REPORT Market conditions for biogas vehicles Tomas Rydberg, Mohammed Belhaj, Lisa Bolin, Maria Lindblad, Åke Sjödin, Christina Wolf B1947 April 2010 Report approved: 2010-10-20 John Munthe Scientific director Organization Report Summary IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd. Project title Market conditions for biogas vehicles Address P.O. Box 5302 SE-400 14 Göteborg Project sponsor Swedish Road Administration Telephone +46 (0)31-725 62 00 Author Tomas Rydberg, Mohammed Belhaj, Lisa Bolin, Maria Lindblad, Åke Sjödin, Christina Wolf Title and subtitle of the report Market conditions for biogas vehicles Summary With a present share of biofuel used in the Swedish road transport sector of 5.2%, the opportunity for reaching the binding target of 10% by 2020 seem promising. It is both likely and desirable that biogas vehicles may make a significant contribution to fulfill Sweden’s obligation under the biofuels directive. It is likely because the stock of biogas (bi-fuel/CNG) vehicles in Sweden is increasing, as is the supply and demand of biogas. It is desirable, because biogas use in the road transport sector has not only climate benefits, but also benefits from an environmental (e.g. improved air quality due to lower emissions of regulated and unregulated air pollutants) and socio-economic (e.g. domestic production, employment) point of view. Keyword biogas, gas-fuelled vehicles, GHG, Bibliographic data IVL Report B1947 The report can be ordered via Homepage:, e-mail:
[email protected], fax+46 (0)8-598 563 90, or via IVL, P.O. Box 21060, SE-100 31 Stockholm Sweden Market conditions for biogas vehicles IVL report B1947 Summary The present report, prepared by the Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL) on behalf of the Swedish Road Administration, analyses the market prerequisites for biogas vehicles and biogas used as motor fuel in view of the EU biofuels directive and the Swedish national target to switch to a fossil fuel independent vehicle fleet by before 2030.