E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 2016 No. 11 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, January 25, 2016, at 2 p.m. Senate WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 2016

The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was to the Senate from the President pro our efforts on defeating our real called to order by the Honorable TOM tempore (Mr. HATCH). enemy, the brutal, evil ISIS. Yet the COTTON, a Senator from the State of The senior assistant legislative clerk bill the Republican leader is bringing Arkansas. read the following letter: to the floor scapegoats refugees who f U.S. SENATE, are fleeing war and torture instead of PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, PRAYER creating real solutions to keep Ameri- Washington, DC, January 20, 2016. cans safe. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- To the Senate: fered the following prayer: Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, You don’t have to take my word for Let us pray. of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby it. The junior Senator from Arizona Eternal Spirit, who has set our frag- appoint the Honorable TOM COTTON, a Sen- has said he will oppose the bill because ile years in the heart of Your eternity, ator from the State of Arkansas, to perform it is ‘‘intended to knock out all refugee we find gladness and peace under the the duties of the Chair. entrants and I’m not there.’’ So says ORRIN G. HATCH, shadow of Your wings. the junior Senator from Arizona. Today provide our lawmakers with President pro tempore. National security experts from wisdom to embrace the right priorities. Mr. COTTON thereupon assumed the May they strive to sacrifice for the Chair as Acting President pro tempore. Democratic and Republican adminis- trations have warned against advanc- things that will live beyond their years f so that history will celebrate their ing bills such as this. foresight and courage. Grant that their RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY Former Secretary Gates is such a lives and labor will reflect Your great- LEADER good person. I enjoyed working with ness, compassion, and love. Lord, keep The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- him very much. Yesterday he said—in them from embracing a false patriot- pore. The Democratic leader is recog- words much stronger than I am going ism that would render unto Caesar nized. to say right now—that the Republicans what belongs to You. Stir them to new f running for President don’t understand heights of excellence as You open their the issue. He is much stronger and AMERICAN SAFE ACT eyes to the unfolding of Your loving more firm in saying that what they are providence. Mr. REID. Mr. President, the Repub- talking about is ridiculous. By the We pray in Your great Name. Amen. lican leader has said that he is going to way, he is a Republican. f bring and, in fact, has brought to the President Obama has already made it floor the House-passed refugee bill, as PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE very clear that he will veto this legis- he calls it. It is, of course, an immigra- lation. As written, this bill will not be The Presiding Officer led the Pledge tion bill. Yesterday he said that the de- of Allegiance, as follows: bate over the bill should be based on signed into law. Some say it is a waste I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ‘‘facts and common sense.’’ I agree of our time. By advancing this bill, Re- United States of America, and to the Repub- with that. The facts speak for them- publicans are creating a terrible dis- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, traction for the sake of embracing the indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. selves. Our enemy is clearly defined. ISIS is the defined organization. It is a hateful rhetoric, vitriol of the Repub- f terrorist organization that poses a lican Party’s standard bearers, Donald APPOINTMENT OF ACTING threat to the United States, women, Trump and TED CRUZ. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE children, and families fleeing persecu- I guess this should come as no sur- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tion. They are not the enemy; ISIS is prise to anyone. Over and over again clerk will please read a communication the enemy. We should be focusing all of Republicans remain committed to

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:18 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.000 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S100 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2016 pledging loyalty to the divisive plat- As a frontrunner for the Republican To the Senate of the United States: form that has been built by the Repub- nomination, Donald Trump and his I am returning herewith without my lican people running for President, led proposals are leading the public debate approval S.J. Res. 22, a resolution that by, at this stage, Donald Trump. in our country. Republicans who sup- would nullify a rule issued by the Envi- We believe we must destroy ISIS. Ev- port these illogical plans should be pre- ronmental Protection Agency and the eryone on this side of the aisle believes pared for the next logical step: voting Department of the Army to clarify the we should destroy ISIS and defend our on his vision of America. jurisdictional boundaries of the Clean Nation, but we believe we can accom- Over here, we believe that all of these Water Act. The rule, which is a product plish this goal without compromising measures are deserving of a vote. I of extensive public involvement and Americans’ core principles. Sadly, talked about four of them. We are years of work, is critical to our efforts many leading Republicans have pro- ready to vote on the proposals now— to protect the Nation’s waters and posed policies that compromise our this week. If for any reason the Repub- keep them clean; is responsive to calls fundamental values and threaten the lican leader needs more time to discuss for rulemaking from the Congress, in- identity of our great Nation. Demo- the proposals with his caucus, we are dustry, and community stakeholders; crats are committed to opposing the happy to reschedule the vote. and is consistent with decisions of the violent views of Donald Trump and pro- Now, I know it is a big day in the United States Supreme Court. viding the American people with solu- Senate because during my news brief- We must protect the waters that are tions that make our Nation safer. We ing on the way to work, I heard that vital for the health of our communities think it is way past time for the Sen- the junior Senator from Florida is and the success of our businesses, agri- ate to vote on these policies. going to be here to vote—and the jun- culture, and energy development. As I My friend, the Republican leader, has ior Senator from Texas. They will ac- have noted before, too many of our pledged over and over again that when tually be in the Senate to vote. It is a waters have been left vulnerable. Pol- the Republicans lead the Senate, they big day. I know we have a tight sched- lution from upstream sources ends up will thrive under an open amendment ule because they are going to be here in the rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and process. For example, he said the fol- for only an hour or two, but perhaps we coastal waters near which most Ameri- lowing: ‘‘I said at the beginning of my could have a debate on the amend- cans live and on which they depend for time as majority leader that the open ments we have suggested. I am sure their drinking water, recreation, and amendment process was going to be the that if we offer these amendments, the economic development. Clarifying the rule rather than the exception.’’ My friend continued to say that Republicans will offer amendments, scope of the Clean Water Act helps to tough votes should be expected, and I and we could have some time here to protect these resources and safeguard quote: ‘‘We’ll just take our chances. deal with these amendments. But we public health. Because this resolution You know, we’re big men and women. will not allow Republicans to hijack seeks to block the progress represented We’re prepared to vote on proposals the Senate floor to play politics with by this rule and deny businesses and that are offered from both sides.’’ our Nation’s security. The American communities the regulatory certainty If Senate Republicans are prepared to people deserve better. I look forward to and clarity needed to invest in projects abide by this, Senate Democrats will offering these amendments. that rely on clean water, I cannot sup- seek to advance a limited number of I publicly want everyone to know port it. I am therefore vetoing this res- amendments on this bill that is before that I did not try to jump ahead of my olution. this body. I am not talking about tons friend the Republican leader. I was told . of amendments or scores of amend- by staff that I should go first. If I had THE WHITE HOUSE, January 19, 2016. ments, but four or five amendments. known the Senator was going to be f For example, we could have one that here so quickly, I would have waited, dramatically increases the funding for so I am sorry about that. MORNING BUSINESS local police anti-terrorist efforts and f Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I airport security. That is one that we ask unanimous consent that the Sen- PROVIDING FOR CONGRESSIONAL want. They are overworked and ate proceed to a period of morning DISAPPROVAL OF A RULE SUB- underresourced. We could close the ter- business until 12:30 p.m., with Senators MITTED BY THE CORPS OF ENGI- ror gun loophole to prevent those on permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes the no-fly list from being able to buy NEERS AND THE ENVIRON- each. firearms, explosives, or radiological MENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY— The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- materials, as has been attempted. We VETO pore. Is there objection? would offer an amendment to denounce The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Without objection, it is so ordered. pore. The Chair lays before the Senate Donald Trump’s reprehensible proposal f to impose a religious test on admission the President’s veto message on S.J. to the United States. Res. 22, which the clerk will read and RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY The Democratic ISIS security bill which will be spread in full upon the LEADER has been filed. It is a very important Journal. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- piece of legislation. It includes keeping The senior assistant legislative clerk pore. The majority leader is recog- guns out of the hands of terrorists and read as follows: nized. stopping radicalization here in the Veto message to accompany S.J. Res. 22, a United States. It includes active shoot- joint resolution providing for congressional f er training. As I have already indi- disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United AMERICAN SAFE ACT cated, we are going to move our airport States Code, of the rule submitted by the security substitute forward so we can Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, our prevent dirty bombs and work abroad Protection Agency relating to the definition country has a proud record of admit- to take care of refugees who are over of ‘‘waters of the United States’’ under the ting the oppressed as refugees to our Federal Water Pollution Control Act. there. shores, yet the debate about how to These are the amendments we feel Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I safely admit refugees from Syria and confident about, based on the state- ask unanimous consent that the veto Iraq is a serious conversation that de- ments my friend has made. We are not message on S.J. Res. 22 be considered serves a serious response from Wash- asking for unlimited amendments. I as having been read; that it be printed ington. It is difficult to effectively vet have listed four amendments here. in the RECORD, and spread in full upon immigrants from a war-torn country The Republican leader here in the the Journal. where records may sometimes no Senate and the Republican Speaker The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- longer exist at all. Senior law enforce- have pledged their loyalty to Donald pore. Is there objection? ment and intelligence officials have ex- Trump and his disgraced policies. They Without objection, it is so ordered. pressed concerns and DHS Secretary have said that if he is the nominee, The veto message ordered to be print- Jeh Johnson has said organizations they will, of course, support him. ed in the RECORD is as follows: such as ISIL may like to try to exploit

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:18 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.002 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S101 the refugee program. So is it any won- cans, they will not vote to block the Mr. REID. Mr. President, I suggest der that the citizens we represent are Senate from debating balanced, bipar- the absence of a quorum. concerned? tisan legislation that can advance both The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- According to one recent survey, near- priorities simultaneously. pore. The clerk will call the roll. ly 80 percent of Americans and 77 per- Let’s work together to enact the The senior assistant legislative clerk cent of Democrats say refugees should American SAFE Act and its reforms, proceeded to call the roll. go through a more robust security and then let’s work together on the Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask process. President Obama seemed to root of the problem. Refugees are flee- unanimous consent that the order for suggest these Americans were moti- ing Syria because of a brutal civil war, the quorum call be rescinded. vated by some animus toward widows and they are fleeing Iraq because the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- and orphans. I would suggest they are terrorist group Al Qaeda in Iraq has pore. Without objection, it is so or- motivated by a love for their families evolved into the largest terrorist group dered. and communities. I remind the Presi- in history—ISIL—so the ultimate solu- f dent that this country has a proud tra- tion is to make the region somewhere AMERICAN SAFE ACT dition of compassion, and we have set- they can return to. tled millions of refugees from around Here is what hasn’t helped: The pre- Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, similar the world. Many Americans are telling cipitous withdrawal of our advise and to most Americans listening to Presi- us they want to continue helping oth- assist force from Iraq, the indecision dent Obama’s State of the Union Ad- ers, but they want to do it in a smarter attached to drawing and erasing red dress last week, I found his take on na- and more secure way. lines in Syria, mocking the genuine tional security and world affairs rather So I want to say this before moving concerns of American citizens here at surprising. forward. In his State of the Union Ad- home. According to a poll in December, 60 dress, President Obama decried the po- Here is what will help: the adminis- percent of the American people see na- litical divisions that have widened dur- tration cooperating across the aisle to tional security and terrorism as a ing his Presidency. He called for co- finally develop a serious plan to con- major concern, and they have good rea- operation and a more elevated debate. front ISIL. That is what the American son to be worried. He warned that ‘‘democracy breaks people continue to call for, that is As President Obama finishes his last down when the average person feels what the American people deserve, and year in office, Syria is wracked by civil their voice doesn’t matter.’’ it is what the administration will pur- war, Iraq is in turmoil, Russian aggres- ‘‘Democracy,’’ he said, ‘‘doesn’t work sue if it is truly serious about helping sion is growing, North Korea has tested if we think the people who disagree both our country and the victims es- yet another nuclear weapon, Saudi with us are all motivated by malice.’’ caping this brutal terrorist group. Arabia and Iran are immersed in a cold I ask him to reflect on those words. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- war, and ISIS continues its campaign We each have a choice in this discus- pore. The Democratic leader. of terror. Yet, according to the Presi- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I think we sion. We can glibly dismiss the sincere dent, we have nothing to worry about; have the makings of an agreement concerns of middle-class families or we America’s leadership is strong, and we here, at least the way I understood the can work to unify Americans by pur- are headed in the right direction. Republican leader. suing bipartisan and balanced solu- Unfortunately, this fairytale version We agree that refugees should go of our global situation stands in stark tions. through a robust screening process. Democrats and Republicans in the contrast with reality. In his State of The bill we are talking about before House of Representatives chose bipar- the Union Address, the President did the Senate, though, is stressing bu- tisan and balanced solutions when they acknowledge: ‘‘The world will look to reaucracy and paperwork. Each refugee worked together to pass the American us to help solve these problems, and who comes to this country—and there SAFE Act a few weeks ago. Democrats our answer needs to be more than are about 100 a day—would have to be and Republicans in the Senate should tough talk.’’ signed off by three Cabinet Secretaries. choose bipartisan and balanced solu- Well, I couldn’t agree more, but un- That is 300 personal signatures a day. tions by working together to advance fortunately tough talk with no action We don’t want more paperwork. has been the hallmark of this adminis- the American SAFE Act today. What we have said is we want four This bipartisan bill would allow tration. In 2011, after the onset of the amendments to change the underlying Washington to step back, take a Syrian civil war, both President Obama bill. We are not going to be demanding breath, and ensure it has correct poli- and then-Secretary of State Hillary days of debate time. We would be cies and security screenings in place Clinton stated unconditionally that happy—we would be very reasonable before moving ahead with the refugee Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had with whatever the leader felt appro- program for Iraq and Syria. No wonder to go. The President drew a line in the priate. We believe we should move for- dozens of Democrats joined with Re- sand: If Assad used chemical weapons, ward with real solutions, not paper- publicans to pass this balanced bill America would act. But when Assad work. flouted this red line, killing his own with a veto-proof majority over in the We are not saying we don’t want to people—including women and chil- House. It is certainly worrying to hear get on the bill. We are willing to get on dren—with the large-scale use of sarin that Senate Democrats are now being the bill. We want four amendments. gas, the President chose to forgo a de- pressured to block us from even debat- That is it, four amendments. I am sure cided military response and instead ing it. I understand the political pres- the leader will look this over and get pursue negotiations involving the Rus- sure to oppose this balanced bill may back to me at the appropriate time, sians, working out a compromise that be intense, but it is also intensely but we are willing to work on this bill. shortsighted, and I urge our Demo- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ultimately strengthened Assad’s posi- cratic friends to resist it. pore. The majority leader. tion, and the results of the President’s Boosting confidence in our Nation’s Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I decision have not been pretty. vetting process is critical for our citi- will obviously be talking to the Demo- In the wake of the negotiations, an zens, just as it is critical for every ref- cratic leader on a way forward on the emboldened Vladimir Putin invaded ugee who truly needs our help. Our bill, and we will have those discussions Crimea and eastern Ukraine, and the Democratic friends know a cloud of un- and report back later. situation in Syria got worse. It appears fair stigmatization threatens to hang Mr. REID. Thank you very much, Mr. now that the Assad administration will over legitimate refugees so long as President. outlast Obama’s. Worse, our allies in Democrats block commonsense safe- f the Middle East no longer trust Amer- guards to weed out ISIL sympathizers. ica to come to their aid. The Presi- If our Democratic friends are serious RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME dent’s failure to back up his tough talk in what they imply about promoting The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- with action has undermined American tolerance for widows and orphans and pore. Under the previous order, the leadership, and this may take years, if in strengthening security for Ameri- leadership time is reserved. not decades, to repair.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:18 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.004 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S102 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2016 This week the Senate is taking up Governors of over 30 States, and I hope jected to brainwashing, subjected to the American Security Against For- we can have a vote on this amendment. torture, and for 444 days were out of eign Enemies Act, which addresses the Over the weekend, the world wit- communication with their loved ones Syrian refugee crisis—another byprod- nessed another byproduct of President and our country. Fortunately, we suc- uct, I might add, of the President’s Obama’s failing foreign policy. Thanks cessfully negotiated their release, and failure to uphold his red line. With to a provision of the President’s flawed on January 20, 1981, they were released Syria, both the United States and the nuclear deal with Iran, more than $100 back to the United States. European powers have had to learn a billion of frozen Iranian assets and oil But that release included the execu- lesson the hard way: If you don’t take revenue were made available to the Is- tion of the Algerian Accords between action to solve the problem, the people lamic Republic of Iran. This means the United States and the Iranians, who are suffering will end up on your that Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, in- which prohibited any hostage from doorstep. cluding the Quds Force—which is re- suing the nation of Iran for compensa- Hundreds of thousands of Syrians sponsible for the deaths of hundreds of tion for their captivity. Since that re- have been killed in this conflict. Assad American soldiers in Iraq—just re- lease, many Americans in the House of continues to use chlorine bombs indis- ceived a big influx of cash. Again, this Representatives and the Senate, in- criminately to kill his own people, and is thanks to the deal President Obama cluding myself, have worked hard to ISIS executes anyone who is not con- considers to be perhaps the major for- try to right that wrong. I am very sidered loyal. It is no wonder the Syr- eign policy achievement of his Presi- pleased to acknowledge that under the ian people want out. dency. passage of the omnibus in December, Yet, with the mass exodus of refugees While I am glad that the hostages we were able to secure funding to be come other security concerns, includ- held by Iran are coming home to their able to compensate those hostages as ing the threat of ISIS infiltrating the families, it is a mistake to think this they should have been compensated 35 refugee population. Senior and U.S. law means Iran all of a sudden will now years ago. We were able to take money enforcement and intelligence officials play nice. Iran’s leadership knows very from the Paribas bank forfeiture of Ira- have made it clear they are concerned well that it won the lottery with this nian funds to the U.S. Government to that we don’t have the ability to ade- nuclear deal, and it desperately wants see to it that they were compensated in quately vet Syrian refugees. As we Iranian assets unfrozen and sanctions some measure for the sacrifice they know from reports, at least one of the lifted. Now that the Iranian leadership made for our country. terrorists responsible for the deadly at- has received its payout, Iran will be A lot of people have written: Why tacks in Paris passed through a refugee further emboldened. would you compensate people for their processing checkpoint in Greece. When negotiating this deal, the captivity? Why would you go to the ef- To quote the Director of National In- Obama administration assured Con- fort for 35 years to see to it these peo- telligence, James Clapper, ‘‘I don’t . . . gress that the United States would ple got some amount of money to com- put it past the likes of ISIL to infil- make sure Iran kept its end of the bar- pensate them for their captivity? Why trate operatives among those refugees gain. Well, it is already clear from Oc- would we not do it? There are Ameri- . . . that’s a huge concern of ours.’’ tober’s ballistic missile test that Iran cans all over the world serving in very The American SAFE Act helps ad- is determined to test the President’s dangerous places, serving as ambas- dress this concern by requiring the resolve and flout international restric- sadors and diplomats through the FBI, the Department of Homeland Se- tions. We cannot let those provocations State Department. They should know curity, and the Director of National In- go unanswered. we have their backs, not just on the telligence to certify that Syrian and President Obama is right that when days they are serving but 35 years later Iraqi refugees have been thoroughly conflict arises, the world looks to the if they were tortured, beaten or if they vetted and do not pose a security risk United States for leadership. However, were held captive. before they are allowed to enter the it takes more than talk to provide the We all rejoiced to see the Americans country. This is a reasonable request, leadership the world needs. In his last that were released by the Iranians. We and if the administration wants to as- year in office, I hope President Obama know there were Americans taken hos- sure the American people that these will move beyond rhetoric and start of- tage in Iraq and Baghdad 2 days later. refugees are not a threat, then it fering realistic solutions to the grow- Taking Americans hostage and using should have no problem providing such ing number of security concerns that them as tools of war is something that certifications. face our Nation. has been happening for years and I plan to file an amendment to this I yield the floor. years, and the Iranian Government is bill that would also give more author- I suggest the absence of a quorum. at the head of it. These Americans de- ity to individual States when it comes The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- serve fair treatment, compensation, to the resettlement of refugees. Last pore. The clerk will call the roll. and recompense for all they suffered, year, many Governors expressed a de- The senior assistant legislative clerk and I am proud to say that because of sire, shared by their constituents, that proceeded to call the roll. a bipartisan effort in the House and Syrian refugees not be resettled in Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, I ask Senate, we were able to do so. their States. My amendment would unanimous consent that the order for I want to thank Senator CORKER, the grant Governors a presence at weekly the quorum call be rescinded. chairman of the Foreign Relations refugee resettlement meetings within The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Committee; Senator CARDIN, the the State Department and give those pore. Without objection, it is so or- former chairman; Senator MENENDEZ Governors veto power over the resettle- dered. from New Jersey; Senator REID from ment of certain refugees in their f Nevada, who was instrumental in help- States. Under my amendment, if a Gov- ing; and Senator BLUMENTHAL, my ernor’s office is not satisfied that its 35TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ranking member on the Veterans’ Af- security concerns have been addressed IRANIAN HOSTAGE RELEASE fairs Committee of the Senate, for help by the required security checks, the Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, I rise on this bill and for all the help they Governor can veto the resettlement on January 20, 2016, on the floor of the brought. I want to thank the entire question. Any refugee, once admitted Senate to acknowledge this day as the body of the Senate, who in December to the United States, would still be free 35th anniversary of the return of 53 voted unanimously to see to it that the to travel from State to State as he or Americans by the Iranian Government Paribas money was made available to she pleased. This amendment would to the shores of the United States of the survivors of the people who were simply increase States’ rights by giv- America after captivity for 444 days in taken hostage in 1979. ing Governors a say in any decisions by Iran. As the Members of the Senate You might remember the show the Federal Government to resettle will remember, they were employees of ‘‘Nightline’’ that we see on television large populations of refugees in their the U.S. Embassy in Iran who were bru- started with the original report in 1979 States. This is a reasonable solution to tally attacked, sent through mock exe- by Ted Koppel about the hostage tak- the concerns that were raised by the cutions, subjected to beatings, sub- ing. It became a television show when

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:18 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.006 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S103 they were held that long. I am glad and other terrorist organizations. Liberty stands in New York Harbor. now that the ending of that show is a Those 4 million have left to find haven The Federal Government didn’t have successful ending, because we brought from this horrible violence, just as any the money, so the fundraising was done them home and we saw to it they were family would. Over 200,000 Syrians have privately. Emma Lazarus wrote a poem compensated. Some of them have been killed by this violence, and now about the Statue of Liberty for a fund- passed away. Some of them had taken the number is probably approaching raising contest to help raise money, their own life. Some of them had dif- 300,000. In addition to the 4 million and that is why the statue is there ficulties. Some were never able to rid Syrian refugees who have left Syria to now. The poem is called ‘‘The New Co- themselves of the scars of the torture escape violence, there are an additional lossus.’’ The Colossus references one of and brainwashing. But this Senate and 8 million Syrians who have left their the wonders of the ancient world, the this Congress did what it was supposed homes and been displaced within the Colossus of Rhodes. Emma Lazarus to do, stood up for Americans and sent country and who could leave the coun- wrote the poem about the Statue of a signal to everybody who works in the try at any moment as the violence con- Liberty, calling it the ‘‘New Colossus.’’ State Department, who is a diplomat tinues. These refugees are victims of Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, for our country, and who works over- violence, victims of unspeakable atroc- With conquering limbs astride from land to seas that if you are taken, we will ity first perpetrated by the horrible land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand behind you and we will never dictator Bashar al-Assad and second by stand ever forget—whether it is 444 days or 35 terrorist groups such as ISIL. Yet this A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame years—once an American serving our bill would say these refugees are en- Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name country, always an American serving emies. Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand our country. We will always be there There is a story that means an awful Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes for you, and we will go to every effort lot to me personally, and I hope you command and every length, even if it does take 35 will indulge me. The air-bridged harbor that twin cities years. A Jewish man was traveling from Jeru- frame. On the anniversary of their release in salem down to Jericho, and he was attacked ‘‘Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!’’ by bandits. They stripped him of his clothes, Cries she 1981 when they came back to the With silent lips. ‘‘Give me your tired, your United States, we pay tribute to those beat him up, and left him half dead beside the road. poor, great Americans who served our coun- By chance a priest came along, but when Your huddled masses yearning to breathe try and were held hostage in Iran. We he saw the man lying there, he crossed to the free, give thanks that we have the kind of other side of the road and passed him by. A The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. men and women who are willing, day in Temple assistant walked over and looked at Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to and day out, to sacrifice on behalf of him lying there, but he also passed by on the me, our great country. May God bless each other side. I lift my lamp beside the golden door!’’ and every one of them, and may God Then a despised Samaritan came along, The debate that we will undertake bless the United States of America. and when he saw the man, he felt compassion about this bill, about whether we call for him. Going over to him, the Samaritan I suggest the absence of a quorum. refugees enemies is a debate about who soothed his wounds with olive oil and wine we are as a nation. Let’s honor our his- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- and bandaged them. Then he put the man on pore. The clerk will call the roll. tory, let’s honor our values, and let’s his own donkey and took him to an inn, do what Americans have always done— The senior assistant legislative clerk where he took care of him. The next day he proceeded to call the roll. handed the innkeeper two silver coins, tell- been willing to extend a hand to those Mr. KAINE. Mr. President, I ask ing him. ‘‘Take care of this man. If his bill who are victimized by atrocity in other unanimous consent that the order for runs higher than this, I’ll pay you the next lands, rather than extend the back of the quorum call be rescinded. time I’m here. our hand and label them as enemies. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ‘‘Now which of these three would you say Now, I don’t dislike everything about was a neighbor to the man who was attacked this bill we are about to debate. I actu- pore. Without objection, it is so or- by bandits?’’ Jesus asked. ally really like the title. The content, dered. The man replied, ‘‘The one who showed I don’t like. The title, ‘‘American Secu- f him mercy.’’ Then Jesus said, ‘‘Yes, now go and do the rity Against Foreign Enemies Act of AMERICAN SAFE ACT same.’’ 2015.’’ We have an enemy. We have been at war with ISIL for 18 months. We Mr. KAINE. Mr. President, I rise This is a story that was written 2,000 have spent $5 billion in this war. We today to talk about a pending legisla- years ago, but it is not a story about have deployed thousands of American tive matter we will be discussing later yesterday, it is a story about every day troops in this war. Eleven members of in the day, the American Security of human life on this planet. They are the American Armed Services have Against Foreign Enemies Act of 2015. beaten-up people lying by the side of been killed while on deployment in Op- This is the title of the bill that was the road, and the choice we have to eration Inherent Resolve. We have an passed by the House in November. It is make as individuals or as a society is enemy. The enemy is not refugees from now pending before the Senate, and we do we pass by or do we act as the Good Syria—the enemy is ISIL. will be discussing it later. Samaritan did—in a compassionate We all know the facts about ISIL, I am going to talk for a few minutes, way? this organization that claims to be in- but the punch line is as indicated on In fact, I would argue that the Good spired to create a worldwide caliphate. this board. We are talking about who Samaritan story actually isn’t tough They have slaughtered Christians and are America’s foreign enemies. This is enough. If we called the refugees of the other religious minorities by the thou- a bill that deals with Iraqi and Syrian worst humanitarian crisis since World sands. They have sold women into slav- refugees. I assert that refugees are not War II our enemies, it is as if we were ery by the thousands. They have be- our enemy; ISIL is our enemy. Yet, for going over to the man and not passing headed American hostages, including some strange reason, in the 18th month by but kicking the man who had been American aid workers. If there is a of a war against ISIL, Congress has beaten and robbed by bandits. modern-day equivalent of a Good Sa- been unwilling to debate our real Let me move away from Scripture maritan, it is an American aid worker enemy. and talk about American values. who is trying to help somebody out. First, refugees are not our enemies. The Statue of Liberty that stands in ISIL has kidnapped, captured, and be- The refugee crisis, with refugees com- New York Harbor is graced with a pow- headed American aid workers. The ing from Syria and now Iraq, has been erful poem, ‘‘The New Colossus,’’ writ- number of deaths just this weekend— called the worst humanitarian crisis ten by an American poet, Emma Laz- 400 more people kidnapped by ISIL in since World War II. Four million Syr- arus. Emma Lazarus was a member of Iraq and Syria. The number of deaths ians have left their native country be- a very prominent, multigenerational have been in the tens of thousands by cause of being exposed to the atrocities Jewish family in New York. There was ISIL, and as I have said, beheading of being barrel-bombed by Bashar al- a fundraising campaign to build the American hostages, 11 American serv- Assad and now the atrocities of ISIL pediment upon which the Statue of icemembers killed, but it is beyond

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:18 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.009 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S104 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2016 Iraq and Syria. ISIL has claimed credit netta, and others have said: Congress not light on criticism for the adminis- for bringing down an airliner, killing have this debate. There is an enemy tration, but I am asking this question tourists in the Sinai. ISIL has claimed out there. Have the backbone to name in this Chamber, where I am a Member, credit for bombing and shooting at- it as an enemy and authorize action and so my question is actually critical, tacks, killing hundreds in Paris. ISIL against this enemy. but it is also self-critical: Why has has claimed credit for a bombing at a Constitutionally, Congress should Congress been silent in the 18-month peace rally in Ankara, Turkey, that act. One of the most important powers battle against ISIL? It is because of killed hundreds and then a bombing in the Constitution is article 1, in the fear. Fear of not ISIL but fear of ac- outside the Blue Mosque in Istanbul 2 definition of the roles of Congress. It is countability. A war vote is hard. It is weeks ago that killed 15 and injured Congress that declares war, not the the hardest vote we will ever cast—and dozens more. The shooters in San President. That was put in the Con- it should be. It should be. Bernardino were inspired by ISIL, even stitution by the Framers—Virginians How much easier is it to criticize the if they weren’t directly connected to like James Madison—who knew that, President and say: We don’t like your them. Within the last few days, we saw before 1787, war was a matter for the strategy. You are doing it wrong. Why another attack and explosion in Ja- Executive, the Monarch, the Emperor, don’t you do more airstrikes here or karta that was claimed by ISIL. Now, and the Sultan. But he said, ‘‘In Amer- put more boots on the ground there? that is who an enemy is—not a refugee ica, it is going to be different.’’ We are That is much easier for Congress to do who is fleeing ISIL. ISIL is the enemy. not going to make a declaration of war than to actually have a debate about ISIL is the enemy. ISIL must be de- for the Executive. We are going to ISIL and craft a strategy, and then say feated. Yet we are not debating ISIL— make a declaration of war for Con- we, Members of Congress, individually, and we haven’t been willing to debate gress. Once declared, the President can are putting our names on this. Members of Congress have been look- ISIL in 18 months. Instead, we are try- implement, but it is Congress’s job. ing actively to avoid a vote on this for ing to claim that refugees are the en- Congress is not doing what the Con- emies of this Statue of Liberty Nation. 18 months because a war vote is tough. stitution commands. Why has Congress been silent about Under the best of circumstances, there Imagine one of the family members ISIL for 18 months? Our President has are going to be consequences that will of the 11 servicemembers who have asked Congress: Congress, do your job be painful and tragic. There will be been killed while deployed in Operation and declare war against ISIL. He even American lives lost, and that is under Inherent Resolve—killed in combat, sent us a proposed authorization 11 the best of circumstances. War isn’t al- killed when their jet was taking off of months ago. Eleven months ago, the ways fought under the best of cir- an aircraft carrier and crashed into the President sent to Congress a proposed cumstances. There will be surprises. authorization against ISIL. There has ocean or otherwise killed during de- There will be twists and turns. We will not been a vote on the floor in the ployment. Imagine, our best and go down a path such as trying to train House. There has not been a vote on brightest are sent, as they volunteered and equip a moderate Syrian opposi- the floor in the Senate. There has not for our American military. They were tion and find it doesn’t work out the been a debate on the floor of the House sent overseas to fight an enemy—who way we hope. or Senate. There has not been a debate we all agree is an enemy, who we all I think in Congress both Houses, both or vote in committees in the House or agree is conducting atrocities—and parties, have had a sense that, well, Senate. For 11 months, since the Presi- that pride of your life is killed while maybe if we don’t vote and we just dent asked us, ‘‘Let’s get involved and serving our country, and yet Congress criticize the President and we just kind take action against ISIL,’’ there has will not even have a debate about of turn our eyes while we are essen- been no action. And it is not just the whether ISIL is an enemy and whether tially forcing people to risk their lives President. General Dunford, the Marine we should declare war against ISIL and in a war that we are not willing to de- general, who is now head of the Joint instead wants to have a debate about clare, people will not hold us account- Chiefs of Staff, testified before the whether refugees from ISIL should be able. I have seen that tendency Armed Services Committee. I asked called our enemies. Imagine how you throughout my 21 years in elected serv- him: Should we do an authorization would feel if you were one of those fam- ice, when a tough vote is on the table, against ISIL? He said it would send a ilies, and Congress was even unwilling when something is hard and com- strong message to ISIL. It would send to dignify the loss of your loved one by plicated—and this certainly is—if I can a strong message to our allies. But 2 minutes of debate or vote on the floor avoid it, well, I would like to avoid it, here is what he said that really of either the Senate or the House. but that is so disrespectful to the oath grabbed me, coming from a heavily David Ignatius wrote a piece yester- we took, where we pledged to live up to military State. He said: Our troops de- day in the Washington Post, ‘‘The ugly the laws, including article 1 respon- serve it. There are thousands deployed truth: Defeating the Islamic State will sibilities of Congress. It is so dis- away from home risking their lives. take decades.’’ The last line of his arti- respectful to the volunteer military de- I asked General Dunford: Would it be cle says this: ployed overseas, risking their lives, good to have an authorization against The next President is going to inherit an and the families of those who have al- ISIL? How would our troops respond? expanding war against a global terrorist ad- ready lost their lives. Here is what he said: What our young versary. The debate about how best to fight After all, what is our fear of a tough men and women need—and it is vir- this enemy hasn’t even begun. vote, in the grand scheme of things, as tually all they need to do the job we After 18 months, after deaths of against the sacrifice our troops are asked them to do—is the sense that American troops, after all these atroc- making overseas? Now, that is some- what they are doing has purpose, has ities, after bombings in cities all over thing that is really hard. Having to meaning, and has the support of the the world, the debate hasn’t even cast a tough vote is not that hard. It is American people. Our troops think begun because we refuse to have it in not that hard. We can do this. We can Congress is indifferent to this. this Chamber. do this. Virginia is very military. We are As I conclude, why has Congress been The only action that has been taken very closely connected to it. I have a silent about this, since we began mili- since this war started 18 months ago child in the military, one of my three tary action against ISIL on August 8 of was on a bill I introduced, an author- kids. I know what our troops are think- 2014? We will hit the 18-month anniver- ization for military force against ISIL. ing about Congress right now, which is, sary in a couple weeks, in February. I introduced it in September of 2014, 1 while we are deployed overseas, fight- I have a lot of criticisms of the ad- month after the war started. It got a ing this battle and risking our lives, ministration’s strategy. I think they 10-to-8 vote in the Senate Foreign Re- Congress doesn’t care and would rather waited too long to send the authoriza- lations Committee. Sadly, it was a par- not talk about it. Secretary Panetta tion to us. I don’t think the authoriza- tisan vote. It was right at the end of has recently given a speech saying Con- tion is particularly well-drafted, but the previous Congress and expired with gress should act. that is no obstacle to us acting. Presi- no action. A number of those who So our President, the head of the dents send authorizations frequently voted against it said: Look, the major- Joint Chiefs of Staff, Secretary Pa- and Congress redrafts them. So I am ity is about to change. Why do this now

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:18 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.011 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S105 with 2 weeks left in the session? When an enemy to support our troops in least to me—to be suggesting by his ac- the majority changes, we can take it harm’s way—that is the question I am tions and most of what he is doing that up. Some said the President hasn’t asking today. I know we are the best. he thinks he has all the authority he even sent a draft authorization yet. It Where is our conviction? needs. is premature to do it. So I ask my colleagues, in connection So I want to say to my friend that I Now we have the President’s draft with this bill, let’s keep the title to it. don’t doubt your sincerity, and I ad- authorization. We have had it for 11 Let’s secure America against foreign mire the point you are trying to make, months and done nothing. Now we have enemies. Let’s secure America against but I do see those as practical prob- seen—and there can be no doubt at this ISIL. But let’s not turn our backs on lems: the absence of a strategy from point—the evil nature of this threat we the victims of the worst humanitarian the Commander in Chief and the pro- face and the expanding and compli- crisis since World War II. posal—one of the proposals; I think it cating nature of this threat we face. With that, I yield the floor. came out of the Foreign Relations Now is the time, finally, for Congress The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Committee—that would actually limit to step up to our responsibility and do TILLIS). The majority whip. the options available to the next Com- our job. Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I am mander in Chief were this to be passed. I have used a couple of literary ref- glad I happened to come to the floor But those aren’t insurmountable prob- erences, so let me close with one. A when the Senator from Virginia was lems; those are things that, once iden- great Irish poet—I am biased—William speaking on this topic. I didn’t come to tified, we can focus on and work a lit- Butler Yeats, wrote a poem at the end speak on the topic, but I know how pas- tle bit more. sionately he feels about it. I find my- of World War I. He surveyed the wreck- I thank the Senator for his continued self agreeing with much of what he has age of World War I, about 100 years advocacy on this issue, and I admire to say about what our military de- ago. his determination to see this through serves in terms of the support not only In a lot of historians’ views, World to a good conclusion. War I was kind of one of the most need- of the President but also of the Con- Mr. President, what I came to the less wars in some ways. It was unclear gress and thus, through Congress, the floor to talk about is a bill we are what it was about, but what it was American people. Whenever we send going to be voting on this afternoon really about was decaying monarchies our troops into harm’s way, our men called the American Security Against that wouldn’t change. Instead of and women in uniform deserve to know Foreign Enemies Act and also called changing, they let a terrorist action in they have the unified support of the the American SAFE Act. the assassination of a nobleman—a U.S. Government and hopefully the leader in the Balkans—trigger the American people. I wish he was still here. I know he start of World War I. It was mecha- I wish to tell my friend from Vir- just left, but I want to make one point nized slaughter, and millions lost their ginia, who has been on this topic for on the chart the Senator from Virginia lives. The United States came in and some time, that I think there are some had where he suggested that some as- played a very important role, and at practical impediments to what the sert refugees are the enemy. That is the end of the day, they were the Senator is suggesting, and maybe we not true. That is the opposite of true. peacemaker who had to come in to re- can find a way to work together to ad- The American people are the most gen- solve it. dress them. erous people in the world when it Yeats wrote a poem after World War First of all, there is the question of comes to admitting refugees and natu- I surveying this wreckage of these soci- what is the strategy. I think Congress ralizing new American citizens. In the eties. It is called ‘‘The Second Com- is reluctant to issue an additional au- past few years—if my memory serves ing.’’ He expressed a real concern about thorization for the use of military me correctly, we naturalize between the state of society at the time because force until we know what the Presi- 800,000 and 1 million new citizens a what he noticed at that time was that dent’s strategy is, not just in Syria, in year. America is the most open, wel- ‘‘the best lack all conviction and the Iraq, but also with the travel and the coming country in the world because worst are filled with passionate inten- movement of people back and forth we recognize this is a source of our sity.’’ from those war-torn countries to the great strength. The brains, the ambi- We have an enemy, ISIL, and I think United States or to other parts of the tion, and the hard work that go to- we can all agree that they are filled world, including the visa waiver coun- gether with people who are unhappy with a passionate intensity. They are tries—the 38 of them—people who can with their current circumstance and the worst in their human rights viola- travel freely from that area to those who are looking to live the American tions, their atrocities, and their com- visa waiver countries and then come to dream and what they have to do in plete disrespect for human life. They the United States. The third part of it, order to come here to America to be a are the worst. They are the enemy. We which we have been addressing and part of that through a legal system of should be debating about them. which the FBI Director has brought to immigration I think is something to be The best lack all conviction. We are our attention on the Senate Judiciary applauded and celebrated. the best Nation in the world. I firmly Committee, has to do with But this bill is about something else. and deeply believe that. I have believed radicalization of people back here at This is about our national security. it every day of the 58 years that I have home through the use of social media This is not an anti-refugee bill. That is been alive. We are the best. We have or the Internet. I would say to my immediately where the President went the best system of government in the friend that this is a serious problem, and where some of the other folks on world. While that system of govern- and I find myself in sympathy with the President’s side of the aisle went, ment is often described as three co- what he is trying to do. But, again, the was suggesting that somehow, by being equal branches, there is a reason they practical problem is the absence of a concerned about our own national se- put the legislative branch in article I, real strategy. curity, we were somehow anti-refugee. the executive in article II, and the ju- I fear that with 1 year left for this That is demonstrably false. All we are diciary in article III. This is the first President in office, one of the goals of asking for and all this legislation pro- among the coequal branches because some of the proponents—I am not cast- vides for—passed by a bipartisan vote we are direct representatives of the ing aspersions; I am just saying I am of the House of Representatives—is to people. That is how it was structured concerned about this—one of the goals enhance the screening of refugees so so that we would be the best of the would be to issue an authorization for that this system cannot be exploited best—the best branch in the best gov- the use of military force that would ac- by terrorists—a tactic ISIS has encour- ernment in the best Nation in the his- tually tie the hands of future Presi- aged. Our adversaries, particularly the tory of the world. dents, because apparently this Presi- Islamic State, recognize the fact that Do we lack all conviction? If we are dent thinks he has all the authority he they can’t exploit our system to ad- willing to call refugees fleeing from vi- needs. It is true, they just got a draft vance their cause, which is to kill inno- olence our enemies but we are afraid to that they have sent over here for us to cent men, women, and children in this take up a debate about whether ISIL is consider, but the President seems—at country.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:18 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.012 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S106 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2016 This legislation doesn’t close the Unfortunately, we don’t have to look This is a debate worth having, and door to refugees or go back on Amer- very far to see examples of why this this is one our constituents deserve to ica’s great traditions and who we are legislation is necessary. Earlier this hear. I hope the latest news reports are as a people. All it does is add safe- year in Houston, a man born in Iraq en- some reason for encouragement that guards to our refugee admissions proc- tered the country as a refugee and was our Democratic colleagues are going to ess and updates it in light of the later charged with providing material allow us to get on the legislation. threats we currently face. support to ISIS. That is one example. I Again, this is not a partisan issue—or The distinguished Presiding Officer am sure it is not the only example of it shouldn’t be. was probably in the same hearings I why this legislation is important. We Last fall several Obama administra- was in or the briefings with Jeh John- are still learning more about that par- tion officials testified about their con- son, the Director of Homeland Secu- ticular case, but what we already know cerns about radicalized individuals and rity, who said that following some of is alarming. what threat they could pose, as a ref- these threats, the administration uni- According to media reports, he was ugee, if they gain entry into the United laterally enhanced some of their associated with members and sympa- States. Homeland Security Secretary screening mechanisms. I applaud them thizers of ISIS. We know that inves- Jeh Johnson testified before the Senate for that. That is important to do. But tigators found an ISIS flag at his home and House Homeland Security Commit- they can’t sit here and tell us with all in Houston, TX. Just last week it was tees and said: ‘‘I am concerned that we seriousness that Congress can’t weigh reported that his plans included setting do the proper security vetting for refu- in or we can’t have a debate and we off bombs at two popular malls in gees we bring into the country.’’ I can’t have an amendment process on Houston, TX. Houston is one of our agree with him. That is what this legis- legislation which is designed to do most populous metropolitan areas— lation addresses. what they themselves said they are certainly in Texas—in the country. Can Madam President, I ask unanimous trying to accomplish, which is to pro- you imagine what kind of carnage two consent for 2 additional minutes. tect public safety by enhancing some of bombs going off at shopping malls The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. the screening process. could wreak? According to reports, this ERNST). Without objection, it is so or- All we are trying to do—and it is not individual was communicating with an- dered. a small thing; it is our No. 1 responsi- other man, also born in Iraq, who en- Mr. CORNYN. He went on to say: ‘‘It bility as part of the Federal Govern- tered the United States in 2012 as a ref- is true that we are not going to know ment—is protect our national security. ugee and who had ties to terrorist a whole lot of the Syrians that come Our chief goal in this legislation is groups and fought twice in Syria and forth in this process, just given the na- pretty simple. It is to make sure we are allegedly was trying to go back to ture of the situation.’’ That is under- doing everything we can to prevent ter- Syria to fight alongside Islamic mili- standable. Syria has been engaged in a rorists from entering the country. tants. This individual was commu- Why would our friends across the civil war over the last few years, and it nicating with another person with ter- aisle want to filibuster this legislation is hard to imagine that we know a lot rorist ties, and it certainly should raise by voting no this afternoon at 2:30 and about those who want to come here as deny us an opportunity to actually de- all of our suspicion and concern. refugees. It doesn’t mean they Both of those men were refugees from bate the legislation? Under the rules of shouldn’t come here, but we do need to Iraq. That doesn’t mean the refugee the Senate, they are free to offer sug- enhance the security screening and program should be dismantled or aban- gestions, by way of amendment, about make sure we are confident that the doned entirely. What it should tell us how we can improve the legislation. I ones who do come will not be a threat is that we better be darned sure that have heard a number of them, includ- to the public. whoever comes in through the refugee ing from the ranking member of the The Director of the FBI also shared system has been adequately vetted to Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen- his concerns by saying: ‘‘We see a risk protect innocent potential victims here ator FEINSTEIN, among others, who said there.’’ So if you have the FBI Director that what she would like to see us do is in the United States. Fortunately, in and the Secretary of the Department of to beef up our protections to prevent this instance, our law enforcement offi- Homeland Security saying there are people from exploiting the visa waiver cers acted effectively and quickly to risks and concerns about refugees com- system and coming into the United prevent a tragedy, but they can’t be ing from Syria to the United States, I States without going through an ade- right 100 percent of the time. If they would say we ought to listen to them. quate screening mechanism. I think are right only 99 percent of the time I hope our colleagues across the aisle there would be a lot of support on this and innocent people are hurt or killed, will reconsider their purported plans to side of the aisle and on a bipartisan if we don’t do everything in our power block this legislation. We vote on it at basis to modify this legislation to in- to stop it, then I think we are partially 2:30 p.m., so there is plenty of time to clude some of her ideas. At least we responsible. This is not a theoretical talk more about it and have discus- ought to have that debate. We problem, and Congress has the oppor- sions about how there is maybe a path shouldn’t shut it down by a filibuster tunity to act to try to enhance public forward. If, in fact, there is ultimately on the other side. safety. So knowing all of this, it is baf- a filibuster and our friends across the This bill would ensure that the FBI fling to hear the discussion among our aisle decide to block the American and other national security intel- Democratic colleagues that they may SAFE Act—and, again, I hope they ligence agencies have actually certified not even allow us to get on the bill this don’t do that—I don’t think we are to the security of the refugee screening afternoon. doing our job or doing everything in program. It is called accountability— I have seen some news reports sug- our power to enhance the public safety. something that people don’t think we gesting that the Democratic leader is With that, I yield the floor. have enough of here in Washington, saying: Well, if there is some sort of an The PRESIDING OFFICER. The as- DC. Something bad happens, and there amendment process that could be sistant Democratic leader. is some nameless, faceless bureaucrat agreed to, then maybe they would Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, the who is blamed. What this would do is allow us to do that. I would encourage year was 1939, the Nazis were in control put the responsibility and account- those discussions to go forward, but we of Germany, and Kristallnacht had oc- ability where it belongs. shouldn’t just say: Well, you get three curred. It was the night of broken There is no doubt that we live in tur- or four amendments on your side and glass. It was the night when the Nazi bulent times. Our national security ex- we get four or five on our side. We storm troopers literally invaded the perts tell us that they have never seen ought to invite and welcome all con- shops and homes of the Jewish citizens a more diverse, a more complex array structive legislation to make this as who were living in Germany. They har- of threats around the world. Our Ref- good as it can be. We don’t need a assed, beat, and killed them. It was ugee Admissions Program should be ex- backroom deal to do that. We need to pretty clear where this was headed. amined and updated to respond to bring it to the floor and allow an open The Nazis had targeted Jewish people those threats, and that is what this amendment process under the rules of and those Jewish people—innocent peo- legislation attempts to do. the Senate. ple—were going to be their victims.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:18 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.021 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S107 Some of them decided the only place to have been forced out of their homes— said. Of course, each one of them has to go was to leave Germany and to come half of them. go through a lengthy background to the United States of America. They I have a friend in Chicago. He is an check and will be asked all these im- boarded a ship called the SS St. Louis extraordinary man. His name is Dr. portant questions before they are al- and set sail for the United States. Mohammed Sahloul. He is a well-re- lowed to come into our country—10,000. First, they arrived in Havana, Cuba, spected practicing doctor. He came to We know there are millions displaced seeking refuge to escape the Nazis. The the United States as an immigrant and and we know that that number con- Cubans turned them away. They next now has an established medical prac- tinues to grow. Isn’t it ironic that came to Miami, FL, and asked the tice. His family is from Syria—the 10,000—the same number Senator Wag- United States of America if these 900 Bahamut section of Syria. Because he ner of New York asked for when it innocent Jewish citizens of Germany feels so strongly about the war that is came to Jewish children in Germany— could seek refuge and become refugees killing these innocent people in Syria, is the same number the President has in the United States. They were turned Dr. Mohammed Sahloul literally risks asked for when it comes to Syrian refu- away. With no other alternative, they his life every few months to go to Syria gees. went back to Germany. and treat the victims of that war and Sadly for these refugees, and many The Holocaust Museum in Wash- violence. His wife Suzanne Sahloul others, they couldn’t have picked a ington, DC, kept track of what hap- works with the Syrian refugees who worse time to come to the United pened to those passengers on the SS St. come to Chicago. The two of them have States of America because, frankly, we Louis—those people seeking refuge in made a personal commitment to Syria, are engaged in a Presidential campaign the United States. At least one-third of which was the birthplace of their par- where many strong statements have them died in the Holocaust, killed by ents. Dr. Sahloul returns from his vis- been made about these Syrian refugees. It is hard for me to think about what I the Nazis. At that time, Senator Rob- its to Syria and asks to meet me regu- saw on the island of Lesbos—these fam- ert Wagner of New York came to the larly, and I always say yes. As painful ilies with children—and to square that floor and asked: Couldn’t we—at least as it is, I sit there, as I did yesterday with the descriptions I have heard from as a nation—agree to allow 10,000 Jew- in a restaurant in downtown Chicago, those who have called them terrorists ish children to come to safety in the as Dr. Sahloul shows me the photos on in training. It couldn’t be further from United States to escape the Nazis in his iPad, one after the other, of the Germany? His efforts were stopped and the truth. children he treated in Syria. These So this afternoon, at 2:30 p.m. on the defeated. Even these children who children are the victims of barrel Senate floor, we will be asked to vote would be Jewish victims of Nazi op- bombs by President Assad and now of on a measure relative to the Syrian pression were rejected by the U.S. Sen- Russian bombing. refugees. Let’s call it for what it is. ate. It was a sad moment in the history He goes to communities where people This is an effort to stop any Syrian ref- of this Chamber and a sad moment in are literally starving to death—starv- ugee from coming to the United States the history of the United States. ing to death in the year 2016—in Syria. regardless of whether it is a mother After the war, we reflected on what He shows me their emaciated bodies and a child because what it says is that had happened. We realized that this until I turn away and can’t look at it before they can come to the United great, strong, and caring Nation had anymore. States, you have to have the personal made a serious mistake. Innocent peo- I say to my colleagues in the Senate signature and personal certification of ple had died because we rejected these who follow this debate and know what the Secretary of Homeland Security, Jewish refugees from Germany. There- we are voting on—the Syrian crisis we the Director of the Federal Bureau of fore, after World War II, the United face today, I would argue, is the most Investigation, and the Director of the States decided to take a different ap- serious humanitarian crisis of our Bureau of National Intelligence. It is proach and show leadership to the time. What is happening to these peo- physically impossible to ask the direc- world when it came to accepting refu- ple is unimaginable. tor of the FBI, who has the responsi- gees, and since then we have. There A few months ago I joined several of bility of monitoring FBI activities all have been exceptions, but we have said my colleagues and we went to an island across the Nation and around the that our country is open—as most civ- in Greece called Lesbos. This is the world, to literally sit down and sign 100 ilized countries on Earth are open—to stopping point for the refugees. Once personal certifications a day which those who face oppression, suffering, the Syrian refugees have gone through would bring us to this goal. death, and are in need of safety. We Turkey, they cross a span of 8 to 10 This legislation is not designed to have established a process for this, and miles of the Aegean Sea in plastic make us safer. It is designed to stop it isn’t easy. Each year it becomes rafts. They put more passengers in Syrian refugees from coming to the more and more difficult and more and those rafts than should be in there be- United States. I know we are living in more challenging. cause the smugglers are getting paid a dangerous time in this world. I want If you are a refugee wanting to come 1,000 to 2,000 euros, or about $2,000-plus, us to do everything thoughtfully and to the United States, be prepared. It for each of the refugees they can cram sensibly and everything possible to will take at least 1 year of investiga- into these boats. They push them off protect the American people from any tion—and sometimes up to 4 years of from the shore in Turkey and point possibility of terrorism. an investigation—before you might be them toward the island of Lesbos. I still remember well when I was a allowed to come to this country. We go There are babies in those boats. The Member of this body on September 11, through background checks, finger- passengers wear lifejackets, which ev- 2001, and what America endured. I have prints, biometric measurements, and eryone is familiar with, but what do not forgotten. I read, as all of us do, photographs. It is a lengthy, frus- the babies wear? You can’t put a baby about terrorism in the United States trating, and difficult process. For peo- in a lifejacket. Well, I saw what they and what it does to innocent people in ple who come to our shores from for- wore. Many of them were wearing plas- San Bernardino and in many other eign countries, there is no higher tic water wings, the kind we put on our places. But to exclude Syrian and Iraqi standard than the standard we apply to little kids when we put them in wading refugees and to say that we are not those who seek refugee status. Each pools, and off they go into the Aegean going to allow any of them to come in year about 70,000 refugees are accepted Sea. Some of them don’t make it. or put them through a standard of in the United States. There are many Some of them drown and die. proof that we know makes it next to more who want that opportunity, but What would cause a family to pick up impossible is unfair and inconsistent only 70,000 can clear this process. and risk their lives and spend $2,000 per with the values of the United States. We come to this debate on the floor person to take this deadly journey? It I made a point of meeting these Syr- of the U.S. Senate aware of what has is because they are desperate and need ian refugees and their families who happened in Syria. Over the course of a place to be safe. It is that basic. have made it here. I have invited my the last few years, the war that has So the President has said the United Governor in my State of Illinois and raged in Syria has claimed over 200,000 States will accept some of these refu- my colleagues to do the same: Get be- lives. Half of Syria’s 23 million people gees. Ten thousand is the number he yond the screaming rhetoric of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:18 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.014 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S108 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2016 Presidential campaign and sit down The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there the issue and the urgent need to ad- and listen to their stories. They will objection? dress stated and documented shortfalls realize that these are people who are Without objection, it is so ordered. within the refugee program, I support desperate, who are looking for just an Mr. DURBIN. Do my colleagues be- passage of this bill as a start. opportunity to be safe. lieve that a person who is on the ter- We can’t just forget—ignore—the Yesterday, a number of them came to rorist watch list should be allowed to facts, and the fact is that those respon- my office. Othman Al Ani, originally buy firearms in the United States? Do sible, for instance, for the tragic at- from Baghdad in Iraq, arrived in the my colleagues believe that a person on tacks in Paris just a few short months United States in the year 2013. How the terrorist watch list should be al- ago took advantage of the influx of long did it take him to clear the back- lowed to buy explosives in the United Syrian refugees into France, and at ground check as a refugee? Four States? How about dirty bomb compo- least one of them got in that way. If years—it took 4 years. He now works as nents? I don’t think there is any ques- that isn’t disturbing enough, we must a caseworker for the Iraqi Mutual Aid tion about it. The answer the vast ma- also remember the fact that the major- Society. jority of Americans would give is no. ity of the 9/11 attackers were granted I met Wadad Elaly and her mother, That is one of our amendments. admission to the United States on tem- Mrs. Elaly. In 2012, Wadad’s father was Do my colleagues think we should porary immigration status. There were killed by a sniper as he came home put more resources into protecting the holes and problems in that program. from work in Syria. The family moved United States through the Department Clearly, we need to update and reform out of the city for fear they would be of Homeland Security and through law the current systems in place, and I as- the next victims. They went to Damas- enforcement, even local law enforce- sure my colleagues that I won’t stop cus, and then they waited, literally for ment, and the FBI? I think so. That is pressing for complete and adequate over a year and a half, to go through another one of our amendments. safeguards as the President continues the clearance. A third amendment is going to to invite additional refugees onto Wadad is now a freshman in high change the effort and zero in on what American soil. school in the city of Chicago. She is a we consider to be gaps in the law that Voting in favor of the SAFE Act sweet, young girl who has seen more allow the possibility of foreign trav- brings us one step closer to improving tragedy in her life than any of us would elers to come to the United States and the security of our Nation. It would be ever want to see. She and her mom engage in violence and terrorism. a mistake to retreat to some sort of want to make a life here, and she The fourth one is pretty controver- pre-9/11 posture or mindset. Eleven knows it is up to her to get a good edu- sial, but I think we need a vote in the years ago, the ‘‘9/11 Commission Re- cation to make sure she can make that Senate. There has been a proposal by port’’ wrote that many of the vetting happen. one Republican Presidential candidate, programs were ‘‘dysfunctional.’’ They Mariela Shaker—an incredible story for the first time in the history of the remain dysfunctional in far too many of a young girl who was growing up in United States of America, to exclude the Homs section of Syria, whose par- cases, and I am not willing to take on any immigrant of a specific religion, ents were afraid that she was going to and continue the risk of that dysfunc- and that religion, of course, is for those die from a bombing that was taking tion. We need reforms. We need a far who are in adherence to the Muslim re- place. She applied and was accepted to higher standard of safety and coordina- ligion. We should have a vote on that. go to a downstate college in Illinois, tion. I think it is important for us to be on Now, again, these are facts we need Monmouth College. She is a master vi- the record. Those are the amendments olinist, a prodigy. She completed her to look at. We have seen examples of we would like to offer. degree there and now is at DePaul Uni- the refugee situation and other situa- We said to Senator MCCONNELL: versity working on a master’s degree in tions directly impacting and threat- Bring up your Syrian refugee bill, if music—an amazing young woman. A ening our security. What am I talking you wish, and give us these four votes. terrorist? No, just a young women about? If you will give us these four votes—of Fact No. 1: On December 2 of last looking for safety and a future. The stories go on and on. When I hear course, you will want to offer some of year, husband and wife Syed Farook the statements made on the floor about your own amendments. Be our guest. and Tashfeen Malik attacked the In- potential terrorists, I think to myself: But let’s have a real debate about mak- land Regional Center in San They haven’t met these families, they ing America safe. Let’s not just zero in Bernardino, and their coordinated at- haven’t heard their stories, and if they on Syrian refugees. Let’s zero in on tack inspired by ISIS caused the deaths did, they might reconsider. ISIS, on terrorism, and on the real of 14 people, and they wounded 21 oth- I am opposed to this bill that came threat to the United States. ers. As of now, it appears to be the over from the House. I think this per- That is what we will decide between most deadly terrorist attack on U.S. sonal certification by the head of the now and 2:30. Will Senator MCCONNELL, soil since 9/11. FBI, certifying every single person, and who has said over and over that he Now, the wife, Tashfeen Malik, was a certification by the Director of Na- wants to open the Senate floor to an not a U.S. citizen and was, in fact, in tional Intelligence and the Secretary amendment process, allow our votes on the United States on a visa related to of Homeland Security are just being these measures? If he will, we can en- her husband. Particularly troubling is put in the path of these people to slow gage in this debate. If he won’t, then, the fact that the government didn’t them down and stop them again and frankly, there is going to be resistance verify her address in Pakistan during again and again. to moving to this measure. I hope Sen- the visa application process. There What we have said, not out of com- ator MCCONNELL will join us and open were reports that a full vetting was not passion but out of commonsense, is this debate to a real sincere effort to completed, including checking for let’s address the things that will make stop the threat of terrorism in the other possible signs that she had been America safer. Instead of zeroing in on United States. radicalized or was a terrorist operative. a handful of Syrian refugees who are no I yield the floor. Fact No. 2: A recent FBI joint intel- threat to the United States, let’s look The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ligence bulletin has confirmed that in- to those things that actually are a ator from Louisiana. dividuals resettled in the United States threat. Let me give an example. Do my Mr. VITTER. Madam President, I rise as refugees have already been arrested colleagues believe that a person whose today to urge my colleagues to join me for willfully providing material sup- name is on the no-fly list, the terrorist in passing the House bill to improve port and resources to the Islamic State suspect list, should be allowed to buy a the Syrian refugee resettlement pro- of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS. That is doc- firearm? gram and take at least a first really umented by an FBI report. Clearly, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time important step toward protecting this program is a vulnerability. of the Senator has expired. Americans here at home with regard to Fact No. 3: The National Counterter- Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, I ask this refugee and homeland security rorism Center has identified individ- unanimous consent for 3 additional question. Frankly, I think we should be uals with ties to terrorists in Syria minutes. going further, but given the gravity of who attempted to enter the United

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:18 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.016 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S109 States through the refugee program. The bill clerk proceeded to call the only a small fraction of the 11.6 million Again, it has been verified that this is roll. people who have been displaced from an entry point for possible terrorists. Mr. PETERS. Madam President, I their homes over the past 41⁄2 years Fact No. 4: The horrible and coordi- ask unanimous consent that the order during the brutal civil war in Syria, it nated assault in Paris last fall, in the for the quorum call be rescinded. was clear that none of those refugees words of President Francois Hollande The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. were there by choice. Before anything of France, was ‘‘planned in Syria, orga- AYOTTE). Without objection, it is so or- else, they just wanted to return home. nized in Belgium, perpetrated on our dered. In the end, however, returning home soil with French complicity.’’ And a Mr. PETERS. Madam President, last is not something that is going to hap- fact related to that is that at least one week I was proud to host Hassan Jab- pen. They are not going to be able to of those terrorists got in through the ber as my guest at the State of the return to the life they had before. They refugee resettlement program there. Union Address. He is the director of the certainly did not want to have the very Fact No. 5: FBI Director James Arab Community Center for Economic dangerous journey to escape violence Comey has testified that the Federal and Social Services, founded in 1971 in and security by going far away. Unfor- Government doesn’t have the ability to Dearborn, MI. ACCESS is the largest tunately, the possibility of their safe properly and fully vet 10,000 or more Arab American human services non- return is unlikely at any time in the Syrian refugees. Recently, during a profit in the United States, providing near future. They struggle to survive hearing before the House Committee on health and wellness, education, em- every day, and they persevere. Many Homeland Security, he stated: ployment, and youth services in its have been vetted by the United Nations We can only query against that which we local communities, including support as people who are qualified to resettle have collected. And so if someone has never for refugees settling in America. as refugees in countries like ours be- made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way Hassan is a community leader and cause they simply can’t return home. that would get their identity or their inter- just one example of the many individ- The refugees I met are struggling to est reflected in our database, we can query uals who make up Michigan’s vibrant live on 50 cents a day to buy food and our database until the cows come home, but Arab American community, including have only one propane bottle to pro- there will be nothing to show up because we some of the most patriotic people I vide cooking fuel for an entire month. have no record of them. know whose contributions to our cul- Unfortunately, most of that aid is slat- Fact No. 6: The ‘‘Reflections on the ture and economy are invaluable. ed to end in the next couple of months. Tenth Anniversary of the 9/11 Commis- That is why I am so concerned about The people in the camps live on the sion Report,’’ released in 2014, states the legislation we will be debating edge of having nothing, and they rely that ‘‘it is unclear whether the United later today, which would impose sig- on humanitarian aid to get by on a States and its allies have sufficient re- nificant barriers on our efforts to as- day-to-day basis. They are thankful, sources in place to monitor foreign sist refugees fleeing violence and perse- but in the end they are living in limbo, fighters’ activities in Syria (and neigh- cution in Iraq and Syria. I am a mem- waiting and hoping for an interview boring Iraq) and to track their travel ber of the Senate Homeland Security with a U.S. official. back to their home countries.’’ and Governmental Affairs Committee. Today, at the Homeland Security and Those are documented facts, which Last November we held a hearing on Governmental Affairs Committee hear- make perfectly clear what common refugee resettlement. We heard about ing we focused on ISIS’s goals and ide- sense should suggest. This refugee re- the strict security checks involved in ology. We heard from experts that the settlement program is a vulnerability, the Refugee Admissions Program, United States should continue to wel- and we need far better security to pro- which could take 18 to 24 months. come refugees. Proposals to block refu- tect our homeland. The Refugee Admissions Program gees based on their religious beliefs To do this, I have introduced a very subjects refugees to the highest level of plays into the narrative that the strong bill to require a suspension of security checks of any category of United States and Muslims across the admissions of Syrian refugees until the traveler coming into the United States. globe are in direct conflict. We heard Obama administration properly evalu- They are screened by the National that those who have left ISIS territory ates the protocols and procedures it Counterterrorism Center, the FBI, the describe it as ‘‘a living hell,’’ and if we has in place to relocate them here and Department of Homeland Security, and do not accept refugees, it harms our to certify not just in the Department the Department of Defense, as well as standing in the world and actually will of Homeland Security and the Depart- other agencies. Refugees considered for weaken our national security. ment of State but also with intel- resettlement to the United States are The safety and security of the Amer- ligence and law enforcement agencies subjected to biometric and biographic ican people is always my top priority, that these procedures are adequate. My checks, as well as a lengthy in-person but policies which alienate and divide, bill has seven cosponsors. I plan to con- interview, all of which are conducted targeted at victims of terror and vio- tinue to move it, hopefully, through an while the refugees are overseas, outside lence, do not support that mission. I amendment process related to this bill of the United States. Refugees are even am hopeful that this body will focus so we can make sure we have proper, required to repay loans to the Inter- our efforts on the very real threat adequate reforms in place. national Organization for Migration to posed by terrorism and extremism, not So that is today’s vote in simple, cover the cost of transportation and on imposing unnecessary barriers that straightforward terms in terms of the medical screening. will prevent us from assisting the vic- real danger. We can’t properly vet all At the same hearing last November, tims fleeing violence. I hope that we we also heard how the Refugee Admis- of these refugees right now. This is can stay true to the American values sions Program prioritizes the most vul- documented. This is from the experts. that make our country great. We need to put proper measures in nerable refugees, including widows I suggest the absence of a quorum. place before we continue accepting this with children, victims of torture and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The flood of refugees. We need to protect trauma, persecuted religious minori- clerk will call the roll. American families, secure our borders, ties, and those who face death threats The senior assistant legislative clerk and keep out all terrorists. Voting for if they return home. These cases are proceeded to call the roll. the SAFE Act and voting to put it on our country’s top priority for resettle- Mr. MERKLEY. Madam President, I the floor and engaging in this debate is ment. I saw this for myself at the end ask unanimous consent that the order an important first step in doing that. of last year when I had an opportunity for the quorum call be rescinded. For that reason, I urge a positive vote to travel to the Middle East with Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without to put this important measure on the ator MURPHY and meet members of this objection, it is so ordered. floor and to pass it. vulnerable population. Visiting the f Thank you, Madam President. Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan, I saw I yield the floor. the scale of the crisis that the world OUR ‘‘WE THE PEOPLE’’ I suggest the absence of a quorum. faces. DEMOCRACY The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Talking to just some of the over Mr. MERKLEY. Madam President, I clerk will call the roll. 80,000 refugees at that camp, who are rise today to kick off a series of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:18 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.017 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S110 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2016 speeches where I will come to the floor who works full time lives in poverty; preme Court under Buckley v. Valeo on a regular basis to address issues af- and when our economy creates good- said that individuals can spend unlim- fecting Americans and propose ways to paying jobs for American workers here ited sums in the public marketplace solve the challenges we face. These in America rather than shipping those and can do so even if they are drowning speeches will cover a variety of topics, jobs overseas. To achieve these ends we out the voices of the rest of America. but they will all link back to the fun- have a lot of work to do. Certainly a situation in which the 1 damental theme of our ‘‘we the people’’ We had after World War II three gold- percent can drown out the voices of the democracy. en decades from 1945 to 1975. The mid- 99 percent is not a ‘‘we the people’’ de- In the summer of 1787, a group came dle class gained enormously in size and mocracy; it is the opposite. It is a ‘‘we together of patriots, farmers, and prosperity. During that period the bot- the titans’’ democracy. It is decisions scholars. They gathered in Philadel- tom 90 percent received approximately made by and for the very best off, not phia, and after 4 months of fierce de- 70 percent of all income growth. From decisions by and for the people of the bate and enduring compromise, they 1975 until now, 2015, we have had four United States of America. agreed to a set of ideas and a system of decades in which working Americans’ This misguided 1976 decision sits governance. They signed their names experience has been flat or declining. right at that pivot point between the to a document, our Constitution, which What a difference that is from the three golden decades from 1945 to 1975 has guided our Nation’s progress for three golden decades where workers and the last four decades of failed eco- over two centuries. They began that fully shared in the prosperity they nomic policy with workers’ outcomes Constitution, that key document, with helped to create—the last four decades being flat or declining. This decision three simple words on parchment—‘‘we when they have not shared and gained was doubled down on the Supreme the people’’—and with that they over those decades. They received close Court just a few years ago in the Citi- launched our experience in democratic to zero percent of all income growth. zens United decision, which said that governance. To put it differently, 100 percent of the not only individuals but corporations The Founders wrote this phrase in growth went to the top 10 percent of would be treated the same. They could beautiful script, 10 times the size of the Americans. We know that our families use their combined assets even if they rest of the document, as if to say this and our economy will never reach their had never disclosed to the owners of is what it is all about, this is what full potential if growth benefits only the corporation, the stockholders, how America will be about—governance for those at the very top, if the growth is they intended to spend funds, putting ‘‘we the people.’’ at best trickled down, coming from the billions of dollars in play with a few They did not say at the start of this top down, and not from the middle out. people sitting in a boardroom, com- document ‘‘we the titans of industry.’’ So let’s commit to changing the di- pletely shielded from any public wit- They did not say ‘‘we the titans of rection we are on, to recreating an ness. commerce.’’ They did not say ‘‘we the economy more similar to those three That is why we have to change cam- rich and powerful.’’ They said ‘‘we the golden decades after 1945, after the end paign finance as a way to reclaim our people.’’ As President Lincoln summa- of World War II, putting people back to ‘‘we the people’’ democracy, to reclaim rized, the genius of our governance is work rebuilding America’s roads and our Constitution, to fend off the titans that it is of the people, by the people, crumbling bridges, raising the min- who are insisting on grabbing every- and for the people. imum wage so that anyone who works thing for the few and not for the ben- With this guiding light America has hard can make ends meet, and keeping efit of the public, the 90 percent. been a great nation. Because of our a cop on the beat to block predatory ‘‘we the people’’ principle, we insisted schemes preying on the middle class. We have to continue to look for ways on a better, fairer, and freer nation for We have a lot to do to tackle the to restore hope for our working fami- all citizens—because we the people de- greatest challenge facing human civili- lies and ensure opportunity for each, to manded that all Americans deserve a zation: saving our planet from the rav- protect the middle class, to empower chance to pursue their full measure of ages of climate change. Today it was the middle class against forces that are happiness, because we the people never announced, as anticipated, that the threatening to overwhelm them, and to stopped reaching for greater prosperity final results are in and 2015 is the build an economy where everyone is and growth to the benefit of all. warmest year on record. This warmth sharing in the economic prosperity In order to address the challenges of and the changing weather is having they are helping to create. our times, we must recapture this ‘‘we profound consequences on our forestry, The bottom line is that we have to the people’’ spirit. We must set aside on our farming, and on our fishing. All make a choice about the kind of coun- politics in favor of progress. We must of these are manifested in my home try we want to live in. I don’t choose a reform a broken system that favors the State of Oregon and virtually every country in which the rules are made by interests of the wealthy and well-con- State represented in this Chamber. and for the very few at the top. I nected over the interests of the Amer- We have to have a ‘‘we the people’’ choose a country embedded in the first ican people. That is the framework, the movement to take on the oil and the three words of our Constitution, where theme that my regular floor speeches coal billionaires, cut carbon pollution, decisions are made by and for the peo- will be about. and pivot rapidly to a clean energy ple of our Nation. I choose a country In this Senate Chamber our priority economy. We certainly have a lot of that honors these Founding principles, should be to build an economy and a work to do to make sure that folks who that comes together to tackle the big government that works for working work hard all their lives can achieve a challenges, that works not for the 1 people, and, as Hubert Humphrey ar- dignified and secure retirement as we percent or the 10 percent but for 100 gued, a government that delivers for watch the pensions in the private percent of Americans. Let us reclaim those ‘‘in the dawn of life . . . in the workplace melt away, slipping through our ‘‘we the people’’ democracy, our twilight of life . . . and those in the our hands. We must set our children up ‘‘we the people’’ vision, and set our Na- shadows of life.’’ for success and expand the promise of tion back on track. We all know that our success is not education, ensuring that our schools Madam President, I suggest the ab- measured by a soaring stock market. meet the demands of a new age and sence of a quorum. America is succeeding when a mom can that all students can attend college The PRESIDING OFFICER. The earn enough not to worry about where without the fear of crushing debt. clerk will call the roll. her kids’ next meal is coming from; To achieve these things through leg- when schools nurture the mind, the islation is certainly possible. We can The senior assistant legislative clerk character, and the creative spirit of envision the pathway for each and proceeded to call the roll. every child; when college is affordable every one of these objectives, but we Mr. LANKFORD. Madam President, I to every family; when each individual cannot do it if this Chamber is essen- ask unanimous consent that the order in our Nation has peace of mind tially owned by the titans of commerce for the quorum call be rescinded. through access to quality and afford- and industry. That, unfortunately, is The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without able health care; when no American what happened in 1976 when the Su- objection, it is so ordered.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:18 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.023 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S111 RECESS The legislative clerk proceeded to NAYS—43 Mr. LANKFORD. Madam President, I call the roll. Baldwin Gillibrand Peters Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Bennet Heinrich Reed ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Blumenthal Hirono ask unanimous consent that the order Reid ate stand in recess as under the pre- Booker Kaine Schatz vious order. for the quorum call be rescinded. Boxer King Schumer There being no objection, the Senate, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Brown Klobuchar Shaheen at 12:26 p.m., recessed until 2:15 p.m. objection, it is so ordered. Cantwell Leahy Stabenow Cardin Markey Tester and reassembled when called to order Carper McCaskill CLOTURE MOTION Udall Casey Menendez by the Presiding Officer (Mr. COATS). Warner The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant Coons Merkley Warren f to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the Donnelly Mikulski Whitehouse AMERICAN SECURITY AGAINST Senate the pending cloture motion, Durbin Murphy Feinstein Murray Wyden FOREIGN ENEMIES ACT OF 2015— which the clerk will state. Franken Nelson MOTION TO PROCEED The senior assistant legislative clerk read as follows: NOT VOTING—2 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Graham Sanders the previous order, the Senate will re- CLOTURE MOTION The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this sume consideration of the motion to We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- proceed to H.R. 4038, which the clerk ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the vote, the yeas are 55, the nays are 43. will report. Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- The legislative clerk read as follows: move to bring to a close debate on the mo- sen and sworn not having voted in the Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 300, tion to proceed to calendar No. 300, H.R. 4038, affirmative, the motion is rejected. H.R. 4038, a bill to require that supplemental an act to require that supplemental certifi- The majority leader. certifications and background investigations cations and background investigations be f be completed prior to the admission of cer- completed prior to the admission of certain tain aliens as refugees, and for other pur- aliens as refugees, and for other purposes. PROVIDING FOR CONGRESSIONAL poses. Mitch McConnell, Rob Portman, John DISAPPROVAL OF A RULE SUB- Thune, Tom Cotton, Steve Daines, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under MITTED BY THE CORPS OF ENGI- James M. Inhofe, Mike Crapo, Thom NEERS AND THE ENVIRON- the previous order, the time until 2:30 Tillis, Roger F. Wicker, Lindsey Gra- p.m. will be equally divided between MENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY— ham, Pat Roberts, John Cornyn, Shel- VETO—Continued the two leaders or their designees. ley Moore Capito, John Boozman, Mi- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, it is un- chael B. Enzi, James E. Risch, John Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I fortunate that the fear and xenophobia McCain. call for regular order with respect to being peddled by some Republican can- The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- the veto message on S.J. Res. 22. didates for President is now being imous consent, the mandatory quorum The PRESIDING OFFICER. The veto given time on the Senate floor. call has been waived. message is the pending business. Instead of solving the real problems The question is, Is it the sense of the The Senate proceeded to reconsider facing Americans—like the student Senate that debate on the motion to the joint resolution. debt crisis or our need for energy inde- proceed to Calendar No. 300, H.R. 4038, CLOTURE MOTION pendence—or responding to real an act to require that supplemental Mr. MCCONNELL. I send a cloture threats to our national security—like certifications and background inves- motion to the desk on the veto mes- our failure to track visa overstays or tigations be completed prior to the ad- sage. prevent terrorists from buying guns— mission of certain aliens as refugees, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- today we are debating a strawman in- and for other purposes, shall be ture motion having been presented spired by Donald Trump’s baseless brought to a close? under rule XXII, the Chair directs the rhetoric. The yeas and nays are mandatory clerk to read the motion. The bill the Republican leader is ask- under the rule. The legislative clerk read as follows: ing us to consider will not make Amer- The clerk will call the roll. CLOTURE MOTION ica safer. In fact, it is a dangerous dis- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- traction that plays into the hands of The senior assistant legislative clerk called the roll. ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the the ISIS propaganda machine. Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Instead of demonizing refugees, who Mr. CORNYN. The following Senator move to bring to a close debate on the veto are the most thoroughly screened is necessarily absent: the Senator from message on S.J. Res. 22, a joint resolution group of people who enter the United South Carolina (Mr. GRAHAM). providing for congressional disapproval States, we should take up and pass the Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Defeat ISIS and Protect and Secure the Senator from Vermont (Mr. SANDERS) Code, of the rule submitted by the Corps of is necessarily absent. Engineers and the Environmental Protection United States Act of 2015. That bill of- Agency relating to the definition of ‘‘waters fers a comprehensive strategy to The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. of the United States’’ under the Federal counter ISIS propaganda and violent TOOMEY). Are there any other Senators Water Pollution Control Act. extremism in the United States and in the Chamber desiring to vote? Mitch McConnell, Tom Cotton, John abroad. It offers real solutions that The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 55, Thune, Johnny Isakson, Steve Daines, will keep us safe rather than nays 43, as follows: Roy Blunt, Cory Gardner, Deb Fischer, Pat Roberts, Thom Tillis, John Cor- scapegoating refugees who are fleeing [Rollcall Vote No. 4 Leg.] nyn, Joni Ernst, David Vitter, Lamar war and torture. YEAS—55 In contrast, the bill we are asked to Alexander, John Barrasso, Ron John- son, Thad Cochran. consider has put forward fresh fodder Alexander Fischer Paul Ayotte Flake Perdue Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous for the false narrative that we are at Barrasso Gardner Portman consent that the mandatory quorum war with Islam. Blunt Grassley Risch I will oppose this House bill. Boozman Hatch Roberts call be waived. Burr Heitkamp Rounds The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Capito Heller ator from North Carolina. Rubio objection, it is so ordered. Cassidy Hoeven Sasse Coats Inhofe Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Mr. BURR. Mr. President, I ask unan- Scott Cochran Isakson ask unanimous consent that notwith- imous consent that the quorum call be Sessions Collins Johnson Shelby standing rule XXII, this cloture vote be equally divided between both sides. Corker Kirk The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Cornyn Lankford Sullivan set at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, January objection, it is so ordered. Cotton Lee Thune 21; further, that if cloture is not in- Mr. BURR. I suggest the absence of a Crapo Manchin Tillis voked, the veto message be indefinitely Toomey quorum. Cruz McCain postponed. Daines McConnell Vitter The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Enzi Moran Wicker The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without clerk will call the roll. Ernst Murkowski objection, it is so ordered.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:28 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.024 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S112 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2016 Mr. MCCONNELL. I suggest the ab- nificant quantities of weapons-grade end—the designation of additional sence of a quorum. plutonium, our ability to intervene and sanctions to punish Iran for its bal- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The to prevent their march toward a nu- listic missile tests. Last fall, in clear clerk will call the roll. clear weapon would have been signifi- violation of the United Nations Secu- The senior assistant legislative clerk cantly harder. rity Council Resolution 1929, Iran con- proceeded to call the roll. Plutonium is one of the most lethal ducted two ballistic missile tests: one Mr. COONS. Mr. President, I ask toxic substances known to man, and on October 10 and one on November 21. unanimous consent that the order for any attack on a heavy water reactor Since then, I and many of my col- the quorum call be rescinded. producing plutonium would have had leagues have been calling on the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without horrible consequences, not just in Iran Obama administration to punish Iran objection, it is so ordered. but throughout the entire region. So for these disruptive, dangerous, and NUCLEAR AGREEMENT WITH IRAN blocking Iran’s short-term pathway blatantly illegal actions. Over the Mr. COONS. Mr. President, 6 months through uranium enrichment and weekend, the administration took ac- ago, world powers reached an agree- through plutonium enrichment is a sig- tion by designating for sanctions 11 ad- ment to constrain Iran’s nuclear pro- nificant step forward and does reflect ditional individuals and business enti- gram and to give us a path forward to- significant restraints on Iran’s nuclear ties involved in supporting Iran’s bal- ward constraining Iran’s nuclear ambi- weapons program. listic missile program. These sanctions tions. While the international commu- As a result of the conditions on this follow a series of steps previously nity has taken some positive steps to deal that I just referenced, the time it taken by the Treasury Department last implement this agreement and to limit would take Tehran to break out and to fall to sanction other Iranians, other Iran’s nuclear program and while Iran dash toward a nuclear weapon, to Iranian-linked individuals and organi- has recently taken positive steps to ob- amass all of the fissile material needed zations for a litany of other dangerous serve and to implement this agree- for a bomb has been extended signifi- and illegal activities: supporting ment, we must do much more to strict- cantly from just 2 months to 3 months Hezbollah officials and agents who ly enforce this deal and aggressively to a year or more. But these positive threaten our vital ally, Israel; sup- push back on Iran’s bad behavior out- developments come with substantial plying financial and material aid to side the deal’s parameters. If we don’t, risks, principally among them is the the Houthi rebels in Yemen; providing this nuclear agreement may not sur- tens of billions of dollars in sanctions military support for the murderous vive into next year. relief that Iran will now receive for Assad regime in Syria; and the list This past weekend was an eventful complying with the terms of the deal. goes on. It is important for all of us, on one for U.S. foreign policy and, in par- Tens of billions of dollars of Iranian as- a bipartisan basis, to remind our allies ticular, for U.S. policy toward Iran. sets, which have long been frozen in throughout the world that American- Saturday marked implementation day bank accounts around the world led sanctions against Iran—for its of this nuclear deal, also known as the through an American-led international human rights violations, for its bal- Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or sanctions effort will now be released. listic missile program, for its support JCPOA. That is why America and our inter- of terrorism—remain in effect and will Implementation day is important be- national partners must continue to ag- be vigorously enforced. cause it means that the International gressively enforce the terms of the deal From conducting these missile tests Atomic Energy Agency, or the IAEA, and to make sure that Iran remains in to supporting terrorism, to continuing has certified that Iran has completed a compliance with every aspect of the to deny the very existence of some whole series of tasks required as part JCPOA. Our work in this area is more basic human rights, Iran has shown of the nuclear agreement. The four urgent and more difficult than it has time and again it will continue to flout international rules and values. The most important of those tasks are been at any point before. We can be United States must continue to main- these: confident that in the coming months tain its unilateral sanctions in these First, it has shipped 12 tons of en- and years the Iranians will test the areas, and we must not hesitate to use riched uranium—nearly its entire boundaries of the deal and will probe these authorities—not just to punish stockpile, which took Iran a decade to our every response. Indeed, they al- Iran for its immediate bad behavior but amass—out of the country to a secure ready have. to send a clear signal to our allies in If we fail to respond more swiftly and facility supervised by the IAEA around the region, throughout the world, and more vigorously to these Iranian the clock. to Tehran that we are serious about Second, it means Iran has reduced provocations, Iran will nibble away at holding Iran accountable. the number of its functioning cen- the deal’s restrictions and gradually Of course, implementation day and trifuges—centrifuges it uses to enrich undermine the international coalition the imposition of sanctions and sanc- uranium—by nearly two-thirds, or that put it together. Every minor vio- tion designations for Iran’s illegal bal- from roughly 19,000 to a little more lation that we permit, every violation listic missile tests weren’t the only sig- than 6,000, and it has accepted long- that we tolerate damages our credi- nificant developments of the new year. term limits on developing, testing, and bility and gives Iran tacit permission We also learned this weekend that deploying new centrifuges. to continue its breaches of the agree- America would soon be able to wel- Third, it means that Iran has pre- ment. come home five innocent Americans sented the IAEA with unprecedented Given this stark, difficult reality, long held unlawfully by Iran. These 24/7 access to monitor all of its nuclear- our efforts to deter Iranian aggression Americans should never have been held related facilities. That is not only en- must not be limited to just enforcing in the first place and their release was richment facilities. That is uranium the nuclear deal, or the JCPOA. Rath- long overdue. The negotiations to re- mines, uranium mills, and centrifuge er, our efforts must be part of a coher- lease these five Americans occurred production facilities—every known and ent, unified regional strategy to con- outside the parameters of the JCPOA. declared site within Iran connected to tain Iran and to push back on its bad While we are grateful for their safe its nuclear program. This level of ac- behavior in the Middle East, a task return, this release also raises some se- cess far exceeds previous IAEA authori- made even more difficult because of its rious questions. We still don’t know ties in countries suspected of trying to newfound access to assets previously the status of retired FBI agent Robert develop a nuclear weapon. frozen. That comprehensive effort to Levinson or his whereabouts. We don’t Fourth—and to me, in ways most im- counter and contain Iran must include know the status of Siamak Namazi, an portantly—Iran has filled the core of a willingness to take unilateral action Iranian-American energy industry ex- its Arak heavy water reactor, pictured by imposing new sanctions on Iran for ecutive arrested in October. It is my here, with concrete, permanently dis- destabilizing actions, both inside and hope there are equally ceaseless efforts abling the most likely short-term path outside the parameters of the nuclear by the administration to bring them that Iran had to producing weapons- agreement. home. grade plutonium. Had Iran proceeded That brings me to the second impor- We have to ask: What did we give up? and had Iran been able to produce sig- tant development of this past week- What were the terms of the agreement?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:28 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.035 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S113 How did we make possible this release? prison and 200 lashes on the charge of gaged, and to remain focused on enforc- A key part that is public is that while insulting sanctities. The filmmaker ing the terms of this nuclear agree- none of the 7 Iranians released were was making a documentary about an ment, on containing Iran, and on deter- convicted of violence, they were none- Iranian artist, based in Europe, who ring their bad behavior, their support theless convicted of criminal acts, and had been accused of blasphemy. for terrorism, their support for human 14 Iranians who may have been con- Nearly two-thirds of the 12,000 can- rights violations, and their relentless victed had the charges against them didates who applied to run in next effort to develop and advance ballistic dropped. The question we are going to month’s parliamentary elections re- missile capability. have to pursue is, What precedent did cently withdrew or were disqualified by As I said before on this floor, the Ira- these prisoner swaps set for our future Iran’s Guardian Council. Iran’s Su- nian Government has long paid close interactions with the Iranian regime? preme Leader said: ‘‘Americans have attention to everything America says It is my hope that we are at the end of set their eyes covetously on elections, and more closely to what America prisoner deals with the Iranian regime. but the great and vigilant nation of does. Never has it been more true than We must remember, though, that de- Iran will act contrary to our enemies’ today. Never has it been more urgent spite the limits imposed by the JCPOA, will, whether it be in elections or on than today. As the regime gains great- Iran continues to destabilize the Mid- other issues, and as before we will er access to money and resources, we dle East and undermine America’s punch them in the mouth.’’ These are must not take our eye off of Iran. goals for the region. Iran’s behavior not the actions or the statements of a I yield the floor. since the JCPOA was signed has made state that respects the rights of its The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- it crystal clear that Iran is neither people or seeks friendship with the ator from Indiana. America’s friend nor ally. We must re- United States in the near future. WASTEFUL SPENDING main suspicious and distrustful of the Just 2 weeks ago I returned from a Mr. COATS. Mr. President, as the Iranian regime. trip to Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel, Presiding Officer knows, throughout In addition to its ballistic missile and Austria. I am grateful to my col- last year’s session I would come to the test I referenced before, the Iranian league from New York, Senator GILLI- Senate floor every week and talk about Revolutionary Guard has conducted BRAND, for organizing this trip, which a waste of the week. That was in 2015. dangerous military operations near included important meetings with nu- We did nearly 30 of those in the 30 U.S. ships, most recently threatening clear inspectors from the IAEA. We weeks that the Senate was in session, the safety of American sailors by con- met with their leadership maybe skipping one or two. It is 2016. ducting a live-fire exercise barely a headquartered in Vienna and had meet- We are in a new year, and I am back for mile from the aircraft carrier, the USS ings with Israeli Prime Minister Ben- the 2016 version of ‘‘Waste of the Harry S. Truman. jamin Netanyahu, Minister of Defense Week.’’ Iran also detained American sailors Ya’alon, and Turkish President The reason I am doing this is because in the Arabian Gulf last week, and it Erdogan, as well as other vital regional I am trying to bring to the attention of did not treat them in a manner con- leaders. The message my colleagues my colleagues and the American people sistent with naval forces rendering as- and I heard from these leaders was sim- the fact that the government is not sistance at sea. While I am pleased our ple, powerful, and clear: America must spending their hard-earned tax dollars sailors were released safely, Iran did reassure our allies that we will not in the most efficient and effective way use the images of those sailors for waver in our commitment to push back that they could. By highlighting these propaganda purposes in an attempt to on Iran, its nuclear program, and its various uses of expenditures in Wash- send a signal to the world about its ca- destabilizing actions in the region. Our ington and abuses of that spending, we pacity to sow chaos in the region. We partners, our allies—and Iran—must alert them to the fact that there are must not turn a blind eye to provo- know and believe through our words significant savings that can be made. cations of Iran in the open seas of the and our actions that we are serious In 2015, we totaled up to nearly $130 Persian Gulf and throughout the re- about preserving the long-term sta- billion of demonstrated examples of gion. I call on the administration and bility of the Middle East and that waste, fraud, and abuse—money that on my colleagues to support signifi- Iran—a revolutionary regime—does not was spent for no purpose whatsoever or cantly increased efforts at maritime share our values or that goal. for a purpose that certainly didn’t interdictions in the gulf and through- As part of this effort, we must reas- qualify for the use of taxpayer dollars out the broader region. We should con- sure, reaffirm, and strengthen our sup- and the abuse of that spending and the duct more joint military exercises with port for our vital ally, Israel. As the fraud that went along with it. This is our valued allies and partners in the administration negotiates a new, long- just scratching the surface. region to make it clear to Iran that we term memorandum of understanding to The Presiding Officer was very much will continue to pursue our interests, provide Israel with the security assist- a part of this and knows that since 2010 and we will counter Iran’s maligned ac- ance it needs to protect itself in the there has been a significant effort, tivities. Again, to remain distrustful of most dangerous neighborhood on much of it a bipartisan effort, to try to Iran and push back on the regional am- Earth, we must insist that joint U.S. deal with the long-range plunge into bitions I think is the only path toward and Israeli strategic planning includes evermore spending and evermore debt a safer, stronger Middle East and an protection of Israel from threats it that is plaguing our country, holding American presence as one of its re- faces from neighboring instability in down our ability to grow as an econ- gional leaders. Syria. We must not allow Israel to be omy, and will have long-term negative No one should mistake Tehran’s com- attacked by Iranian proxies, such as consequences on our generation and pliance with the terms of the nuclear Hezbollah and Hamas. We must work particularly on future generations. agreement for a broader willingness to closely with the Israelis to share intel- Whether it was Simpson-Bowles or respect human rights and engage with ligence and intercept any weapons Domenici-Rivlin or whether it was the the international community in the shipments from Iran to its regional Gang of 12, the Committee of 6 or the rules-based order that we have helped proxies. Vitter committee, many efforts were lead since the Second World War. I If we fail to push back on Iran and made to try to work with the adminis- have seen nothing to indicate that the enforce the terms of the nuclear deal, tration to address the long-term prob- regime in Tehran cares about the well- not only will the agreement collapse, lems. Eventually, each one of those being of the Iranian people, much less but our efforts to show the world that failed. I am not here to impose blame the opinion of the world community. In diplomacy actually works will be dealt on anyone. It would be easy to do. It is October, for example, two Iranian poets a dangerous blow as well. a very difficult problem working with each received 10-year sentences and 99 In the weeks and months to come, I the administration, and sometimes we lashes for kissing members of the oppo- call on the administration to do more have differences between our two par- site sex and shaking their hands. That to push back on Iran, and I call on my ties here, but there was general rec- same month an Iranian award-winning colleagues—Republicans and Demo- ognition—universal recognition—that filmmaker was sentenced to 6 years in crats alike—to come together, to be en- we couldn’t continue down the same

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:28 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.037 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S114 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2016 path of excessive spending, more than based on nothing but numbers, arith- ability? It would be easy to get their we received in revenues, year after metic, and facts—will happen sooner Social Security number and match. year at a frightening pace to ever than anybody anticipates—cannot be But, no, one agency is working over greater debt. put aside. But having failed in those here and another agency is working When this administration took office, major efforts and as long as this Presi- over there. Both are sending out the national debt—accumulated well dent is in office, it appears that we are checks, one of which is illegal, and over 200 years of the existence of this not going to be successful this year. they are not communicating with each country—that debt has nearly doubled This catastrophe will be dumped on the other. It ought to be an easy fix, but in the 8 years this administration has next President’s lap, whoever that this is the Federal Government. been in office and will virtually double President might be, and I thought the On and on it goes. before that term is up. It is very least we could do is continue to Let me talk about No. 30. No. 30 in- unsustainable. look at how to make government more volves the Task Force for Business and The Congressional Budget Office—a efficient, how to prioritize our spend- Stability Operations in Afghanistan. It neutral agency that has nothing to do ing, and how to eliminate and address is a Pentagon business advocacy agen- with Republicans or Democrats or poli- the issue of waste and fraud. cy that was formed to provide con- tics. It simply gives us the numbers I started this program, waste of the tracting work in Afghanistan through and the numbers tell the story. Those week, trying to educate the public in rebuilding. We did this in Iraq, and now numbers are frightening when we look terms of the fact that there is money we are doing it in Afghanistan. It was at the degree to which we continue to out there that can be spent more wise- established for a valid purpose: to en- plunge into debt. ly or that wouldn’t have to be taken courage foreign investment. They have The Congressional Budget Office just from them in the first place or that can a task force, and the task force lives released its latest report, which said be used to reduce our debt. I am now up over there. What we found through the coming deficits will be more than 20 to 30 examples of ways in which we can inspector general—a special inspector percent larger than previously fore- address that. So today I am doing, I be- to ensure that this money that is being cast—previously forecast, just last Au- lieve, No. 30. This is something that spent over there is spent wisely has gust. Depending on some of the actions has to do with our foreign policy. found that millions has been spent on taken here in Congress regarding These wastes of the week have every- private housing for the staff of this spending, the calculation has to be thing from the ridiculous, such as hun- task force instead of allowing those changed, and it is going to be 20 per- dreds of thousands of dollars for a people to utilize excess space at exist- cent more than what they had pro- grant to a university to study whether ing Department of Defense bases. jected just a few months ago. We are massaging rabbits—after strenuous ac- So here is a Department of Defense looking at trillion-dollar deficits on tivity—allows for faster recovery from program. The Department of Defense the horizon. the strain of the rabbits’ work. This is has housing and provisions for food and In my mind, here is the most star- what they are spending your tax dol- shelter and so forth, and they have ex- tling of the 10 recommendations and lars on. I think you can ask any per- cess capacity because we have drawn notices to us: In 10 years, 99 percent of son—whether they are in Little down troops. But instead of putting all revenue that comes in to the Fed- League, high school, professional those people in this area where they eral Government—the cumulation of sports, or college—whether, after can occupy unoccupied space, where everyone’s taxes and all the money strenuous exercise, it helps if you have they can get food through the DOD that flows into Washington through a massage. I think the answer would be process—a much cheaper process—they user fees, excise fees, withholding taxes yes, of course. Everybody knows that, put them in specially furnished, pri- from our paycheck, the taxes we pay but we had to issue a grant of almost vately owned villas and spent $150 mil- either every April or quarterly taxes, $400,000 to somebody who filled out a lion doing it. They have also hired con- every tax out there accumulating, 99 form and said: This is a great idea. tractors to provide—because they are percent will go to mandatory spending Send us some Federal money, and we separate from the Department of De- and net interest spending. will produce this study, and then we fense base, they have to have private If you are for a stronger defense, if will give you the conclusion. security, they have to have food serv- you are for better research at the Na- There is everything from the ridicu- ices provided to them, they have to tional Institutes of Health, if you are lous to issues that are very serious, have bodyguards for staff and visitors, for funding the Centers for Disease such as the duplication of effort in two and they have to have onsite laundry Control and Prevention, if your inter- programs to help people who are out of service, food and drink services, pri- est is education, social welfare, if you work either because of disability or be- vate transportation, cultural advisers, are looking at any of the hundreds, if cause they can’t get a job. One is called and housekeeping services. All of this not thousands, of programs that var- unemployment insurance and the other could be avoided for this task force ious interests have here, if 99 percent is called Social Security disability. To which is there to provide investment of the revenues coming in are going to qualify for Social Security disability, counsel and advice for Afghanistan. things we have no control over—man- you have to prove you can’t work. To Not surprisingly, reports of the datory spending, which is Social Secu- get an unemployment insurance pay- spending drew the attention of the Spe- rity, Medicare, Medicaid—essentially ment from the government, you have cial Inspector General for Afghanistan only 1 percent is left to divide up to prove you can work but there isn’t a Reconstruction, who has spent time among everything else the Federal job. You don’t get both. Yet we identi- digging into finding out exactly what Government does; that is, building fied $5.7 billion of expenditure in dupli- is happening here. He noted that the roads, fixing bridges, grants to cities, cation—people who were getting a exorbitant cost of the villas is espe- environmental interests, on and on we check for both being disabled and not cially concerning, as I have said, be- could go. If 99 percent is going to being able to work and saying: I am cause there are other facilities through spending what we can’t control—sim- able to work, but the job isn’t there. So the Department of Defense that have ply paying interest on the debt and two checks arrive every month in the been planned for this specific purpose covering the entitlement spending of mailbox for these people—to the total that are not being used and it would be Social Security, Medicare, and Med- amount of $5.7 billion. much cheaper if they were used. Be- icaid—it is unsustainable. Those efforts You would think that in this day and cause they are already there, they have failed. It is a pox on all of our age where everything is computerized, don’t to have all this collateral sup- houses. We tried mightily and had no it would be easy for the unemployment port. He said that 20 percent of the ability to bring it to conclusion. insurance agency to call up or to con- task force budget provided housing and That has been kind of pushed off the tact Social Security and say: You security for no more than 5 or 10 staff- table. We didn’t talk about that much know, John Smith here is applying for ers. in the last year of this Congress. The unemployment insurance. Can you Former task force employees told in- focus was on other issues. But this check your records to see whether he is vestigators that the inspector general looming catastrophe that will happen also receiving Social Security dis- estimates that housing a staff of 10 at

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:28 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.038 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S115 the U.S. Embassy in 2014 in Kabul against Americans and against Western about a possible alternative that can would have cost $1.8 million and little civilization. deal with this problem. or nothing if they had bunked with I think the issue we just voted on Several months ago, I came to the troops at a military base. here unfortunately fell short. We didn’t Senate floor and basically said: I think The IG also noted that poor oversight get support from our colleagues across I have a better solution that is perhaps and the complete lack of coordina- the aisle and didn’t have the necessary even more financially feasible. My so- tion—where have we heard that before? number of votes to pass what the House lution is to provide safe havens for Where have we heard about Federal has already passed, and that is to pro- these people either within their coun- programs with a complete lack of co- vide a suspension of time to comply try or simply across the border of other ordination with other programs to see with what our FBI Director has said countries. Turkey and Jordan are tak- if there is duplication, such as Social needs to be done so that we can ensure ing in millions of refugees, but they are Security disability and the unemploy- that people in this refugee flow who are overwhelmed. There is a precedent here ment insurance as an example? That going to be admitted to America under in terms of providing safe havens. has not been provided, he said. the administration’s plan are truly I was serving in the Senate at the He is still investigating all of this, war-torn refugees and not representing time of the Balkan war, and the bru- but what we are going to do today is a terrorist threat to the American pub- tality there was equal to some of the take that $150 million price tag for lic. The FBI Director and our intel- brutality that is taking place in Syria. these Afghanistan villas to the tax- ligence agencies have said we don’t It was a desperate situation, but payer, and we are going to add that. have the necessary tools in place to be through the U.N. agencies for refugee By the way, I have a picture of the able to ascertain this, and until we do, relief and the use of NATO to provide villas. I can see why people might want we cannot guarantee that these refu- security, we created, as a coalition of to live in something like this rather gees do not include people who are not nations, safe havens for people in the than an Army base. But this is tax dol- coming for asylum reasons but are con- Balkans. There were a few mistakes, lars going over to Afghanistan. We nected in one way or another to terror- but in the end it worked very signifi- have a mission over there to complete. ists. I thought it was a very reasonable cantly. I don’t know—this could be in Wash- thing to do to provide for security for These people wanted to go back to ington, DC, or this could be in Indian- Americans and assure them that we are their homes. They wanted to stay citi- apolis, IN. They are pretty nice digs. Is not simply opening the gates here to zens of their country. They had hun- it really necessary to spend that kind terrorist access, to pause and get these dreds of years of history through the of money when other facilities are screening procedures in place before we line of their families in these coun- available, when all the services and allow this to happen. tries, and they didn’t want to try to food are available to maintain these We just had this vote within an hour take on a different language and have and the security is within a Depart- or so and came up short, which is un- to learn different skills in order to as- ment of Defense military base? Do we fortunate, and we did not gain the sup- similate in other countries any more have to go to this level of support with port we needed to get the necessary than we would want to move our people taxpayer dollars? votes from our colleagues. So the effort out to another country if we were in We are adding $150 million to our the House has made once again dies in that situation. ever-growing list of waste, and our the Senate because while we had vir- By creating safe havens and having total is now well over $130 billion of tually every Republican vote, we NATO provide the security to keep cost. That is this week’s waste of the couldn’t get any other votes to get to these safe havens from being attacked week. the necessary level to take up the leg- or misused and by providing a coalition SYRIAN REFUGEES islation and move forward. There may of financial support and enough hu- Mr. President, I also wish to talk be another attempt to do that. manitarian support through the United about the Syrian refugee issue. I had After going and looking and talking Nations and through the world’s na- the opportunity to spend some time in to U.N. associate officials, talking to tions, I said this is a better way to han- Jordan, as a member of the Intel- our government officials, talking to of- dle it, and we succeeded in that effort. ligence Committee, and in Turkey ficials from these various countries and So the precedent is there, and I looking at the situation as it exists in particularly those entry points from thought: Why not use the same model Syria. I also spent time in Italy and northern Africa that come through for Syria? It solves the immigration Greece relative to the humanitarian Italy and from Greece, which comes issue because those people are housed crisis that is taking place, with lit- from Syria and Iraq, the conclusion I in a humanitarian way, with NATO erally hundreds of thousands of people came to was that this flow, which is providing for their safety, which is who are fleeing Iraq, northern Iraq, and now well over 1 million people—tempo- what I suggested. After all, Turkey is fleeing Syria because it is a war-torn rarily slowed here because of the part of NATO. It is a mission in which area, and their migration and all the weather, and it will start up again in NATO would address the problem in issues involved with that migration the spring when it warms up—is over- Europe, where most of the NATO na- and the implications and consequences whelming Europe. You don’t have to tions are housed. Obviously, the United it is having on Europe. watch too much cable news or read too States would take part in it. It is an issue here in the United much of a newspaper to see what is It provides a financial situation to States, resettlement of refugees. It is happening in Europe with the massive the issue. I haven’t been able to cal- overwhelming. These countries cannot inflow of refugees, asylum seekers, and culate this, but the cost of providing even begin to process people coming to the incorporation of people who are not those safe havens can’t exceed the cost their borders to determine whether abiding by the laws, overwhelming the of all the transfer, movement, assimi- they are legitimate or whether they system. lation into the culture, training, edu- are inserted terrorists who are using So as open-arms welcome, as Ger- cation, learning the language, and ev- this flow of migration to gain access to many was under the Chancellor’s proc- erything that has to be provided for Europe, to gain access to the United lamation to ‘‘bring them here, and we those who are going to foreign nations States, and to gain access to other will take care of them,’’ even that is from their homeland. places. They are legitimate people who now under question in terms of Ger- So once again, I am bringing this are leaving with their families to avoid many’s capability of doing that. A suggestion to my colleagues’ attention, the consequences of this war; yet we number of other countries, including and, hopefully, to the attention of know, because we have already Denmark and Hungary, are basically NATO and other countries that are ascertained this, that included in that saying: We can’t handle all of this. It is caught up in this refugee problem and effort are terrorists who want to insert just overwhelming us. The social and asking: Why don’t we reopen the dis- themselves into that flow so they can financial consequences of all of this are cussion and debate about what the cost come to Europe, come to our European a great political, as well as a financial, would be, what it would take to accom- capitals, come to the United States, threat to Europe, and we have seen evi- plish it in order to create these safe ha- and continue their brutality and jihad dence of that. No one is really talking vens in areas close to or within the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:42 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.040 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S116 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2016 borders of the countries from which says: We are overwhelmed in terms of ment to the right to life—a right that they are coming from? It addresses a trying to keep track of people whom those of us in positions of power have multitude of problems that are over- we suspect are trying to do harm to the an obligation to protect. whelming the capability of European American people. I think because of When visiting with these young advo- nations and have created a political that issue alone, as well as the other cates, I have been struck by the clarity storm of opposition both in Europe as issues involved here, this is a model we with which they march. Motivated by a well as in the United States, and it le- ought to take a serious look at. joy for life, a love for life, they come to gitimately gives those refugees safe Once again, I am calling for that, and Washington, DC, not to condemn, but harbor, humanitarian support, and I will talk more about that as we go rather to affirm that all life is sacred housing conditions. It gives them food, forward. and to encourage a broader realization water, and humanitarian and medical I am now finished with my two pres- of that in our Nation. support at their safe haven rather than entations. Every opportunity they have while have them flowing into other coun- I suggest the absence of a quorum. they are here they will use to educate tries. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. and to encourage a point of view that So, once again, I am calling for this. GARDNER). The clerk will call the roll. protects life. As other times in our Germany estimates that last year The senior assistant legislative clerk struggle for civil rights in our country, alone the cost of the refugee crisis was proceeded to call the roll. they will make progress to pursue and 21 billion euros, and in dollars it would Mr. MORAN. Madam President, I ask secure the right to life, and none of be even more. Italy spent 620 million unanimous consent that the order for those things have happened as quickly euros in 2014 and more than 800 million the quorum call be rescinded. as we would like. euros in 2015. Individual islands in The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. As we work to expedite the day when Greece spent between 1 and 1.5 billion CAPITO). Without objection, it is so or- the unborn are protected under law, I euros last year, and they can’t afford dered. welcome to our Nation’s capital all it. We all know that Greece can’t begin RIGHT TO LIFE FOR THE UNBORN Kansans, as well as the hundreds of to afford this. They have said: We have Mr. MORAN. Madam President, Kan- thousands more who will join them as enough financial problems trying to sans celebrate a rich history of pro- they march for life. Every great move- take care of our own people, let alone tecting man-made laws that deny nat- ment begins with the first step, and the massive influx of refugees. Some- ural rights. We have protested many these young Kansans can be certain times they get 10,000 refugees a day in things over a long period of time, and their march will not be in vain. their country who say: We are here, we our history is significant in that re- Madam President, I yield the floor. want to eat, we want a place to sleep, gard. After years of bloodshed leading The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- and we need to be taken care of. to the Civil War, Kansas was born a ator from Maine. Greece is saying: We can’t even take free State. Though we lament the use PRICE SPIKES IN DECADES-OLD PRESCRIPTION care of our own, let alone the refugees. of any violence, residents of our State DRUGS It is creating tremendous tension and have acted on the firm conviction that Ms. COLLINS. Madam President, I tremendous political consequences for human beings, regardless of their stage rise today with my friend and col- many European nations. The EU allo- or state in life, could not be regarded league, the Senator from Missouri, cated 560 million euros for the crisis as property by other people. Mrs. MCCASKILL, to inform our col- last year, which is far too short. But in We take pride in the fact that one of leagues of an important development that context, this money can be used the first sit-ins of the civil rights in the investigation underway by the to address the problem of funding for movement took place at the Dockum Special Committee on Aging as we ex- these safe havens, avoiding all of the Drugstore in Wichita, KS, leading the amine the sudden and dramatic price cultural, political, and social dynamics way for peaceful protests in the strug- hikes for certain decades-old prescrip- that are a part of this refugee flow and gle for equality. tion drugs. creating so many problems there. Today I wish to call attention to a First, let me provide the Presiding I have kind of given an outline here somber anniversary in our Nation’s Officer and our colleagues with some of what I think we ought to seriously history that will be observed this week. background on our investigation to consider as we are looking at the ref- Forty-three years ago, the Supreme date. Given that 90 percent of seniors ugee crisis. For those who say America Court determined an unborn child has take at least one prescription drug is not a welcoming country, that is not no guaranteed right to life under the every month, the egregious price in- true. Constitution, paving the way to de- creases we have witnessed on these My mother is an immigrant. I am the stroy the lives of 57 million unborn older drugs that are no longer under son of an immigrant. She came here as children since 1973. patent protection could inflate the cost a young child with her sisters and Many Kansans, most of them very of health care by hundreds of millions brothers the legal way. My mother and young, will continue a decades-long of dollars each year. Concerned not father learned the language and tradition of standing up for the civil only about the high costs but also worked hard so that we could get a rights of an unprotected class of people about the potential risk that patients good education and assimilate into the as they come to Washington, DC. With will not be able to access the prescrip- United States. their chaperones, they will comprise tion drugs they need, we launched a bi- But now we simply don’t have the ca- one of the Nation’s largest groups at- partisan investigation early last No- pability. It is not wise to simply open tending the annual March for Life. vember into the causes, effects, and po- our borders and say: Come one; come They come each January, when it is tential solutions to these massive and all. Maybe that was possible before rarely warm, and, as is forecast for this unjustified price increases. ISIL, ISIS, Al Qaeda, and these other Friday’s march, it will be snowy, cold, Our investigation is focused on four terrorist groups were formed, but and probably very miserable. Despite companies that recently acquired six today we have a major national secu- the elements—despite the weather— drugs that were decades old—drugs rity issue combined with the ability to when the hundreds of thousands of whose patents had expired long ago— assimilate refugees from other coun- youth walk down Constitution Avenue and then these companies, after pur- tries. past the Capitol and the Supreme chasing these drugs, dramatically The security issue alone puts us in a Court, they give witness to the sanc- hiked their prices. The four companies position where we just simply can’t tity of human life from the moment of are Turing Pharmaceuticals, Valeant provide the kind of security for the conception. They protest abortion pro- Pharmaceuticals, Retrophin, Incor- American people without screening and viders receiving taxpayer dollars. They porated, and Rodelis Therapeutics. background checks because ISIL said: object to government policies that vio- Of these four, Turing Pharma- We are doing this. Look at California late freedom of conscience. ceuticals, previously led by its founder and these other places where they are These Kansans have made a 20-hour Martin Shkreli, is the company that inspired over the Internet or injected bus ride and will yet again brave cold has received the most attention. In Au- into our country. The FBI Director weather to demonstrate their commit- gust of last year, Turing acquired the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:28 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.042 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S117 drug Daraprim. Daraprim is considered Fifth Amendment to the Constitution 2, 2015. Please submit the material respon- to be the gold standard for the treat- and was therefore refusing to produce sive to this request as it becomes available, ment of toxoplasmosis, a disease re- any documents in response to the De- rather than waiting to provide it all at once. sulting from a parasite infection that cember 24 subpoena. So this is the im- In order to facilitate this production, we re- quest that you schedule a time to meet and can be particularly harmful to infants portant new development. He has cho- confer on the Request with Committee Staff born to infected mothers. sen, in response to a document sub- as soon as it is practicable for you to do so. Despite the fact that Daraprim has poena for Turing documents that may The jurisdiction of the Special Committee been on the market for 63 years, Turing be in his personal possession, to invoke on Aging is set forth in Section 104 of S. Res. bought the drug and then promptly the Fifth Amendment. 4, agreed to February 4, 1977. raised its price from $17.63 to a whop- To be clear, Mr. Shkreli is essen- We appreciate your attention to this mat- ping $750 per pill. tially arguing that the very act of pro- ter. Should you have any questions, please The other three companies also dra- ducing and authenticating documents do not hesitate to have your staff contact matically increased the prices of the that are seemingly unrelated to the Samuel Dewey of the Majority Staff at (202) 224–2798, or Cathy Yu of the Minority Staff at drugs they acquired from between 300 charges filed against him may incrimi- (202) 224–7752. Please direct all official cor- to 2,000 percent. nate him. The committee has asked respondence to the Committee’s Chief Clerk, On November 4, we wrote to the com- him through counsel for an explanation Matt Lawrence. panies asking for detailed information of the rationale for this argument, and Sincerely, regarding their pricing decisions. I ask we are awaiting a response. The com- SUSAN M. COLLINS, unanimous consent that our letter be mittee is troubled by his unsupported Chairman, U.S. Senate printed in the RECORD at the conclu- invocation, given that the Turing docu- Special Committee sion of my remarks. ments we have requested appear to be on Aging. Around the same time, Turing CEO CLAIRE MCCASKILL, unrelated to the charges brought Ranking Member, U.S. Shkreli was actively engaged in online against him. Absent a valid justifica- Senate Special Com- postings and other communications tion of the grounds for invoking the mittee on Aging. discussing Turing business, using what Fifth Amendment, Mr. Shkreli’s asser- SCHEDULE A appeared to be his own personal elec- tion could hinder our important inves- 1. Any analysis conducted by Turing relat- tronic devices. tigation. ing to the price of Daraprim. On November 12, 2015, the Aging Our committee is seeking to under- 2. Any analysis in Turing’s possession, cus- Committee asked the counsel for stand how companies can acquire pre- tody, or control relating to the price of Turing to take reasonable steps to en- scription drugs—drugs for which they Daraprim; exclusive of documents responsive sure that any business records on Mr. had nothing to do with the research to Schedule A, Specification 1, herein. Shkreli’s personal devices be properly and development, drugs that in some 3. My communications with Turing’s Board preserved and produced. Turing still cases are more than half a century of Directors relating to Daraprim. has not provided the Aging Committee 4. Any documents generated by the Turing old—and then suddenly impose dra- Board of Directors relating to Daraprim. with clear assurances that it will do so, matic price increases on those drugs at 5. My projected or historical financial data notwithstanding the fact that they the expense of infants, vulnerable sen- relating to Daraprim, including, but not lim- have told us that Mr. Shkreli was iors, and others with devastating dis- ited to, costs, revenues, profits, losses, and ‘‘principally involved for Turing in all eases for which in some cases these cash flows. aspects of the transactions and the de- drugs are the gold standard for treat- 6. Any projected or historical financial cisions covered by’’ our November 4 ment. data relating to Turing’s research and devel- letter. So far the Special Committee on opment, including, but not limited to, re- On December 9, 2015, we issued a sub- Aging has received nearly 20,000 docu- search and development relating to Daraprim. poena for documents to Mr. Shkreli in ments over the course of this investiga- 7. Any documents evaluating any product his capacity as CEO, compelling Turing tion. The documents the Senator from market that includes, directly or indirectly, to produce the information that had Missouri and I are seeking on behalf of Daraprim, regardless of the definition of the been sought by our November 4 letter. the committee likely include informa- geographic market, including, but not lim- On December 15, 2015, we learned that tion that is essential in order for us to ited to, analysis of barriers to entry thereto. Mr. Shkreli had been indicted on seven fully understand why this phenomenon 8. Any documents evaluating any market counts unrelated to Turing and pre- is happening and to develop the legisla- share that includes Daraprim, or the market dating the company’s corporate exist- tive and regulatory solutions to end power of that market share, for any product market or geographic market; exclusive of ence. The next day Turing announced this disturbing practice. documents responsive to Schedule A, Speci- Mr. Shkreli’s resignation as CEO but There being no objection, the mate- fication 7, herein. left unclear whether or not he re- rial was ordered to be printed in the 9. Any communications with Impax relat- mained on its board of directors. RECORD, as follows: ing to Daraprim. The fact that the company has not UNITED STATES SENATE, 10. Any documents relating to Impax’s sale made it clear that it would act to pre- SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING, of Daraprim to Turing. serve Turing business records in its Washington, DC, November 4, 2015. 11. Any contracts entered into by Turing former CEO’s possession left the com- Mr. MARTIN SHKRELI, that are related to the production, mar- Chief Executive Officer, Turing Pharma- keting, and sale of Daraprim. mittee deeply concerned that we might 12. Any marketing or pricing plans pre- not receive all documents relevant to ceuticals LLC, Avenue of the Americas, 39th Floor, New York, NY. pared for, or being used in, the sale or adver- our investigation. Therefore, on De- DEAR MR. SHKRELI: The United States Sen- tisement of Daraprim, including all docu- cember 21 of last year, the committee ate Special Committee on Aging is con- ments related thereto. requested that Turing provide detailed ducting an investigation into the pricing of 13. My documents relating to Patient As- information on the steps it was taking off-patent drugs in certain circumstances. sistance Programs relating to Daraprim. to preserve these records. Once again, We seek your cooperation with this inves- 14. My documents relating to Daraprim however, Turing failed to produce an tigation so that the Committee may better and Imprimis. 15. Any documents relating to the price of adequate response to our request. understand drug pricing and related regu- latory and public policy concerns. Daraprim that have been produced pursuant Consequently, the Special Committee In particular, the Committee wishes to to an investigative inquiry by any federal, on Aging issued another document sub- learn more about Turing Pharmaceuticals’ state, or local government entity. poena—this one directly to Martin recent acquisition of the rights to sell 16. My analysis relating to Daraprim and Shkreli himself—on December 24. It di- Daraprim, a drug used to treat and prevent any statute or regulation administered by rected him to produce substantially infections, from Impax Laboratories and the FDA. the same documents sought by the Turing’s subsequent decision to increase the 17. Any communications with the FDA re- committee’s December 9 subpoena. By price of Daraprim from $13.50 per tablet to lating to Daraprim; exclusive of documents $750.00. responsive to Schedule A, Specifications 15 a letter dated January 12, 2016, counsel In order to assist us in our investigation, or 16, herein. informed our committee that Mr. we ask that you provide us with the docu- 18. Any documents relating to Daraprim Shkreli was categorically invoking the ments set forth in Schedule A and the infor- and the Health Resources and Services Ad- act of production privilege under the mation set forth in Schedule B by December ministration’s 340B Drug Discount Program;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:42 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.043 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S118 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2016 exclusive of documents responsive to Sched- developed them were purchased, and between the documents and a criminal ule A, Specifications 13, 16, or 17, herein. then they exploded in price. This is proceeding or if the documents are cor- 19. Any projected or historical financial something we need to understand. porate documents, the courts are very data related to Daraprim and Medicare or Medicaid; exclusive of documents responsive These drugs are lifesaving drugs. This clear that they should be turned over to Schedule A, Specifications 5, 6, or 15–18, is something that adversely affects to authorities. herein. many Americans with these drugs. But I appreciate the chairman’s conscien- 20. Any documents notating, memori- the problem that is represented here tious and dogged pursuit of this inves- alizing, or summarizing a communication, or could have much broader implications. tigation. I will continue to cooperate a portion thereof, responsive to Schedule A, Prescription drug prices have in- and assist in any way possible. I look Specifications 3, 9, or 17, herein. creased by 13 percent in 2015, and they forward to continuing the important SCHEDULE B are up 76 percent in the past 5 years— work of the Special Aging Committee’s 1. State: more than eight times the rate of infla- investigation into drug prices, and I a. A list of all countries where Daraprim is tion. A recent national poll shows that can assure the public that with the sold (or is expected to be sold in the next two the affordability of prescription drugs work that Chairman COLLINS is doing years from the date of this letter) and the was Americans’ top health concern. along with our staffs and the other corresponding price or planned price for each country. This problem appears to continue members of the committee, we will get b. In detail, how Turing reached the price unabated as we speak. Just last week, some answers. for each country. there were reports in the Wall Street Thank you, Madam President. c. How the revenue, costs, and any dis- Journal that several major drug com- Ms. COLLINS. Madam President, I counts associated with international sales panies have all raised prices on drugs, suggest the absence of a quorum. are accounted for within Turing. some by double digits in the last The PRESIDING OFFICER. The 2. State in detail any changes Turing has month alone. clerk will call the roll. made, or plans to make, to Daraprim or the We need to get to the bottom of why The senior assistant legislative clerk administration of the drug. proceeded to call the roll. 3. Identify the Turing employee responsible we are seeing such huge spikes in these for setting the price of Daraprim. drug prices. In the course of the inves- Mr. BENNET. Mr. President, I ask 4. Identify the names and addresses of all tigation, we have received quite a bit unanimous consent that the order for companies owned in whole or in part by of pushback from lobbyists and insid- the quorum call be rescinded. Turing that are involved in the production, ers. One industry lobbyist said if we The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. LEE). marketing, and sale of Daraprim and any of wanted to cure cancer, we better leave Without objection, it is so ordered. its components. the drug companies alone. That is ab- AMERICAN SAFE ACT 5. State the total expense to Turing related Mr. BENNET. Mr. President, all to the acquisition of Daraprim. surd. 6. State in detail all known uses of We want to encourage innovation, across the Middle East and Europe, Daraprim by medical professionals, includ- and that is why the investigation is hundreds of thousands of refugees are ing both on-label and off-label uses. being handled so responsibly by Sen- fleeing the medieval barbarism of ISIS 7. State in detail all known protocols, of ator COLLINS. We want to protect those and the violent cruelty of the Assad re- which Daraprim is a component, used by in research and development, but we gime. Out of a population of 22 million, medical professionals, including both on- can do so while taking a hard look at more than 4 million Syrians have fled label and off-label uses. price gouging and the hedge fund-like to neighboring countries. These refu- 8. For each discrete communication that did not occur via document, but which would behavior of some pharmaceutical com- gees—almost all of them women and have been responsive to Specifications 1–19 panies. children—have been living away from of Schedule A if made via document, state: I believe Congress has both the abil- their homes for years in Jordan, Tur- (a) The method of communication. ity and the duty to conduct a thorough key, or other host countries, struggling (b) The date and time of the communica- investigation of this issue, and I am to survive, struggling to be free. Hun- tion. proud to be a part of this bipartisan in- dreds of thousands have decided to (c) The author and addressee of the com- vestigation led by Chairman COLLINS make the dangerous journey to Europe. munication. so that we can find policy solutions (d) The relationship of the author and ad- Many perish along the way. According dressee to each other. that will help Americans. As she indi- to the United Nations, over 3,200 refu- (e) A general description of the commu- cated, we have already requested and gees attempting to reach Europe died nication. received over 20,000 documents from or went missing in 2015 alone. Information responsive to this question multiple sources and have conducted Throughout our history, when we should be produced in a native Excel file. more than 60 interviews with relevant have been at our best, the United Ms. COLLINS. Madam President, I stakeholders, and we plan to continue States has accepted the world’s most yield now to the ranking member of our investigative efforts until we have vulnerable seeking refuge from vio- the Special Committee on Aging, my assembled a sufficiently complete pic- lence and murder. Our principles don’t colleague Senator MCCASKILL. ture so that we can be confident that mean very much if we jettison them The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- any proposed policy solutions are well when we find them politically incon- ator from Missouri. informed and targeted to the specific venient or difficult to live by. Mrs. MCCASKILL. Madam President, problems we have identified. In order The legislation we voted on today first I want to compliment the chair- to do that, it is important that we get represents a significant departure from man of the committee for her remarks, all of the documents that have been re- our proud history. It would require the which presented, I think, a very thor- quested. Secretary of the Department of Home- ough and complete look at what the The privilege against self-incrimina- land Security, the Director of the FBI, committee is doing and why we are tion is an extraordinarily important and the Director of National Intel- doing it. and sacred constitutional right. It is a ligence to personally certify that each There are different ways that people right that this body believes in pro- refugee from Syria and Iraq poses no can do business in the Capitol. There is tecting, and we in no way want to security threat before admission into the one-off press conference, there is erode it. But as a former prosecutor, I the United States and would effectively the topic of the day that everyone am also very aware of its limitations. halt the refugee process. This is not scurries to get attention for, and then In order to invoke the Fifth Amend- the reason I opposed the legislation. It there is the professional, plodding, ment, there needs to be a nexus be- is worth noting it is likely those three complete investigation into a very im- tween the documents and the informa- officials would be able to do nothing portant public policy issue. That is the tion that one is refusing to provide else during the course of the day to kind of investigation that Chairman under the privilege and an actual fear keep us secure because they would be COLLINS is leading—one that is respon- of self-incrimination in a criminal pro- busy signing certifications. sible, thorough, and, frankly, grounded ceeding. We are asking for documents It is very clear, from all the testi- in a deep belief that the American peo- that on their face have no apparent mony we have heard at our committees ple have the right to know why these connection to any ongoing criminal and people who are experts in this area, obscure drugs and the companies that proceeding. If there is no connection that a blanket prohibition like this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:42 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.009 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S119 doesn’t actually make us safe. Refu- to fake. These are big changes to make shores of beautiful America in 1950. We gees are the most thoroughly vetted the American people safer. Together, have been happy here ever since beyond group of anyone entering the United these changes will help stop terrorists our greatest dreams and expectations States. Let’s start with that. The from coming to the United States, but with democracy, freedom, and love and United States first screens them and there are still important parts of the humanity’s greatest treasure. We hope collects biometric data. Only those bill we must pass, including requiring that when you grow up you will help to who pass are then referred to the individuals using the Visa Waiver Pro- develop in other parts of the world a United States—and refugees don’t even gram to submit biometric data such as greater understanding of these Amer- know which country they are going to fingerprints and photos before boarding ican values. be referred to when they approach the a plane to the United States, working We have very few opportunities to United Nations. Then multiple agen- with our European partners to close live by our values. This is one of those cies—including DHS, the FBI, the their borders to the flow of foreign times. In this case it is not about de- State Department, and our intelligence fighters heading to ISIS and back, re- veloping them, as my grandparents agencies—conduct a rigorous screening quiring better information sharing on worried during the Cold War, in other process. This includes health checks, foreign fighters and dangerous individ- parts of the world. This is making sure repeated biometric checks, several lay- uals. that we hold on to the values that have ers of biographical and background This is not to say that a refugee—or defined us as a nation, that have sepa- screenings and interviews. Out of the even a U.S. citizen—is not vulnerable rated us from so many other nations in 23,000 individuals referred to the United to radicalization. We need to be vigi- the world and made this a place where States, only about 2,000 have been ac- lant about that. Americans are justifi- my grandparents and my mom were cepted. It should be understood by peo- ably concerned about the reality of the able to come and achieve the American ple in this body—and I hope it is under- threat and the dangerous world in dream—a dream that would have stood by the American people—that no which we live today. We must counter seemed unimaginable to them during refugee enjoys a presumption of ac- terrorist groups’ ability to radicalize the Holocaust. Mr. President, I yield the floor. ceptance into the United States. The using social media, both here at home reverse is true. They are required to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- and abroad. Our country needs a much ator from Oklahoma. pass the most stringent standards of better strategy for countering and de- any group seeking to enter the United OUR VALUE FOR LIFE grading ISIS propaganda and its re- Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, it is States—a process applicants must en- cruitment machine. We have to develop dure with uncertainty for over 2 years. a basic American value: Families. creative and agile technologies to ef- America has gotten particular about So instead of playing politics, in my fectively degrade the ability of ter- view we ought to be having a serious our families. We love our families and rorist organizations like ISIS and oth- we love our kids. It is one of the strug- discussion about how actually to keep ers to persuade, inspire, and recruit by our country safe and what will make it gles we have had recently as a nation using social media. Congress should because we have seen this collapse of safer. One of the things I learned when also pass the Senate immigration bill I the American family, this basic value. we were working on the immigration mentioned earlier, which included a We see that unit struggling. Families bill in the Senate—which still hasn’t historic investment to secure our bor- begin, a husband and a wife, in that in- passed the House. I would remind ev- ders and enhance our interior enforce- credible moment when a lady looks at erybody, the only bill to secure our ment. a pregnancy test, sees that little line, border, the only bill to provide internal As a reminder to everybody here, this and realizes there is a baby on the way. security when it comes to immigration bill would double the number of border Forty-three years ago as a country was the bill that passed through the agents, expand fencing, implement new there was a decision made by the Su- Senate that has never been taken up by technology and resources, address visa preme Court. That decision forever the House in any form. One of the overstays, and provide for full moni- changed the structure of our families, things I learned was that of the 11 mil- toring of every inch of our southern forever changed the values within the lion undocumented people in the border. By addressing real vulnerabili- country, because the values shifted 43 United States, 40 percent of them—al- ties and investing in smart security so- years ago, and it changed from there is most half—are people who came law- lutions, we can protect our borders and a baby on the way to that family gets fully to the United States but over- also—and also—live by our values. to choose if that is a baby or not. To stayed their visa, and we have no way We cannot allow ourselves to return literally be able to say, based on the of tracking that. We have no way of to dark periods in our history when preference of the mom, it is tissue or it understanding who those people are. Americans debated turning away those is a baby, we should handle those two This legislation would have fixed that. fleeing cruelty around the world. things very differently. I would have loved to have seen the My mom who was born in Poland in I can remember distinctly in my fam- House pass a companion piece of legis- 1938 while Nazi tanks amassed at the ily 19 years-plus ago now, when we saw lation, but that concerns me because borders—she and her parents miracu- that little line on the pregnancy test there are a bunch of people in here who lously survived—Polish Jews—miracu- and we started getting a house ready haven’t been vetted at all. So instead lously survived one of the worst human and getting things organized and we of playing politics, we ought to figure events in human history, and they sur- started trying to figure out how to get out what we can do. vived it in and around Warsaw. They our finances in order and everything Another example. A group of us have lived there for 2 years after the war ready to go because there was a baby introduced a bill that strengthens the and then went to Stockholm for a year, on the way. In those first moments, be- Visa Waiver Program, which terrorists Mexico City for a year, and then they fore my wife could even feel that she can exploit to enter the United States. came to . They came to was pregnant, we found out that she Currently, over 25 million people come the one country in the world where was. That was a child coming to our to the United States every year they felt they could rebuild their shat- family. She has a name now. Her name through this program. Our legislation tered lives. is Hannah. With the first of our two addresses important security vulnera- On my first birthday—when I was 1 daughters—Hannah and Jordan—we un- bilities and closes the program to for- year old, 1965, 15 years after my mom derstand full well how things started eign fighters. The omnibus we just and her grandparents came to the and what things were like in those ear- passed in December included some im- country—my grandparents sent me a liest days. It is remarkable to me that portant parts of our bill. It prevents birthday card. This is what they said in so much of the conversation now cir- people who have traveled to terrorist that card. They wrote in English, by cles around preference. At that mo- hot spots in the last 5 years—including the way, 15 years after they came to ment we knew that if we didn’t do Iraq and Syria—from even using the the United States: The ancient Greeks something right away to actually Visa Waiver Program. It also requires gave the world the high ideals of de- reach into the womb and take that all travelers using the program to have mocracy in search of which your dear child out of the womb—Planned Par- electronic passports, which are harder mother and we came to the hospitable enthood and other folks would say

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:28 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.047 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S120 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2016 ‘‘just to remove the tissue’’—that if can’t have that one. You have to de- they are reaching into the womb, giv- something wasn’t done from that mo- stroy the second child. Now, in their ing anesthetic to the child, and they ment on, there was a baby coming, a benevolence, China has shifted to say can actually see exactly what the im- baby who would look up into our face you can have up to two children in cer- perfections are so when they go in to and would smile and would have a tain areas and in certain regions, but if do surgery, they can practice on the name. you have a third one, you have to de- outside before they reach into the in- Americans have lost track of this stroy that child. In America, for what- side. basic principle. That is not tissue in ever reason, we have individuals with The technology continues to ad- the womb. When that pregnancy test the freedom to be able to say: I prefer vance. I say to my colleagues, at what comes up positive, that is a baby. Re- for this not to be a child. Suddenly, point will our laws catch up with our gardless of the preference of any indi- somehow our culture says: OK. You can science? How long will we deny clear vidual, that is a baby on the way. Cells pick. science and not understand that is a are dividing. For many they don’t find The Supreme Court in 1973 looked at child? out for maybe a couple of months even this issue, and they argued a lot about I think in the decades ahead, our Na- and begin to figure out something is viability, what they call quickening. tion will catch up to the science and really changing and they do a quick This conversation about viability real- will look back on a season in our coun- test. Sometimes by the time they even ly circled around whether States could try when we ignored the obvious: When do a test there is a beating heart there. actually make laws protecting the a pregnancy test says positive, that is They look in with a sonogram and lives of children once they reach viabil- not positive for tissue; that is positive count 10 fingers, 10 toes. If you were to ity. In 1973, viability was very different for a baby. reach in and do a DNA test, you would than what it is today. In the NICU I also want to affirm thousands of find out that lump of tissue that is in units—neonatal intensive care units— volunteers around the country—many there is not tissue. It has DNA dif- you will find a very large area in most of them coming this week to the March ferent than the mom, different than hospitals. You ought to go by and visit for Life—who serve every single week the dad. That is a child. It is a unique and walk into an NICU area because in crisis pregnancy centers around the life. That life is not determined based you will find many rooms and many country, who lovingly walk with moms on a preference. That life is determined beds there. Decades ago that wasn’t through some of the most difficult days based on that dividing cell as a child true because children at 22 weeks and of their lives as they make hard deci- with 10 fingers and toes. 24 weeks didn’t survive before. Now a sions. With great compassion, they I can’t think of anything else we higher and higher percentage are. walk them through a tough pregnancy. have in America where anyone can say, There are children who are in Okla- Then they are with them in the days based on their preference, I choose for homa City right now in NICU who after delivery, bringing diapers to that to be alive or I choose for that not weigh just a tiny bit more than two them, bringing formula to them, help- to be alive. I can’t just look at this iPhones. That is their weight when ing them in those early moments. desk and say I choose to call that a life they are born—just a tiny bit more Thousands of volunteers around the because we know life has basic criteria. than two iPhones in weight. Yet they country do that every single week. It has dividing cells. It can function on are growing up to be healthy, produc- Good for them. Good for our country. its own. It can reproduce. It is life. We tive kids. They are children. Good for our value for life. I am always know what life is. We can’t casually We are getting better at NICU as proud when Americans stand up for say one thing is life and one thing is well, learning how to provide oxygen so other Americans no matter how weak not, just like we casually don’t just try their lungs develop. I visited some of they are. to fight off the destruction of tissue in the physicians in the NICU at OU Chil- I yield the floor. other ways. dren’s Hospital over the Christmas The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- I always smile when I hear some break and said: What have we learned? ator from Delaware. folks on the other side of this argu- What have we gained? Is this getting AMERICAN SAFE ACT ment say they want abortion to be better? Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, the ter- safe, legal, and rare. I hear it all the They talked about how we feed dif- rorist attacks that we have seen over time—safe, legal, and rare. When some- ferently now than we did decades ago. the last couple of months, including one says that to me, I always ask the At NICU, we understand how they are those tragically in Paris and San question: Why rare? I understand safe developing and receive food, and we Bernardino, CA, have made it all too and legal. Why would you care if it is want their digestive systems to de- clear that terrorists’ threats to Ameri- rare? If it is just tissue, why does it velop. Things are very different now in cans and to our allies are very real. matter if you remove it? science. It is forcing the country to I believe the best way to combat the No one has a big national movement rethink an issue again: When is a child threat of ISIS across our globe is to to fight individuals from taking warts a child? And in our basic American val- continue to degrade and destroy their off their hands because everyone ues, should we stand up for them? forces overseas and show the world knows, if you have a wart on your I believe we should. I am amazed at that they are not as powerful as they hand, it is just tissue and no one cares the number of moms who—if they will claim to be. Our success will not only if you take that off. They understand get a sonogram and see the picture of rob them of their safe haven but will that really is your body. It is a wart on their child in their womb, they under- also undercut their recruitment nar- your hand and it doesn’t look good, so stand clearly that is not tissue; that is rative that ISIS is on the rise. But in take it off. Everyone is fine with that. a face looking back at them. Those are addition to destroying ISIS overseas, For some reason there is a push to say fingers and toes that they can count. we must also focus on defeating the safe, legal, and rare when it comes to There is a beating heart there. That is threat of ISIS here at home. abortion because I believe inherently not random tissue. I realize that many Americans and even the individuals who say safe, In fact, I don’t know if you knew many of our colleagues are concerned legal, and rare understand it is not just this, but they can now do 3–D about terrorists traveling to our bor- tissue or you wouldn’t say it has to be sonograms and then send the sonogram ders as refugees from Syria or maybe rare. You understand it is an incredibly to a 3–D printer and actually print out some other country. As many of my painful, difficult decision that a mom a model of what the child looks like in colleagues may recall, late last year we is making because she knows in her gut the womb in that exact position. Not debated the question regarding the re- that is not tissue. That is a child, a only is that cool as a parent, to be able settlement of 4 million Syrian refugees child who would one day have a name to say that I can actually hold a model and whether we in this country should and a smile. That is a child. of what my child looks like right now open our doors to even a small fraction In China the government gets to de- at 20 weeks of development, 28 weeks of of them. We debated it right here on cide whether it is just tissue or a child development and to be able to see and the Senate floor, as some of you recall, because the government will step in look at their face, but it is revolu- and we debated it in our committees, and say: If you have a second child, you tionary for physicians that at 20 weeks including the Homeland Security and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:58 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.048 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S121 Governmental Affairs Committee, they are vetted by people, interviewed tive shooter incidents. The legislation where I serve as the senior Democrat. by people who are trained to detect de- also makes several improvements to During that debate, I was reminded ception. the security of low-level radiological of the words of Pope Francis’s historic We have the ability to check these material so that potentially dangerous and moving address to a joint session people against any number of the data- material does not fall into the hands of of Congress in the House Chamber last bases that relate to potential terrorist terrorists who might use it to create a fall when he reminded us of the Golden activity. If I were an ISIS person want- dirty bomb. Rule—to treat other people the way we ing to embed myself with a terrorist One particular area I want to focus want to be treated, to love our neigh- group, I am not going to wait 2 years to on, though, is countering violent extre- bors as ourselves. He also invoked Mat- do that and face the most rigorous of mism. As the tragedy in San thew 25, which deals with ‘‘the least of vetting processes for anyone trying to Bernardino, CA, underscores, some of these’’: When I was hungry, did you come to this country. the greatest threats we face are home- feed me? When I was naked, did you For those of Syrian descent, the grown terrorism and self- clothe me? When I was thirsty, did you process could be even longer than that. radicalization. That is why the Demo- give me drink? When I was a stranger It is a long time to wait for terrorists cratic alternative includes language in your land, did you take me in? if they were going to try to use the ref- from the legislation I introduced that I think we have a moral imperative ugee program to access the United would strengthen the Department of to provide for ‘‘the least of these,’’ but States. If I were a terrorist trying to Homeland Security’s ability to counter at the same time, we have a moral im- come here, the last thing I would do is violent extremism here in the United perative to protect Americans from ex- go through those 2 years of vetting. States. tremists who seek to come to the While I understand my colleagues’ United States to cause us harm. As we concerns, the refugee bill that we dealt This proposal authorizes a new office learn to address this tension, our Na- with today would do little to address charged with helping communities tion has rigorous screening procedures our Nation’s security needs. That is across the country—Muslim commu- in place for all refugees, as well as en- why many of my colleagues joined me nities across the country—stop their hanced screening for refugees who in opposing this bill. The bill that was young people from being recruited by might be coming here from Syria. It is before us would require the head of top ISIS. The legislative proposal would a process that takes an average of 2 national security agencies to person- also create a grant program that would years to complete. ally certify that each refugee from help the Department of Homeland Se- For those who aren’t familiar with Syria and Iraq poses no security threat curity connect with nonprofits, with the process, people—in this case, 4 mil- before admission to the United local officials, with religious leaders lion refugees—are left for fighting in States—not now, not ever. and youth groups to work together to Syria to try to get away to save their If this bill had passed, it would have counter the narratives proffered by ter- lives. They are in refugee camps in served as a backdoor way to shut off rorist groups like ISIS. that part of the world, and the United the refugee program by requiring our If you look in recent years at the Nations has a special mission which in- national security leaders—the head of folks in this country who are inspired cludes to vet them, to get to know the FBI, Director of National Intel- by ISIS to commit terrorist activities them, to talk with them, and to see if ligence, Secretary of Homeland Secu- against those of us in this country, you they would like to stay in a refugee rity—to promise something they would will not find them having come over camp or try to get settled into some never promise. As currently drafted, embedded, to my knowledge, with any other country. this bill would require these three na- refugee organization or any refugee In vetting the 4 million refugees, a tional security leaders to guarantee group. The biggest threat to us is not small fraction of those are folks who that the refugee will never, never be- necessarily the people coming through indicated that they would be interested come a security threat. That is not on the Visa Waiver Program, student in maybe resettling in this country. At how these leaders or their organiza- visa programs, or tourist visa pro- the end of the day, after winnowing tions evaluate security threats. They grams. The biggest threat to our secu- down from 4 million refugees, I believe don’t have a crystal ball, and they can- rity is from folks who in many cases the U.N. sent us 7,000 names. Out of the not predict the future. were born here or in some cases folks 7,000, we selected 2,000—mostly kids, Simply put, the SAFE Act would ef- who could have come from Syria, Iraq, mostly young families, mostly old peo- fectively stop the resettlement of fully or some other place, but they became ple, and not very many men of fighting vetted refugee women, children, fami- radicalized after coming here—maybe age, if you will. But the President has lies, and older folks from Syria and after becoming a citizen here. Those called for increasing that 2,000 to some- from Iraq and would weaken our na- are the threats that I think pose the thing like 10,000 over the next year—of tional security. Again, that is one of greatest danger. We call them lone course, this year. the reasons I believe we must focus our wolves. Think about that. Out of 4 million, attention on threats that pose a great- what percentage of 4 million is 10,000 er risk to our homeland. One of the best ways to address those people? Even if we took all 10,000, it is Democrats put forward a series of folks is to look around at maybe our one-quarter of 1 percent. That is what commonsense solutions—alternatives, history and look at what is going on in it is: one-quarter of 1 percent. There if you will—that will strengthen our Arabic and other countries and ask if are obviously concerns about whether security and help protect us against there is some way to reach out to those any of those people are dangerous— ISIS, a couple of which I had the pleas- people who are actually in danger of pose an imminent danger to our people. ure of coauthoring. Instead of vilifying becoming radicalized or a lone wolf, if Keep in mind that 2,000 have come in refugees, the proposals that we put for- someone could reach out to them and the course of the last year, and not one ward impose tough new sanctions on fi- reduce the likelihood of having them has been arrested, not one has been nancial institutions if they knowingly become radicalized and prevent them convicted of plotting or trying ter- facilitate transactions with ISIS. That from taking out their frustration or rorist activity. One of the reasons that particular proposal closes loopholes anger on people in this country in happens is—if I were an ISIS person that would let terrorists legally buy harmful ways. and I were in Syria and wanted to get guns. This bill improves intelligence In my last year as Governor of Dela- over, I sure wouldn’t spend 2 years try- sharing with our allies who join us in ware, I was involved in a foundation ing to come through with the refugees. the fight against ISIS. that was called the American Legacy That is the most stringent vetting of The bill also includes several provi- Foundation. It was funded by a tobacco any group of people who want to come sions to better protect the homeland. settlement between the tobacco indus- to this country. They have to undergo For example, the bill—our proposal— try and all 50 States. The idea behind biometric checks. They are interviewed strengthens the security of our air- the American Legacy Foundation was by people who are trained not just by ports. The bill provides better training to use the $1 billion that was provided the U.N. but also by us overseas, and for law enforcement to respond to ac- to the American Legacy Foundation to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:42 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.050 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S122 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2016 develop ways to message and commu- world who are Muslims. I am Protes- Presidential candidate who supports nicate with young people in this coun- tant, and there are people of different reducing coal as an energy source, the try who were either smoking or think- faiths in this body. There are Protes- number goes up to 65 percent for voters ing about becoming smokers. tants, Catholics, Jews, and others. under the age of 35. So we might expect Some of us remember from our Among the things we have in common, Republican Presidential hopefuls to ac- youth—and when I was a kid growing as well as with the Muslim faith, is knowledge the problem and incorporate up, the idea of smoking was thought to something I mentioned earlier—the climate action into their campaign be a desirable thing. Early on, we were Golden Rule. Almost every major reli- platforms. We might, but we would be not aware of the health consequences gion on Earth has several things in wrong. to it. We would see all kinds of people common, but one of the things they Republican candidates for President in commercials on television adver- have in common is the Golden Rule, have a key constituency: fossil fuel bil- tising smoking, and you would think which is to love your neighbor as your- lionaire donors. So the candidates ig- that would be a cool thing to do. The self and treat other people the way you nore the clear tide of public opinion, American Legacy Foundation came want to be treated. I don’t care if you mock the warnings of our scientific along in 2001 and developed a counter- are Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Bud- and national security experts, dismiss message to all of that, and we called it dhist, Hindu, or Muslim, somewhere in climate disruptions in their own home the Truth Campaign. The Truth Cam- your Sacred Scripture is that idea, States, and dismiss the world-class cli- paign was a multimedia campaign that that notion, that directive. mate research of their own home State was included in radio and TV commer- There are some people who take my universities and scientists—even in cials, as well as on the Internet and in Christian faith and turn it on its head Texas. magazines and that sort of thing, that to say and do things that we would When asked if global warming is real, young people read or listened to. The never do and should never do. We take the junior Senator from Texas responds narratives and the messaging commu- the Bible, the Old Testament and the that the ‘‘data and facts don’t support nications were not developed in board- New Testament, and instead of embrac- it.... Science should follow the rooms or by someone like me or the ing Matthew 25—the least of these, facts.’’ OK. Let’s follow the data and paid staff of the American Legacy when I was a stranger in your land, did facts. Foundation; they were developed by you take me in—we are basically say- NOAA and NASA just announced young people who could have been 11, ing: We are not going to let any people that 2015 was the warmest year ever re- 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, or 18 years old who in this country who are, say, of the corded on Earth. That is a fact, and it developed an area and said: This is a Muslim faith. That is not a Christian not an anomaly. It is the continuation message you need to send out through thing to say or do. of a clear trend. Fifteen of the warmest all of these different mediums to try to People take my religion, my faith 16 years ever recorded by humankind convince them not to smoke or if they and turn it into something that it is on this planet are the 15 years of this are already smoking, to quit. And that not even close to being, and, not sur- century. is what we did. prisingly, there are some people who do Texas A&M has a department of at- If you look at the incidence of smok- that with the Muslim faith. We need to mospheric sciences. The faculty there ing for people who were preteens and counter that and help the vast major- have unanimously adopted this state- teenagers in this country in 2001 and ity of folks in this country who are ment: what it was by the end of the last dec- Muslim to better counter them in ways 1. The Earth’s climate is warming, mean- ade, it is amazing how well it worked. which, frankly, I could never do but ing that the temperatures of the lower at- It was called the Truth Campaign. The which people in Muslim communities mosphere and ocean have been increasing messaging and the messages developed and of that faith across the country over many decades. Average global surface by our target audience were hard-hit- would like to do and want to do. We air temperatures warmed by about 1.5 de- ting. There was a saying when I went grees Fahrenheit between 1880 and 2012. need to be a good partner and help 2. It is extremely likely that humans are to business school: Talk to your cus- them to be successful in that effort. responsible for more than half of the global tomer and ask them what they want. Frankly, that is a whole lot better al- warming between 1951 and 2012. And in this case, we talked to our cus- ternative than the legislation that was 3. Under so-called ‘‘business-as-usual’’ tomers. A lot of them were about the before us today, and that is one thing emissions scenarios, additional global-aver- same age as our pages who are sitting we ought to be able to agree on. I hope age warming (relative to a 1986 to 2005 base- here today. my colleagues—Democratic, Repub- line) would likely be 2.5 to 7 degrees Fahr- The Department of Homeland Secu- lican, and Independent—will find a enheit by the end of this century. rity is attempting to start up an office path to join me and others who think That is Texas A&M’s scientific as- called the Office of Community Part- this is a good idea and make it happen. sessment supported by the data and nership. It is an office that would work With that, I will pass the baton to facts. with Muslim communities across the my friend from another big State, Go Aggies. country, including families, religious Rhode Island. The Texas State climatologist, Dr. leaders, and other young people, in I thank the Presiding Officer for the John Neilsen-Gammon, appointed to order to try to make sure young people opportunity to speak today. his position by Governor George W. do not become radicalized and under- I yield the floor. Bush, has concluded that ‘‘fossil fuel take activities that are going to harm The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- burning and other activities are the other folks in this country. I think it is ator from Rhode Island. primary cause of the global-scale in- a very promising initiative. The folks Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I crease in temperature over the past leading this community partnership of- ask unanimous consent to speak for up decades.’’ fice at the Department of Homeland to 17 minutes as in morning business. According to a Yale University poll Security are going to work with the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without released last fall, most Texans—61 per- American Legacy Foundation to see objection, it is so ordered. cent of Texas adults—support setting what worked and really changed the CLIMATE CHANGE stricter limits on coal-fired power- game with respect to young people Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I plants. Well, the President’s Clean smoking and using tobacco in this rise for ‘‘Time to Wake Up’’ speech No. Power Plan would do just that. It is country. We may be able to apply some 124. projected to both cut carbon emissions of those lessons to deter the likelihood Today, let’s talk Texas. Polling from and save Americans money on their an- of people of Muslim faith who are the University of Texas at Austin nual energy bills. Yet the junior Sen- somehow convinced that their faith di- shows that more than three out of four ator from Texas rails against the plan, rects them to undertake these violent Americans—or 76 percent—now believe urging people ‘‘to stand up against this activities. I am encouraged by this that climate change is occurring. administration’s dangerous agenda of prospect. Fifty-nine percent of Republicans say economic decline’’—economic decline if The last thing I will say is that we it is happening. While most poll re- you are a big polluter, maybe, used to have 11⁄2 billion people around the spondents say they would support a polluting for free. The Clean Power

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:58 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.051 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S123 Plan will save the average American and that reason is what makes this sands of years before humans even family nearly $85 on their annual en- claim misleading.’’ PolitiFact ruled began to walk the Earth. ergy bill by 2030, not to mention pre- him ‘‘mostly false,’’ by the way. Greenhouse gases blanket our planet, venting death and disease through re- The whole data set shows a clear, un- absorbing the Sun’s energy and pre- duced soot, smog, and other harmful equivocal, long-term global warming venting heat from escaping back into pollutants. trend. As Dr. Mears himself said, ‘‘You space. Ice sheets melt, seas warm and A 2014 study found that strong limits can look at the data since 1980, and it’s rise, and so since the late 1880s, sea on carbon pollution similar to those in pretty clear that there’s an ascending level has risen 3 feet along the shores the Clean Power Plan would prevent trend there. But if you look at any 15- of Galveston, TX. None of that matters 2,300 deaths in Texas between 2020 and year period, it’s a lot less clear that to the junior Senator from Texas. 2030. Texas emits the highest amount the trend line that you drive might ac- In December he even convened a of carbon pollution in the country. Yet tually mean something.’’ Dr. Mears hearing protesting scientific consensus Texas is well positioned to meet its also warns against drawing conclusions on climate change as ‘‘partisan dogma Clean Power Plan targets. from just this one data set. ‘‘Look at and ideology.’’ Tell that to NASA and An Environmental Defense Fund all the different datasets,’’ he said. the U.S. Navy. At the time, more than 190 countries were negotiating the study based on data from Texas’s pri- ‘‘You don’t want to trust only the sat- groundbreaking international climate mary electric grid operator shows that ellite temperatures; you want to look agreement in Paris. Well, Texans were existing market trends alone will get at the surface temperatures and that on hand in Paris too. Austin mayor Texas to 88 percent of its compliance sort of thing.’’ Steve Adler signed the Compact of with the plan as a result of increased Scientists have known for some time Mayors, a ‘‘global coalition of mayors wind power capacity, improved energy that the oceans bear the brunt of glob- pledging to reduce local greenhouse gas efficiency results, and switching from al warming. The reason is simple: They coal to natural gas. In fact, Texas’s emissions, enhance resilience to cli- can absorb more heat than the atmos- mate change, and report trans- wind farms have become so good at phere, and they do. Peter Gleckler, an parently.’’ Katherine Romanak and generating power that some utilities oceanographer at the Lawrence Liver- Hilary Olson represented the Univer- are giving away energy. more National Laboratory, said, ‘‘Nine- Here is an article from the New York sity of Texas’s Gulf Coast Carbon Cen- ty, perhaps 95 percent of the accumu- ter to share their expertise on carbon Times on this unique situation in lated heat is in the oceans.’’ capture and storage. Professor Robert Texas with the headline ‘‘A Texas Util- A study released this month shows Bullard, dean of the School of Public ity Offers a Nighttime Special: Free the world’s oceans absorbed—I don’t Affairs at Houston’s Texas Southern Electricity.’’ think this number has ever been said Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- University, organized a delegation before on the Senate floor—approxi- from the Historically Black Colleges sent that this article be printed in the mately 150 zettajoules—that is a lot of and Universities Climate Change Con- RECORD at the end of my remarks. zeroes; I don’t even know how many ze- sortium, and Dr. Katharine Heyhoe, di- Scott Burns, the senior director of roes that is—150 zettajoules of man- innovation at Reliant Energy, a Texas rector of the Climate Science Center at made heat energy between 1997 and Texas Tech University, encouraged fel- utility with plans to incentivize night 2015. What does that mean? Here is how and weekend electricity use, says: low evangelicals to join her in faith-in- the Washington Post described it. I will spired support for climate action. ‘‘You can be green and make green.’’ quote the Washington Post: On that subject, let me read into the With Texas so strong in wind energy [I]f you exploded one atomic bomb the size RECORD the 2015 statement of the Na- production and solar energy potential, of the one dropped on Hiroshima every sec- tional Association of Evangelicals: Texas is actually in a position to use ond for a year, the total energy released [T]he Earth belongs to God, not us. . . . its clean energy resources to help other would be 2 zettajoules. . . . Since 1997, Probably the most serious and urgent chal- States comply with the Clean Power Earth’s oceans have absorbed man-made heat lenge faced by the physical world now is the Plan, a win-win with even more Texas energy equivalent to a Hiroshima-style bomb threat of climate change. . . . We encourage clean energy jobs. being exploded every second for 75 straight Christians worldwide to . . . exert legitimate So, in Texas, there is an over- years. means to persuade governments to put moral whelming consensus of scientists at Yet the Senator from Texas would imperatives above political expediency on their own State universities, there is a like us to base our calculation on a issues of environmental destruction and po- desire for action among the majority of cherry-picked data set beginning in an tential climate change. Texans, and there are vast economic outlier year. Well, as the President said last week, opportunities from Texas renewable en- The oceans aren’t just warming, un- America ‘‘led nearly 200 nations to the ergy. But the junior Senator from fortunately. The warming in the most ambitious agreement in history Texas continues to rail against main- oceans is accelerating. Paul Durack, to fight climate change.’’ stream climate science. He claims that coauthor of the study, notes, ‘‘After The junior Senator from Texas would ‘‘according to the satellite data, there 2000 in particular the rate of change is be President, yet he completely refuses has been no significant global warming really starting to ramp up.’’ to engage on climate change. He ig- for the past 18 years.’’ Eighteen years. People who insist that the climate nores Texas State universities, Texas scientists, Texas local officials, and the What an interesting number to pick— has not warmed in recent decades ig- whole clean energy economy in Texas. 18 years. If we go back 18 years, we nore a lot, but one thing they particu- He courts evangelicals. He associates start in 1998. larly ignore is the oceans, and we Why might the junior Senator from measure this stuff. The oceans don’t himself with the evangelical move- Texas start his assessment of satellite lie. ment, but he ignores the statement of their own national association. data in 1998? Well, look at this. When Here is another good one from the Now, some say his candidacy is a PolitiFact investigated the Senator’s junior Senator. The Senator from danger to our distinct American herit- claim that global warming has paused, Texas informs us that ‘‘history with age, the separation of church and state. the Senator’s office referred to the markedly more CO2 predated the Indus- But, really, it seems to me his problem work of Dr. Carl Mears, a scientist who trial Revolution, so it didn’t come from is with the separation of oil and state. worked with satellite data temperature automobiles or the burning of carbon The fossil fuel industry is the last sets. This is a graph of that data. Look fuels.’’ What he omits is that this his- bastion of climate denial. It funds a at 1998. The Earth was experiencing a tory with markedly more CO2 occurred vast apparatus of climate denial. It large El Nino event in 1998, and the ob- more than 800,000 years ago. also funds a lot of politics. You do the served temperatures were substantially This chart shows that here is where math. above normal. So if that is where we we are right now. Here is the record of It is time to wake up. start the data set, of course it is going carbon in the atmosphere going back I yield the floor. to look like a pause. As the Wash- 800,000 years. Where in that period was There being no objection, the mate- ington Post put it, ‘‘There is a reason it more than now? Never. Eight hun- rial was ordered to be printed in the why CRUZ uses this particular year, dred thousand years, hundreds of thou- RECORD, as follows:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:58 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.052 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S124 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2016 [From the New York Times, November 8, consumer,’’ said Soner Kanlier, a retail en- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. 2015] ergy markets expert at DNV GL, a con- PERDUE). The Senator from Maryland. sulting firm based in Oslo, Norway. ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT AMERICAN SAFE ACT Texas is a unique power market, one that A TEXAS UTILITY OFFERS A NIGHTTIME makes it better suited for innovation than Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I take SPECIAL: FREE ELECTRICITY most others. It is by far the largest deregu- this time as a Senator from Maryland, (By Clifford Krauss and Diane Cardwell) lated electricity market in the country, as well as the ranking Democrat on the DALLAS.—In Texas, wind farms are gener- spawning scores of retail power competitors Senate Foreign Relations Committee, ating so much energy that some utilities are hungry to make new customers and keep old to talk about the bill we voted on ear- giving power away. ones. lier today—on the motion to proceed to ‘‘You can be green and make green,’’ said Briana Lamb, an elementary school teach- the so-called SAFE Act dealing with er, waits until her watch strikes 9 p.m. to Scott Burns, senior director for innovation run her washing machine and dishwasher. It at Reliant Energy, which has plans to offer Syrian refugees. I like to call it the costs her nothing until 6 a.m. Kayleen Wil- incentives to increase night and weekend fear act because I think it really is an lard, a cosmetologist, unplugs appliances electricity use. act that is misguided. when she goes to work in the morning. By 9 Energy experts say smart meters have not I will start by saying that the world p.m., she has them plugged back in. yet reached their potential and have made looks to the United States, and when little difference in total power use. In many And Sherri Burks, business manager of a there are tough problems, they look to local law firm, keeps a yellow sticker on her cases, utilities have monopolies and fixed rates, and they do not want to see customers our leadership. They know this country townhouse’s thermostat, a note to guests is prepared to step forward and provide that says: ‘‘After 9 p.m. I don’t care what bled away by renewable energy sources, so they have little incentive to use the new you do. You can party after 9.’’ the international leadership to deal The women are just three of the thousands data source in creative ways, experts say. with the toughest problems we face as Texas is trying to be the exception, though of TXU Energy customers who are at the a global community. experts say it will still take more time to as- vanguard of a bold attempt by the utility to The bill I call the fear act would sess the impact. change how people consume energy. TXU’s ‘‘The American consumer wants choice,’’ jeopardize America’s response to one of free overnight plan, which is coupled with said Jim Burke, TXU’s chief executive. the greatest humanitarian crises of our slightly higher daytime rates, is one of doz- ‘‘Consumer choice, with its impacts and ben- time, it would jeopardize the U.S. lead- ens that have been offered by more than 50 efits, will drive the future of the power in- ership on humanitarian issues, and I retail electricity companies in Texas over dustry.’’ But he quickly added a note of cau- think it would compromise U.S. secu- the last three years with a simple goal: for tion: ‘‘I think the pace at which it evolves is rity. Let me tell my colleagues why. customers to turn down the dials when the unknown.’’ wholesale prices are highest and turn them Executives freely acknowledge that the We face the greatest crisis on refugees back up when prices are lowest. range of residential electricity plans they and displaced individuals since World It is possible because Texas has more wind offer is overwhelmingly a marketing tool. War II. The number is about 60 million power than any other state, accounting for ‘‘We’re all trying to grow, and it’s a very globally who are currently refugees or roughly 10 percent of the state’s generation. competitive market,’’ said Manu Asthana, displaced. The largest numbers right Alone among the 48 contiguous states, Texas president of the residential division of Direct now are coming out of Syria. Make no runs its own electricity grid that barely con- Energy, which offers various plans. nects to the rest of the country, so the abun- Commercials on television and radio, bill- mistake about it—millions are coming dance of nightly wind power generated here boards on highways, and aggressive social out of Syria. They are escaping the must be consumed here. media campaigns promise joyful, or at least Assad regime’s barrel bombs and gases Wind blows most strongly at night and the free, cooking, cooling and gadget-playing at and starvation policies. These are vic- power it produces is inexpensive because of certain hours. tims. These are people who are losing its abundance and federal tax breaks. A shift ‘‘Every morning, every evening, ain’t we their lives because of the barbaric re- of power use away from the peak daytime pe- got fun?’’ goes one TXU jingle, mimicking gime of President Assad. Our values the jaunty song that became popular in the riods means lower wholesale prices, and the are that we respond to those issues, possibility of avoiding the costly option of 1920s. When customers ask for information or building more power plants. complain on the phone or by Twitter post or that we act in a responsible way, that ‘‘That is a proverbial win-win for the util- Facebook comment, company agents go over we help the international community ity and the customer,’’ said Omar Siddiqui, their electricity needs and habits to find the to help those people who are trying to director of energy efficiency at the Electric right plan for them. Otherwise, power execu- escape the persecutions of oppressive Power Research Institute, a nonprofit indus- tives say, the customer can easily be lost. regimes. try group. ‘‘Time of use’’ plans are growing in popu- The fear act would shut down the For utilities, the giveaway is hardly altru- larity in Texas, according to figures com- piled by the Electric Reliability Council of U.S. process of accepting Syrian refu- istic. Deregulation in Texas has spurred in- gees. Why do I say it would shut it tense competition for customers. By encour- Texas, or Ercot, the operator of the power aging energy use at night, utilities reduce grid and the manager of the deregulated down? Because it would require the Di- some of the burdens, and costs, that the market for 75 percent of the state. rector of the Federal Bureau of Inves- oversupply of wind energy places on the In June 2013, 135,320 households had en- tigation, the Secretary of Homeland power grid. rolled in ‘‘time of use’’ plans in the Ercot re- Security, and the Director of National gion. That number climbed to 290,328—out of Similar experiments are underway else- Intelligence—all three—to certify, on where. more than six million residences in Sep- tember 2014. And although nearly 63,000 resi- an individual basis, the ability of these In Italy, customers of Enel, a leading util- individuals to meet our standards to ity, can receive incentives for keeping their dences dropped out of the program over that electricity use below a predetermined level time—in part because rates are typically come into the United States. That at times of highest demand. higher under the plans at peak hours—Ercot would require 100 certifications per In Maryland, Baltimore Gas & Electric al- officials believe that the number of house- day, 300 certifications total. lows customers to earn rebate credits on holds enrolled continues to grow. What else would they be doing? I Consumers estimated that the plans were their bills for every kilowatt-hour less that hope the Director of the FBI is working saving them as much as $40 or $50 a month they use during certain high-demand times. during the peak summer season. to keep our country safe and more than The program is run by Opower, which man- ‘‘We are still in the formative stages of just dealing with the Syrian refugees. ages similar programs for several utilities. this,’’ said Paul Wattles, an Ercot senior an- This would cut down and eliminate our And in Worcester, Mass., National Grid has alyst for market design and development. ‘‘If ability to accept Syrian refugees. installed a home energy management system we can reach critical mass—and 290,000 is al- Let me cite some of the numbers. from Ceiva Energy in about 11,000 homes, ready a pretty good number—but if that connecting a range of devices like smart The United States has accepted 2,000 number started to double or triple, you could Syrian refugees. There are millions of plugs, high-tech thermostats and digital pic- start seeing a significant shifting of load, ture frames that display the home’s energy and that is the whole point.’’ Syrian refugees. The total number the use along with the photos. Ms. Burks, the law firm business manager, President has talked about is 10,000—a But no major market has gone as far as is part of that shift—and she is not moti- small fraction of the total numbers Texas, which is conducting a huge energy ex- vated by environmental concerns. who are being relocated under the Syr- periment made possible by the nearly uni- ‘‘I never thought about it,’’ she said. In ian refugee program. We look at the versal distribution in recent years of residen- fact, she leaves lights on and even the tele- neighboring countries alone, what is tial smart meters that can receive and trans- vision on when she leaves the room. mit data on electricity. ‘‘I’m really wasteful now,’’ she said. ‘‘The being done in Jordan, what is being ‘‘Texas is head and shoulders above every- first thing I tell my guests is my electricity done in Lebanon, and look at what Eu- body else with really unique packages for the is free after 9.’’ rope is accepting. We are taking a very

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:17 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.031 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S125 small burden here, and it is individuals you the reason why. First, it would living in a special country—a country who do not pose a threat. I will explain clearly diminish U.S. leadership. When that has stood up for freedom, a coun- that. Every one of us will do every- we go and seek international support, try that has been looked upon as a bea- thing we can to make sure that our particularly for our coalition against con of hope around the world. Many of homeland is safe. I am prepared to do ISIL, our failure to be willing to take our parents and grandparents came everything reasonable to make sure we any of the Syrian refugees will cer- from other countries in order to settle keep Americans as safe as we possibly tainly compromise America’s credi- in this country because of its oppor- can from the threat of extremists. bility and ability to lead internation- tunity. So what do these Syrian refugees go ally. I am a student of history, not just be- through? By the way, there has not It will be used by ISIL as propa- cause it is an effective, factual coun- been a reported case of a Syrian ref- ganda. Make no mistake about that. terpart to the bluster of politicians and ugee in regards to terrorism. What do They understand that. This is what social media accounts. History can be a they go through? they are saying about America. touchstone to remind us of who we are First, they are screened by the High It is against our values. It makes us and a lens through which we can see Commissioner for Refugees of the weaker as a nation. who we are. Throughout our history, United Nations. They screen the indi- It is for those reasons that we found we have recognized that even in times viduals who are considered eligible to that national security professionals of war we were fighting leaders of au- come to the United States. They go from both parties, including Henry Kis- thoritarian regimes and not their vic- through that screening process. Then singer, David Petraeus, Brent Scow- tims. From 1945 to 1952, we resettled they are fingerprinted and go through croft, and Michael Chertoff, all have 400,000 displaced persons from Nazi-con- a biometric check. They go through come out in opposition on the grounds trolled areas in Europe. In the fall of several layers of biographical and that it would undermine our security Saigon in 1997, the United States res- background screenings. They are indi- and benefit ISIL. These are profes- cued 883,000-plus refugees who fled vidually interviewed by U.S. officials. sionals. They understand the risk fac- Vietnam, a country with which we had It takes about 18 to 24 months. If you tors. been in a state of undeclared war that are a terrorist, you are not going to go What we should be doing is every- claimed 58,000 American lives. Between through this. thing we can to protect us from the 1970 and 1991, we resettled 200,000 Jews It is up to the potential individual threat of ISIL. That means let’s figure from the Soviet Union, the very gov- who will come to the United States as out ways we can share intelligence in- ernment which posed the greatest secu- a refugee to establish that they are a formation among all of our willing rity threat the United States has ever refugee. That means they must estab- partners. Let’s provide the leadership, known. In addition, we have resettled lish that they have been a victim of the particularly in those countries in hundreds of thousands of refugees from terrorist activities in order to be able which ISIL can operate, so that the Cuba and other countries behind the to get to the United States. It is up to governments represent all the commu- Iron Curtain. them to establish that burden. We nities, so that there is not a void where This Republican bill we considered don’t accept individuals who cannot es- the Sunni minority population feels today dishonors our proud history of tablish that burden. This is not the tar- that their only safety is with ISIL. providing a safe haven. History can get group that we should be concerned Let’s make sure we cut off all the fi- also be harsh and unsentimental. This about. nancial support for ISIL, including bill risks repeating mistakes of the The real threat to our homeland se- their oil abilities and the transport of past when the United States tragically curity—let’s take a look at others who oil. This is what the Obama adminis- turned away Jewish refugees in World come to this country. We already did tration is doing. Let’s make sure we do War II. this in the omnibus bill, but we know cut off any opportunities to expand After the photo of Aylan Kurdi, the 3- under the Visa Waiver Program there their capacity. year-old who was washed up on the are individuals who hold passports of Let’s deal with foreign fighters—peo- beach, was published in the news countries with which we have the Visa ple who come from Western countries media, the American people opened Waiver Program. That means they are who go to these areas and train. Let’s their hearts to the Syrian people. The countries that have relations with the make sure that we know where they American people recognize the distinc- United States, and we generally accept are, and when they try to come back tion between those who are victims of their visitors without a visa. Many of into one of the Western countries, that terror and those who perpetrate it. We these countries have foreign fighters they are apprehended and tried because should not let knee-jerk reactions keep who have gone to the affected areas of their affiliation with terrorists. us from being the beacon of hope for that could very well be involved in ter- Let’s help countries such as Jordan, Syrians and other refugees in the Mid- rorist activities and then come back to Iraq, and Lebanon that are taking on dle East, Africa, and around the world. the European country and come to the the extreme burdens of the refugees so We should do what we do best—our val- United States under the Visa Waiver they can deal with their own crises ues. Program. Well, we took some action that have been exaggerated because of We should never compromise home- against that in last year’s bill. That the Syrian conflict and ISIL formation. land security. We need to do every- was good. We need to continue to scru- In other words, let us work in a co- thing we can to keep Americans safe. tinize that. ordinated way to root out the main We need to make sure we have the What we saw happen in California cause of the terrorist activities; that strictest vetting procedures for anyone was that we had a spouse who didn’t is, ISIL’s ability to attract supporters who wants to come to this country as come under a Syrian waiver program and to gain territory. Let’s take away a refugee or a visitor. We could always or a Syrian refugee program, but who that territory, coordinate our air- do a better job, and we have to do more came under other visa programs. That strikes, and work with the local forces to understand why Americans have needs to be scrutinized. For people who on the ground. All of that should be been converted to radicalization come to America, we need to know done, and we need to work together on through the Internet and what has hap- that they are not connected to a ter- that. pened on social media. rorist organization. To concentrate on the few thousand Yes, we need to do a much more ef- But the greatest concern is the Syrian refugees who have gone through fective job of keeping America safe and radicalization of Americans. We need this country’s strictest vetting process the homeland safe, but shutting down to know why people do what they do. makes little sense and will not keep us the Syrian refugee program would be a We need to have a better system to safer, but, as I indicated before, will ac- major mistake for our values of who we protect the homeland. Let’s focus on tually compromise our national secu- are as a nation and for our national se- the real problem areas in our country. rity. curity. If this bill were to be passed, it would In closing, let me state what makes I yield the floor. actually make us less safe. It would af- this Nation the great Nation that it is. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- fect our national security. Let me tell I think each of us knows that we are ator from South Dakota.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:58 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.055 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S126 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2016 Mr. ROUNDS. Mr. President, I ask order, just weeks after Congress voted The second-ranking Democratic in unanimous consent to be allowed to overwhelmingly to pass, and the Presi- the House—not some back-bencher— speak as in morning business for up to dent signed into law, legislation pro- said: 7 minutes. hibiting him from doing that very The issue of contracting ought to be on the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without thing. merits of the contractor’s application and objection, it is so ordered. The enemies list regulation would in- bid and capabilities. . . . There are some se- REMEMBERING PAUL KINSMAN ject partisan politics into the govern- rious questions as to what implications there Mr. ROUNDS. Mr. President, I rise ment contracting process by allowing are if somehow we consider political con- an organization’s political leaning and tributions in the context of awarding con- today to commemorate the life and tracts. legacy of Paul Kinsman. Paul was born donations to be considered. Here is the He said he was ‘‘not in agreement in Watertown, SD, on September 7, practical effect: Administrations of ei- ther party could draw friends lists and with the administration’’ on this issue. 1958, and died in Pierre, SD, on January So, look, no one should have to worry enemies lists and then award contracts 10, 2016, at the young age of 57. Paul about whether supporting a certain po- based upon whether an organization was a lifelong South Dakotan and a litical party or a candidate will deter- backed the right horse in the last elec- dedicated public servant to the citizens mine their ability to get a Federal con- tion. of our State. tract or keep their job. I hope what we After earning his law degree, Paul That is the kind of thing you would read in the papers is not accurate. expect in some banana republic but not began 28 years of public service to the The President’s enemies list proposal in the United States of America. So people of South Dakota. We are a bet- fails even the ‘‘why not’’ test on mul- why would the President even attempt ter State and a better people because of tiple levels: his hard work and his dedication. to impose such a bad idea? No. 1, he can’t. As an administrative law judge, the Let me remind my colleagues of No. 2, it is bad policy, as Democrats deputy commissioner of administra- something the President’s own Chief of have reminded us. tion, the director of property taxes and Staff recently said. He implied that the If you need another reason, here is a special taxes, the commissioner of ad- central question President Obama will third: No. 3, Congress has rejected ministration, and the secretary of rev- now ask himself before imposing a pol- these types of policies already. enue, he inspired his coworkers with icy is—listen to this—‘‘Why not?’’ There are plenty of reasons why the his intelligence, his humor, and his te- ‘‘Why not?’’ Think about that—not President should not attempt to im- nacity for getting things done. whether it is good for the country, not pose this regulation, and the President During my 8 years working as Gov- whether it is constitutional, just ‘‘why should heed them. ernor of South Dakota, Paul served as not.’’ f commissioner of the Bureau of Admin- If future Republican Presidents lived istration and secretary of revenue. He by this ‘‘why not’’ standard, Democrats MORNING BUSINESS was a burly, teddy bear of a man. No would be truly outraged. If future Re- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I matter how hard the problem or how publican Presidents ignored prohibi- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- challenging the issue, whenever we met tions passed by Democratic-controlled ate be in a period of morning business, he had a gleam in his eyes and a smile Congresses, Democrats would be out- with Senators permitted to speak on his face that told me without words raged. When the legislature passes a therein for up to 10 minutes each. that we were going to solve that prob- prohibition and the President signs The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without lem or meet that challenge. And we did that prohibition into law, it is the law. objection, it is so ordered. because of him. I hope every one of my colleagues, f As an administrative law judge and even those who support the idea of an tax collector, he earned the respect and enemies list, will join me in that senti- 230TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE VIR- admiration of the public, even when his ment at least. If it is the law, it is the GINIA STATUTE FOR RELIGIOUS rulings and applications of law were law. We are always mindful that the FREEDOM not in their favor. He was straight- precedents set today could be wielded Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, in forward and fair, which South Dako- by a different President tomorrow. 1992, the House and Senate joined to- tans appreciate. The intent of the prohibition Con- gether to pass a resolution designating As the head of the Bureau of Admin- gress passed here is absolutely clear, January 16 as Religious Freedom Day istration, he led and championed many regardless of creative arguments the to celebrate one of the most powerful projects that increased the efficiency administration might construct to jus- and unique freedoms within our Na- of State government to serve the peo- tify skirting the law. tion’s founding and fabric. This day is ple and preserve the heritage of South If President Obama’s standard these significant because it marks the pas- Dakota in the people’s house, our State days is ‘‘why not,’’ then here are a few sage of the 1786 Virginia Statute for capitol. reasons why not. Here is the first: He Religious Freedom originally authored But more important than all of his can’t do it. That should really be the by Thomas Jefferson. career accomplishments is the kind of end of the discussion. 2016 marks the 230th anniversary of person Paul Kinsman was. He was a For the sake of argument, here is an- the passage of this statute that, as loving husband, father, grandfather, other reason: It is a terrible policy. Congress recognized, ‘‘inspired and and friend to all who knew him. He had Just listen to what members of the shaped the guarantees of religious free- a tremendously positive impact on the President’s own party have said about dom in the First Amendment.’’ It reads many thousands of people he met and it. One of our Democratic colleagues in in part: ‘‘. . . no man shall be com- touched with his kindness and gen- the Senate said: pelled to frequent or support any reli- erosity. With this, I welcome the op- Under the Federal Acquisition Regulation, gious worship, place, or ministry what- portunity to recognize and commemo- the award of contract must be based on the soever, nor shall be enforced . . . in his rate the life and legacy of this public evaluation of quality, price, past perform- body or goods, nor shall otherwise suf- servant and my friend, Paul Kinsman. ance, compliance with solicitation require- fer on account of his religious opinions Thank you, Mr. President. ments, technical excellence and other con- or belief; but that all men shall be free I yield the floor. siderations related to the merits of an offer. to profess, and by argument to main- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- The requirement that businesses disclose po- litical expenditures as part of the offer proc- tain, their opinion in matters of reli- jority leader. ess creates the appearance that this type of gion, and that the same shall in no ENEMIES LIST REGULATION information could become a factor in the wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, award of Federal contracts. civil capacities.’’ news outlets reported something today She explained: The Founders understood that there that should worry all of us. Appar- Requiring businesses to disclose their po- is a direct connection between the ently, President Obama is again—one litical activity when making an offer risks prosperity and health of a nation and more time—considering imposing his injecting politics into the contracting proc- its respect for human rights and reli- enemies list regulation by Executive ess. gious freedom. Individual faith grows

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:17 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.056 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S127 when people live free of government co- On behalf of the people of California, ment and compassion remains the ercion and control. In America, indi- for whom he served so bravely, I extend same for every case in her portfolio. viduals can practice any faith or no my gratitude and deepest sympathies She works meticulously and regularly faith. This is true religious freedom— to Ricardo’s mother, Margarita; broth- goes beyond the call of duty to provide having the freedom to practice a faith er, Pedro; sisters, Nancy and Sandra; the resources and support needed for or to have no faith at all and to have and his entire extended family. the people of the Commonwealth. that choice not only be respected, but f Throughout her career, Dianne has protected. served the people of Pennsylvania with Respecting and protecting this funda- TRIBUTE TO DIANNE BEECHER distinction and diligence. Her compas- mental human right means that we Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, today I sion and commitment to helping others cannot diminish it. The constitutional wish to commend Dianne Beecher who left a lasting impression not only with- guarantee of the free exercise of reli- has honorably served the people of in my office, but in the lives she gion means that people have a right to Pennsylvania for over 28 years, most touched through her good work. I wish live their faith in public. Saying some- recently as senior constituent advocate her well in her retirement and hope she one has the right to worship freely at for my Senate office. Dianne has been a will have the opportunity to enjoy the place of their choosing is not the trusted member of my staff and a loyal more time with her children, 10 grand- same thing. Additionally, while one friend over the 11 years we have children, and two great-grandchildren. faith group should not be favored over worked together. f Before her years in public service, another, so too should we not err on ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS the side of removing faith from the Dianne had already proven herself to public sphere and opting for no religion be a kind of ‘‘Renaissance woman.’’ at all. She dabbled in entrepreneurship, REMEMBERING CARL SHARIF worked as an entertainment promoter, Thomas Jefferson left explicit in- ∑ Mr. BOOKER. Mr. President, today I structions that his authorship of the and spent a period of time as a race car wish to recognize the life and legacy of Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom driver. While creating this unique re- New Jerseyan and proud Newarker Carl be included on his gravestone as one of sume, Dianne’s most important and Sharif, who passed away on September only three things for which he wanted dearest role was that of a devoted 30 at the age of 72. Carl was a dear ‘‘most to be remembered.’’ mother to five children—Sharryl, friend and mentor to me at the dawn of As we celebrate the 230th anniversary Aileen, Jodi, Bradley, and Brandee. my career in public service. He will be of the passage of this statute, what will Carrying her compassion for people greatly missed by the city of Newark we be most remembered for? I hope into her professional life, Dianne found and by all who knew him. that we can be remembered for not her niche in the pursuit of helping oth- A son of Newark, Carl began his ca- only honoring this legacy of Thomas ers. She began her career in public reer as an aide to Mayor Hugh Jefferson, but for upholding a right service with the Democratic State Addonizio in the 1960s, and he remained that is fundamental to the core of this Committee for Pennsylvania as its po- a dedicated public servant for the rest nation and to human dignity—religious litical director, eventually joining the of his life. During times of great tu- freedom. Pennsylvania chapter of the AFL–CIO, mult and change, Carl was a steady f serving as its political education coor- presence in Newark, working from dinator. within its government to strengthen REMEMBERING OFFICER RICARDO Dianne originally joined my staff in the city’s spirit and foundation. In 1970, GALVEZ the auditor general’s office in 2004; Carl helped to lead the campaign to Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, today I when I became State treasurer, she elect Kenneth Gibson, the first Black ask my colleagues to join me in hon- moved with me. In that office, she as- mayor of Newark. He served as an aide oring the life of Downey police officer sisted in creating one of the first con- to Mayor Gibson and as a member of Ricardo Galvez, a devoted son and stituent services operations within the Newark’s school board, quickly becom- brother who was tragically killed in treasury department. When I was later ing its president. the line of duty on November 19, 2015. elected to the U.S. Senate, Dianne con- Carl was incredibly generous with his Officer Galvez was born on April 2, tinued her dedication to the people of time and with his tremendous political 1986, and grew up in Whittier, CA. In Pennsylvania as the senior constituent and institutional knowledge. He served 2006, he joined the Downey Police De- advocate on my constituent services as one of my earliest mentors in profes- partment as a police aide and 2 years team. sional politics, and he led me through later decided to serve his country by Early in my first term as a U.S. Sen- my first campaign for city council and joining the U.S. Marine Corps as a Re- ator, Dianne became a vital component my second campaign for mayor. It was servist. After bravely serving in Iraq, in the establishment of my office’s con- Carl who insisted that the key to sig- Officer Galvez returned to Downey and stituent services operation. Through nificant and lasting change in our city became a police officer in 2010. He de- her role as senior constituent advocate, was through walking every street, ployed again in December 2012 to Af- Dianne has literally saved the lives of knocking on every door, and talking ghanistan during Operation Enduring countless Pennsylvanians. Over the with every Newarker. Carl reminded all Freedom. years, she managed hundreds of cases, of us that we were never to forget the Those who knew Officer Galvez fond- specializing in Social Security and people we were elected to serve, and I ly remember him as a caring man with Medicare, while maintaining a genuine will be forever grateful for his wisdom, an infectious smile, a person of great and unfailing commitment to each con- support, and advice through the years. humility and kindness, and a trusted stituent she encountered. Dianne has I cherish all that he taught me, and I colleague and friend who was com- saved the health insurance coverage for will do everything I can to honor his mitted to his family and career. individuals suffering from serious ill- legacy through my work and life. The U.S. Marine Corps’ motto, Sem- nesses, allowing them to continue care Carl was committed to ensuring the per Fidelis, is Latin for ‘‘always faith- and maintain their medications. best for Newark and all of its people. ful’’ and truly embodied Officer Ri- She is responsible for the financial He devoted himself wholly to our city cardo Galvez. He dedicated his entire stability of countless people unable to and its people, and they loved him in adult life to public service, unwavering work due to their medical conditions. return. For his family, friends, our in his commitment to defend Ameri- In one instance, Dianne’s work was rec- city, and our State, Carl leaves a leg- cans abroad and safeguard his commu- ognized by National Public Radio when acy of public service and unwavering nity at home. His devoted and coura- she saved a family in the midst of the faith in the goodness of our commu- geous service earned the respect and af- 2008 housing crisis by helping them fi- nity. As we reflect on this inheritance, fection of the colleagues he worked nally receive retroactive benefits due I ask that my colleagues join me in alongside, the community he served, from Social Security. Most constituent honoring Carl Sharif’s love for and and the family and friends he loved. He services work goes unacknowledged by service to his city and its people and in will be deeply missed. the press; however, Dianne’s commit- remembering his extraordinary life.∑

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:58 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.007 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S128 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2016 TRIBUTE TO BLAKE WOMBOLD people, and he piloted the diocesan CONGRATULATING VERMONT ∑ Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I would plane for more than 5,000 hours over ESSAY WINNERS like to honor Blake Wombold of Heart the course of his career. ∑ Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, since During his relatively brief tenure in Butte, a staff sergeant in the U.S. 2010 I have sponsored a State of the Juneau, Archbishop Hurley created Army Reserves, for his generous con- Union essay contest for Vermont stu- Trays on Sleighs, an Alaska centric in- tribution of new shoes for the Heart dents. The contest, now in its sixth terpretation of the senior feeding pro- Butte High School Boys basketball year, is an opportunity for Vermont’s gram known as Meals on Wheels. high school students to articulate what team. He is responsible for three of the issues they would prioritize if they Blake was born in Browning, MT, and most important social service facilities were President of the United States. A is an alumnus of Heart Butte High in Anchorage; Covenant House, which panel of Vermont teachers reviewed all School, where there were only 19 stu- serves homeless youth; the Brother of the essays submitted and selected dents in his graduating class. He Francis Shelter, which serves homeless the top 20. I am proud to say that near- played basketball throughout his high men; and Clare House, an emergency school career and truly feels basketball shelter for women with children and ly 800 students wrote essays for this is ‘‘king’’ in Indian Country. Blake expectant mothers. year’s State of the Union contest. went on to graduate from Salish All of these facilities exist today be- I would like to congratulate each and Kootenai College with a general cause Archbishop Hurley took the ini- every finalist and to specifically ac- science degree. He has been with the tiative to get them built. Near and knowledge Meredith Holbrook as this Army Reserves for 7 years, is a staff dear to the archbishop’s heart was the year’s winner of the contest. I would sergeant, E–6, as well as a combat ‘‘Joy Community,’’ which helped also like to recognize Vivian Huang for trainer/biomedical equipment techni- Catholics with developmental disabil- placing second and Ryan Racicot for cian. ities prepare to receive the sacraments. placing third. I ask to have printed in This year marks the second year that And these are just a few of many leg- the RECORD copies of the winning es- Blake has donated new shoes to Heart acies he has left around the State. He says. Butte’s basketball team. Growing up, also founded two Catholic newspapers: The material follows: Blake witnessed the sacrifices his the Inside Passage in Juneau and the MEREDITH HOLBROOK, MILTON HIGH SCHOOL (WINNER) mother, a teacher at Heart Butte Catholic Anchor in Anchorage. School, made to provide for him, and You might say that this is all part of My fellow Americans, today the United he wanted to be able to give back to a day’s work for a Catholic bishop. But States has the strongest military in the world. Our nation has the number one econ- the community that supported him. understand that Alaska is a very young omy. We have the longest running demo- Staff Sergeant Wombold is currently State and lacks the infrastructure of cratic government in history. If we want to preparing to deploy overseas. His self- more established provinces. What be considered the greatest in the world, the less heart is a true example of what it Archbishop Hurley did is identify the home of the free, the land of opportunity, means to be a Montanan. On behalf of gaps in the social safety net and move then we must face the challenges before us. all Montanans, I am proud of his serv- forward with a single-minded deter- In 2014, 48.1 million Americans lived in food ice to our community, State, and Na- mination to fill them. insecure homes, of this, 15.3 million were children. This equates to 14 percent of house- tion.∑ Archbishop Hurley’s contributions were international in scope. In Decem- holds being food insecure. How can the f wealthiest nation in the world be unable to ber 1990, he traveled with Father Mi- feed its hungry? We have the full capability REMEMBERING ARCHBISHOP chael Shields to Magadan—a city in of providing for those in need. We should not FRANCIS T. HURLEY the Russian far east. In a theater, they allow politics to stop us from caring for our ∑ Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, offered Christmas mass—the first pub- citizens in need. It is impossible to expect lic mass in the city’s history. Three the people of this country to be functioning this week Alaska’s faith communities members of society without adequate nour- are mourning the loss of Archbishop hundred people attended. In the following 3 weeks, signatures ishment. The solution to this problem is sim- Emeritus Francis T. Hurley who passed were gathered to register a new church, ple: feed America’s hungry. I believe that if on January 10, 2 days shy of his 89th and on January 4, 1991, the Church of we were to create a cabinet level agency dedicated specifically to food-insecurity, we birthday. Archbishop Hurley will be the Nativity of Jesus was founded. buried this weekend. would be bettering the common good of Across the years, Archbishop Hurley America. Devoting ten billion dollars from Archbishop Hurley was ordained a traveled there nine times and, on Janu- priest of the San Francisco Arch- the federal budget would make a tremendous ary 14, 2001, celebrated the parish’s 10th improvement in the number of food-insecure diocese in 1951. He came to Alaska in anniversary. homes. It may be a bold move to make, but 1970 as the auxiliary bishop of Juneau As you can see, Archbishop Hurley’s our nation cannot move forward until our and was elevated to archbishop of the contributions were quite substantial. people are no longer hungry. Archdiocese of Anchorage in 1976. He Yet he was much more than what he Alongside hunger is homelessness. On one served a quarter century in that role did. Archbishop Hurley was beloved for given night in America, about 560,000 citizens until 2001. Archbishop Hurley remained are homeless, and about 200,000 of those peo- whom he was. He was a charming man ple are in families. It should be the basic active in the life of Alaska’s Catholics with a tremendous sense of humor and until his death. He had a remarkable right of our people to have shelter and secu- a knack for remembering names. He rity. The wound of homelessness cannot be career that stretched 45 years. was an engaging conversationalist. At solved with night time shelters. Homeless Many come to Alaska from other times, it seemed like he was every- people must be provided with long-term shel- places and leave a few years later be- where; at baptisms, at funerals, en- ters if they are ever to be productive mem- cause they failed to take Alaska on its gaged in the political life of the com- bers of society. In order to solve this issue, terms. If there is one thing to be said munity, tending to the needs of the we must invest in job counseling. Many about Archbishop Hurley it is that he homeless and the troubled. From the homeless citizens are homeless due to the in- ability to acquire a job. If people had the understood what it took to be success- moment he came to Alaska, Arch- ful in our remote environment. He not chance to have a clean interview outfit, as bishop Hurley was a man in motion, well as proper interview instruction, there only understood what it took to suc- and even in retirement, he never would not be as many people sleeping on the ceed in Alaska. He fully embraced it. slowed down. streets. In order to make this happen, we He thrived on it. Archbishop Hurley, respected by peo- must have more people trained in the exper- No roads connect the island commu- ple of all faiths, was truly a central fig- tise of job counseling, and more programs nities for which the auxiliary bishop of ure in the spiritual lives of Alaskans helping to aid homeless citizens. Again, this Juneau was responsible. Bishop Hurley for nearly a half century. Every time I would mean funding such programs. A small might have stayed in Juneau and wait- pass one of the churches that were cost to pay to get Americans off the streets. How a nation treats its elderly says a lot ed for his 4,000 parishioners to come to built on his watch or the social serv- about its character. We will not be a nation him. Instead he chose the road Alas- ices facilities he inspired, I will smile that ignores the needs of its senior citizens. kans would take. He learned to fly so and reflect on how blessed I was to Today, many seniors cannot comfortably re- that he could bring the church to the know him.∑ tire. They are often forced to choose between

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:58 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.018 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S129 paying for food or, paying for medication. insured. However, there is more to accom- ate. Also, by taking the charge on creating They will go without heat because they can- plish in 2016. Until completely comprehen- environmentally friendly products and ma- not afford to buy fuel. The source of this sive universal healthcare—namely, a single- chinery, the potential for the United States issue is Social Security. Although this re- payer system—is set into place, Medicaid to make a profit is huge. By incentivizing tirement system has benefited many Ameri- must be expanded in 20 remaining states and other countries to go eco-friendly, and sell- cans, it needs to be changed. Social Security community health clinics must be placed in ing the materials and means to do so creates often does not change with inflation, or does underserved locations. jobs and income, which boosts the U.S. econ- not change enough to account for increased The Department of Health and Human omy, all without destroying the environ- prices. While prices are rising, Social Secu- Services must address the chief drivers of ment. rity is not keeping up. This leaves seniors to healthcare costs; hospital expenditures, phy- Unlike many other issues troubling the make difficult choices regarding spending. sician and clinical services, and sky- state of Vermont, the nation, and the world, Every year, Social Security should be as- rocketing drug prices escalate the national climate change affects every single person. sessed, and changed accordingly to inflation. health spending. To target this broad prob- Regardless of race, gender, sexuality, socio- To pay for this, we would need to raise the lem, a single-payer healthcare system will economic status, religion, education or polit- Social Security tax percentage to seven per- minimize unnecessary spending by requiring ical affiliation, climate change affects all, cent. This would allow America to ade- hospitals to operate on government-approved especially the most disadvantaged. Because quately pay for the needs of our elderly. standardized billing procedures. Hence, hos- of this, it is everyone’s personal responsi- This nation is nowhere near perfect. We pitals and pharmaceutical companies will bility to do their part in saving the planet. have many issues we must address, domestic not be able to overcharge patients and run One cannot stand idle and expect other peo- and foreign. We cannot expect to properly extortionate monopolies on essential medi- ple do all of the dirty work. Helping to save address issues overseas, until we fix the cations. the earth is not about how you can benefit, home we live in. We must fix America from Indeed, American citizens’ rugged bravery, it is about how you can help the greater within. Once we do this, we will truly be able wise judgment, and drive for excellence have cause. We can no longer allow large corpora- to call ourselves the greatest nation in the made this country great. But we can always tions to prioritize making a profit over re- world. progress forward, as long we stand united. sponsible waste management. The short- VIVIAN HUANG, SOUTH BURLINGTON HIGH Therefore, we will tackle the urgent issues of term profits for the rich are vastly out- SCHOOL (SECOND PLACE) terrorism and healthcare not only with con- weighed by the long-term environmental ∑ The year of 2015 has been historic for the fidence, but also with the ambition to re- consequences felt by all. United States of America. We have signed a main one nation, indivisible, with liberty f and justice for all. landmark agreement on climate change, en- TRIBUTE TO TERESA THOMPSON acted marriage equality, and become eco- RYAN RACICOT, MILTON HIGH SCHOOL (THIRD nomically sound—marking greater economic PLACE) ∑ Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, today I growth rates than predicted and reaching a The most pressing and immediate danger recognize Teresa Thompson, an intern five percent unemployment rate. Still, we of today’s society is the rapidly changing cli- in my Rapid City, SD, office for all of enter the year of 2016 with two pressing mate. The scientific community agrees vir- the hard work she has done for me, my issues remaining on the global and the na- tually unanimously, that climate change is a staff, and the State of South Dakota tional scale: terrorism and healthcare. As we very real and imminent concern. Continu- over the past few months. tackle these issues, we must remind our- ation down the current path at this pace will selves that the United States of America is eventually result in the ultimate demise of Teresa is a graduate of Sturgis High truly one nation, indivisible, with each cit- the human race. School in Sturgis, SD. Currently, she is izen carrying responsibilities to support our This issue is not the United States’ to attending Black Hills State University nation’s values, as well as one another. tackle alone. In order to fully reverse the ef- where she is majoring in history. She is First, following recent acts of terror fects of climate change, it will take a world- a hard worker who has been dedicated around the world, it is top-priority for the wide collaborative effort unlike anything the to getting the most out of her experi- United States to defeat the threat of ISIS. world has ever faced before. The United ence while also raising her two chil- Enough is enough. Rest assured that rather States’ role going forward is to set an exam- dren, Ben and Rachel. than sending our troops to combat zones in ple for other first world countries. The Iraq and Syria, we will take an active role in United Nations’ conference this year in Paris I extend my sincere thanks and ap- helping our European allies lead the battle. was a step in the right direction. But the preciation to Teresa Thompson for all America must provide rigorous train-and-as- United States needs to agree to a binding of the fine work she has done and wish sist programs for Kurdish forces, exert a commitment to reduce emissions. Without a her continued success in the years to tight grip on ISIS-controlled territory, cut whole-hearted promise to abide to these re- come.∑ off supply lines, and implore the Gulf States ductions, the United States will not be taken f to combat terrorism. Furthermore, previous seriously on this issue. experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan have re- The United States government cannot ex- PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGE vealed that merely destroying one source of pect corporations to make eco-friendly terrorism will not suffice. To ultimately movements unprovoked, it is simply not render counterterrorism and military action worth the financial burden. The federal gov- REPORT OF THE VETO OF S.J. unnecessary in Iraq and Syria, we plan on ernment needs to incentivize eco-friendly RES. 22, PROVIDING FOR CON- developing political, economic, and edu- waste management for businesses, by mak- GRESSIONAL DISAPPROVAL cational reforms that will effectively re- ing eco-friendly business more profitable UNDER CHAPTER 8 OF TITLE 5, than environmentally irresponsible business. spond to complex sectarian and ethnic divi- UNITED STATES CODE, OF THE sions in the region. As it stands now, no company has motiva- Let’s make it clear that the United States tion to protect the environment. Doing so RULE SUBMITTED BY THE is not declaring a war against religion, but only hurts production and makes them less CORPS OF ENGINEERS AND THE rather against the violence of extremism. As competitive. To reverse this trend, the fed- ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION human beings, it is our responsibility to help eral government needs to enforce pre-exist- AGENCY RELATING TO THE DEF- the innocent Syrian families fleeing ISIS ing environmental laws and spend more on INITION OF ‘‘WATERS OF THE and Assad’s brutal regime. Now is not the environmental saving measures. UNITED STATES’’ UNDER THE time to turn our backs, but to provide hu- To convert all factories to updated stand- FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION ards for emissions, a large amount of money manitarian aid and shelter, even though it CONTROL ACT, RECEIVED ON requires extreme vigilance. Additionally, will be needed initially, but over time, a sys- every American must confront the problem tem in which clean energy is valued more JANUARY 19, 2016—PM 37 of bigotry, which only becomes exploited by than profit will result in a much more sus- The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- ISIS for its own recruitment. We all have the tainable economy. Companies who destroy fore the Senate the following message duty to stand up against discriminatory the environment and experience greater from the President of the United rhetoric and hostile actions. We all have the profit as a result will be forced to pay for States, together with an accompanying duty to uphold the country’s values by sup- their own pollution management systems. porting each other—our friends, neighbors, Greatly increasing taxes on environmentally report; which was ordered to be printed co-workers, and fellow community mem- irresponsible corporations will make clean in the RECORD, spread in full upon the bers—with tolerance and respect. energy more fiscally appealing than pol- Journal, and held at the desk: Second, an important issue on the domes- luting means of energy. This is not stealing To the Senate of the United States: tic front continues to be healthcare. Phys- money from the American people or a redis- ical and mental wellness is a fundamental tribution of wealth. This is using money I am returning herewith without my need for the American people. Over the past made by multi-billion dollar companies at approval S.J. Res. 22, a resolution that year, the Affordable Care Act has improved the expense of the environment to help fix would nullify a rule issued by the Envi- access to this basic human right for the un- the problem they themselves helped to cre- ronmental Protection Agency and the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:58 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.027 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S130 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2016 Department of the Army to clarify the ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Re- Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the jurisdictional boundaries of the Clean moval of Transferred OTS Regulations Re- Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Water Act. The rule, which is a product garding Management Official Interlocks and report of a rule entitled ‘‘Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removal of of extensive public involvement and Amendments to FDIC’s Rules and Regula- tions’’ (RIN3064–AE20) received in the Office the Modoc Sucker from the Federal List of years of work, is critical to our efforts of the President of the Senate on January 12, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife’’ to protect the Nation’s waters and 2016; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, (RIN1018–AY78) received during adjournment keep them clean; is responsive to calls and Urban Affairs. of the Senate in the Office of the President for rulemaking from the Congress, in- EC–4133. A communication from the Gen- of the Senate on January 14, 2016; to the dustry, and community stakeholders; eral Counsel of the Federal Housing Finance Committee on Environment and Public and is consistent with decisions of the Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Works. EC–4142. A communication from the Chief United States Supreme Court. report of a rule entitled ‘‘Members of Fed- eral Home Loan Banks’’ (RIN2590–AA39) re- of the Foreign Species Branch, Fish and We must protect the waters that are ceived during adjournment of the Senate in Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, vital for the health of our communities the Office of the President of the Senate on transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of and the success of our businesses, agri- January 13, 2016; to the Committee on Bank- a rule entitled ‘‘Endangered and Threatened culture, and energy development. As I ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Wildlife and Plants; Listing Two Lion Sub- have noted before, too many of our EC–4134. A communication from the Chief species’’ (RIN1018–BA29) received during ad- waters have been left vulnerable. Pol- Counsel, Federal Emergency Management journment of the Senate in the Office of the President of the Senate on January 14, 2016; lution from upstream sources ends up Agency, Department of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of to the Committee on Environment and Pub- in the rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and a rule entitled ‘‘Suspension of Community lic Works. coastal waters near which most Ameri- Eligibility’’ ((44 CFR Part 64) (Docket No. EC–4143. A communication from the Biolo- cans live and on which they depend for FEMA–2015–0001)) received during adjourn- gist, Fish and Wildlife Service, Department their drinking water, recreation, and ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant to economic development. Clarifying the dent of the Senate on January 14, 2016; to the law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Endan- scope of the Clean Water Act helps to Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban gered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Affairs. Removal of Frankenia johnstonii (John- protect these resources and safeguard ston’s frankenia) From the Federal List of public health. Because this resolution EC–4135. A communication from the Chief Counsel, Federal Emergency Management Endangered and Threatened Plants’’ seeks to block the progress represented Agency, Department of Homeland Security, (RIN1018–AH53) received during adjournment by this rule and deny businesses and transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of of the Senate in the Office of the President communities the regulatory certainty a rule entitled ‘‘Suspension of Community of the Senate on January 14, 2016; to the and clarity needed to invest in projects Eligibility’’ ((44 CFR Part 64) (Docket No. Committee on Environment and Public FEMA–2015–0001)) received during adjourn- Works. that rely on clean water, I cannot sup- EC–4144. A communication from the Chief ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- port it. I am therefore vetoing this res- of the Aquatic Invasive Species Branch, Fish dent of the Senate on January 14, 2016; to the olution. and Wildlife Service, Department of the Inte- Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban BARACK OBAMA. rior, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- Affairs. THE WHITE HOUSE, January 19, 2016. EC–4136. A communication from the Regu- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Injurious Wildlife Species; Listing Salamanders Due to Risk of f latory Liaison, Office of Natural Resources Salamander Chytrid Fungus’’ (RIN1018–BA77) Revenue, Department of the Interior, trans- MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME received during adjournment of the Senate mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule in the Office of the President of the Senate The following joint resolution was entitled ‘‘Allocation and Disbursement of on January 14, 2016; to the Committee on En- Royalties, Rentals, and Bonuses—Oil and read the first time: vironment and Public Works. S.J. Res. 29. Joint resolution to authorize Gas, Offshore’’ (RIN1012–AA11) received dur- EC–4145. A communication from the Chief the use of United States Armed Forces ing adjournment of the Senate in the Office of the Publications and Regulations Branch, against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Le- of the President of the Senate on January 13, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the vant and its associated forces. 2016; to the Committee on Energy and Nat- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the ural Resources. f report of a rule entitled ‘‘Revenue Proce- EC–4137. A communication from the Assist- dure: Update of CC: International No-Rule EXECUTIVE AND OTHER ant General Counsel for Legislation, Regula- Revenue Procedure 2015–7’’ (Rev. Proc. 2016– tion and Energy Efficiency, Office of Energy COMMUNICATIONS 7) received during adjournment of the Senate Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Depart- in the Office of the President of the Senate The following communications were ment of Energy, transmitting, pursuant to on January 15, 2016; to the Committee on Fi- laid before the Senate, together with law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Energy nance. accompanying papers, reports, and doc- Conservation Program: Energy Conservation EC–4146. A communication from the Chief uments, and were referred as indicated: Standards for Refrigerated Bottled or of the Publications and Regulations Branch, Canned Beverage Vending Machines’’ Internal Revenue Service, Department of the EC–4129. A communication from the Ad- ((RIN1904–AD00) (Docket No. EERE–2013–BT– Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the ministrator, Rural Housing Service, Depart- STD–0022)) received during adjournment of report of a rule entitled ‘‘Revenue Procedure ment of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant the Senate in the Office of the President of 2016–5’’ (Rev. Proc. 2016–5) received during to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Commu- the Senate on January 13, 2016; to the Com- adjournment of the Senate in the Office of nity Facilities Technical Assistance and mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. the President of the Senate on January 15, Training Grants’’ (RIN0575–AD02) received EC–4138. A communication from the Assist- 2016; to the Committee on Finance. during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- ant Secretary for Insular Affairs, Depart- EC–4147. A communication from the Chief fice of the President of the Senate on Janu- ment of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant of the Publications and Regulations Branch, ary 15, 2016; to the Committee on Agri- to law, reports entitled ‘‘Report to the Con- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. gress: 2015 Compact Impact Analysis’’ and Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the EC–4130. A communication from the Assist- ‘‘Impact of the Compacts of Free Association report of a rule entitled ‘‘Revenue Procedure ant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Af- on Guam FY (Fiscal Year) 2004 through FY 2016–3’’ (Rev. Proc. 2016–3) received during fairs), transmitting proposed legislation en- 2014’’; to the Committee on Energy and Nat- adjournment of the Senate in the Office of titled ‘‘Military Justice Act of 2016’’; to the ural Resources. the President of the Senate on January 15, Committee on Armed Services. EC–4139. A communication from the Assist- 2016; to the Committee on Finance. EC–4131. A communication from the Assist- ant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), EC–4148. A communication from the Chief ant Director, Senior Executive Management transmitting, pursuant to law, a report rel- of the Publications and Regulations Branch, Office, Department of Defense, transmitting, ative to the Charleston Harbor Post-45 Internal Revenue Service, Department of the pursuant to law, a report relative to a va- project in Charleston, South Carolina; to the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the cancy in the position of Assistant Secretary Committee on Environment and Public report of a rule entitled ‘‘Revisions to the of Defense (Energy, Installations, and Envi- Works. Employee Plans Determination Letter Pro- ronment), Department of Defense, received EC–4140. A communication from the Assist- gram Regarding Cycle A Elections, Deter- during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- ant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), mination Letter Expiration Dates, and Ex- fice of the President of the Senate on Janu- transmitting, pursuant to law, a report rel- tension of Deadlines for Certain Definied ary 15, 2016; to the Committee on Armed ative to the Leon Creek Watershed, San An- Contribution Pre-Approved Plans’’ (Notice Services. tonio, Texas; to the Committee on Environ- 2016–03) received during adjournment of the EC–4132. A communication from the Direc- ment and Public Works. Senate in the Office of the President of the tor of Legislative Affairs, Federal Deposit EC–4141. A communication from the Chief Senate on January 15, 2016; to the Committee Insurance Corporation, transmitting, pursu- of the Branch of Recovery and State Grants, on Finance.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:58 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.014 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S131 EC–4149. A communication from the Chief tuaries, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Department of Commerce, transmitting, pur- of the Publications and Regulations Branch, Administration, transmitting, pursuant to suant to law, the report of a rule entitled Internal Revenue Service, Department of the law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Boundary ‘‘Fisheries Off West Coast States; Pacific Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Expansion of Thunder Bay National Marine Coast Groundfish Fishery; Seabird Avoid- report of a rule entitled ‘‘2015 Retroactive In- Sanctuary; Correction and Expansion of ance Measures’’ (RIN0648–BD92) received dur- crease in Excludable Transit Benefits’’ (No- Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary, ing adjournment of the Senate in the Office tice 2016–6) received during adjournment of Regulatory Changes, and Sanctuary Name of the President of the Senate on January 13, the Senate in the Office of the President of Change; Correction’’ (RIN0648–BF13) received 2016; to the Committee on Commerce, the Senate on January 15, 2016; to the Com- during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- Science, and Transportation. mittee on Finance. fice of the President of the Senate on Janu- EC–4166. A communication from the Dep- EC–4150. A communication from the Chief ary 13, 2016; to the Committee on Commerce, uty Assistant Administrator, Office of Sus- of the Trade and Commercial Regulations Science, and Transportation. tainable Fisheries, Department of Com- Branch, Bureau of Customs and Border Pro- EC–4159. A communication from the Assist- merce, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- tection, Department of Homeland Security, ant Administrator, Office of Sustainable port of a rule entitled ‘‘Pacific Island Pe- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Fisheries, Department of Commerce, trans- lagic Fisheries; 2015 U.S. Territorial a rule entitled ‘‘Extension of Import Restric- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule Longline Bigeye Tuna Catch Limits for the tions Imposed on Archaeological Material entitled ‘‘Fisheries of the Northeastern Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Is- Originating in Italy and Representing the United States; Summer Flounder, Scup, and lands’’ (RIN0648–XD998) received during ad- Pre-Classical, Classical, and Imperial Roman Black Sea Bass Fisheries; 2016–2018 Summer journment of the Senate in the Office of the Periods’’ (RIN1515–AE07) received during ad- Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Speci- President of the Senate on January 13, 2016; journment of the Senate in the Office of the fications’’ (RIN0648–XE171) received in the to the Committee on Commerce, Science, President of the Senate on January 15, 2016; Office of the President of the Senate on Jan- and Transportation. to the Committee on Finance. uary 12, 2016; to the Committee on Com- EC–4167. A communication from the Dep- EC–4151. A communication from the Chief merce, Science, and Transportation. uty Assistant Administrator for Regulatory of the Trade and Commercial Regulations EC–4160. A communication from the Assist- Programs, National Marine Fisheries Serv- Branch, Bureau of Customs and Border Pro- ant Administrator for Fisheries, National ice, Department of Commerce, transmitting, tection, Department of Homeland Security, Marine Fisheries Service, Department of pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant to law, ‘‘Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; a rule entitled ‘‘United States-Australia the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Fisheries of the Smoothhound Shark and Atlantic Shark Free Trade Agreement’’ (RIN1515–AD59) re- Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlan- Management Measures’’ (RIN0648–BB02) re- ceived during adjournment of the Senate in tic; Reef Fish Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; ceived during adjournment of the Senate in the Office of the President of the Senate on 2016 Red Snapper Commercial Quota Reten- the Office of the President of the Senate on January 15, 2016; to the Committee on Fi- tion’’ (RIN0648–BE91) received in the Office January 13, 2016; to the Committee on Com- nance. of the President of the Senate on January 12, merce, Science, and Transportation. EC–4152. A communication from the Assist- 2016; to the Committee on Commerce, EC–4168. A communication from the Acting ant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, Depart- Science, and Transportation. Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to the EC–4161. A communication from the Assist- partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- Case-Zablocki Act, 1 U.S.C. 112b, as amended, ant Administrator for Fisheries, Office of ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘At- the report of the texts and background state- Sustainable Fisheries, Department of Com- lantic Highly Migratory Species; Atlantic ments of international agreements, other merce, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- Bluefin Tuna Fisheries’’ (RIN0648–XE327) re- than treaties (List 2016–0001—2016–0011); to port of a rule entitled ‘‘Fisheries of the Car- ceived in the Office of the President of the the Committee on Foreign Relations. ibbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; Senate on January 12, 2016; to the Committee EC–4153. A communication from the Dis- Reef Fish Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. trict of Columbia Auditor, transmitting, pur- Greater Amberjack Management Measures’’ EC–4169. A communication from the Acting suant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Status Re- Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- port on Implementation of District of Co- (RIN0648–BF21) received during adjournment partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- lumbia Auditor Recommendations’’; to the of the Senate in the Office of the President ant to law, the report of a rule entitled Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- of the Senate on January 13, 2016; to the ‘‘Fisheries of the Northeastern United ernmental Affairs. Committee on Commerce, Science, and EC–4154. A communication from the Chair Transportation. States; Atlantic Bluefish Fishery; Quota of the Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel, Na- EC–4162. A communication from the Dep- Transfer’’ (RIN0648–XE321) received in the tional Aeronautics and Space Administra- uty Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Office of the President of the Senate on Jan- tion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Pan- Programs, National Marine Fisheries Serv- uary 12, 2016; to the Committee on Com- el’s annual report for 2015; to the Committee ice, Department of Commerce, transmitting, merce, Science, and Transportation. on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled EC–4170. A communication from the Acting EC–4155. A communication from the Direc- ‘‘Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- tor, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, Depart- Smoothsound Shark Management Measures’’ partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant (RIN0648–BB02) received in the Office of the ant to law, the report of a rule entitled to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Fish- President of the Senate on January 12, 2016; ‘‘Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone eries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off to the Committee on Commerce, Science, Off Alaska; Reallocation of Pacific Cod in Alaska; Several Groundfish Species in the and Transportation. the Central Regulatory Area of the Gulf of Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Manage- EC–4163. A communication from the Dep- Alaska Management Area’’ (RIN0648–XE354) ment Area’’ (RIN0648–XE344) received in the uty Assistant Administrator for Regulatory received in the Office of the President of the Office of the President of the Senate on Jan- Programs, National Marine Fisheries Serv- Senate on January 12, 2016; to the Committee uary 12, 2016; to the Committee on Com- ice, Department of Commerce, transmitting, on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. merce, Science, and Transportation. pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled EC–4171. A communication from the Acting EC–4156. A communication from the Direc- ‘‘Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- tor, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, Depart- and South Atlantic; Coastal Migratory Pe- partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant lagic Resources in the Gulf of Mexico and At- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Fish- lantic Region; Framework Amendment 3’’ ‘‘Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources of the eries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off (RIN0648–BF14) received in the Office of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic; 2015–2016 Alaska; Sculpins in the Bering Sea and Aleu- President of the Senate on January 12, 2016; Accountability Measure and Closure for tian Islands Management Area’’ (RIN0648– to the Committee on Commerce , Science, Commercial King Mackerel in the Florida XE337) received in the Office of the President and Transportation. West Coast Northern Subzone; Correction’’ of the Senate on January 12, 2016; to the EC–4164. A communication from the Dep- (RIN0648–XE326) received in the Office of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and uty Assistant Administrator for Regulatory President of the Senate on January 12, 2016; Transportation. Programs, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, to the Committee on Commerce, Science, EC–4157. A communication from the Direc- Department of Commerce, transmitting, pur- and Transportation. tor, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, Depart- suant to law, the report of a rule entitled EC–4172. A communication from the Acting ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant ‘‘Fisheries Off West Coast States; Pacific Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Fish- Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan; partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- eries of the Northeastern United States; Trawl Rationalization Program; Midwater ant to law, the report of a rule entitled Summer Flounder Fishery; Quota Transfer’’ Trawl Requirements’’ (RIN0648–BE29) re- ‘‘Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone (RIN0648–XE347) received in the Office of the ceived in the Office of the President of the Off Alaska; Other Hook-and-Line Fishery by President of the Senate on January 12, 2016; Senate on January 12, 2016; to the Committee Catcher Vessels in the Gulf of Alaska’’ to the Committee on Commerce, Science, on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. (RIN0648–XE358) received in the Office of the and Transportation. EC–4165. A communication from the Dep- President of the Senate on January 12, 2016; EC–4158. A communication from the Acting uty Assistant Administrator for Regulatory to the Committee on Commerce, Science, Director, Office of National Marine Sanc- Programs, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, and Transportation.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:58 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.005 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S132 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2016 EXECUTIVE REPORT OF age responsible borrowing, and save money XIX and XXI of the Social Security Act COMMITTEE for taxpayers; to the Committee on Finance. to provide for 12-month continuous en- By Mr. WARNER (for himself, Mr. The following executive report of a rollment under Medicaid and the Chil- THUNE, and Mrs. CAPITO): dren’s Health Insurance Program, and nomination was submitted: S. 2457. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- for other purposes. By Mr. JOHNSON for the Committee on enue Code of 1986 to extend the exclusion for Homeland Security and Governmental Af- employer-provided education assistance to S. 551 fairs. employer payments of student loans; to the At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the *Michael Joseph Missal, of Maryland, to be Committee on Finance. name of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. Inspector General, Department of Veterans By Mr. CARDIN: KIRK) was added as a cosponsor of S. Affairs. S. 2458. A bill to amend section 217(a)(12) of 551, a bill to increase public safety by *Nomination was reported with rec- the Immigration and Nationality Act, relat- permitting the Attorney General to ing to the restriction of the use of the Visa ommendation that it be confirmed sub- Waiver Program for aliens who travel to cer- deny the transfer of firearms or the ject to the nominee’s commitment to tain countries; to the Committee on the Ju- issuance of firearms and explosives li- respond to requests to appear and tes- diciary. censes to known or suspected dan- tify before any duly constituted com- By Mr. MCCONNELL (for himself, Mr. gerous terrorists. mittee of the Senate. GRAHAM, Mr. COATS, Mr. HATCH, and S. 624 Mrs. ERNST): f At the request of Mr. BROWN, the S.J. Res. 29. A joint resolution to authorize name of the Senator from Minnesota INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND the use of United States Armed Forces (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a co- JOINT RESOLUTIONS against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Le- vant and its associated forces; read the first sponsor of S. 624, a bill to amend title The following bills and joint resolu- time. XVIII of the Social Security Act to tions were introduced, read the first waive coinsurance under Medicare for f and second times by unanimous con- colorectal cancer screening tests, re- sent, and referred as indicated: SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND gardless of whether therapeutic inter- By Mr. FLAKE (for himself, Mr. DUR- SENATE RESOLUTIONS vention is required during the screen- BIN, and Mr. BOOKER): The following concurrent resolutions ing. S. 2449. A bill to amend the Immigration and Senate resolutions were read, and S. 720 and Nationality Act to remove limitations At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the on the ability of certain dual citizens from referred (or acted upon), as indicated: participating in the Visa Waiver Program; to By Mr. RUBIO (for himself, Mr. WYDEN, name of the Senator from North Da- the Committee on the Judiciary. and Mr. RISCH): kota (Ms. HEITKAMP) was added as a co- By Mr. TESTER (for himself, Mr. S. Res. 346. A resolution expressing opposi- sponsor of S. 720, a bill to promote en- GRASSLEY, Mr. JOHNSON, and Mr. tion to the European Commission interpre- ergy savings in residential buildings CARPER): tive notice regarding labeling Israeli prod- and industry, and for other purposes. ucts and goods manufactured in the West S. 2450. A bill to amend title 5, United S. 859 States Code, to address administrative leave Bank and other areas, as such actions under- At the request of Ms. CANTWELL, the for Federal employees, and for other pur- mine the Israeli-Palestinian peace process; poses; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- to the Committee on Foreign Relations. name of the Senator from Michigan rity and Governmental Affairs. By Mr. BOOKER (for himself, Ms. MI- (Mr. PETERS) was added as a cosponsor By Mr. CRUZ: KULSKI, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. MENENDEZ, of S. 859, a bill to protect the public, S. 2451. A bill to designate the area be- Ms. WARREN, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. WAR- communities across America, and the tween the intersections of International NER, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. environment by increasing the safety Drive, Northwest and Van Ness Street, BLUMENTHAL, and Mr. COONS): of crude oil transportation by railroad, Northwest and International Drive, North- S. Res. 347. A resolution honoring the and for other purposes. west and International Place, Northwest in memory and legacy of Anita Ashok Datar S. 1061 Washington, District of Columbia, as ‘‘Liu and condemning the terrorist attack in Xiaobo Plaza’’, and for other purposes; to the Bamako, Mali, on November 20, 2015; to the At the request of Ms. HIRONO, the Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- Committee on Foreign Relations. name of the Senator from Connecticut ernmental Affairs. By Mr. BLUNT (for himself and Mr. (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- By Mr. MORAN: SCHUMER): sponsor of S. 1061, a bill to improve the S. 2452. A bill to prohibit the use of funds S. Con. Res. 28. A concurrent resolution to Federal Pell Grant program, and for to make payments to Iran relating to the establish the Joint Congressional Committee other purposes. settlement of claims brought before the on Inaugural Ceremonies for the inaugura- S. 1473 Iran-United States Claims Tribunal until tion of the President-elect and Vice Presi- Iran has paid certain compensatory damages dent-elect of the United States on January At the request of Mr. MARKEY, the awarded to United States persons by United 20, 2017; considered and agreed to. name of the Senator from Wisconsin States courts; to the Committee on Foreign By Mr. BLUNT (for himself and Mr. (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- Relations. SCHUMER): sor of S. 1473, a bill to authorize the ap- By Mr. PAUL: S. Con. Res. 29. A concurrent resolution to propriation of funds to the Centers for S. 2453. A bill to consolidate duplicative authorize the use of the rotunda and Eman- Disease Control and Prevention for and overlapping Federal programs and re- cipation Hall of the Capitol by the Joint conducting or supporting research on Congressional Committee on Inaugural Cere- duce spending; to the Committee on Home- firearms safety or gun violence preven- land Security and Governmental Affairs. monies in connection with the proceedings tion. By Mr. PAUL (for himself, Mr. ENZI, and ceremonies conducted for the inaugura- and Mr. SESSIONS): tion of the President-elect and the Vice S. 1567 S. 2454. A bill to limit the period of author- President-elect of the United States; consid- At the request of Mr. PETERS, the ization of new budget authority provided in ered and agreed to. name of the Senator from Montana appropriation Acts, to require analysis, ap- f (Mr. TESTER) was added as a cosponsor praisal, and evaluation of existing programs ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS of S. 1567, a bill to amend title 10, for which continued new budget authority is United States Code, to provide for a re- proposed to be authorized by committees of S. 383 view of the characterization or terms Congress, and for other purposes; to the At the request of Mr. CRAPO, the Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- of discharge from the Armed Forces of ernmental Affairs. name of the Senator from Washington individuals with mental health dis- By Mr. CRUZ: (Mrs. MURRAY) was added as a cospon- orders alleged to affect terms of dis- S. 2455. A bill to expand school choice in sor of S. 383, a bill to provide for Indian charge. the District of Columbia; to the Committee trust asset management reform, and S. 1766 on Finance. for other purposes. At the request of Mr. SCHATZ, the By Mr. WARNER (for himself and Mr. S. 428 name of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. RUBIO): S. 2456. A bill to simplify and improve the At the request of Mr. BROWN, the KIRK) was added as a cosponsor of S. Federal student loan program through in- name of the Senator from Massachu- 1766, a bill to direct the Secretary of come-contingent repayment to provide setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- Defense to review the discharge char- stronger protections for borrowers, encour- sponsor of S. 428, a bill to amend titles acterization of former members of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:58 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.010 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S133 Armed Forces who were discharged by the Secretary of Health and Human Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I reason of the sexual orientation of the Services, acting through the Adminis- ask unanimous consent that the text of member, and for other purposes. trator of the Health Resources and the joint resolution be printed in the S. 1885 Services Administration, to make RECORD. At the request of Mr. BLUMENTHAL, grants to States for screening and There being no objection, the text of the name of the Senator from Cali- treatment for maternal depression. the joint resolution was ordered to be fornia (Mrs. BOXER) was added as a co- S. 2322 printed in the RECORD, as follows: sponsor of S. 1885, a bill to amend title At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the S.J. RES. 29 38, United States Code, to improve the name of the Senator from Massachu- Whereas the terrorist organization referred provision of assistance and benefits to setts (Mr. MARKEY) was added as a co- to as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Le- veterans who are homeless, at risk of sponsor of S. 2322, a bill to amend the vant and various other names (referred to in becoming homeless, or occupying tem- Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to this joint resolution as ‘‘ISIL’’) has been sys- provide that over-the-road bus drivers tematically targeting, kidnapping, and kill- porary housing, and for other purposes. ing innocent men, women, and children S. 1890 are covered under the maximum hours throughout Iraq and Syria, continues to ex- At the request of Mr. HATCH, the requirements. pand its terror influence, and is responsible names of the Senator from Rhode Is- S. 2426 for recent attacks in Egypt, Lebanon, Tuni- land (Mr. WHITEHOUSE) and the Senator At the request of Mr. GARDNER, the sia, and France; from South Carolina (Mr. GRAHAM) names of the Senator from Arkansas Whereas foreign fighters, undeterred by were added as cosponsors of S. 1890, a (Mr. BOOZMAN), the Senator from Wis- the more than 60-nation coalition operating against ISIL, continue to join the ranks of consin (Ms. BALDWIN) and the Senator bill to amend chapter 90 of title 18, ISIL with the goal of establishing a caliph- United States Code, to provide Federal from South Dakota (Mr. THUNE) were ate; jurisdiction for the theft of trade se- added as cosponsors of S. 2426, a bill to Whereas, on June 19, 2014, President crets, and for other purposes. direct the Secretary of State to de- Barack Obama stated that ‘‘ISIL poses a S. 1911 velop a strategy to obtain observer sta- threat to the Iraqi people, to the region, and to U.S. interests’’; At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the tus for Taiwan in the International Whereas, on August 19, 2014, ISIL released names of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. Criminal Police Organization, and for other purposes. a video of the beheading of an American MORAN) and the Senator from Con- journalist, James Foley, and threatened to necticut (Mr. MURPHY) were added as S. 2429 kill more Americans; cosponsors of S. 1911, a bill to imple- At the request of Ms. AYOTTE, the Whereas, on September 2, 2014, ISIL re- ment policies to end preventable ma- name of the Senator from Arkansas leased a second video, of the beheading of an ternal, newborn, and child deaths glob- (Mr. BOOZMAN) was added as a cospon- Israeli-American journalist, Steven Sotloff, ally. sor of S. 2429, a bill to require a report and again threatened to kill more; Whereas a Central Intelligence Agency as- S. 2144 on the military dimensions of Iran’s sessment in September 2014 estimated that At the request of Mr. GARDNER, the nuclear program and to prohibit the provision of sanctions relief to Iran ISIL can muster as many as 31,500 fighters in name of the Senator from West Vir- Syria and Iraq alone; ginia (Mrs. CAPITO) was added as a co- until Iran has verifiably ended all mili- Whereas, on November 16, 2014, ISIL re- sponsor of S. 2144, a bill to improve the tary dimensions of its nuclear pro- leased yet another video of militant ‘‘Jihadi enforcement of sanctions against the gram, and for other purposes. John’’ standing over the severed head of Government of North Korea, and for S. 2434 former Army Ranger Peter Kassig; other purposes. At the request of Mr. PAUL, the name Whereas Master Sergeant Joshua Wheeler, of the Senator from Nebraska (Mrs. a member of a United States Special Forces S. 2185 operations team, was killed during a daring At the request of Ms. HEITKAMP, the FISCHER) was added as a cosponsor of S. raid on an ISIL stronghold in Iraq to rescue name of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. 2434, a bill to provide that any execu- 70 prisoners who were slated to be executed; DURBIN) was added as a cosponsor of S. tive action that infringes on the pow- Whereas American hostage Kayla Mueller, 2185, a bill to require the Secretary of ers and duties of Congress under sec- a 26-year-old female, was kidnapped and re- the Treasury to mint coins in recogni- tion 8 of article I of the Constitution of peatedly raped for almost 18 months by the leader of ISIL, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi; tion of the fight against breast cancer. the United States or on the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the Whereas, on November 13, 2015, ISIL car- S. 2236 United States has no force or effect, ried out a coordinated attack on Paris, At the request of Mr. CRAPO, the France, killing more than 129 people from at and to prohibit the use of funds for cer- name of the Senator from Utah (Mr. least 14 different countries, including Amer- tain purposes. LEE) was added as a cosponsor of S. ican student Nohemi Gonzalez; 2236, a bill to provide that silencers be S. 2438 Whereas, on November 16, 2015, Central In- treated the same as long guns. At the request of Mr. BROWN, the telligence Agency Director Brennan warned, name of the Senator from Massachu- following ISIL’s horrific terrorist in Paris, S. 2271 setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- that the attack was likely ‘‘not the only op- At the request of Ms. STABENOW, the sponsor of S. 2438, a bill to amend titles eration that ISIL has in the pipeline’’; Whereas, on August 18, 2014, Pope Francis name of the Senator from Wisconsin XI and XIX of the Social Security Act (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- said that the international community to establish a comprehensive and na- would be justified in stopping ISIL; sor of S. 2271, a bill to amend the Inter- tionwide system to evaluate the qual- nal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide Whereas, on August 21, 2014, former Chair- ity of care provided to beneficiaries of man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General credits for the production of renewable Medicaid and the Children’s Health In- Dempsey stated that ISIL ‘‘has an apoca- chemicals and investments in renew- surance Program and to provide incen- lyptic, end-of-days strategic vision and able chemical production facilities, and tives for voluntary quality improve- which will eventually have to be defeated’’; for other purposes. ment. Whereas, on September 16, 2014, former S. 2292 Secretary of Defense Hagel testified before f the Committee on Armed Services of the At the request of Mr. TESTER, the Senate that ‘‘if left unchecked, ISIL will di- name of the Senator from New Hamp- STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS rectly threaten our homeland and our al- shire (Ms. AYOTTE) was added as a co- lies’’; sponsor of S. 2292, a bill to reform laws Whereas, on September 17, 2014, during a relating to small public housing agen- By Mr. MCCONNELL (for himself, hearing of the Committee on Foreign Rela- cies, and for other purposes. Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. COATS, Mr. tions of the Senate, Secretary of State Kerry stated that ‘‘ISIL must be defeated. Period. S. 2311 HATCH, and Mrs. ERNST): End of story.’’; At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, S.J. Res. 29. A joint resolution to au- Whereas, on March 13, 2015, Central Intel- the name of the Senator from Con- thorize the use of United States Armed ligence Agency Director Brennan stated, necticut (Mr. MURPHY) was added as a Forces against the Islamic State of ‘‘ISIL is well-armed and well-financed. Its cosponsor of S. 2311, a bill to amend the Iraq and the Levant and its associated fighters are disciplined, committed, and bat- Public Health Service Act to authorize forces; read the first time. tle-hardened. Left unchecked, the group

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would pose a serious danger not only to (b) SINGLE CONSOLIDATED REPORT.—To the Whereas the United States and the Euro- Syria and Iraq, but to the wider region be- extent that the submission of any report de- pean Union have historically worked in co- yond, including the threat of attacks in the scribed in subsection (a) coincides with the ordination to bring an end to the Israeli-Pal- homelands of the United States and our part- submission of any other report on matters estinian conflict; and ners.’’; relevant to this joint resolution otherwise Whereas multiple Untied States legisla- Whereas, on July 23, 2015, Federal Bureau required to be submitted to Congress pursu- tures have enacted measures to confront po- of Investigation Director Comey stated that ant to the reporting requirements of the War litically motivated acts of boycott, divest- ‘‘[t]he threat that ISIL presents to the Powers Resolution, all such reports may be ment from, and sanctions against Israel, in- United States is very different in kind, in submitted as a single consolidated report to cluding Tennessee, Indiana, Illinois, South type, in degree than al Qaeda. ISIL is not Congress. Carolina, and New York: Now, therefore, be your parent’s al Qaeda, it’s a very different f it model. And by virtue of that model, it’s cur- Resolved, That the Senate— rently the threat that we are worried about SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS (1) expresses opposition to the European in the homeland most of all’’; Commission interpretive notice regarding la- Whereas, on November 16, 2015, following beling Israeli products and goods manufac- the attacks on Paris, France, ISIL released a SENATE RESOLUTION 346—EX- tured in the West Bank and other areas, as video threatening to ‘‘strike America at its PRESSING OPPOSITION TO THE such actions undermine efforts to achieve a center in Washington’’; EUROPEAN COMMISSION INTER- negotiated Israeli-Palestinian peace process; Whereas, on November 17, 2015, former Sec- PRETIVE NOTICE REGARDING (2) opposes politically motivated acts of retary of Defense Panetta warned that coun- LABELING ISRAELI PRODUCTS boycott, divestment from, and sanctions tering the threat posed by ISIL ‘‘isn’t about AND GOODS MANUFACTURED IN against Israel or Israeli-controlled territory; containment. It is about defeating ISIS. I THE WEST BANK AND OTHER (3) calls upon the European Commission, think if there’s anything we ought to under- AREAS, AS SUCH ACTIONS UN- the Council of the European Union, and the stand from these last events [in Paris], it’s European Parliament to oppose any boycott, that we have to go to war against this brutal DERMINE THE ISRAELI-PALES- divestment, or sanctions initiatives aimed at enemy’’; TINIAN PEACE PROCESS singling out Israel, to refrain from actions Whereas after the terrorist attacks of Sep- Mr. RUBIO (for himself, Mr. WYDEN, counterproductive to resolving the Israeli- tember 11, 2001, Congress authorized the use and Mr. RISCH) submitted the following Palestinian conflict, and to work on bringing of military force against al Qaeda; resolution; which was referred to the the parties back to the negotiating table; Whereas ISIL poses a direct threat to the Committee on Foreign Relations: (4) encourages European Union member United States homeland that is equal to or states to exert prudence in the implementa- S. RES. 346 greater than the threat posed by al Qaeda tion of the European Union labeling guide- prior to the terrorist attacks of September Whereas the United States supports a ne- lines regarding Israeli products and goods 11, 2001; gotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian manufactured in the West Bank and other Whereas, although nothing in this joint conflict resulting in two states, a demo- areas; resolution limits the authorities of the cratic, Jewish State of Israel and a viable, (5) urges the President to increase the use President under article 2 of the Constitution democratic Palestinian state, living side-by- of the voice, vote, and influence of the of the United States, Justice Robert H. Jack- side in peace, security, and mutual recogni- United States in international organizations son wrote in Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. tion; and other appropriate international forums v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579 (1952) that ‘‘[w]hen Whereas a true and lasting peace between to actively oppose politically motivated acts the President acts pursuant to an express or Israel and the Palestinians can only be es- of boycott, divestment from, and sanctions implied authorization of Congress, his au- tablished through direct negotiations regard- against Israel; thority is at its maximum, for it includes all ing outstanding issues between Israel and (6) supports efforts by United States State that he possesses in his own right plus all the recognized leadership of the Palestinian legislatures to enact measures that oppose that Congress can delegate’’; and people, the Palestinian Authority; politically motivated acts of boycott, divest- Whereas ISIL, through the use of social Whereas a true and lasting peace between ment from, and sanctions against Israel; and media and its online magazine, Dabiq, seeks Israel and the Palestinians is in the national (7) reaffirms its strong support for a nego- to radicalize Americans and to inspire at- security interests of the United States and tiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian necessary to ensure the safety and security tacks within the homeland: Now, therefore, conflict resulting in two states, a demo- of Israel; be it cratic, Jewish State of Israel and a viable, Whereas the anti-Israel Boycott, Divest- Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep- democratic Palestinian state, living side-by- ment and Sanctions (BDS) movement has resentatives of the United States of America in side in peace, security, and mutual recogni- called on the European Commission to go be- Congress assembled, tion. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. yond labeling guidelines and implement a f This joint resolution may be cited as the ban on the import of products of Israeli com- ‘‘Authorization for Use of Military Force panies that operate in the West Bank and SENATE RESOLUTION 347—HON- Against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Le- other areas; ORING THE MEMORY AND LEG- vant and its Associated Forces’’. Whereas politically motivated acts of boy- cott, divestment from, and sanctions against ACY OF ANITA ASHOK DATAR SEC. 2. AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF UNITED AND CONDEMNING THE TER- STATES ARMED FORCES. Israel represent a concerted effort to extract (a) IN GENERAL.—The President is author- concessions from Israel outside of direct ne- RORIST ATTACK IN BAMAKO, ized to use all necessary and appropriate gotiations between the Israelis and Palestin- MALI, ON NOVEMBER 20, 2015 ians, and undermine efforts to achieve a ne- force in order to defend the national security Mr. BOOKER (for himself, Ms. MI- of the United States against the continuing gotiated two-state solution; KULSKI, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. MENENDEZ, Ms. threat posed by the Islamic State of Iraq and Whereas the United States has long op- the Levant, its associated forces, organiza- posed efforts to impose solutions to the WARREN, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. WARNER, tions, and persons, and any successor organi- Israeli-Palestinian conflict outside of direct Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. zations. negotiations between the two parties; BLUMENTHAL, and Mr. COONS) sub- (b) WAR POWERS RESOLUTION REQUIRE- Whereas the United States has historically mitted the following resolution; which MENTS.— been at the forefront of combating economic was referred to the Committee on For- (1) SPECIFIC STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION.— pressure against Israel and has enacted legis- eign Relations: Consistent with section 8(a)(1) of the War lation to counter both the Arab League Boy- Powers Resolution (50 U.S.C. 1457(a)(1)), Con- cott of Israel and the BDS movement; S. RES. 347 gress declares that this section is intended Whereas one-sided actions, such as singling Whereas, on November 20, 2015, terrorists to constitute specific statutory authoriza- out Israeli products, serves to encourage and perpetrated an horrific attack at the tion within the meaning of section 5(b) of the prompt consumers to boycott Israeli prod- Radisson Blu Hotel in Bamako, Mali, killing War Powers Resolution. ucts and goods manufactured in the West innocent civilians from 7 countries, includ- (2) APPLICABILITY OF OTHER REQUIRE- Bank and other areas; ing Mali, Russia, China, Belguim, Israel, MENTS.—Nothing in this joint resolution Whereas section 102(b) of the Bipartisan Senegal, and the United States; supercedes any requirement of the War Pow- Congressional Trade Priorities and Account- Whereas Anita Ashok Datar was the only ers Resolution (50 U.S.C. 1541 et seq.). ability Act of 2015 (title I of Public Law 114– citizen of the United States killed in the ter- SEC. 3. REPORTS TO CONGRESS. 26; 19 U.S.C. 4201(b)) states that the United rorist attack on November 20, 2015, in (a) REPORTS.—Not less frequently than States should discourage potential trading Bamako, Mali; once every 60 days, the President shall sub- partners from adopting policies to limit Whereas first responders, including Malian mit a report to Congress on matters relevant trade or investment relations with Israel forces, United Nations staff, and French and to this joint resolution, including actions when negotiating the Transatlantic Trade United States security personnel, including taken pursuant to the exercise of authority and Investment Partnership with European agents of the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, granted under section 2. countries; bravely and quickly assisted with—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:05 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.015 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S135 (1) the evacuation of hostages; and resolution referred to as the ‘‘joint com- SA 2950. Mr. FLAKE submitted an amend- (2) the transportation of hostages to safe mittee’’) consisting of 3 Senators and 3 Mem- ment intended to be proposed by him to the locations; bers of the House of Representatives, to be bill H.R. 4038, supra; which was ordered to lie Whereas Anita Ashok Datar— appointed by the President of the Senate and on the table. (1) resided in Takoma Park, Maryland; the Speaker of the House of Representatives, SA 2951. Mr. FLAKE submitted an amend- (2) was born in Pittsfield, ; respectively. The joint committee is author- ment intended to be proposed by him to the and ized to make the necessary arrangements for bill H.R. 4038, supra; which was ordered to lie (3) was raised in Flanders, New Jersey; the inauguration of the President-elect and on the table. Whereas Anita Ashok Datar was an inter- Vice President-elect of the United States on SA 2952. Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. GRASS- national public health and development January 20, 2017. LEY (for himself, Mr. BENNET, Mr. ISAKSON, worker, public health expert, mother, daugh- SEC. 2. SUPPORT OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE. and Mr. SANDERS)) proposed an amendment ter, sister, and friend; to the bill S. 607, to provide for a five-year Whereas Anita Ashok Datar served as a The joint committee— (1) is authorized to utilize appropriate extension of the Medicare rural community volunteer of the Peace Corps in Senegal from hospital demonstration program. 1997 through 1999; equipment and the services of appropriate Whereas Anita Ashok Datar was a grad- personnel of departments and agencies of the f uate of— Federal Government, under arrangements TEXT OF AMENDMENTS (1) Rutgers, The State University of New between the joint committee and the heads Jersey; and of those departments and agencies, in con- SA 2945. Mr. THUNE submitted an (2) ’s— nection with the inaugural proceedings and amendment intended to be proposed by (A) Mailman School of Public Health; ceremonies; and him to the bill H.R. 4038, to require and (2) may accept gifts and donations of goods that supplemental certifications and (B) School of International and Public and services to carry out its responsibilities. Affairs; background investigations be com- Whereas Anita Ashok Datar helped found a f pleted prior to the admission of certain not-for-profit organization dedicated to con- SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- aliens as refugees, and for other pur- necting low-income women in underserved TION 29—TO AUTHORIZE THE USE poses; which was ordered to lie on the communities to quality health services; OF THE ROTUNDA AND EMANCI- table; as follows: Whereas, of all of the accomplishments of PATION HALL OF THE CAPITOL At the appropriate place, insert the fol- Anita Ashok Datar, she was most proud of lowing: her son, Rohan; and BY THE JOINT CONGRESSIONAL SEC. ll. REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT. Whereas the people of the United States COMMITTEE ON INAUGURAL (a) IN GENERAL.—The governor of each stand united with the family, friends, and CEREMONIES IN CONNECTION State shall be permitted to advise the Sec- colleagues of Anita Ashok Datar— WITH THE PROCEEDINGS AND retary of State, on a weekly basis, of the (1) to support the individuals touched by CEREMONIES CONDUCTED FOR willingness of such State to accept the reset- her life or affected by her death; and THE INAUGURATION OF THE (2) to pray for healing, understanding, and tlement of a refugee in such State. peace: Now, therefore, be it PRESIDENT-ELECT AND THE (b) ADVISE.—The Secretary of State shall Resolved, That the Senate— VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT OF THE provide full information to a governor of any (1) condemns the terrorist attack in UNITED STATES State if the Secretary resettles a refugee in that State. Bamako, Mali, on November 20, 2015; Mr. BLUNT (for himself and Mr. (2) honors the memory of Anita Ashok Datar, the citizen of the United States that SCHUMER) submitted the following con- SA 2946. Mr. THUNE (for himself and was killed in the terrorist attack on Novem- current resolution; which was consid- Mr. ISAKSON) submitted an amendment ber 20, 2015, in Bamako, Mali; ered and agreed to: intended to be proposed by him to the (3) recognizes and honors the commitment S. CON. RES. 29 bill H.R. 4038, to require that supple- of Anita Ashok Datar to advance inter- Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- mental certifications and background national development and public health, in- resentatives concurring), investigations be completed prior to cluding her work to connect low-income SECTION 1. USE OF THE ROTUNDA AND EMANCI- the admission of certain aliens as refu- women to quality health services; PATION HALL OF THE CAPITOL. gees, and for other purposes; which was (4) extends heartfelt condolences and pray- The rotunda and Emancipation Hall of the ordered to lie on the table; as follows: ers to— United States Capitol are authorized to be (A) the family, friends, and colleagues of At the appropriate place, insert the fol- used on January 20, 2017, by the Joint Con- lowing: Anita Ashok Datar, particularly her son, gressional Committee on Inaugural Cere- Rohan; and SEC. ll. REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT VETO AU- monies in connection with the proceedings THORITY. (B) the individuals touched by the life of and ceremonies conducted for the inaugura- Anita Ashok Datar or affected by her death, (a) IN GENERAL.—The governor of each tion of the President-elect and the Vice State shall be permitted to advise the Sec- including the dedicated development profes- President-elect of the United States. sionals and volunteers that continue to self- retary of State, on a weekly basis, of the lessly engage in critical humanitarian and f willingness of such State to accept the reset- development efforts; and AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND tlement of a refugee in such State. (b) VETO AUTHORITY.—The governor of any (5) pledges to continue to work to counter PROPOSED violent extremism, including through edu- State may veto the resettlement of any ref- cation and health care, in the United States SA 2945. Mr. THUNE submitted an amend- ugee in that State. and abroad. ment intended to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. 4038, to require that supplemental SA 2947. Mr. KIRK (for himself, Mrs. f certifications and background investigations CAPITO, and Mr. INHOFE) submitted an SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- be completed prior to the admission of cer- amendment intended to be proposed by TION 28—TO ESTABLISH THE tain aliens as refugees, and for other pur- him to the bill H.R. 4038, to require JOINT CONGRESSIONAL COM- poses; which was ordered to lie on the table. that supplemental certifications and MITTEE ON INAUGURAL CERE- SA 2946. Mr. THUNE (for himself and Mr. background investigations be com- ISAKSON) submitted an amendment intended pleted prior to the admission of certain MONIES FOR THE INAUGURATION to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. 4038, OF THE PRESIDENT-ELECT AND supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. aliens as refugees, and for other pur- VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT OF THE SA 2947. Mr. KIRK (for himself, Mrs. CAP- poses; which was ordered to lie on the UNITED STATES ON JANUARY 20, ITO, and Mr. INHOFE) submitted an amend- table; as follows: 2017 ment intended to be proposed by him to the On page 2, line 14, insert ‘‘, and has pro- Mr. BLUNT (for himself and Mr. bill H.R. 4038, supra; which was ordered to lie vided support to any foreign terrorist organi- on the table. zation, which may include publishing or oth- SCHUMER) submitted the following con- SA 2948. Mr. KIRK (for himself, Mrs. CAP- erwise engaging in social media to promote current resolution; which was consid- ITO, and Mr. INHOFE) submitted an amend- or otherwise support a foreign terrorist orga- ered and agreed to: ment intended to be proposed by him to the nization’’ before the period at the end. S. CON. RES. 28 bill H.R. 4038, supra; which was ordered to lie Beginning on page 3, strike line 15 and all Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- on the table. that follows through page 5, line 2, and insert resentatives concurring), SA 2949. Mr. KIRK (for himself, Mrs. CAP- the following: SECTION 1. ESTABLISHMENT OF JOINT COM- ITO, and Mr. INHOFE) submitted an amend- SEC. 3. INADMISSIBILITY FOR USE OF SOCIAL MITTEE. ment intended to be proposed by him to the MEDIA TO PROMOTE TERRORISM. There is established a Joint Congressional bill H.R. 4038, supra; which was ordered to lie (a) IN GENERAL.—Section Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (in this on the table. 212(a)(3)(B)(i)(VII) of the Immigration and

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Mr. FLAKE submitted an (b) RULEMAKING.—Not later than 90 days (b) CERTIFICATION.— amendment intended to be proposed by after the date of the enactment of this Act, (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of State him to the bill H.R. 4038, to require the Secretary of Homeland Security, in con- shall issue regulations establishing proce- that supplemental certifications and dures for certifying that an alien is an alien sultation with the Secretary of State, shall background investigations be com- issue regulations, in accordance with section child without living parents who is younger 553 of title 5, United States Code, to ensure than 4 years of age, as described in sub- pleted prior to the admission of certain that every covered alien who has violated section (a)(2)(D). aliens as refugees, and for other pur- section 212(a)(3)(B)(i)(VII) of such Act (8 (2) SUBMISSION.—Not later than 60 days poses; which was ordered to lie on the U.S.C. 1182(a)(3)(B)(i)(VII))— after the date of the enactment of this Act, table; as follows: (1) does not receive an immigrant visa the Secretary of State shall submit the regu- At the end of the bill, add the following: lations issued under paragraph (1) to the ap- under section 203 of the Immigration and Na- SEC. 3. ELIMINATION OF EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN tionality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153); and propriate congressional committees. DUAL NATIONALS FROM PARTICIPA- (2) does not have his or her status adjusted (3) IMPLEMENTATION.—Not earlier than 90 TION IN THE VISA WAIVER PRO- to that of an alien lawfully admitted for per- days after the submission of regulations GRAM. manent residence under section 245 of such under paragraph (2), the Secretary of State (a) SHORT TITLE.—This section may be Act (8 U.S.C. 1155). shall implement the regulations issued under cited as the ‘‘Equal Protection in Travel Act (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The regulations paragraph (1). of 2016’’. issued under subsection (b) shall take effect (c) APPROVAL BY CHIEF OF MISSION RE- (b) VISA WAIVER PROGRAM.—Section on the date that is 30 days after the date on QUIRED.—Each recommendation or evalua- 217(a)(12) of the Immigration and Nationality which such regulations are published in the tion required under subsection (a)(2)(B)(ii)) Act (8 U.S.C. 1187(a)(12)) is amended— Federal Register. shall be accompanied by approval from the (1) in subparagraph (A)— appropriate Chief of Mission, or his or her SEC. 4. DEFINITIONS. (A) by striking clause (ii); designee, who shall conduct a risk assess- (a) IN GENERAL.—In this Act: (B) by striking ‘‘(C)—’’ and all that follows ment of the alien and an independent review through ‘‘the alien has not been present’’ and (1) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- of records maintained by the United States TEES.—The term ‘‘appropriate congressional inserting ‘‘(C), the alien has not been Government or hiring organization or entity present’’; and committees’’ means— to confirm the alien’s employment and faith- (A) the Committee on Armed Services of (C) by redesignating subclauses (I), (II), ful and valuable service to the United States and (III) as clauses (i), (ii), and (iii), respec- the Senate; Government before the alien is exempted tively; and (B) the Select Committee on Intelligence from definition of covered alien under sub- (2) in subparagraph (B), in the matter pre- of the Senate; section (a)(2)(B). (C) the Committee on the Judiciary of the ceding clause (i), by striking ‘‘(A)(i)’’ and in- Senate; SA 2948. Mr. KIRK (for himself, Mrs. serting ‘‘(A)’’. (D) the Committee on Homeland Security CAPITO, and Mr. INHOFE) submitted an SA 2951. Mr. FLAKE submitted an and Governmental Affairs of the Senate; amendment intended to be proposed by amendment intended to be proposed by (E) the Committee on Foreign Relations of him to the bill H.R. 4038, to require the Senate; him to the bill H.R. 4038, to require that supplemental certifications and (F) the Committee on Appropriations of that supplemental certifications and background investigations be com- the Senate; background investigations be com- pleted prior to the admission of certain (G) the Committee on Armed Services of pleted prior to the admission of certain the House of Representatives; aliens as refugees, and for other pur- aliens as refugees, and for other pur- (H) the Permanent Select Committee on poses; which was ordered to lie on the Intelligence of the House of Representatives; table; as follows: poses; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: (I) the Committee on the Judiciary of the At the end of the bill, add the following: House of Representatives; SEC. 3. STATE NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENT. Sec- On page 3, strike line 14 and insert the fol- (J) the Committee on Homeland Security tion 412(b) of the Immigration and Na- lowing: of the House of Representatives; tionality Act (8 U.S.C. 1522(b)) is (e) DELEGATION AUTHORIZED.—The Director (K) the Committee on Foreign Affairs of amended by adding at the end the fol- of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the House of Representatives; and lowing: the Secretary of Homeland Security may (L) the Committee on Appropriations of ‘‘(9) Before a refugee is resettled in a State, delegate their respective responsibilities for the House of Representatives. the Secretary of State shall provide the gov- issuing the certifications required under sub- (2) COVERED ALIEN.—The term ‘‘covered ernor of such State, or the governor’s des- sections (a) and (b) to an individual or indi- alien’’ means any alien who— ignee, with respect to the refugee— viduals with the relevant authority and ex- (A)(i) is applying for admission to the ‘‘(A) the full, legal name; pertise within their respective agency. United States as a refugee; and ‘‘(B) a physical description, including bio- (f) DEFINITIONS.—In this Act: (ii) is a national or resident of Iraq or metric information; Syria; ‘‘(C) relevant biographical information; SA 2952. Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. (iii) has no known nationality and whose ‘‘(D) the country of origin; and GRASSLEY (for himself, Mr. BENNET, last habitual residence was in Iraq or in ‘‘(E) any prior citizenship.’’. Mr. ISAKSON, and Mr. SANDERS)) pro- Syria; or posed an amendment to the bill S. 607, (iv) has been present in Iraq or in Syria at SA 2949. Mr. KIRK (for himself, Mrs. to provide for a five-year extension of any time on or after March 1, 2011. CAPITO, and Mr. INHOFE) submitted an (B) is not a citizen of Iraq who— the Medicare rural community hospital amendment intended to be proposed by demonstration program; as follows: (i) is or was employed by or on behalf of him to the bill H.R. 4038, to require the United States Government in Iraq on or that supplemental certifications and Strike section 2 and insert the following: after March 20, 2003, for not less than 1 year; background investigations be com- SEC. 2. FIVE-YEAR EXTENSION OF THE RURAL and COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DEM- (ii) provided faithful and valuable service pleted prior to the admission of certain ONSTRATION PROGRAM. to the United States Government, which is aliens as refugees, and for other pur- (a) EXTENSION.—Section 410A of the Medi- documented in a positive recommendation or poses; which was ordered to lie on the care Prescription Drug, Improvement, and evaluation described in subsection (c), from table; as follows: Modernization Act of 2003 (Public Law 108– the employer’s senior supervisor in the At the end of the bill, add the following: 173; 42 U.S.C. 1395ww note), as amended by United States Government or from a more SEC. 3. PRIORITIZING SPECIAL IMMIGRANT sections 3123 and 10313 of the Patient Protec- senior person if the employee’s senior super- VISAS FOR IRAQI AND AFGHAN tion and Affordable Care Act (Public Law visor cannot be located; TRANSLATORS. 111–148), is amended— (C) is not the spouse or child of an alien de- In allocating the resources of the Depart- (1) in subsection (a)(5), by striking ‘‘5-year scribed in subparagraph (B); and ment of State, the Secretary of State shall extension period’’ and inserting ‘‘10-year ex- (D) is not an infant child without living prioritize the issuance of special immigrant tension period’’; and parents who is younger than 4 years of age, visas authorized under— (2) in subsection (g)— as certified under procedures promulgated by (1) section 1059 of the National Defense Au- (A) in the subsection heading, by striking the Secretary of State under subsection (b). thorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (Public ‘‘FIVE-YEAR’’ and inserting ‘‘TEN-YEAR’’; (3) FOREIGN TERRORIST ORGANIZATION.—The Law 109–163; 8 U.S.C. 1101 note); (B) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘addi- term ‘‘foreign terrorist organization’’ is a (2) section 1244 of the Refugee Crisis in Iraq tional 5-year’’ and inserting ‘‘additional 10- foreign organization that is designated as a Act of 2007 (8 U.S.C. 1157 note); and year’’;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:59 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.023 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S137 (C) by striking ‘‘5-year extension period’’ AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO duct a hearing entitled ‘‘Inside the and inserting ‘‘10-year extension period’’ MEET Mind of ISIS: Understanding Its Goals each place it appears; COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, NUTRITION, AND and Ideology to Better Protect the (D) in paragraph (4)(B)— Homeland.’’ (i) in the matter preceding clause (i), by in- FORESTRY serting ‘‘each 5-year period in’’ after ‘‘hos- Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, I ask The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without pital during’’; and unanimous consent that the Com- objection, it is so ordered. (ii) in clause (i), by inserting ‘‘each appli- mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND cable 5-year period in’’ after ‘‘the first day Forestry be authorized to meet during GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS of’’; and the session of the Senate on January Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, I ask (E) by adding at the end the following new 20, 2016, at 10 a.m., in room 328A of the unanimous consent that the Com- paragraphs: mittee on Homeland Security and Gov- ‘‘(5) OTHER HOSPITALS IN DEMONSTRATION Russell Senate Office Building. PROGRAM.—During the second 5 years of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ernmental Affairs be authorized to 10-year extension period, the Secretary shall objection, it is so ordered. meet during the session of the Senate apply the provisions of paragraph (4) to rural COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES on January 20, 2016, at 2:30 p.m. community hospitals that are not described Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, I ask The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without in paragraph (4) but are participating in the unanimous consent that the Com- objection, it is so ordered. demonstration program under this section as COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY of December 30, 2014, in a similar manner as mittee on Armed Services be author- such provisions apply to rural community ized to meet during the session of the Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, I ask hospitals described in paragraph (4). Senate on January 20, 2016, at 9:30 a.m. unanimous consent that the Com- ‘‘(6) EXPANSION OF DEMONSTRATION PRO- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without mittee on the Judiciary be authorized GRAM TO RURAL AREAS IN ANY STATE.— objection, it is so ordered. to meet during the session of the Sen- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall, COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND ate on January 20, 2016, at 10 a.m., in notwithstanding subsection (a)(2) or para- TRANSPORTATION room SD–226 of the Dirksen Senate Of- graph (2) of this subsection, not later than Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, I ask fice Building, to conduct a hearing en- 120 days after the date of the enactment of titled ‘‘The Adequacy of Criminal In- this paragraph, issue a solicitation for appli- unanimous consent that the Com- cations to select up to the maximum number mittee on Commerce, Science, and tent Standards in Federal Prosecu- of additional rural community hospitals lo- Transportation be authorized to meet tions.’’ cated in any State to participate in the dem- during the session of the Senate on The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without onstration program under this section for January 20, 2016, at 10:30 a.m., in room, objection, it is so ordered. the second 5 years of the 10-year extension SR–253 of the Russell Senate Office SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE period without exceeding the limitation Building. Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, I ask under paragraph (3) of this subsection. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without unanimous consent that the Select ‘‘(B) PRIORITY.—In determining which objection, it is so ordered. rural community hospitals that submitted Committee on Intelligence be author- an application pursuant to the solicitation COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC ized to meet during the session of the under subparagraph (A) to select for partici- WORKS Senate on January 20, 2016, at 11:30 pation in the demonstration program, the Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, I ask a.m. Secretary— unanimous consent that the Com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ‘‘(i) shall give priority to rural community mittee on Environment and Public objection, it is so ordered. hospitals located in one of the 20 States with Works be authorized to meet during SUBCOMMITTEE ON IMMIGRATION AND THE the lowest population densities (as deter- the session of the Senate on January mined by the Secretary using the 2015 Statis- NATIONAL INTEREST tical Abstract of the United States); and 20, 2016, at 10 a.m., in room SD–406 of Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, I ask ‘‘(ii) may consider— the Dirksen Senate Office Building. unanimous consent that the Com- ‘‘(I) closures of hospitals located in rural The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without mittee on the Judiciary, Sub- areas in the State in which the rural commu- objection, it is so ordered. committee on Immigration and the Na- nity hospital is located during the 5-year pe- COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS tional Interest be authorized to meet riod immediately preceding the date of the Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, I ask during the session of the Senate on enactment of this paragraph; and unanimous consent that the Com- ‘‘(II) the population density of the State in January 20, 2016, at 2:30 p.m., in room which the rural community hospital is lo- mittee on Foreign Relations be author- SD–226 of the Dirksen Senate Office cated.’’. ized to meet during the session of the Building, to conduct a hearing entitled (b) CHANGE IN TIMING FOR REPORT.—Sub- Senate on January 20, 2016, at 10 a.m., ‘‘Why is the Biometric Exit Tracking section (e) of such section 410A is amended— to conduct a hearing entitled ‘‘The System Still Not in Place?’’ (1) by striking ‘‘Not later than 6 months Middle East after the JCPOA.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without after the completion of the demonstration The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. program under this section’’ and inserting objection, it is so ordered. ‘‘Not later than August 1, 2018’’; and SUBCOMMITTEE ON READINESS AND COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, (2) by striking ‘‘such program’’ and insert- MANAGEMENT SUPPORT AND PENSIONS ing ‘‘the demonstration program under this Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, I ask section’’. Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Sub- unanimous consent that the Com- committee on Readiness and Manage- f mittee on Health, Education, Labor, ment Support of the Committee on and Pensions be authorized to meet NOTICE OF HEARING Armed Services be authorized to meet during the session of the Senate on during the session of the Senate on COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, January 20, 2016, at 10 a.m., in room January 20, 2016, at 2:30 p.m. AND PENSIONS SD–403 of the Dirksen Senate Office The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, the Building to conduct a hearing entitled objection, it is so ordered. Committee on Health, Education, ‘‘Improving the Federal Response to f Labor, and Pensions will meet during Challenges in Mental Health Care in the session of the Senate on January America.’’ EXECUTIVE SESSION 28, 2016, at 10 a.m. in room SD–430 of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the Dirksen Senate Office Building, to objection, it is so ordered. EXECUTIVE CALENDAR conduct a hearing entitled ‘‘Generic COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND Drug User Fee Amendments: Accel- GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I erating Patient Access to Generic Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, I ask ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Drugs.’’ unanimous consent that the Com- ate proceed to executive session to con- For further information regarding mittee on Homeland Security and Gov- sider Calendar No. 440. this meeting, please contact Jamie ernmental Affairs be authorized to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Garden of the committee staff on (202) meet during the session of the Senate objection, it is so ordered. 224–0623. on January 20, 2016, at 10 a.m., to con- The clerk will report the nomination.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:59 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.026 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S138 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2016 The senior assistant legislative clerk (D) in paragraph (3), by adding at the end the ‘‘(6) EXPANSION OF DEMONSTRATION PRO- read the nomination of Lisa S. following new sentence: ‘‘Notwithstanding the GRAM TO RURAL AREAS IN ANY STATE.— Disbrow, of Virginia, to be Under Sec- preceding sentence, after the date of the enact- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall, ment of this sentence, only hospitals described notwithstanding subsection (a)(2) or para- retary of the Air Force. graph (2) of this subsection, not later than Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to in paragraph (4) or (5) may participate in dem- onstration program under this section.’’ 120 days after the date of the enactment of consider the nomination. (E) in paragraph (4)(B)— this paragraph, issue a solicitation for appli- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I (i) in the matter preceding clause (i), by in- cations to select up to the maximum number know of no further debate. serting ‘‘each 5-year period in’’ after ‘‘hospital of additional rural community hospitals lo- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there during’’; and cated in any State to participate in the dem- further debate? (ii) in clause (i), by inserting ‘‘each applicable onstration program under this section for If not, the question is, Will the Sen- 5-year period in’’ after ‘‘the first day of’’; and the second 5 years of the 10-year extension ate advise and consent to the Disbrow (F) by adding at the end the following new period without exceeding the limitation paragraph: under paragraph (3) of this subsection. nomination? ‘‘(5) OTHER HOSPITALS IN DEMONSTRATION The nomination was confirmed. ‘‘(B) PRIORITY.—In determining which PROGRAM.—During the second 5 years of the 10- rural community hospitals that submitted Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I year extension period, the Secretary shall apply an application pursuant to the solicitation ask unanimous consent that the mo- the provisions of paragraph (4) to rural commu- under subparagraph (A) to select for partici- tion to reconsider be considered made nity hospitals that are not described in para- pation in the demonstration program, the and laid upon the table with no inter- graph (4) but are participating in the dem- Secretary— vening action or debate; that no fur- onstration program under this section as of De- ‘‘(i) shall give priority to rural community ther motions be in order to the nomi- cember 30, 2014, in a similar manner as such hospitals located in one of the 20 States with provisions apply to rural community hospitals the lowest population densities (as deter- nation; that any statements related to described in paragraph (4).’’. the nomination be printed in the mined by the Secretary using the 2015 Statis- (b) CHANGE IN TIMING FOR REPORT.—Sub- tical Abstract of the United States); and RECORD; that the President be imme- section (e) of such section 410A is amended by ‘‘(ii) may consider— diately notified of the Senate’s action striking ‘‘Not later than 6 months after the com- ‘‘(I) closures of hospitals located in rural and the Senate then resume legislative pletion’’ and inserting ‘‘Not later than August areas in the State in which the rural commu- session. 1, 2018’’. nity hospital is located during the 5-year pe- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I riod immediately preceding the date of the objection, it is so ordered. ask unanimous consent that the Grass- enactment of this paragraph; and ‘‘(II) the population density of the State in f ley amendment at the desk be agreed to; that the committee-reported which the rural community hospital is lo- LEGISLATIVE SESSION amendment, as amended, be agreed to; cated.’’. (b) CHANGE IN TIMING FOR REPORT.—Sub- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- that the bill, as amended, be read a section (e) of such section 410A is amended— ate will now resume legislative session. third time and passed; that the title (1) by striking ‘‘Not later than 6 months f amendment be agreed to; and that the after the completion of the demonstration motions to reconsider be considered program under this section’’ and inserting RURAL COMMUNITY HOSPITAL made and laid upon the table. ‘‘Not later than August 1, 2018’’; and DEMONSTRATION EXTENSION The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (2) by striking ‘‘such program’’ and insert- ACT OF 2015 objection, it is so ordered. ing ‘‘the demonstration program under this Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I The amendment (No. 2952) was agreed section’’. ask unanimous consent that the Sen- to, as follows: The committee-reported amendment ate proceed to the immediate consider- (Purpose: To improve the bill) in the nature of a substitute, as amend- ation of Calendar No. 181, S. 607. ed, was agreed to. Strike section 2 and insert the following: The bill (S. 607), as amended, was or- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The SEC. 2. FIVE-YEAR EXTENSION OF THE RURAL clerk will report the bill by title. COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DEM- dered to be engrossed for a third read- The senior assistant legislative clerk ONSTRATION PROGRAM. ing, was read the third time, and read as follows: (a) EXTENSION.—Section 410A of the Medi- passed, as follows: A bill (S. 607) to amend title XVIII of the care Prescription Drug, Improvement, and S. 607 Social Security Act to provide for a five-year Modernization Act of 2003 (Public Law 108– Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- extension of the rural community hospital 173; 42 U.S.C. 1395ww note), as amended by resentatives of the United States of America in demonstration program, and for other pur- sections 3123 and 10313 of the Patient Protec- Congress assembled, tion and Affordable Care Act (Public Law poses. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. 111–148), is amended— This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Rural Com- There being no objection, the Senate (1) in subsection (a)(5), by striking ‘‘5-year proceeded to consider the bill, which munity Hospital Demonstration Extension extension period’’ and inserting ‘‘10-year ex- Act of 2015’’. had been reported from the Committee tension period’’; and SEC. 2. FIVE-YEAR EXTENSION OF THE RURAL on Finance, with an amendment to (2) in subsection (g)— COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DEM- strike all after the enacting clause and (A) in the subsection heading, by striking ONSTRATION PROGRAM. insert in lieu thereof the following: ‘‘FIVE-YEAR’’ and inserting ‘‘TEN-YEAR’’; (a) EXTENSION.—Section 410A of the Medi- (B) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘addi- care Prescription Drug, Improvement, and SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. tional 5-year’’ and inserting ‘‘additional 10- Modernization Act of 2003 (Public Law 108– This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Rural Commu- year’’; 173; 42 U.S.C. 1395ww note), as amended by nity Hospital Demonstration Extension Act of (C) by striking ‘‘5-year extension period’’ sections 3123 and 10313 of the Patient Protec- 2015’’. and inserting ‘‘10-year extension period’’ tion and Affordable Care Act (Public Law SEC. 2. FIVE-YEAR EXTENSION OF THE MEDICARE each place it appears; 111–148), is amended— RURAL COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DEM- (D) in paragraph (4)(B)— (1) in subsection (a)(5), by striking ‘‘5-year ONSTRATION PROGRAM. (i) in the matter preceding clause (i), by in- extension period’’ and inserting ‘‘10-year ex- (a) EXTENSION.—Section 410A of the Medicare serting ‘‘each 5-year period in’’ after ‘‘hos- tension period’’; and Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Mod- pital during’’; and (2) in subsection (g)— ernization Act of 2003 (Public Law 108–173; 42 (ii) in clause (i), by inserting ‘‘each appli- (A) in the subsection heading, by striking U.S.C. 1395ww note), as amended by sections cable 5-year period in’’ after ‘‘the first day ‘‘FIVE-YEAR’’ and inserting ‘‘TEN-YEAR’’; 3123 and 10313 of the Patient Protection and Af- of’’; and (B) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘addi- fordable Care Act (Public Law 111–148), is (E) by adding at the end the following new tional 5-year’’ and inserting ‘‘additional 10- amended— (1) in subsection (a)(5), by striking ‘‘5-year ex- paragraphs: year’’; tension period’’ and inserting ‘‘10-year exten- ‘‘(5) OTHER HOSPITALS IN DEMONSTRATION (C) by striking ‘‘5-year extension period’’ sion period’’; and PROGRAM.—During the second 5 years of the and inserting ‘‘10-year extension period’’ (2) in subsection (g)— 10-year extension period, the Secretary shall each place it appears; (A) in the subsection heading, by striking apply the provisions of paragraph (4) to rural (D) in paragraph (4)(B)— ‘‘FIVE-YEAR’’ and inserting ‘‘TEN-YEAR’’; community hospitals that are not described (i) in the matter preceding clause (i), by in- (B) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘additional in paragraph (4) but are participating in the serting ‘‘each 5-year period in’’ after ‘‘hos- 5-year’’ and inserting ‘‘additional 10-year’’; demonstration program under this section as pital during’’; and (C) by striking ‘‘5-year extension period’’ and of December 30, 2014, in a similar manner as (ii) in clause (i), by inserting ‘‘each appli- inserting ‘‘10-year extension period’’ each place such provisions apply to rural community cable 5-year period in’’ after ‘‘the first day it appears; hospitals described in paragraph (4). of’’; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:59 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.058 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S139 (E) by adding at the end the following new Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I (b) AUTHORIZATION.—The Secretary of Vet- paragraphs: further ask unanimous consent that erans Affairs may carry out the following ‘‘(5) OTHER HOSPITALS IN DEMONSTRATION the bill be read a third time and passed major medical facility projects, with each PROGRAM.—During the second 5 years of the and the motion to reconsider be consid- project to be carried out in an amount not to 10-year extension period, the Secretary shall ered made and laid upon the table with exceed the amount specified for that project: apply the provisions of paragraph (4) to rural (1) Seismic corrections to buildings, in- community hospitals that are not described no intervening action or debate. cluding retrofitting and replacement of high- in paragraph (4) but are participating in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without risk buildings, in San Francisco, California, demonstration program under this section as objection, it is so ordered. in an amount not to exceed $180,480,000. of December 30, 2014, in a similar manner as The bill (S. 2422) was ordered to be (2) Seismic corrections to facilities, includ- such provisions apply to rural community engrossed for a third reading, was read ing facilities to support homeless veterans, hospitals described in paragraph (4). the third time, and passed, as follows: at the medical center in West Los Angeles, ‘‘(6) EXPANSION OF DEMONSTRATION PRO- S. 2422 California, in an amount not to exceed GRAM TO RURAL AREAS IN ANY STATE.— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- $105,500,000. ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall, resentatives of the United States of America in (3) Seismic corrections to the mental notwithstanding subsection (a)(2) or para- Congress assembled, health and community living center in Long graph (2) of this subsection, not later than SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Beach, California, in an amount not to ex- 120 days after the date of the enactment of This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Fiscal Year ceed $287,100,000. this paragraph, issue a solicitation for appli- 2016 Department of Veterans Affairs Seismic (4) Construction of an outpatient clinic, cations to select up to the maximum number Safety and Construction Authorization Act’’. administrative space, cemetery, and col- of additional rural community hospitals lo- SEC. 2. AUTHORIZATION OF CERTAIN MAJOR umbarium in Alameda, California, in an cated in any State to participate in the dem- MEDICAL FACILITY PROJECTS OF amount not to exceed $87,332,000. onstration program under this section for THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS (5) Realignment of medical facilities in the second 5 years of the 10-year extension AFFAIRS. Livermore, California, in an amount not to period without exceeding the limitation (a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds the fol- exceed $194,430,000. under paragraph (3) of this subsection. lowing: (6) Construction of a medical center in ‘‘(B) PRIORITY.—In determining which (1) The Military Construction, Veterans Louisville, Kentucky, in an amount not to rural community hospitals that submitted Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations exceed $150,000,000. an application pursuant to the solicitation Act, 2016, which was passed by the Senate on (7) Construction of a replacement commu- under subparagraph (A) to select for partici- November 10, 2015, without a single vote cast nity living center in Perry Point, Maryland, pation in the demonstration program, the against the bill, and the Consolidated Appro- in an amount not to exceed $92,700,000. Secretary— priations Act, 2016 include the following (8) Seismic corrections and other renova- ‘‘(i) shall give priority to rural community amounts to be appropriated to the Depart- tions to several buildings and construction hospitals located in one of the 20 States with ment of Veterans Affairs: of a specialty care building in American the lowest population densities (as deter- (A) $35,000,000 to make seismic corrections Lake, Washington, in an amount not to ex- mined by the Secretary using the 2015 Statis- to Building 208 at the West Los Angeles Med- ceed $16,260,000. tical Abstract of the United States); and ical Center of the Department in Los Ange- (c) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR ‘‘(ii) may consider— les, California, which, according to the De- CONSTRUCTION.—There is authorized to be ap- ‘‘(I) closures of hospitals located in rural partment, is a building that is designated as propriated to the Secretary of Veterans Af- areas in the State in which the rural commu- having an exceptionally high risk of sus- fairs for fiscal year 2016 or the year in which nity hospital is located during the 5-year pe- taining substantial damage or collapsing funds are appropriated for the Construction, riod immediately preceding the date of the during an earthquake. Major Projects, account, $1,113,802,000 for the enactment of this paragraph; and (B) $158,000,000 to provide for the construc- projects authorized in subsection (b). ‘‘(II) the population density of the State in tion of a new research building, site work, (d) LIMITATION.—The projects authorized in which the rural community hospital is lo- and demolition at the San Francisco Vet- subsection (b) may only be carried out cated.’’. erans Affairs Medical Center. using— (b) CHANGE IN TIMING FOR REPORT.—Sub- (C) $161,000,000 to replace Building 133 with (1) funds appropriated for fiscal year 2016 section (e) of such section 410A is amended— a new community living center at the Long pursuant to the authorization of appropria- (1) by striking ‘‘Not later than 6 months Beach Veterans Affairs Medical Center, tions in subsection (c); after the completion of the demonstration which, according to the Department, is a (2) funds available for Construction, Major program under this section’’ and inserting building that is designated as having an ex- Projects, for a fiscal year before fiscal year ‘‘Not later than August 1, 2018’’; and tremely high risk of sustaining major dam- 2016 that remain available for obligation; (2) by striking ‘‘such program’’ and insert- age during an earthquake. (3) funds available for Construction, Major ing ‘‘the demonstration program under this (D) $468,800,000 for construction projects Projects, for a fiscal year after fiscal year section’’. that are critical to the Department for en- 2016 that remain available for obligation; suring health care access and safety at med- (4) funds appropriated for Construction, The committee-reported title amend- ical facilities in Louisville, Kentucky, Jef- ment was agreed to, as follows: Major Projects, for fiscal year 2016 for a cat- ferson Barracks in St. Louis, Missouri, Perry egory of activity not specific to a project; Amend the title so as to read: ‘‘A bill to Point, Maryland, American Lake, Wash- (5) funds appropriated for Construction, provide for a five-year extension of the Medi- ington, Alameda, California, and Livermore, Major Projects, for a fiscal year before fiscal care rural community hospital demonstra- California. year 2016 for a category of activity not spe- tion program.’’. (2) The Department is unable to obligate or cific to a project; and f expend the amounts described in paragraph (6) funds appropriated for Construction, (1), other than for construction design, be- Major Projects, for a fiscal year after fiscal FISCAL YEAR 2016 DEPARTMENT cause the Department lacks an explicit au- year 2016 for a category of activity not spe- OF VETERANS AFFAIRS SEISMIC thorization by an Act of Congress pursuant cific to a project. SAFETY AND CONSTRUCTION AU- to section 8104(a)(2) of title 38, United States THORIZATION ACT Code, to carry out the major medical facility f projects described in such paragraph. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ESTABLISHING THE JOINT CON- (3) Among the major medical facility GRESSIONAL COMMITTEE ON IN- ask unanimous consent that the Com- projects described in paragraph (1), three are mittee on Veterans’ Affairs be dis- critical seismic safety projects in California. AUGURAL CEREMONIES charged from further consideration of (4) Every day that the critical seismic safe- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I S. 2422 and the Senate proceed to its ty projects described in paragraph (3) are de- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- immediate consideration. layed increases the risk of a life-threatening ate proceed to the consideration of S. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without building failure in the case of a major seis- Con. Res. 28, submitted earlier today. objection, it is so ordered. mic event. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The clerk will report the bill by title. (5) According to the United States Geologi- cal Survey— clerk will report the concurrent resolu- The senior assistant legislative clerk tion by title. read as follows: (A) California has more than a 99 percent chance of experiencing an earthquake of The senior assistant legislative clerk A bill (S. 2422) to authorize the Secretary magnitude 6.7 or greater in the next 30 years; read as follows: of Veterans Affairs to carry out certain (B) even earthquakes of less severity than A concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 28) to major medical facility projects for which ap- magnitude 6.7 can cause life threatening establish the Joint Congressional Committee propriations are being made for fiscal year damage to seismically unsafe buildings; and on Inaugural Ceremonies for the inaugura- 2016. (C) in California, earthquakes of mag- tion of the President-elect and Vice Presi- There being no objection, the Senate nitude 6.0 or greater occur on average once dent-elect of the United States on January proceeded to consider the bill. every 1.2 years. 20, 2017.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:05 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA6.036 S20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2016 There being no objection, the Senate Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, proceeded to consider the concurrent consent that the concurrent resolution JANUARY 21, 2016 resolution. be agreed to and the motion to recon- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous sider be considered made and laid upon ask unanimous consent that when the consent that the concurrent resolution the table. Senate completes its business today, it be agreed to and the motion to recon- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without adjourn until 9:30 a.m., Thursday, Jan- sider be considered made and laid upon objection, it is so ordered. uary 21; that following the prayer and the table. The concurrent resolution (S. Con. pledge, the morning hour be deemed The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Res. 29) was agreed to. expired, the Journal of proceedings be objection, it is so ordered. (The concurrent resolution is printed approved to date, and the time for the The concurrent resolution (S. Con. in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Submitted two leaders be reserved for their use Res. 28) was agreed to. Resolutions.’’) later in the day; finally, that following (The concurrent resolution is printed leader remarks, the Senate then re- in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Submitted f sume consideration of the veto message Resolutions.’’) on S.J. Res. 22, with the time until f MEASURE READ THE FIRST 10:30 a.m. equally divided between the TIME—S.J. RES. 29 two leaders or their designees. AUTHORIZING USE OF THE RO- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without TUNDA AND EMANCIPATION Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I objection, it is so ordered. HALL OF THE CAPITOL understand that there is a joint resolu- tion at the desk, and I ask for its first f Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I reading. ask unanimous consent that the Sen- ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9:30 A.M. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ate proceed to the consideration of S. TOMORROW Con. Res. 29, submitted earlier today. clerk will read the joint resolution by Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, if The PRESIDING OFFICER. The title for the first time. The senior assistant legislative clerk there is no further business to come be- clerk will report the concurrent resolu- fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- tion by title. read as follows: A joint resolution (S.J. Res. 29) to author- sent that it stand adjourned under the The senior assistant legislative clerk previous order. read as follows: ize the use of United States Armed Forces against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Le- There being no objection, the Senate, A concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 29) to vant and its associated forces. at 6:37 p.m., adjourned until Thursday, authorize the use of the Rotunda and Eman- January 21, 2016, at 9:30 a.m. cipation Hall of the Capitol by the Joint Mr. MCCONNELL. I now ask for a Congressional Committee on Inaugural Cere- second reading and, in order to place f monies in connection with the proceedings the joint resolution on the calendar and ceremonies conducted for the inaugura- under the provisions of rule XIV, I ob- CONFIRMATION tion of the President-elect and the Vice ject to my own request. Executive nomination confirmed by President-elect of the United States. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- the Senate January 20, 2016: There being no objection, the Senate tion having been heard, the joint reso- DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE proceeded to consider the concurrent lution will be read for the second time LISA S. DISBROW, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE UNDER SEC- resolution. on the next legislative day. RETARY OF THE AIR FORCE.

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SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Committee on Homeland Security and celerating patient access to generic Governmental Affairs drugs. Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, To hold hearings to examine the nomina- SD–430 agreed to by the Senate of February 4, tion of Beth F. Cobert, of California, to 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- be Director of the Office of Personnel FEBRUARY 2 tem for a computerized schedule of all Management for a term of four years. SD–342 2 p.m. meetings and hearings of Senate com- Committee on the Judiciary mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- Committee on the Judiciary To hold hearings to examine mental Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition tees, and committees of conference. health and the justice system. Policy and Consumer Rights This title requires all such committees SD–226 To hold hearings to examine occupa- tional licensing and the state action to notify the Office of the Senate Daily 10:30 a.m. Digest—designated by the Rules Com- doctrine. Committee on the Budget SD–226 mittee—of the time, place and purpose To hold hearings to examine the Con- of the meetings, when scheduled and gressional Budget Office’s budget and FEBRUARY 4 any cancellations or changes in the economic outlook, focusing on fiscal meetings as they occur. years 2016–2026. 10 a.m. As an additional procedure along SD–608 Committee on Energy and Natural Re- with the computerization of this infor- 2:30 p.m. sources mation, the Office of the Senate Daily Committee on Armed Services To hold hearings to examine energy-re- Subcommittee on Strategic Forces lated trends in advanced manufac- Digest will prepare this information for To hold hearings to examine the future turing and workforce development. printing in the Extensions of Remarks nuclear posture of the United States. SD–366 section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD SR–222 on Monday and Wednesday of each FEBRUARY 9 week. JANUARY 27 Meetings scheduled for Thursday, 2:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. Committee on Armed Services January 21, 2016 may be found in the Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces Daily Digest of today’s RECORD. To hold hearings to examine military To hold hearings to examine Department space programs and the use of Russian- of Defense nuclear acquisition pro- MEETINGS SCHEDULED made rocket engines. grams and the nuclear doctrine in re- SH–216 view of the defense authorization re- 10 a.m. quest for fiscal year 2017 and the Fu- JANUARY 25 Committee on Homeland Security and ture Years Defense Program. 5 p.m. Governmental Affairs SR–232A Committee on Foreign Relations To hold hearings to examine Canada’s To receive a closed briefing on the way fast-track refugee plan, focusing on im- FEBRUARY 23 forward in Syria and Iraq. plications for United States national SVC–217 security. 10 a.m. SD–342 Committee on Energy and Natural Re- sources Committee on the Judiciary JANUARY 26 To hold hearings to examine the Presi- To hold hearings to examine attacking dent’s proposed budget request for fis- 9:30 a.m. America’s epidemic of heroin and pre- cal year 2017 for the Department of the Committee on Armed Services scription drug abuse. Interior. To hold hearings to examine the role of SD–226 the Service Chiefs in defense acquisi- SD–366 tion in review of the defense authoriza- 2 p.m. tion request for fiscal year 2017 and the Committee on the Judiciary To hold hearings to examine the nomina- MARCH 3 Future Years Defense Program. tions of Clare E. Connors, to be United SD–G50 10 a.m. States District Judge for the District Committee on Energy and Natural Re- 10 a.m. of Hawaii, and Elizabeth J. Drake, of sources Committee on Environment and Public Maryland, Jennifer Choe Groves, of To hold hearings to examine the Presi- Works Virginia, and Gary Stephen Katzmann, dent’s proposed budget request for fis- To hold hearings to examine economic of Massachusetts, each to be a Judge of cal year 2017 for the Department of En- opportunities from land cleanup pro- the United States Court of Inter- ergy. grams, including S. 2446, to amend sub- national Trade. SD–366 title D of the Solid Waste Disposal Act SD–226 to encourage recovery and beneficial 2:15 p.m. MARCH 8 use of coal combustion residuals and Committee on Indian Affairs establish requirements for the proper To hold an oversight heading to examine 10 a.m. management and disposal of coal com- the substandard quality of Indian Committee on Energy and Natural Re- bustion residuals that are protective of health care in the Great Plains. sources human health and the environment, S. SD–628 To hold hearings to examine the Presi- 1479, to amend the Comprehensive En- dent’s proposed budget request for fis- vironmental Response, Compensation, cal year 2017 for the Forest Service. JANUARY 28 and Liability Act of 1980 to modify pro- SD–366 visions relating to grants, and an origi- 10 a.m. nal bill entitled, ‘‘Good Samaritan Committee on Energy and Natural Re- POSTPONEMENTS Cleanup of Orphan Mines Act of 2016’’. sources SD–406 To hold hearings to examine the status JANUARY 26 Committee on Finance of innovative technologies within the 10 a.m. To hold hearings to examine helping nuclear industry. Committee on Energy and Natural Re- Americans prepare for retirement, fo- SD–366 sources cusing on increasing access, participa- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, To hold an oversight hearing to examine tion and coverage in retirement sav- and Pensions the presidential memorandum issued ings plans. To hold hearings to examine generic drug on November 3, 2015 entitled, ‘‘Miti- SD–215 user fee amendments, focusing on ac- gating Impacts on Natural Resources

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

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VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:16 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M20JA8.000 E20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with REMARKS Wednesday, January 20, 2016 Daily Digest Senate Chamber Action Measures Considered: American Safe Act: Senate resumed consideration Routine Proceedings, pages S99–S140. of the motion to proceed to consideration of H.R. Measures Introduced: Ten bills and five resolutions 4038, to require that supplemental certifications and were introduced, as follows: S. 2449–2458, S.J. Res. background investigations be completed prior to the 29, S. Res. 346–347, and S. Con. Res. 28–29. admission of certain aliens as refugees. Page S111 Page S132 During consideration of this measure today, Senate Measures Passed: also took the following action: By 55 yeas to 43 nays (Vote No. 4), three-fifths Rural Community Hospital Demonstration Ex- of those Senators duly chosen and sworn, not having tension Act: Senate passed S. 607, to provide for a voted in the affirmative, Senate rejected the motion five-year extension of the Medicare rural community to close further debate on the motion to proceed to hospital demonstration program, after agreeing to consideration of the bill. Page S111 the committee reported amendment, the title Veto Messages: amendment, and the following amendment proposed thereto: Waters of the United States—Veto Message: Sen- McConnell (for Grassley) Amendment No. 2952, ate began consideration of the veto message on S.J. relative to the five-year extension of the rural com- Res. 22, providing for congressional disapproval munity hospital demonstration program. under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of Pages S138–139 the rule submitted by the Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency relating to the Fiscal Year 2016 Department of Veterans Af- definition of ‘‘waters of the United States’’ under the fairs Seismic Safety and Construction Authoriza- Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Page S100 tion Act: Committee on Veterans’ Affairs was dis- A motion was entered to close further debate on charged from further consideration of S. 2422, to au- the veto message on S.J. Res. 22, and, in accordance thorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out with the provisions of rule XXII of the Standing certain major medical facility projects for which ap- Rules of the Senate, and pursuant to the unanimous- propriations are being made for fiscal year 2016, and consent agreement of Wednesday, January 20, 2016, the bill was then passed. Page S139 a vote on cloture will occur at 10:30 a.m., on Thurs- Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural day, January 21, 2016; and if cloture is not invoked, Ceremonies: Senate agreed to S. Con. Res. 28, to es- that the veto message be indefinitely postponed. tablish the Joint Congressional Committee on Inau- Pages S111–112 gural Ceremonies for the inauguration of the Presi- A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- dent-elect and Vice President-elect of the United viding for further consideration of the veto message at approximately 9:30 a.m., on Thursday, January States on January 20, 2017. Pages S139–140 21, 2016, with the time until 10:30 a.m., equally Authorizing Use of the Rotunda and Emanci- divided between the two Leaders, or their designees. pation Hall: Senate agreed to S. Con. Res. 29, to Page S140 authorize the use of the rotunda and Emancipation Message from the President: Senate received the Hall of the Capitol by the Joint Congressional Com- following message from the President of the United mittee on Inaugural Ceremonies in connection with States: the proceedings and ceremonies conducted for the Transmitting, pursuant to the Constitution, the inauguration of the President-elect and the Vice report of the veto of S.J. Res. 22, providing for con- President-elect of the United States. Page S140 gressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the D46

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:57 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D20JA6.REC D20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with DIGEST January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D47 Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protec- Mason University School of Law, Alexandria, Vir- tion Agency relating to the definition of ‘‘waters of ginia. the United States’’ under the Federal Water Pollu- U.S. STRATEGY AND POLICY IN THE tion Control Act, received on January 19, 2016; or- MIDDLE EAST dered to be printed in the Record, spread in full upon the Journal, and held at the desk. (PM–37) Committee on Armed Services: Committee concluded a Pages S129–130 hearing to examine United States strategy and policy in the Middle East, after receiving testimony from Nomination Confirmed: Senate confirmed the fol- General John M. Keane, USA (Ret.), former Vice lowing nomination: Chief of Staff of the Army, Institute for the Study Lisa S. Disbrow, of Virginia, to be Under Sec- of War, and Philip H. Gordon, former Special As- retary of the Air Force. Page S140 sistant to the President and White House Middle Measures Read the First Time: Page S130 East Coordinator, Council on Foreign Relations, both Executive Communications: Pages S130–31 of Washington, D.C.; and Ryan C. Crocker, former United States Ambassador to Afghanistan, Texas Executive Reports of Committees: Page S132 A&M University George Bush School of Government Additional Cosponsors: Pages S132–33 and Public Service, College Station. Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: TASK FORCE FOR BUSINESS AND Pages S133–35 STABILITY OPERATIONS PROJECTS IN Additional Statements: Pages S127–129 AFGHANISTAN OVERSIGHT Amendments Submitted: Pages S135–37 Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Readi- ness and Management Support concluded an over- Notices of Hearings/Meetings: Page S137 sight hearing to examine the Task Force for Business Authorities for Committees to Meet: Page S137 and Stability Operations projects in Afghanistan, Record Votes: One record vote was taken today. after receiving testimony from Brian P. McKeon, (Total—4) Page S111 Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Policy, and John F. Sopko, Special Inspector General for Afghan- Adjournment: Senate convened at 10 a.m. and ad- istan Reconstruction, both of the Department of De- journed at 6:37 p.m., until 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, fense. January 21, 2016. (For Senate’s program, see the re- marks of the Majority Leader in today’s Record on NOMINATION page S140.) Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the Committee Meetings nomination of Thomas F. Scott Darling, III, of Mas- sachusetts, to be Administrator of the Federal Motor (Committees not listed did not meet) Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Trans- portation, after the nominee, who was introduced by BUSINESS MEETING Senator Markey, testified and answered questions in Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Com- his own behalf. mittee ordered favorably reported an original bill en- titled, ‘‘Improving Child Nutrition Integrity and BUSINESS MEETING Access Act of 2016’’. Committee on Environment and Public Works: Com- mittee ordered favorably reported the following busi- EXECUTIVE ACTIONS ON GUN CONTROL ness items: Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Com- S. 659, to protect and enhance opportunities for merce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies con- recreational hunting, fishing, and shooting, with cluded an oversight hearing to examine the Depart- amendments; ment of Justice’s role in implementing new execu- S. 1024, to authorize the Great Lakes Restoration tive actions related to gun control, after receiving Initiative, with an amendment in the nature of a testimony from Loretta E. Lynch, Attorney General, substitute; Department of Justice; Alabama Attorney General S. 1674, to amend and reauthorize certain provi- Luther Strange, Mountain Brook; Ken Cuccinelli, sions relating to Long Island Sound restoration and former Attorney General of the Commonwealth of stewardship; Virginia, United Self Defense Law Firm, Nokesville, S. 1724, to provide for environmental restoration Virginia; Mark Barden, Sandy Hook Promise, New- activities and forest management activities in the town, Connecticut; and Joyce Lee Malcolm, George Lake Tahoe Basin, with an amendment;

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S. 2143, to provide for the authority for the suc- Medical Center, West Palm Beach, Florida, on behalf cessors and assigns of the Starr-Camargo Bridge of the Emergency Nurses Association; William W. Company to maintain and operate a toll bridge Eaton, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School across the Rio Grande near Rio Grande City, Texas; of Public Health Department of Mental Health, Bal- and timore, Maryland; and Hakeem Rahim, Live Breathe 32 proposed resolutions relating to the General LLC, Hempstead, New York, on behalf of the Na- Services Administration. tional Alliance on Mental Illness. MIDDLE EAST AND JCPOA CRIMINAL INTENT STANDARDS Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the Middle East after the Joint Committee on the Judiciary: Committee concluded a Comprehensive Plan of Action, after receiving testi- hearing to examine the adequacy of criminal intent mony from Michael Singh, The Washington Insti- standards in Federal prosecutions, including S. 2298, tute for Near East Policy, and Brian Katulis, Center to specify the state of mind required for conviction for American Progress, both of Washington, D.C. for criminal offenses that lack an expressly identified state of mind, after receiving testimony from Leslie GOALS AND IDEOLOGY OF ISIS R. Caldwell, Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Division, Department of Justice; and Edwin Meese fairs: Committee concluded a hearing to examine un- III, former Attorney General, The Heritage Founda- derstanding the goals and ideology of ISIS to better tion, Robert Weissman, Public Citizen, and Stephen protect the homeland, after receiving testimony from A. Saltzburg, The George Washington University Bernard Haykel, Princeton University, Princeton, Law School, on behalf of the American Bar Associa- New Jersey; Jessica Stern, Boston University Pardee tion, all of Washington, D.C. School of Global Studies, Cambridge, Massachusetts; and Lorenzo Vidino, The George Washington Uni- BIOMETRIC EXIT TRACKING SYSTEM versity Program on Extremism, and Hedieh Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Immi- Mirahmadi, World Organization for Resource Devel- gration and the National Interest concluded a hear- opment and Education, both of Washington, D.C. ing to examine the biometric exit tracking system BUSINESS MEETING and actions needed by the Department of Homeland Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Security to address long-standing challenges in plan- fairs: Committee ordered favorably reported the ning for a biometric exit system, after receiving tes- nomination of Michael Joseph Missal, of Maryland, timony from John Wagner, Deputy Assistant Com- to be Inspector General, Department of Veterans Af- missioner, Office of Field Operations, Customs and fairs. Border Protection, Anh Duong, Director, Borders and Maritime Security Division, Advanced Research CHALLENGES IN MENTAL HEALTH CARE Projects Agency, Science and Technology Direc- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: torate, and Craig C. Healy, Assistant Director, Na- Committee concluded a hearing to examine improv- tional Security Investigations Division, Homeland ing the Federal response to challenges in mental Security Investigations, Immigration and Customs health care in America, after receiving testimony Enforcement, all of the Department of Homeland Se- from Brian Hepburn, National Association of State curity; and Rebecca Gambler, Director, Homeland Mental Health Program Directors, Alexandria, Vir- Security and Justice Issues, Government Account- ginia; Penelope Strachan Blake, Good Samaritan ability Office. h House of Representatives Chamber Action Committee Meetings The House was not in session today. The House No hearings were held. is scheduled to meet at 2 p.m. on Monday, January 25, 2016, pursuant to the provisions of H. Con. Res. 107. Joint Meetings No joint committee meetings were held.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:57 Jan 21, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D20JA6.REC D20JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with DIGEST January 20, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D49 COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR THURSDAY, Committee on the Judiciary: business meeting to consider JANUARY 21, 2016 S. 247, to amend section 349 of the Immigration and Nationality Act to deem specified activities in support of (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) terrorism as renunciation of United States nationality, Senate H.R. 1428, to extend Privacy Act remedies to citizens of certified states, S. 483, to improve enforcement efforts re- Committee on Armed Services: to hold hearings to examine lated to prescription drug diversion and abuse, S. 1890, the nomination of Eric K. Fanning, of the District of Co- to amend chapter 90 of title 18, United States Code, to lumbia, to be Secretary of the Army, Department of De- fense, 9:30 a.m., SD–G50. provide Federal jurisdiction for the theft of trade secrets, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: to hold hear- S. 2040, to deter terrorism, provide justice for victims, ings to examine the status of innovative technologies and the nominations of Mary S. McElroy, to be United within the automotive industry, 9:30 a.m., SD–366. States District Judge for the District of Rhode Island, Committee on Finance: to hold hearings to examine and Susan Paradise Baxter, and Marilyn Jean Horan, both healthcare co-ops, focusing on a review of the financial to be a United States District Judge for the Western Dis- and oversight controls, 10 a.m., SD–215. trict of Pennsylvania, 10:45 a.m., S–216, Capitol. Committee on Foreign Relations: to hold hearings to exam- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: to hold hearings to exam- ine political and economic developments in Latin America ine the Department of Veterans Affairs’ transformation and opportunities for United States engagement, 10:45 strategy, focusing on examining the plan to modernize a.m., SD–419. the Department of Veterans Affairs, 10 a.m., SR–418. Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: House to hold hearings to examine laying out the reality of the Postal Service, 9:30 a.m., SD–342. No hearings are scheduled.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 9:30 a.m., Thursday, January 21 2 p.m., Monday, January 25

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Thursday: Senate will continue consider- Program for Monday: The House is scheduled to meet ation of the veto message on S.J. Res. 22, Waters of the at 2 p.m. on Monday, January 25, 2016, pursuant to the United States, with a vote on the motion to invoke clo- provisions of H. Con. Res. 107. ture on the veto message, at 10:30 a.m.

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