AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPER HISTORY GROUP NEWSLETTER ISSN 1443-4962 No. 26 February 2004 Compiled for the ANHG by Rod Kirkpatrick, 13 Sumac Street, Middle Park, Qld, 4074, 07-3279 2279,
[email protected] 26.1 COPY DEADLINE AND WEBSITE ADDRESS Deadline for next Newsletter: 30 April 2004. Subscription details appear at end of Newsletter. [Number 1 appeared October 1999.] The Newsletter is online through the “Publications” link from the University of Queensland’s School of Journalism & Communication Website at and through the ePrint Archives at the University of Queensland at Barry Blair, of Tamworth, NSW, and Victor Isaacs, of Canberra, are major contributors to this Newsletter. 26.2 TOOHEY (1): TRESPASS CASE OVERTURNED Paul Toohey has successfully appealed his conviction on a charge of trespassing on Aboriginal land in the Northern Territory during a funeral. The former Darwin correspondent of the Australian was convicted in May of entering Aboriginal land without a permit. Toohey had been arrested in November 2002 at the Port Keats Aboriginal Community, southwest of Darwin, after going to the remote community to report on the death of an 18-year-old man allegedly shot by police. The NT Court of Appeal overturned the Supreme Court’s conviction of Toohey (Australian, 12 December 2003, p.5; see ANHG 23.8). 26.3 TOOHEY (2): SWITCHES TO BULLETIN Paul Toohey, who won a Walkley Award while based in Darwin for the Australian, has joined the Bulletin. In his first article for the Packer-owned magazine (27 January 2004), Toohey wrote the cover piece, “Gone to pot: How drugs and organised crime infiltrated the Australian Army”, a seven-page special investigation.