Congressional Record-Senate. Decemb~R 8
196 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEMB~R 8, gress hold no session for legislative purposes on Sunday-to the Com Mr. II.A.LE presented a petition of the Master Builders' Exchange mittee on the Judiciary. of Philadelphia, Pa., praying for a more careful investigation by the By Mr. O'NEILL, of Pennsylvania: Resolutions of the Tobacco Census Office of the electrical industries; which was referred :to the Trade Association of Philadelphia, requesting Congress to provide by Committee on the Census. legislation for the payment of a rebate of 2 cents per pound on the Ile also presenteda resolution adopted by the ChamberofCommerce stock of tax-paid tobacco and snuff on hand on the 1st of January, of New Haven, Conn., favoring the petition of the National Electric 1891-to the Committee on Ways and Means. Light Association, praying for a more careful investigation by the Cen By Mr. PETERS: Petition of Wichita wholesale grocers and numer sus Office of the electrical industries; which wus referred to the Com ous citizens of Kansa8, for rebate amendment to tariff bill-to the mittee on the Census. Committee on Ways and Means. l\Ir. GORMAN. I present a great number of memorials signed by By Mr. THOMAS: Petition ofW. Grams,W. J. Keller.and 9others, very many residents of the United States, remonstrating against the of La Crosse, ·wis., and B. T. Ilacon and 7 others, of the State of Minne passage of the Federal election bill now pending, or any other bill of sota, praying for the passage of an act or rebate amendment to the like purport, wb~ch the memoriali5ts think would tend to destroy the tariff law approved October 1, 1890, allowing certain drawbacks or re purity of elections, and would unnecessarily impose heavy burdens bates upon unbroken packages of smoking and manufactured tobacco on the taxpayers, and be revolutionizing the constitutional practices and snuffs-to the Committee on Ways and Means.
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