In broad raoges vi:a·-5kml.S.l OItIllS r-_--·--·------A.--'------and lo+kmt of the neareat place where tbe filcnity is available is given). __ ___ i"fUA; ,.~ - crf.t IIiT ~ am ~f~ IIiT ft~1 {f;rl\ 1!l~1 !flit'. tff{ ~ r.. qfl: IIi'tf a) (;m R(1f ~_ Loca­ lotal ~r.r "

I 2 3 4 5 (I 8 9 10 --_- _-_ .. --_------. ------\ 26G.OO 178(28) -( ... 5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+> -(5"710)

489.00 791(140) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 10+) -(5-10)

507.00 783(125} P( 1 ) -( -5) w -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) - 1" 492.00 258.(36) -(-5) -(-5) W -( - 5) -(-5)



584.00 252(50) P(I) -(5-10) w -(5-1(\) -(10+) 207 -(-5)

376(60) P(I) -(5-10) W -( 5-1 Q) 208 673.00 -(5-10)

352(71) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) 209 336.00 -(-5) 572(101) P(I} -(5-10) w -(-5) 210 612.00 -( -5)

335(63) P(l} -(5-10 ) HP -(-5) 211 1,001.00

180(3f~ ',-(-5) - (. 5) w -(-5) -(10+) 212 226.00

HP PO 213 ~)<;r') 1,811.00 1,144(233) P(I),~(l) -(-5) -(10+ ) BS

413.001,003(182) P(I),M(1) 0(1) HP PO -(10+> BS 214 ~~ AC( 1) 389.00 398(72) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5)

w -(5-10) ZIG ~~T (~) 723.00 1,131(224) pel) -(10+) -(-5)


218 IftiirT 188.00

},795.00 2,982(538) P(l)M(1) SMP(1) w PO,Phone -(10+> BS

214.00 217(34) P(l) w -(-5) 9~

Amenities and Land use Jawad Tahsil

~~ ------~ ----_----

1~1Ii f;:r'li!(t~ ;:;m: f~,) '!.~ ,fl{ ~qll''1i! (II tii~ "IfI{ ~ql)rr ~') fqf"l;if fin'!) ~ tlel retqafl enf'!'Ii vr'! 'lir "I~ qg.~ ~ ~1I>l~"u iii') lIt.AI ~'liIH it f.IfZ~1'I ~Q;'1"q ~ t{) ~'flif) ~1Ii J ~ffl~lfulli ItiT ~N (tl!; ,~). if) 'ARm Lan d use (i. e. area under dIfferent types of Land 8f1IlfT ,!l:r~(CI' ule in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places ) ~t~~ r------__.A...------, m~t'r CI'iI ~nlt

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 IS 19 20 2

FP Jawad(25) ED. Maize, 51.00W 71.00 2S.00 116.00 N(l ). Mallolarh EAg Wheat M(l) FP Jawad(25) EA Maize, 55·00W 168.00 64.GO 202.00 1 (1) Nili:.a Wheat FP Jawad(24) EA Maize, 80.00W 235.0» 51.00 142.00 Kunda!a Wheat (Ratangarh) FP Jawad(24) ED. Maize, 21.00W 90.00 57.00 324.00 Jagepur Hada EAg Wheat Uninhabited Himmatpura

UninhabIted Chikli ... FP Jawad(26) Maize, 20.00W 232.00 97.0\1 235.(10 Parwani Wheat FP Jawad(27) Maize. 40.00 157.00 476.00 Bhojpura Wheat FP Jawad(21 ) ~1aize, 17.00W 35.00 34.00 250.00 Amba Wheat (Ratangarll) FP Jawad(20) ED, Maize, 13.00 69.00W 79.00 73.0l} 378.00 T(4), Manda 'EAg Wheat M(I) FP Jawad(20) Maize, 50.00 18. DOW 50.lIO 225.00 658.00 Mahend.i

KR Jaw1d( 19) EAg Maize, 28.00W IIg.00 83.00 ; 27.0~ Jkirmir

PR Jawad(19) EA Maize, 199.00W 489.00 270.00 853.00 T(l),M(I) Dado!i Wheat N(12) PR Jawad( 19) EA· Wheat S6.00W 189.00 51.00 177.00 N(10),M(2) Janakpur T(3) FP Jawad(19) ED, Wheat 56.00W 99.00 39 00 195.00 N(2). Panoli EAg T(5) FP Jawad( 16) EA Maize, 157.00GC, 83.00 353.00 34.00 T(8) Ruppura Wheat 90.00W,6.00N M(7) (Morwan) Uninhabited Ranipura

Uninhabitcd Padla

PR Jawad( 19) EA Maize, 623.00GC, 123.00 396·00 605.00 T(2), Morwan Wheat 4S.00W M(l),N(6) PR, Jawad( 14) EAS Maize, 131.00GC 14.00 25.00 44.00 T(l) Bo! Klteda Wheat 100

irlCfq Ct~wt~ \it;f"!f'4Uti ~ "a!fq .qtllfl

;Jlffll'llJ "'if.~far~n~ ("fit ITq it ,!faraT~ 1111"''' q1 • 1ft it (-) f. 0f1lT1R t{'Ifl f'f'''lll qlll lir "'If "" III, fOf \!f'l'U'tt! iii''''' Itir, ~fII' ~i;fq;f!I' ~ 'trort1:1 arr~ ... "iiI .1lI ~) llil~oili it Q'TIJ q fuimi't ~il Ifll ~fqa~ ;J1'f"18 , 1ft! m q,; ~ ~6 ~ (~lR it) lilT u'ltfr ,~lrlli!l:!fro; iii') trC ~ -5 r..; •.rt •• 5·10 r..;,,".1lf lO+fiI.lft. Amenities available(if not available within the "illage, I dash (-) i. shown in the c()Jumn Ind next to it in brac:ker., tbe distance in broad range. vii -Slr;ms-;5.IOkm9 and 10+kmt of the nearest place "here the faciiity is available is liveD). r----:-~~- --;-- -______-A-----;-~-_~-~~-_~_-- --. wafirlili f"lffltmrr ~ IIil ~ am ~l1;i~ iii! til;; I ~'ifl\ atrlmf' lit,,') ~T' ~ r~;r IIf' .nt IJ) (om mq~- Loca- fotll ~. ~·1Il1i) tion rotal are. population Day or Communica. code of tbo and Drinkig days of tiODS( 8us-stop. tbe marlcell DUm" Name of ,lIIale (10 DUlIlber 01 water Post and railway station. ber Village heotare. ) houlcholds Bducatlonal Medical (Potable) . Telegraph hat, if any water way) ~----- ., 1 1 3 4 S 6 8 9 10 _------. ------r---- .------~- --~------~------490·00 552(93, P(1) -(-5) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(-S) 221 'f1if><'fT ..

222 ~l'm~r 44.00 1,209(219) P( 1) - (~5) W -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5;

223 CI"'l1: 30·00 979( 160) P(I),M(l) -(-5) w PO -( 10+) -.(-5)

224 fcrcr;;1I1q~ 276.00 226l35) -(- S) -(-5) W "'(-5) ..... (10+) -(-5)

225 lITl~<:T 42.00

226 OfTCT<;;:rt 1,824.00 2,77S(~91) P(I),M(I) -(-5) W PO .... (10+) BS

227 IfiT~llT 357.00 84(22) -(5-10) -( 5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5)

228 OTIZl 945.00 289(52) P(t) -(5-10) w -( 5- 10) -(10+) -(5.... 10)

229 llliTll~1 59.00 34(7) -(-5) -(-5) W -( -5) -(10+) -( ..5)

230 ar.~q~<:T 27·00 36(10) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -( 10+> -(-5)

231 -(-5)

232 a{Hf;:, ~f<:lIT;;y?i 57.00 30 ) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -( 10+) BS

233 il1lfT 187.00 353(56) ... ( -s) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) ~(10+) -(-5)

234 ~;rl 313.00 529(84) pel) -(-5) w -("'5 ) -(10+) -(-5)

235 If;)'TT 1Sf.~ 74 00 249(52) -( ... 5) -(-5) W -(--5) -(10+) -(-5)

236 IfiT~'1"(r iI'i<'Ii 122 00 218 (44) -(-5) -(-5) W -~(5) ... rtQ+) -(-5)

237 if;'l'1~lIT 217.00 117~24) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+) BS

238 if-g

239 iilTcrrtJiJ 181·00 trT1:R

240 fCT~;gT 100.00 If)'u;r .. lot

AmenitieS and Land use Jawad tahsil

-~---- irirffllf f.rlli~olf '1m: f~1 '!.'" 'lflf ~lI'hT (!:'lre 'flf~ taqllltr ~l fqf'lr"l f!fi~T if; w.a R;tqQi) ~n",1Ii Irtil IliT ;rnt tri~ tt'I' u~IIi')~U ~ WlVA! ~li, it F.I!i~Q~ ?l:lIT~t'I" if; &) l;l!(j;r') ail'>, qm&lmlli tt il'TIi (flli,ir').it) 'l~trt Land use (i. e. area under different types of Land CI(lI'·n lJUo~" usc in hectares roi.Jnd4;:d up to 2 decimal places ) ~qif;~~ r---.------"------~ mi!:6' ~ f~~!liIl ~ 'h "d) if; m~ Qfft if; mlt ~ oqa fvr"'a oq~Gt:I.""t ii{~~8 Remarks (ti)"" ii{R including ~1fT&.T ~f~) any place of Appro- Ncarcsi CuUurable Area not reJigio~s, aeb lown and waste (inelu.. available historical to distanoe Power Stapie liTigateO Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Name of yillall' (in kms) 8upply foed Forcl' by ,oure. gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Villa!;c

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

PR. Jawad( 14) BAa Maize, 3.00W, 98.00 78.00 131.00 T(l) Aakji Wheat ISO.OOGC PR Jawad (2) tAg Maize. 23 OOW 2.00 2.00 17 00 N(3) , Ummedpura Wheat T(2) PR Jawad (2) EAg Maize, S .OO'.\' 1.00 1.00 23.00 N(2), Tarapur Wheat M(2 ) PR Jawad (2) EA Maize, 94.00W 102.00 23.00 57.00 Pil'a1Ya f'emji Wheat Uninhabited .. Shopura

PR Jawad (4) EA Maize, 30t.OOW, 463.00 598·00 423.00 N(3) ,C(2) Hawalnai Wheat 39.00GC M(1).T(S) PR Jawad~ 11) EAg Maize. 10.00W 54.00 230.00 63.00 Kashya Wheat FP Jawad(ll ) EAg Maize, 40.00W 339.00 218.00 348.00 Ata Wheat FP Jawad (9) . Maize, 6.00W 21.00 12.00 20.00 Shyampura Wheat FP Jawad( 11) Maize, 4.00W 11.00 6.00 6.00 Budhlli nghpurA Wheat FP Jawad (8) Maize, 9.00 .' . Sukhanad Naya Wheat PR Jawad (8) EAg Maize. 13.00W 27.00 14.00 3.00 Aasan Dariyanath Wheat KR Jawad 19) BAg Maize, 27·00W 4S.00 60.00 55.00 Dhani Wheat K.R Jawad (8) flAg, Maize, ' . 63.00W 140 00 52 00 58.00 Tumba ED Wheat Pi> Jawad (8) EAg Maize, 2S.00W 20.00 21.00 8.00 Kirpura' K.burd Wheat FP Jawad (8) EAg Maize, 35. (JOW 32.00 41.00 14.00 Kirpllra Kalan Wheat PR Jawad (9) BAg Maize, 12.00W 16.00 10.00 109.00 Kenpuriya 'Wheat PR Jawad (5) EAg Maize, 115.00W 76.00 70.00 251.00 Mendaki ED Wheat Uninhabited Jivaprh ,_ Uninhabitee Vishnari 102

IifTCR tf~t=I ;srif1fQ11i ({fi ~fq .qq)Q

~!fl;ft1t VUI 161 "Ill !Irq 161 ~~ QfifUIill'l nWI& ;(iI-~for8"Ttt (~f' Vlq it !lfU"l :aqlliP& qi • St IfilQ t (-) h 8lIl1n 1M 1Iil. P Ifi~qj~ ~qrorn;l attli :a9'~ .,iJ liT iJ)lIoifi if !lTq' g f"lCfi'f) iV en ~finnlt n .... , '11€ m III ~ i6 ~1J ' (~tr( it) 16) ~1i~1 (9' lriliTli ;:'ii IffJ ITi , -5 fcii •.n., 5-10 r..it. III 10+fii~-ft. Amenities availabh:(ir not available whhin thl= village, a dash(-) i.sho"n in thc column and nelU to it in bracket•• rhC distance in broad range, via ·'"ml.'-I OtOlS and ID-/-kmc of the neareat place where the facility is available flgivcn) •. (""" __------______A -., UlRfiJriii r"~9'r ,til 16' ~ 8lh il'Jij('I,(/~ llil fr:rfl ~"''( ~~, "it) ij'~ t filii q'fil '"' (l (om mll~- t.oc:a- fotal ~1IFf. q-lfIlf) tion rotal area populatloD Day or CQmmunica. code of tho Bnd Drinkig days of tion8(llus-stop, Dum- Name of ,mage (In number 0' water Post and the marketl railway station. ber Villaso beotare. ) bouseholds Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph bat. if any water way)

1 2 3 4 5 6 , 8 9 10 --~------~ ------~--~------~- ----~------46.00 qhl'f 241 ~alq~l:T \

242 'i.f~"'t;;r (atofl'T) 454.00 544(94) P( 1) -( 10+) w -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

243 ~!8ij~f

244 If@~Ti~T 22.00 q'hr'f

245 ~q,!l:T 57.00 124(21) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) -(5·~.) 0)

246 lli"{i'f$'(f 96.00 oihrrr

247 'JTa'J'{T 395.00 200(33) -(-5) -(10+) W ... ( -5) -(.10+) -(lJ+

248 it~<'VT 42.00 or TUil

249 G'l;;ro2?T 69.00 Cf"'lif

250 f'li~Tl:2;l;T 49.00 qT'(ti'f I 251 mqa$U 184.00 ,fhri'f

252 'if'{ro 340,00 S53( 102) P(1) -(5-10) W PO - (10+) -(5-10)

253 fi'f~vrT 56.00

254 ~ijJrr.~ ~i'fT 88.00 Cfn:Ti'f .. ~

255 'fTIT~if 300.00 407(82) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

256 IT ;;fl:liI"hft ~r'fit:rT 328.00 418(99) P(l] ~ , -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

257 ITT?>I 241.00 272(55) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(10+) -(5~10

258 it'

259 ,!o;;rt~ 187.00 164(32) -(-5) -(5-10) w .. (5-10) -(10+> ... (5.... 10)

260 -'tfrrcm2;" 61.00 1ft~Ti'f 103

Amenities and Land use Jawad Tahsil

~---- Ir,"alli fiilli~ a1l' iitr<: flilQT '!.~ 'ff1l' ~qlfltr (81'<\0 'ilf'I :aql

-~--~~------11 12 13 14 13 16 17 18 19 20 2 Uninhabited .. Pratappura

FP Jawad (16) BAg Maize, 87.00W 127.00 64.00 176.r:O Chadol Wheat (Athana) FP Jawad (15) BAg Maize, 14.00W 12,00 24,00 19.00 sakhatpuriya Wheat Unmhabited .. Mahudi Kheda

FP Jawad (16) EAg. Maize, 10.oOW 14.00 7.00 26.00 Ruppura Whe~t Uninhabited Karanpura

FP Jawad (16) EAg Maize, 58.00 337.00 Jetpura Wheat Uninhabited Keharpura

Uninhabited Daulatpura

Uninhabited Kishorpura

Uninhabited Bhopatpura

FP Jawad (14) BAg Maize, , . 55.00W 62.00 76.00 147.00 T( l) Saroda Wheat ., . Uninhabited Nisarni

Uninhabited .' Sukhanand Juna

FP Jawad ( 17) BAg' Maize, 37.00W 21.00 39.00 203.00 Nagthun Wheat FP Jawad ( 16) Maize, 47.00W 93.00 55.00 133.00 Gujar Khedi Wheat Sankla FP Jawad (15) EAg MaiZe, 41.00W 92.00 95.00 13.00 Gotha Wheat FP Jawad (rt) BAg Maize. 63.00W 118.00 39.00 32.00 T(2) Melbpura Wheat FP Jawad (13) Maize, 18.00W 92.00 6.00 71.0a Guthlai Wheat , uninhabited .. Bhagwatpura 104

an~ et~m~ lifif~.ayq ~ ~fq ~qa)'1

~.t~)lt Illq !ilir ~III vr" !ilil ~<:r iiR'~i!f1 n ..... \1!1t.,!fiif!ll~ (Iff;: VIII it '1fuli{ ~fi". ~1 ,!it !ilil" it c-) fa 0I'1mft ;rlfT lliti P lIlerq;(II Q;

261 8I'5T BS PUC(I) FPC(I) 262 s~f'(tlT 287.()O 3S3(55) P( 1) -(... S) W ... (-5) -(10+> -(-5)

263 'liqTCl"HI 170.00 174(29) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

264 8I'11'(':;<:T 98.00 9(2) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

265 "lt~T 295.00 306(49) P(1 ) -(-5) W -(-5) .... (10+) -(-5)

266 ~<:,nf;rlfT 'fm;rr 442.00 934(193) P(1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5)

267 ~11'fQtl1' 529.00 612( (14) P( 1) -(-5) W -(--.5) -(10+) - (-5)

268 3T'if;;YT~T 72.00 81(IZ) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) • "269 ;rl:[lttl

270 .r"t<:~~'r 421.00 761(160) P{l) -(5-10) W -(-5) -( 1 0+) -(-5)

271 GTlfm'l"U 507.00 556(103) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+> -(-5)

272 ~ W<:'!<: t 'li~ 682.00 ~94(1'2) P( 1 ) -( 10+) w PO -( 10+) BS

273 rg);: 1,249.00 t,170(228) P(I),M(1) -(5-10) W PO -( 10+) BS

274. 1'L;;r<:li~r (f~1I' 166.00 222(43) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) BS

275 li~r <:1';)<: 427.00 206(38) -(-5) -( 5-10) W -(-5) ... (10+) -( -5)

276 'lit<{~T 379.00 • 488(90) P(I) -(-5 ) W -(-5) -(10+) BS

277 '1

279 1fJ,~ (;r11l''') 379.00 112(24) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

280 or<:ti" 'liT'ff<'flfT 426.(10 570(117) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) _(-5) lOS

Amenities and Land use Jawad Tabsil

--~----~------'~(f'" f'l",z(f~ ;:r'l!<: f~,) '!.~ W~ ~lfm .( Oll!lm 1{fll ;oqlfT1r ~ fqf'r;;;; f.l;~T it. &'la ~tqufi Ell fllif; IlTl( !fiT ;:j"T1i q{~ r:p.i~T~<:r !til ,ntrt.l ~ll' if f.rif;~6'1'f

PR Jawad (4) EA Maize, 3'29.00 411. OOW 375.00 226:00 142.00 N(45) Atlu.na Wheat T(6),M(2) FP Jawad (2) EAg Maize, 48.00W 147.00 65.00 '27.00 Ohaneriya Wheat FP Jawad (7) EAg Maize, 24.00W 98.00 34.00 14.00 Kamawas Wheat FP Jawad (5) EAg Maize, 2.00W 74.00 16.00 6.00 Amarpura ' Wheat _ FP Jawad (7) ED. Maize. 37.00W 170.00 65.00 23.00 Nagda RAg Wheat KR Jawad (6f El?, Maize, 99,00W 211.00 96.00 35.00 N(2) Sarwaniya Masani EAg Wheat FP Jawad (4) ED. Maize, 90.00W 314.00 93,00 32 00 M(l). Hanmantiya EAg Wheat T(2) FP Jawad (8) ED, Maiz'.!, 8.00W 49.00 10.00 5.00 Achlawada EAg Wheat PR Jawad (11) ED, Maize, 196.00W 676.00 277.00 319.00 N(50) , Nayagaon BAg Wheat M(2).T(4) PR Jawad ( 8) ED, Maize, Sl.OOW 245.00 67.00 2S.00 N(1 ) Borkhodi EAg Wheat PR Jrwad (10) ED, Maize, 67.00W 338.00 83.00 19.00 T( 1) Damodarpura ~ BAg Wheat 'r PR Jawad (13) ED, Maize, 110.00W 320.00 197.00 55.00 N(2), Kesharpura Kalan EA, Wheat T(2) PR Jawad (6) ED, Maize, 164.0(\W 675.00 260.00 150.00 - N(4), Khor BAg Wheat- Temple (Arehi) PR Jawad (6) ED, Maize, 27 OOW 75.00 36.00 28.00 Gujarkhedi Talab BAg Wheat PR Jawad (6) BAg Maize, 24.00W 140.00 70.00 193.00 Kheda Rathor \\-heat PR Jawad (10) ED, Maize, 66.00W 198.00 67.00 48.00 T( 1) Kandka BAg Wheat PR Jawad (7) ED, Maize, l16 OOW 688.00 181.00 292.00 N(5) , Suwakheda BAg Wheat M(7),T( 4) PR Jawad (2) EAg Maize, 32.00W 105.00 46.00 18.00 Segwa Wlleat KR Jawad (4) EAg Maize, 61.00W 129.00 44.00 145.00 ~undIa (Neemuch) Wheat PR Jawad (2) BAg Maize, 84.00W 209.00 86.00 47.00 T( 1) Barkheda Kamaliya Wheat 106

.;f1fWti It'i 1ff" ~C(1I)Q '"~. (f~"'\=l ,_ ...

"q",l•••• '1 flla,t(llfli g," it 'IflilfT~ WIl... qr • lit l5f.. it (-) ,. """" 'f1ll ,,,,;hI! IRq .1 !"" I'IAd'lfr 6 V'" lilt "''' Itli q ron'{l ~ u ••" 11:' 1Ii160'II it v,,, a trorff'fr i&'(f q~ 'l~1fTlt ..,q"" • 1M m ~ q 1 ~ ~~1j(ft lllli'1; cai -5 flli .Iff •• 5·10 fiI; .Ift' •. fl' 10+1iI.-ft. ( lRi it) I&')~t ,~ Ilion,. _ ~ Amenities ..ailablo(if not available witbin tbe village. I dllh (-) il lhown In the column Ind next to it in brlcketl. IbO diStance in broad .rangel vii ·Stml.S-IOItDl.

~and ______10... Htmt of the nearOit place "bere A tbe facility is available i. liveD). ~

••fVAi "fiwf~' .cr\it Ifi1 ~ am i(1'i;r1"{/~ Ifi1 fc'f/ d'ifl~ II.T~' "") 6'~ • fn Q'fll IIitf ~ (Q~Wt- ~~. \lifE:r ... ~) e.oca- total Day or Communica. Totallre. population days of tioDs(Bus-stoP. lion of tb. Rnd Drinkig code water Post and tbe market, railway s·tatioD. Name of 'Illage (In number 01 bat. if any water way) DUIlP boulellolds Bducatlonll Medical (Potable) Telegraph ber VilIagl beotarel) 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 I ~.-----~-- .... (10+) 405.00 301(53) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) BS 281 qn:~ 99(13) -(-5) -( -5) 'W -(-5) -( 10+) BS 282 1I%:!IJ1!U pfTl,"') 207.00 888(154) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) ... ( 10+) -(5-10) 283 ~ti'T 676.00 3QO(52) P(I) -( ... 5) W -(-5) -( 10+> -(-5) 284 i{lif~ ~;;) 697.00

446(64) pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) 285 ~v~ 163.00 P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -( lot) -(5-10) 286 ;rr;r'tf(lfT 163.00 282(55)

P(I) ~(-5) w -(-5) -( 10+) BS 287

-( -5) W -(5-10) -(10+) BS 288 aTIl 299.00 271(48) P(I) ,...(-5) -( 10+) BS 289 iTaH ti~r 282.00 477(95) pel) -(5-10) w

290 ij;!!f1:~T ~ 291 VfT~ 144.00 131(32) -(-5)

W .... (-5) -(10+) -(-5) 292 ~T 137.00 95(18) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PHC(I) W .... ( ... 5) -( 10+) 293 ~ 1,144.00 1,879(327) P(I),~(I) w -(-5) .... (10+) -(-5) 294 amm 1fFn ' 381.00 199(36) -(-5) -(-5)

W -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5) 2!)S ~ 331.00 637(115-1 P(1) -(-5)

D( 1) T PO, TO, Phone -( 10+) BS 296 ~ ~

W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) 298 ~I{<'I' 454.00 422(77) P(I) -(-5)

-(-5,- • -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5) 2~9 Ifh) ~ttt 743.00 813(135) Pel) w

-(-5) -(10+) .... (-5) 300 'TRill 519.00 395(68) pel) -(-5) w 107

Amen ities and Land use Jawad Tahsil

fft{;() V1ffir!6 f.r

.-~------n f2 13 14 U 16 17 18 19 20 2 ._---_--- __...__ ------_. PR Jawad (3) BAg Maize, 48.00W 167.00 77.00 113.00 Morka Wheat PR Jawa« (4) EAg Maize, 29.00W 143.00 27.00 8.00 Maheshura (Neemuch) Wheat KR Jawad(5) EAg Maize, 69. DOW, ~SO.OO 115.00 95.00 M(l) Palda Kheda Wheat 47.00Ge PR Jawad (3) ED,EAg Maize, 70 OOW, 409.00 94.00 47.00 T( 4) Bawal Juni Wheat 77.00Ge PR Jawad (3) ED,EAg Maize. .lo.oew. 80.00 22.00 24.00 Kelu Kheda Wheat 17 OOGe FP Jawad (4) BD,EAg Maize, 22.00W, 35.00 '24.00 14.00 T(l ) Nanpnriya Wheat 6S OOGe PR Jawad (4) ED,EAg Maize, 19.00W, 42.00 41.00 35.00 Barkheda Jat Wheat 70.00Ge PR Jawad (4) ED,EAg Maize, 23.00W. 81.00 41. 00 53.00 Lodh Wheat 101.00Ge PR Jawad (5) ED,EAg Maize, 51. OOW, 80.00 45.00 49.00 Melaa Kheda Wheat 77 .00Ge Uninhabited Kesharpura Khurd

KR Jawad (5) Maize, 47.00W- 56.00 25.00 16·00 Khedamodi Wheat KR Jawad (4) Maize, 3.00W 110.00 18,00 6.00 DhalQpa Wheat KR Jawad (4) EA Maize, 202.00W, 701.00 162.00 69.00 N(~ ), Modi Wheat IO.OOGe \ M(2) KR Jawad{IO) EA Maize, IS .OOW, 105.00 10.00 4S.00 T(4) Barkheda Mioa Wheat 140.00Ge KK. Jawad (8) EA Maize, SO.OOW 143.00 49.00 59.00 N(2), T(2) Upreda Wheat PR Jawad(IO) EA Maize, 314 .OOW. 3S5.00 222.00 18!)-.00 N(50) , SarwRniya Maharaj Wheat I.oOGe M(7)". T(9) .. Uninhabited Semalpura

PR Jawad(19) ED.EAg Maize, 13.00W, 183.00 19.00 121.00 Same!,. Wheat 52.00Ge FP Jawad(19) ED, EAg Maize, 101.00W 238.00 16.00 328.00 N(2). T(6) Basedi Bhati Wheat FP Jawad(19) ED,EAg Maize, 41. OOW, 233.00 84.00 81. 00 M(l). T(1) Gothada Wheat SO.OOGe 108

'"~ ({~~" _;:r~fqyq ~ Iff" r,q.)fJ '"

foql.nll vrll., IfTIi VIII llit !i"' 1A64ltl nl!fl•• "-,r.!ilU«lfr,, "'" it '!rlffJI'( .,,, ••• ql, til llif" it (-) '1Il ~l:(T 'Ttlt iii). Pi" ii~'Ii~ ~ qron1:1 II'\'~ ~qiii .,11 1I111i~o'" ii Vf$( Q f.lcr'fl r(r q'( ,fl{lllli elf." , ~ ~ Ii'( Iii( ,,6 Imf~ (\

1 1 3 4 S 6 '1 8 9 10 -~~----- 301 !ti«{'!"( 273.00 221(33) -(.·5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

.302 Gfif,!~ m;n ; 275.00 435( 77) P( 1) -(-5) W • ( -s) ':"'(10+) - (- 5)

\ 1,670(318) P( 1), M( 1) D( 1) PO -(to+) -(5-10) 303 <'ff§~ " 2,085.00 w

-(-5) W -( - 5) -(5-10) :;04 ~l'FH 767:00 733(123) P(l) -(lP+ )

-( - 5) 305 ,{T;;~ 42.00 148(25 ) - (- 5) - (- 5) W -( 10+) -(5-10)

306 li{ii ~,1 93. 00 80(13) -( - 5) -(-5) W . -(-5) -(10+> -(5-10)

312(56) Vv -(-5) -(10+) ~(S-10) 307 ~~ ~"..- 180.00 . -(-5 ) -( - 5) 308 lill'ff'ftfT 733.00 1,378(238) PO ),M(1) D(1) w PO -( 10+) BS

309 ~Tlfr.rr< 168.00 10( 1), -(-5) - (- 5) w -( - 5) -( 10+) -(-5)

310 ilTli

311 Of"(1~ 349.00 1,050(188) P( 1) -(-5) w -( -5) -(10+) -(-5)

'312 mlfflf 'W! 45J .00 730(135) Pll ) -(-5) W -(-5 ) -( 10+> -(-5)

313 ~i~ 'f"~T" Ib7.00 76(12) -(- 5) -(-5) w -{ -5) -(10+) -(-5)

314 ttl<::","fT ~ 240 00 65(}1) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -( }O+ ) -( -5)

315 ,lit 125 00 197(38) -( ... 5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(S-10)

316 iTerr 409.00 511(81) pel) ~(5-10) w -(5-10) -(10+> -(5~Jo)

317 a;'tl<'IYl 239.00 185(31 ) -(-5 ) - (5- 10) W -(5-10) -( 10+) • (5- 10)

318 m;:lfT 718.00 754(136) P(l) -(-5) W -( -5) -(10+) -(5-10)

.319 .trr'tf 1.134.00 1.709(279) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

320 fu~ 60.00 Uu'f 109

Amenities and Land use Jawad Tahsil

-~------ItlfH''I> f.:r~alf 1 ;n If q{;f.r ttcf lO~'Ill1:'{t 'IlT .nrt" ~l["{ it f.llf.~ijil C::Qll{~<{ if; c::T ~~n ~ (flI;,lfT.if) ~f<{gT 11m LaD d usc (i. e. area "Dder different types of Land 8T1IqT ~m(''' use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places ) ~ it {1f.n ~-----___-A ______~ m~a «'if f,~'a

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

FP Jawad(12) BAg Maize, 30.00W 168.00 41.00 34.00 T(1) Kalepur Wheat FP Jawad(16) BAg Maize, 45.00W 174.00 35.00 21.00 Jagepur Mina Wheat FP Jawad(25) BA Maize, 948.00 107. OOW 229.00 705.00 96.00 N(19). Lasur Whcat M(3) .T(12) FP Jawad(24) EA Maize, 75.00W 208.00 177.00 307.00 T( 12) MaJaoda Wheat FP Jawad(24) ED,EAg Maize, I5'OOW 18 00 3.00 6.00 Ra,lpur Wheat FP Jawad(23) ED, E,Ag Maize, 29.00W 56.00 1.00 7.00 TO) Kh'lrd K hedi Wheat FP Jawad(26) EDEAg Maize, 28.00W 80.00 7.00 65.00 T(2) Kherkheda Wheat KR J'awad (1 ~) ED,EAg Maize. 10S·00W - 501.00 54.00 73.00 M(2). Dhamaniya Wheat T(2) FP Jawad(20) EAg Maiz~, 27.00W 129.00 6·00 6.00 Sadalpur V;heat FP Jawa:f(21) EAg Maize, 13.00W 134.00 21.00 12.00 Akhepur Wheat FP Jawad( 19) ED,EAg Maize, 106.00W 158.00 55.00 30.00 M( 1), Barada Wheat T(4) FP Jawad(12) ED,FAg Maize, 119.00W 198.00 84.00 50.00 N(2) Aamli Bhat Wheat FP Jawad( 11) ED,BAg Maize, 69.00W 69.00 41.00 8.00 Barkheda Chllwhan Wheat FP Jawad(14) EAg Maize, I. 28.00W 134.00 44.00 34.00 T(l) Gadola Wheat FP Jawad(15) EAg Maize, .. 38.00W 49.00 30.00 8.00 M(l ) Dhabi Wheat FP Jawad(15) EAg Maize, 66.00W 236.00 79.00 28.00 Dhaba Wheat FP Jawad(17) EAg Maize, 27.00W 153·00 43.00 16.00 D~palpura Wheat FP Jawad(lS) EAg Maize, 64.00W 491.00 142.00 21.00 T(2) Arnya Wheat FP Jawad( 20) ED,EAg Maize, 70.00W 882.00 134.00 48.00 M(I) . Bangred Wheat T(l) Uninhabited Shivpura 110

IlIII 'til iff" II'rq'til for ~;J«'l:fl ;r""I" ."·lIf"S'I~(lfr~ 11'(11 it ,!rUl'~ :aqw •• Ifi{f t «l IliIR it c-) iu ~ m:rr f"' i~'1" ~ qfm~l ~l i'9'1I; ~II ~) lIi)soifi if !1Tq 9" ~tlif) ~'(r " ~Rsnt nel. , tili m 1ft III it') (~lI'l it) iii) ~~, t\l 1llIif( N ;6T qi ~ -5 fifi •.n .. 5-10 fir;.~. "' 10+,. .... Amenities available(if not available Within the villaae, I dash (-) i. shown In the c~lumD Ind next to it in bracketl. the distance in broad rangel via -5kml.5·10kms Ind Io+kmt of the neareat place where the facility is available is liveD).

r---~fiJrifi-r.flrnr'- Wt -;'-~1lIi am ilfOrt"(/~r~ llil f«~1 U'ft<: Ilj'~ ",,') . m • rllil vf.. 1Ii1f" (q ~q~- Loca­ total ~fi. ~-'lW) tion total are. population Day or Communica • code of the Bnd Drinkig days of tions(Bus-stop, Dum' Name of .Illage (In Dumber 01 wa ter Post and the markell railway station. ber Village beatare.) bou.eholds Bduaational Medical (Potable) Telegraph bat, if any . water way) 'I 8 9 1 1 3 4 s 6 10

321 ~~~ 142.00

322 ifl!.~t 707.00

323 f~«1f

325 l{T~l'3{T! 726.00

326 'IlfCfF'I',!<:1 ~e 503.00

327 .mf<:lfr lI~T 74.00

328 ~~ (~) 51.00

329 l§t<:lfIft;n{r 330,00

330 lfif'ft 405.00

331 ~~:qy 71. 00

332 ~<:T 142.00

333 WI~f<:lI'T 386.00

334 ili1f~r 1,774.00

P ... (137) D(lO) 134,105 M-( 27) H( 3) 155,781.00 (25,277) PUC-( 6) PHC( 3) AC-( 4) FPC( 3) O( 5) 'Ill

Amenities and Land use Jawad Tahsil

II',"CJ~ f;;q;eCJq ;;~ f~,) ~ 'lfll lCI''Ptllr (81llliCJ ~fq lCI'qll'Fr ~ f~f1rnr fir;~) if; eler reClJ'lft Utnrlfi 1lJ'll' 'fir ;;n, 1f{'If.I' qlI' ~~i'ft 'fiT ....Ai t-t€q'{ it f.:r'fi~(fq IW'I''''' if; ~ ~l!fl;;T (1''1\') ~fo~lfuc1; 'tiT qm (flli,,".it) ~fcral Land usc (i. e. area Hnder different typos of Land 8Tl!fqT ~ffi(Cf use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places ) ~qif;~;;rl r------"------""'"\ m~a i[i!' f~tfiAl U .it. .at it; ~ liar if; f~ fl'f;;m ffJ~ft' lCI'lft'r01l1lAn lIJ~!l Remarks (trT~ 8l~ including 'lffUtrlQ:T fI'~ ) any place of ApplO· Neare,' CulturabJe Area not reHgiOlJs, aeb tOWD and waste (inclu- available historical to distanoc Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Name of ,illagt (iD kms) supply food Forcsi by louret gated and groves) cultivation gica! interest Village

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20' 2 Uninhabited .. Khe mhpuriya

T_;ninhabited r Bagundi

Uninhabited Bidsaliya

Vninhabited Amarpura Jat

UninhabIted Mahupura Jat

Uninhabited Bhgwanpura Jat

Uninhabited Jhiriya Khedr

Uninhabited Maheshpura (Jat)

Unibhabited Khermaliya

Uninhabited Kama:

Uninbabiud .. Kheda Timarcha

Uninhabited Kirpura

Uninhabited Ramiypura

Uninhabited Kewadiya

N-(833) 22,083.00 3,093.00 50,840.00 M-(120) 14.858.00 23,543.00 c-( 9) Total T-(154) ili

;ft~~~ .'l1f.aYQ ~ '_fq .qa)q

f'fT;flq flll ., for .,;r«IJ't' 'IJft '""211 "11 ~ "'If i"~11 iirlf-'IfUI~(1Jf~_vr. ,it Ijf.nriq ""'" qt • ~ it !i;l illf rrlfl. .t- tl" lHiiI'ft ~ qf"ffi'(l 11ft .. i'1J. '111 ~) ~'H " lWJ i!r fOlCJ;;) "fr ~ !jfcrliq i"flill .. ~ tm: en q 16 ~ (~IR it) 16) «M' elJ VillA R iii'! d ~ -5 fiI; ,.r,oo 5-10 fi6.-iT. vr 10+fit.~. Amenities available (if Dot available within tbe village, 'a da.b (-) i ••bown In the C()lumn and nexl to it in bracketl, Ihe distance in broad ranies viz -Stml.S-IOtlOS Ind UI-f-kmr uf the nearest place where the facility is available il liveD). r------A ------., uerfiiAi r"fiRer "tit IIiJ ,1IIi am ;;mn'(i~ IIiJ fi:if I ~"lHlfi!ll'fl "'.) m. fn Qfll ~ il (om ~ ~- Loa-- total ~w;r. i;I\:(-1'I11i) lion total are. populatloD Day or Communica. code of lb. and Drinkig days of tions(Bus-stop, nufIP NamC! of ,llIallC! (In number 01 water Post and tbe markell railway station, ber VilIalll beotarel) bouleholds Bduoational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat, if any water wa~ j ., ( 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10

1 ~'I'6f 431.00 370(63) 1'(1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+> -(0 5 )

2 1i<:'I'r~T 166.00 242(45) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)


4 ;{~,!<:T 507.00 615(113) P(1) -( - 5) W -(-;-5) -( [0+) -(-:5)

5 iiTTq'f~l 443.00 855(147) P(1) -(-5) W -+.. 5) -(IO+) _. (- 5)

6 llflf_'~T 399.00 599{9-i) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS

7 fiiTa~qT« ~~ 315.00 647(103) P(l) -(5-10) W - (-5) -(5-le) -(-5)

8 fiffi<1

9 'ii'lq~T 209.00 29U42) P(I) -(5-10) W .... (5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

10 ~1f<:r;;T 872.00 702(107) P{l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) . BS

11 llqt~r 133.00 q~l'f

q'hFf 12 ~lm: ~~r 57.00

13 'll'ii'U 377 . 00 404(67) P( 1) -(5-10) W PO -(5-10) BS

14 ~'Ilm~1 208.00 439(72) PO) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) BS

15 "tm~l 268.01) 251(42) P( I) -(10+) w -(10+) -( 10+) -(10+\

Hj 8T'flq;;r) 239.00 493(63) pel) ~(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

17 Ii,T ~. 369.00 523(94) P(1) -(lO+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

18 ~<:,ft 559.0~ 957(180) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

19 orqI 215.00 328(55) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

0 oeritf<:lfl

Amenities and Land use Neemuch Tahsil

-----~ ---- _------_ l(1JTalii fi'fllii!Q1f ::rtn: rl(lIlm') 't~ 'J_flf ~ll1fttT (a;'lm !l!flf ~qllFr ~ f

KR. Neemuch( 19) EAg Jowar, . 30. (lOW 309.00 73.00 25 .00 Scmarda Whe:'t FP Neemuch( 19) ED, Jo\\ar, 41.00W 86.0) 25.00 14.00 M(2),T(1) Khermalya EAg Wheat PR Nellmuch( 16) ED, Jowar, 273.00W 738.00 356.00 299.00 N(l),M(3) Daru EAa Wheot C(1), T(6) PR Neemucli( 13) ED, Jowar, 27.00W 146.00 94.00 240.CO T(1) Cha:npura EAg Wheat PR Neemuch(11 ) ED, Jowar, 83.00W 139 QO 61.00 160 00 T(l) Bamanbardi EAg Wheat PR Neemuch(9) ED, Jowar, 68.00W 208.00 56.00 67.00 Gbasundi , ' EAg Wheat FP Neemuch(9) ED, Jowli'r, 44.00W 130.00 43.00 98.00 Bisalwas Khurd EAg Wheat KR Neemuch( 10} ED, Jowar, 236.00W 636.00 114 00 74.00 M(I),T(3) Bisalwas Kalan EAa Wheat KR Neemuch(6) ED, JowaI, 18.00W 149.00 28.00 14.00 Khadawada BAg Wheat PR Neemuch(8) ED, Jowar, 60.00W 432.00 209.00 . 171.00 T(2) ~agarana BAg Wheat Uninhabited Mewasa

Uninhabited Samar Kund ", ..

KR Neemuch(5) ED, Jowar, 26.00W 271.00 48.00 32.00 Cbangera EAg Wheat PR Neemuch(4) ED, Jowar, 29.00W 123.00 15.00 41.00 DUn&laoda EAg Wheat 'KR Neemuch( 11 ) EAg Jowar, 37.00W 20S.00 9.00 14.00 Bhagwanpura Wheat ..FP Neembch(S) ED. Jowar, 30.00W 158.00 28.00 23.00 Amaoli EAg Wheat FP Neemucb( 12) ED, Jowlr, 8S.00W 171 .00 48.00 65.00 N( I),M(I) Khedadaru EAg Wheat T( 1) KR Neemuch(6) ED, Jowar. 91. DOW 320.00 63.00 85.00 N(5) , Dudarsi BAa Wheat T(4),M(I) FP Neemucb(4) EAg Jowar, 37.00W 102.00 50.00 26.00 Lewada Wheat PR Neemuch(4) ED, lowar. 168.00W 393.QO 117.00 96.00 N(1),M(l), DhaneriJ3 Kalan BAa Wheat C(1),T(I) 114

\jf;r-~fq11i ~ 1!fq :aq)q ;ft1{W ."

ftfr;fllf Q"~ I5f lfI'q .'11 ", ~<;r l51';{d,r.iT ;J'flifll, ~;r-~run:t (Iff, liT" it ,!r'tIJTq r'f) ~'(r "1 'JRIJ~ :;rIAl" , 'Ili m 'n: iI& 16 ,lI"Rl"'. (~~'it) Ii) «~, '~lI'ifiH , .. 'lif 1ft ~ -5 fiIi.Ifr., 5-10 fi6 • .rt. lIT 10+fIs.lft. Amenities available (if not availabl e within ~he village, a daRh (-) i. sbown in the - C()lumn Bnd next to it in brackeu, rhe distanCe in broad range,. vii -Skml.S-IOkms lnd lo+kmt of the nearelt place wbere tbe faciiity is available is giveD). r--_------A-~------__., IIflHfQrlli r.f~' Iftit IIi1 '''' erA iIRf~i~ "T fi{if I «'{,,: il:riff'l'l "iI) '8'rt ~ fll. Iff. ~ ,) (;m~qm- Loca- total ~ ....."-"'ti) tion fatal are. population Day or Communica. code of the find Drinkig days of ciODS(Bus-stop, QUill" Name of • illalo (In number of water Post and the marketj railway station • ber Village beot.ree ) households Bduoatlonal Medical (Potable) Telegraph bat, if aoy water way)

t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

21 ~l

22 Ifli1T<{O:'T 569.00 1,450(139) P( 1) - -.( ..... S) W PO -(-5) BS

23 \lWtTT

24 ·1'~1i91 703.00 734(113) P(1) -(-s) W -(-5) - (-5) -( ~ 5)

25 \l~'1~h{T 1.701.00 2,821(482) P(l),M(l) D (1) W PO -(5-10) -(-5)

26 ~r 295.00 iiih:lif .,

27 i\'<{'!' 552.00 935(194) PO) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) BS

28 ~

29 ~)

30 ~ 270.00 278(53) P(l) (5-10) W ... (-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

31 ~:fflt 'lfqr BS

32 ~l:fT 243.00 130(28) -(-5) -(10+) w -(-5) -( 10+) -( .... 5)

33 fiflnf;:;lft arl ifT~ 191.00 192(3~) -( .... 5) .... (10+) w --( -5) -..( 10+) BS

,34 "Ff'!,-U 158.00 166 (2 3) -( -5) -(10+) w -(_5) -(10+) -(-5)

35 fqq~l:TJ 'lfP:1IT 289·00 176(35) P( 1) -(10+) w -(-5) --.(10+) -(-5)

\ 36 ;sfT

38 "{lif,\<:r 101.00 5-9( 10) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

39 ~if~\'ln ~tq'if"t 134·00 247(4$) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

40 if<:f~'!.~T 152. ('0 263(44) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5)- -'-(10+> -(-5) 115

Amenities and Land ,use Neemuch Ta'hsil

~ .. ---- amolli f;;lIi~olf ;;~<: flillnlT 'i~ oqfJ[ :a-qlfl~ (8;I!IVcr ",fJ[ :a-ql!1rr iii) fqfw., fif.~T if. eia ~tqun !:1'Iflllli am IliT ;:rHr . Ifg·;f,f ~'~i~ It) VTvtQ ~ ~"€li' ii F,lf;~olf Gllf'l'<;q if; i!) ~l!n;:rT oiJ;) i{f

~------J1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

., FP Neemuch (3) EAg Jowar, 59.00W 247.00 50.00 27.00 Ra'vut Kherja Wheat PR Neemuch(3) ED, jowar, 89,OoW 279 00 100.00 101.00 N(15),T(2) Kana~ati EAg Wh"at KR Neemuch (2) ED, Jo\'-ar 51.00W 172.00 43.00 16.00 Bholyawas EAg Wheat FP Neemuch (3) ED, Jowar, 89.00W 505.00 58.00 51.00 M(1).T(2) Barukheda EAg Wheat KR Neemuch(6) ED, Jowar, 239.00W 1,163.00 197.00 102.00 N (10). Bhadbh1diya EAg Wheat M(5),T(8) Uninhabito!d Hansptlra

PR Neemuch(1C) ED. Jowar, 67.00W 3:_\3.00 99.00 53.00 N(3) , Newad EAg Wheat M(l ),T( 1) FP Neemuch( 1 0) ED, Jowar, 36.00W 278.00 71.00 33.00 Sarwaniya Bor EAg Wheat FP Neemuch (8) ED. Jow:\r. 28.00W 136.00 21 .1)0 11 .00 Lolpu a EAg Wheat FP Neemuch (8) ED, Jowar, 40.00W 174.00 43.00 13.00 M(l ) Surjana EAg Wheat T( 1) PR Neemuch( 1 2) ED, Jowar. 85.00W 303.00 108.00 73.00 N ( I) ,T( 1) Semali Chandrawat EAg Wheat FP Neemuc.h(I3) ED, Jowar, 33.00W 148.00 45.00 17.00 Sedariya EAg Wheat PR Neemuch( t t ) EAg Jowar, 30.00W 111.00 32.00 12.00 Nipaniya Abaj Wheat FP Neemuch( 13) ED. Jowar, 19.00W 91.00 40.00 8.00 Manpura EAg Wheat PI' Neemuch'12) BAg Iowa.r, 29.00W 179.00 55.00 26.00 T(l) Pipaiya charan Wheat KR Neemuch( t 2 ) ED. Jowar. 288.00\" 1,025.00 165.00 193.00 M(5), Jawi EAg Wheat T(14) KR Neemuch( 19) Iowar, 27.00W 67.00 31.00 25.00 Chadoli Wheat KR Neen.uch( 19) Jowar , 11.0CW 63.00 20.00 7.00 Ranpura Wheat KR Neemuch( 20) EAg Jowar, 30.0!)W 65.00 25.00 14.00 M(I) Hanman tya Rawji Wheat KR Neemuch(19) EAg Jowar, .. 37.00W 58.00 44.00 13.00 .. NarsinghpUra Wire-at 116

;:fl'f'8'R~~ ii("~fQlq ~ ~fq ~q.)11 . ...

''{,.nlf III It I6f ;nil IRIf ~1 f., ""ti,'f' ~qi!fia ...;r-lIflnrrtt(lfr, .nil it ~fiil!nq

'---~ -- --~~---~-----~- ~ -__ - ~~----~------.~- - --_ ---_--- _,--_----- 41 tf~)<;r') ~17.00 629(113) PC 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+> -(5-10)

42 lSW;rT li~ 183.00 711(18) -( ·.5) -( -5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

43 qglc.r) 412.00 220(42) -(-... 5) -(5-10) W - (5-10) -( h)+) -(5-10)

44 f'ti11Ti{~<:T 145.00 246(44) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10)

45 <:r;;{~f'lfl 185.00 146(30) -(-5) -( - 5) W -(-5) -( 10+) ..... (-5)

46 fltifTll''ti1 124,00 Cf)\H

47 fqq'iTf.f 952.00 1,248(227) P( 1). PHC(I) w PO -( 10+) as M(1) 48 ll~'tiT 1n.oo 470(74) P(I) ..... ( -5) R -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5)

49 er~f<:"T ~~ 103.00 296(59) Pel) -(-5) w -( -5) ..... (10+> -(-5)

50 ii't<:lii'T 'tim 428.00 665(112) P( 1) -(5-10) W ... (-5) -(5-10) Bs

51 IfT<:r"~ 1,048.00 1,409(226) P( 1). -(-5) w PO -(-5) BS M(l) 52 ~ 320 00 257(42) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5..... 10) BS

53 flffilfT ~~ 266.00 169(31) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) ... (5-10' -(-5)

54 f~~ 910.00 1,345(246) P( 1) -( 5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

S5 ~~ h\f! 435.00 1,353 (220) P( 1), -( 5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS M( 1) 56 ~Cl~~T 56.00 115(") -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

57 ~"~r 331.00 370(70) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5"'10)

58 :q)'1"~1 635.00 418(76) Pel) -(-5) w ..... (-5) -( .... 5) -(-5)

59 ~l!f~tl t li!il 4S2.GO 381l62} P(l) -(5-10) W • (5-Hl) -(5-10) .... {S-10)

60 'fitif'''~T 532.00 951(163) P{I} -(10-+ ) w -(10+) -(10+> -(-5) 117

Amenities and Land use Neemuch Tahsil

~--.---~~ -_----~------f;rlli~ ~1'! ;;tR fQ~') Q1'!ffllli Ii- .p'l' ~~)tr t.f1'1f6 1!,f1'!

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Neemuch( 20) EAg Jowar, 6-LOOW 154 00 70 00 29.00 T(l) TIl'l':JoJ i Wheat 44. DOW KR Neemuch( 17) EAg Jowar, 100.00 26.00 13.00 Khatya Khedi Whe~t M(] ) KR Neemuch(20) EAg Jowar, 37 ~ OOW 270.00 66.01 33 00 Bajoli Wheat T(l) KR Neemuch(21) EAg Jowar, 16.00W 92.:>0 23.00 14 00 Kishallpura Wheat FP Neemuch( 17) ED, Jowar, 40.00W 108.00 2~.OO 13.00 .. Rajpuriya EAg Wheat Unin!1abited Vinayaka

KR Neemuch( 1 5) ED Jowar, 127.00W 629.00 116.00 80.00 M( 1). Piplon EAg Wheat T( 1) KR NeemUch( 18} EAg Jowar, 29.00W 76.00 36.00 31.00 T( I) Malki Wheat KR Neemuch( 15) ED Jow.\r. 27.00W 47.00 17.00 12.00 Dhaneriya Knurd EAg Wheat PR Neemuch(6) ED JONar, 85.00W 24.00 68.00 30.00 N(2), Borkhedi Kalan EAg Wheat M(2),T(2) PR Ne~m·.lch(4) ED Jo".Var. 157. O~W 685.00 119.00 87.00 N(5}, Malkheda EAg Wheat M( 1). T(2) PR Neemuch(6) ED Jowa r • 100.00W 114.00 51.00 55.0J DhoJpura EAg Wheat PR Neemuch(5) ED Jowar, 28 OOW 177.00 38.00 23.00 Pipalyahada EAg Wheat PR Neemuch(5) ED Jowar, 97.00W 622.00 139.00 52.00 N(2) Girdoda EAg Wheat PR Neemuch(7} ED Jowar. 83.00W 211.00 78.00 63.00 N(5), Rewali Devli EAg Wheat Tt2) PR Neemuch(3) ED Jowar, 3,00W 19.00 26.00 R.OO Jetp'Jra EAg Wheat PR Neemuch(5) EAg J.>war, 24.00W 248.00 46.00 13.00 M(l) , Dulakheda Wheat T( 1) PR Neemuch(3) EAg Jowar, 71.00W 484.00 46.00 34.00 Chauthkheda Wheat PR Neem uch ( 6 ) EAg JoWar, 45.00W 3511.00 35.00 22.00 Jamuniya Khurd Wheat KR Neemuch( 13) ED Jowar, 146.00W 276.00 70.00 40.00 N(3). Kanakheda EAa Wheat M(3).1(2) 118

------'------VIII' ltil f~ lII''lEf'!f I n'fi!l liI'if-,rCfernt (lrf'll IT" it ~riiEl'rl( ;;rqwaa IIii' ,!it I6r" it t-) iu ""'1fT tfln ~'" lHiif'W" ~"qfoo~l W\'~ W'" ~;: liT 16~ ii ql" ~ foTa;r1 ~'(r ..~ §fin"~ ;ml" t 1I'ta ~ en -~ 16 (~~ it) iii) Ei~r (~lfillil"( 1(;0( Iffr 1ft t -5 fii.Ift" 5-10 firi • .n.II'I 10+fiJ.wft. Amenities a.,aUable(if not available within the viilage, I dash (-) i. sbown in the c()lumn.and·next-U, it in braokcu •• ho distatlCC! in broad ranle.viJ -Skma.S·l0kms _uld lo-t-kmE of the aearoat place where the faciiity is available il JiveD). ,-__--- __ .~ ______-A. -., Wlftfllrilli r'ilm~, qlit llil fTIIi .aih ;;mry~i~ 'if ~ifl Ef'ill<: ilI~I "if' err< t f~iI Ifr, titt II) (fi ferq ~- ~I!A. ~-,"~) ~~­ tOlal don . fotal aro. population Day or Communica. code of the aDd Drinkig days of tioDs(Hus-stop, num­ Name of ,lIIago (In number 01 wa ter Post and the market' railway station. ber Village bectate. ) bou.ahold! Bducatiooal Medical (Potablo) Telegraph hat, if any water way)

1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 ------. --.------61 fiPf,""HI ""~111 409. JO 549(87) P( 1) -(10+) \V -(-5) -(-5)

222·00 307(54) P(l) -(H!+) w -(-5) -(-5)

220.00 489(96) P( 1) -( 5-1 0) W ... ( 5-1 0) -(5-10) -(5-10)

277.00 304(60) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10 ) -(5-10)

107.00 226(44) -(-5) -(S-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

IlS.00 ..

38S.00 82S(148 ) P(I) ~(S-10) W -(S-10} ... (S-IO) BS


2S7.00 309(45) W -(5-10) -(-5)

70 ~T;;rf~lfT 790.00 469(76) P{l) -(10+) w -(5-1 0 ), -(5-10)

410 00 510(98) P( 1) -( 1 0+) -(5-10) -( 10+) -(5-10)

72 ~fWn 175.00 189(32) W -(5-10) -( 10+)

509 (JO 629( 109) P(l) -( -5) W,R -f-5) BS

884 (140} P(l) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+ ) _(-5)

288.00 226(31) -(-S) -(5-10) W -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5)

230.00 127(n) -(-5) -(10+) w -(-5)

299.00 228( 34) P( 1) -( 10+) w -( 10+) _( 10+) I -(-5)

198.00 164(34) -(-5) -(10+) W -(-5)

79 ~T;;rO' 295.00 642(119) P(l) -(10+> W -(-5)

80 f'lWfT 'll~T,,;:r 196 . 00 375(73) P(l) -110+) w -(10+> _(10+> -( -5) 119

Amenities and Land ulile Neemuch Tahsil

lI1{mlti f'fllii!61{ 'f1l~ f.I1f~') '!.~ 'if" ;aql:l')ll (BillYa '1f1{ ;aQ1:l'11l It1t f~f;r;;.r fif;~T iti ala ~tqvn Enf1{1Ii Q'T1{ IliT 'fI1{ CJif'lf.l" • _~;a~ ~:t.') IliT atllJili! tltiZl" it f,c, Ilila1{ ~~'I~~ iti ~T ~-n'fT 6ifi) qR!&1f"lIi !tiT 'IPI" (flli ,11'1. it) '1fcf~, Land usc (i. e. area Ilnder different types of Land 8T1I"Cfl ~rn

-~----- _------~- --- II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Neemuch( 13) Jowar, 69.00W 228.00 69.00 43.00 •• Bisalwas Bamanya Wheat KR Neemuch ( 13) Jowar, 27.00W 137.00 29.(10 29.00 Dasani Wheat KR Neemuch(8) EAg Jowar, 38.00W 119.00 37.00 26.00 T( 1) C.'ampi Wheat KR Neemuch(8) Jowar, 42.00W 187.00 28.00 20.00 Aranya l'v!angir Wheat PR Neemuch(S) Jowar, 14 OOW 72.00 13.00 S.OO Hanmantya Vyas Wh.eat Uninhabited Bhat Khedi

, Jowar, 44.00W 263.00 46.00 32.00 Bhat Kheda P~ Neemuch( 10) Wheat Uninhabited Jarkheda ... PR Neemuch(9) Jowar, IS.00W 164.00 37.00 38.00 T( 1) Kothadi Wheat FP Neemuch( 11) ED Jo'War, 32.00W 625.00 100.00 33.00 Ratadiya Wheat FP Neemuch( 11 ) ED Jowar, 14.00W 291.00 85.00 20.00 Admalya Wheat FP Necmuch( 16) ED Jowar, 7.00W 142.00 19·00 7.00 M(1) Dansiya Wheat PP. Neemuch ( 1 3) EAg Jowar, 45.00W 340.00 77.00 47,00 MOl, Borkhedi Panadi Wheat FP Neemuch ( I 4 ) EAg Jowar, 79.00W 525.00 84.00 51.00 Bisalwas Songifa \\'heat FP Neemuch( 1 5) Jowar, 10.00W 219.00 39.00 20.00 Rampuriya Wheat FP Neemuch( 15) Jowar, 14.00W 159.00 42~00 15.00 M ( 1 ), Borkhedi Khurd Wheat T( 1) PR Neemuch( 19) ED, Jowar , IS.OOW 227.00 34.(10 20. 00 Dowad EAg Wheat PR Neemuch( 20) Jowar, 19.00W 12S.00 41.00 10.00 Raisinghpura Wheat PR Neemuch( 16) EAg Jowar, 35.00W 173.00 49.00 3S.00 Jhalri Wheat PR Neemuch( 12) BAg Jowar, 36.00W 96.00 43.00 21.00 Pipalya Nathawat Wheat 120

;t)WiJff~~ 1ft~1fwl1i I:('( '!"' a-qll)Q

",,,,,fa VIII llil 'fIll .lUll 161 f~ GJirUIli!l'I ~""'III ."-,!f~8Ht

1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

81 fi{IfIf;rzrT 139.00 144(45) -(-5) -( 10+) w -(10+) -(10+) -(-5),

82 li ~lPi ~T ~T~Q( 135.00 146(25) -(-5) -(10+). W -(10+) -(10+> -(-5)

83 G1'T'flfT 131.00 103(19) -(-5) -(10+) w -( 10+) -(10+) -(-5)

84 fu.,!ftfT @'~ 144·00 50(11) ... (-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(lC+) -(-5)

85 'llT<::

86 'lT~!fi i5'!<: T 121·00 134(28) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) BS

87 \ifiiTliH 637.00 1 ,066( 170) pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -( 10+) BS

28 <'r~ sf a"H 430.00 616(94) P( I) -(~5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

29 ~1·FI 2,485.00 3,777(q41) P( I) ,M(I) D( I) w PO, Phone -(10+) BS

90 ~T 241.00 375(57) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5)

91 6{1J(<'rf~~ 580.00 917(143) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-S) -(10+) -(-5)

92 \Jm~~t 303.00 376(67) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

93 ll:if~T q'

94 iSTlfiRzrT 201.00 24.3(44) -(-5) -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

95 'fjwr~~ 50.00 q~fil'

96 ~<'rT<:T 200.00 330(59) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

97 ll'1l'T

98 \'T«.,~",~ 272.00 213(26) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

99 f'f~lfT f;r~Y 137.00 .116(29) -(-5) -(5-10) 'W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

100 ,!'i~;;rT 468. 00 421(72) P(l) -(5-10) W -(-s) -(5-10) -(5-10) 121

Amenities and Land use Neemuch Tahsil

.~lIi f;rlti!'{I1i ;;'R ftram1 'i- ,_rar iij"qtiT'f (e:l!lfo '1far 'dQQ1'f II>'t fqf'f'..r fllfimr it> iTer ~cQvft a-TfJr;r; IrT~ It>T ;n~ Ifi.r.r ~~i~1 ~ ..,.AI ~ifill~ it F.lf~ij'lf ~'If"cr it> ~) ~'fi;rT ([It> J ~fu~fult> lIiT'IflIf (flli.1ft. it) ~fqm Land usc (i. e. area nnder different types of Land ~~ use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places ) ~~~ r------~------.:.._-~ ~ iA ~TUirl ~ Ih v~ ~ mtl' m~f~ f~f'iffl f,,~([ iij"~~ 8T~9 Remarks (tft~ 8T~ including ~fl:T~f~) any place of Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religio lS. aeb town and waste (inc!u available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Name of yillago (in km8) Iupply rood Poreat b,r louree gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Village

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

-~----~"------~~------~ -_--_------~-- FP !'!"emuch( 14) Jowar. .. 8 OOW 97.00 20.00 14.00 N;p:tniya Wheat PR Neemuch( 14) Iowar. II.OOW 9~.Oa 18.00 12.00 Khet.1 kho!da Wheat Charan PR Neemuch( 15) Jowat. . 17.00W 86.00 17.00 11.00 Akya 'Wheat PR Neemuch( 18) Jowar. 11.0OW 1 t 1.00 12.00 10.~0 Tinkya Khedi Wheat PR Neenmch( 18) ED, Jowar, 6200W 196.01l 32.00 20.00 N(60) Bhadw:1 EAg Wheat PR Neemuch( 14 ) Jowar, 18.00W 72.00 17.00 14.00 Shiv Temple Nilkanthpura Wheat PR Nee"much( 15) ED, Jowar, 99.00W 384.00 87.00 67.00 N(o) Jawasa. EAg Wheat T(3) PR Neemuch ( 18) Jowar. 73.00W 294.00 41.00 22.00 T(I) Lasudi Tanwar Wheat PR Manasa ( 1) ED. Jowar. 360 OOW 1,711.00 224.00 190.00 N(35) , Sawan EAg Wheat M(3).T(l) PR Manasa (9) Jowar. 34.00W 165.00 28.00 14.00 Dhaba Wheat pp Manasa (10) Jowar, 81 OOW 4H 00 59.00 11.00 Amlikheda Wheat FP Manasa (12 ) EAg Jowar, 40.00W 233.00 19.00 tl.OO Umaheda Wheat FP Manasa (13) ED, Jowar. 28.00W 188·00 43.00 20.00 Hanmantya EAg Wheat . Pawar FP Manasa (29) Jowar, 7.00W 143.00 23,00 28.00 Thikariya Wheat Uninhabited Manshakhedi

FP Neemuch( 14) Jowar. 30.QOW 136.00 24.00 10.00 Belari Wheat FP Mana sa (14 ) Jowar. .. 20.00W 12:.00 31,00 9.00 Gulabkhedi Wheat FP Manasa (13) EAg Jowar. 15.00W 197.00 37.00 23.00 Lasudihada Wheat FP Manasa (13) EAg Jowar. 17.(JOW 99,00 17.00 4.00 Piplya Mircha Wheat FP Manasa (13) Jowar. 33.00W 314.00 79,00 42.00 T( 1) MundI a Wheat 122

i"Ur '" ;rrq .rlfd,! fot qr'nierl'l n~"a n-'Jfliflifr~(lfr, "If it '!fiunl{ ""W111 qi • .n ~!" it c-) i. ~r '11fT ~ etqtq;" !(~ o:rron'tl m '1viir IfJII ~r ~fsG'" it 'WI' 9' foii.'l'l') i~ 'n '1RIl~ :alAI .. ; ~ m 1ft q 16 (~IJ' it) 16) ltG" (U lJillir"{ " IIiT 1ft t -5 fiIi ,Iii" 5-10 fiIi,Iii. '" 10+fiI!lft. Amenities IIyaiiable(U nOI ayailabl e within tbe YiJlage. a da.b (-) il .bown In the calumn and OC&110 it in 'bracket., the distance in broad rangel vii -Skml.S-IOkms and l!l-j-kmt (If the nearelt place wbere tbe faciiity is available is ,iven). r--_-----~------A.------~ WqrfVrlfi r.fiIRVf ~ iii! ,,.. am 4[PIH/~~ ~r fili'f/ ".r<: lIJiR"lr t(l;r) e-t't t fn 11ft t&Ti" (Q mil m- r..oca­ fotal ~a;t', GI'ir-'lr~) tiOD fota' area population Day or Communica , code of tb. ' and Drinkig days of tiODs(Bus-stop,' DUlll" Name of .Illage (10 number 01 water Post and the marltel! railway statiM. ber Village beetalel) bouseholds Bduoational Meclioal (Potable) Telegraph bat, if any water way) ., 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10

877,00 1,468(243) P(1),M(l) FPC( 1) w' PO -(-5) -(-s)

308.00 322(48) pel) -(-5) W . -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

476,00 592(96) P(I) -(-5) W,R -(-5) .. (-5) -(-5)

222.00 236(40) - ,-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5)

1 0 5 fellii'll' f 503.00 783(133) P(I) -(-5) W ',-(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

649.00 693(120) P(l) -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) -(10+) -(-s)

234.00 385(69) P( 1) -(5-10) W,R -(5-10 -(.;.s) -(5-10)

391.00 419(70) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

376.00 221(29) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-1,0)

755.00 9 48 (173) P(l) -(5~10) W,R -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

1 ,738 . 00 3, 01 8 ( 544) P ( 1 ) •M ( 1) D(I) W,T PO BS

IS8.00 66(13) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

1 13 ;fI11r1l'T 470.00 722(121) P( I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5)

114 m~~T 254.00 284(46) -(- 5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+ ) -( -5)

228.00 223(36) 1'( 1) -(-5) w -(5-10) -(10t-) -(-5)

116 fqq~trT ;trur 278.00 492(82) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -( 10+) -(-s)

360.00 671(122) P( I) -(5-10) W -(- 5) -( 10+) BS

429.00 58 2 (99) W -(5-10) BS

458.00 713(116) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 10+) BS

557.00 1,023(191) P(l),M(l) 0(1) W,TW PO BS,as U3

rAmenities and Land use Neemuch Tahsil

---. . _------_- IrqnJlIi f.!1Ii2(11f ;rm fllQI .~ "J.fq ;a-qqltr (uffi 'ilf\:! :aqllltr ~') f~f'if"f fif;~;rl ~ ~a retqVTl ~nflr ~~1 ,------'_.--:...... ---"------"" ~ iI'f f'~T,""T u . Ih V(lT it> ~i'f V~ it> fi;tit ~r"l(f f,,(iE (I .:a~'a- 1ilII'{ iI{~~ia Remarks (trT'if( aiR including 'll'mtTT&T ~~ ) any place of Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religio:Js, acb !own and waste (inclu. available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Name of . ,illag. (in kms) supply food Poreat by loureo gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Village

-.------~-- - 11 12 13~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

.---~-----~----- FP Manasa (11 ) ED J()war, 143.0eW 595.00 96.00 43.00 N(15),M(4), Bordiya Kalen Wheat T(3 ) FP Manasa ( 11) ED, Jowar, 3:l.00W 217 00 42.0J 1 L. 00 T(2) Bordiya Khurd EAg \\ho!8t FP Malhargarh( 10) Jowar, 20.00W, 259 00 75.00 117.00 Mangrol Wheat 5.00N KR MaJhargarh(9 ) ED Jowar, 12.00W, 131 .00 29.00 42·00 Dipukht'di Wheat 8.00N KR Malhargrah( 8) ED, Jowar , 045. OOW, 326.00 67.00 43.00 Vishnya EAg. Wheat 22.00N FP Neemuch (22) ED, Jowar, 59.00W 449.00 86.00 55 00 Sir khcda EA. Wheat FP Neemuch (24) Jowar. 1000W 160.00 32.00 22.00 ••. Kenpuriya Wheat FP Neemuch (26) Jowar. 36.00W 296 .. 00 48.00 11. uo Chhayan Wheat f"p Neemuch (28) Jowar. 25.00W 186.00 76 00 89 00 Melki Wheat FP Neemuch ( 30) Jowar, 52.00W, 461 . vO 143.00 96.00 Sem'lJi .Mewlld Wheat 3.00N PR Neemuch (20) EA Jowar, 112 .OOW ; 1065.00 22'7.00 138.00 PalsoJa Wheat 196·00R FP Nee much (12) Jowar, 1 OOW 106.00 37.00 14.00 Hameriya Wheat Ct- FP Neemuch (17 ) EAII Jowar. ii2.00W 810.00 61 00 37.00 M(I), Bamanya Wheat T(3) FP Neemuch (13) EA, JO'har, 20.00W 192.00 24.00 18.00 MaJiya Wheat FP Nee much (18 ) ED, Jowar, 11.00W 167.00 27.00 13.00 Sakrani EAII Whoat FP Necmuch ( 1 8 ) ED, Jowar, 31. DOW 225.00 10.00 12.00 T(2) Piplya Vyas FAI Wheat PR Neemuch (13) EA, Jowar, 35.MW, 239.00 42.00 24.00 1( 1) Kelukheda Whear 20.60N PR Neemueh (15) ED, Jowar, 26.00W, 314.00 42.0'0 37.00 .. KachoIi EAS Wheat 10. QON PR Neemuch (16) ED, Jowar, 40. OOW, 214.00 56.00 51.00 Bhanwarlsa

BAg Wheat 27.00N .I PR Neemuch (14) BA Jowar, s6.00W 296.00 18 00 187.00 N(15)- Kothadi Istmurar Wheat 124

lIT" II>! f" er-rdv'l' 5> ;llllil"" 3I1f-"Ir""r~(If" !lT1f it ,!flf"nt .1fWQl qi t sf IImIW it c-) tiff ~ tnTT p etif'fi;;f ~ 'from:l ~l "ill ..,11 ~, 1IIi'~" if Ill~ it f.oftf'l'') l'(j '" '!~af1t :a"" .. ' qre m q"{ q: ;;:6 (~lI1: if) 11&') {jill! (~ If... r" lliii tir 1ft • -5 iii; ,.n,. 5-10 liI;,qy. Iff 10+fiI.-it. Amenities available(if not available whhin tbe village. I dalh (-) i. ,hown in the clillmn and next to it in brackell, rho distance in b~oad rangel via -Sltml.S-lOltms and Io+kmt (If the nearest place "here the facility is available i, liveD). ,- • A. , -.. lIf"fiIA; ~fiImn ~ I5l ff1IIi am ,ilT'irR/~ ~ f(;:r' U"fn: Ilf~' ft;f" fm: t fn ur. 11M" (nI' mq ~_ t.oca­ lotal ~w;r. ~-IITIi) don total are. populatioll Day or Communica. code of tb, and Drinkig days of , t1oDs(Bus-atop. num­ Name of ,ma.o (In Dumber 01 wa ter Post and the market' railway station, ber VillaR' beotarel) boulebolds Bducatlooal Medical (Potable) Telegrapb hat. if any water way} 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 II;)

469.00 125(19) -(-5) -(5-]0) W -(5'-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

190.CO )10(19) -(-5) -(-5) W.R -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

468.00 555(108) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

124 tll'j~ 374.00 267{ 42) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) BS

439.00 489(91 ) P(1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) BS

72.00 26(5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

432.00 440(83) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

542.00 1,608(293) P(l),M(l) D(l) W,TW PO -(5-10) BS,RS

237.00 435(69) P(l} -(~ 5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5 )

1 71 .00 ..

31,00 184(29) P(l) H(l) W,HP PO -(-5) BS,RS

1 3 2 8I<:~Tf1'fT<: 360.00 99(19) -(-5) _(_5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

1 " 3 orttft",) 2i4.00 275(52) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS'RS

134 :;pff~~ 303,00 743(137) P(l),M(I) -(-5) W -( .... 5) ,.( -5) -(-5)

1 3 5 1It1R1fI~T 462.00 202(42) P(1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

. 248.00 467(88) Pel) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5>

361.00 ~22(l05) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

13 8 ~l;ftIiTifT 531.00 663(122) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

289.09 444(74) P(I) W -(-5) "'(10+> -(-5)

14 0 'UiIllIT 393.00 799(135) P(l),~(l) -(5-10) w PO -(10+> ... (-5) 125

Amenities and Land use Neemuch Tahsil

------_------Imal6 f;:rl6zaq ;:rtl~ rlllllffi) '{- "Ifq ;gqll'hr (

PR Neemuch (1) EA Jowar, 7.00W 2.0) 2·00 20.00 Kuma1iya Wheat PR Neemuch (3) FAg Jowar, 13~.00W 159.00 40.00 22.00 Arnyakumar Wheat PR Neemuch (4) EAg Jowar, 48.00W 119·00 26.00 21.00 Jagoli Wheat PR Neemuch ( 1 ) ED, Jowar, 84.00W 126.00 36 00 57.00 N(4),M(l), Jaisinghpura EAg Wheat T(4) PR Neernuch (5) EAg Jowar. 27.00W 262.00 111·00 62.00 Jhanjharwada Wheat PR Neemuch (2) Jowar. 24.00W 147.00 37.00 40·00 Piplya Bag Wheat PR Neemuch (6) 'EAg Jowar, 64.0uW 165.00 76.00 56.00 Dhlmaniya Wheat PR Neemueh( 10) ED, Jowar, 69.00W 261.00 73.00 128.00 Soniyana EAg Wheat FP Neemuch( 12) EAg Jowar, 61.00W 10S.00 44·00 79.00 Gwaldeviya Wheat PR Neemuch( t 4) EA JOWar, 92.00W 214.00 54·00 33·00 M(1),T(3) Rabadya Wheat 126

;:oq;r~~" ."~fn.,q ~ 1J.fq ~qll)q

~lfr-:{'r1t 11'''' 15' :nil vr" 151 for ~~''ll .""Ig \lIf1l-'!f.umt(lff.. vrq it '1fqgl~ w"waa If1il t sl 1&,'" it (-) f. ~ Ifll'I 15). ~ !Ii~'I" ~qfm'{l iII'tl ;r~ .... i{r I&~iji it q'lf g foIii1'iT! ~'(f q~ '1~u'li n" .. t ~ m Cf'{ q 'Iii 1FHl't (~1f'{ if) 1&) "'~, '~Ilijir~ ni ~ qf ~ -5 fiIi.Ifr •• 5-10 fiIi.Ifr.1P 10+fiI.-ft. Amenities available (if 001 available withio the village •• dash (-) i. shown in the Clllumo Ind nexl to it in bracketl. IhO distance in broad rangel viI -SkmIIS-tOtm. Ind lo-t-kmt "r the nelrelt place "here the racillty is available il givcn). , __----- _____-A, ~ vi~fQA; "m.~, qtit 151 ,fIIi am iiI'Rf{/&fC I&r f?I'if1 d'il'l~ llriWrl .,...') 6'J'{ t f;:;r Qfl Iliff " (~~qm- ~0tII- toc •• ~v;rl ~-m~) liOD total.rel populalioD Day or Communica. code of tb. and Drinkig days of t lons(Bus-stoP. DUm- NaIRe or ,Illale (In nurnber of water Post and the marketl railway station. ber VilIa8' beotarel) householdS Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat, if any water way)

~------1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------141 ~ij'T

142 iI>U 187.00 198(31) -(-5) -(5-10) W .. (-5) -(10+) -(-5)

143 CIIlMfT 77.00 100(18) -(-5) -( 5-1 0) W -(-5) -00+> -(... 5)

144 l1~~r 243.00 460(90) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) BS

145 3!T~'JU 163.00 267(55) -(-5) -(-5) W -(- 5) -(10+) BS

146 -~;lfI ;;R~ 100.00 103(22) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) BS

147 ~T~l:fl ~TU;;r 1.198.00 1.669(313) P(2),M(t) -( 5-1 0) W PO -(10+) BS

148 'lT1fTli~ 233.00 53(8) P(l) -(.. 5) W -(-5) -(10+ ) .. ( -5)

149 dlJfRt 318.00 846(11i4) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10.+ ) -(-5)

ISO il'f'it(t 227.00 289 (50) P( 1) ,M( 1) -(5-10) W -(- 5) -(10+ ) -(-5)

151 ",

152 ~)iji~'T 112.00 17U(26) -(-5) -(5-10) W -( - 5) -( 10+) -(-5)

153 r.f\~t'fT 136.00 224(36) -(-5) -( -5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

154 1fl:li~T '!.'if"l; 168.00 138(27) .. (-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) ... ( -5)

155 !fTo 195.00 204(38) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

136 ,t"l~ 6T;;fI

157 'l'Tlf'I li;T 160.00 11 ( I ) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)


159 'l;lfi tfil'T 'PH 193.00 115(21) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

-( -5) 160 lfi)o~T ll''I<:T 172.00 35(6) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+)' 127

r Amenities and Land use Neemuch Tahsil

-~------~------. ----~-~

lI'.rm~ f.:r!f;~alf lltl~ fll'll[~I") . '!~ '[_flJ ~qll')tJ (ure 'J~' 'O'll:fitl Iti') fCjhT;~ flfHrl it v.~ R''f1Jfj !lIfirar. I1r:q !f;l 'l'1:q If{1IIfir . I:t~ :a'~1Iit ~,r

------~------~--- It 12 13 14 ., 16 17 18 19 20 2

FP Neemuch( 1 S) EAg Jov,ar, 101. COW 320.CO 100.00 168.00 Harnawda Wheat FP N,eemuch ( 16) EAg Jowar, 19. OOW GS.OO 17.00 86. no Ked Wheat FP Neemuch( 15) EAg Jowar, 17.00W 24.00 10.00 26.00 Amba Wheat KR Neemuch(10) ED, Jowar, 46.00W 133.00 34.00 30.00 M(l),T(l) Mahudiya EAg Wheat PR NeemucM 11) EAg Jowar. 29.00W 100.00 20.00 14.00 M(l) , Aspura~ Wheat 5.00 13.00 Arnya Chandel PR Neemucb( t2) Jowar, 28.00W 54.on Wheat Jowar, 178.00W 547.00 229.00 244.00 M(4).T(3), Karadlya Maharaj PR Neemuch( 14) ED. EAg Wheat Shiv Temple Jo\\ar, 6.00W 182.00 34.00 11.00 Bhimakhedi PR Neemuch ( 15) Wheat 54.00W 172.00 41.00 51.00 N( 3),M(3" Hamora PR Neemuch( 13) ED, Jowar, BAg Wh~at T(3) PR Neemuch( 14) ED. Jowar. 41.00W 125.00 33.00 28.00 M(1),T(2) Bamod EAg Wheat 39.00 12.00 56.00 Pawati PR Nee much ( 16) Jowar, S.OOw Wheat PR Neemnch( 15) JO'l'.ar, 13.00W 72.00 15.00 12.00 Sokadi Wheat Peerana FP Neemuch(22 ) Jo\~ar , 25.00W 53.00 22.00 36.00 Whe'1t FP Nee much ( 12) }owar. 3!1.00W 36.00 3.00 91.00 Barkhada Oujar . Wheat FI' Neemuch( 1 9) Jowar, ,.. 16.00W 43.nO 37.00 99.00 Peerh Wheat FP Neemuclt( 1 5) EAg Jowar, 48.00W 273.00 104.00 207.00 Owa! Talab Wheat FP Neemucb( 19) EAg Jowar, 10.OOW 74.00 21.00 55.00 T(l) Nllyankhedi Wheat KR NeelUuch( 2 3 ) EAg lowar, 64.00W 123.00 39.00 54.00 Dalpafpura Wheat KR Neemuch ( 19 ) BAS Jowar, 12.00W 97.00 22.60 62.00 Bhadkasanawada Wheat FP Neemuch ( 19) Jowar. 6.00W 54.00 39.00 73.00 KOlhadi Magra Wheat 128

;ft~ "~~h~ iii" ~fctaT'i ~ 1!fq :aq.)rt

t~l;ftlt II'IIf .r ;n" ,"If iii, ~« i'il'nhilf' ;J'l;lfIB ar,,-,}r.a1tt(lffll ,,If it '1rufl~ iJlJWI8 "Iii t '" iii'" if (-) ill 6flm:rT tTlf' 'l~ 9ertfR11 ~ 'If'{

~and ______l!l-f-kmt of the nearest place where A the___ facility.______is available is given). ~

W61fllA; r.. f.tmr, ,,~ IJir C'rIfi ill'h ifnIn:/~ 1Ji' fci'll ""I~ Slf~r "er"! ffT1: ~ fn ur, IIiti It (n ~q m- t.oc&- Total ~Wif. aror-lf''') don total are. population Day or Communica. code of tbe and Drinkig days. of tions(Bus-stop, num- Name of village (In rlUmber 01 water Post and tbe marketl railway station. ber Village heetarel) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat, if any water way)

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

161 ti~ lS0.00 24(S) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-S) -( 10+) -(-5) \ 162 ll~)f~lfT 630.00 225(47) -( .... ~) -(-S) W -(-5) -( 10+) "(-5)

163 i(il~ilT 361. 00 163(29) -(-S) -(-S) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

164 'lfT6'~9l 2.024.00 3.563(S88) P(I),M(l). D( 1) W PO.Phone -(10+) BS PUC( 1) 165 1T)ql~l<::l 106.00 150(38) -(-5) - (-5) W - (- 5) -( 10+) -( .... 5)

166 qtq~T ~~ 76.00 224(48) P(I) -(-5) W -( - s) -(10+) -(-5)

167 'I,M'l 206.00 16S~32) -(-5) -(-S) w -(-5) :.. (10+) -(-5)

168 'ifij'l~' 1,576.00 418(90) P(1) - (5-10) W - (S-10) -( 1 0+) -(S-10)

169 ilfl'l1q~T ;;{Tlffl; 431.00 279(45) P( 1) -(-5) w -(-5) -( 10+) BS

170 'l;{1i~ 20·00 ~9(12) -(-S) -(-5) w -(-S) . -(10+> BS

171 ~Tq~'rJ 43.00 S6(9) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) - (10+) -( S)

172 ~~l~T 49.00 qT~T;;

173 IfTCf9TlIi'('[t 220.00 71(13) -(- s) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-S)

174 !i~'''T arTlJ~ 2,] 93.00 1,183(227) pet) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -( 10+) BS

175 ~'h:r

176 q{1'f~<::T 20,.00 mT;;

177 lIi'i'(l~T 101.00 175(36) -(-S) -(5-10) w -(S-10) -(10+) B~

178 fqq"'T arm" 265.00 321(S2) -(-5) _(5_10) w -(5-10) -(10+) - (- S)

179 H1ft'~ 4.00 lim"

180 \l)q~~, 34.uO 201(28) .. (-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(-S)

. 130

;:ihrv,~~~~ ;r;r1f'fUYQ ~" ~fq .".)11

f'fr;{tq Ill" ,.;, ifIll IW' ";1 ~icr;rl i(t '" '!~~ .qlS t, ~ men.2I1 JU ~'{ (~~ it) Ill') ~~I .. " lTllir~ lui 'Ii'r ITt ~ -5 fiI; .1fT •• 5-10 r.. -.n. If' 10+fiI.wft. , Amenities avaiJable(if nOI available witbin tbe village, a dalb (-) i. sbown 10 the c')lumn and nex, 10 iI in brackell, thC distance in broad rangel vb -Skml.'·10Itms Ind lo+kmt of the nearell place where tbe faciiity is available is liven). r'-_------______-A-----_------_-- ...... w~fiJrl!i r.~tr, qoli\' Ill' .-11Ii am iIRT~/~ lIlT ~'" ~.I<: Ilt'""" q'flf') ff~ iii fl;';f Ifr. ",)I it (om ~q'~- Loca- Total ~w;r. q-'lTti) lioo total arc. population Day or , ComqJunica. code 'of tb. aod Drinkig days of tions( Bus-stop, num- Nam. of ,1II.le (In number 01 water Post and the market' railway station. ber VilIa'g. beat.re. ) bouleholds eduoatlonal Medical (Potable) Telegraph bat, if aoy water way)

I 1 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

181 at~'l

184 ii(t~ti~T 190 06 389(77) P(l) .... (5-10) W -(5-10) - (10+) -(-5)

18~ il'Tij ~~, 169.00 I1S(17) -( - 5) -( 5-10) w -(5~ 10) -(10+) --(-5)

186 ~;f\';;rrlft<: 161.00 229(42) P(1) --(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) , -(S-10)

187 mmi~ 357.00 400(77, P( I) -( 5-10) W -!5-1O) • -( 10+) -(-5)

]88 an:~~T u1Nllt 243.00 213(37) -(-5) .. (5-10) W -(-5) -(10+> -(-5)

189 ~~ 1,088.00 1,539(287) P( 1 ) -(5-10) W,R PO -(10+) BS

190 ;rpl:!ri,J 145.00 562(93) P(l) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10-1-) - (-5) 191 OT<:;:l:!t

193 i!f~~ 2,118.00 2,133(393) P(3),M(I) HC( 1) W,T PO -( 5-1 0) BS

194 8i'l:rl:fT ,,~1t:~ 114.00 268(42) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

195 ;;fq,!<: 199.00

196 ~

197 q'n"~ 213.00 ' 204( 38) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) .. (10+) -(-5)

198 mm'{lft ri ..' 78·00 55(12) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -( .... 5)

199 ~rll''f "~r 144.00 8(1) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(l0+> -( ... 5)

200 'l\'tq;ft;nn , 516·00 668(124) pel) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) BS 13J

A rneoities and Land use Neemuch Tahsil

------_------IN alii fi:r1lil'61f 'f'f'?: fll1m1 't~ 'ifIf ;;q1fTtr (81'l~o 'ffIJ 1iJtIll'Fr IIit fqf1r.;f fiI;~l if; iitf rearoft SIf1:r'll Irlf 'tiT 0011' Cf{oqit ~ ~ ~:{T ~ lITlTt'lli ~ti~ it f.\IIi"eoJj ~"~q if; GT ~(ft;rl (['Ill ~fu~mll'i . .-r "Pi Cf'li.1ft. it) , ~fqm Land usc (i. e. area nnder different types of Land, aT~qT ~rC!(q use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places ) 1J~'f if; ~<'i'f ,--______..._--A- ______- __ ""' m~C! fA ,~TS''fl ~ III vat ili ~ll' vat ili f~ r"f:;rn r"fiaa i3'q~oS'~ aT~~;a Remarks (trl'

FP Malhargarh ( 20) Jowar, 24.00W 96.00 54.00 43'1.00 DharnanY:l Jagir Wheat 329.00W l,i51 178,00 , 967.00 N(200), Jeersn PR Malhargarh( 12) EA J"war, CO Wheat M(7),T(2) Khetakheda DoriYa FP Neemuch ( I 4 ) Jowar, 18.00W 106.00 15.00 16.00 Wheat FP Neel1!uch ( 16) EAg Jowar, 44.GOW 90.00 39.00 17.00 Banskhcda Wheat

JOV.':!T, 38.00W 122.00 2.00 7 00 Banskhedi FP Neemuch( 16) EAg Wheat JO'\'ar, 31.00W 100.00 19.00 II .00 Sakrani Jagir FP Neemuch( 1 8 ) ED, EAg Wheat Jowar, 46.00W 23-().00 46.00 35.'00 Tal khe<'l a FP Neemuch( 14) ED, EAg Wheat Barkheda Sondbiya cp Neemuch( 16) ED, Jowar, 35.000 164.00 32 00 12.00 fAg Wheat Chaldu PR Malhargarh ( 5 ) ED , Jo~\ar , 119,00W 664.00 172.00 133.00 BAg Whel.lt 54.00 31.00 29 00 Manyakhedi FP Malhargarh (3) EAg Jowar. 31.00W Wheat 85,00 68.00 Arnya Badan FP Ma lhargarh ( 7) EAg Jowar, 50 OOW 374 00 Wheat Uninhabited Khokhariya

PR Malhargarh( 6) ED, lowar, 27'1.00W '1,396,00 354.00 96.00 M(3) KuncMod EAg Wheat Amya Chudawat ,pp Mal hargarh( 6) Jowar. ' J6.00W 49.00 45.00 4.00 Wheat Uninhabited Jagcour " " KIt Mal hargarh( 12) ED ]owar, 202.00W 450 00 123.00 393.00 Harwar EAg Wheat FP Malhargarh( 10-) ]owar. 25.00W 157.00 21.00 10.00 Parasali Wheat FP Malhargarh( 12) ]owar , 32.00W 33.00 9.00 4.00 Sangariya Khedl Wheat FP NeemUch (28) ]owar, 26.00W 60.00 50.00 8.00 Rayankheda Wheat PR Malhargarh ( 1 .5 ) lowar. 85·00W 242.00 59.00 130.00 Phophaliya Wheat 132

VT'If iii! ~ OR«II'!" ~,,\lJtg "-,!rUJ1~ (Iff. VTlt It '!r.. IITI{ elf.aS lfti' ,S) iii'" it (-) tat ;{1tT1I1 mfl ~ Iliolfq;~ ~ 'lfmtl ~ ~II'. iWI ~) I&)q;e it !l'11f lr fl;r;;r.,.) ~iI on: ,!r-8~ elf... ' ~ m ~ q l-e (~lR if) llii q"" "iii 11'01'( If'ii ;jIl1TC t -5 fiI;.IiT .. 5-10 1iI; • .n-, If' 10+,.••• Amenhie. lIyailabltm nil!' available within the ,,;llaRe, I daah (-) i ••hown In The C()lnmn and Delt to it in bracket., ,he distance in broad raniee 9i3 -Skm•• S.!Okms and to+kmt ,)f the neareat place where the facility is ava.lable is aiveo), r------_____-A.~---_------___ """ qf"~ r.~ Iff.\' ~ ~'8I" lI'Rl~i~ ~ Rlf/ *,', 1lT~' ml m c f1f"'Q-r~ .rtf ~ <1m ~q~- ~oca­ fotal ~. ~.1ll1f) tion Tota. area populalioB Day or .Communica. code 0{ tbe Rnd Drinkig days of tlons( 8us-stoP. OIlllP Name of ,111.111 {In Dumber 01 wa ter Post and 'he marketl railway station. ber Villa.o • beatare" houleholds Bduoatlonal Medical (Potable) Telegrapb hal, if any water way)

( 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

499.00, 412(74) P(t) -(-5) W - (-5) ... (10+) -(-5)

202 ~Ff 593.00 913(151) P(1 ) -(-S) W -(5-10) -(10+> -(-5)

1,650.00 399(74) P(1) ..o(-,S) W -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5)

14.212.00 111,449 P(124) D(9) (19,617) H(2) M(21) . PHC(2) PUC(3) FPC(l) 0(1) 133

Amenities and Land use Neemuch Tahsil

Vlq till> f;:rlfi~tlq <(~ f~,) 'llRl 'lfll ~ltT (81'1\6 'lfil;aQt(Fr ~ fqf1r.;.r fiI;~T iii ala R;tqQfi arll:r'ti ant !liT ;n1l' If"{~ ~ ~ ~1;,') ;tT 1111 .... ~1I' il f.11fi~o~ 1ro1'!"'lf it ~ ~~iiJT CfIJ; I ~fu~m'li !liT qm (flI;. q'). ill, ~fr if; ~ fef'if6 fV~6 '\;~ilfl~ 8[1tmifl Remarks (tfT'iR 8[)1;, including 'llRTm~T ~fQ6) any place of Appto- Nearest Culturable Area not religious. acb town and waste (inclu. available historical to distanoe Power Staple Irrlgared Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Name of ,iIIag. (in kms) Supply food Forest by loureo gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Villa&e

----~-.--- -_ 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

FP Maillargarh( 10) Jowar, 72.00W 353.00 54.00 20.00 Lhachh Khedj Wheat FP Malhargllrh( 17) Jow.lr, 116.00W 312.00 70.00 95.00 N(1) Ugran Wheat" FP Neemuch (0) Jowar. 425.00W 1,013.00 43.00 169.00 Neemuch Gram Wheat 10.761.00 11.515.00 Total 46.080.00 14.47Z.00 N (401) M (70) C (Z) T (HO) 134

VI" I5f Iff" Illi llil f~ ~'!fr ''''''. "'.'1r-rB'rr( (lfr" "'" • ,r~B'rl{ ..... "" ... IIilft it .(-) .. """" 'flf' p GiqJ'Ii~ I{lf qmn:l ~1; ft • .-T. flT~. it v'" w fof~;;) .'(i '" 'iJfiflJJli ;J!I'.... , .ni m -n q 1'& (~~ it) ~"" ,9' Jr.-A" I5lIfC , -s fiI;. 1fT .. S-lo. fiI; • 1ft ••' 10+". 1ft. Amenities ....ilable(i' nOI available within tbe village. a da.h (-) i ••bown In the calumn and nUl to it in bracket., rbe distance in broad ranle. "ia -Skm•• S·t OtlDl 111ft lo-t-kmc or tbe neare.t place-wbere tbe facility il available i. aivca). r------______;_A.------., v~ r.flI;nf, ~ IIiT - _~ am 1II'm"=/~ I5f "Of I ~'IfT"= II:r~I ".) m" rwa gr. I&)f f) (Q mq ~- t.oea­ rotal I~.q.~) tion rotalarel populaUOD Day or Communica. code of tb. and Drinkig days of tiODl(BulI-ltop, nulD" NalD'lOf "llIalo (In number 01 water Post and the marlcet I railway station. ber Villago boptareal boulelwld8 f!ducatlonal Medical CPotable) Telegraph bat, if any watOr way)

1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

423.00 pel) -( -5) w - (-5) -(10+) \



3,511.00 1,519(275) P(I),~(l) -(5-10) w -(5-10)

877.00 147(27) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) - (10+)

2,097.00 4,379(748} P(4),M(I), S~P(4).MLW( I), W p"O -(10+> PUCCI) D(l),~H(l),FPC(1) 530 . 00 ,,'h;tO{

726.00 363(62) -(-5)

9 WT.lfT 236.00 46(14) -( - 5) -(5-10) W -(10+) -(10+) ... ( 10+)

1,084.00 455(85) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 10+) -(5-10)

495.00 67(14) - (-5) -(5-10)

12 ~~r 435.00 152(25) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+> -(5-10)

187.00 71(14) -(-5) -(... 5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

274.00 794(156) P( 1) -(-5) W -( -5) -( 10+) -(5-10)

935.00 252(39) - (- 5) -(10+) T -(5-10) -(10+)


1349.00 ..

534.00 774(152) P(1) -(5-10) W -(10+) -(5-10)

593.00 264(41) -(-S) -(5-10) . w -(5-10) -(5-10)

350.00 135

Amenities and Land use Manas. Tahsil

nqalli f;r",!aq ;r~ 'ifq ~~T'I' (61~~~ ,,,{If \1qt;T1r 1Ifi) fqf",";:;:r fiF;nil it &1ef fittt'fi !:II fl1l1i Ifij·.r,t ~ ~"'T ~~) ~IfiZi' it F.1f.~6q ~"~cr ~ lit ~i;j'T alii) ~fi'l~fu

~ ______-A- __- ____-~ m~ ~ ~lT!ir.l'T ~ lil .~ it; mtr q

It 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

PP Manasa (31) EAg Maize 161.00 61.00W 103.00 60.00 38.00 Barkheda

Uninhabited {(u(rhana Buzurg

Uninhabited Kulthana Khurd

143.00 267.00 M(Z) Chaukadi FP Manasa (33 ) ED, Maize 2,579.CO 131.00W 397.0'0 BAg . 11. 00 . 41. 00 Gafarda FP Manasa (25) Wheat, 693.00 38.00W 94.00 Maile FP Manasa (25) EA Wheat, 81.00 3IS.OOW 51200 278.00 911.00 N(10). Kan}arda Maize M(;),T(4} Uninhabite

67 00 75.00 Besada FP Manasa (19) Jowar.475.00 14.00W 95.00 Maize 36.00 31.00 Dabya FP Manasa (1 9 ) J(lwar. 164.00 1.00W 4 00 Maize 100.00 159 00 Palasiya .. FP Manasa (19) Jowar, 689.00 16.00W 120.00 Maize 79.00 28.01) Gyariguda FP 'Manasa (10) Jowar, 388.00 Maize 63.00 31.00 Amarpura FP Manasa (20) . JOWar. 280 00 3.00W 58.00 Maize 23.00W 53.00 24.00 86.00 Chamlesh" ar FP Mana.~a (20) Jowar, 1 .00 M:lize 34.00 35.00 Khedli FP Manasa pO) Jowar, 6.00 f)9.00W 130.00 Maize 5.00 Nawalpura FP Manasa (16) Wheat. 928.00 2.00W Maize "Uninhabited .. GUlal Kuwa

U ninhabi ted Khardi

Tamoti FP Manasa (20) Mai ze, 45S.00 21.00W 38.00 12.00 8.00 Wheat Shivpuriya FP Manasa (2S) Maize, 1. OOW 2.00 43.00 547.00 Wheat Uninhabi ted Pagara Khurd 13"

""'«1 ('f~" Gfif-tJ'QJIi ~ 'l'S( Vqv)q ..... ,,,,"'q Ill" .n 'n" If" iii! f'-' .~d''lT nl!lla ."-1JA'arttClI'r. Vf1I it ~f~aJlt " .... ql • 81 IliJR it C-) t.r &PTPI1 mn iii)' P S{«Cfitll, It" qf,(.ml III'\~ "". IrfIl it) lIi""olli if IlT~ 8' ~6''f') ra " ,Rim{ .rq... t II)! tiR n q ,6 ~~ ({of! In: it) lllil nqT (9" ITIliT"{ ft 11ft 'If • -5 fiIi ,1fT,. 5-10 fill,,". " 10+r.~1Il. Amenities uaiJ.able(j( not available whhi" tbe "illa,e, a dalb (-) i ••ho"o In the c )Iumo aod next 10 it in brackerl. thO diltlUlCC in broad rangel vi .. -Skm•• S.1 O~m. and lo-1-kmr of the nearelt place "bere tbe facility is available il giveD). r------______-A.----_----- __-_~ U~ Nm.-, lI'till' IIiJ .,... am amn~/~ IliT fif'f/ U'if'~ 11;f~, .m ffT"{ It; rn ur, ItITi .. (InI mq~- t.oca- tOlal \\ ~, 1IIf<;r-1{J~) tion total'arel populatioll Day or Communica, code of tb, and Drinkia days of tiOD8(Bus-SIOP, DUm- NalDO of ,Illalo (In number of water Post and Ibe mattet.' railway station, ber Villa,e beotarel) bouleholds Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph bat. if any water way)

I 1 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

21 lflITl:l '!.~~ 300.00 20(5) -(-5) -(_5) N -( ~5) -(10+) -(10+) . \ \ 22 il'rq;ft 6,081.0'0 569(108) P(1) -( 5--10) W,N -(5~10) -(10+) -(10+)

23 ot"lTU ,!

24 iI':orru ~~tT 280.00 84{14) -(-5) -(5-10) N -(5-10) -( 10+> . -(10+)

25 fti{~T« 391. 00 458(84) P(l) -(-5) w -(-5) -:-{10+> -(10+) f

26 ~a.n 331.00 ctro~

27 "T~ qO 125.00 cit-(,,, , .

-(-5) w -(-5) 28 !iflf<;rfr ~ 143.00 113(22) -(-5) -(10+> -( 5-1 0)

..... ( ..... 5) 29 !i~f~qT 'i>i-T 40S.00 144i25) -(-5) -( -5) W -(10+) -(5-10)

-(-5) 30 ~~rt i" 372. 00 291(60) -(-5) -(-5) W -(10+) -(5-10)

-(5..... 10) 31 atlfi~ lift 263.00 354(7:\) P( 1) -1-5) W -(-5) -(10+)

32 ti\o~ 828.00 134(29) - (-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -( 10+) -(10+ )

33 1§)~1 orm~ 207.00 204(90) -(-5) -(-5) w - (-5) -(10+) -(10+)

34 ~IU~T lL"lq 804.00 409(90) P( I) -(5 ..... 10·) W -(5-1Q) -(5-10) -(5-10)

3S 'ft<'TT~~1 ;~l~ 108.'00 ~Uif

36 1{Jm~T 757.00 1,712(306) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) .-(-5)

37 I§)~'T 226.00 482(73) P(1) .... ( 5-10) W -(5-10) -( 10+) -(..-j)

38 fqCR'lil ~1~'T 702.00 1,0111(177) P( 1) ':"(5-10) W -(j-10) -(10+) as

39 CIR"lfl 200.00 398(65) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5)

40 ~tlf?) 529.00 713(131) P(l) -(5-tO) w -:-(5-10) -(.10+) -(-5) 13i

Amenities and I;and' use M~Das. Tahsil

I'ffiI'1ii f;rl!ila1f ;rtf{ 'Jfll. ;aq1A~ (81'lRr 'i~ ~qli)tr Itit fcrllrnf fiti~l if; ale! ~~ ~nfillii II'flfit f1!( ~ ~~I' ~Ifi Ii"{ it f.; 1f.~~1[ 1:~"~i!I if; I:T tfl1ilT ~1Ii) qre{jmlfi .rr 'IPi (flI; , 'II' . it), Land use (i. e. area "nder different types of Land 8!'IlfJ ~rn(CJ ule in hectares rOl,lnded up to 2 decimal places ) ~if;~m r------"------... ~ IA ~mril'l U .h "dt if; mit V«\' ~ ~ , f~f;;rcr fel' cr a-cmOQ' .f\1'{ il{~~iEr Remarks ( q'( 'OR: 8!R includinR 'IrotlT~T ef«< ) any place 01 Appro­ Neare.' Culturable Area not religious, acb lown and. waste (inclu- available historical 10 di!ltanoe Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo­ Name of ,illaR' (in kms) supply (ood Fore" by lource gated and gloves) cultivation gical interest Village

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

FI' Manas8 (28) Maize, 3.00W 6.00 3Q.00 .. Pagara Buzurg Wheat PP Manasa (35) Maize, 5993.00 25. OOW 60. CO 3.00 Bakhtuni Wheat FP Manasa (25) Maize, 1291.00 2.COW 32.00 2.00 Banjari Khurd .. Wheat FP Manasa (27) Maize, 256 00 12.00 12.00 Banjari BUzurg Wheat FP Rampura (15) . '. Maize, 11 OOW 42.00 338.00 Bilwas Wheat • Uninhabited Dudhawa

Uninhabited Narayanpeth

PP Manasa (30) Maize, 53.00 7.00W 25.00 49.00 9.00 KundaU ya R.hurd Wheat FP Manasa (30) Maize, 329.00 II. OOW 31.00 21.00 13.00 .. KUndaJiya Buzurg Wheat FP Manasa (3 1 ) Maize, 1203.00 55.00W 64.00 :!4.00 26 00 Datlai Wheat FP Manasa (29) Maize, 13.00W 41.00 39.00 17Q.OO Dhakad Khedi Wheat FP Manasa (30) .... Maize, 631. 00 9. OOW 38.00 26.00 124.00 Gothada Wheat PP Manasa (31) Maize, 97. 00 4.00W 51.00 5.00 14.00 Kheda Baradi Wheat FP Manasa (22) Maize, 49.00W 31.00 167.00 557.00 Suwasada. Buzurg Wheat Uninhabited lI4alaheda Block

K.R Manasa (6) EA Wheat, 176.00VV 432.00 50.00 99.00 T(3) M.daheda Jowar FP Manasa (7) EAg Wheat, 69.00W 130.00 11.00 16.00 Khedi Maize PR Manasa (6) EA Wheat, 100.0(}R 453.00 61.00 56.00 T(1),M(I) Piplya Hadi M'~ize 32.00W PP Manasa (7) EAg Wheat, 41. OOW 1l0.0~ 27.00 Amya Jowar FP Manasa (1) EAg Wheat, 67,OOW 390.00 37.00 35.00 Dan,di Jowar - 13 8

.",",fdli ~ '_f'l n.)f! W;J"fflT ~"'"

~1fI;ft1l gUT ~T IfTil IIJ1f ~, f'" 1IAthi'tl WIt"',. 1I1I-,r~!fTtt{l:rr• .,W it '1fUl1i "we. ql aIi\ 161.. it (-) h ~ 1f~ 'Ii), P 1Il1,'I','IIW It~ Iffw"{l aft1; ~wil iffll fIT ~~ it VTIl ~ f.or~) I~ " !RfIllt ~ .. t II)i m II'"{ q 1ft 1IWf't (~lI'"{ it) iii) ~'1f' ,~l(lIiT1: ni lIfT d t -5 fiIi.,".i 5-10 fiIi.qJ.1IJf 10+fiI.~. Amenities available(if not available within the village. I dalh (-) i ••hown In the c,)lumn and next to it in bracket., the distance in broad range. viii -'km•• '-IOltml ~nd lo-f-kml (If the nearest place where the faciiity is available il liveD). r------A ~ w"f'A; r.mg, nit Itit ,~am ;mm:/~ ItiT fII;r I g~n: Ilfill'f' 1Q;f) I!rt iI fn Iff, 15')f " (q~~- Loca- total ~. q-~) don Total area populatiOD Day or Communica. code of th. and Drinkig days of tions(Bus-ltoJ) • nUrD" NalDe of ,ma.e (In Dumber of water Post and tbe market! railway station. ber Village beotarel ) bouleholds Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat. if any water way)

1 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

Al ~u 307.00 549(106) P( 1) -(-5) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+> \ PO 42 ~;:r 3,496.00 3,853(706) P(2),M(I) '" D(! ), T.W -(10+) BS SMP(2) 43 iltl;l'l1i;)t 372.00 615(105) P(l) _(~5) W -(-5) -(10+>.. -(_5) 44 ~T 601.00 253(42) PO) ._( -5) W -(-5) -(10+> -(-5)

45 ~~'f~T;m. 99.0() 41 (265) -(-5) -\-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

46 'UCf«T1 141.00 525(96) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -( 10+) BS

47 fa'~TJfU 625.00 292(58) P(I) -(10+) W -(i-5) -(10+) -(5-.10)

48 'I'IT<=r.~ 330.00 574(93) P(I) -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

49 ~Tm 227.00 383(60) - (-5) -( 10+) W -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

50 ;orTI!;:~T 450.00 913(148) P(l).M(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5)

51 ~ 350.00 147(23) -(~5) -( 5-10) W -(-5) ... ( 1:>+) -(5-10)

52 srT~ 579.flO 582(93) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -( 10+) -(5... 10)

53 fq-qro Uq~ 1.357.00 2.813(492) P(2),M(1 ) D( 1) W PO -uo+) BS SMP( 1)

54 ~~~ 362.00 668(101) P(1) -(--5) w -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5)

5S ~'VT 145.00 q-')'R

56 .r~T 656.00 647(101) P(l) -(-5) w -(-5) , -(10+) -(10+) ,

57 "{m'lcr<=rtf 225.00 107(19) .. (-5) -(-5) 'W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

5S! 'Ilrcljj)~ 't3f.rf 1,406.00 3,'65(646) P(2) .M(I) D( 1) w PO -(10+) BS

59 ~, 1, 420. 00 2,282(401) p(t), M(l) -(-5) W PO -(10+) -(-5)

60 ~fq'W1fT 287,00 41(13) -(-s'\. -(-5) W -(-5) ... ( 10+) BS 139

Amenities and Land use Manas. Tahsil

- -~------

------~------a1fRl'~ f"~~6'f ;=f~, fQfrT '1:- "!.f'f .r'l'lITlT (Urn "!.flf :aqllllT IIit f~f'Tr:t flFnlT if; !Fa' !a:tqvrT ~nfu~ VTlt ,.,;, ;(TlJ IfU·'If,t • ~~~U ~T lIIt.ttr ~;!li, it f.II'Zf!'f 1::1Ir1l1R. if ;it l.-n;(y ~If J qfu~fuq; ~ IIttl' (flt:.1ft . it) ~f.trt . Land use (i. e. area "nder different types of Land ~r~{

Infffll ~~" ""1fQtIi ~ ~ht ;rQa1cl

,t:fT;(\'lt 11111 1ft ifIll .ql!l'llJ ."''1furtt (Iff, vtW , 'If_1rl1( V1nmI qt • it (-) h I!I'lmn I'(tfl "" III, 7i" \i(l(d'll' en 1ft" Ifi). rr 'fer'li" lt~ "fw1:1 ~ _W • ..,,, i!T 1fj"Jq. it VI" U fi~nl;r') ret ~ ,flla~ ;;IJW", '"~ m ~ 1ft 16 nin (~lf1: it) 1fi1 ~~I .~ Illlil1< ~ ~ 11'.' -5 Iii."'., 5.10 fii.4T. Jr' 10+fiI.-ft. Amenities available (if not available wirbin tbo villago, • dalb (-) i. Ibown in the column anll next 10 it in bracketl, rbO distance in broad rangel vi .. -Stml.5.(0!tm8 Ind lo-j-kmc of the nelrelt place wbero the faciiity is available ilgiven). r--_------A - -"-\ ••~ r.fim1 qt;r III' ,ff1Ii aih UlI'I"(I~ "" ~iJl (i"I~ 1I!f~' ""'") (f~ t rll;f qr. lilt It (q~q~- Iboca-· Totll ~, iI\lr-"~) Day or liOD fotal.ro. population Communica, code -of tbo and Drinkig days of tioDs(Bus-8tor, DUID" Name of 'lIlaao (In Dumber 01 water eost and tbe marketl railway station. be, VilIagl beotarel) bouseholds BduDatlonl1 Medical {Potable) Telegraph ,bat. if any water way) , I 1 3 4 S (I 1 8 9 10

61 fq~ 430.00 394(73) P(1 ) -(-5) W -(-5) -(1:)+) .-( -5)

-62 lftiliO'l,!~T 18 J .00 . 48(10) -(-5) -(-5) W --(--5) .-(10+) -(-:5)

63 qN~;::1 203.00 _513(76) P( 1) -(-5) W --(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

64 ~n)q¥~1 187.00 74(10) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) ":'(10+) --(-5)

... (-5) 65 'lfTf·lttt 224.00 202(37) -(-5) -(-5) W -( 10+) -(- 5)

-(5-10) • -( 10+) -(5-10) 66 ifi'i(t -(5-10) w

-(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) ~(5-10) 67 ~jfrl:!T 627.00 758(128) P(l)

-(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) --('-10) 68 ~aqT~trl 244.00 277(47) P( 1 )

w -(\0+) --(10+) -(-5) 69 crll{'!l 213.00 293(49) P(I) -(10+)

MCW(l) w -( 5:: 10) -(10+) 70 _:orroft~ 677.00 1,104(184) P(I),M(1) -(-5)

-(5-10) W -(5-10) - (10+) -(5-10) 71

.. (5-10) , 72 ;_iti~l 553.00 752(116) P(1 ) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 10+)

73 il;n;ft 500.00 1,121(186) P(1) CHW(.. 1) W -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5) P( 1) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) 74 1ftq~~ 585.00 750 (129) -(-5)

-(10+) -(-5) 75 ml!fIf1'u . 240.00" 44(7) -( - 5) -(-5) w -(-5)

-(5-10) .. ( 10+). -(-5) 76 ~-m: :!f~ 63.00 9 (1 ) -(-5) -(-5) w

-(-5) -(-5) -(10+) -( 10+) -(-5) 77 ~~f<:ln 96.00 38{ 9) w -(-5) 78 .~OlfTlI'tO'lr 378,00 479(72) P(l ) -(5-10) W -(-5) -( 10+)

pel) -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) 79 arifO'l2.~' 441.00 467(82) -(-5) w

80 ;wr.r~ 694.00 1,286(112) P(l),M(I) .. (-5) W PO - .. (10+) -(-5) 141

Amenities and Land use Manas. Tahsil

--- -~------~- - __- '''Talili f~IIi!ij'1J ;rm f~1 '{- 'If" :a«{tfUr (81'lt(! 'ffil ~qll)1r iii) f~fwnr fit;~1 if; eiel retqan ~nflJlIi VT1f IliT ~nr qillf.t tt

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

PR Manasa (3) EAg Wheat, 1 25.00W 241. 00 37.00 27.00 Piplon Jowar MOkalpura FP MapaslI (4) Wheat, 29 OOW 118 00 20.00 14.00 Jowar FP Manna (4) EAg Wheat, '28. QOW 111. 00' 31.00 33.00 Pokharda Jowar 11.00 Deoripadada FP Mana sa (4) EAg Wheal, .. 41.00W 124.00 11.00 Jowar FP Manasa (3 ) Wheat, .. 11.00W 167.00 6.00 40.00 Bhandya Jowar FP Manasa (5) El\g Wheat, 67.00W 293.00 18.00 13!.00 Kacholi Jowar 48.QOW 411.00 121.00 Sandiya FP Manasa (5 ). BAg Wheat, 47.00 , .' Jowar 2.LOOW 12.00 92 00 Shetpalya FP Manasa (7) EAg Wheat, 117.00 Jowar . .. 160.00 15.00 10.00 Bamoi FP Manasa( 12) Wheat, 28.00W Maize 35.00 M(l) J'1liner PP Manasa (8) Wheat, \23 . OOW 418.00 101.00 Jowar FP Manasa( 10) EAg Jowar, 51.00W 104.00 20.00 5.00 Loomdi Wheat FP Manasa (7) EA Jowar, 89.00W 408.00 .35.00 21.00 Chukni Wheat KR Manasa (9) EA Jowar , 103.00W 296.00 49.00 52.00 N(3) Dbakni Wheat KR Manasa (7) EAg Jowar, 96.00W 359.00 56.00 74.00 N(l) Sheshpur Wheat KR Mana!la (8) EAg Jowar , 22.00W 205.00 3.00 10.00 Mokhampura /)Q Wheat FP Manasa( 10) EAg Jowar, 5.00W 55.00 3.00 Hamerpuriya Wheat KR Manasa( 12) EAg Jowar, 9.00W 74.00 9.00 4.00 Tejpuriya Wheat FP Manasa( 13) EA Jowar, 64.00W 254.00 13.00 47.00 T( 1) Arnjamali Wheat .. PoP Manasa( 10) ED, .Iowac, 39·00W 366.00 11.00 25.00 Achalpu.ra EAg Wheat FP Manasa(l S) EA Jowar, 1l2.00W 467.00 35.00 80.00 N(2), T(I) Nalkheda Wheat 142

,,-,rUl!tclffll "''' WIlWIIl qi • llifn it (-) l'flfT vr" iii' "'" V'" iii' f;;r ."d'lt' w",,' •• it ~fcrl!lTt{ lit iu ~ f" sfiil'liW ~"ron1:1 111'\1: a~~ .... i!!T 1Ii~ it y,,, " F;riJOf) lir "1i ~R~ W"" .. t Iili em 1ft If( 16 ({ofizn: if) 11ft "'elf' (<< IJitir1: Q Iffl Ife ~ -5 til; ,liT" 5-1(1 flli,.n • .,.,10+"'."'. Amenities 8V!lilableCif not available within tbe village, a da.b (-) il Ibown in the c()lurnn and next to it in bracketl, thO distance in ~road raDI'1 viii -5kml.S-l Okms and lo+kmr of the nearelt place "bere the faeiiity is available illivea), r-_------__- A ~ WatfQr'q; f ..fimn ~ ... ~ m omm:/~ lliT fieif/ 6"1<: Ilr~' m1 m' rn afl IIitt Ii' .

2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10

399.0:> - 439(71) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

82 ""T~llT 477.00 778(120) P(I) -(-5) W -(- 5) -(5-10) BS

987.00 1,764(288) P(l),M(l) -(-5) W -(10+ ) -(10 -1-) -(-s)

84 ~r!fH'r 254.00 123(38) P( 1 ) -(5-:0) W -(5-10) -(-5) BS

437.00 525(99) pel) -,(5-10) W ..... (5.-10) -(5-10 I -(-5)

218 00 242(40) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-1 0 ) -(-5)

87 il1'n 359.00 371 (74) pel) -(5-10) -(5-10) . -(5-10) -(-5)

356.00 509(81) pel) -(5-10) VI -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

221.00 354(48) P{l) -( ~ 5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -( 5- 10)

279.00 21 3t29) -(-5) -(-5) W,T -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

J 817.00 1,517(244) P(I) ,M(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

139.00 128(23) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

553.00 604(66) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) .... ('i-10) - (-·S)

829.00 r,360(21~) Pel) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10)

~85.00 1,065(163) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

888.00 1,524(262) P(1),M(1) -(-5) 'W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

97 if1lfT 269.00 861(132) P(I) -(5-10) \\' -(5-10) -( 104-) -(5-10)

208.00 237(31) P(1) -(104-) W -( 10+) -( 10+) -(5-10)


345.00 562(86) P(I) w -(5-10) -( 10+) -(5-10) 143

Amenities and Land -use Maneu Tabail ------Imfllli ~(f1f",~ fllQ') II. ,_r" ~q1iTtr (&;,,10 '!,fiI ISCfIlPr iii) fqf'r;:lf rllf.~"'l " e1e1 Jacqqft a'rftl"1fi IUiI IfiT iI1lf rrliIA ~ ~~"{t !fOr WTlThi ~Il~ it fillf.l611 ~~II~1iT if; ~) t'l'iiT16ll» ~fu~fulli IIiT IIJ1f (fiI; .1fi .it) ,fcfm Land usc (i. e. area nnder different types of Land IRIiTT ~~ ule in hecfares rounded up to 2 decimal places ) "Wi:[ it; f'.r~ ,..-______--A.. ______"""' mwa IA ~rr.n ~ .r~~~ ~it;r~ fm;m r"",a""" 1iI"~~ 8T~ Remarks (m~ ill'\"( • including 'IIfRl1TT~1 ~ ) any place of Appro- Neares' CulturabJe Area not religious, acb town ancl waste (incIu-' a\'allable historical to distance Power Staple lnisated Unirri- ding gaucbar for pr archacolo- Name of yill ••• (in lema) supply food Poreat by.oureo gated and groves) cultivation _gieal interest Village

J1 12 ,13 14 15 16 17 18 19· 20 2

PR Manasa (13) EAg Jowar, 45.00W 2~4.0(). 43.00 27.00 aaganya Khedi Maize PR Manasa (12) EA Jowar, 112.00W :;82.00 57.00 26.00 M(1) Lodakl-B Maize FP Manasa (13) EA Jowar, 135.00W 499.00 223.00 130.00 M(4), T(6), Deori Khawasa Maize N(2) PR Manasa (15) low.1f, 17.00W 185.00 22.00 30.00 Rupawas Maize FP Manas a (IS ) BAg Jowar, 73.00W 294.00 45.00 25.00 Akli Maize FP Manasa (16) ]owar, 9.00W 138.00 11.00 60.00 Sojawas Maize FP Manasa (18) BAg Jowar, 27.00W 248.00 36.00 48.00 TUmda Maize ... FP Manasa (15) EAg,EO " lowar. 53.00W 207.0.0 36.00 60.00 Raisnighpura Maize FP M .. nasa (18) EAg Jowar, 41.00W 131. 00 32.00 17 00 Klledi Maize FP Manasa (18) EAg Jowar. 24.00W 14\.00 32.00 82.00 Khempura Wheat FP Manasa (18) EA ]owar, 140.00W 504.00 85.00 88.00 T(8) KhaJuri Wheat FP Manasa (18) Jowur, 9.00W 94.00 10.00 26.00 Jetli Wheat FP Manasa ( 18) EAS Jowar, 45.00W 361.00 52.00 95.00 Mokhampura Wheat fP Manasa (20) ED,BAg Jowar, -145.00W 450.00 12.00 222.00 'N(3),T(I) Chaplana Wheat FP Manasa (15) EAa ]owar, 70,00W 554.00 5.00 356.00 N( J) Badkuwa Wheat FP Manasa (1 :) EA Jowar. 129.00W 572.00 5.00 182.00 N(3), Barlbuu Wheat . T(2) FP Manasa (9) BAS,ED Maize, 47.00W 127.00 30.00 65.00 T(4) Bani Wheat FP Manasa (12) BAs Maize, 22.0QW 149.00 20.00 17.00 Barl(hedi Wheat Uninhabited Chachaheda

FP Manasa ( 15) ED,EAS Maize, 52.00W 196.00 56.00 41.00 Semli istmurar Wheat 144

~;:YT~T ff~~~ \iff'(~Q" t{'i ~f" ilQV)tt·

--- --~ ------.. ~'l.fr;fT1l' VTIf 'iiI Ifflf Vfll 'iiI fot ;sr"~''l' ;rq'''filf iJfif-~fifar!{('~r!l Vfll' i !!,fulq ;rq.,.1l If(i • m llil" i c-) iu iImlJT Ifl:n 'Ii)' p 9"'fi~ ~" qfffi1:T afil 9'!Ji& .fil iiT 'liTsoifi it VIII' ir fi;fffi1' 'air III ~fifllrq ;rq.... t 'l're m ~ q Iii Y{~l (~1f1: it) 'Ii)U~' ,~ Illlirl: II~ lift 1ft , -5 fi6 ,1ft •• 5-10 fi&At. 1(' lo+fiI.~. Amenities available(if not available wirhin the village, I dash (-) is shown In the c'Jlumo and next 10 ic io brackell, the ·distance in broad range. viJ -.5km •• S·l0tm. and lO+kmr of the nearcat place wherc the faciiity is av.aable i.,iven). r-----,--- _._____ -A ' ___ u~m r.mVl ci'rir !fit '11Ii' Ill)' .n~n:/~ 161 Rif I ti.ll: ~~1 lfTiI'T trT1: itif~ IJf~ ~~ (am mqm- Loca- Total ~. i'i(~.'I'f1i) tion Total area population Day or Communica. code . of the and Drinking days of dons(Bus-stop, DUm- Name of village (in number of water Post and the markell railway station. ber Village hectares) households Education Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat, if any water way)

1 2 3 4 5 6 , 8 9 10

l(H Of1:!ii¥T 2(; 1.00 441(84) P( 1) -(10+) w -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10)

102 lfmT 854.00 967 (160) P(I) -(10+) w -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5)

103 ElifesT 178·00 77(18) -(-5) . -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

\ 104 il:'f'!l:T 426 00 428(61) P(1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

105 ~r~ 1,399·00 3,029(467) P(2),M(I), D(l) w -(5-10) -(10+) BS PUC( 1) 106 \l)tfm 272.00 151(25) -l-5) - (-5) W -(-5) ~(IO+ ) -(-5)

107 Of,{~T 397·00 855(160) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) BS - 108 ~f1'1:~ 934.00 1,188~188) P(l),M(l) -(-5) W -(5 .... 10) -(10+) -( - 5)

109 ~l<:~ft 510.00 299(61) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(lot) -(-5)

110 QTcrv 150.00 q'<:T

111 ll'i!fisT It;Ti!fi 173.00 cr1<:T

112 1fTi!fii'T 839.00 792(129) P(I) -(5-10) W .... (-5) -( 10+) - (-5)

113 ~~ 499.00 1,115(177) P(I) -( 5-1 0) W PO -(10+) -(-5)

]14 fq'l~T fiTTi!T 303.00 836(130) P(1) -(-5) w PO -(10+) BS lIS 1:'C,) 303.00 401(65) pet) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(10+) BS

116 hu ~Tnrr 277.00 124(23) -(-5) - (5-10) R -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

1[7 ~T~ll'T 299·00 340(50) P( 1) -( ... 5) R -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5) lIg iil)1:ril~ 221.00 339(52) PO) -(5-10) Vol -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5)

119 f lfii1!Cf1: 2,694.00 7,792(1353) P(~),M(2), D(l),PHC(I), W PO ,TO, Phone -(10+) BS PUC( 1 ),0(1) SMP( 4 ),0 (2) iI. 20 ~i!fif{IJT it~T 503.00 875(148) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+> -( -5) 145

Amenities and Land use Manasa Tahsil

---~ ---~--~-~ ---~.- - -.----~-- r1ffif. f

FP Mana<;a(ll ) ED, Maize, 60.00W 147.00 35.00 19.00 Barkheda EAg JOWar FP Manasa(16) ED, Maize, .. , 63.00W 496.00 100.00 195.00 Moya EAg Jowa.r FP Manasa (8) 'Wheat. 3.00W 131.00 26.00 18.00 Kotda Jowar FP Manasa (8) EAg Wheat, 47.00W 320.00 41.00 18.00 , Duragpura Jowar PR Manasa (10) EA Jow:!r, .. 307.00W 810.00 '187.00 95.00 N(68). Mahagarb Wheat M(4),T(2) FP Manasa (4) EAg Jowar, 27.00W 130.00 30.00 85.00 Bhopali Wheat PR Manasa(3) EA Jowar, 53.00W 243.00 46.00 55.00 Bardiya Wheat KR Mar,asa (3) EA Jowar, 126.0CW 580.00 152.00 76.00 Honspur Wbeat PR Manasa (2) EA Jowar, 104.00W 327.00 44.00 25.00 Sarsi Wheat Uninhabited Peetpur , ..

. , Uninhabited ~fokdi block

FP Manasa(11) ED, Jowar, 484.00 71.00W 193.00 35.~0 56.00 M(1) Mokdi BAg Wheat FP Manasae 13) ED, Jowar, 97.00W 298.00 59.00 45.00 Kbadawda - EAg Wheat PR MlUllLsa( 10) ED, Jowar, 55.pOW 152.0Q 53.00 43.00 M(l) Piplyaghola BAg vY'hest PR Manasa (7) ED, Jowar, 20.00W, 214.00 40.60 20.00 Dhanderi BAg Wheat 9.00N FP Manasa (8) EAg Jowar, 44.00W 16(.00 40.00 32'.00 T(l) Deori Somya Wheat FP Manasa (9) BD, Jowar, 20.00W 191.00 65.00 23.00 Sarelya EAa Wheat FP Manasa( 1'0) BO, Jowar, 29.00W 140.00 32.00 20.00 Borkhedi ABg Wheat PR Maoasa(12) EA Jowar, 364.00 363.00W 1548.00 254.00 165.00 N(50) • Kukdeshwllr Wheat M(S). T(7) FP Manasa(14) BAg Jowr.r, 354.00 39.00W 69.00 15.00 1.6 .00 Sakariya Khedi Wheat 146

'Ar«T eye:me ,,;:r~f~t1f ~ 'if" li'qQ')fi ------_. ~'IfT;tTI1 VTII ~T lITIi lITIi llil ~Ol ~'I'«'T.fl "".... s 1IlI-,furtt (qfif vrll " '!f'iliUq e-qliPlJ qr t m iii'.... it (-) f.r ~ mfT iii)' rr ii;('li(ll It" "f~qJ'{l at\~ 'i~. .Tit ~) lIi)sliifi it 'Irll " f'il a;fl ;ir " 'I~lJrti Olqe'. ~ ~ m I{'{ "l I it ifl:.n (~lf1; it) iii) ~liltl ,~ ![ilir~ tar IIfld ~ -5 Iii; • .rt., 5-10 fili.it•• ' JO+f.&.wfi. Amenities IYailable(if not available wirhin tbe village, I dalh (-) is shown 10 the cllumo and nexl to it in bracken. the distance io broad rangel viJ -Stml.S.l0Itm. and Io+kmt of Ihe neareat place where the .faciiily is ava;)able is given). ,..-__------___.____ A~ ___----- __-- ~ rii!HfiJrlli r"mvl q'Wt !fit ~1lIi ail.. ~l;.i~ IliT fit." U"'~ 1If~1 'flirT tm if m- lff;; Ifi1t ~ (q ~q m- Loea- Total ~. 1iI'~-1i11i) tion Total area population Day or Communica. code of the and Dr.inking . days of tions( Hus-stoP. BUill" Name of village (in number 01 water Post and the markel! railway station. ber Village hectares) bouseholds Education Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat. if any water way)

1 2 3 4 S 6 , 8 9 10

W -(_5) 121 _~q,!l;.T 13.5.00 25 9(53) -(-5) . -(-5) -(-5) -(lc+)

122 U"{1I~~1 54.00 cr~R

123 ~q,!~T OO'li 301.00 CiT'!;r'!: ..

124 ~T~' 655.00 182(36) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

125 ;a<:1~1T 96.0,0 4)U'I'

126 'lil'lif<;{tTT 286.00 417(74) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

127 ~

128 ifm~ft 313.00 293(49) pel) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

129 ij'I'T

130 q;:iI~~T 3~1.00 305(52) P( 1) -(-5) W,R -·(---5) -(10+) -(-5)

131 1'T~~~ltr 120.00 121(21) pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+ ) - (- 5)

132 'lTci?,) l\~ - 171.00 402 (5 9) P(l) -(-5) w -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5)

A 133 ~,) 2!t4.00 204(33) pel) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -( 10+) -(-5) s 134 qT<{~) 448,00 568(101)" P(1) :. (5-) W -(5- 10) -( 10+) BS

135 \'(~f~rn. qffl\' 526.00 623(111) pel) .(5- ) W -(-5) -(10+> BS

136 '(C(il~~T 358.00 204(33) -(-5) -(5. ) W -(-5) -(10+) BS

137 QiIlfPJ 248.00 542(98) P(l) .... (5-) W -(-5) -(10+ ) BS

138 'li~arM 298.00 431(81) P{1 ) _(5-) W -(-5) -(10+) BS

139 ~~~ .;rt~ 244.00 175(33) -(-5) -(5-) W -(-5) -([0+) BS ,. 140

Amenities and Land use Manas. Tahsil

U11I' tll5 f::rl5!tl1I ::rtf<: fllQ') '!~ 'Lflf ;a-q~"hT (CIl"m "fll ~qli);r Iti') fq f'll;:;.r f!fi~T it aTCii fetqqft ~nfillfi IrTl'f !liT ifTll If"i~ ~ ~ ~'{') 11ft VTII'AJ ~€l{\ if f.r~all ~lIt:1q it ~ ~::rl alfi) ~fCl&1f«!fi 'lit 11m (fit; ,11). if) ~fcmy Land use (i. e. area IInder different typos of Land SNCrT ~Totcl use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places ) I'TQ_tCf it ~~ ,------"------, ij"f~i.1 ~ 'Tttm it ch Ii~ it fuit lid)- it f~ Fij"f:;m f"~(T o~~ ar~g Remarks (1fT~ ar~ including 'ffiT~l!:T !J~) any place of Appro· Neare,' Culturable Area not religious, acb IOWD aod waste (inclu_ available historical to dislanoe Power Staple IrrlgaleG Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Name of ,illago (in kms) Supply food Forest by 10llrco gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Village

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 2

FP Manasa(14 ) Jowar. 23.00W 76.00 11.00 25.00 Ruppura Wheat Uninhabited Dharampura

.. Uninhabited Ruppura Bloe:C

FP Manasa( 14) EAg Jowar, 544.00 10 OOW 57.00 35.00 10.00 Dhodhar Wheat Uninhabited Uda Kheda

KR Manasa(7) BAg Jowar, 2S.00W 188.00 8.00 62.00 Phophaliya Wheat IC.R Manasa(7) ED. Jowar, 23.00W 255.00 17.00 63.00 Hanmantya BAg Wheat KR Manasa(7) EAg Jowar, 34.00W 152.00 18.00 109.00 Battisadi Wh{'at K.R Manasa(8) Jowar, 18.00W 221. 00 9.00 44.00 Semli J.lgir Wheat KR Manasa(S) EAg Jowar, 34.00W 156.00 14.00 107.00 Battisada Wheat KR Manasa(S) BD, BAg Jowur, 27.00W 65.00 3.00 25.00 Maheshpriya Wheat KR Manasa(7) EAg Wheat, 36.00W 105.00 2.00 28,'00 Bhatkhedi Khur,j Jowar KR Manasa(10) Wheat, 13.00W 159.00 15.00 107.00 Sundi Jowar KR Manasa(20) Wheat, 31. OOW 283.00 76.00 5S.00 Paoti Jowar KR Mallasa(24) BAg Wheat, 33.00W 348 00 26.00 119.00 Lasudiya Antri Jowar KR Manasa(22) BAg Wheat. 36.00W 261.00 49.00 12.00 Ratanpura Jowar KR Manasa(22) EAg Wheat, 22.(JOW 167.00 40.00 19.00 BhadWa Jowar RR Manasa(23) BAg Wheat, 27,OOW 217.00 46.00 8.00 Kadi Antri Jowar KR -41anasa (24) BAa Wheat, 2S.00W 159.00 43.00 17.00 Deori Antri Jowar KR Manasa(24 ) EA Wheat, S7.00W 402.00 103.00 291.00 Nlllwa Jowar 148

'AfflT ~m~ \if;:r·~fcn.lT~ ~ atfq ~q ..)q - co.

~'qT'i{)1t VTSI' '61 .,,,, vrq'lit ~~ ~r;:Hi'"!I'I ~"i;fig or".~fcronq ("!I'f~ VISI' it ~r'Hn~ ,,~a lIill ,m '6t.... it (-) "" \lIttT1n tr~, 1Iil. f" lliilfq;~ ~" q rort"tT ~ ;;,,~ .,11 ~r IfiT501fi it !nSl' " r"'aif) ~iT CR ~fcrfl,q ;;If"'" ~ ~ m en: q 16 iIfl4Fll (~ll'1: lJ) iii) {#ell'f '" !rllir~ " tir d ~ -5 fiji .m .. 5·10 f.i.1ft. "' 10+r..~. Amenitiesllvailablc(if nOI availablc Within thc village, a dalh (-) is shown 10 the cl)Jumo and nell:! 10 it in brackct., the distance in broad ranges vu ·:;kllls.S-IOkms ,.-and__ 10+kmt. ______of tbe nearcst .place____ whcrc-A.--- tbe faciiity___ is available- ______illiveD). --__.., VlRfiJrl6 r.. fi!Iil", IJ~ 'liT 'f1fi ar"~ ~"t/~ llit ~if I {/'I('<: 8lf~' Iff.ft ~ if; f~ ~f~

1 l 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

-(-5) 141 ~"~<:T 323.00 273(4') pel) "'(-5) w -(10+) BS

142 8TT<'fT "i'3!.lT 1.197.00 2,3S'Q(395) P(l),M(l) D(l) W PO -(10+) BS PUC(I) 143 Sl"cllClTl 310.00 255(43) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -( 10+) BS

144 3!Tiii ~') ~ 178.00 ;:ft;:r'i{

145 ~1'f<'fT amrr 255.00 305(47) 1'(1) -(-5) W ... ( -5) -( 10+) BS

146 ~T"lI't 164.00

147 ~·tr~ 1,019.00 1,147(191) P.( 1) -(- 5) W -(-5) -(10+) BS

BS 148 f

150 19T'i{~ 503.00 1,083(181) P(1) -( .... .» W PO -(10+) BS

151 ~~Tm 587.00 559(82) P(I) -(5-10) W -(~5) -(10+) BS

152 !ir;;j~ 211.(l0 90(11) PO) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(10+) BS

153 Cfma; 407.00 982(159) pel) -(5-10) w -(5.... 10) -( 10+) BS

154 ar~ ~r.r 215.00 125(27) ... (- 5) -(5-10) W -(5-rO) -(10+> BS

155 ~~~ 300.00 159(35) - (-5) - (-5) W -(-5) -(10+) BS

156 !f;'(rf~~T 286.00 ]71(25) -(.5-10) -(5-iO) w -(5-10) -(10+ ) BS

157 l'J"TllT,,"~ 154.00 .. 3jhTif

158 +)~'htT lit\" 278.00 263(38) -(5-10) -(5-10) w -(5... 10) -(10+) BS

159 "tTi;f~<:T 372.00 517(96) pel) -(5-10) w -(5-tO) -~ 10+) ...J2c:! 160 iI't<:v~r 118.00 54(11) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+) BS 14j

A menities and Land use Manas. Tahsil


11"(11' Q~ f

KR Manas'a (21) EAg Jowar. 24.00W 214.00 44.00 41. 00 Khushalpura Wheat KR Manasa (2S) EA Iowar, 175.00W 554.00 31.00 437.00 Antri Bujurg Wheat KR Manasa (25) EAg Jowar, 58.00W 177.00 18.00 57.00 Pratappura ED Wheat Uninhabited Abakhel1i Khurd

KR Manasa (27) Jowar, 58.00W 58.00 4.00 135.00 Semli Antri Wheat Uninh"bited SlI.mya

KR Manasa (22) EA Jowar, 142.00W '705. 00 118.00 54,00 Denthal Wheat Piply';l Khurd KR Mllnasa (23) Jowar, It.OOW 149.UO 53.00 47.00 Wheat KR Manasa (24) EA Jowar, 24.00W 184.00 80.00 234.00 Kundla Wheat Khan Khedi KR Manasa (24) EA Iowar, 93.00W 91.00 10.00 309.00 Wheat Kundwasa KR Manasa (26) Jowar. 28.00W 117.00 65.00 377.00 Wheat Khejdi KR Rampura( 2 7) BAg Iowar, 15.00W 129.00 21.00 46.00 Wheat TaTau KR Rampura( 25) Iowar, 40.00W 176.00 ~5.00 136.00 Wheat Bachcha Khectl KR Rampura( 23 ) Jowar, 4.00W 89.00 65.00 57.00 Wheat Doriya Khedl KR Rampura( 20) Jowar, 16.00W 176.00 45.00 63.0Q Wheat KR Rampura(23) .Towar, 13.0~W 83.00 19.00 171.(J0 Karadiya Wheat Uni nhabited Nabha Khedi

KR Manasa (20) Iowar, 15.00W 106.00 24.00 133.00 Meri}'a Khedi Wheat KR Rampura(25) Jowar , 30.00W 140.00 141.00 61.00 Rajpura Wheat KR Rampura(30) Iowar, 2.00W 82.00 14.00 20.00 Borkhedi Wheat \50

""T~T a~~ ii{"~f;s(a,i ~ ~fq :s~u)ft

E'l(tl{f'l llT It Iftl ;:n " Irq IliT ~.r >ifif«!!l(l ;J'f;;rig ~;r-~f!' Q- F;r~rr') aft ~ ~fif<1"-",Ii) tion Total area population Day or Communica. code of the and Drinking days of lions(Hus-stop, num- Name of village (in nUlilt)er 01 water Post and- the marke" railway station. ber Village hectares) hOlJseholds Education Medical (Potable) Telegraph bat. if allY water way)

1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

161 qT;:l(T

162 IFff 'Pi

163 ~T ~

1G4 3lT~~ !i~ 364.00 387(66) P( 1) -(5~10) W - (5-10) -(10+) BS

165 ~;:6T{'l(' 211. 00 563(113) P(1) -l5-10) W -(5-10) -(1(\+) as

166 "!i'if'!"r 521.. 00 661(115) P(l) _(-5) W _<-,.5) -( 1 0+) BS

167 ~tijr 673.00 676(119) -(-5) -(-5) W PO -(10+) as

158 "ri"~ o'ifT'fi 881. 00 861(148.) P(l) _(_5) w -(-5) -(10+) BS


170 ~T~~f li!.~ 425.00 192(36) -(-5) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) BS

171 q-r<1"<:) 363.00 415(18) pel) -(5-10) w -( 5 -10) -( 10+) BS

172 if;)C9') 169.00 14(3) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(5... 10) -(10+) as

173 ~Trm.) 255.00 26(7) -(-5) -(5~10) w ... (5-10) -(10+) as

174 3frl'l~ 2,1 80.00 1,023(1.66) P(l) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) BS

175 'irrff~ (OTff7~ ;t;fllli) 1,4 U .00 319(48) -(-5) -(10+) W -(10+) - (1 0+) as

176 f.qlji.;fT a'iflifi 747.00 1,081(200) P(l) -(5-10) W -(S-lO) -(10+> BS

177 ilfff<:'!<:T ~ ~!iT~,!<:T 232.00 348(57) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) _ BS

178 f'!f1fi<1T 336.00 266(49) pel) -(5-10) W,R -($-10) -(10+) BS

179 llTCmr<:T 362.00 14(3) -(-$) -(10+) w -(-5) -(10+, -( 10+)

180 ar~~~ 502.00 ~r., 151

Amenities and Land use Manas. Tahsil

f;r~a~ iftf<: flnl'~) '!,f'f :aqlfllT (81f:(~o 'lfl'f :a[{lfll'f iii) f~f'l'if f.!;~t if; al~ R;tquft glflfifi '"' efifi '!~ IT"' ifiT ;:rnT qi~ ~ :a~~ i') 11ft aurt" ~lf' it f.rieo'f ~!!T'f~q if; Gl ~iifT efili j ~fCl~fui!i i!iT 1fN (fit; • 1fT . it) ~f.ml' Lan d usc (i. e. area nnder different types of Land arl!f'H ~Toecr use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places ) ~qit; ~.n r------"------, ~f~er ifll' ~1lAl ij- Ill. vmit;~ vor it; f~ f~f'iffl fu~ :aq~oEr ~ ar~~ifl Remarks (111'<1<: Ol~ including ;;m:T1JI'~1 ~fiFf ) any place of Appro· Nearest Culturable Area not religious. !Iocb town and waste (inclu. available historical to distance Power Staple (trigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo· Name ()f villag; (in kms) Supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Village

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Rampura( 18 ) Jowar. 17.00W 90.00 27.00 9.00 Manya Khedi Wheat KR Rampura ( 1 7 ) EAg.ED Jowar. 20.00W 229.00 39.00 14.00 Kadi Buzurg Wheat KR Rampura ( 16) BAg. ED JoWar. 43.00W 335.0() 90.00 38.00 T( 1, Kadi Knurd Wheat PR Rampura ( 14 ) BAg,ED Jowar • 36.00W 266.00 38.00 24.00 T(l) Amad Khedi Wheat PR Ram,JUfa( 13) ED Jowar, 6,00W 145.00 33.00 27.00 Kundalya Wheat PR Rampura ( 16) Jowar. 23..00W 363.00 73.00 62.00 Phoolpura Wheat KR Rampura( 17) Jowar. 22,00W 203.00 146.00 302.00 Danta Wheat KR Rampura ( 1 8 ) JoWar, 108.00W 449.00 78.00 246.00 Dhodhar Block Whear Uninhabited Banegarh

KR Rampura(30) Jowar. 339.00 10.00W 12.00 61.0b 3.00 Suwa~ada Khurd Wheat KR Rampura(28) JoWar, 20.00W 69.00 95.00 179.00 Paid WhelJ.t KR Rampllra( 28) Jowar, 104.00 36.00 29.00 Kotdi 'Nheat KR Ramoura(27) Jowar, 174.00 18.00 62.00 1. 00 Ameri Wheat KR Rampura( 3 1 ) ED Jowar, 7.00W 105.00 500.00 1568.00 Amad Wheat KR Rampura( 31 ) Jowar. 824.00 2eO.00W 214.00 161.00 19.00 Amld Amargarll Wheat (Block) KR Rampura(26) Jowar·, 108,00 44. OOW 0416.00 126.00 53.00 Chikli Block Wheat KR Rampura(2S) Jowar, 159.00 1.00W 19.00 53.00 Amarpura alis Wheat Sangrampura KR Rampura(26) Jowar. 10.00W 68.00 69.00 189.00 Chlkli Wheat KR Rampura ( 18) Jowar, 119.00 7.00W 8.00 228.00 Matasara Wheat Uninhabited Amargarh 152

q;:rT~T~~ \if<{·ef~aJtl ~ llfq ;aqa)iJ ;:, "

~'-WfTlt IHIt '61 !fTIt Irr" llil '!for :sr;rdiltl on<;fig :;r;r.,!flii"ar~ (ltf" fJfl'f it ,!rUf~ "q'iifUI Ifif! ~ l'f) llif•• it (-) illf armn Iflf' iii). ~ aiilflum[lllnd next.o it in brackets, the distance in broad range. VIZ "~"1Il8.S·10km8 Ind lO+kmt of the nearest place wbere the faciiity is ava.JabJe is giveD). r-- __ ----~---~ ------__-A.------__ ------~-----__. W61fiJr'li, r~f~,,' crrif 'liT ~f1ti 8111 iiIm'~ill:(a';nf ~rr I ~'1(I~ Il.t~,

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 to

181 '1~Al~( 729.00 9(4) -(5-10) -(10+) w -(5... 10) -:-(10+ ) -(10+>


W -(5-10) 184 fcrcr~T 720.00 210(41) -(5-10) .... (5-10) -(10+) -(5-tO)

664.00 cr');;T;:r t 85 fqq,,~T

186 licf'lH1fT 546.QO 492(89) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5)

187 ~T;r;:ci;\,!'1 362.00 56(9) -( - 5) -(-5) W -( -5) -(5-10) - (5-10)

188 '>f'lHT 1,145-00 2,233(390) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -,(10+) as

189 IfNl'I~~r 287.00 112(21) -(-5J -(-5) W -(5-10) -( 10+) BS

190 ~fl:rm 511.00 1,047(221) pel) ... (5-10) w -(5.. 10) -( 10+) BS

191 "!,:>fl'lll:Titq 248. (JO 9(5) -(-5) -( 5-1 0) W -(5-10) - (10+) -lIO+ }

192 ~'I',!f<:"T 50.00 c{l1:T'f

193 ~~T 93.00

194 '

195 'li1:Of'[Uo;;{(;:P 118.00 888(\69) P(l) -(10+) W .... l5-10) -( 10+) BS

196 "!,;;f 317.00 87 t (161) P( 1) . .... (-5) W PO -(10+) BS

197 ~U""t . 1,511.00 871 (149) P{l),M(l) 0(1) w PO -(10+) BS

198 'J;flf~~<:r 3i.'1'T'Il 297.00 -'61 (92) pel) -(10 +) w -(-5) -(10+) BS

199 if<:C{Ti.'I'T 730.QO 147(35) -(-5) -(5... 10) w -(5-10) -(10+) -\-5)

200 ii!m i§l'T;:P 552.00 300(S5) P(l) -(.... 5) W -(.... 5) -(1O+} -(-5) 153

Amenities and Land use Manas. fahsil

ITlr Q'1Ii f

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

.----~ Kll Rampura( 14) JoWar, 2.00W 2.00 725 00 Bhuwanipura Wheat Uninhabited Peelkl1edi Block KR Rampura(12) Jnwar. 5.00W 6 00 2.00 335.00 Gopalpora Wheat KR Rampura ( 10) Jowar, 18.00 702.00 Pipalda Wheat Uninhabited Pi palda Block

PR Ran,pura( 4) EAg Jowar, 57.00W 45.00 6.00 438.00 Khetpalya Wheat FP Rampura( 10) EAg Jowar, 4.00 37.00W 156.00 14.00 151.00 AnandipUra Wheat KR Rampura( 12) Jowar. 799.00 44. OOW 48.00 2.00 252.00 Bhadana , Wheat KR Rampura( 20) EAg, Jowar, 277.00 10.00 Mokhampura Wheat KR Rampura( 20) Jowar, 420.00 5.00W 38.00 :'..00 46.00 DayJi Wheat FP Rampura(30) Jowar. 11. 00 3.00W 9.00 -1.00 221.00 .. Bujm.lhadeo Wheat .. Uninhabited· Chanpuriya

Uninhabited Kheda

KR Rampura«20) Jowar, 397.00 .. 7.00 20.00 Chainpuriya Wheat Blo~k KR .Rampura(30) JoWar, 83.00 34.00 1.00 Karanpura Wheat Block PR Rampura ( 1 5 ) Jowar 92.00 38.00W 21.00 64.00 102.00 T(l) Buj Wheat PR Rampura(15 ) EA Jowar, 123.90 59.00W 30.00 57·00 135.00 T(l) Besla Wheat PR Rampura( 18) Jowar, 72. (OW 108.00 34.00 83.00 Amarpura Wheat J31o.;k KR( Rampura ( t 5 ) Jowar.. 638.00 14.00W 13.00 39.00 26.00 Narwali Wheat KR Rampura ( 18) Jowar, 253.00 3.00W 38.00 177.00 R1.00 Basi Block Wheat 145

q;JT~T ~~ Glvt ~~f"a11i ~ l!fq ~'nl)fl

~'n~)!( Q'Pl !I;I ;nII '!i~ :;pni~lfl ~'l"'i8 "lf1t.'IfilOlrtt(l:rf;: WIll it ~fiHn~ kIllS.S-tOkms lnd IO--/-kmr of the nearest place "here the faciiity is available is given), . r- ~ --~~ ~------__ A. __. ~------___ QilirfiJJlfi r.. fllilfll Ifrit !fiT '~81)'" ;;rr;rrl:/~ llil fi:if I d"l~ 5l1'cn:trf Ifl;r) 6'~ if; f~;r lffq 'liT~ ~T (ij"ij' ~If ~- Loca· Total ~W'l'. ;ort"r-'WT) don Total area population Day or Communica. code of the and Drinking days of tions(Hus-stop, DUm" Name of village (in number of water Post and the [,larkell railway station. "er Village hectares) householdS Education Medical (Potable) Telegraph bal, if any water way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

201 f;:n:cf!~ 1,007.00 qr~T;r

202 flil''lf","t ~m~ 290.QO 486(79) 1'(1 ) -(5... 10) W -(5-10) -(10+) (-5-10)

203 6:T~T lin 561.00 62(9) -(10+) - (10+) w -(10+) -(10+) -(10+>

204 ~ 2,753.00 cft<:rlf

205 ~1G:;rr 200.00 <{'hT;={ ..

206 ;rif':!'f 179,00 or'hr'!'

207 l1!,1!Tlf","l:ff I.211.0Q ~ihT'f

208 'q;:~f 427.00 554( 108) P(l) -(-5) W -(10+) -( 10+) as

209 \l'hr~<:T 661.00 443(78) pel) -(-5) w -(10+) -(10+) BS

210 ~-r:1.fTfu!fT 255.00 466(94) P(l ) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) BS

211 ij'r~r<:ifl "" 262.00 134(25) -(-5) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -\-5)

212 ijl'T'<:I!IHIT ;i;fl''fi 103.00 197(31) -(-5) .... (10+) w -(10+> -(10-!-) -(-5)

213 ;;r~ 2,494.00 orrurr

214 ;;r~T"11<:T 343.00 278(50) - (_5) -(5-10) W -(5··10) -( 10+ > BS

215 ll'1f<:!rt 98.QO 128(25) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5--10) -(10+) BS

216 ~;;rTn:lI'r ;;<:fT!fi

217 I{f;;rf~lfT 499.00 1,007(202) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) BS

218 miT",,"

~19 iil'Tiff;r!1"T 95.00

220 ;orr'1TG: ;<1T'fi 96 ,00 1.fT<:lif 155

Amenities and Land use Manasa Tahsil

-~~-~- --~~------~------~~-~----- ''PI' a'1fi ~a'1f

_------11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2 .. Uninhabited Nimbod

KR. Rampura(20) Jowar, 105.00 17 J .00 I 1.00 Khimla BlOCk Wheat FP Rampura(20) Jowar, 561.00 Hada Khedi Wheat .. Uninhabitod Ghaiod Uninhabited Rondhna

Uninhabited Nagpura

Uninhabited Kttshaliya

PR Rampura( 1 Q) ED, Jowar, 288.0Q 70. DOW, 50.00 30.00 36.0~ Chanprapura BAg Wheat I3.00R PR Rampura( 15) Jowar, 9.00W 75.00 tl3.00 494.00 Bhimpura Wheat PR Rampura(9) BAg Jowar, 40.00W, 78.00 30.00 95.00 Barwadiya Wheat 12.00R PR Rampura ( 11 ) Jowar, 166.00 20.00W 8.00 12.00 56.00 Salarmala Maize PR Rampura( 11) Jnwar, 5.00W 27.00 16.00 5.00 'Salarmala B'ocy~ Maize Uninh~bited Jalod

PR Rampura(5) BAg JOwa. , 70.00 28.00W 33.00 19.00 193.00 Jamalpura Wheat KR Ra1p.pUra ( 7) BAg Jowar, 23.00W 12.00 7·00 56.00 Magarda Wheat Uninhabited . Majtriya Block

PR Rampura(6) BAg JO\l.ar, 188.00 90.00W 92.00 48.00 ~O Majirha Wheat ! .0(1' KR Rampura ( 14 ) BAg kwar, 63.00 15. OOW 136.00 51.00 36.00 Bhagal Buzurg Wheat Uninhabited Bamaniyu

.f) Uninhabited Jannod Block 156

,,;rfflr ~~m~ iif;:r·~fClQyq ~ ~fq ~q.)q

~"Fl'rlf IHII' llir ;fIll' IlIII' llil ~Ol "font 'ill I ;JIJ<'I'ill onf-'1furItClff;: 1'''' Ii ,!f1Jflll~ "".ill ;riP • 81 iii'•• it (-) Wlif "'IDfr IJ'lfl iii'. ~u siiilqj~ !!;If 'lron'tl ath ",,,Ii; 11'1;:- il:f ili115i5ifi ii 1mI' it r"!{loft ~fr ,,~ '1f1Jfllflt .r",,'" ~ ,,~ m ~ ~ 16 if;«~ (~~ it) IliT ~"" ,iii' srilir~ ,,~ 'Ii') 'It ~ -5 f'li .q:, •• 5-10 fifi.il. "I 10+fiii,,'I'i. Amenities IIvailable(if not available within the village, 8 dash (-) is shOWn in the column and ntxt to it in brackeu, the distance in broad rangel vi., -jkJlls.S.lOlms aDd 10+km~ of the nearest place where the faciiity is available is given). ,.-__ ------~ __ A-_ __;_------___ """\ vTlfifQrili r.rilil~1't q~ 'tiT ,fill' at"', ilRr~/~ 'iiI ~;:rl ~'if(<: I

1 1 3 4 S 6 7 8. 9 (0

221 \if;"IR 2,400.00 1,693(278) P(l) -(S-IO) W,R PO -(10+> BS

222 ~~""T~ 1,003.00 779( 145) P(l) -( - 5) w -(-5) -(10+) BS

223 ~~T 2[5.00 ,,"h:ri'l'

224 '11'1'(1<.') 219.00 4 14(65) P( 1) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(10+) BS

225 ifm·1,fT 407.00 305(50) - (-5) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(10+) BS

226 ifl.ft~tfT "!;.,!q 425.00 461(66) P(I) - (5-10) W ... (5-10) -(10+) -(-~)

227 ~fifln 1,096:00 766(125) pel) FPC( 1) w -(-5) - (10+) -( - 5)

228 GlmT~ 813.QO 1,170(199) P(l),M(l) -(-5) w PO -(10+> -(5-10)

229 f~'f'f~tf' 246.00 190(34) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) ... (5-10)

230 fqq~tfl 112.00 357(44) P(l) -(-5) W -( .... 5) -0.0+) - (5-10)

231 qT""~T 589.(10 491(78) P( 1) .... (-5) W -(-5) -( 10+) -( 5-10)

232 "ll~"{ 686.00 1,052(182) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 10-1-) -(5-10)

233 ~t

234 ar~~<:y 286.00 286(49) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -("10+ )

235 ilflllM1,fT 241.00 210(32) -(-5) -( .... 5) w - (-5) -(10+> ...,.(10+)

236 <:tl"~f<:1,fT 237.00 427(78) pel) -(-5) w ... (-5) -(10+) ~(5-10)

,237 I{'''l' ~~J 357.0@0 277(40) -(-5) -(-5 ) W -(-5) -( 10+) ~(10+ ) I

238 ~~I ifurr 497.00 19(3) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+) -(10+>

239 :;rqr<; 1,481.00 2,291(385) P(1),M(I) D( 1) W PO - ( 10+ , (5-10)


Amenities and Land use Manasa Tahsil

- .---~------V11I iif'li f

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 ---_--_-- PR R.a.mpura(7) BA~ Jowa.r. 1225.00102.00W 591.00 113.00 340.00 Ttl) Jannod Wheat 20.00R BAg Jowar, 91. DOW 222.00 545.00 145.00 T( 1) Dudhlai Pit Rampura(3) Wheat Uninhabited Deori

KR Rampura (9) EAg JoWar, 58.00 9.00.W 110.00 23.00 19.00 Bhagori Wheat KR Rampura( 10) Jowar, 21.00W 241.00 71.00 74.00 B;,sanja Wheat T( 2) PR Rampura (8) EAg Jowar, 33.00W 277.00 83.00 32.00 Badodi/a Buzurg Wheat 202.00 . Hatuniya KR Rampura( 14) ED,EAg Jowar, 33.00W 731.00 130.00 Wheat Il2.GO 148.00 T( \ ), KR Ran~pura( 17) ED,EAg J"war , 58.00W 495.00 tlarIai Wheat M(2) 32.00 KR Rampura(19) Jowar, 12'.00W 166.00 36.00 Singhadiya Wbeat KR Rampura( 20) ED Jowar, 35.00W 61.00 2.00 14.00 Piplya Wheat 229.00 PaJda KR Rampura ( 2 0) EAg Jowar, 30.00W 297.00 33.00 Wheat 271.00 Bhl!mesar KR Rampura (21 ) BAg Jowar, 89.00W 311. 00 15.00 N( I), Wheat T( l) KR Rampura( 24 ) Jowar, 3.0{JW 147.00 :z. 00 52.00 Sanga Kheda Wheat FP RampUra( 26) Jowar. 27.00W 190.00 3.00 66.00 Barampura Wheat FP Rampura(28) Jowar. 14.00W 174.00 4.00 49.00 AiU11i"a Wheat 95.00 Raipuriya KR Rampura( ( 7) Jowar, 13.00W 100.00 29.00 Wheat 124.00 Mal Kheda KR Rampura (19) EAg JowaJ" , 34.00W 160.00 39.00 Wheat 480.00 Aranva Dhani KR Rampura ( 1.8) ED,EAg Jowar. 6.00W 11.00 Wheat M(:!) , Chachor KR Rampura( 18) ED,EAg Jowar, 81.00W 504.00 149 00 747.00 Wheat T(l) Lotwas FP Rampura(20) Jowa.r, 155.00 49.00 1,444.00 Wheat " 58

qifr~T tft!6l ~ 15f;{-~fqa11i ~ ~fq ;erqa)q

f'frlf')Q III If llil ;fur Ill" llil f~ ;;fifdIJQI ;rq;;rii" 'il'if-lIf" f~ii lff~

1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 -(10+) -(10+) 241 ~~ 376.00 242(43) -(-5) -(10+) w -(5-10)

242 tq~~ J 618.00 244(38) ... (-5) -(10+) w -51 0+) -(10+) -(-5)

243 <'I'f_fSlf1 ~, 1'1. 371.00 615(97) P(l),~(l) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) - (-s)

244 1'Il<'l'P"r i!.~q 343.00 222t37) -(-5) -(10+) W -(-5) -( 10+) -(5-10)

245 cT<'I~·~r 146.00 96 (16) -(-5) -( 10+) w -(-5) -(10+) ... (5-10)

370(62) -(-5) -( 10+) w -(10+) -( 10+) 246

248 \ifT6"lf") 365.00 269(47) -(-5) -( 10+) w -(10+) -(10+ ) -(10+ )

P(l) W -(10+) 249 ~);;~ 304.00 41('(82) -(10+) .:( 10+) -( 10+)

93 (19) -(-5) -(10-i-) w ... (10+) ... ( 10+) 251 I!:,~,q;r 226.00 -(10+) ,t q'h:Tii 252 Clfirf<:ln 460.00

253 lfiirer 667.00 q'T<:Ff

254 ttl~tli~ 371. 00 188(27) -(-5) -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+> -( 10+)

255 ...,Cl 545.00 254(42) -(-5) ... (-5) T,K -(-5) -(10+) -( 10+)

256 GTr~1.n 695.00 157(31) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+) -( 10+)

aihr::r 257 lliilQ<:~T

258 €I~# itU1{

259 lil1'1:f<:lfT ~Tii

260 'mr~~1l:' q'lt:Tif 159

Amenities and Land use Manas. Tahsil

IN olli fi'flR~ i'f~ 'iff'i :Qlflrm (Bll!lrn "'fif :QqlTl1f Ifil fqf'if

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR. Rampura( 16} ED, EAa lowar, 4.00W, 255.00 98.00 17.00 , Basantpur Wheat 2.00TK PR Rampura ( 13) ED. EA. Jowar, 20.00W. 164.00 41.00 391.00 Thaned Wheat 2,QON PR Rampura ( 11) ED, EAg Jowar, 17.00W, 228.00 51.00 63.00 Lasu di ya lstmuJar Wheat 12 CON PR Rampura( 10) Jowar, 6.00W, 192.00 21.00 121.00 N(1 ) Molki Buzurg Wheat 2.IJOTK,1,00N PR Ran:pura(15) JO\',:1r, 7.00W, 120.00 16.00 3.00 Tolkhedi Wheat PR Rampura ( 15 ) Jowar, 2.00W. 185.00 14.00 174.00 Nali Wheat I,OON PR Rampura ( 18) ED, EAg J6war, 90.00W, 299.00 79.00 317.00 M(l ) Deoran , Wheat 12.00N KR Ra1l1pura( 13 , lowar, 5.00W. 154.00 20 00 186 00 Jodn.i Wheat KR Rampura( 15) Jowar, 8,00W 98.00 31.00 167.00 Soodi Wheat Uninhabited Sandal pUr

KR Rampura(20) JOWar, 3.QOW 17.00 6 00 200.00 Burawan Wheat Uninhabited Takariya

Uninhabited Manoti

FP Rampura{ 34) Jowar-, 43 00 12.00 316 00 Salya Khedi Wheat . FP Rampura( 35) Jowar, 160.00 68.00 317 00 Wheat FP Rampura(3S) Jowar, I.OOW 69.00 29.00 596.00 Ban,liya Wheat Uninhabited.. Manoharpura

Uainhabited Tejgarh

t:ninhabited Khempuriya

.. Uninhabited Rajptlriya 160

urll "" ;tTl, IlTIf Iii' ~;;r '3\'iI'dliUr iJrr;;riS ift"if-'1fiil'arrt (!tf;: V'If ii_ ,!fcr!il'~ nWiS Ifi!i • tn Iii'" it (-) ill( !iI1TTllt Qlf' rr el1if'fi;;r ~ "'f~'{l ait~ ~9'~ ilr;:- Err ;w)Si5'iJ ij g'IJ it fiOlCfif) ;'U IJl ,!furq i'IJill. ~ ,,)i m 1J1: ~ it) (~'f'{ it) 'Ii) {i'ilfr .~ !l'lir~ !Ai Iii') 'f~ ~ -5 fili .IiT., 5-10 f.Ii.dT. II' 10+f.i.q-'). Amenities availablc(if not available within the villagc, a ftaah (-) is shoWn in the column and next fO it in bracket', the distance ID broad range. vill -.5klll•• S-l0kms and lo+kmt of the neareat place where tb,c faemty is available is given). r--_------A ------., IIf6fMiIi r.fifil", q)it" iIiT ~~ at"~ ;;rr;;rT,{/~ iii' f,:;y I 6.1<: &lfiWrl 1fT-!"\' enl iii f

1 :2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

261 ~~iIiT~

262 '1i;:;'1:~!l"t

263 li~T~' q'hT"l

264 l;IFT ~;;r qmif

265 1'!"{I'!l"T iliT ~,

266 '

267 'if'li~fulfr qT~r;y

268 "'t'1'!'T~T q'T~Tif


270 'lite'T ~i crl<:R

271 'lil1T'" ~

272 'ft<:r li~

273 3l~~T ciT~T

274 liaq'T~lfT l;fT"l ~T~1:T i;;rt'l\' ••

275 "'~~T' q-T1:Tif

276 "" 'ffiI'ffi~ cft~Til'

277 'lirI9Tl1rffi" 'liTa' ~~f qT~r"l

278 f~~i1:lfT'l1'a' li~ cr'TU'f

279 'Ii~:q~'l1T

280 'liT'I9<,ir'llTe li~'T q)~T" 161

Amenities and Land use Manasa Tahsil

'l,f"! :a-lilJT1r (81v:r\er "if"! ;.;qlJltr ~ fctf\T

'~~--~.- U 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

Uninhabited Imfi Ka Kheda

Uninhabi ted Udepuriya

.. Uninhabited Khandeaiya Uninhabited .. Khatama Ki Rail

.. Uninhabited Maramya Ka Kheda

Ifninha b i ted Chandankui

- '. Uhinhabited Chakdatiya

Uninhabited LaxmipUra

Uninhabited Neem Ka Kheda

Uninhabited Kanti Khurd

Uninhabited Bhagal Khurd

Uninhabited Peelkhedi

Uninhabited Amarpura

JJninhabited Khetpalya Anandipura , Bloek .. Uninhabited Barda

Uninhabited LaItaJai

Uninhabited Kachhi mataBhat khedi

Uninhabited Tlma riya Bhatkhedi

Uninhabited Karachar Bhatkhedi

Uninhabited Kachhvi Bhatkhedi 162

llTlf ... r :mr 1FT" ... , ~" :or'l'9'.lf' '''''''is iiTif-,fcraTt{(ll'f, '"'' if ~fanlJ1t U'IfWiS IfIP • en iii'" it (-) flIT 1!I1TTl{l 'I'lfl fW lliiif'li1iY ~aj qfw~l eit~ :a'Q'16 ilT' &T 1Ii)6~ it !wr it f'Oit'l'iil ~~ " ']fcrfJ,q :a'lfiU8 ~ q¥ m rn q: 1'6 (~lflj it) iii) li''ll'J ,Q' R'ifiT~ ~ ~ 1ft ~ -5 fit; .1fr., 5-10 ti&.~. 'If 10+fiI.'Ih. Amenities available(if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown In the column and next to inn brackell, the distance in ,broad rangel vi! -5kml.S.t Okms ,.....n~10+km& of th.:__nearest_plac..:_ "h~~the fac~ty ~~~Iable i.,ven)_:__ ___ ~ f"fiJA; r.mgr q~!fiT ~ .1.. , omrr~/~ IIiT ,..,/ u.m Il:r~' 1tR"r e[{1j it; f~;:f ~f~ '!ITt ~ (iHi mq ~- Loca- Total ~V'l'. ;;ror-l!fT1f) tion Total area population Day or Communica. code of the and Drinking days of tions(Bus-stoP. num- Name of village (in Dumber 01 water Post and' Ibe markctl railway station. ber Village hectares) households Education Medical (Potable) Telegraph bat, if auy water way) 1 1 3 4 s 6 ., 8 9 10

281 ~111f~lfT 'ifT~V'" oitU'f

282 ..m:T~T~

139,268.00 131,482 D(JO) (22,577) M (3) P (143) PUC (0 M (22) FPC (2) PUC (4) CHW (1) o (1) 0 (II ) 163

A men ities aDd Land use Maoasa T.ihsi1 tI11r (flit f;:rlli!(I1f ;:r1J<: 'lflr raQ1Jllf (8iIl{~(f 'if'f :aql{Ttr ~ fcrhr~ f.I;~T q; eliil ~arvIT ~,Ilillt Ilnr lit, irnl' Ifi.r.t ~ ~ i~') ~!f{ it ~ ~cr iii ~ ~ij'f (flit) itf(f~f«iI; Ifil 'fA (fit; • ~ . it) Land use (i. e. area nnder different typos of Land 8i1!(

U 12 -13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

Uninhabited KhempuriyaBhatkhedi

.. Uninhabited Chaurasigarh

26,736.00 44.180.00 27,133.00 N (197) 10,131. 00 11 ,048. 00 M (50) Total C (11) T (81) 164

"T",!~T ~" _Of-WC!lafli qfi ~fq ~ql1)fJ

~'{t,"11 IlT" ..., ;nq IfIt !fir f<;r Of'fd!J!ff ",,;;riS or;r-'If;rl!TII( (Iff, an, iI ,!f;rllr~ illfWill ;JilT • lYI 'fi"r.. it (-) i IT Iiflm q~r 1Iil. for liiiil''i(Of ~ct 'Tfum:l am 'iU',," in, Ill" lIi"laoifi ii VII'! g Fiila;r) ~if IA !!f.rmi Went .. ~ qre m ~ lit iii ll'fi"lll rrf -5 fit; .Ii'r .. 5-10 Iii. 10+N!.rt. ;r~ (~IH if) iii) "tlf, ,9' ,.1Ift ~ it. "' Amcnities available (if nOl available within the villagc, a dash (-) is shown in the column and Dextro it in brackett. thC distance in broad rangc. Vi.1l -Skms.5·IOltms .ad lO+km~ of tbe nCBre.1 place .,here tbe faciiity is available is giveD). ~ ______- ___ A-______------_--~ rill1fi11',.; r"fiI;fU'1 'flit 'fiT '~111)~ ;non-;;/~!fiT f«'1 / ~'ql-;; S!f~r lfT;fr I:f~ ii; f~ ?lfc; if;)t ~ (iHI mqm- fiVif • Gf<;f-11l~) Loca- Total Total area population Day or Communica. tion days of dODS(Bus-stop, code of the and Drinking Name of village (in Dumber 01 water Post and the marketl railway station. num· Telegraph bat. if auy water way) ber VilIa.ge hectares) bouleholds Education Medical (Potable) , 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 ·fru'l 1 i11;;n~U 717.00

2 fIQi1f"l''r,!", 2.289.00- ;fgr1f

-(-5) _( 10+) -(10+) 3 ~

-(-;)~) -(10+) 4 f'lCW'liT 203.00 386(74} PO) - (- 5) W -(10+>

5 ~'if'!~ 134.00 "I<:I'J

6 f~~;;J,!<:' 275.00 70(10) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

7 'fili[<'f' 2,688.00 2,050(372) P(2),M(1) D(l ) W PO -(10+) -(10+)

g fifvri~ 142.00 ilU'f

9 '1l'U'lJ

10 ;f1''Iito 'l"llT 1,565.00 <{1'lJi!'

11 or .. 'i!l<:r ~~ 901. 00 ~)wr

12 W:Gf'fl 713.00 427(69) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) '-( 10+) -(5-10)

13 li,!i~ "Ire 1,195.00 381(61) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 10+) -(5-10)

14 \in~lfT 884.00 'fTu'l'

lS Ilf~T 239.00 cit<1'1

16 ,r'f'l;f,lIT 206.00 48'1(89) pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

17 ~T~1 1,97i.OO 240(40) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

18 ST~lI1 ms; 893.00 676(112) PCI) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

19 aTmr.r

20 l:t;TI I§"~~) 636.00 1,087(184) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+)-- -(-5l J6S

A menitie8 and Land U8e Bhanpura Tahsil

,",l'I'~ fiflfiaalf ;:rtr<: f~) '!~ '!flf 'ii'lJlrTtr (BI'I'2 'Lfif ~llFr ~ f"f"'if f.titlfT it; aler R:tl'fofi IilTf1:rEfi Ifrlf !fiT "lif Ifif~ _ It'!' a~lfi) ~'() lilt 1ITvtv ~l{"( if FrlfiaQlf

--~------~- 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2 . - . - Uninhabited Malasari

Uninh.abited KhiIchlpur

FP Bhanpura( 13) Jowar • 7.00W. 135.00 291.00 2,56().OO Sujanpura Wheat 6.00R FP Bhanpura(13) JoWar; 5.00W, 29.00 20.0C 143.00 Pipalda Wheat «5 OOR

',' Uninhabited Karanpura

KR Bhanpura03) Jowar, 46.00W 22S.00 41.00 6.00 Vitthalpura Wheat KR Bhanpura ( 1 3 ) Jowar, 10.00R 726.00 245.00 1,661.00 Kohl a Wheat Uninhabited Bilkhedi

FP Bhanpura( 19) Jowar. 17.00W 55.00 113.00 391.00 Bhav,anipllra Wheat Uninhabited Bambhori Buztlrg

Uninhabited Bambhoz:i Khurd

FP Garoth (15) Jowar. 18 .OOW 130.00 50.00 515.00 Surjana Wheat FP Garoth (15) Jowar, 20.00W 135.00 89.00 951. 00 Kherkheda Bhat Wheat Uninhabited Jalya

Uninhabited Khcdi

FP Bhanpura (9) -- .. Jowar. 20.00W 51.00 SO.OO 55.00 Raipuriya Wheat FP Bhanpura( 10) Jowhr, 27.00W 82.00 65·00 1,804.00 Modi Wheat FP Bhanpura( 16) Jowar, ZO.OOW 172.00 60.00 641.00 Aranya Bhau Wheat FP Bhan pura ( 14 ) EA Jownr. -. 150.00W,TK. 887.00 254.00 1,491.00 N(2) Antraliya Wheat PR Bhanpura ( 1 3 ) EAg Jowar. SO.OOW 456.00 99.00 51.00 M( 1) Dudha. Khedi Wheat 166

m",!~T a~m{i:f if~~f.a11i ~ 'ifq .qq)q

~qy;ft'l 1I1q llir '"Sf vrIJ iii' '8i'f "I':fdli'l r If'li'fi'J :sr;r-'!fil'S'Ii{ (lffl: vrq it ,!f;nnp,' ""ViS' lIifj • Ii) iii'" it (-) f!lf iIllllfllTlfl 1Ii)_ ~~Of'litll Iter 't fro'{l ilI't~ 'iHI'~ ifr': ~T 1516i5i1i if Ill" 9" fiila;:r) ~'U '" ~fcrl!lllt ~'"' .. ~ 1fta m If't q lit ;I'1:ar~ (~lR it) iii) uIIlfr c!:f I(lIilli ,,;;i 11>') Iff ~ -s f", . .rr., 5-10 f.6.IfT. IIr l0+fis.til. Amenities I\vailabl.:(if not available within rbe village, II da.h (-) is shOWn 10 the column lind next to it ip bracker., the diStance in broad range. via -SkUJ ••S-IOltms tnd IO+km~ of the pcareal place "here the faciiity is available illgivClD). r--_------A ------.. qleflll'li f.. flmrr crtii' 'liT ,fill 811. ;;fFil1~/~ llit ~;{ I ~"""{ Itflill'{l 'lTiff lJrt it; f

------1 2 3 4 5 (i '1 8 9 10

21 ,nif<:IT If'f~,{ 294.00 512(75) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

22 if@f~'lT 108.00 ·98(17) -(-5) -( - 5) W -(-5) - (10+) ~(- 5)

23 llTOi2;n:l:fT I!~tf 294.00 20 1(28) -(-5) ~(- 5) w -(-5) -(10+> -(-5)

24 q~);IfT 994.00 S69~162) P(1) ~(-5) \'\. -(-5) -(5-10) -(5... 10)

25 'l

26 '8;Cf<'r !ii~T 585 00 877(138 ) P(I) -(~5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

27 !!i~",f'{l{T 121.00

28 ~"I"r

29 Ii<:~~ 461.00 505(79) P(1) -( - 5) W -(5-10) -( 5-10) -(5-10)

30 llFI2;f<:'fT ~

31 't~e~ 320.00 382(66) PO) - (-5, W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

:;2 .mr<'f ti~T 730.00 900(160) P( 1) D( 1) W PO -(5-10) -(10+)

33 ~~~or~T 1.167.00 1,232(209) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

34 (q-r'T 437.00 539(82) pel) -(5-10) w -(5-1(1) -( 10+) -(-5)

35 <:T~T,!<:'Tf~ln 763.00 564(84) PO) -(-5) w -~'_5) -(5-10) -l-5)

. 36 f'fC.?~ ti~T 364.00 423(71) P(I) -( 5-10) W -(5-10 ) -(5-10) -(5-10)

37 aT<:"l1T"ffVf 192.00 257(52) P(1) -(-5) w -(- 5 J -(5-10) -(-5)

38 ~n:) 206.00 270(42) pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -(5- 10) -(-5)

39 ifT~5'~r 1,190.00 2.619(469) P(l),M(I) 0(1) w PO ,Phone -(5-10) BS

40_ a't<:"~f 340.00 124(24) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -{S-lO) -(-5) 167

Amenities add Land use Bhanpura Tahsil

------IN l'I''' fi'flliZff1f i'fln: flinT '!.- 'if" ;a-qllTI[ (8l'lio 'iif" ;a-qllTlT -tt fqfsr::;:r flf.{:qT if; &till fi!:[qun ~nfu!fi ((T~ !fit i'fl~ ,,{~ - It

It 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Garoth( 13) BAg Jowar, 29.00W 185.00 59.00 21.00 DhabaJa Manohar Wheat KR Garoth( 10) Jowar, 5.00W 67.00 25.00 11.00 Mahudiya WI-eat FP Garoth( \3) Jowar, 7.00W 93.00 57.00 131.00 Manpuriya BUzurg Wheat FP Bh9.npura( 1 5) EAg Jowar, 6.00 49.00W 688.00 211.00 40.00 Paronya . Wheat FP 13hanpura (1 7) EAg Jowar, 64.00W 219.00 119.00 16.00 Budhanpur Wheat FP Bhanpura ( 1 5 ) EAg Jowar, 10l.00W 375.00 98.00 11 .00 KUnta! Khedi WheaT Uninhabited Karkariya

FP Bhanpura( 4) EAg Jowar, 41.00W 305.00 72.00 11.00 Haranawada Wheat FP BhanpUra(6) EAg Jowar, 60.00W 287.00 98.00 16.00 Kherkhedi Wheat Uninhabited ., Manpufiya Khurd FP Bhanpura( 4) EA: Jowar, 28.00W 172.00 107.00 13.00 Rehtadi Wheat FP Bhallpura ( 11 ) EAg Jowar, 107.00W 477.00 120.00 26.00 N(3) SataJ Khedi Wheat KR Bhanpura( 10) EAg Jowar, 142.00W 604.00 143.00 278.00 Kukdeshwara Wheat FP Bhanpura( 10) Jowar, 37.00W 295.00 62.00 43.00 Toongni Wheat FP Bh:tnpura(3) ED, Jowar, 48.00W 521.00 113.00 81.00 Rataguradiyll EAg Wheat FP Bhanpura(5) ED, Jowat, 70.00W 244.00 39:00 11.00 Mitthan Khedi EAg Wheat KR Bhanpura(lO) Jowar, 23.00W 67.00 55.00 47.00 Aranya charan Wheat PR Bhanpura (7 ) EAg Jowar, 29.00W 136.00 26.00 15.00 Sunari Wheat PR Bhanpura(lO) EA Jowar, 285.00W 379.00 142.00 384.00 N(lO),M(3) BabuJda Wheat PR Bhanpura (5) BAa Jowar, 57.00W 198.00 43.00 42.00 Toranya Wheat 168

~T"'~T l'r~mt=l i1{i{-~f~a11i ~ ~f" :aqa)tt

~1{T"'1I ~nq 16'1 ;fTq Ilf" '61 ~~ ",""«ill I S'l'iriliil :if;r-~f"!ll~(lff<: VHf it '1f"'!lf~ ;;rIfWilJ ;r~1 ~ m lfirp q (-) illf EflmfT qlfl iii'. ~~ IRaq;", ~;f qf~,""{l arT'" 'iin i'TiI ~, 16'~'6 ii lITq ~ i'oia", ~'U IA ~f

1 1 3 4 5 (j 'I 8 9 10

41 <:\,!TtrnT 514.00 5 82(106) P(l ) -(5-1.0) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

-(5-10) 42 ~ti~ 16LOO 2 13(38) -(- 5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10)

43 'lliCf<'rT 498 .00 525(92) P(l) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

44 IDC;<'f~~ 1,333.00 1,517(253) P(l) -(-5) W PO -(-5) ~(-5)


46 '>T'1~1 1,128.00 1,399(269) P( 1) H( 1) W PTO,Phone Sunday 'BS

47 ;l;i':!~!f'l .64.00

48 m

4~ ~<'tT 85.00 qT<:T'T

50 'f'TlT<11' 522.00 689(132) -;(-5) -(-5) H,PW -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)


52 13Tc!(f 'll~ 31.00 90 (19) -(5-10) -(5-10) W,TK -(5-10) -(,10+) -(5-10)

53 "I'T BS

54 ;;r~)fc;ln 547.00 647(116) pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+) BS

55 "'T~t", 197.()0 334(75) P(1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

56 ~<'fTlI1'9;' or.m 193.00 768(136) pel) - (5-10) W .. (5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

57 ~pft~i (;;r'lcTlfr~r) 48.00 704 (125) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-tO) -(5-10) TIS

58 'f;T

59 ifTft 461. 00 q'~l'f

60 '!ftfr 589.00 200(38) -(5-10) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 10+) -(-5) 169

Amenities and Land use Bhanpura Tahsil

vl1f alii f'l"li~aq .,.11<: f~,) '!~ 'ffq e-q1I'T'T (i>ll!{io 'i!fq e-q{!I'T iii') flilf'irnr f'lifflT it eief fi!:tqllIT !:llfl:r'fi Ilrq 'fit .,.rq 1f"{qf.1r • ~ct e-~~ ~~) "li) Vlvtll ~lr,{ it f.fiaaq ~vrqCi!q it

__------~------~ ~- 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Bhanpura (5) Jowar, 66.00 33.00W 312.00 87.00 16.00 RaJayata Wheat KR Bhanpura (5) Jowar. 125.00 11. 00 27.0{) Barkhedi Wheat Bhanpura (5) Jowar. 17.00W 268.00 61.00 152.00 Kanwali Wheat KR Bhanpnra (3) EA Jowar, 199.00W 911.00 160.00 63.00 Sandal pur Wheat Hhanpura (2) EA Jowar, 31l.00W 863.00 164.00 67.00 NOO), Lotkhedi PR Wheat M(2). T(1) 424.00 202.00 227.00 Bhanpura PR Bhanpura (0) BAg,ED Jowar, 259.00R M(l'), Wheat 5.001'K N(3) Uninhabited Chenpuriya

95.00 29.00 Dhawad Buzug FP Gandhi Sagar ( 12 ) 10war, 9.00W 48.00 Hyde I colony Wheat 2.00N Uninhabited Prempuriya

Jowar, 318.00 87.00 113.00 4.00 Koyla FP Gan<1hi Sagar ( 12) Hydel colony Wheat 108.00 30.00 65.00 Dhamanya FP Bhanpura (20) Iowar, 53.00 Wheat 4.00 25.00 2.00 Sanwat Kotdi FP Bhanpura (20) Jowar. Wheat 80.00W 1,001.00 817.00 134.00 NaOli PR Bhanpura (20) BA Jowar, 1043.00 Wheat 365.00 86.00 7}.00 Badodiya PR Bhanpura ( 17) EA. Jowar, 25.00W Wheat 23.00 33.00 134.00 Kotdi Tank KR Bhaopura (14) Jowar, 7.00W Wheat 177.00 Kailashpur FP Bhanpura (10) Jowar, 16.00W Budae Wheat 37.00 1.00 C( 1) Hamirgarh KR Bhanpura (5) EAg,ED Jowar. 10.00W Wheat (Lodawada) 4.00 Kama FP Bhanpura (5) Jowar, 6.00W 31.00 Wheat Uninhabited Badi

8.00 4 00 Thagi FP Bhanpura (9) JOIVar, 449.00 128.00 Wheat 170

'+IT'',!~f ~~\=t G{"'i!f~el1l q1i ,!iq GQ,,)1J

f'fr;r')q IrTIi "" ;JPI IHI' "', f<;r ;;r'fd'lf' ;r1f'1fil!( ;;r;y-~f~Errtt (Iff.. vrlf it ~fii«fl( aCf'f18 !Iii' am IfjIIA it (-) ~II' atmn ~ 1li1. f" ~a1i~ ~1"( If" ;6, Iff ~ -5 fill."' .• 5-10 fiIi.dT. Ifl 10+fii.Vt. Amenities available(if DOt available wilhin tbe "illage, I dash (-) is sllO"'n In the cl)lumo and DeXI fO h in brackell, the distance in broad rangcs VIZ -.5kllll.S.IOktnl and lo+km£ of the nearest place "here tbe Caciiil)' is ava.lable is giveD). r------.------A ------___ ~"fQ(~ r.f~gl lf~ ~ ,~." 'lTorn/~?;.l ~ill 9~11: 'll'i(f1(1 'fI't) 8~ if;f~ I:1f<: ~t~ (iHT RJCf m- Loca- Total R~ • ~-1l11i) tion Total area population Day or Communica. code of the and Drinking days of dons( Hus-stop, DUm" Name of village (in number 01 water Post and tbe market I railway statioD. bet Village hectares) households Education Medical (Potable) Telegraph bat, if auy water way)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

61 a:ta<'!T 35.00 166(33) -(5-) -(5-10) W ... (5-10) -( 10+) -(5-10)

62 a~liJ' 92.00 360(69) P(J) - (10+> W -(10+) -(10+) -(5--10)

63 'f;~<'IT 1,922.00 2,2]5(393) P(l) D( 1) W PO -(10+) as

64 'tiTtT<'

65 iWif>;lT matfu~ 1,264.00 2,403(410) P(I),M(I) D( 1) W PO ~( 10+) -(5-10)

H Ol)~m<{ 217.00 271(36) P(l) -(0-5) W -(--5) -(10+) -(-5)

67 lfiT>;lT;nTa- 497.00 ],053(]87) Pc]) -(-5) W,TK -(-5) -(10+) BS

68 ~~r 2,190.00 3,322(595) P(Z), M(t), H(I),MH(I), W,TX,N PO,Phone -(10+) BS H(l) FPC,HC(I) 69 ia-ofI' ]28.00 ;ft~T;:r

70 ~rii6T 726,00 1,161(215) PC' ) -(-5) W -(-<5) -(10+) ..... ( - 5)

71 iJTUli!'l1:T 559.00 913 (150) P( 1) -(-5) W .... ( -5) -(5-10) -(-5)

72 ~l'l1"a ~~ 399.00 2 62(39) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5 ) -( 10+) -(-5)

73 <'rift ~ 534.00 377(64) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) - (10+) ..... (-5)

74 ~ll:1 ;nffi 784.00 951 (133) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(- 5)

75 3{T!iTT1:T 1,169.00 1.134(188) P( 1) -(-5) W PO -(5-10) BS


77 3fifm') 272.00 271(40) -(-5) -(5 ..... 10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)


79 J{TIfi"l'f,!~r 421.00 374(64) - (- 5) -(10+> w -(10+) -(5-10) Bg

80 3fT~"{;:rT 133.00 623(110) P(2) -( 10+) W -(10+) -(5-10) BS 17 I

Amenities and Land use Bhanpura Tahsil n'f tf1ti flJlfiC6'1 ;r~ f"Q) '!~ 'J.flJ

------~ FP Ramganj Jowar • I,OOW 20.00 11.00 3.00 Dantla Mandi (Raj)(9) Wheat FP Ramganj lowar. 3.00W 68.00 17.00 4.00 Harigarh Mandi (Raj) (9) Wheat KR Ramganj Jowar, 62.00 133.00W 1,386.00 275.0J 66.CO M(!),N(2) Kethuli Mandi (Raj)(13) Wheat KagaI ya Khedi KoR Bhanpura (9) Jowar. 42.00W 71.00 30.00 33.00 Wheat FP Bhanpura (14 ) BAg Jowar, .. 192.00W 1,533.00 438.00 101.00 N(3) Dhabla Madhosingh Wheat Bcedgaon KR Bhanpura ( 15) EAg JONar, 50.00W 87.00 23.00 57.00 .... Wheat PR Bhanpur:1 (16) EAg Jowar, 99,OoW 289.00 63.00 46.00 N(l),M(l), Kalakot Wheat Temple PR Dhanpura( 16) EA Jowar, 268.00W 1,383.00 378.00 161. OJ N(22),MP), SallJhM3 Wheat T(l) Unin~d Doodhli

N(I), M(I) Sanada KR Bl1.l!npura( 11) ED, Jowar. 127.00W 354.00 154.00 91.00 EAg Wheat 157.()0 126.00 M(1LT(I) Gordhanpura KR Bhanpura (9) EAg Jowar, 4.00 69.00W 2(J3.00 Wheat FP Bhanpura( 13) ED. Jowar, 44-:-(HlW 272.00 51.00 32.00 Sanunat Khedi EAg Wheat 19.00 Ledi Khurd PR Bhanpura(16) EAg Jowar. 75.00W 377.00 63.00 Wheat PR Bhanpura( 16) ED, Jowar. 155,O(,W 444.00 112.00 73.00 Lec!i Kal"n EAg Wheat PR Bh:lnpura( I 0) ED, Jowar. 111.00W 852.00 142.00 64.00 Osara EAg Wheat 99.00 N(2), Ne<:mthu, KR Bh~npl1 .. a (8) EAg Jowar, 105.00W 818.00 22°.00 Wheat Temple FP Bhanpura( I 0) J"wa: • 90.00W 144.00 27.00 11.00 Amjhari Wheat FP J1hanpura( 10) Jowar, 13.00W 431.00 55.00 47.00 Badodi_,a Wheat PR Bhanpura( 11 ) EAg Jowar, 40.00W 30, .00 44.00 36.00 Mokampura Wheat PR Bhanpura( 11) EA Jowar, 61,OOW 29.00 16.00 27.00 N(2),M(3) OsaTna Wheat 172

IfTil 16r ;rp, 11"" llil 'for ~;ntli!f r a'liffiIJ lPI-'1f'nrrI:{Clff, vr" it !_!finUI{ "w'a -iP • til 1111l1l1I it c-) illf fI1mI1 W· 'lor lliiil''lior ~

1 2 4 s 6 1 8 9 10

1,238.00 1.337(217) P(l) -(-5) w .... (-5) -(-5)

297 00 [23(28) -(-5) ~(-5) -(-5) BS

600,00 555(80) pel) -(5-10) w ~(-5) -(5-10)

178.00 2(1) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5 ..... 10)

1,343.00 1, 781(320) P(l),PUC(l) PHC(l) w PO -(5-10)

86 iiT

794.00 916(154) P(I),M(I) -(-5) w PO RS

2,657.00 6,920(1273) P( 4),M(1 ), D( 1) w PO, -(-5) -(-5) PUC( 1) Phone 89 qfTrr 644.00 854(134) P( 1) li,.,:",( 5-1 0) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)


340.00 736(131) P( 1) -(-5) w -(-5)

241,00 26 1(43) P(1 ) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(-5)

93 arf~) 253.00 269(42) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(~ 5)

76J.OO 791(136) P(1) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5)

95 '"Ii"') 306.00 306(52) P(l) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

98 !1T

194(27) - (5-·10) -(5-10) N -(5-10) -(5-10) 173

A menities and Land use Bhunpura Tahsil

VilT O'lii fifllil!O'lT ;;1fl: f~,) '!.VoI 'iJf1'l ~'l1f11T (aJ'I~6 "J.f1'l 'e'q~l1T ~ fqfunr f.!;~) iii !ita retlJ1lO mfirlli 'll'p:r IIiT ifT1l' 'f"ij.=q;'t ~ ~UlliT i1:T iii') IIlltrt" ~It~ it f.r1lil!6Jf trnJft"l

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

-~~-- - --"-~- --- PR 8hanpura(4) EAi Jowar, 87.00W, 861.00 222.00 67.00 N(l).M(l} Ratanpura Wheat 1.00R PR Bhal' pura( 2) EAa JOWar, 43.00W, 207.00 22.00 17.00 Bharatya Khedi Wheat 8.00R K.R Bhanpura(6) FAg Jowar, 82,00W, 392.00 93.00 24.00 Khajurna Wheat 9.00R FP Bhawani Mandi Jowar, 27·00R 98.00 36 00 17.00 Paikheda (Raj) (5) Wheat FP Bhawani Mandi ED,EAI Jowar, 193.00W. 771.00 226.00 103.00 T(2) Borda (Raj) (5) Wheat 50.00R FP Bhawn i Mandi. BAa; JOW8J, 73.00W 517.00 103.00 105.00 Dhaba ~Raj)( 1 0) Wheat FP Bhawani f\fandi EAII Jowar, 79.00W 457.00 94.00 164.00 N(2) Dhuwa Khedi (Raj)(S), Wheat FP Bhawani Mandi EA Jowar, 528.00W, 1,333.00 211.00 570.00 N(10),M(3) Bhesoda (Rai)(2) Wheat 15.00R 1 ( 1) FP Bhanpura ( 6) Jowar, fi2.00W. 402.00 87.00 77.00 Panga Wheat 16.00R Uninhabited Raikheda

FP Bhawani ~andi BAg Jowar, 87.00W, 161.00 51.00 21.00 Govindkheda (Raj) (4) Wh,eat 20.00R FP Bhawani Mnadi EAe Jowar, 33.00W 128.00 45.00 35.00 Temple Sameli (Raj) (7) Wheat FP Bhawani Mandi EA, Jowar, 36.00W 174.00 31.00 12.uO Anki (Raj) (4) Wheat FP Bhawani Mandi EAg Jowar, 11 t, OOW 473.00 125.00 54.00 Kesoda (Raj) (7) Whoat FP Bhawani Mandi ED,EAII Jowar, 72.00W 163.00 43.00 28.CO Chauki (Raj) (5) Wheat Uninhabited KlwJa Khurd (F. V.) . , Uninhabite.:1 Dubali Ka Kheda (F. V.) FP Gandhi Sagar( 12) Jowar, .. Dhawad Khurd Hydel colony Wheat (F. V.) [:nin!nbited Chharapura (F.V. ) FP Bhanpura (16) Jowar, riinglajgarh Wheat (F.V.) 174

Il'" 111, ~'" \jfif«'lf r "If"'''' :;y;r-lJfurl{ (lI'f" VII' it ,!f

67,890.00 67,543 P (62) D (6) (11,829) M (9) H (3) PUC (3) MLW(I) PHe (2) FPC (1) 175

Amenities and Land use Bhanpura Tahsil

_PI a-'ti f'fll'retfll if'll: flll'Q') ,,~ ,_fli ;;rcrl:j''hr (8Ilqm ,_flr ecrll't mit vat if; f~ f«f;n, fUN(f e~u Ii(iif'( ar~cmil!J Remarks ( '1\") 'f1; ar'~ including 'ffiT11Ti{T «~ ) any place of Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religious, aeb town and waste (inclu.. available historical 10 distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Name of "iIlall' (in kms) Supply food Forest by louree gated and groves) cultivation gical if!terest Village

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 "18 19 20 2 .. Uninhabited Shivpuriya(F. V.) Uninhabited , . Gadiya UIllariya (F.V.) Uninhabit.:d Salampuriya (F . V . )

2,001.00 28,509.00 14,861.00 N(77) Total 5,914 00 8,563.00 M(20) C(l) T(6) 176

.-:r{:~r~~, ",m" iili(-~f.fJTi ~.. ~fq iilqq)q

~'fn;f'lt qrlf ~r Offl'l' gIll 'iiI ~'1f \1Ad'llt I n.nll 'ifiI-lJ:fifErlli (lI'f~ lilt;' ii ~fifgrt~ ".,g ill{T • ~ 'IiH"i it (-) ~hr iffllq'l T[1,fl iii). ~l;T i;;rq;{II q-


2 llifl~t ~c: 500.55 904(163) pel) -(-5) VI -(-s) -(5-10) -(-5)

3 rnm Iil~T 435.51 469(82) pel) -(5-10) W -(:-10) -(5-10) --(5-10)

4 'fiT'


6 <1'};f:S~T (ifi~T

7 m;lJT (~

8 "TlTU 486.05 652(119) P(l) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) BS

9 'iit 362.39 396(58) P( 1) -( - 5) W -( -5) ... (-5) BS

12 >ini~ 378.73 548(95) pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) BS

13 'f~~ 978.43 1,269(218) P(l} -(-5) "w PO -(-5) BS

14 f~1f T (f


16 'fi"TOfHT 332.73 557(96) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5)

17 3f1.'l'2U 229.26 230(44) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5 ) -(-5)

18 i!I,lJrm 149.26 576( 110) P(l) ,M(1) H( 1) W -( - 5) -(-5)- -(_5)

19 ~m~T 1,547.20 1,S07(332) P(I),M(I) -(-5) w PO Monday BS

20 ~)l:1fT 481.13 408(71) pel) -(5-10) w -( .... 5) - (- 5) BS 177

Amenities and Land use Malhargarh Tahsil

- ---~~---~------Ill"( «Iti ~«11~ r.Q') 'I." 'lfll 'G1{1fTtr ("'Ii« '!,tl! 'G'fl{N ..:t f~Nn; flfi~T it lila fzcqllft 111f1:r'fi IfTll 'fiT ifnT q-{;;rit It'" ) ~f6i!1ffi1f> 1Ii11f11i (flf;, ~ . if) '1mrt Land use (i. e. area nnder different types of Land OT'fifT ~<:m<:ii{ UBe in heclares rounded up to 2 decimal places ) ~it~"" ,-----_____--..J... ______~ ijf~<'f lA ~nQ"iif U ti~ VoT it tmI" voT if; fOlit f~f'fCf f"~o ia"q~!T~ 8l'!!ffii8 Remarks (t[")~ OTR including ,"UtrTiIT ~fil« ) any place of Appro· Ncar", Culturable Area not religious, acb towo aod waste (inclu- available historical to distanoe Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archacolo- Name of yillag. (io kms) Supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Village

------~---- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Malha-ia,h(lO) EAg Jowar, 28.78W 63.38 0.04 42.18 Bankrol Whcat KR Malhargarh (9) EA Jowar, 50.51 W 365.85 2.93 81.26 N(1 ) Manasa Khurd Wheat KR Malhargarh(10) Jowar, 45.6SW 313.44 3.27 73.15 Pama Kheda Wheat KR Malharaarh (9) EAg Jowar, 15.67W 21)3.69 3.00 22.90 T( 1) Kachariya Wh"at (DeodoonJ:ri ) K.R Malhargarh (5) EA Jowar, 85.77W 370.16 38.87 39.09 Bar Kheda Whl;at (Deodoongri) K.R Malhalgarh (5) ED, Jowar, 56.93W 336.(18 27.02 32.08 T( 1) Lasudiya EAg Wheat (Ka~mala) KR Malhargarh (3) ED, Jowar, 45.76W 270.70 33.34 26.87 T(4),MCZ,) Aranya EAg Wheat (Deodoongr i) PR Malhargarh (4) Jowar, 38.06W 360.34 13 .10 74.55 Changer! Wheat KR, Mal h'll "arh (3) Jowar, 47.09W 372.26 18.32 54.69 Chandwasa Wheat ~R Ma,hargarh (2) EAg Jowar • 18.29W 146.39 1. 17 13.99 Mundli Wheat KR !>.talhargarl\ (3) ED, Jowar, 44.80W 206.67 14.76 96.16 Molya Khedi EAg Wheat KR Mal hargarh (2) ED, Jowar, 54. SOW 261.18 34.36 28.39 Kher Kheda EAg Wheat PR Malhargarh (3) BAg Jowar, 170.21W 635.S5 41.71 124.96 N(1),M(3), Paheda Wheat T(l) KR Narayangarh (5) EAg Jowar, 111.63W 328.57 41.56 13.62 N(4),M(3). }-i plya Vishnya Wheat T(2) KR Nar.lyangarh (7) EAg Jowar, 68.53W 377.32 43.74 13.43 Bor Khtlui Wheat (Kachnarawali ) KR Narayal1larh (6) EA, Jowar, 17.04W 220.03 22.56 1,3.10 T( 3) KachuaiR NarayaDiarh (5) EA Jowar. 67.74 366.56 S.()6 33.77 N( 2), T(2) Somya Wheat 178

'l(:e:r~~, (=f,m~ \il't:{-~filaTi ~ '!_fq ~qa)q

ftffl'fllt 'I({lf !f;{ ;;rlf In" $r '§;;r GI"nililf' n;;ug "'""-'lIr~g'~(ltrlf VT" it ~f"~ a'1Rml Ififi. m $'" it (-) ill;;nmn trill $1. P 1Ha-'WIIT ~ 'tmt,{T . am 'il'Q'iI1 IU"- ~r i1i~'Ii it IlT" g f;ora'if) 'f(r '" ~fcnm~ w"" ... ~ qre m 1ft q 1'6 I'fl'il"" (~zn: it) IliT ~Iilt' ,Q' "$T1: Pi 11ft ITt R -5 fili • liT •• 5-10 fiIi • .n. Iff 10+f.I.lit. Amenities available.(ir not available within the villalc, a dalh (-) is shown In the calumn and nut 10 ir in bracll:cfI. the distance in broad raD,e. yi., -5Iun•• S.IOkm. and lo+kme of the neareat place where the facility is available ia lJiveD). r--_------A ---- eillffQrlfi. r.. fiR", eM CfiT ~ 8I'l~ ilT~H/~ iii' f'cif/ 'U'"fl~ Ilf~' qrrft fI'T'{ it; f

I 2 3 4 5 tl 7 8 9 JO 438.67 621(111) pel) 21 ~f!fWrt \ , -(5-10) w -(-5) -(-5) BS

22 ~~ 644.04 1,087(173) pel) -(5-10) w PO -(-5) -(-5)

23 lWlfT .~ 426.78 187(29) -(-5) -(- 5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

24 iTs..n:rr 466.78 432(66) P{l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) .. (i{rUll'~T;:;rr) 25 ifTU q1Jftr; 2,362.72 ~rll' el~ \ ~fl'ltm

26 il1f;j[i'fT 428.48 564(110) P(l ) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

27 OfT'll.~r 177.75 248(40) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

28 f;:;rl'arrcrr{f 515.17 954(188) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

29 i{T~Ii~1 (~O{lcrr~j ) 359 . 98 S13(89j P(1) -(10+) W -(-5) -(5-10) BS

30 ilT

31 ~T~r 638.01 794(127) pel) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

32 ,,"en Ii~ 305.58 423(85) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

33 (!fTiflfTCf{~'{f 253.09 496(90) P{l) ... (5-10) w -(5-10) ,-(5-10) -(-5)

34 ~f

35 ;;n:1i~ ( ciT<:'ff'{!fT) 412.09 183(35) -(-5) -(-5) W. -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

36 ~~~T 793.24 1,373(215) P(l ) -(-5) w PO -(-5) -(-5)

37 ~i5t

38 arT'li\'TT 145.05 202(27) -( -5) - (-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

39 i{~li~ If'i 644.93 1.295(215) P(I).~(I). -(-5) W PO -(-5) BS AC(l) 40 ~)<'rn!f;;r (iIi'iT~T) " 131.00 18 (5) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) BS 179

Amenities and Land use Malhargarh Tahsil

IIT1I' n ~i!1I"( f-ror) ~ 'If" ~m (6I'fm 'If" "''{:ifPI' Iti) f~f1r;:;r ~~T it; n ~o:qvjl mfu.. 11',,, .. , II11r cr(''Ifit ~~f{t 11ft WI_'" ~~ if f.riwr ~ it; ~ ~;rT tJ,lti) qnr~firlr; .... 1I11f (fit; ,11\' .it) W'm Land use (i. e. area nnder different typos of Land apm~ use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places ) ~it;~~ r------"------, ~ !(if . mAl it 61'" .mit;~ llid'tit;~ ref'IRI ram ~~ Il~.a Remarks (tft~ am including 'Ifro~1~1 any place 01 Appto. Nearest Cu1turable Area not religious. acb • lown aud waste (inclu. available historical to distanoe Power Staple lrrigale(\ Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Name of ,muill (in km8) Supply food Forest bl'lourel gated and groves) cultivation gica! interest Village

11 12 13" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

PR Narayangarh (7) EA Jowar, 60.34W 34&.57 2.79 26.97 Bandpip!ya Wheat KR Narayangarh (6} EA Jowar, ' 103.83W 446.28. 5.61 88.32 N( 1) ,M(2) HarsoI Wheat T(I) KR Narayangarh (:!) EAg Jl)war, 40·59W 368.35 3'.78 14.06 JhanY,l Khedi Wheat KR Nar"yanprh (3) FAg Jowar, 66.26W 339.89 19.5:! 41. 11 GudbheIi Wheat (Narayangarh wali) Included In town Narr.yangarh

KR Narayangarh (5) ED, Jowar, 78.36W 260.76 21.55 67.81 N(7).T(6) Barujaoa EAg Wheat M(l) KR Narayangarh (5) ED, Jowar, 20. \ lW 123.59 7.76 26.29 Afu Khedi EAK Wheat KR N arayangarh (8) EA ]owar, 82.05W 329.73 25.59 78.40 Limbawas Wheat (If: KR Narayamgarh (8) ED,EAg Jowar. 27.94W 2'53.66 30.26 48.12 Bans Khedi Wheat (Barujanawali) PR Narayangarh (6) EAg Jowar, 47.23W 151.93 33.08 17.95 Badri Wheat PR Narayanghrh (6) ED,EAg Jo~ar, 97.24W 447.43 73.46 19.88 Rinchha \Vheat KR Narayangarh (6) EAg Jowar. 38.03W 229.30 3::>.52 7.73 Chita Khedi Wheat KR Narayangarh (8) EAg Jowar, 43.06W 174.50 26.00 9.53 Akya Palra Wheat KR Narayangarh (5) EAg • Jowar, 50.56W 146.28 49.48 61' 28 Jalojiya Wheat KR Narayangarh (4) EAg Jowar, 74.51W 277.'\ 2 \4.28 46.18 Barkheda Wheat (Virpuriya) KR Narayangarh (4) . BAg Jowdr, 155.07W 537.45 40.68 60.04 M(I),T(3) Mundedi Wheat Sunthod PR Malhargarh (2) ED,EAg Jowar, 85.31W 381.2\ 27.92 B.95 T(I) Wheat KR Malhargarh (2) EAg Jowar, 19.20W 98.73 14.97 12. 15 M( I) Aanlcli Wheat Barkh.!da Panth PR Malhargarh .~ 4) EA Jowar , 136.78'N 461.00 17.8') 2~. 35 N(4) • Wheat M(5) KR Malharaarh (3) EAg Jowar. 1.16W. 82.12 1. 63 3\.79 Solatganj Wheat 14.30R (Kanthariya) 180

"'~r~q~ ff~~ ijfit1fereTi ~ 1!fq .qq)q

~?fr;:r')1f I1rlf 'lir ;:mr aTr:r 'iiI ~;;r '3f'f{j1i"lfr ,{'f;;rig >r"-lIfCfEffl:i (llf<: !If" it ~fen:rl~ aq'iiI'i8' ;riff • m ;p,n it (-) ill[ i'I1mI1 mfl 'Ii). ~<=r al",q;(If ~"f~;;m:l ait1; 'iI'''~ Iflit ~r ;p)6~~. ~:T: Jt t~'1) ~it " ,!fif~ :;;".... ~ q"Ti m ~ ~ IU "R~ (~lI<: if) tlli1lili1fr (q' !f;pr~ 'i;jf ;pr If_ I! -5 r.... Ii'r •• '5-10 fi6.ift. "' l.o+r...Iit. Amenities 'lITailable(if not available within the VIllage. III dasb (-) is Sbown In the colurlln and next to it in bracket •• the distance ID broad raoges "i:il -5kIll5.5-10km8 r--And __ 10+km~------of the nearest place_____ "here-A------_------the faciiity is available il liveD). ____ W&lf'qq; ,.mll' ·fti't lit "fIIi' ill" 1ifT'3fI~/~z "" fe-r I· d;r,~ 5J;fGl'f1l'l errrr) fr~ iii fl{'f lI"fl{ !ji)f ~ (iHT~m- Loea- Total ~I!A' • '3f<=r-qT~) tion Total area population Day or Communica. code of the and Drinking days of lions(Bus-stoP. nunl" Name of village (in 1II1l'iber of water Post and the marketl railway station. b~r Village hectares) :'()lIscholds Education Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat. if any watet"way)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

41 ~tJ;tTfcr I ,Q42. 05 rr~ Iffiif ~r.:rrif if fiifffi"if

42 ~~T Ii~ 192.69 303(50) -(5-10) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -5:""(10) \ 43 ~~nT: 242.03 108(21) -(- 5) -~-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

44 "'rTJ;f:t

45 0ll!~'1" 541.94 491(88) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

, 46 ~) 164.38 141(31) -(5-10) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5.... 10) -(5-10)

47 ~~Tcr<:) 246.34 103(16) -(-5) - (- 5) W -( -5) - (-5) -(-5)

48 f'T1trl1"T l1~T 284.34 219(37) -(5-10) - (5- 10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

,-..:~ 49 ~a~~i 140.86 399(08) PO) -(5-10) w -( 5-1 0) -( 5-1(» -t5-10)

50 l1y;:fl' 256.36 682(103) PO) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5- 10)

51 ~'" 245.30 288(49) P(I) - (-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) " 52 f"RT


54 lj;!fif~ 1,,852.01 3,301(548) P(2),M{1 ), D(4), w PO, -(5-10) BS PUq11) ,MHO) Phone 55

56 ~~t 245.05 411(156) P(1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) .

57 h~ 305.00 995(169) P( I ),Aq I} -(-5) W PO -(5-10) -(-5)

58 ~l!f~lfl 355.57 638(82) P( 1) -( ..... 5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

59 '1T~i~ 243.39 233(3iq P(1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-U) -(-5)

60 oill<:rt 478.65 523(85) PO) -(-5) w -(-~ -(5-10) - (:-5) 181

Amenities and Land use Malhargarh Tahsil

--~--- ITl{ trlli f'flli!trl{ 'f'l': fl(Gm') '!.'" 1f.fq ~qlf)if (iIIl!{itr 1f.fq ~'1li)q iii) fqf1r"f fili~l if; ~er fC!:tqor) I:TTrnili 'll

11 12 13 14 . 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

Merged in Urban Area of Malhar,arh Malhargaih Gaon

71.49 55.Ql KR Malhargarh (5 ) EAg Jowar, 19.98W 46.21 Bhainsa Kheda Wheat '26.28 KR Malhargarh( 3) EAg Jowar, 23.64W 167.26 24.85 KUlllhari Wheat KR Malhargarh( 3 ) EAg Jowar, 29.24W 104.20 32 05 18; 21 Kachariyanau Wheat Jo\"ar, 43.76W 263. 17 KR Malhargarh( 5) FAg 111.27 123.74 Amarpura Wheat KR Ma}hargarh( 5) EAg Jowar, 20.07W 128.90 8.12 7.29 Jogani Wheat KR Malhargath( 1 ) EAg Jowar, 38.31W- 157.07 37.36 13.60 Selawari Wheat KR Ma Ihar garh ( 5) E A.g Jowar, 11.93W 238.87 20.69 12.S5 Piplya Solanki Wheat KR Malhargarh( 7 ) EA Jowar, 50.90W 47.95 9.54 32.47 Jetpura Wheat KR Malhargarh(i) ED,BAg Towar , 54 63W 162.14 21.78 17.81 Soni Wheat KR Malhargarh( 7) EA Jowar, 35.45W 176.04 5.14 2S.67 M(I) Rupi Wheat PR Mdlhargarh(9) BD,EAg Jowar, 67.91W 265.57 36.g0 SO.04 N(2), T(2) Ninora Wheat PR Malhargarh(9) EA Jowar, 47.35W 220.91 29.39 67.68 N(I),M(2) K.hokhra Wheat PR Malhargarh( 14) BA Jowar , 343.98W, 1,069.57 262.62 128.69 N(10),M(7), Kangetti Wheat 47.75R C( 1),T( 2) KR Malhargarh ( 21 ) Jowar, 137.66W, 693.19 54.67 179.86 Sanawda Wheat 30.00R KR Malhargarh( 20) ED,EAg Jowar, 56.42W 141.41 1.03 46.19 Soopda Wheat KR Malhargarh( 19) BA Jowar, 103.38W 145.01 5·31 51.30 N(4),M(2), Semli Wheat T(2) KR Malhargarh( 21 ) EA Jowar. 59.18W 151.14 2.72 142.53 M(I), Umariya Wheat T(6) KR Mal hargarh( 20) ED,BAg lowar, 30.84W 188.64 10.65 13.26 M(l) Nali Kheda Wheat KR Malhargarh (20) Jowar, 44.97W 246.42 15.18 172.08 .. Khankharai Wheat 182

"~~rmC;~~ GI

~I'I'')'' IHl'!' 'iiI 'fill 'lilt ~il i", 'ff'f6.l;f1 '1'l"filil >rif-'Iriii!:Tr~ (l.ff<: vr" it 9'fqlilf~ aqwl" IOfi ; m IlilliPl if (-) i. Oftmn ITlf' iii'. ~;;;r ~?,(q;;;;r ~

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6\ ;q~:mf 224.91 340(63) -(.... 5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5.... 10) -(-5)

-(-5) W -(~5) -(5-10) 62 ~Hb<:' 172.14 201(25) -( -5) -(-5)

63 qT"ll!,~l 760.84 2,039(378) P(t),M(i) D( 1). W PO -(5-101 BS O( 1) 64 &T~ 291.36 220(39) P( I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) ~(-5)

65 iif<:~~(\jfll"fff~) 400.95 499(91) P( 1) . -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10> -( -5)

66 ~~Tq;:, 305.54 307(39) pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

67 ~.~'si'tffT 157.37 59(9) - (-5) -( - 5) . W -( -5) -( 5-1 0) -( ·... 5)

68 q"-~~ 513.15 217(48) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+> -(-;;)


70 li~ 561.65 609(109) P( I) -(5~10) W -(-5) -(5-10) . -(-5)

71 iif~') 1,268.73 1,885(344) P(I),M(l) -(5-10) W PO -(5-10) BS Phone 72 'ifT

73 1l~('fT 856.11 1,439(258) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

74 f'l'lt'lfltf?:l' 433.21 1-,472(238 ) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

75 ~~ 130.18 365(72) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

76 emt ~~T 238.81 5,464(1,003) P(3),M(2). D(I),FPC(I), W,T PO,TO, ThUrsday BS,RS PUC( I) MHO) Phone 707 'l\'T"ff<:trT(5'f'ln'fCf) 765.56 1,192(205) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

78 '1iH~"T 725.62 1,077(187) P(I),AC(I) -(-5) W -(- 5) -(-5) -(-5)

79 '!l~)" 695.31 867(140) P( 1) _(5-10) W -(-5) - (5-10) - (-5),

80 i3;;rriff~lft 216.40 183(30) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -( 5-10) -(-5) 183

Amenities and Land use Malhargarh Tahsil

tr1lfq f"filil81t ;:rm: f~ 'l~ 1J.fir~)tr (81'12 'ifIT :alflfm .;) f~",", ~T it fia ~ mmip IlT~ ipJ ifTlI' rrlo;A ~:a~ i''T 1If\. WI_t.. ~~ it f.f1fi~" ll.r'AA it; ~ ~ifT Q'1ti J ~fa~fuq; 'liT ITI1f (fir;. ~. it) ~mn Land use (i. e. area nnder different typos of Land lII1m~ use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places ) ~iI;~.n

.A..______~ r----- ufi{6 I(if ~1lliif ~ Ih: .at it ~ . VaT it f~ fuf;nr rwlq ~~ ar.rmes Remarks (1ft~ ai\, including 'lffiT1JTQ:T \lf~ ~ any place of Appro- Nearesl Culturable Area not religious, acb town anel waste (inclu- available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigaled Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Name of ,ilia". (10 kms) Supply food Forest bJ'sourcD gated and groves) cultivation gieal interest Village 11 . 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Malharprh(20) BAg Jowar, 45.83W 98.60 15.25 6S.23 Ambav Wheat KR Malhargarh( 20) EAg Jowar, 31. 61W 90.40 8.06 42.07 S~anpUra Wheat. PR Malhargarh(21) ED,EAg Jowar, lS6.69W 314.80 89.85 199.50 N(3).M,(11) Balagudha Wheat T(4) KR Mal haraarh t 21) EAIl Jowar, 36.21W 156.13 5.91 91.n Dhakdi Wheat KR Malhargarh (20 ) Jowar, 40.42W 144.65 54 1 t :61.77 Barkheda Wheat (Jaisingh) KR Ma1hargarh( 19) ED,EAg Jowar, 42.66W 124.97 38.87 99.04 M(2) Dun&lawada Wheat KR Mal harga rh (21 ) Jowar, 11. 74W 97.17 16.07 32.19 Munjkhosa Wheat KR Malharaarh( 22) Jowar, 2S.69W 207.16 18.33 161.97 Shiv Temple Bardal Wheat KR Malhargarh(22 ) EA Jowar, 40.79W 130.12 76.74 94.77 r( 1) Gogarpura Wheat KR Malhargarh ( J 6 ) ED,EAg Jt:war, 39.96W 276.85. 66.04 178.80 N( 1), T( 1) Kheda Wheat PR Malhatgal'h( 16) EA Jowar, 149.02W 809.78 147.81 162.12 N(10),M(5). Bahi Wheat C(1),1(3) KR Malh:ugarh (8)..BD,EAg Jowar, 43.97W 170.28 12.23 52.99 N( 1). T( 1) Khatya Khedi - Wheat PR Narayangarh (9) EA Jowar, 180.73W S13.83 40.96 120.59 M(2), T(l7) Gudbheli whoat .foR Malharprh( 10) ED,EAg Jowar, 68.20W 278.90 lS.92 70.19 N{2S), Piplyapanth Wheat M(2),T(l) KR Malhargarh( 11) EAg Jowar, 17.89W 72.09 2.63 37.57 Sokdi Wheat PR Malhargarh( 10) EA Jowar, 56.99W 97.02 14.94 69.87 N(SOO),M(14), Tila Kheda Wheat C( 3), T(13) KR. N"arayangarh( 11) BAg,ED Jowar, 102·.6SW 579.98 44.55 38.38 Kachariya Wheat (Chandrawat) KR Narayangark (8) ED, EAg Jowar 123.12W 46:>.53 110.75 3 J. 22 M(I),T(3) Lunaheda , Wheat Mazar KR Mandsaur (12) ED,EAg Jowar, 122.38W 439.50 87.32 45. II T(l) Thadod Wheat KR Mandsaur (13) EAg Jowar 32.36W 158.64 18.70 6.70 Ujagariya \\'I •.:at 184

~rm;.~ ijf;:r-~.~m ~ ~f" ;sqa)tl ---- E1«'\'rlf Wllf ;n£ ::rtt:r Ill" 'Ii, ~ot ilA{i.>t' '''Of "' .If-'Ifur~ (Iff;: .'If iT '1f"vr~ 'il1l'W'" Iff!l e!it 15m it (-) fIt ~ lfltt aiR 'if"•• rll- i 1fT" 'lfiinmt n ... ' on q m '" Illiil'tii'll ~"mnl ~) 'Ii~o'" ir r.r~;r) ~tr '" rft! m I~ IFI~ (~In: it) 151 fi.. , C" Illlin' ni iiIfr rrC ~ - 5 r",. liT .. 5·10 fii;. it... ' 10+".""" Amenities ."Bilable(i' not alllliJllbJe within tbe village, a d.lb (-) Is Sllo"n In thl' column lIod next 10 it in bracket., the distance In broad raDle."ia-Skllll.'-IOkrns tnd IO+km~-()( the nearelt place ",bere the facility is .nllable i.,ivca). r------____ A-______---'----____ -- -. ,hafQr", r.~, If~ II\l I'~ !lilt ;rr;;n~I~ ItH fit", u"r~ !It f~ lift IIiTt ~ - (Iflr~" ~it- Loea- Total RIIIFf, ~-t:rtti) tion Total area population Day or Communica. code of the and Drinking days of doose tlu~-stOj). Dum· Name of village

81 !ITcr<.'lli~ 323.93 1.631(286) P(2).lvi(ll, FPC(I) w PO -(5-10) DS AC(} ) 82 i)''';~T 396.87 544(97), P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

83 iIT,!:~~ 353.89 ';83(100) P( t) -(10+) w PO. -(5-10) -(5-10)

84 '"'foil' 240 44 363(70) -(-5) -(10+> W -(-5) -(5-10) --(5-10) .- 85 ;frt~ft ( 'J;T1HltT) 239.23 266(44) pel) -(10+) w -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

1(6 ~9;~' 162.81 229(43) P(l ) -(5-10) W .... (-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

87 ~OfTm 465.60 800(135) PO) -(10+) w -( ... 5) -( 10+) -(5-10)

88 i:'tU 410.17 474(81;- pel) -(10+>- w -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

89 flTT<'11' ,,~ 216.09 531 (98) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-tO)

90 '1'\!r".,., 444.08 583(103) P(I) -(5-10) W - ( -5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

91 il''!r.if

92 l!;:~ 436.06 327(64) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) DS

93 ~fl'!fr ifRl 404.44 615(115) PO) -( 10+) W -(5-10) -(10+> -(-5)

94 fl{~ 738.70 776(159) P(l) -(-5) W,R - (-5) -(10+> BS,RS

95 .

96 at<~T ilifT 261. 18 259(48) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) - (-5)

97 .;rW~r ~101~ 315.37 814(25) P(I).M(l} FPC ( 1) W PO -(5-10) BS

98 Ift~"t flflf('ll' 188. 66 258(48) -(-5) -(5-10) 'IV -(-5) -(5-10) -(- 5)

99 ~~ 351.29 756(149) PC 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-.10) BS

100 lfillI~r 261.97 338(56) p( 1) -(5-10) '1;\' -(-5) -(5-10) . (5-10) 185

Amenities and Land use Malhargarb Tahsil

VTIItrlli f'flli2'a1r ;:rtI<: flrQ) 'te1I 'l.f" mnr (8JllIfO' '!,f" lCrlfli);r iii') fCft1r"f f!fi"~1 ~ &lllf ~tq"" Ulfll-1t1 "Tl1 !fit ;rT11 Ifi~ q;i ~ ~~T 11ft wt.f'll ~~l 'ij Frllieij'f W1flIIlf ~

11 l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

~------~ --~~------~-- PR Mandsaur (8) EA Jowar, 66.80W 117.39 20.59 59.15 N(30),M(2) Botalganj Wheat KR Mandsaur (13) BAg Jowar, 74.09W 269.31 44.0 9.34 Dhikanya Wheat KR Mandsa.~r ( 15) EA lowar, 63.72W 232.71. 48.38 9.07 Bab

If~~r~~~ ijfif-~f.el1i ({. ~f" ~qa)Q

ro;f\'lt vrq ~r ;:nq Ilrq llil f'" ...m'1.fT ~,,;;rlg 1I'If-,r.&Itt(1.ff'

I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 101 ~.~') 315.54 470(97) , P(l) -(5-10) W - (5- 10) -(5-10) BS

102 irTG:'!<: 387.48 658(123) P( I) -{-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

103 mq~T 1,237.21 1,650(305) P(2),M(I) SMP(1 ) w' PO -(-5) BS

1 ,468.15 3,385(582) P(.!),M(I}, D( 1 ), W PO Thursday 104 ~"T BS AC( 1) ,O( I) PHC(l) ,0(2)

105 q;~~ 206.78 463(92) P( I) -(-5) W -( - 5) -(-5~ -(-5)

106 :q~T 263.05 331(63) - (-5) -(-5) 'W -(-5) -(-5) -(.:.s )

107 ~~"t (~'_~'T<'f) 275.58 396(76) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) .. (5-10) -(5-10)

108 o{

109 q'h:rr:Tf~T 390.89 405(81) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

110 ~<:m 342.94 315(51) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

111 q)q~<:T 433.98 1,051(174} P( 1) -( 5-10) W -(-5) - (-s) -(-5)

112 ~9")' 168.64 97(15) -(- 5) -( 5-10) HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

113 f~!i~ 378.87 549(91) P(l) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

114 8f6''I{'lI'J 695.04 1,233(196) pel) - (10+) W -(5-<10) -(5-IO) -(5-10)

115 ~Ii~ 571. 15 404(75) P(1) -(5-10> w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

116 .T~1.fTli~,) 372.49 397 (73) pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

11,7 V~ft;liT 592.90 782(138) P(I},AC(I) -(5-10) w PO -(5-10) -(5-10)

118 'J,;;owi'T 166.31 131(23) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-~) -(-5)

119 f'lif\"..m: fqq-('liT 426.89 866( 148) pel) -(-5) w - (-5) - -(~5 ) BS

I • 20 ~Tqll 1,136,58' 1,926(339) P(1 ),M( 1), -(5-10) w PO -(5 ... 10) BS AC(I)

'. )87

Amenities and Land use 'Mal!l~rgarh Tahsil

1M (Ai r~tPr~ rnlr) • ~ (8TCfRr ;;rqzrm if; 'Iflr ~"hr 'fr'l' ttt fcrf'r •.r ~T lifer ~ mmlli 111'1' ~ ""' Ifi~ 't1I' :oRt l~T lit .raN ~~ it f.JieaIT ~~ it; ~ ~;r"'f alii) ,qre~fu;t; ~1T11f (fiIi,1ft'. it) 'jmn Land use (i. e. area under different typos of Land Sl"flill ~ Ule in hec;:tares rounded up to 2 dec;:imal places ) ~.t~~ r------A..------~ ~a IA ~n!ll'fi it Ih .6\ it; mit .aTit;~ fuf"ltf r"flq ;;r'rnOI:l~ CIJ~ig Remarks (tit"" 8TR including '4"rntrTli:T Uf~ff ) any phice of Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religious, acb town and. waste (inclu. available historical to distaDoe Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archacolo- Name of ,ilia a' (in kms, Supply food Forest by IOllrce gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Village

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Narayangarh( 18) BAg Jowar, 39.18W 204.87 . 46.91 24.58 Chauth Khedi Wheat KR Narayangarh (11) ED, EAg' lowar , 70.61W 261.44 42.81 12.62 Badpur Wheat KR Narayangarh(12) ED,EAg Jowar, 147.05W 763.95 258.56 67.65 N(1 ),M( 1). Dorwada Wheat T(1) KR Narayangarh( 1 0) BA Jowar, 247.9JW 930.52 96.34 193.36 N(25), Budha Wheat M(10),T(35) KR Narayangalh (6) BAg Jowar, 24 .... 6W 154.90 • 19,97 7.45 Fatepur Wheat KR Narayancarh (7) EA Jowar, 31 67W 180.82 36,76 13.80 Chandrapura Wheat KR Narayanaarh( 10) BAg Jowar, 34.06W 139.03 52,80 49.69 Khejdi (HarsoJ) Wheat KR Narayangarh (9) BAg Jowar, '45.08W 184.92 46.90 48.41 T(2) Awana Kachariya Wheat KR Narayangarh( 11) BAg Jowar, ,53.16W 226.58 44.60 66.55 Pirguladiya Wheat KR Narayangarh{ 12) Jowar, 20.19W 57.95 67.30 197.50 Irli Wneat KR Narayangarb (9) BAg ]owar, 118,08W 141.30 14.52 60.08 Gopalpllra Wheat KR Narayangarh (9) EAg Jowar, 17,89W 100.99 9.1 J 40.65 Tlll)1di Wheat KR NarayaDaarh (9) BD,EAg Jowar, 44.98W 248.20 18.9() 66.79 Kitu Khedi Wheat \ I KR Narayangarh ( 14 ) EAg Jowar, 81'.40W 413.83 49 26 150,55 Admalya Wheat KR Narayanaarh( 18) BAa Jowar , 68.23W 344.44 96.23 62.25 8hilkhedi Wheat KR Nara)angarh (18) EAg Jowar, 39.05W 259.77 53,95 19.72 KaJyakhedi Wheat KR Namyan38rh( 18) ED, BAg Jowar, 64. t lW 356.18 112.95 59.66 M(I),T(4)Khadpalya Wheat KR Narayangarh ( 1 5) EAg Jowar • 34.10W 86.69 36. to 9.42 Munja Khedi Wheat KR Narayangarh( IS) ED,EAg Jowar, 109.09W 224.31 66.41 27.08 N(I),T(1) Chillod Piplya Wheat KR NarayaDiarh{ i 8) BD, BAg Jowar, 220.25W 729,.26 136.13 50.94~(1), M(l), Takrawad Wheat T(6) 188

"~rm~ (l~m~ iiI'",~.aTi It'f ,!fq eqa)tJ

~t.TT";l')1l IJP'I" "'1.,,1'1{ !lTlI' !fit ~.r ~if~.1:fl ,,'nns >lil-,f

1 2 3 4 5 ., , 8 9 10

121 @~T 16~tli v~) 230.~6 298(48) PO) -(5-10) W -« .... 5) -(5-10)' BS

122 'I'<:lori: 799.00 1 ) 21 7 (211 ) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

123 (\"<'n,r fqq~T 789.72 884(59) P{l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -;-5)

124 <:"IT

125 ~ft~~r 471. 46 667(1 to) P(l) -( .... 5) '\ -(-5) -(-5) BS

126 'l>T'If<:lfl '" ~il !<'IT 524.35 886(154) P(l) -(5-10) W _(-5) -(5-10_) BS

127 a'ifa'];<: 128.20 149(25) -(-5) -0'-10) W -(-5) -~-5) -(-5)

128 ;:rTlfT li'~' 368.62 978(150) P( 1) -(5-IO) W PO -(5-10) BS

129 OTt<:~r 271.00 303(56) -(-5) -(5-10) W' -(-5) -(5-10) -( -5)

130 il'TIT, fq-~

131 fqC[;;m ;;rTa'f 410.92 1 .007( ',65) P( I) -(5-10) W ... (-5) -(5-10) BS

\32 f;n;<'IT<:: 1,150.03 1,286(22]) P( I), M(1) -(-5) W PO -(-5) BS

f 33 fliCf;;lfr <:cr.; 607.07 787(134) P( 1) ... (5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

134 'liTlf<'lf '410.06 147(23) -(-5} ~(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

135 ~~T 'liTlf~ 167.43 266(49) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

136 OTFflfT;;fR;" 405.30 487(70) P( I) -(5-IJ) W -(-5) -(5-10) BS

137 ~

138 111]'<:1

139 ort~~r 320.26 568(95) P(l) -(5-10) W -(·-5) -(5-10) 8S

140 'Afri~")' "!~If 208.50 200(35) -(-5) ~(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 189

Amenities and Land use Malhargarh Tahsil

VT1f~ RIfil81l ~ fll(Q) 't~ 'If" ~m (8T'l'icr "l.f" lCI'qzipr lilt fcrfu"l' f.t;OO it; ala ~tq"uil ~nfirlfi IfTll III\'T ;mr crlf'4i\' ~ lCJUltil lJ:~r iii) tmrtlr ~~'( it Rifiea" ~ ~ cit ~iTl aoti) qRriIlRrlfi lII\'T'I'm <"'.Ift.it) ~fim Land use (i. e. area nnder different typOfl of Land 8T'l'IfT ~ra(Cf usc in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places ) ~il;~m ...A. ______-~ ,..-----...- ~a IA mliFtl ij' Ii'( liar il; fa_ VaT ~ f~ fgf;ny ffTfIQ lCI'creog~ 8TifmiS Remarks (trT:;;r1: ail" . inclUding 'ifRltrT&T ~f~ ) any place of Appro- . Nearest Culturable Area not religious, acb town Ilnd waste (inclu- available historical to distanoe Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Name of .ilIa.o (in kms) , Supply food Forest by 101lre. gated and groves) cultivation gical interest YilIaKe 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Narayangarh(21) EAg Jowar, 22.09W 139.51 14.73 54.23 Kbeda Kalyakhedi Wheat KR Narayangarh( 13) EAg, Jowar, 129.20W 53l.33 77.22 59.25 M(1).T(2) Garrawad ED Wheat KR Na]ayangarh ( 14) EAg JOwaI, 88.57W 520,10 113,95 67.10 Talaw Piplya Wheat KR Narayangarh( 12) EAg Jowar, 98.39W 330.99 134,42 85.71 Ranayra Wheat KR Narayangarh ( 14 ) EA~ 10war, 89.12W 267.82 90.72 23·80 Sohangara Wheat KR Narayangarh( 13) EAg Jowar. 69.73W 37~. 3 3 62.75 1,.54 K.achariya Wheat Kadmala KR Narayangarh( 14) Jowar, 12.40W 90.20 12.60 1 3~ 00 Takhatpur Wheat KR Narayangarh ( W) Jowar. 51. 69W 220.63 57.93 38.37 ,Napa Kheda Wheat KR Narayangarh(24) , Jowar, 28.57W 142.02 49.17 51.24 Aardi Wheat KR Narayangarh(:!6) Jowar. 71.20W 271.51 60.78 25,45 Nagad Piplya Wht:at KR Narayangarh( 23) Jowar, 56.26W 231. 55 81.51 4-1.60 Temple Piplya Jodha Wheat KR Mandsaur (25) ED. Jowar. 202.56W 728.45 130.R6 88·16 M(I),T(l) Billaud EAg Wheat KR Mandsaur (29) ED, Jowar , 113.08W 339·89 61.44 92.66- Piplya Ratan EAg Wheat 30.66 Koyla KR ~tandsaur (31#) EAg Jowar, 19.61W 129.45 30.34 - Wheat 23.87 7.91 M(l) Kheda Koyla K.R Mandsaur (3) ED" Jowar, 36.07W 99.58 FAg Wheat M(1),T(2) Akyabika KR Narayangarh( 23 ) ED, Jowar, 43.33W 259.87 56.30 45.80 EAg Wheat Raparel KR Narayangarh( 24) EAg, Jowar. 13,30W 194.59 93.91 13.91 ED Wheat M(l),T(l) Magrana KR Narayangarh( 24) EAg Jowar, 117.71W 49 I .98 136.45 37.57 Wheat Banskhedi KR Narayangarh(24) EAg Jowar, 38,92W 222.53 40.68 13. 13 Wheat KR Narayangarh( 12) Jowar, 20.61W 138.79 14.12 34.98 Ambakhedi Buzurg Wheat ."', 190

"~r~, CI1'"~ ifi{1f.Sri 'I('i 'If" .q ....

"WTflt ' vrlf ~r

1 2 :3 4 5 II 7 8 9 10

141 ~m ,\

142 'l'~lli~) 394.67 426(73) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) \

143 fliIfTf~1fT 366.00 311(55) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) - (-5)

144 ~r~inf.l"!n 479.92 711(125) P( 1) -(S-10) W PO -(5-10) -(-5)

145 ifilto~TIi,') ifiiifT 317.74 131(19) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(-S) -(5-10) -(-S)

146 m:

147 q'l<:<'I') 190.80 37(6) - (-5) -(-5) W -( -5) -(-5) _ (-5)

148 GT~' 368.76 521;(90) , P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

149 ~q" 178.32 404(65) P{ 1 ) -(-5) W '-(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

150 ~"31"'tcr 1.274.15 1 ,615(273) P(2),M(1), D,2), W PO Wt:dnesday BS PUC(I) 0(1) lSI 8l"~~<: 212.55 337(61) Pt1) -(-5) W -(.. 5) -(-5) -(-5)

152 fq;~~T;m: 123.39 68(15) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

153 q:a~<:') 171.02 917(160) -(-5) -(-S) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)'"

154 v~ 600.67 149(24) --(-5) - (- 5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) -

155 tn:ifTf 654.03 731(117) P(l> -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) ... ( - 5)

156 ~G"H:r 278.03 378(60) pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

157 .m:"'~r 319.78 465(71) pel) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

158 IIiT('1l'T v~ ~~ 113.64 40(10) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

159 iil'U)~') :rt~t 536.26 1,007(158) P(I) -( 5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

160 ~"n: iftfulff 203.39 144(22) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

~ 191

Amenities and Land use Malhar~3rh Tahsil

IN 6Ifi f... ~{f1I' i{1I"{ fllnm) '!'iIf 'If'I' ~m (81'1M 1ffq raqliTlr ~ fcrf1:rn:r fiI;~T iI; eT~ ~cqvft Urfl'flli IfTq 'liT ...nr q-i;f.\" ~ om i') iii)' lIIT.t" ~lf\ if f.imq ~ iI;

KR Narayangarh( 13 ) Jowar , 17.48W 282.80 69.69 403.14 Antri Khurd Wheat KR Narayangarht 12) BAg JOWar, 35.10W 219.54 52.48 87.55 Manchha Khedi r, Wheat KR Narayangarh( 13) BAg Jowar, 25.05W 181.25 68.26 91.44 Hiu50riya Wheat KR Narayangarh( 14 ) EAg Jowar , 40.46W 30S. 10 7S.28 53.08 Sarwaniya Wheat KR NarayangaI h ( 1 4 ) Jowar, 11.68W 241.48 38.46 26.12 M(2) Kalya Khedi Wheat Kalan KR NaraY1ngarh(20) Jowar, 78.36W 37.69 18.98 160.27 M(2) Arnya Jatya Wheat KR Narayangarh(20) EAg Jowar, 21.S5W 28.58 1. 98 138.39 Parli Wheat KR Narayangarh( 27) BAg Jowaf, 61.05W 206.28 51.11 50.32 M(1),T(3) DoMa Wheat KR N arayangarh ( 29 ) EAg Jowar, _ 19.64W 92.10 15.40 51.18 Chhavan Wheat KR Narayangarh( 32) EA Jowar, 1..: .64W 369.47 44.67 847.37 M(5) Sanjit Wheat KR Narayangarh( 33) Jowar, 22.91W 115.14 18.39 56,11 Abdapur Wheat KR Nar ayangarh ( 32 ) Jowar, 4.31W 105.7s 9.83 3.47 , . Firojabad Wheat KR Narayangarh( 29) Jowar, 13.72W 136.64 5.45 15.21 Fosari Wheat KR Narayangarh( 35) Jowar, 5.06W 132.26 11.43 451.92 Khejdi Wheat KR Narayangarh{ 25) Jowar, 70.36W 437.4+ 114.78 31,45 Garnai Wheat KR Narayanga rh( 28) EA Jowar, 42.66W 209.71 15.95 9.71 SUdwas Wheat KR Narayaniarh(30) Jowar, 45.03W 225.35 37.15 12.25 Bor Khedi Wheat KR Narayangar h( 30) Jowar, .4.18W 91.30 15.30 2.86 Kalya Khedi Wheat Krurd KR Narayangarh( 35) Jowar, 33.07W 388.35 47.88 65.96 Barkhedi Dang; Wheat KR Narayangarh( 30) Jowar, 30.36W 162.63 7.18 3 22 Suthar Boliya Wheat 192

"~~r~r; (1'l'it~ if1{-,r.. SYQ ~ ,!f" qJqllltl

f",,;ftlt IXI"";I ;:r,,, trll:r iii, J<'T ;;r.niw1l1 ",,;;rIg" wif-lJffa';r) it! en '1f.fBTlt ".'8 ~ 'l1€ m en ill 1 ,~ sr.T{ ~ ;6l ~ -5 flli .q'f •• 5-10 fi&.~ ... 10+fiI.tft. ;1'1:"'~ (~'" it) "') dl(lfr If. Amenities ,,,,ailable(ir nOI available within the village, a dash(-)is sbown In the column and next to it in bracketl, the distance in broad rangel viz -~kJII'.'·IOltms and IO+kmr of Ibe nearest place where the faciiity is available is liveD). r-- ______-A.------, lITa'ffVt,.; r.mm ~ 'liT ~J1Ii ai'.. ~'~/~ "" til" I fi"l~ ~~, 'lRT ffy'l it; fl{;:r Iff« !!iTt ~) (om mer~- ftWiJ. Gt.;-II1Ii) Loca- Total Total area population Day or Communica. lion days of lioDS(Bus-ltop, code of the and Drinking Name of village (in number 01 water Post and tbe marketl railway station. Dum· Telegraph hat, if auy water way) ber Village hectares) LOlJleholds Education Medical (Potable) 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 10

1 61 ~""«)f.l"trT 363.13 352(46) P(1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

]62 ~) 421.00 53~(96) P(I) -(5-10) VI -(5~10) . -(5·10) -(5-10)

-(5-10) 163 ~'" ~~l 269.28 404(64) P(1) -(10+) w -(5-10) -(5-10)

164 iill"f ~ (iliVT1) 225.26 385(69) -(-5) .... (10+) w -(5-10) -( 10+) -(5-10)

\V 16 5 1it~1.fT.~ 443.74 738(113) P(l) -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+1 -( 5-<10)

166 q)q<'T ~~T 174.20 133(22) P(1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(- 5) -(-5)

167 «~T 157.85 161(34) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(... 5)

1 6 8 e.'l~qT« 401.21 1, 036( 162) P( 1) -{ - 5, W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

1 6 9 an'fl:JTif~") 473.58 370(57) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-'5)

170 ~t1)rorT 581.58 1,168(214) P(I) -(10+) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

1 71 " fq-q;;t:rT .:flIf«{ 441.41 611(96) -(-5) -(10+) W -(5-10) -P-IO) -(5-10)

172 itt'-f 2'10.43 163(32) -(-5) -(10+) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

7,689,862.00 111,017 P (133) D t10) (19,257) ~ (16) H (1) PUC (3) MCW (2) AC (6) PHC (1) o (1) FPC (3) o (5) 193

Amenities and Land use Malhargarh Tahsil

VTlf tni fl'flmll{ i'f1[{ f~,) 'i~ 1!f~ ~!J)1r (811!RI 'Ilf1f ;aqlfFr ~ f ~~ futqVfT aTfir ~ ~1i[1 6'

.-----.-----~------_-----_ -----~-. -_. ._- ---._---- 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 .2

KR Narayangarh( 33) Jowar, 32.95W 273.88 45.56 10.74 Hathi Boliya Wheat KR Narayangarh( 35) BAg JowaI, 75.8SW 245.68 45.51 53.93 KhuDti Wheat KR Narayangarh ( 3 g) EAg Jowar, 24.2SW 177.94 13.11 53.98 Dewa Kheda Wheat KR Narayang"rh( 40) Jowar, 11..73W 87.12 6.40 99.01 Balaheda (Dhani) Wheat KR Narayangarh( 38) EAg Jowar, 51.57W 223.53 I·Lsi 153.83 Khatya Khedi Wheat KR Mandsaur ( 35) Jowar, 18.01W 134.77 16.86 4.56 Pipal Khedi Wheat KR Mandsaur ( 35) Jowar, 10.09W 64'.52 16.28 66.91> Ses

4,446,944.00 1,178,159.00 N (668) 1,006,558.00 717,724.00 M (97) Total C (6) T (146) 194

"~rm, t=t1m~ iif;:r~fll'aTi ~ 'If" ~qa)q

'~t;ftlt Qfll 'tir ;rrll Q'rq '61 -fi" i'fiUi.tr' ~1J",ia lI,,-,!!furtt (trr~ 'IJ'" it fi fql!lr~ WIfWia ;riP I en iii' •• it (-) i IIr t'f1T11fr lfIn ...l. ~~ ~"''1i\IJ ~lf 'lfro~1 ..h ;nr" II(r~ E[f iiil~oili if Ill" it f'ifefrr) ~tt '" ,!fcf!l~ ..If"" ~ IIli tm: 1ft ~ It) ;rql: (~'" it) 15') ~'lfl ,~ ITlIiT~ ft iifT qf ~ -5 fi;; .'il., 5-10 fi;;.~. III 10+r•• IIit. Amenities !I.,ailableCif not available witbin the village, II dasb (-) is sbown In the C()lumn .nd next 10 h in bracken, the distance 10 broad ranici viJ -Skllll.S.IOkms ,..-and__ IO+kmt--- -. .,f______the neareat fllace where -A.------_- the faciiity ia available______is liveD). Wa:JfirI... r.. m"'1

2 'iiT'!,!" 183 00 126(19) -(-5) - (-S) WR -(-S) - (-5) -(-S) \ 3 '"f,q<'lfni~) 253.00 319(63) -(-5) - (- 5) R -(--5 ) -( -5) -(-S)

4 ~~ffl 965.00 1.665(274) P(l),M([). -(-5) W PO -(-5) -(-5) PUC(l) 5 1T)"TT;:r~t 122.00 256(44) -(-5 ) -(-S) W -(- 5) -(-5) -(-5)

6 ~~ 204.00 160(20) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-S) -(-5) -(-5)

7 lll'~T'RT 2,402.00 1,154(201) pel) D(1) W PO Saturday BS

8 "'ifr~~ 1.513.00 749(122) P(I) -(-5) W -(5-10) -(....is) BS

9 arTm 181.00 1[5(27) -(-5) -(-5) W -(5-10) -:(-5) -(-5)

10 ~"f<:I'.f' 531.00 307(39) -(-5) - (- 5) W -(-5) -( 5-10) -(- S)

fl \l)\if~ 414.00 128(22) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

12 ,ftro 258.00 q')'T;;

13 iiIT~RT 942.00 905(165) P(1) D( 1) W PO -(S-10) BS

14 l!iro~ft 319.00 171 (22) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) BS

15 <11iIqT ~~'T 255.00 309(47) 7(5-10) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

\6 1'If<;rTnt ,!~q S14.00- 1.243~200) p( 1) D(l) W -($-10) -(-S) BS

17 "Tilm lft~ 46S.00 552(99) P( 1), M( 1) -(-S) W -(-S) Sunday BS

18 :a<:~l:nli'T 47.00 401(62) P( t) -(-5) w -~-S) - (- 5) -(-5)

19 \lTqT lifit 413.00 553(97) P(l} -(5-10) W -(S ·10) -tS-lO) BS

.20 arA;~r 343.00 :56(40) -(-5) - (·5) W -( - 5) -(-5) BS 195

Amenities and Land use Garoth Tahsil

Q"JlI i'fifi fiili t"~ ;:pn; fil';;r~) ~ '!fir ;aqqW (atlft'! "lflf ;)cr.Wr IliT T.f",,, ~i it; am fi!l:lJoft !iTflAi UTlJ llil 'frlJ ~~~ tt-:, ~lIit~ .;t ~ if r.n;'"'' ~I!f~" it;

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

Kk Garoth (23) Jowar. 362.00 33.00W 118.00 118.00 2,282.0'j Barrama Wheal KR Oaro(h ( 20-) Jowar, 4.00W 37·00 23.00 119.00 Kanpura Wheat KR Garoth (Il::) Jowar. 35 OOW 129.00 39.00 50.00 Chaplyakhedi Wheat PR Garoth (16) EA Jo.var. 23.00W 380.00 1-18.00 364.00 Semrol

Whca~ 50.uOTK KR Garoth (15) Jowar. 18.00W 81.00 16.00 7.00 Gopalpura Wheat KR Garoth (14) Juw(l.r, 2·J..OOW 114.00 34.(J0 32.00 Banyakhedi Maize PR Garoth (J 5) Jo\yar, 3 DOW 187.00 6 00 2,206.00 Khadawda Maize KR GarOlth (26) lowar, 4.00W 336.00 3.00 1,170.00 Chachawada Wheat KR Garoth (28) Jowar, 63.00 2.00 116.00 Aakli Wheat KR Garoth (36) Jowar, 1.00W 1.00 529.00 Umariya Wheat KR Garolh (35) Jowar, 14.00 400.00 Bhojpur Wheat Uninhabited Jhobra

KR Garoth (36) Jowar, 3.00W 373.00 40.00 562.00 Baloda Wheat KR Garoth (34) Jowar, 12".00 40·00 159.00 Kothadi ""heat Lakharna Khedi KR Garoth (34) . Jowar, I.OOW 216.00 34.00 4.00 Wheat N(5),T(2) Molakhedi KR Garoth (24) EAg Jowar, 19.00W 173.00 132.00 65.00 Wheat 125. llGR Bujurg KR Garoth (27) EAg Jowar, 50. DOW 265.00 16.00 54.00 N(3) Dhabla Mohan Wheat Udalya Khedi KR Garoth (28) EAK Jowar. 14.00W 18.00 5.00 10.00 Wheat KR Garoth (28) Jowar. 36.00W 235.00 84.(10 58.00 N(2) Bhama Khedi Wheat KR Garoth (27) BAg Jowar, 45.00W 231.00 60.00 7.00 Anandipura Wheat 196

---~ ------"'ll .... t" ~~'f' .'lilfiS ."-'l~BTti : qfll VT1r it ~a,~ "",1& "IP t !il1&Ar1J it (-) i. &mIf' '"" t tv el~ 16fT It'!' qR:II"~1 IIj~ ~~ .11{ i!'l' lIi~lti ir VT1J -it fQlfril) t6 IR '1lu,~ V1fW18 ft liT! m n q ~) (~h'{ if) ~ Uqr t« II'-A Ifii .-tlff t ·5Ti1;.Iit" 5-10 fiI; ,"". qy 10+ Ra, ~,) Amc:mtiel availab'e (if Dot available withiD the villase, a dash (-) is shown in tbe column and next to it in bra.ket., the diltaDce in broad ranges viz -Skms. ~10 km•. ) nd 10+km. of tbe Dearelt "lace where the ,acility II available i. liven) ------~--~------"f~U"

22 ~f~rrT l39.00 850(158) P( 1) PHS ( 1) w -(--5) -(-5) DS

429.00 606(90) P{l) -( -5) w -(-5) -(-5) BS

24 \i:oTt 416 00 443(74) P( I) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

237.00 377(68) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5)

323.00 605\109) P( I) -(-5) w -(-5) - (5-10) BS

255.00 223(31) ~(-5) -(~5) w -(-5) -( 5-10) -(-5)

856.00 1,252(213) P( 1) PHC( t) N -(-5) -(5-10) BS

230.00 246(48) - (-5) -(-5) w ..... (-5) BS

181.00 190(33) -(-5) -( - 5) N - (- 5) BS

31 1;o:r'l~ 454.00 380(62) P( 1) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

32 ~'~r if.~ 1,202.00 1,590(277) P(2) T'HS(I) w PO .(-5) BS

33 VTJt 784 .(101,099(178) P(l),M(l) -(5-10) w PO -(5-10) BS

34 'lHTrrlJr 214.00 118(22) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

35 ~?:{<'i'r ~~ 853.00 1,207(219) P(I) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) BS

36 filo:rfOlrrT -':T:orT 429.00 399(74) -(-S) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

37 aT1fr.r'-H ~ 246.00 548,99) P(l) -(-5) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

38 'L~'f~lfr It<:f~i[ 484.00 974071) P(I) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+) BS

39 IFfifT" 750.00 987(166) P(I) -(-5) w -(-5)

439.00 400(70) - (- 5) -(-5) w -(-5) • -(5-10) -(-5) 197

Amenjtie~ and Land use Garotb Tahsil

m If~ lifQlfll iR'{ ~) ~ '[fir ~ (""f!r "I.f" ~1Jll)1r iii' t1rr"", ~l it; n r~"vn IirtiJll; OUJ ilif if'If "i.w 'tit Rllittft ~ 1III'RrT;;J ~ ii fil"~'''' <:'1I'm:rcr iii tl ~ 611i ) ~f1l'~f{flli Sf IlJIf (fit; . rfi. it) ~ Land use (i.e. area under different types of Land 8r'f1lft ~6«( lise in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places.) q~<{ it; "'1111 ------..A...-----_-:-""'"'_ iii ~f~ !f;f ~lrai'fl 9 h lia) iii f~ writ iii Atil ftrf'e ~ ~<1"' a iiPq('( sqlf<1"iS ~~ Remart. ~.-.:~,~l "rr.er) including any place 0' Appro- Nearest euhurable Area not rclig'oUl, acb .own and J'iat.te(lnclu- available historical 10 distance Pow r Staple Irrigated Unirr; nggauchar for or ar,baeolo· Name or villago (in kms) supply food Porest by source gated and groves cult valion gical interest village

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Gl'roth (27) BAg lowar, 19.00W 12S.00 JO 00 3.00 Bhunki Wheat KR Shamgarh (23) EAg,ED lowar, 9:?00W 428.00 99.00 20.00 Dcariya Wheat ~- KR Shamgarh (2 1 ) )owar, 74. DOW 260.00 70.00 25.00 RaJayali Wheat KR Shamgarh (1 9 ) Jowar, 28 OOW 175'00 100.00 111.00 Hatal Wheat 2.00(0) KR Sh'amgarh (11) EAg Jowar, 8 ~ .ooe 101.00 32.00 10 00 Kberkheda Wheat 1000W KR Garoth (15) ED,EAg JO\\ ar. 6 DOW 99.00 41.00 2J .00' Gariya Khedi Wheat 136 OOe,IB.OON FP Garoth (14) Jowar, 91.00e 91.00 32.00 17.00 Karadiya: Wheat 15 OOW,9 OON I<.R Shamgarh (15) BAg. Jowar. 165.00e 317.00 121. 00 203.00 Lasudiya ED Wheat 45. 00W,5. OON KR Shamgarh (15) Jowar. 104.00N 6.00 33.00 27 00 Punya khedi Wheat 10.00W KR Shamgarh (12) Jowar • 42 DON 29.00 28·00 78.00 Gopalpura Wheat 4.00W Tank KR Garoth (1 8 ) Jowar, 3.00W 62.00 2.00 386.00 Ruppura Wheat 1.00N PR Garoth (16) BAg Jowar, 40.00TK 845.00 126.00 133 00 T(l) Danthali Wheat 57.00W,I.00N Buzurg KR Garoth (19) EAg Jowar. Ig5.00e 141.00 7B.00 305.00 T(I) Dhalmu Wheat 75.00W KR GarlJth (15) Jowar, 44.00W 100.00 17. (0 51.00 Narayan; Wheat 2.00N PR GanHh (15) Jowar, IIS.oOW 597.00 9.00 12 9 •00 Denthali Wheal khurd KR Garoth (13) Jowar, 34.00W 297.00 4.00 93.00 Pipaliya Raja Wheat 1.00N !ttl Garoth ( It) EAg Jowar, 49.00W 1.l4.00 1.00 42 00 Dhamaniya Wheat Jhali PR Garotll (11) EAg.ED JoWar, lIS. DOW 278.00 82.00 9.00 T(I),N(I) Guradiya Wheat Narsina KR Garoth (10) BAa,EO Jowar, 168.00W 454.00 99.00 29.00 Temple Panwadi Wheat KR Garoth (6) BAg Jowar. 7II.00W 269.00 85.00 7.00 Ranayara Wheat 198 fT~)a (f~~ft~ ~'t-4jf.. "ni '10:1 ~fq ~)ll

\ tr!;r'N VPr IIi1 ~111 atlt tn t" ~~II" ;!Q6I'18 iIiI'.'1fit~' llfll mr if '1fnfl~

,~--~------~ 2 3 4 ~ 6 7 8 9 10

--.-----~, ------~--- ~ 41 ~TOli~r 1,222.00 2,296(392) P(2),M(I) D(1) w PO -(10+) BS 42 ~qvrl1?'T) 356.00 661(101) P(l ) -(- 5) '"' -(-5) -(10+) BS 43 'liwrf<'ltT 357.00 ~97(50) P( t ) -(-5) W -( - 5) - (- 5) B::::

44 q,<:'fl 283.00 274(39) -(-5) -( - 5) W -(-5) -( - 5) BS

45 'l~I!i:~') 168.00 :20(2~) -(5-10" -(5 -10) W -(_5-10) -(5-10) BS

46 Iii~~ ~'~T 1,UO.CO l,73C(230) P( I) ,M( 1) -(5-10) W Po - (5-1G) BS

47 iR~C:T 1,037.00 2,054(323) PII)'M(l) -(5-10) W PO -(5-10) BS

48 ql~T "iiRc:r~ 757,00 671( 97) P( I) -(5-10) \V -( -5) -(5-10) -(-5)

49 G()1:ti~T 100.00 184(24) -(-5) -(5~IO) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -( - 5)

50 'Ii<:Tfylfl 62.00 q)~Ti{

51 ftrc:rvr ri~, 811.00 733(175) P(I) -(--5 ) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

52 ~fl;ln 991.00 906(166) P(I} -(-5) W,TW -(-5) ~(-5) -(5 .. 10)

53 iliff 712.CO 521(79) P( t) -( 5·,-10) W - (5-10) . -(5-10) -( - 5)

54 ,,)vr!i~ 138.00 qrUif

55 !fi<,"~T 281.00 66( 10) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-;0) -(-5)

56 ;(;;{p:) 937.00 89 8(132) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 5- 10) - (5-10)

57 'q~~<:r 370.00 314(60) -( - 5) -( 1 0+) W,HP -( - 5) -(5-10) -(-5)

58 fqqf~ll'T ;;faT 34-1..00 610(99) P( I) -( 5-1 0) W -(5-10) - (5- 10) BS

59 -mlm., 5-1.00 502(88) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

60 'ffifT1i~T 152.00 141(23) -(-5 ) -(5-10) R -(5-10) -(5- 10) -(- 5) 199

Amenities and Land use Garoth Tahsil

----~--~------filllilClil ~ '[flf :aq"lI")Ir (cr"fa 'if" .lflf)lr iii. fiff,,'" f~l it mr f!cqofT liTfll'ti Il;'t rrnllit~ ~q", if fif 4i:ff,,;rn~ it cO ~1I{l;f alii ) itffi~fij

11 12 13 14 15 16' 17 Ils 19 20 2

PR Garoth (10) EAg,ED Jo.var, 288 OOW 708.00 112.0,) 114.00 N( 5),T( 1) Sathkhed:l Wheat M(l),C(1) SemIi Rupa KR Garoth (12) EAg, ED .lowar, 60. ')OW 209.00 74.00 13.00 Wheat 23.00 21.00 K.achha! Iya PR Garolh (12) EA~ J,YN.tr, 70.00W 243.00 Wheat 87.00W 162.00 29.0J 5.00 Varni PR GarNh (3) EA~ Jowar, Wheat 2.00 11.00 Gajakhedi PR Garoth (5) EAg JOW.if. 53 OOW 102.00 Wheat 50.00 40.00 Khajuri KR Garoth (8) EAg, ED J()war. 157 OOW 783.01) Wheat Runda 118.00 38.00 Barkh,da PR Garoth (8) Jowar, 176.00W 7:>5.00 Wheat 130.00 15.00 AkyaKumwar KR Garoth (7) Jowar, 74.00W, 532.00 Wheat 6.00(0) Pada 9.00W, 52.00 15.00 16.00 Borkhedi KR Garoth (5) Jowar, Wheat 8.00(0) Uninhabi ted Karadiya

47.00W 355.00 136.00 231.00 Pipalkheda KR Garoth (1 3) Jowar, 47.00 Wheat 53.00W 261.00 183.00 178.00 Eriya KR Garoth (11) Jowar, 316.00 Wheat 26.00W 161.00 91.00 143.00 Dhada KR Garoth 0') Jowar, 291.00 Wheat Uninhabit::d Bhilkhedi

26.00 '2.55.00 Kanthariya KR Garoth (8) Jowar, Wheat 44.00W 255.00 180.00 458.00 Balljari KR Garoth (5) Jowar, Wheat 124.00 24.00 Chandra KR Garoth (8) Jowar, 8.00 30.00W 184.00 Pura Wheat 41.00 19.00 Pipaliya PR Garoth (5) EAg Jowar • 53.00W 231.00 jaU Wheat 231.00 110.00 Basgon KR Garoth (5) EAg lowar, 3.00 9.00R, 191.00 Wheat 27.00W 56.00 13.00 Jassakhedi KIt Garoth (2) , 3.00W, 72.00 Wheat 8.00R 200

Vl~ IIiI ~~ i5A~1 ;Jq~ia '5(1I.~t1nmt (lfflf 1rT~ it ~fun( aq~i9' "~l ~ 6l ~" it (-) CIIr ijftfPfl IOn ~ ~ a'ief'f.lII' 1(Cl' qf1:!iI"~l '11)1: ~~ irt~ lIT 'I'i)~ ii 111'11 -u fijjillll ~ Iff. '1f;{,,"~ uq;;mr i: I'll! ,"1: '" q ;p:) C~"~If~ if) iiiT ««1fT 1(<< lr1i'ft ft iiil Iff ~ -sflli. if., 5-10 fli; .m. ql 10+ fitiAt) Amemties available (if not llvailable within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and neltt 10 it in bra.hts, the dis!an::e in broad ranges viz -Sktns. 5·10 kms, 1 nd 10 +-kml of thto neare81 clace where the facility IS iivailahlc i. !JIve:), ------~~------wsfQ(16 "f~8'

106.00 68(9) -(- 5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

523,00 1,346(226) Pc 1) - (- 5 ) w PO -(-5) -(-5)

185,00 70(8) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) BS 203.00 233(38) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5).. 2,703.00


1141.00 1,773(329) H,C w PO -(5-10) BS

232.00 203(23) -(5-10) -(5-10) w -(5-.10) -(5-10) - (5-10)

383,00 627(94) P(I) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -( - 5)

301.00 581(95) P(I) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) BS,RS

71 "Riir 139,00 102(16) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -( -5)

165,00 146(21) ~(-5) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

965.00 1,15C(177) P( 1 ) - ( -510) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

223.00 188(32) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

50~.00 667(110) P(I) -(-5) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -( 5-10)

2,002:00 2,638(384) P(I),M(l) DCI) w PO -(5-10) BS,RS

224,00 446(81) pel) -(5-10) w - (5-10) -(5-10) BS


284,00 3(,8(57) -(-5) -(-5), w -(- 5) -(-5) - (-5)

80 fqqf<'f'!f fl1{m 485.00 742(119) PO) -(5-10) w -(5-10)- -(~ 5) 201

Amenities and Land use Garoth Tahsil

1111 if. fnscp If'A ~ (111'l1li," 1f_f1f ~qlf)tr 161 f.fll1";f ~ it; fe;cquft UTf1:Ai fmft ~ '!.til n VTII 'il "'" q"" tt~~t~ IIil wm;;r ~ q fir",!,," ~ q; l{l ~ tJlt; ) ~ftr~ffi ~ ani (flI; .Jfi. it) ,fQJ Land use (i.e. area under different types of Land iII1I"lft imi"l' use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places.) '1~~ ~1 _------..A------it; «f~tI ~ m~l' q, .tI) q; f~1l .ttt it; tn firm fufQ n~1;IiT"'~. CF1'ffii& ~8Il.. Remark• • ,~qti{l gjii6) including any place of Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religioUl, Beh IOWD and waste (IDcIU- available historical 10 distance Pow~r Staplc Irrigated Unirri· ding gauchar for or arcbaeolo Name of viUage (in kms) supply food Foresl by source gated and groves culllvalioD gical interest village

11 12 13 14 . IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Garoth (2) Jowar, 2.00W 58.00 34.00 y.O' Barakheai Wheat 3.00R KR Garoth (2) EA Jo~ar , 66.00W 344.00 77.00 36.00 Barkheda Loya EAg Wheat P-R Garoth (3) Jowar, S.OOR 115.00 41.00 24.00 Bawdi Kheda Wheat KR Garoth (3) Jowar, S.OOW 151. 00 32.00 11 .flO Higoriya Wheat 4.00R Included as Urban Outgrowth of Garoth Town Garoth Kasba

Uninhabited Sakariya khedi

PR Garoth (5) 'EA Jowar, 194.00W 475.00 118.00 54.00 N ( J ) • M( 2) Hardiya Amra Wheat T(4) KR Garoth (5) EAg Jowar, 67.00W 126.00 31.00 8.00 Lakha Khedi Wheat KR Garoth( 5) ED Jowar. 48 .OOW 214.00 85.00 36 00 M(2) Phoolkheda EAg Wheat PR Garoth (5) ED Jowar, 39.00W 205.00 32.00 25.00 Plpaliya Mahammad Wheat KR Garoth(3) EAg Jowar, 60.00W 54.00 17.00 8.00 Ghatya Wheat KR Garoth( 5) EAg ]owar 19.00W 96.00 30.00 :0.00 Manaki Wheat KR Garoth(7) EAg Jowar, 141·00W 604.00 140.00 gO.OO Dasoriya Wheat KR Garoth (8) Jowar, 21. OOW. 120.00 23.00 59.00 FarasaJi Wheat KR Garoth (1) Jowar, 47.00W 304.00 74.00 77.00 Guradiya Mata Wheat PR Garoth( 8) ED Jowar, 154. ~OW 1,334.00 339.00 175.00 Paoti EAg Wheat PR Garoth(6) ED Jowar, 50.00N 95.00 18.00 54.00 Kundalya Charandas EAg Wheat 7.00W Uninhaibted Dholadi

KR Garoth( 3) Jowar, 33.00W 187.00 8.00 56.00 Rupra Wheat KR Garoth(8) EAg Jowar, SO'OOW 251.00 57.00 97.00 Pipa}iya Mittesha ED Wheat 202

ft~T~ ~~~T\OJ ~;Hjf~lti Q. llfq aqUTfI

------~~------~ ------~ l(;f(l"o{N 'lilt ~ ifHI GTlI iii! ~ III'iInrT .q.ri8 .iI-ijf1(!ITti (wrfll 11111 it ~~nq .q.ri8 ;fift ~ m ;mrq it (-) .. .rqrlfl 'flfl' ~). l.;r &1eJ"''' ~ mCf((l 81~ ,,~ ~~ ~ Ifl~ it IT'" -8' f;;r(J;fI f(t «,!tcil'lflt .IJQJ is ql~ irA IR q ~) 1IIJ41 (~€If( if) 'fi) tiwr ~« lAin {-i 'fillff ~ -Sfifi,Iil" 5-10 fIJi .'i'l. qr 10+ fcIi.q'r,) Amenitie$ available (if not Ivailable within the village. a dash (-) is shown In the column and next to it in brad,-ets, tbe dislance in broad ranges viz -5kms, 5-10 km~ , nd 10 }-kUli of the nearest olace where tbe iacility Is available 13 give", ______A ____ -~ ______- , c~fiIA; r.fiR«r itit !fir Iff'" ~rlfi ~)<: ilfijft'{! IIf! 'fir ~if I fiifr~ IliCff1f: TOtal on iii f~ If~ lIi'ri lit (;nn:G'!f. ~'1~- Lo~a- Total arc. population ~!lJif .~_qt~) lion Name of the udn Day or Communica- Drinking days of tions (8U8 StoP. code of village (in Dumber of water P03l and lbe market/ Jailway station. Dumber village hectares) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraptl hat, if any water way).

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10

438.00 -(5-10) 81 ~,TCo lim• 411(64), P(1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(-5)

82 ,(Hj'lIiT~r 15-;.00 21 9(4 1) -(-5) -(10+) W -(~5) -(10+) -(~5)

83 <:Tqa-r 388.00 376(71) -( -5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

84 ..r;:;lIT 540.00 369(52) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)


87 ;;rT~l1T 543.00 50\1(83) P(I) -(:-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

8S fnl<. 337.00 114(15) -(,5) -(-5) w -(-5) -( -,5) -(-5)

89 ,,!~T 163,.00 154(27) - (- 5) -(5-10) W -(5-1C) -(5-10) -( -5)

90 f., .. ;:lIr 211,00 118(14) -(--<5 ) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

91 ii1!f;i'!f 589,00 817(122) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5- 10) -(5-10) -( - 5)

~2 ;;rr~l1T 344.00 292(39) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-D) -(5-10) 8S

93 iRl§i~ fl1c~ 371.00 503(78) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) - (5" 1 0) -( ,5)

94 :t

9S ml=if'Y ~sT 198.01) 306(41) -( -:') -( 1°+) w -(10+) -(10+) -(-5)

96 r'llfi

97 ~'H;qf 307.00 478(80) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+)' -( -5)

98 "'(1ST ~r at ~~~t 308,00 287(42) -(-5) -(-5) w -( - 5) -(- 5) BS

99 IfiTo;T 'iO!q 1,961.00 2,094(386) P(1),M(1) PHS(I) W PO ' -(- 5) BS

100 ~WT 144.QO Cf1<:T

Amenities and Land use 'Garotb Tahsil

f~tqvfT gTf~ q,,, iliT Pl'TI{ II'N if~ fortli!"" ~ f;tq) ~q 'ifq ~ (a"f~ 'l'" ;JCf:i\'tr IliT I"llf"'" finql q; '" ~lf,( ;;'-'11' ~~ l{j ~'i ({iI; ) 1Ii;r~ ~ VRrf;

ffn;{)Jr Irflf Itl ,,", IIllf !tit ~" lSIilmT r;!Q"18 iliI-~~91Q; 1If1i 'lHf ~ ijTiiall!. ,~18 r(lfl ~ 01 ~i1 iI 1-) i" .mllil "1fT 8 fflllf«~ ~ qftl[j'(1 ~ ;a~ if~ ~) Ifi~ if vr'l -" 1'8UJ;J1 i~ 1fT{ 'Jtilll1f.! GllOiia ~ ~l@ fI'.l CR ~~ p) "'.II~ (~q;: if) '6) E(Ul {« I!~n 0: • .,1 Ire ~ -Sfiii. q') " 5-10 flf; . 1ft. at 10+ Ai. ~.t Amenities available (if not IIvailable withiD tbe village, Ii. dasb (-) is 8 own in tbe column and nelt! 10 it in bra.ket6. tbe dis'anee III broad ranges viz ·5kIDS. 5·10 kms. a lid 10+kml of fhi! neare.' ol9ce ""here the facility II available i. tJiveoJ ~ ______~ __A ______

v"tVJ1l f._r~

2 4 S II 7 8 9 10 ---_------.( -5) 101 'IR'!lT ~~T 232.00 ~4(43) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) - (-5)

PO, Phone Saturday BS 102

187(23) -(-5) -(~5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) 104 'l!.'fl'TFIT qlT~T ~~ 457(87) P( 1) W -«-10) -(-5) - (-5) 106 ~~~ 493.00 -(-5)

P( 1) W -(-S) - (-.» BS 107 ",orTlll~ 415.00 313(58) -(-5)

'p(1) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 108 Irlfifi('

- (-5) W -( -5) -(5-10) -(-5) 109 a~\<{~T 296.00 300(53) - (-5)

p(l) -(-5) W - (-5) -(5-10) -(-5) 110 ;l"ir~ 705 00 387(60)

-(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) -( -5) 1 11 f 256.00 306(49) .... (-5) \" BS 11:: 1if'3!,'tT q~ 1,892,00' 2,027(373) P(1). M(l) D(l ) W PO -(5-10)

113 atT!fi<1fr;ft

114 ,-!


116 cn;;rta"~T 361.00 318(54) P( 1) -(--5) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-l0)

-(5- ~O) 117 ~~;;r;;T 'flfl 419 00 291(49) P( 1 ) "':(5-10) WR -(5-10) -(5-10)

118 fCl'lIlrltt 384.00 680(90) PO) -( 5-1 0) W -(5-10) ~(5-10 ) -( 5-10)

119 fi:lqfulff Ii!m 415.00 265(40) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

120 ~f~ 279.00 192(29) - (- 5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 205

Amenities and Land USe Gal'otb Tal'.sB

--~-~~----- .mI tllIi ;qlflll ~ fi(:il'~') l'!',~ 'tf~ :aqlfm (lII''ff;f "f,fq ~quFr ~t r~f"f;i! ~1 iii ~~ fcrqllft l-lTfl1~ IIlll ~l iI'{1'l ",'(if ~i{, Wlln~ .rt vm;" ~IJ~ ii fiifi !1'[n ~ ft; ~ ~'1t'f G~ ) ~fail::f~ifi '6T IIni (til; ~. it) ~fQl Land use (i.e. area under different types of Land 8f¥fCft $<:raffl 'lse in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places.) ,!~,q iii ~'fo;{l --_----- _- ..A------_ if, ij"f~ ij"{fJ'fT a ,,~ ria) ft; f~~ em iii ~iI "" fij"f;r" fu~ oqOl'ar;;r;\iI'( "'!If;;ris ,m<;(l; i1lt Remarks ~m:tjt~l "'flCJ) including a'lY place of Appro· Nearest Cuhurable Area not relig;Oul, 8cb 'OWD and wa~te(iocJu- available historical (0 distance Pow'r Staple Irrigated Unirri ding gauchar for or ar.:haeolo- Name of village (in l-ms) supply food Porest by source gated and groves ~ultlvatio!l gical interest v;lJage

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Garoth( 23) EAg,ED Jowar, 25.00W 135.00 58.00 14.00 Farnyakhedi Wheat PR Garoth (20) EA Jowar, 258.00W, 406.00 174.00 85.00 N( 59) Boliya Wheat 35.00R T(3),M(7) KR Garoth( 23) ED,FAg Jowar. 50 OOW 123.00 M.OO 23.00 Ml3 ) Cllanjkhedi K'lUrcl Wheat KR Garoth (11 ) Jowar, '27.00W 200.00 95.00 398.00 Junapani PaJli Wheat KR Garolh (11) Jowar, 70 OOTK, 187.00 116.00 431.00 Kothada Khllrd Wheat 3.00W, 5.000 KR Sbamgarh ( 1 3 ) Jow"r, 47.0oTK. 230 00 77.00 108.00 Kharkheda Wheat 31.00W PR Garoth (13) ED,EAg Jowar. 73.00W. 155.00 77.00 82.00 M(I),T(I) Kalakheda Wheat 28 000 KR Shamgarh (8) EAg Jowar, 6.00 112.011W 536 00 33.00 512.00 Hanmanlya Wheat KR Shamgalh (9) Jowar. 26.00W 159.00 17.00 94.00 Tarawali Wheat KR Shamgarh (9) Jowar, 51.00W 309.00 31.00 314. OJ Nalklleda Wheat KR Shamgarh( 11) Jowar, 25.00W 158.00 19.00 54.00 Scmli Diwan Wheat KR ShamgdTh (9) E-\ Jowar; 12.00 230.00W. 870.00 363.00 385.00 N( 2).M( 1) Khujuri Panth Wheat 32.0(lN KR Sham&,arh (9) BAg J9war, 85.00W JI0.00 140.00 151.00 Aakli Diwan Wheat KR Shamgnh( 1 6) Jowar. 32.00W, 244.00 87.00 33.00 Surakhedi Wheat 39.00TK Uninhabi ted Padyakhedi

KR Shamgarh(16 ) Jowar, 18.00W 222 .00 53.00 "8.00 Palkhanda Wheat KR 5hamgarh( 16) Jowar. 15 -OOW 193.00 75.CO 136·00 Surjana Naya Wheat KR Shamgarh( 16) EAg Jowar. 55,OOW 204.00 84.00 41.00 M( 1) Vhhnya Wheat KR Shamgarh(16) Jowar, 27,OOW 251.00 105.00 32.00 Pipaliya Ghata Wheat KR. Shamgarh (8) Jowar I3.00W J 33 00 42.00 91.00 Khejadiya Wheat 206

'Ttta ~1e ;r;f-'1fnni Q. ,!f~ attIr)"

.----~ f";~'N V11r ~1 if", 1111'1 ~ t" ~"~1 ~q~ia "'~-~~811{ ('If. 11111 q ~tU1t~ ~11I iI('i ~ 8) 1liftf1! it (-).VI ~I 1flf1' 1Ii). ~ atIJIfM !tcf qRI{~l ~ roifot; ill'{ ~') Ifi~ it 11111 " f;ortl;il rQ q~ 'jt.alq ;iqijj18 ~ Ji'li

."fllfll ,..rlRtl1

--.~------1 2 3 4 6 1 8 9 10 -~-~------~------. - -~-. --- -~~------121 IilTt~" 308.00 330(51) P( 1) -(5-10) W - (5-10) -( 5-1 0) .. (5-10)

122 ~'3f;;T ~;;T 371.00 677( 109) 1'(1) SMP( 1) W -(5-10) -( 5-1 0) -(5-10)

123 t{'f

124 .~~ 217.00 109(17) -(-5) -(5-10) w :-(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

125 IfiTo~ Ol't

126 ~f(lfl 258.00 233(33) -(-<5) -( 5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

127 'l'i':T~\IfT ,fT'TPf 265.00 324(50) .. (-5) -\ 10+) W -(10+) -(10+) .. (l 0+)

128 .TiI'{lfT 'l;;r, 964.00 1.575(228) P( 1 ) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

129 il'.~ ~ti\<: 596.00 727(128) P( I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

130 ~'1ofT ~'fi<: 662.00 522(70 \ P(l) -(-<5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

131 ifTRIJT ,!r! 215.00 232(42) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(- 5)

132 Qfl1!f'fltT 171.00 795(148) P( 1) -(5-10) W -( 5·-10) -(5-10) BS

133 ~rr)f

135 ~i'ftr '!:or4 524.00 403(59) P(1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10.+-) -(-5)

136 If[if~T 466.00 375(60) P(I) _(-5) W -(-5) -( 5-1 0) BS

137 ~l~IJT'{~!j 455.00 689(111) pel) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) BS

13f .j~ 329,00 240(31 ) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

09 i(T~ flfr~~ 492.00 699(124) P( 1 ) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10 ) -(5-10)

140 fl'~OlT ~!i 552.00 56R(96) P(1) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) ... (-5) 207

Amenities aDd Land use Garoth Tahsil

IN If .. r~1J ;rm: fonnri '!'iIi 'l"' ;rofur' (1r7{f;>r 1J.fll' "'''lim iliT f"r,,';r ~T it; am f~'lGJ) IlTfitifi IrTI' "'I ITTIJ "i 'fir I'{'{ \'mltit ~ 11ft VlllTT;;t ~lf,{ ii r.r;ne"" ~~" iii

11 121 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~ " 20

KR Sbamgarh ( 10) EAg Jowar. 59.00W 202.00 33.00 14.00 Khaikheda Wheat KR Shamgar h ( 1 (I ) EAg Jowar, 29.00W 112.00 115 00 115.00 Surjana ].Jna Wheat KR Sha~!,garh( 10) BAg Jowar, 33.00W 15 6 .00 55.00 97.00 Emdi Wheat KR Shamgarh( 10) • EAg Jowar. 25.00W 128.00 55.00 9.00 Kher Khedi Wheat KR Sha mgarh( 1 (\) EAg JOWM, 19.00W 117.00 50.00 137.00 KOlhadi Akha Wheat KR Shamgarh ( II ) Jowar, 22. DOW 124.00 67 00 45.00 Dhaluriya W:lcat KR Shamgarh( 11) ED, Jowar, 29.00W 166.00 44 00 26.00 Farasali Diwan EAg Wheat KR Sharngarh (2) EA, Jowar, 130.00W 459.00 153.00 222.00 T(1),M(2) Dhabla Gujar Wheat KR Shamgarh (3) EA Jowar , 100.OOW 215.00 13:! 00 149.00 Barkheda Wheat Rathaur KR Shamgalh (2) Jowar, 22.00W 183.00 150.011 307.00 Senl!i Shankar Wheat KR Shamgarh (4) EAg lowar, 17.00W 78 00 32 00 148.00 Nariya Khurd Wheat PR Shamgarh (5) EAg Jowar, 7S.00W S12.00 144 00 40.00 Jamuniya Wheat KR Shamgarh (5) EAg Jowar, 138 OOW 02.00 107.0u 53.00 Sagoriya Wheat KR Shamgarh (3) Jowar, 23.00W 144 00 24 00 14 00 Chandkhcdi Whe.lt

KR Shamgarh( 10) EAg Jowar I 4S.00·,v 279.00 118.00 82.00 Kundla Buzurg Wheat PR Shamgarh (8) EAg Jowar, '\O.OOW 223.00 92.00 121.00 ManpuJa Wheat PR Shamgarh ( 8) EAg Jowar, 80 OOW 191.00 H'8.00 76.00 M(l) Nariya Buzurg Wheat KR Shamgarh (7) Jowar, 40 ooW 232.06 32.00 25.00 KhankhaIi Wheat KR Shamgarh (5) ED, Jowar. 68.00W 320.00 77.00 27.00 Aakli Shivuas EAg Wheat KR Shamgarh( 11) EAg Jowar, 58.00W 348.00 120.00 26.00 Kundl a Khurd Wheat 208

'1m t'I11'"'" Gf't-!!f... ni Q" ,!f~ """)'"

--~------~- "I~ If1I' 1ft 11111 VTlf 1fT ~ IIRnzrl i'I'I"a ,,,-,fifsn{ (Iff_ mr it pB1~ vqwq iliff t !it IIilWIJ it (-) h W1mf1 'Ilfl t ~ 1'.: . pO'6W ~ mm-l lilt ;an- ~ @ 1Ii~ It !1M " f;ur;f) rO ~ ,!fu,~ ;;1l5ml" Ill! 'i'~ n q ~ .m C~" it) ..wan ~~ .tm .. ~r 'Ii t -5fifi, 1ft" ,.10 fiIi.li't. '" 10+ fir,"",} AmCnltiel available (if not ,vailable within the villaae, a dasb (-) is shown 1ro the column and next 10 it iD bra,tell, lbe diltance 10 broec' ranges viz ·Skms, 5.10 tm•. iI nd 10+km. of Ihe neareal place where tbe facility .. available i. ai\'c" •. ~------~------~ c.fll1l ~I tit. ~r ,"iii ~lIim . ilr\jft~ IIII!' 1fT mt/ Ii.,,'{ 1lt1f~: Total m ., ror II'R ~ Ii) (~If 't;,~- Loca- Total are. population fillil • q-IIW) of the VdD Day Or CommuOI,I- UOD Name Drinking day. of tions (Bus Stop. nu,mber of code of village (in water 1'011 and tbe market I lailway statioD. aumber Yillago hectarcs) household. Educational Medical (Potable) Tclcgrapo bat, if any WU"r wa:),

L 1 .. 3 4 , 6 ., 8 9 10

--_------~----.-.-- 1.41 m" 674.00 2,182(381) P(2).M(1) PHC(1). W PO, Phone -(3-10) BS FPC(t ) 142 tr'lif~lir lifr 229.00 1\5(12) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

143 mll~1 154.00 358(50) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

144 ~rrn 367.00 508(80) PO) -(-5) W -(-5) -( 5-10) -(-5)

143 \ll'ir'(t 488.00 296(47) -(-5.) -( -5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

146 ~<:') 326.00 175(30) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

147 Q,f<:l!T 346.00 •., 495(89) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

148 ~f~l 933.00 2,165(368) P(I) -(-5) W PO -( 10+> -(-5)

1>49 'fTili'... 535.00 625(96) p( 1 ) -(-5) W -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5)

ISO ~, "~,!l:r<: 761.00 898(15'3) P( I) -(- 5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

151 .~Ii" 601.00 556(91) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

152 8T1~ 1,001.00 751 (141) PO) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

lS3 ~~ 480.00 312(59) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) as

1 -(5-10) 154 i(~m. 397.0) .537(74) P(i) -(5-10) W -(5- 0) -(5-10)

155 ~qmr 399.00 428(63) P(1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

156 ~~f.rliT 382.0(\ 1,240(218) P(2),M(I) D( I) W PO Monday BS

157 if)~~~l rs'liT 454.00 541(81) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

IS8 1f'll~1.~ 197.00 404(72) -( ... 5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

159 ~~"~r ~!{ 592.00 532(80) PO) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+> -(10+)

160 284.00 410(70) P(l) -(-5) w -l-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) ~" 209

Amenities and Land lise Garotb Tah_sil

fqmll ;f1A t1mft ~ (atiRI ~qu)1r 16' fcrf",;" ~l iii ~~ f?;cqllfi STf"lI1ti '''' If~ ~ 'lfiI 'ff'" 11"1( 161 "'If "i;r;, 11;~~~ ~ .Rrl;;f ~1; if for'iieCfI?;m;rn it;

'11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 IS 19 20 1

PR Sharngarh ( 10) EAg, ED Jowar , 71.00W, 404.00 142.00 45.uO M(2) Melkheda Wheat 12.00(0) PR Shan:garh (J 0) EAg Jo\',ar, J7.00W , J I J. 00 48.00 48.00 Sakariya Khedl Wheat 3 00(0) KR Shan.ga'h (8) EAg Jowar, 29. now 97.00 113.00 15.00 Bhagdi Wheat KR Shamgarh (7) EAg Jowar, 41.00W 200.00 58.00 68.00 M(I) Baradiya Puna Wheal KR Shamgarh (5) EAg JowaT. 26.00W 279.(;0 143.00 40.00 Bhagori Wheel KR Shamgarh (I 6 ) EAg Jowar , 54.00W 160.00 84.00 28.00 Eri Wheat KR Shamgarh (I 6) EAg Jowar, 28 .OOW, 138.00 72.00 100.00 Paderiya Wheat 2 ,OOTK,6. OON KR Shamgarh (15) EAg Jowar, 159.00W 591.00 142.00 41.00 Baghuniya Wheat KR Shamgal h (i 3) EAg Jl)war, 59.00W 346.00 89.00 41.00 Bhundiya Wheat KR Shamgarh (24) EAg Jowar, 18.00W 464.00 153.00 126.00 Bardiya Istmurar Wheat KR Shamgarh (23) EAg Jowar , 90.00W 223.00 81.00 207.00 KherKhedi Wheat KR Shamgarh (I 9 ) EAg Jowar, 63.00W, 464.00 181.00 281. 00 Agar Wheat 12.00R . PR ShamgaJh (19) EAg .Towar • 30.00W ]99:00 150.00 101.00 Salri Wheat KR Shamgarh (24) EAg Jowar, 49.00W 281.00 58.00 9.00 Mundlol Wheat KR Shamgarh (19) EAg Jowar. 52.00W 296.00 46.00 5.00 Rupare) Wheat KR Sbamgarh (19) ED,EAg Jowar , 155.00W 159.00 49.00 19.00 Hatuniya Wheat KR Shamgarh (21) EAg Jowar, 74.0(JW 219.00 69.00 92.00 Borkhedi Rcdka Wheat KR Shamgarh (32) EAg Jowar, 25.00W 10ti.00 26.<'·0 40.00 Sakariya Khedi Wheal KR Shamgarh (33) Jowar, 16.00W 126.00 7.00 443.00 Molakhedi I(hurd Wheat :rcR Shamgarh (21!) Jowar. 49.00W 126.00 11.00 98.CO Mordi Wheat 210

,,~)a ~)" .,,-!!fnni Qi{ '!"' ~v.t)f1 ---_-- ~lIflrr'N ""' iii' I'fT1I VTll IIif f'" ~_T iq;;ri!I ;Y;i!-~f., hal, if any wat.:1 way)'

---~~--- 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

------~ ---~~-_--

161 f't'lArfr 181.00 . ~ ~Ti!

162 't<:T«~T 506.0C 1,011(182) P(1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5~IO) -(5-IQ)

163 .ih{jt'r 'EfIGT 361.00 194(42) P(I) -(!i-I 0) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

164 'IT~..a 123.00

165 ~f;:rJ 335.00 322( 49) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

166 f:qif 168.00 247(41) -(-5) -(5-10 ) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

167 OTrlftrl 614.00 143(28) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

163 ~<:, 829.00 566(96) • P( 1 ) -(-5) W,N -~-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

169 ijT~T~~ 436.00 895(148) p( 1 ) -( 5-1 0) W,N -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

170 r",'I1TT<:) 373.00 345(54) P( I ) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

171 :;t~l«l 1,672.00 3,709(589) P(2),M(1) D( 1 ) ,FPC( 1) W PO ,Phone Friday BS

}72 life.lIT ~~crl!<:n: 386.00 2<3(41) -(-5) -( -5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

173 'I'<:~T 555.00 479(77) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

174 ~'f1 527.00 550(97) P(I) -(-5) v,' -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

175 iftq'~1 373.00 462(62) P(1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

176 orr,;:r') 345_00 346(50) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

177 <:VJTlI<:T 541.00 338(49) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

178 ~T<'{'rU 222.00 244(40) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-}(, ) -(5-10)

179 ;;i;;JT<:T 559.00 4Rl(80) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

180 O!T~ Ii~ 137.00 92(10 ) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10 t- -(5-10) 211

AnieDities and Land use Garoth Tahsil

tmI~ ~~ r.nm) '!.~ 'Jfli ;;Jqlfnr (8('ffu 'iff'[ laq'II'Pr ttit fqf1:r;:;r fiI;W iii are! ~tq'''" enfqifi lnll !fiT ;rill qj~ ~vm ~~) !!'iT IIIltrtal . ~!J\ it f.ri~ffq ;rn~ iii eft ~lil:f tlifi J qfaQ'lm-'Ii 1(iJ'Illf (fiI;, qr . it) ~fcra'r Land use (i, e, area nnder different typos of Land ~~ra~q ule in. hectares rounded up to 2 decimal phces ) ~Cf il> ~'fm r------"------, uf€ fuit vaT ij; f~ fg-f;;m fum ;;J~a-~ iIf~lJ<'Iill Remarks (tJT"R iIf'R inclUding ~tlTi[T «f~ i any place of Appro· Nearest Culturable Area not religious, acb town and waste (inclu. available .historical to distance Power Staple (rrlgated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Name of ,iIlage (in kms) Supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Village

._------~------11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

Uninhabited Pipliya

KR Shamgarh ( 27 ) Jowar, 42.00W 363,00 68.00 33.00 ParasaH Wheat KR Shamgarh~ 28) Jowar, 3.00W 25.00 5.00 328.00 Borkhedi Ghata Wheat Uninhabited Bhadka

KR Shamgarh(27) Jowar, . 20.00W 106.00 17.00 192.00 Bakana Wheat KR Shamgarh( 25) Jowar, 6.00W 82.00 12.00 68,00 Chidi Wheat KR Shamgarh( ~ 1 ) Jowar, 7.00W 62.00 1.00 544.00 Akya Wheat KR Sbamgarh( 21 ) EAg Jowar, 29.0pW 146.00 83.00 571 00 Avara Wheat KR Shamgarn(21 ) EAg Jowar, 41.00W 216.00 79.00 100.00 To} ..khedi 0 Whrat KR Shamgarh( 21) EAg Jowar, 40.00W 171. 00 129.00 33 00 Kilgari . Wheat Temple, PR Sha.mgarh( 20) EA Jowar, • 211.00W 910.00 276.00 275.00 M:(6) Chandwasa Wheat KR Shamgarh( 23) Jowar, i5.00W 195.00 10.00 166.00 Ghatya Istmurar Wheat KR Shamgarh( 25) ED,EAg Jowar, 69.00W 193.00 25.00 268.00 . Garda Wheat KR Shamgarh(25) ED Jowar, 103,OOW 335·00 14.00 75.00 Bhatuni BAg Wheat GopaJpura KR Shamgarh( 19) Jowar, 39.00W 185.00 11.00 138.00 Wheat Barni KR Sharngarh ( 22 ) Jowar, 21.00W 221 00 7.00 % 00 Wheat 287.00 Ranayara KR Shamgarh( 24) Jowar, B.OOW 214.00 7.00 Wheat 55.00 Lalpura KR Shamgarh( 20) Jowar, 21.00W ·14J.00 3.00 Wheat Banjari KR Shamgarh( 19) Jowar, 37.00W 326.00 148.00 48:00 Wheat KR Shaplgarh( 18) Jowar, 10.0eW 89.00 36.00 2.00 Baodi Kheda Wheat 212

~ttPftlt' llflt 'l>r ;:rllt IIf1f llil ~\II \:iI"nie!J , ~"~Ig ~;Y-~f"'ETr~ (_fit IIIfq it ~f... rmt :omrts "iff • lit llifn it (-) far 6l1InI1 'I'll' ~. f\ll ~ii{q;", ~ 'tf-m1:1 aft~ .,,,,if; iiff;:- i!:T ililqili it !1fII g. f.orer;:rr 1&-" 1111 '1mmt Gil." & II1i m IR q ill IJRCll (~'"' it) iii) ~~J (& I(lIif~ ~. ~ d ~ -:5 fiIi •.n., 5-10 filiAl'. If' lo+fiI • .{). Amenities available (i} nOI available within the "malle, a dalh (-) il shown In the column and next Co it in bracketl, the distance in ,broad ranael via -SklDl.S·:toltml and IO+km~ of tbe neareat place "here tbe facility ia available il.ivea). ,- __ A __~ IhTfQJiIi f.m81 cfR i!iil ~fIIi ar"~, ~/~ IIif ""1 UoqR: 1If~1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1.473.00 1,526(253) P(1) w PO .. ( 5-10) -(5-10) \ 455.00 564(36) P(1) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

183 III'~ 510.00 375(62) P(l} -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

706.00 G1l5(104) P(1) -(5-10) w -(-5) -( 5-10) -(5-10) j 85

186 R'i9<1l 1,078.00 1,042(164) P(I),M(IJ -(5-10,) w .... (-5) -(10+) -,.(5·10)

; 187 ~~r

1.209.00 830(139) P(t) -(6-10) VV PO -(5-10) BS

369.00 317(55) -(-5) -(-5) VV -(-5) -(10-r) BS

509.00 405(61) P(I),M(I) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5)

191 ~'H'T 339(54) "-(-5) -(10~) w -(-5) -(-5)

387.00 287(54) -(-5) -(10~) w -(-5) -(10+) -(10~)

911.00 820(151) pel) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5 -10)

1 94 Wfll';J 391. 00 354(50) -(-5. -(-5) w -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

157.00 225(32) -(-5) -(-5) w -( .... 5) -(-5) -(-5)

396.00 583(102) P( 1) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

473.00 218(34) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

755.06 608~4) P(l) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5)

863.00 536(107) P( 1) -(-5) w .... (-5) -(-5) -(-5)

667.00 601(102) PO> -(-5) w -(-5)' -(- )- -(-5) 213

'~~jties and Land use Garoth Tahsil '!,fir ~11r (8tdr 'If't ~ 1ft f~ ~ 'n ~ ~ mtlA; • --d ~.'it~'~jit; ~,~!!!,~) '" ,1lftt~ftA;' : ...... use (I.e. area l1Dderdlfferent lypoJ of'Land 8I1m ~ UIO in'beet.rea rouQded up to 2 decimal places) ~ it; ~m --':""-_,' - __...... ' .-----""'"\ . -,~... •~ "th_M ~ itf'lit fwtW~ ~~ ~ Remarks , (1ft~ ~ inclUding ~~i, any place 01 Appro-.. , Near.I CultUl'861e Area hot r~ligii>us, ac:b ,'" tOWI) an' waste (inclu. available historical tt 'distance -' Power ' Staple lrttpted Unirri- ding aauchar Cor or archaeolo­ Nameof ' tilla., (in "mB) ,Supply food Forest b, looret pted and aroves) cultivation gical interest , Villaae

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 2

KR ~h~rh(17), ~. lowar, liS OOW 70~00 313.00 342.00 Asawati Wheat K.R Shamsrb (19) BAg lowar, 54.00W- • 207.00 26.00 168.00 Gagsi Wheat .. -.,~ , KIt Shamsarb(.14) lowar, 26.00W 21Q.00 , 18.00 256.00 Amli- ,Wheat KIt -Sbamprh( 1"5) . Jowat; '(O.OOW 433.00' 31.1)0 202.00 Wheat Jowar, 72.00W 652.,00 31.00 • 174.00 I Bani Wheat... \ .. lowar, 49.00W 474.00 227'.90 328.00' Plnchhala _' Wheat KR Shamprh '(9) BAa IowaI', 18I.00W 673~00 151.00 216.00 Kurawan _Wheat' , , PR. Shan,garh( 14) BAg lowar, " ,o.OOW 404.00 230.00 485.00 Bark~a Nayak Wheat Jowar, 39.00W 238.00 73.QO 19.00' fR Sbarngarh{ 12)­ <) Wheat .

e' Nipanya K.R Shamgart. ( ~ 2 ) J!>war, 30.00W 220.00 118.00 141.00 Whelrt ' , Depri ia: Shamgarb(12) lowar, 31.00W 183.00 166 00 263.00 Wheat 26.00W· 64.00 ,175'.00 ; DO{lpr Kbedi KR. Shamgarh(S) .'. lowaT, 122.00 . Wheat KR. Shamgar)l{ 8) Jo\y8l'. 53 .OOW 36~ .00 149.00 344.QO Takrawad Wheat KR Sha.msarh(3) Jowar~- 32.qOW 309.00 41.00· 9.00 Chhayan, Wheat teR Shamgarh(3) , ,.,. :,_lowai. 7.00W, 120.00 26.00 4.00 Semli ttada Wheat KR. Shamgarh ( 4 ) . Jowar. 43.00W 241.00- 7l.00 41.00 Barkheda Uda Wheat KR Shamgarh(4) •• , l'!war" 11.00W' 200.00 .8S~OO 177.00 ,. Makdi Chaoda Wheat Makdawan KR Shii.mgar,h( 2) Jow~r, .. 27.00W 395.00 140.00 c 193.00 Wheat Junapani Dhoranya K.R· Shamaarh( 3) .. Jowar, 29.00Y, 297.00 130.00 407.00 Wheat DiwaQ KR. ShaIDIarh(3) ED,EAg Jowar, 67.00W 346 .00' 115.00 . 139.0'0 ... l)h~maniya Wheat J. 214

If'" llil ~ l1PRt'ilt' ~""'!J iJfII-'lfir~II{('1fR .," it ~fif"''' ;mpfr qJ." 1IIi~' (-) i~ ~'qQ'i ' P ~"" ~ Qm.1:1 III'hl QV .,. ~, IlilSH it ill1l if f\iul',,) f(t '" tfif~ .,~ .. ""~ ~ lit lit ,0 {~lR it) ... d"" , ~ ItIliA n, ~ d , -s ,. . .rr., 5-10 filii.". 111" Jo+lIJ;wh. I ", Amenitie1t available (ir not available within the villa,le, a da.h (-) fs shown In the colum .... and next 'to 'it in braCket.: the distance'ill broad ran.,. vil-Stm,.S.IOkmi ' and lo+kml of the Dearest place whero the facility jl available i'liteD). ' ~ __~ -' A .' ' _ ~ fml8 r~ ~ if;l ~ an. ~/~ llif "'if I u.n, II.T~I cn;r) tlT1l iti Rir--qf;r ~ ~ (1(6 ~~- Loca- Total mr.r. 'aI'«-'lI'i> tion Total area population . Day or Communica • -code of the and prinking days of tioDS(Bus-atoJ), Dum- Narueof village (in number of - wa ter ,Post and tbe markdtl 'railway station. ber Vlllage ,bectares) boulehol4s BdUOlttion Medical (Potable) ,Telegraph ~at. if any -water way) 2 _ I 3' 4: 5 / 6 '1 ',8 9 10

201, ;rTrift 148.00 150(19) ';'(-5) -(-5) W ~(-5) -(-5) -(-5)' J'

202 ~) 369.0~ 396(66) P( 1) -(S-~O) w ' -(5-10)" -(S-li» -(5-10)

203 ID~fw 796.00 519(8.0) PO> .J(S-lO) , , W -(5-1,0) -(5-10) -(5-10)

nO,on.oo P (124) D (9) Q'(tr 102,260 ' M'(16) PRe (3 ) (19,757) PUC (1) FPC (2) PHe (4) 0 (7) 215

Amenities and Land use Garotb Tahsil

q IT1I ('(iii f;.r~(I1t 'l~ f~) '!,WQ W ~q1i)1r (81111fu 1ifq ~q1fFr 1(;') f'CIf1f.,:r f.ti~) ~ ~~ fat q1lf) 'llfillii vrn ~;mr "i.r.r ~~') 'aU Ifh ,"ct" ~If~ it f.rl(;~aq ~"''' ~

KR. Shamlarh( 4) Jowar. 10.00W 112.00 19.00 7.0:> Banskhedi Wheat KR Shat!lgarh ( 7) Jowar. 14.00W 81.00 65.0(} 2(}9.00 Borwani Wheat KR Shamgarh ( 7 ) Jowar. 49.00W 350.00 137.(l0 260.00 Salariya Wheat

1,040.00 49.584.00 28,788.00 N (78) 11.371.00 15. -l 08.00 M (20) Tota. C (1) T (15) 216

~1't~m~ GI~1fint'" ~ '!f'l _..

E'fI;:rTIf gflt il>f '"" Vf" 'fiT ~iiififfiljll" ~"IiiT"" ,",;y-,r;nrTtt(lff~ VI" i '!fUTI{ "w.er II1i a1ft II"A it (-) ill IIJ'JPR q'1f1 lfil'. f" iilf'fi" I{- "fm'tl lin "vii lIlill '1:') 1fi1SOlli it v'" ~ f.Uif) IV " ,Rim( "'AI" ~ .ni an ~ q 1(6 iJq1 (~IR if) Ifi) ~'If' .9' srlfif~ (iii ~ d ~ -5 fin •.n .. S-10 fiIi • .n. ~ 10+".tft. Amenities IIvaiJable(ir nlU available whhin the village, a dash (-) is shown 10 the column and next to it in bracket •• the distance io broad range. yiz -Skm•• S-l Okms Ind 10+km~ of tbe ru:areat place wbere tbe (acUity i8 available i'llyoO). . r-' . A.' ~ "\'1m r.fimI, Iff.\" IIil ..... ",. ~/~ IIi1 "'if I (i;rl~ "'tIl'I, tJR) 'I1'1~' ~ Iff!{ ~ ~ (Q ~q ~- Loea- Total ~. _-1fI1f) lion Total area population Day or Communica. code of the 'and Drinking days of t ions(Bus-stop', DUDP Name of village (in DUIliber of water Post and the market! railway station. ber Village hectares) households Education Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat. if any water way) .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I 1'f)'I1ort 921.00 1.112(194) P(I) -(-5) W , , -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

2 ~

3 lj)<:y;;fl' 420.00 397(63) P(1) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

4 W~ ~<{~r t,819.00 2,179(4J4) "pel) ,M(1) D( I) W PO -(10+) BS

5 ~T'fG1 370.00 374(56) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -( 10+) BS

6 "<:~

7 lj)):qq-l 495.00 382(64) P(1) -(10+) W -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5)

8 ;;[1{T~~U 529 00 438(73) P(! ) -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+) -(~5)

9' q""ft 266.00 329(53) P(1 ) -(5-10) W -(5-10) - (5-10) BS to f~fCfU 318.00 233(34) -(-S) -( 5-1 0) W -(-5) -(5-:-10) -(-5)

11 ~T3i Ii?.')' 172.00 545(114) -(-5) .... (5 ... 10) ,W,N -(-5) -(-S) -(5-10)

12 ~


13 ~nftr 213.00 38(11) -(-5~ -(5-10) W -(5-10) .... (5-10) -(-5)

14 ~lfT tift 273.00 417(75) P(J) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -( .... 5)

IS ~t~T ti~') 356.00 572(105) pel) -(5-10' W -(5-10) _(5_10 ) -( 5-1 0)

16 ~;;[<:~r 881.00 1,121 (195) P(l) , -(5-10) W -(5-10) -f5-10) -(5-10)

17 i,1Tf;;tm 707.0{) 57;(96) pel) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 5-10) -(5-10)

18 . qJIIfl ti¥T ;;[Hft<: 471.00 358(74) P( 1) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+> -(10+)

19 a-rf<:IfT Ii~T 1,030.00 1,795(295) P(I)M,(l) SMP(1 ) W PO -(10+> -(10+)

20 ilT~"J.T ti~T 564.00 1 ( 1 ) -(-5) -( -5) W -I -5) -(5-10) -( 5-·10) 217

Amenities and Land use Mandsaur Tahsil

f~) VNa'1ff fiflQ61f~ ~ 'Jflf ~l1r (8t'lt~ tffq roll'${ ~) f

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Mandsaur( 20) EA Jowar, 66.00 SO.OOW 421.00 i 72. 00 172.00 MO), T(3') Nogawan "'heat KR Mandsaur (20) EAg Jowar, 34.00W 123.00 44.00 7.00 T(3 ) Rindwan Wheat KR Mandsaur( t 8} Iowar, 50.00W 261.00 77.00 32.00 Karoli Wheat PR Mandsaur ( 1 8 ) EA Iowar, 354.00 184.00W 785.00 199.00 297.00 N(2,. Rewas Deoda Wheat M(3),T(3) PR Ml'ndsaur( 1 5) EAg Iowar, 18.00 19.00W 265.00 43.00 25.00 T( 1) Ghatawada Wheat FP Mandsaur ( 16 ) Jowar, 63.00W 23'8.00 67.00 55.00 M(2) Bhardawad \\-heat 'pp Mitndsaur( 1 ~) Iowar, 64.00W 27().00 115.00 46.00 Kochavi Wheat FP Mands(lur ( 14 ) Iowar, 51.00W 317.00 125.{)O 36.00 Jamalpura Wheat PR Mandsaur (9) BAC Iowar, 15.00W 174.00 35.00 42.eO T( 1) Ached ...... Wheat KR Mandsaur( 10) ~Ag Jowar, 52.00W, 197.00 50.00 14.00 J)i1awara Wheat 5.00N KR Mandsaur (3) BAg Jowar, 45.00W, 63.00 36.00 23.00 Dau Khedi Wheat 5.00N KR Mandsaur (2) EAg Iowar. 14.00W, 116.00 57,00 30.00 Hedarwas Wheat 5.00N KR Mandsaur (5) EAg Jowar, 42.00W, 107.00 39.00 13.00 Majeti Wheat 12.00N KR Mandsaur ( 6) EAg Jowar, 11.00W, 137.00 60.00 28.00 M(l) Galya Khedi Wheat 3700N PR Mandsaur (6) ED,EAg Jowar, 39.00W, 183.00 60.00 54.00. M(4) Malya Kh~di Wheat 20.00N

KR Mandsaur (7) ED,EAg Iowar, 18.00 81.00W, 304.00 89.00 188.00 Gujarda Wheat 201.00TK KR MandsauT (7) ED,EAg Jowar, 84.00 102.00W, 322.00 66.00 118.00 M(2) Bugaliya Wheat IS.OOTK KR Mandsaur( 13 ) ED,BAII Iowar, 41.00W 303.00 63.00 ,64.00 Pitba Khedi Iagir Wheat KR Mandsaur( 12} EA Jowar, 185.00W 455.00 IH.oO :!55.00 N(2), Dhariyl Khedi Wheat M(I),T(l ) KR Mandsaur (9) Jowar, 44·00 27.00W 239.'20 86.00 168.00 Heed Puha Khedi Wheat 218

~~(l~m~ 1I(&:f1fi1aYi ~ 'If" .~

",;f\'lf grit q;r ;nit vrlt iii' ~ ;;mi"1t' ~"~'lJ ,",,,-~rnf1H1tr,, lIT" it ,!N&l'1t ;mrI1I' .qi • '" IIS1ft it (-) illl' """" '"" iii). f~ &'iilflli~ ~ qf'ro~' ri\~ Hill lIT" ~') ~ it lIT" g F;r![;f') ~ ... ,firrnq GIN.. t Ifti a'R 'R II( ,'0 «(1I!1f{ it) iii) u~, (9 I(Ifi'A "Ii ~ Iff • -s fi& •."., S-10 fiI ••• III 10+fili-ft. """ Amenities avaiJable(if not available within the vlllale, a da.h (-) is shOWn In the column and nelll to it in bracket., the distance in broad raop. viii -Skm•• $-IOltmt IDd Io-t-kmc of the Dearelt place where tbe facUlty ia available ia aiyea). . ,-- ).. ~ rhJllq ~filit81 - !jf.r lfil f'1& lilt mm:/~ 1151 fell I U~ _iR"li Ifr.r) m it;-~ Iff~ IIiTt ~ (8 ~~- Total ~. ~-1tN) Loea- • bay or lion Total area population COlDDlunica. code of the .and Drinking days of tioo8(Bus-atop, the market I railway station. DUm- . Name of village (in number 01 water Post and ber "illage hectares) households Education Medical (Potable) Telegraph bat. if any watilr way)

I 2 a 4 S 4 7 8 9 10

21 '(,"lim 234.0Q 1,168(195) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10)- ":'(5-10)

22 1!.HfT",!~' 799.00 4, 3.9~(671) P(I),M(l) D( 1 ) W,T PO,Phone -(5-10) -(5-10)

23 '!;:lfT vf!' 415.00 216(40) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

24 ~~ 409.00 ~T<:T" , 25 ~T~~ 779.00 1,082(182) P(I),M(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

26 fun;:r 519.00 881(168} P( 1). -(-5) W -(- 5) -(5-10) RS

27 millm 1,181.00 1,559(282) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) W PO -(5-1P) -(-5)

28 ~ 598.00 671(126) P(l),AC(I) -(5~10) W -(~5) -(5-10) -( 5-10)

29 ~f<:lfT 109.00 CfT<:T'l'

30 fm~ ·510.00 683(117) P(I)_,AC(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 5- 11» -(5-10)

31 m~lfT'li9. 271.00 332(54) P(1) -(5-10) W -(5~10) -(5-10) -( 5-1 0)

32 ~qfq~ (~;~~h) 176.00 169(20) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

33 if)~lS~T 171.00 .190(29) p(l) - (-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

34 ffi<'f1lfT~") 183.00 199(44) P(I) -(... 5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

35 ;;run .ttl' (W~I]'\<:) 595.00 474(83) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

36 , filicl:fT

37 R:lff~T 390.00 87(16) -(-5) -(-5) W .. (-5) -(-5) -(-5)

38 qT~~T ~il' 310.00 397(67) P( 1) -( ... 5) W -(-5) -(... 5) -(-5)

39 f'ifilif.:rlfT 119.00 93(15) -(-5) -(5-10) R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

40 atorrCf

Amenities aud Land use Maudasur Tahsil

f~ , , .. ITIrn ~;pR: 'If~ :aqtFm ("~ "!.f1r ~ ~ f~f1r;q ~ it; m, 2af11i1 utfl:rllfi Cl'1lf IIfiJ ""' IIrf'i(ir ~~ l'() ~ ..... '" ' ~Q\ if ~ ~ it; lit ~"T El'1Ifi J 1lf(l&1fui1; IlfiJqJd (fiI;. ~. if) ,,!fim Land use (i. e. area under different typos of Land BI'm ~mcr UIO in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places ) ~ .. ~m _------...A..---_____ ~ ~a- ~r8'ii'f {t ... ~ rildt it; ftrit Ii~ it; ftrit " fuflll((f f,,~ wq~~ Il'!IIlIiS Remarks ('I');n &fR including IIIffittITi{T ufi6 , any place of Appro- Nearesl Culturable Area not religious, acb town and waste (inclu. available historical , to distanoe Power Staple Irrigatod Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeQlo- Name of rilla,. (in km,' SuppJy food' Forest by.onre. gated and groves) cuI tivation gical interest Village II ,12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

PR MandsaUr (9) ED,EA, Jowar, 64.00W 80.00 50.00 40.00 M(3) Ralayata Wheat PR Mandsaur ( 10) EA Jowar, 187.00W 224.00 92.00 283.00 N(10), M( 30), MlIltanpura Wheat 13.00N C(lO). T(10) PR Mandsaur (5) EA lowar, 66.00W 183.00 48.00 J16.00 Bhunya Khedi Wheat 2.00N Uninhabited Daulatpur

PR Mandsaur( 11) EA. Jowar, 145.00W 449.00 103.00 82.00 M(2), Ouradiya Deda ~eat T( 2) PR Mandsaur ( 10) ED,EAg . Jowar, 91.00W 303.00 76.00 49.00 Sindhwan Wheat KR.' Mandsaur (6) EA Jowar, 154.00W 766.00 160.00 101. 00 M(I), Saba Kbeda Wheat T(I) FP Mandsaur (8) EA Jowar, 48.00W 229.00 115.00 173.00 Bhuki Wheat 33.00R .. Uninhabited Kumhariya

FP Mandsaur (7) EA Jowar, 28.00W, 244.0'0 83.00 114.00 TO), Dhikola Wheat 41.00R M(2) FP Mal1dsaur (9) EAg Jowar, 22.00W 154.00 34.00 57.00 Akya Phattu Wheat 4.00R FP Mandsaur (3) EAa Wheat 19.00W 82.00 32.00 43.00 Rupali (Mandsaur)

FP Mandsaur (4) BAg Wheat 27.00W 92.00 26.00 32.00 Bol Kheda

FP MandsaUr (2) ED,EAg Wheat 17.00W 72•. 00 30.00 64.00 Lalghati

PR Mandsaur (2) EA Wheat 62.00W 391.00 99.00 43.00 T( 1) Jagga l(hedi (MandsilUr) FP Mandsaur (1) EA Wheat 24.00W 54.00 17.00 74.00 Kityani

FP MllndsaUr (2) EAR Jowar, 75,00W 207.00 81 . ao ,27.00 Tigariya Wheat PP Mandsau[ (4) EAI Jowar, 26.00W 170.00 48.00 64 .00 Bohara Khedi Wheat 2.00R pp Mandsaur (5) EAg Jowar, 7.DOW 50.00 22.00 22.00 ChikIiya ~ Wh~at 18.00R FP Mandsaur (4) EAI Jowar, 26.00W 92.00 41.00 49.00 AJaVl'da Kbedl Wheat 47.00R 22J

~m~ ff~«'t'I ~if1fila.,q ct'i ,!fq ".)11

EoqlifTlf Iffl'f 'if 'ill{ «'If 'Ii, ~<;f ;;;r;r~lilf' ;S-'t<;fll'l lI'II-,!fllf&If{(lff;: Q'II if 'l;f'l'''''-t .;mr.1'I "iii t Ii) iii'" it (-) .Iff ~ If," 1Ii"lw ,01 1fl'F.fq;<;f t{li.ltf~T~' iI't~ 'G"~ ...;: ~r 'liT60iIi. if "p, i!r f1l'a-,,) IV er~ '1Nrm( tion Total area population Day or Communiea. code of the and Drinking days of lioDS(Bus-stop, Name of village (in IIlHllber of water Post and ' tbe markell railway station. num· bat, if any ber Village hectares) householdS Education Medical (Potable) Telegraph water way)

1 2 3 4 5 (I 7 8 9 10

41 ~~ 1':'2.00 576( 1 02) - (- 5) - (-5) W -(-5) - (- S) -(-5} \ 42 'Ii~T 'f;:l{~1<: 2,229,00 983(173) P( 1 ) -(-i) W - (-5) -(- 5) - (- 5)

43 ifF;r~ 205.00 146(24) - (- 5) - ( -5) W -(-5) - (-S) -(oS)

45.00 47(9) -"(-5) -( -S) -(-5) 4~ ""~l!i~ W -(-5) -(-5)

45 ~;:!n~T 116.00 6{ 1 ) - (-5) - (- 5) W -(-5) - (- 5) -{-5)

46 fIilW'iO~T 496.00 3,499(570) P(I),M(l), H( I) T PO·: - (- S) -(-5) O( 1) Phone

47 1lIlij"~r 197.00

48 ~1lTl1 li~T 127.00

49 ~~ li~T 212.00 103( 13) -(-5) -(~-10) W -(S-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

50 f"QIf.fllT liosr<:TiT 112.00 312(49) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-<10) -(SolO) -(5-10)

51 fl{l:1I'l~ 166.00 206(45) -(5-10) -(5-10) W,T :"(5- 10) -(10+) ... (5-10)

52 iT'l, 'fl<'flSfT 390.pO 7(2) - (- 5) -(-5) W -(-S) -(10+) - (- 5)

53 afl'fTf<:lfT 551.00 397(72) -(-5) -(-5) W -(_S) - (10+) -(5-10)

54 ij-~f~lIl 623.00 903(127) P(1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

55 iII;fU 482.00- 631 (l00) P(l) -(10+) W,R -(-5) ·_(10+> - (-5)

56 1fT<; V~T 178.00 216(38) - (- 5) -(5-10) W,R - (- 5). -\5-10) - ~-5)

57 "t""" V~T 199.00 256(49) P(l) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) - (- 5)

58 ~<:T ;r~If


60 ~r~ 1,J08.00 2,132(357) P(1) SMP( 1) w PO -(5-10) -(-5) 221

Amenities and Land use Mandasur Tahsil

~~ ftmr) '{- 'If'!' 19qtJm (&Tlllm '!,fIJ 19qtJFr iii) f~f1rn:r firorl if; alGr ~tqoft &Iflr", Q'f'l' -.;t ;n1f q.;A '"'" ~~~ "" ...te ~~, if f.r~~ it; tit ~ifT 5''''} qfij~fuoI; ':01 (f1I;. ~. it) ~mn Land use (i. e. area nnder different typos of Land 8f1!I'~~ U80 in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places ) ~iIi~m ,------A..-______~ ~ ~naoif U If' "0) it; m~ lid\' iii f~ "'" f«f~ fulq ~&~- 8111cm;a Remarks (tfT'if( 8JA including ~m&T«f~) any place of Appro- Neareat eultorable Area not religious. leb town and waste (inclu. available historical to distanoe Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Name of ~ilIag. (in "ms) Supply food Forest by loureo gated and groves) cui tivation gical interest VillaQ;e

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

P': Mand_ur (2) BA Jowar, 22.00W 20.qO 48.00 40.00 N(7),M(1) Todi Wheat 42.00R Temple PR Mandsaur (1) BD, Jower. 645.00W 1282.00 29.00 273.00 M(2),C(I), Kasba EA. Wheat T(I) Mandsaur Pit Mandsaur (3) BD, Jowar, 40.00W H.OO 57.00 34.00 Nalchha BAg Wheat PR Mandsaur (1) BD" Jowar, 15.00W 9.00 7.00 14.00 Bawadi Kalan BAg Wheat PRo Mandsaur (1) BD, Jowar, 16.00W 76.00 14.00 10.00 Arnya Bhatti BAI Wheat PR Mandsaur (2) EA lowar. ~2.00W 233.00 103.0) 66.00 Khilchipura Wheat 2.00N Uninhabited Gyaspura

'".. Uninhabited Kayam Kheda

PR Mandsauf (5) ED. Jowar. 28.00W 121.00 48.00 8.00 Ajij Khedi BAg Wheat PRo Mandaaur (5) BD, .Towar, 11.00W 63.00 28.00 10.00 Nipaniya Me ghraj BAg Wheat KR Man!lsaUr (5) EAg Jowar, 14.00 16.00W 67.00 43.00 26.0 ; Mirjapura Wheat KR Mandsauf (3) Jowar, ,64.00 318.00 8.00 Beed Naulakha Wheat lCR Mandsaur (6) ED. Jowar, 28.00W 388,00 62.00 73.00 Aghoriya EAg Wheat :KR. ManoaaUf (7) ED, JOWar, 97.00W 379.00 109.00 38.00 Sejpuriya EAI Wheat ILR. Mandsaur( 11) BAg Jowar, 39.00W 290.00 54.00 76.00 Acnera W1:eat 23.00R FP Mandsaur (7) EAI Jowar, 21.00W 81.00 40.00 32.00 M(l) Gor KheJi Wheat 4.00R FP Mandsaur (7) EO, Jowar. 26.00W 106.00 53.00 14.00 M(l). T( 1) Buchcha Khedi BAg Wheat FP Mandsaur ( 1 3 ) BAg Jowar, 33.00W 331. QO 75.00 , 77.00 .. Khajuri Badayala Wheat 15.00R I FP Mandsaur ( 16 ) EA, Jowar. 39.00W 231. 00 81.0J 45.00 M(2) Bada Khedi Wheat FP Mandsaur(10) BA Jowar, 169.0 OW 716.00 140.00 83.00 N(2).M(2) Bhalot Wheat T(l) 222

~m~ ff,m(;l Iif;{..pari qti 1!_fq -q,""

t'fT:fhf Q'r If ;pr ;rTIf Ilrlf IIJ;r p omilllfJ <11\'1'18 ~;r-l!rli!iJltt("f' v'" it ~finnq G1IWI8 "tit. '" iii'" it (-) •• ~ tOft ~ f~ etii{'li\'i' It" Iffw~l 1II't1I ~(fill .. r

1 2 3 '4 5 (I 7 8 9 10

61 anrnT

64 'l;!Tf.I1

65 11~l'f~,!<:_T 291.00 740(114) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

66 1Oi\& ....1 206.00 27(6 ) -(-5) -(5-10) W " -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

67 'i!lt~ Ii~l 245,00 362(54) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

68 &(ifi~ lift 322,00 175(27) - (- 5) -( 5.... 10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

69 ~~~ 211. eo 150(19) - (-5) -(5 .... 10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

70 ~§,?T 277.00 362(61) P(l) -(5-10) W -(-5) . (-5) -(-5)

71 ~r.nTU 487.00 379(58) pel) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-16)


73 ~Z:;IJ~ 264.00 289(48) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) . -(5-10) .. (5-10)

74 'IftV<:fT 446.00 512(78) pel) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

7S iIT;;r.~l 353.00 321(44) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) ... (5 .... 10) .... (? .. 10)

76 ~~~If 346.00 443 (81) PO) -(5-10) W,R ... (5-10) -(5-10) - (5-10)

77 wm:rr 184.00 247(39) -( -5) ... (10+) W - (- 5) -(10+) -(-5)

78 814.00 935(147) P(l) Iff"~ -(5-10) w -(- 5) -(5-10) -(-5) 7.9 ~f.m r.r;;rrrr(t

'fflOl VtR)1r (~ ~ ~ ~ f1f",", ti6M ~ ~er ~t'If'Ifi mfq' . - llIilR it f.r~ ~ it; !(t. 1f'Il,1 iW) , <. (Rf(1fft Land uie (i. e. area ~ different t1M ot Land eI'II1Q ~ . use- 'in he_ctares rounded Up to 2 decimal pl~c.8) • f ~ r---:- - -:_"":"'-::':-~ ~ ~ mr.if ~ 111 ..6\ '!\IrQ' m. lilt f~ fvllQ ~ ~ tII'!'l'ftII Re111ilrks ('"~ ai\t inc]uc:lin,. ~~i any pisce 01 A9PrO- Nellns' .Culturable Area not -religious •. --~, t,tlwu·and ..... -...:r Staple waste (inclu. available historical 'to'" . - dlt~anoo I (rtlplecl­ Unirri. ding gauc~r for or archaeolo· Name of .ue~ , (ia kms) Suppjy 1'ood . :ForC$t by loure• -gated and groves) cultivation sica} interest VillallO .:...loL;....!__-....._---<----~---.:---_..,__------~~---;---.-- ______-11 - 12 -13 14 l,S 16 17 . 18 19 .--20 2 P,r 'l~.Ut·(tO) SA _ lawai. 166:00W '28.00' 134.00 -65.00 N(3),MCf), Amlawad . ,~' '. . Wlaeat T(4) FP Mandslur (7) EAg,BD Jowar , 99.00W 441.00 73:00- 35.00 . Tel) Rajakhedi Wheat FP . MandsaurClO) BAg,ED lowar, Sl.OOW 304.00 56.00 27.00- Richchha Bachcha WAdl FP Man4saur (') ,BAa Jowar • . 41.00W 22.00 . . Adhari alias Nirdbari PIl Manda.ur (3 j ED,BAa: Jowar, 76.00W 99.00 62.,00 S4.00 Manammadl"ura Whc,';t FP Mandsauat' (6) Jowar~ 18 :OOW 102 :>()o 54.00 32.00 Saudhani .. ' Wheat - IFP Man&1saur (:4) liAs Jowar, 14.00VV 147.00 56.00 18.00 Wheat FP Mandsaur (1) E~i lowar , l8.(lOW . 12().OO .139.00 25.00 Dha!,ad Khedi Wheal pP Man.lsaur (6). Jowar Hi.COW 108.00' 56.00 31. 00 Rasulpur .:) Wheat F.P Mandsaur (7) Eb,EAg Jewar 40.00W 139.00 43.00 50.00 Setkbeai_ Whea' \ PR Mandsaur· (9) .BAa lowtl" !H ; OOW 277.00 60.00.. 59.00 Sonagari Wheat FP 'Mandsaur (3) EAg Jowar, 6o.00W, 34.00 12.00- 20.00 Bahadari Wheat· 42. ()()R FP Mandsaur (7) EAI ;Towar, 30.00W, 82,00 47·.00 47.00 -Itayali • Wheat 58.00R FP MaudsaUr (8) ED,EAg . Jowar, 50_00W, 255.00 62.00 25.00 Wheat 54.pOR PP Mandsaur (') EDEAg Iowar, 40.00W 257.00 44.00 12.00 Baj Khedi Wheat ltR Mandsaur (7) BAli Jowar, .' .... 15 .OOW, 11•. 00 40.00 1~3.00 Damdam Whellt 14:'OOR , KIt Mandsaul ( 14) BAg Jowar, 28.00W .115.00 19.00 ~2.00 Hansali Wheat n Mandsaur( 10) m,EAg Jowar, 90.0.()W, 503.00 93.00 109'.00 Panpur Wheat 19.00R p~ Maadsaur (8) EA Jowar, .1t'.OO'W, 286.00 66-.00 132 00 M(4),T(1) Araniya Wheat 90.00R Nizamuddin J-'R Mudsaur( 21 ) EA, Jowat, r81.00W, 288.00 111.00 .299.00 T(n Udpura Wheat' 12.00R 224

~"..p&li q1i '!f_ .q~ -- . -' # p.n;ftq ~q tfit' ;:fTlt Irq "" f

I :2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , 81 ~r 128.00 113'(14) -( - 5)' .. (-5) w -(... 5) -(10+)' -(-:"5) \

498.00 604(84) PO) .,-(-5) w -(-5) -(10+)

1,036.00 837 (1.36) PO) .. ( i{)+) w -(-5) -(5-10) ... 168.,pO

85 ~f 359.00 60(}(110), P( 1) R .·(5-10) -(5-10)

I 336~57), -(-5) -(10+) R' -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

372.00 452(81 ), P(l) ... (-5) w -' (-5) - (-5) -(-5)

\ 88 frr'f("

7H.00 770(139) p(f) w -:-(-5) • -(-5)

545.00 485.(80) P{ 1) -(-5)

91 GfllfT ~~r (;:rT~) 591.00 842(149) . P( 1) w -(-5) -(5-l0) as

145.00 259(44). -(-5)- -(5-10f -w -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

i 51.00 183(27) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) .-(5-10) BS J , 380.00 J27(64) PO). -:-(S-lO) ~,ll -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

95 ~r~~r 871.00 1; 325(227) P(1 ),M(l) -( 10+) w PO -(10+) BS

571.00 493(84) W .. (-5) -(-5)

1.138.00 1.783(318) P(1),M(l) ~(10+' w PO,Phone us

152.00 171(33) -(-5) -(5,..10) w -(-5) . -(5-10) -(-5) , 2U9.00 57(11)' -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) , ; 236.00 293(36) -(5-10) -:-(5-10) w _':'(5-10) 225

Amenities and Land use Mandsaur Tahsil vrli ({iii fii!fiC({1i ;rm: f~ '!.~ '!fli ~lif (8!tfRr "if+! e-ql;flif -.;') fcrf'£;:., f.ti~T it; ellif ~tqur') entlrllfi VTIi IIiT rmr q{'fit t1;

~-- 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

PR Mandsaur( 21) BAg Jowar, 8.00W, 87.00 2l.oo 11.00 ~abdadi Wheat 1.00R PR Mandsaur ( 19 ) BAg Jowar, 25.00W 341.00 65.00 61. 00 .. Semli Wheat FP Mandsaur ( 1 8 ) EA Jowar, 42. OOW, 358.00 158.00 424.00 Kolwa Wheat 54.00R Uninhabited Beed N irdhari

FP Mandsaur(19) EAg Jowar, 30.00W 189.00 45.00 95.00 Lilaa Wheat FP Mandsaur(19) EAg Jowar, 5.00W, 88.00 28.00 24.00 Pitha Khedi Wheat 18.00R (Nahargarll ) PR Mandsaur(24) BAg Jowar, 49.00W 211 .00 57.00 55.00 T(2) Nirdhari Wheat PR Mandsaut('l2) BA Jowar, 119.00W 586.00 122.00 131.00 C(I),T(I) Piplya lCaradiya Wheat FP Mandsaur(23) EA Jowar, 12.00R, 323.00 117.00 73.00 M(2).T,3) Padliya Maru Wheat 188.00W FP Mandsaur(22) BAg Jowar, 57.00W 304.00 91.00 93.00 Khand~riya Maru Wheat 43'.00 PR Mandsaur(21~ EA Jowar, 141.00W 330.00 77.00 M(l),T(I) Jagga IChedi Wheat (Nahargarh) KR Mandsaur( 18) Jowar, 33.00W 88.00 15.00 9.00 Nawan Khedi Wheat PR Mandsaur( 18) Jowar, 21.00W 96.00 26 .'<60 14.00 Gariya IChedi Wheat KR Mandsaur(19)" EAg Jowar, 59.00W 224.QO 51.00 46.00 Bekheda Wheat PR Mandsaur ( 14 ) ED,BAg Jowar, 87.00W )59.00 122.00 103.00 M(l);C(I) Maliya Kher Wheat K.heda FP Mandsaur ( 15) ED, EAg Jowar, 39,00W 339.00 76.00 117.0J M ( 1 ) I T( 1) Digaon IChurd Wheat PR Mandsaur (8) ED,EAg Jowar, 164.00W 704.00 184.00 86.00 N ( 5 ) ,M(1 ), Digaon Mali Wheat T(1) FP Mandsaur (8) Jowar, 19.00W 93.00 19.00 21.00 Chhayan Wheat Jowar, 16.00W 166.00 14.00 13.00 Luhari Shekh FP Mandsaur ( 1 3 ) J' Wheat Luhari Shripat FP Man~saur (16) EAi Jowar, 50.00W 138.00 38.00 10.00 Wheat 226

~«1~~~ ~,,~gyq q1I( '!.f" qJq,,)IJ

Ef.fTlI'l'lf Ilr" 'lif ;n" Iff" iii' for Gflf«lIIlf' ~,,",ilf ;r"."Ifarant {lrf;: vrq q !Jf'i!in~ ~q'Wi9' 1f;P ,!it ~fWII it (-) fur ~ trlfY 1(;). !ilOF 1ii'1;fq;o;r ~I,f~~; aft~ :;r,,~ .r~- i!1" ;WT6oifi if !Irq q. fli('f.i) '!~ q'~ ,!fcr8'Jq l;q'W'. ~ IIli m ill ~i' "R'~ (~lI"( if) ~) qJpf, , '" !l~H ll'Ii ~ Iff ~ -5 fiIi.Ii'r., ,.10 fili.lit. IIr 10+"• .0, Amenities ql1ailable(if Dot available withilJ the village, • dalh (-) is sbown ilJ the colnmll lind next to h in brackets. the distance in broad ranges viII -Skm•• S·I OItIUS ,.--_--"'----.and IO-H{m~ of the lJearest______place where-A.----_------_--""""I the faciiily is available is ,iveD). vlsfQrlf; r.fiRg! Cfr.t !liT ~ sr11 ~'{/~ Ifil r." I ~"I'{ 1IIf~' CfflI)' 6~ ~ f~iP~f~ ifi"I't ~ (IHf ~~- Loea- Total ~lIf'f. ar~-'fN) tion Total area population Day or Communica. code of the and Drinking days of tions(.Hus-stoP. num- Name of village (in ou"loer 01 water Post and tne marlcell railway station. ber Village hectares) households Eduoation Medical (Potable) Telegraph bat. if any water way)

1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

101 f:;Wi?Jt"tT 501.00 8'49(136) P(I) -(- 5) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(- 5)

102 ft;?T 6~!l. 00 1,487(251) P( 1) - (-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5.-10)

103 ",rel[t 1 . 516.00 2,559(438) P(l),M(l ), D(l) W PO -(10+) -(10+> AC(l) \ 04 .. tm ~~'T 308.00 405 (70) P(I) - (-5) W -(.5) - (1 C+) BS

1"05 ~f

106 CfI<1~t 663.00 672(109) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

107 '1"<1lr~ 427.00 327.(54) pel) -(-5) W -( .. 5) -( 10+) BS

108 ~iT 654.00 1,163(173) P(l) -(-5) W ~(-5) -(10+) BS

109 q,)lrO'P(c.l 373.00 515(92) P(l) -(- 5) W -(-5) -(10+) BS

110 <1T!iT 764.00 1,254(252) P(I) . (10+) W,R PO -( 10+) -(-5)

111 m~r~ 267.00 290(41) -(-5) -(10+) W -(-5) _(10+) -(-5)

112 ilCfT

113 ~q:T

114 '01'1"1 743.00 1 ,121 ( 1 87) P( 1) -(5-10) w -(_5) -( 10+) _(_'i)

115 'I1

116 f;r~ lfTf<=r1tT 470.00 417(71 ) P(1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -( 10+> BS .- 117 ~~T ~¥T 449.00 616(86) pel) .. (5-10) W,HP -(_5) -(5-10) -(-5)

118 if"r<=r~r 494.00 392(75) P(l) -(5-10) W -(_5) -{5-!0) -(-5)

119 fil<1rn-r 744.00 713(135) P(l), M( 1 ) .. (5-10) w PO -(5-10) BS

120 '{.gc;rr 288.00 247(43) -(-5) -(-5) W - (-5) _(_IO+> - (-5) " 227

Amenities and Land use Mandsaur Tahsil

VT1r (J16 f~tI1f ;:pn: ftnAr1 ~ qflf l8'q'lfTtr (Bf'fm 'lflf l8'lflfPr iii') fc(M"f fif;~T if; al~ fatqllft mflt"'Ii VTlf IIit ;rnr Ifi~_ ~:am l;~T 'liT IIfT1II't. ~ ~IR if f.r;~~1f ~1IT~ if; ~ ~lifT 6!fi J qfQ~fu!fi IIi1 Ifm (fit; • If) . it) ~f

11 12 13 14 IS 16 t7 18 19 20 2

FP Mandsaur( 15) EO. Jowar. 118.00W 238.00 68.00 77 .00 M( I),T(l) Chiplana EAg Wheat FP Mandsaur ( 17) EA Jowar, 180.00W 383.00 75.00 50.00 M(l),T(l) Rinda . Wheat PR Mandsaur ( 14 ) EA Iowar, 175.00W 880.00 389.00 72.00 N(3),M(3), Bardiya Wheat T(3) PR Mandsaur(16) BA Jowar. 25.00W 194.00 60.00 29,00 Bansa Khedi Wheat FP Mandsaur ( 17) - EAg Jowar, 67.00W 332.00 92.00 24.00 Dhaturiya Wheat FP Mandsaur (20) EAg Jowar, 63.00W 402.00 13.5.00 63.00 Paldi Wheat PR Mandsaur( 11) Jowar, 30.00 26.00W 346.00 8.00 17.00 Palwai Wheat KR Mandsaur ( 15) ED, J'owar, 21.00 180·00W 358.00 43.00 52.00 Suri EAg Wheat KR Mandsaur ( 14 ) ED, Jowar, 30.00 62.00W 256.00 7.00 18.00 Pipa[ Khunta EAg Wheat FP Mandsaur ( 15 ) BAg Jowar. 118 .OOW, 453.00 77·00 107.00 Lodh Wheat 9.00R FP Mandsaur( 14) ED, ]owar, 61.00W. 158.00 31.00 15.00 Tisai BAg Wheat 2·00R FP Mandsaur ( t 4 ) EAg Jowar, 74.00W, 378.00 112.00 37.00 Netawali Wheat 2.00R PR Mandsaur..( 14 ) Jowar. 30.00W 253.00 45 00 34.00 Rupawali Wheat (Nahargarh) FP Mandsaur(3) EAg Jowar. 126.00W 413.00 102.00 102.00 Rathana Wheat FP Mandsaur( 14) Jowar, 44.00W 162.00 86.00 29.00 Bhatana Wheat PR Mandsaur( 1 3) BAg Jowar. 33.00W 301.00 100.00 36.00 Temple Chirmoliya Wheat FP Sitamau (9) Jowar, 42.00W 314.00 38.00 55.00 T(2) Lachchha Khedi Wheat FP Sitamau (5) lowat, 29.0oW 348.00 7t .00 46 00 Kamalpura Wheat PR Sitamau (5) ED, Jawar, 54.00W 541.00 79 00 70.Q') Bilantri EAg Wheat FP Sitamau (2) Jowar, 31.00W 219.00 19.00 19.00 Mundla Wheat 228

q;q:m~ oe:~ft~ 15ft={·,f.aTll qti ,!f'l iiqq)lt

E"ff;:rrlt IXP{ iiir fa'!") <;;'(t,CJ~ ~fiil'il~ n;;r,. ~ II)€' m q't

Ii 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

121 ':ITTiii~ 547.00 587(106) P(1 ) -(-5) W ..... ( ..... 5) -(10+) --( -oS)

122 "{T

123 \~}::r?TCf<::r 270.0() 290(45) -(-5) -(~5) w -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

124 at'liiOl'(if~<: 1,091.00 2,305(396) P(2),Mll) D(I).S:VIP(3) W PO, P;lvl1e -(5-10) -(5-10)

125 (ifl!~T 282.00 181(32) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(5-~O}

126 'lfrc;:{

127 l{Tl§'l§r~T 337.00 129(23) -( - 5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) ~(5 .. 10)

128 '!,<::TItFIl 573.00 6(15(106) P(1) -(~5) W -(-5) ~(5-1O) -(5-10)

129 OfIq:bn 546.00 707(107) P(l),AC(1) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

Po cn!J:~rGfi'f 881.00 1,534(248) P(l),AC(l) -(-5) W -t-5) -(~5) -t - 5)

131 ·nun 240.00 519(93) P(l) -(5-10) w -(-5) -( -.5) -(-5)

132 l{T~m'9T 323.00 330(58) -( .... 5) ~(5-10) W -(-5) - (5-10) -(-5)

133 <'f~lJT 665.00 1,162(178) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

134 'lrlJ:s'1 324.00 511(94) P(I) ... ( -5) W .... ( - 5) -(-5) -(5-10)

135 ~a-~ijir 1,614.00 3,855(701) P(I),M(1), PHC(l). W PO,Phone Sunday BS PUC (l) FPC( 1) ,SMP( 3) 136

137 filHiji;=f 648.00 860(153) -(5- 10) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) ~(5-10)

138 lJll§T'9T 195.00 231(36) -(~5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) .... (5-10) -(5-10)

139 ~~r attiOl''ff 736.00 569(96) -(5-10) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -( 10+)

140 1lf1l't'T 949.00 1,543(26·1) P( 1) -(5-10) W PO -(5-10) -(5.... 10) 229

Amenities llnd Land use Mandsaut' Tahsil

VT1f~ f'I'IRij1f ~ mnft ~ 'lfq ~)~ (8('fM \Tfif eq1J11r 111ft f"funt fiI;~ it eli' ~tqvi1 Utflrlti Irq ltit Iff1f q-if:;f.r ~em l~1 Ill"! ,".rv ~I("( it f.ri~~q ~~ it II) ~~1 ~lti) . qfij~fulti 1ft,"" (ft;, '". it) put Land use (i. e. area nnder different typos of Land .EIN'O ~Ttf~ usc in hectares rounded up t6 2 decimal places ) ~"it ~~ ,_-__. ---_.:__-..A.-_. _ _:. ___ ~ m&a II'! m1!tiif U Il~ _til it; mit v(ft it f~ f~f,", fvflota r;rq ....u IP\W{ 8(,!q~i9 Remarks (m"l'l: a:r)~ inclUding ~tm~l~f~i any place of . Appro· Nearest Culturablo Area not religious, &cb town and waste (inclu. available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unird- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Name of ,illago (in ems) Supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Village

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

FP Mandsaur ( 12 ) EAa Jowar, 72.00W 317.00 117.00 41.00 Ishakpur Wheat FP . Mandsaur (8 ) EAg Jowar, 51.0OW 377 .00 94.00 34.00 Rana Kheda Wheat FP Mandsaur (S) EAg JOwar, . 47 .OOW ~67 .~O 44.00 12.00 Tumdawada Wheat K.R Mandsal;ll" (9) ED, Jowar, 157,OOW 659.00 193.00 82.00 NeZ), Afjalpur BAg Wheat M(5),T(2) FP Mandsaur (7) ED, Jowar, 52.00W 182.00 37.00 11.00 .. . Lasudi EAg Wheat . KR Mandsaur( I J) BAg Jowar, 141.00W 278 .• 00 69.00 -30.00 Bhat Rewas Wheat FP Mtmdsaur ( 1 3 ) EAg Jowar, 46.00W 230.00 45.00 16.00' Maru Khedi Wheat FP Mandsaur( 11) EAg~ Jowar, 97.00W 341.00 95.00 40.00 Gudiyana Wheat KR Mandsaur( 18) ~EAg ]0 war , l12.00W 334.00 67.00 33.00 ~brecl1a Wheat KR Mandsaur ( 1 7) EAg Jowar, .. 206.00W 540.00 95.00 40.0(1 L'\sudawan Wheat FP . Mandsaur (8) BAg Jowar, 45·00W 113.00 35.00 ' 47.00 Bagya Wheat FP Mandsaur (9) EAg lowar, ·28.00W 214.00 57.00 24.00 Morkheda Wheat . FP . Mandsaur (9) ED, Jowar, 177 .OOW 353.00 92.00 43.00 M(1) Ladusa EAI Wheat FP Mandsaw-( 14) BAg Jawar, 94.00W 187.00 29.00 14.00 Pinda Wheat PR Mandsaur ( i 8 ) EA Jowar, 3I2.00W 937.00 186.00 179.00 N(2S),' Dhundhadaka Wheat' M(7),T(4) PR~ Mandsaur ( 24) EA Jowar , ·268.00W 711. 00, 185.00 87.00 N(2), Badwan Wheat M(2), T(4) FP Mandsaur( 12) BD, Jowar, 65.00W 378.00 173.00 32.

. ~~qm" ",,,.pari ~ '!nt ......

llil ",iftlf fllt ;PI ;:nil .,q ,ot i11i1911l1' , ~"w'a .1f-1Jmfl{(lI'N .," i ,!flflJll( IIWiS If(f .' m ..... it (-) fllf tI'INI w 1Iit. 'i" "1J'I8 ~qrom:l ~ ... .-R il' ~ it 11'1'1 U f"l'{f;u IV 'A '!!f'imI1 WIle.. ' .ni m Ill; ~ I~ ;rAn (~tn: it) !!ilm, ·(9 1I11i'~ ,. IIir 1ft • -5 fiI; • .n., 5-10 fiI.~. lIP lO+r..~. Amenitiel available (If Dot a1'll-iJabie withio tbe villale, a da.h (-) ilshowo 10 the columo aod nexl 'to It in bracket., the distance in broad ran~1 yjJ -StlDl.S·IOkml and Io+kmc of 'he nelre,' place "here the faciUty i8 lvailable il,ivca). A ' ,..... t"flqlli r.m8l cff.t "" ... aft~ ~/~ lIi1 rc." U~J1: eq~ CfTirl a-~ ~ f~ Iff« ~ ~ (.9 mer ~- Loca- Total , ~. l1I'«-ltTtf) do~ - Total area population 'Day or Communica. code of the and Drinking days of \doD8(Bua-ltoP, BUIl1" Name qf village (in Dumber 01 . water Post and tbe market! railway station. ber VUlage . hectares) bOll.ebold. Education Medical (Potable) Telegraph bat, if any water way)

I 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10

141 III'rm 607.00 747(129) P(l ) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+> -(5-10.> '\ \' 142 GTllil' 367.00 332(60) P( 1) ..... (5-10) W -(-5) ~(10+) -(X O+) . 143 ~T~;:;rT 7,40.00 967(136) PO ). - (- 5) w -(-5) - (10+) -(10+)

144 ID~~~ 221.00 197(36) -(-5) -(- 5) W -(-5) -( 10+) -(10+)

145 1I!..ro~ 1,463.00 3,200(548) P( 1 ),M(1) DO.) W PO,Phone -(10+) ~S

146 m~T 631.00 239(36) POI - -( - 5) , w -(-5) -(10+) -(10+>

147 ~~ ~~T 421.00 339{53) P( 1) -(- 5) W ~(-5) -(10+> -(10+)

148 an;;:Il"T '!.;;r~ 538.00 495(84) P(I) -(-5) W -( -5) -(10+> -(10+)

149 ~;:prr ~ 228.00 171(26) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+> -(10+)

150 f~~"= 549.00 763(125) P(l ) ... (5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) ..... (10+)

lSI U~T .~') 634.00 928(155) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

152 ~~1rT... 350.00 483(72) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 153 m~' 586.00 798(141) P(l) -(-5) W -(-S) -(5-10) -(5-10)

154 ~~ S9€ .00 468(74) PC 1) -(~5) W ,-(-5) -(S-10) -(-5)

155 m~ 727.00 511 (74) P(l) -(-5) w .... (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) _

156 ~ 800,·00 1,368(224) P(1) -(-5) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5..;,10)

_57 '~Ir'~ , 453.00 582(91 ) P(I) -(10+) w -(-5) -(10+) ... ( ~O+) . 158 lIi~r 247.00 299(49) -(-S) -(10+, w -(-5) -(10+) .... ( 10+)

159- 1tTefimlfT ,273.00 393(63) P(l) -(10+) ~ w -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

160 '(I'l'\' .~ft _ 343.00 264(45) -( -5) -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+) ~-(10+) 231

Amenities and Land use Manrt'saur Tahsil

ITlf 8''fi f'f~8'1f rrtf<: f~ 't~ ~lt ;a't(li)tr (8T'f~er 1f,flt ;a-ql[)lr iii') fCffu;:;:r RiHfT if; !llg ~tqO!') mfil"!f> (lTif liT rrnl" !fif~ ~ om ~,') 'fiT .art" ~!i~ it f;;!f>cffJf ~l!flti!'[Cf if;

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

FP Sitamau ( 26) EAg Jowar. 76.00W 393.00 99.00 39.00 lhakard .. Wheat PR Mandsaur(24) JOWlf, 31.00W 274.00 44.00 18.00 Ta.karda Wheat PR Mandsaur( 35) EAg. Jowar, 89.00'" 490.00 113.00 48.00 M ( I ) , T ( 1) Stlmalya Kaji ED Wh<:at KR Mandsaur( 36) Jowar, 12.00W 153.00 41.00 15.00 SataI Kbeda Wheat PR Mandsaur( t4) ED, Jowar, 255.00W 956.00 176.0J 76.00 T( t) KUnl:hrod BAg Wheat KR Mandsaur (20) Jowar , 30.00 16.00W 461.00 82.00 42.00 Bhaota Wheat Kit Mandsaur( 13) EAg Jowar , 31. OOW 218.00 93.00 79,00 Ladu Khedi Wheat KR Mandsaur( 30) Jowar, 48.00W 240.00 93.00 157.00 Arnya Qujar Wheat KR Mandsaur(22) Jowar. 6.00W 125.00 66.00 31.00 Ranma Khe

Irlf llir f~ 'ififW6!l' \J'li;iU" 'if,,-,!rifal~ (ltf, gllf ii ,!fiHlrq GIl"''' Ififi ,m ~rn it (-) ill( ;;mm I'('~l lJ,iiir lHilI''li(lll f(1!I ,tf~r"(l !ll'\lj :aq" ~, ~r IIi)Si5ifi ii !ir" " f'Ofa';;) iV en ,!fcf"~ orq-." ij ~ m 1ft q i6 (~Ir"( if) iii) d'lll ,~ lJifil~ .,. i(j"hrt ~ -5 f.Ii "~.' 5-10 f.ii.m. III lO+fiI • .rt. Amenities available(i( nOI available within the village, I dalb(-)is shown In the column and next to it in bracketl, the distance ID broad rangel viI -5Itml.S-lOkms and 10+km~ of tbc DClrcst place wbere Ihe faciiily is ,available il.iveD). r---- _-A. i"fQrl6 r.fl5?w, q");r lIil "l1fi' at'l~ ~/~ iii' f'q;r I 6,{1"( lIl:f~'--- ttAr ~~ it f~ ~f~ I!i1f ~ (.'" ~qm­ Loca­ Total ~Vil' • ~;;r-",q) tiOD Total area population Day or . Sommunica. code of the and Drinking days of tlons(Hus-Slop, DUm­ Name of village (in number 01 wa ter Post and the martctl railway station. ber Village bectares) houscholds Education Medical (Potable) Telegraph bal, if any water way) 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 , 919(149) P( 1) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-1,0) -(.5)

16 2 t!~fi{l:n 606.00 1,068(180) P( 1) -(5-10) w PO -(5-10) -(-5)

500.00 539(82) P(l) -(5... 10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

164 ~flift(T~T 450.00 807(149) P(I) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

316.00 375(66) P(l) - (5- 10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

166 .~ !:T~"( 531.00 275(53) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -( 5-1 0)

1,587.00 2,990(469) P(2),M(I), SMP(3) W, T PTO,Phone -(-5) -(-5) PUC(l),AC(2) 397.00 435(76) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5.... 10) -(5-10) -(-5)

169 ITt'F-Tf ~T~ 958.00 1,821(325) P(I),AC(l) -(5-jO) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

170 ifT;;T ~~ 598.00 1,524(277) P(I) -( 5-1 0) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

171 ~ 't<1 909.00 2,253(423) Pll),M(2) -(-5) W -(-5) Saturday ... (-5)

205.00 369(65) PO) -(5-dO) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

173 ~ 671.00 1,210(194) P( I) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(- 5) -(-5)

174 ifTf ritt 142.00 111(22) -(-5~ -(5-10) w -(-5) -( - 5) -(-5)

278.00 170(30) P( 1) -(-5) W -( -5) -(5-10) -(5... 10)

176 f.p:qT Ii~ 315.00 583(93) P(I) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

586.00 833(133) P(l) -(-5) W,R -(-.:s) -(5-10) - (5-10)

1 7 8 ~lff~, ~"(T 908.00 1,324(246) P(l) -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

265.00 185(36) - ( .... 5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(5-10) -( 5-1 0)

862.00 1,157(226) P(l) -(-5) w -(5-10) -( 5-10) - (5-10) 233

Amenities and Land use .l\1a~!dsaur Tahsil

ImfCf'" f.:r~Cf1r rr1R fllPrijfl '!~ W" ;a-qlflq (8!"Iier 'l',f" ;a-'llflif iii') fcrf'4f

il;!{~l"{ Ct,elt:t Gfi{~fE(ati ~ '!_fq .qW)Q

~~r;o{flt «flf '!if ilfll' VII:r llil ~'it ::iIifQi1.l'1 ~t;;WJ ::iIif-,!fqa'l~ Utfil IJIIl If ~fciFl'~ iijlffii!J ;fifl ~ a1 'Ii'" ii (-) gill: ~lIT ~fI;rr .,.TlI ~q 1I1;;t'1i>;'l ~l( 'Tf~qn:l afi1j 'Gtf~ ilr~ i'fl' lliTSo'ii ii lHl!l;r) ~il q~ ~fq~ iijQiitl'8 ~ qre !In: It<: q ~U ;w~;;n: (~tr"{ it) lET fi.trr . '''' lI'lir~ " .. iii) q~ ~ -5 f'li • .n., 5-10 f•. lit. Ifl lO+Pi.lff. Amenities 11 IIail abJe (if no! available Witbin tbe villagc, II dasb (-) is sho"n in thl" column lind nelt! to h in braCkct., the distance In broad ranges vi21 -Skl~,a.5-1 Okms Ind lO+kmt of the nearest place wh ere the faciiity is available is given). r--.-~------_____ A ______~------.-, wlSffiQ. r.~,,, I'Jr;r 'Iil ~1'Ii 1II"~ ~I~ 'iiI ~;{ I fl"l~ ~q~t qriil 6~ iii f~if trf~ iflTt ~ (liHf mq ~- Loca- Total ~U'T·. ;;;r~-~Jlli) lion T()tal area population Day or Communica. code of the and Drinking days of tioDs(Hus-stop, nun)- Name of village (in IlIllllber 01 water Post and the marketl railwav station. ber Village hectares) households Education Medical (Potable) Telegraph bat~ if auy water way)

---~ I l 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------181 :;:'tTlili 468.00 1,287(195) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -( 10+> -(10+)

182 'if'llfalXl 1,096.00 1,630(291) P(i),M( I) -(5-10) w -(10+) -( 10+) -( 1 0+>

183 .P.:1i~,) 332.00 :1 ; 1 ) -(-5> -( 5-10) w -(10+) -( 10+) -( 10-; )

184 m'lTT 178.00 95(13) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

185 1=I'm:mT 438 00 232(42) -(-3) -(-5) w -(-5) -00+) -(10+>

186 ~'111lf~T II 11.00 l,244(206) P( () -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(10+>

187 l:H'flf'm 236.00 83(16) -(~5) -(5-10) R -( -5) ~(l 0+) -(5-<10)

188 rr·~t

189 ;it!l<'fT 828.00 286(48) P( 1) -(-5) w -(-5) -( 10+) -(JO+)

190 'liq 1,029 1'0 2,2C9(401) P(l),M(l) D(I) w PO -(10+) -( 1 0+)

191 V'T<"f >i?r 309 00 465(77) PC I) - :-·5) W -(-5) -(10+) -( 10+)

192 ifoG<'rn: 597.00 990( 171 ) P( 1), -(-5) \V - (-_ 5) -( to+) -(10+ ) Act 1) 193 lfl-:ffl~ 807·00 649(103\ P(I} -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -( JO+)

194 'ITI~ lT~ 465.00 2,044(354) P(2),Jl-l(I), D( 1) W,R PO Friday -( 10+) PUC(t} 195 ~".,ft 464.00 277( 40} P(1) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -( 1<'+) -( 10+)

196 ~~~l~ 310.00 J42(20} -(-5) -~-5) W -(-5) -( 10+) -( 10+)

197 'lf~<"f I,S81 00 2, 29G( 40~) P( 1), M{ 1 ) FPC(l ) -w PO -( to+) -( to+)

198 Ifr;;rrf<{lfl 334.00 362(63) pel) -(-5) W,R -(-5 ) -(10+) -(to+)

199 iifF 1.814. 00 2,442(449) P(I),Mll) -(5-10) W PO -(10+) -110+)

200 !:fr<1r~r • I 938·00 1,686(246) P( 1 ) • \;1 (l > -( - 5) W -(-5} -(10+> --(lO+) 235

Amenities and Land use ,Mandsaur Tahsil

1WJa'1Ii fiflRttlf ifJn: fr;r;or;;rT "!".~ 1!f1'f e-

- -~------~------~------11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

------~------~ _--- KR Mandsaur( 14) EA Jowar, 78.00W 272.00 80.00 38.00 Dorana Wheat KR Mandsaur( 14) 'EA Jowar, 176.00W 718.00 143.00 59.00 T(3 ) Jawasiya Whea Barkhedi FP Mandsaur ( I 3 ) Jowar, IO.OOW 283.00 29.00 10.00 Wheat 8.00 Gyanpura KR Mandsaur( 13) Jowar, 18. 00W 139 00 13 00 Wheat Mangrola KR Mandsaur(16) EAg Jowar, 36.00W 293 00 95.00 14.00 Wheat 108.00 34.00 Karana Khedi KR Mitndsaur ( 16) EA Jowar, 144.00W 531 00 Wheut 1::0.00 54,00 54.00 Sakariya KR Maudsaur( 1 5) EAg Jowar, 8.00W Wheat 187.00 N(l) , Nandawuta KR Mandsaur( 12) EA Jowur, 157.00W 997 00 180.00 Wheat M(l) 461.QO 112 00 207.00 Chosla KR Mandsaur(24 } EAg Jowar, 47.00W Wheat 637.00 153.00 56.00 N(3), Karju KR Mandsaur ( 18 ) EA Jowar, 183.00W Wheat M(7) 52.00 40.00 Pipal Khedi KR Mands .. ur(21, Jownr. 47.00W 170.00 Wheat 350.00 90.00 86.00 ClI), Kat/ar KR Maud_;aur( 21) EAg JowOlr, 71.00V.... T( 1) Wheat 479.00 146.00 68 00 M{l), Maukhedi KR :tvl ndsaur (24) EAg Jowar, 114.00W Wheat C( 1) 230 00 58.00 5.3 00 N(2), Bhaugarh KR Pratapgarh(? 7) . EA Jowar, 124.00W Wheat M(1},T(2) 65 00 . 48.00 Hal{;h:tlJctl KR Pratapgarh( 46) EAg Jowar, 47. OOW 304.00 Wheat 28.00 11.00 KllerQlia KR Mandsaur (29) EAg Jowar, 35.00W 236.00 Wheat 330.00 119. 00 ;vf( I) , Nandw.!! KR Mandsaur(30) EA Jowar. 256. (JOW 1,176.00 T( 3) Wheat 25.00 BaloJiya KR Joara(30) EAg Jownr, 25.00W, 210. 00 55.00 Wheal 19.00R 256.00 96.00 M( 1) Behpur KR Mandsaur( 31) EA Jowar, 241.00W 1,221. 00 Wheat 63.00 Dhandnoda KR Mandsaur( 27) EA Jow.lr, 149.00W 681.00 145.00 Wheat 236

~m~C(~~~ 6f~-~f~ati C{'i llfq .QU)q - "'

pu;t'tq trrll" ~f 'fIll trill "'1 ~;r iiA61i'll ~lc;rilJ ;>f"-~f;;j~rrt (lffll !JII!' if ,!fqlfllt

I 2 3 4J; 5 6 7 8 9 10 ---- :?-01 'W~T~lfT 702.00 430(71) P(I) -(5-10) W -(-5) - (10+) -(10+)

202 «i'fT 1,322.0{) 2,102(-,65) P( 1 ),M( 1 ) , -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(10+) AC(1 ) 2()3 lT~trr 1,009.00 1,450(256) P( 1) -(-5) W -\-5) -( \0+) -( 10+)

204 ~1TlfI''1''t 363.00 493( 86) pel) -(5·-10) w -( -5)\ -( 10+) -( 10+)

-( 10+) -(5 -1 0) 2 05

206 ';1I~~1 793.00 1,509(234) P(l),M(t) -(-5) w PO -(10+) -(5-10)

-(-5) 207 a'r:;r r,7~T 360.00 626(113) P( 1 ) -(5-10) W -(10+) -( 10+)

208 ~-(T 797.00 1,128(217) P( I ) -(-5) W -(-5) -( 10+) -( 1')+)

209 ~R'~~ 417.00 974(179) P(I) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) -( 10+)

2!0 "'~f~lfT ~i

2It ~rrrT 1,091 . 00 998(164) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -( 10+) -( 10+)

212 f,,;.i't~ 1,156.00 2, 1 36 (378) p( I ), M (1 : DCI ),SMP(3 J W,HP -( 10+) -( 10+) -(5·-10)

213 q\'tfftrl'T 551.00 718(123) P( 1) -(-5) W -( ·5) -(10+) -(5-10)

214 ~:;r~HT 549.00 518(90) P( I ) -,-5) W -(-5) -( 10+) -(5- 10)

215 q~ffi 690.00 944(175) P(1) -(5-10) W - (-5) -( [O+} -(5-10)

216 lf~'1>:T 233.0Q 214(33) -(~5) - (-5) W -(-5) -( 10+) -(5-10)

217 ~'fT 938.00 1,350(205) P(l),AC(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5--10) -(5.10)

218 \'tt<'fT !isf 663.00 662(111) P(1 ) -(5-10) W - (-5) -(5-10 ) -(-3)

219 <:T~ ~~t!\?:T 650.00 ,,661(297) P(l),M(I), - ( -5) W -(5-10 ) -( 10-t-) - (-5) AC(l) 220 ~i"I1<'n lJ~l 475.00 829(134) pel) 1) i 1 ) w -( - 5) -(10+) -(-5) 237

Amenities aod Land use Mandsaur Tahsil

VNn ~CIll~ r~ 'i1lQ 'If" aq1l'ffl (1II'1lRr ,!fl'l iilfll'rT ~ r

A.. ______~ ,..----- mlItr ~nrn 9- ,,~ V6T it fuir vijJ % f~ "" fef"RJ r,,~ a~!l IiI'f\W( ar~lffiiS Remarks ('1ll'R arR including 'Ifromq:l ~f~' any place 01 Appro- Neare.t eulturable Area not religious, aeb towD aDd waste (inclu. available historical to distanoe Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Name of ,ilIall' (in "ma) Supply food Forest by IOUrce lilted and groves) cultivation gical interest Villaae

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Mandsaur(26) EA Jowar, 55.00W <493.00 143.00 11.00 Bhandariya Wheat KR Mandsaur ( 2 i) EA Jowar, 346,00W 666.(10 172.00 138.00 M(I),T(6) Bani Wheat KR Mandsaur( 22) EA Jowar, 186.00W 582.00 , 137.00 104.00 T(1 ) Garoda Wheat KR Mandsaur(24) BAg Jowar, 32,OOW 224.00 66.00 41.00 Sagwali Wheat KR Mandsaur ( 1 g) EA Jowaf, 1 I 8. OOW 354.00 100.00 33.00 T(4) Rakoda Wheat KR Mandsaur ( 1 8) EA Jowar , 152.00W 472.00 130.00 39.00 M(3), Akodada Wheat T(5) KR Mandsaur(21 ) EAg Jowar, 92,OOW 201.00 '~3.00 24.00 Taj Knedi Wheat K.R M andsaur (22) EA Jowar, 140.00W 530.00 94.00 33.00 M(2) , Dehri Wheat T( 1) KR Mandsaur(20) EAg Jowar. 94.00W 214.00 85.00 24.00 Chanda Khedi Wheat KR Mandlaur( 28) ·EA Jowar, 244.fJOW 610.00 134.00 85.00 N(l) , Khajuriya Sarang Wheat M(2) ,T(4) K.R Maadsaur(29) EA Jowar. 114.00W 118.00 155.00 104.00 Kho(!ana Wheat KR Mar:dsaur(25) EA Jowa r , 196:00W 690.00 152.00 118.00 N(10), Nimbod Wheat M( 4),T(3) KR Mandsa J r(27) ED, .Towar, S1.00W 315.00 94.00 61.00 M(l ) Palasiya BAg Wheat KR Mandsaul (24) EA Jowar, 67.00W 332.00 114.00 36.00 Majesara Wheat KR Mandsaur (25) EA Jowar, 100.OOW 445.00 107.00 33.00 M( 1). Pa[ela Wheat T(2) KR Mandsaur( 27) EAg Jowar, 46.00W 156.00 21.00 10.00 Majesari Wheat KR 'tv1andsaur( 21) EA Jowar, l'4.00W 566.00 131.00 77.00 N(2) • Elchi Wheat . M( 1), T(2) KR Mandsaur ( 21 ) EA Jowar , SS.OOW 453.00 74.00 48.00 Lala Kheda Wheat KR Mandsaur( Z4)' EA Jowar, 160.00W 373.00 84.00 33.00 M(5},T(9) Rinchha Lalmuha Wheat PR Mandsallr ( 22) BA Jowar, 116.00W 255.00 72.00 32.00 M(2),T(2) Daloda Salra Wheat 238

",,;filf ITT Il ;pf ;nil VIll ., ~~ '3fifaitT' '3'liYfifl iilif-,f

I 2 3 4 5 (i 7 8 9 10

221 a-<:m 1.078.00 1,683(2r.2) P(l ),M(l). -(-5) w ... ( 10+) -(10+) BS PUC(1 ) 222 ~uf~~~~ 554.00 798(148) P( I} -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

223 ~f~1:n ~~t 791.00 1,302(214) P( 1) -(5-10) W PO -(5-10) -(-5)

224 ;p'if;;p:f 914.00 1,803(32 9) P(l},M(l) -(5-10) W PO, Phone -(5-10) BS,RS

225 -rlli'r 2,469.00 4,550(H9) P(I ),M( I), D(l) W PO,Phone -(10+) -(5-10) PUC(l) ~ihr 126,628.00 178, '44 P (167) D (12) (3ft, 489 ~ M (36) H (1) PUC (5) PHC (1) AC (13) FPC (3) o (1) PHC (1) o (14) 239

Amenities and Land use Mandsaur Tabsil

IN". f~\PI'~ r.nh 'I"" WI!' wcRm (lAta" "1f1J, ~m- ~ firftr;;{ fimtl t ela ~uit mRIIi' VrJf lfiT ifnI' 'li4R' q1f~{U ~ ..... ~~ it ~It ~ it; ~ l'fliil ~~ qfu~fulli' 15l'~ (,.. "" . it) ,flnn Land use (i. e. area nnder differeqt typos of Land 1I'm~~ ule in hectares rounded Up to 2 decimal places ) ~ii;~m r- _..;.,_------"------~ m&6 ar.f uri 6' Cf'{ vttt it ftti\' Iicfi ii; fri fef"RJ fum ~~ ~ Remarks (1l't'IR am including ~~, any place of AppJ~ Neared Culturable Area n0t religious, acb Iowa alJd waste (inclu- available historical to diataDoe Power Staple IrrigateO Unirri- ding ,aucbar for or arcbaeolo- Name of ~illa&. (io kms) Supply food Forest by IOurC. gated and groves) cultiv",tion gica) interest Village

~--- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

PRo . Mandsaur(25) EA Jowar, 237,QOW 589.00 132.00 120 :00 N(4) , Sarsod Wheat M(2),T(3) PR, Mandsaur(28 ) EA Jowar, 87·00W 342.00 78.00 47.00 Guradiya Syab Wheat It.R. Jaora(26) SA Jowar. 160.00W 460.00 115.00 56.0f) N(5), Laaudiya I1a Wheat. M(1),T(l) PR Jaora(2S) EA JoWAl' 241.00W 456.00 12l. 00 96.00 N(50). kchnara Wheat M(1),T(3) n Mandsaur(30) EA Jowar. .. ~03.00W 140,00 297.00 99.00 N(40>, Nagri Wheat M(6), T(') 70,.00 71,598.60 13,510.00 1',884.00 18,917.00 N (140) M(159) Total € (17) T (164) .'If llit ~ \1AUlill'T ~"Wia ilrlf-lJkllrt{(lffilllf" ill ~finlJq WlI.. S lf~ • '" 1liT~1{ it (-) i1ft' ~ trQ'1 ~w "erq;w ~ qmr'tl aftl BW ITII ~J ~o. ii VI" go nrEri'fJ ~ 'J1 ,fitsrq .rJWiiQ' , Iiti 'm.. '"' q Ii (~Q'l; it) ;~) awr ~ SI1f;J1 " • .n 1ft t -5 fit; • .ri., S-10 fill.,,). ~ 10+fiI.u. . Amenities available(ir not available witbin the 'illa.e, a dash (-) is showo In the Column and next to it in braCkets. the distance in broad range. ,ia -Skm' oS.1 Okml and lo+kmll of the neareat place where tbe fReinty ia' availablte is liveD). - r.- ---' A ....:..., illfQr~ r.fimr, tf\'ir IIil ~ "", ~1;/~ IIiI Ri'f I ~ ~j;m: 1If~1 IJA) ~ it; f~ ~f~ IIiTt i{t (If{n~r9' ~- Loca­ Total ~lIAo q~) tion Total area population Day or Communica. code at the and Drinking days of - tions(BoS-ltop, the market! railway _station. BUill" Name of village (in Dumber 0' wa fer Post and ber Village ~ectares) houseboldS Education Medical (Potable) -Telegraph bat. if any -water way)

1, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 lD

111.00 1,022(157) -(- 5) -(-5) w -(.... 5) -(-5:> \ 1,607.00 4;486(777) P(2),M(2),- n(O w PO,TO Tuesday BS PUC ( 1) Phone 291: . 00


974.00 768(112) P(1 ) -( --5) _W -(-5) ..(-S) -(-5)

994.00 1.199(188) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) .... (5-10) -(-5)

347.00 870(159)~ pel) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -($_10) -(-5)

124.0q 99(15) -(-5) -(5-10) ~ -(S-10) -(5-10) ....'(-5)

569,00 513(85) pel) -(-5} w -(- 5) - (-5)

635.00 308(60) P(1) -(5-10) w -(-5). -(5-10)

11 ~.'i'f 473.00 21 (5), -( ~5) -(-5) _ w -(-5) -(- 5) -( - 5)

582.00 J,713(284) pd, -(5-10) W PO, Phone -(5-10) BS'

384.00 454(67) PO) -(-5) w -(-S)

,569.00 457(78) PC I)- -(- 5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

S30.'{)6 241(40) PO) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) 8S.00 ...

617.00 838(144) P(I) -(5-10) w ':'(-5) -(5-10)

178.00 49(10) -(-5) -(5-10) HP -(~5) -(5-10) -(.-5)

930.00 1,&52(338) P(I),~(l) -(-5) PO - (-5) -(-5)

3fi3.00 424(73) -(-5) -(5..... 10) w ..~-5) -(5-10) -(-5) 241

Amenities and Land use Sitamau Tahsil

_------_-- Imffflfi fif!g6'f if~ flnmT ,!1Ill m'f ;avrlq (8{~ift ~f'f ,,'!"

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

Fp Mandsaur( 34) ED,EAg Jowar, 25. ~OW 43.00 25.00 18.00 AbiL,hedi WPoat Iowar. 360.00W, 827.00 ~8·8. 00 81.00 N(162),M(10),Nahargarh KR Mandsaur( 34) EA Wheat 31.00R C(.1),T(4) Uninhabited Kachnari

Uninhabitej Koyli

71. ;;0 FP Mandsaur( 36) EAg Jowar. 109 .'OOW, 646.00 .140.00 Khajuri Chandra- Wheat 5.00N wat Jhalara KR Mandsaur( 30) ED,EAg Iowar, 179. QOW 484.00 130. GO 201. OJ Wheat 56.00 39.00 Beti Khedi FP Mandsaur (35) ED,EAg Jowar, 96 .. DOW 156.00 Wheat FP Mandsaur(36) Jowar. 12.00W 77.00 20.00 15.00 Sultaniya Wheat FP Mandsaur ( 38) EAg Jowar, 85.QQW 382.00 58.00 44.00 Kelu Khedi Wheat 4 I.COW 413.00 9.8.00 N(2), M( 1) Roja Fategarh pR Mandsaur ( 29) EAg, ED Jowar, 82.00 Wheat T(1) PR Mandsaur (34) EA~,ED ]owar, 71.00W 281. 00 83.00 38.00 NCt) Halu Khcdi Wheat PR Mandsaur (28) EA Jowar, 80.00W 299.00 85.00 118.0(' N(3),M(2), Kachnara • Wheat T(1) KR Mandsaur (30 ) lowaI, SO.OOW 236.00 36.00 32.00 Kotdi Manda Wheat KR Mandsaur ( 30) Jowar, 50.00W 410.00 64.00 45.00 Khlljuri Manda Wheat KR Mandsaur( 25) . Iowar. 35.00W 334.00 83.flO 78.00 Khanu Kheda Wheat Uninhabi ted Bari Kheda

PR Mandsaur( 22) EAg, ED Jowar , 94.00W 306.00 99 00 I1G.00 T (2) Shakkar Khedi Wheat 2.00R KR Mandsaur (24 ) lowar, 2.00W 148.00 :22 00 6 00 Sunth Kheda Wheat FP Mandsaur( 24) EAg, ED lowar, 209.00W 524.00 129.00 77.00 N(~),T(4), Sunthi Wheat M(2) FP Mandsaur(25) EAg IoW'!tr. 54.0:JW 203.00 50.00 56.00 Bhuki Buzu!.&: Wheat 242

'WI llil f<;f 'll(ifQli1f' ~'l;;rIS '''If-!!f

252.0D 311.(59) pel) -(5-10) w -(.5-10) .. (5-10) ... ( 5-10)

276.00 238{J9) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 5-1 0)

442.08 693(112) pel) ... (5-10) W -(5-10) ':'(5-10) -(5-10)

855.00 690(113) P( 1) -( 10+) w

1,187.00 I,S07(26S) pel) -(5-10) W PO ... (5-10) -(5-10)


505.00 302(50) P( 1) - (·5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

28 '!il[l~g'{ 1,141. 00 4, 103t6S3) PP),~1( 1) DCl) WT PO, Pholne Wednesday BS PUC(1) 29 ~;gfim If.T''{~ 4<;5.00 602(107) P(I) ... (5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -( 5-10)

30 'Iil'zll ~~~ 1,030.0/.: 1,216(189) pet) ... (5-10) W -(5-10) _(S-10) -(-5)

3t ~~ 835.00 398(61) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

32 ~q~ 377.01) 307(47) pet) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

33 ~it 146.00 91(20) p(n ... (5-tO) W ... (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

34 ~T 853,"0 1.262(200) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) W PO -( ... 510) -(-5 )

371.00 347(53) -(-5) -(-5) W -( -5) -(-5) -(-S)

36 8I1q;:') 172.00 74(14) - (-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

195.QO 241(42) - (-5) W -( -5)

3 8 tlTlro:rr 555.00 632(104) ~(- 5) W -(-5)

145.00 185(26) -(-5) -( 10+) W -(-5)

40 iit~t 471. (10 243

Amenities and Land use Sitamau Tahsil

1T1J~1Ji f'llli!61J ~ r.. q) '!'" '!f1J ~nr (8fIllRr '!.flJ \;Jqlf)'tr ~ hrf1r~ flf;~1 ~ lifer fa"tqojl ~nmlli vrlJ lfir IfTJJ Ifif~ ~ !8'61Iit l"t:T 1!f\ IilTVI'lI ~ll'; it f"fIfii!61J l{~IJ~1if ~

~ ______-A ____ ~ ____ ~ ~%cr 1iT~ ~Ta;:rT ~ Il~ Val ~ full' tier') ~ f~ f~~'Cf towu "',d waste (inclu- available historical to dlSllluoe ... Power Staple Irrigaled Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Name of "iIIag. (in kID') Supply food Forest OJ' 'OllfCO gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Village

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

-~-~-~------~-- FP Si tamau( 20) Jowar, 29.00W 132.00 45.00 46.00 Kunta Khedi Wheat FP Sitamau( 20) .Jowar, 21.00W 168 •00 45.00 42.00 Panpur Wheat FP Sitamau( 22) Jowar, 70.00 255.00 79.00 38.00 Badod Wheat FP Sitam:lu( 20) Jowar, 60.00 449.00 140.00 206.00 M(l) Bardiya BarkheJa Wheat., FP Sitamau( 10) ED,EAg Jowar. 59.00 142.00 622.00 182.00 182.(\0 M(1) Nataram Wheat Uninhabited Nataram MuhaI

FP Sitamau( 14) ED,EAg Jowar, 59.00W 285.00 78.00 E3.00 Rajakhedi Wheat PR Mar,dsaur( 35) EA lowar, 226.00W 616.()O 158.00 141.0Q N(l23 "M(6), Kayampur Wheat C(2},T(6} FP ,Mandsaur( 40) ED, EAg Jowar, 56.00W 276.00 58.00 105,.00 N(I) Khanderiya Kachar Wheat FP Mandsaur ( 34) ED, EAg lowar, It9.DOW 604.00 177.0(' 130.00 N(2),M(1), Kotda Bahadur Whe,,+ T( 1) FP Mandsaur(35) ED,EAg Jowar , 61.DOW 591 .00 116.00 67.00 N(t) Risthal Wheat 'FP Mandsaur( 37} EA Jowar, 57.DOW 241. 00 47.00 32.00 N(I),M(I), Deori Wheat FP Mandsaur( 40) EAg Jowar. 8.00W 61.00 1. 00 76.00 Balahedi Wheat FP Mandsaur( 37) ED,EAg Jowar, 165.00W 458.00 88.00 142.00 (N3), M( 2), Ran~yra Wheat C(2) PR Mandsaur( 15) EAg Jowar, 29.00W 285.00 38.00 19.00 Rupni Wheat FP Mandsaur( 41 ) lowar, 6.00 34.00 12.00 120.00 Aori Wheat FP Mandsaur( 48) lowar, 13.00W, 75.00 16.00 90.00 Kolwi Wheat 1.00R PP Mandsallr( 48) Jowar, 18.00W 124.00 17.00 396.00 Gadariya Wheat PPj Mandsaur ( 44 ) lowar, 3. OOW, 61.00 14.00 63.00 Ghatiyakhedi Wheat ~ 4.0QR Uninhabited Dhorra 244

~)(=rT"3i ff~m~ iifi{1fi1Q~ ~ "if" "1f)tJ

~f.(r*1f IlPt 'fir i'frJf 111I'f 'iiI '!i1.f ;r'l~'l:(r ;;''l''ifiS ;r;r-l'IfCf!Hyt (lffli w,q " ,!f,nnl{ <;JlfomJ ;r~l ~ 6l 'ling it C-) ~hr ~ ~l fi'" tff'jfq;q ~2i 'T f~Cfl1:1 aih .,,,if; _rli- i!r ~)63"1i it 1Jf'1I" fU'fl i!tl "1; ~fil[E!~

;j 1 2 3 4 5 9 :0 ,------( 10+) 41 '<:fll'lf~ 135.00 8gS(144) pel) -( 10+) w -(-5) -(10+>

-(~ 5) 42 '1lll'flift 482.00 716(106) P(l ) -(10+) w -(10+) -.(5-10)


44 '<=IT"m i~"T 370:00 351(58) P( I) -(5-10) W - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

45 lfTil'T'J;<:T 505.00 ~63(146) P( 1), M( 1) -(10+) w PO -(10+) -( -.5)

46 q;'Uf~lfl 385.00 269(48) P( 1) -(10+) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

47 fifi1lT;r11'?r: 352.00 crT<:r;;'

48 ri~T 241.00 195(34) -(-5) -(10+) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -0-10)

49 ~<:lf¥

.50 ;;rcrfryIF~ 95 00 142(44) -(-5) -(10+) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

51 ;;rq ~~t 5/.00 q'hr"f

52 orr;;r~~ 566,00 854( 147) P( I ) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) --(5-10)

53 'I1'TC: ~~"'t 342.00 4111(80) P(1) -(10+) w -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5)

54 Wfti"{ 1i~ 261.00 326(55) P( 1) -(10+> W -(5-10) -( 5-H)) -(5-10 )

55 'l'TC;~1 I'mn 678.00 697(107) P(I) -(10+>- w -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5)

56 f

58 ~~fr rei, 666.00 676(115) P('1 ) -(10+) \V PO _(_5> BS

59 . 3l,rl[ T tfT~ 387.00 416(65) P(I) -(10+) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

60 "'"~ qT~f 3R9,oO 514(79) P(I) -(J('+) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 245

Amenities and Land use Sitamau Tahsil

tmr611i fifltieErtf Ilq;: f~,) 't"" 'ff" '1l'lfll'l1r (8l''fRr llf'!" ~ ~ fcrf1rnr ~l it m. ~~ alfirlli VI'!" llil ;mr qi:;R ~~.~~) tt\ IlilTvt" t-R~n: it f.;ica", <=:1lT~ it; lift ~ilT ~Ili) itf{f&tmlli !liT 'ltN (flli. "'. it) ~fcra'l Land use (i. e. area nnder different typos of Land 8l'1!f

12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 :0 2 --, - " 11 --~----- ~- -"------FP Mandsaur (45) Jowa r , 19.00W 91.00 IS.00 10.00 Ramgarh Wheat

PP Mand~aur (40) EAg Jowar, 140.00W 190.00 41.00 111.00 Paya Khedi Wheat FP Mandsaur (39) Jowar, 53 OOW 371. 00 49.00 46.00 T( 1) Piplya Kot Wheat FP Ma.'ldsaur (37) BAg Jowar , 58.00W 205.00 62.00 45.00 Bhilya Khedi Wheat FP Mandsaur (42) Jowa'l', 52.00W 359.00 69.00 25.00 Motipura Wheat PP Mandsaur (45) Jowar. to.OOW 240.00 42.00 87.00 Karadiya Wheat UninhabIted Kishangarh

FP Mandsaur (45) Jowar, 12 DOW 115.00 92.00 22.00 Khedi Wheat FP Mandsaur (34) Jowar, 30.00W 158.00 48.00 126.00 Guradiya Gond Wheat FP Mandsaur (48) Jowar, 7.00W 10.00 9.00 69.00 Jawanpura Wheat Uninhabited Jaykheda

FP Mandsaur (46) ED Jowar. 42.00W 402.00 '16.00 46.00 N( 4) ,M(:!) Bajkhedi BAiJ Wheat T( I) Bhatkhedi FP Mandsaur (44) Jowar. 19.00W 227.00 36.00 60.00 Wheat pp Mandsaur (50) .. Jowar, 7.00W 63.00 24.00 167.00 Shakk:.n Khedi Wheat FP Mandsaul (46) BAg Jowar, 52.00W 490.00 105.00 31.00 N(1),C(l) Kotda Mata Wheat N(4) . Vishanya PR Mandsaur (43) BAg Jowar, 41. OOW 391.00 71.00 29.00 Wheat Boiiy.1 PR MandsaUr (41) ED Jowar, 75.00W 320.00 81 '00 21. 00 EAg Wheat Khajuri Gand PR Mandsavr (46) EAg Jowae, 48.00W 438.00 ItS.OO 62.00 N(2) Wheat PP Mandsaur (49) Jowar. 27.00W 192.00 73.00 95.00 Arnya Gaud Wheat FP Mandsaur (58) Jowar. 2~ .OOW 197.01) 23.00 81. 00 Lakhu Piplya. Wheat 246

~)oT~;; a~attq iif'f1fWti ~ ,!f~ aQv1ti

~~;:r')1l 'lflt ~r ;;Ilf Iff" /fit ~;;r ;;r;rQ'67.1'1 ~"~ilJ :;r;f-'If.nrr~ (ltf,. Vr" it ,!fif!:lr~ :aq"", IIiP • II! ;jirn it (-) iVl ~ 'Ilfl 'It), ~'" i.f;;l'1i(lf ~.r '1' f,

1 2 3 4 5 6 II 9 10 ------~-~-- .---~---- 61 m~

62 ~<:"T<'fT 220 00 n2(37) - ( -5) . -( 10-1-) W -(-5) -(-5) -( - 5)

63 ~cni~ 991.00 1.054(173) P( 1) -(5-10) W "-\5-10) -(5-10) BS

64 o,Tl!l<'fT 445.00 366(59) P( 1 ) -(10+) w -( 10+) -(5-10) -( -5)

65 ifT<:ci'sT 754.00 721(121) P( 1) -(10+) w -(10+) -(5-10) -(-5)

66 ~T'iif~

67 ifl!'~~ 20 J. 00 149(24) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(5-10). - (5-10) -(-5)


69 'I><:'1'l,T 395.00 239(42) -( - 5) _(5~10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) ~(5-10)

10 f-1ql

71 .n~T ~llf~ 569.00 811(133) P( 1 ) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(-5) - (- 5)

72 'f,~~..r: t f"'f'l);;rl) 293.00 352(60) -(-5) -(5-10) W -( 5-1 0) -(5-10) -(5-10)

1,571(274) P( 1), M( 1) -(5-10) 73 ~ 1,314.00 w PO -(5-10) -( - 5) , 74 f~'I)<'fr 711 .00 1169(189) P( 1) -(5-10) W -( 5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

75 lfi",qt~~ 447.00 2 35(40) ~(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -( 5-: 0) -(- 5)

76 'Ii)f~tI"T 430.00 382(60) P(1) -(5-10) W -( 5-1 0) -(5-IO~ -(5-:0)

77 15110) 54.00 191(31) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

78 ;ITui~ 505.00 363(51) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) - (- 5) -(-5)

79 ~f7~T li~"t 671.00 599(103) P(1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) ~(-5)

80 ~Y:19.''t 290.00 342(51) -(-5) -(5- 10) HP -(5-10) -(5-10) HS 247

Amenities and Land use Sit~mau Tahsil

------~---.------~- IfA ~llfi frr~fflf rrtf<: f~') '!.~ ~f" ~m (8{~t~ \lfq -a'll[TlT ~T fqf\lfff f.ti~T if; ala feo:qurl &lfl'fit IfTil itT '1'1"" Ifg"'if1t ~ e'8!ift 't;~') q;) VTVtw ~1f< it f.1~?rll ~fiTlf~q if; ~ ~!rr) Q'fO j ~fa~m-it 'fiT llTlT (fit. 'I). it) ~fqm Land usc (i. e. area under different types of Land 6l~q' ~TO<" use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal phces ) lf~CT if; ~.n r------~------, m~~ !ifrr ~rerrrT ~ ,,~ q~') if; full tier) if; f"lit f8r~ fnf-;;r", :;rq-o:r6fT "\iI( 8{'!qo:riS' Remarks (1T)~ 8{R including ~TtrT~) ~f~ I any place of Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religio.lls, IlC~ (uwu a"d waste (inclu. availabk historical to d,~tallce Power Staple lrrlgate(l Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Name of yiilag. lin kIDs) Supply food Forest by 8U,lrCe gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Villaae

---~- ---~~------'-- --_- 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Mandsaur(49) Jowar, 29. 0 0W 297.00 97.00 30.00 Salariya Wheat KR Mandsaur( 49) Jowar, I3.00W 153.00 35.00 19.00 Karnali Wheat PR Sitarnau (22) Jowar, 63.00W 710.0(} 126.00 92.00 N(2) Khetakheda Wheat PR Sitatnall (20) Jowar, 19.00R 326.00 61. 01) 39.00 Bankli Wheat FP Shamau (2 5) Jowar, 49.00W 482.00 07.00 136.00 Borkhedi Wheat FP Sitamau (7) ED,BAa Jowar, 83.00W 684,00 192 00 46.00 Kachariya Wheat FP Sitamau (8) Jowu, 10.00W 147.00 27.00 17.00 Bam Kheda Wheat FP Sitamau (7) Jowar, 34.00W 344.00 51. 00 3~.00 Sedhra (Karnali ) Wheat FP Sitamau (7) Jowar, 27 OOW 304.00 39.00 25.00 Karanpura Wheat FP Sitamau ( 7) Jowar, 31.00W 320.00 69.00 48 GO Nipanya Wheat 7(J.OO FP Sitamau ( 11 ) Jowar , 101.00W 350.00 48.00 Pipalya Dh"kad Wheat Fatehpur (Chikli) FP Sitamau (6) Jowar, ~8. OOW 190.00 39.00 26.00 Wheat N(2),T(I) Era FP Sitamau ( 15) ED,EAg Jowar, 176,00 193.00W 694.00 146.00 105.00 Wheat 94.DO 113.00 Chikla FP Sitamau on EAg Jowar, 13.00 113.00W 373.00 Wheat 145.00 69.00 Kamllla Kheda FP Sitamau ( .5.) Jowar, 32.00W 201.00 ""heat 56.00 137. 00 Shiv Kodiya FP Sitamau (5) EAg Jowar, 36,DOW 201.00 Wheat Temple 34,00 4.00 Khoti FP Sitamau (7) Juwar, 7,OOW 9.00 Wheat 0 97.00 HO 00 Morkheda FP Sitamau (4) EAa Jowar, 33.00 39.00W 256. 0 Wheat 80.00 Suriya Khedi FP Sitamau (4) Jowar, 37.00 41.00\"'" 406.00 107 00 Wheat Hanadi PR Sitamau (5) Jow IT, 22.00W 179. 00 57.00 3~.00 Wheat 248

~TilT"~ o~"T\'t Iif;{-pa.,q ~. ~f'" _",,"'ttl

f'l{TifT7l' 'X[ff 'lif 'llff Ilfl'! llil ~"f ;;rif~.lJ'I ;J'l"l'i9 Of'l-'Ifera1tt(lJ'f'l aHf q ,!f;J ~i!i 'lf~~l ill'tl: :a'''~ .,;:- ~"t ifiTSoii Ii !l'1Jl' il t'>icr

8l 'ff~I"'T 387.00 357(61) pel) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

82 ~m:T lift 357.0::> 208(31) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(~-IO) -(5-10) -(5-10)

83 <:,lH li~T 321.00 35 6(67) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

84 ~~f't'!~l 710.00 862(158) P( 1 ) -(5- 10) W -( 5-10) -(-5) -(5-10)

85 ~~l 777.00 932(145) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(- 5) -(-5)

86 ~<:~~, 408 00 96(14) -(-5) -(-5) VI -(-5) -(-5) -( 5'

87 Q'1't'!IB'T ('i9Til) 444.0~ 245(28) - (-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(.-5)

88 ~~:sr 859.00 67 1(112) Pel) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

89 q;~Tli~) 485.00 279(53) -( - 5) -(-5) W,HP .. ( -) ) -(-5) ~(-5)

90 ~1,'I'T 1,780.00 3,951(690) P(2) ,(MI), D(I),O(3) W,lK PO, Friday BS AC(! ) Phone 91 mlll'6~ 413.00 1094(r88) P(I) O( I) w - (5-10) -(5-10) -(5..... 10)

92 aHW 390.00 442(85) P( I ) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

93 <:IqiT 463.00 820(131) PO) O( 1) W . -(-5) -(10+) -(S~IO)

94 'f;T"ff<:!J'T Iii\' 457.uO 376(62) P( 1 ) -( 5-1 0) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -( 5-1 0)

95 ~'ll'ifT 657.00 645(105) pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -\-5) -(-5 )

96 i;f;

97 'if!:1IH 366.00 152(25) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -( 5-1 {i) -( 5-1 0)

98 ~,cm 272.00 248(49) pet) -(5-10) w -(5- 10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

99 ,111l"[~ 215.00 181(31) -(-5) -(-5) W .... {-5) -(-5) -(-5)

100 qff<'fI~T 'Ii""[ 683.00 921 (155) P( 1 ) -(5-10) W -(-s) -(5-10) -(5-10) 249

Amenities and Land use Sitamau Tahsil

IT1f lf1Ii ~~ fllQ') '!,1IIIf '!fq-~)1r (8!"m ,,!fq' lijl[~i\lr ~ f

--~~--~------~-.-~--~-- - 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 18 19 20 2

---~------~-~- --_--- FP Sitamau( 3) ED,EAg Jowar, 68.00W 215.0(,) 62.00 42.0J Galihara Wheat FP Sitaman( 5) ED,EAg Jo ,var , 39·00W 217.00 49.00 52.0J Dhara Khedi Wheat FP Sitaman( 4) ED,EAt? lowar, 43.00W 225.00 41. DO 12.00 Raml Khedi Maize FP Sitamau( 6) ED,EAg Jowar, .16.00W 465.00 100.00 29.00 SemaJiya Maize FP Sitamau( 2) ED,EAtl Jowar, 185 ·00W 381.00 104.00 107.00 Kbeda Maize PR Sitamau(4) ED,EAg Iowar, 25.00W 288.00 54.00 41.00 Kherkheda Maize FP Sitamau( 3) ED,EAg Jow!!r, 77.00W 203.00 56.00 lS0.00 M(I),C(2) PatlaSiChhoH Maize T(l) FP Sitamau( 9) ED.EAg Jowar, S2.00W 679.00 85.00 43.00 N( 1) Surkheda Maize FP Sitamau( 1) EAg Jowar, 36.00W 344.00 41.00 64.00 Dammakhedi Maize PR Sitamau( 1) EA Jowar , 276.00W 717.00 291.00 382.00 M(3),T(2) Ladoona Maize 114.00TK FP Sitamau( 10) ED,EAg Jowar, 99.00W 236.00 52.00 26.00 SakhtaIi Maize FP Sitamau(10) ED,EAg Jowar, 56.00W 238.00 64.00 n.oo Akya Maize FP Sitamau( 11) ED.EAg Jowar, 50.00W 22J.00 133.00 60.00 Raoti ~faize FP Sitamau( 5) EAg lowar, 33.00W 301.00 75.00 4S.00 Kochariya Khedi Maize FP Sitamau( 6) ED,EAg Jowar, 66.00W 434.00 67.00 86.JO Muwala Maize 4.00N FP Sitamau(9) Jowar, 30.00W 243.00 35.00 22.00 TamboJiya Maize FP Sitamau(12) Jowar, 15.00W 193.00 46 00 112.00 Dudhiya Maize FP Sitamau(10) ED,EAg Jowar, 40.00W 151.00 34.00 47.00 Raota Maize FP Sitamall( 7) ED,EAg Jowar , 32.00W 142.00 19.00 22.00 Ramgarh Maize FP Sitamau(9) ED,EAg Jowar. 66.00W 455.00 98.00 64.00 Pa~lasikalan Maize 250

m"n:f3i ff~mt=l Gf",",f.aTi ({1f 1!_fq ~qq)tJ

ftl'f'frlf Ilfl'f 'Ilf rfflf !Irq 'fir ~'1' ;;r"~lilfr 1I',,;;r.8' If'f-,flfartt{lI'fp. vrlt it '1f~orr~ rl: 'l;Jf ifil tIC ~ - 5 f'f. .Ift •• 5-10 fiji At. If' IO+fiIi.1Jr. Amenities "vailable(if not available within the villal!e. II dash (-) is sbown In the column and next to h in brackeu. the distance io broad rangc. viz -5klll•• S-lOltms aod IO+kmt of the nearcst place where the faciiity is available is giveD). ___-A.------_- ______-_-. ,------.--- - ,iiarfiJrlli r~flli?~1 q-Tl\' !liT ~rlli ar1t ~~/~ ilir f

101 l!..'~<11 418.00 744(129) pel) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(10+~ -(Ie+>

102 ''If,r~') b23.DO I,.J24(173) P(I) FPe( 1) W PO -(10+) -(10+,

103 ;;'t;f?,l:fT 64:'.CO ~63(132) PCI) -(~5) W -(-5) (-10+) -(10+)

104 if~~T"f<::"t ::60.(10 301 (43) -(--5) -(-5) \V -(-5) -( 10+) -(10+)

lOS 'I!.'fT;1[lT~ 492.00 191(33) -(-5) -(-5) w - (-5) -( 5-10) -(5-10)

106 rrrr)~ 735.00 901 (172) p'. I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10-1-) -( 10-1-)

107 ~~;ft 336.00 291(49) -(-5, -( - 5) W -(-5) -( 1 C+) -( 10+)

108 'f,<'''f~ 392.00 261(37) -(-5) -(10+) w -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

109 \Y';flJtT 277·0(} cfh''f t I 0 51'Trrf<:l1'l 80!.00 829(135) P(I) -( 10+) w PO -(10+) -(10+)

III W~~ 393. CO 60 1(98) P(I) -( 10+) W -(-5) -( 10+) -(10+)

112 ~<::~~<:T 436.00 435(77) pel) -(10+) w -( -5) -(10+) -(10+)

113 "i;~

114 ~~<::')::r'1f 630 CO l,O! 1(166) P( 1 ) -15-10) W PO -( 10+) -( 10+)

115 ~N~ 143.00 33(6) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -( 10+) - ( 10+)

116 t'fl~''l'!<:t 239.0(1 451(76) _(_5) -(- 5) W -(-5) -( I 0+) -(1<'+)

117 ·.fHCI,!,,' 389.00 558(86) P(l),AC(I) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -( 10+) -( 10+)

118 "".l;f.lfl 543.00 654(104) P(1),AC(l) -(5-10) w -(-,) -( 10-t-) -( 10+)

119 tf<:tf,!~r 407.00 222(38) -(-5) ... (-5) W -(-5) -(10+ ) -( 10+)

120 11rrT<: 1,226.00 1,558(290) P(I) D( 1) R PO -( 10+) -(10+) 251

Amenities and Land use Sitamau Tahsil

.-~----- 1mI'a-'i f'flli!a1i 'f~ fll(Q) '1- .plr ~m (BI'lt6 'ifflr ~qlfFr Itit f'fNMf fit;~) if; eta ~tqun ~nfl:r'fi IfPJ 'fiT ;rJ1f qif~ ~~~~T Itt ,""t" ~~ it f.reictllr ~I!(Ir~ if; lit ~1;rT 0. ) ~fa~fu

~--- ~~------~- 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

--.------~------~-- ~ FP Sita'1ll1u (ll) BAg Jowar, 65. QOW 281. 00 59.00 13.0iJ Mnndla Wheat FP Sitaman (12) ED,EAg Jowar, .. 78.00W 425.00 87.00 33.00 N(I).!Ivf( I) Laori Wheat 40 OCl 238.0J Nakerdiya FP SitallJan (1:) ED,EAg Jowar. 70.00W 294.00 Wheat 20.00 86.00 Bardawadi FP Sitamau (13) EAg .Towar, 23.00W 131.00 Wheat 12.00 321. 00 ~huwangarh FP Sitamau (11) BAa Jowar, 15·00W 144.00 Wheat 233.00 Sagor FP Sitamau (14 ) EAg .Towar, 64.00W 182.0t) 256.00 Wh~at 105.00 Halduni FP Sitamau (13) EAg Jowar. 30.00W 143.00 58.00 Maize 185.00 85.00 101. 00 Karankhedi FP Sitamau (16) ED,EAg Jowar , 21.00W Maize Uninhabited Chhatrapura

483.00 127.00 Jhangariya FP SitaPlau (31) ED,EAg Jowar, 58.00W 133. eo Maize 27.00W 271.00 67.00 33.00 Shergarh FP Sitamau (M) EAg Jowar, Maize 50.0) 62.1)0 Sarasendhra FP SitamaU (13) Jowar, II.OOW 313.00 Maize 121.00 30.00 75.00 Kundla F'P Tal (12) EAg Jowar, 34. DOW Maiz. )3.00W 343.00 97.00 137.00 N(2) M(l) Khajurinag FP Tal (14 ) ED,EAg Jowar, Maize 77.00 20.00 35.00 Khai Kheda FP Tal (13) BAg Jowar, 11.00W Maize 162.00 25.01) 47.00 Gokulpura FP Tal ( 15) Jowar, 5.00W Maize 128.00 12:.00 102.00 Bharl'tpura FP Tal ( II ) BAg Jowar, 37. DOW Maize 277.00 117.00 107.00 Lasurdiya FP Sitamau (20) ED,EAg Jowar, 41. DOW M:iize 1.00 97.0") 147.00 Saraspura FP Sitamau (17) EAg Jowar, 25.00W 138.00 Maize 133.00 "8hagor )'IP Sitaman (18) EAg Jowar, ISI.OOW 770.00 172.00 Maize 252

maA;i ff~,"\"1 lit'il-tf.ati ~ ,fq Iiqll)fJ

'C'fPfr>T Ifrl{ ilif rrll{ q[l:r 'Ii! ~'i! 'if'f«!ltf I ~llOf''l 1r<'.,!f"ClI~ (llfif Illl! it ~f"!lr~ a"OJ.&' II'fiT • ~ llil" it (-) ~hr 0'I11TIrl 'flfl iii). !J"l' '\lOT"'"' ~ 'If<

~--~- PO 121 I{lif'fH 331.00 1,641(284) P(I),M(l) -(-5 J W ... (10+) -(lC+>

122 itf<:lfT,q~r 590.00 618{l01) P( 1 ) -(-5) w - (-;) -(10+) - (10+)

P( 1) W,lIP -(-5 ) 123 ~l;\'IT<; 560.00 377(60) -{lO+J -(1(l+> -( 10+)

_( - 5) ..... (10+) 124 'q'f>~1:rr 279·9° 356(67) P( I) -( t 0+) w -(10+)

125 Clc'fil 495.00 415(72) P( 1) -(10+) R -(10+) -(10+) -( 10+)

-(- 5) 1:~6 ft:fq~IH 309.00 ~29(35) -(-5) -(10+) W -(5-10) -( 10+)

127 q)<.f;;f1n 248.00 319(48) -(-5) -( 10+) W -(-5) -(10+) ( 10+)

128 <:ffitraT 278,00 B7(:i8) -(-5) -(10+) w - (- 5) -( 16+) -( 10+)

129 trTmi1?r 398.00 595(96) P(I) (10+) w .... (-5) -(10+> _(10+ )

-(5_10) 130 tllfT~T 472.00 757(131) pel) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10 )

-(5_10) -(5-10) 131 'Q;;:3~T 90.00 103(21) -(-5 ) W -(5-10) -<5-10 )

132 ,PFf1f'{ 692.00 811(136) P(I) -H -10) w -(5 -10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

133 1r>n:r IfmT 672 00 835(152) pel) _( 5-10) W '(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

134 tt~~;;fr 147.00 169(28) -( .... 5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -( ... 5)

135 q;.iyr 385.00 727{l20) P( 1) -'(-5) W -(5-10) -(5-10) _(_5)

136 ~<>rTq

137 1IlT(iiflfl 198.00 102(22) -(-5) -(-5) w - (- 5) -(5-10) -(-5)

138 trt~,) q')q(,lH 367.00 222(42) ... (5-10) -(~5) W ... (5~lO) -(5... 10) _(~5)

139 <:)qr Ii~T 1,210.00 1,940(313) P( 1) • M( I) FPC( 1) W PO -(5-10) LS AC(! ) _(_5} 140 Uif~T 741.00 935(150) P( I ),AC(l) -(~5) W (- 5) -( 10+) 253

A menities and Land use Sitamau Tahsil

1T1I«. f.r~if~ f~ '!~ 'If,!, ~ltr (Il''fm 'if'!' lQqll:l1T ~ f~m .A..______- __ ~ ,----:----- ~ er

--.---~------11 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 2

-~-~~----~-- Fl' Sitamau (15) ED, Jowar, 57.0vW 120.00 43.00 111. 00 Manpura BAg Wheat 119.00 93.00 FP Sitamau (15) EAg Jowar , 32. DOW 346.00 Meriyakhedi ""heat FP Sitamau (18) ED, Jowar, 16.00W 254.00 56.00 234.00 Ekalgarh EAg Maize 38.00 FP Sitamau (1 6) BAg Jowar, 26.00W 175.00 40.00 Chakalya Maize 180.00 279.00 -Tatka FP Sitamau (18) EAg Jowar, 10.00W 26.00 Maize 23.0·jW 164.00 39.00 83.00 PipJiya PP Sitamau (1 g ) EAg Jowar, Maize 156.00 37.00 25.00 PotaIiya FP Sitamau (18) BAg Jowar, 30.00W Maize 32.00W 146.00 37.00 63.00 Ralayta FP Sitamau (16)· EAg Jowar, Wheat 48.00 80.00 Satakhedi FP SitamaU (15) EAg Jowar, 63.00W 207.00 Wheat 282.0(\ 80.00 51.00 Ishakpura FP Sitamau (1 3 ) EAg Jowar, 59.00W Wheat 8.00 13.00 Ratanpura FP Sitamall (10) Jowar, 4.00W 65.00 Wheat 127.00 26.00 Rajnagar FP Sitamau (10) ED, Jowar, lIO.OoW, 428.00 BAg Wheat I.OON 133.00 M( 1) ~edra Mata FP Sitamttu (t 3) EAg Jowar, H.I:OW 996.00 72.00 Wheat 27.00) Gudbheli FP Sitamau (9) Jowar, 13.0v W 87.00 20.00 Wheat 49.00 Dhancheda FP Sitamau (6) ED, Jowar • 71.f)OW n7.00 38.00 EAg Maize Dalawda FP Sitamau (7) ED. Jowar, 105.0()W 422.00 91. on 47.00 BAg Maize 31.00 SharduJga"h FP Sitamau (8) Jowar, I17.00W, 125.00 21.00 Maize 4.00R 24 00 Sansri Piplya FP SHamau (8) Jowar, 15.00W, 255.00 69.00 Maize 4.00R 165.00 N(l),M(I), Dipakheda PR Si ta mau (1 2 ) ED, Jowar, 93. (OW 815.00 137 00 EAg Maize T(I) 87.00 202.00 Dhaluriya FP Sitamau (15) E~) , Jowar, 47.00W 405.00 EAg Maize 254

Q'llt ~l 'illf InIJ 'iiI '8"::f :;f;ralir.rl ~l"f.a SI;r-"If;;p;rrtt (ltfl: vlq ii l!f

1 2 3 4 5 6 9 III


316.CO 209(40) -( -5) - ,5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

1 43

1351.00 117~19) -(-5) -(5-10) Vi -(5-10) -(5-10)

232 00 79( 16) -( -5) -( 5-1 0) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5 .... 10)

453.00 535(98) PO) - (~5) W -(-5) -( ... 5) -( 5)

524.00 535(88) P(1) -(IJ+) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

2~4.00 ~39(36) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

149 rm;~r lj:ft 217.00 140(27) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

1,411.00 2 166(336) P(l),M(I) FPC(I) W PO Thursday BS

2RS.CO 530(87) P( 1 ) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

246,00 344(63) -(-5) -( 5- 10) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

211.00 125(:~2) -( - 5) W -1-5) - (- 5) -(-5)

154 l'fi?,n 913,CO 1,350(227) P(l).AC(I) -(10+) w PO -( - 5) -(-5)

629.:::0 591(99) PO) -(5-10) W -(S-10) -( I 0+) -(-5)

546.00 464(81) P(I) -~5-10) W -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5)


158 'uniT 526.00 360(59) P(1) -(5-10' W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

1 5 9 ;'i')"U'1T 185.00 168(26) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-1,,) -(-5)

568.00 1.291(215) P(I),M(I) D(I),M(l) W PO -(5-10) ·BS 255

Amenities and Land use Sitamau Tahsil

Ifr1t 61Ii f~;rm: f~') Ill'" ,.t'li ;rofltr (8(OI[nr "'fli ;aqlittr IliT fiilf;r;:;r ~T if; ef~ 2tqvft filillPti Ilrli IIil ;nl'l' qg""iit ~:am i'ft iii) IImrAr ~~ it f.riztfll ~ if; lit ~

,-----_____---A.. ______~ ~fQa If" ~rf1ifT ~ q<: CoT if; mil ~a) ~ f~ f~i;re f~f.8 ;;rq~;;filil~"( .iIl'!.q~ia Remarks (trT"I~ llTi~ including 'lflUiJli?:l Oif~ ; any place of Appro· Nearest Culturable Area not religiOJS, Bell towIIllud waste (inclu- available hl~loril..al to dl~lllllCC Power Staple Irrigaled UnirCl- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Name of villago lin kills) Supply food Forest bl' sourco gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Vllla~c: ----- 11 12 13 / 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

Uninhabi ted Jetpura

Pp Sit~mau( 10) Jowar, 15.00W 216.00 54.(10 31. 00 Karna'i Maize PP SitamaU( 11 ) Towar, 45 .OOW, 387.00 141. GO 201.00 Gopalpura Maize 4.00R FP Sitamau (3) Jowar, 23.00W 64.00 19.00 32.00 Dabdi Maize FP Sitarnau (6) Jowar, 19.00W 146.00 27.00 40.00 Dalkhedi Maize FP Sitamau (6) Jowar, 55.00W 280.00 69.00 49.00 Maukheda Maize FP Sitamau( 14) Jowar, 24.00W 235.QO 122.00 143.00 Malllat Kheda Maize FP Sitamau (7) Jowar, 21.00W 128.00 45.00 30.00 Semal Kheda Maize IP Sitamau (6) EAg Jowar, 51. DOW 128.00 28.00 10.00 PalY4 Kh"di Maize PR Sitamau (8) ::D,EAg Jowar: 239.00W 833.00 22:'.00 117.00 N(5),M( 0, Tltrod Maize T( 3) FP Sitall,au( 1 0 ) ED,EAg Jo\,'&r, 58.00W 128.00 93.00 6.00 T(2) Ganga Kh-::

1I'f1f ", 'l<;f 3I'if~.lI'I ~f"iS 'f'l-,!fii""~(l.Tf' ",,, ~ ,!f,nrrq iJqWill if~J • en liil" i (-) ilf filJ11n mrJ ~

1 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 ------756.00 448(7,6) pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -( 5-)

682.00 714(119) P(I) -(-5) w -(-5) -(5-\0)

163 'Hs<'t1 381. OU 463(77) P(l) -(5-10 ) w -(5.\0) -(5-10) -(5-10)

164 lj~q') 568,00 758(122) P(I) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

403.00 419(72) pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

377.00 283(47) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

1,283.00 1,806(282) P(l).AC(I) -(-5) w -(-5) -(5-10) bS

168 ltitGfr 298. GO ::01(31) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(5-;0) -(5-10) -(5·~IO)

169 a'Flfr 6'27.00 555(88) P( 1) -(5-iO) w -(5-10) -(5-10) ~(5-IO) t70 !I'l1t 2,571.()Q 2,616(461) P(I),M(I) D(l),SMP(IJ WR PO Monday BS

2%.00 187(23) -(-5) -(5-10) w _(5_10) -(5-10) -(5-10 )

2,064.00 2,529(394) P(3),M(I) PRC(I), w PO -( 5-10) -(5-10) AC(i) SMP(I) 246.00 152(27) -(_5) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

108.00 524(83) P(l) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

313.uo 608(93) P( 1) -(5-10) -(5-10) -15-10) -(5-10)

109.00 156(25) -( 5) - (5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5--10)

553.00 860(137) P(I) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10)

645,00 626(1 16) P{I} -(5-10) w -(5 ~ 10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

1,139.00 1,613(216) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) w PO -(5-10) BS

419.00 845(148) p\[_1 -(5-10) w -( 5-(0) 257

Amenities and Land use Sitamau Tahsil

trTll 6'11 f.l!n6lf '1il1: 'rf'" a !l'ia ~",!i[r ur!l!1fi 'l'{'lf,J t:(li a1I!l;T ~l:') ~11~ if R'4i2:

II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

FP SitamaU (18) EAg Jowar. 46.00W 312.00 179.00 219.00 Khatru Khedi' Maize PRo Sitamau (13) ED,EAa Jowar. 7<1·00W 460.00 J 10. 00 38·00 Dhikanya Maize FP SitlimaU (12) BAg .Towar, 34.00W 242.00 72.00 33.00 Padli Maize 75.00 Mahuwi FP Sitamau \1 2 ) JOWaI , 56·00W 363,00 H.OO Mai 7JO' Larni PR Sitamau (i8) EAa JOlVar. 49·00W 139.00 no 00 105.00 Maize Chimangarh FP Sitamau (24) Jowar, 12·00W, 173·00 109.no 80.00 ~(l) Maize 3.00R 234.00 229.00 PR Sitamau (27) EA Jowar. '91.00W. 707.00 1v[aize 16.00R 23.00 J 14.00 K.otdi FP Sitamau (23) Jowar. 18.00W 143. 00 ;.1aize 90.00 20".00 Shiv Dhanadi FP Si\amau (23) Jowat. 33.00W 304.00 place Maize 358.00 9_0.00N(4).M(3), Basai PR Sitamau (18) ED. EA~ Jowar. 85.00W 1,208.00 Mrize T( 1) IJ.OOW 125.0(} 30.00 88.QO Baugli FP Si tamau (13) JawaI, Maize FP Shan,garh (9) ED,BAg Jowar, 48.00 113.00W 1,056.00 102 00 545,00 M(4) Ajcpur Maize 74 00 46. 00 96.00 TaraQ'i FP Shamgarh (10) Jowar. 23.00 7.00W Maize 290.00 146.00 231.00 Baruiya Gujar PR Shamaarh (9) Jowar. 2.00" 39.00W Maize 57.00 81.QO M(1),T(4) Pratappura KR Shamgarh (II) BAg Jowar, 47.00 56.00W 72.00 Maize 38 00 J 6.00 Rehatadi Fp Shamgarh (9) BAg Jowar. l6.00W 39.00 Maize 135.00103.00 Dhab!a Mahesh FP Shamgarh (t I ) EAg,EO lowar, SO. ~OW 235.00 Maize 123.1)0 65.00 M (1). T( 1) Dhamanya PR Shamgarh (I 5 ) Jowar, ·67.00W 389.0" Maize 658.CO 154 00 136.00 N(1),T(3) Dhalpat p~ Shamgarh (12) EA Jowar , 191.00W Maize 25.00 Kantiya KR Shamgarh (1 5 ) Jawal, 32.00W 227.00 90.00 Maize 258

ma'($f;; a~m~ "".,fcmTli ~ '!,f'l .ql()Q

P.tT;ftll «[It 'fir ill" Vllt ~1 ~"I ~;Hnj'll ;a'T""il'J jf"''Jf.rIifI~(!ffil vrll it ,!fqerr~ "IfWill If~l am ilirn it (-) ill' ;;rlIl1:l1 tT~, 11ft. 9j"' ..=iF,fq;~ ~ 'Tf~T"{l erlt 'iq~ iflil- ~) iliT6i5'fi ii ql'l i:r t~ff") ,u en: !Jfilflln{ Wlfiif •• , ~ m q"t q It!. ;r~~ (t

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ..

181 ~q'T't~ 23.600 198(33) -(- 5) -(5-10) W - (5- to) -(5-10) -(5-10)


183 f,-,'UH<:T 72.00 53(8) -(-5) -(-5) N -(-5) -(45) - (- 5)

184 <:ICfn li~T 345,00 328(57) -(-5) _o( -5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

185 ~Ff~t li~T 534.00 431(71) P( 1 } -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

_(5-10) ]86 ~hlfT lITcr"r 331.00 270(44) -(5-10) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 5-10)

187 l!<:Tf~ l:rT fCfii(lf 914.00 654(124) Pel) -(5-10) w -(5-10) ... (5-10) -( 5-10)

188 ~,!;;r~T 212.00 377(67) -(-5) . (-5) W -( 5- ) -(-5) -(-5)

189 'PT;;~~ 561. 00 470(86) pel) -(5-10) Vol -(5-10) -(5·10) -(5-10)

190 ~r 242.00 222(35) -(-5) -(5-10) W -( 1 0+) -( 10+) -(5-10)

191 ~:;t~r 306.00 3J9(56~ -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

192 ~'tTF'I.''t 162.00 171(29) P( 1 ) -(5-10) W,R -( 10+> -( 1 0+) -(5-10)

193 ~tT~T 367.00 454(74) P( 1) -(5-10) W _(5-10) - 5...,10) -(5-10) .

194 orfS"!1'T 283.00 3(;4(60) P( I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

195 ;;1~ t

196 <[ittr li~.'T 232.00 198(36) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

197 <:rm;;r 253.00 218(39) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5- 10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

198 ~Tcr~ 184.00 333(56) -(_5) ... (5-10) W .... ( 5- 10) -(5-10) ,-(5-10)

199 q;TiZ~ 398.00 618(118) P( 1) -(5...,10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) _(5_'0)

200 illcr9'T 'frtT

Amenities and Land use Sitamau Tahsil

------_-_ ------~------~~-- ~- ----_-- tmlft16 forlRftlr '1m: r"~ '!~ ,r'f IiftI1tm (1II1q~ ,,!f'f ~1J~:\1r ~ fqf"f"f ~1 it; 1ft" latqqfi uttififi lnll" !liT ;nlJ 1fG''i{it ~~'i:{) iii! ,"1ft" _ ~IR it f.r~61{ ~1Il1mq it; iii f'flI'fT 616) qf6&1fucti !til 1Ittl (flti •.rt. it) ~fi{m Land use (i. e. area Hnder different types of Laud 8T'(

,...-______---A-- , ______._~ ~ !PI ~nglJl g Ill: .Ift iti mil VaT iti f~ r",f'Q fllf'll(l :a~gil~ iIl~lfflifl- Remarks (lIlo;;n: iIl)l: including ~11IT&1 ijfQ6 i any place of Appro· Nearest Culturable Area not religious. lcb town anO waste (inclu- available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Name of ,illag" (in !cms) Supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Village 1 -- -- -~-~~---- 11 12 13 14 15 16 ,- 17 18 19 > 20 2 ------30.00 13.00 Rupard KR Shamaarh( 1 5) Jowar, 2S.00W 168.00 Maize Jowar. 47.00W 834.00 161. 00 103.00 Gordhanpura FP Shalll garh (1 6) .. Maize 1{ 21.00 FP Shamgarh(20) Jowar , 3.00W 37.00 00 Nlrdhali Maize FP Shamgath( 22) lowar, lO.OOW 138.00 ;\8.00 159.00 Rawat Khada Maize . FP Shamgarh(2S) luwar, 25.00W ::26.00 99.00 148·00 Dhanada Kheda Maize 1: FP Shamgarh(22) Jowar. 18.00W 165.00 74.00 74·00 Beoriya Moti Maize 274.00 Guradiya ViJay FP Shamgarh(25) Jowar. 25.00W 458.00 157.00 Maize FP Shamgarh(22) Iowar, 19.00W 84.00 35.00 84.00 ~aghunathpura Maize FP i.>bamgarh( 1 9 ) Jowar. 40.00W 300.00 121.00 100.00 Kanaheda Maize FP Sbamgarh\21) Jowar • 4.00W 76.00 39.00 123.00 Goodha Maize • FP Shamgarh( 18) . Jowar, 28.00W 129.00 91. DO 58.00 Harnawda Maize FP Shamgarh(20) Jowar. 15.00W 91.00 39. O~ 17.00 Ghenchali M;lize FP Shamgarh(:25 ) Jowar, 26.00W ::t32.00 87.00 22.00 M( 1) Jagdi Maize FP Shamgarh( 22) Iowar, 32.00W 160.00 64.00 27.00 Bardiya Maize PR Shamgarh(22) Jowar, 35.00W 302.00 97.00 29.00 Nathu Khedi , Maize FP Sbamgarh(2S) Jowar, 15.00W 152.00 43.00 32.00 Gopa Khedi Ma.ize FP Shamgarh( 24) Jawar. 12.0~W 145.00 73.00 23.00 Rajhani ,,; Maize FP Shamgarh(26) Jowar. 26.00W 112.00 35.00 11.00 Savadi Maize FP... Shamgarh(22) lowar, 37.00W 215.00 107.00 39.00 Dhodhar Maize FP Shamgarh(22 ) Jowar, 48.00W 342 • .00 129.00 20.00 DhabJIi Bhalwan MaiZe 260

~11:1tq3i ~" Iif~-,fati ~ ,!fq_ ;aqq)Q

Cvn;f\'lf atlf 'l\'r;nlf vrll .1 f~ _UlIltl "lOJI" ilflf-lJf;;rllrtt (If" ..'" it !;If;;rEnq nwt!J qi • lit lfiy<;flf it (-) i. ~ ~Tln 1Ji). f" IIf;;rCli" !('i 'ff~1;"f ~ .". Ifr;: i{f ;&ls5. it 'IJII it f~er;;') (~ Cf~ .fjf;;rrnq ",""iQ' ~ .ni m ~ q It "q~ (~IR it) .1 "el{r ' ,~ I(~I"( !Ai ~ d 8 -5 fill .Ift •• 5-10 ~."".1fT 10+fiI • .a. Amenitlea available(if nor available within tbe village. a dash (-) is aho.n ill the c<>ltJffio and next to it in brackers the diatance in broad range, vi;;e -5kml.S·10II:ms ,..--And _,_10+kllJ!: __ (If the nearelt______"I~ce "helc - A. the_____ facility ill available--- _____ia livea). -- ...... i"~1Ii r.. fi5?", ~ "" "* attl ,mn:/~!IiT f«ifl ti;fl~ ~~, Ifrl'fr Prrt iti fiA lJfe{ !fftf ~ , (~mq~- Loca- Total, ~1A • ~-'I11i) lion Total area pOpulation Day or Cornmunica. code of the and Drinking days of tions( Bus-lltop, num- Name of village (in number 01 water Post and tbe marketl railway station. ber Village hectarel) bou.eho)(fs Education Medical (Potable) Telegraph bat. if any water way)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------~-~------"-- ~--- ~-----~- 201 ~~iT""T 391 .00 454(72) pel) -(5-10) W,HP ... ( .... 5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

'202 memi't 331.00 285(37) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

203 !tT -(-5) W - (- 5) - (-5) -(-5)

204 fini't~ 1,422 00 1,3~9(218) P(I) -(-5) W PO -(-5) -(-5)

2~ ~f<:ift fif'5nl' 522.00 1,035(153) pel) - (-5) W -(-5) ~(-S) -(-5 }

206 wmm 681.006,477(1067) M(2), D(l)MH(I) W,T PTO, Thursd_y BS PUC(I) SMP(8),FPC(1 ) Phone 207 e;IQf;PH 213.00

20g Gf,!flfl:fT 596 00 622(116) PO) -(-5) W - (- 5) -(-5) -(-5)

209 ~~fltTT ihn 453.00 373(59) P(l) -( - 5) W -( -5) -(-5) -(- 5)

210 lT~Tf;f~'.. . Sffl'" 305.00 912(151) - (- 5) -(-5) W -(-5) - (- 5) -( S~)

211 i11fi~t 641.00 725(142) P( 1) - (-s) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

212 ~Q~' 425.00 559(112) PO) -(5-10) W -(5-10) "-(5-10) - (- 5)

213 1{I~:ft li~T 445.00 290(45) -(-.5') -(5-10) W - (5-10) -(5-10) - (- S)

214 i!Tif",T ~"' 993.00 1,127(187) pel) -(5-10) w -(5-10) .... (-5) -(5-10)

215 ~l1",T om1fi~T 1,255.00 196(138) P( 1) - (5-10) W -(5-~0) - (5-10) -( 5- 10)

216 fl'if

217 ,f~;lf1l"~ 268.00 170(23) -(-5) -(5-i O) HP -(5-10) ~(5-10) - (5-10)

218 IT<'IVJT 724.00 456(81) -(5-10) -(5-10) W _(5 .... 10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

219 'i1lfi~,') 427 .00 308(48) P( 1) -( - 5) W - (-5) - ( -5) - ( ~5)

220 ~)Jt-~ 237.00 210(39) -(-5) -(-$) W -(-5) -(-52, -(- 5) 261

Amenities and Land use Sitamau Tahsil

-----~~------_ " ------1T1J6'1Ii f;:rlRt{1f ;:rtl<: fIR.... ' I!~ 'If" ~nr (""fa' '!.fq I'i3'CfllPr ~ f'fNnt ~T it; fief 2tqan m~ 1fT" IIiT ;nil ,"ilIA ~ um l~') iii, ...tv ~lf'( it f.rlli~er" 1f1lT",,"1f it; f.it ~i'JT trlli J qf~fuI!i IIil "11f (fit;,.n-. it) ~m Land use (i, e. area nnder different typos of Land 8T'flff iUO~ ,..-______UIO in hectares rounded---A.- ______up to 2 decimal places ""'"\ ) ~it;~m m~ ~ ~m,.if ~ IT~ -rm it; ~ vm \; f~ f~f'iffi f.rN6' .rcmoa- iI'AI'{ ar~~s Remarks (1fT;;n: ar~ including 'I'ro1fT&:1$) any place 01 Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religious. acb tOVi II and waste (inclu- available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Name of "iIIag' (in kms) Supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Village --_------11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

FP Shamgarh (22) Jowar, 39.00W 209.00 99.00 44.0(, Bhensola Maize FP Shamgarh (5~) JO'NaT, 19-.00W 188.00 105.00 19.00 JhontaWaIi Maize FP Shamgarh (1 6) .. Jowar, 35.00W 152.00 46.00 34.00 Dhankhedi Maize FP Shamgarh (19) Jowar, 229.00W 823.00 232.00 138.00, M( 1) Kishorpura Maize KR Shamgarh (17) JOIVar, 87,OOW 300.00 69.00 66.0') D,eoriya Vijay Maize PR Shamgarh (1 6) EA Jo'var, 129.00W 332.00 123'00 97.00 N(6),M(20), Suw1I.sra Maize C(4) Uninhabited Vasaniya

KR Shamgarh (12) EAg Jowar, 98.00W 210.00 165.00 123.00 Jamuniya Maize FP Shamgarh (1 5 ) Jowar, 23.00W 108.00 112.00 210.00 Kheidlya Megha Maize KR Shamgarh (1 3) EA .Towar, 94.00W 103. 0 0 76.00 32.00 Guradiya Pratap Maize FP Shamgarh (It ) EAg Jowar, 92.00W 301.00 168.00 80,00 Tonkda Maize FP Shamgarh (9) JOWar , 27.00W 104.00 125.00 169.00 Hanspu ra Maize FP Shamgarh (7) Jowar, 12.00W 51.00 147.00 235.00 Bawadi Khed'l Maize FP Shamgarh • ( 9 ) Jowar, 92.00W 356.00 351.00 194.00 Dhabla Dewal Maize FP Shamgarh (11 ) Jowar, 51.00W 530.00 386.00 288.00 Semli Kankad Maize FP Shamgarh (1 4 ) Jowar, 40.00W 286.00 142.00 168.00 Dhanwada , Maize FP Shall'lgarh (1 8 ) lowar, 19.00W 76.00 53.00 120.00 Ramnagar Maize FP Shamgarh (1 3 ) Jowar, 35.00W 346.00 94.00 249,00 .. Gel ana " Maize FP Shamgarh (t 7) ED lowar, 44.00W 186.00 65.00 132, 00 Dhakad Khedi EAg Maize FP Shamgarh (20) EAg Jowar, 2B.OOW 84.00 14.00 111 .00 Lodha Kbedi Maize' 262

Ilr" ., P Q6!i1't' a''l;;Jill IJI'iI-,flfl;nrt (lff, ,"If i1 ,!f"lIrq "If"" qi ,m ltiT~ it C-) itT '"'"" lOll 9jW aTillltitll ~ 1rornl lin if". "II ill' ~115i!i" i qr" g f'3l'tr;r1 iii If' '1Rrmt :a'lft'l'ia' t tire m crt q ,6 (~n if) 1li1 "'ell, 'fr lI'~n; ill .. ilft Iff ~ -5 r~ .m .. 5-10 fifi • .n.lI'T 10+N~.n •. Amenities Illlailable(if no! available wirhin the village. a dalh (-) is shown in the calumll and next to jl in brackett. the distance in broad ranges via -5km•• 5.tOkm. Iud lO+kmt .,C Ihe neareSI place "hel': the facility 'is available il aiven). ,..-- __ -- ____ ,______..:_A.------_------_-- ....., nfiltl1l r~mm 1M II>r • ~ 81'1" ~~f~ 16' R;rl ~;fT'l: llI'~r IfTiI'f ~ it; f~ lI'f~ I!iTf ~ (IIHf ~If ~- Loca­ Total ~.-.r. aJ<;T-ITI~) lion Total area population Day or Communica. code of the and Drinking days of dODS( Bus-stop, nulD" Name of village (in lIumber 01 wa ter Post and tbe markell railwav station. ber Village hectares) hOlllehot.1s Education Medical (Potable} Telegraph bat, if any VI;ater IlVflV) ---,------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 520.00 134(28) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) , 2,286,00 3,121(551) P(2).M(I) D(1),SM~(I) W PTO, ,Phone Tuesday BS


467,00 237(41) -(-5) -(5-=10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

p( 1) 225 ~~ 535.00 682(119) w -(- 5) -(~5)

226 3rT".T 1,542.00 772(122) P(I) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

562.00 368(58) P(I) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) - (5-10)

228 \'rifle" 323.00 402(58) P( 2) -(-5) w -(-5) -(5-10) - (5-10)

229 a~ft~ 1,831.0') 2,138(371) PIl),M(I) SMP(I) W P

767_00 858(138) pel) -(5-10) W,HP PO -(.5-10) -(5-10)

221 .o~ 340(19) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10)

128,00 118(14) -(-5) -(5-\0) W -(-5) .... (5-10) ... {5-10)

603.00 534(93) Pel) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) - (5-10)

424.00 364(62) -(-5) -(-5) w

235 li'O!f~r ,!q 778.00 373(74) P( I) -(-5) W -(5-10) ... (5-10) -"(5-10)

236 fqq{'lfT, 321.00 308(48) -( - 5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

199.00 507(96) PCI) -(-5) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -( 5-10)

461.00 230(41) -(-5) -(-5) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

321.00 385(71) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) ... {-5)

204_00 175(32), - (-5) -(- 5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 263

Amenities and Land use Sitamau Tahsil

------~~------IN tI''Ii f;rIRCf1t ;rtf( flRi(') '!:~ 'If" ;;rv:rm (8T'fta 'If" ;;rql[Fr iii) fqf'fr"'f fit;~T iii ~~ l!aloit 9"T1li'li 1fT" 'lit Ifl" qr;f,\' ~~ ~~') iii) ,"at~ ~~ it RlfiC!:a" ~W"!irq iii lit ~;rT 616 ) qf5~fuit; .n 'I'N (fit;. If\'. it) ~mn Land use (i. e. area nnder dIfferent typos of Land iIT'm ~Tij'tcr use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places ) ~iIi~m

_A.. ______~ r----- m~ I(;f 'l"TRT U ,,~ lifmilif.:r~ lim iii f..-it f'l"l'iil

FP Shamgarh(20) JoWar. 11.00 \V 184.00 'S2.00 243.00 Deopura Nagar Maize PR Shamgarhll 5) EA Jowar, 28.00 Zoo.DOW 1,147.00 48S.00 426.00 N(2).M(3) Ruuijd Maize Uninhhbithd Gnjar Khedi

FP Shamgarh( 33) Jowar, 247.00 14.00W 118.00 39.00 49 01) .. Dokar Khedi Maize FP Shamgarh(30) Jowar, 67.00 45.00W 237.00 63.00 123.00 Bharpur Maize FP Shamgarh(32) Jowar, 623.00 40.00W 397.00 135.00 3-17.00 Amba Maize FP Shamgarh(22) Jowar. 34.00W 209.00 156 00 163.00 Antraliya Maize FP Shamgarh( 21) Jowar, 32.00W 200.00 79.00 12.00 Lakhwa Maize FP Shamgarh(22) Jowar. 150.00W 755.00 435.00 491.00 Temple Ghasai Maize FP Shamgarh(24) Jo\\ar. 84.00W 397.00 160.00 126.00 Tarnod Maize FP Shamgarh(24) Jowar. 24.00W 130.00 38.00 29.00 Masudi Maize FP Shamgarh(26) Jowar, I3.00W 78.00 32.00 5.00 Gardan Khedi Maize FP Shamgarh( 2 6) Jowar, 44.0JW 314.00 112 00 133.00 Chaupakhedi Maize Ftl Shamgarh(22) Jowar. 31. DOW 286.00 78.00 29.00 Dallod Maize FP Shamsarh( 30) EAS Jowar , .. 40.00W 371.00 244.00 123.00 Khejdiya Bhoop Maize FP Shamgarh(30) Jowar, 23.00W 150.00 114.00 34.00 Historical Piplya Maize Caves FP Shamgarh( 30) Jowar, 23.00W 62.00 81.00 33.00 Deopura Bamni Maize FP Shamgarh( 32) Jowar, 26.00W 149.00 127.00 159.00 Guradiya Bamni Maize FP Shamgarh ( 3 0 ) EAS Jowar. 36.00W 165.00 93.00 27.00 Hanumantiya Maize pp Shamgarh( 31 ) EAa Jowar, "17 .OOW 74.00 79.00 34.00 DharnYakhedi Maize 264

Ilrif 1li1 ~ (jfifQ!i'l1 ~ {;;;rig .r;,-oxf;nrrq (!tr" 'Irlt if ,!fqgr~ :;J"Wlg IIifi ~ ~ q;r.:r~ it c-) i. ~ trtrl ~ el;;rq;., Q;;;f 'tf~;;rr~l 9I'h: .,,'" Ifl'~ ~"t ~16i5'" i; 'l'Hf '" f1ir(f;;i ~it ,,~ ~f"~ ~ ~il:l t ,,)i m If{ ~ ~6 (~IT( if) iii) dlitrl {q !fifiT{ 1f~ ~ rtf ~ -5 fi!i •.n" 5-10 filii.,". <1'1 lO+fi& • .tt. Amenities avaiJabJe(i( nO! avaiiable within the village. a dash (-) is shOWn In the C'lltJmn and next '0 it in brackets, the diStanCe in broad ranges viz -SklOl.5.IOltms .nd IO+krnt of the nearest place where the faciiitv is avaIlable is givcn) . ...--__ ------'- - ___ -A -_;-_____--- _____...:_- ...... IIJvfiJrq; f.~", ,,'\it 'fit "Ai,~" ~t'(/~ IIIiI fili'fl ({>;(l<: tl:f~1 'lfi() ~f{ it f~ lff~ iifitt ~ (11{~ ~q 'trt- Loca- Total f€r.r. ~-lIl'i l tion Total area population Day or Communica. code of the and Drinking days of tions( BUs-stop, num- Name of village (in Dumber 01 wa ter Post and tbe marketl railwav station. bl"t Village hectares) householdS Education Medk:al (Potable) Telegraph bat, if any water way)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10·

241 ~l{\"f) 328·00 694(78) P{I) ~(-5) W -(-5) ~(5-10) -(5-10)

242 'iftrRt 424.00 509(88) P(l),M(l) . -(-5) W PO -(5-10) -(5-10)

243 oft<:li~ 626.00 818(162) P(l) P(l ) W -(-5) ... {5-10) -(5-10)

rim 125,856.00 152,973 P( 166) D(9) (25,597) M(20) MCW(2) PUC(3) PHC(1) AC(S) FPC(4) 0(1S) 265

Amenities and Land use Sitamau Tahsi)

VA tr. fOfllilEJ1r ;r~ . 'If" '

,-A------:______~ r---'-- utr.ll 9 ,,~ .m it fttiI'. v~ if; f'" • " f~I'Rt f4t~ '

~ --- --_- -_----- 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2 pp Shamgarh (32) EAa Jowar. 51.00W 145.00 73.00 59.00 SemH Maize FP Shamaarh (32) EAg Jowar. 40.00W 215.00 110.00 59.00 Angari Maize FP Shamgarh (34 ) Jowar , 63.00W 396.00 136.00 31.00 Borkhedi Maize

1,403.00 66,421.00 22.023.00 N(2t5) U,787.00 20,456.00 M(7S) Total C(ll) T(41) 266


r------..A...:------~ ~ltII> m~1tlfi q~~~, ~ ~fiI"lfi. ~~ st\" mn q;lf ",for f~ ~" ~ 'llSlffiA; eft .If_. m. (RfO'~ ail<: lfififT pt;;'i Ifili'lft ~" 'fi~')~G, o;a'~.t atfalfi) ~~fUf~ ~!f;T*" ~f.rm ~i!l Higher ~~~ Matricula. Secondary, College Adult Villages tion, P.U.C., Inter­ (Graduate literacy with no Sl. Primary Middl~ Secondary mediate, and Class/ educational No. Name of Tahsil School School School Junior college above) Centres Others facilities r-A~,-A-~ r-A-~ ,--A---, ,..-~ , A_",",\ r-_A~

------_------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 -----'------_- ;;;n~ Jawad 134 1 37 26 27 6 6 4 4 141 2 ;fl~'iT Neemuch 121 12 4 21 21 3 3 69 3 If;£Tm Mana~a 1 35 1 4 3 21 22 4 4 83 4 'I"A'JU Bhanpura 62 62 9 9 3 3 20 5 ~r~~ Ma)hargarh 126 133 15 16 3 3 6 6 1 44 6 ;r~)o Garoth 117 124 16 16 76 7 ~;:~h: Mandsaur 163 1 67 35 36 5 5 11 13 t 57 8 aTO'TlIQ; Sitamau 155 166 38 22 3 3 8 8 77 ------_------Tota): District': 1,0131,056 161 167 28 28 29 31 3 3 . 567 ------267


TabsilwiBe Abstract of Educatimull, M&dical aad other amenities

f~ MEDICAL r---~------A------~ artI«mr 5Ilf.Rr tt'" mt. srrl!ffll'li QRciT1: 51l~~~ m~flilfi amf 'l'T" f.or~ii 1M1:f11IT ~I fqy~lI' f.;lI'~ ~.~ ~ifmiqf !fl'it 'it srqRr ~imI it"iJf."'~:::~'a ....

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 258 9 9 2 2 2 2 1 1 1. 176 10 10 2 3 2 2 1 1 S 11 205 6 6 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 72 6 10 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 4 5 160 9 9 3 3 2 2 4 4 2 7 176 12 12 1 1 3 3 1 6 14 201 9 9 2 2 4 4~ 9 18 215 ------~ _-- -. ------.. ----- I 70 7S 10 10 7 8 14 14 19- 19 S S 1 1 30 62 1,463 ----_...------.__.------:..:.._------268

~1IiTqr;ft DRINKING WATER ,....------~--- IIi1f ~ IIiT rmr 1fW '(an mmor ~ llillf wm ~ ~ . tPli ~ ~ 'fA ~ cft;t ~, "" arfiroI; it; cnlrt Itll' ~ ~6 mat ~iS ";r(t Villages with DO drinking S). Name 01 T&lbe. More Than water Caciling No. Tahsil Tap Well Tank Well River Fountain Canal Others One Source of any typet 1 2 3S 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 , 1 II(T~ Jawad S 262 2 1 16 12 1. ;ftl{'( Neemuch 2 189 2 9 2 14 3 q;mTT Mallasa 4 210 1 6 4 7 4 'f'If2;~l Bhanpura 79 3 6 6 !. ~ Malhargarh 1 169 3 4 6 ~to Garoth- 1 190 5 4 7 7 ~~~ Maodsaur 5 215 15 5 10 8 ~ Sitamau 2 226 7 11 15 ---- ... ~------_------.. --.. ------Total: District ; 20 1 .540 6 46 49 85 ...._--._-----~------..-- _.>------.---- 269


Tabsilwise Abstract of Educational, Medical and other amenities

61'1i q CI1~ ~~ f.r;;m"t iii! m~fu POST AND TELEGRAPH COMMUNICATIONS POWER SUPPLY r------"----- r---_.A---~ f--.A.--~ Wr

Navigablo PO and TO and PTO and Railway Water- Avai- Not av- PO TO PTO Phone Phone Phone Phone Bus Stop Station Way lable ailable 45 46 47 48 49 Sf) 51 52 53 54 55 56

19 5 48 183 92 18 4 52 4 130 60 19 1 73 127 91 9 5 .' 1 13 1 47 35 22 1 1 Zll 2 , . 130 40 lO 3 52 2 101 92 iO 9 19 2 190 30 20 1 116 116 ------21 4 3 148 .. 31 7 318 13 1,82.4 . 556 ------_.... ---_... _------_.._- 270

qftf~~ 2 APPENDIX II

Land Utilisation data in respect of Non-municipal Towns (Census Towns)

1{f'l ~IT(~ fCff'l1'i'f srm it "!,fll :roIT1f if arril'

Name or Town! CulturabJe waste Area not Sl. TahsiJ within Irrigated (including gauchar available for No. bracket Total Area Forest by source Unirrigated and groves) Cultivation

1 2- 3 4 5 6 7 8 ------

Nil 271

qf~m.s~-3 APPBNDlX-llI

7I" Ilflrl ofit tr~~n: ~ iJI'~ riff", f~rlf>mr, fiIfT ~ Q(~, ffT'U{/Q_TC; ~ f;;:~ In r!(iiT it; 11111, "" 8'n·ranron ~ ~ft'f iii'\' ~Tll ~m ;f~ t I Tahsilwise list of villages wheu no Educational. Medical, Post and Telegraph, Day or days of Market/Hat, Communication aDd Power supply facilities are available,

------!IIi" "'~ .m fllr !fir 1'fF1I !ipI' m;OlI'm Vnf ifiF 1'fF1I ~ If'Rn ~ ;:n:IR SI.No. L.C.No. Name of Vi lIage SI.No. L.C.No. Name of Village ------:------2 3 2 3 ------

16/1 ;;rT~ aQm~ lawad Tahsil

1 2 ~,fT,!~T ~iI1~ Devipura Abad 33 138 "'T,!~T Shripura

2 7 ~~T l1f.1;T '{iT ifT

9 71 ~GI"T;r ~~T Sujanpura 41 151 at;rorl

4h:m.sa:-3 APPENDIX-III

f" 1f1l'1..n. !I~n ~ m, ... I( aT~. ~/~ t f~iI 1ft f~;Jl it lfT". Ei'lO' tm f",," ..1 ~f~ tWl §f1nm1 ~i8 lf~ t I Tabsilwise list of villages where no Educational, Medical, Post and Telegraph, Day or days of Market/Hat. Communication and Power lIupply facilities are available.

_;;_------_.--.- - -~------ItI1:r lfir "I11J !Ii1f ~r;ftlf lIiR ItI1:r lfif "I11J ~" ~m Pn ..".. ~ if1:n Sl.No••. L.C.No. Name of Vi Ilage SI.No. L.C.No. Name of Village ------~------I 1 3 1 2 3 ------:------~-

1 6/2 ;:fill"f ~1(;f Neemul.:h Tahsil

37 ~.rr Cha,doli 18 153 Q\"1:T'1'T Pirana 2 38 <:r~T Ranpura 19 154

10 83 ilTT'fll'T ~ Akya 27 173 '11c:r~T lfililf Pawda Kalan 11 84 foiJlf1it lilt Tinakya Khedi 28 178 f'1'1(,lI'r <3Trrr't'l: PipaJiya Jagir ]2 94 ?i'r'l'ftIfT Thikariya 2.9 183 ~(fT li~ I ,)n:


16/3 lI'ilTij'T a~~(f Manasa Tahsil

1 5 lJq;ri Gapharda· 11 24 of ;srrtT ;r;rri Banjari BUzurg .~ 2 8 .r~

qfd~I5~-3 APPENDIX-lII

,., IITlrl ~ ~~flTl: ~"'~ IIT~, Mlf>m. m; If· an, ~~/&.R: _ flti'l q(f~"l it lJtll. Q':qn 6'4l fQijfl IIiT Wl~fo !fit ~N :aq~1& ;J~ ~ I ' Tahsilwise list of v.iUages where no Educational, Medical, Post and Telegraph, Day or da)'ll of Market/Hat, Communication and Power supply facilities are available.

------...... ------;---::------'li1l ~.t. IR fIIfT;j'tq .m. PIT ~ fin ~ Sl.No. L.C.No. Name of Village SLNo. L.C.No. Name of Village ------'------.. 1 ______--J ____ 3 --- ______2 3 _

16/3 lRT~r ~~ Manasa Tahsil 21 103 IliTqT Kotada 33 7.33 utm." Sanga Khedi 22 121 ~~r ROOppllTa 34 234 iR:~~T Barampura

23 179 1fH'Il~r Matasara 35 'L, 235 WT1ff<'fltt Amaliya 24 181 ,!,n~')~T ~ Bhuwanidura 36 240 \'TTCcrrQ' J.otwas 25 183 ~T~f Gopalpura 37 244 lfT\iI'\li) "!~ti Molaki Buzurg 26 184 t

----_------.. ------___.-_

.'.... 16/4 'IT;:r~~r ~~\f Bhanpura Tahsil

61 ~m,," Dantla 9 \l'

------~------_----_._.-----.., ------

16/5 l:J~~ a~ MaJhargarh Tahsil

92 '!;:q'l' Mundadi 1 67 1!'.~~ Mundkhosa 4 If Takhatpur 2 68 i('{cm Bardal 5 127 a~o~ Aradi 3 91 ~Jtfcrln Hanumantiya 6 129 $Il'ri.t 214

qh~-3 APPENDIX-Ill

f" vrIJ11If) S~flr( q;ft .Elf Iflf'fi. f'ifflf>~m. m; I( m~ • .rm/iJ! , f{il 1ft fit;ff it; Ill". e"In .... 8'n f~.n !fi' ~fa' .n ~ :aqwqr ~ t I Tabsilwise list of villages wbere DO Educational, Medical, Post and Telegraph. Day or days of Market/Hat, Communication and Power lup.,ly facilities are available. ------,------iii" E'lfiftlJ m IIIi1J ro.nll m fhln ~ flIn ~ Name of Vi lIage S).No, L.C.No. Name of Village SI.No.------L.C.No. I 3 2 3 - - .------

16/5 iI~~T~if a&:~~ Malhargarh Tahsil

7 14'0 ~iilT"~ '!~ rf Ambakhedi BUZUfg 13 160 ~"lT( itf<'flfT SUfhar BoJiya 8 143 ~T~lfi-.rt Kalyakhedi Kalan 14 164 i1m~ (Tl1lTT) Balaheda (Dhani) 15 167 Sesadi 9 152 mT"ffCTtlt: Firozabad ~~T 10 153 q;T«{t Fos4ri 16 171 M"q'iP


16/6 ~~"to ~ Garoth Tahsil

1 2 lfir~T Kanpura 20 84 <:1>'lfT Rojya 2 3 "'I~I~~ Chapalyalchedi 21 90 fm:;:IlT Jhiranya 3 5 tTfqTI;f~ Gopalpura 22 95 O\1M1'T !i\'~ Lambi Khedi 4 6 .Tn:n~ Banyakhedi 23 104 ~;Hqfifr 'n~tT Junapani Paoti 5 9 aTtlfi<'l1' Aka Ii 24 109 (f'qCfI;fT TarawaJi 6 10 ;a'1If~lfl l...'mariya 25 111 ~IJ~ <=:lcrTif SeOlIi Diwan 7 11 'Ii\':](,!, BhoJpur 26 119 f'r'R'"II"T ~TGT P ipalya Chhata S 27 Ifi<:Tf~lfT Karadiya 27 120 ~fglfT Khajediya 9 34 ;;1<:Tlf1lTT Narayani 28 126 !:Tgf<:!fT Dhaturiya 10 36 flrq'fl;flfr <:r:;ff PipaIiya Raia 29 138 ~t.

qf~f~-3 APPENDIX-Ill

I" Imrl ~ ft~nR ~ qf ~. f'l'fifim. m; If m~. ~/~ it; f" IR fic;r"f iii !fA. {f~ .. S1Il ~ iii) IIT9.ftr .., ~ ~Il'.l ~ t I "Tahsihvise list of YiJJages where 00 Educational, Medical, Post and Telegraph, Day or days of MarketlHat. Communication and Power IlIPply facilities arc available. ------.------!IIiq ~ 1f)W - ~;ft1rm ft1n IPn Rqr ~ Sf.No. L.O.No. Name of Village SI.No. L"C.No. Name of ViUage ---,------...... ------3 1 2 3 ..... -._.__...... ------.------.----

16/6 ~I"Uo ~~ Garoth Tahsil

39 192 Doniar Khedi 42 197 ll"Tifif! 'lfYCf,t Makadi Chawda 40 194 Chhayan 43 201 .t~.lT Bans Khedi 41 ,195 Semali Hada

----.. __ ...... ------_.. ------~-----

16/7 ~~ ~d}~ Mandsaur Tahsil

~q-T!I<'f.'T (;rY&<1T,) Roopawali (Naharaarh) 1 20 ij"'hrtitllfr v~ Beedpitha Khcdi 8 113 _ 9 120 Mandla 2 5.2 ;;ft~ ;:ftnT Beed Naulakhd tt~'1t 3 66 'ErlQ"'fT Soundhani 10 144 'ErT


16/8 mmll'a; ~m Sitamau Tahsil

Jawanpura 1 8 ~Tf;ftfT Sultaniya 9 50 \If

qf~mlS~-3 APPENDIX-Ill

Yi~ IIT1fT ott I!I~T~ ~'lfi;;r&T -'fR, frqfll>m, m; "I!I~. ifT~/&.re ill f~ Iff ~;ff it; ;mI, ~ .. «vn ~ iii) mlfu' Ifh Wcnrri ~~i8' ;rW ~ I Tahsiiwise list of villages wbere no Educational, Medical, Post and Telegraph, Day or days of Market/Hat. Communication and Power supply faciJities are available. , ------_._ ------'lIi1f ro;:ftll'm 'IIi" ~f~IfR ~ ~ ~ ;r;iI"t SI.No. L.C.No. Name of Vi llage SI.No. L.C.No. Name of VllIage ------2 3 1 2 3 ------

16[8 ~mpn; ~~ Sitamau Tahsil

17 134 lJ:~<:f'r Oudbheli.. 33 191 il~'I1q'::t Harnawada 18 137 IITf~\;'Il Shardulgarh 34 1.96 tft'tN~"r Oopa Khedi 19 138 ~hr~ f'tq-<'tfT Sansari Pipalya 35 197 "riR'fitT Rojhani 20 142 IfiVIT~T Karnali 36 198 m

32 190 tt~r Gudha 277

qf'tml5! 4 APPBNDIJG IV

r ~1 q "'1'lf'l(s "'ttl q.i Q1ftm ~."" -. illitom: 1I'l,,(a ~ ~~n .. 11(1(11&') ,~t

List of Vlllaies .Hordial to the l)I'oD.)rtioQ or Scbeduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe. to the total population by ranges. A-Scheduled Castes -.._------_-- ~m. £ffTiI'PI I!(Tm 15' I II>U . ~""( ~fiJrlfi ~~ . (srftrQ)· Rango of Sche- duled Castes Population L.C. L.C, (rercentage) No. Name or Villago No. Name of Village

1 2 3 2 3 --_------I 6/1 \ilT~ <:!fJ:~ Jawad Tah~iI

o-s 8 'Ii'ftf Kawai 174 ;:t"'t'f l!iT 1i9'1 Neem ka Kheda H. <'{('ifli"f Lalganj 178 lif~f"{lfT Kh.ajuriya 19J 21 Of~ft'I Bahoda '1iTqTif:!<:T ~qi ~~ifT~ Bhagwanpura al is 25 Of~~tcT~T Bardawda ~<:T Gudanathupura 32 clt~~T Jetpura 200 l!~l~)m Guda Hola 34 \{~T tI''iftf Sehna Talai 201 'fT'if'Tf Malgarh 207 q;:;;rTifT 54 !i~ ifir ~T~<:r Jhanwar ka Raipura Parwani 58 if~:!<:T ;{\~ if Meghpura Chouhan 211 'f~;il:T Mahendri 221 80 ~T;r<:T (f~Fit;;r) Dabra (Si ngoli ) arT",""t Ankali 222 ~~l{1!'J;-q 103 q<:T~T Pariksha Ummedpllra 223 104 S{Q"

------_ --______u ___..-. 6-10 9 iI~T n~di 51 ~'if~') Gulsari 19 ~9T llHHClcr Khe1 .. Majhawat 59 31~~ Aned 23 fl:U~T (f«m'if) Haripura (Singoli) 60 ifi1:lHl1T Kadwasa 43 ifi'i§T'if( Kachhala 65 fif'ifli~r Bilkheda 44 Ii9'T 'fT~'if);n Kheda Madlicha 66 ~if': ;jfr ",,) Ii.:) Kanwarji ki Khedi 45 ifilfn:trr Kawariya 74 q;~T;;rT ifiT Ii,?') Fattaji ki Khodi 278

q'ftflll'lC! 4 APPBNDI)O IV

J.ist of Villages Ilccordlnll to the proportion of Scheduled Castel and Scheduled Tribes to thi! lotal pOJ)ulation by ranges A--Scheduled Castes

- ..-_-.------~ ------_- af,!~fqcr Grrm

6-10 79 ~T'-f,T 'fiffi Dabra Kalan 192 f~'Ii'f Diken 83 ll;ft~~r Manoharpura 199 ~~'{T Brahampuri 88 fq"q"","I~:sr (fl:fl"it<'l"T) l'ipllkheda (Singoli) 202 T'fif<:!!"T f<: Darkheda Gujar 257 IfTor Gotln OS ·.:rl~r Shripura 259 lJ_O<'ITf Guthlai 143 «ITf<'l;f'1Q)"{t 15t Anghora 276 fiT'.!,Ifr'1T Jagepurmina 157 'i;sT"f Chadol 303 <'I"T~ Lasur 159 >;fTl:<£T (;;rIC!) Amba (Jat) 308 tHllf'flff Dhamaniya t81 t(:;nf<'l"lfT Gunjaliya

------'~------..------11-15 1 61"<:

qftf~1S1! 4 APPBNDllQ I\'

P !III'i!'~ It v,;tr.. a IIfTftI I{'i vtP !lll'i!'WJftr , ~ .n-l(J~ III'!qnr , ~, .. 11,,,1 'tiT '''')

List of Vlllalos aooorliiol to tbo prOP3UtOD of Scbodllied Castes aod Scbed'Jled Tribel to the total population by rangel. A -Scheduled Castes ----- V'!im------erTm llit 'l'fI'PIn ~f1rrlij (srfmJ) . Rango of Sche­ duled Castes population LoC. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of ViJlage

~------1 2 3 2 3 -.------~------_,_ 16/1 ;;rr~ ~ Jawad TahsiJ

11j"15 112 \3"~or: Ummedpur 227 ifiTlllfT Kashya 132 \iln: .lat 234 q,

~.------...... _------

1.6 4 20 16 ti'tlf'{f Dhogclwan 213 ~~"T"fT Dadoli 24 ~U'filTT Turkiya 237 iI;;r~f-.:rrT Kenpuriya 30 ~~)~ Thadod 272 ~cn ~~l Suwa Kheda 55 If<'l'Tf~l(T Palasiya 286 ll"R~f<:lfT Nanpuriya Modi 57 't~~T Retpurd 293 lI'~ 94 anorT (1f<:<'I'I~) Amba (Parlai) 296 ~!<: lnf.il'.it 1'1 ~T;;r;:f Sarwaniyan Mahajan

_.------"'------~. ------¥--~-----.-

21-30 22 a''l''TTif Dhlngaon 129 'fTqf~t ;;rTc Chanwadiva Jat t;fiC:T Ghanti 35 l'i"tc:i lfT~i Moti Yarda 137 48 ;;rijq;a':!u Jaswaotpura 162 ~;r m.:

,q~f.... 4 APPBNDI~ IV

fW nv~r " IIlftfW IIIftr It- II'lftm IfIIIRftr • ~ ~ _ II''!W'" ml ...... List Gf Vmqel accord' oa to the Ilroporti on of Scheduled Castel and Scheduled Tribe. to tbe total OOl)UlaUoa by ranges

1Ir-~ft ,"Ii A-Scbeduled castes -- 1fl1«f.crtr GrTM ifiT ._PrJ ~fVTlft (smrwel) , Range of Sche­ dUled Castes Population L.C. L.C. ( Percentage) No. Name of village No. • Name of Village ------'-~------3 2 3 ------I 16/1 IifTq~ a~«)\I1' Jawad Tahsil

21-30 224 qTqf~lI'l q1fr~T Pipalya Pemaji 273 tiR Khor 242 'U)<;r ( 'fOt

31+ 4 1fI<:,T Dharadi 182 ~;rT1J$<:r (~;rq) Raghubathpura(Ratansarh)

5 ~~<:T Ladpura 198 ,!,T q~~1: Gudha Parihar 28 ~)~r Govindpura 229 ~1{~ Shayampura 39 '-t

16/2 ;;Tlfi=f ~dt~ Neemuch Tahsil

0-5 • 1 mf Semarda 4S 1:T~ftll'T Rajpuriya 5 iffl1'f ITtf Baman Bardi 52 ,)~<:, DhoJpura

9 ."I<'<:T Khad~wda S5 ~!iffiT ~"'~T Rewali DewaIi 19 ~~ Lewda 73 il'T<:."~ 1fT'f", Borkhedl Pandi 34 1ff'f~~T MallPura 78 <:Tltfij~U , Raisinghpura 3S fC{q;;lI'~ o;(t:'f Pipalya Charan 79 ~li\"U Jhalri 42 Khatya Khedi 81 fmfiflfr Nipaniya 1Il(lIT ."'~ 281

d~mll5a 4 APPBNO[)G IV

P It.fU~' II ~ enm q1i Uftm r.rwrrfir iii lian,," Vl!lmf iii ~,~ 11,111 'Ii) 'r~) List of Villages ,oGordlll1 to tbe oropordoo 01 Scboduled C.lte. aad Scheduled rrlbe. to the total population by·ra~ge~. A-Scheduled Castes ------a::d~ ill'Jmr~f1Jr~t (~) Range of Sche­ duled Castes Population L.C. L.C, (Percentage) No. Name 01 Village No. ------Name of Village I 2 3 2 3 _._------1612 if'llr"f' ffi~ Neemucb Tahsil

o-s· 82 ucrr!Sl?1 'iff~ Klletakheda Charan 148 ,fhrr (Sj'~ Bheema Khedi 93 ifoilk~r IRT'l< Hanlnantya Pawar 152 ij'f

145 ~Hr~r Aspura ------_------_. ------

6-10 17 ~~~ Kheda Daru 83 "T'ftfT Akya ,!Q6'\'!'f 23 ~tfrcrHr Bholyawas 100 Mundla 10[ 31 ~morT :a;

67 "lie ~~T Bhat Kheda 141 ~~'flq(H Harnawda 69 ifi~') Kothadi 162 OT'fTf~


11-15 2 Kher Malya 6 OhSllndi 4 Chainpura 27 Newad 282

d"(f... a 4 APPBNDI)Q IV

P lI(q"" It ~m Wlfir ~ ar'Nm ~ Ii ~ "'!"ft' , ~" ml-~ ~ LIst of VIII_.et accord I nil to the proportion of Scheduled Caste. alld Scheduled Tribes to the lotal DODulatloo by ranges lIf-iR,tf.;rn ;JO'ftI A-Scheduled Castes ------lI1im IlITM ~ ",'Ifi1In I!i(fiJprt (Slf~) Range of Sche­ duled Castes population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) . No. Name of vilJ age No . N arne oC Village ------~------:---- I 2 3 2 3 ------...... ;------_....---'. ] 6/2 iThr:or ffll:m~ Neemuch Tahsil

11-15 71 ,,~qT<.'lfr Admalya 117 ~v~ Kolu Kheda 80 fqq~qr ifr~lRf Pipalya nathawat 122 81'~ Akali Jawasa 87 Glcmn 140 ~~"PfT Raodiya 89 mq;r Sawa" 150 .1'{~T Bamori 92 :al{~iT Umahada 169 ~l{T.,,;fT GlT~ Amav/ali lallir 99 fi:mlrr ~'If' Pipalya Mircha 182 IlIT~if Joeran , 106 ~li6r Sir Kheda .93 "l.~~~ Kunchdod 113 ;rr;r.QT Bamanya 196 ~t<: Harwar 114 ll<'fTtfT Maliya 197 cro~<'fT Parasali 116 fq~l ilfT~ Pipalya Biyas ------_------_....._--

16-20 3 <:"t~ Daru 74 fil"~<'fCmJ "fifm, Bisalwas SonBira 8 fcHI<'f,"~ ~ Bisalwas Kalan 85 "ll<::·n Bhadwa

10 ~~ifT Sagrana 104 ~.~T Doopu Khcdi 16 i3flIrcr.n Amawali 105 fomrlfr Bishnya 18 i<:"WT Dudrasi 111 !fT<'f~T~ Palsoda 20 If.I'fi:.l:I"Tm Dhaneriya Kalan 120 lIi~T ~6,!U~ Kothdi Istmurar 22 lfiifTCfeT Kanawati 127 ~ITTftQr Hingoriya 25 'it~ 'll:JrQT Bhad Bhadiya 144 'fRf~r Mahudiya 28 ~

dt~l5e .. APPBNDI1I " .

p ~.. , tt V1l'~G 'lifts q.i a,.m _.tftI t ~"'~ 8'J.C'a , ~, Ill'll ~n ,1II(t Lilt of Vma.ol a.. ardlnl to ,tI. Dro'PcmioQ of Scheduletl Caltol aDd 8cbedl1leii nib.. to tb' total OODl1lallo) by ran8et' A -Scheduled Castes ,-----_-- T~ IIIfflPn ~fVrl{j (Qmr) Range of Sche­ duled Castes POPUlation L.e. L.C, (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. "Name of Villaae _------2 3 2 3 --_------_------16/2

21-30 is ~~a'

119 ~~T Bhanwarasa 138 ~);ftlWfT Soniyana 125 i{\'IlCfi{T Dalawda 149 ~ Barnora 128 l;f,!flflfT 'tioIT Jamuniya Kalan 164 ;r'Rft v,r Cheet. Kheda ------

31+ 14 ~'1J\'Il

16/3 ;r;:rnrr ~m'1 Manasa Tahiil

0-5- 8 .~U Besada 46 ~'ffl'!<:T Rawatpura 18 GT1{IC:T Tarnoti 47 f(for«rll',(T Tilsamra 22 ervwn Bakhtuni 52 iil'T~~T Bawada 37 ~ Khedi 56 ... f~T Bardiya 43 iIlorTli3l' BaJallanj 61 fqqm;:r Piplon ------._------_ 284

. q~f1Pe 4 APPENDIX IV

fW l!I1Rl~r it II"lltNtI III'rfif ~ 8f~~~ 1tI"~ Ii 1livfI

List o( VlIla,e! accordIng to the proportion of Scheduled Caste. and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges. A-Scheduled Castes

------~------at'!{t.RB GITm ~T GT"Rqr ~fUflrt (1Tftrmf) Range of Sche­ duled Castes Population L.C. L.C. ( Percen t age) No. Name or V!lIage No. N arne of Village ------_------.__----_------I 2 3 2 3 t~/3 ;r"fTij'f ~ MrlDasa Tahsil

0-5* 68 ~<:fqr;;;l1T Khetpalya )88 'Ilo:r;fr Bhadana 72 ~~'fT Chukani 190 l'Tlf;;I') Dayalj 92 ;;fer;;r) Jetali 194 ~;r~fl:lfT a

6-10 4 'ii"tq;~r Chaukadi 100 ij-llvrT {~1J,U~ Semal i Istmurar 6 l!iGTT~l Kanjarda 11 3 ~~TCf"T Khadawda 13 'iil'I~!1CI'<: Camleshwar 117 "fl"~r:

------_._----_.------_ ... ------285

rt tr.t... it lIl,tfw IIRM ~ ~ ~ , .tIt-m IIIIl1H8 " qwt. m1 ,) t'lll) Ust or Vlllqea uoordlll, tet tile proportion of Scbeduled Caltet alld Bobedllied Trlbel to the total population by raDlcs. 1IIi-~a :orr" A-Scheduled Cast~s ------.. ~~ ~qfVrqt (srftmr) Range or SChe­ dulcd Castes Population L.O. L.C, (Pcr~eDtagc) No. ----._.__..-..,._- -- Name of VllJage No. Name of VUJage 1 2 ------3 2 3 _.. _------_._------16/3 1f;rr~ ~ Manasa Tahsil

11-1' 1 ..w'JT Barkheda 105 lI~tTiJ Mahaaarh 34 "§m!'JT ~ti Suwasada Buzura 112 lIT~T Mokadi 36 ~ Malaheda 114 fi.r'WlrT If)~T Pipaly Ghota 42 l'fUT Parda 136 ,tT'l~ Ratanpura 50 Gf"!;!TT Jamunya 140

16-20 11) qmf-em Palasiya 131 "I~I!f,!f~IH Mah.:shp:.;riya 53 fqq\1liT 'TCf6[T Pipa1ya Raoj[ 134 qT;:re-T Paw,Hi 66 ~'

'l~fll8! 4 APPBNDI" IV

~ I'II''"'~I it 1Ir.!'i{"'~ anf6 ~ iI!~~~~ \lHf\$Tfftf .: f!ii.w.,~ IIltcUtI iii ";p!n .'1f1 iii) ~ List ", Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled ClI&tel and Scheduled Tribes to the total pOPulation by ranges.

A-Scheduled Castes

at1~f"cy ----.._------_-...-_-- GrIm '1>"') ISI'~~' ~f1lflJt ( srfu"lITa) Range of Sche. duled Cas.tes .Population L.C. L.C. (l'ercentage) No. Name of village No. N 8.me of Village ------.. ------:----~ I 2 ---.=-- 3 2 3 ------\ -----.------16/3 lAT~ crq:~m Manasa Tahsil

21-30 70 Gfl<'ftiit<: Jaliner 151 ;j;:s'Ilij"T Kundwasa 82 <'ft6~lI"' Lodakya 163 lfi~r ~~

----.-..----.. ------... ~------<------.-----.- ...... -

31+ 38 f'1l«'l:fT I[T6'1 Pipalya Hadi 139 ~(gr attm Deori Antri 40 ~t~r Dangdi 158 iWnrr ~~,r Meriya Khedi 8S 8TT'fi<'fT Akali 162 l!i~l "i"ltT Kadi Buzurg 86 ~y;;r'


16/4 'tT

0-5* 3 Sujanpura 12 287

qh:r~lSl! 4 APPBNDI)Q IV

~ GfiJ~ " "'!'ir'lft! I3I1m ~ '"ftmt ~ It; ~1Ifi~ Qltlfm It; ~, .. «,111 ..) ''ilT

list of Villages looordla. to tbe DrOD()TtioD or Scheduled Clstes aad Scbedulej Tribe. to the total population by ranges. A -Scheduled Castes ,------.....------~ ;mfu IliT I'II1I'~T~flJfll't (srmmr) Range of Sche­ duled Castes Population L.C. L.C, (Percentage) No. No. Name of Village ----.-..------Name of Village 2 3 2 3 _._--- ...... ------,_ 1 6/4 ~T'i~l~T ~~ Bhanpura Tahsil

0-5 • 23 ~lif1!RlIl ,!~q Manpuriya Buzurg 78 i{;j'''tf~

- ...... --~- -".....------_------_... ------6-10 4 fqqRf Pipalda 34 ~rr'fT Tugani , !fi~\'I'T Kohala 63 if;~\'I'T Kethuli ij"!:r\'l'T Sameli 26 :JJ~\'I' ir~ Kuntal Khedi 92

28 ~il'T9~ Hamawad

------~------_" ~------

11- 15 21 ~r

q~f"'l! 4 APPBNDIX IV

List o( '{lIlage. according to the proportion of Scheduled Caste. and Scheduled Tribes to the total populalion by ranges.

A--Scbeduled Castes

-~--. ------3('!.~f"'~ Gl'rfu'liT GIlt d~r ~fiIT1:rt (sr~) Range of Sche­ duled Castes population L.C. L.C. (l'ercen t age) No. Name of village No. Name of Vi lIage

------_ ------~------_------2 3 2 3


] b / 4 'tlT'i~~r ~m(:f Bhanpura Tahsil


31+ 16 <:p:qf7lfT Raipuriya 40 Cl'T<:'T Anki

-- -- -~------.---

16/5 +!~Tryr~ ilJ:~R Malhargarh Tahsil

0-5* 3 mlfT ~¥T Pama Kheda 51 ~qT Roopi 7 >;!<:

17 3f'!.q~<:T AnuppUra 66 (tt<'lTq~T OungJawda

20 ;!i'fi<'lT Ankali 155 tt~~r{ Oarnai 43 'El'~ru Kumhari ]61 ~rf{T ;;r"tfiiflff Hathi Boliya 48 fCfCf<'l:fT ;ir<'f,!>,T Pipalya Solanki 164

qf'(f5TlS! 4 APPENDIX IV

~ lIII'ii9'~' it "~"N~ IIlffl ~ 1A11\lf,;(n IIIf;fIlll'JfiJ it; i vfim a,"'t'I , ",!~l" tll"l 'til " ...) List of Villages 100Drdilli to tbe prop:mioD of Scboduled Castes aDd Scbeduled Tribe. to the total population by ranges. A-Scheduled Castes -_._------_------_-_...-._ ~m ~;j"Tq VTIi ~ ;Ull ~;f\1:r Vlll ifit ;:ntf GTlfu tA ifi~ wr;r~ ~fur!Jj .~ ~ (srftmr) Range of Sche- duled Castes Population L.C. L.C, (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of YiUage

------1 2 3 2 _._------,------3 _,_ 16/5 q"'&I~[(~ ~«T~ Malhargarh Tahsil

'-10 11 ")~r Iii" Molya Khedi 99 s~if1l"r Turakya 12 Ii<::~:'~ Kherkheda 109 tft<: ~<:If~ Peer Guradiya 29 ... tij'l1f~~ (iif1!'~TCfT~) Banskhedi(BarujanawaIi) 111 lflcrT~"{r Gopalpura 39 on:lS{~~T !{tf Barkheda Panth 113 fiRr~~it.. . Kitukhedi S5 ij'iilCfO[r Sanawada 114 Of


11-15 1 iTiifi<:T"I' Bankrol 92 ~i'<;"~ Mundadi 13 q'~t Paheda 94 f«;:<::Cf

18 ~<:l'fr~ Harmala 107 l1f~;;r~T ~<:~ Khejadi Harsol 120 o'li<:r

__ -- ~ ___ .....------t-----____ .. ______a ___ ~ 288

q~f",! 4 APPENDIX IV

List of '1l1lagel according to the proportion of Scheduled Castea and Scheduled Tribes to the tOlal 'POnul.llon by ranges. A--Scheduled Castes ------3J1~f';Ja' ",ffu

21-30 31 ~l Rehatadi 66 .r'ri.IfT


16/5 ll~n:'i'~ ifQ:tI'R Malhargarh Tahsil

0_5~f 3 CfT1H Ili~r Pama K11eda 51 ~ql Roopi 7 >;{1;;ll'T ~ 6~·lTU Aranya Deo Dungri 62 <.!7;ft"l,!

~'> 20 <'I'Y Ankali 155 If<:ifrt (Jarnai 43 ~'IOlffU Kumhari 161 i!lm oryf;;rlfF Hathi Boliya 48 fqq~lIT R)<;t","t Pipalya Solanki 164 iI1~I~9T !OlifF B.daheda Dhani 144 l;!<:<.nfiflTT Sanvaniya

---...------___ ,------289

qf'{f~1S1! 4 APPENDIX: IV

~ 1'Ifif~~' it Q'!'1N~ ~fu ~ "'ItAI!! 1'IIlr.~ It; ~afI'

'-10 11 Itr~r lift Molya Khedi 99 ~<:IT~n:lTt Uja&ariya 140 attil'flf ~f "I'itT Ambal-.hedi BU2urg 81 .mr~if;:;r Botalganj 149 ~rlTif Chhayan 85

11-1S 1

~ 120 qiji<:TiI'T<:: 34 \il~)f~T Jalodiya Takrawad 122 ;n:f

q'~f.. 4 APPBNDIX IV

P ~"'l it IrlNRta .rra ~ ar1'!.m .II'''IlftI .. 't..nern: CIll"RI ~ I('l~n ..,,1 .n ~ List or VlIlalOI according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes Bnd Scheduled Tribes to tbe total population by ranges. A-Scbeduled Castes ------:'----.,_-- .!,'(~~m I;(lM It\"T 1Ir"~' ~fQm (srftma) Range of Sche­ duled Castes Population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name of viii age No. N arne of VilIage ------... __ - I 2 3 2 3 ---,------\ I 6/5 lt~ror~ ~m~ Ma)hargarh Tahsil

16:-20 8 "I'alU Cangeri 116 If>T~l 'lf~ Kalya Khedi 16 lIi'f;:rr"{T Kachnar 118 l1ifijfJ. Ii~T. Munja Khedi 19 m~ Jh3rda 124 <:ifHr~T Ranayra 31 <:mr Rinchha 136 a{llJlfl trlfiT Akya Bika 37 !I'm Sunthod 143 f~'llf<:trT HingoJiya Dowda 69 m~r Gogarpllra 148 ~Tq~ 103 ?it<:lII~ Dorwada 150 ~;;[To Sanjit 104 ,!IJT Budha 156 ~~!{T~ Sud was 108 'l


21 ... 30 2 lFfHfT ~~ Man:.sa. Khurd 90 qtr'fifT PaJewana 6 ~~fi"llT 1t\"

60 ~lil:l!i Khankharai 138 l1~Ti{T Magrana 71 41ft''' Ba4i 160 ~'m ii'tf<'TlTT Suthar Boliya 77 It\"l'ff<:lfT 'if:'iT

31+ 5 if{tii)~" (1J'l:T Barkheda Deo Dungari 23 ID~l:Tr tii~T Jhanya Khedi 21 ;f~ f'fWiT Band Pipalya 35 or<:~'T

cftmee 4 APPBND'" IV

tv ~ it Il'ltr.nr .mr I{'l Il'l'lNtI ""111m. " 'tit,," 1II!q'f1i t ...~ 1I,1Il .."t 1;f) LI.t 01 Villa... ueordlal to .lIe DI[)p",cfOD o( Scb.dtlleJ Cutes all" Scbedtlle1 rrib.. to the total population by raDge ••

A -~heduJed Castes ------Il~ '~ ITIf ~ iIl1J "i;Wr ;rR anftr .rt ~ fl, "If'" 1II~'llfurllf ifl=;rc ;p:;rt (~) RaDSe' of'Sch.. duled casles Population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. NalDe of Village No. Name of VlUage ------_ - - - 1 2 ------3 2 _._------_------3 -- J 6/5 ~QT<:

31+ 45 OTll<:'P-l Aruarpura 106 ~~~T Chandrapura 53 IIfTI9~r Khokhara 128 rrr'lr "T~r Napakheda 61 a{l'Gf!iiI' Ambab 130 rr!~f~ Nagad pipatya 75 ijTiIi~ Sokadl 133 fqcwtr! ,~'f Pipaiya Ratan 82 ~! PhikaDya 139 Gri~ ij~T Bans Khedi

84 ~!qn 1lT~lH Aranya Jatya 86 ~)9;<:r Haripura 147 c:rn:<1"T PaTti 87 of\iI\iT Belala 157 ilT"{"T9T Borkhedi 89 fll'~r~ Mindls Kheda 158 iIiT~tr! .I~T ~

16/6 trUo~~ Garoth Ta);)Sll

0-5- 6 'l'rw:rlitit Bl1nya Khedi 125 fl~~T arlST Kothadi Akha

31 ~'t1u Raoppura 158 ~",f~tfT liT,f Sakariya Khedi 44

6-10 19 \lrlfT lillyT Bbama Khedi 48 'JifJifll"T ~'ln:q~T Akya Kunwarpada 24 i!:a'rf Hatai 53 ~T

q~ftIu 4 APPBflDI" IV

p ...... r.~ vfiI (1,II.ftfq_m.~ ~ ...... tilCl~

LI~t ., vmau, &ceor411.. to tlae IIroPOrtioo of Scbeduled.cute. and Scheduled Tribes to Ibe ..tat l18P8t1ttktil' b) ran_. Ili-.f-;(II ufit A-Scbechaled castes

------~~------,------.. __ ar.t~ anftr iii\' CJrlfAln ~fUp:rt (srmm) Range of Sche­ duled Castes Population L.C. L C. (Percentage) No. Name of village No. Name of Village ..,__.------2 ------I 2 16/6 .,tto ff~Ti'f GaToth Tahsil

6-10 S's imr-rr Bamni 142 Q''lif~!n ~ Sakariya Kbedi 95 ~Tl:.n ~~T Lambi Khedi 146 I{<:r Eri 98 .ift,"T ~~t Barkheda Amlekha 160 11)~1 Mardi 103 ~li)~ ~i Chandkhedi Khurd 166 f'f;;l Chicdi 117 ~»r-rt 'fl:fT Surjana Naya 176 iifT~-rl Barni

118 f


11-1.5 ~ ;r)q'Tt:r~?T GopalpUra SO fiN~lfr fl1{lffT Pipaliya Mittesha

7 ~

40 l:lJflli,T Ranayara 154 ~;:~T Mundi a 41 ~Tomt 8ath Kheda 163 ~Grifm Bockhedi Ghata 47 ar;:r,):ST Barkhcda 168 8lr;n:T Avara SI fqqOf lSlm Pipal Kheda 170 f'li<'f;rn:') Kilgaci 52 ~f;:l:fr Eriya 17 :; 'l)qr\1~\r GopaJpufll S6 i[»r{<:T Banjari 179

------~------..... ------.. _- 16-20 2 ifTif,!,T Kanpura 35 ~v:rtit '!<: Denthali Kburd 16 11)<'IT~ '!.'"!" Molakhedi Buzurg 6? 1if~!.ilnmT Barkhcda Loya 23 ;:~llfO') Ralayati 76 qlcgr Paoli 29 ~'ln.)~ Punya Khedi 93 ar<:~)6'r f~~ Backhedi Mittu 293

qftm~1! 4 APpBNDIX IV

p ~ It lI'I!"r~ IIIITRi ~ '"1"Rft ~.m fit; e. llitm II'I!IIII8 it; ~, Ill-tl Ill"\' 'I'" Ust of Vlliales .000rll'QI to Ibe Pl'o1)CJrrioo of Scheduled Calles aD~ Sclleduled Tribe. to the total population by ranges.

iii' "':"lIIftf;nr ;;rIB A-Scheduled Castes ------v~ ~lfA "If IIiT ;rIll ~;:t)~ "" iIi'f ~ urrm iii"\' ~ ..~ tr.!'mt ~fGrlff ~ (srftmr) If"" Range of Sche- duled castes Population L.C. L.C, (percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village

----~------1 2 3 2 3 ...... ------~------16/6 ~ ~.Jt'1' Garoth Tahsil

16· 20- 102 i Moia Khedi Khurd

128 ~I~l 1J_;on: Dhala Gujar 162 q'J~<'lT Parasali 133 ~fun Sagoriya 171 ;i<:.TOST ~;;f Kothada Khurd 4 ~~~ Semrol 108 ~::rl1~T Hanmantya 22 ~1iff'l;IfT De~riya 109 (f~T

77 ~Q6~r"if'l;::r~~ Kundaliya IS2 oHm Agar 81 ~T ~)"" Kll1,joori Doda 156 Q~f'lllr Hatuniya 83 ~Ffit Raoti 173 '1"("61 Garda 86 on:~T ~Cf1!,~T,{ Bardiya lstmurar 178 m~'ll:r Lalpura 89 ''!iilT Chukani 181 ar«r


p .'"'~ • ~ IIflfir ~ .~fq ~ • ","!fA qmt iii ~n ,"'1'1 .,. ~

IJst 01 fllla,e. accordlnll to the proportion of Scheduled Cutee and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges. A-Scheduled Castes

__ ------~------_ Bt'1~ 117fcr1li\' .;uia, ~fQrlrt (srf~) Range of Sche­ duled Castes Population L.C. L C. (l'er~entage ) No. Name of village No. Name of Village -...------I 2 3 2 3 --_------\------16/6 ~)O ii~~fhi Garoth Tahsil

21-30 18S Iil'fT Bani 189 'UIf6)~ Ramkhedi 186 fq'i§<'£T Pinchhala 197 Ifr~~T ~Tcr~T Makadi Chawda 188 iiI1:~~ ilTlf'Ii BiU'kheda Nayak 200 emrfif~T ritcrrif Dhamaniya Diwa

------_.. _------

31+ 3 ~'f~r ~ Chapalya Khedi 94 1)"<'lf«T KW'lasi 8 o;r-iI'Tq.{T Cha~hawda 106 lin: 6~ Khar Kheda 9 arr~

(fd~lI5!: 4 APPENDIX IV

IV 'A~ it Q'ltf'RI '!'db I{~ Q",,", 'li!'..-rfir , ~ -tl'lrn: V'l'nt'l t ~,'C llI"l ",I ,~) List of Vlllale, 1000rdl1l8 to tbe orOPI)Tlioo or Scheduled Caate. aoj Scheduled Trlbel to the total population by range •• A-Scheduled Castes ------rolfllf VlIf ~ ;U" ~1;f\1t Q'~ "" 1FT itT" IIfTm !ff\ IIfi'n '!>T~ tr.!'a.n ~flJfI:rt If~ il~ (lTftrft) Rango of Selbe- duled Castes population L.C. L.C, (percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name ot ViJJage ------1 2 3 2 3 _._---.------_._-_------16/7 ~m (iQ:m?T Mandsaur Tahsil

o-s * 8 Gf,"~'{T Jama!pura 43 $" oi~T Dhakad Khedi

22 ~<'I"~T'f~T MultaDpura 165 ~'l"Of !Si~T Isab Khedi 23 "!;

6-10 4 m~~T Re'has Deoda 98 'iWi

S6 ij)~ !S{$'T Gor Khcdi 194 ~Ta; ~ Bhau Garh 60 "f","z BhaJot 195 ~<'q.

6S l1~~T Mahammadpura 197 '!tG~\'f Nandwel 71 u"'l~ij-U Songari 209 'qTG:T !Si~T Chanda Kbedi 81 ~ labdadi 221 'l"'tUIG: Sarsod 82 «1'1<'1") Semali 223 1if~f~T ~1ifT Lasudiya Ila 8S f"f<'l'Gt LiId" 225 ;ftT'{) Nagari 93 tllf"{IH Ii)?') Gariya Khedi ------_------11-15 J ..,q<'rr Karoli 7 o!f>!'qc(t Kochavi Galya Khedi 6 "'~~ Bhardawad 14 IT\'lfT li)~ 296

q'~f"'l! 4 APPBNDIX IV

List 01 VlJla,cl accordlnll to the proportion of Scheduled Caste. and Scheduled Trlbes to tbo toca' pooulatloo by ranges. 1Ii-1II1ftf;;(!I ..f\! A-Scheduled Castes ---,------....------arl!9:r.m fIll IliT itTlI \'i(rftJ 'fiT er;rn., ~f1l'(lft (sr~) Range of Sche­ dUled Castes Population L.C. L C. (Percentage] No. Name of village No. Name of Village ------~------I 2 3 2 3 ------If/? ~m-~ ~~ Mandsaur Tahsil

11-1 S 19 Urf{I:TT ~~r Dllariya Khedi 130 ;;r~sTq;r Lasudawall 25 '!.~IfsItT ~~ Guradiya Deda 145 "t';n:~ Kuachrod PatJaVl<{I,HIT Nandllota

83 'tft;;r'fT Kolwa 192 '!i~n Kallar 88 fqq'(:lfT lfi<:Tf~lfr Pipalya Karadiya 200 ET;:~)~r Dhandhoda 90 .101 P:ItT 111~ Khanderiya JI.Iaru 202 iif;r'T Bani r;,qf<:l!T ~n:1T Khajur;ya Sarang 113 1i

------~----"~ ------

16 .... 20 27 uunm Saba Kheda 16 -l l! for;fl;n'{ GuJiyanar

4~ _nnr Ifi

Clf..:fl5l.s! 4 APPENDIX IV

P tmI'~ it G'tif'ifa 'fTfiI ~ "'lif'!'\'! t(;t'.mr Ii uft'U{ CI'Ilcrra lti G,«r~ IIrli} 4>1 '''' list or VlIlales aOClorltloll to tbe l)I'op:Jrtion or Schedulej Castes and Scbejulej Trlbel to the total population by ranges.

IF -Vllif"t'I

16-20 217 Elchi 220 Daloda Sagra 218 Lala Kheda 224 Kachnara ------_------

21-30 5 IileTcr~ Ghatawada 111 fa~rf Tisai 10 f,;-""cn:r Dilawara 112 il"1fTCf<'l) Netawali 15 "noliT ~~ Malya Khedi 116 f'l<:I1)f<;(lit Chirmoliya 17 ,!;rftnn Bugliya 118 'lillm1~t Kamalpura 18 q~r ~~) '3fpr'h Potha Khedi Jagir 120 ~o~<'!l Mundla 30 fl'liT<,(T Dhikola 122 <:Fn t§,?T Rana Khedi 31 6H'flff 'ii'q, Akya Fattu 127 +fT~ 19r~r Maru Khedi 38 iif)il1:r ii~l Bohra Khedi 128 ,!~)~Til' Gudiyan 40 an'frCf~ li~T Alawada Khedi 131 iIlllil Bagya 42 'H'iT 1l.~l;1T1: Kasba Mandsour 132 +fT,{ ~T~T Mor Kheda 51 f+r1: lITl,T Mirzapula ] 3) ""~~T Ladusa 63 n:~T iif'O'ilr Richha Bachch~ 134

------,---_.. ------_...... _._--_._------_ .. _--- 298

q~f"'l! 4 APPBNDlX IV

p amr~r it 1rlI1~ "'fer ~ ar~r.nr ""... rfir • ","i!fl'{ ~nr II; ~A I"'r1 ~ ~ r.isf 01 VUlale. according to tbe proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to tbe tOlal population by ranges. A-Scbeduled castes

------~------._------a(,!~ Gl'TRt Ij;) lIT;rfiw ~fUrlft (!I'mra) Ra age of Sche. duled Castes Population L.c. L C. (I'ercentage) No. Name of village No. N arne of Village

...... ------~--.------I 2 3 2 3 , -----~------1 6/ 7 1l;:;::~11: ~~ Mandsaur Tahsil

31+ 1 'fTtTt'" Nogawan 137 fmlt'f Jhirkan 21 <:

33 ilT~~T Bolkhedd 140 ~lqiif Jhawal 45 3l<:ilft ~l Aranya Bhatti 141 iHI'fi"?T Jhakarda 64 srraru ;oct fif~T Adhari alis Niradhari 144 ~m"l

16/8 ~rcm:ra; ~ Sitamau Tahsil

Bor Khedi 0-5 18 ~·oV?T Sunth Kheda 65 .n~ ~~I 105 'l!ifl"ll1/1 Bh!Jwangarh 35 1''l'''1- Roopani Pipalya 39 'EflrelfT V~) Ghatiya Khedi 126 f'l'lt'

cd~M"'5! 4 APPBNDIX IV


Ust of Villages .ClGordloa to the oroD()rtioD or Scheduled Castes lad Scheduled Tribe. to the total population by ranges 0 A --Scheduled Castes ------tI~~ ""rrrrq vrq 'fiT rrTl'f ~r-f'tq UTII' ifir ii'l'l' ISIlfu ~ 'flU ifiT~ w;rn.n I5I!VrQj I(+.rt ~;n: (srftrQ) Range of Sche- duled Castes Population LoC. LoC, (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of VlJlage _---_.. _------_------_------1 2 3 2 3 _._------_ ------16/8 ~aT+f3:i ~~~~ Sitamau Tahsil

0-5 * t 66 Chimangarh 184 Rawat Kheda 173 Tarawa!i 197 Rojhani ------_._-----_._------

6-10 BTT'IT l§)~' Aba Khedi 147 l1t1l'e r,~T Mamat Kheda 28 ifilfT~ Kayampur 152 ~~;;y;ft Surjani 45 1l'fflT,!'1;T Motipura 15' 'f;~f.l:"l£T Karandiya 50 G['fTrr,!~T Jawanpura 156 Of'''!;;'lT Bavchya 73 ~T Era t 65 <'I1<:'1"T Larni 78 1l'T'1;l§lTr Morkheda 180 'fitfhn Kantiya 79 ~fli~ Surya Khedl 189 'f.lrrT~GT Kanaheda 82 EIT~T l§~ Dhara Khedi 195

_------_----- _,------_.,.. ---..------;---- ~

11-15 2 ;:TTll:~'i~ Nahargarh 91 Uflll'a-<'f'T Sakhtali

6 ~<'TT'1;T Jhalara 93 '1;T

23 iT?l~ Badod 113 ~'6<'TT Kundla

43 fqq~t 'file Pipalya Kot 117 ~T<:~,!'1;T Bharatpura Bhilya Khedi 44 m~lfT ij~ 119 U~IiI,!<:T Saraspura ;3 me lSf~) Bhat Khedi 120 ..m't~1 Bhagor 57 iIlf<'flrT Boliya 127 q)ef<'TlfT Potliya 66 ifiT~f~llt Kachriya 129 ~na-nir'~ Satakhedi 74 f'iiifi<'l1 Chikla 140 ~f"(ln Dhaturiya 7S lfi1=l1Tli'~ Kammakhedi 157 ;f<'THT BelaTa 76 1Ii~1fT Kodiya 1 SR 'lTnll' Parsi 88 ~li'~ Soorkheda 160 li';;yf?"

q~f",a" APPBND IX IV

l-ist of VlIllle. according to the proportion of Scheduled Castel and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges.

iii -1Ir'ftf.ftl ~nfa A-Scheduled caSt~S

------~- ar~lJ;m IIrrm ;R 1(1'1""' SllfiJrlft (srfimr) Range of Sche­ duled Castes Population L.C. L C. (Percentage J No. Name of village No. NameofVilJage - _------"'------I 2 3 2 3 ------16/8 mm+rn; aQ:~~ Sitamau Tahsil

I1-1S 177

216 S';m~ Dhanwada 24l Semali 219 QT'fi~ 19T~r Dhakad Khedi ------

16-20 S Iil~~) ;;rqT~;;r Khajoori chandrawat 114 tiJ~<:1 '!fl' Kh::ljuri Nag Kodari manda 13 'filcgr 1f~T 121 1fT~~' Manpura 15 vr;y lS)~T Khanu Kheda 122 i{f<:lH Ii~r Meriya Khedi 19 ~·it suathi 125 C:Tc'fiT Tatka 21 ~rtrT lS)~r Kunta I

64 ..T'fi<'fT Bank Ii 172 i!T:;rll,!~ Ajaypur 67 ~ Ii?"T B8ru Kheda 179 !:l"<'fqc: nhalpat 68 ~!:l"~T (lp,;JT<1T) Sedhara(Karnali) 199

------_... ------~------

21-30 12 lti~if'U Kuchnara 17 ~'ffi<: tiI?"T Shalckar Khedi 14 a'"!.'l::r fiter KhaJvorl Manda 30 Iti)c:~r iI'~~<: Kotda Bahadur 301

"fdfi&1! 4 APPBNDIX IV

P ertf~, it "'1tm ",fa '{If "'l~ "".rfft if; ~GftlO~ "'1Q'G ~ ,,¥n a'''' 'b') ,'It) List or Villages aooordiol to tbe Plopc)Uloo or Scheduled Cutes and Scheduled rrlbe. to the total population by ranges. A -Scheduled Castes ------_._------"-ffifTlf CIT q- Of;f iff" f'nifflf Inlf 'fir;nll ...I!IlRr ~ 'lit. ~ ~a.n qfvrlft ifron: if~ (lif«O) Range .of Sche- duled Castes population L.C. L.C, (percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name 01 Village ------1 2 3 2 3 _._------______--I 16/8 ~Tll~~ Sitamau Tahsil

21-30 31 f~f't~ Risthal 134 '!J ~~T Gud Bhdi 32 ~ Deari 142 'ii~;;r

59 at~ ;:lfT If), Aranya Gaud 175 STQrq~U Pratappura 02 ;IiHr'ift Karnali 18! l1Cfr'to;rr Rooparel 63 !I<'fT !I~T Kheta Kheda 185 m;J~T .~.r Dhanda Kheda . 186 ~qf<:llt 1l:I<'I"1 71 qrqi-llT !i{T'Ii~ Pipalya Dhakad Deoriya Moli 72 rrp'H'l Dhabla Bhagwan 86 Ii;:: Ii,t Kher Kheda 201 ll~ft(i[t Bhensola fifiD1l'{,!~r 90 ~~'fT Ladoona 204 Kishorpura 94 'lir.rRlTT .~') Kochariya Khedi 206 -~,nnT Suwasara 95 l!Cf1<'ft Muwala 218 qm~ Gdana 96 O1'OItf"llT Tambo]iya 221 ~!f,!<:T ifTIf~ Deopura Nagar 101 ~~;;rT MUndla 224 it"'~ ~~~t Dokar Khedi 102 <'fTq;::,) Laori 225 \l~~;:: Bharpur 118 t:fW?tfT Lasudiya 231 ll'~~) Masoodi 128 <:;;rTtf<'fT Ralayata 240 a'

31+ 7 .iT V~I Beti Klledi 24 .f~lfTIf Iif-~ Bardiya Khodi 9 ~.~~ Kelu Khedi 27 '(T'iff If('iT Raja Khedi 20 1J.'IiT ,,,11' Bhuki Buzurg 22 I«rfRlfr 'fiT~~ Khaoderiya Kachar Kolwi 22 qr~ Panpur 37 'lil

q~f",~ 4 APPBNDIX lV

pi' I!(I{~~' it ar-tllm IIITfa ~ ilfi!~f;m ....;J(ffa 'C oiunorn ~ra fti -Il"n; .'~l ~ ~~ List of '1l11agel according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total potmlatloD by range!. A-Scheduled Castes ----._------_-.-...... _ ar,!~f;rcr t'fT"~ Iftll It>( ;rrll ro;f\lf l5I1RT IIi't 1Ii1~ ~ .;rmr ~fiJrltf i'{1'<["( i'{1'«"( (~ftrmf) Range of Scbe~ duled Castes Population L.C. L C. (Percentage J No. Nilme of village No. Name of ViII age ------1 2 3 2 3 -----_._------16/8 ~'hrJlf3i ~~I\il' Sitamau Tahsil

31+ 80 QlrI'lT Halladi 190 l)',~r Gudha 83 <:rl'f( I'if~{t Rama Khedi 196 tIM lifT Gopa Khedi 87 q';flf Deoriya Vijay 99 <:Tl1~ Ramgarll 208 "f1!'l:fT Jamunya 104 iI',~rq~ Bardawadi 209 lir'lffsliT ir~T Khejadiya Megha 107 &"~'fT Halduni 210 tf;fli

--.;;:.------~------.,_- -Excludes Village, with no. S. C. Population 303

cftm.s! 4 APPBNDIX IV

p ~ it .",m errfil ~ "'Nt.RI ~"Jfif iii "lIfTcm "'lqn, it; V1!6'~ 'II"".,) ~"1 List of Vlllalos .ooordioll to tbo prOJ)ortioD or Schodulej Castes aDd Schedulod Tribe. to the total population by ranges. B-Scheduled Tribes ._--_---- V'!~ "PflSflfu 11ft t(;rmt ~fiJrqt (smrllRl) Range or Sche­ duled Tribes population L.C. L.C, . (percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village ------_. __1 - ______2 3 --- 2 ______...,.....- 3___ --I

16/1 \iIT~ ~m~ ]awad Tahsil

0-5 * 4 !JT,{~') Dhardi 106 ~

15 flIm;;rr - Singoli 139

20 'lre!Jt;;r Patiyal 172 "{a-;;IT~ Ratangarh 21 ~~ Bahoda 117 Ofr;;£t"{T Alori 22 !:T'ft~ Dhangaon 222 ~G",!"{r Ummedpura

29 ~T<1"!U Kholpura 223 ~t"{r~<:T T<>rapura 30 1!f9lG: Thadod 242 "!'T<'r ( arolifT ) Chado! ( A thana) 33 l1~,!'{T ~'!iI' Mohupura Molki 261 t!QTifr Alhana 42 ;;rT!:TTf~<'I' Jodhakundai 266 lI"{ifTfcrll'T 111I1


6-1.5 an;:rrr .. Aranya 67 'ti'l'livr . Kanakpura 88 Pipali Kheda ;:,ingoli 10 'i'f'li lIT"T ~ Chak sr)di jhar fcr'l<'f! lisT flilmtfr q<;.fTf parlai , 16 al1J

q~r... ! 4 APPBNDIX IV

Lise of IlJJage. according to tbe proportion of Scheduled Caste. and Scheduled Tribes to·the total pOllulatloo by ranges. )J -SchedUled Tribes ______-L ______-:------...... _ ar'!.'~;ffl ;r;r'OTTRr~ ;rll'~'~~ (srmrn) Range of Sche. duled Tribes Population L.C. L C. (Percentage) No. Name or village No. NameofVil1age --_- 1 . 2 3 . . 2 3 ------+------16/1 '3ITq~ ~'h; lawad Tahsil

6-lS' 129 '!{fllf~l(T ""T~ Chanwadiya Jat 255 llrlTl!{" Nagthun 164 1fi~l!Tf~~ Kashmariya 257 ~1OT Gotha 174 "Ttt'!;T l{~ T Nimka Kheda. 262 tf.tf1:lfT Dhaneriya 17& ~f{!fT Khajuriya 268 a:t''lfortcrIlT Achlawilda )79 "!.~ft~ '{II ;rtJ'iJ Luhar iya Ratngarh 272 %!!R,!'\T IIi\'n Kesharpura Kalan 190 1{lTcrt"OVT ~ ,!~;;T~T:T Bhagwanpura alias 273 1it~ Khor Gundanalhpura 275 ~6T rToT1: Khe1a Rathor 192 f~%;; Deeken 277 ~t lin Sliwa Kheda 194 ~Ulr, <:a

~------_------16... 25 2 ~T~<:T 3T!'fT~ Davipura Abad 75 (tJ'nm Dungariya 8 !fi

P It.r~ i1 1r1t~6 .rrftt q. ""tNII .'itiffir It; hlTIIn Irit~'tt ~,"Iii" uflit ..l '1~) USl Gf VHfllt6. aftotllhlll to rae !JtCJ'OQi'tIOd c1f Schedltfed Caffes lillY ScbeditJed Tri6el to the total population by ,a0Jee. "-"'kf;t8 ilI'if~rra B-§c1ieduled TribeJ ...... :;;...---.------;------~ .;nnm III ,_"a.n JifoT~t (RRlO) Range of Sche­ duled Tribes population L.C. L.C, ( Percemsae'j No. Name of Village No. Name of yinage _...... ------~------1 2 3 2 3

-....------__I 16/1 'i!T~ ~ lawad Tallsil

16-25 137 meT Gnantl 220 .ftT:T Shripura 7.26 iI1cr1if;;~ Bawalnai 1 S1 ar;{~RT Anghora 238 it~ 'f;T Mandaki 153 <::T1ifQ",!~T ;;rIc Daulatpura Jat 252 ~)F.T Sarod a 160 ~~If~l:[t ;;rIc Luhariya Jat 265 i{tl'f<::T Nagda 163 "!. llf~T Kelu Kheda 213 ~~T1ifT Dado Ii 299 qg-iT lnil' Basedi Bhati

216 ~ 'i~ ~T 1{t~'I';; Ruppu ra Morwan 303 <;tT~ Lasur ------.------_------

26-35 74 'fi~r:;fl 'f;T ~'~r Fatta;i ki Khedi 234 2;

q~f.u 4 APPBNDI" IV

ttl ~.d"l it trl1~s ufs It- .~'!.fq IlIfW " ,",1I1~ UT"(I , .'!WA ftl11 ~ ~ List. 01 VIII_lei .ceordlna to tbe proportion of Scheduled Cutel and Scheduled Tribes to Ibe total I)Opulalion by ranges. ~-iIIll'I~!I "I".... B·-SCbeduled Tribes ------. __ ar~~m aR~m ...; .lffi_, qfarltt ( IlfinRl') Runge of Sche­ duled Tribes Population L.C. L C. (Percentage) No." _, Name of village No. Name of Village ------I 2 3 2 3 - -_ ------~------16/1 "I'rfl ~~ Jawad Tahsil

36 -50 278 mr,n Segwa 307 fii~li~ Kherkhedll 286 'fT~f<;ln Nanpuriya 313 iI<:~~n ",~ ... Barkheda Chauhan 287 ~si Gl'T

------... -_....__------_.--.------.---_-

51+ 7 ~"sr~);f;T if;T ~T'" Khedamoka ka Dol 133 ~Tm if;I ~"~r Mata Ka Kheda 26 i(iff~lfT Banediya D4 ~.o

71 worTil~r Sujanpura 148 iifT1f~T Bagpura 73 ~~<:T~OiT Kherakundi 154 ,,'hr~11l Bhimsukh 89 ~lf'!<:T Prtlmpura 151 ",;;:t;;{ Chadol 92 <{T\ffilI~l 11l.

100 ~q,:!n:lfT Debpuriya 161 ~,:!~T Jetpura 101 ~T'fTC' Kanod 168 iI~I!f'" Barekhen 102 ~)"!fT Kojya 171 1f.<{T.. !1l~sT- Gundi Kheda 103 qp)-'(91 Parichha 180 ~rq~,:!'T Sanwalpura 107 i

HO inar-n Banada 18S ;j{~T~~~ Jarad Ratangarh Dungarpur 111 ~'1~,!' 189 19To) !1l'~1 Khati Kheda 118 mT~C'T Borakundi 197 ;j{r

q~fue~ 4 APPBNOIX IV

p ~r It ~ smer ~ !tf~fq ~ " 'lfllft~~ ",!qf" iii III,!"" .r"llli') ~ LIst of Vlllalel according to the prooortiOIJ ()( Scheduled Castel and !'>cheduled Tribes to tbe total oopulation by ranges. B--Scbeduled Tribes

-~------_._.._-_._------_, 1I'lf.'lA'tf ~rn'lt VTlf ~ ~Tlf ~ VTlf ~ ;m! 8I1'rll'TM 1Il't I!IT~ m --.r6ar IIlfilm Ill'"" ~ (srmrcr) Range of Sche- duled Tribes Population L.C. L.C. ( Percen t age) No. Name of viII age No. N lime of ViIJage ------I 2 3 2 3 ___'___ ---;- ______-_. ______--. r

16/1 ~ ~m~ Jawad Tahsil

51+ 237 Kenpuriyu 279 Kundala Neemuch 259 Guthlai 281 Morka -----.._------

16/2 ;:~lq'q' ~ Neemuch Tahsil 0-5* 13 :q'lfu Changera 101 qY<:f~l:IT ifiiifT 130rdiya Kalan 20 ~~~r ifiiifr Dhaneriya Kglan 102 i[Y~f~lfT ~~ Bordiya Khurd Dipukhedi 22 ifi'ficrit Kanl\wati 104 ~"r'l~~r Semalimewlld 24\ &ni~ Barukheda 110 ~lfiifTi\"G\'T? 2S \lnl'Wn Bhadbhadiy 111 qHHI~T Pal soda 113

fW er:r. "vUf'lftl errfir '{If iIIllIIm 'A'.~ - iii aft;m: 1II!I"8 it; ClI!t". II'''' iii) ",,) UII 01 Villages 1000,11108 to tbe DrOI)()rtio!l of Scbedulell Clites anll Scbeduled Tribe, to the total population by range•• B-Sc:hcduled Tribes ------'------.....___---- Viltm 'i!~lifTfu fIi) ~"'" ~flJrlft (~) Rango of Sche­ duled Tribes Population L.C, L.C, (percentage) No, Name of Village No. Name of VUJage ----~------_------_ ------1 2 2 3 _.. _-_------I 6/2 ;ft~ ~~ Neemu;:h Tah.i1

0-5 196 Harwar 203 Neemuchgram 201 Chhacbh Khedi ------_._------_-._------6-15 3 ~l!' Daru 73 m qf~ 'fl'l:sr Bockhedi panadi 4 ~;r~;:T Cbainpura 14 f;;r~<'!

5--1 fu,~T:ST Girdoda 137 aT~r Dhamaniya 55 t"1f(if1 i:T"T 1S"':sr Kana Kheda 149 iT"To::T Bamora 61 f'HT","

q~faP~ 4 APPBNDl~ IV

List 01 Village. according to tbe proportion of Scheduled Cute. BDd Scheduled Tribes to tbe total PODulation by ranges. Ii -iIf'lif.fa Gf if Ifrfe B-SchcduJed Tribes _--_ .. _------_ ar~~f

16· 25 1 ~Il~ Semarda 145

- ...... ------... ------

19 vf~ Lewada . 156 l'l'mcrTi;ff

33 flitrCRqr smrrO( Nipaniya Abad 141 ~~;rl~ Harnawada 42 1iIWl'T ~~ Kh<1tya Khedi 155 <[To Peeth 45 ~r~fbn Rajpuriya

------_.... -..- .,..,..-----_....,------51+ filqrf;rm 8l Nipaniya 158 ~'(r Dalpatpura 135 1fi1r~~ JhauJ'harwada 163 ifilm Kasbl 145 qHr~t Aspura 169 ~


qf~r~.si!.4 A.PPBNDI~ IV

~ I!If'fU~' it ",!~f'f5 IIIrtftl qIf ctlltf.:f5 ni1TTfir' 6iafhm Gl!qrs iii ~I. lIurl iliJ 'r~)

ti8t of Villages .,00r;llall t II tb' DrrlPlrtiO'l ()f Schedilled Castes alld Scheduled Tribe. to the total population by ranges. B-Scbeduled Tribes

--_------cr~ G[;:r;;nfa !fir QRmr";f1lf~t (srmnr) Range of Sche­ duled Tribes Population L.c. L.C, (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of ViUage

------_------~- _- __ - ----_ 1 2 3 2 3 _._---_-._----_-..... ------~------16/3 ;r;;r~T ~~ Manasa Tahlil

0-5 • 6 ~l1<1'~ KUkdeshwar

37 li~"t Khedi 137 'l'fc,"~ Bhatwas 49

50 tmlflfl Jarounya J 43 STerT'!' ,!~r Pratap Pura ~~3t Ucheda 54 149 ~5Q!T Kundla 59 ar~'9" Alhed 156 i!fi"(tf'9"ll"T Karadiya 70 ;sr,.f'rif"{ Jaliner 163 !f>~.'T ~

71 '1"1'19.')' Loomdi 174 arrl1~ Amad 72 ~'tirrl Chukni 175 arr"l'l~ (ar~rr~ &<1"T'Ii) Amad (Arn~rgath block) 14 1IT1Sf1!<: Shesbpur 178 f'f!f><'l1 Chikli Deori Khawasa 83 ~-ft f!f'fmT 198 arl{"{~T ~T'Ii Amarpura block ~5 Olr'li<1"T Akli 209 'l'fTI{~<:t Bhimpura 87 ~1{'9T TUmda 222 ~Ef<'fl{ Dudhlai 88 <:Tl:\m

96 'H~rr Barthun 236 ~'l'!tWT Ruppllriya 91l ilf<:@:¥T Barkhedi 239 "f"l'T~ Chachor 100 i:\"1{({T ~~efli<:T< Semali Istmurar 240 • <1"Tc'n~ Lotwas 101 ilf<;~~T Barkheda 243 <'f~f'9"l:fT l{HIl!<:H Lasudiya istmurar

105 :r~rr~ Mahagarh 246 "'f<1") Nali 107 ;r<;~ Bardiya 249 ~Til~T Sondi 113 la~qcT Khadawata

-_""-----.------._------_.... _-

6-15 4 'Of)'Ii~r Chaukadi 42 'n-~r Parda 34 ~'fH'~T ~~if Sllwarsad'l buzurg 51 ar@:,:!<: Akhepur, 38 f'f'ft'll"r v,"!Sr PipJya hadi 52 6lT'ftrT Bawda 39 ilH;;ltr Arnya 56 qfEr!lT Bardiya 311

qtdwmse 4 APPENDIX. IV

fW .1I~!fr it ~ ""5 ~. ar~~f~t'I ltI'iI~nfer til IlfUflCfI,{ Il''!CUt'I ifi "~~A IJ"rlll C) ~... List of Villages accordlna to tbe proportion of Scheduled Castel and Scheduled Tribes to tbe total population by ranges. B--ScbeduJed Tribes --__ ._------_------_.. _------at,!W"Iti ~T;iTl.t Vl1'1 i1iT ifl1J mif')1f IrIII i1iT ifT1f Gl'l'iilrrn .n ifit~ m &liffit1lJ JJifilr1ft if;·n flHf'{ (llRrQlQ) Range of Sche- duled Tribes Population L.C. L.C. (Percentage J No. Name of viii age No. N arne of Village ------.. _------_. ---_. -_- 2 3 2 3 ------I 1 6/3 lirrfflr Q'~m

ChainplIrya block 6-15 S8 'lTOO~ '!.~if Bhatkhedi B'lzurg 194 ;fif~f~ll"T o<'TTifi 19; ifi<:U[~<:T 0<'Trifi Karanpura block: 78 an:;:l1"I1{T~ Arnyamali 197 ~"<'IT Besla 79 Ji~T Achalpura 214 i;f1{f<'l~<:T Jamalpura 80 'fw

--..,.------~-----.--- .. ------~------~ -----_

16-25 1 iiF.!iY'fT Barkheda 68 .CftJI~lil Khetpalya 11 1J1ll"<:Tll¥T Gayarignda 92 ~a"'T Jetli 14 ~S<'IT Kht!dli 120 IHlfif(lfr 1i~ Sak"riya Khedi Phoolpura 41 if~~<:T Bherpura 166 tIi"',!<:T Dayli 44 UTl1·lJt Dhamnya 190 "lTlJ<'fT 61 fqq<'TYif Piplon 196 '!'"' Buj Khimla Block 62 mifi""!<:T Mokalpura 202 f1!ilf<'T' i<'fTifi 6S' "l;:~,.t Bhandyu ------

26-35 63 qT!f~GT Pokharda 208 'if;:i:"~r Chandrapura 93 mlll~<:t Mokhampura 210 ;;rT<:

I .J" q'ftf~lI5! 4 APPBNDIXl .V . . , p, ~~ It u~'1r'lf~ IITftI ~ ,",,,r'lll \W;I'~tftI iii ~wftm "'lentl iF ~ .. IIT.11(;') !J~l USI of Villaaes .,oor:1ha at) tbe orol)JrdOl of Schoduled Cutes aod Scheduled Tribe, to th~ total Population by ranges. I 1 ~ -Uiftr"ftl il[i{i;(lfi'l' B-Scbe

----_ ~------tI'!~ Gf'IiI'lfif ~ IlfiJPrT ~fiJr 1ft (SI'ftnRr ) Range of Sche­ duled Tribes Population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name ot Village No. Name of Village _----_--__ -- ---_------_ ------1 2 3 2 3 _._------~ ------_,_ ,16/3 lJrt'rm ~~ Manasa Tahsil

36-50 8

18 a-Tm~T Tamoli 215 lllT~~T Magarda

22 iil'llI~


51+ j IT'1i6f Gafarda 60 ~m f'r'i~ P4rot Piplya 9 6Till'T Dabya 124 r~itr<:T Tilsamara


16/4 'rr;f~"{T ~~'R:r Bbanpura Tahsil

o-s 20 <;'rT~9r Dudha Kaedi 40 e)~;:

q'~f"'l! 4 APPBNDI}Q IV

p ~, it ~s IfTfir ~ 8f~m ~ • IlfurtCfll ~rft iii II'!UA vrlil ~ ~ Llat o~ VlllalCI accordloll to tbe proportion of Scheduled ClI8tel Bod Scbeduled Tribes to the total "oDulation by ranges. B--Schedulcd Tribes

------"_ ar~~ I'iAlllfTftr lit ..._, ~firprt (stmnt) Range of Sche­ duled Tribes Population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name of village No. ------Name of Village--_- 1 1 3 2 3 ------16/4 'IT~"(r Q'Q:ij'T~ Bhanpura Tahsil

0-5 * 65 'Ti(~T liT!:;i'rf6~ Dhabla Madhosingh 79 liT


6-15 21 iTiR'Il I'fi{~ Dhabla Manohar 72 U;If6'~~ Sammat Khedi 53 ~ Naoli 76 ;fT1'I~ Nimthur Osarna 5S 'Ii~T €'Ii Kotdi Tank 80 al'hn:rtr 81 ~<'Ff~p:r Ratanpura 56 ~


4 Pipalda 67 Kala Kot 46 Bhanpura

------~------Badodiya 26-35 50 Koyla 54 --...... ------Harigarh 36-50 61 Dantla 62 ------Dhawad Khurd 51 Dhamanya 1)8 82 Bhartya Kbedi _..._-_._------..... ------­ 314

qRfual! 4 APPBNDIX, IV

'" ~r It ~ IIIlftr !{'I' 1I1'~r.m I'IHurrm t6 Iiturr!{f~ ~m ~ III,«A Ifqllli) ~"" Lise {)( 'lJJage. according to tbe proportion of Scheduled Cutel lind Scheduled Tribes to tbe total pooulatlon by ranges.

~ -

------I 2 3 2 3 ------_-- 1615~~~~ Malhargarh Tahsil

0- 5 * 3 IfTll'T li~ Pama Kheda 77 'lil'if<:f'l "'l:"r

55 iffifTl{1{T Sanawada 126 'liT"f<:llT 'Ii~ll'mr Kachariya Kadmala 56 'J,Q?"T Supada 129 ,..n<:~) Aradi 57 ~lf

63 &rT~'l

73 I!J~~ Gudbheli 136 ai'flfTiifT'liT Akyabika 76 cn"'T'ii~,), Tilakhedi 138 'ItT<:T;fr Magrana 315

qh'm.se 4 APPBNDI X IV

fW trit'u.n it UtI'1f'ifft ,"fa !t. "'l'lt'qr. trit'ilI[1fir it; & vfim ""!,q,ft ili 'f,!~n ~ ,'" "') '" "I

List of VlIJages .ooordl~1 to tbe f)l'OPOflioo of Scbedulej Calles aod Scheduled Tribe. to the total population by rangel.

B -Scheduled Tribes ------.------~ ~;ft~ VTII ~ "'If ~1.,.)1f VlIf 'fiT ",If Gfif~fcJ 'fi') q;). 'fi~ ar.rm. ~fiJrll't If"" ~ (stmnr) Range of Sche- . duled Tribes Population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of VjJjage

1 2 3 2 3 _------. --~----~------~--- -- 16/5 ~;r~ ~it~ Malhargarh Tahsil

0-5* 139 qtij"·~~ Bans Khedi 155 ~"H'f Jarnai 140 8l't",l~~r 't:orq Ambakhedi llujurg 157 qT'l:~:~"r BorKhedi 141 8l'T

16-25 2 1f;",T,,!~ Manarakhurd 107 .;;r~'T (~<~r.r ) Khejadi (Harsol) 6;) t(~t Gogarpl!ra 134 If>Tlf<;fT KoyaJa ------_._-----_-_._--

20-35 46 Jogani 91 .Hanimantya 310

qftmll! 4· APPBNf)IJO IV

~ ~6~ " u'l'lf;(ft ",1'8 ~ "",fiB ~i'I(1ftr " 6lwftliln CPlqnl it ~,~ u,til ~ '1~) Ult of VUlaacs aoOordiQII to tbe oroportioll or Scheduled Caltes and Scbeduled Tribe. to the total population by rangos. B-Scheduled Tribes ------Vl!'1fQ ur;Ji'Ifl'Rr ~ 1IR0n llifVl'lit (1tftmI) Range of Sche­ duled Tribes Population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name ot Village No. Name ot VlUaae ------...-..- 1 2 3 2 3 _._------\------

26-35 92 Mundadi 152 Firojabad lSI Abadapur ....,_------_------36-50 NIL -----,_ ------_._--- 68 BardaI -----.. ------

19)6 iJ'{to ~m~ Oaroth Tabsil


~flll! 4 APPHN D IX IV

Lisl of Village.' according to the proporti on of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the 101.1 PODulaliOD by ranges~ B--Scbeduled Tribes ------at~~f.;rn I1('i(GrTfu!i?t llil'if~ ~fiJm (srfumJ) Range of Sche­ duled Tribes Population L.C. L,C. ( Percen t age J No. Name of village No. N Ilme of Village ------I 2 3 2 3 ------16/6 ~~~ft~ Garoth Tahsil

6-1' 30 t()qt~ €'~ Gopalpura Tank 1.33 ~Tt(Tf,(ll'T Sagoriya 70 NWll' ~Ii~ Pipliya Mohammd 144 iin:Tf~T WfT Baradiya pllna 98 oroi~ ~~fif Barkheda Ambekhan 199 ~ifrq"Frr ~1<:'ll't Junapani Dhorany,," ~27 q;

~------.. ---~-

16-25 57 Chandrapura 145 Bhago)"i 143 Bhagdi


26-35 NIL

.------... ~------

36· 50 40 Rclnapara

------_ .. _-----

51+ NIL '------..... --...------

16/7 ~'tt cr~~r

14 ~lfT Ii", . Galya Khedi 22 1!mn

~f~f~151! ,. APPBNDIJO IV

I" 1'I[iJ~ it v~'1r~a IIITfa ~ CITt'lfii(!I .",'Ilfil 18 'viI'l(J~ a1l'ml it; a1ltr" urti1 'til 'l~)

List of Villages aooor.:iioll to tbe OfllPl)rtiOl) or Schdllied Caltes ud Scheduled Tribe. ta the total populatiall by ranges. B-Scheduled Tribes

------~ ------~------.------~m I'PHrTm iii} • .,iPn ~fVr~t (srftrna') Range of Sche­ duled Tribes population L.C. L.C, (Percentage) No. Name of Villago No. Name of ViJlage

_---~--- ______.._. _. __ ----:---____ ~c ______

I 2 3 2 3 _.. __ ------~--.-,.------16/7 ~!iI'R QQ:!iI'~ Mandsaur Tahsil

0-5 26 fliil'l'f;r Sindhwan 146 'lTCfClT Bhaota 33 CfT"fti~T BolKheda 151 <:HI''r li~ Rati Kheda 34 m~TGT Lalghati 153 "Tf<;fllT Bholiya 4S ar<:;:lfT ~T Arnya bhlltti 156 If~T~ Patlawad 46 ~'ift~<:r Khjlchipura 1;"7 GIl,],T ~¥T Jogi Kheda 49 ~orN !i~T Ajij Khedi 1.58 ifiC'l,H Katkya 51 f+n:GTT~T Mirjapura 164 ~f

65 lI'\1:;lI'~~''T Mahammadpura 172 GT<;f ci~ TOI Khedi 75 tClTer"T Netawali 205 <:1'liT~r Rakoda

123 ,!T1'~'Cf~T Tunldaoda 208 ~~<:') Dehri

124 ar\fiGT<;f~<: AfjaJpura 214 if;ir~it Majesari 126 'Il'Tc'terTli! Bhatrewas 217 ~<'T"fr Elchi 130 <'T~gtqif Lasudawan 219 .T~I"'l<'T ~~ Rinchhalal Muha

133 "~"'T Ladusa 221 ~mT)r{ Sarsod 134 f'f'lST Pina 222 l!,<:rr9'ltT ~r~ Guradiya Syah 135 ~flil:S6fiT Dhundhadka 223 <;fljf:sltT ~m Lasudiya IIa

136 iT6'1


PI 1(1I~"1 it ~N(! ~ ~ iI[~fiIm q;;rrfa ~ o.;fUJt1.fl,{ Q'~"m iii '!l~~',{ lIurlllil ({""

List of Village. accord I ne: to the proporti on of Scheduled Caste. and Scheduled Tribes to tbe total popula~ioll by ranges •

.. -iI[~f",a \';IolOlTRI B-Scbeduled Tl ibes

------~-----.--'-~~------.__"~-- ar'!.~tt \i(i{GIlfif Iifi) ~~(i.I qfirrl:rt (51fumT) Range of Sche­ duled Tribes Population L.C. L C. tPercentageJ No. Name of village No. N arne of Village ...-.------. -~------~-----~------__.,._------_­ I 2 3 2 3 ------.------__ ._------16f7~~~ Mandsaur Tahsil

6-15 3 ifi<:T~) Karoli 118 ifilfr~<:r Kamalpura 4 'terttr h~r Rewas Deoda 1]9 fiif'ili,,) Bilantri 6 'll<::5H~ Rhardawad 147 'ilTR(j:ft Lahukhedi 7 ifiRer) Kochavi 15:2 ~tflJ1fT Dansiya 9 aRU Ached 155 'ilUrlfu Lamgala

12 ~1{"{T'ilT Dhikola 173 'Ii~'f~ Fatehgarh 42 ifi~"'T 'i;;m Bawadi Kalan 185 if'f~T<1'r Mangrola 53 ~!OfTf<:l£T Aghoriya 190 ifi<:"!_ Karju 61 arlfOfT~ Amlawad 192 'f>c'ilr<: K~tlar 63 f"{;;'aT cro"fT Richchh;> BRchcha 193 liT3i~~ Maukhedi 72 Ofl?:Ff~t Bahadari 195 ~:q.TlrfT Akodada 81 'iler~ Labdadi 212 f.n:i!R' Nimbod 83 ifiT<{erf Kolwa 215 ~0fT Patel a 86 fq~Tr>:~~T rrT~~ Pitharkhedi Nahargarh 220 ~'iI]<{r <:iIf"{T Daloda Sagara 93 mf"-1fT ~ Gariya Khedi 225 ·nn:r Nagari 96 f~'fiq ~

16-25 2 f<:;:;:erOf' Rindwau 41 CT~) Todi 5 l5J'GTer;:r Ghataoda 56 'f)~Ii~ Gorkhedi 18 Q)1:rTIi'f'" 'llifTlTT<: Pithakhedi Jagir 59 .nr:::T Ii~ Bada Khedi 32 ~q'T

qR~1! 4 APPBNDllC IV

P 1II'rr~ \!t G1t'1r,,~ ann. It'i VIl~m t(;f.m t 6iGftm Cfltqf~ it q~f" IIfqJ., '1")

List of Villages aCGordlne 10 tbe orOl)3ftiol] of Scbadliled Caates ancl Scheduled Trlbel to the total population by ranges. B-Scheduled Tribes

------.-.------,------~----- ~m \ifill[1Rt 'fit G(iJ_t ~fQrlit (sffimr) Range of Sche­ duled Tribes PoPulation L.C. L.C, (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of ViUage _-----_------1 2 3 2 3 _------16/7 11r<:'~ ~ Mandsaur Tahsil

16-25 98 sTli"l' Chhayan 204 U1TCfT~ Sagwali 148 iR"lfT ~;;n: Arnya Gujar 210 liiurf~zrT «T"(IT Khajuria Sarang 154 <'fTl1~T Lamgari 213 !f

26-35 10 f~<'IT~<:' Dilawara 50 f.f!fff"-!fT ltl!£<:T\;f Nipaniya Meghraj 11 ~Ta;tf~ Dllukh~di 69 ~~ Rasulpur 36 f~zr1'l" Kityani 191 c:fiq<'flli~ Pipalkhedi ______------...4-_, ___ --_ - ____- _ --__ _

36-50 40 arm~~T ~~T Alawda Khedi 196 Kheroda 66 ~)g;ft SOUdhanl 211 Khodana 168 \'I'q-m li~T Lakhama Khedi


13 l1;;fcft Maj~ti 189 Chosla 52 ift~ if)<'ffifT Bed Naulakha 198 Balodiya 160 <:T


16/8 ~)ffi'~ a'~~rQl' Sitamau Tahsil

o-s* 1 Abakhedi 6 Jhalara 2 Nahargarh 12 Kachnara 321

q~f"'l! 4 APPBNDIX1 IV

List o( VlIlagc. accordIng to tbe proportion of Scheduled Cutes and Scheduled Tribes to the total pODulalion by ranges. _, -srfif'ifS \if'" 111ft! B--ScbeduJed Tribes ------...... _ ari.~ffif ~A~ 1[TlI' !fit ;rJ1I' ~ 1lT1I' 1Iil·;mt \'iP(\ifTRT ~ !lit, ctR "if EI~' ~fQrlrt ;:r~ rrnl'l: (lilftmr) Range of Schc- dUled Tribes population L.C. L C. (Pcrcentage) No. Name of village No. Name of Village ------_- I 2 3 2 3 -----...------_-- 16/8 dl"m+fi; ~~ Sitamau Tahsil

0-5 * 17 ~~~ Shakkar Khedi 97 '!;f!:l1fT Dudhiya 19 \(oT Sunthi 140 Cfgf~lfT Dhaturiya Titrod 28 IlilTT~~ Kayampur 150 fa-tfel1fn:~"{T Kishorepura 85 Ii~ Kheda 206 ~'mT~T Suwasara 92 anw Akya 208 Gf1!rl:fT Jarr.unya 93 ~TCfil' Raoti 226 ~t;"" Amba

------~------,_ ------_"_------

6 ... 15 10 ~'an~q, Roja Fategarh 84 ~ll"f

.... _------_._-----._------,.....---_---__ ..-.... -----~- 32.2

(RmS! 4 APPBNDI:~ .v

f" 'RV~ it V1!.'.Ir'fl anftl ~ '"I'Am CiI'.~ , ~""m "'lCht! iii ~I. ",.1 ..1 ,., List of Vllll1lles ••oorcffllt (0 (be I)to!)()rtiolJ or Scheduled Ca.te. aod 8cbedulei Tribe. to the total popul ation by ranees. B-Scbeduled Tribes ------fffATtf VTIf 'til' ;n~ ~;:f\1J lUI lpJ i!1lI III:~~~~S~ ~ 'Ii~ ~u.n '.lfiJrlit ''f11A ~ (vftmr) Range of Sche- duled Tribes Population L.C. L.e, (Percentage) No. Name of Villa&e No. Name of Village ------2 3 2 3 .------"""""------16/8 ~trl"113i ~ii Sitarnau Tabs iJ

26-35 8 Sultaniya

___ ..-.-_ ------..------36-50 20 Bhuki Dujuri 81 Galihara

------_ ... __ ------51+ 11 Halu Khedi 89 Damliia Khedi ------,------·Exclude. Villajles with No S.T. Populati()u. «s ~ -;:rT-R f~~f!l1q;T



The details of statement presented in the Town . cal aspect and location of towns. In column. 6 to 12 Directory, 1981 are given below :- the name of and road distance in Kms. shown with. in brackets, from the State headquarters, District Statement l-Statns and Growth History headquarters, Tahsil headquarters, nearest city with population 1 lac and above, Railway Station', This statement provid~s some basic data based Bus route, Navigable River/Canal (if within. 10 Km.) on the Primary Census Abstract (PCA).In coll:11nn 2 hal been presented. If the name mentioped in of the statement the class of the town has been \ these columns are the same as the referrent town indicated according to 1981 Census population of itself the distance has been recorded as '0' (Zero). the core town as foJiows :- In caSe the railway station (Col. 10) Qr bus route. (Col. 11) is not available in the referrent town, population Class the name of nearest 'town where tbe facility i. 100,000 and above I available with distance in Kms. from the referrent town has been presented. If navigable river/canal i. 50,000 99,999 II passing within a distance of 10 Km. 'from the town III 20,000 49,999 the name of river I canal with distance has been 10,000 19,999, IV presented in column 12. The abbreviation Rand C 5,000 9,999 V stand for the River and Canal respectively. Below 5,000 VI Statement In-Municipal Finance, 1978.79

The civic administration status of the town as The data for this statement is collected from in 1980 has been indicated. Where there is no local administrative bod ies and has been presented ~ivic body in the town it has been treated as Census not only in respect of statutory bodies but also in Town. The following abbreviations have been used respect of non·statutory bodies managing. the civic to denote· the civio status of the town- administration of the town, if they have separate bud-gets and accounts of their OWn pertaining to Municipal Corporation M Corp. the town. Municipal Committee/Municipality MC Under column 12, tbe expenditure incurred by Cantonment Board CB the civic authority on 'public safety' includes su Notified Area Committee NAC items as fire fighting service, rescue operations during floods and fairs etc. I.ikewise. column 15 Gram Panchayat GP includes expenditures incurred on maintenance of Special Area Development Authority SADA schools. colleges and other institutions like pUblic Census Town CT libraries, museum etc. The exact items covered, may bowever, vary from town to town, which would Column S: J\rea (Sq. Km.) as supplied by the depend on the practice followed in this regard by local bodies. each local authority.

Statement II-Physical Aspects and Location of Towns Statement IV-Civic and other Amenities, 1979

This statement gi yes (or each town, physi. The information given under columns 2 to 6 32' are new additions. Information under column 6 Borewell pumping system BWP represents Pucca and Kachha roads for which Pressure tank PT abbreviations used are PR and KR respectively. In column 7 the various types of sewearge/drainage in case or availability ot fire- fighting Icrvice systems have been presented as given below- in a town eYes' has been indii:ated. otherwise the name of the neares t place where available and the Sewer S distance in Km. within brackets, have been shown. Open Surface Drains OSD Box Surface Drains BSD Statement IV (A)- Civic and other amenities in Sylk Drains SO Notified Slums, 1979 . . Cesspool Method CD Pit System PT Information relating to -civic and other ameni­ ties in respect of sJum areas of those towns where In Columns 8, 9 and 10 information collected the population exceeds 50,000 bas been presented. from respective local bodies on different types of latrines has been presented. h includes public as - Statement V-MedicaJ, Educational, Recreational and weW as private latrines. Cultural Facilities, 1979. In Column 11, the abbreviations wed for the In columns 4 and 5, the information collected various prevailent methods of disposal of night soil from the State Health Department has been are given below. Where morc than one method is presented. The institutions run by private doctors used, the information given upto two methods. have not been included. The information is limited for those institutions as are run by or aided by Head loads HL Government I Semi Government I Local bodies and Baskets B Charitable institutions or social service agencies Wheel barrows WB like the missionaries. Where the fami'ly planning Septic tank latrine ST centres are attached to hospital or maternity and Sewerage S child welfare centres or primary healtb centles, those have been treated as independent unit and prosented separately. The maternity and child In Columns 12 and 13 the sources of protected welfare centres, veneral disease dinie, chest clinic water supply and the system of storage with capa· leprosy cl inic have not been given separately.These city therein within brackets have been presented have been indicated alongwith other medical IUsH­ with the following abbreviations. Where more than one source or more than one system of storage tutions in column 4. The following abbreviations have been used. exist, the information is restricte._. h' two m~or sources of Iystems. Hospital H Column II Dispensary D Tube well water/Hand pump TW Health Centre fie Tap water TA Family Planning Centre: PC Well water W Tank water TK T.B. Clin,ic TB Nursing Home NH Coluinn 13 Others 0 Overbead Tank OHT Service reservoir SR If there are more than one institutions br any River infiltration gallery 10 type the number of such institutions ha\e been 326

Shorthand & Typewriting SH Type indicated within brackets e. g. dispensaries (2) nursing homes (4) etc. Others o

All types of hospitals/dispensaries etc. whether The vocational institutions like Applied Art / allopathic or ayllrvedic or unani or homeopathic, Painting College, Pharmacy College, B.Ed. College have been covered in column 4. These institutions Teacher's Training Institutions, Music I Dancing have been indicated with the following abbre- School, Nurslllg School, etc. have been covered viations :- ~nder 'Others'. However the type of institutions ~ncluded under, Others' have been described in the Ayurvedie A tntroductory note. U Unani - H6m Homeopathic Columns 11 & l4-The information has been In case of allopathic, no abbreviation is .given. collect,cd from the district Education Officers. The followmg abbreviations have been used- If no medic;:al facilIty is available in the refer­ rent town the name of the ne~rest town with Primary p distance there of has been gi.ven. The information on Junior Secondary or numbers of beds has not been given as it was not provided by the authorities concerned, In Col umns Middle School M 6 and 9, _ the information collected from the Matriculation or Such type of institu­ Education Department haa been presented with the Secondary tion does not exit in following abbreviations. Madhya Pradesh A Higher Secondary/Inter- PUC Arts only mediate/Pre-UniversitYI S Science only Junior College 1(10+2) Arts and Science on ly AS System whether held in C Commerce only Schools or Colleges. Arta and Commerce only AC Combined for all Categories Arts, Science and Commerce ASC If there are composite schools like Middle schools with Primary classes, or Higher Secondary Ld L Scheols with Middle classes, these have been inclu­ If there are more than one institutions of a type ded in the number of Primary and Middle schools the number has been given against each in brackets. respectively. For example, if in a town, there are two primary schools and one middle s::hool with primary classes, the number of primary schools in Column lO-The information has been collec­ th~ town have been given as three and that ot ted from the Education Department. Where the middle schools as one even though there may be institutions are found to be located just beyond the only three educational institutions. This also boundaries of the town but near the referrent town applies in the case of higher secondary schools. and for all purpose are considered as belongin'g to the referrent town only, such marginal cases have If there are more institutions of a type in tho been included in the town directory. If there are town, these have been indicated with numbers more than one institutions of such type the number within brackets 'against the abbreviations e.g. D(3), has been given against each in brackets. The M (2), H (2). etc. following abbreviations have been used-

Shorthand SH . Column IS-The number of Adult literacy Typewriting Type classes has been Slhown. 327

(f an cd ucational facility is not available in the Pu bUc Library PL town, the name of the ncarclt 'place where the Reading Room facility is available. have been liven with distance RR in Km from the referrent town.

Column 17-19:-The inCormati(.'n has been colle­ Statement VI - Trade, Commerce; Industry and cted from the Excise Department and conoerned Banking, 1979. local bodies. Toudnl Cinema talkies have not been taken into account. Community halls have be~n included in Column (19). The Statement depicts information relating to three most important commodities imported, Column 29:-The information has been collected exported and manufactured. The commodities from Educa.tion Department and the local bodies have been mentioned in order of volume. Besides, information relating to the number of banks, num­ wbo maintain public libraries and reading rooms and the following abbreviations have been used in ber of agricultural and non-agriculturallocicties has presenting them. also been furnished. 328

farar'(e( 1

R&~fa ~. ,!F.i If~m

~ q;: If[t P.ollll). 'fTiI" <:r'fT ~a)!i eril:~ft~ IIfiT ;:nil" el~\'T ~'I'"{ qn:cm:T fiU:iff\'TfIilCf ntn'" l'Itt1~ij; ~rm~fiJl6 .n (ql( f'fi. 1ft . it) ~f~ Sl'f~<:T iJ1:iIl qf<:~p::T 'fiT ~Wlr

Numher of Households Class, Name and Location inch'ding Population and SI. civic administration Code Name of Area houseless r------No. status of town No. Tahsil (in Sq.Kms. ) hous::holds 1901 1911 1921

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~-~~--- _------_-

1 IV \Tl;;~'U (

2 V tJi"'fT ~TtT<: (ill'. ~. ) 1 ()XI 'IlTCf'Iu 6.48 1,109 ~ 5<1 'fiT t;);;') Gandhi Sagar (G. P. ) Bhanpura Hydel Colony

3 IV If<:To (::t .ql. ~ q<:lc; iflT, mJ:~ ,:!i Garoth (M)

'1'<:1'0 (".~.)* N.A. t , R39 VI Garoth (U. A. ).

(i) IV Tf<:Yo (;;. qT.) 16/VlII If,1'o 10.52 1,753 G3roth (M) Garoth

4 IV '3IPf~ (;;.'TT. ) 16/1 ;o;rr~ 12.24 2, 200 8,005 6,505 6.310 Jawad (M) Jawan (-18.74) (-3.00)

5 V if('i{f{'TfI (if. 1fT. ) 16/VI 11~~n:'1'1f o.n 955 Malhargarh (M) Md.lhargarh

6 IV if;;HfT (iI' ,1fT. ) 16/111 li"Hl1 2.76 2,478 4,589 lIflf;rl~if Manasa (M) Mana\a Declassified

7 ]1 1f.1t~~ Fr· q-( • ) 16jlX "!.~","h: 10.32 1 3, :; 09 20,936 16.785 16,217 Mandsaur(M) Mandsaur (-19.83) (-3.38)

8 V "'~'lfllflT~ (if. qr. ) 16jVlI ll~'~lT~ 0.31 1,480 Narayangarh (M) Malhargarh

9 I[ .,1'1"1' (.,. qr )*

iflll"l' (;;. ~ • ) * 13.38 11 ,179 21,588 17,307 14,463 Neemuc!; (lJ. A. ). (-19.83) (-16.43)

(J) II ;;111''if if . 'i1 • ) ~ 16/11 .,')11'tf 13.42 10,575 2 1.58 8 17,307 14,463 Neemuch (M) Neemllch (-19 83}. (16.43) 329


Statui and Growtb HistorJ

~ (1981 ~)

______growth rate of the town__..."J+._._ at the Censuses ______of ~ Density Sex-ratio .

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

4,639 5.865 7.241 9.098 10.818 13.349 16.897 980 947 956 <+4.22) <+26.43) <+23.46) <+25.65) <+18.91) (+23.40) .. 10.852 3,953 5,294 817 639 825 873 (_63.57) <+33.52)

See Garoth Urban Agglomeration

5,372 6.571 8.03R 10,740 856 927 8~6 (+22.32) <+22.33) <+33.62)

5,372 6.571 7,705 10,240 973 886 951 914 (+22.32) (+17.26) (+32.90)

10,317 12,368 1,010 93tl 960 969 6,588 7,214 8,584 8 ~ 509 (+21.25) (+19.~8) (+4.41 ) <+9.50) (+18.99) (-0.87)

39. t 6 .4,788 5,530 7,090 934 9i3 974 (+22.27) (+15.50)

916 950 5,515 77.26 9,10g 11,868 15,548 5.633 899 (+40.09) (+17.~9) <+30.30) (+31.01)

905 906 922 IS,386 21,972 34,541 41,876 56,988 77,603 7,520 (-5.12) <+42.81) (+57.20) (+21.24) (+36.09) (36+ 17)

5,014 5,638 6,669 8,391 27,<'68 953 952 980 (+12.45) (+18.29) (+~5.81)

See Neemuch Urban Agglomeration

SS5 883 13,846 21,618 2R, 1 R9 36,287 49,748 68,853 5,108 853 (-4.27) (+56.13) (+30.40)(+28.73) (+37 .10) (+38.40)

13,846 21,618 28,189 36,287 47,546 65.860 4,908 853 854 884 (-4.27) (+56.13) <+30.40) <+28.73) (+31.03) <+38.52) 330

fcrcr~'11 sr~qfa q. ,!f4: ~fa'~m

'!ill ;r~ ~ ~T, 1lT1l' om ~A.'hf ~&trffi !fiT ~ ~erq;iif io;;n: qn;

Number of Households Class, Name and Location inch'dinK Population sad SI. civic administration Cude Name of Area houseless No. status of towp No. Tahsil (an Sq. Kms. ) housl:holds ,.------EOI 1911 1921

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 IV <::Tl1~~T (;;. iiI' . ) 16,V l1;;TtrT 2.59 2,667 8,273 7,799 7,719 Rampura (M) Manasa (-5.73) (-1.03)

11 IV ~Tl1lJ'iJ (;;. qT. ) 16/XII 1[,)0 3.02 2,516 , . Shamgarh (M) Garolh

12 V ~Tarl'l'3; (;; • qr. ) 16jX trTaT"l3; 4.30 1,786 S,877 ~,924 5,843 Sitamau (M) Sitamau (+0.80) (-1.37) 331


Statui and Growtb History

growth rate of the town at the Censuses of ,Density Sex-ratio ______..Jt.".______._ ____~ ,..____ ----A..- ___----. (1981 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 CensUs) 1961 1971 1981

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


8,377 9,978 11,721 13,042 12,686 14,313 5,526 932 942 940 (+8.52) <+19.11) <+17.47) <+11.27) (+2.73) <+12.83) .. 7,272 10,196 14,017 4,641 872 888 896 ( ... 40.21) <+37.48)

6,303 7,600 7,015 7,362 8,460 9,920 2,307 920 891 903 <+7.87) (+20.58) (-7.70) <+4.95) <+14.91) <+17.26)

Note:- * The asterisk mark shown against the town represents the data of the constituent town with outgrowth 332


srAifif~• 'Wq ~"" ""if ~T rf.mr, 1979

'Ii'! ~ ~ ~ am:;n~ ~~ R;;{Rlm m;:fi lfi1 ift1f am: ~'Ii 9'w Physical Aspects r .A._-__-_-_'-'\ r------ffi (flr.1il.if) 6'Tlfm;:r (~.) Temperature (oC ) Uiil'l" f.;rm r----..A.----~ l!~t!il'lJ l!~~ Sl. Rainfall arffiOlf ilfilGlr State DistriSlt .~~ No. Class and Name of Town (in m.m.) Maximum Mi~imum H.Q· H.Q.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 IV '$fT~T m

v ~tUT lifT'!, t~ ltiT<'I'Tif') 'I11qTiif ~;~"'), Gandhi Sagar Hydel Colony Bhopal Mandsaur 895.4 31.5 18.6 (534) ( 156)

3 IV tT<:To IT <:Tli "l1n: al!~ ~Ii Garoth

IT<:ro (".~.) ~'ti !il!iT~ ~(J Garoth (U.A.)*

(i) IV If<:To 'l'{TtfT<'I' ~;~a"'~ Garoth Bhopal Mandsaur 953.4 31.5 18.6 ( 477) (99)

4 IV 'OITq~ m!JH'f Jfr~«r~ Jawad Bhopal Mant.Isaur gOg 2 31.5 18.6 (447) (69)

5 V 'W\!Tmif 'l'ft'q-r0f 11o'~l;T'<: Malhargarh Bhopal Mandsaur 895.4 31.5 18.6 (404) (26)

6 IV 1fi!H!T "IllfTOf q;~«R Manasa Bhopal MllQdsaur 884.2 31.5 18.6 (435 ) (57)

7 II lJ'1{IJR 'Ill

8 V "TUq'lflT(J I:frlfrOf q;1{"f)<: Narayangarh Bhopal Mandsaur 895.4 31.5 1 g. 6 (407) (29)

II ,,)1A if~ ifll', ~~~Ii Neemucb

ifl'Jfq (;Y.~.) ~'if~ ~l!iTt ~Ii Neemuch(U .A.)· 333


Phy.ical Aspects and Location of Town., 1979

Name of place and road di.tanco (in kms.) from ------..;-...------_ ------...... ;;TfIl'lf ;;~T I~'_ a~tl)"" ~ifj ffilif ~fh: ;rl'f~ arf" m ;m JITq (li"fif 1 0 f~Ar. if; arl(f~a- ~T) ,!~<'I'lf if;;~~r !fr~ r.r'lietni ~ ~lIf;; TahsiJ Nearest city with Popul a. RaiJway Bus Navi gable river ICanal H.Q. tion of one lakh and mOre Station Route -

.~I;:r,!'U ;:<:HHlJ llTllf~ 'lfFf'rn Bhanpura Ratlam Shamgarh Rhanpura (0) (205) (40) {OJ

lTJ"T lilT'T;: ifiT","TilT ~ril2;;:' 'Ui"l'fT"I ml'flql~ <:1<: ~S'l'f Bhanpura Ratlam Ihalawar Road Gclndhi Sagar Hydel Colony (32 ) (237) ( 50) ( (1 )

See Garoth Urban Agglomerltion

See Const ituent Unit

'T;:)o 1171"<; 'l~To <:cn1T"I Garoth Rat lam Garoth G:trotll (0) (lll2) (0) (O)

;;'II 'I ;;rr'flffCTa: .Ti a: J3wad katlam Jawad Road Jawad «(1 ) (0) - (155) (1)

11<.'f'XFf,? l{~~rr~ ~<'I'T1l il\'i'!r<:l'f~ M:tlharg.'1rj, Malhargarh Ratlam M:llhargarh (0) (113) (0) (0)

I'f'lfm ll;;H{1 ;:~i'fTll l'fT"I'q Man'lsa Ratlam Neemuch Manasa (0) £142) (27) (O)

q-;:~l;TTr 11 ;:<:"'1i. Jf'GtfT~ ~(f"li" Mandsaur Ratlam Mandsaur Mandsattr (0) (85) (0) (0)

i{F~t'Fr~ ilHl

See Neemuch llrban AggJ omera t ioJ:.l

See Constituent Unit 334

. f~'(Ut 2

'P1 il'l'l: ~ 0..1111"'1' am ltlq srrsf

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(i) II ;fi'f'f ,"'ff~ qr~ Neemuch Bhopal Mandsaur 895.4 31. 5 18.6 (429) (51)

qr~ij"'h 10 IV uql~r 'f)qrOf Rampura Bhopal Mandsaur 895,4 31. 5 18,6 (467 ) (89 )

11 IV lIfTqtT1f 'fm~ qr~~h Shamgarh Bhopal Mandsaur 895.4 31.5 18·6 (454) (76)

'I11trHt 'I'~~'h 12 V ~fhnq

fa'tcrvi\': *~ ~ if lJ~ ~ ... m ~ ~lI'tf4: ft " $,


Physical Aspects and Location of TowDs, 1979

Name of place and road distance (in kms.) (rom --______..A- -_ ------~ ~~T/~ 6'~~frOl' ({"Ii \ilTli am >me-- 8l'f!T"li m iffi mIT (lift 10 f'l\'.~. ill' 8l'~ ~) lt~\'llf ~i{~ ~iff A

8 9 10 11 12

",'hl''I" ~~iifr'f ..('tll'l" "'T'f'l" Neemuch Ratlam Neemuch Neemuch (0) (136) (0) (0)

It.,HI'I <;aiifllt il'T'f'il' <:tll$<:{ Manasa Ratlam Neemuch Rampura (32) (175) (57) (0)

tT<:To ~flOl'rt "'ll~ !1Trlfq~ Garoth Ratlam Shamgarh Shamgarh (23) (159) (0) (0)

~Tct'l'TOi WOl'Tll '1~~T~ ,ftcfTlt3i Sitamau Ratlam Mandsaur Sitamau (0 ) (113 ) (30) (0)

------Note- *The asterisk mark shown against the town represents the data of the constituent town with outgrowth, The rainfall and temperature figures in col 3 to' 5 tepresent the figures furnished in DC. H. B. Series 1971 336

fCf~ 3

;:rq~ ",f~1fiT f~, 1978-79

Slrfi:o (q1f

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 IV WJfif~' (<1'.\I'T. ) 2,617 393 3.892 3.500 Bhanpura \M}

2 V m!lr m

3 IV ~n:)3 (,,".IJT.) tf~)6 <1'1f~ «1!.f{ ~. Garoth (M. )

'I',T15 <'LU'.)* ~'ile:iIi ~TiI: c?~ Garoth (U. A. ) *

m:1o (iI'.

4 IV ;;Yjcl''l (if.ql. ) 1,935 301 186 .. Jawad (M)

V ~'1;If' (Of.!fl. ) 1.664 62 69 Malhargarb (M)

, IV . 'Arm (if~'ft.) 4,194 1,194 382 SO 158 Manasa (M)

7' II 1f~~~ (if.tJT.) 25,894 3,955 3,479 7,750 8'4 Mandsaur (M)

8 V ;:rnTlI'UfIfI; (if.qT. ) 1,716 132 ·372 Narayangarh (M)

9 II ;It'''rl{~ (;:r.qr.,) ,,')~~ ~~~~ Neemuch (M)


MdIlicipal Pinanee-, 1978-'79

IIi1f (~it '00) Expenditure (in R.t. '00) J.-_--____------~ ,------~ ~ ~ enll ~T1{T~ 'SI"lImfiJ 'R-~ ~~~. ~ifi fifWltr n ~~tif 8I'Rl ~"'" I5fun m ~ iii\' Iq'm IIiT om, ~mn~

Other General Public Sources Total Adminis- Public health and Public Other Totld , (specify) Receipt ·tration ,aiety Convenience Public works Institutions (Specify) Expenditure

9 10 n '2 13 14 15 16 17

403 10,805 1,603 226 7,626 787 II 808 11,133

207 161 12 30 203

See Garoth Urban Agglomeration

, See Constituent Unit

312 4,328 1,088 1,3&9 25 344 2,846

2,422 1,161 429 1,972 1,232 81 4.875

1,795 1, III 90 220 274 1,695

350 6.328 1,069 520 2.378 974 146 5,087

10,041 52,013 . 5,077 4,108 13,178 7,369 22,040 51.772

.. 2.220 945 43 43 866 1,911

See Neemuch Urban Ag&lomeration

See CODSli ruent Unit 338

fll("~1Jl 3

;{'R: qU~lfiT f~, 1978-79

5ITfCa (1jqq1 it '00) - Receipt (in Rs. ·00) r------.--_ -_ -_---_ ..A.. ___------ill'Ttrf';:!fi srnr-a f.R; 11>1:1 atT~ .-it ~Ta-r;r iii an:mn ;;tJ'~- . wrn'li't1:f ~ amr" stf~ftf (1"(( SI1f~ 'lT~ ~ ~ltff'ff at'h: ~~1i{ (1980 it) f~ffi' 8' srtter mlT

1 2 3 4 5 6 :; 8


{i) II ;fttN (

Neemuch \ (M)

10 IV <::r~T (·r.IfT. ) 3,902 90 Rampura (M)

11 IV ~n"tr~ (

t2 II ~~Ttr.j; (".IfT.) 2393 505 412 310 Sitamau (M) 339


Munici paj Finance. 1978-79

IIPt (~it '00) Expenditure (in Rs. '00) .__ ~ ..J.."._--__------__ --.. ------~ r- ~ F' 8I1~ ~~ JrWrn'f ....-iWT Gfl'I'ro~ Rt'Ii f.:flriosr ;;r;r ~fo'I' 8PIf ~ ~ ~ II'~ Ihf1f IfiT ~m IfiTtm '!~

Other General Publ.ic Sources Total Adminis- Public health and Public Other Total (specify) Receipt tration laCety ConvenienOCl Public works Instit.utions JSpcciCy) ExpenditUre

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

17,724 48.760. 2.839 1,360 15,072 2,288 578 18.650 40.787

3,992 39 571 12 20 1,077 3,828

6SS 1,815 695 t ,489 j-, 8 56 S,8SS

73 3.693 621 931 24S IS 1,197 3.009

NOIe-* Tho attcrilk mark shown against the town resprClCDta the data of the constituent town with outgrowth. 340


5fTqfu; m ~q' §tifm~. 1979

----~~-- 'liif 11m: llir ~VTr IITtTftlli ~ ~'ilil

Civic Sch.eduled Admini- Castes and stration Scheduled Road System Sl. Class and Name Status Popu- Tribes length of Water No. of Town (i01980) latioD Population (inkms.) Sewerage borne Service athcn

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------_

1 IV 'l~1 (if-qT., 13,349 1,170 - PR(5 .06) OSD 40 210 60 Bhanpura (M) K.R(2.00) SO

2 V lTterr ij"TlT~ ~~~ ilirm;f{ (11"1.,,) _ 5,294 705 PR(10.00) OSO lOt} 250 Gandhi Sagar Hydel (G _P. ) KR(2.00) BSO Colony 3 IV l'f"{To (if.qT.) q~)o~~~. Garoth (M)

iT~)o (rr.~.)* 10,740 1,303 PR(1.60) 150 325 25 Garoth (U.A.)* KR(3.90)

(i) IV W{'to (if .qr ) 10,240 1,25S PR( 1.60)/ aSD 150 325 25 Garoth (M) KR(3.90) SO

4 IV 'O(TCfG (if.qT.) 12,368 1,412 PR( 14.60) OSD 55 400 12 Jawad (M) KR(3.90) SO

5 V ~~r,~ (if. qy • ) 5,530 569 PR(t. 70) aso 6 175 2 Malhargarh (M) KR(2.50) SO

6 IV ;r;rHU (rr.qy.) 15,548 1,361 PR(14.60) OSO 270 215 S Man;tsa (M) KR(tO.OO) SO

1 II l1o~~tt;;; (Of.qy.) 77,603 6,879 PR(S8. 9O ) aso 683 5,500 1~ Mandsaur (M) KR(20.00) SD

8 V i'lT'U1.JVTl'f' (if.IfT.) 8,391 1,286 PRe 1. 00 ) aSD 75 225 3 Narayangarh (M) K.R(6 .00) CO

p II rrllr'" (i'I.qy. ) .,r1'l""I' .,m: mJ.~ ~1i Neemuch (M)

Of);r"l' (;:r. {!".) 68,853 11, 321 }'R(35.20) 3,050 4,250 16 Neemuch( U . A . ) KR(16.50)

(i) II .,);r" (o:r.qy) 65,860 10,53' PR(35,.20) OSO 3.050 4,250 . 16 Neemuch (M) KR(16. SO) SD 341


Civic and Other Amenities, 1979

I1l ~ftt 'Ii't'i! afttitfir,.; IIT~. ~~~ ar-If .allfur a'fT :o.r!i>l !fflRfT 5Pfitllf ft;rzU it (~) (1Ii1Q;,.;"f it) Method of disposal System ofSto- Road rage wi th Capa- of Night- Source city in Litres *Fire fighting Commer- lighting Soil of Supply (in brackets) Service Domestic Industrial cial (Points) Others 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ._-----

WB, T OHT 'fT~'" Neemuch 907 26 445 321 148 ST (500,000) (97)

WB. TW ;itl'l'f Neemuch 661 1 I 119 693 ST (129)

See Garoth Urban Agglomeration

274 ,. ,-/ OHT 656 " 36 (' 311 / 270 (302,800)

WB, T, ORT liTl'I'f Neemuch 656 36 274 311 270 'ST W (302,800) (79 )

WB, T, OHT liTl'I'f Neemuch 997 28 478 251 ST W (194,000) (19) .

WH, TW, OHT ~;~~''( Mandsaur 724 638 176 16 65 ST W (378,500) (26)

WB T, SR ;f\''I1''f Neemuch 1,307 52 532 483 106 ST W (378,500) (27)

WB, T, OHT Yes 5,924 817 2,840 3,R02 79 ST W (270,0000)

WB, TW, OHT ~~'( Mandsaur 744 638 154 6 41 ST W (378,500) (29)

See Neemllch Urban Agglomeration

(" / ORT 5,086·'"' 193f 2,49( 1,318 175 (2250,000)

175 ST, T, OHT Yes 5,086 193 2,498 1, 318 WB W (2250,000) 341

f",~vr 4

;nqro.; m ~ §R~'"'t, 1979

._------~ '1\"1' ~ ifi) ~vft ;nttf

Civic Scneduled Admini- Castes and stration Scheduled Road System SI. Class and Name Status Popu- Tribes length of W~ter No. of Town (in 1980) la.tio.o Population (in kms.) Sewerage bome Service Others

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

------~------.. ---'---- -,-- -.~.---~ ---- '--'--'

10 IV 1:1q~1:T (iI.'n.) 14,313 1.453 PR (5.00) OSD 7S 600 12 Rampura (M) KR(4.40) SO

11 IV lI114lrt'J (rr .'1'r.), 14,017 1 ,837 PR(IS.OO) OSD 36 300 3 Shamgarh (M) KR( 4.00) SD

12 V lifl'cn~ (if .'1'{. J . 9,920 921 PR(2.00) OSO 40 I, SOO 15 Sitamau (M) KR(3.00) SD

f~'I'IlIT- ·6T1:imr ~<: it ;a~ili «'tf~ if'" ~q' OfTi!I'-'tf51{ fIlef ~ iIIf~ ~ i , ifiT~q 14,_qf<{ fil;6'r iJ'~ if ~ «;n ~o,tr if(\' & al oID for~ t Alfi'!alr ~ iIiT ;m:r 1I1 f1:rlfi'~q f~~ 'lit tmf ~ ~ 06') ~T~ if &lff ~~ ~ ilil ;:rrq ~ ~!{r oq~;;!I ~. Ifft 1Ii'\1so


Civic and Other Amenities, 1979

~ ~f~ 'fr;fr "Il1' • *3ff1';r U1A «

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

WB. T. SR ;;TI'f'if Neemuch 1,799 45 465 1,318 369 ST W (378.000) (57)

WB, T, lV'~~'<: Mandsaur 740 42 445 279 230 ST W (76)

WB T, OHT l{r~Q')<: Mandsaur 7]5 34 300 :;42 32 ST W (135,000) (30)

Noto :--The asterisk mark shown against the town represents the data of the constituent town with outgtowth. Col-14 In case this service is not available in the town, the name of the nearest pJace in the same district or the name of the nearest district in tbe same State or other State where tbis service is available alongwitb distance ill kms, in bracket, bav. been reported. 344

~'11 .,1'11: If\1 ~IlfT tT;:G;T ;mIT 'IlT tT~ iffiIT !!it tj";:~ ~ffi Wf'{ If\1 ~~ ~-lffi f.;'Ilr~ ~l9tfJ an.; 'IT'I1 ;:fT'Il' 1Il~"~ f.I;.~.lI' 'IlT~ (f'll.'Il'T.lI') If\1~

81. Class and Name Name of Area of Slum Population Paved roads System of No. of Town Slum in Sq Kms. of Slum (in Kms.) Sewerege

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 II If'G;~1"{ 1 '1&:T~~ 0.03 2,954 0.74 aSO MandsaUr MadarpUra 2 ~flJW!<:r 1:).29 3.173 0.50 SD Narsinghpura

lfm Total 0.32 6,127 1.24

1 II ;:f)Il'lf 1 m;;:rru'll' !fi;qr:a-~, I 'It;;:rIllii:('<'IT, 0.07 3.900 2.02 OSD Neemuch GI1jfU !fi'iT fa-y" a- l"f<:Tif ~;;:ry BhoJaramCompound Gwal MohalIa, Bohra Kabrastan to Garib Mohalla 2 ~f~;:r lfTG:Of ;£$"') 0.04 1,400 0.30 OSO Latrin Yadav-Mandi 3 lI't"fT '{)~;;:rT 8T1<: tT<:Tif 11~<'IT 0.03 1,450 0,40 OSO Mochi-MohalIa and Garib-Mohalla 4 <:r~~r ~<:

qYlT Total 0.26 14.150 8.67 OSO


re~UJT c SI1f'll' o;

STATEMENT IV A Civic and other amenities in Notified Slums, 1979

;:r~TamifT~ ~')'Ii<:vr Number of Latrines it; f~~ «m~ (~~~) r------..A..-- f~ ritllm'-l1 Electrification f~ Private ~~~ MethOd of (No. of connections) ----,~- Community Disposal of No. of Tap Points, ,------_,..___----~ ~T~ ~crt ~ Night soil Hydrants installed Cor m ~~"!iTit; iiIl~ Water Service Other suppl y of protected water • SI'lIiTW I:fI ~e borne Domestic Road lighting Other points

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

11 7 WB 5 50

18 10 WB 150

-----~ ------29 17 13 1 200

126 20 5 WB 105 175 47

7 WB 16 9

10 18 WB 21 18 11

5 WB 4 3

1 WB 4 11 3

6 WB 21 7 4

12 8 WB 55 115 19

9 5 1 .. WB 29 35 17

15 1 WB 43 64 16

157 84 9 295 438 121

Note- Slum areas of Class I and 11 towns only have been reportell. 346

Tqcr~V'( 5

r.fitimt, wftwi, q;r)~Gf" ~~ ~~'" !lfcrs-nt. 1979

'IIIlf ;:r~ I!it .srllfl :ar;:rmr f;f~m 'If

~.~<: IF<:"T~ 'lfr

m;f~T ~;:;::,.<: ,,'l''l'1iT 'lfT"f"U <:fI'f1<:r Bhanpura Indore Ujjain 2 V 'l'ltur '1FT <: Jaora Rampura ~~~ 'fiTm;;l Gandhi Sagar 5,294 HC( 1) 6 (22) (297) (287) (1 15 ) (7;3-) Hydel Colony

3 IV 'l'l{To l'f'~To iTtf~ ij'1i~ "" Garoth

'lTTiT~r (;:<:"1<: lFa-h: 'lfT

'l'l~To (;:r .". ) * Bhanpura Iodore Iodore Jaora Rampura Garoth( lJ.A ) * 10,740 8(1) 36 (2S) (315) (31S) ( 165) (22)

,"iT~T ~;:

A(1 ) ~;:~'l<: ~.~l~

;:ftl'l'.q ~;:Gl<: ~.?"h :;rr'Hr 1'I';:<:"~'h; Indore 5 V 1W~rl:1T

~;:a-1~ ~;:'!1<: ;;rPHl

t;:Gl~ ,,"1if 'lfr"'~T SIl. Type( 1 ) 7 II 1'f;:~ H(A-1I), ASC( 1) Indore Ujjain laora 0(3 ) Mandsaur 77.603 TB(l ), 246 L( 1) (224) ( 180) ( 52) FC(I) qra-ij'R ~;:G1~ ~"t~ '3fT


Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1979

Educational facilities ~cr~an 1f.rR\;fif ~ ~ ~rsrT !liT mr __,.;-_ ~it;~ii~ Number of recreational and cultural lJ1~f1JiI; / iJ'6'if 5IT1lff1rli; 5ITllff" .. $I" ~~T am ,,«it uri? facilities ~f~t"~iI' am: ~\'f ~/it;r[ r-- ~------~ f1rm;r ~\'f iI(i'l{ (fri) ~f~ f~ f{ri{IJ1/~'l(- .n;;r.r~ {{~~ mvor/FIT/ ~riffi «1iTiif ~lA ~~lf Higher Secon­ darY/Interrnediate I Junior Adult lite­ Working PUC (Pre­ Secondary raCy.c.lasse.s/ women's Auditori- - Public/Habra­ University Secondary/ and centres hostels with wn/DramaJ ries incluing College/Junior Matricu­ Middle Primary others number of Commu­ readlDg ColJege level) lation Schools Schools (Specify) seats Stadiwn Cinema nity halls rooms

11 12 13 14 15 }" 17 18 19 20

{.a:h: Indore 2 4 4 (265) 1

5".;;:"h: Indore 2 5 (297)

See Garoth Urban Agglomerauo.n

t;:;::1~ Indore 2 2 3 (315) 2

~;:1il ~ Indore 2 2 3 (3 15) 2

!\;:G.i~ Indore 2 3 9 (265) 1

~;:a:1~ Indore 1 2 2 (235)

'!'i.a:"h: Indore 2 3 7 (290) 1

\·~1<: Indore 6 19 42 (224) 3 2

~~ Indore 2 2 4 (238) , . 2 348

'IIIi1{ il'1ft IIrt ~vft ;;r;rmr f:ctAitm ~f'HITr! wfuT<;1l 'if. 4 if Cft~~;;r 'l>Ti1I';;r ~ "'l.r;;r ~/ fWi~/ ~I!TW ~ (~KI'''' arh ~i!"tT sih it .iIT.mm. f"lf'liffiT ~- m

9 II ;fl'f" Neemuch

~,,~)<: ~~h "lPHT 'f;~«P: 'fllR('I.«. )* H( 1), Indore Indor.:: Jaora Mandsaur Neemuch(U.A )*6!!, 853 D(A-I) 76 ASC(2) (257) (257) (104) ( 51 ) FC( I) ~;>U<: ~~)~ 'lfIOf<:T 'f'~«h (i) 11 'IT'f" H( 1) Indore Indore Jaora Maadsaur Neemuch 65,860 D(A-l ) 76 ASC(2) (257) (257) (104) (51) FC( 1) ~.;::)~ ~;::)~ ;;n<{<:T 10 V <:TIl~' Indore IndOle Jaora Rampura I A, 313 H( 1) 48 ASCI 2) (322) (322) ( 144) 0(1)

'(;:~." <:T"~T


-_._------~ ~ (1) ~ if; ~


Medical, EdueadODaJ, Reereational aad CuUural Facilities, 1979

---~--~------Educational facilities ~ ~iIl .~"I'f ~ ~ pmarT Iti'r mr ---. ---"------.. t ~ ~ Number of recreational and cultural ~ ~/~· ~f1flI;l ~ ${J'ff1A; ${J'ff1rlfi ~ «tmtrT ~ U«1f mi' facHities Iftf~~/Ifi .I!:.~ . ~f~'l~ ~ ~~ ~JiR ,------..1------.,. (sit .l{f;fctf"ij'~r f1fm;r ~ I(iif (fri) ~mr:r f(f.tlJT f~/t.q- Iff'r.f~ tffta ~;;r/'llf;m: IhT~'lf) m~/"ffTl mQfiflti Q'ffT';f Q'~ ~r;;r~ Higher Secon­ dary/Intermediate I junior Adult lite­ Working PUC (Pre­ Secondary racy classes/ women's Auditori­ Public/Iiabra­ University Secondary/ and centres hostels with um/Drama, ries inc)uina College/Junior Matricu­ Middle Primary others number of Commu­ readinl College level) lation Schools Schools (Specjfj~ scata Stadium Cinema nity hall. rooms .l1 12 13 14 15 Hi 17 18 19 20

Soe Neemuch Urban Agglomeration

~m Indore .. 14 31 \ 257) 3

~.<=:'h: Indore 6 14 31 (257 ) 3 3

~;:<:;l~ Indore 4 7 \322) 2

'!i;~'-: Indore 2 3 6 (306 ) .. 1

~ Iodore 2 6 7 (256) 1

Note-( 1) The asterisk mark shown against the town represents the data of constituent town with outgrowths, (2) Cols. 4 and 6 to 1 S- If medical or educational facility is not avai lable in the town the name of the Dearest place If in the same district or the name of nearest district if in the same state or other State and its distance in kms in braCket from the town have been reported. 350

ict~CJl 6

sq'T4{l''(, CfTfGNq, ::a-~)lJ Q"'h: iirlfilT, 1979

~ 'I1R ~\) "-,lIT) Q'Q ~ m arrlf!"ffm ~aTI iii i'[T1{ Q'q ~qf ~ Aliff~ ,,~) iii iff" iII'tl: IITII Name of three most important commodities Name of three most important cornmoditie. imported exported "'" ,.--_--__-.A- r------..A--__- ___ ~ ~ 51. Class and Name Cf~ ~ ~ ~ 'l~ru am~1 No. of town ht 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ------

;m~ lITlIi~ i{~ ~<€t'l' 1 IV m~(T ~;rThT trTif Bhanpura Medicine Cloth Sugar Wheat Opium Betel

~T~f lIitI~ ~~~ 2 V tTillT ,f{ln: ~~ ~T~RT Gandhi Sagar Hydel Colony Medicines Cloth Sligar

3 IV 1[~To if<:To iftn: Q'~~ ~ Jjj Garoth

'1<:10 (Of.Q'.)* ti'Efc'li ~'f'r~ ~ri Ga.rOlh (U.A. )*

(i) iJ"~)3 !fl'!i~ 'Ii~r crill (t;:r arq;lq ~ifl:;r t!_.,-q;<'fr Garoth Sugar Cloth Ediblie oil Opium Grams Groundnut

l!l'f>': ;qq;rq 4 IV ;;Ylq~ ~q" ~llfr~lfT j 'i9lif lliT ~"rr mite- ~ 1f1'"l1 Jawad Cloth Sugar Medicines Printed Cloth Opium Cement Poles

5 V If<'Ql~tT' 'Fq~T ~'STT{lI"i l!l.~ ;fift ii~ ~'t'hT Malhargarh' Cloth Medicine Sugar Gram \\ heat Opium

q!f~ 6 IV ~H'T i::l!I"Ttlit ~q~, 'IIT'H ~T<: ir~ Manasa Medicines Cloth Sugar Jowar Wheat Maize

'liq-rr ~~ arh: iff;:«~ ar

8 V if TUlfurtT" ~T ~~~ ~Tflft ~III Narayangarh Cloth Sugar Medicines Opium

9 I 'fIll" 'fIll''' 'ftT ~ ~~ ~~ Neemuch

i'fllf" (if. ~. ) * «~~ {~r~ ~ Neemuch (U .A.)*

,,)q~ 'liq-~ qr'fi"t &:'frhf ar'trq Neemuch Cloth Sugar Medicines Opium 3S 1


Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banldng,.1979

Name of three most important commodities manufactured r------__.II.-- -~ Number Number of Number of Non­ q~ ~~ ~1~ of Agricul tura I Agricultural credit 1 st 2nd 3rd Banks credit societies societies

9 10 11 12 13 14

2 1


See Garoth Urban Agglomeration

See Const ituent Unit

2 I

'<9Ttt !Iii lI'i'l'9t lJ')~;:a- .if Printed Cloth Cement Poles 2 2


VT~~ Edible Oil 3 2 7

~e ar'),?; iff.:q;;:r ~eT'ii\' ~')ir.z iii ql~'l Slate and Pencil Starch (' ~ment Pipes 2 41


See Neemu-.:h Urban Agg!ol11~r:ltion

See Constituent Unit

l{ TT'li"fT 1f;1 ~\'! Groundnut Oil 10 352

'fTl{ ~1{ If1R iii') '>lvi, «aRt l1~c"f'!lIi erR ~TlfTfcrn ~oit 'fi 'fTl{ 0 0 ~.m ~1.vi om AlfTfffiT ~T 'fi 6Cln at\, i{fq' Name of tluee most important commodities Name of three most important commodities imported exported ,-_--_-.A- _-, r-----o-.A------, SI. Class and Name q~ ~r crTm:r q¢l' ~U oro~'r No. of town lat 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd

-- _------~~ ------_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


10 IV ~T11'!" ~crlflrt llT'li1: Ifi~ aT'!i')1{ q~ 'ferT Rampura Medicines Sugar Cloth Opium Wheat Gram

11 llTT1{'I'~ lfiq~ !11'Ii""<: ~rf~lTi£ 'if'fr ,mf lfiri orri Shamgarh Cloth Sugar Petroleum Gram Pulse Cud Board

mcrT1{:;; 12 ~qT~lTf llTlfi' _ lfiq~T Bi'!iT1{ ir~ 'q'fr Sitamau Medicines Sugar Cloth Opium Wheat Gram 353


Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1979

if';; IIi't {flilll Iif1i 'lItUf ij"flrfuzrT Ii<: ~~ ~ ~zrT ij"f'fRrm !fit ~, Name of three most important commodities manufactured r------"-- --~ Number Number of Number of Non-

9 10 11 12 13 14

3 1

~tr'l'i~) IliT a-~ !fl\ll" 1 Groundnut Oil Pulse, 2


Note-The asterisk *mark shown against the town represents tho data of the constituent town with outgrowth. 354


Towns Showing tbeir Outgrowtbs witb Population

!fi1l(fiIi m 'lif ;rr'l' oitinr" lIlnllft ifT~f~ ifTW'{f4 ~qRf !fi)~ ;n:~ ~ m'f ~t Serial Name of the Town Population of Outgrowth Population of No. with Location code Town Outl{l"owth No.

I 2 3 4 S

1 ;ft~ ~~ !filmrr) Neemuch 16/11 65,860 (i) Railway Colony 2,522

;fflf'lf iR'IH (ii) Neemucll Kasba 471

2 1f1:"- rr<:Ti'i lIi~ifr Garoth 16/VIII 10,240 (i) Garet h Kasba 500 ------_---_._------