
RSHM SOUNDINGS is a quarterly publication of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Eastern and Western American and Northern European Provinces, and . Waves sent out, reflected back, reveal an inner reality not al- ways evident on the surface. Thus SOUNDINGS probes RSHM life in expanding circles of ministry and community. You, our readers, are part of our life. We invite your com- ments and suggestions so that your thoughts may be reflected in these pages.

Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary Volume XXIV, Number 2 English Speaking Provinces Summer 2016

WORD OF WISDOM by Catherine Patten, RSHM

BRONX, NY The occasion The world must unite against these was Marymount Manhattan Col- threats, to resolve conflicts and to lege’s awarding of an honorary de- save lives today. The UN strives to gree to United Nations Secretary do just that, every day, around the General Ban Ki-moon. He was una- world, around the clock, through ble to be present at the commence- diplomacy, peacekeeping, and ment ceremony at Lincoln Center, peace-building. so he agreed to come to a special The Secretary General also UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Sr. mini-graduation in his honor at the shared some of his own experience Catherine Patten, May 19, 2016. college. When Kerry Walk, MMC’s as a child in Korea during the war. new president, opened the program, UN aid brought food to his family many places around the world, often she announced that MMC will be and UNESCO supplied books and dangerous and difficult places, to placing student interns with our pencils so education could begin promote political security, stability, RSHM NGO. Another WOW! even though the schools had been development, and human rights.... I was impressed by Ban Ki- destroyed. It’s clear that that experi- To realize our shared goals, to moon’s gracious, warm manner and ence “on the ground” of the UN mis- build a future of dignity for all peo- the way he took time with each per- sion fuels his belief that all of us— ple, the world needs more compas- son he was meeting. His talk, in and the UN in particular—can make sion….I’m asking you to have which he fleshed out a vision for the a difference in a weary war-torn both passion and compassion. human community that resonates world. Compassion is the glue that will deeply with our RSHM mission was By encouraging new mindsets bring us together for the work that memorable. that recognize the need for global can only be done together.... First, at this turbulent moment in cooperation, he said, we can uphold In closing, Ban Ki-moon gave world affairs, we must not lose sight the core promise of the 2030 agen- what we may receive as a key Word of the opportunities that are in our da: To leave no one behind. By Of Wisdom for this issue of Sound- hands, today, that can set the world 2030, there should be nobody who ings: on a better course. One can easily is suffering from abject poverty, I’d like to say just one word. The be overwhelmed by the daily head- there should be no hunger, and world may be big, but this word is lines, the latest terrorist attack, the there should be gender equality— small: We are living in a very small latest extreme storm, new outbreaks 50/50 on this planet between men family. Whatever you do should be of disease. This is no doubt a time and women... beneficial to others. It is easy to lose of many dangers and terrors. We ...I know that, through me, your col- sight of what is happening in other see war crimes, inequality, injustice, lege is recognizing and honoring the places in the world, and what is hap- and the gathering storm of climate tens of thousands of men and wom- pening to many young people like change. We see racism and hatred, en of the United Nations who are at times stoked by political egos. working, even at this time, in very (continued on page 6)


WHO KNEW? Amazing Graces… by Gretchen Hailer, RSHM

NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA Here I In 2008, on a cold November day, I am, blessed to say that there have was introduced to an unaccompa- been many WOWs in my life! Pri- nied minor—a 14 year old, Eritrean marily, there are the precious “Spirit Refugee, just arrived in England. moments” that all of us can experi- Her heart was broken and she cried ence, if we but pay attention. But continuously. We began our journey other wows for me often issue from into a new world and a new culture a keen, quiet contemplation of na- together. Today she is a beautiful ture, especially in the garden young woman, fluent in English, car- (flowers, veggies, , butterflies, ing, courageous, and grateful for all even bugs!). that she received and is now becom- My most recent WOW, however, ing a British Resident. I am proud of happened as a result of pondering her. Her dream is to return to Eritria possible Christmas gifts for my two and find her mother and sister. sisters (Marie - 90) and (Pat - 85). They certainly didn’t need any more Breda Shelly, RSHM stuff! Who does? But, then an idea Kingston, England of something quite unique popped into my mind. “What about an an- cestry search? Yes, I would gift the The children here in the Life Center results to them as a surprise!” are, as all children, gifted with the Then I turned to the Ancestry awe of creation especially in spring- website (wow, those Mormons really time. Many of them work in two lan- know how to help folks find their pre- guages and do very nicely! How decessors!). They were offering a great it was to see my 2nd graders two week free subscription. How care for their tiny grass seeds which could I pass that up? Right? NEXT ISSUE: turned out to be a symbol of New So I typed in my parents’ and TRANSITION Life in the form of pretty little Easter Swiss and Irish grandparents’ baskets for their parents They count- names and found about 36 3rd and ed each blade of grass each day! 4th cousins, some only my oldest WOW! sister even knew about. Understand- Irene Kelly, RSHM ably these alluring results pushed Tarrytown, NY me to delve further to find out how my DNA might narrow the search. “WOW,” I said when I received the results. Such surprises! It was hot travelling to the bank by Well, I guess I already knew car in the heavy traffic of . I where the main focus would be— was feeling a bit sorry for myself and Ireland and Switzerland, right? wondering if there would be a long Wrong! wait in an over-crowded under- Here’s what I discovered: 57% EDITORS: Cecilia Brizuela staffed bank. As I parked my car and showed Great Britain (which I rea- Bea McMahon, RSHM was about to get out, a young boy soned might be related to the whole Pierre Dullaghan, RSHM Ellen Marie Keane, RSHM about ten years of age came up to Northern Ireland troubles); 22% Denise Osterhaus, RSHM me and looked at me with a broad pointed to Ireland; 10% was the Margaret Treacy, RSHM smile and said “Sister, you know me. Western Europe piece; 3%; the Ibe- Monica Walsh, RSHM I am Joseph”. That happened on rian peninsula. But then another 2% Mary Alice Young, RSHM March 19, the feast of St. Joseph. European Jewish; 3% South Asia, WOW! followed by 1% each for West Asia, ART EDITOR: Edith Hart, RSHM LAYOUT: Bianca Haglich, RSHM Dominique Treacy, RSHM Finland/Northern Russia, Italy/ Lusaka, Greece, and the Caucasus. www.rshm.org; www.rshm-nep.org; Now are those WOW figures or [email protected] what? ♦ Printed by JAM Press, Elmsford, NY


BRIEFLY HELD TREASURES by Edith Hart, RSHM BRONX, NY WOW! What a surprise! I have spent 30 years con- serving valuable and beautiful works of art on paper for museums, galler- ies, and private collections. It is al- ways a thrill to see so many of these pieces in gallery and museum exhi- bitions. Last June I traveled to the De- troit Institute of Art for an important and comprehensive exhibition of the work of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo to celebrate the fresco cycle murals painted by Diego Rivera from 1932-1933. These murals were com- missioned by Edsel Ford as a tribute to the city’s manufacturing and labor force. It was breathtaking to see these murals. However, while wandering through the exhibition galleries look- ing at so many paintings, drawings and prints I came upon a watercolor and graphite painting on paper, “Soviet Harvest Scene” by Rivera. I had held this painting in my hands Cat.10 Diego Rivera and had worked on it to repair - Soviet Harvest Scene, 1928 Watercolor and pencil on paper ages to the paper and small areas of 49.2 x 39.5 cm Private collection, courtesy of color. Since I had not expected to Mary-Anne Martin Fine Art, New York see anything that I had worked on, it was indeed a WOW moment. ists of Latin America. With her re- in the gallery, like foster children that This past February I actually had view of this article Mary-Anne wrote: we can care for till they are ready to the final cartoon charcoal drawing by I am so indebted to you for pre- move on.♦ Rivera for the North Wall mural for serving so many treasures for future the Detroit Art Institute. Since it was collectors and museum goers. I al- a working drawing for Rivera it had ways feel lucky to have these works several tears and other small dam- ages that needed repair. What a wonderful prelude to the exhibition in Detroit—another WOW! Graces Continued… I want to close with the response I received when I shared this sub- I was so happy when Stony Brook Realizing that the only reality is to mission to Soundings with Mary- University Men's Basketball Team awaken to this instant, to this Anne Martin, the most respected won the America East Conference breath, is truly a moment of deep authority and dealer of Latin Ameri- Championship with a spectacular amazement and awe. The choice, can Art. I have done much conserva- finish and qualified for the NCAA the joy of living deeply the NOW is tion work for Mary Anne. Before es- (National Collegiate Athletic Associ- small but the difference is large and tablishing her own gallery, she had ation) Tournament! For me, watch- transformative. There is immense created the Latin American Depart- ing the game was a "WOW experi- joy in living the deep happening ment at Sotheby’s in the late 1970’s. ence." which is life. Life to the full. WOW!! Dedicated to the promotion of Mexi- Margaret Ann Landry, RSHM Margaret Treacy, RSHM can and Latin American art, her gal- Tarrytown, NY Harare, lery showcases works by major art-


AN APOSTLE OF THE MISSIONS Graces…Amen. by Kathleen Connell, RSHM KINGSTON ON THAMES, ENG- Mother Butler Mission Guilds func- I had the wonderful opportunity to LAND In the early 1870s, a young tioned. As soon as Clara returned to visit the Holy Land with Mary Lang, girl, Johanna Butler, spent her free Manila, she visited the Archbishop RSHM, this past February, as a Ju- time sewing altar linens and vest- to ask for his support and blessing. bilee gift from Mary’s Aunt Bernice. ments for her parish church in the Then, she called together six Walking and visiting where Jesus Rower, in Ireland. It was her simple friends, congenial women, who wel- lived was unbelievable. To see Beth- way of serving the Church and rev- comed the opportunity to serve poor lehem his birthplace, to sail on the erencing the Eucharist. priests and missionaries throughout Sea of Galilee, to walk the Via Dolo- Decades later, that girl, now the world by supplying Mass kits, rosa, to pray in the Garden of Ol- Mother Joseph Butler, foundress of altar linens, vestments, and prayers. ives, Gethsemane, and on Mt. Cal- many schools in the United States A subsidiary of the guilds, the Moth- vary. Thank you God for this miracu- and Europe and general superior of er Butler Foundation, was inaugurat- lous opportunity during Lent! a growing Institute (1926-1940), ed specifically to pray for priestly Mary Heyser, RSHM continued that practice. vocations in the Philippines and to Yonkers, NY She and other RSHM encour- support poor seminarians. aged students, to gather together in In February 1961, Clara discov- Mission Clubs to sew altar linens ered some of the units were gather- and vestments and to prepare Mass ing under a new banner—the Moth- Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.” These kits for missionaries throughout the er Butler Guild. Begun by Henrietta words were reported by the Wall world. “Continue to teach the girls to T. de Villa, this later group was or- Street Journal as the greatest words appreciate the privilege of sewing ganized along parochial lines with a of the year 2011. They are the last for God’s altar,” Mother Butler said focus, not on the Missions, but on words of Steve Jobs, reported by his to M. du Sacre Coeur Smith. “You serving those within the confines of sister, the novelist Mona Simpson. will draw them closer to God and their parish. “Before embarking, he’d looked at help to make them useful women in For more than fifty years, these his sister Patty, then for a long time this sad world.” In the years after her two organizations—the Mother But- at his children, then at his life’s part- death, Mother Butler Mission Guilds ler Mission Guild (with about 5000 ner, Laurene, and then over their flourished in RSHM schools and members) and the Mother Butler shoulders past them. Steve’s final parishes in the USA, Europe, Que- Guild (with about 15,000 members) words were: ‘OH WOW. OH WOW. bec, and Colombia. —have co-existed, each with units OH WOW.’” In 1944, Marion Hanrahan Do- throughout the Philippines. “The caps are Simpson’s, and if she lan, an alumna of Marymount Col- They touch the lives of mission- meant to impart a sense of wonder lege (Class of 1924) persuaded her aries across the world and parish and mystery she succeeded. ‘Oh parish literary club to become active folk rich and poor, and those dis- wow’ is not a bad way to express the for the missions by choosing Mother cerning vocations to the priesthood bigness, power and force of life, and Butler of Marymount as their new and poor seminarians, poor children death. And of love, by which he was book for discussion. Soon after they and families, and all the women of literally surrounded.” The full article heard a talk by the Director of Cath- the MBMG and MBG who serve the can be found in the Wall Street Jour- olic Charities from Manila, fifty wom- Church following the example of nal: December 24, 2011. en from Rockland County met in Mother Joseph Butler. She must be Richard Marie Beck, RSHM Marion Dolan’s house and formed a very proud of these groups. What a Tarrytown, NY Mother Butler Mission Guild to reach WOW! moment it would have been out to meet the needs of the Pacific for young Johanna Butler, quietly Islands affected by WWII, especially sewing altar linens, to see the thou- the Philippines. sands of women in the Philippines Roz’s election as General Superior Almost a decade later, in June bringing life to the Church and the was a WOW moment for me and for 1955, Clara Corpus was seeking an world in the Guilds that bear her many, perhaps most of all for her! apostolate that could be done by name.♦ Bea McMahon, RSHM women in the home in the Philip- Bronx, NY pines. During a visit to New York, she was directed to Marion Dolan who told her about Mother Butler and her love for the missions and for missionaries, and described how the


TRULY WONDER-FULL by Pierre Dullaghan, RSHM BARROW, ENGLAND I spent relatives and friends. The Service of some time trying to remember some Thanksgiving is being held at a tra- 'wow' experiences which would ditional Choral Evensong. I believe make interesting reading when sud- Andre attended this service every denly it occurred to me -wow!- I am year and we feel so proud that her living in one at the moment. name will actually be inscribed on My sister Andre, also RSHM, that day this year. She will be listed who died very suddenly in Septem- with many famous musicians of to- ber and whom I miss deeply had a day and of the past. It will be a won- great love and talent for all aspects derful experience and my brother of music. She had achieved a very and I hope to be joined by friends, high standard and devoted much past pupils, colleagues and many time and enthusiasm to training RSHM (including some from the young people to sing in choir. Not commemorate her at the annual Eastern American Province). long ago I received from the Secre- Service of Thanksgiving.' I mentioned in my eulogy at An- tary of a group called 'Friends of the She goes on to say: 'Sister An- dre's funeral that she saw all her Musicians' Chapel' a letter with infor- dre's contribution to the world of Mu- experiences as FANTASTIC and mation as follows: 'Integral to the sic is such that we want to have her that I felt she would have seen her work of the Friends is the Book of remembered. She is well known in sudden death as the ultimate fantas- Remembrance in which the names this field for her work as a singer tic experience of her life. For me this of musicians who have died are in- and teacher and we feel she should is yet another fantastic experience scribed. The Committee wants to be honoured for her work.’ and I will feel very close to her on record the name of Sister Andre in You can imagine what all this that evening. WOW!♦ the Book of Remembrance and to means to me, my brother Tom, our

A GREAT MONTH OF LEARNING by Grace Nthyola and Naomi Muulu

CHOMA, ZAMBIA Wow is the best our journey continued to Harare. word to describe the amazing time Wow, little did we know what won- we had in Zimbabwe during the derful experiences awaited us in the month of March 2016. When we capital city. (Grace from , Naomi from We loved working with the chil- Zambia) were first told that we were dren in Mabelreign Life Centre and going to Mabelreign for our one we enjoyed each moment with them month community experience as pre and especially when they sang -novices we were scared for a varie- songs like “He’s Got the Whole ty of reasons. Among them were: we World in His Hands….” We were had never been to Zimbabwe be- touched by the Sacred Heart of fore; we did not know the Shona Mary Prayer Group in Mabelreign Language; and above all we had Pre-novices Naomi Muulu and Grace Nthyola Parish. Here we found ordinary peo- never met the sisters there. ple who were so open to each other (Kathleen Murphy and Margaret that was our first big welcome. On and who made us feel very welcome Treacy) Then we remembered the arrival in Chinhoyi we were received and at home. Their sense of prayer words of a beautiful song: “…hold warmly by the sisters there and that and joy encouraged us on our own my hand oh Lord in my journey…” put us at ease. Attending Mass at pre-novitiate journey. Their practice and that encouraged us. the local parish, Musha we Betania, of Lectio Divina was very helpful to Crossing the border from Zam- (Home of Bethany) we were amazed us and now we often pray that way bia into Zimbabwe we met two very by the number of people attending ourselves. At Arrupe College, where large and we felt “wow” daily Mass. Shortly after breakfast we attended Mass every Wednes- (continued on page 6)


MONTH OF LEARNING cont. from pg.5 day evening, we were amazed to people are at risk of starvation even our Portuguese skills. This see so many young men preparing at the present time, especially those happened through the help we re- for the priesthood. The singing was in the southern part of the country. ceived on a daily basis as well as in many different languages and We were happy to be informed that through formal English and Portu- WOW that made our hearts happy. Jesuit Relief Services re-opened guese lessons. The Garden of Oneness and the their services and that local people WOW! We return to the pre- Cosmic Walk on the grounds of our and donors were able to help by novitiate in Choma full of gratitude house in Mabelreign were also high- supporting them and working with and amazement and filled with zeal lights for us. We were beginning to them to alleviate hunger. as we continue our journey in prepa- see the reality of the phrase “I am Not only did we become aware ration to become Religious of the you. You are me and WE ARE of the reality of our three communi- Sacred Heart of Mary.♦ ONE.” ties in Zimbabwe (we spent our last We also became very aware few days in Dangamvura and loved that all is not well in Zimbabwe. As a it) and the good work that is being result of drought as well as bad done by our sisters in Zimbabwe but management, more than three mil- we also improved our English and

WORD OF WISDOM cont. from pg.1 CONTRIBUTORS yourselves in other parts of the Kathleen Connell, RSHM, lives with the community of Marymount, Kingston while world. The national boundaries do researching material on RSHM history. Pierre Dullaghan, RSHM, retired in Barrow, England, is Soundings coordinator for the not mean much to all of us; forget Northern European Province. about all these national boundaries, Gretchen Hailer, RSHM, is involved in Adult Faith Formation, volunteers at Trinity and have a greater global vision. Be Care Hospice, and serves on the Lay Mission Helpers Faculty Board of Directors a global citizen. That’s my mes- in Los Angeles. sage to you.♦ Edith Hart, RSHM, is a conservator of works on paper with a studio in Tarrytown, NY. Grace Nthyola and Naomi Muulu are members of the RSHM pre-novitiate community in Choma, Zambia. Catherine Patten, RSHM, is the Eastern American Provincial Superior. Additional brief comments from RSHM: Richard Marie Beck, Mary Heyser, Irene Kelly, Margaret Ann Landry, Bea McMahon, Breda Shelly, Dominique Treacy, Margaret Treacy



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