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ISSN 1170-1099 120TC049/04 Published Tuesday and Thursday THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 Circulated FREE to all households throughout Te Awamutu and surrounding districts. Extra copies 35c. BRIEFLY Pedestrian Inaugural baker of the year Te Awamutu’s Murray Swetman abused has won the inaugural Progressive Te Awamutu Police want to Enterprises’ Bakery Apprentice of hear from anyone who witnessed the Year award. a nasty incident in Alexandra The 32-year-old is a Bakery Street yesterday afternoon. Manager at Woolworths Super- At about 3pm an 82-year-old market. man was almost hit on the pe- Mr Swetman has been at the destrian crossing near Heath- store for three years and has a cote Appliances. team of three full time and four The driver of the car got out, part time bakers and packers. followed the man and abused He has been baking for 15 years, and threatened him. A passenger but only took the opportunity to dragged the man back to the car. undertake his apprenticeship once Anyone who saw the car, espe- he had moved to Te Awamutu. cially the registration is asked to Mr Swetman says while he was contact police (872 0100). a late starter as far as his training was concerned, he has been bak- Welcome home ing all his adult life. A special homecoming cele- Part of his role is the develop- bration has been arranged for Te ment of new products to suit cus- Awamutu’s Nic Jordan, winner of tomers’ needs. the Australian Formula 3 trophy He says all breads and cakes are class championship. baked on site daily, and new prod- Bring your banners, balloons uct, such as gluten free and yeast etc to Hamilton Airport at 4pm free breads are being developed. on Saturday. Next month gluten free cakes will “Join in the fun. It’ll be wild,” be added to the range. PROGRESSIVE Enterprises’ Bakery Apprentice of the Year Murray Swetman at work at Woolworths says Michelle Jordan, Nic’s It is the fi rst year of the new in- Supermarket. 274041AD mother. ternal award, created by national grocery chain Progressive En- from Woolworths and Countdown through on the job training, by “Murray was chosen because Arts support? terprises to acknowledge success stores in Dunedin, Johnsonville, distance learning and in the class- he demonstrated excellence in Te Awamutu has a strong within the business. Palmerston North (2) and Papa- room. The progress of all appren- practical baking skills, work presence in the arts with groups They operate an apprentice moa. tices is also closely monitored. place attitude, baking knowledge active in areas from print making programme across all its Food- To be eligible to enter the com- The National Certifi cate in Bak- and merchandising and customer to theatre. town, Woolworths and Countdown petition, apprentices needed to ing aids Progressive Enterprises service skills. He has been award- But does it need help linking brands and currently employ 93 complete their National Certifi - in maintaining a high standard ed with an outward bound course these groups, creating a data- bakery apprentices. cate in Baking between February of staff because they believe that for his achievement,” says Richard base or is there perhaps a need There were 17 nominees for 2003 and July 2004. The National quality service and products be- Umbers, Progressive Enterprises for a multi-use arts centre? the award and fi ve other fi nalists Certifi cate in Baking is achieved gins with quality training. chief operating offi cer. The Waipa Arts Council is keen to fi nd answers to these sorts of questions and see if there is Voters urged to a need for a more active body to Dishonourable theft support the local arts scene. Te Awamutu Police would like Feedback would be welcome, to hear from anyone who can read instructions send to: Arts Council, PO Box shed light on the dissappear- Voters in local elections are being reminded to carefully 116, Te Awamutu. ance of the Te Mawhai WWI read the instructions on their voting papers before exer- Honours Board from the Te cising their democratic right. Think ‘pink’ Mawhai Hall. Department of Internal Affairs spokesperson Julia Na- Breast Cancer Awareness The missing board is one of pier says with the majority of people using both Single month begins tomorrow, with three honouring war casualties Transferable Vote and First Past the Post, it is impor- buildings throughout the country and veterans from the district. tant they look carefully to see which voting system they being lit up in pink. Members of the hall commit- should use for each voting paper. Also look out for pink ribbons tee reported the board mssing “We’re confi dent that voters who read their ballot pa- being sold through a number of recently, but cannot pinpoint per carefully will make their vote count. With STV, peo- outlets to benefi t the work of the when it dissappeared. ple rank their preferences using numbers and with FPP, Breast Cancer Foundation. The board contains many they use ticks to indicate their support.” prominent family names. It is important people take the time to read their vot- Cut short Hall committee members say ing papers carefully because voting is at the heart of our It isn’t often Councillor James it would have taken some effort democratic system, she says. Parlane is short of words, but to remove the roll of honour, “With many people still to cast their vote, it is impor- he was in Tuesday’s edition of which was screwed to the wall tant they take the time to ensure they are using the right the Courier. of the supper room. voting system.” The last sentence of the They say it is dissappointing “STV is really easy to use. The important thing to re- summary of his presentation to someone would have such little member is that with STV people use numbers to rank Grey Power should have read... regard for those who gave their the candidates. So you write the number ‘1’ next to the “Their (Council’s) (legal) actions lives for this country. candidate you most want elected, a ‘2’ next to your second against me are a direct result Anyone who has information choice, and so on. of the way I have caught them that could assist police is asked “People can rank as few or as many candidates as they out.” to call Te Awamutu Police in want. They just need to make sure the numbers are in confi dence (872 0100). sequence – 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on,” she says. Super Liquor Phone 871 4009 TE AWAMUTU Local bodies Offer concludes close John’s OPEN 7 DAYS should support of trade 04/10/04 while John’s Super Deal is Cash and Carry Only – Payment of John’s Super Deal must be stocks last PICK OF THE WEEK by cash, Eftpos or cheque, otherwise charge price applies. TRADE NOT SUPPLIED. local retailers. SSAAMM CCOOUUGGAARR new BBOOUURRBBOONN Chatelle newMMUUDDSSHHAAKKEE Vote Menz && CCOOLLAA Brandy HHOONNEEYYCCOOMMEE 4 pack 4 pack $$ 9999 $ 99 $$ 9999 15 ALEXANDRA STREET, TE AWAMUTU PHONE 871 6307 274TC007/04 272TC005/04 77 29 88 HOMESAFES YOUR LETTERS Sewage plants Trucks in town crazy HOME SAFE $ SENTRY 150 SAFE Sir, enough is enough! The cra- new councillors will make this an behind on $295 zy situation of heavy transport urgent issue. going through the retail area of I suggest either traffi c lights Te Awamutu, namely Alexandra with green fi lter arrows at the Street from the old Post Offi ce dangerous George Street, Ara- compliance roundabout to the Mutu Street/ wata and Mahoe Street junction Rewi Street roundabout must or a roundabout, for traffi c to Sewage plants have the most diffi culty complying with consent conditions, this month’s Environment Safe Wise 16.3 Litres $125.00 stop. divert down Mahoe Street to Waikato Regulatory Committee heard. Every hour of the day huge Mutu Street, another rounda- Safe Wise 26.8 Litres $150.00 trailer trucks carrying milk, The Council conducted an audit of priority sites stock, fertiliser, logs, petrol, chem- bout and then the roundabout at Sentry 11.8 Litres $150.00 Alexandra Street, then onto the in the Region for the past year and found nearly icals etc, noisily pass through this two thirds of Priority One sites had a high level area. railway area where most heavy Sentry 15.1 Litres $295.00 traffi c is heading. of compliance or better Resource Use programme All this plus the possibility of a manager David Stagg said. Nearly all signifi cant Sentry Fire Safe $450.00 major disaster one day. Hopefully RAY HYAMS non compliance at Priority One sites was from the utility sector, particularly district sewage plants. Around the Region, 57 sites were regarded as VERN WILSON LOCKSMITH Thanks for Priority One status primarily because of their po- 419 Alexandra Street, Te Awamutu Successful tential to cause signifi cant environmental effects, Phone: 07 871 5530, helping the extent of their activities or a history of non Mobile: 0274 795 138 Fax: 07 870 4973 compliance. 253TC039/04 arthritis appeal Energy, forestry and mineral sectors - a quarter of May I, through your paper, thank Mike fi nd dog the Priority One sites - had all achieved a high level Through this Van der Hoeven of Magill’s Butchery for of compliance or better. A high level was achieved column, we would the generous donation of sausages for the like to thank the by 74 percent of industrial sector sites and only fi ve sausage sizzle we held last Friday outside people of Pirongia percent were in signifi cant non compliance.