

ith the completion of the new place in the Sukkah in September, on friends will address the Congregation Wbuilding, the Congregation will the Friday night that began the holi- at lunches and dinners. launch a series of lunches and dinners day, as a capacity crowd gathered to On November 22nd, following extending through to the spring. One eat, sing, and enjoy the first organized services on Friday evening, we will Shabbat a month there will be a din- Sukkah meal in our history. have as our special guest Or Zarua ner and, in alternate months, a lunch, Based on that experience, and member Zion Ozeri, the photogra- at which members will have the oppor- the very successful Shabbat lunch in pher whose magnificent exhibit on tunity to sit together, to celebrate a October at which Dr. Samuel C. “The Synagogues of the World” has traditional Shabbat meal together, and Klagsbrun analyzed a Biblical hero, graced our social hall since the day to learn or be entertained. we are looking forward to the next we opened the building. Zion will tell The first event of this kind took several months when the following continued on page 5

Hanukkah Starts Friday, November 29th

anukkah, which begins in a few short weeks on HFriday evening, November 29th, is a time for latkes, jelly donuts, menorahs and candles. As you light the can- dles each night, you add another candle to the menorah. Although hanukkiot come in a variety of shapes, techni- cally all of the candles (other than the shamash) should be in a straight line and at the same height. The hanukki- Official Dedication On October 10th, OZ congregants and ah should be placed in a window or door so that it is visi- special guests gathered for a memorable evening as we dedicated ble from the outside. While three barachot are recited the our new building. Dr. Ismar Schorsch, Chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary addressed the audience (above), and special first night, two barachot are said on the other nights. It is thanks were offered to the Ramaz School, Temple Shaaray Tefila, important to keep in mind that on Friday night the 92nd Street Y and the Nightingdale-Bamford School for their candles are lit before the Shabbat candles. generosity and consideration while we were without a home. In Children and adults are invited to light the menorah, addition to remarks by Rabbi Wechsler and our president, Daniel study and sing Hanukkah songs at the OZ Hanukkah Beller, the evening culminated with the Shehecheyanu and the Party on Wednesday, December 4th at 7:30 p.m. affixing of mezuzot in the Sanctuary. More photos on page 3. 1 CONGREGATION OR ZARUA NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER / /DECEMBER OCTOBER 2002

HEBREW SCHOOL NEWS CONGREGATION The Floors Resound with OR the Sound of Learning ZARUA By Tahl BenYehuda Saidel ACONSERVATIVE SYNAGOGUE he months are turning cooler, Hebrew School students can also FOUNDED 1989 Tfinally, and our Hebrew School leave messages on my voice mail, is heating up with all the great learn- which will be picked up and forwarded 127 EAST 82ND STREET ing going on! to me daily by my stand-ins, Hannah NEW YORK, NY 10028 Our enthusiastic and energetic Block and Iris Paltin. Please continue phone:212-452-2310 fax:212-452-2103 faculty are engaging our students in to call in if you know your child will pursuits of Hebrew reading and writ- be out or will be late for school. I ing, T’fillah, , history plan to be out during November, but DR.HARLAN J.WECHSLER, Rabbi across the ages, Zionism, Jewish will have reduced hours in December DANIEL J. BELLER, President ethics, Jewish music, and familiarity and January. I will certainly be avail- JEANETTE BRIZEL, Newsletter Editor with Israeli geography, culture and able for appointments if you need to history. Our program reaches chil- meet with me. LYNN NACK /DAVID NOVEMBER & CO., Design dren from kindergarten through Our annual family Hanukkah twelfth grade, and on any Monday celebration will be held on Monday, through Thursday, the halls of the December 2nd for all Monday and sixth and seventh floors resound with Wednesday students, and Tuesday, the sounds of learning and sharing of December 3rd for all Tuesday and Editor’s Note ideas. I am so proud of our students Thursday students. Parents and sib- and teachers. lings are encouraged to attend to par- he OZ Newsletter welcomes arti- The November Shabbat Class is take of the food, join in on the singing Tcles submitted by congregants. on the 23rd from 9:30 to 12:00 noon. and dancing, and light candles togeth- Articles should be no longer than The Monday/Wednesday Dalet class er. I hope to see you all there! The 250 words and may be edited for will be leading this service and pro- winter vacation begins on Monday, length and clarity. They should be gram. The December Shabbat Class is December 23, and Hebrew school submitted by e-mail (as an attachment, on the 14th from 9:30 to 12:00 noon. resumes on Monday, January 13th. as well as pasted into the text) to the The faculty will be leading this office at: [email protected]. Shabbat Class service and program. In order to be included in the If your third through sixth grade child January/February edition, submissions can not attend Shabbat Class, please Lost & Found must be received by Wednesday, speak to me, as Shabbat Class is a November 20th. The deadline for the mandatory, integral part of our e have several items in our March/April issue, Wednesday, Hebrew School curriculum for third WLost & Found, including January 22th, will be confirmed in through sixth grades. tallisim and tallis bags. Please the January/February edition. During my maternity leave, I will call the office to identify your Many thanks for your help in be available to parents and to the belongings so that they can be enabling our newsletter to appear congregation via email. You can write returned to you. in a timely fashion. to me at [email protected]. Parents of

2 CONGREGATION OR ZARUA NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2002 A Deeply Felt Hanukkah By Ron Meyers

he word hanukkah means “dedica- the Syrian rulers of Israel. While our Hebrew School’s placing of mezuzot Ttion,” as in hanukkat ha-bayit, the congregation did not suffer such an on its doors this past September dedication of a new home, which is affliction in advance of our hanukkat 11th. That act exemplified a lesson signified by the act of putting up a ha-bayit, our city surely did. This year of the Hanukkah miracle, when the mezuzah on the doorpost. We at Or offers us the rare opportunity to expe- few remaining drops of oil lasted for Zarua have done exactly that in the rience our ancient observance with eight full days: even when we are year since we last lit the Hanukkah the immediacy of direct identification. most depleted, we have surprising candles. The holiday commemorates Nothing could underscore our stores of endurance and a resilient the re-dedication of the Temple in 165 identification with the re-dedication capacity to give off much light. A B.C.E. after it had been attacked by after an attack more than our light is sown…

TABLE OF CONTENTS Official Dedication Book Club ...... 12 Building the OZ Sukkah...... 7 Calendar ...... Foldout Dedication of the Building ...... 1,3 Editor’s Note...... 2 Gala Dinner ...... 4 Guided Tour of the Daily Prayers...... 5 Hanukkah...... 1,3 Hebrew School News...... 2 Hesed Happenings ...... 6 Ronald McDonald House Yorkville Common Pantry Sukkot with DOROT Hevra Kadisha Meeting ...... 6 Or Zarua Community...... 10 Programming Highlights...... 4 Minhah, Maariv and Rabbi Wechsler New Members Reception (left) leading the Hanukkah Latke Party congregation in the Shehecheya- Shabbat Dinners and Lunches...... 1 nu. Dr. Schorsch Reservation Forms...... 11 (top) addressing Staff Changes ...... 12 the congregation. Class...... 5 Alisa Doctoroff Weekday Minyan ...... 5 (above) affixing Youth Services...... 4 a mezuzah. PHOTOGRAPHS BY JEREMY M. POSNER 3 CONGREGATION OR ZARUA NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER / /DECEMBER OCTOBER 2002 OZ PROGRAMMING HIGHLIGHTS

Minhah, Maariv and Seudah Shlishit New Members Reception Congregational Dinner We have reinstated our monthly On November 7th, from 6:30-8:30 Please send in your reservation form Minhah, Maariv services and Seudah p.m., a reception welcoming new (see page 11) for the November 22nd Shlishit on Shabbat afternoons. On members to Or Zarua will be held OZ Shabbat Family Dinner. Zion the first Shabbat of each secular at the home of Dr. Terry Krulwich Ozeri, whose photographs decorate month, we gather in the sanctuary and Paul Posner, 1160 Park Avenue. our social hall, will be the speaker. for minhah, followed by a meal in All members, whether new or not- the library. We sing as we study, and so-new, are welcome to this event, Hanukkah Latke Party: then return to the sanctuary for which affords all of us a wonderful Eat, Sing and Study maariv and . We encourage opportunity to meet new members On Wednesday, December 4th at families and members seeking to and reacquaint ourselves with OZ 7:30 p.m. everyone is welcome to deepen the spiritual significance of friends. If you plan to attend the light the menorah, enjoy latkes and their Shabbat observance to join us reception, please call the Or Zarua sing Hanukkah songs in the Social on November 2nd and December 7th. office at 452-2310, ext.39 Hall. Rabbi Wechsler will speak on “Latkes in the Talmud.”

Congregational Lunch Or Zarua’s Please send in your reservation form (see page 11) for the December 21st OZ Shabbat Family Lunch. OZ Gala Celebration member Jerry Spitzer will speak on “The Jewish World: Post- Communism in Eastern Europe.” OZY Services

here is a new schedule for youth Tservices. OZY for ages infant through kindergarten meets from 11 a.m. to noon. Parents must

THE SYNAGOGUE IN PRAGUE ©MARK PODWAL accompany their children to these services. The Alef Bet Corner, first TO MARK THE COMPLETION OF OUR NEW HOME grade through third grade, meets AND HONORING BARRY ALPERIN, from 10:00 a.m. to noon. Parents are TERRY ANN KRULWICH AND LARRY NORTON welcome to attend, but are not WITH A PERFORMANCE BY ITZHAK PERLMAN required to remain. Junior Congrega- tion, fourth through sixth grades, Thursday,November14 meets from 10:00 a.m. to noon. HOPE YOU WILL JOIN US! Teen minyan, for all seventh through SEND IN YOUR RESPONSE CARD BY OCTOBER 30TH twelfth graders, meets from 10:00 a.m. TICKET PRICE OF $360 FOR SYNAGOGUE MEMBERS to noon when there is a Hebrew PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT THE CAPITAL CAMPAIGN School Shabbat Class.

4 CONGREGATION OR ZARUA NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2002 Shabbat Lunches and Dinners continued from page 1 a result of the Holocaust and the sub- contributions of Solomon Schechter us the history of each picture, the sequent demise of communism. He to the development of the story of the Jewish community will bring us a first hand report on the Conservative Movement and the reflected in it, and his purpose in cre- results of his most current work. American Jewish community. ating this unique photographic legacy. In January, we will be joined for The following month, on February Next, at lunch on December 21st, dinner on Friday evening, January 22nd, “Magevet,” the Jewish choral our member Jerry Spitzer will speak on 17th, by Professor Mel Scult, the group from Yale University, will join “The Jewish World: Post-Communism foremost authority on the writings of us for a lunchtime Shabbat concert. in Eastern Europe.” For several years Mordecai Kaplan and Solomon A year of events will celebrate now, Jerry has been involved in the Schechter. As part of our Dedication the dedication of our new building. disposition of Jewish communal prop- Year, Professor Scult will share with Join us to make Shabbat together, to erty in Eastern Europe that was left as us his latest research on the unique learn, and to meet new friends.

A Guided Tour of the Daily Prayers

ver come to the minyan and wonder what was really Dates: Tuesdays, December 3, 10 and 17 Ehappening? Have you thought about coming, but Time: 12:30-2:00 p.m. said to yourself, “What will I do when I get there?” Rabbi Place: The law offices of Phyllis Solomon Wechsler to the rescue. He will hold a series of three 444 Madison Avenue, 27th Floor “lunch and learn” sessions in mid-town designed to guide (between 49th and 50th Streets) people through the daily prayers so that they will know Please RSVP to Lidiya in the Or Zarua office, just what is going on in the minyan. 452-2310, ext.10.

TALMUD CLASS Weekday Minyan

he Talmud class began the year on October 2nd with a he weekday minyan continues to meet daily and Tlecture by Professor David Weiss Halivni of Columbia Tplans are in the making for a Sunday minyan as well. University explaining some of the revolutionary contribu- We’ll let you know the details shortly. tions he has made to the study of the Talmud text. Services begin each day at 7:15 a.m. and conclude by This year the Talmud class is studying the ninth chap- 8:00 a.m., except on Rosh Hodesh and major secular holi- ter of Masechet Berakhot of the Babylonian Talmud. It is days. Please check the calendar for specific times on those an extraordinary chapter which begins with a discussion days. Coffee, juice, bagels, danish and other light refresh- about events of nature and their deeper meanings, includ- ments are served in the Social Hall at the conclusion of ing the significance of suffering. It then moves on to an the service. interesting discussion of dreams. If you haven’t signed up for at least one minyan morn- We intend to complete the Tractate of Berakhot in ing each month, please do so by contacting Dan Beller. the spring and hold a big celebration. So now is a wonder- He can be reached by email at [email protected]; his ful opportunity to get involved with Talmud study. You fax is 212-373-2730; telephone is 212-373-3312. When don’t need background, but you do need motivation. We contacting Dan (preferably by email), please let him know meet every Wednesday evening at 8:00 p.m. what day(s) are convenient for you.


Hanukkah Celebrations pare and distribute food packages to scrumptious holiday food. It was hard at Ronald McDonald House low-income clients, particularly to tell what was appreciated more, On Tuesday, December 3rd, Or Zarua before holidays, as well as office help. meeting and talking with the OZ will celebrate Hanukkah at the Financial support and donations of volunteers or the anticipation of eat- Ronald McDonald House at 405 East non-perishable food are also always ing the “goodies” in the DOROT 73rd Street, a residence for children welcome. To volunteer, contact Iris bag. Aaron Shelden, the organizer of with serious illnesses who are in Patterson of YCP at 212-410-2264, the event said, “Looking in on treatment at local hospitals. The ext.112 or [email protected]. homebound or elderly who are alone Hesed Committee needs 10-15 vol- during these holidays was a wonder- unteers to provide Kosher desserts Sukkot with DOROT ful act of hesed, truly appreciated by and help serve the Israeli buffet to On Wednesday, September 18th, a all participants.” If you would like to the children and their families. This small but enthusiastic band of Or join DOROT’s Passover Package evening has become a very special Zarua congregants of all ages spread Delivery on Sunday, April 13, 2003, Or Zarua annual event with folk the holiday spirit to Upper East Side please call Aaron at 212-734-2888. dancing, music, singing, games and elderly, and enjoyed an extraordinarily For more information about rewarding interaction with young meaningful experience. After a brief Or Zarua’s Hesed Committee, please patients from all over the world. orientation at the 92nd Street Y, the contact Lesley Palmer at 212-772- Please contact Stephanie Failla at volunteers visited their assigned indi- 9673 (evenings) or 212-282-4190 212-480-3111 (days) and 212-472- viduals—along with shopping bags of (days) or [email protected]. 7506 (evenings) for information or to volunteer, or please drop off a dessert at the House on December 3rd by 6:00 p.m. Please also consider HEVRA KADISHA CALLS a donation to the Or Zarua Hesed Fund to help defray the cost of this AN OPEN MEETING and other Hesed Committee events. Help Provide Care for the Community Neighborhood Volunteering During Bereavement Opportunity The recipient of food donated each n organizational meeting for all death and mourning for our congre- year through Or Zarua’s Purim Food Aexisting members of the Hevra gants, from performing taharot and Drive, Yorkville Common Pantry Kadisha and all interested new mem- acting as shomrim to assisting with (YCP), located at 8 East 109th bers has been called for December at-home needs, such as meals of Street (between Madison and Fifth 12th at 8 p.m. at Congregation Or condolence or delivery of low chairs Avenues), is experiencing an enor- Zarua. During this meeting, we will and siddurim. mous increase in demand for its review the responsibilities of the Your continued or new participa- services for the hungry and homeless Hevra Kadisha, confirm communica- tion in this group significantly in our community. Requests at the tion channels to insure effective enhances the Or Zarua community food pantry are up 70 percent since relaying of information when a death and your experience within it. If you September 11, 2001. The organiza- occurs in our community, and revisit are unable to attend the meeting, tion is currently providing an esti- open projects. but wish to learn more, please mated one million meals each year. The Hevra Kadisha serves many contact Vera Silver or Daniel Rosen YCP needs volunteers to help pre- essential purposes during a time of through the Or Zarua office.


mmediately after Yom Kippur, a short hours, the group assembled the following days, the Hebrew School Icrew of volunteers gathered to help sukkah, ate untold amounts of pizza, decorated the sukkah to prepare it construct Or Zarua's new sukkah on and even got together a minyan to for the large numbers of people who the roof of our building. In just a few daven minhah and maariv. Over the dined there during Sukkoth, including almost 80 people at the communal dinner on Friday evening. PHOTOGRAPHS BY SARA STONE


1 2 3 Hanukkah (4) 4 5 6 7 Hanukkah (Day 2) Hanukkah (Day 3) 7:15 am Minyan Hanukkah (Day 5) Hanukkah (Day 6) Hanukkah (Day 7) Hanukkah (Day 8) 7:15 am Minyan 5:00-6:00 pm Family 7:15 am Minyan Rosh Hodesh Tevet (Day 1) Rosh Hodesh Tevet (Day 2) 9:00 am Shaharit 5:00-6:00 pm Family Hanukkah Celebration 7:30 pm Hanukkah Latke 7:00 am Minyan 7:00 am Minyan Miketz Hanukkah Celebration for Tues/Thurs classes Party; lecture by Rabbi on 4:09 pm Candlelighting 3:40 pm Minhah, Seudah for Mon/Wed classes 6:00 pm OZ Dinner at “Latkes in the Talmud” and Minhah, Kabbalat Shlishit and Ma’ariv Ronald McDonald House Shabbat, Ma’ariv 8910 11 12 13 14 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan 9:00 am Shaharit 8:00 pm Talmud Class 8:00 pm Hevra Kadisha 4:09 pm Candlelighting Vayigash Meeting and Minhah, Kabbalat Shabbat Class service Shabbat, Ma’ariv

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Asarah B’Tevet 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan 9:00 am Shaharit 8:00 pm Talmud Class 4:11 pm Candlelighting Vayehi and Minhah, Kabbalat Congregational Lunch Shabbat, Ma’ariv in Social Hall

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan Office Closed 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan 9:00 am Shaharit Hebrew School closes 8:45 am Minyan 4:15 pm Candlelighting Shemot for winter recess and Minhah, Kabbalat Shabbat, Ma’ariv

29 30 31 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan

✁ Note: On Friday night, Hanukkah candles are lit before the Shabbat candles. ORZARUA 127 East 82nd Street, New York, NY 10028, 212-452-2310 NOVEMBER 2002 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 7:15 am Minyan 9:00 am Shaharit 4:33 pm Candlelighting Haye Sarah and Minhah, Kabbalat 4:00 pm Minhah, Shabbat Seudah Shlishit and Ma’ariv 345 6 7 8 9 7:15 am Minyan Election Day Rosh Hodesh Kislev 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan 9:00 am Shaharit Rosh Hodesh Kislev (Day 2) 6:30-8:30 pm 4:25 pm Candlelighting Toledot (Day 1) 7:05 am Minyan New Members’ Reception and Minhah, Kabbalat Bar Mitzvah of 7:05 am Minyan 8:00 pm Talmud Class at Krulwich/Posner Shabbat Max Bernstein No Hebrew School: residence Teacher In-Service Day 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7:30 pm Book Club 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan 9:00 am Shaharit 8:00 pm Talmud Class 6:15 pm Fundraising Gala 4:18 pm Candlelighting Vayetze and Minhah, Kabbalat Bat Mitzvah of Shabbat Ariel Doctoroff

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan 9:00 am Shaharit 8:00 pm Talmud Class 4:13 pm Candlelighting Vayishlah and Minhah, Kabbalat Mon/Wed Dalet Shabbat Shabbat Class service 6:00 pm Congregational Bat Mitzvah of Dinner in the Social Hall Zoe Merkin-Brod 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan 7:15 am Minyan Thanksgiving Day Office Closed Hanukkah (Day 1) 8:00 pm Talmud Class Office Closed Minyan (TBA) 9:00 am Shaharit Hebrew School Closed Erev Hanukkah Vayeshev Minyan (TBA) 4:10 pm Candlelighting Bat Mitzvah of and Minhah, Kabbalat Ariella Weintraub Shabbat ✁ Note: On Friday night, Hanukkah candles are lit before the Shabbat candles. CONGREGATION OR ZARUA NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER / /DECEMBER OCTOBER 2002 THE OR ZARUA COMMUNITY

WELCOME, NEW MEMBERS CONTRIBUTIONS Mina Greenstein and Judith and Ron Rubel, in honor of the naming of their Gilbert and Bonnie Bach All contributions listed were received granddaughter, Noa Mae Greenstein, Alan Blum and Lori Greenberg on or before September 27, 2002. daughter of Rebecca Rubel and John Jason and Laura Blum Capital Campaign and Bimah Fund contributions are not listed. Greenstein Madeline Brine Steven and Deborah Katz, in memory Ran Canetti and Ronitt Rubinfeld DESIGNATED SPECIAL of Mark Kinn’s father, Philip Kinn, Nathaniel and Gail Duberstein PURPOSE GIFT FUND on his yahrzeit Eyal and Karen Farage Richard, Audrey and Jonathan Stadin Samuel and Francine Klagsbrun, in Burt and Bonnie Feinberg honor of Johanna Kaplan William and Phyllis Goldman HESED FOOD FUND Jeremy Posner, in honor of the recovery Rabbi Robert and Judith Golub Jill Shapiro, in honor of her parents, of Herb Shapiro Francine Kane Lorraine Ackerman Shapiro and Gerry and Phyllis Solomon, in memory Ronald and Lori Kaniuk Herbert Shapiro of Phyllis’ mother Adele Plovnick, Harvey and Karen Klapper on her yahrzeit Jerry Kramer and Joan Schulick HESED FUND Charles Spielholz and Sharon Seiler, in David and Ellen Labiner Ran and Laurel Eisenbruch, in honor of honor of their daughter Talia’s fifth Diane Lipman Marsha Kalin birthday Matthew and Andrea Lustig Ran and Laurel Eisenbruch, in honor of Charles Spielholz and Sharon Seiler, Richard and Yael Rosenfield Anne Schneider in honor of their tenth wedding Helene Ruddy Daniel and Suzan Rosen anniversary Burton and Gloria Schulman Jerry and Linda Spitzer, in honor of Eric Daniel and Ingvor Wurmbrand Yarden Smith joining the family of KOL NIDRE APPEAL Linda and Chris Smith and big sister CONGRATULATIONS TO Arthur and Willi Aeder Callie Sheldon and Marcel Adler Bruce and Karolyn Gould on the births Barry and Mimi Alperin HEVRA KADISHA FUND of two granddaughters: Aviva Kohl Joyce Apfeldorf Gould, to Tom and Maura Gould, and Sylvia Adelman, in memory of Susan Abraham and Anna Ascher Charlotte Konopho, to Melinda and Solender Bailis, sister of Stephen Jerome and Joan Badner Elliot Konopho Solender Craig and Marsha Basson Joyce Hauser on the birth of her grand- Frederick and Martha Mendelsohn, in Daniel and Lynn Beller son, Wesley Sarkis Hauser, to Mark memory of Esther Oberman Donald Bernstein and Sheri Hauser Jerome and Linda Spitzer, in memory of Martin and Barbara Bienenstock Emily and Lawrence Turtil on the birth Arnold Gerson, father of Ellen Gerson Alan Blum and Lori Greenberg of their twin son and daughter, on Herbert and Elaine Blum FUND October 17, 2002 Mark Brenner and Ellen Wetter-Brenner Alan Bandler, in honor of his aufruf and Jeanette Brizel CONDOLENCES TO marriage to Roz Goldberg Jonathan Bromberg and Barbara Scott Lynn Michalson, on the death of her Richard Gottlieb, in memory of his Michael Buxbaum and Laurel Graeber mother, Ruthe Morris father Jack Gottlieb, on his yahrzeit Michael Canick and Barbara Roth Dara Murray, on the death of her mother, Laurie, Ira, Jordana, Talia and Ean Linda Charet Anita Prisamt Greenberg, and Irving Boxer, in memory Alexandre and Lori Chemla William and Joshua Tannenbaum, on the of their mother, grandmother and wife, Barry and Bobbi Coller death of their wife and mother, Muriel Esther Boxer, on her yahrzeit Alan and Pat Davidson Tannenbaum Rosalind Devon


Charles and Valerie Diker Fred and Vivian Kenvin Thelma Rodbell Ira and Betsy Dizengoff Louis and Joy Kimmelman Leonard and Phyllis Rosen Daniel and Alisa Doctoroff Samuel and Francine Klagsbrun Daniel and Suzan Rosen Shelley Doctors Sarah Klagsbrun and Eric Weinstein Marc Rosenblatt and Kathy Halton Joe and Sally Dwek Jerry Kramer and Joan Schulick Arthur Rosenbloom and Evelyn Kenvin Ran and Laurel Eisenbruch Ivan Kreitman and Susan Altman Seymour and Annette Roth Stephanie Failla Bruce and Judith Krull James Rothman and Eyal and Karen Farage Bernard and Frances Laterman Stefanie Katz-Rothman Burt and Bonnie Feinberg Douglas and Debra Lehrman Robert Schallop Alice Geisler Scott Lerner Robert and Isabel Schein Tibor Feldman and Ellen Gerson Judith Lewis Neil and Leona Schluger Jerry Gliklich and Jane Salmon Owen Lewis and Eve Wolf Anne and Reed Schneider Sander and Mechele Flaum David and Judith Lewittes Burton and Gloria Schulman Haskel Fleishaker and Jennifer Mieres Zanvel and Sylvia Liff Albert and Claire Schussler Albert and Marjorie Fortinsky Robert and Loretta Lifton Charlotte Schwartz Andrew Frackman and Emily Braun Mark and Georgina Lowenthal Michael and Ellen Schwartz Yitzchak and Jacqueline Frank Herbert and Judith Lukashok Morton and Evelyn Schwartz Frances Freedman Ralph and Phyllis Lusskin Andrew Seidman and Dina Markson Isaac and Marjorie Gad Matthew and Andrea Lustig David and Susan Shapiro Elaine Gilbert Rachell Maidenbaum Herbert and Lorraine Shapiro Richard Goldberg Benjamin Marcus Marilyn Shapiro Harrison and Diana Goldin Leonard and Constance Mayer Yitzchak Shavit and Barbara Salmanson David and Blanca Goldman Frederick and Martha Mendelsohn Aaron Shelden and Diane Okrent Philip and Carol Goldsmith Lynn Michalson Daniel Shuchman and Lori Lesser Richard Gottlieb Hanni Multer Jeffrey and Judith Siegal Bruce and Karolyn Gould Dara Murray Peter and Dora Silagy Frances Greenberg Joshua Nash and Beth Goldberg Nash Robert and Vera Silver Ira and Linda Greenblatt Harvey and Linda Newman Sidney and Irene Silverman Jeffrey and Linda Haberman Daniel Nir and Jill Braufman Donald and Ellen Simon David Hait and Eleanor Merczynski Larry and Rachel Norton Irwin and Daryl Simon Lance and Heidi Harris Jacob Oberman Robert Skolnick and Lawrence Hass and Marydale DeBor Shirley Okrent Ellen Bromberg Skolnick Jesse and Isadora Hecht Robert and Joan Olden Jeffrey Small Susan and Roger Hertog Zion Ozeri and Ellen DeJonge-Ozeri Stephen and Elsa Solender Charles Hesdorffer David and Ronnie Parker Gerry and Phyllis Solomon Jamie Hirsch Samuel and Ruth Perelson Mark and Lynn Somerstein Richard Hyfler and Amelia Rosner Martin Peretz Jerome and Linda Spitzer Allen and Valerie Hyman Annette Pincus Walter and Sara Squire Craig and Nanci Hyman Norman and Midge Podhoretz David and Lisa Sreter Mel and Adele Ilberman Paul Posner and Terry A. Krulwich Richard and Audrey Stadin Andrew Irving and Evelyn Sucher Jeremy Posner Stephen Stern and Laura Siegel John and Ronnie Jankoff Charles and Ora Ramat Elliott and Susan Sussman Jerry and Patti Josepher Richard and Brooke Rapaport Sharon and Marc Teitelbaum Henry Katz Laura Resnikoff Leah and Bernard Tolpin Janet and Simon Katz Janee Ries Elia and Renee Toueg


Lawrence and Emily Turtil RABBI’ S Lois Peerce, in honor of Arthur Aeder Barry and Ethel Weintraub DISCRETIONARY FUND Laura Resnikoff, with thanks to the Barry and Anita Weinstein Sylvia Adelman Kenvin/Rosenbloom family James and Elaine Wolfensohn Jack and Rose Less Laura Resnikoff, in memory of Alan Alan Yaillen and Laurie Dien Jane Matthews Nadel’s mother, Thelma Nadel Marc and Joyce Yassky Efry Spectre, with gratitude Laura Resnikoff, in memory of Ellen Strauss Zelnick and Wendy Belzberg Gerson’s father, Arnold Gerson GENERAL FUND Seymour and Cathy Zises Laura Resnikoff, in memory of Dan Eugene Zuriff and Sherry Jacobson Arthur and Willi Aeder, for speedy Doctoroff’s father, Martin Doctoroff recovery for Leah Tolpin Laura Resnikoff, in honor of the naming LIBRARY BOOK FUND Mimi and Barry Alperin, in memory of the Greenstein’s newest family Dara Murray, in memory of her beloved of Dan Doctoroff’s father, Martin member mother, Anita Prisamt Doctoroff Craig and Flori Roberts, in honor of the Jerome and Joan Badner, in honor of the marriage of their children, Bruce and MURIEL TANNENBAUM MEMORIAL FUND birth and bris of their grandson, Brett Joy Roberts Badner Hammerman Arthur and Willi Aeder Arthur Rosenbloom and Evelyn Kenvin, Phyllis Brochstein, in memory of Rabbi Barry and Mimi Alperin in memory of Ellen Gerson’s father, Mordecai Waxman Rosalind Devon Arnold Gerson Vicki Compter, in memory of Dan Ruth Druss, in memory of the warm Marilyn Shapiro, in memory of Victor Doctoroff’s father, Martin Doctoroff and supportive friendship of Muriel Nerfin on his yahrzeit Rosalind Devon, in memory of Dan Tannenbaum Robert and Vera Silver, in memory of Doctoroff’s father Ran and Laurel Eisenbruch Arnold Gerson, Ellen Gerson’s father Mechele Flaum Terry Krulwich and Paul Posner Robert and Vera Silver, Yom Kippur Vicki Friedman, in honor of Miriam Enid Menzies Yizkor Wallerstein Yehuda Nir and Bonnie Maslin Gerald and Phyllis Solomon, in honor of Bruce and Karolyn Gould, in honor Fred and Martha Mendelsohn Leah Tolpin of the birth of their granddaughter, Jack Oberman Harry and Amira Trattner, in honor of Aviva Gould Laura Resnikoff Rabbi Harlan J. Wechsler in apprecia- Bruce and Karolyn Gould, in honor of Ira and Stephanie Rubin tion of his wisdom the birth of their granddaughter, Barry and Judith Schneider Helen Unger, Yom Kippur Yizkor Charlotte Konopho Robert and Vera Silver Bernard and Frances Laterman, in memory Gerry and Phyllis Solomon, of Bernard’s father, Sol Laterman in memory of their cherished friend, Alexander and Leona Leon, in honor of Muriel Tannenbaum Rabbi Wechsler Jerome and Linda Spitzer, David and Judith Lewittes, in memory in memory of Muriel Tannenbaum, of her father, Isaac Axenow, on his a very special lady yahrzeit Vicki Wimpfheimer Donald Motzkin, for attending Rosh Hashanah services Yehuda Nir and Bonnie Maslin, in honor of the marriage of Alan Bandler and Roz Goldberg


Congregational Family Shabbat Dinner


____ Adults (age 13+) x $25.00 each = $______Children (5-12) x $15.00 each = $______Children (4 and under) x Free = Free ____ Total Reservations Total Cost = $______

Name ______

Address ______City______State______Zip______

Work Phone ______Home Phone ______

To reserve seats, a completed form and your check or fax must be received by Friday, November 15, 2002 at: CONGREGATION OR ZARUA, 127 EAST 82ND STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10028, FAX: 212-452-2103

Congregational Family Shabbat Lunch


____ Adults (age 13+) x $25.00 each = $______Children (5-12) x $15.00 each = $______Children (4 and under) x Free = Free ____ Total Reservations Total Cost = $______

Name ______

Address ______City______State______Zip______

Work Phone ______Home Phone ______

To reserve seats, a completed form and your check or fax must be received by Friday, December 13, 2002 at: CONGREGATION OR ZARUA, 127 EAST 82ND STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10028, FAX: 212-452-2103

11 CONGREGATION OR ZARUA NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER / /DECEMBER OCTOBER 2002 Or Zarua Book Club Staff Changes lease join us on Sunday, November The book is available at the pub- P10th at 7:30 for a discussion of lic library and in paperback through ane Fuchsberg has decided The Good German by Joseph bestbook (the least Jto step down as Executive Kanon, a murder mystery, love expensive source). Director of the Congregation. story and exploration of guilt The other selections for We are very grateful to Jane and righteousness. The New this year include Austerlitz by for her service and we wish her York Times states “the novel W. G. Sebald, Ghost of every success in the future. brings to life the ambiguities Hannah Mendes by Naomi We have begun a search at the heart of our country’s Ragen, The Fourth Command- for a new Executive Director. moral legacy....provocative, fully real- ment: Remember the Day by If you wish to recommend ized fiction that explores, as only fic- Francine Klagsbrun, and possibly tion can, the reality of history as it is The Golems of Gotham by Thane someone for the position, lived by individual men and women.” Rosenbaum. please contact Dan Beller at Please contact the synagogue office We look forward to seeing you at [email protected]. for location. our meetings.

CONGREGATION OR ZARUA 127 East 82nd Street New York, NY 10028