June 2012, Issue 41 Contact:
[email protected] See all issues to date at the 503rd Heritage Battalion web site: http://corregidor.org/VN2-503/newsletter/issue_index.htm _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ~ 2/503d Photo of the Month ~ 335th AHC Cowboys delivering their cargo of 2/503d troopers into the rice paddies of SVN. (Photo by Door-Gunner John Cavinee, Cowboys, cousin of Ron Cavinee, A/2/503d, KIA) 2/503d VIETNAM Newsletter / June 2012 – Issue 41 Page 1 of 60 that the criticism that pastors face was countered and that Chaplain’s Corner his needs were being shared, met, and overcome. The next Sunday, the Pastor stood up behind the podium as church started and on the podium were a stack of notes- "I Got Your 6" each saying..."Pastor, I got your 6 covered.” They were praying for him and guarding him, so to speak, and they were part of his team. his is my second opportunity to share Just maybe the Lord has a call on your life to reach out with you, and I'm and help someone else. I believe He has a mission for glad that you are you and me. Even as you read this message, and T back! Let me regardless where we might be....God has a purpose for review, just a moment, where us right now, right where you are, and no matter who we were and where we you and I are. Whatever we might have encountered in finished last month. The our past or what's in our future, He has permitted us to Scripture I used was from Cap be in this place and time for a specific reason..