Karl Menger Seymour Kass
comm-menger.qxp 4/22/98 9:44 AM Page 558 Karl Menger Seymour Kass Karl Menger died on October 5, 1985, in Chicago. dents were Nobel Laureates Richard Kuhn and Except in his native Austria [5], no obituary no- Wolfgang Pauli. He entered the University of Vi- tice seems to have appeared. This note marks ten enna in 1920 to study physics, attending the lec- years since his passing. tures of physicist Hans Thirring. Hans Hahn Menger’s career spanned sixty years, during joined the mathematics faculty in March 1921, which he published 234 papers, 65 of them be- and Menger attended his seminar “News about fore the age of thirty. A partial bibliography ap- the Concept of Curves”. In the first lecture Hahn pears in [15]. His early work in geometry and formulated the problem of making precise the topology secured him an enduring place in math- idea of a curve, which no one had been able to ematics, but his reach extended to logic, set the- articulate, mentioning the unsuccessful attempts ory, differential geometry, calculus of variations, of Cantor, Jordan, and Peano. The topology used graph theory, complex functions, algebra of in the lecture was new to Menger, but he “was functions, economics, philosophy, and peda- completely enthralled and left the lecture room gogy. Characteristic of Menger’s work in geom- in a daze” [10, p. 41]. After a week of complete etry and topology is the reworking of funda- engrossment, he produced a definition of a curve mental concepts from intrinsic points of view and confided it to fellow student Otto Schreier, (curve, dimension, curvature, statistical metric who could find no flaw but alerted Menger to re- spaces, hazy sets).
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