Diamond men On Home Turf NAU Thinclads Old Timer's Game Climaxes Hard To Down Axer Spring Grid Workouts For First Time This Season In 3 Top Events Twenty days of rugged contact end tomorrow night for 44 NAU's diamondmen play their first game of the season on Axer gridmen as Northern University meets in its first the home field tomorrow afternoon when they host the Grand Setting records seems to be football competition, hosting the Arizona State College alumni. Canyon Antelopes in a double-header. nothing new to Coach Leo· The occasion is the annual Old Timer's Game, climax of Game ttn;e is. 1 p.m. The games will be held in conjunction Haberlack's track team as three the spring football practice. Kickoff for the game is 7 p.m. wit~ the Umvers1ty Week activities. Uncertain weather con­ of the members are rated on the Coach Andy MacDonald's bunch has been working out since ditiOns forced the team to play its "home" games in Phoenix national level. April 11, and in that time the squad has trimmed itself from on the Grand Canyon diamond up until this weekend. 60 down to a more wieldly group The Lumberjacks have a 2-4 Sprinter Dan Walrath is cur­ Ted James for the other Blue rently rated third in the nation of 44. score. Both PAT attempts failed. record against the Antelopes The team held its first scrim­ after sweeping a double-header in the 440-yard dash. He set Kimble lead rushers in the a Lumberjack record with his mage of the season last week­ April 23. NAU is 6-15 over~ Cindermen, cont~st with 123 yards on eight top time of 48.0. On the national end in Yuma, and despite the heat all. change, MacDonald had praise carr1es - - over 14 yards per Last weekend the Axers ran level he is second by a second carry. For the Blues, Parker to NAIA leader Everette Mason for his charges. Top amongthem up against the University of Phoenix Bears was flanker back Sim Stokes, was the leading ground-gainer Arizona Wildcats in a non­ of Louisiana Southern with a with 80 yards on 15 carries. time of 47 seconds. a 6-1, 198- pound speedster from conference two-game series in Kansas, who scored three touch­ MacDonald was pleased with Tucson. The locals dropped both Set For Meet Sophomore Lloyd Love of downs as his "White" team raced the scrimmage and his team halves of the series, 9-3 and 10- Scottsdale has set two school 'AU's record-settingcinder­ to a 26-12 win over the "Blues". in general. He noted that his 5, but not before giving the highly­ records in the broad jump and men journey to Phoenix Monday, Junior college transfer Carey s quad was making more progress rated 'Cats' a scare in the first triple jump. He is presently to meet the top r ated Phoenix Hubert lofted two of the scoring than his squad of last year. game. rated sixth in the triple jump College Bears in a dual meet. The Axers narrowed the score event with a leap of 46' 111/4". tosses to Stokes. The othercame The coach praised the running to 5-3 in the sixth inning of the According to Coach Leo from another JC of flankers Jim Fuller and first game, but the Wildcats came Haberlack the team is giving Tom Von Rosen, a senior, transfer. James Velasquez. Gary Kiepke, noting that Fuller back with four runs to put the top performances in all events also of Scottsdale is ranked Halfback Daton Kimole raced came up with the big play time game out of reach. with emphasis on the 100,-200,­ eighth in the nation in the javelin 80 yards for the final score rlter timP \rl the scrimmage. NAU loaded the bases inthe and 440,-yard dashes. The com­ throw. Von Rosen set a for the winners for the top play The Axers lost the se ices eighth inning of the second game bined running of Mike Suber, Cleo Lumberjack record with a throw of the night. of 230-pound tackle Jim Kelly with an 8-5 score, but failed to Robinson, Mike Stubbs and Dan of 218'9" and is presently only Fullback Charlie Parder and 225-pound guard Dick Reis, push across a run. John Joyce Walrath has established the Ax­ 12 feet behind Glen Ermantinger scored on a two-yard plunge for however, and MacDonald has been ers as a top team in the dash led hitters in that game with a of Northwestern Louisiana who the "Blues" first score, and Chris forced to shuffle his remaining two-run-scoring double. events. has a throw of 230'4". Bavasi took a 30 pass from linemen to take the Coach Bill Presson of the In the intermediate and high Axers turns in his spikes after hurdles Robinson and Steve Bee­ next weekend's home double son have been showing top form header with Nevada Southern to having set times of 14.7 in the turn his attention to full-time high hurdles and 59.3 in the 440 work with the physical education intermediate hurdles. department. Freshman Nick Martinez con­ His replacement will be tinues to pace the team in the former California State League high jump while teammate Tom pitcher Alan Flitcraft, a former Von Rosen shows equal skill in (1961) honorable mention All­ the javelin throw with a top throw American player for of 218'9". . Haberlack has high hopes for Presson has been head base­ the 440-yard recordsetting relay team of Robinson, Suber, Stubbs ball coach here since he took 1 over the reins in 1963. and Walrath. It reset' its record Saturday in an ali-comers meet SO 7H£ STORY 60ESJ with a time of 42.5. Bolstering NOTICED WHILE SCRUB - 8/A/6 MINERS' PANTS Axer Linksters the team strength in the dash 77-IAT COPPER PARTICLES events is Ron Newman the team's WERE ATTRACTED TO leading quartermiler. SOAP BuBBLES AND Drop To ASU, Haberlack is enthusiastic a­ FLOATED TO lHE SUKFACE, bout the team a:~d all the Axer WHILE ROCK OVST SANK. Beat NSU Rebels tracksters will be making the FROM 11{/S CAME 7¥£ FLOAT­ trip to Phoenix. Sophomore Steve ATION PROCESS FoK SEPAit­ gol­ AT!fo/G COPPI!#l FKOM WA$TE -'OCJ(. Beeson has had the cast removed fers made clean sweeps of four from his arm this week, and individual matches and two best­ the team is showin~ no injuries. ball matches to defeat the Lum­ is one of the berjacks 231/2-31/2 Friday at top teams in the state, and the the Arizona Country Club in meet shows good promise as Phoenix. both teams are in fine fettle. The loss dropped the Axers to a 6-2 dual record. On Saturday afternoon, the Lumberjacks came through with a win defeating hevada Southern University of Las Vegas, 16-5 over the tough Coconino Country CAIEEI OfiPORTUNITY Club course in F lagstaff to boost IN THE their record to 7-2 OIL BUSINESS Hill'S WHAT WI OPf UA Wildcats Net Chanco tor odYancelllont Good regular pay Win Over Axers ~0 hour wook Paid bonofita Vacaliofls With 9-0 Score Medical core 's Wild­ Good workillt corulltiona 99 4}100 .% IS AN OLD cat team shut out the NAU HOUSEHOLD STANDARD RUST, RusT, 60ANAYl ot 5tonclerd s.atiolll ltK., Lumberjacks in six singles and AWr FOR. PURITY. BUT IT three doubles matches April 25, Hlehwoy 66 & - .. fOit flatptait, ISN 'T GCOD ENOUGH Copp££ IS A PRIAICIPAL AJJ..OY t.JSED To W.._., CIIICI Moftdoy. Full tiMe for a 9-0 win. FOR COPPE.e! THE ;HETAL ReTA.IlD RUST 1/V STEEL ,eooF/NGr The Wildcats took every oftd port tioM w..t. -ilaWe. Open­ MUST BE REFIN ED To A/OlD SID/N G . iftts ill Aapoff oftd 'ficinity- M 9 R1pr~untm' Ari:.tvt4J·s .._., ,.~,. o"~ Bane lfUIIdtr, match in straight sets, and did BETtER THAN 99.9 % equal oppottvflity ~· PVIZITY BEFORE IT IS not give up a game in four of ACCEPTAB LE FoR MANY ARIZONA MIN ING those sets. Stonclarcl Stations Inc. ELECTRICAL AND ASSOCIATION On May 10, the Lumberjacks FlotstoH, Ari.. ono OTHER VSES. P.O. 8ox 91' Phoc:ni.a:. Ari.t.on.a. UOOI are scheduled to meet Phoenix College at Flagstaff. The following Saturday the Lumberjacks will compete in the Flagstaff city tennis m atches.