Christian Healings a Handbook for the Order of Saint Luke the Physician, and for Other Clergy and Laity Engaged in the Work of Spiritual Therapy

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Christian Healings a Handbook for the Order of Saint Luke the Physician, and for Other Clergy and Laity Engaged in the Work of Spiritual Therapy OF Christian Healings A Handbook for The Order of Saint Luke the Physician, and for Other Clergy and Laity Engaged in the Work of Spiritual Therapy. As Edited and Arranged by Dr. John Gayner Banks, Founder of The Order of St. Luke 7th Edition 1956 PRICE 75 CENTS Christian Healin A Handbook for The Order of Saint Luke the Physician, and for Other Clergy and ~ Laity Engaged in the Work of Spiritual Therapy. ----------------- - —— _____ _____________. As Edited and Arranged by Dr. John Gayner Banks, Founder of The Order of St. Luke 7th Edition 1956 PRICE 75 CENTS CONTENTS P age THE CHURCH’S MINISTRY OF HEALING .................................. 3 The L ayin g-on o f H and s................................................................................ ^ T he M in istry o f A b so lu tio n .......................................................................... 6 A n O ffic e o f F o rg iv en ess............................................................................. 7 A S ervice o f A n o in tin g ................................................................................ 9 The Church’s A M ethod o f In tercessio n ............................................................................. Ministry of THE ORDER OF ST. LUKE THE PHYSICIAN P ream ble ................................................................................................................ ^7 List of Officers and Chaplains, OSL ..................................................... 18 M em bership, R u les and C o n d itio n s...........................................................19 INTRODUCTION: S ervice o f A d m ission or In d u ction ...........................................................23 The Emblem of The Order............................................................................. 28 When we speak of “The Church’s Ministry of Healing,” the M issions o f C hristian H ea lin g ......................................................................29 reference is not to any particular ecclesiastical usage nor to any M ission A phorism s ...........................................................................................32 particular authority for such. “The Church’s Ministry of Heal­ Suggested Programs for OSL Meetings.............................................—33 ing” comprehends those methods employed by the Church Uni­ P rayer P ro jects ...................................................................................................3 4 versal in all its branches which have been handed down from H ealin g fo r Y o u rself........................................................................................ 36 the earliest days. The record of such a Ministry is found in the The Causes and Cures of Fatigue ......................................................... —39 New Testament, in the Writings of The Fathers, and intermit­ Cross-section of OSL Membership.......................................................... 41 tently throughout the long history of the Church right down to the present day. The healing methods most commonly used have been three: (a) The Ministry of Confession and Absolu­ Healing Agencies tion; (b) The Laying-on of Hands with Prayer; and (c) Anoint­ In the U.S.A. and Canada.......................... 46 ing with consecrated Oil, administered with Prayer as taught In G reat B rita in ........................................................................................ 47 by St. Janies. Exorcism is also scriptural and used today. In S cotlan d , Ireland and S. A fr ic a ................................................48 E lsew h ere .................................................................................................. 48 Books for Leaders in Spiritual Healing B ooks on P ra y er..............................................—.......................................49 B ooks on H ea lin g .....................................................................................5 0 B ooks for the C lerg y ................................................................. 52 Books on Counseling and Psychology ..................... 53 Books for Your Own Soul................. 55 H om e S tu d y C ou rses....................................-.............................. 56 Silent Prayer. Then the Minister, standing by the sick Person, shall lay both his hands upon the head of the same, saying the words: . IN THE NAME of God Most High, may release from thy pain be given thee, and thy health be restored according to His Will shown in Christ Jesus. Antiphon. O Saviour of the world, who by Thy Cross and IN THE NAME of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Life, may precious Blood hast redeemed us, Save us and help us, we new life quicken thy mortal body. humbly beseech Thee, 0 Lord. IN THE NAME of The Holy Spirit, mayest thou receive in­ Here shall be read the 91st Psalm (or a part of the same). ward health, and the peace which passeth all understanding. The Psalm shall close with the G loria: Glory be to the And the God of all Peace Himself sanctify you wholly; and Father, and to the Son: and to the Holy Ghost, etc. m ay your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved entire, without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Then shall follow The Lord’s Prayer. "Our Father, Who art in heaven, etc.” Let us Pray. (Silent Prayer) Minister: 0 Lord, save Thy servant: M inister: The Voice of joy and health is in the dwellings of the righteous. Response: Who putteth his trust in Thee. Response: The right hand of the Lord bringeth mighty Minister: Send him help from Thy holy place: things to pass. Response: And evermore mightily defend him . O ALMIGHTY LORD, and everlasting God, vouchsafe, we beseech Thee, to direct, sanctify and govern, both our hearts Minister: Help us, O God of our salvation: and bodies, in the ways of Thy laws, and in the works of Thy Response: And for the glory of Thy Name, deliver us, and commandments; that through Thy most mighty protection, be merciful unto us, for Thy Name’s sake. both here and ever, we may be preserved in body and soul; through our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. Minister: Lord, hear our prayer: Response: And let our cry come unto Thee. The Blessing — Unto God’s gracious mercy and protection we commit thee. The Lord bless thee and keep thee. The Lord Minister: Let us pray. make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. 0 BLESSED REDEEMER, relieve, we beseech Thee, by The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee Thy indwelling power, the distress of this Thy servant; re­ peace, both now and evermore. A m en. lease him from sin, and drive away all pain of soul and body, that being restored to soundness of health, he may offer Thee praise and thanksgiving; who livest and reignest with the Father Note: Except where otherwise stated, this Office is adapted and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen. from “The Great Physician” (Banks and Bowen). Minister: I LAY MY HANDS upon thee. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; beseeching the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all thy pain and sick­ ness being put to flight, the blessing of health may be restored unto thee. Amen. (Alternative form) Then an Intercessor, or some friend present, shall say: God give a blessing to this work; and grant that this sick Person, on whom thou dost lay thy hands, may recover, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Ministers of non-liturgical Churches who use this form should be directed to advance in some point of holiness, which of service will make whatever changes they see fit, seems to be most needed. A useful penance with those who can while retaining the central idea of Forgiveness for the do very little is the repetition several times of such words as — patient, as a prelude to Healing. "My God, I give myself to Thee,” "Thanks be to God”, "We praise Thee, O God.”) THE ABSOLUTION HEALING BY WAY OF FORGIVENESS Priest — Almighty God have mercy upon you, forgive you all your sins, and bring you to everlasting life. Our Lord Jesus The grace of Absolution is to set us free to serve God Christ, Who hath left power to His Church to absolve all those with a life rescued from the power of evil; it can make us who truly repent and believe in Him, of His great mercy for­ most joyfully sure that we are really and truly forgiven and give thee thine offenses; and by His authority committed unto renewed with spiritual power. me, I absolve thee from all thy sins; in the Name of the Father, This joyful freedom cannot be ours till we have set our­ and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. The Passion selves to see what kind of sins we have committed and what of our Lord Jesus Christ and His infinite merits, the prayers kind of good we have failed to pursue. So far as time and of the saints and holy angels and the whole Church be to thee strength allow, the sick person will try to see how far he has for the remission of sins, the increase of grace, and the reward given way in each respect, and will stir up sorrow for sin in of eternal life. himself, with hearty resolve to put away sin and pursue holiness. (N o te: The Priest will use his discretion in shortening the THE OFFICE OF ABSOLUTION words to be used by the penitent in case of serious illness. He will be ready to assist the weakness of mental and physical in­ (The Priest will be alone with the sick person, and will be firmities, remembering how difficult it is for the penitent at seated so that he can hear what is said.) such a time to concentrate thought and effort. Especially will Priest — In the Name of the Father and of the Son and he be mindful of the sensitiveness of those who are making a of the Holy Ghost. Amen. first Confession. The Priest will take all care that the visit be 0 Loving Father, Who dost call us to Thyself, and bid us punctual, short, and undisturbed. If possible, it would be well pour out to Thee the story of our sins, our weaknesses, and our for him to return a few hours later to say a short office of needs; be pleased to hear this Thy child, and when Thou hear- ' thanksgiving with the patient.) est, forgive and bless; for Jesus Christ’s sake.
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