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tt SAMMONS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. RECEIVED 'NAR 2 41994 September 30, 1993 Alexandra Wilson Chief, Cable Services Division 1;F;r-==- Mass Media Bureau Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street, N.W. ~_1..)·:<~ Washington, D.C. 20554 Re: FCC Rate Survey Dear Ms. Wilson: Enclosed please find Sammons communications, Inc.'s response to the FCC's Rate Survey. The enclosed information reflects Sammons' 10 largest systems, all of which anticipate utilizing the benchmark methodology; however, we reserve the right to utilize the cost of service method after we review the Commission's regulations on cost of service. While all of the rate adjustments were revenue neutral, most of our systems did experience a rate increase in the tier level of service. At the same time, all but one of the surveyed systems experienced a decrease in the basic service charge. Despite increases in the tier service rate, Sammons' rates remain below the FCC benchmarks. I urge the FCC not to focus too much attention on the slight increases to service rates without looking at the overall picture. We now have subscribers who are able to purchase more service and equipment than .previously. Prior to the realignment of cost, it was not unusual to have certain SUbscribers complain that it was very inconvenient and often physically impossible for them to get up to change channels as they desired; however, the same subscribers were on a fixed income and felt the charge for a remote control was beyond their bUdget. Now, those same subscribers while experiencing a small increase in service rates are able to enjoy the benefits of a remote control at a very reasonable rate of 50 cents per month. Furthermore, those individuals on fixed income or other bUdgetary restraints, who could not enjoy cable service on all television sets because of the additional outlet charge, now may obtain service on numerous sets without this extra charge. Again, they may experience a slight increase in the service charge, but the overall level of service and value has increased. Please note that some responses are stated as "unknown." Most of our systems had, as of April 5, 1993, as many as 15 different installation/service products. A complete itemization and No. of CoPiIs rec1d ? /:t;1~ liItABCOe ~ 3010 LBJ Freeway Suite 800 • Dallas Texas 75234 • 214484-8888 • 214919-5799 (FAX) +.' RECEIVED 'MAR 2 41994 extension of the volume for each service will ~r~__, complicate this survey. The total revenue earned fro;-;i,",~....,-ib&tlrr services is included on line 25. We are choosing to use the Hourly Service Charge for all of these services going forward. The anticipated monthly revenue, as of September 1, 1993, from this activity is included on line 25. Therefore, please accept that the volume of prewired, unwired, visit and no - visit installations is not material to the survey, and will not substantially alter the information reported. My billing records do not report the number of subscribers receiving an increase/decrease in their bill for regulated services. I have done my best to estimate the number of these subscribers. Respectfully8amaons comm(!iCTJ,onlJSUbmitted, r:r- C. Cody Colquitt ~ Controller CC/bg Enclosure Federal Communications Commission Approve;! by OMS Washington D.C. 20554 DOVER 3060-0578 P'!9.11.~ __ --~-_._-- -------~ ElCpires 12/16/9~ __.._.. FCC RATE REGULATION IMPACT SURVEY HOUSEHOLDS 4/5/93 =r-- 9!1J93---j 13. Converter Non-addressable: Addressable: 1~~---'-$·-'3: ~_._- 14. Install-atTon---- -~Prewired:l- __. [email protected]}_5·.0Q/bL ~· Unwired:~ ------ - --- -~- 15. Service Change Visit required: No visit: 16. Inside Wire: ----- ~--_._-_._._--~-~---- _._-~-- 17. Remote:~--=-----------_. 18. Additional Outlet:.~------- All Miscellaneous Maintenance (describe): _1 ~ ~_ __ .._- I I I ~ 20.-~-- All Miscellaneous charges (specify): 21. :JJ 22. 23,-._~ _ 2~~Fra~<?b!_se£~~: _ $0.00 $0.00 & 2~._!otClI billed monthly chargesforreg. services:. $2,134,479.00 $2,152,187.00 ~ 26.J"Et(l1 ~ul:?scribers receiving any reg. services: 96,183 97,586 o 27.9/0_ o!~ub_s. receiving a change in bill fo~ reg.s.~~~~crease% 58.00% !~--=_':'-..::::::::.:-.:.~L__'..~..:.-~-~'~~ ~ t. Sammons Communications of NJ, Inc. 160 East Blackwell Street, Dover, NJ 07801 45 South Jefferson Road, Whippany, NJ 07981 Customer Service: 8/4-0027 & 398-5757 Installation 8 Initial installation/relocation Standard $50.00 Pre-existing drop 30.00 Non-standard 50.00 Aerial over 175' additional , .OO/foot Underground over' 50' additional 2.00/loot Commercial Time & Materials Reconnect 40.00 Additional outleVFM outlet (initial trip) 5.00 VCR or ancillary equipment (initial trip) 15.00 Subsequent installation 30.00 Field upgrade and/or switch of premium service 15.00 Computerized premium upgrade 4.50 Computerized premium switch 7.50 Computer reconnection (w/in , 0 days of disconnect) 15.00 Unnecessary trip charge 20.00 AlB switch (equipment charge) 7.95 Telecaption 4000 closed caption decoder 184.80 Returned check fee 20.00 Monthly Services lifeline $13.00 Tier 6.00 Additional outlet 4.00 Home Box Office ~ 1/. 6 Showtime +B-:-rO It 0° Cinemax 10.40 I SportsChannel (residential) .:1-3":"00 SportsChannel (commercial) 100.00 TO The Disney Channel 8.15 Impulse Pay-Per-View (per outlet) 1.95 Cable Video Store (PPV movies) prices vary Special Event PPV prices vary Addressable converter With scrambled premium service - first set n/c Equipment charge per additional outlet 4.00 I Without scrambled premium service - per outlet ~5Ic':':> VCR with additional converter -&:-00 y r' 0 Non-addressable remote control 1.95 FM outlet 3.00 I' TV Host monthly guide 1.30 Senior Citizen Discount - 15% off Lifeline 1m,,' q,"lffy) , Discount Options I Cinemax and HBO discounted $1.00 when taken together. i I All prices subject to applicable taxes All rates suh!,,~t to change. Tier only available with Lifeline service. Rate schedule effective March 17, 1993. 3/93 DOV • d SAMMONS COMMUNICATIONS OF NEW JERSEY. INC. 180 EO'l Blackwell 5Ir••'. 001/1(. NJ 07801 .S Soulh Jell.rson Road. Whippany. NJ 07081 Cu,tomGr 5etvicB: A94·0027 & :198·5757 >: Monthly Serylcls Lifeline $ 8.57 Tier l0.47 Home Box Office 11.15 Showtime 11.00 Cinemax 10,40 The Disney Channel 8.15 Impulse PPV (per outlet) 1.95 Spice (per movie) prices vary Special Event PPV prices vary Cable Video Store pric8S vary Digital Cable Radio (DCA) 9.95 Premiums on add'l outlets (household rate) 2.00 MontbJ~ Equipment Charges Addresaable converter $ 2.50 each Non-addressable converter 2.00 each Remote control for convel1ers. .50 each Standard remote control for OCR .50 eech Maestro remote control for OCR , .00 each InU,lIatlon Labor C~rge S75.00lhr. (InclUding initial and sub.equent installalionslrelocatJons. reconnect•• field upgr.des and/or swltcheB, additional outlets. unnecessary trips, etc.) Commercial.. Time & Materials MI'A.llanIOYS Computerized service $ 2.00 (upgrade/downgradeJchange/reconnect) VCR connection kit 12.00 AS switch kit 10.00 AS switch 7.50 Telecaption 4000 closed-caption decoder 184.80 TV Host monthly guide 1.60 Late payment fee 2.00 Returned check 'ee 20.00 Pi.coYDt Qptlona Cinemax discounted $1.00 when taken with HBO. Senior Citizen Discount - 15% off Lifeline (must qualify). Actual tim. will b. charged on all installs and construction. All priees 5ubJect to applicable taxes. All rates subject 10 change. Tier only available with Lifeline service. Rate schedule eNactive September 1. '993. llIQ3 DOV ... LI/'?/Cf3 C~Art.e-J }rA e.J Sammons Communications of NJ, Inc. f 160 East Blackwell Street, Dover NJ 07801 45 South Jefferson Road, Whippany, NJ 07981 Customer Service: 844·0027 & 398·5757 Channel Lineup LIfeline 2 WCBS-CBS (New York-2) 3 SCATV·3 (Community Access) 4 WNBC-NBC (New York-4) 5 WNYW·IND (New York-S) 6 WNJM·PBS (New Jersey·50) 7 WABC-ABC (New York·7) 8 Program Guide (part-time) 9 WWOR·IND (Secaucus-9) 10 WNJU·/ND (New Jersey-47) Do..... Whippany Syll..... 11 WPIX-IND (New York-1 1) 12 TBS 13 WNET-PBS (New Jersey·13) 14 C-SPAN (House of Representatives) 15 CTN (part-time) 17 C-SPAN II (Senate) 19 Educational Access WNJU-IND (New Jersey-47) East Hano..... Hanov.r. 20 FlortlamPancOnly 21 E! TV (part-time) I!.!r 23 Lnetime 24 ESPN 25 MSG & VH-1 26 Discovery 27 TNT 28 CNN 29 MTV 30 Nickelodeon 31 MSG II & QVC 32 The Weather Channel 33 A&E 34 Headline News' 35 USA Network 36 CNBC & EWTN premiums 10 HBO Ealt Hano.... Ha""".r. Flomam Pall< Only 20 HBO Wtrppany Sy••m 22 HBO OoYorSyst.m 20 Showtime Do••, Syst.m 22 Showtime Wtrppany Syll_ 8 Pay-Per-View special events 16 Cinemax 18 SportsChannel New York 21 SportsChannel America 37 Cable Video Store 38 Disney The premium channels are available to all customers. 3I!I300V 'stem: Dover ~HMMUN~ CUMMUNICATIONS P. 1 Wh~ppany Dover O'Iannel StAtion . )flannel ." LIFELINE • 2 WCBS-CBS (New Yor1<-2) 2 3 SC~TV-3 (Communjty Access) 3 4 WN8:-NBC (New Yorl<-4) 4 S WNYW-IND (New Yark-3) 5 6 WNJM-PBS (New Jersey-50) 6 7 W1\B:-~ (New 'iork.-7) 7 8 PrograJD Guid.e (part-time) 8 9 WOR-IND (New Jersey-9) 9 10 WNJU-IND (New Jersey-47) 10· WNJU-IND (NJ-47) E. Hanover, Hanover, Florham Park only 20 11 WPIX-IND (NewYork-l1) 11 12 'I'B9 12 13 WNET-PBS (New Jersey 13) 13 14 WNYC-IND (New York-31) 14 15 CIN & E!1V 15 17 WXIV-IND (New York-41) 11 1& ~-IND O-lewton, NJ-63) 18 19 E:1ucAtional Access 19 .