GUWAHATI.I 9 Smti. Citimoni Phukan, ACS T

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GUWAHATI.I 9 Smti. Citimoni Phukan, ACS T GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM OFFICE OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION, ASSAM KAHILIPARA: : : : : : : : : :GUWAHATI.I 9 * * *,t *:l * *,t *,t:t,| * t:t + *'* *:*+ + + *+ + +++ * No. DHE/CE/Miscl25 /2021 /8 Dated Kahilipara the I 1th March,2021. From: Smti. Citimoni Phukan, ACS Director of Higher Education, Assam Kahilipara, Guwahati-1 9 To, The Nodal Principal Barama College, Baksa/ M.C College, Barpeta./Chaiduar College, Biswanath./ Bongaigaon College, Bongaigaon/ G.C College, Cachar/ Sonari College, Charaideo/ Basugaon College, Chirang/ Mangaldoi College, Darrang/lr,toridhal College, Dhemaji/ B.N College, Dhubri/ D.H.S.K College, Dibrugarh/ Haflong Govt. College, Dima Hasao/ Dudhnoi College, Goalpara./ D.R College, Golagha, S. S college, Hailal<andi/ Lanka Mahavidyalaya, Hojai/ J.B college, Jorhat/B.Borooah College, Kamrup (M)/ Suren Das College, Kamrup (R)/Diphu Gow. College, Karbi Anglong & West karbi Anglong/ N.C College, Karimganj/ Science College, Kokajhar/ O,P.D College, Lakhimpur/ Majuli College, Majuli/ Jagiroad College, Morigaon/ Nowgong College, NagaonNalbari College, Nalbari/ Sibsagar Commerce College, Sivasagar/ Darrang College, Sonitpur/ B.N College, South Salmara/ Margherita College, Tinsukia,/ Udalguri College, Udalguri. Sub Regarding Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav-Celebration of 75th Independence Day Sir. ln inviting a reference to the subject cited above, I would like to forward herewith Govt. letter No. AHE.6|l2O2Ol13 dated 8th March 2021 along with enclosures in corurection with a guideline tbr celebration of Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav by Education Department, Govt. of Assam in commemoration of 75 years of India's Independence. For this purpose you are directed to act as a member of the Jury for organising one hour Conference/Seminar/Symposium on India's freedom struggle on 12rh MarchJ2O2l and essay competition in Colleges at the state level and report compliance. The Jury will be responsible for selection of three students from each category for participation in the state level competition. Further following Principals who are the members of the state level Jury will liaison for smooth conducting of the aforesaid programme. I . Dr. Manoj Mahanta, Principal, Pragjyotish College, Guwahati. 2. Dr. Hrishikesh Baruah, Principal K.C Das Commerce College, Guwahati. Yours faithful ly, I -t)-l I Director of Higher uc tion, Assam Kahilipar4 Guwahati- I 9. Memo No. DHE/CE/Misc/2 5 /2021 I 8 - A Dated Kahilipara the I lth March,202 t Copy to:- L The Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Higher Education Department, Dispur, Guwahati-6 for kind inlormation. 2. The Inspector of Schools ofall districts ofAssam for information and necessary action. Director of Higher Education, Assam Kahil ipara, Guwahati- I 9. Most Urgel.. 0 (;( }\.I.,RN\{ENT T)I. ASSAM tll Hf R F.DU(.,{llf}N D[Pr\RTlt'lFNT I )l!PLiR : {jLrW,{HAl l'6. f)atrtl l]ispur. the B'" Mr \o..{ HF. trl lll-li1, i.} T. |;unr: Snrd. &ruli f);]s. A('5 Depury Secretarl lu the (;o\l' {}i r\ssnm Hi gher Lilur',lrion Drlxt ttnont Arsam 'r) J r-' Tlr. n::.a1nr nl lli':her I drr"rtir':tr' (;uwilhJll- w h;!t tirpar a, lc/. q b l€hrat ton of Jl-r ' Independelrce Day' Suh : Arottli ',i.1 Anrtul \l [,1;d,rm \tiirhreferettcpr(}thegllhiec{citerlah+ve,lamdjrectedtoforrtardi.', iei:'ived trom Secretarl to tl: r: tapl r.rf lctrer nr | 10l&ti J0ll-[BSB, 05;03/]0ll netEssary inslrucliutI lrulia, lt{inrstry oI Etlu[Juon ;n(l l(-quer{ Yr]u to i5sllP Untve$iti€s&Colltgelolthesmtr'ootE'dniselhourConfcrence/Serninar/Svnlp'r''rt' e55Jy (omperiuon in llntrer''i'iv India: iteetl,-rm glnlEgle on t')'i' Marrh' '1021 and proprr(:rl !l (,,-rllc{er ,!l :tite lPl'el. fur(hcr vou rll$ rtquestc(i ro fumish a cor'ierPte on tlme in t-'i'igil '*et" t' lvlirrtr.l0ll u lha dllo!e suhit{.l dlld also appll lJl Pelmlss;uo \l;:irr rrla''' br: lt,'atrll ;s e.\itrPnml\l ttrsPnt' D*panmmt will rr' [.rra]l l)as, ACS, Degrll Serrrt{r}' l{igher Eelucation \'r ltil \ oil iLir the ;lxrt t prtllttt''t' Yours tailhfullt roq As:.rt-r I-)e;ruLv St't rct nrytot P Govt, ol Educedon DElartm€nl gf-Hiehet Dated Dispur' rlre 8'' Ntarrh' ll Nlenrc iro: Al-lf . tl'J0ltl ti-A of Assilln' Hiqhor {,]r itcr & Sccretdrt Io tie [;r]\4 ( {}r),r ll l. ['5 tD 'Jl.lutl I .'lttr lt Lrlt Lk'gai' rt-rrttt' lul iltld 'nl(lllllallun' Lducatluo Depari,i ' L p5 rn \r.crrrii \ , rh8 L,r!\.( t_rt Arranr- Hi3her l.ild lfl [1)t I ]l trl Ltll Br' ordtt Pt{ f f)eput! se(relafl to the (;ou' oi Ass'rtrt HtEhet f ducation f)ePartnwnt + t fet Et' a^ L} h *t*..ootron 75 rvot'H comm'nc! ol 'A,rdl x.r Atffut Mototld' *lt tot- t"" rndcpcndimce pr.x to lh. Itdcpcnde*t il il'-* 'ffih 25 dtYt ol tn' to"ili* *l tt r Dev 202!.rhe burdr wlll:.*jffl}:: c ol ottrdl M"chl rnd lfFf202l l^nnh,slatY ol thc truncrr Aprll 2O2l (GoodlElo'r ol orttdi M'r€hl' on fu launch lh: og'{tlni cGtGfldly Prlnrc MlnBtlr o{ lndL wli Hon'bh rgulf'l Gn,t'rt! h'€ bGen urydr irom Gui.r.L tof i* *.*,"t'-. 12,r, d cdrducrd br Educt$on lrollovlnB *Jt to b' C.nncd wrth thc "ttt; Ocpafirrnt: L wlll bt wtr. Confcrln /Scmln t/SymPo$um f Sdroou@hlt ltoo' Ptcmht' [6oa r v,cll cDatd udcd h $e SdooVCoIctG " fto(Ir dtca vt to D€gGG b.,t,ell Gortmnffttl lrlttthnjom r.rurf, Mdch' 2ozl lrctn 2.(p ru to 3-(E PM m 12" ' thttG o'tcl!otl6:' Irr. surdcflts r0l ba 3tu,9cd hto G.oup l' Od Vl to Vlll GtouP&CbsutDru G.onP C' OGttt lci,tl' rvfErdn OrG . Fo, 6roup A svilpclum mey bc oryenatd' Tad Lcturo to thc ol trc insrrulOon{rcrrrcc mry dclhcr ln lndL' rnd uke 3tudcntt o.l rspGct! ol 'f rccdom tlroi'"tlEnl thr Youru rEPr to |ttfut dE ltdln! ol PrtrlotBn 'moq' rtsdc(rtt. o fq Grqrg 8. lntractirt Sam'nllt mry br afrntrcd 'morlttto h'c tha $ud.fiB i,tiGrdn *udcrnr rtrolld br 'ncoor.3cd Ihe dilo$ddrt o.r dlfrGrEflt topb qi ft"do'tl mocngt' o, thc trrritutinu will ::lca dl. togica ln con:uhlfion Tcadrcfs env topic q t rG Prhclprl of thc Co{ctc uill clprc t\ pcn tn3 to hdHt trucdom ltn{dt Gor th' I Cmtcrtnct/Scminrr/SYmPodum' Z Ett v Coflto.dtbn lt S(M / Collcrci . Ers.Y C.sttgltltlont wll bG h.U rn $rc Sdobtrol4ttr m rf Mrrdr' 2021 lrom ll.@ AM to IL00 tl6n' a Group A- CLrs vl to Vul GrouP & Chls lX to xll r 61019 C- OGttlG l6'a{' lq mer6 rrr br rrhad Fd GmrD f, r:rr of th' ts "tJl udtln} n'mdt rolt in the Frerdct' coflrrc o[ A3s.rn't l. Ddlnc trrcdom In thc Morc?rant ol lndh Fr"Gdom rn e end eloluUon ^rol Frtet f, MahllttL Gandn' non-voleT lfldL. b rdrcrd Sor ersl !, ol dr h'o t4kt fitf For 6.os9 "n, rrtrnr' rtl.nrtr- morcmcnr ol tndle Mr'clh h rhc F*rldofl't ''1. s{nlflcinct ol D'rdl lot d'{loGd' .i ,t"ur ttttotrr ol tcDrd world War qutt motnrrrot 2. lndl. ";btd$'t"tdroi"ds tobl kcedom' uthy rrdrr fogrlrcd erd lw end ir t€ t4lo nrrf br rdaod "!r' Fo? 6tot,9 q rtY ol fi nrtrrdV ' and rlic rrfihf, Ulobadlcntt lvloilm€nt r. Mdl.m. Gtodhfs tolc ln I,,vii -- Frccdom' of DErngecv erl erd {rrnrcrrork t"-*;;'nd bttwtlrt ol a nar "L tr.mln3 ol lndbn ,J.J,o a rredo'n ln thc contttrtldi' mry (CLt5 l'Vl. dtc s.i@l .udlo.lw Elc.lttcntlrY rcdb.t ol . For ltudctrts o{ hlhEhlLl tnc dfnlfttanct currG lll! oPCn rymgcfum tD collc<t dtantsl c{tcour.tE dr. rtudGntt 6p662nt and ako strrh mev bc trccdom F{htlfl d Itd' tnd Aroem ghqr.gtls of tncdom uff Ot! hnhs,e d oisttid Hcrd of thc ln3tltutlon thc uplordd trv rhc Edrstlon Ofikrr urd Omccr/8bct ElcrilntarY El€fliafit rY Cd'crdon uftdor of EICIIENI TY danbOrd md rlorcd W gouP sllt h rhc GGnr. Ihc \fttrrsaf BtEos tD with r[ DEEOI erd Frdntr!, Edrrcrtlqr. Xsrm th Cmstt'hilon armr d $. Prcilnblc d tnortcOCc o{ thc lmPorom in th. dn6 oI UtG dddrcn rhoild b. lnfirs'd M.dr 2ozt h Gan'cr ba cDrducttd o" lf fcvcl comgctitist wlll ild a Dffifct B .nd G.ouP C !'g'r't"tv n'mclY GouP A Ctrq,P ddte thftc t otP3, lor PrtlclPrdqr tn thc fln'tlrcd lrom crdt Group thr! orddrtcr wltt b' lcrcl comPctffhn' lttptctor ol Sdloob' comDrBlll3 ol th. 1r\ bc r D'sl'ist lc€l JurY rnd w{il Prlndprl ol r Collc6c Eduodon O,ticcr, r \ ElcmcnLrY Eduo$dr wf, rtrtnau Itrc D'lrcdor, Hlalru (i rcadrnalitf ol e Sdrml. ol thc hrY' Tht olstttct to bc r nrmbcr ol r @llcte lronr eldt stt,_.' PrlndPll "{J'l.- "-' ;. o{ Hctdflt'3tt' ol lrtrocctor ol Schmlr wltl talcd th! (-, ' ol .!,trc rrrr.llh. ,ury wllt bc rcrgon{blr lor 3clc<thtl ln lcvcl cdltpctltlo'n' ! carqory lor P.rtlclPllbn ttrc $rta rhrdq thc roft (ooact o{ t. a ItE Oisttrct lrtll lurY wlll bc rerFmlUo lr I Gttc|filGi ld thc $atc lc|l,?l threc sclc<ttd ersrYs trur etch ot the thGG com on ,a' Matd!, co.npcfitbfl ln thc cmrll addr erl rloalramQrcdlllmrll 1021.
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