Search for Anomalously Heavy Isotopes of Helium in the Earth's Atmosphere

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Search for Anomalously Heavy Isotopes of Helium in the Earth's Atmosphere PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending VOLUME 92, NUMBER 2 16 JANUARY 2004 Search for Anomalously Heavy Isotopes of Helium in the Earth’s Atmosphere P. Mueller,1 L.-B. Wang,1,2 R. J. Holt,1 Z.-T. Lu,1 T. P. O’Connor,1 and J. P. Schiffer1,3 1Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA 2Physics Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA 3Physics Department, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA (Received 18 February 2003; published 13 January 2004) Our knowledge of the possible existence in nature of stable exotic particles depends solely upon experimental observation. Using a sensitive laser spectroscopy technique, we searched for a doubly charged particle accompanied by two electrons as an anomalously heavy isotope of helium in the Earth’s atmosphere. The concentration of noble-gas-like atoms in the atmosphere and the subsequent very large depletion of the light 3;4He isotopes allow stringent upper limits to be set on the abundance: 10ÿ12–10ÿ17 per atom in the solar system over the mass range of 20–10 000 amu. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.022501 PACS numbers: 27.10.+h, 14.80.–j, 36.10.–k, 95.35.+d Our knowledge of the stable particles that may exist sible pion emission when a thermal neutron is captured by in nature is defined by the limits set by measurements. such a system [11]. Mass spectrometry was used on a As has been pointed out by Cahn and Glashow [1], this is variety of light elements [12–15], and achieved the lowest an experimental result and there remain possibilities for limits (as low as 10ÿ30 on isotopic abundance at around ‘‘superheavy’’ particles in the mass range of 10–105 amu 100 amu) for singly charged ions as anomalous isotopes (atomic mass units). The most interesting limits are those of hydrogen in heavy water extracted from the residue of that can be set for the simplest systems: singly charged [2] electrolysis [15]. This technique assumes that very heavy or neutral particles. But other charges are also of in- hydrogen remains in water, is not segregated in solid terest. There have also been suggestions that there may precipitates, and is not lost in the electrolysis enrichment be very tightly bound stable states of hadronic matter, process. Photon-burst spectroscopy has been used to e.g.,‘‘collapsed nuclei’’ [3] or ‘‘abnormal states of nuclear search for Na-like strangelets and has achieved an iso- matter’’ [4]. A more recent motivation for experimental topic limit of 5 10ÿ12 in the range of 102–105 amu [16]. searches is the possible existence of strange quark matter The technique of searching for anomalous backscattering (so-called ‘‘strangelets’’ with approximately equal num- of heavy ions by strangelets [17] and the technique of bers of up, down, and strange quarks), which was first searching for anomalous high-energy rays emitted by pointed out by Witten [5] and explored by Farhi and Jaffe strangelets upon heavy-ion activiation or p; n reactions [6,7]. The suggestion generally is that such states would [18] were used to set limits on the order of 10ÿ10–10ÿ17 have a lower charge-to-mass ratio than normal nuclei, and in the mass range of 103–108 amu. Searches specifically for the strangelets, very much lower. aimed at anomalous isotopes of helium have been per- A particularly favorable case is presented by particles formed in two previous experiments. Using mass spec- of charge 2e, which would occur in nature with two trometry, Klein et al. [13] set an isotopic abundance limit electrons as neutral, heliumlike atoms. Normal helium of 6 10ÿ15 over the mass ranges of 3.06–3.96 amu and is severely depleted in the terrestrial environment be- 4.04–8.12 amu; Vandegriff et al. [19] set an isotopic cause of its light mass. The primordial helium finds its abundance limit of 10ÿ3–10ÿ5 over the mass range of way to the exosphere, from where it escapes into space 42–82 amu. because of its low mass, and thus helium is replenished In this work, we used a laser spectroscopy technique only from radioactive decay. Other noble gases, from and took advantage of the isotope shift due to the higher neon to xenon, are concentrated largely in the Earth’s mass of a heavier nucleus. The electronic structure of such atmosphere, after an initial, lesser depletion relative to an abnormal helium atom should be identical to that of solar system levels at the early stages of the planet’s ordinary helium; the influence of the nucleus is reflected evolution [8,9]. A heavy (mass > 20 amu) and doubly only in small isotope shifts and in hyperfine structure. In charged particle would form a heliumlike atom and be- helium, the isotope shift is dominated by the mass shift have like other noble gases by remaining in the atmo- that results from the change of the nuclear mass. The sphere. The concentration of noble-gas-like atoms in the change in the charge distribution of the nucleus that leads atmosphere and the subsequent very large depletion of the to the field shift is many orders of magnitude smaller and 3;4 known light He isotopes from the atmosphere allow can be neglected here. The mass shift MS of a transi- significantly enhanced limits to be set. tion between isotopes of nuclear mass M and mass infin- Searches for tightly bound stable nuclei, such as ity is given as MS ÿFMS=M. The mass shift constant strangelets, have been performed using several tech- FMS can be extracted either from experimental isotope niques [10]. Some measurements have searched for pos- shift measurements or from theoretical calculations. This 022501-1 0031-9007=04=92(2)=022501(4)$22.50 2004 The American Physical Society 022501-1 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending VOLUME 92, NUMBER 2 16 JANUARY 2004 technique is particularly suited to searches for isotopes Discharge cell, 1 m long with unknown mass because the range of atomic transi- tion frequency to be searched is finite even as the atomic PD Mixer RF EOM 36MHz mass goes to infinity.We performed the search by probing Output 3 3 Lockin the 1s2s S1 ! 1s2p P2 transition at 1083 nm in helium 3 atoms at the metastable 1s2s S1 level. From the known FG 3 4 He- He isotope shift [20], it is derived that FMS 45kHz 412 GHz for this transition. In comparison, the corre- AOM FA DL sponding field shift between 3He and 4He is only 0.9 MHz [20]. We note that this search method can be applied not FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of the apparatus used for FM only to anomalously heavy isotopes of helium but also to saturation spectroscopy. AOM, acousto-optical modulator; similar searches in other atomic or molecular species. DL, diode laser; EOM, electro-optical modulator; FA, fiber The helium sample was extracted from air with sorp- amplifier; PD, photodiode detector; RF, radio-frequency gen- tion pumps cooled to 80 K by liquid nitrogen, thus effec- erator; FG, function generator. tively absorbing all major gases in air except neon, helium, and hydrogen, whose partial pressures in air are 13.8, 4.0, and 0.4 mTorr, respectively. After the sorption and avoid Doppler broadening, we performed frequency- pumps reached equilibrium, the remaining gas was com- modulation saturation spectroscopy [22] on the 3 3 pressed with a turbopump into a previously evacuated 1s2s S1 ! 1s2p P2 transition (natural linewidth quartz glass cell for laser spectroscopy work. In the cell 1:6 MHz). While there are several other well-established the chemically active gases such as hydrogen and water laser methods for ultrasensitive trace-isotope analyses were absorbed by a getter pump, leaving only neon and [23], such as resonance ionization mass spectrometry and helium with the pressure ratio of approximately 3:5:1,as atom trap trace analysis, none were suitable for searching measured with a residual gas analyzer and consistent with for an anomalous isotope over a wide mass range. The gas the well-known atmospheric value. The gas purity of the sample was enclosed in a 1 m long and 2.5 cm diameter sample is critical, as any impurities except neon can quartz glass cell, in which a RF-driven discharge was 3 quench the metastable helium upon collisions. used to populate the metastable 1s2s S1 level via elec- The process of freezing out the gases is governed by the tron-impact collisions. The gas pressure in the cell re- surface adsorption time, 0 exp Es=kBT, where Es is quired a judicious choice between optimum metastable the binding energy, 0 is the period of oscillation of population and higher sample concentration. Tests indi- helium atoms temporarily bound to the surface, kB is cated that an optimum pressure is approximately the Boltzmann constant, and T is the temperature of the 200 mTorr, which provides an estimated metastable popu- ÿ4 surface. Es is determined mainly by the electronic struc- lation of around 1 10 relative to ground-state helium ture which depends weakly on nuclear mass. Existing atoms. A laser system consisting of two diode lasers and a measurements of helium atoms on various surfaces in- fiber amplifier provided the required laser power of dicate that Es=kB < 20 K [21]. Therefore, at the sorption- 500 mW and the single-mode laser frequency with long- pump temperature of 80 K, exp Es=kBT1 even for term stability and scan control of better than 1 MHz. The the heaviest anticipatedp masses. The oscillation period probe laser beam was phase modulated at 36 MHz with an 0 is proportional to m, where m is the mass of the electro-optical modulator, directed through the long cell atoms.
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