SCHELVIS CV Profile 2010
Curriculum vitae: Johannes Schelvis 09/7/2010 PERSONAL INFORMATION Johannes P. M. Schelvis, Associate Professor Montclair State University Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 1 Normal Avenue Montclair, NJ 07043 EDUCATION B.S., Physics, 1985, Free University, Amsterdam, Netherlands Ph.D., Biophysics, 1995, University of Leiden, Leiden, Netherlands PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Associate Professor Montclair State University September 2007 – present Assistant Professor New York University September 2000 – August 2007 Postdoctoral Researcher Michigan State University March 1995 - August 2000 HONORS AND AWARDS • Institute Fellow, Margaret and Herman Sokol Institute for the Pharmaceutical Life Sciences at Montclair State University, September 2008 - present • Goddard Fellowship, New York University, 2004 • Whitehead Fellowship for Junior Faculty in Biomedical or Biological Sciences, New York University, 2003. GRANTS AWARDED ACTIVE • "Molecular Mechanisms of Photolyase and Cryptochrome" National Science Foundation, MCB-0920013, August 2009 – July 2012 , $419,453 t.c. (PI) • "Binding of ICER to Its Own Promoter as a Mode of Cooperative Regulation" Margaret and Herman Sokol Institute for Pharmaceutical Life Sciences, September 2008 – August 2011 (1-year no cost extension), $100,000 (PI with Dr. Carlos Molina) • "Light-Driven Damage and Repair of DNA", Faculty Scholarship Program, Montclair State University, 2008 – 2012 , 6 TCH (PI) COMPLETED • "Fingerprinting DNA Damage" Margaret and Herman Sokol Faculty/Student Research Grant Program, July 2008
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