(Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-10-11
PATS, MEATS, b ••• 'owr red .ta .... Al Illnarla El Fair ,ooc! 11l,0.rb 0.1. 31; Fl Ibro.,b Kl ,... ,~_ ••,h N.v. 10; LI tllro.,b Ql ,... Ibrearll "... II; al Ib,oa,b VI,••• Ibr.",b laD. I.. IIVOU, b ••k fa., IOWA: CODUnUed fair .tamp S8 , ••• '.r flY. lOon'. liar ..." 0 ... SL laOl8, and mild today. b .... Ibr•• _1_,laao .Iam ... J, 2, • OD' • , ••• 1••• 11· DAILY IOWAN nltol,. THE Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ~ :'IVE CENTS THI AS80CIATED paIRS IOWA CITY, IOWA nroRSDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1945 TIll AIBOClATU nzsl VOLUME xxn NUMBER 15 a • Ie• ounel• et p or ap ontro IHouse Group Urges Mrs. Whitehand Gets fear Uprising Husband's Decorations U. S.lntends Mrs. Robert E. Whltehand of Coal Strike Settlement De Iaye d u. s. Withhold Loans Iowa Cit y yesterday received the Legion of Merit and the Air . Of Japan~se To Russia and Britain Medal for her husband, Captain To Maintainl 50 PERSONS INJURED AS MOVIE WORKERS STRIKE Whitehand, who was killed in a Union, Industry Men flight over France last March 2.7. CommiHee Suggests The posthumous presentation Communists was made in Des Moines yester Dominant Role Unable to Agree Revision of Policies day by an army officer. Following Investigation Captain Whitehand earned his Tokyo Banzai Parade On Compromise Plan M.A. and M.F.A. degrees at the Status of MacArthur Brings About Warning WASHINGTON (AP)-A house University of Iowa. During the committee, after a tour of Europe, war he served both as a naviga As Supreme Head From Industrialists .,.
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