B”H The Weekly

Vol. 24 Issue 45 Parshas Ki Seitze Chabad of Beverly Hills Friday, Elul 12, 5781 / Aug. 20, 2021 9145 Wilshire Blvd. Candlelighting Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (Los Angeles) Chabadofbeverlyhills.com The Three Forms of tax return. They will spend time together and enjoy each other's Rabbi Yosef Shusterman 7:15 PM Betrothal company. Yet, while important, Rabbi Mendel Shusterman By Menachem Feldman the physical aspect of the rela- 310-271-9063 Friday Mincha: The laws of marriage are derived tionship is not all there is to mar- 7:30 PM from the portion of Ki Teit- riage. zei. The explains that The second form of betrothal is This Thursday is Chai (the 18th of) Early Mincha: 6:00 PM there are three ways to betroth a through writing a legal document. Elul, the "birthday" of the greater woman: The document itself does not have Chasidic movement and of Chabad LATEST SHEMA: 9:37 AM A woman is acquired by (i.e., to have any monetary value; its Chasidut in particular. becomes betrothed to) a man to value is abstract and intangible. The The , the founder of SHABBAT SCHEDULE be his wife in three ways, and she document represents the spiritual the path of Chasidut, was born on acquires herself (i.e., she termi- aspect of the marriage. The couple Chai Elul. On that date 26 years later,  Shacharis 7:30 AM nates her marriage) in two will share ideas with each other, and Achiya Hashiloni began to teach him 9:30 AM ways. The Mishnah elaborates: Sh enjoy each other's wit, wisdom and Torah "as it is studied in Gan Eden." (followed by e is acquired through money, point of view. Rabbi Shneur Zalman, the founder of Kiddush, through a document and through Betrothal by document reminds us Chabad Chasidut, was also born on Cholent & marital relations. Chai Elul. Fabrengen that marriage is more than just As the Previous explained, Although this description of mar- living together; marriage is about riage may sound legalistic, Juda- creating a bond between two Chai Elul introduces an element of  Pirkei 6:20 PM ism’s perspective and insight into (or, as the mystics say: reuniting two chayut, vitality, to our Divine service Avos the profound meaning, beauty, halves of the same ).The docu- during Elul, the month in which we (Chapts romance and mystery of mar- ment represents the soul connection correct and make amends for past 1&2) riage can be discovered by ex- that is established (or reestablished) misdeeds. In the merit of our repent- ploring the meaning behind the through marriage. ance, G-d grants us a good and sweet  Mincha 7:05 PM seemingly technical details of the The third form of betrothal, marital year. By infusing our service with (followed by law. intimacy, represents the ultimate vitality, Chai Elul helps us do teshuva Seuda with enthusiasm, not just by rote or There are three ways to betroth a goal of Intimacy is considered a holy Shlishit) out of habit. woman, not merely Marriage has experiencemarriage. In , intimacy in the context of a sacred Superficially, vitality and teshuva 8:10 PM three dimensionsbecause  Maariv the Torah would like to give us marriage is considered a holy expe- may seem contradictory. Vitality is more options for creating the rience, for it is a fusion of body and associated with joy, whereas repent-  Shabbat 8:15 PM legal state of marriage, but rather soul. It is when the first two dimen- ance is associated with bitterness, ends because marriage has three di- sions of marriage, the physical unity regretting past actions and resolving mensions. Each of the three meth- and the spiritual unity, merge. The to do better. Those these seem to be ods of betrothal express one of the physical union expresses the deepest opposite emotions, in Elul we feel Announcements: three dimensions of the relation- spiritual bond. both, and at the same time! Every mitzva we do should be per- ship. The marriage of man and woman is Kiddush & Seuda Shlishit is formed with joy, for by observing (Practically speaking, even one of a reflection of the spiritual marriage that mitzva, we fulfill the will of G-d. sponsored by Jan Stark in the methods of betrothal suffice between G‑d, the groom, and the As teshuva is a mitzva like any other, memory of his grandfather’s to usher in all three dimensions of Jewish people, the bride. Perhaps we we experience joy for having been yartzheit. the marriage. In fact, the rabbis can add that our relationship prohibited betrothal through with G‑d is also expressed through given the privilege. Yartzheits: Jack Dattels – However, Chasidut gives us another Elul 14, Elimelech Urman – intimacy, and it has become the these three forms of betrothal: 1) betrothal by money: G‑d blesses us reason to be happy while doing Elul 14, Helen Gross – Elul universal custom to betroth through a form of money. Yet, the with our physical life, health and teshuva, by explaining how bitter- 15, Nasrin Rashti – Elul 16, law offers three forms of betrothal necessities, allowing us to enjoy our ness and joy can exist simultaneous- Ita Chein – Elul 17, Nissan to teach us to be aware of all physical life on earth; 2) betrothal ly. Rochel - Elul 18. three dimensions that can be by document: we enjoy a spiritual Rabbi Shneur Zalman describes this Happy Birthday to Lida initiated by any one of these connection with G‑d, by studying His in the Tanya as "weeping on one side document, His Torah, which contains of the heart, and joy on the other Davidpour. forms.) the mysteries of His deepest side." When we do teshuva, we rage The first form of betrothal is thoughts; and 3) betrothal by inti- against our Evil Inclination and of through money—the groom gives macy: the ultimate expression of our failure to withstand temptation. Yet the bride something of monetary connection with G‑d is through per- at the same time we are happy, for value. Money, which is tangible forming a . For the physical and physical, represents the physi- we know that we are becoming clos- act of the commandment is an act er to G-d. cal aspects of the relationship. The of intimacy with G‑d, whereby our Good Shabbos! couple will live under the same Chai Elul (and by extension, body and soul become one with His Chasidut) thus transforms the entire roof, eat dinner together, have a infinity. joint bank account and file a joint month of Elul into a labor of love and (Chabad.org) joy. From L’Chaim #1386 Lchaimweekly.org

Parsha Insights

Nourishing G-d תאֶ קָרְ בָנִי ילַחְמִ ילְאִשַ . . . תִשְמְ רּו וגו': )במדבר כח:ב( [G-d instructed Moses to tell the Jewish people,] “You must guard My offering, My food for My fire-offerings.” Numbers 28:2 G-d. They are as important to Him as our daily bread is to us.

(Likutei Sichot, vol. 13, pp. 103–104 ) (From: The Daily Wisdom) - chabad.org

ZOOM CLASSES: the groom that the bride would Story of the Week: Parsha Insights provide him with a tallit. Unfor- Monday 8:30 PM His Name Shone tunately, this did not pan out, When you go forth to war against Parshas Hashavua By Hilel Baron as they are both very poor.’ (literally "above") your enemies (Deut. Wednesday 8:30 PM A group of chassidim were “What did I do?” the wagon 21:10) Tanya & Halacha traveling from Krakow to driver said. “I quickly pushed When you go forth into battle with com- their Rebbe, the Choze plete trust in the G-d of Israel, secure in my way through the crowd, the knowledge that G-d stands by your Daily Mon.– Fri: 6:45 AM (“Seer”) of Lublin. When they and when I reached the bride, side to assist, you are automatically Torah (In Shul) arrived, after a trip of several I took out the money which I "above" your enemies as soon as you

days, their wagon driver happened to have on me, embark on your mission.(Likutei Sichot) Please visit asked if they could be so kind gave it to her and said, ‘Here, www.rabbishusterman.com as to bring his note to the with this money you will buy When you go forth to war... where you can access over Rebbe, among the other your groom a tallit. It’s on me. These words refer to the descent of the notes they had brought from No worries.’ soul, "a veritable part of G-d Above," into 2300 of Rabbi Shuster- the people in Krakow. They the physical world. Its mission, enclothed “After that, the wedding went man’s classes in Halacha, happily obliged. within a physical body, is to wage war and ahead without a hitch. And conquer the material world by infusing it Tanya, Gemara, Torah Ohr, When they delivered all the that’s why I’m singing and with holiness, learning Torah and observ- Likutei Torah and more notes, the Rebbe began dancing right now,” the wagon ing its commandments. This conflict will reading through them, when driver concluded. “I may not reach its successful conclusion with the suddenly, he picked up one have much money left in my coming of Moshiach, when G-dliness will and said, “Wow! Who wrote reign triumphant. (Peninei Hageula) pocket to show for this trip, but this note? His name glistens Daily Minyonim I am gratified to know that a That which comes out of your lips shall and shines!” They explained new Jewish home will be es- you keep and perform (Deut. 23:24) Weekday Shacharis: that it was from the wagon tablished in joy and peace.” The sentiment of the "Modeh Ani" prayer driver, and the Rebbe said, thanking G-d for restoring the soul to the At that point, it was clear to the 6:00 AM & 7:30 AM “There is something special body and recited immediately upon awak- chassidim why the wagon driv- about this man.” ening in the morning, should carry through Sunday Shacharis: er’s name shone so. It was the rest of the day as well. One should 7:00 AM & 9:00 AM After their audience with the because he had shown up and always conduct oneself with this funda- Rebbe, the chassidim decid- done his part immediately mental fact in mind. (Likutei Sichot) ed to find the wagon driver when an opportunity for Mincha/Maariv: and figure out what was so a mitzvah presented itself to And he may write her a bill of divorce- 7:25 PM special about him. They went him. ment (Deut. 24:1) Why is the Biblical "bill to the inn and found his wag- of divorcement" ("sefer k'ritut") called a ———————- on and horses, but not the "get"? Because the letters of the word Create Love driver. They set off around How can we be on the lookout "get," gimel and tet, are never found next town looking for him, until for “small” mitzvot which will to each other in any word of the entire To a young woman seek- Torah - the Five Books of Moses, the ing the right young man: they reached an outdoor mar- make a big difference? Let’s Prophets, or the Writings! ketplace, and there he was, utilize every opportunity that So many believe that love dancing and singing. “What is arises. Remember what Amalek did to you is a romance; that it is the occasion?” they asked, chabad.org (Deut. 25:17) Why does the Torah use something into which and he explained that this the singular form of the word "you" in- you fall, suddenly, effort- was a wedding of two or- stead of the plural? The early chasidim explained: Amalek, or the Evil Inclination, lessly. phans. Each Day gains a stronghold only in an individual They asked his connection to who is stand-offish and reclusive from the Let me tell you what is Purify time. true love. the celebration, and he ex- rest of the Jewish People. He who consid- plained: The Baal Shem Tov taught ers himself part of the larger whole and Two people marry and that each day you must stands in unity with his brethren cannot be live together, care for “After you left to go to the harmed by Amalek. Rebbe, I took care of some find an act of kindness and (Maayanei Hachasidut)(Hitvaaduyot, Rosh Chodesh each other, weather the maintenance with the wagon, beauty that belongs to Elul 5746) L’Chaim #1134 - lchaimweekly.org storms together, build a fed the horses, and walked that day alone. home and raise a family about town to see what was Tzvi Freeman—Chabad.org together going on. I came across the PIRKEI AVOS marketplace, and saw people Shimon Ben Shatach said: "Examine – Elul 13 —until one day they dis- singing and making merry. I the witnesses thoroughly" (Ethics 1:9) cover they cannot live asked about the occasion, The chassid There is a homiletic dimension to this without one another. and was told that a wedding R. Hendel related: It was teaching. Our Sages say: "The walls of That is love. between two orphans was known to all chassidim a person's house testify regarding his about to begin. that at one's [character]." On the most simple lev- Don't fall in love. Create first yechidus the orla (in el, it is possible to "examine the wit- love. “Then, I discerned sounds of sensitive "thick skin") was nesses" and determine a person's unhappy talk. ‘Oh,’ they told removed. Whatever else, character by studying the walls of his From the wisdom of the Lubavitcher me, ‘there are some mixed one was immediately rid of house - which books, whose pictures, Rebbe, of righteous memory; words and feelings here. The people condensation by Rabbi Tzvi Freeman. the orla of the heart. and which art do they feature. (The who arranged the match told Rebbe) (From: L’Chaim 1486)