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'Please Don't Forget A path of mercy and discernment See our annual Vocations Supplement, pages 9-16, and related column, page 4. Serving the Church in Central and Southern Indiana Since 1960 CriterionOnline.com November 6, 2015 Vol. LVI, No. 6 75¢ U.S. bishops to consider election ‘Please don’t document, USCCB priorities and sainthood causes forget us’ WASHINGTON (CNS)—The U.S. bishops will consider whether to approve a new introductory note and a limited revision of their quadrennial statement on political responsibility during their Nov. 16-19 fall general assembly in Baltimore. The statement, “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,” is reissued every Cardinal four years and takes Daniel N. DiNardo into account the latest issues taking center stage in the political arena. The document, which in general calls for Catholic voters to consider the common good when going to the polls, has been released before every presidential election for almost four decades. Cullen Larson of Catholic Relief Services speaks on the topic of Syrian and Iraqi refugees at Our Lady of the Greenwood Parish in Greenwood What a U.S. Conference of Catholic on Oct. 14. (Photos by Natalie Hoefer) Bishops (USCCB) news release described as “a limited revision” and new introductory note for “Faithful Citizenship” were prepared Assisting millions of Syrian and Iraqi refugees by a working group led by Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, vice president of the USCCB. is a way of expressing faith, CRS director says The bishops also will discuss and vote on By Natalie Hoefer in Iraq. migrant crisis,” said Larson. a proposed formal statement on pornography, Rather than viewing these events as “I don’t think that accurately describes “Create in Me a Clean Heart: A Pastoral GREENWOOD—Cullen Larson remote to Indiana, Larson sees clear and what’s going on because there’s nothing Response to Pornography.” The bishops had sat back comfortably in his chair, calm simple ways that the people in central and new. The people displaced by the war in given their approval a few years ago to craft a and relaxed. southern Indiana can help those who have Iraq, the violence in Syria and elsewhere statement on the subject. One would never guess the had to flee their homes overseas due to are just now coming to the attention of They are scheduled to discuss and responsibilities resting upon his shoulders violence or poverty. Europe and the western media. But it has vote on a proposal to take up a one-time in his most visible role with Catholic He spoke about these three areas during been going on a long time.” national collection to fund the completion Relief Services (CRS)—serving as the an interview with The Criterion and during According to Larson, CRS has been of the Trinity Dome in the Basilica of organization’s director of the southeastern a presentation he gave at Our Lady of helping refugees in Syria, Iraq and the the National Shrine of the Immaculate United States and as acting director of the the Greenwood Parish in Greenwood on countries nearby for the last four years. Conception in Washington. No structural Midwestern states. Oct. 14. Part of the problem with the refugee work is needed, but shrine officials have been But most impactful to him of late crisis that has now come to Europe is a in planning meetings about the ornamentation was his temporary role as country Refugee crisis ‘has been going on a matter of semantics. of the mosaics on the underside of the dome, representative in Iraq in February long time’ “A refugee is someone who leaves visible from within the shrine. The big, blue and March. The news has reported lately on the their home country typically because of dome has no ornamentation although the The experience gave Larson insight masses of Syrian refugees seeking help violence,” Larson explained. “A migrant shrine’s other domes do. No date has been set into the recent wave of refugees seeking in Europe, and being turned away from is someone who typically leaves because to begin and no deadline to complete it. As of help in Europe, as well as an up-close one country after another. of poverty. yet, no cost has been affixed to the project. view of CRS’ humanitarian relief efforts “They call it Europe’s refugee and See REFUGEES, page 3 The bishops also will hear a report from See BISHOPS, page 8 Proclaiming Celebrating Responding the Word of God the Sacraments to Charity United Catholic Appeal campaign on Nov. 7-8 will impact lives throughout the archdiocese Criterion staff report newborn. one youth. • $25 provides one day of Catholic • $200 helps provide catechetical This weekend, Nov. 7-8, is the annual education for a center-city student. formation for a Catholic school United Catholic Appeal: Christ Our Hope • $50 pays for 200 meals for those in educator so they can teach the faith. intention weekend. need. • $400 pays for the books for a The goal for this year’s appeal is • $75 helps provide education and seminarian for one semester. $6.2 million. The money will be distributed cultural immersion to a family in the • $500 provides a year of parenting and to various ministries and organizations Refugee Resettlement Program. nutrition classes for four single moms throughout the archdiocese that provide help • $100 helps provide a month of health of newborns. no single parish could independently offer. benefits for retired priests. Here are examples of how different • $125 helps support the “Called by (For more information on the United Catholic Appeal: Christ Our Hope Name” program inviting young men United Catholic Appeal, log on to donation amounts can impact lives in central and women to consider a call to www.archindy.org/uca or call the and southern Indiana. vocations. Office of Stewardship and Development • $10 will pay for two packs of diapers • $150 helps defray the cost of attending at 317-236-1415 or 800-382-9836, for a young mother caring for her a ministry program or camp for ext. 1415.) † Page 2 The Criterion Friday, November 6, 2015 Cardinal, adviser to pope, says everyone is responsible to protect Earth WASHINGTON (CNS)—People of developed nations any action they undertake has implications for others as the human heart will continue, Cardinal Rodriguez simply share responsibility with the rest of the world to protect well as the planet. said the world “cannot continue ignoring” climate change. the Earth from environmental destruction and assist poor Pope Francis stresses the importance of dialogue, which He added that he feels confident that a comprehensive communities in escaping poverty, a cardinal who is a chief has been a mainstay of his papacy, the cardinal said. agreement to address climate change will emerge from the adviser to the pope said. “Dialogue is one of the keys for the solutions, and U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change meeting Honduran Cardinal when you see from chapter 4 to the end of the encyclical, in Paris on Nov. 30-Dec. 11. Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, you see that the pope is always asking for dialogue, “Otherwise, I don’t think countries will have a future,” coordinator of Pope Francis’ dialogue, dialogue; with different denominations within he said. international nine-member the religious aspect, with governments, with NGOs, with The cardinal also called on the energy industry to Council of Cardinals, told reporters private foundations, dialogue with all kinds of people,” abandon carbon-based fuels and to embrace alternative at a roundtable discussion on he explained. energy. He also supported efforts by various institutions, Nov. 2 that the pope calls people to Cardinal Rodriguez said the pope is calling for including Catholic colleges and universities, to divest from dialogue in his recent encyclical on revolution, not in the political sense, but “a real revolution fossil fuels. ecology so that better understanding … to turn upside down, a change that is total.” “Oil is like roulette now, a raffle,” he said. “To trust in occurs across country boundaries. “We need a revolution in ecology under the ethical only one kind of industry in energy is a big mistake. Every “As the pope said, it is not only perspective, of course,” he said. day, it’s more clear. Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga thinking that the rich have to go The encyclical, he said, is built on long-standing “Secondly, the market is not a god and this is one of to the poor, but how can each one Catholic social teaching on human dignity. the criticisms that the encyclical makes: Market is an of us, every one of us, take their own co-responsibility The cardinal questioned the pope’s critics who suggested instrument for development, but not for making money because all of us are responsible [for] our common home,” that the pontiff should limit his observations to theological only. This is one of the perspectives that the world Cardinal Rodriguez said in reference to the encyclical’s questions rather than economic and scientific issues, has to learn.” title, “Laudato Si’, on Care for Our Common Home.” especially those surrounding the climate, even before the Cardinal Rodriguez held up entrepreneurs pursuing “We cannot ignore that we are co-responsible for all encyclical was released. alternative fuels and whose business model is based on the around the world,” he continued. “We cannot be closed “It [the encyclical] was criticized before being development of people. down in our own borders and looking only to our own published. People said, ‘What does the Holy Father know The encyclical also has a message for elected officials places because all of us are citizens of the same Earth and about science?’ It’s not about science.
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