New York City Dept. of Education Apple FAMIS Price List, 2.01.07 Pricing and configurations are specifically for use by the NYC Dept. of Education (NYC DOE). This information is to be considered privileged, confidential information not to be disclosed for use outside of NYC DOE purposes. Created in iWork: NYC DOE Apple Account Team Other Apple Information Ted Newman Hardware Vendor #: DEL043
[email protected] Hardware Contract #: 940057A (800) 800-APPL x46834 David Nash New York City Help Desk Phone #:
[email protected] (718) 935-5639 Sam LeVine (212) 674-8853 Larry Lester Apple Education Technical Support:
[email protected] (800) 919-2775, option 692263 (NYCBOE) (516) 398-2121 Robert Johnson Apple Computer, Inc
[email protected] 12545 Riata Vista Circle, MS 198-ED (631) 252-4530 Austin, TX 78727 ATTN: Andrea Bridges Armando Lopez
[email protected] (800) 800-APPL x42824 John Greenberg, Systems Engineer
[email protected] (917) 593-8403 Jill Bohrer, Project Manager
[email protected] (646) 256-6766 Andrea Bridges, K-12 Sales Support Specialist
[email protected] (800) 800-APPL x42550 2 THINKING OF BUYING A MAC? Below is a list of OS, software and services that are pre- installed and bundled in every Apple computer bundle available on FAMIS today! I. OS X.4 Tiger! Mac OS X has evolved. The fifth major release in just four years, Tiger ofers breakthroughs in innovation, ease of use and reliability that won’t be seen in other operating sysÀ tems for years, if ever. II. Software iLife ’06 – including: - iMovie: The fastest and easiest way to create movies like a pro - iDVD: Create your own Hollywood-style DVDs - iPhoto: Your digital camera's best friend - GarageBand: Make your own music - iTunes: The world’s best digital music jukebox - iWeb: Easily create beautiful websites and blogs and get them online - fast.