Lime Rock Gazette
L 1M E R 0 C K GAZETTE. DEVOTED TO COMMERCE, AGRICULTURE, ART, SCIENCE, MORALITY AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY RICHARDSON & PORTER. Tpiihs, $1,50 in Advance, $1.75 in six monllis $2.00 afleiv-Adverliseinenls inserted al Hie ciisloniarv prices VOL J- LAST—TIIOIIASTOV, TlllltSO AV 1IOILVIA«L O< TOK I it 15. 1840 AO. »». i.j_ - xi u f c i . b.w rjw vjwcyxayztt i TIlC Relllllied Pastor. *,o,n v*cw> nn,l 0,1 *Gc morning of the 'themselves together for family worship.— from nine o’clock in the morning to three 'Aint I a man now. Miss Tabitha, I ’d only, however, who knew the former level- twenty-second of the same month he look- Ho was told that twenty missionaries might I in the nOcrnoon; and from live to nine in like to know ,’ said Jotliam , rising with ness o f the spot. Ct will be recollected By many ol otn renders, that (,d ,|p0„ ,bc s|,(( of England—on the find employment there. the eveninu. There were twelve hundred spirit and putting his hat on his head, ‘ I f The Lieutenant, who had c ritic a lly the Kcv. Mr. Vomroy, Tastor ot the livst ( j following day ho landed. He wished to; Mr. l’omroy enumerated the places of | persons composing the convention, about I aint a man now. and a whole hog o f a watched the manoeuvring of the men, grognltonnl Church ol Bangor, lelt his people see ns much of the land of our fathers as interest ho visited in the Holy Land.— nine hundred of whom were clergymen, one too, I think it darned strange.’ congratulated the Orderly on the perfec- sonic sixteen months Since, for an European possible— a land that should lie dear to ! Sidon, Sarepta, Tyre.
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