Clemson Football Media Guide
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N THE A Briel Brochure of Football at the Clemson A. & M. College for 1947 . • --•-- 1141 CLEMSON FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Date Game Kick Off Price of Admission Sept. 20- P . C. at Clemson 3 p . m. EST __________________ $2.00 Sept. 28-- Boston College at Boston 8:30 p . m. ________ 2.40 Oct. ..,.4_ Wake Forest at Clemson 3 p . m . EST _____ 3.00 Oct. 11- N. C. State at Raleigh 8 p . m. EST ______ 2.50 Oct. 23-..- S. Carolina at Columbia 2 p. n1. EST __ 3.60 Oct. 31- Georgia at Athens 8: 15 p . m . EST _________ 3.00 Nov. 8- . l'urman at Greenville 2 :30 p . m. EST _____ 3.00 Nov. 15,__ Duquesne at Pittsburg 8:15 p. m. _______________ 3.60 Nov. 22,e.-- Aubum at Clen1son (Homecoming) 2 p. m. EST ------------------------------------------------ 3.00 ' 1947 CLEMSON COLLEGE FOOTBALL 1947 FOREWORD Ge11tlemen of the Press and Radio: We hope that this brief brochure 011 Clemson foot ball will give you some of tl1e information that you desire. Clemson extends an invitation to all radio and newspaper sportsmen and to all football follow ers to visit us and watch ,our Tigers on the field. If you need further information, do not hesitate writing me or phoning me. Sincerely, Ed Osborne, Director Clemson News Bureau Clemson, Soutl1 Carolina Day Telephone 3071 CONTENTS Page Inside Front Cover-Foreword 1. Clemson's Athletic Staff-1946 Results 2-3. About the Coaches 4-5-6-7. About Our Boys 8-9. Clemson's 1947 Roster 10-11-12-13-14. All-time Clemson Football Scores 14-15. About Our Opponents 16. Against All Comers Inside Back Cover-General Information Back Cover-Through the Years CLEMSON'S ATHLETIC STAFF Athletic Director ---~---- Frank Howard (Alabama '31) Head Football Coach __ Frank Howard (Alabama '31) Backfield Coach __ Covington McMillan ( Clemson '30) Backfield Coach ___________________ Russ Cohen (Vanderbilt) End Coach ---------------------------- Bob Jones ( Clemson '30) • Line Coach ------------------------ Walter Cox ( Clemson '39) Assistant Coach ________ Banks McFadden (Clemson '40) Assistant Coach -----~------ Randy Hinson ( Clemson '36) Assistant Coach __________ A. W. Norman (Roanoke '15) Ass't. Athletic Director Walter Tilly, Jr. (Clemson '29) Ticket Manager ____________ Randy Hinson ( Clemson '36) Athletic Publicity ____________ Ed Osborne (Clemson '44) Athletic Secretary ____ Elizabeth Sharp (Winthrop '43) Publicity Secretary ____ Louise W. Jones (Lander '46) Assistant Athletic Secretary Louise Baggott (U. S. CJ Dr. Lee W. Milford ____ Faculty Chairman (Emory '17) CLEMSON'S 1946 FOOTBALL RESULTS Clemson 39 Presbyterian 0 Clemson 12 Georgia 35 Clemson 7 N. C. State 14 Clemson 7 Wake Forest 19 • Clemson. 14 S. Carolina 26 • • Clemson 14 V. P. I. 7 Clemson 20 . Furman 6 Clemson 13 Tulane 54 Clemson 21 Auburn 13 . ' 1 .. .. .. ·. .;,, .•.•. '::: :::. •'• •:•.•,..•. ...::::=· •.... ~ •.. · .·.. ...::=::~ ·•··· ······•····· Frank Howard Director of Athletics Head Football Coach Seventeen years ago, Frank Howard step,.J''-. from first string guar,d position on Alabama' Rose Bov.11 team into the coachi11g position "ith Clemson Tigers and nine years la1er (1940) h ! • tip to the top coaching spot 1n Tigerto,,rn . Ho\vard inherited Clemson's football re1• ~b n Coach Jess Neely moved to Rice Institut after years as the Tiger boss. Bo1·n in Barlo,v B nd, - bama 011 l\1a rch 25, 1909, H0\\1ard v_rorked hlS ) up the football ladder under Alabama's r 1 lace Wade. A master at the art of line techniqu Ho teams have made a good record for th ms spite st1,enuous ,var-time conditio11s. Ho"' considerable attention to the fundamental defensive play but al,vays you will find shooting for touchdowns. Hov.,ar·d is married, and the fath - ren, Alice and Jimm;y·. His fam1l)' 1 n here at Clemson. 0 rGTO 1 le DLL T-Backfi l Clemson gridiro11 star of the 1928-30 iillan spent four ars coaching at chool and thre at rman joining the Cl on staff in 1937. nt in 19 2 c n 1> n i .. mon 11 Pacific, ith occup t·onal du 1n He h d h r nk of Cap a1n n -? RUSS COHEN-Backfield Coach-Clemson's newest addition to its coaching staff is Russ Cohen, former top athletic man at Louisiana State University and an assistant to Wallace Wade, when tl\e present Duke mentor was at Alabama. Cohen came to Clemson in the spring of this year from Virginia Military In stitute where for the past ten years, he has been backfield coach and chief scout. BOB JONES-End Coach-A standout Clemson foot ball and basketball star of the years 1928-30 and generally considered one of the finest ends in Clem son history, Bob Jones joined the coaching staff here upon graduation in 1930. Entering the Army in 194 l, Jones spent 12 months in the ETO, won the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart and Combat Infantry man's badge. He held the rank of Lieutenant Colo nel when discharged in 1946. Jones is also head coach of the boxing and golf teams. WALTER COX-Line Coach-A regular guard on Clemson's 1939 Cotton Bowl team, Walter Cox step ped out of a first string position with the Tigers into a job on the coaching staff. Called into the Army in 1942, Cox spent 12 months in the Figi Island, New Caledonia, and Guadalcanal, and held the rank of First Lieutenant when medically discharged in 1943. BANKS McFADDEN-Assistant Coach-His play on the 1939 Tiger team placed ''Bonnie Banks'' on the Associated Press All-American football team and on Chuck Taylor's All American basketball team. Upon graduation in 1940 McFadden played professional football for the Brooklyn Dodgers and lead in ground gaining. He entered the Army in 1942, spent 33 months overseas and was a major at the time of his discharge. In the winter, McFadden is Clemson's basketball coach. I RANDY HINSON-Assistant Coach- A C 1 e m s o n backfield and baseball star during his college career here, Hinson joined the coaching staff after his gradu ation in 1936. He entered the Army in 1940, spent 36 months in Italy and was a major when discharged in 1945. He is head coach of baseball, his 1947 team winning the South Carolina and the Southern Con ference championships. As the outstanding team of the South, Clemson baseballers defeated Alabama and Auburn in the NCAA play-offs in Charlotte. Clem son represented the Third District in the Eastern conference run-offs at New Haven, Connecticut, but they were defeated by Yale University. A. \V. NORMAN-Assistant Coach-Considered one of the greatest and most versatile athletes in the history of Roanoke College, ''Rock'' Norman came to Clemson in 1940 as freshman football, varsity basketball and track coach. He was last year placed in charge of training the Tiger athletes and handling all athletic equipment. Norman will assist with Clemson's football ''B'' squad this fall and will direct the track cindermen next spring. 3 CENTERS ,(CARY COX-Tiger football captain Cox is considered Frank Howard,s mainstay from a center position. He did a bang-up job last season and should be quite a bulwark this year. While in the service ,vith the Navy, he saw plenty of gridiron action in Manila. In 1943, he made all-state with the University of South Carolina. This 200 pounder from Dawson, Ga. should turn in plenty of brilliant work this year. EUGENE MOORE, JR.-A very hefty youngster from Lake City (SC), Gene excelled this past season be hind the batter's plate in baseball and should s e :r.,Ienty of action at center position. Nineteen, six feet, one inch tall and wejghing 195 pounds, Moor is expected to be one of the mainstays on the re serve squad. HAROLD TOWNES-A Navy veteran who came to Clemson last fall, this high man of the Clemson line (6 ft. 3 in., 200 pounds) will show us ,vhat he ha -and that should be plenty-from the ce11ter po i tion. GUARDS FRANK GILLESPIE-One of Clemson's outstanding athletes and scholars is a husky Beckley, (W. Va ) lad, Frank Gillespie. A first string letterman fo the Tiger football team, and an expert at the a t of basketball, Gillespie stole honors with the Ti r baseball club last spring. Weighing 193 pou11d . Gillespie spent three years in the Signal Corp b - fore he returned to Clemson last fall. TOM SALISBURY - Another war-time Cl m on letterman (seasons of 43 and 44) \\1ho ,vith re~ from college for a hitch in the service, Tomm)' r - turns to the scene this fall. Salisbur:}7 is big enou 1 ( 200 lbs.) to be useful in the Tiger front Jin an is being counted on for considerable guard r 11 work. RAY CLANTON-A former all-starrer \11-7ith th a1nl Johns Darlington ( SC) high school, this p -m 1- cine student is expected to be one of Coach Ho ~' r finest right guards. He first ,von his lett 1: 1U1 the Tigers in 1945 and ,vith his experience 1n last season, should ,veil fit into the sch me of thin in the big Clemson line. JACK COX-A cousin of the well-kno m Cl m footballer, Carol Cox, Jack, from arion, S . C. see action from a guard position. He 'C~'";l)c;_ _ the Chicora High School football, ba k t.,Ll<.l,11 , baseball teams. BILL TTER-A letterman in 19 2 at 167 un , Hu11ter returned to football last , ar aft r a h,,...,._._ rear hitch in the Army, v.1eighing 190 un hails from Greenville, spent th1· l'ear 1n U1 - rine Corps and is a pre-medicine stu~ll 'L..nt h r College.