ARTICLE NO: 1D PLANNING COMMITTEE: MEMBERS UPDATE 2020/21 ISSUE: 5 Article of: Corporate Director of Place & Community Relevant Portfolio Holder: Councillor D Evans Contact for further information: Mrs C Thomas (Email:
[email protected]) SUBJECT: Applications For Works To TPO Trees Determined Under The Delegated System – 11/07/2020 to 21/08/2020 WARD:- Aughton And Downholland Application: T/2020/0075/TPO Decision: Grant Consent Subject to conditions (T) Proposal: G5 8 x mature sycamores FELL, Shading to boundary hedge and to garden to 5 Beech Road. T9 Ash, T12/212 WITHDRAWN. TO BE RETAINED. Location: 5 Beech Road, Aughton, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 6SJ Applicant: Mr Edward Hill WARD:- Aughton And Downholland Application: T/2020/0078/TPO Decision: Grant Consent Subject to conditions (T) Proposal: Lime (T2) - CR 2 x secondary branches over lawn. Reduce off no.56 1- 2m. Sycamore (T3) - Remove epicormic. Location: 1 Granville Close, Aughton, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 5HL Applicant: Ms Anne Canock WARD:- Aughton And Downholland Application: T/2020/0079/TPO Decision: Grant Consent Subject to conditions (T) Proposal: T1 Lime (TPO T12) - CR over drive 6m, Secondary's only.G1 Sycamore (TPO G4) - CR 6-7m over play area. Location: 56 Granville Park West, Aughton, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 5HS Applicant: Imelda Sankson WARD:- Aughton Park Application: T/2020/0050/TPO Decision: Grant Consent Subject to conditions (T) Proposal: Ash (T1) - 5% thin, safety check. DW. Take off lower lateral with rip out. Location: 15 Rose Place, Aughton, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 4UJ Applicant: Norman Bearon WARD:- Aughton Park Application: T/2020/0072/TPO Decision: Grant Consent Subject to conditions (T) Proposal: Removal of branches marked by red X on attached photographs and sketch plan.